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TO4 PolicyBrief Active Modes

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Promoting Active

Modes of Transport
A Policy Brief from the Policy Learning Platform on
Low-carbon economy
February 2019
Policy Learning Platform on Low-carbon economy


Active transport most commonly refers to walking and cycling, but other modes include
skateboarding, skiing and running. Research has repeatedly shown the health benefits
attached to active transport, but other benefits include the potential for active travel to reduce
car use, which would reduce congestion, air and noise pollution, as well as energy use and
greenhouse gas emissions. Regional authorities have a range of policy options available to
them to encourage active transport. One of the main objectives is to make active transport
more convenient and safer for users, as these factors have a large impact on mobility choices
made by citizens.

Active transport: modes and benefits

Active transport (also referred to as active mobility or active travel) incorporates all modes of
transport relying on human power for propulsion. The most familiar modes are undoubtedly
walking and cycling, which account for 20-40% of all journeys made in the EU. Other less
common methods include kick-scooters and skateboards, kayaking, skiing and running.

Increasing the share of active transport can result in a range of societal benefits. These
benefits accrue both as a direct result of partaking in active transport, but also from the
displacement effect of reducing the modal share of passenger cars. Half of all car journeys
made in European cities are shorter than five kilometres, and it is estimated that more than
half of motorised cargo trips in cities could be handled by cargo bikes. This gives a snapshot
of the huge potential to shift towards active transport modalities in cities. Benefits include the

▪ Health – Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality,
according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). Due to sedentary lifestyles, cases
of obesity, heart disease, strokes and certain cancers and diabetes are rising.
Changing mobility behaviour towards more active travel could have huge benefits for
physical and mental health. For people who cycle or walk a minimum of 150 minutes a
week as recommended by the WHO, the risk of mortality is reduced by 10%. In the EU,
more than 100,000 premature deaths could be avoided annually if every adult walked
or cycled an additional 15 minutes a day. Though active transport may increase
exposure to air pollution or risk of injury from traffic crashes, the benefits outweigh the
risks by about nine to one.
▪ Environment – Active transport modes are zero emissions methods of travel. The
associated environmental benefits from a shift from cars to active transport would
include significantly reduced energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions:
currently road transport accounts for about 20% of the EU’s total CO2 emissions.
▪ Air pollution and quality of life in cities – Over half a million deaths each year in the
EU are linked to air pollution, and the health impact of traffic fumes alone cost EUR 67
billion a year. This is most acute in urban areas, where the potential is highest to shift
to active modes of transport. An increase in the share of active transport would also
have positive impacts with regards to congestion, noise pollution and road safety,
helping to increase the quality of life in urban areas.

Policy brief: Active Modes of Transport 2

Policy Learning Platform on Low-carbon economy

▪ Congestion – The European Commission estimates that road congestion costs 1% of

the EU’s GDP per year (around EUR 100 billion). Increasing the modal share of active
transport is highly likely to reduce congestion – bicycles consume seven to ten times
less space than cars while moving in urban areas, and eight to 50 times less space
while parked. However, the exact impacts of walking and cycling measures on
congestion can be hard to quantify. To better understand the relationship, the Horizon
2020 project Flow studied the impact of different measures implemented in six
European cities. The project results confirmed that walking and cycling measures do
reduce congestion, and multiple benefits can be observed as a result. An
‘Implementers Guide’ was produced, describing tools and measures for tackling
congestion through increased walking and cycling.

Source: Flow project, 2016

Convenient and connected infrastructure

Of course citizens know that cycling or walking is healthier and less polluting than travelling by
car, but active transport also needs to be convenient. The key to this is providing adequate
infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists.

Wide pavements or paths, and dedicated road crossings increase convenience and comfort
for pedestrians. Options such as outdoor escalators can also make walking more attractive,
especially for the elderly who may otherwise find stairs a challenge, and inhabitants and visitors
to mountainous regions. Walking paths should be well connected and should create links
between places of interest and public spaces. The integration of green elements and plentiful
seating also makes walking more attractive.

Dedicated cycle paths, separated from motorised traffic are linked to increased cycling levels.
Connectivity and coverage of bike path networks are also important (see Bicipolitana Pesaro
good practice), with the vicinity of a bike path to a person’s home known to increase the

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Policy Learning Platform on Low-carbon economy

attractiveness of heading out on the bike. End of trip facilities such as adequate and secure
bike parking (including charging points for e-bikes), and shower and locker facilities at
workplaces, also promote cycling.

Bike-sharing systems are increasingly common – now present in more than 1,000 cities
worldwide – and can help make cycling more attractive. These schemes allow users to rent
bikes for a short time period at a small cost. Moving from an ownership- to a service-based
model can be more convenient for users, and removes some drawbacks of bike ownership
such as maintenance costs and risk of theft. It can also be easily combined with other modes
of transport within the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) model.

Sharing best practices and experience on data collecting and processing and
involvement of users in order to improve planning of cycling and walking

The Interreg Europe project CYCLEWALK will support the shift from car usage to
active transport modes by improving knowledge among policy makers about cycling
and walking infrastructures. Partners recognise that infrastructure is key to promote
active transport, but also that approaches and best practices vary from region to
region, and identifying the most appropriate solution can be a challenge. Many different
technical options exist, and planners or builders in charge of new infrastructure may
lack specific knowledge.

