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Advisory Circular 21 36 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Equipment Airworthiness Guidelines

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AC 21-36 v2.3

Global navigation satellite

systems (GNSS) equipment -
Airworthiness guidelines

Date November 2022

File ref D22/468828

Advisory circulars are intended to provide advice and guidance to illustrate a means, but not necessarily the only
means, of complying with the Regulations, or to explain certain regulatory requirements by providing informative,
interpretative and explanatory material.
Advisory circulars should always be read in conjunction with the relevant regulations.

This advisory circular (AC) applies to:

• Subpart 21.M authorised persons

• Subpart 21.J approved design organisations.

This AC provides guidance information on design, development and subsequent airworthiness
approval of Global Navigation Satellite Systems equipment installations.

For further information

For further information, contact CASA’s Airworthiness Standards Branch (telephone 131 757).

This version of the AC is approved by the Branch Manager Airworthiness & Engineering.

Version Date Details

v3.2 November Administrative review only.


v2.2 November Error corrected in Table 3 to match RTCA/DO-229D.


v2.1 July 2014 Updated reference to FAA AC 20-138D and clarification of requirements.

(1) January Updated reference to FAA AC 20-138C and updated diagrams.


(0) April 2005 Initial release of the AC.

Unless specified otherwise, all subregulations, regulations, Divisions, Subparts and Parts
referenced in this AC are references to the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR).

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 1


1 Reference material 4
1.1 Acronyms 4
1.2 Definitions 6
1.3 References 7
2 GNSS usage 10
2.1 Operational uses of GNSS 10
3 Equipment standards 11
3.1 Introduction 11
3.2 TSO-C129(AR) 11
3.3 TSO-C145(AR)/TSO-C146(AR) 12
3.4 TSO-C161a/C162a(AR) 13
3.5 TSO-C196(AR) 13
3.6 TSO-C115(AR) 14
4 Design, Development and approval of modifications 15
4.1 Application of guidance material 15
5 Human factors considerations 16
5.1 Human factors guidance 16
6 General design considerations 17
6.1 PBN 17
6.2 Deviations from the Basic T configuration 17
6.3 Pilot field of view 17
6.4 Course deviation indicator 18
6.5 Remote annunciators 19
6.6 Installations in electronic flight instrument systems equipped aircraft 27
6.7 Multi-function displays 27
6.8 Autopilot interfaces 28
6.9 Installations in aircraft operated by two crew 28
6.10 Alternative installations 29
6.11 Performance-based navigation 29
6.12 Automatic dependent surveillance broadcasting 29

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7 Aircraft Flight Manual Supplement (AFM Supp) 30

7.1 AFM Supp requirements 30
7.2 Layout 30
7.3 Evaluation of installed equipment 31
8 Continued airworthiness 33

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1 Reference material

1.1 Acronyms
The acronyms and abbreviations used in this AC are listed in the table below.

Acronym Description
ABAS Aircraft Based Augmentation System
AC Advisory Circular
ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcasting
AFM Aircraft Flight Manual
AFM Supp Aircraft Flight Manual Supplement
AI Attitude Indicator
ALT Altitude
AR All revisions
CAO Civil Aviation Order

CASA Civil Aviation Safety Authority

CASR Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998
CDI Course Deviation Indicator

CDU Control Display Unit

CFR US Government Code of Federal Regulations
dBm Decibel milliwatt
DO Document (RTCA Inc)
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System
ETSO European Technical Standard Order
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAR Federal Aviation Regulation
FDE Fault Detection and Exclusion
FOV Field Of View
FRT Fixed Radius Transitions
FTE Flight Technical Error
GBAS Ground Based Augmentation System
GLS GBAS Positioning Landing System
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite Systems

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 4


Acronym Description
GPS Global Positioning System
HFOM Horizontal Figure of Merit
HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator
Hz Hertz
ICA Instructions for Continuing Airworthiness
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
ILS Instrument Landing System
INTEG Integrity

LAAS Local Area Augmentation System

LAME Licenced Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
LNAV Lateral Deviation

LODA Letter Of Deviation Authority (FAA)

LOI Loss Of Integrity
LPV Localiser Performance with Vertical Guidance

MSG Message
NAC Navigation Accuracy Category
NAV Navigation

NM Nautical Mile
NPA Non-Precision Approach
NSE Navigation System Error
OBS Omni Bearing Selector
PBN Performance Based Navigation
PVT Position Velocity Time

RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring

RFI Radio Frequency Interference
RF Legs Radius to Fix path terminators
RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator
RNAV Area Navigation
RNP Required Navigation Performance
SA Selective Availability
SBAS Satellite Based Augmentation System
STC Supplemental Type Certificates

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Acronym Description
TAS True Airspeed
TERM Terminal
TSE Total System Error
TSO Technical Standard Order
TSOA Technical Standard Orders Authorization (FAA)
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VHF Very High Frequency
VNAV Vertical Navigation

VOR VHF Omni-directional Radio Range

WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System
WPT Waypoint

1.2 Definitions
Terms that have specific meaning within this AC are defined in the table below. Where
definitions from the civil aviation legislation have been reproduced for ease of reference, these
are identified by 'grey shading'. Should there be a discrepancy between a definition given in this
AC and the civil aviation legislation, the definition in the legislation prevails.

Term Definition
Aircraft Based An augmentation system that augments and/or integrates the information
Augmentation System obtained from the other GNSS elements with information available on board
(ABAS) the aircraft.
Ground Based An augmentation system in which the user receives augmentation information
Augmentation System directly from a ground-based transmitter.
Satellite Based A wide coverage augmentation system in which the user receives
Augmentation System augmentation information from a satellite-based transmitter.
Local Area The GBAS provided by the FAA.
Augmentation System
Wide Area The SBAS provided by the FAA and is limited to continental USA only.
Augmentation System
Fault Detection and A receiver processing scheme that autonomously provides integrity
Exclusion (FDE) monitoring for the position solution, using redundant range measurements.
The FDE consist of two distinct parts: fault detection and fault exclusion. The
fault detection part detects the presence of an unacceptably large position
error for a given mode of flight. Upon the detection, fault exclusion follows
and excludes the source of the unacceptably large position error, thereby

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 6


Term Definition

allowing navigation to return to normal performance without an interruption in

Galileo The European Union satellite-based radio navigation system currently under
development, which will provide a positioning service anywhere in the world.
Integrity A measure of the trust that can be placed in the correctness of the
information supplied by the total system. Integrity includes the ability of a
system to provide timely and valid warnings to the user (alerts).

Global Positioning The satellite navigation system operated by the United States.
System (GPS)

Global Navigation The satellite navigation system operated by the Russian Federation.
Satellite System
Selective Availability Selective Availability is a requirement for the receiver to properly account for
(SA) satellite range error if it is reflected in the User Range Accuracy index
(commonly referred to as being “Selective Availability aware”).

