Trade Project
Trade Project
Trade Project
INDEX NO : 1945
I declare that this project is my original work and has never been submitted for the word of
certificate in any other academic institution.
This research project has been submitted to the Kenya National Examination Council KENC
with my approval as the college supervisor
The project is dedicated to my family members God bless you all..
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I would like to thank God for taking care of me as l started mw schooling up to the end of this
level and also for offering ways of getting my school fees .Special thanks and appreciation to my
supervisor Madam BETTY RUTH for the guidance and advice throughout the project
Much thanks to my family for the financial support towards the completion of my course and
making my project.
Also l would like to acknowledge all craft certificate in catering and accommodation candidate
of 2023.
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents........................................................................................................................................iv
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1
1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................1
1.2 STATEMENT OF THE STUDY...........................................................................................................1
1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY.............................................................................................................1
1.4 Research question..................................................................................................................................1
1.5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY......................................................................................................................1
1.6 SIGNIFICANT OF THE STUDY.........................................................................................................2
1.7 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY...........................................................................................................2
1.8 DEFINITION OF TERMS....................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................3
LITRATURE REVIEW..............................................................................................................................3
2.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................3
2.1 RITRATURE REVIEW....................................................................................................................3
2 .1.1 IGNORANCE................................................................................................................................4
2.1.2 CONJESTED AND OVERCROWDED.........................................................................................4
2.1.3 POOR URBAN PLANNING.........................................................................................................4
2.1.4 IMPROPER DISPOSAL OF WASTE............................................................................................4
2.2 EFFECTS OF POOR SANITATION....................................................................................................5
2.2.1 POOR ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE............................................................................................5
2.2.2 INADEQUATE WASHING OF BODY AND CLOTHES............................................................5
2.2.3 WATER SHORTAGE....................................................................................................................5
2.2.4 POOR SANITATION LEADS TO INFECTION...........................................................................5
2.3 IMPORTANCE OF GOOD SANITATION..........................................................................................6
2.3.1 PROPER SANITATION PROMOTE HEAITH.............................................................................6
2.3.2 IMPROVES THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN A COMMUNITY...........................................................6
2.3.3 CREATES JOB OPPORTUNITY..................................................................................................6
2.3.4 PREVENT THE SPREAD OF DISEASES....................................................................................7
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2.4 WAYS TO MANAGE POOR SANITATION......................................................................................7
2.4.1 BUILDING A MASTER SANITATION SCHEDULES................................................................7
2.4.2 GARBAGE COLLECTION...........................................................................................................7
2.3.4 TRAINING EMPLOYEES.............................................................................................................8
2.4.4 GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS...............................................................................................8
2.5 SUMMER OF THE WORK..............................................................................................................8
CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................................9
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................................9
3.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................9
3.1 AREA OF THE STUDY...................................................................................................................9
3.2 RESEARCH DESIGN.......................................................................................................................9
3.3 TARGET POPULATION..................................................................................................................9
3.4 SAMPLING PROCEDURE..............................................................................................................9
3.5 SAMPLE SIZE..................................................................................................................................9
3.6 DATA SOURCES...........................................................................................................................10
3.6.1 SECONDARY SOURCEA......................................................................................................10
3.7 DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURE............................................................................................10
3.8 DATA ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................10
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................11
4.0 DATA PRESENTATION AND INTERPRETATION....................................................................11
4.1 DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF RESPONTS................................................................11
4.1.1TO FIND OUT CAUSES OF POOR SANITATION....................................................................11
4.2.2 EFFECTS of poor sanitation.........................................................................................................11
4.1.3 IMPORTANCE OF GOOD SANITATION.................................................................................11
4.1.4 WAYS TO MANAGER POOR SANITATION...........................................................................11
4.1.5 The following information was tabulate.......................................................................................12
4.2 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND GROUP LEVEL OF EDUCATION......................................13
4.3.1 TO FIND OUT CAUSES OF POOR SANITATION...................................................................13
4.3.2 THE EFFECTS OF POOR SANITATION...................................................................................13
4.3 .3 THE IMPORTANCE OF GOOD SANITATION....................................................................14
4.3.4 WAYS TO MANAGER POOR SANITATIONS.....................................................................14
CHAPTER 5..............................................................................................................................................15
SUMMARY OF FINDING, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMETATION...............................................15
5.0 INTRODUCATION........................................................................................................................15
5.2 CONLUSION..................................................................................................................................15
5.3 RECOMMENTATION...................................................................................................................15
(I) INTERVIEW 4.................................................................................................................................16
APPENDIX (II).....................................................................................................................................16
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The research focuses on the automation of this system .According to the research it´s quite clear
that the organization has been going through problems due to the manual sysytem in use today.