To solve this, CYCLEWALK will create criteria for selecting appropriate walking and
cycling infrastructures, taking into account the specific local context and use. This
criteria will be based upon data collected about target users, urban features and
technical options. The project has employed the expert help of the Urban Cycling
Institute, University of Amsterdam who are advisory partner. They will assist in the
creation of action plans in six the participating authorities of the Oradea Metropolitan
Area (Romania), the Municipality of Olbia (Italy), the Municipalities of Gorizia, Nova
Gorica and Šempeter Vrtojba (cross-border, Slovenia and Italy), the Region of
Burgenland (Austria), the Region of Sardinia (Italy) and the City of Vilnius (Lithuania).

Click here to find out more about this project.

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Policy Learning Platform on Low-carbon economy

GOOD PRACTICE: Bicipolitana Pesaro

A common difficulty for cyclists is the unexpected ending of a cycle path, forcing them
to dismount, or join the stream of other vehicles on the road. More than just an
annoyance, this can be potentially dangerous and may be enough to put people off
cycling. The city of Pesaro (Italy) has solved this by planning and introducing a
comprehensive cycle paths network, comprising of 87km of cycle lanes.

The City created fourteen lines crossing the city; the primary network connects the
suburban neighbourhoods with the city centre, enabling easy access for commuters
as well as leisure visitors, whilst the secondary network links the primary network with
main points of interest and services in the suburban neighbourhoods. Key to the
success of the network is the branding, which is reminiscent of a subway system, with
different colours for each line. An evaluation of the system found a 50% increase in
cyclists in the city within two years of launching the Bicipolitana network. Pesaro now
has one of the highest modal shares of cycling in all of Italy, at 28%.

Click here to find out more about this practice.

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Policy Learning Platform on Low-carbon economy

Safety concerns

Safety concerns – both real and perceived – can be a strong reason for people to eschew
active transport modes.

As the number of cyclists and pedestrians increases their safety improves due to the ‘safety in
numbers’ effect. Cycling injury rates tend to fall as levels of cycling increase – possibly because
motorists have increased awareness of other road users. This means that any policy that
increases the modal share of active transport will also contribute to a safer experience for
users. In general, environments with more and better infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians
are considered to be safer. Bike paths and separate facilities are also perceived as safer and
may help encourage less confident cyclists to take to the road. Adequate street lighting is a
relevant safety consideration for pedestrians, as are smooth pavements. Education and
training – for all road users – is also important to promote safe mobility.

GOOD PRACTICE: Cycling exam - Cycle training in real traffic situation

Promoting alternative behaviours to children and parents is central to school active

mobility. Though cycling is very commonplace in the Netherlands, concerns about road
safety may still make parents wary of allowing their child to bike to school. To address
this, the City of Utrecht hosts an annual ‘Traffic Exam’, to test students’ road safety in
a real world setting. The exam consists of a theoretical and practical part and is aimed
primarily at 8-12 year olds. It is organised by the Safe Traffic Organisation in the
Netherlands (VVN). The course has a success rate of 94%, and helps to improve
practical skills as well as confidence: that of both children and parents. The exam has
resulted in a 10% increase in children allowed to travel independently by bike to school.

Click here to find out more about the Cycling Exam good practice

Spatial planning

Most regions in Europe have engaged in car-centric planning for much of the last century. This
has encouraged urban sprawl and resulted in towns and cities which are most conveniently
navigated by car. These issues can be exacerbated by the fact that town planning and mobility
are often the responsibility of different departments with different priorities.

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Policy Learning Platform on Low-carbon economy

GOOD PRACTICE: Application of the first Superblock

Like many large European cities, Barcelona faces significant challenges in terms of air
pollution and traffic congestion. Private vehicles occupy a vast amount of the urban
area, squeezing public and green spaces. In order to liberate some streets from
motorised traffic, the City of Barcelona has created a number of ‘Superblocks’ where
pedestrians and cyclists are prioritised.

The plan originated when Barcelona redesigned its bus routes, moving them onto
larger roads. They also located their bike-sharing scheme on these same arteries. This
created the possibility to limit traffic in the adjoining and connecting streets. The streets
within the superblocks still allow local traffic (cars and deliveries), but their speed is
limited to 10 km/h. Where possible parking spaces are moved off street and into
garages or underground. Parking spaces have been replaced by trees or seating
where locals can congregate, so this public space has been reclaimed. The measure
has had a positive effect on air quality and noise pollution.

Click here to read more about this practice.

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Policy Learning Platform on Low-carbon economy

Switching to community scale urban planning – locating shops, jobs and schools within walking
distance of where people live – would make active transport far more likely.

Many urban areas have taken action to reduce the dominance of the car, for example by
introducing car-free zones, and the superblock model has great potential. Softer measures that
make car use less attractive will also serve to increase the competitiveness of active (and
public) transport modes. Measures such as limited car parking, traffic calming and lower speed
limits can reduce the overall convenience of car use, while at the same time making spaces
safer and more attractive for pedestrians and cyclists.

