Fiore Battle Baghdad 1
Fiore Battle Baghdad 1
Fiore Battle Baghdad 1
Previous page: A car burns on a bridge over the Euphrates River 31 March 2003 in Al Hindiyah, Iraq. U.S. Army Task Force 464, part of the 3rd
Infantry Division, seized the bridge as part of its campaign to move north toward Baghdad. (Photo by John Moore, Associated Press)
Expeditionary large-scale combat operations land campaigns are likely to center on large cities.
In a limited war with the aim of returning the conflict to competition, the Army would probably avoid
adversary capitals, megacities, and force projection deep inland.
(Figure by author; adapted from visualization by The Economist and the UN’s annual World Urbanization Prospects)
Operation Desert Storm, the U.S. Army executed this Synthesized from U.S. Army doctrine and historical
type of field-centric operational approach to dislocate the examples, the table (on page 130) shows an attacker-cen-
Iraqi army from Kuwait and avoided fighting an urban tric, chronologically arranged conceptual structure for
battle for Kuwait City and its surrounding oil infrastruc- an urban battle within a campaign’s line of operations.
ture. The successful conclusion of the war depended The concept starts with the defeat of the adversary field
on a credible U.S. capability to continue the attack on army and culminates with decisive exploitative actions
Basra and Baghdad. In 1991, President Saddam Hussein designed to defeat the defender’s military cohesion and
reframed the U.S. decision to refrain from such an attack prevent it from preserving control over any portion of
as a strategic victory for Iraq.16 In 2003, the U.S.-led co- the city that would be sufficient to reestablish defense
alition resumed the offensive line of operations to defeat in depth. First, U.S. joint forces can operate in a position
Hussein and forced him to fight defensive battles from his of technological advantage outside of the city, which
border rearward to Baghdad, his capital city. will help land forces dislocate the peer adversary from
(Table by author; applied concepts found in FM 3-0, Operations. This event template can frame tactical actions when studying or planning for urban battles.)
the field, isolate remaining adversary forces inside the breach site and will penetrate the defender’s perimeter.
city, and shape the urban battlefield to create favorable However, modern urban density creates depth in large
conditions for an assault. Then, the JTF’s supremacy in cities that enables defensive delaying tactics, so it is more
integrated joint firepower will help land forces dominate difficult for the attacker to completely penetrate the
a small portion of the defender’s perimeter to penetrate, defensive perimeter in a way that automatically defeats
but the decisive point of the battle occurs after that suc- the cohesion of the adversary’s defense. The attacker must
cessful breach, when an assault element inside the city resource the assault for rapid and sustainable follow-on
must destroy the adversary’s defensive cohesion through operations to exploit the breach; otherwise, the defender
synchronized action in multiple domains. Finally, con- can use protected internal lines to concentrate combat
solidating the attack requires continuous operations to power to counterattack the penetrating force, establish
protect civilians and isolated adversary remnants using a new defensive perimeter, and force the attacker to pre-
the four stability mechanisms.17 pare another costly deliberate assault.
The urban battle begins in Phase I (Approach) when The fight to control the interior of the city in Phase
the defender abandons the field to consolidate its main IV (Exploit) is the operationally decisive phase of the
force within the city to defend its perimeter. Once the urban battle. When the attacker finally breaks the de-
attacker identifies that only a disruption force remains fender’s interior lines and seizes essential objectives, the
in the field, the attacker will deploy a division to ap- previously integrated defense will fragment into several
proach and invest the city while other forces deploy to unsupported positions without purpose, which the at-
protect the siege against external relief. If the attacker tacker can reduce at leisure. Conversely, if the defender
can encircle the city, it will gain the operational initia- can consistently withdraw and establish a new cohesive
tive by monopolizing the ability to deploy additional defense, then it can trade depth for fresh opportuni-
capabilities to the battlefield, and the attacker can ties to attrit the attacker until the costs of successive
leverage the city’s suburban transportation network to assaults force the attacker to quit the siege or until an
gain movement and distribution advantages. external force can come to the defender’s relief.
