Cavaciuti-Davis-Heying ISAM 20220715
Cavaciuti-Davis-Heying ISAM 20220715
Cavaciuti-Davis-Heying ISAM 20220715
Technological progress in spacecraft life extension, debris removal, space operations autonomy, and
robotics will disrupt the traditional paradigm of spacecraft design, acquisition, launch, operations, and
maintenance. A new generation of spacecraft designed specifically for In-space Servicing, Assembly, and
Manufacturing (ISAM) is leading this charge towards a new space economy. Within the next few years,
spacecraft refueling will be demonstrated and commercial fueling depots may emerge to enable increased
on-orbit maneuverability and orbital anomaly recovery. In the following years, spacecraft that regularly
undergo on-orbit hardware upgrades—a strategic capability identified by the commercial, civil, and
military satellite sectors—may become commonplace. Current space enterprise operations have
demonstrated sustained operational, mission, and business viability without ISAM, but ISAM holds great
promise for improved resiliency and flexibility, faster technology advancement, and expanded space
ecosystems beyond geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO).
The traditional model of relying on satellites with decades-old hardware and technology may give way to
ISAM-enabled capabilities and architectures designed for orbital modification, on-orbit refueling and
upgrade, and debris removal. However, due to the integrated nature of ISAM technologies, industry and
government collaboration will be necessary to ensure the development and adoption of interoperability
standards. There are many obstacles to overcome before an active, self-sustaining on-orbit economy is
established, but recent demonstrations, developments, and investments in ISAM technologies will pave
the path forward.
Advantages Challenges
• Extends the lifetimes and increases performance of satellites • The space sector has not yet established a successful ISAM
through inspection, refuel, repair, and upgrade capabilities demonstration track record to drive down risk for operational
which could contribute to greater return on investment. client space objects.
• Contributes to space industry sustainability or “circular • The current legal framework is not always sufficient to address
economy” of space through reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and liability, and faults can be difficult to assess and attribute.
recycling existing materials and products. • Inexpensive, short-lifetime satellites and reduced launch costs
• Reduces orbital congestion through deorbit technology and by can make replacement cheaper than servicing for some
extending the lifetimes of existing satellites, which reduces the applications.
need for the launch of new orbital assets. • Industry lacks consensus for interoperability and interface
• Enables flexible next-generation architectures and in-space standards.
assembly of structures. • The dual-use nature of ISAM technology could create
opportunities for anti-satellite capabilities, which are
counterproductive to space sustainability goals.
*SpaceLogistics, a wholly owned subsidiary of Northrop Grumman, is developing space logistics and satellite servicing using commercial servicing
vehicles—the Mission Extension Vehicle (MEV), already on-orbit, and the Mission Robotic Vehicle (MRV) and the Mission Extension Pods
(MEPs), planned for launch in the next few years.
2020-2021: MEV-1 (Mission Extension Vehicle-1) launched Mid-2020s: NASA’s On-orbit Servicing, Assembly, and
October 2019 and docked to IS-901 in February 2020. MEV-2 Manufacturing-1 (OSAM-1) consists of two robotic arms
launched in August 2020 and docked to IS-10-02 in April 2021. designed to refuel an unprepared client space object, and a
Today, both are providing five-year life extension services to third arm that will construct a communications antenna to
their respective Intelsat satellites, including propulsion and demonstrate on-orbit assembly (OOA). OSAM-1 will utilize
pointing control. When those service contracts are complete, Tethers Unlimited’s MakerSat payload to manufacture a
the MEVs can undock to provide services for a new client. 10-meter carbon fiber beam on-orbit.23
Mid-2020s: OSAM-2 will demonstrate the feasibility of using Mid-2020s: The Robotic Servicing of Geosynchronous
additive manufacturing technology (3D printing) and advanced Satellites (RSGS) program is a public-private partnership
robotics to build two beams on a free-flying satellite. The first between DARPA and SpaceLogistics. The Naval Research
beam will unfurl a surrogate solar array, and the second beam Laboratory (NRL) will supply dexterous robotic arms and
will be used to characterize additively manufactured structures SpaceLogistics will supply a spacecraft bus which leverages
in low Earth orbit.24 technologies developed for MEV and a commercial launch
vehicle. The mission goal is to demonstrate robotic inspection,
upgrade, and repair capabilities on operational GEO
Legal and Regulatory Considerations Liability. The Outer Space Treaty of 196726 and the Space
While the technical aspects of ISAM are rapidly Liability Convention of 197227 are the current
advancing, the legal nature of these activities has led to international laws governing ISAM, though not explicitly.
