Energies 10 00119 With Cover
Energies 10 00119 With Cover
Energies 10 00119 With Cover
Special Issue
Energy Conservation in Infrastructures 2016
Edited by
Prof. Dr. Hossam A. Gabbar
Characterization and Analysis of Energy Demand
Patterns in Airports
Sergio Ortega Alba 1 and Mario Manana 2, *
1 Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport, Spanish Airports and Air Navigation (AENA), Airport Road, Maliaño,
Cantabria 39600, Spain; sortega@aena.es
2 Department of Electrical and Energy Engineering, University of Cantabria, Los Castros Avenue, Santander,
Cantabria 39005, Spain
* Correspondence: mananam@unican.es; Tel.: +34-942-201-378
Abstract: Airports in general have high-energy consumption. Influenced by many factors, the
characteristics of airport energy consumption are stochastic, nonlinear and dynamic. In recent
years, airport managers have made huge efforts to harmonize airport operation with environmental
sustainability by minimizing the environmental impact, with energy conservation and energy
efficiency as one of their pillars. A key factor in order to reduce energy consumption at airports
is to understand the energy use and consumption behavior, due to the multiple parameters and
singularities that are involved. In this article, a 3-step methodology based on monitoring methods
is proposed to characterize and analyze energy demand patterns in airports through their electric
load profiles, and is applied to the Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport (Santander, Spain). This
methodology can be also used in airports in order to determine the way energy is used, to establish
the classification of the electrical charges based on their operation way as well as to determine the
main energy consumers and main external influencers. Results show that airport present a daily
energy demand pattern since electric load profiles follow a similar curve shape for every day of the
year, having a great dependence of the terminal building behavior, the main energy consumer of
the airport, and with heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and lighting being the most
energy-intensive facilities, and outside temperature and daylighting the main external influencers.
Keywords: airports; energy modeling; energy demand patterns; electric load profile; electric charges;
loads; infrastructure energy conservation; energy consumption; energy efficiency
1. Introduction
An airport is the defined area on land or water (including any buildings, installations, and
equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface
movement of aircraft [1]. Nowadays, airports may also satisfy other commercial, industrial, business
and entertainment service needs. Airport design has been widely discussed in several technical
publications [2,3], and is related to the technical field of airport engineering.
For their operation, airports need to consume large amounts of natural resources, among
which electricity stands out [4]. In 2014, the 46 Spanish airports and two heliports belonging to
Spanish Airports and Air Navigation (AENA) company were responsible for the consumption of
911.91 GWh of electricity [5], compared with a total of 227,635 GWh of electricity consumed in
Spain [6], thus representing 0.40% of the total electricity consumed nationwide. It follows that this
energy consumption in airports has a great impact on both environmental and economic spheres,
and it has made national and international airport managers become aware of the need to reduce
energy consumption, as well as more efficient energy use, as shown in various of their environmental
publications [5,7,8].
Due to the multiple parameters and singularities that are involved a key factor in order to reduce
energy consumption in airports is to understand the energy use and consumption behavior, for
example, through tools such as energy modeling.
Energy Modeling
• Engineering methods: They are also called forward modeling, classical or white box. These
methods use detailed physics to model the energy behaviour and thermal dynamic of the
system under evaluation, knowing the inputs and aiming to predict the outputs [11]. They
are characterized by the use of specific software tools, such as DOE-2 (Version 2.2, Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA), EnergyPlus (Version 8.2, USA Department of
Energy, Washington, DC, USA), Transient Systems Simulation Program (TRNSYS 17, Thermal
Energy System Specialists, Madison, WI, USA), etc. [14]. This methodology requires a lot of detail
and a high level of technical knowledge, since it is necessary to develop appropriate models
whose accuracy increases as more information and data on the characteristics of the system are
available. To solve this technical disadvantage, simplified methods have been developed such as
the degree-day or bin method [15].
• Statistical methods: They are also called inverse modeling, data-driven or black-box. These
methods require no physical data about the system under evaluation. Both inputs and outputs
are known, and historical data are used to define the mathematical description of the system
by statistical methods whose variables have no physical meaning. Examples of these statistical
models would be simple or multiple linear regression [16] or conditional demand analysis [17].
• Artificial methods: These methods, as in the case of the statistical methods, use historical data
to model the system under evaluation, and are very useful tools to solve nonlinear problems of
energy consumption. Examples of these artificial models would be neural networks [18], support
vector machines [19], decision tree [20] or genetic algorithms [21].
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• Hybrid methods: They are also called gray-box and use simplified detailed physics to simulate
the behavior of the systems, thus minimizing the need of training data and calculation time since
statistical methods based on the operation data are used to obtain the coefficients of the model [22].
Examples of these artificial models would be resistance capacitance (RC) models [23].
In the case of airports, several research studies have used calculation-based approaches for energy
modeling and prediction. Most of them are based on hybrid methods such as unbiased grey Markov
models [24], RC models [25] or neural networks in combination with other prediction methods [26–28].
Other scientific publications are focused on thermal dynamic simulations to improve the energy
efficiency of terminal buildings, based on engineering methods [29–33]. Some other studies use
commercial energy simulation programs for this issue [34–41].
In contrast, measurement-based approaches measure the building or infrastructure energy
consumption, from the simplest bill-based methods to intensive monitoring methods [10]. Next,
some of them are explained:
• Bill-based methods: This would be the simplest way to model and quantify the energy use
because electricity bills are available for most owners. However, this data, usually collected with
a monthly frequency, do not provide enough information for the assessment of energy efficiency
or for characterization because such data are inherently aggregated across end-uses. Examples of
these methods are shown in [42,43].
• Monitoring methods: They allow better energy control of buildings or infrastructure, and, the
quantification of energy efficiency and the detection of facility faults. They can be classified
between end-use-submetering methods, non-intrusive load monitoring methods and building
energy management systems (BEMS)-based methods. Sub-metering methods place separate
metering hardware in each system under evaluation, obtaining energy use of individual loads.
Such methods are principally used because they are a precise way to obtain accuracy energy
data for energy investigations, although they are normally considered to be too expensive
for conventional buildings [44]. The non-intrusive load monitoring method is a pattern
recognition-based method which is capable of analyzing energy consumption placing only a small
amount of hardware [45]. Lastly, BEMS are computer-based systems that help to manage, control
and monitor the facilities under evaluation, typically heating, ventilation and air conditioning
(HVAC) and lighting, and the energy consumption of the devices used [46]. They also provide the
information and the tools to understand the energy behaviour of buildings and to control and
improve energy efficiency.
