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Volume Loss in Shallow Tunnelling

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Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 59 (2016) 77–90

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Volume loss in shallow tunnelling

Minh Ngan Vu a,b,⇑, Wout Broere a, Johan Bosch a
Delft University of Technology, Geo-Engineering Section, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN Delft, The Netherlands
Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Viet Nam

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Although volume loss has an important effect in estimating the ground movements due to tunnelling in
Received 14 July 2015 the design stage, this parameter is often determined by experience. This makes it difficult to estimate the
Received in revised form 28 March 2016 impact on volume loss when changing project parameters like soil conditions, depth of the tunnel or sen-
Accepted 16 June 2016
sitivity of the surroundings. This paper investigates the relationship between volume loss and cover-to-
diameter C=D ratio in shallow tunnelling. Based on a number of (empirical) relations from literature, such
as the stability number method and an analysis of the bentonite and grout flows, volume loss at the face,
along the shield and at the tail is determined. Long-term volume loss behind the shield is also estimated
Cover-to-diameter ratio
Volume loss
by means of consolidation. In this way a band width of achievable volume loss for future projects is
TBM derived.
Tail void Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Shallow bored tunnel

1. Introduction applied analytical methods for predicting the ground loss around
the tunnel. Loganathan (2011) proposed volume loss calculations
Tunnelling often leads to settlements of the soil surface due to but only approximated volume loss along the shield with the worst
over-excavation, soil relaxation and inefficient tail void filling. The case, and does not take the consolidation into account. Meanwhile,
magnitude of volume loss is influenced by tunnelling management, Bezuijen and Talmon (2008) showed the effect of grouting pressure
characteristics of the tunnel boring machines (TBM), and the on the volume loss around the TBM but none of these includes a
geotechnical conditions. In predictions of surface settlement detailed method to estimate volume loss along the TBM. This paper
(Peck, 1969) and subsurface settlement (Mair et al., 1993), the vol- aims to estimate the volume loss when tunnelling with limited
ume loss is often determined by engineering experience and data C=D ratios (i.e. less than 1) in various soils with a focus on slurry
from previous cases. This makes it difficult to correctly assess the shield tunnelling.
volume loss for a future project under radically different conditions On the basis of the studies by Attewell and Farmer (1974),
like a shallow depth of the tunnel and/or very different soil param- Cording and Hansmire (1975) and Mair and Taylor (1999), the vol-
eters. A ground movement analysis in Vu et al. (2015a) shows the ume loss in the tunnelling progress can be estimated by the sum of
important role of volume loss for settlement calculations and in the following components as shown in Fig. 1:
predicting the effects on existing buildings induced by tunnelling.
Especially for (very) shallow tunnels near building foundations, the – Volume loss at the tunnelling face: soil movement towards the
impact of changes in volume loss is large. Most previous studies on excavation chamber as a result of movement and relaxation
volume loss start from a given volume loss and establish deforma- ahead of the face, depending on the applied support pressures
tion patterns from that or correlate surface observations to volume at the tunnelling face;
loss at the tunnel for specific projects. Mair et al. (1982), Attewell – Volume loss along the shield: the radial ground loss around the
et al. (1986), Macklin (1999) and Dimmock and Mair (2007) stud- tunnel shield due to the moving soil into the gap between the
ied the volume loss with a summary of projects in overconsoli- shield and surrounding soil, which can be caused by overcutting
dated clay relating to the volume loss at the tunnelling face. and shield shape. The bentonite used in the tunnelling face
Verruijt and Booker (1996), Verruijt (1997), and Strack (2002) flows into the gap, while the grout used in the shield tail also
flows in the opposite direction. Due to the drop of bentonite
and grout flow pressures in a constrained gap, soil can still
⇑ Corresponding author at: Delft University of Technology, Geo-Engineering
Section, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN Delft, The Netherlands.
move into the cavity when the soil pressure is larger than the
E-mail addresses: N.Vuminh@tudelft.nl, vuminhngan@gmail.com (M.N. Vu). bentonite pressure or grout pressure;

0886-7798/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
78 M.N. Vu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 59 (2016) 77–90

Fig. 1. Volume loss components.

