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Omplex Nalysis: C 2014 Ron Buckmire

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Complex Analysis

Math 214 Spring 2014 Fowler 307 MWF 3:00pm - 3:55pm

2014 Ron Buckmire http://faculty.oxy.edu/ron/math/312/14/

Class 17: Monday March 17

TITLE Introduction to Complex Integration
CURRENT READING Zill & Shanahan, §5.1 and §5.2;
HOMEWORK Zill & Shanahan, §5.1 #6, 7, 8, 11, 27 20,33*; §5.2 # 2, 7, 10, 21, 22 29*.

We shall begin to consider integration of a complex function of a real variable by reviewing
line integrals from Multivariable Calculus and thinking about how to classify curves in 2-
dimensional space.
Recall that in Multivariable Calculus we defined a line or path integral:

DEFINITION: path integral

Given a vector function f~ : Rn → Rn and a path or curve γ in Rn given by ~g (t) : R → Rn
Z b Z
~ ~ d~g
for a ≤ t ≤ b the path integral of f over γ is given by f (~g (t)) · dt = f~ · d~x
a dt γ
In Complex Variables we will be restricting ourselves to R2 where ~x ∈ R2 will consist of
the cartesian coordinates (x, y) that we know and love, except we will also have the added
information that x and y always have the relationship that z = x + iy.
Let’s evaluate the following integrals where C is the quarter-circle in the first quadrant
Z by x(t) = 4 cos t, y(t) = 4 sin t for 0 ≤ t ≤
Z π/2. Z
(a) xy 2 dx (b) xy 2 dy (c) xy 2 ds

Evaluate xy dx + x2 dy where C is the graph of y = x3 from −1 ≤ x ≤ 2.

We are going to conenect or understanding of line or path integrals in R2 to contour integrals

in the complex plane.

Complex Analysis Worksheet 17 Math 312 Spring 2014

Curves in the Complex Plane

A point set γ : z = (x, y) in the complex plane is said to be an arc or curve if x = x(t) and
y = y(t) where a ≤ t ≤ b, where x(t) and y(t) are continuous functions of t (NOTE: x, y
and t are all real variables, NOT complex variables). The set γ is described by z(t) where
z(t) = x(t) + iy(t), a≤t≤b
The point z(a) is called the initial point of γ and the point z(b) is called the terminal
point of γ.

Simple Curves
The arc γ is said to be simple or a simple arc (also called a Jordan arc) if the arc never
crosses itself (except possibly at its endpoints). Mathematically, this means that z(t1) 6=
z(t2) ⇔ t1 6= t2.
However, if the curve would be simple except that it crosses at the endpoints, i.e. the initial
point equals the terminal point or z(b) = z(a), then this kind of curve is called a simple
closed curve or Jordan curve.

Smooth Curves
A curve (or arc) is said to be smooth if it obeys the following three conditions
1. z(t) has a CONTINUOUS DERIVATIVE on the interval [a, b]
2. z 0(t) is never zero on (a, b)
3. z(t) is a one-to-one function on [a, b]
If the first two conditions are met but z(a) = z(b), then it is called a smooth closed curve.

A contour is a piecewise smooth curve. That is, z(t) is continuous but z 0 (t) is only piecewise
continuous. If z(a) = z(b) then it is called a simple closed contour. Contours are important
because they are the sets that complex integration, or integration of complex functions
of a complex variable, are defined on.

Positive Orientation
The direction of increasing values in the real parameter t corresponds to the positive di-
rection on a contour C. If the contour is closed the positive direction corresponds to the
counter-clockwise direction or the direction in which you would walk so that the interior
of the closed contour is always on your left.
Length of an Arc
The length of an arc is given by
Z b Z bp
L= |z (t)|dt = (x0)2 + (y 0)2 dt
a a

x(t) and y(t) can be thought of as parametric representations of the curve γ which consists
of a set of points in the cartesian (x, y) plane.

THEOREM: Jordan Curve Theorem

A simple closed curve or simple closed contour divides the complex plane into two sets, the
interior which is BOUNDED, and the exterior, which is UNBOUNDED.

Complex Analysis Worksheet 17 Math 312 Spring 2014

Consider the following pictures of curves in the complex plane. Classify the orientation of
the curves as positive or negative and determine which of the curves are smooth, simple,

Which of these curves are:

positively oriented?

1. Write down a parametrization for a circular arc C1 from z = 2 to z = 2i.

2. Write down a parametrization for C2 which consists of two linear segments: one that
starts at z = 2 but then travels horizontally to the origin and the second travels
vertically from the origin ending at z = 2i

3. Sketch your contours C1 and C2

Complex Analysis Worksheet 17 Math 312 Spring 2014

Complex Functions of a Real Variable

Now we want to consider complex functions which have a real variable as their argument.
For example,
w(t) = u(t) + iv(t)
For the most part we can deal with these functions just like real functions. They consist of
two real functions of one variable. They can be differentiated and integrated just like real
functions of a real variable.

Properties of Integrals of Complex Functions of a real variable

w0 (t) = u0 (t) + iv 0(t)

Z b Z b Z b
w(t) dt = u(t) dt + i v(t) dt
a a a
Z b Z b
Re w(t) dt = Re(w(t)) dt
a a
Z b Z b
Im w(t) dt = Im(w(t)) dt
a a
Z b Z b

w(t) dt ≤ |w(t)| dt

a a

Consider w1 (t) = 1 + it2 and w2 = e3it and answer the following

1. w10 (t) =

2. w20 (t) =

Z 2π
3. w1 dt =

Z 2π
4. w2 dt =

5. Draw sketches of w1 and w2 in the complex plane for 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π

Complex valued functions of a real variable are extremely useful in that they map a set of
real points to a set of points in the complex plane. These are exactly the kinds of functions
we have to grow familiar with (and comfortable using) in order to do integration in the
complex plane. Graphically, they represent curves in the complex plane.

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