In Phase II (Siege), the attacker develops a siege Phase V (Consolidate Gains) is the conclusion of
that shapes the battlefield, the adversary, and friendly the battle. Whoever controls the city must consoli-
forces by improving the terrain, targeting adversary date gains in order to enable follow-on operations and
capabilities, and preparing maneuver units for the translate the outcome of the battle into the campaign’s
eventual assault.18 The defender prepares to repel desired strategic effect.
that assault by constructing shelters that protect and Whoever loses the urban Maj. Nicolas Fiore,
sustain combat power for the duration of the siege as battle could choose to U.S. Army, is an armor
well as tactical obstacles in engagement areas to attrit capitulate and negotiate officer and battalion
the attacker’s assault forces. The defender can also use with the attacker as in operations officer for 1st
regular and irregular spoiling attacks in the attacker’s Beirut (1982), or the Battalion, 67th Armored
close and consolidation areas to disrupt its prepara- loser could choose to Regiment, 3rd Brigade,
tion activities, influence negotiations, and even shift destroy the city to deny 1st Armored Division. A
the correlation of forces until it is so unfavorable that it to the attacker as in graduate of the School of
the attacker must quit the siege. Hue (1968) or Mosul Advanced Military Studies
Phase III (Assault) begins when the attacker assesses (2017). In recent U.S. at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas,
that conditions are most favorable to assault the city. Army urban battles in he holds a BS from the
This decision is influenced by mission considerations Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. Military Academy and
(including policy, time available, and weather) and by the attacking force decisively an MBA from Dartmouth
success of both friendly and adversary shaping operations defeated adversaries in College. He has served
in altering the correlation of forces. Although a prepared Phase IV (Exploit), only in command and staff
defense will significantly attrit the assaulting force, as long to conduct years of Phase positions in Iraq, Germany,
as the attacker enjoys external freedom of maneuver, it V (Consolidate Gains) Afghanistan, Fort Hood, the
can deliberately concentrate overwhelming force at any stability operations Army Staff, and Fort Bliss.
Hussein from power and eliminate the risk that he destructive assault into Baghdad (Phase III, Assault
would use weapons of mass destruction to destabilize and Phase IV, Eploit).
the Middle East.20 Baghdad is a city of five million At this point in the war, Hussein feared a military
people, divided roughly in half by the Tigris River, coup as much as he feared a U.S. attack, so he orga-
with a generally radial pattern of modern roads. nized hybrid groups of regular army and paramilitary
During planning, American strategic and opera- organizations to ensure his control, even at the cost of
tional commanders in the Combined Forces Land undermining the coordinated defense of Baghdad (Phase
Component Command (CFLCC) agreed that seizing I, Approach).25 For weeks the Iraqi military deployed
the “regime district” in western Baghdad was one of in concentric perimeters for a long siege and deliberate
the campaign’s military objectives because control clearance by U.S. light infantry (Phase II, Siege). After
of those key government headquarters in the heart studying the battles of Mogadishu and Grozny, Iraqi
of the city could defeat the adversary regime with- military planners did not expect the U.S. Army to expose
out requiring U.S. forces to clear every city block.21 its tanks to street fighting inside the city. In the absence
Unwilling to execute a deliberate, firepower-centric, of a cohesive central command, Iraqi commanders used
attritional approach to seizing the city, the CFLCC di- couriers to establish the city’s defenses, constructed hasty
rected 3rd ID and 1st Marine Division (1 MARDIV) barriers, and demolished the eastern Diyala River bridges
to attack Baghdad—but avoid house-to-house fight- to block the vehicular approaches to eastern Baghdad.26
ing—and seize only the critical nodes and infrastruc-
ture that might weaken the regime and hasten its col- U.S. 3rd Infantry Division
lapse. To reinforce the campaign’s strategic restraint (Mechanized) in the Battle
on the use of force, neither division was augmented of Baghdad, April 2003
with additional forces to clear and hold the large city’s After the initial fighting to cross the Iraqi border,
urban terrain and would not receive the replacements two U.S. corps invaded along parallel axes leading to
required to support high-attrition tactics.22 Instead, Baghdad.27 From 3 to 6 April, each corps led with a
the preinvasion plan to seize Baghdad envisioned U.S. mechanized division that destroyed two Iraqi Republican
forces invading from three different directions (Phase Guard divisions during the approach to Baghdad (Phase
I, Approach), then directed 3rd ID and 1 MARDIV 0). As expected, Iraqi forces withdrew into cities, which