– Volume loss at the tail: when precast segments are placed, the 2. Volume loss at the tunnelling face
advance of the shield results an annular cavity between the seg-
ments and surrounding soil. Grout is used in order to prevent When tunnelling, the soil ahead of the excavation chamber gen-
surrounding soil moving into the gap. Volume loss at the tail erally has the trend to move into the cavity which is created by the
depends on applied grouting pressure at the tail and proper vol- tunnelling machine. The soil volume moving towards the face
ume control, where high grout volume and pressure may lead to depends on applied support pressures and can be controlled by
local heave and low volume to increase settlements as indicated adjusting the support pressures. In stability analysis for tunnelling,
in Fig. 1; the stability number N proposed by Broms and Bennermark (1967)
– Volume loss behind the shield tail due to consolidation: in this is widely used. By studying the relationship between this stability
void along the tunnel lining, grout consolidates and forms a number and volume loss at tunnelling face, Attewell et al. (1986),
grout cake, and the stress changes induced in the soil may lead Mair et al. (1982), Mair (1989), Macklin (1999) and Dimmock and
to long-term consolidation settlements in soil volume above the Mair (2007) presented a method to determine the expected vol-
tunnel. Other causes of volume loss are shrinkage of grout and ume loss based on observed data.
long-term lining deformations. However, their contributions The stability number N is given by:
to the total volume loss are small comparing to the above
cðC þ D=2Þ  s
factors. N¼ ð2Þ
The total volume loss V L in tunnelling progress can be given as: where s is the support pressure at the tunnelling face and cu is
undrained shear strength of the soil.
V L ¼ V L;f þ V L;s þ V L;t þ V L;c ð1Þ In shallow tunnelling, the support pressure at the tunnelling
face should be high enough to avoid the collapse to the excavation
where V L;f is volume loss at the tunnelling face, V L;s is volume loss chamber but also limited to prevent blow-out and fracturing.
along the shield, V L;t is volume loss at the tail, and V L;c is volume loss Firstly, the required support pressure must be higher than or at
due to consolidation. least equal to the total of water pressure and horizontal effective
To illustrate the impact of the different contributions in differ- soil pressure taking into account three dimensional arching effects.
ent soil conditions, estimates are made for a number of ideal soil The wedge model, which was studied by Anagnostou and Kovári
profiles which are derived from Amsterdam North-South metro (1994), Jancsecz and Steiner (1994) and Broere (2001), is com-
line project (Gemeente-Amsterdam, 2009), consisting of a single monly applied to determine the minimum support pressure smin .
soil type with most important properties as defined in Table 1, In the case of shallow tunnelling, the minimum support pressure
where c is volumetric weight, u is the friction angle, K is the initial smin can be derived from the wedge model, as follows:
coefficient of lateral earth pressure, c is cohesion, C s is compression
constant, C swel is swelling constant, m is Poisson’s ratio and Es is the smin ¼ r0h þ p ¼ r0v K A3 þ p ¼ c0 zK A3 þ p ð3Þ
stiffness modulus of the ground. where p is pore pressure and K A3 is the three dimensional earth
pressure coefficient determined in Jancsecz and Steiner (1994).
Secondly, the maximum support pressures are often estimated
Table 1
Soil parameters used in design of Amsterdam North-South metro line project (Bosch as to avoid blow-out and fracturing. According to Vu et al. (2015b),
and Broere, 2009; Gemeente-Amsterdam, 2009). the maximum support pressures in the case of blow-out are given
Soil type c u K c Cs C swel m Es
(kN/m3) (°) (–) (kN/m2) (–) (–) (–) (kN/m2) p  H 1 aD
s0;t;max ¼ c H  D þ 2 c þ HK y c0 tan u  ð4Þ
Sand 20 35 0.5 – – – 0.2 20,000 8 D 2 4
Clayey sand 17.9 35 0.4 2 – – 0.2 12,000
Clay 16.5 33 0.5 7 100 1000 0.15 10,000
p  H 1 aD
Organic clay 15.5 20 0.65 5 80 800 0.15 5000 s0;b;max ¼ c H  D þ 2 c þ HK y c0 tan u þ cT pd þ ð5Þ
Peat 10.5 20 0.65 5 25 250 0.15 2000 8 D 2 4
M.N. Vu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 59 (2016) 77–90 79

where s0;t;max and s0;b;max are the maximum support pressures at the 2
top and bottom of the tunnel. with smin
In normally consolidated soil, according to Mori et al. (1991), with s0,t,max
with s
the maximum pressure in the case of fracturing is presented as: 1.6 fracturing

sf ¼ rv K þ p þ c u 0
ð6Þ 1.4

However, field data show that the higher allowable support 1.2
pressures are often applied in the tunnelling face, according to

NEN-3650 (2012) and reports by BTL (Boren van Tunnels en
Leidingen), in the Netherlands. Therefore, the support pressures 0.8
boundaries are determined with the minimum support pressure
and the maximum support pressure in the case of blow-out as 0.6

indicated in Eqs. (4) and (5) above. 0.4

Fig. 2 shows the relationship between the required support
pressures and the C=D ratio with the tunnel diameter D ¼ 6 m in 0.2
clay. We will elaborate the calculation method for these conditions 0
and present overall results for different diameters and soil condi- 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
tions later in Fig. 10. According to Vu et al. (2015b), only C=D ratios C/D
larger than 0:4 are studied, as less cover would lead to unreason-
Fig. 3. The range of stability number N for a tunnel with a diameter D ¼ 6 m in clay.
able large volume loss, and the upper 3–4 m of soil in urban areas
are often taken up by various utilities and therefore would not be
available for tunnelling. The support pressures calculated here are 2C
the minimum support pressure from a wedge model and the max- NTC ¼ 4ln þ1
imum support pressures for fracturing and blow-out at the top and
the bottom of the tunnel. Fig. 4 shows the relationship between the load factor LF and the
Fig. 3 shows the calculated stability number N for these support C=D ratio. The load factor is less than 0:6 for the minimum support
pressures. Since the applied support pressures are derived from the pressure and has the trend of reducing when the C=D ratio
wedge stability model, fracturing and blow-out conditions, N val- increases. This means that the tunnel becomes safer with regards
ues in this figure are smaller than 2. It means that the tunnelling to estimating the support pressures when the C=D ratio becomes
face is stable with these support pressures. larger.
O’Reilly (1988) indicated that a relation exists between the vol- From the analysis of case history data of the load factor LF and
ume loss at tunnelling face V L;f and the load factor LF, which is esti- the volume loss at the tunnelling face (Fig. 5), Macklin (1999) pre-
mated by the ratio of working stability number N and the stability sented a formula to calculate the volume loss at the tunnelling face
number at collapse N TC , as follows: V L;f as:

N V L;f ð%Þ ¼ 0:23e4:4LF ð8Þ

LF ¼ ð7Þ
where N TC is estimated according to Mair and Taylor (1999) as: Eq. (8) can be used to convert the load factor LF to the volume loss
For 0 6 C=D 6 1: V L;f estimates, which leads to Fig. 6. This shows the range of volume
  loss at the tunnelling face V L;f with various C=D ratios for a tunnel
NTC ¼ 2 þ 2ln þ1 with D ¼ 6 m in clay. In shallow tunnels with 0:4 6 C=D 6 1 the
D range of possible volume loss V L;f is large, ranging from 0:12% to
For 1 6 C=D 6 1:8: 3:1%. This means that if tunnelling uses the minimum pressure in
the excavation chambers, the volume loss V L;f will increase

s with smin
400 s0,t,max with s0,t,max
0.5 with sfracturing
support pressure(kN/m )




150 0.2


0 0
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Fig. 2. The range of support pressures at the tunnelling face of a tunnel with a Fig. 4. Relationship between load factor LF and C=D ratio for a tunnel with diameter
diameter D ¼ 6 m in clay. D = 6 m in clay.
80 M.N. Vu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 59 (2016) 77–90

Fig. 7. Bentonite and grout flows along the shield and lining segments.

when tunnelling (Fig. 7). Also, the TBM is often tapered, which cre-
ates a gap between the shield skin and the surrounding soil. Addi-
tional gapping can also occur when the TBM moves in curves as
indicated in Festa et al. (2015). In this study, the effect of curves
is not included. This gap is often filled by bentonite, which flows
from the tunnelling face and/or grout which comes from the shield
tail. In practice, the grout and bentonite pressures are often larger
than the vertical soil pressure at the tunnelling face and tail. From
the observation of Bezuijen (2007), there are three possible ben-
tonite and grout flows that can occur along the shield when tun-
nelling. Firstly, the bentonite flows from the tunnelling face to
Fig. 5. Volume loss V L;f and load factor LF (Macklin, 1999).
the tail and pushes the grout at the joint between the tail and
the TBM. Secondly, the grout flows from the tail to the tunnelling
3.5 face and pushes the bentonite away. Thirdly, the grout flows from
with smin the tail to the tunnelling face and the bentonite also flows in the
with s opposite direction. The flows of bentonite and grout were also sim-
3 0,t,max
with s0,b,max ulated in Nagel and Meschke (2011). In shallow tunnelling, due to
with sfracturing the possibility of blow-out and fracturing, there is a limitation of
applied grout and bentonite pressures at the tunnelling face and
the tail.
2 According to Bezuijen (2007), both liquids, the grout in the
Vl (%)

shield tail and the bentonite applied at the tunnelling face are
1.5 assumed to behave as the Bingham liquids, such that the yield
stress is governing in the flow behaviour. The flow pressures in
1 grout and bentonite reduce along the shield as in Fig. 7. The reduc-
tion of grout pressure along the shield is given by:
Dp ¼ sy ð9Þ
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
C/D where Dp is the change of the pressure due to flow, Dx is a length
increment along the TBM, wj is the joint width between the tunnel
Fig. 6. Volume loss at tunnelling face for a tunnel with diameter D ¼ 6 m in clay.
and the surrounding soil and sy is a shear strength of the grout
around the TBM.
significantly. Meanwhile, the volume loss V L;f in the case of In this study, the volume loss along the shield is calculated with
1 6 C=D 6 2 ranges from 0:27% to 1:05%. The difference in volume input parameters as indicated in Table 2 with the following
loss V L;f between the minimum pressure and maximum pressures approach.
due to blow-out and fracturing is clearly reduced. Therefore, in
the case of very shallow tunnels ðC=D 6 1Þ the support pressures Table 2
applied at the tunnelling face should be kept near to the maximum Input parameters of tunnel boring machine.
pressure in order to avoid increasing the volume loss.
Diameters of shield D 6; 8 and 10 m
Length-to-diameter P=D ratio of the shield 1
Reduction of shield diameter a 0:2%
3. Volume loss along the shield
Overcutting hov ercut 0.015 m
Shear strength of grout sgrout
1.6 kPa
The diameter of the cutting wheel in front of the TBM is often Shear strength of bentonite sbentonite 0.8 kPa
larger than the diameter of the shield. This leads to an overcut
M.N. Vu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 59 (2016) 77–90 81

140 When tunnelling with 0:6 6 C=D 6 1, the upper boundary is given
by tunnelling in organic clay and when tunnelling with the C=D ratio
120 s0,t,max larger than 1, the upper boundary becomes constant and depends on
the tunnel diameter D. The maximum volume loss along the shield
V L;s is about 0.7% for D ¼ 6 m;V L;s;max ¼ 0:57% for D ¼ 8 m and
grout pressure (kN/m2 )