These latest monitoring methods make it possible to obtain electric load profiles in buildings or
infrastructures under evaluation. This electric load profile is simply a record of the electric power
consumed at any point in time. The data are usually collected every 5–15 min, so that over time,
the large amount of data collected provides very detailed information about how the facility uses
energy, and is an extremely useful tool for optimizing energy use [47]. The analisys of these electric
load profiles allow to determine if there may be any periodic pattern during a specific period of time,
determining this way their energy demand patterns.
At the present time, it is possible to find research articles related to energy demand patterns based
on monitoring methods in infrastructures such as hotels [48], universities [49], office buildings [50],
hospitals [51], department stores [52], residential buildings [53] and industrial buildings [54]. However,
there is no scientific research about energy demand patterns in airports. Therefore, airports are
excellent candidates for energy research in this field.
Both the previous article [4] and this one, are intended to contribute to a better understanding of the
scientific field of energy in airports. At the present time, this field is not widely investigated and the
limited research to date is mainly focused only in the terminals, although these buildings are only a
part of the entire airport.
In this article, a new 3-step methodology based on monitoring methods by end-use- submetering
is proposed to characterize and analyze energy demand patterns in airports through their electric load
profiles, and is applied to the real case of the Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport.
The main novelty of this article is that electric load profiles and energy demand patterns in
airports have not been studied previously, and this new methodology can be applied in medium-sized
airports by energy researchers or airport managers in order to characterize and analyze the way energy
is used and to classify the different types of existing electrical charges according to their operation
way. In addition, this methodology can be employed to identify the main energy consumers and main
external influencerson airport energy consumption. This is a necessary previous step to obtain energy
savings opportunities through for example demand side management techniques in a future study.
This methodology is different from others proposed by other authors because is focused in the
study of the electric load profiles and their existing periodic demand patterns based on monitoring
methods by end-use-submetering, on the contrary for example than Chen et al. [24], who proposed an
unbiased grey markov model to predict energy consumption; or Huang et al. [25] who present a RC
model to predict energy consumption in airports; or Chen et al. [28] who developed a hybrid method
based on a neural network combined with grey methodology to predict energy consumption; or
Kilkiş et al. [55], who developed an index to benchmark the performance of airports, including energy
consumption; or Upham [56], who presented a summary of sustainability issues of several European
airports; or Santoli [57], who proposeed a model to improve the environmental sustainability based on
the use of biomass, vegetable oil or biogas combined with a combined heat and power (CHP) plant.
The main contribution of this article is the presentation of energy data and figures demonstrating
that a medium-sized airport such as Seve Ballesteros-Santander present a daily energy demand pattern
since electric load profiles follow a similar curve shape for every day of the year. Furthermore, it is
described the significant dependence that exists between general airport energy demand pattern
and the terminal building, the main energy consumer of the airport, with HVAC and lighting
systems being the most energy-intensive facilities, and outside temperature and daylighting the
main external influencers.
Another important contribution is the proposal to classify electrical charges in three types based
on their operation way: fixed loads, necessary to maintain some critical facilities operative 24/7,
opening loads, necessary to allow the start of the process of attention to passengers and aircraft, and
variable loads, depending on the number of passengers or aircraft operations.
The article is further divided into four sections. The next section briefly presents main general
data of the case of study. The article continues by describing the 3-step methodology to characterize
and analyze energy demand patterns in airports. Thereafter, the results of the methodology applied to
Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport are analyzed and future research proposed. Finally, the conclusions
of this article are outlined in the last section.
and cargo at terminal buildings, the means to facilitate this flow and the different means of land
transport to access the terminal. Within the landside, Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport has buildings
and areas such as the terminal building and vehicle parking, as shown in Figures 3 and 4.
(a) (b)
Figure 3. (a) Landside facade of the terminal building; and (b) airside facade of the terminal building
and apron. Source: Airport Seve Ballesteros-Santander.
(a) (b)
Figure 4. (a) Departure area of the terminal building; (b) airlines check-in area of the terminal building;
(c) air traffic control (ATC) tower; (d) radio navigation systems buildings; and (e) helicopter hangers.
Source: Airport Seve Ballesteros-Santander.
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On the airside, the aircraft, and everything that relates to it, is the main customer. Aircraft
operations are among the main processes (landing and taking off of aircraft and guidance to the
apron), along with the organization and control of all facilities involved. Within the airside, Seve
Ballesteros-Santander Airport has buildings and areas for air traffic operations, such as the aircraft
movement area, air traffic control (ATC) tower, firefighting building, helicopter hangers, power station
building, cargo terminal, and radio navigation systems buildings, as shown in Figures 3 and 4.
In the next section, more specific data about Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport that are necessary
to characterize it will be listed.
3. Methodology
Characterizing energy demand patterns at airports through their electric load profiles requires a
great effort due to the multiple parameters and singularities that are involved, such as the climatology
of the location, the behavior of the occupants and workers, or the number of air operations and
passengers. Due to this fact, it is crucial to know what facilities or services are an important part of
airport energy consumption and what factors influence that consumption.
In this section, a 3-step methodology will be developed for the characterization and analysis
of energy demand patterns in airports, applying it to the real case of the Seve Ballesteros-Santander
Airport. Each one of these steps are divided into sub-sections that make the replication of this
methodology easier in other airports; describing the generalities, tools required, the actors involved,
the methods and materials, as well as partial conclusions of these sub-sections, which will be useful
for the final energy analysis. This methodology is summarized in Figure 5.
3.1.1. Generalities
The first step consists of collecting initial key data for the characterization of the airport under
evaluation. This initial step of general airport characterization is essential because it is necessary to have
basic information on the operation and facilities at the airport that can influence energy consumption.
This information will help at a later step to understand why electric charges are used and their behavior
patterns. These initial data will be based on administrative, statistical and meteorological information
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of the airport as well as the knowledge and experience in the management and operation of the
facilities that the airport operator possesses, as the main user of the infrastructure. Next, the way
to obtain these data for the airport characterization is shown and explained. In addition, tables and
figures are presented with data from the case study.