to establish a loose cordon of operating bases outside the U.S. forces largely bypassed. A three-day operation-
Baghdad to invest the city (Phase II, Siege).23 Over al pause to refit 3rd ID also allowed the CFLCC to set
several weeks, mechanized forces would then con- conditions for the urban battle by first defeating Iraq’s
duct raids into the city, interdict Iraqi units trying mobile forces, attriting the Republican Guard divisions
to escape, and eventually, follow-on divisions would outside of Baghdad using joint firepower, and securing
clear the city once the Iraqi army was defeated (Phase 3rd ID’s ground supply lines back to the theater port of
V, Consolidate Gains).24 Strategic planners expected entry before ordering 3rd ID to approach Baghdad from
that pressure by land forces combined with airstrikes the south (Phase I, Approach).28
would force the Iraqi regime to capitulate and accept The 3rd ID commander, Maj. Gen. Buford C. Blount
U.S.-led regime change without an expensive and III, expected to face a sophisticated city-defense strategy
APR 6:
3 ID
APR 9:
APR 8-9:
X X XX (+)
3 ID 3 ID Tigris River
APR 3:
1st PH II 2nd USMC 1 DIV
(Figure by author)
moving armored column.36 The division artillery denied in two hours to seize the regime district at the heart of
the Republican Guard’s use of these key terrain features Baghdad and then fought all day and night to defend
as defensive roadblocks and forced Iraqi infantry to its foothold against Iraqi counterattacks. Blount had to
harass the column with ineffective small-unit ambushes commit his reserve battalion to reinforce Perkins and
from bunkers and buildings near the road. The Iraqis resupply the 2nd Brigade so it could retain the regime
launched uncoordinated counterattacks with light district until morning. At dawn, international media
weapons, but without a well-prepared combined-arms reported that the U.S. Army had defeated the Iraqi
defense supported by integrated obstacles and artillery, Republican Guard inside its own capital, and Hussein’s
the Iraqis had no hope of stopping the mechanized regime began to collapse (Phase IV, Exploit).37 Figure 2 is
formation. 2nd Brigade penetrated twenty kilometers a map of the battle with heavy lines showing the actions
Soldiers from Company A, 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, search one of the presidential palaces 8 April 2003 in Baghdad. The palace
was the second that the U.S. Army had secured in as many days; both lavish buildings were heavily damaged by U.S. Air Force bombing.
(Photo by John Moore, Associated Press)
proved unable to reestablish a perimeter to defend formally capitulated. The regime’s key leaders reorga-
the rest of the city (Phase IV, Exploit), and as early as nized the surviving soldiers for a guerrilla campaign
7 April, some Iraqi units began disbanding to pursue that soon returned him to strategic relevance.41
guerrilla warfare. Iraqi forces continued to melt away
on 8 and 9 April when 1 MARDIV crossed the Diyala Conclusion: Using the Framework
River into eastern Baghdad and linked up with 3rd to Analyze the Battle of Baghdad
ID at the Tigris. On 10 April, the U.S. Marine Corps The framework in the table is a way to understand
and 3rd ID began consolidation operations to clear the seven-day Battle of Baghdad by arranging tactical
actions sequentially into phases. The Phase III (Assault) Historically, Phase IV (Exploit) is decisive in urban
penetration into the heart of the regime district was battles because after penetrating the defensive perim-
preceded by weeks of joint fires and shaping attacks to eter, the attacker gains an opportunity to destroy the
isolate the regime inside Baghdad, and it was decisive defenders’ interior lines and cohesion and prevent the
because it created opportunities that the division exploit- establishment of a new perimeter. Blount recognized
ed at tempo. The phases may not have firm transitions; that the tactically successful Phase III (Assault) attacks
for example, in the Battle of Baghdad, the coalition was to encircle Baghdad and to seize its airport, and even
still fighting to surround the city (Phase II, Siege) when the first Thunder Run inflicted heavy casualties but
Perkins’s brigade executed the 7 April Thunder Run. did not significantly impact the regime’s will to fight.42
However, actions can still be arranged by purpose to un- LSCO penetrations have proved effective at destroy-
derstand the relationship between the phases, especially ing adversary capabilities but ineffective at convincing
once 3rd ID approached Baghdad and began to isolate adversaries to negotiate a resolution to the conflict. The
the Iraqi defenders from external assistance. second Thunder Run toppled Hussein’s regime because
During Phase II (Siege) and Phase III (Assault), it was nested with a global information and psycho-
Blount sequenced his brigade attacks for maximum logical operation that convinced enough Iraqis that
effect; every day, a different brigade seized a new continuing to fight to defend Baghdad—and the regime
objective in Baghdad from a different direction than that claimed to control it—was futile.