sfracturing V L;s;max ¼ 0:5% for D ¼ 10 m. For the lower boundary, there is a

decreasing trend of the minimum volume loss along the shield V L;s
when the C=D ratio increases. In the case of D ¼ 6 m the maximum
smin V L;s of the lower boundary is about 0:47% when C=D ¼ 0:5. The max-
imum volume loss along the shield V L;s of the lower boundary is
VL=0.7% VL=0.64% about 0:38% with D ¼ 8 m and 0:32% with D ¼ 10 m when
40 C=D ¼ 0:5. When C=D ¼ 2; V L;s;max ¼ 0:2% for D ¼ 6 m;
V L;s;max ¼ 0:13% for D ¼ 8 m and V L;s;max ¼ 0:09% for D ¼ 10 m.
20 grout pressure
bentonite pressure
soil pressure
4. Volume loss behind the shield
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
distance from tail (m) When precast segments are placed, the advance of the shield
results in an annular cavity between the segments and the sur-
Fig. 8. Bentonite and grout pressures along a shield with D ¼ 6 m in clay. rounding soil due to the shape of the TBM and the overcut as dis-
cussed above. Grout is injected rapidly in order to prevent the
As an example, the calculation is carried out with a case of tun- surrounding soil to move into the gap. It is assumed that the void
nel with D ¼ 6 m and C=D ¼ 0:75 in clay. Fig. 8 shows the change of is filled by the grout. The injected grout pressure induces the load-
grout pressure and bentonite pressure along the shield. It is ing on the soil around the tunnel lining. This might lead to imme-
assumed that when the grout pressure and bentonite pressure diate displacements and long-term consolidation of the soil. These
are less than the vertical soil pressure, the soil is moving into the are two components of the volume loss behind the shield: the vol-
cavity. The volume loss is estimated as the void volume that is ume loss at the tail and the volume loss due to consolidation.
filled by soil. The volume loss will not occur if the grout pressure
and the bentonite pressure are larger than the vertical soil pres- 4.1. Volume loss at the tail
sure. In that case, the gap along the shield is assumed to be com-
pletely filled by grout and bentonite. From this figure, the When the grout is injected with high pressures at the tail, the
volume loss along the shield depends on the bentonite pressure, ground around the tunnel will be deformed. In order to estimate
which is applied at the tunnelling face and the grout pressure at the surface settlement induced by tunnelling, there are some ana-
the tail. When the bentonite and grout pressures are equal to the lytical solutions proposed by Sagaseta (1988), Verruijt (1997), and
minimum required pressure as calculated in previous section, the Strack (2002) based on cavity expansion and taking the influence
volume loss will be maximal. On the other hand, when the maxi- of a free surface into account. However, the effect of the range of
mum allowable pressures are applied, there is no volume loss support pressures has not taken into account in these methods
along the shield. and resulting solutions, for instance expressed as a Laurent series
In order to investigate the effect of grout pressure on the shield expansion in the case of Verruijt (1997), require an increasing num-
in different soils, we assume the bentonite pressure applied at the ber of terms for a stable numerical integration if the distance
tunnelling face is the average of the minimum support pressure between free surface and tunnel reduces. On the other hand, the
and the maximum support pressure for fracturing. Fig. 9 shows cavity expansion developed for the case of a cavity in infinite med-
the change of volume loss with different tunnel diameters in vari- ium has been implemented in tunnelling studies by Taylor (1993)
ous soils. When the C=D ratio increases, the range of the volume and Yu (2013) and results in far more elegant and practical solution
loss along the shield V L;s is larger. With a particular C=D ratio of for a first estimate of the effect of grout pressures on soil stresses
the tunnel, the larger the tunnel diameter is, the smaller the vol- and deformations around the TBM. To determine the effect of grout-
ume loss V L;s is with the constant overcut parameter of the shield. ing at the tail on volume loss at the tail and consolidation, in this
In the case of tunnelling in sand, the upper boundary of the volume study, the cavity expansion method for tunnelling, which is pro-
loss V L;s increases nearly linearly with the C=D ratio from 0:4 to 0:8, posed by Yu (2013), is therefore applied as a simplified method.
then becomes almost constant when the C=D ratio increases In this cavity-expansion theory, it is assumed that the soil around
whereas the lower boundary reduces linearly when the C=D ratio the tunnel is a Tresca medium. The stresses in the soil and the set-
increases. This also appears in the cases of tunnelling in clay and tlement at the surface can be calculated by the cavity-expansion
organic clay. At this point, basically, the entire annulus is filled theory. According to Yu (2013), the plastic zone will deform around
by the surrounding soil, leading to a maximum attainable volume the tunnel wall, as can be seen in Fig. 11, with the radius Rp of the
loss along the tail. In the case of tunnelling in peat, in the range of plastic zone estimated from the following equation:
this analysis with 0:4 6 C=D 6 2, the upper boundary of the vol- p0 s
ume loss V L;s lightly rises and the lower boundary linearly Rp ¼ exp Y
2 k
decreases. It is noted that the maximum upper boundary volume
loss along the shield V L;s is the same for a given tunnel diameter. where p0 is the pre-tunnelling pressure; k ¼ 1 or 2 corresponding to
Regardless of soil conditions, for a tunnel with D ¼ 6 m, it follows cylindrical or spherical cavity models; Y ¼ 2cu or 2cu correspond-
that V L;s;max ¼ 0:7%, with D ¼ 8 m;V L;s;max ¼ 0:57% and with ing to the case of contraction or expansion of the tunnel.
D ¼ 10 m;V L;s;max ¼ 0:5%. Similar to Yu (2013) and Taylor (1993), the pre-tunnelling pres-
Fig. 10 shows the boundary of the volume loss along the shield sure p0 can be estimated as:
V L;s in relationship with C=D ratios for different tunnel diameters  
in different soils. The upper boundary for 0:4 6 C=D 6 0:6 corre- D
p0 ¼ c C þ ð11Þ
sponds to the case of tunnelling in peat in all three tunnel diameters. 2
82 M.N. Vu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 59 (2016) 77–90

0.7 0.7



volume loss (%)

volume loss (%)


D=6 D=6
D=8 0.2
0.1 D=8
D=10 D=10
0 0.1
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2


(a) in sand (b) in clayey sand

0.7 0.7


0.5 0.55
volume loss (%)

volume loss (%)


0.3 0.4

D=6 0.35 D=6

0.2 D=8 D=8
D=10 D=10
0.1 0.25
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2


(c) in clay (d) in organic clay



volume loss (%)



0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

(e) in peat
Fig. 9. Volume loss along the shield in various soils.