1.3 References
Legislation is available on the Federal Register of Legislation website https://www.legislation.gov.au/

Document Title
Part 21 of CASR Certification and airworthiness requirements for aircraft and parts
Part 23 of CASR Airworthiness standards for aeroplanes in the normal, utility, acrobatic or
commuter category
Part 25 of CASR Airworthiness standards for aeroplanes in the transport category
Part 26 of CASR Airworthiness standards for aircraft in the primary category or intermediate
Part 27 of CASR Airworthiness standards for rotorcraft in the normal category

Part 29 of CASR Airworthiness standards for rotorcraft in the transport category

MOS Subpart 91.U Manual of Standards Subpart 91.U Instrument 2005 — navigation
CASA 80/14 Instructions – use of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
CAO 20.18 Part B of Appendix XI - ADS-B transmitting equipment — standard for
CAO 20.91 Instructions and directions for performance-based navigation

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 7


International Civil Aviation Organization documents

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) documents are available for purchase from http://store1.icao.int/

Document Title
ICAO Doc 9613 v4 Performance-Based Navigation Manual

Advisory material
CASA's advisory materials are available at https://www.casa.gov.au/publications-and-resources/guidance-materials

Document Title
AC 21-37 Airworthiness Approval of Navigation or Flight Management Systems
Integrating Multiple Navigation Sensors
AC 21-38 Aircraft Electrical Load Analysis and Power Source Capacity
AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
AC 91U-2 Required Navigation Performance 10 (RNP 10) Operational Authorisation

AC 91U-3 Required Navigation Performance 4 (RNP 4) Operational Authorisation

AC 91U-II-B-2 Navigation Authorisations – RNAV 5
AC 91U-II-B-3 Navigation Authorisations – RNAV 1 & 2

AC 91U-II-C-2 Navigation Authorisations – RNP 2

AC 91U-II-C-3 Navigation Authorisations – RNP 1
AC 91U-II-C-5 Navigation Authorisations – RNP APCH

Other documents

Document Title
AN10-V1 Volume 1 - Radio Navigation Aids of Annex 10 Aeronautical
Telecommunications, of the Chicago Convention
FAA AC 20-138D Airworthiness Approval of Positioning and Navigation Systems
FAA AC 23-1311-1C Installation of Electronic Displays in Part 23 Airplanes
PSACE100-2001-004 FAA Public Statement Number PSACE100- 2001-004 on Guidance for
Reviewing Certification Plans to Address Human Factors for Certification of
Part 23 Small Airplanes
TC 523-008 Transport Canada Policy Letter 523-008, “Design Guidelines and Human
Factors Considerations for Installation of IFR GPS/GNSS Receivers
RTCA DO-208 Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Airborne Supplemental
Navigation Equipment Using Global Positioning System (GPS)

RTCA DO-229D Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Global Positioning

System/Wide Area Augmentation System Airborne Equipment

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 8


Document Title
RTCA DO-253C Minimum Operational Performance Standards for GPS Local Area
Augmentation System Airborne Equipment
RTCA DO-316 Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Global Positioning
System/Aircraft Base Augmentation System

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 9


2 GNSS usage

2.1 Operational uses of GNSS

2.1.1 GNSS installations This AC is designed to expand on installation requirements of GNSS equipment in
conjunction with FAA AC 20-138D. This equipment may be either of the following:
− GNSS stand-alone equipment that provides deviations (steering commands) for en-
route, terminal or approach operations (including Localizer Performance with
Vertical Guidance (LPV))
− GNSS sensors integrated into a multi-sensor navigation or flight management
system. The GNSS equipment may be used in the following situations:
− Navigation under the Visual Flight Rules (VFR):
o Visual Navigation and
o Night VFR Area Navigation
− Navigation under the Instrument Flight Rules (IFR):
o Dead Reckoning (DR) Substitute
− Performance Based Navigation (PBN):
o RNAV 10 (authorised as RNP 10)
o RNAV 5
o RNAV 1 and RNAV 2
o RNP 4 (dual independent systems required)
o RNP 2
o RNP 1
o RNP 0.3 (primarily for helicopter operations)
− Supplemental Performance-Based Navigation specifications:
o Radius to Fix path terminators (RF Legs)
o Fixed Radius Transitions
o Oceanic area navigation outside RNP 10 and RNP 4 designated airspace
o North Atlantic Minimum Navigation Performance Specification and
o GBAS Landing System (GLS).

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3 Equipment standards

3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Since the initial approval of GNSS in Australia (1993) as an en-route supplemental
means of navigation, ongoing developments to receiver design, and improved accuracy
guarantee together with the gathering of an extensive knowledge base has increased
the applicability and acceptance of GNSS navigation. This includes the development
and deployment of augmentation systems that enhance the accuracy and availability of
GNSS navigation data.

3.2 TSO-C129(AR)

3.2.1 Equipment cancellation TSO-C129(AR) Class A equipment is a sensor/navigation computer combination. The
provision of pressure altitude data from an approved source (i.e., barometric aiding) is a
mandatory requirement for approval of the installation of TSO-129a A1 or A2 based
GNSS equipment intended for IFR area navigation operations as detailed in CAO
20.91. TSO-C129a has been cancelled, but this does not affect existing equipment. Equipment
produced under FAA TSO-C129(AR) is still eligible for installation in accordance with
the guidance in this AC. For further information on alternatives to TSO-C129 equipment
see paragraph 3.3.2 of this AC. There are no re-use or replacement possibilities for antennae certified under TSO-

Table 1 - TSO-C129(AR) - Equipment classes

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1. Intended to provide data to an integrated navigation system which provides enhanced guidance to an
autopilot/flight director to reduce flight technical error and limited to CASR Part 121 aircraft.
2. Requirement for the integrated navigation system to provide a level of GNSS integrity equivalent to
Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitor (RAIM).

3.2.2 Effective Noise Density Equipment not meeting the effective noise density e.g., TSO-C129(AR) may experience
performance degradation as more GNSS satellites are launched. Equipment intended
for use beyond 2020 in applications such as Automatic Dependent Surveillance
Broadcasting (ADS-B) should be qualified using the effective noise density as below in
Table 2 below.

Receiver Function Effective Noise

Density (dBm/Hz)

Initial Acquisition (GPS Only) -172.2 (dBm/Hz)

GPS Tracking and Re- acquisition -171.9 (dBm/Hz)

SBAS Tracking and Re- acquisition -172.8 (dBm/Hz)

Table 2 - Effective noise density

3.3 TSO-C145(AR)/TSO-C146(AR)
3.3.1 TSO-C145c defines an acceptable standard for Airborne Navigation Sensors using
GPS augmentation by WAAS. TSO-C146c defines an acceptable standard for Stand-
Alone Airborne Navigation Equipment using GPS augmentation by WAAS. There are no
equipment performance limitations for GPS/SBAS equipped aircraft to have other
positioning and navigation systems on-board. There are no plans to withdraw
authorisations for TSO-C145a/C146a or TSO-C145b/C146b equipment.

3.3.2 TSO-C129 equipment alternatives

3.3.3 TSO-C129a was cancelled effective 21 November 2011 as it did not provide sufficient
performance for all operational applications. Airborne navigation equipment previously
approved under all revisions of TSO-Cl29(AR) may still be installed under the provisions
of their original approval.
3.3.4 GPS/SBAS TSO-C146(AR) Class Gamma equipment is considered the direct
replacement for a Class A sensor/navigation computer combination certified to TSO-
C129(AR). Additionally, TSO-C145(AR) equipment can also replace TSO-C129(AR)
Class B & C sensors.
3.3.5 Applicants will have to establish sensor/antenna compatibility when replacing TSO-
C129(AR) sensors with TSO-C145(AR) sensors.
3.3.6 The items of equipment listed in Table 3 meet the functional Class Gamma or Class
Delta of FAA TSO-C145/145c.