the day before. This sequencing maintained pres- Through the lens of the framework, it is obvious
sure on Hussein’s regime and spoiled the defenders’ that the Iraqi defenders were explicitly unprepared to
response to the previous day’s attack by creating a new defend Baghdad inside the city’s urban environment
dilemma each morning. 3rd ID’s measured tempo also and did not transition well between the phases.43
ensured that the headquarters could concentrate di- Throughout the battle, routes were intact because
visional resources in support of that day’s main effort Hussein refused to allow his military to deliberate-
and maintain a mechanized battalion as the division ly destroy bridges and overpasses during Phase I
commander’s maneuver reserve at the airport. The re- (Approach).44 He forbid his military commanders
serve could respond to any threat in western Baghdad to coordinate Baghdad’s defense, prepare defensive
within two hours, and this mitigated the risk that an obstacles in depth, or withdraw the Republican Guard
element of 3rd ID could be cut off deep in Baghdad armored divisions into the city where artillery and
the way Somali militia concentrated to defeat the firepower could have engaged American armor at
U.S. mobile column in the 1993 Battle of Mogadishu. close range.45 Instead of fighting a Phase II (Siege) de-
Blount’s reserve proved essential on 7 April when it fensive delay to gain time in eastern Baghdad’s dense
escorted 2nd Brigade’s logistical resupply convoy into zones of multiple-story residences, the Iraqi military
central Baghdad to exploit the penetration’s tactical destroyed bridges over the Diyala. The river created
success. Without that resupply and the extra battalion a barrier that kept the 1 MARDIV out of eastern
of reinforcements, Perkins’s brigade could not have Baghdad for two additional days, but the decision
stayed in central Baghdad and the second Thunder also shifted the coalition to focus on western Baghdad
Run would have had no more strategic effect than its where concrete highways and the wide-open regime
Phase III (Assault) predecessors. district were vulnerable to the Thunder Run tactics.46
Epigraph. Donn Starry, foreword to Block by Block: The 3. Michael Evans, “The Case Against Megacities,” Parameters 45,
Challenges of Urban Operations, ed. William G. Robertson and no. 1 (Spring 2015): 33–43.
Lawrence A. Yates (Fort Leavenworth, KS: U.S. Army Command 4. “Daily Chart: Bright Lights, Big Cities,” The Economist (website),
and General Staff College [CGSC] Press, 2003), vii, accessed 1 May 4 February 2015, accessed 1 May 2020,
2020, node/21642053; United Nations (UN) Department of Economic and
ban-Operation/Documents/BlockByBlock_TheChallengesOfUr- Social Affairs, World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 Revision (New
banOperations.pdf. York: UN, 2018), accessed 1 May 2020,
5. Roger J. Spiller, Sharp Corners: Urban Operations at Century’s
Epigraph. Louis DiMarco, “Attacking the Heart and Guts: Urban End (Fort Leavenworth, KS: CGSC Press, 2001), v–27.
Operations through the Ages,” in Robertson and Yates, Block by 6. Thomas Arnold and Nicolas Fiore, “Five Operational Lessons
Block: The Challenges of Urban Operations, 1. from the Battle for Mosul,” Military Review 99, no. 1 ( January 2019):
7. Gian Gentile et al., Reimagining the Character of Urban Opera-
1. The White House, National Security Strategy of the United tions for the U.S. Army: How the Past Can Inform the Present and Future
States of America (Washington, DC: The White House, 2017); Field (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2017).
