Handset Network Test
Handset Network Test
Handset Network Test
Handset Trace Overview (such as received strength and cell information) plus higher-layer
When problems are found during network or protocol messages as exchanged between a handset and the network.
network-handset testing, the speed of their Example
resolution is critical. The additional information
from trace handsets can substantially reduce the Take a situation where data services work for a while and then
'time to solve' an issue by providing a diagnosis of occasionally fail. Using a regular commercial handset the SystemAT
the underlying cause. shows the problem is PDP context activation failure.
Trace Control The trace information is made available for analysis at the end of a
test session, together with all the handset behaviour data and metrics
Due to the complexity of 3rd Generation communication systems
captured by the SystemAT. To assist interpretation a message
there is potentially a large amount of trace data that could be
sequence chart is used to display trace messages. A trace data search
captured. SystemAT provides and easy-to-use graphical interface
facility is also supported to help locate the trace information that
with selection functionality to help the user navigate and select the
relates to an issue under investigation.
SMS PDU reception and completion procedure