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Table 3 - TSO-C145(AR) and TSO-C146(AR) - Equipment Classes

3.4 TSO-C161a/C162a(AR)
3.4.1 TSO-C161a defines an acceptable standard for GPS/GBAS that provides precision
approach capability and Position, Velocity and Time (PVT) information. TSO-C162a
defines an acceptable standard for GPS/GBAS equipment designed to receive Very
High Frequency (VHF) data broadcast.

3.5 TSO-C196(AR)
3.5.1 TSO-C196b defines an acceptable standard for an Airborne Navigation Sensor using
GPS equipment without ground-based or space-based augmentation. TSO-C196a will
remain effective for new equipment manufactured until 20 June 2015.
3.5.2 The TSO has been updated to revision “b” to allow applicants to optionally use TSO-
C206 GPS Circuit Card Assembly (CCA) (see FAA TSO-C196b for further details).
TSO-C196(AR) GPS sensors are intended for use in multi-sensor navigation systems
(refer to Table 4). TSO-C196a equipment is intended as a direct replacement for Class
B & C sensors certified to TSO-C129(AR). The basis for this TSO is Class Beta 1
without SBAS requirements.

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Table 4 - TSO-C196 Equipment Class

3.5.3 Improvements with TSO-C196 are:

− Selective Availability aware
− fault detection and exclusion
− improve interference rejection
− ensure no degradation due to other satellite systems.
3.5.4 It is acceptable for TSO-C145b/c sensors to simply disable GPS/SBAS tracking loops to
qualify as a TSO-C196a.
3.5.5 TSO-C196 equipment still requires other navigation equipment to be available unless
operating in oceanic and remote areas, provided the operator obtains a Fault Detection
and Exclusion (FDE) prediction program. These limitations must be documented in the
installation/instruction manual.
3.5.6 Applicants will have to establish sensor/antenna compatibility when replacing TSO-
129(AR) sensors with TSO-C196 sensors. See paragraph 5-5.4 of FAA AC 20-138D for
antenna compatibility.

3.6 TSO-C115(AR)
3.6.1 TSO-C115c defines an acceptable standard for Flight Management System (FMS)
using Multi-Sensor inputs. It is not acceptable to use systems certified to TSO-C115
revisions for GNSS sensor integration, unless they are at revision “b” or later.
3.6.2 There are no plans to withdraw TSO-C115b or earlier versions. For more information on
TSO-C115(AR) see FAA AC 20-138(AR).

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4 Design, Development and approval of modifications

4.1 Application of guidance material
4.1.1 FAA AC 20-138D is endorsed by CASA as appropriate guidance material for the
design, development and approval of modifications intended for Australian registered
aircraft involving the installation of GNSS equipment. Copies of this AC may be
obtained from the FAA website at http://rgl.faa.gov/.
4.1.2 References to the FAA procedures, documentation and regulatory requirements
contained in FAA AC 20-138D are not applicable to Australian registered aircraft. All
modifications to Australian registered aircraft must comply with Australian regulations.
4.1.3 CASA related ACs - AC 21-38 – Aircraft Electrical Load Analysis and Power Source
Capacity and AC 21-99 – Aircraft Wiring and Bonding provide additional guidance
material for consideration during design and installation.

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5 Human factors considerations

5.1 Human factors guidance

5.1.1 Concerns have been expressed that there is insufficient and sometimes conflicting
guidance material with respect to the human factors’ issues of GNSS receiver
installations. This section is intended to provide guidance, in practical terms, in
identifying acceptable locations for IFR installations of GNSS receivers installed without
remote annunciators, the associated Course Deviation Indicators (CDI) and when
required, the remote annunciators and/or indicators that are to be installed.
5.1.2 The goal is to ensure an efficient and concise instrument scan. The principles explained
below, whilst primarily aimed at installations into normal category aircraft, may be
applied to other aircraft.
5.1.3 For further information on human factors considerations refer to:
− FAA AC 20-138D Section 12-11- General Human Factors Considerations
− FAA Public Statement Number PSACE100-2001-004 on Guidance for Reviewing
Certification Plans to Address Human Factors for Certification of Part 23 Small

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 16


6 General design considerations

6.1 PBN
6.1.1 In planning an IFR GNSS installation in an existing aircraft, there are a number of inter-
related design considerations, all of which are dependent on the existing instrument
panel of the aircraft in question. The PBN requirements are in addition to the other
airworthiness installation requirements. The PBN requirements are detailed in the
relevant CASA ACs that are listed in the References section of this AC.

6.2 Deviations from the Basic T configuration

6.2.1 Deviations from the basic T-configuration (14 CFR 23.1321) have been approved for
individual instrument arrangements if the droop angle (angle below the 14 CFR
23.1321(d) position) is 15° or less, or if the elevated angle is 10° or less, see Figure 1:
Basic T configuration -horizontal reference line. These angles are measured from a
horizontal reference line that passes through the centre of the attitude reference data
with lines passing through the centre of the airspeed and altitude data.

Figure 1 - Basic T configuration - horizontal reference line

6.3 Pilot field of view

6.3.1 The pilot should be able to use all the required instruments with “minimum head and
eye movement". Primary optimum (Field of View) (FOV) is based on the vertical and
horizontal visual fields from the design eye reference point that can be accommodated
with eye rotation only.
6.3.2 With the normal line-of-sight established at 15° below the horizontal plane, the values
for the vertical and horizontal (relative to normal line-of-sight forward of the aircraft) are
±15°, as shown in Figure 2. This area is normally reserved for primary flight information
and high priority alerts.

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Figure 2 - Optimum FOV

6.4 Course deviation indicator

6.4.1 Installation of a GNSS receiver certified for IFR operations requires that the GNSS be
connected to a remote CDI or Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI), either conventional or
electronic. This CDI/HSI is to be part of the pilot’s primary instrument scan during
approach and other IFR operations, and thus should be located to ensure an efficient
and concise scan.
6.4.2 Paragraph 12-11b. (1) - General Human Factors Considerations - of FAA AC 20-138D,
requires each display element (including the CDI) be located clearly visible to the pilot.
The CDI connected to a GNSS receiver to be within the pilot’s primary FOV.
6.4.3 By assuming a typical minimum eye-to-instrument panel distance of 600 mm, the 15°
FOV figure equates to a circle with a radius of approximately 160 mm. This would mean
that the CDI would need to be within approximately a 160 mm radius of the centre of the
Attitude Indicator (AI) on most aircraft. The only means to achieve this on most
conventional instrument panels would be to use an HSI. However, it is presumed that
the intention of FAA AC 20-138D was not to mandate a HSI in every GNSS equipped
aircraft, as experience has shown that a CDI external to the basic "T" may be
6.4.4 Depending on the layout of other instruments and indicators that are to be included in
the scan, including the GNSS receiver that is normally installed in the centre radio
stack, an external CDI is usually best located at the top of the instrument panel as close
as possible to the altimeter. Based on experience however, the locations identified in
Figure 3 for an external CDI may be considered acceptable.
6.4.5 The acceptable locations identified in Figure 3 are considered appropriate for aircraft
that do not have an HSI. Aircraft that use a HSI to show track deviation for a VHF Omni-
directional Radio Range/ Instrument Landing System VOR/ILS should also show GNSS
track deviation on the same HSI, for the primary GNSS receiver. CDI for a secondary
GNSS receiver, or a back-up indicator for the primary GNSS receiver, does not need to
meet the constraints described in this section.

