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Shivaji University , Kolhapur

Question Bank For Mar 2022 ( Summer ) Examination

Course Name:- B.Tech. CBCS

Subject Code: 84862 Subject Name : Video Engineering


Guidelines to paper setter:

In theory ESE examination of 70 marks following points should be considered,
Q.1 MCQ’s based on complete syllabus. (14 Marks)
Q.2 Based on unit no 1, 2, 3 (Carries 14 marks)
Q.3 Based on unit no 1, 2, 3 (Carries 14 marks)
Q.4 Based on unit no 4, 5, 6 (Carries 14 marks)
Q.5 Based on unit no 4, 5, 6 (Carries 14 marks)

MCQ based on all units (Marks 2 for each)

1.The number of lines per field & frequency in the NTSC TV system is

A) 525,60HZ
B) 625,50Hz
C) 819,60Hz
D) None of above

2 In a CRT, focussing of electron beam is achieved by varying

A) secondary accelerating voltage

B) voltage of first accelerating anode
C) heater voltage
D) grid bias3.

3.The standard aspect ratio of a television raster is

A) 2:1
B) 4:3
C) 3:2
D) 3:4

4. The IF value for the color in receivers, for any station, is

A) 0.5 MHz
B) 1.5 MHz
C) 3.58 MHz
D) 4.5 MHz

5. The download frequency of C band transponder is

A) 6 GHZ
B) 4 GHZ
C) 14 GHZ
D) 11 GHZ

6. Absence of one colour in a colour picture indicates

A) shorting of one of the guns in picture

B) defect in colour video amp
C) either (a) or (b)
D) none of the above

7. If there are 625 lines per TV picture, then lines per field are

A) 1250
B) 625
C) 312.5
D) 2500

8. Sync pulses transmitted during vertical blanking period include

A) equalizing pulses
B) serrated vertical sync pulses
C) horizontal sync pulses
D) all of the above

9. VSB modulation is preferred in TV because

A) it reduces the bandwidth requirement to half
B) it avoids phase distortion at low frequencies
C) it results in better reception
D) none of the above
10. Greater peak-to-peak amplitude of the 3.58-MHz chrominance signal indicates more
A) White
B) Yellow
C) Hue
D) Saturation

11. Brightness variations of the picture information are in which signal?

A) I
B) Q
C) Y
D) R-Y

12. Which of the following is NOT a common use of teleconferencing?

A) Audio conferencing
B) Computer conferencing
C) Virtual reality conferencing
D) Video conferencing
13. As prescribed by the technical standards for Cable Television operation and in order to be
compatible for any value added services in the future, Trunk cable should have a minimum diameter
of _______

A) 0.25 inch

B) 0.5 inch

C) 0.75 inch

D) 1.0 inch

14. Interlace Scanning always takes place in direction of _

A) Left to right, top to bottom

B) Left to right, bottom to top
C) Right to left, top to bottom
D) None of above

15. The colour subcarrier is suppressed at the transmitter in order to

A) avoid co-channel interference

B) save energy
C) minimize interference between chroma signal and Y signal
D) minimize adjacent channel interference

16. To have perfect retrace in the receiver ……………Signal is used

A) sync
B) chroma
C) luminance
D) Blanking

17. Magneta is the complement of

A) red
B) yellow
C) blue
D) green

18.What is the bit rate for high- definition TV (HDTV)?

A) 4 Gbps
B) 2 Gbps
C) 1.5 Gbps
D) 1.8 Gbps

19. The three primary colours in the chrominance signal of a colour TV are
A) red,green,orange
B) blue, green, magenta
C) red, green, blue
D) yellow,green,cyan

20. Equalising pulsing in T.V. are sent during

A) horizontal blanking
B) vertical blanking
C) horizontal retrace
D) )flicker

21. The red, green and blue chroma amplifiers drive the

A) chroma bandpass amplifiers

B) video amplifier
C) chroma demodulators
D) colour picture tube

22. The colour subcarrier is suppressed at the transmitter in order to

A) avoid co-channel interference

B) save energy
C) minimize interference between chroma signal and Y signal
D) minimize adjacent channel interference

23. The main purpose of interlacing in television scanning is to

A) sharpen picture outline

B) brighten the TV picture
C) reduce flicker
D) increase channel bandwidth

24. Frequency interleaving occurs if subcarrier frequency is an

A) odd multiple of half the line frequency

B) odd multiple of line frequency
C) )even multiple of line frequency
D) even multiple of half the line frequency

25. The reference white colour for colour television is ,a mixture by percentage of

A) red = 30, green = 59, blue = 11

B) R = 33.3, B = 33.3, G = 33.3
C) R = 45, B = 35, G = 20
D) R = 50, B = 25, G = 25

26.The process of converting the analog sample into discrete form is called
A) Quantization
B) Multiplexing
C) Modulation
D) Sampling
27. Frequency interleaving occurs if subcarrier frequency is an
A) odd multiple of half the line frequency
B) odd multiple of line frequency
C) even multiple of line frequency
D) even multiple of half the line frequency

28. VSB modulation is preferred in TV because

A) it avoids phase distortion at low frequencies
B) it reduces the bandwidth requirement to half
C) it results in better reception
D) none of the above

