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Review Paper On Analysis of Spur Gear: V. A. Gavali, C. P. Satav

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IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)

e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X

PP. 04-07

Review Paper On Analysis Of Spur Gear

V. A. Gavali1, C. P. Satav2
BE Scholar, GSMCOE, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Asst. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajarshi Shahu School of Engineering & Research,
JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Abstract: The gears while transmitting the power generates high stresses at the mating positions over the teeth
as they amend the rate of rotation of machine shaft. The axis of rotation for high speed machinery is the optimal
medium for low energy loss and high accuracy. Toothed spur gears are used to transmit the power with high
velocity ratio. Various methods are used to find out contact stresses such as Hertz contact stresses, Lewis
bending Equation, AGMA Equation. Most of the research work attempted on mathematical contact stress
analysis and compared with finite element analysis. In few papers the work was focused on the stress
redistribution technique by introducing the stress relieving features in the stressed zone for minimization of
stresses in spur gear.
The purpose of this dissertation work is to identify the magnitude of the stresses for a spur gear used
in lathe machine for operations such as boring, facing. Various case studies are going to perform. For
simulation we are going to use FEA tools such as Hypermesh, abaqus. For validation we can go for
experimental stress analysis i.e. photo elasticity method. Before going for FEA and Experimental we will go for
analytical analysis. The contact stresses and deformations obtained by experimentally and compared with the
results of FEA.
Keywords-Stresses, shaft, velocity ratio, hertz-contact stress, FEA.

I. Introduction
Gears are the most commonly used in industrial applications to transmitting motion and power. They
are vary from small size used in watches to the large size of gears in the lifting devices. Spur gear is easy to
manufacture. The spur gear is widely used to transmit power from one shaft to another. It is used to vary the
speed and torque e.g. lathe machine, watches etc. when the gears are in mating contact then the stresses are
developed on the tooth of gear. Due to this stresses tooth failure is occurring like pitting, scoring, and creep.
Tooth failure is the major factor of gear causes breakdown the system which used the spur gear. To avoid this
failure the important factor is to increase the strength of gear.

II. Literature Survey

Seok-Chul Hwanga et al. [1] studied the contact stress analysis for a pair of mating gears during
rotation. He investigated respective variation of contact stress analysis for helical and spur gear with the
different contact position in a pair of mating gears. Compares the variation of contact stresses during rotation at
the lowest point of single tooth contact (LPSTC) & the AGMA (American Gear Manufacturers Associated)
equation for the contact stress. Select the design that considered the contact stress is stricter than the AGMA
Standard. By using FEA analysis calculate the contact fatigue strength of material for the appropriate strength &
safety. He carried out FEA analysis using AGMA equations.
In other study by Prashant Kumar Singh et al. [2] the thermal and wear behaviour of gears of different
thermoplastic materials like Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and
Poly Oxymethelyne (POM) were examined at different torque levels and different rotational speeds. The authors
found that the wear rate of polymer gears increases with torque but decreases with rotational speed.
R. Prabhu Sekar et al. [3] studied minimize wear of the gear teeth by adopting the non-standard gear. Discussed
the parametric study between standard and non-standard gear. Detailed study of standard and non-standard gears
on wear by using or comparing the results between FEM and analytical approach. Suggested the one possible
solution for the enhancement of wear resistance and load carrying capacity of the gear tooth in bending and
contact. Judging the change in gear and drive parameters of non-standard pinion and gear. He carried out
Analytically use of Hertz equation and FEA.

1st National Conference On Recent Innovations in Mechanical Engineering (NCRIME-2018 4 | Page