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6.4.6 The CDI is to be visible and unobstructed from the pilot’s view with the pilot’s hands on
the control column, regardless of the pilot’s sitting position. If movement of the upper
torso from a normal seated position is required to see the CDI, its location is not

Figure 3 - Acceptable locations for remote CDI

Note: As some manufacturers do not recommend that their receivers be installed without remote CDIs, the
designer should consider this fact and justify any deviation.

6.5 Remote annunciators

6.5.1 In the early days of GNSS IFR approvals, it was generally accepted that certain remote
annunciators were required for an IFR approach approval.
6.5.2 Foremost amongst these was a requirement that when it was possible to display
navigation information from more than one source on the same CDI/HSI, the navigation
source driving that CDI/HSI was to be annunciated.
Note: See paragraph 14.3a - Navigation Source Selection of FAA AC 20-138D.

6.5.3 Remote annunciators were also common for Message (MSG), Way-point (WPT), GNSS
Approach ARM/ACT and Omni Bearing Selector OBS/LEG, though the requirement for
these annunciators was somewhat open to interpretation. Paragraph 12-11b - General
Human Factors Considerations - Display Visibility of FAA AC 20-138D, clearly required
navigation source annunciation, but there is also a requirement for failure annunciation
to be located within the pilot’s primary FOV.

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6.5.4 Since all annunciators must be clearly visible under all lighting conditions, some
annunciators incorporated into GNSS equipment may not meet the requirements. It is
recommended that remote annunciators be installed within the primary FOV.
6.5.5 In the early development of GNSS in Australia, the design of an installation that
featured automatic override of the GNSS navigation source by ILS data was not
recommended. This was due in part to the possible differences between the published
ILS and GNSS approaches. As the deactivation of this feature could only be done at the
hardware level and involved wiring changes, it was considered prudent to have the
installation designed with this consideration in mind.
6.5.6 However, some examples of modern equipment have this feature available as an
internal function and which may be capable of being set by the aircrew. An example is
that with the introduction of these integrated GNSS/VOR/ILS systems (e.g., Garmin
GNS-430), an external switch is no longer required for a GNSS and VOR/ILS to share a
common CDI/HSI, as the switching and annunciations are handled internally. In
approving the initial installation of the Garmin GNS-430, the FAA found that many
approvals of the GNS-430 could be completed without any remote annunciators.
Note: Installation Memo from Garmin, dated 25 January 1999, and letter from FAA Small Airplane Directorate,
also dated 25 January 1999 provide further information. These are included in Appendix B of Garmin
GNS-430 Installation Manual at Rev H and later.

6.5.7 This guidance is still applicable, however the design may incorporate the automatic
override feature providing sufficient indication is provided to the pilot, together with
appropriate procedures in the AFM Supp, to ensure an unambiguous notification of the
source of the displayed navigation data. This would be especially important for
autopilot/flight director coupled systems.
6.5.8 RTCA, Inc. document, DO-208, titled "Minimum Operational Performance Standards for
Airborne Supplemental Navigation Equipment using Global Positioning System (GPS)"
is the standard that defines the performance and functional requirements for TSO 129
and 129a equipment. TSO-129a has been cancelled, but this does not affect equipment
with existing TSOA/LODA approvals.
6.5.9 RTCA, Inc. document, DO-229, titled "Minimum Operational Performance Standards for
Global Positioning System/Wide Area Augmentation System Airborne Equipment", now
at Revision D, is the standard that defines the performance and functional requirements
TSO-C145, TSO-C146 and TSO-C196 equipment.
6.5.10 RTCA/DO-229 originally stated:
"The horizontal deviation display, displays used for failure annunciation, manoeuvre
anticipation, and automatic mode switching shall be located within the pilot's primary
field of view (i.e., within 15° of the pilot's primary line of sight), as shall any indication
requiring immediate aircrew action."

6.5.11 RTCA/DO-229A was issued in 1998 and introduced the concept of a "normal field of
view", making it clear that many annunciations previously required in the pilot’s primary
FOV did not have to be so prominent.

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6.5.12 Location of loss of integrity (LOI) monitoring & other annunciations Displays used for way-point sequencing, start of a turn, turn anticipation, active
waypoint, distance to active way-point, desired track and track (or track angle error),
and automatic mode switching should be located within the pilot’s primary FOV, or, on a
readily accessible display page. Displays used for LOI monitoring, TO/FROM indication, approach mode annunciation
should be located within the pilots’ primary FOV. Traditionally, 14 CFR Part 23 airplanes with “classic” analogue instrumentation in the
“basic T” arrangement have included the centre radio stack within the allowable FOV to
satisfy this guidance. In essence, those annunciations not normally provided on the CDI/HSI, could, per FAA
AC 20-138D, be provided anywhere between the airspeed indicator on the left, and the
centre radio stack on the right.
“The primary field of view definition should be broad enough to include the centre radio
stack on FAR Part 23 airplanes with “classic”, analogue basic ‘T’” Operational experience has shown that systems with the system annunciators on the
front panel and installed in the radio stack are often not observed by pilots and
consideration should be given to optimising the location of these annunciators. Bright
cockpit light conditions, particularly with direct sunlight, aggravate the condition. It is
therefore strongly recommended that system annunciators are located in the primary
FOV for each required pilot.

6.5.13 Definition of centre radio stack FAA AC 20-138D is focused on smaller normal category aircraft, and that fact
presumably influenced the development of the definition of "optimum field of view".
CASA accepts that many installations are installed without remote annunciators, per
FAA AC 20-138D, but the term "centre radio stack" needs constraining. In fact, in the majority of smaller single engine aircraft, the radio stack is displaced to
the right of centre; in some cases, it is so far to the right that it is directly in front of the
right seat pilot/passenger (e.g. older Beech Bonanzas and Barons). Some of these
cannot be considered "centre radio stacks". Further, on larger aircraft, the distance from
the AI to the "centre radio stack" may be much more than what was envisioned when
this wording was developed. On most single engine normal category aircraft, the distance from the AI to the centre of
the instrument panel is 250–350 mm. Since it is really the proximity of the radio stack to
the AI that is of concern, CASA will accept that any radio stack that is centred within
350 mm of the centreline of the AI qualifies as a "centre radio stack", per FAA AC 20-
138D, regardless of whether the radio stack is in the centre of the instrument panel or
not. Considering newer radios are a standard 6.25" (~160 mm) wide, this means that if
the AI centreline is within 280 mm of the closest edge of the radio stack, that radio stack
qualifies as a "centre radio stack".

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 21

GUIDELINES As an example, on most later model Cessna C-172s (refer Figure 4 - Typical Cessna
172 instrument panel), the centre radio stack is displaced about 75 mm to the right of
centre, but the distance from the AI to the edge of the radio stack is ~240 mm. This
would qualify as a "centre radio stack".

Figure 4 - Typical Cessna 172 instrument panel

6.5.14 Installations without remote annunciators For GNSS receivers installed in the centre radio stack, as constrained above, CASA will
accept the installations without remote annunciators, in accordance with FAA AC 20-
138D, provided certain conditions are met. The GNSS receiver is to provide all required annunciations on the front of the receiver
and is to be intended for installation without remote annunciators. The entire GNSS
receiver and display is to be visible and unobstructed from the pilot’s view, regardless of
the pilot’s sitting position. The annunciators must be visible under all lighting conditions.