The soil displacement us in the elastic zone is given by: The soil displacement us in the plastic zone is given by:
Yr Rp  k  
us ¼  ð12Þ Y D D ð1 þ kÞðp0  sÞ
2ðk þ 1ÞG r us ¼  exp 1 ð13Þ
2ðk þ 1ÞG 2r 2 kY
where r is the distance from the calculated point to the tunnel cen-
tre and G ¼ E=2ð1 þ mÞ is the shear modulus of soil.
M.N. Vu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 59 (2016) 77–90 83

upper boundary


volume loss(%)



0.4 lower boundary


0.3 in sand

in clay
in peat
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
C/D Fig. 11. Deformations around a shallow tunnel at the tail.

(a) D =6 m
0.6 surface. In order to identify the contribution of soil deformation at
upper boundary the tail on the total volume loss, the displacement of the ground
surface is estimated. According to assumptions in Yu (2013), the
0.5 tunnel will collapse when the plastic zone expands to the ground
surface. It means that when the tunnel is stable, the radial dis-
placement of ground us at the surface is in the elastic zone and
volume loss(%)

0.4 can be calculated with Eq. (12).

The surface settlement at the tail can be estimated from:
ut ¼ us sin h ð14Þ
0.3 lower boundary

0.25 where h is the angle between the calculated point to the tunnel cen-
tre and the horizontal axis (see Fig. 11).
0.2 in sand
The volume loss at the tail V L;t can be estimated as:
in clay
V s;t
in peat
V L;t ¼ ð15Þ
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
where V s;t is the volume of the surface settlement due to grouting
(b) D =8 m pressures at the tail (see Fig. 11).
Fig. 12 shows the boundaries of the volume loss at the tail V L;t in
various soils for tunnels with D ¼ 6; 8 and 10 m with the range of
0.45 upper boundary the support pressures from the vertical soil stress to the maximum
support pressure at the top of the tunnel derived from Eq. (4). The
0.4 figure shows that the larger the tunnel diameter is, the larger the
range of volume loss V L;t is. When the support pressure equals
volume loss(%)

the vertical soil stress at the top of the tunnel lining, there is a con-
0.3 traction in the cavity and this leads to positive values of the lower
boundary of volume loss at the tail. When a high support pressure
0.25 is used, the cavity will expand. The negative volume loss V L;t values
lower boundary
indicate that the soil above the tunnel lining is pushed upward and
there might be heave at the ground surface. In practice, this heave
0.15 in sand might not be observed because the settlement due to volume loss
in clay at the tunnelling face and along the shield could be larger. When a
in peat high support pressure is applied at the tail, a heave can occur in
order to compensate the volume loss at the tunnelling face and
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 along the TBM as can be seen in Fig. 12a–d. However, in the case
C/D of very shallow tunnelling, there is no heave due to the small mar-
(c) D =10 m gin in the range of allowable support pressures as indicated in Vu
et al. (2015b). In Fig. 12e, when tunnelling in peat, the volume loss
Fig. 10. Volume loss along the shield with different tunnel diameters.
at the tail is positive with a high value, especially in the case of a
tunnel diameter D ¼ 10 m. It means that shallow tunnelling with
a large diameter in peat might be difficult due to the large expected
In this case, the effect of grouting pressures at the tail is analyzed volume loss. This conclusion coincides with the conclusion indi-
with a cylindrical cavity model and is calculated with the minimum cated in Vu et al. (2015b) for the range of support pressure for shal-
and maximum support pressures. Thus, in Eq. (10), k equals 1. low tunnelling in peat with low C=D ratios.
It can be assumed that the volume loss around the tunnel due to Fig. 13 shows the dependence of V L;t values on soils in various
grouting at the tail equals the volume of ground settlement at the tunnel diameters. When tunnelling in peat, the range of V L;t values
84 M.N. Vu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 59 (2016) 77–90

0.4 0.5
lower boundary for D=10m lower boundary for D=10m


volume loss at the tail V L,t (%)

volume loss at the tail V L,t (%)

lower boundary for D=6m lower boundary for D=8m

0 lower boundary for D=6m lower boundary for D=8m

upper boundary for D=6m
upper boundary for D=6m

upper boundary for D=8m
upper boundary for D=8m

-0.8 upper boundary for D=10m

upper boundary for D=10m


-1.2 -1
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
(a) in sand (b) in clayey sand

1 4

lower boundary for D=10m

0.5 3 lower boundary for D=10m

volume loss at the tail V L,t (%)

volume loss at the tail V L,t (%)

lower boundary for D=6m lower boundary for D=8m

0 2
lower boundary for D=8m
upper boundary for D=6m
-0.5 1

lower boundary for D=6m

upper boundary for D=8m upper boundary for D=6m
-1 0

upper boundary for D=8m

upper boundary for D=10m -1
upper boundary for D=10m

-2 -2
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
(c) in clay (d) in organic clay


lower boundary for D=10m
volume loss at the tail V L,t (%)

upper boundary for D=10m
lower boundary for D=8m
upper boundary for D=8m
lower boundary for D=6m

60 upper boundary for D=6m



0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
(e) in peat
Fig. 12. Volume loss at the tail with different tunnel diameters in various soils.