Review Paper On Analysis Of Spur Gear

I.S. Al-Tubi et al. [4] investigated the micropitting initiation and propagation when subjected to
varying torques load under a constant rotational speed. For affecting the micropitting the main factors are
surface roughness, excessive loading (contact stresses), gear tooth micro-geometry and lubricant film thickness
are found. On the both addendum and Dedendum of the pinion and wheel the contact stresses and minimum
specific film thickness occurs by analytical method and the micropitting observed by experimentally. He carried
methodology by Analytically (ISO/IR) and experimentally.
Xiang Dai et al. [5] Using FEA/contact approach studied that the static and dynamic tooth root strains
in spur gear pairs. Investigate by analytically and experimentally vibration of spur gear pair. The FEA result and
experimental results are compared.
Shuting Li et al. [6] in this paper studied the method for exact bending strength and contact strength
calculations of a thin walled gear at high speed by using FEM s/w. It was found that when gear speed exceeds
10000 rpm the centrifugal load-deformed thin-walled gear has greater effects on tooth contact pattern, tooth
surface contact stress, root bending stress and tooth load-sharing ratio. The calculation of strength design of a
high speed thin-walled gear problem has not been solved, but gives the idea, method and steps of the calculation
for this problem.
Xihui Liang et al. [7] studied the mesh stiffness of gears with tooth pitting by analytical method. Also
studied the three level of pitting i.e. slight pitting, moderate pitting and severe pitting. And the results of
analytical method is compared with FEA. Compares the mesh stiffness with pitting level to the single-tooth pair
mesh period and double-tooth pair mesh period. The author found that the pitting effect on gear tooth.
T. Osman et al. [8] in this paper studied the interactions between contact fatigue and dynamic tooth loads on
gears. Objective of this project is to examine the dynamic tooth loads to pitting in spur gears. In this comparison
between experimental and simulated surface failure had done.
Santosh S. Patil et al. [9] in this paper studied about the strain on the gear tooth at the connecting
helical gear pairs by experimentally. He done the experimental testing and analysis of contact stress in helical
gear. FEA analysis done and comparing with the experimental results and the result was good. Hence they found
the gear dynamic stress test rig (GDSTR) experimental setup proved to be a suitable method for contact stress
evaluation on gear tooth flank. From the experimental study the effect of friction on gear contact stresses is
significant and cannot be eliminated. Limitation is the experimental setup found wear misalignments and slight
Ankur Saxena et al. [10] studied the effect of shaft misalignment and friction force on mesh stiffness
for spur gear pair. This effect was also studied for cracked gear pair and results are discussed.
Miryam B. Sánchez et al. [11] in this paper studied the contact stress and bending strength of spur gear
at load conditions. To solved minimization problem the model has been obtained from the minimum elastic
potential energy criterion according to ISO 6336. He carried out analytical and Finite Element Analysis.
Yang Yu et al. [12] in this paper discussed the fault crack of gear analysis is by using firstly, a new
time frequency analysis method called local oscillatory-characteristic decomposition (LOD) and secondly, an
analytical-Finite element (analytical FE) method which is called assist-stress intensity factor (assist-SIF) gear
contact model. The result indicated this method is effective and feasible to diagnosis method of crack. This is a
higher accuracy method.
P.B. Pawar et al. [13] investigated the contact stress and bending stress between the different material
gears i.e, Alloy steel, Nylon and Al-sic by analytical and FEA. The composite material Al-sic shows the better
result than other. And suggest the Al-sic gear because shows chances of failure. The theoretical and FEA values
shows less difference.
Marina Franulovic et al. [14] studied the influence of pitch deviations on the loading capacity of high
contact ratio of spur gear by experimentally and analytically. The experimental method was done by the
photoelastic investigation. In this paper analytical calculations are presented and this will considerably improve
the loading capacity calculations of high contact ratio gears and also provide further optimization of their
Naresh k. Raghuwanshi et al. [15] discussed the results of back-side contact which affect the mesh
Stiffness of spur gear pair by using FEM. From the observation, shows the result, when the back-side contact
occur the mesh stiffness value is slightly increased. The back-side contact may affect the vibration response.

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Review Paper On Analysis Of Spur Gear

Paras Kumara et al. [16] studied the bending and contact stress of spur gear tooth by using AGMA
equation for the purpose of investigated of fatigue failure. The result shows in single tooth contact zone the
maximum chance of contact/bending fatigue failure occurs. In comparison of bending fatigue life the contact
fatigue life is less. He comparedanalytical results to the FEA.
Miryam B. Sánchez et al. [17] in this paper studied at any point of the path of contact (approximate
point) of spur gear evaluate the meshing stiffness by analytically. Also studied about the bending and contact
stresses by hertz equations. The result compares with the FEA result & it was good. Hence we can improve the
accurately meshing stiffness, dynamic behavior.
Putti Srinivasa Rao et al. [18] calculated the contact stresses of spur gear by using ANSYS and by
analytically hertz equation. For investigated purpose author taken a three types of material gears like
Aluminium, Grey cast iron, Structural steel. The author aims to minimization of contact stress and deformation
and select one best. From the both results ANSYS and theoretical shows the low contact stresses in aluminium
and is used as a both driver and driven gear.
Deepika Potghan et al. [19] in this paper studied the stress analysis of spur gear with three different
materials to determine the contact stresses in the gear tooth. The materials were grey cast iron, high carbon steel
and medium carbon steel. The result of analytical solution i.e by hertz equation and by FEA results are
comparing, the less difference between the values of contact stresses found.
Abhijit M. Sankpal et al. [20] studied about the contact stresses of spur gear by FEM and experimental
method. The contact stresses of spur gear found by the photoelastic techniques as an experimental method. This
result compared with FEM. With the help of result it was helpful to theSelection of proper module size an
important factor before designing gear maximum contact stress decreases with increasing module.
Tushar Narawade et al. [21] he calculated the contact stress at the tooth of the gear by analytical,
Experimental and FEA. The experimental is done by using strain gauge. From the result it was found that the
contact stresses of the gear are reducing by increasing the module of the gear from 2 to 3 and adding the
correction factor.
Sanjay K. Khavdu et al. [22] by using FEA investigated contact stress when acting same load on
metallic spur gear and hybrid spur gear. And also investigated the weight optimization on ANSYS workbench
V11. The result shows instead of metallic gear the hybrid gear shows better result. The result found that the
stresses developed within hybrid gears are near about stresses in metallic gears. By using hybrid gear there
advantage was reduced the weight of mechanism.He carried analysis using FEA
Dattatray B. Vaitkar et al. [23] author found that contact stresses by using FEA software and
experimentally. The experimental is done by photoelastic method. It also put forward the role of pressure angle,
contact ratio, bending stresses on the performance of gear. Role of gear geometry, for enhancing gear life for
reducing contact stresses.

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Review Paper On Analysis Of Spur Gear

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