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 22

GUIDELINES If movement of the upper torso, from a normal seated position, is required to see all or
part of the receiver or display, its location is not acceptable. To facilitate an effective
scan, the GNSS receiver should also be located at roughly the same height as the
CDI/HSI that it is driving. If the CDI/HSI is level with the directional gyro, the receiver
should not be more than 25 mm below the CDI/HSI as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 - Location of GNSS receiver - Position 1 If the CDI/HSI is below the directional gyro, the receiver should not be below the
CDI/HSI, as shown in Figure 6. The centre of the receiver should also be within 75 mm
vertically of the centre of the CDI/HSI that it is driving.

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 23


Figure 6 - Location of GNSS receiver - Position 2 The above guidance applies to the primary GNSS receiver and the primary CDI/HSI.
For aircraft in which two GNSS receivers are installed, it is recommended that the
receivers be installed at approximately the same height as the CDIs that they are
driving, though it may not be possible to meet the 75 mm constraint. Generally, the
primary receiver, which would normally drive the HSI, should be mounted above the
secondary receiver.

6.5.15 Installations with remote annunciators Even when the constraints of paragraph 6.5.14 Installations without remote
annunciators are met, remote annunciators can significantly improve a pilot’s scan and
reduce workload. For that reason, an applicant may choose to install remote
annunciators in the pilot’s primary FOV. In such a case, the guidelines below are
recommended. If GNSS receivers are installed in a location other than the instrument panel (e.g., in the
centre pedestal), then these installations are required to have remote annunciators. For installations containing more than one approach navigation source, the navigation
source (for example ILS, GPS/GBAS etc.) selected for the approach requires positive
indication in the primary FOV. It is important to consider the overall aircraft-level
annunciation philosophy.
Note: Aircraft requiring two pilots must have this annunciation at each pilot station. The approach type (GLS) requires annunciation to the flight crew prior to and
throughout the entire approach in the primary FOV.

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 24


6.5.16 Requirements for installations with Remote Annunciators In other installations, it may prove problematic to meet dimensional constraints for
locating receivers. In such situations, remote annunciators and/or indicators are
required for IFR approval. The installed location of the GNSS receiver is still required to
meet 14 CFR 23.1321, 25.1321, 27.1321 or 29.1321 regardless of whether remote
annunciators are used. "Head movement" as used in 14 CFR Part 23.1321, is interpreted, in the context of an
IFR GNSS receiver approval, to mean movement of the head without movement of the
upper torso. If the installed location of the receiver requires a pilot to reposition his/her
upper torso, from the normal piloting position, in order to read part of the display, or
adjust a control, that location is not acceptable for installation of an IFR GNSS receiver. The following guidance is provided, as FAA AC 20-138C and 138D does not address
what remote annunciators/indicators are required when the receiver cannot be located
to preclude the need for such remote annunciators. Remote annunciators are defined as annunciators that are external to the GNSS
receiver and different configurations are:
− grouped on an annunciator control unit (e.g., MD-41)
− individual annunciators
− integral to the CDI/HSI or
− displayed on an Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) display.

6.5.17 Nav source selector Annunciation of the navigation source on or next to the affected CDI/HSI has long been
considered a requirement as the consequences of the pilot not knowing the navigation
source could be hazardous. Annunciation of the navigation source requires locating in the pilot’s primary FOV, or
immediately adjacent to the CDI/HSI that the GNSS is driving, if remote annunciators
are required. This annunciator is typically "NAV/GNSS", "VLOC/GNSS" or
"VOR/GNSS", and is typically green, cyan and/or white in colour. The navigation source indicator must show the system actually driving the CDI/HSI and
not indicate the system selected with the intent of providing the display (displaying
selection switch position rather than the actual source selected is potentially a case of
misleading information and is not permitted).

6.5.18 Message annunciator All newer GNSS receivers provide an array of messages for the pilot’s information. If
meeting the constraints of paragraph 6.5.14 of this AC is not possible, a remote
"message" annunciator is required to draw the pilot’s attention to the existence of such
a message. This annunciator is typically "MSG" or "GNSS MSG” and is typically amber
in colour. The pilot’s primary FOV is the ideal location for the message annunciator.

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6.5.19 Way-point annunciator and distance-to-go indicator All GNSS navigation is predicated on flying to waypoints, and pilots will regularly scan
the distance-to-go indicator to assist themselves with their situational awareness. If the
distance-to-go indicator is not within the pilot’s normal scan, the head movement
required to observe the distance-to-go indication can significantly disrupt an instrument
scan. Some displays can present a lot of information on a small display, and distance to
next waypoint is sometimes not prominent on a cluttered display. It is recommended that if it is not possible to meet the constraints of paragraph 6.5.14 of
this AC, then it is recommended to install a distance-to-go indicator within the pilot’s
primary FOV. It is still recommended to consider providing distance-to-go indication
within the pilot’s primary FOV, even if the constraints of paragraph 6.5.4 of this AC are
met. Often it may not be possible or practical to provide such a distance-to-go indicator
within the pilot’s primary FOV. A way-point annunciator does not provide the same
information, nor will it obviate completely the need to scan the GNSS receiver, it may
reduce the frequency of scanning the receiver, and will alert the pilot upon arrival. If distance-to-go is within the pilot’s primary FOV, a way-point annunciator provides a
prominent and timely reminder of way-point arrival. Thus, when it is not possible to meet
the constraints of paragraph 6.5.14 of this AC, as a minimum, consider placing a way-
point annunciator within the pilot’s primary FOV. This annunciator is typically "WPT" or
"GNSS WPT” and is typically amber in colour.

6.5.20 Integrity or receiver autonomous integrity monitor (RAIM) annunciators GNSS receivers are required to have capability of annunciating when they should not
be used for navigation, either because of some failure or because of poor satellite
coverage. In some cases, the NAV flag will appear on the CDI/HSI, and the course
guidance is removed, but in other situations, there are subtler indications. A dedicated annunciator to indicate that the pilot should not rely on GNSS navigation
would provide the pilot with unambiguous information. Such an annunciator is typically
"RAIM", "INTEG", "GNSS INTEG" or "LOI" and is typically amber in colour. If this
annunciation is available on the receiver and also causes the message annunciator to
illuminate, inclusion of a dedicated remote annunciator is optional. As a minimum,
consider placing the integrity or RAIM annunciator in the pilot’s primary FOV.

Figure 7 - RAIM annunciator

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6.5.21 Approach/terminal, or approach arm/activate annunciators GNSS receivers must annunciate when they are in Terminal or Approach mode. A
dedicated annunciator to indicate the mode of operation would provide the pilot with
unambiguous information. Such an annunciator typically consists of two segments,
either one or no segments being illuminated at any given time. The segments are
typically either Terminal/Approach "TERM/APR", or "GNSS APR: ARM/ACT", and are
typically green in colour. During normal approach operations, the mode of operation will change from Terminal to
Approach at 2 Nm back from the Final Approach Fix (FAF) and will then change back to
Terminal mode when the missed approach is selected. The only time that the mode of operation might change unexpectedly would be following
some other event (e.g., hardware failure, loss of satellite coverage), but such an event
would be annunciated by a message light or other indication. Thus, if annunciation of
mode of operation is available on the receiver, inclusion of a dedicated annunciator is

6.5.22 Other Annunciators The use of other remote annunciators, such as to indicate OBS/LEG, MAN/AUTO way-
point sequencing, Parallel Track, etc., are optional if these annunciations are readily
available on the receiver.

