A universal view of risk and compliance allows executive level management to analyse
themes and build business improvement, profitability and value for shareholders.
Business intelligence and a real-time overview of data allows for risks to be recognised
as soon as possible and acted upon before developing into a compelling event, thus
protecting corporate reputation and reaffirming compliance. Themes and areas of
common incident occurrence can also be fed back to act as a prevention to escalation,
rather than a retrospective cure to a catastrophe (in BP’s case this fine amounted to
A frequent reaction at times for cloud-technology is the question: "Is cloud software
safe?" As far as cloud-based computing is concerned, one of the main fears associated
with this platform is that it is easily breached and there are some doubts over its
security. A number of recent hacking and cyber-attack incidents reported in the media
have not helped with this perception.
Providers such as Amazon Web Services are validated and compliant with ITAR
(International Traffic in Arms) regulations, a standard insisted on by many areas within
the military and armed forces. Due diligence when selecting preferred suppliers and
platforms is a business critical process for any firm contemplating a cloud environment.
The benefits of cloud-based ERM software are also boosted by the strategic evolution
of this method of software deployment. Products in this area are characterised as being
more future-proof and have the flexibility to update and upgrade globally with the touch
of a button. Accountability and traceability are also major benefits of this system,
whereby information can be captured to help identify the individuals involved, where the
incident happened, and when it occurred. Modern technology (such as iPads, Tablets
and Mobile Phones) also assist this dynamic process with global positioning tagging,
imagery, annotation of diagrams and mobile distribution of software also helping the
instantaneous style of data capture and carriage - used by the likes of Air Transat.