certain complications. Naturally, ISAM missions incur These principles, governing activities in the exploration
more complex legal considerations than most other and use of outer space and published by the United
spacecraft activities due to the more frequent interactions Nations (UN), discuss in depth the responsibilities of
between multiple spacecraft and the stakeholders they launching states and the liabilities involved in outer space
represent. activity. However, these documents do not cover all the
Figure 1: ISAM Market Maturation Path. At any point in time, various ISAM-related technologies might exist at different
market maturity phases. However, most ISAM technologies will not advance beyond early market phases until stakeholders
agree on and adopt interoperability standards into their designs and business models.
Industry Leaders
Axiom Space Axiom Space’s commercial space Maxar Space Infrastructure Dexterous Robot
Axiom Station station is under construction. Through SPIDER (OSAM-1) (SPIDER). Demo on OSAM-1 will
a unique partnership with NASA, the robotically assemble seven individual
(Houston, TX) (Westminster, CO)
first Axiom module is expected to dock components into one large antenna
with the International Space Station in reflector. Enables on-orbit assembly.
2024. Additional modules will launch
each year. Axiom Station will become
an independent commercial space
station prior to the end of life of the
Image Source: Axiom Space Image Source: Maxar
Northrop Grumman/ MEV-1 (Mission Extension Vehicle-1) Northrop Grumman/ The Mission Robotic Vehicle (MRV)
SpaceLogistics launched in October of 2019 and SpaceLogistics will be a commercial servicing
MEV-1, MEV-269 docked to IS-901 in February 2020. MRV/MEP70 spacecraft with advanced robotics
MEV-2 launched in August 2020 and technology. The primary purpose will
(Dulles, VA) docked to IS-10-02 in April 2021. (Dulles, VA) be the installation of Mission
Today, both offer five-year life Extension Pods (MEPs) to provide
extension services to their respective propulsion augmentation. The MRV is
Intelsat satellites and provide also designed to address inspection
propulsion and pointing control. The and repair, relocations, propulsion
MEVs can also undock and provide augmentation, and replacement of
services for future clients. Image Source: Northrop Grumman parts and systems. Planned launch in
Image Source: Northrop Grumman
Orbit Fab Tanker-001 launched in June 2021 Redwire Space OSAM-2 will demonstrate the
Tanker-001 Tenzing71 and deployed in sun-synchronous Archinaut (OSAM-2) feasibility of using additive
orbit. World’s first on-orbit operational manufacturing technology (3D
(San Francisco, CA) fuel depot. Designed for green (Jacksonville, FL) printing) and advanced robotics to
propellant High-Test Peroxide (HTP) build two beams on a free-flying
compatibility. Development time of satellite. The first beam will unfurl a
less than one year. surrogate solar array, and the second
beam will be used to characterize
additively manufactured structures in
Image Source: Redwire Space
Image Source: Orbit Fab
DARPA Robotic Servicing of GEO Satellites. Defense Innovation Unit Selected Sierra Nevada Corporation
RSGS72 DARPA has partnered with Northrop Orbital Outpost73 (SNC), NanoRacks, and Arkisys for
Grumman/SpaceLogistics to develop Phase I contracts for the Orbital
(Arlington, VA) and deploy a robotic servicer or MRV. (Mountain View, CA) Outpost. It will be a self-contained,
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) will free-flying spacecraft capable of
integrate robotic payload elements supporting assembly, microgravity
including manipulator arms. Launch experiments, logistics, manufacturing,
planned for 2023. training, and hosted payloads.