6.6 Installations in electronic flight instrument systems equipped

6.6.1 Installations of panel mounted GNSS receivers, in aircraft equipped with EFIS, requires
special considerations. Generally, remote annunciations should be provided on the
EFIS display, whenever possible.
6.6.2 It is assumed that the navigation source and GNSS distance-to-go are always capable
of being available on the EFIS display, but some older or simpler EFIS may not allow for
annunciation of GNSS messages and other alerts. In such a situation, it is strongly
recommended that, as a minimum, provide a GNSS message annunciator in the pilot’s
primary FOV, even if the constraints of section paragraph 6.5.4 of this are met. If the
constraints of paragraph 6.5.4 of this AC are not met, then include the requirements for
remote annunciators, in the pilot’s primary FOV as detailed in paragraph 6.5.5 of this

6.7 Multi-function displays

6.7.1 Installations that utilise generic multi-function displays that receive and display input
from a variety of sources (e.g., combined RMI/TCAS/GPS Track/GPS Moving Map etc.)
need evaluation to confirm the priority of display of the various inputs. This is to ensure
that necessary flight information is not removed during critical phases of flight.

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6.8 Autopilot interfaces

6.8.1 When a GNSS system is interfaced to an autopilot to provide a navigation steering
capability, the aircraft steering function must meet airworthiness criteria. The steering
function must allow the aircraft to intercept and capture a flight plan leg, maintain a flight
plan leg within the Total System Error limits for the designated performance
requirement, transition between flight plan legs using fly-by and fly-over transitions
without undue delay or S-turning. To meet these requirements, “roll-steering” is
6.8.2 To obtain adequate autopilot response, it is not acceptable to change the CDI scaling
from the default full scale values (5 NM (TSO-C129 systems) or 2 NM (TSO-C146
systems) en route, 1 NM terminal and 0.3 NM for approach.
6.8.3 Some navigation systems provide a capability to limit bank angle. It is recommended
not to use this capability since there is a potential for bank angle limits to cause the
aircraft to not comply with the navigation accuracy requirements.

6.9 Installations in aircraft operated by two crew

6.9.1 For aircraft approved for single pilot operations in the Type Certificate, there is no
requirement to provide any indicators or annunciators on the co-pilot’s side.
6.9.2 An operator may choose to provide GNSS navigation information on the co-pilot’s side,
either as back-up information, or to allow the pilot in the co-pilot’s seat to perform all
flying and navigating duties.
6.9.3 If GNSS guidance is provided to a CDI/HSI on the co-pilot’s side, it is strongly
recommended to install the required annunciators noted above for the co-pilot, if the
constraints of paragraph 6.5.14 of this AC are difficult to meet. Otherwise, it may require
a limitation in the flight, that GNSS approaches flown require the pilot in the pilot’s seat.
6.9.4 When an aircraft requires operation by two pilots by the Type Certificate, additional
installation requirements apply so that either pilot can operate the system, monitor the
systems and provide cross-checking.
6.9.5 When a single system is installed, it is important to locate the control/display for the
system where it can be viewed and operated with minimal head movement for either
6.9.6 The displays required within the pilot’s primary FOV require replication for both pilots.
To meet the criteria, with the pilot’s seat adjusted to the normal flying position with the
harness firmly fastened and the shoulder harness locked, the pilot capably operates the
furthermost controls without straining and all display areas on the Control Display Unit
CDU visible.
6.9.7 Dual independent systems are an acceptable means of meeting the above requirement,
but either pilot should be able to select either system to their primary instrument
displays. In dual installations, the primary (No. 1 systems) should connect to an
electrical power source that is unlikely to fail or shed in the event of an electrical power
generations system failure.

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 28


6.9.8 For CDU installations to meet acceptable criteria (for both single and dual installations),
adjust the pilot’s seat to the normal flying position with the harness firmly fastened and
the shoulder harness locked; the pilot is required to operate the furthermost controls
without straining and all display elements on the CDU visible. For single CDU
installations, this criterion is required for both pilots; for dual CDU installations, this
criterion is required or the on-side pilot only.

6.10 Alternative installations

6.10.1 When situations arise that are beyond the scope of the installations discussed in this
AC, obtain further guidance from your local CASA Office on the acceptability of the

6.11 Performance-based navigation

6.11.1 PBN is being implemented globally; in Australia, PBN will be predicated on GNSS.
6.11.2 CAO 20.91 contains the details for all PBN navigation specifications except for RNAV
10 (RNP 10) and RNP 4, which are in Manual of Standards subpart 91.U. CAO 20.18
specifies the requirements for the installation of GNSS equipment in all IFR aircraft by 4
February 2016. For further information see the applicable AC 91U series.

6.12 Automatic dependent surveillance broadcasting

6.12.1 Position and other flight parameters derived from GNSS are critical to the effective
operation of ADS-B. AC 21-45 provides the detailed parameters necessary for
compliance with ADS-B regulations published in paragraph 9B of CAO 20.18. Refer to
FAA AC 20-138D for information on functional testing.
6.12.2 It should be noted that the CAO 20.18 requirements for ADS-B specify TSO-C145a,
TSO-C146a or TSO-C196 GNSS but the requirements for GNSS navigation specify
TSO-C129, TSO-C145, TSO-C146 or TSO-C196.
6.12.3 The requirements for ADS-B are more stringent than the navigation requirement, so
TSO-C145a, TSO-C146a or TSO-C196 are the minimum standards acceptable for IFR

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 29


7 Aircraft Flight Manual Supplement (AFM Supp)

7.1 AFM Supp requirements

7.1.1 The approved AFM Supp provides the operational capability information and restrictions
for the pilot to confirm what operations the aircraft is approved for. Submit an
appropriate AFM Supp containing the limitations and referencing the GNSS
manufacturer’s operating procedures applicable to the equipment, as installed, to CASA
or an Authorised Person for approval.
Note: Except for stand-alone GNSS equipment fitted only as a supplemental aid for VFR navigation.

7.1.2 Some imported Supplemental Type Certificates (STC) contain approvals for features or
procedures that are available or relevant only within the approving country’s airspace.
There is no requirement to amend the approved AFM Supp to remove these features.
7.1.3 If the installed GNSS equipment does not have an appropriate TSOA or equivalent,
then a limitation placard installed in clear view of, and easily readable, by the pilot is
required stating the restrictions detailed in the Australian Aeronautical Information
Package (AIP).

7.2 Layout
7.2.1 The layout for an AFM Supp (see Appendix 5 of FAA AC 20-138D) should follow the
format of the approved flight manual and include the following:

7.2.2 Section 1 - General This section should contain an appropriate statement to describe the TSO equipment
type, capability and the type/s of procedures available e.g., IFR RNAV, Oceanic RNAV
etc. See A5-4 in FAA AC 20-138D for further details.
Note: Full technical details of the system installed in the aircraft, including reference to the subpart 21.M or
subpart 21.J approval documentation controlling the incorporation, are contained in the aircraft logbook.