Manual (FM) 3-0, Operations (Washington, DC: U.S. Government 8. John Spencer, “The Destructive Age of Urban Warfare; or,
Publishing Office [GPO], 2017). How to Kill a City and How to Protect It,” Modern War Institute
2. FM 6-27, The Commander’s Handbook on the Law of Land at West Point, 28 March 2019, accessed 4 May 2020, https://
Warfare (Washington, DC: U.S. GPO, 2019), para. 1-19. The U.S.;
Army’s manual on the law of land warfare specifically constrains The White House, National Security Strategy, 2. The National
commanders’ use of military force in urban battles and exhorts the Security Strategy names four adversaries: China, Russia, Iran, and
commander to exceed the minimal requirements of military necessi- North Korea.
ty, humanity, honor, distinction, and proportionality when planning 9. FM 3-0, Operations, 1-9; John Spencer, “Stealing the Enemy’s
to use military force near civilians and noncombatants. Urban Advantage: The Battle of Sadr City,” Modern War Institute at
West Point, 31 January 2019, accessed 4 May 2020, https://mwi.usma. 25. Ibid., 69–75. In the week before the invasion, many of
edu/stealing-enemys-urban-advantage-battle-sadr-city/. the Iraqi irregular and militia forces moved from Baghdad to
10. Russell W. Glenn, Heavy Matter: Urban Operations’ Density of defend other cities in the south. It is unclear how many returned
Challenges (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2000), 11. Glenn to Baghdad by the time the 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized)
points out that even bypassed cities can become resource magnets attacked in April.
for the operational-level commander. 26. David Zucchino, Thunder Run (New York: Grove Press, 2004),
11. UN Human Rights Council, Report of the Independent 135–48.
International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, A/ 27. Williamson Murray and Robert H. Scales Jr., The Iraq War: A
HRC/40/70 (New York: UN General Assembly, 2017), accessed 4 Military History (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 2003), 89–96.
May 2020, 28. Ibid., 241–45.
G1902320.pdf; Amnesty International, Left to Die Under Siege: War 29. Fontenot, Degen, and Tohn, On Point, 331–36.
Crimes and Human Rights Abuses in Eastern Ghouta, Syria (London: 30. Jim Lacey, Takedown: The 3rd Infantry Division’s Twenty-One
Peter Benenson House, 2015), 51, accessed 4 May 2020, https:// Day Assault on Baghdad (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2007), 205-6.
12. FM 6-27, The Commander’s Handbook on the Law of Land 31. Rayburn and Sobchak, The U.S. Army in the Iraq War, 100–1.
Warfare, para. 2-22. 32. Anthony E. Carlson, “Thunder Run in Baghdad, 2003,” in 16
13. Starry, foreword to Robertson and Yates, Block by Block, viii. Cases of Mission Command, ed. Donald P. Wright (Fort Leavenworth,
Interstitial systems connect and support life and activity within a city, KS: Combat Studies Institute Press, 2013), 108–9.
commonly including water, food, energy, communications, transpor- 33. Zucchino, Thunder Run, 72–82.
tation, manufacturing, economic, commercial, and entertainment sys- 34. Fontenot, Degen, and Tohn, On Point, 374–76.
tems; Michael Batty, “Cities as Complex Systems: Scaling, Interactions, 35. Zucchino, Thunder Run, 97–101.
Networks, Dynamics, and Urban Morphologies,” in Encyclopedia of 36. Ibid., 103–4.
Complexity and Systems Science, ed. Robert A. Meyers (New York: 37. Fontenot, Degen, and Tohn, On Point, 352–54.