School Mobility Challenge in Regional Policies

Journeys to and from schools account for around 15% of road traffic in urban areas.
The Interreg Europe project School Chance aims to reduce this figure by developing
policies that support cleaner school mobility options, including active transport.
Partners will identify innovative and coordinated ways to systematically address the
four most pressing challenges in the development and implementation of school
mobility policies: information, education, promotion, infrastructure. The result will be
an integrated set of tools to incorporate school mobility strategies at regional level.

Click here to find out more about the School Chance project

Promoting multi-modal transport

Active transport and public transport are intrinsically linked as most journeys by public transport
also involve some form of active travel – walking or cycling to the bus stop, train station, etc.
On the flip side, car users tend to move much less. A UK study of commuters found that those
travelling by bus walked more than four times further than those travelling by car. An average
car journey involved a 0.3 km walk compared to 1.3 km for bus users.

Therefore promotion of, and investment in, public transport is likely to lead to an increase in
the modal share of active transport. Regions and local authorities should consider this
interconnectivity within their mobility planning, and during the development of Sustainable
Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) – see also our policy brief on SUMPs.

Policy brief: Active Modes of Transport 8

Policy Learning Platform on Low-carbon economy

GOOD PRACTICE: The Helsinki transport planning principle

Like many urban areas, the Helsinki metropolitan region is experiencing rapid
population growth requiring very efficient mobility strategies to ensure the smooth
movement of increasing numbers of people and goods in the built-up city centre. The
objectives and policies of Helsinki’s transport system are defined in the Helsinki
Transport Development Programme. Recognising that walking, cycling and public
transport are the most space efficient means of transport, these modes are formally
prioritised within the programme. The general principle of transport planning is to serve
the needs of walking first, then cycling, public transport, freight transport and
passenger cars, in that order.

The creation of such a planning principle was a high level decision taken by political
leaders in Helsinki. It now forms the foundation for all land use and transport planning
in the city, and is binding on all departments. Measures implemented following the
introduction of the principle include the new public bike sharing system, launched in
2016, and the procurement of electric trams and buses.

Click here to find out more about this practice.


▪ Adequate infrastructure such as separated bike lanes and pedestrian crossings are
essential to make active transport a convenient and comfortable choice for citizens,
including maintenance and cleanliness. To help authorities with infrastructure planning,
the CYCLEWALK project is defining criteria to select the most appropriate technical
options based on local context and use. These criteria should be examined; the Policy
Learning Platform will promote them when they are available.
▪ Infrastructure should be well connected to increase usability. City or regional level
planning can ensure infrastructure links people’s homes, work and other places of
interest. The Bicipolitana Pesaro good practice shows a successful city level plan for
bike path networks.
▪ Safety is a key concern for citizens when it comes to active transport and must be
addressed. Certain types of road infrastructure can improve safety for pedestrians and
cyclists. As shown in the Cycling exam good practice, education and training can also
make cyclists act and feel safer on the road.
▪ Changes to urban planning can encourage active transport. In the long term,
community scale urban design can reduce people’s travel needs and bring about a shift

Policy brief: Active Modes of Transport 9

Policy Learning Platform on Low-carbon economy

to active transport. More immediate changes, such as the pedestrianisation of urban

areas – as is the case in the Superblocks good practice – can also make active
transport more attractive.
▪ Promotion of active transport should be done within an overall regional or city level
mobility strategy, bearing in mind the role of multi-modal transport. Most journeys by
public transport also involve some form of active travel, so these modes should be
considered together.
▪ Communication campaigns should focus on all of the benefits of active transport; not
only its low-carbon aspects, but also its positive impacts on health, and inclusivity, as
low-cost transport options.
▪ Regions and cities committed to increasing active transport, should prioritise
pedestrians and cyclists within their mobility strategy. Cities such as Helsinki have
institutionalised this through the introduction of a hierarchical planning principle –
prioritising pedestrians, then cyclists, public transport, freight transport and finally
passenger cars.

Source: UK Energy Savings Trust

Sources, further information
▪ Active Living Research – Moving Toward Active Transportation: How Policies Can
Encourage Walking and Bicycling (2016)
▪ CIVITAS - Cycle-friendly cities – How cities can stimulate the use of bicycles (2014)
▪ CIVITAS - The high potential of walking (2016)
▪ EU ministers for Transport - Declaration on Cycling as a climate friendly Transport
Mode (2015)
▪ FLOW project consortium - FLOW Impact Assessment Tool – Guideline (2016)
▪ Transport Research Centre Verne – Vitality from walking and cycling (2014)
▪ Winters, Meghan & Buehler, Ralph & Götschi, Thomas - Policies to Promote Active
Travel: Evidence from Reviews of the Literature (2017)

Policy brief: Active Modes of Transport 10

#Cycling #Walking

Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform on

Low-carbon economy

Thematic experts:
Simon Hunkin & Katharina Krell
s.hunkin@policylearning.eu k.krell@policylearning.eu

February 2019

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