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Updated Indicative APP 2022

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Republic of the Philippines

( )epartment of Public works and Highways (

Pampanga 1st District Engineering Office


ProcuEment PrcqErrrProiect schedul. for Each ProcuErent acrivity Estiruted Budget (PhP)

Asset PreseNation Program: Preventive Mainlenance' Pampanga Public '1122t21 11t23-26t2',1 NEP 2022 16,404,000 00 16.404.000 00
Primary Roads - Manila North Rd - K0062 + 772 _ K0063 + 1st DEO Biddins
10115-21t21 11105121

Asset Preseruation Program: Preventive Maintenance _ Pampanga Public

10115-21121 11tO5121 't1t22t2l 11t23-26t21 NEP 2422 8,000,000.00 8,000,000.00
Preventive l\raintenance - Tertiary Roads Bahay Pare_Sn Luis_ 1st DEO Bdding
Slo Dominso Rd - K0059 + 000 - K0060 + 000

Assel PreseNation Program: Preventive Mainlenance _ Pampanga Publrc

14t15-21t21 11t05121 11t2221 11t23-26121 NEP 2022 5,200 000.00 5,200,000 00
Prevenlive Mainlenance - Tertiary Roads Sn Simon_Baliwag lst DEO Bidding Maintenance
Rd- K0059+ 129-K0059+880

Asset Preseruation Program: Prcventive Maintenance _

Preventive Maintenance - Tertiary Roads Tulauc_Sto Domingo Pampanga Public
14115-21t21 11145121 11t22t21 11t23-26121 NEP 2422 T7,529.000 00 17,529,000.00
Rd-KOO60+000-K0061 +542, K0061 + 835 - K0062 + 386, 1st DEO Bidding
K0063+491 - K0063 + 625
Asset Preservation Proglam: Rehabilitaiion/ Reconslruction/ Pampanga Public 1At15 21121 11145121 11122t21 11t23-26t21 NEP 2022 6,427,000 00 6,427,000.00 Upgrading of
Upgrading of Damaged Paved Roads - Primary Roads _ 1st DEO Biddins
Manila North Rd - K0062 + 36'1 - K0062 + 450 Damaged Paved
Asset Preservation Program: Rehabilitation/ Reconstruction/ Reconstruction/
Ljpgrading of Damaged Paved Roads _ Tertiary Roads _ Bahay Pampanga Upg6ding of
1A115-21t21 11tA5121 11122121 11t23 26121 NEP 2022 7.929.000 00 7,929,000 00
Pare-Sn Luis-Slo Domingo Rd - K0064 + 089 - K0064 + 215, lst DEO Bidding Damaged Paved
K0064+432-K0064+584 Roads'Tertiary
Asset Preservalion Program: Rehabilitatiorv Reconstftrction/ Pampanga Publc LJpgrading of
10115-21121 'I lo5t21 11122121 11123-26121 NEP 2422 4.532.000 00 4,532 000 00
Upg€ding of Damaged Paved Roads - Tertiary Roads - lst DEO B ddrng Damaged Paved
Baliwag-candaba'Sta Ana Rd ' K0068 + 000 - K0068 + 142 Roads
Asset Preservation Prograrf : Rehabilitation/ Reconstruction/ Upgrading oI
Pampanga Public 11t22t21 17,801,000 00 Damaged Paved
Upgrading of Damaged Paved Roads - Terliary Roads _ 10t15-21121 11t05121 11123-26t21 NEP 2022 17,801,000 00
lst DEO Blddlng Roads - Tertiary
Candaba-Sn lvliguel Rd'K0074 + 462 - K0075 + 000

Asset Preservation Prcgram: Rehabilitation/ Reconstruction/ Upgrading ol

Upglading of Damaged Paved Roads - Tertiary Roads _ Slo Pampan9a Public 11123-26121 4,086,000.00 4,086,000 00 Damaged Paved
14t15-21121 11145t21 11122121 NEP 2422
Tomas-Minalin Rd {Minalin-Macabebe Sect)_ K0064 + 379 _ 1st DEO Bidding Roads - Tertiary
K0064 + 507 Roads
Rehabllilation of
Asset Preservation Program: Constructiorv Upgrading/ Pampanga Public Dra nage along
1At15-21121 11t45t21 11122121 11t23-26t21 NEP 2A22 12.500.000 00 12 500.000 00
Rehabilitation of Dlainage along National Roads _ Terliary 1st DEO Bidding National Roads -
Roads - Candaba Sn Miguel Rd K0074 + 462 K0075 + 103 Tedary Roads
Rehabilitation of
Asset PreseNation Program: Construction/ Upgrading/
Rehabilitation ol Drainage along National Roads _ Tertiary Pampan9a
't st DEO
( brc 10119-25121 11t49121 11123121 .( ,,, NEP 2A22 59 700,000 00 59 700.000 00
Drainage along
Nalional Roads -
Roads - Sto Tomas-Minalin Rd (Minalin_Macabebe Secl)
- Jding
Tertiary Roads