is significantly large compared to tunnelling in sand, clay and consolidated grout cake in the cavity along the tunnel lining
organic clay, especially in the case of tunnels with large diameters (Talmon and Bezuijen, 2009). In the case of tunnelling in clay,
as indicated above. the consolidation in grout might not occur (Bezuijen and Talmon,
2013) and the length of liquid grout on the lining is much longer.
4.2. Volume loss due to consolidation Although the grout pressure decreases along the lining, the
injected grout may flow along 2–3 following segments and the
For the volume loss due to consolidation, in the cavity behind appearance of the grout cake will prevent the movement of the soil
the tail, two consolidation processes occur along the tunnel lining. above. It is often assumed that there is no volume loss in the grout
Firstly, the newly injected grout is consolidating and forms a consolidating. The other volume loss is due to the subsequent
M.N. Vu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 59 (2016) 77–90 85

14 The second process is the consolidation of the soil volume above

in sand the tunnel behind the tail. When grout is applied at the tail, the soil
12 stress in the above soil volume will change. This will induce con-
in clay
solidation in the long term behind the tail. The volume loss due
volume loss at the tail VL,t (%)

10 in peat
to consolidation V L;c is derived from the consolidation settlement
of the soil volume above tunnel lining. In the case of tunnelling
in sand, consolidation of soil will probably not occur or be minimal.
6 For tunnels in clay or peat, this may be a notable contribution.
The consolidation settlement of the soil can be estimated from
4 Terzaghi’s formula, as follows:
1 rsoil
2 uc ¼  ln ð16Þ
Cs r0
where C s is the compression constant depending on soil type (as can
-2 be seen in Table 1), rsoil is the vertical stress in the soil and r0 is the
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 initial vertical stress in the soil.
C/D In case the vertical stress is lower than the initial vertical stress,
(a) D = 6m unloading occurs and Eq. (16) would be modified to:
1 rsoil
60 uc ¼  ln ð17Þ
C swel r0
in sand
in clay where C swel is the swelling constant depending on soil type (as can
volume loss at the tail VL,t (%)

in peat be seen in Table 1).

40 The stress in the soil rsoil is estimated from the radial and tan-
gential stresses derived by the cavity expansion theory as can be
30 seen in Fig. 14. According to Yu (2013), the stresses in the elastic
zone are given by:
20  ð1þkÞ
kY Rp
rr ¼ p0 þ ð18Þ
10 1þk r

0 Y Rp
rh ¼ p0  ð19Þ
1þk r
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 where rr and rh are the radial and tangential stresses as shown in
C/D Fig. 14.
(b) D = 8m In the plastic zone, the stresses are given by:

kY Rp
rr ¼ p0 þ þ kY ln ð20Þ
in sand
1þk r
in clay
Y Rp
rh ¼ p0  þ kY ln ð21Þ
volume loss at the tail VL,t (%)

in peat
1þk r
In order to estimate the consolidation settlement, the soil
volume above the tunnel lining is divided into n layers. The final




0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
(c) D = 10m
Fig. 13. Volume loss at the tail with different tunnel diameters.

shrinkage of grout, which is estimated at about 7–10 percent of

total tail gap according to Loganathan (2011). However, the contri-
bution of this volume loss to the total volume loss is small compar-
ing to the other volume losses. This volume loss, therefore, is not
taken into account in this study. Fig. 14. Soil stresses at the tail.
86 M.N. Vu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 59 (2016) 77–90

consolidation settlement is derived by summing deformations of 1.4

these layers, which are calculated by Eqs. (16) and (17).
The final consolidation settlement is given by: 1.2 upper boundary for D=10m

volume loss at the tail VL,c(%)

n lower boundary for D=10m upper boundary for D=8m
ucj ¼ uðj;iÞ
c Dz ð22Þ 1
lower boundary for D=8m
i¼1 upper boundary for D=6m
ðj;iÞ 0.8
where uc and DzðiÞ are the deformation due to consolidation and
the depth of the ith layer at the jth location along the surface.
0.6 lower boundary for D=6m
Fig. 15 shows settlement troughs in the case of tunnelling in
clay with a diameter D ¼ 10 m and the ratio of C=D ¼ 1, as an
example. It can be seen that a heave and a settlement can occur
depending on what particular support pressure is applied.
By integrating the final consolidation settlements over the sur-
face, the volume of consolidation settlement at the surface V cons
can be estimated as: 0
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

m C/D
V cons ¼ uðjÞ
c Dx ð23Þ (a) in clay

where Dx is a length increment along the surface consolidation set-
tlement and m is the increment number.
The volume loss due to consolidation settlement is then esti-

volume loss at the tail VL,c(%)

mated as: lower boundary for D=10m

V cons
V L;c ¼ ð24Þ
pðD=2Þ2 1.5
lower boundary for D=8m

Fig. 16 shows the relationship between the consolidation vol- upper boundary for D=8m
ume loss V L;c and the C=D ratio for tunnels with different diameters 1 lower boundary for D=6m
upper boundary for D=6m
in clay, organic clay and peat. With 0:4 6 C=D  1:3 in the case of
tunnelling in clay and 0:4 6 C=D  1:7 in the case of tunnelling in
organic clay, it can be seen that the maximum support pressure 0.5
applied at the tail can lead to a heave on the surface. The volume
loss due to consolidation V L;c when maximum support pressure is upper boundary for D=10m
applied becomes smaller than when minimum support pressure 0
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
is applied. An example shown in Fig. 15 shows that the volume C/D
of consolidation settlement V cons when applying lower boundary
of support pressure is smaller than the value of V cons when applying (b) in organic clay
the maximum support pressure. When the tunnel is located at a
deeper level, the volume loss V L;c when applying the maximum
support pressure is higher than the volume loss V L;c in the case lower boundary for D=10m
of applying minimum support pressure.
The dependence of the volume loss due to consolidation V L;c on lower boundary for D=8m
volume loss at the tail VL,c(%)