3.1.3. Tools
In this step, the use of measuring tools is not necessary, however simple treatment and storage
data tools are, for example MS Excel (Microsoft Corp, Redmond, WA, USA), because it is necessary to
collect considerable information at the airport under evaluation, as is presented in the next sub-section.
Table 1. General data of the Airport Seve Ballesteros-Santander. Source: [59]. LT: local time.
Table 2. Main buildings and areas of the Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport. Source: [59].
Table 3. Typology of companies located at Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport. Total number of workers:
288. Source: Airport.
These data collection tables are an example of airport administrative data which, in a later step,
will help to establish the relationship between energy consumption and operation of the airport. This
information must be completed and confirmed by the energy manager of the airport.
(2) Statistical data
Statistical data correspond to the basic data related to the number of passengers and air operations.
These data are necessary because they have a direct relation to the electricity consumption of an airport,
because having more passengers or air operations will require that more services or facilities are
operational. Likewise, the relation between the number of passengers and electrical consumption
(kWh/passenger) is one the most useful energy performance indicators (EPIs) in airports at the
present time [4].
These data can be found on the corresponding website of the airport operator. In the case of Seve
Ballesteros-Santander Airport and Spanish airports, in general, that would be AENA [58]. The main
statistical data about passenger and air operations for the year 2015 are presented in Figure 6.
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Figure 6. 2015 Statistical passenger and air operations data of the Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport.
Source: Figure based on data obtained in [58].
Figure 7. Temperature and daylighting hours data for Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport in the period
1997–2010. Source: Figure based on data obtained in [60].
The climate of the location has a major influence on the energy consumption of an airport,
principally linked to HVAC systems and lighting. In the case of Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport,
the climatic zone can be considered as mild temperate, oceanic, influenced by the proximity of the sea
and the topography of the area, with an average temperature of 14.1 ◦ C, and an annual average of
1246 mm rainfall, distributed throughout the year [56]. Summers are usually not too hot and winters
are not too cold, with temperatures rarely dropping below 0 ◦ C and rarely exceeding 26 ◦ C. Overall,
average temperatures between 24.2 ◦ C maximum in August and 5.7 ◦ C minimum in February, and the
annual thermal variation of monthly average temperature is about 10 ◦ C.
Taking into account the size, both the terminal building and aircraft movement area, and the
urbanization and parking area are the biggest airport areas, and therefore, are expected to be also the
areas with the highest energy consumption. On the contrary, auxiliary buildings are likely to have low
energy consumption compared to the buildings or areas mentioned previously.
At the airport, there are approximately 25 other companies besides the airport operator, which
will also affect energy consumption. Most of them are influenced by the number of passengers, like
restaurants or rent-a-car companies, or by the number of air operations, like fuel storage distribution
or commercial aviation companies.
The number of passengers and air operations has a linear relationship with the occupancy rate
of flights, with a larger number of passengers and operations between May and September. In the
summer season, an average of 3300 people/day use the airport facilities and an average of 35 air
operations/day are performed. By contrast, in winter an average of 1100 people/day use the airport
facilities and an average of 18 air operations/day are performed. This fact is likely to affect the energy
consumption of the terminal building and airfield lighting.
The airport is located in a mild climate zone, such that in spring and autumn seasons an intensive
use of HVAC systems will probably not be needed. Due to the opening hours of the airport (from
6 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.), there will be between 9 h and 16 h of daylighting depending on the month of the
year, which will have an influence on switched on/off artificial lighting as well as airfield lighting.
3.2.1. Generalities
The second step consists of colleting electrical data via historical information provided by the
airport operator and in situ measurements. Initially, a study of the typology of the electric charges and
an energy inventory must be done. This previous work will help to arrive at a theoretical description
of the main energy consumers and their hours of operation, making it possible to classify the different
electric charges by type, facility and location. In that way, one can determine the optimal location of the
electric measurement devices. These devices are necessary to obtain the metered energy consumption
data and the electric load profiles of the airport through its quarter-hourly power demand data, as
well as to perform the energy balance. Moreover, this energy inventory and balance should also serve
to determine the main factors influencing electricity consumption in each one of the electric charges
collected and the percentage of influence on airport energy demand.
3.2.3. Tools
In this step the use of measuring tools is necessary, such as electric meters, power analyzers and
clamp meters, as well as treatment and storage data tools, for example, MS Excel.
From a general point of view, all the electric charges that can be found in an aiport can be classified
in three types based on their operation way: fixed, opening and variable loads:
(A) Fixed loads: Electric loads with continuous operation 24/7, which generate a minimum base
energy demand that is necessary to maintain some critical airport facilities operative. In the case of
Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport, these loads would mainly be the data processing center, security,
radio navigation and meteorological systems. Additionally, there are other type of facilities, that
are principally composed of opening loads, which have several fixed loads as they are permanently
switched-on: Information and communication systems (ICTs) facility contains fixed loads related to
network communication devices and some specific computer systems; Signaling and information
facility contains fixed loads related to some specific signaling and information computer systems; and
Equipment various facility contains fixed loads related to devices such as refrigerators, automatic teller
machine (ATM) and similar. In Equation (1) this set of electric charges is represented by F , and each
fixed load f ∈ F is characterized by its active power P F f n.
(B) Opening loads: Electric charges with operation only during the opening hours of the airport,
but that are necessary to allow the start of the process of attention to passengers and aircraft, and
that are independent from the number of passengers or air operations. In the case of Airport Seve
Ballesteros-Santander, these charges would be HVAC, lighting, signaling and information, ICT and
equipment various. In Equation (1) this set of electric charges is represented by O , and each opening
load o ∈ O is characterized by its active power Pon O.
(C) Variable loads: Electric charges with variable operation during the opening hours of the
airport depending on the number of passengers or aircraft operations. In the case of Seve Ballesteros
Santander Airport, these charges would be electromechanical facilities for luggage and persons and
airfield lighting, which in both cases depend on the departures and arrival flights schedules. In the
case of airfield lighting, it also depends on the requirements established by ATC service. Additionally,
there are other types of facilities that are mainly composed of opening loads, which have several
variable loads that are switched-on depending on flight schedules, such as HVAC and lighting in
public spaces for passengers related to arrival or departures halls. In Equation (1) this set of electric
charges is represented by V and each variable load v ∈ V is characterized by its active power Pvn V.
In the case where there were no aircraft operations, this Pvn would be 0, as these facilities would not
have to be operatives.
