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Lab 8

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School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, NUST

ME-332 Heat Transfer & HVAC Lab (Spring 2023)

Name: Huzaifa Zain

Class: ME-12 (A)
CMS ID: 348419

Exp. 8: Heat Pump:

• To determine the input power, heating effect, cooling effect and performance co-
efficient of heat pump using air as heat source ( air-air heat pump)
Learning outcomes:
• To draw the vapor compression cycle on P-h chart
• To determine both the heat absorbed by the refrigerant in evaporator and heat
rejected in condenser using P-h chart
• To determine the co-efficient of performance of heat pump
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, NUST

ME-332 Heat Transfer & HVAC Lab (Spring 2023)

Name: Huzaifa Zain

Class: ME-12 (A)
CMS ID: 348419

• Switch on the main power supply
• Switch on the power button (red on control panel)
• Configure the valves in such a way that both air evaporator and air condenser can be used for
performing the experiment.
• Switch on both the fans and adjust the rotational control knobs to set the speed of both the
fans. Set the condenser fan at full speed for better heat rejection in condenser
• Switch on the compressor and leave the compressor to run for a while so that a steady state
condition is reached in the system. A steady state is evident from the fact that the temperature
at the outlet of the compressor T1 stops rising.
• Record the refrigerant temperatures from T1to T4, and air temperatures from T8 to T10 and
also read the pressures from four gauges.
• On reading the pressure from pressure gauges 1 bar must be added to the value read to obtain
the actual pressure.
• Turn the compressor off.
• Calculate the cooling effect, C.O.P of heat pump and refrigerator, heat rejection by
refrigerator in condenser and draw the process in 𝑃 − ℎ chart making suitable assumptions


Data Recording (3):

Table 1:
Temperature Sensor Reading (in degree Celsius) Enthalpies h (kg/kJ)
S-T1 (Compressor Out) 61
h2 = 289.66

S-T2 (Condenser Out) 40 h3 = 108.28

S-T3 (Evaporator In) 10 h4 = 108.28

S-T4 (Evaporator Out) 10

h1 = 256.22

S-T8 (Air in condenser &

S-T9 (Air Out Condenser) 34
S-T10 (Air out Evaporator) 17
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, NUST

ME-332 Heat Transfer & HVAC Lab (Spring 2023)

Name: Huzaifa Zain

Class: ME-12 (A)
CMS ID: 348419

Table 2:

Refrigerant flow rate 35 L/hour = 9.72 x 10−6 m3 /𝑠

Pressure after Condenser 188 psi = 1296 kPa
Pressure after Expansion 62 psi = 427 kPa
Pressure after Evaporator 61 psi = 421 kPa
Pressure after Compressor 190 psi = 1310 kPa

Table 3:
Identifiers Value
compressor power SW-1 881 W
air inlet temperature to evaporator ST-8 25 ℃
air outlet temperature to evaporator ST-10 17 ℃
air Inlet temperature to Condenser ST-8 22 ℃
air outlet temperature to Condenser ST-9 34 ℃
C.O.P used as Heat Pump 5.46
C.O.P used as refrigerator 4.44


Q no 1: Draw the process on P-h chart (R-134a).

School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, NUST

ME-332 Heat Transfer & HVAC Lab (Spring 2023)

Name: Huzaifa Zain

Class: ME-12 (A)
CMS ID: 348419

Q no 2: From P-h chart determine the heat absorbed and heat released by the refrigerant in

evaporator and condenser.

𝑳 𝒎𝟑
Refrigerant flow rate = 𝟑𝟓 𝒉 = 𝟗. 𝟕 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟔 𝒔

Mass flow rate = 𝟗. 𝟕 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟔 × 𝟏𝟐𝟎𝟕 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟏𝟕𝟑 𝒔

𝑸̇𝑳 = 𝒎̇(𝒉𝟏 − 𝒉𝟒 ) = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟏𝟕𝟑 × (𝟐𝟓𝟔. 𝟐𝟐 − 𝟏𝟎𝟖. 𝟐𝟖) = 𝟏. 𝟕𝟑𝒌𝑾

𝑸̇𝑯 = 𝒎̇(𝒉𝟐 − 𝒉𝟑 ) = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟏𝟕𝟑 × (𝟐𝟖𝟗. 𝟔𝟔 − 𝟏𝟎𝟖. 𝟐𝟖) = 𝟐. 𝟏𝟑𝒌𝑾

Q no 3: Determine the power input from the P-h chart.

𝑾̇𝒊𝒏 = 𝒎̇(𝒉𝟐 − 𝒉𝟏 ) = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟏𝟕𝟑 × (𝟐𝟖𝟗. 𝟔𝟔 − 𝟐𝟓𝟔. 𝟐𝟐)

𝑾̇𝒊𝒏 = 𝟎. 𝟑𝟗𝒌𝑾

Q no 4: Using heat values from Q no 2 and power input from Q no 3 determine the COP of heat pump

and refrigerator.

𝑸̇ 𝑳 𝟏. 𝟕𝟑
𝑪𝑶𝑷𝑳 = = = 𝟒. 𝟒𝟑𝟔
𝑾̇𝒊𝒏 𝟎. 𝟑𝟗

𝑸̇ 𝑯 𝟐. 𝟏𝟑
𝑪𝑶𝑷𝑳 = = = 𝟓. 𝟒𝟔𝟐
𝑾̇𝒊𝒏 𝟎. 𝟑𝟗

Q no 5: What do you conclude from the values of COPs in Q no 4?

The average coefficient of performance (COP) for the refrigeration in the Edibon system is between
4 and 4.5, which is quite close to the calculated value of 4.44. This shows that the system can remove
4.44 units of heat from the cold reservoir for every unit of work that is applied to it. A system with
such a high COP is extremely efficient, which is normally accomplished by using premium materials
and careful engineering. Similar to this, the heat pump in the system has a coefficient of performance
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, NUST

ME-332 Heat Transfer & HVAC Lab (Spring 2023)

Name: Huzaifa Zain

Class: ME-12 (A)
CMS ID: 348419

(COP) of 5.46, which indicates that for every unit of effort, 5.46 units of heat are removed from the
refrigerant and added to the environment.
Higher COP values denote higher apparatus efficiency, whereas lower values denote lower apparatus
Therefore, it is essential to keep the system maintained properly, which includes, among other things,
performing routine coil and filter cleaning.

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