NASA GSFC Mission to demonstrate refueling a NASA MSFC Demonstration mission to 3D print two
OSAM-174 satellite in space, assembling a OSAM-275 10-m long beams on-orbit using
communications antenna, and Redwire’s Archinaut technology, onto
(Greenbelt, MD) (Huntsville, AL) one of which a solar array will unfurl.
manufacturing a beam. Partnered
with Maxar and Tethers Unlimited, Public-private partnership that
Inc. Launch no earlier than 2025. includes Northrop Grumman and
NASA’s Jet Propulsion
Laboratory. Launch no earlier than
Image Source: Redwire Space
ESA ESA selected ClearSpace for first ever ESA The TITAN project advances the
ClearSpace-176 debris removal of an ESA-owned item. TITAN77 development of a robotic arm for
ClearSpace-1 will use an satellite servicing. Under the ESA
(Renens, Switzerland) experimental, four-armed robot to (Torun, Poland) contract, a prototype of a multi-
capture a Vega Secondary Payload articulated robotic arm will be
Adapter (Vespa) left behind by ESA's developed for the future deorbiting
Vega launcher in 2013. Expected and servicing of in-orbit satellites by
launch in 2025 or 2026. PIAP Space.
European Commission European Robotic Orbital Support JAXA Astroscale’s Active Debris Removal
EROSS+ Services. Technology demonstration CRD278 by Astroscale-Japan (ADRAS-J) has
led by Thales Alenia Space dedicated been contracted for the initial phase of
(Cannes, France) to life extension, refueling, inspection, (Tokyo, Japan) JAXA’s Commercial Removal of
controlled debris reentry, and other Debris Demonstration (CRD2)
operations. On-orbit demonstration program. A public-private
expected by 2026. collaboration, Phase 1 of this program
is expected to launch in 2023. Once
Phase 1 displays non-cooperative
Image Source: Thales Alenia
Image Source: Astroscale
RPO capabilities, Phase 2 plans to
demonstrate the removal of a launch
vehicle’s second stage in fiscal year
Atomos Developing Quark Orbital Transfer D-Orbit An OTV designed for the last-mile
Quark OTV79,80 Vehicle (OTV) to deliver satellites ION Satellite Carrier81,82 delivery of CubeSats and microsats of
inserted into rideshare or lower orbits mass up to 150 kg and to perform in-
(Denver, CO) to their desired orbits utilizing high- (Como, Italy) orbit experiments of hosted payloads.
power electric propulsion and Four successful missions as of Q1
advanced RPO techniques. Expected 2022, with over 70 payloads delivered
launch in 2023. to orbit.
Image Source: Atomos
Image Source: D-Orbit
Exolaunch Reliant OTV comes in a Standard Exotrail CNES is providing funding for the
Reliant83 and Pro model to transfer satellites to Space Van84 development of this electrically
different orbital altitudes. Reliant Pro propelled vehicle designed to deliver
(Berlin, Germany) (Massy, France) nano and microsatellites to their final
will also have modular satellite
upgrade and debris collection orbits. Expected launch in 2024.
abilities. Testing and flight
qualification to begin in 2022.
Momentus Family of three orbital transfer Moog Large family of Orbital Maneuvering
Vigo/Ardo/Fervoride vehicles or “space tugs” are designed OMV85 Vehicles (OMVs) designed to serve as
to deliver payloads of 200–20,000 kg a modular platform for payload hosting
(Santa Clara, CA) (Elma, NY) and deployment. They will be able to
into desired orbits to meet customer
needs. They will enable Momentus’ serve as space tugs to conduct orbit
goal of providing in-space raising maneuvers for hosted
infrastructure services. Vigoride-3, an
experimental space tug was launched
May 2022.