The model presented in Figure 8 is designed to manage the sets of electric loads of the airport
over a period represented by a set N of time slots of equal duration (typically 15 min). The total set
N is divided into two main subsets N O and N C representing opening and closing hours with the
condition N = N O ∪ N C . Finally, considering the time is divided in quarter-hourly slots then, for
each time slot n ∈ N , the theoretical active power PnTOT of the airport can be calculated as:
PnTOTc = ∑ P F O
f n ∀ n ∈ N \N
f ∈F
O (1)
TOTo =
∑ PF O V
f n + ∑ Pon + ∑ Pvn ∀ n ∈ N \N
f ∈F o ∈O v∈V
PnTOTc and PnTOTo are the theoretical total active power during closing and opening hours of the
airport, respectively;
PFf n and P f n are the theoretical active power of fixed loads during closing and opening hours of
the airport, respectively;
O is the theoretical active power of opening loads during opening hours of the airport;
V is the theoretical active power of variable loads during opening hours of the airport;
n represents a time slot, typically 15 min;
N represents a set of n time slots;
N O represents a subset of n time slots during opening hours of the airport;
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With this energy data collected, it is possible to calculate the estimated annual energy consumption
for each load, which is a very useful information to perform the energy balance in thoses facilities
whose metered data are not available or are not possible to measure, and to understand the energy
behavior patterns . This estimated annual energy consumption ElTotal for each load l ∈ L can be
obtained by its electric power under normal conditions Plnormal and standby conditions Pl and
by operating hours under normal conditions tnormal
l and standby conditions tl , as is described in
Equation (2): h i
standby standby
ElTotal = ∑ Plnormal × tnormal
l + Pl × t l (2)
l ∈L
In the case of Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport, 9910 energy electrical charges have been
characterized during the period 2013–2015. An example of several electric charges collected are shown
in Table 4. The summary of this energy inventory by buildings and areas is shown in Table 5.
Table 4. Example of energy inventory of several electric charges. CCTV: closed circuit television; ICT:
information and communication system; AENA: Spanish Airports and Air Navigation.
Table 5. Energy inventory summary. HVAC: heating, ventilation and air conditioning.
Number of Electric
Zone Building or Area Main Facilities External Influences
Charges Power (kW)
Temperature Terminal
HVAC Schedule Employees
Lighting Terminal Schedule
Data Center
Landside Terminal Building 6830 (68.92%) 1286 (75.50%) Continuous operation
Terminal Schedule
Signaling and
Terminal Schedule
Electromechanical Passengers
Security Continuous operation
Terminal Schedule
Other equipment
Parking and Terminal Schedule
770 (7.77%) 47.73 (2,80%) Lighting
Urbanization Daylighting
Airport Schedule
1048 (10.58%) 113.55 (6.66%) Airfield Lighting Air Operations
Movement Area
Radio Navigation
Radio Navigation
88 (0.89%) 13.37 (0.78%) Meteorological Continuous operation
Systems Buildings
Radio Navigation Continuous operation
Airside Building Schedule
Daylighting Building
Control Tower 299 (3.02%) 49.5 (2.90%) Lighting
Schedule Employees
Schedule Employees
Other equipment
Schedule Employees
Daylighting Building
Schedule Employees
875 (8.83%) 193.54 (11.3%) Temperature Building
Buildings HVAC
Schedule Employees
Other equipment Building Schedule
Total Airport 9910 1704 - -
(3) Metering
To get the most reliable information possible in relation to energy demand, the researcher should
have, whenever feasible, real-data information on energy consumption and power demand of the
different facilities and buildings under evalution, or at least about those considered most relevant in
terms of their use or importance in the infrastructure. Therefore, a process of electric metering must be
performed to complement the information about individual loads obtained from the energy inventory.
This process of metering must be done with the corresponding electric measurement equipment, such
as electricity meters or power analyzers.
The location of these electricity meters must match with the main buildings and facilities identified
in the previous energy inventory. The installation of these electricity meters must be done by the
airport maintenance personnel in each electrical panelboard associated to the building or facility that
Energies 2017, 10, 119 15 of 35
must be metered, with the aim of collecting monthly energy consumption data and also disposing of
information about power demand in real time. In some cases, such as lighting, these electricity meters
are relatively more complicated to install due to the extension of the areas where there may be this type
of electric charge. In other cases, and due to the multitude of existing electrical circuits at an airport,
it may be necessary to install several electricity meters to obtain the data of a particular facility, as in
the case of signaling. In the scope of this research, during the year 2015 the energy consumption data
of 53 electricity meters were collected at Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport, with a monthly frequency.
The location, characteristics and model of these electricity meters is shown in Table 6.
However, previous electricity meters are not enough to collect and store power demand data
of the airport. Due to this fact, three additional power analyzers were also installed during the year
2015 in the main energy consumers of the Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport. As in the previous case,
the installation of these power analyzers must be done by the airport maintenance personnel in the
corresponding electrical panelboard, with the aim of collecting the quarter-hourly power demand data.
In the scope of this research, these power analyzers were installed in the electrical panelboards that
supplies electricity to: (1) the entire airport; (2) the entire terminal building and (3) its HVAC system.
These quarter-hourly frequency power demand data make it possible to obtain and represent the
electric load profiles of the airport, and with this data try to determine their energy demand patterns.
The location, characteristics and models of these power analyzers is shown in Table 6.
Firstly, monthly readings from the previous electricity meters installed must be taken. On the
one hand, data from the electricity meters for building measurements must be selected and summed
to obtain yearly and monthly building or areas energy consumption, as is shown in Tables 7 and 8.
On the other hand, data from the electricity meters for facilities measurements must be selected and
summed to obtain yearly facilities energy consumption, as is listed in Table 9.
In the specific case of the energy inventory, these latest measurement data must be complemented
in several cases (for example lighting, ICT, etc.) with the estimated energy consumption calculated in
the energy inventory for these cases (see Point 2. Energy Inventory). This is due to the impossibility
of metering some specific types of facilities with have a multitude of electrical circuits or that are
dispersed in several locations of the airport, as is explained in the previous metering sub-section.
In this way, the theoretical data collected in the energy inventory and the real data collected in the
metering process must be compared and adjusted.
Finally, energy balance data are stored and processed with a spreadsheet in order to facilitate the
management and mathematical calculation. Total annual energy consumption of the buildings must
be equal to the total annual energy consumption of the facilities, since they are two different ways of
analyzing energy consumption.