Network Development Program: Road Widening P mary Pampanga Public Road Widening
NEP 2022 44,550,000.00 44,550,000 00
Roads - Jose Abad SantosAve (JASA) _ K0072 + 4'11 ' KOO72 10119 25121 111O9t21 11123121 11124-29121
lst DEO Bidding P mary Roads
+ 465. K0072 + 614 - K0073 + 483

Network Development Program: Road Widening _ Tertiary Pampanga Publlc Road Widening -
10t19 25121 11109121 11123t21 11124-29121 NEP 2022 50 000,000.00 50,000 000.00
Roads - Candaba-Sn Miguel Rd - K0070 + (487) - K0070 + 1st DEO Aidding Terliary Roads
543, K0070 + 726 - K0071 + 007

Replacement of
Bridge Program: Replacement of Permanent Weak Bridges - Pampanga Public
10t19-25121 11t49121 11t23t21 11124 29121 NEP 2022 100 000 000 00 100,000,000.00
Caniupan Br. 2 (Bo149oLZ) along Bahay Pare_Sn Luis'Slo 1st DEO Bidding gradges
Domingo Rd

8r Pampanga Public Construction ot

Bridqe Pmqramr Construction of New Bridges - Candaba 10119-25t21 111A9t21 11123121 11124-29t2',1 NeP 2A22 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00
1st DEO Bidding New Bridges
(Parallel Br) along Baliwag-Candaba_Sta Ana Rd

Flood Management Program: Construction/ I\raintenance of River Channeland

Flood Mitigation Structures and Drainage Sysiems - Pampan9a Public 11t09t2',1 11t23t21 11124-29121 NEP 2422 90,000,000.00 90.000 000.00 Construction of
Rehabilatation of River Channel and Construction of Concrete l st DEO Bidding Concrele Slope
Slope Protection, Malisik R.C., Candaba, Pampanga Prolection

Flood Management Program: Construcliorv Maintenance of

Rehabilitation of
Flood Mitigation Structures and Drainage Svstems ' Public 10t19-25t21 11t09t21 '11t23t21 11124-2912'1 NEP 2422 27,590 000 00 27,590 000 00
Sapang Are Creek
Rehabilitation of Sapang Are Creek, Apalit, Pampanga (Phase 1st DEO Bldding

Flood l\ranagement Program: Construction/ Mainlenance of

Pampanga Public Rehab htatron ol
Flood Mitigation Slructures and Drainage Systems - 14t19-25t21 11109t21 11t23t21 11124-29t21 NEP 2022 27,590,000.00 27,590,000 00
lst DEO Bidding sapang Are Creek
Rehabilitation of Sapanq Are Creek, Apalit, Pampanga (Phase

Flood Management Prcgram: Construcliorv Rehabilitation of RehabilitaUon of

Flood Miligation Facilities within Major River Basins and Pampanga Public 11149121 11123121 1t124-29121 NEP 2022 90.000,000 00 90,000,000 00 Eroded Pampanga
Principal Riversr Rehabilitation of Eroded Pampanga River 1st DEO Bidding River Bank
Bank along Barangay San Juan, San Luis, Pampanga

Flood Management Program: Construction/ Rehabililation of Rehabilitation of

Flood Mitigaiion Facillties within Maior River Basins and Pampanga Public 11tO9121 11123121 11t24-29121 NEP 2A22 90,000,000 00 90,000 000 00 Eroded Pampanga
Principal Rivers: Rehabilitation of Eroded Pampanga River Tst DEO Biddlng River Bank
Bank along Barangay Sucad, Apalit, Pampanga (Phase ll)

Susiainable lnfrastructure Proiecls Alleviating Gaps (SIPAG)

Construclion of
Access Roads and/or Eridges from the National Road/s Pampanga 1At22-28121 11112121 11129121 12t1-6121 NEP 2422 75,000,000 00 B dge and
leading to Major/ Strategic Public Buildings/ Facililles _ 1st DEO Bddng
Conslruction of Cambasi Bridge and Approaches at Masantol

