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Inside Animal Minds

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‘A. Discussion. Read the caption on the right. Do you think these animals canbe called intligent? How would you define “intelligence? B. Scan, Read the photo caption and skim the reading on the next page. You are going to read about animal intelligence. Quickly san the reading to answer the ‘questions below. Then read again to check your answers, 4. What animals are mentioned in the reading? 2. What kinds of “intelligence” does each animal display? 164 on 8 ‘How smart are animals? tsa question Sclentts are eying to answer Bits, such as crows, have shown problem: Solving sil an creativity by using tool such a metal wire Yo obtain fod, Dolphins have demonstiated imitation and self-awareness by copying thelr ‘rane’ movements. Sheep, and many other animals, demonstrate memory and emotions. They can ecogrize faces and also koow if the person (er sheep) happy oF angry INSIDE ANIMALIMINDS Pepperberg was interested in learning if animals could think, and the best way to-do this, she reasoned, was to talk to them. To test er theory, she bought an [rican grey parot she named Alex and taught him to reproduce the sounds ‘of the English language. “I thought ife learned to communicate, | could ask him questions about how he sees the world,” she explains. ‘When Pepperberg began her research with Alex, very few scientists ‘acknowledged that animals were capable of thought. The general belief was that animals reacted to things in their environment but lacked the ability to think or feel. How, then, coulda scientist demonstrate that animals might, in fact, possess inteligence? “Thats why | started my studies with Alex, Pepperberg says toa 45 0 ws Certain skis are considered key signs of Figher mental abilities: a good memory, an Understanding of symbols, self-awareness, Understanding of others’ motives, and creativity. ite by itl, researchers have documented these abilities in other species. ‘Sheep and elephants can recognize faces. CChimpanzeesmho are genetically siilar to humans—use a vaviety of tools for eating, drinking, and hunting; they aso laugh when pleased and spit! to show disgust with something. Octopuses in captivity? are known to amuse themseives by shooting water at laboratory staff. They may even exhibit basic ‘emotions by changing color, ‘Alex the parrot was a surprisingly good talker He learmed how to use his voice to imitate almost 100 English words, including those for foods, colors, shapes, and numbers. Although Imitation was once considered a simple sil, in recent years, cognitive scientists have vet 8 1, abonabe, understoed the meaning of over 150 symbols 5 thts an extemal tabi, Treas the tater fo fom & mental mage tthe cther peo’ body and actors an then adj ison body print te same poston, Ica Behar that sows an awarenessof ones ‘al ecu Alex had mastered mary Engh wots, eppetberg could sk him questions Towasiisteiundestndngor be ws, | fee could coun aswel deze shapes Colo, and des or appa ha even had an eleentaryundestancng of he corr afaoe ‘Many of Alex’ cognitive sl, such as his ablity to understand the concepts of same and different, ae generally attributed only to higher mammals, particulary primates such as humans and apes. But pars, ike great apes (and humans), iv along time in complex societies, ann nap ein cg ‘Ales, an Afican grey parrot, had large vocabulary and was able ‘to answer questions about hs understanding of the word ‘And like primates, these bitds must monitor the changing relationships within the group. ‘This may explain Alex’sablity to learn a human language. "When we take [parots] into captivity, what they start todo i treat us as their flock,” ‘explains Pepperber. Parrots learn to and use our words so they can become a part of ‘ur group. Researchers in Germany and Austia have also been studying language abilty in dogs. One named Betsy has shown that she is abe to learn and remember words as quickly asa two-year (ld child. She has an vocabulary (of over 340 words (and counting), knows atleast 15 people by name, and can link photographs with the real objects they represent, Like Alex, she's pretty smart. This isthe larger lesson of ‘animal cognition research: It us. We are not alone in our ability to invent, communicate, ‘demonstrate emotions, or think about ourselves Stil, humans remain the creative species. No ‘ther animal has bul tes, created music, ‘or made a computer. In fact, a number of cis animals ability to use tools or Understand human language. They believe animals are jst: human behavior, Yet, many researchers say that creativity and language in animals, like ther forms of inteligence, have evolved. “People were surprised to discover that chimpanzees make tools,” says Alex Kacelnik, an animal researcher at Oxford University. “But people aso thought, "Well, they share our ancestry— of course they're smart’ Now we're finding these kinds of behaviors in some species of birds. ut we don’t have a recently shared ancestry with birds, It means," Kacelrik continues, “that evolution can invent similar forms of advanced inteligence more than conce—that it's not something reserved only for primates or mammals. votiea 167 A. Completion. Complete the paragraph with words from the box. ‘Two words are extra, abstract acknowledging dismiss extraordinarily mastered revealed primitive pronounce Research in the Fongoll egion of Senegal has 1. ‘that chimpanzees seem to have 2. the art of basic toolsmaking. Furthermore, a chimp was observed sharpening & stick with her teeth before using it as atm) 3. tol forking a bush baby. Although few people completely 4. the findings, some researchers question thelr significance, Primatologst Craig Stanford, for example, while 5. that the behavior is fascinating, finds thatthe research findings are ‘only important enough to be *... a short note ina journal." However, researcher iil Pruetz claims thatthe escovery is. remarkable, ast shows that chimp behavior can be 6. humane, B. Definitions. Complete the sentences with words from the box “Two words are extra, / * Abvush baby ia small abstract acknowledge dismiss. extraordinary animal with age eyes bumble master pronounce simulate that ves in fica 1.7 something means to become skilled inthe we of 2. Iryou an action ora feeling, you copy itor pretend to doit 3. To ___aword means to say it using particular sounds 4. Alo) person isnot proud, and does not believe he or she is beter than other people 5. Iryou factor situation, you aceept or admit that i is rue 6. Alo) dea or way of thinking is based ‘on general ideas rather than on real things and events 170 sa

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