This energy balance must help to understand electric load profiles and energy demand patterns
analyzed in the next section.
(1) Fixed loads: Electric charges with continuous operation 24/7, representing 8% of the loads and
26% of energy consumption in 2015 for the case study. These loads are principally composed of
data center processing, security, meteorological and radio navigation systems.
(2) Opening loads: Electric charges with operation only during the opening hours of the airport,
independently of the number of passengers or air operations, representing 76% of the loads and
54% of energy consumption in 2015 for the case study. These loads are mainly composed of
HVAC, lighting, ICT and signaling and information systems.
(3) Variable loads: Electric charges with variable operation during the opening hours of the airport
depending on the number of passengers or aircraft operations, representing 16% of the loads
and 20% of energy consumption in 2015 for the case study. These loads are mainly composed of
airfield lighting and electromechanical systems.
It is worth noting that the terminal is the building with the greatest number of loads in relation to
other buildings (69% of the loads), and represents 76% of energy consumption of the airport, so its
electric load profile will influence the electric load profile of the entire airport. Auxiliary buildings like
the power station, firefighting building, hangers, cargo terminal, etc. represent only 8.8% of the loads
and 6.46% of energy consumption in 2015, which will not have great effect on the electric load profiles
of the airport.
Facilities with the most electric power installed are HVAC systems (775 kW) and lighting (249 kW),
representing 30.5% and 19.5% of energy consumption in 2015, respectively. Their switching on and off
are linked to the activities of the buildings or areas and in the case of the terminal building, automatized
through BEMS systems, so energy demand on-peaks and off-peaks will occur at the opening and
closing of the airport, as well as in the hours of sunrise and sunset for the case of lighting. After HVAC
and lighting, data center processing is the third main energy consumer of the airport, and represents a
fixed load due to the fact that the facility is operative 24/7. The same issue occurs with security and
radio navigation systems, although with lower energy consumption compared to the previous facilities.
On the other hand, airfield lighting represents 10.7% of the loads and 8.1% of energy consumption in
2015. This facility will influence electric load profiles only during the time the airport is open, since
these charges depend on the number of air operations and daylighting.
The more than 25 external companies located at the airport account for approximately 10% of the
electric charges of the airport, and represent 13% of energy consumption in 2015. The remaining electric
charges are associated with the airport operator. It is also worth noting that that the main external
Energies 2017, 10, 119 18 of 35
influences that affect the higher or lower energy consumption of the previously mentioned types of
charges are daylighting, outside temperature and the number of passengers and aircraft operations:
(1) Temperature: 3.3% of the loads representing 30.5% of energy consumption in 2015 are influenced
by the outside temperature, all related to HVAC systems.
(2) Daylighting: 65% of the loads representing 25% of energy consumption in 2015 are influenced by
daylighting, all related to lighting and airfield lighting systems.
(3) Aircraft operations: 12.5% of the loads representing 9% of energy consumption in 2015 are
influenced by the number of air operations, all related to airfield lighting, hangers and fuel
storage building.
(4) Passengers: 3.5% of the loads representing 11% of energy consumption in 2015 are influenced by
the number of passengers, principally related to the electromechanical facilities of the terminal
building and the external companies located at airport.
All of these partial conclusions must be taken account when the analysis of electric load profiles
and energy demands patterns are done.
3.3.1. Generalities
The third step consists of obtaining the energy demand patterns through the analysis of the
electric load profiles. These load profiles, collected in the previous step through the power demand
analyzers installed for the entire airport, terminal building and its HVAC system, are completed with
the additional information collected by the electricity meters located in buildings and facilities.
Different general, hourly, weekly, monthly, seasonal and yearly energy analyses are proposed
in the sub-section methods and materials, and developed and explained for the case of Airport Seve
Ballesteros- Santander in section Results.
3.3.3. Tools
In this step the use of treatment and storage data tools, for example MS Excel, is necessary.
• Peak or maximum demand: The time, magnitude and duration of peak demand period.
• Evening setback and shut-down: The effect of the evening setback and shut-down operation on
power demand, identifying the amount of electric charges that are switched-off.
• Weather effects: The effect of weather conditions on the energy demand can be identified from
day to night and comparing demand profiles in each season. In the case of airports will be focused
on outside temperature and daylighting influences.
• Interactions: Interactions between systems may be evident, for example, increasing energy
demand when an aircraft is landing or taking-off.
Other types of energy analyses are related to the weekly, monthly or yearly patterns:
• Weekly analysis: The repetition of the energy pattern must be studied in order to establish the
energy behavior on weekdays and weekends or holidays.
• Monthly analysis: The influence of the different seasons, mainly related to the outside temperature
and daylighting on the energy demand must be analyzed.
• Other analyses: Annual energy consumption as well as general comparisons between some of the
main external influencers and the main energy consumption buildings or facilities must be done,
comparing, for example, terminal building energy consumption versus number of passengers,
HVAC energy consumption versus outside temperature, lighting energy consumption versus
number of hours of daylighting or airfield lighting energy consumption versus number of hours
of daylighting.
This curve shape can be considered as the daily energy demand pattern of the airport. This
affirmation is based on the analysis and observation of the raw quarter-hourly power demand data
for the entire airport in the year 2015, whose daily and seasonal analyses are presented below and in
Section 4.4, as well as the mathematical analysis based on the Pearson correlation shown in Figure 10,
which represents the measure of dependence between the quarter-hourly power demand data grouped
each 15 days. In such figure, a correlation value equal to one means that the two time series have
the same pattern. On the contrary, the smaller is the correlation, the smaller is the value of this index
(white colour in the graph). As it can be seen, higher correlation exists between fortnights associated
with the same season of the year. In fact, the minimum value of correlation is 0.722. This is due to the
fact that although the general features of this daily curve shape can be applied to any day of the year,
power demand data can vary depending on the day of the year for the hours in which the airport is
open mainly due to the operation of HVAC and lighting systems, as it will be seen in the seasonal and
monthly analysis. Next, main characteristics of this daily energy demand pattern are explained:
• Night load: Between 11:30 p.m. and 06:00 a.m. the airport is closed, so it has an average energy
demand of around 175 kW, 125 kW of which corresponds to the terminal building, 25 kW to
HVAC systems in the terminal building that are in stand-by during the night, and the other 25 kW
to other airport buildings. This night load is composed of fixed loads, stand-by loads of facilities
that are switched-off during the night but are plugged-in, and loads related to facilities that are
switched-on but should be off due to inefficiencies.
