gsm128 Endmatter
gsm128 Endmatter
gsm128 Endmatter
and Applications
J. M. Landsberg
Graduate Studies
in Mathematics
Volume 128
Tensors: Geometry
and Applications
Tensors: Geometry
and Applications
J. M. Landsberg
Graduate Studies
in Mathematics
Volume 128
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 15–01, 15A69, 68Q17, 14M17, 94A12,
94A13, 20G05, 62E10, 14N05.
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Preface xi
§0.1. Usage xi
§0.2. Overview xii
§0.3. Clash of cultures xvii
§0.4. Further reading xviii
§0.5. Conventions, acknowledgments xix
Chapter 1. Introduction 3
§1.1. The complexity of matrix multiplication 5
§1.2. Definitions from multilinear algebra 7
§1.3. Tensor decomposition 11
§1.4. P v. NP and algebraic variants 18
§1.5. Algebraic statistics and tensor networks 22
§1.6. Geometry and representation theory 25
vi Contents
§8.6. The Chow variety of zero cycles and its equations 221
§8.7. The Fano variety of linear spaces on a variety 226
Chapter 9. Rank 229
§9.1. Remarks on rank for arbitrary varieties 229
§9.2. Bounds on symmetric rank 231
§9.3. Examples of classes of polynomials and their ranks 235
Chapter 10. Normal forms for small tensors 243
§10.1. Vector spaces with a finite number of orbits 244
§10.2. Vector spaces where the orbits can be explicitly parametrized246
§10.3. Points in C2 ⊗Cb ⊗Cc 248
§10.4. Ranks and border ranks of elements of S 3 C3 258
§10.5. Tensors in C3 ⊗C3 ⊗C3 260
§10.6. Normal forms for C2 ⊗S 2 W 261
§10.7. Exercises on normal forms for general points on small secant
varieties 262
§10.8. Limits of secant planes 262
§10.9. Limits for Veronese varieties 264
§10.10. Ranks and normal forms in σ3 (Seg(PA1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ PAn )) 267
Part 3. Applications
Chapter 11. The complexity of matrix multiplication 275
§11.1. “Real world” issues 276
§11.2. Failure of the border rank version of Strassen’s conjecture 276
§11.3. Finite group approach to upper bounds 281
§11.4. R(M3,3,3 ) ≤ 23 283
§11.5. Bläser’s 5
2 -Theorem 283
§11.6. The Brockett-Dobkin Theorem 285
§11.7. Multiplicative complexity 287
Chapter 12. Tensor decomposition 289
§12.1. Cumulants 290
§12.2. Blind deconvolution of DS-CMDA signals 293
§12.3. Uniqueness results coming from algebraic geometry 299
§12.4. Exact decomposition algorithms 302
§12.5. Kruskal’s theorem and its proof 305
Contents ix
Tensors are ubiquitous in the sciences. One reason for their ubiquity is
that they provide a useful way to organize data. Geometry is a powerful
tool for extracting information from data sets, and a beautiful subject in its
own right. This book has three intended uses: as a classroom textbook, a
reference work for researchers, and a research manuscript.
0.1. Usage
Classroom uses. Here are several possible courses one could give from this
(1) The first part of this text is suitable for an advanced course in
multilinear algebra—it provides a solid foundation for the study of
tensors and contains numerous applications, exercises, and exam-
ples. Such a course would cover Chapters 1–3 and parts of Chapters
(2) For a graduate course on the geometry of tensors not assuming
algebraic geometry, one can cover Chapters 1, 2, and 4–8 skipping
§§2.9–12, 4.6, 5.7, 6.7 (except Pieri), 7.6 and 8.6–8.
(3) For a graduate course on the geometry of tensors assuming alge-
braic geometry and with more emphasis on theory, one can follow
the above outline only skimming Chapters 2 and 4 (but perhaps
add §2.12) and add selected later topics.
(4) I have also given a one-semester class on the complexity of ma-
trix multiplication using selected material from earlier chapters and
then focusing on Chapter 11.
xii Preface
Research uses. I have tried to state all the results and definitions from
geometry and representation theory needed to study tensors. When proofs
are not included, references for them are given. The text includes the state
of the art regarding ranks and border ranks of tensors, and explains for
the first time many results and problems coming from outside mathematics
in geometric language. For example, a very short proof of the well-known
Kruskal theorem is presented, illustrating that it hinges upon a basic geomet-
ric fact about point sets in projective space. Many other natural subvarieties
of spaces of tensors are discussed in detail. Numerous open problems are
presented throughout the text.
Many of the topics covered in this book are currently very active areas
of research. However, there is no reasonable reference for all the wonderful
and useful mathematics that is already known. My goal has been to fill this
gap in the literature.