7.2.3 Section 2 - Limitations Any airworthiness or operational limitations on the use of the system resulting from the
design or equipment capability. The limitations section should include:
− part number of equipment and revision date
− software version details
− if equipment TSO-C129(AR) or TSO-C196(AR) is installed, then supply details on
other operational, approved navigation equipment installed appropriate to the
− TSO-C number and revisions used. The limitations section should also list each of the navigation specifications the aircraft
meets, airworthiness requirements and the document used to determine compliance.

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 30


There must also be a statement that these approvals do not constitute an operational
approval to conduct those operations. If the equipment does not have the capability to carry out Radius to Fix legs or Fixed
Radius Transitions (FRT), there must be a statement in the Limitations section that
states the equipment cannot be used for procedures that include RF legs or FRT.

7.2.4 Section 3 - Emergency/abnormal procedures Emergency Procedures: detail of changes to published aircraft emergency procedures
introduced with the installation of the new equipment. Abnormal Procedures: details of procedures to be followed in the event that GNSS
derived information are identified as invalid or are no longer available. Procedures
detailed in the manufacturer’s handbook would be sufficient.

7.2.5 Section 4 - Normal procedures This section contains either operating procedures in terms of manufacturer’s
instructions or reference to the manufacturer’s operating manual. When the operating
instructions refer to the manufacturer's instructions, there must be a flight manual
statement stating that the document must be carried in the aircraft and accessible to the
flight crew at all times whilst in flight. Details are to be provided explaining all the functions and indications provided by the
system annunciators, system switches, pilot’s display, flight director/autopilot coupled
operation and any other procedure necessary for the efficient and effective operation of
the installed equipment.

7.2.6 Section 5 - Performance Any change in performance to the basic Aircraft Flight Manual.

7.2.7 Section 6 - Weight and balance Revised weight and balance data (if applicable) from the basic Aircraft Flight Manual.

7.2.8 Section 7 - System description Provide a brief description of the system, its operation, installation and other relevant
elements required for description.

7.3 Evaluation of installed equipment

7.3.1 A suggested post installation evaluation sheet is attached at Appendix B of this AC and
an installation checklist is attached at Appendix C of this AC. The procedure is designed
for follow-on installations carried out in accordance with an approved data set
Note: This could be a Subpart 21.M or 21.J of CASR approval or STC.

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 31


7.3.2 Variations to the approved data set necessitated by a different aircraft configuration will
need evaluation for impact and may require additional approval. This could call for
additional inclusion of items to include in the test procedure to evaluate the differences.
7.3.3 First of Type or First of Model GNSS installation may also require a more
comprehensive testing procedure to evaluate the GNSS/Aircraft interface.

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 32


8 Continued airworthiness
8.1.1 To obtain a navigation authorisation, the aircraft operator must demonstrate that the
aircraft meets the airworthiness requirements for each authorisation sought, and that
the aircraft will be maintained compliant with the airworthiness requirements and
conforming to its type design.
8.1.2 For GNSS installations, the following aspects require addressing:
− Analyse the aircraft electrical load in accordance with AC 21-38 to meet all
regulatory requirements and aircraft manufacturer limits. The ELA is particularly
important for older aircraft that were originally equipped with air-driven instruments
that have subsequently been replaced with electronic display systems.
− System installation configuration. Most GNSS systems have an extensive
configuration capability to enable interfacing to a broad range of aircraft systems.
This installation configuration forms part of the type design of the aircraft and
require inclusion in the instructions for continuing airworthiness (ICA). For easy
reference, it is acceptable to include a copy of the configuration table as an
Appendix in the AFM Supp.
− The ICA must provide instructions for the removal and installation of system
components, system configuration, system testing and troubleshooting procedures.
The installation description must identify the location of all system components.
Installation wiring diagrams are required that shows all interface wiring and the
interface of the navigation system to other aircraft systems.
− Software configuration management. The configuration of the aircraft software
requires management so that it remains current and compliant. The software is
managed in accordance with the approved equipment manufacturer’s instructions.
The same amendment status is required for installed software on multiple
installations, and this is verified by cross-checking of installed software versions
between duplicate systems.
− Navigation databases. Navigation authorisations require the current navigation
database in GNSS systems if the aircraft is operated under IFR. Navigation
databases are obtained from suppliers that hold a regulatory Letter of Approval.

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 33


Approved GNSS equipment

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 34


A.1 Approved GNSS equipment

A.1.1 At the present time there are eight Technical Standard Orders (TSO) that are accepted
by CASA for airborne GNSS equipment:
− FAA TSO-C129/C129a or EASA ETSO-C129a (Cancelled) Airborne Supplemental
Navigation Equipment using the Global Positioning system (GPS). TSO-C129a is
cancelled, but this does not affect equipment with an existing TSOA/LODA.
− FAA TSO-C145(AR) or EASA ETSO-C145(AR) Airborne Navigation Sensors Using
the Global Positioning System (GPS) Augmented by the Wide Area Augmentation
System (WAAS).
− FAA TSO-C146(AR) or EASA ETSO-C146(AR) Stand-alone Airborne Navigation
Equipment Using the Global Positioning System (GPS) Augmented by the Wide
Area Augmentation System (WAAS).
− FAA TSO-C161(AR) or ETSO-C161(AR) Ground Based Augmentation System
Positioning and Navigation Equipment (incorporating TSO C162(AR) or ETSO-
C162(AR) Ground Based Augmentation System Very High Frequency Data
Broadcast Equipment).
− FAA TSO-C196(AR) or ETSO-C196(AR) Airborne Navigation Sensors for Global
Positioning Systems using ABAS.
− FAA TSO-C204(AR) Circuit Card Assembly Functional Sensors using Satellite-
Based Augmentation System (SBAS) for Navigation and Non-Navigation
Position/Velocity/Time Output
− FAA TSO-C205(AR) Circuit Card Assembly Functional Class Delta Equipment
Using the Satellite-Based Augmentation System For Navigation Applications
− FAA TSO-C206(AR) Circuit Card Assembly Functional Sensors using Aircraft-
Based Augmentation for Navigation and Non-Navigation Position/Velocity/Time
A.1.2 Further detailed information on the minimum performance specifications for individual
types of equipment is found in the relevant FAA TSO on the FAA website or EASA
website for standards on ETSO equipment.
A.1.2.1 It is possible for CASA to accept equipment that does not have a FAA TSO or
equivalent approval, provided sufficient data is provided to enable evaluation against
the equivalent TSO.

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Post installation evaluation sheet

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 36


B.1 Post installation evaluation sheet

B.2 Introduction
B.2.1 This document is a suggested ground/flight evaluation procedure designed to confirm
the functions and serviceability of the GNSS equipment installed in the aircraft in
accordance with the approved technical data.
B.2.2 An appropriately rated LAME/check pilot is to initial the entry identifying the outcome of
the evaluation of each item and, when completed, finalise and certify the checklist in the
certification box at the bottom of the document.
B.2.3 Types of operation that equipment will be used for should be stated under RNP

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Installation checks

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 38


C.1 Installation checks Part A – Installation evaluation: Ground check

Test Instructions Pass Fail N/A

C.1.1 Verify that the installation of the equipment is in

accordance with the approved drawings and related
data, consistent with the type of approval sought
(VFR/IFR) and meets the aircraft requirements for the
applicable navigation specifications for which a
navigation authorisation will be sought.