The researcher used interview that the helped in getting information from the staff members .The
researcher recommends that there should be enough materials so that to control poor sanitation.
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This chapter outline background of the problem, statement of the study, the objective, the scope
of study, the significant of the study, the limitations of the study and definition of terms .
I decided to do this title to prevent poor sanitation which affects smaller hotel at Kisii Town. The
county was characterized by high poverty level, poor lnfrasture, low industrial base and
declining agricultural productivity.Kisii county does not have good drainage system and most
towns in the county have suffered based on this sanitation. These challenges include inadequate
water supply and sanitation facilities Overcrowded housing smoky kitchens insects infections
and poor management of the hotel. The effects of poor sanitation are characterized by liquid
waste, solid waste disposal techniques inadequate sanitation facilities and unsafe water supply
The researcher come up with this observation where by poor sanitation is linked to transmission
of cholera diseases as well as Typhoid.l come up with this title so that to prevent poor sanitation
on small hotel.
What is hygiene -is the practice conducive to maintain healthy and prevent disease especially
2.0 Introduction
This chapter contains the literature review effects of poor sanitation on customer turn on small
hotel.litrature review is a critical analysis sources of literature area also refers to overview of the
previously published works on a specific topic.
13th july 2018 project champions coming the others are acute eye injection rheumatism dental
carries hypertension pregnancy related complications and home open dedication unseal
drinking water, high density living lack of education increased health issues increases in diseases
and decrease in schooling challenges facing hotel sanitation however in many countries hotel
have very poor or even lack proper water supply and sanitation facilities which inheritably means
unhealthy and inconvenient inadequate planning of population increases more pressure is put on
the capacity of urban cities provide services residual.
Feb 15, 2019.around four billions people in the world lack access to basic sanitation facilities
toilet or latrine and nearly 900millions people. Drainage damping is a form of poor attitude that
contribute to poor environment sanitation indiscriminate waste disposal poor and water
sanitation conditions have created high incidences of related diseases among the children
attending rural schools.
July 2022 COVID 19 injections prevention and control wash the provisional af state of water
sanitation and waste management and hygienic condition upgrading toilet photocopy or photo
Facilities and technologies standardizing laboratory methods in search launching social programs
establish poor sanitation is one of the biggest causes of children. 2021
understand the effects of poor sanitation of public health and nutrition for practice of open
dedication and 20.5%of the population have an improvement sanitation poor sanitation
characterized by liquid washes solid waste disposal techniques inadequate sanitation facilities
and unsafe water supply. May 2022 world health organization billion people basic hygiene
services including soap and water at home in 28countries at least in four people have no hand
washing the sustainable alliance (SUSANA) is an informal network of organization. 2.1.0 To
find out causes of poor sanitation. Poor sanitation has led to poor drainage system where most
people lack knowledge where to locate their sewage. Poor sanitation has led to death and poor
management which lead to bad odor in the area.
Due to careless disposal of waste most people in the town ignores sanitations where direct
anywhere sewage or debris which leads to spreading of mosquitoes.lgnorance also has led to
decrease of toilets because most people prefer using paper bags as toilet instead of building
toilets so that it can help them. Due to this ignorance has lowered the percentage of sanitation
because people like relaxing unsteady of concentrating on things which can make the
environment clean or which can make the environment attractive. ignorance has led to people
being poor because they lack knowledge on how to make the environment clean.
Poor urban planning also has led to people being disorganized where they should locate the
house or the hotel. Poor sanitation has also leads to poor urban planning due to congested of
people ln the town and also can lead to spread of mosquitoes and flies. Due to this people have
been suffered due to poor sanitation where they live in a dirt environment and there is no one to
be consulates.
Disposal of waste has encourage the spreading of mosquitoes and flies in the environment
because most of the time the environment is dirt theirfore their is probably bad smell.People
always live there cabbage bags anywhere without being tied well this also encourage Poor
sanitation in the environment.
Poor environment hygiene has lead the environment to be dirt and also has been a big problem
especially in small hotel near the town.
Water has a big problem in most hotels where utensils have been washing twice in a day and of
which are supposed to be washed frequently to avoid spread of germs. Water being the most
adequate people have suffered due to poor location of pipes was people usually depend on water
for them to run their work well. Water shortage has make people lose weight and even to refuse
observing hygiene.
Provide more support to local sanitation plans and strategy to more at feaces sludge monitoring
and management communities the benefits of investigation in clean by swiping it every now and
Drinking unsafe water impairs health through illness such as diarrhea and untreated excrete
contaminants groundwater and surfaces water used for drinking. Adequate sanitation together
with good hygiene and safe water are fundamental to good health and to social economic
development. This improves the health of people even for small children are who lack good
malnutrition cannot be affected by sanitation.
