Annexure-V Revised Format For Certificate
Annexure-V Revised Format For Certificate
Annexure-V Revised Format For Certificate
1. I/we the tenderer (s) am/are signing this document after carefully reading the
2. I/We the tenderer(s) also accept all the conditions of the tender and have signed all
the pages in confirmation thereof.
3. I/we hereby declare that I/we have downloaded the tender documents from Indian
Railway website . I/we have verified the content of the document
from the website and there is no addition, no deletion or no alteration to the content
of the tender document. In case of any discrepancy noticed at any stage i.e.
evaluation of tenders, execution of work or final payment of the contract, the master
copy available with the railway Administration shall be final and binding upon
4. I/we declare and certify that I/we have not made any misleading or false
representation in the forms, statements and attachments in proof of the qualification
5. I/We also understand that my/our offer will be evaluated based on the
documents/credentials submitted along with the offer and same shall be binding
upon me/us.
6. I/We declare that the information and documents submitted along with the
tender by me/us are correct and I/we are fully responsible for the correctness of
the information and documents, submitted by us.
7. I/we certify that I/we the tenderer(s) is/are not blacklisted or debarred by Railways or
any other Ministry / Department of Govt. of India from participation in tender on the
date of submission of bids, either in individual capacity or as a HUF/ member of the
partnership firm/LLP/JV/Society/Trust.
8. I/we understand that if the contents of the certificate submitted by us are found to be
forged/false or incorrect at any time during process for evaluation of tenders, it shall
lead to forfeiture of the Bid Security besides banning of business for a period of upto
two year. Further, I/we (insert name of the tenderer) **_____________and all
my/our constituents understand that my/our offer shall be summarily rejected.
9. I/we also understand that if the contents of the certificate submitted by us are found to
be false/forged or incorrect at any time after the award of the contract, it will lead to
termination of the contract, along with forfeiture of Bid Security/Security Deposit
and Performance guarantee besides any other action provided in the contract
including banning of business for a period of upto two year.
10. I/We have read the clause regarding restriction on procurement from a bidder of a
country which shares a land border with India and certify that I am/We are not from
such a country or, if from such a country, have been registered with the competent
Authority. I/We hereby certify that I/we fulfil all the requirements in this regard and
am/are eligible to be considered (evidence of valid registration by the competent
authority is enclosed)
**The contents in Italics are only for guidance purpose. Details as appropriate are to be
filled in suitably by tenderer.
E. New Annexure-V(A), Part I of GCC shall be read as under