C.1.2 System documentation should support maintenance of

Flight Technical Error (FTE) (95% of flying time) during
straight and curved path segments, for each phase of
flight and each autopilot and/or FD mode.

C.1.3 Provide an electrical load analysis to verify that the total

electrical load requirements are within the capabilities of
the aircraft’s electrical generating system in conjunction
with guidance in CASA AC 21-38.

C.1.4 Evaluate the GNSS installation from the pilot’s normal

seating position, in accordance with the guidelines
detailed in CASA AC 21-36 general design
considerations, for:
• acceptable location of equipment controls, switches,
• acceptable location of related annunciators,
indicators, displays
Note: If movement of the upper torso, from a normal
seated position, is required to see all or part of the
receiver or display, its location is not acceptable.
• correct placarding and identification of all relevant
components (if required)
• correct switch functions and dimmer operation.
If the navigation system is capable of RF legs or FRT,
verify that the aircraft is equipped with a map display
that depicts the intended aircraft flight path and
applicable circuit breakers (labels and accessibility).

C.1.5 Verify the visibility and operation of the controls,

displays, and annunciators relating to the GNSS
installation under day and night conditions are
consistent with the guidelines detailed in CASA
AC 21-36.

C.1.6 Verify that the night lighting associated with the GNSS
equipment is consistent with other cockpit lighting with
no distracting cockpit glare or reflections evident.

C.1.7 Verify that all switching and transfer functions affecting

the GNSS equipment installation are assessed. This
includes but is not limited to:
• electrical bus switching
• equipment selector switches and
• remote switches including navigation source

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 39


Test Instructions Pass Fail N/A

selector switches.
Ensure that the expected aircraft system response
during switching to all alternate navigation sources is
accomplished as expected, and the switching itself does
not induce any inaccurate guidance indications.

C.1.8 Verify that the correct software version is displayed on

the relevant data page.

Record software version(s):


Record software version date(s):


C.1.9 With GNSS derived data displayed on each relevant

display, verify proper display of deviations, To/From
flags, bearing to waypoint, desired track and distance to

C.1.10 Verify the various failure modes and associated

annunciations, such as:
• loss of electrical power
• loss of signal reception
• GNSS equipment failure
• FMS equipment failure
• Display equipment failures or other display
• autopilot/flight director response to flags, etc by
simulating the appropriate fault condition
• loss of barometric-aiding input.

C.1.11 Confirm the lack of RFI from VHF radio transmissions

by tuning each VHF transmitter to the frequencies listed
below and transmitting for a period of 35 seconds while
observing the signal status of each satellite being
Note: Degradation of individually received satellite
signals below a point where navigation is no
longer possible is not acceptable.

121.150 MHz

121.175 MHz

121.175 MHz

121.185 MHz (8.33 kHz channel spacing)

121.190 MHz (8.33 kHz channel spacing)

121.200 MHz

130.285 MHz (8.33 kHz channel spacing)

AC 21-36 v2.3 November 2022 Page 40


Test Instructions Pass Fail N/A

131.250 MHz

131.275 MHz

131.290 MHz (8.33 kHz channel spacing)

131.300 MHz

For installations on rotorcraft, confirm that the rotor

blades do not degrade the received GNSS signals
sufficiently to affect the GNSS receiver functions.
Note: This may require a ground run to confirm

C.1.12 Confirm correct function of the GNSS equipment by

comparing the displayed position with the actual
position when the aircraft is located at a known
surveyed location.
Note: The accuracy of GNSS equipment is not a
function of the installation and need not be
evaluated for each installation. The accuracy of
the equipment has been demonstrated under the
evaluation of the sensor, typically as part of the

C.1.13 Verify that a warning associated with loss of navigation

is accompanied by a visible indication within the pilot’s
primary field of view as defined in CASA AC 21-36.

C.1.14 Verify the navigation data presented corresponds to that

displayed on the flight instruments by reviewing the
appropriate GNSS equipment.

C.1.15 For TSO-C129 or 129a or TSO-C196a certified

• de-select satellites and confirm appropriate
• verify all appropriate warning flags appear on the
flight instruments
• reselect satellites
• verify the warning and flag conditions clear.
Note: Shielding of the antenna may be required in order
to block the GNSS signals and then observe the

C.1.16 Fail the GNSS receiver by opening the appropriate

system circuit breaker. Verify the flight instrument NAV
flags come into view.

C.1.17 Fail the air data inputs (if fitted) by opening the
appropriate system circuit breakers.

Monitor the relevant GNSS status pages and verify that

True Air Speed (TAS), Indicated Air Speed, and ALT
fields (as applicable) are cleared.

Enter the data manually.

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Test Instructions Pass Fail N/A

Verify proper manual data entry is achieved.

C.1.18 Verify no objectionable Electromagnetic Interference or

RFI exists between the GNSS equipment and the other
aircraft systems and vice versa by the conduct of a
tailored test sequence.

A copy of the test program, including the list of installed

equipment tested, should be attached to this Evaluation

C.1.19 Verify that operation of the GNSS and the description of

the system are accurately presented in the AFM Supp.

C.1.20 Verify that the RAIM Prediction System, where separate

from the receiver, matches the receiver.

C.1.21 Verify that any equipment fitted to the aircraft that

utilises data derived from the new installation functions
correctly (eg. FMS, ADS-B etc).
Note: A list of all affected equipment should be

C.2 Installation checks Part B – Installation evaluation: Flight check

Test Instructions Pass Fail N/A

C.2.1 Verify continuity of navigation data during normal aircraft

manoeuvring for the navigation modes to be validated:
bank angles of up to 30°, and
pitch angles associated with approaches, missed
approaches and departures.

C.2.2 Evaluate the steering response of the autopilot/flight

director when coupled to the GNSS equipment.

Verify that leg changes do not result in unacceptable over

or undershoot conditions.

C.2.3 Verify the overall operation of the GNSS equipment to

include at least the following:
• hold at a designated waypoint
• intercept and track to or from a waypoint on a
selected course
• turn anticipation
• way-point sequencing
• selection of an approach
• Direct To function general presentation of
navigational data (depiction of the “TO” waypoint,
distance to way-point, estimated time of arrival,
estimated time en route, ground speed, etc.) and
• confirm that the FTE is less than 1 nm during the
enroute and approach transition operating modes
and, if enabled, 0.25 nm for non- precision approach

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Test Instructions Pass Fail N/A


If the navigation systems are capable of RF legs or FRT,

verify that the route is correctly displayed on a map
display and that the aircraft can be flown to maintain the
route centre-line, as depicted by the navigation displays,
in manual flight, using a flight director (if installed) and
using an autopilot (if installed).
Note: This test may not be necessary if the FTE has been
previously established for the aircraft. One
acceptable way of assessing FTE is to monitor the
measured cross-track deviation using the
navigation display provided.

C.2.4 Verify that, once an approach has been selected,

appropriate feedback to the pilot (e.g., display of
approach name (including runway), airport and reference
path identifier) is given to indicate the approach has been
correctly selected.

C.2.5 If enabled, select and fly an appropriate Non-Precision

Approach to confirm the operation of the RAIM prediction
function and correct sequencing of modes.

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