Sustainable lnf€slructure Proiects Alleviating Gaps (SIPAG)

Access Roads and/oI Bndges from the National Road/s Pampanga Construction of
'10t22-24t21 11112121 't1t29121 12116121 NEP 2422 20,000,000 00 20,000 000.00
leading to Major/ Strategic Publlc Buildings/ Facilities _ lst DEO Bidding Road
Construction of Road with Slope Protection at San lsidro San
Luis, Concepcion, San Simon Pampanga
Sustainable lnlraslructure Proiects Allevialing Gaps (SIPAG)
Access Roads and/or Bridges from the National Road/s Pampanga
( ConstrucUon of
leading to Major/ Stralegic Public Bulldings/ Facilities 10122 24t21 't't112121 11t29121 {,,.u,,, NEP 2422 75.000.000 00 75 000,000 00 Bridge and
1st DEO Brdding
Construction of San Esteban Bridge and Approaches at
Macabebe, PamPanga

Suslainable lnfrastructure Projects Alleviating Gaps (SIPAG)

Public Construction of
Access Roads and/or Bridges from the National Road/s 14122 24t21 11t12t21 11t29121 1211-6t21 NEP 2022 75,000.000 00 75.000.000 00
leading to Major/ Strategic Public Buildingv Facililies ' 1st DEO Bidding
Construclion of San Juan Bridge, San Luis, Pampanga

Sustainable lnfrastructure Projects Alleviating Gaps (SIPAG) Rehabilitation of

Access Roads and/or Bridges from the National Road/s Pampanga Public Balangay Road
10t22 2A121 11t12t21 11t29121 1211-6t21 NEP 2A22 28.000.000 00 28,000,000.00
leading to Major/ Slralegic Public Buildingv Facilities _ lst OEO Bldding with Drainage
Rehabilitation of Barangay Paligui Road with Drainage Canal, Canal
Barangay Paligui, Apalit, Pampanga

Sustainable lnfrastructure Proiects Alleviating Gaps (SIPAG)

Access Roads and/oI Bridges lrom the National Road/s Pampanga Public Rehabiliialion of
leading to Majo, Strategic Public Buildings/ Facilities _ 10t22-24t21 11t12121 11t29t21 1211-6t21 NEP 2422 80,000,000.00 80.000.000 00
1st DEO Bidding Ercded River Bank
Rehabilitation ol Eroded Pampanga River Bank, Cansinala,
Apalit, PamPanga
Construction of
Construclion ofApalit Bridge and Bypass Road at Barangay Pampanga Public 11t29121 1211-6121 NEP 2022 75,000,000.00 75,000,000 00 Bridge and Bypass
10122-24121 11112121
Tabuyuc, Apalit PamPanga Tst DEO Bidding Road

Pampanga Public Construction of

Construction of Bypass Road (San Esteban) Macab€be _
14t22-28t21 11t',\2t21 11129121 1211-6121 NEP 2022 30,000 000 00 30,000,000 00
1st DEO Blddrng Bypass Road
Malauli, Masantol, PamPanga

Public Construction of
Construction of Paligui (Candaba) _ san lsidro Caniupan (San Pampanga 10122-28121 1111221 11t29121 1211-6121 NEP 2422 50,000,000.00 50.000.000 00
Luis) BYPass Road lst DEO Bidding Bypass Road

Construction of Pulilan, Bulacan (Dulong Malabon) Pulilan - Pampanga Public Construcl on ol

Apalit Bypass Road - Tabuyuc Bypass Road _ Apalil, 10122-24t21 1112121 11t29121 1211-6t21 NEP 2022 60,000,000.00 60,000,000 00
lst DEO Bidding Bypass Road
Construction of
Consiruction of Sagrada Bridge and Saglada_Cambasi Bypass Pampanga Public l21 122-4t21 75 000,000 00 75,000,000.00 Bddge and Bypass
14t25 31t21 11t15121 12lO NEP 2A22
Road - Masantol, Pampanga 1st DEO Bidding Road

Pampanga Public Rehabilitation of

Rehabilitation,of San lsid{o - Dawe Bypass Road _ Minalin, 10t25-31121 11115121 1ZA1t21 1212-8121 NEP 2022 100,000,000 00 100,000 000 00
Pampanga 1sl DEO Biddrng Bypass Road