• Morning start-up: At 06:00 a.m., the activity of the terminal building, urbanization and several
buildings start, as reflected in the schedule of Table 2, producing a morning start-up and ramp-up
between 6:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m., related to the switching-on of facilities like HVAC, lighting, ICT
and information and signaling systems, etc. This ramp-up also includes all the equipment needed
by the airport operator and the different companies located at the airport, and their employees.
This energy demand, called morning start-up, is the minimum necessary to start the process of
attention to passengers and aircraft at 7:30 a.m., and is composed of fixed and opening loads,
which are independent of the number of passengers and aircraft operations.
• Peak or maximum demand: It occurs approximately at 7:15 a.m. due to the mandatory test of all
airfield lighting for 10–15 min, which increments the energy demand of the aiport aproximately
80–90 kW. This on-peak can be maintained longer if some air operations are scheduled at 7:30 a.m.,
and by ATC is considered necessary to keep them switched-on. This peak demand occurs again
in the evening after sunset, due to the repeated mandatory test of all airfield lighting during
the evenings. The schedule of this second test is variable throughout the year depending on the
sunset hour.
• Operative energy demand: Between 7:30 a.m. and sunset, period during which the airport is
open, a variable energy demand exists due to different external influences. This operative energy
demand is composed of fixed, opening and variable loads, mainly associated to the terminal
building, urbanization and airfield lighting. During the day, this energy demand decreases and
stabilizes due to the progressive shut-down of urbanization and airfield lighting, and the lower
energy demand of HVAC systems due to thermal inertia of terminal building.
• Evening setback: Between sunset and 9:30 p.m. approximately, the energy demand increases
again due to the need for artificial lighting and airfield lighting in case of aircraft operations.
• Evening shut-down: Between 09:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m., the progressive shut-down of electric
charges takes place until the night load is reached.
Energies 2017, 10, 119 21 of 35
Figure 10. Pearson correlation index of power demand data grouped by fortnights.
Table 10. Average temperature for the day 18 February 2015. Source: Meteorological office of the Seve
Ballesteros-Santander Airport.
Table 11. Flight schedules for the day 18 February 2015. Source: Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport.
Firstly, a disaggregation is done to find out the contribution of the main buildings and areas to the
total power demand of the airport. Main buildings and areas are listed in Table 2. The quarter-hourly
power demand curve for the entire airport divided by buildings or areas during the 18 February 2015
is represented in Figure 11. Next, each one of its components are explained.
• Terminal building: This quarter-hourly power demand curve has been plotted with the power
demand data collected during the 18 February 2015 by the power analyzer located at the main
electrical panelboard that supplies electricity to the terminal building. As was seen previously in
Table 7, the terminal building represents 76% of annual energy consumption of the airport, and
therefore is also the main influencer of the airport energy demand patterns. Due to its importance,
the terminal building curve is disagreggated and explained by facility later in Figure 12.
• Urbanization and Parking (Outside Lighting): This quarter-hourly power demand curve is based
on the power demand data collected during the 18 February 2015 from the three electricity meters
located at the main electrical panelboards that supply electricity to this area, in the period that
lighting systems were switched-on. This lighting is automatized through astronomical time
switches, having a constant power demand of 44 kW from the opening hour of the airport
at 6:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. (approximately 45 after the sunrise), and between 06:00 p.m.
(approximately 45 before the sunset) and 00:00 a.m. (30 min after the closing hour of the airport).
During nights, only a minimum lighting is switched-on for security reasons, with a constant
power demand of 1 kW.
• Aircraft movement area (Airfield Lighting): This quarter-hourly power demand curve has been
plotted with the power demand data collected during 18 February 2015 from the three electricity
meters located at the main electrical panelboards that supply electricity to this area. On the
one hand, this airfield lighting is switched-on based on the requirements established by ATC
service depending on the flights schedules. As it can be seen in Figure 11 and Table 11, the
influence of aircraft operations on the power demand of this area is clearly reflected during the
time periods associated with flight schedules and without daylighting, with on-peaks of 70 kW
approximately. On the other hand, during the rest of the opening hours of the airport with
daylighting, a minimum constant power demand of approximately 3.5 kW is consumed, related
principally to aircraft warning lights and similars devices. During nights, some airfield lightings
located in the apron area remain switched-on in order to facilitate aircrafts maintenance tasks,
with a constant power demand of 4 kW. As previously commented, at 7:15 a.m. all airfield lighting
is switched-on for 10–15 min, which increments the energy demand of the aiport aproximately
Energies 2017, 10, 119 23 of 35
80–90 kW, in order to test the operation of all airfield lighting. This test is also repeated in the
evening after sunset, in this case at approximately 07:15 p.m.
Figure 11. Airport quarter-hourly power demand divided by buildings or areas. Date: 18 February 2015.
Figure 12. Terminal Building quarter-hourly power demand divided by facility. Date: 18 February 2015.
• Others: The term ‘others’ refers to the remaining buildings not included previously (control tower,
radio navigation systems buildings and auxiliary buildings), which only represent the 12% of the
energy consumption in 2015 for the case study. This quarter-hourly power demand curve is based
on the difference between the power demand data collected by the power analyzer located at the
main electrical panelboard that supplies electricity to the entire airport during the 18 February
Energies 2017, 10, 119 24 of 35
2015, and the sum of the power demand data of terminal building, aircraft movement area and
urbanization and parking seen previously. These buildings hardly affect to the energy demand
patterns of the airport, representing a small fraction of them. Their power demand varies between
the 23 kW during nights, mainly due to the fixed loads related to the radio navigation systems
and control tower, and approximately 40 kW during opening hours of the airport, due to the
operation and auxiliary services needed by the airport staff during this time, such as HVAC, ICT,
various equipment, etc.
Secondly, and as commented previously, the terminal building is the main influencer of the energy
demand patterns of the entire airport. Due to this fact, quarter-hourly power demand curve of the
terminal building for 18 February 2015 is explained and disaggregated by facility in Figure 12. Next,
each one of its components are explained.
• Data center processing: This quarter-hourly power demand curve is based on the power demand
data collected during 18 February 2015 from the electricity meter located at the main electrical
panelboards that supply electricity to this facility. This facility contains fixed loads, with
continuous operation 24/7 generating a constant power demand of approximately 33 kW.