0.2. Overview
The book is divided into four parts: I. First applications, multilinear algebra,
and overview of results, II. Geometry and representation theory, III. More
applications, and IV. Advanced topics.
This chapter may be difficult for those unfamiliar with algebraic geo-
metry—it is terse as numerous excellent references are available (e.g., [157,
289]). Its purpose is primarily to establish language. Its prerequisite is
Chapter 2.
Chapter 5: Secant varieties. The notion of border rank for tensors has
a vast and beautiful generalization in the context of algebraic geometry, to
that of secant varieties of projective varieties. Many results on border rank
are more easily proved in this larger geometric context, and it is easier to
develop intuition regarding the border ranks of tensors when one examines
properties of secant varieties in general.
The prerequisite for this chapter is Chapter 4.
tangential varieties, dual varieties, and the Fano varieties of lines that gen-
eralize certain attributes of tensors to a more general geometric situation.
In the special cases of tensors, these varieties play a role in classifying nor-
mal forms and the study of rank. For example, dual varieties play a role in
distinguishing the different typical ranks that can occur for tensors over the
real numbers. They should also be useful for future applications. Chapter 8
discusses these as well as the Chow variety of polynomials that decompose
to a product of linear factors. I also present differential-geometric tools for
studying these varieties.
Chapter 8 can mostly be read immediately after Chapter 4.
Chapter 10: Normal forms for small tensors. The chapter describes
the spaces of tensors admitting normal forms, and the normal forms of ten-
sors in those spaces, as well as normal forms for points in small secant
The chapter can be read on a basic level after reading Chapter 2, but
the proofs and geometric descriptions of the various orbit closures require
material from other chapters.
this and similar instances—but no artificer makes the ideas themselves: how
could he?
And what of the maker of the bed? Were you not saying that he too
makes, not the idea which, according to our view, is the essence of the bed,
but only a particular bed?
Yes, I did. Then if he does not make that which exists he cannot make
true existence, but only some semblance of existence; and if any one were
to say that the work of the maker of the bed, or of any other workman, has
real existence, he could hardly be supposed to be speaking the truth.”
This difference of cultures is particularly pronounced when discussing
tensors: for some practitioners these are just multi-way arrays that one is
allowed to perform certain manipulations on. For geometers these are spaces
equipped with certain group actions. To emphasize the geometric aspects
of tensors, geometers prefer to work invariantly: to paraphrase W. Fulton:
“Don’t use coordinates unless someone holds a pickle to your head.”1
Gracchi. A problem in our 9-th grade geometry textbook asked us to determine if a 3-foot long
rifle could be packed in a box of certain dimensions, and Mr. Gracchi asked us all to cross out
the word ‘rifle’ and substitute the word ‘pickle’ because he “did not like guns”. A big 5q + 5q to
Mr. Gracchi for introducing his students to geometry!
0.5. Conventions, acknowledgments xix
For basic algebraic geometry as in Chapter 4, [157, 289] are useful. For
the more advanced commutative algebra needed in the later chapters [119]
is written with geometry in mind. The standard and only reference for the
Kempf-Weyman method is [333].
The standard reference for what was known in algebraic complexity the-
ory up to 1997 is [54].
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434 Index
◦, 41 Barth equation, 86
cνπμ , Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, basis of vector space, 55
153 Bayesian network, 23
(π), length of π, 141 Bertini’s theorem, 230
g, 160 Bianchi identity, 148
gl(V ), 160 bilinear map, 7
N̂x∗ X, 108 bipartite graph, 316
Ŝubr1 ,...,rn (A1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ An ), 69 blind source separation, 290
T̂x X, affine tangent space, 107 block term decomposition, 297
Ẑ, 99 blowup, 377
σ̂3 , equations for, 87 border rank, 38, 103
σ̂4 , equations for, 87 of bilinear map, 9
σ̂r , 10, 11 Chow, 221
σ̂r,A⊗B , 10 of polynomial, 10
σ̂r,A⊗B⊗C , 11 partially symmetric, 78
, 45 Borel subgroup, 159
dc, 325 Bott chamber, 391
|π|, 141 BPSK, 294
π , conjugate partition, 145 Brill’s equations, 223
π ∗ , 146 BRPP, 133
σr , 103 Brunelleschi, 99
σr (Seg(PA × PB)), ideal of, 156 BSS, 290
