Before School Checklist
Before School Checklist
Before School Checklist
6. What are the school policies about student use of cell phones in
classes and on campus?
11. What are the expectations about behavior during transitions such
as going to lunch or recess?
12. What are yard and lunch duty rules? How do I enforce them?
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13. What should I do if there’s a fight in my classroom? On the
playground? In the parking lot?
15. What is the emergency plan for violence on campus and natural
disasters, such as fires, earthquakes, tornados, or floods?
17. When is the school nurse available and what are appropriate
reasons for making a referral?
19. How can the school or district help with diagnosing or working
with students who have severe learning or behavior challenges?
25. What are all the different piecesof paper that go back and forth
among the office, the counselors, the attendance staff, the
students, and the teachers?
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28. Have I anticipated worst-case management scenarios, and
determined what to do in each case?
35. What is the procedure for the arrival of students in the morning?
36. How do students leave at the end of the day? Do I have any bus
riders, and do they leave early?
38. How can I ensure that these students are fully included in
classroom culture and activities? If they leave my classroom
during the day, what are their schedules?
39. What is the daily schedule for music, recess, P.E., lunch, library,
and the computer lab?
40. Where are these rooms, and what procedures should I follow to
send or take students to them?
41. What is the procedure for late arrivals and early dismissals?
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Assignments Notes
44. What will be my standards for form and neatness (pencil, pen,
type of paper, heading, due dates, erasures)?
45. How will students who return from being absent know what to
make up?
47. Will I look at students’ test scores and reports from previous
years? If so, how will I locate them?
54. Will I use a computer grading system that has Internet access, so
that students and/or parents can type in a password to see their
progress online?
55. How will I easily add or delete student names in the first weeks,
as enrollment changes? Suggestion: if you use a paper gradebook,
one way is to use a photocopy of the first two or three weeks of
the gradebook, and then transfer the grades to the actual book
once the class roster is more stable.
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56. Will I assign numbers for my students, to help collate homework
and enter grades?
Feedback Notes
59. What kinds of feedback will I provide, and when? Will I set up
regular times to conference with students and their parents?
62. What records of their own work, if any, will students maintain?
63. How will I handle grading disputes with students? With parents?
68. What digital materials are available? How do I check them out?
70. What are the policies and procedures for making copies?
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The First Days Notes
72. What is the required paperwork for the first day of school, including
attendance, school announcements, and the lunch program?
73. Are my lesson plans prepared for the first few days for each class?
Am I prepared with extra ones in case things go faster than I
76. What is the special procedure for the arrival of students on the
first day of school?
80. Will I use a seating chart? How will I design it for the first day?
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