soil type is shown in Fig. 17 for tunnels with diameters D ¼ 6; 8,


0.005 15
lower boundary for D=6m

10 upper boundary for D=8m

consolidation settlement (m)

upper boundary for D=10m

upper boundary for D=6m
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
(c) in peat
Fig. 16. Volume loss due to consolidation V L;c with different tunnel diameters in
various soils.
lower boundary support pressure
upper boundary support pressure
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
distance to the tunnel axis (m) and 10 m. It can be seen that the volume loss V L;c in the case of tun-
nelling in peat is much higher compared to tunnelling in clay and
Fig. 15. Consolidation settlement troughs when tunnelling in clay with D ¼ 10 m
and C=D ¼ 1.
organic clay.
M.N. Vu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 59 (2016) 77–90 87

16 5

in clay 4.5
in organic clay
volume loss at the tail VL,c (%)
12 in peat
10 in clay
in organic clay
8 2.5
in peat

0 0
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

(a) D = 6m (b) D = 6m (in detailed)

25 5
in clay in clay
in organic clay in organic clay
volume loss at the tail VL,c (%)

20 4
in peat in peat

15 3


10 2


5 1


0 0
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

(c) D = 8m (d) D = 8m (in detailed)

35 5
in clay in clay
30 in organic clay in organic clay
volume loss at the tail VL,c (%)

in peat in peat
25 3.5


10 1.5


0 0
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

(e) D = 10m (f) D = 10m (in detailed)

Fig. 17. Volume loss due to consolidation V L;c with various tunnel diameters.

5. Total volume loss and case studies in the case of shallow tunnelling in sand and clayey sand. It can
be seen that the range of the total volume loss decreases with
5.1. Total volume loss the increase of the C=D ratio and the tunnel diameter D. In the case
of a C=D ratio from 0.4 to 1, a volume loss in shallow tunnelling of
From Eq. (1), the total volume loss is derived by summing the less than 0:5% can be achieved with the condition of careful mon-
volume loss of tunnelling face, along the shield, at the tail and itoring. The highest expected volume loss in this range of the C=D
due to consolidation. Figs. 18 and 19 show the total volume loss ratio is about 3:7% for tunnelling in sand and 5% for tunnelling in
88 M.N. Vu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 59 (2016) 77–90

4 5.5


total volume loss (%)

total volume loss (%)

lower boundary for D=10m

2.5 3.5
lower boundary for D=8m
lower boundary for D=6m 3 lower boundary for D=6m
2 lower boundary for D=8m
lower boundary for D=10m 2.5

1.5 2

1 upper boundary for D=6m
upper boundary for D=6m
upper boundary for D=8m 1 upper boundary for D=8m
0.5 upper boundary for D=10m upper boundary for D=10m

0 0
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Fig. 18. Total volume loss for tunnelling in sand with various diameter D.
(a) not including consolidation of soil layers above the tunnel

5.5 6

lower boundary for D=10m
lower boundary for D=10m total volume loss (%) lower boundary for D=8m
total volume loss (%)

lower boundary for D=8m lower boundary for D=6m

lower boundary for D=6m
3 3


1.5 upper boundary for D=6m

1 upper boundary for D=8m
upper boundary for D=6m
upper boundary for D=8m
upper boundary for D=10m
0.5 upper boundary for D=10m 0
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
0 C/D
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
C/D (b) including consolidation of soil layers above the tunnel

Fig. 19. Total volume loss for tunnelling in clayey sand with various diameter D. Fig. 20. Total volume loss for tunnelling in clay with various diameter D.

Table 3
Volume loss of tunnelling in sand projects.

Case H (m) C (m) D (m) C=D V L (%) Soil conditions Reference

Ayrshire Joint Drainage Scheme 6.25 4.8 2.9 1.66 0.7 Fine to medium slightly silty sand; loose and medium density O’Reilly and New (1982)
WNTDC Lumb Brook Sewer 6.5 4.7 3.6 1.31 0.5 Medium/dense sands and gravel with a little clay O’Reilly and New (1982)
Second Heinenoord Tunnel 14.5 10.37 8.3 1.25 0.21 Dense sand Netzel (2009)
15.0 10.8 8.3 1.31 0.22
15.0 10.8 8.3 1.31 0.7
15.7 11.6 8.3 1.39 0.44
16.7 12.6 8.3 1.51 0.38
16.7 12.6 8.3 1.51 0.55
20.0 15.8 8.3 1.91 1.2
Botlek Railway Tunnel 13.1 8.3 9.65 0.86 1.11 Holoceen and Pleistoceen sand Netzel (2009)
18.5 13.7 9.65 1.42 0.5
21.7 16.9 9.65 1.75 0.5
Sophia Railway Tunnel 12.4 7.6 9.5 0.8 0.55 Pleistoceen sand Netzel (2009)
14.9 10.1 9.5 1.1 0.21
14.9 10.1 9.5 1.1 0.7
19.4 14.7 9.5 1.5 0.15
19.4 14.7 9.5 1.5 0.5
19.9 15.1 9.5 1.6 0.25
19.9 15.1 9.5 1.6 0.94
21.3 16.6 9.5 1.7 0.14
21.5 16.75 9.5 1.8 0.65
21.5 16.75 9.5 1.8 1.2
M.N. Vu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 59 (2016) 77–90 89

Table 4
Volume loss of tunnelling in clay projects.