Flood Mitigaiion Structures Protecling Public Pampanga Public , NEP 2422

10t25-31t2',1 11t',t5t21 12tO1121 1212-A121 40,000,000.00 4Q,000,000.00 Panquiary River
lnfrastructur6rFacilities: lmprovement of Panquiary River 1st DEO Bidding Control Skucture
Control Sirubture at BGy San lsidro, san Simon Pampanga

Flood Miligation Structures Protecting Public Rehabilitation of

Pampanga 1212 Bl21 NEP 2022 30,000,000 00 30,000 000 00
lnf iastruciures/Facilities: Rehabilitation of Panquiary River 10t25-31t21 11115t21 12tO1121
1st DEO aidding Control Struiture
Conlrcl Structure, Sla. Monica, San Simon, Pampanga

Basic lnfrastrulure Program (BlP):Access Roads and/or

Public Rehabllilation of
Bridges from the National Road/s leading to ldaior/ Straiegic Pampanga 1a/25-31121 11t15121 12tA1DI '12t2-8121 NEP 2A22 5 000 000.00 5,000,000 00
Public Buildings/ Facilities - Rehabilitation of Road, Barangay 1st DEO Aidding
Candelaria, Macabebe, Pampanga

Basic lnfraslruture Program (BlP):Access Roads and/or

Bridges lrom the National Road/s leading lo Major/ Straleglc Pampanga Pub ic Rehabililalion of
10125-31t21 11115121 12141t21 12t2 At21 NEP 2A22 5 000.000.00 5 000,000 00
Public Bulldings/ Facilities - Rehabililation oI Road Barangay 1sl DEO Bidding Road
Consuelo Macabebe, PamPanga
Basic lnfrastruturc Program (BlP)l Access Roads and/or
Bridges from the National Road/s leading to Maior/ Strateglc Pampanga ( rblc 10125 31121 11115121 12t41121
( o,, NEP 2022 5.000 000.00 5.000,000 00
Rehabrlitation of
Public Buildings/ Faclllties - Rehabilitation of Road, Barangay 1st DEO ., dd ng Road
San Aguslin, San Simon, Pampanga

Basic lnlrastrulure Plogram (BlP): Access Roads and/or

Bridges from the National Road/s leading to Maior/ Strategic Pampanga Public RehabilitaUon of
1At25-31121 11115121 12tO U21 1212-8121 NEP 2422 5,000,000.00 5 000.000.00
Public Buildings/ Faciliiies - Rehabilitation ot Road, Barangay lst DEO Bidding Road
Sapang Kawayan, Masantol, Pampanga

Basic lnfrastrulure ProgEm (BlP): MuhFPurpose Euildings/

Facilities to support Soclal SeNices - Construction of Don Pampanga Public Construction of
14t25-31121 11t15121 121A1,21 122 At21 NEP 2022 10.000.000 00 10,000,000 00
HonorioVentura Slate University (DHVSU) Candaba lst DEO Bidding Convenlion Cenler
Convention Center, Barangay Pasig, Candaba, Pampanga
Basic lnfrastruture Program (BlP)r Multi-Purpose Buildings/
Facilities to support SocialSewices - Construction of Multi- Conslruction of
Pampanga Public NEP 2022 25,000 000 00 25 000,000.00 Multi-Purpose
Purpose Building including Related Ground lmprovements, 14t25-31121 11115121 12tO1121 1212-8121
1st DEO Bidding Building
Macabebe Natonal High School Barangay San Roque,
lracabebe, PamPanga
Basic lnfrastruture Proglam (BlP): Multi-Purpose Buildings/
Facilities to support Social Services ' Construction of San Conslruclion of
Pampanga Publlc 10t27121-
Gabriel Multi-Purpose Building lncluding Related Ground 11117121 1ZO2l21 1213-9121 NEP 2022 12,000,000.00 12.000,000.00 Multi-Purpose
1st DEO Blddlng 11t2121
lmprovemenls and Facilities, Barangay San Gabriel, Building
Macabebe, PamPanga

Basic lnfrastruture Program (BlP): Multr-Purpose Buildings/ Construction of

Facillties to support Social Seryices - Construction of San Pampanga Publlc 10t27121-
11117121 12tt2t21 12t3-9t21 NEP 2422 14,000,000 00 14.000,000 00 Multi-Purpose
cabriel Multi-Purpose Building lncluding Related Ground lst DEO B ddlng 11t2t21
lmprovements, Barangay San Gabriel, Macabebe, Pampanga