• Security: The same issue occurs with this facility that contains fixed loads with continuous
operation 24/7 generating a constant power demand of approximately 20 kW. This quarter-hourly
power demand curve has been plotted with the power demand data collected during the
18 February 2015 from the three electricity meters located at the main electrical panelboards
that supply electricity to the security systems.
• Information and Signaling: This facility is composed of fixed loads (related to specific computer
information systems that must be switched-on 24/7) and opening loads (related to signaling
and information monitor systems that are only switched-on during the openings hours of the
airport). This behavior can be observed in Figure 12, where a constant power demand of 11 kW is
maintained during nights and 15 kW additional are added during the opening hours of the airport.
This quarter-hourly power demand curve is based on the power demand data collected during
18 February 2015 from the three electricity meters located at the main electrical panelboards that
supply electricity to this facility.
• Electromechanical: This facility is mainly composed of variable loads depending on the flight
schedules. As it can be seen in Figure 12, several demand peaks between 10–15 kW appear
just approximately one hour before and after the scheduled flights presented in Table 11,
related principally to luggage delivery process. During nights, a constant power demand of
approximately 2 kW is consumed related to the stand-by of these facilities. This quarter-hourly
power demand curve is based on the power demand data collected during 18 February 2015
from the electricity meter located at the main electrical panelboard that supplies electricity to the
luggage facility, and in the case of elevators, scalators and automatic doors, based on estimations
from the energy data collected in the energy inventory. In summary, electromechanical facility
represents a small fraction of the energy demand pattern of the terminal building, changing its
peak demand depending on the flights schedules.
• Lighting: As in the previous case of urbanization and parking, terminal lighting is mainly used
during the periods of the day without daylighting and during opening hours of the airport. Inside
the terminal building, lighting is automatized for public spaces (departures, arrivals, check-in,
etc.) through BEMS systems between 06:00 a.m. and 11:30 p.m., with more or less electric circuits
switched-on in these areas depending on the external brightness. As it can be seen in Figure 12,
the hours with the highest power demand related to lighting systems are from the opening hour
of the terminal building at 06:00 a.m. until 8:30 a.m. (approximately 15 min. after the sunrise), and
between 06:30 p.m. (approximately 15 min. before the sunset) and the closing hour of the terminal
building, with a power demand of approximately 75–90 kW. This facility greatly influences the
morning ramp-up just when the airport is opening and the evening set-back, and throughout
Energies 2017, 10, 119 25 of 35
the day its power demand decreases or increases in function of the hours of daylighting and
brightness, which will be variable depending on the day of the year and its corresponding sunrise,
sunset and meteorological conditions. During nights, only a minimum lighting is switched-on
inside the terminal for security reasons, with a constant power demand of approximately 1 kW.
This quarter-hourly power demand curve is based on the power demand data collected during
18 February 2015 from the five electricity meters located at the main electrical panelboard that
supply electricity to the lighting facility in public spaces, and on usage estimations from the
energy data collected in the energy inventory for the case of offices and lighting locations without
electricity meters for this specific day.
• HVAC: It represents the main energy consumer of the terminal building, nearly 35% of the annual
energy consumption in 2015, and is strongly dependent on the outside temperature and the
set-point operation, 21 ◦ C in the case of heating during winter season. Likewise, HVAC systems
in public spaces are automatized through BEMS systems between 06:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.,
generating a morning ramp-up between 06:00 a.m. and 08:00 a.m. due to the start-up of all
devices in order to, in this case, to heat the terminal building until the set-point chosen (21 ◦ C
in winter and 25 ◦ C in summer). Throughout the day, this power demand decreases due to the
thermic inertia of the building. As will be seen in the monthly analysis, this on-peak and later
demand will be variable as a function of the season of the year. During nights, only a minimum
constant power demand of 25 kW remains, related to the stand-by of the HVAC equipment. This
quarter-hourly power demand curve has been plotted with the power demand data stored during
the 18 February 2015 by the power analyzer located at the main electrical panelboard that supplies
electricity to the HVAC system of the terminal building.
• Others: The term others represent the remaining facilities not included previously (ICT and
various equipment), that due to the multitude of electric circuits related to them, is not possible to
have direct metered data about these facilities. For this reason, this quarter-hourly power demand
curve is based on the difference between the power demand data collected by the power analyzer
located at the main electrical panelboard that supplies electricity to the entire terminal building
during the 18 February 2015, and the sum of the power demand of lighting, electromechanical,
information and signaling, security and data center processing facilities seen previously. During
nights, a power demand of approximately 50–55 kW remains, due to the fixed loads associated
with the Equipment various facility (refrigerators, ATMs, etc.) and the ICT facility (network
communication devices, etc.), to the stand-by loads that are switched-off during the night but
are plugged-in (computers, monitors, etc.), and loads related to facilities that are switched-on
but should be off due to inefficiencies. During the opening hours, the power demand varies
between 65 and 85 kW, principally due to the operation and services required by airport staff
and passengers.
Figure 13. Quarter-hourly power demand during one week. Date: 15–21 March 2015.
In the case of lighting, in autumn and winter seasons fewer hours of daylighting are available,
so the use of artificial lighting is more intensive because the sunrise is later and the sunset is earlier.
This situation is clearly reflected in the location of peak demand in the evening setback. In Figure 14,
the curves for winter and autumn show an increase in the energy demand between 06:00 p.m. and
07:00 p.m. due to the progressive switching-on of artificial lighting. On the contrary, during spring
and summer, this demand peak occurs after 08:00–08:30 p.m.
Related to HVAC systems, a big difference exists in the energy demand during the period the
airport is open between the spring and autumn seasons, on the one hand, and summer and winter,
on the other. As can be seen in Figure 14, in spring and autumn this energy demand stabilizes at
approximately 300 kW, while in winter and summer this energy demand stabilizes around 450 kW.
This difference in energy demand averages about 150 kW is principally due to the lower need for
HVAC systems during the seasons of spring and autumn, when temperatures are mild. As it can be
seen, HVAC systems represent a very important part of total energy demand.