29. In a composite video signal, what is the relationship between the amplitude of the signal and
the intensity of the electron beam in the receiver picture tube?
A) The greater the amplitude the darker the picture
B) The lower the amplitude the darker the picture
C) The greater the amplitude the lighter the picture
D) No effect
30. How much time elapses between the start of one horizontal sync pulse and the next?
A) 10.2 μs
B) 63.5 μs
C) 16.67 μs
D) 100 μs
31. The polarities of I and Q signals for red primary are
A) (+ ye) for 1 and Q both
B) (+ ve) for 1 Q (? ve) for Q
C) (? ve) for I and (+ ye) for Q
D) none of these
32. Time taken by the electron beam to scan one complete line in CCIR standards is
A) 63.5 μs
B) 64 μs
C) 0.02 μs
D) None of these
33. Compatible operation means that
A) television sound can be reproduced on an FM receiver
B) TV color broadcasts can be accepted by a black and white receiver and black and
white TV broad casts can be accepted by a color receiver
C) television sound can be reproduced on an AM receiver
D) TV color broadcasts can bereproduced in color by a black and white receiver
34. A color burst consists of at least
A) 8 cycles of 4..5 Mhz
B) 60 cycles of 45.75 MHz
C) 8 cycles of 3.579545 MHz
D) 60 cycles of 15,750 Hz

35. In TV receiver if vertical sync is missing, the picture will

A) roll up and down

B) roll horizontally
C) roll up and down as well as horizontally
D) not be distorted

36.White minus-blue colour means

A) Orange
B) Magneta
C) yellow
D) green

Questions based on Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 (Marks

7 for each)
1. Describe the working principle and construction of Delta gun picture tube.

2. Describe how separation of U and V signals is achieved in colour T.V. with the help
of suitable circuit diagram.

3. Describe interlace scanning in brief. How interlace scanning help to reduce bandwidth
of video signal?’

4. Describe VSB transmission. State it’s any four advantages

5. Compare NTSC, PAL and SECAM system .

6. Describe why equalizing pulses are required. Draw the vertical synchronizing pulse

7. Describe the construction and working of PIL picture tube.

8. Draw the block diagram of colour TV transmitter of NTSC. Describe the function of
each block.

9. Compare additive and subtractive colour mixing

10. Draw and explain complete block diagram of NTSC coder.

11. Draw and explain complete block diagram of NTSC decoder.

12. Draw and explain complete block diagram of PAL decoder

13. Define 1.aspect ratio.2.Horizontal resolution 3. Vertical resolution 4. Kell factor

14. Draw Horizontal sync pulses for full white pattern

15. Explain +ve& -ve modulation.

16. Explain interlaced scanning.

17. Draw and explain horizontal scan/sync pulses for three consecutive lines

18. Draw Horizontal sync pulses for three consecutive lines

19. Draw and explain complete block diagram of NTSC coder

20. Define 1.Hue. 2. Saturation 3. Luminance

21. Describe the working principle and construction of vidicon camera tube.

22. Describe the working principle and construction of PIL picture tube.

23. Discuss following terms related to television purity & convergence, automatic

24. Describe the working principle and construction of Plumbicon camera tube.

25. Draw neat labelled sketch of composite video signal.

26. Draw the block diagram of PAL-D decoder. Describe the function of each block

27. Describe vertical resolution and horizontal resolution in brief.

28. Draw and explain chromaticity diagram

29. Draw Composite color signals for color of band consisting following colours White,
Green, Red and blue

30. Draw and explain complete block diagram of SECAM decoder.

Questions based on Unit 4,Unit 5 and Unit 6 (Marks

7 for each)
1. Make clear HDTV standards and compatibility

2. What are the digital TV video parameters?

3. Illustrate colorimetry of HDTV system

4. Put in word MAC signals. Give explanation of scanning frequencies of MAC signals.

5. How satellite TV operates.

6. Express the LCD matrix types and operations

7. Describe the working colour killer circuit. Why and where it is used?

8. Draw and describe DTH system

9. Compare CATV and CCTV (any four points).

10. Make clear HDTV standards and compatibility

11. Describe the working of LNBC with the help of block diagram.

12. Explain LCD TV operation.

13. What are the components of CCTV details with necessary diagrams?

14. Explain MAC encoding format in detailed.

15. Explain IR remote with suitable diagrams.

16. Write short note on CATV

17. Discuss Merits of Digital Television technology.

18. Explain in detail D2-MAC/Packet signals

19. Discuss HDTV standards & compatibility.

20. Describe the construction & working of LED TV.

21. With suitable block diagram explain DTH receiver.

22. What are different digital equipment used for TV studios

23. Draw and explain 12 channel transponder architecture of satellite.

24. Draw and explain a functional block diagram of digital color TV receiver.

25. What are the advantages of stereophonic sound, when it is used?

26. Draw and explain a functional block diagram of digital color TV receiver.

27. How does 3D TV works, explain in detail.

28. How digital signals are transmitted?

29. Discuss MAC encoding and explain advantages of MAC signals.

30. Explain duo binary coding

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