CV Word 6
CV Word 6
CV Word 6
[Dates From]–[To]
[Job Title] • [Job Position] • [Company Name]
[Dates From]–[To]
[Job Title] • [Job Position] • [Company Name]
[Dates From]–[To]
[Job Title] • [Job Position] • [Company Name]
[Your Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code] [This is the place for a brief summary of your key responsibilities
and most stellar accomplishments.]
[Your Phone]
[School Name], [City, State]
[You might want to include your GPA here and a brief
summary of relevant coursework, awards, and honors.]
Replace this sentence with your job [Once your image has been inserted, select it again. Go to the
objective. To replace any tip text with Picture Tools Format menu. Click on the down arrow below
your own, just select a line of text and “Crop” and select “Fill” from the list. This will auto adjust your
start typing. For best results when image to crop to the image. You can click and drag your image to
selecting text to copy or replace, don’t place it appropriately.]
include space to the right of the
characters in your selection. REFERENCES
[Available upon request.]