Case H (m) C (m) D (m) C=D V L (%) Soil conditions Reference

Madrid Metro Extension 10.3 5.9 8.88 0.66 0.54 Stiff clay Melis et al. (2002)
12.43 8 8.88 0.9 0.87
14.61 10.17 8.88 1.15 0.6
15.7 11.26 8.88 1.27 0.84
16.12 11.68 8.88 1.32 0.83
16.7 12.27 8.88 1.38 0.5
19.23 14.79 8.88 1.67 0.58
Heathrow Express Trail 21 16.67 8.66 1.9 1.15 London clay Bowers et al. (1996)
Waterloo 11.7 8.45 6.5 1.3 1.1 London clay Harris et al. (1994)
Garrison Dam Test Tunnel 11 8.25 5.5 1.5 0.9 Clay-shale and lignite Peck (1969)
Baulos 25 8.45 5.2 6.5 0.8 1.8 Frankfurt clay Macklin (1999)
Barcelona Subway 10 6 8 0.75 1.2 Red and brown clay with some gravel Ledesma and Romero
London Transport 10 7.9 4.15 1.91 1 Dense sandy gravel overlain with made ground of soft clay O’Reilly and New
Experimental Tunnel with sand and gravel (1982)

clayey sand when less optimal but still stable support and grout Fig. 21b shows the validation of the calculated volume loss to
pressures are applied. When the C=D ratio larger than 1, the max- the field data in Table 4 in the case of shallow tunnelling in clay.
imum volume loss is less than 1:5% with the range of support pres- It also shows that all the field data is in agreement with the bound-
sures in this study. These figures also show that a result of no aries of volume loss derived in this study. Only the Madrid Metro
volume loss can be achieved when tunnelling with C=D P 2. Extension which is known as a successful tunnelling project has
Fig. 20 shows the relationship between the total volume loss V L one data point below the lower boundary of volume loss for a
and C=D ratios when tunnelling in clay. The total volume loss V L low C=D ratio.
when tunnelling has just finished (not taking into account the con-
solidation) is shown in Fig. 20a. It can be seen that a total volume 4

loss V L less than 0:5% after tunnelling is feasible even with Ayrshire Joint Drainage Scheme
WNTDC Lumb Brook Sewer
C=D 6 1. This figure also shows that for very shallow tunnelling 3.5
Second Heinenoord Tunnel
with C=D 6 0:6, a tunnel with a large diameter has a larger range Botlek Railway Tunnel
3 Sophia Railway Tunnel
of expected volume loss. With deeper tunnelling when
total volume loss (%)

1 6 C=D 6 2, the maximum value of the total volume loss reduces

and becomes less than 2%.
lower boundary for D=6m
Fig. 20b shows the total volume loss V L for tunnelling with var- 2 lower boundary for D=8m
ious diameters D ¼ 6; 8 and 10 m in clay including consolidation of lower boundary for D=10m
soil layers above the tunnel. It also follows that the lower the C=D 1.5 upper boundary for D=6m
ratio is, the larger the range of volume loss is. The total volume loss
of tunnelling in clay would be at maximum about 6% with 1
upper boundary for D=8m
D ¼ 10 m;5:5% with D ¼ 8 m and 5% with D ¼ 6 m when
C=D ¼ 0:4. The lower boundary corresponding with the minimum 0.5
support pressure applied has a reducing trend when the C=D ratio upper boundary for D=10m
increases. This means there might be a larger volume loss when the 0
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
tunnel becomes shallower. At the upper boundary of the total vol-
ume loss, corresponding with the maximum support pressure
(a) in sand
applied, the final volume loss of tunnelling with D ¼ 6 m can reach
just over 0% after consolidation has been taken into account. 5.5
Madrid Metro Extension
5 Heathrow Express Trail Tunnel
4.5 Garrison Dam test tunnel
5.2. Case studies Baulos 25
4 Barcelona Subway
total volume loss (%)

London Transport experimental tunnel

Tables 3 and 4 show a summary of volume loss in case histories 3.5
lower boundary for D=10m
for tunnelling in sand and clay with the C=D ratio less than 2. In 3
lower boundary for D=8m
Table 3, there are two case studies the Ayshire Joint Drainage
Scheme and WNTDC Lumb Brook Sewer, derived from the study lower boundary for D=6m
of O’Reilly and New (1982) and three case studies Second Heineno- 2 upper boundary for D=6m
ord Tunnel, Botlek Railway Tunnel and Sophia Railway Tunnel, 1.5 upper boundary for D=8m
derived from Netzel (2009). Table 4 shows volume loss data from
various projects all over the world including Madrid Metro Exten-
sion, Heathrow Express Trail Tunnel, Waterloo, Garrison Dam test 0.5
tunnel, Baulos 25, Barcelona Subway and London Transport Exper- 0
upper boundary for D=10m
imental Tunnel. 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
The data in Table 3 are plotted in Fig. 21a in order to compare C/D
the volume loss derived from this analysis to field data in the case (b) in clay
of shallow to medium deep tunnelling in sand. It can be seen that
most of field data falls in the boundaries of volume loss in Fig. 21a. Fig. 21. Validation for volume loss in shallow tunnelling.
90 M.N. Vu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 59 (2016) 77–90

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