Springer, 2009), 1042–43. 38. Zucchino, Thunder Run, 195–97. Lt. Col. Stephen Twitty’s
14. DuPuy Institute, Measuring the Effects of Combat in Cities experience is typical of these small counterattacks by ad hoc platoon-
Phase I (Fort Belvoir, VA: Center for Army Analysis, 2002), 5–6. and company-sized groups armed with rifles and rocket-propelled
15. H. W. Halleck, Elements of Military Art and Science (New grenades, and sometimes supported by vehicle-borne suicide
York: D. Appleton, 1846), 56. As translated by Halleck, Baron An- bombers. Instead of using assembly areas to organize, they often
toine-Henri de Jomini’s Art of War described the standard archetype drove or ran indiscriminately into lethal U.S. engagement areas.
for an offensive land campaign: win the war by defeating the adver- 39. Fontenot, Degen, and Tohn, On Point, 377–78.
sary’s army in the field and seizing their capital. 40. Bing West and Ray L. Smith, The March Up: Taking Baghdad
16. Michael R. Gordon and Bernard E. Trainor, The General’s with the 1st Marine Division (New York: Bantam Books, 2003), 231–32.
War: The Inside Story of the Conflict in the Gulf (Boston: Little, Brown, 41. Murray and Scales, The Iraq War, 252.
1995), 480. 42. Zucchino, Thunder Run, 72–73.
17. Army Doctrine Reference Publication 3-0, Operations 43. Stephen Biddle, “Speed Kills? Reassessing the Role of Speed,
(Washington, DC: U.S. GPO, 2016), 2-3. The four Army stability Precision, and Situation Awareness in the Fall of Saddam,” Journal of
mechanisms are compel, control, influence, and support. Strategic Studies 30, no. 1 (February 2007): 3–46. Biddle assessed that
18. The term “siege” is used here instead of “isolate” to allow for the U.S. invasion owed much of its success to Iraqi military incompe-
surrounding a city without the intent to psychologically isolate the tence. Biddle specifically pointed out that in the Battle of Baghdad,
defenders. the Iraqi failure to destroy bridges to slow down the coalition and
19. Training Circular 7-100, Hybrid Threat (Washington, DC: U.S. the decision not to use the Republican Guard in an urban warfare
Government Printing Office, 2010), chap. 4 and 5. The U.S. Army’s environment.
Training Circular 7-100 series manuals describe contemporary 44. Gregory Hooker, Shaping the Plan for Operation Iraqi Free-
hybrid adversary organization, strategy, and tactics. Chapters 4 and 5 dom: The Role of Military Intelligence Assessments, Military Research
discuss hybrid adversary urban operational approach. Papers No. 4 (Washington, DC: Washington Institute for Near East
20. Gregory Fontenot, E. J. Degen, and David Tohn, On Point: Policy, 2005), 70–71.
United States Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom (Fort Leavenworth, KS: 45. Lacey, Takedown, 159.
Combat Studies Institute Press, 2004), xxiii. 46. West and Smith, The March Up, 190–205.
21. William Wallace and Kevin C. M. Benson, “Beyond the 47. Rayburn and Sobchak, The U.S. Army in the Iraq War, 103.
First Encounter: Planning and Conducting Field Army and Corps The campaign originally planned for 70–120 days of combat, includ-
Operations,” in Bringing Order to Chaos: Historical Case Studies of ing time to negotiate with the Iraqi regime, but the actual fighting
Combined Arms Maneuver in Large-Scale Combat Operations, ed. took only twenty days.
Peter J. Schifferle (Fort Leavenworth, KS: Army University Press, 48. Lacey, Takedown, 230–33.
2018), 6–9. 49. Walter J. Boyne, Operation Iraqi Freedom (New York: Forge
22. Fontenot, Degen, and Tohn, On Point, 47–50. Press, 2003), 161–63.
23. Joel D. Rayburn and Frank K. Sobchak, eds., The U.S. Army 50. Ibid., 241.
in the Iraq War, Volume 1: Invasion, Insurgency, Civil War 2003-2006 51. Fontenot, Degen, and Tohn, On Point, xxiii and 378.
(Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute and U.S. Army War College 52. Boyd L. Dastrup, Artillery Strong: Modernizing the Field
Press, 2019), 59. Artillery for the 21st Century (Fort Leavenworth, KS: Combat Studies
24. Ibid., 99. Institute Press, 2018), 150–67; Lacey, Takedown, 260–61.