Date Sheet MST April 2023-1
Date Sheet MST April 2023-1
Date Sheet MST April 2023-1
III - - Pol. Science - Economics
B.Sc. 2nd Sem. I HCP/PBC Maths/Botany Chemistry Zoology/ Physics - -
B.Sc. 2nd Sem. I BIOT- 201 - T BIOT- 203 - T BIOT- 204 - T BIOT- 205 - T BIOT- 202B/202 A -
Biotech. (Hons.)
II - - - BIOT- 206 - T - -
B.Sc. 4th Sem.
II BIOT- 401 - T BIOT- 402 - T BIOT- 403 - T BIOT- 404 - T BIOT- 405 - T -
Biotech. (Hons.)
Class 01-04-2023 03-04-2023 05-04-2023 06-04-2023 08-04-2023 10-04-2023 11-04-2023
BCA 2nd Sem. I BCA -16-201 - BCA -16-202 - BCA -16-203 BCA -16-204
BCA -16-401 /
BCA 4th Sem. II BCA -16-403 BCA -16-404 - BCA -16-405 -
BCA -16- 402
BBA 2nd Sem. I BBA 122 BBA123 - BBA124 BBA125 *BBA126
BBA 4th Sem. II BBA 221 BBA 222 BBA 223 BBA 224 BBA 225 BBA 226 -
BBA 6th Sem. III BBA 321 BBA 322 BBA323 - BBA325 BBA326 -
B.Com 2nd Sem. I BCM 202 BCM 203 BCM 204 BCM 205 BCM 206 *BCM 207
201 A / 201 B
B.Com 4th Sem. II BCM 401 BCM 402 BCM 403 BCM 404 BCM 405 BCM 406
I - - - - - - BCM 606
B.Com 6 Sem.
III BCM 601 - BCM 602 BCM 603 BCM 604 BCM 605
Note:-Students without college I-Card will not be allowed to enter the examination centre and they must occupy their seat 20 minutes before the
commencement of examination. For any discrepancy contact the Controller of Examination in Room No. 233. The seating plan is in accordance with
groups/ sections of various subjects and will be displayed on student portal of college website.
MA (Eco.) 2nd Sem. II MA ECO-201 - MA ECO -202 - MA ECO -203
Money and
MA (Eco.) 4th Sem. III MA ECO - 401 MA ECO - 402 Eco of Industry - -
MA (Pub. Admn.) 2nd Sem. II Admin. Thought Public Finance Public Personnel Police Admin. Inter. Adm.
III Public Policy Admin. Law Organiz. Develop.
MA (Pub. Admn.) 4 Sem.
Ethics in
MA (Sociology) 2nd Sem. II SOCR 425 - SOCR 439 - SOC O 621 SOC O 821
MA (Sociology) 4th Sem. III - SOC R 440 - SOC O 644 SOC O 942 SOC O 946
I - - - - - P – XI (PP)
MA (Psychology) 4th Sem.
III P- I (Org. Behav.) P – VIII (CP) P - XIII (RMS) P-VI (ACP) P - III (Clinical) -
M.Com.(B.E.) 4th Sem. III MB 7201 MB 7202 MB 7203 MB 7204 MB 7206 MB 7207
Note:-Students without college I-Card will not be allowed to enter the examination centre and they must occupy their seat 20 minutes before the
commencement of examination. For any discrepancy contact the Controller of Examination in Room No. 233. The seating plan is in accordance with
groups/ sections of various subjects and will be displayed on student portal of college website.
Class 01-04-2023 03-04-2023 05-04-2023 06-04-2023 08-04-2023 10-04-2023
M.Sc. (Physics) 2nd Sem. II PHY- 8021 PHY- 8022 - PHY- 8023 PHY- 8024 -
M.Sc. – (Physics) 4th Sem. III PHY- 8041 PHY- 8042 PHY- 8045 - PHY- 8046 -
M.Sc. – (Maths) 4th Sem. III 637 S 638 S 681 S 695 S 696 S 698 S
M.Sc. (Bio-tech) 2nd Sem. II MBIO - 201 MBIO - 202 MBIO - 203 MBIO - 204 MBIO - 205 -
M.Sc. (Bio-tech) 4th Sem. III - MBIO - 401 MBIO - 402 - MBIO - 403 -
Note:-Students without college I-Card will not be allowed to enter the examination centre and they must occupy their seat 20 minutes before the
Commencement of examination. For any discrepancy contact the Controller of Examination in Room No. 233. The seating plan is in accordance with
groups/ sections of various subjects and will be displayed on student portal of college website.
Class 01-04-2023 03-04-2023 05-04-2023 06-04-2023 08-04-2023 10-04-2023 11-04-2023
I EDUC 03 EDUC 04 Eng C Eco . Eng. (E)/Pbi History
II Pol.Sci
B.A. B.Ed 2nd
III - - - Sociology Pbc./HCP - -
Note:-Students without college I-Card will not be allowed to enter the examination centre and they must occupy their seat 20 minutes before the
Commencement of examination. For any discrepancy contact the Controller of Examination in Room No. 233. The seating plan is in accordance with
groups/ sections of various subjects and will be displayed on student portal of college website.
Class 11-04-2023
Note:-Students without college I-Card will not be allowed to enter the examination centre and they must occupy their seat 20 minutes before the
Commencement of examination. For any discrepancy contact the Controller of Examination in Room No. 233. The seating plan is in accordance with
groups/ sections of various subjects and will be displayed on student portal of college website.