Basic lnfrastrulure Program (BlP): Multi-Purpose Buildings/ Rehabiliiaton

Facilities to support Social Services - Rehabilitalion Pampanga '10127121- (Completion) of
11t17t21 12102121 1213-9121 NEP 2022 2,000,000.00 2 000,000.00
(Completion) of Caduang Tete MultiPurpose Building, lst DEO Bidding 11tZ2l Multi-Purpose
Barangay Caduang Tete, Macabebe, Pampanga Building

Basic lnfrastruiure Program (8lP)r ldulliPurpose Buildings/ Rehabilitaiion

Pampanga Public 10127t21- (completion) of
Facilities to support SocialServices - Rehabilitaiion 11117121 12102121 1213 9121 NEP 2022 3,000,000 00 3,000 000 00
(Completion) of Dulong llog Multi-Purpose Bualding, Barangay lst DEO Bidding 1112!21 Multi-Pueose
Dulong llo9, Candaba, Pampanga Building

Basic lnfrastruture Plogram (BlP) lrlullr'Purpose Buildings/ Rehabilitation

Facilities to support Social Services - Rehabilitation (completion) of
12tO2121 t '
. Pampatg?., Public 10t27t21- .8,000,000.00
(Corrp'elon) of Lourdes Multr.Purpose Burldrlg lncluorng 11117121 +23.9121 NEP 2A22 8,000,000.00
1st DEO Bidding 11t2121 MultiPurpose
Related Ground lmprovemenis, Barangay Loudes, Candaba, Building

Easic lnfrasiruture Program (BlP): Multi-Purpose Buildings/ Rehabilitation

- /. tacilities10 slpport Social SeNices - Rehabilitation Public 10t27121- ' '.12t3{,121 (Completion) of
.Pampqlsa, '11t17 t21 12tO2J21 NEP 2022 3.000.000 00 3,60o,ooobo
(Gomplelion) of Multi-Purpose Building, Barangay Sla. Rita, 1st DEO Bidding 11t2121 I\rulti-Punose
San Luis, Pampanga Building

Basic lnfrastrulure Program (BlP): I\rulti-Purpose Buildings/ Rehabilitation

Facililies to support Social Services - Rehabilitation Pampanga Publc 10t27 t21 - (Completion) of
'11117t21 12to2t21 1213-9t21 NEP 2422 3,000 000.00 3.000 000.00
(Completion) of San Juan Mulli-Purpose Building, Barangay '1st DEO Bddng 11t221 Multi-Purpose
San Juan, San Luis, Pampanga Building

Basrc lnfrastruture Program (BlP)l Multi-Purpose Buildings/ Rehabilitation

Facilities to support Social Services - Rehabiliiation Pampanga Public 10127t21- (Completion) of
11t17t21 121A2t21 1213-9121 NEP 2422 3.000.000 00 3 000.000 00
(Completion) of Sta Rta Multi-Purpose Buid ng, Barangay 1st DEO Bidding 1112121 Mulli-Purpose
Sta Rita, Minalin, Pampanga Buildrng

Basic lnfrastrulure Program (BlP)r Multi-Purpose Buildings/ RehabllilaUon

Facilities to support Social Services - Rehabilitation Pampanqa 10127121- (Completlon) of
11117t21 12tl2t21 1213-9t21 NEP 2422 3,000 000.00 3.000 000 00
(Completion) of Sulipan l\rulti-Purpose Buidlng Earangay lsl DEO Bddnq 11t2t21
Sulipan Apal[. Pampanga Building
l\IajorlStrategic Public Buildlngs/Facilfies Structural and ( 10127121 -
( Rehabilltation
(Completion) of
Resilience Program: Rehabllitation (Completion) oi 3 Unils 9' Pampanga ,rblic 11111t21 12102t21 12t r 9121 NEP 2022 3,000 000 00 3,000 000 00
Bidding National H gh
Classroom School Buildlng of Macabebe National Hgh 1st DEO 1112121
School, Barangay San Roque, Macabebe, Pampanga

Major/Stralegic Publlc Buildlngs/Facilities Structural and
Public 10t27t21- (Compleiion) of
Resilience Prcgram: Rehabilfialion (Complelion) of Caduang Pampanga 11111121 12t42t21 12t3-9121 NEP 2022 3.000,000.00 3,000,000 00
1st DEO Eidding 11t2121 NaiionalHigh
Tete National High School4-Slorey, 16-Classroom School
Building Barangay Caduang Tete, Macabebe, Pampanga