BTD, 297
τ (X), tangential variety, 208
HCn , 317
PerfMat, 316
canonical polyadic decomposition, 289
sgn, 56
Cartan component, 168
W , 396
Cartan power, 169
R, 10
Cartan product, 168
RS , 10
Castling transform, 247
VP, 319
catalecticant, 76
VPe , 317
character of representation, 151
VPws , 320
Chevalley basis, 386
dP |x , differential of P at x, 98
Chow variety, 221
dc, 325
Brill’s equations for, 223
dck , k-th order determinantal complexity,
equations of, 221
Chow’s Theorem, 102
k-plane, 106
circuit, arithmetic, 318
kπμν , Kronecker coefficients, 150
circuits, weakly skew, 320
r-N W D, 73
Clebsch hypersurface, 181
v2 (PV ), 103
closure, Euclidean, 118
vd (X), Veronese reembedding, 105 column rank, 29
vd (PV ), 104 Comas-Seguir theorem, 233
vd (PV )∨ , dual of Veronese, 211 commutant, 147
vd (P1 ), 104 complete flag, 159
3NAE-SAT, 350 complete intersection, 120
concise tensor, 69
additive noise, 290 cone, 118
affine conormal space, 108 affine, 99
affine tangent space, 107 cone over projective variety, 99
affine variety, normal, 396 cone over variety, 117
Alexander-Hirschowitz theorem, 71 conjugacy class, 140
algebraic statistical model, 23 conjugate partition, 145
algebraic variety, 10, 99 connectedness theorem, 209
ideal of, 99 conormal space, 113, 217
annihilator of subspace, 28 affine, 108
arithmetic circuit, 318 content, 145
Index 435
Waring decomposition
catalecticant algorithm, 302
Young flattening algorithm, 303
Waring problem, 125
weak defectivity, 73
weakly defective, 300
Titles in This Series
130 Viviana Ene and Jürgen Herzog, Gröbner bases in commutative algebra, 2012
129 Stuart P. Hastings and J. Bryce McLeod, Classical methods in ordinary differential
equations: With applications to boundary value problems, 2012
128 J. M. Landsberg, Tensors: Geometry and applications, 2012
127 Jeffrey Strom, Modern classical homotopy theory, 2011
126 Terence Tao, An introduction to measure theory, 2011
125 Dror Varolin, Riemann surfaces by way of complex analytic geometry, 2011
124 David A. Cox, John B. Little, and Henry K. Schenck, Toric varieties, 2011
123 Gregory Eskin, Lectures on linear partial differential equations, 2011
122 Teresa Crespo and Zbigniew Hajto, Algebraic groups and differential Galois theory,
121 Tobias Holck Colding and William P. Minicozzi II, A course in minimal surfaces,
120 Qing Han, A basic course in partial differential equations, 2011
119 Alexander Korostelev and Olga Korosteleva, Mathematical statistics: asymptotic
minimax theory, 2011
118 Hal L. Smith and Horst R. Thieme, Dynamical systems and population persistence,
117 Terence Tao, An epsilon of room, I: pages from year three of a mathematical blog. A
textbook on real analysis, 2010
116 Joan Cerdà, Linear functional analysis, 2010
115 Julio González-Dı́az, Ignacio Garcı́a-Jurado, and M. Gloria Fiestras-Janeiro, An
introductory course on mathematical game theory, 2010
114 Joseph J. Rotman, Advanced modern algebra: Second edition, 2010
113 Thomas M. Liggett, Continuous time Markov processes: An introduction, 2010
112 Fredi Tröltzsch, Optimal control of partial differential equations: Theory, methods and
applications, 2010
111 Simon Brendle, Ricci flow and the sphere theorem, 2010
110 Matthias Kreck, Differential algebraic topology: From stratifolds to exotic spheres, 2010
109 John C. Neu, Training manual on transport and fluids, 2010
108 Enrique Outerelo and Jesús M. Ruiz, Mapping degree theory, 2009
107 Jeffrey M. Lee, Manifolds and differential geometry, 2009
106 Robert J. Daverman and Gerard A. Venema, Embeddings in manifolds, 2009
105 Giovanni Leoni, A first course in Sobolev spaces, 2009
104 Paolo Aluffi, Algebra: Chapter 0, 2009
103 Branko Grünbaum, Configurations of points and lines, 2009
102 Mark A. Pinsky, Introduction to Fourier analysis and wavelets, 2009
101 Ward Cheney and Will Light, A course in approximation theory, 2009
100 I. Martin Isaacs, Algebra: A graduate course, 2009
99 Gerald Teschl, Mathematical methods in quantum mechanics: With applications to
Schrödinger operators, 2009
98 Alexander I. Bobenko and Yuri B. Suris, Discrete differential geometry: Integrable
structure, 2008
97 David C. Ullrich, Complex made simple, 2008
96 N. V. Krylov, Lectures on elliptic and parabolic equations in Sobolev spaces, 2008
95 Leon A. Takhtajan, Quantum mechanics for mathematicians, 2008
94 James E. Humphreys, Representations of semisimple Lie algebras in the BGG category
O, 2008
93 Peter W. Michor, Topics in differential geometry, 2008
92 I. Martin Isaacs, Finite group theory, 2008
91 Louis Halle Rowen, Graduate algebra: Noncommutative view, 2008