Image Source: Moog
Image Source: Momentus
Nanoracks The Outpost program aims to Obruta RPOD Kit serves as a low-cost
Outpost repurpose the upper stage of launch RPOD Kits/Service Pods86,87 interface to provide a “turnkey
vehicles for use as platforms for solution” for inspection, refuel, orbital
(Houston, TX) (Ottawa, Ontario) relocation, and other capabilities. This
robotic manufacturing, servicing, etc.
These platforms intend to be modular product aims to provide
controllable and function across cheap access to docking in order to
lower barriers to entry in the OSAM
multiple orbits.
market. Service pods to be used for all
aspects of OOS and privately hired to
service customer clients.
Image Source: Obruta
Image Source: Nanoracks
Spaceflight Developed in 2020, the Sherpa line of Starfish Space Small and affordable space tug
Sherpa four OTVs are designed to provide Otter Space Tug93 designed to complete life extension,
final delivery to rideshare customers’ active debris removal, and
(Seattle, WA) (Seattle, WA) autonomous transportation services.
desired orbits. Includes delivery to
LEO, GEO, and low-Lunar orbits.
Spaceflight has launched more than
50 customer payloads across three
Sherpa OTVs, including the industry’s
first ever electric OTV. Sherpa-ES,
pictured left, is planned to launch on Image Source: Starfish Space
Tethers Unlimited Integrated modular robotics payload Tethers Unlimited Payload attached to NASA’s OSAM-1
GAUNTLET97 to attach to the body of a spacecraft. 97 mission with goals of demonstrating
Consists of robotic arms, payload in-space manufacture of a 10-meter
(Bothell, WA) (Bothell, WA) carbon fiber boom. Will verify beam
connectors, servicing interface, and
machine vision to enable servicing structural properties on orbit.
architecture on heritage pacecraft.
UARX Space Orbit Solutions to Simplify Injection Zero-G Horizons Spacecraft On-Orbit Advanced
OSSIE98,99 and Exploration. Modular and scalable Technologies Refueling and Storage. Funded by a
orbital transfer vehicle designed to SOARS Phase II NASA SBIR contract to
(Nigrán, Spain) provide precise orbital injection and develop on-orbit cryogenic and
inclination changes for CubeSats and (Daytona Beach, FL) hypergolic fuel depots to provide
small spacecraft. Can deliver to Earth satellite refuel technology. Utilizes
orbits, the moon, and beyond. novel fluid transfer interfaces and
Cooperation agreement signed with adaptive rotational controls to enable
the German Aerospace Center (DLR) efficient liquid-gas separation and
in early 2021. transfer in microgravity environments.
Image Source: UARX Space SOARS will be demonstrated onboard
Image Source: Zero-G Horizons the ISS in late 2022 or 2023.
Altius Space Machines Low-cost, light weight grappling Altius Space Machines Low-profile magnetic connecting
DogTag100 interface weighing. Designed with MagTag100 power/data interface to enable module
various grappling techniques attachment. Prepares clients for a
(Broomfield, CO) (Broomfield, CO) variety of servicing types, including
(magnetic, electrostatic, adhesive,
and mechanical) to enable servicing. upgrade, repair, inspection, etc.
Includes optical fiducials to aid Applications can vary from CubeSats
to large spacecraft.
navigation and docking during
servicing operations. DogTags on-
orbit with One Web satellites.
Image Source: Altius Space Machines Image Source: Altius Space Machines
Astroscale Low-cost standardized docking plate Orbit Fab Rapidly Attachable Fluid Transfer
Docking Plate101 designed to be attached to client RAFTI/GRIP102 Interface. Equips spacecraft with
satellites, proactively enabling on- refueling capabilities, enabling satellite
(Tokyo, Japan) (San Francisco, CA) life extension services. Interfaces with
orbit servicing. Aims to enable
refueling, relocation, and end-of-life the GRIP active docking and refueling
deorbit capabilities. The plate is system allows fluid transfer (which
can occur at full system pressure).
customizable with a range of sizes
Includes three alignment markers for
and mounting options. Image Source: Orbit Fab cooperative docking.
Image Source: Astroscale