Major/Strategic Public Buildings/Facilities Structural and

Resilience Program: Rehabilitation (Completion) of San lsidro Pampanga Public 10t27t21- '11117 t21 12102t21 12t3-9t21 NEP 2422 3,000,000 00 3,000,000 00 (Complellon) of
Elementiary School 2-Classroom School Building lncluding 1si DEO Bidding 11t2J21 SchoolBuilding
Related Facilities, Barangay San lsidro, San Simon,

Construction of
Local Program: National Building Program - Buildings And Pampanga Public 10127121 -
11117t21 1ZO2l21 12t3-9t21 NEP 2A22 75,000,000 00 75.000,000.00 Community
Other Sfudures - Multipurpose / Facililies _ Construclion of 1st DEO Bidding 11t221 Hospital
Apalit Community Hospital, Apalit, Pampanga
Rehabililation of
Local Programr National Building Program _ Buildings And Pampanga River
Other Structures - Multipurpose / Facilities _ Rehabililation of Pampanga Public 10127t21- 25,000,000 00 contol system
11117t21 12142121 12t3 9121 NEP 2422 25,000,000 00
Pampanga River Control Syslem (PRCS) ofuce/Building, 1st DEO Bidding 111221 (PRCS)
Sulipan, Apalit, PamPanga Oftlce/Buildinq
Assel Preservation Programt Rehabilitalion/ Reconslruction/ Pampan9a Public 10t24121 -
11118121 12103121 1216-1221 NEP 2422 14,560,000 00 14,560,000.00 Upglading of
l..,pgrading of Damaged Paved Roads _ Primary Roads _ Jose 1st DEO Bidding 11t3t21 Damaged Paved
Abad Santos Ave (JASA) - K0073 + 000 - K0073 + 204

Asset Preseruation Program: Rehabilitation/ Reconstruction/ Pampanga Public 1012a121 - L,pgrading of

11114t21 12143121 1216-12t21 NEP 2A22 20,000,000.00 20,000 000.00
L,pgrading of Damaged Paved Roads - Primary Roads - lst DEO Bidding 11t3121 Damaged Paved
Manila Nonh Rd - K0067 + 676 - K0067 + 962 Roads'Primary
Upgrading of
Asset Preservation Prograrn: Rehabilitation/ Reconstruction/ Pampanga Public 10l2al2'l -
12tl3t21 12t6-12121 NEP 2022 3,798,000.00 3,798 000 00 Damaged Paved
Upgrading of Damaged Paved Roads ' Tertiary Roads _ A 1st DEO Bidding 11t3121
Roads - Tertiary
lllagalang Rd ' K0092 + 171 - K0092 + 290

Conslruction of By-
Neiwork Development Program: Construction of By_Pass and Pampanga Public '10t28t21 -
Divercion Roads - Arayat'Magalang Rd - Koo92 + 171 _ K0092 11t14t21 1ZO3t21 126-1221 NEP 2422 20,000,000 00 20 000.000 00
lst DEO Bdding 11t3t21 Roads
+ 290

Rehabilitation of
Basic lnfrasiruiure Prog6m (8lP):Access Roads and/or
Service Road
Bridges frqm the National Road/g ledding to Major/ Strategic Pampanga PLrblic 10124121 -
11t18t21 121A3121 1216- 12121 NEP 2422 5,000,000 00 5,000 000.00 lncluding Ground
Public Buildings/ Facilities - Rehabilitation ofSeruice Road 1st OEO Bldding 1113121
lncluding Ground lmprovement and Facilities at Camp Olivas,
Barangay San Nicolas, San Fernando, Pampanga
Construclion of By-
Network Developmenl Program: Construction of By_Pass and Pampanga Public 10t2al2't - 20,000,000.00 Pass and 0iversion
11114121 121O3t21 12t6-12t21 NEP 2022 20,000 000.00
Diversion Roads - Sia Ana-Arayal Bypass Road, Pampanga 1st DEO Bidding 11t3121 Roads

Sustainable lnfraslructure Projects Alleviating Gaps (SIPAG):

Flood Miligation Structures prctecting Pubiic Construction of
Pampanga Public 10t2st2t - 't2to3t21 20 000.000.00 Multi-Purpose
lnf rastructurevFacilities - Multi'Purpose Euildifl gs/ Facilities lo
11118121 12t6-12121 NEP 2422 20 000 000 00
1st DEO Biddlng 1',l13t21 Building
support Social Services - Construction ofMulti-Purpose
Building including Site Development in Pampanga

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