Proper sanitation promotes health, improves the quality of the environment and thus the quality
of life in a community. When health children attend to school with a well segregated sanitation
facilities they are present more regularly and are better learner.
Maintaining personal hygiene and sanitation is important for several reasons such as personal
social physiological, health which helps the community to observe the environment.
To support low income workers during this time of limitated movement the government created
the national hygiene programs so that to provide people with job.lndeed a great majority of Jobs
are dependent upon water and therefore (PES) schemes can offer low income population to
create a new program.
Proper handling of kitchen utensils also prevents the spread of diseases such as cholera. Proper
disposal of feaces and urine also prevent bad odour in the environment.Faeces should be well
disposal so as to maintain good hygiene in the environment which can lead to dysentery.
Proper treatment of water should be well treatment by use of chlorine or boiling of water so that
to kill germs and also to prevent diseases contained used for storing water should be well lid and
clean always. Food prepared in clean utensils also avoids the spread of diseases which can lead
to lowering the strength of people. Food should be well covered all the time to avoid files
entering inside the food and also to avoid food contamination.
All building should be re-refooing at least 2 years so as to maintain metal being cleaned and well
attractive. Toilet also should be well build so to maintain sanitation and also to prevent improper
disposal of waste. The government should ensure there is good working conditions especially on
washroom by supplying water which could help when people visiting toilet and also should made
with materials which is stronger to avoid leaking.
All employees should be trained well on how to keep the environment clean and also how to
advise people on how to keep them clean because it is good for hygiene purpose. Employees
should be trained every now and then so that they can copy up with the situation to ensure that
there is good sanitation in the area, also to ensure there is no breeding of mosquitoes. People who
have trained they have knowledge on how to avoid poor sanitation in the environment also they
ensure every now and then there is good ventilation. And good ventilation.
Domestic water should be boiled or chlorinated before drinking to kill bacteria present and also
to avoid poor sanitation. Those handling food should be clean and undergo regular medical
check up to ensure that they are not affected.
This chapter entails Area of study, Research design, Targeting population, Sampling procedure,
Sample size, Source of data, Data collection procedure and Data analysis.
The main primary data source will be Questionnaire which will be used in the hotel because it is
direct description of any occurrence by an individual who actually observe.
1 Saves time and effort this allows research to go straight to the analysis process.
2 It is more expensive compared to primary data source because Secondary data source require a
lot of money for it to be achieved.
3 Wastage of time during gathering data this requires people to come together so that they
discuss what should be written.
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This chapter will outline the effects of poor sanitation on customer turn over in small hotel and
actually data presentation. The researcher trends to describe more about demographic
characteristics through gender Age, level of education and occupation of the respondents
Poor sanitation promote health is linked to transmission of diarrhea diseases such as cholera and
dysentery as well as typhoid, intestinal worm and another diseases. Improves hygiene hand
washing and another sanitation such as latrine have impact than drinking water quality on
healthy outcome, specifically reductions in diarrhea, parasitic infections morbid and mortality
and in increase in child growth.
Employees should be trained well on how to keep the environment clean and also how to advice
people on how to keep themselves clean because it is good for hygienic purposes. Employees
should be trained every now and then so as to copy up with the situation.
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4.1.5 The following information was tabulate
MALE 40%
TOTAL 100%
10 - 25 40%
25 - 35 30%
35 – 45 15%
45 – 60 15%
TOTAL 100%
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ROW 1:10 – 25
ROW 3: 35 – 45
ROW 4: 45 -60
The above table describes the academic qualification of the respondent where the researcher
collect the information.
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Poor sanitation has promote good healthy especially to people working in small hotels that way
people working in hotels they are healthy compared to people who dont work.
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In conclusion poor sanitation was the main causes which affect people mentality. The effects of
poor sanitation where improper disposal of waste was the main cause in Kisii Town. The
importance of poor sanitation promotes healthy among a person who knows how to handle
utensils and equipments.Ways to manage to manage poor sanitation where the government
ensures garbage collection is done in good time to prevent spread of mosquitoes and files which
leads to bad odor.
1 More capital should be available for the business to run to continue or for the business to run.
Capital also should be available to avoid closure of the business.
2The organization recommended that there is great efficiency when they work as a team.
3There should be opportunity of income splitting an advantage of adequate materials.
4Their should be adequate materials to enable the business to continue well without any issues
which can leads to collapse of the business.
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How do you prevent poor sanitation? ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------
How do you manage poor sanitation? --------------------------------------------------------------- -------
What causes poor sanitation? --------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
In your area,which people mostly suffer from poor sanitation?
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The answer are only meant for study purpose and any information given will be confidential
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1. Home science book 2 chapter 10
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