Related to energy consumption, the months with the highest energy consumption are January,
February, July and August, principally due to the intensive use of HVAC systems. This is because in
these months more energy is necessary to freeze or heat the terminal building, therefore more energy
is consumed in HVAC systems, as is presented in Table 8. On the contrary, April, May, September and
October are the months with less energy consumption due to the mild outside temperatures and greater
number of hours of daylighting. This fact can be observed in Figure 15, which represents the monthly
energy consumption in each hour for the entire airport, and is based on the energy consumption data
collected by the power analyzer located at the electrical panelboard that supplies electricity to the
entire airport during the year 2015.
Worth highlighting is the high energy consumption between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. during July and
August, due to the intensive use of HVAC systems in the terminal building, as can be seen in Figure 16.
This figure represents the hourly energy consumption in each month for the entire airport, and is based
on the energy consumption data collected by the power analyzer located at the electrical panelboard
that supplies electricity to the entire airport during the year 2015.
In all seasons, the night and base loads are similar (175 kW), as seen in the general analysis,
since energy to maintain operative some critical facilities does not depend on weather conditions
or daylighting.
Energies 2017, 10, 119 28 of 35
Figure 18. Monthly average temperature versus monthly energy consumption in HVAC systems
in 2015.
On the other hand and similarly, the relationship between the monthly average number of hours
of daylighting and monthly energy consumption in urbanization and parking, with only lighting loads,
is inversely proportional (more hours of daylighting, lower energy consumption, and viceversa), as
shown in Figure 19. This figure is based on the monthly energy consumption data collected from the
urbanization and parking electricity meters and the average monthly daylighting hours during the
year 2015, which have been obtained from the airport’s own meteorological offices.
As seen previously in Table 8 and Figure 6, the influence of the largest number of passengers
during the summer and spring months on the energy consumption of the terminal building (regardless
HVAC systems) is compensated by the higher amount of daylighting, keeping energy consumption in
similar values during every month of the year.
The same fact applies to the relationship between the number of aircraft operations and airfield
lighting energy consumption. During the summer and spring months, with a greater number of flights,
airfield lighting energy consumption is similar to the winter and autumn months, with fewer flights,
due to the greater amount of daylighting such that airfield lighting is not necessary and therefore
not switched-on.
Energies 2017, 10, 119 30 of 35
Figure 19. Monthly energy consumption in urbanization versus monthly average number of hours of
daylighting in 2015.
5. Conclusions
Airports in general have high-energy consumption. A key factor in order to reduce energy
consumption at airports is to understand the energy use and consumption behavior, due to the
multiple parameters and singularities that are involved.
In this article, a 3-step methodology based on monitoring methods by end-use-submetering is
proposed to characterize and analyze energy demand patterns in airports through the analysis of their
electric load profiles, and is applied to the real case of the Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport. This
methodology can be used in medium-sized airports in order to determine when, where and why the
energy is used, to classify the electrical charges based on their operation way as well as to identify the
main energy consumers and main external influencers of the energy consumption.
In the first step of the proposed methodology, key data for the characterization of the airport is
collected. These data are based on administrative, statistical and meteorological information which
allow airport characteristics to be related to energy demand. The main contribution of this step is the
proposal relating to the information sources that would permit other researchers to characterize any
other airport.
The second step consists of collecting electrical data via historical information provided by the
airport operator and in situ measurements. An energy inventory of the airport is done, collecting
technical and electrical information about all the loads of the airport. This assists in determining the
optimal ubication of the electric measurement equipment in the main buildings and facilities, which is
a necessary step to perform the energy balance of the airport and to obtain and understand the electric
load profiles. These electric load profiles are obtained through the quarter-hourly power demand data
collected by the electricity meters and power analyzers installed in the airport. Worth highlighting
is the new proposed classification of the electric charges in airports based on their operation way
into basically three types (fixed, opening and variables), and the subsequent identification of which
facilities are associatied to each type.
In the third step, the electric load profiles obtained previously are analyzed in order to find any
periodic pattern that may determine the energy demand pattern of the airport. Main finding of this
analysis is that a medium-sized airport such as Seve Ballesteros-Santander present a daily energy
demand pattern since electric load profiles follow a similar curve shape for every day of the year, with
a night load (during hours that the airport is closed), a morning start-up and ramp-up (at the opening
hour of the airport), an operative load (during the opening hours), an evening setback and an evening
shut-down (near the closing hour of the airport).
Other important contributions are the presentation of data and figures demonstrating that the
energy demand pattern of the airport are strongly influenced by the terminal building, the main energy
consumer of the airport, with HVAC and lighting systems being the most energy-intensive facilities,
and temperature, daylighting and aircraft operations being the main external influencers of this energy
consumption. Apart from the terminal building, it is worth noting that both airfield and urbanization
lighting have a significant impact on the power demand, being higher in the periods of time when the
airport is open and there is no daylighting.
It is also noteworthy that the weekly analysis shows that energy demand pattern for a specific day
does not depend on the day of the week, because in an airport with programmed regular flights there
is no difference between working and non-working days. However, the monthly analysis shows that
energy demand pattern is strongly influenced by the season of the year, with the HVAC and lighting
systems being the facilities most affected by this fact. In the case of lighting, during seasons with fewer
hours of daylighting available, the use of artificial lighting is more intensive because the sunrise is
later and the sunset is earlier. Related to HVAC systems, the lower need of HVAC during mild seasons
is clearly represented in energy consumption.
Lastly, the yearly analysis shows that annual energy consumption by hour is higher in the period
from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., the morning start-up hours, due to the large number of electric loads that are
started-up at the opening of the airport, and between 7:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., the main hours of the
Energies 2017, 10, 119 32 of 35
evening setback period, due to the switching-on of lighting and airfield lighting. On the contrary,
annual energy consumption by hour is lower in the period from 0 a.m. to 5 a.m., the night load,
because it corresponds with the hours that the airport is closed, and only basic systems to maintain
the operation of some facilities should remain switched-on. The influence of the largest number of
passengers during the summer and spring months on the energy consumption of the terminal building
is compensated by the greater amount of daylighting, keeping energy consumption in similar values
during every month of the year. This same fact applies to the relationship between the number of
aircraft operations and airfield lighting energy consumption.
Author Contributions: Sergio Ortega Alba conceived the initial idea and structure of the manuscript and collected
and characterized the energy data of the Seve Ballesteros-Santander Airport. Both Sergio Ortega Alba and
Mario Manana analyzed electric load profiles and energy demand patterns in airports.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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