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On A Class of Incomplete Gamma Functions With Applications: M. Aslam Chaudhry Syed M. Zubair

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On a Class of Incomplete Gamma Functions with Applications

M. Aslam Chaudhry Syed M. Zubair


Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C.

Preface Acknowledgments 1 Generalized Gamma Function 1.1 The Gamma Function T(a) 1.2 Definition of the Generalized Gamma Function 1.3 Properties of the Generalized Gamma Function 1.4 Mellin and Laplace Transforms 1.5 Asymptotic Representations 1.6 The Macdonald Probability Function 1.7 The Digamma Function ip(x) 1.8 Generalization of the Psi (Digamma) Function 1.9 Integral Representations of fa (a) 1.10 Properties of the Generalized Psi Function 1.11 Graphical and Tabular Representations 2 The 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 ix xiii 1 1 9 10 16 18 19 20 23 24 27 32

Generalized Incomplete Gamma Functions 37 The Incomplete Gamma Functions 37 Definition of the Generalized Incomplete Gamma Functions . 43 Properties of the Incomplete Generalized Gamma Functions . 44 Convolution Representations 47 Connection with Other Special Functions 51 KdF Functions and Incomplete Integrals 59 Representation in Terms of KdF Functions 65 Reduction Formulas for F%$ [x, y] 72 Integrals of the Product of Bessel and Gamma Functions . . . 75 Asymptotic Representations 80 2.10.1 An Expansion in Terms of Incomplete Gamma Functions 80 2.10.2 An Expansion in Terms of Laguerre Polynomials . . . 81 2.10.3 An Expansion in Terms of Confluent Hypergeometric Functions 81 2.10.4 A Uniform Expansion in Terms of the Error Function 82 2.11 Integral Representations for T(a,x; b) 85 2.12 Graphical and Tabular Representations 89


The 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9

Family of the Gamma Functions The Family of Incomplete Gamma Functions The Generalized Error Functions The Generalized Exponential Integral Function The Generalized Fresnel Integrals The Decomposition Functions The Extended Decomposition Functions The E(u, v) and F(u, v) Functions The e{u) and f[u) Functions Graphical and Tabular Representations

123 123 124 131 134 141 146 149 151 153 195 195 197 198 200 203 205 206 210 212 215 215 217 220 221 221 225 227 235 240 244 248 265 265 265 268 270 271 280 281

Extension of Generalized Incomplete Gamma Functions 4.1 Introduction 4.2 The Decomposition Formula 4.3 Recurrence Relation 4.4 Laplace and if-Transform Representation 4.5 Parametric Differentiation and Integration 4.6 Connection with Other Special Functions 4.7 Integral Representations 4.8 Differential Representations 4.9 The Mellin Transform Representation Extended Beta Function 5.1 The Beta Function 5.2 The Incomplete Beta Function 5.3 The Beta Probability Distribution 5.4 Definition of the Extended Beta Function 5.5 Properties of the Extended Beta Function 5.6 Integral Representations of the Extended Beta Function . . . 5.7 Connection with Other Special Functions 5.8 Representations in Terms of Whittaker Functions 5.9 Extended Incomplete Beta Function 5.10 The Extended Beta Distribution 5.11 Graphical and Tabular Representations Extended Incomplete Gamma Functions 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Definition of the Extended Incomplete Gamma Functions . . 6.3 The Decomposition Formula 6.4 Recurrence Formula 6.5 Connection with Other Special Functions 6.6 The tf-function 6.7 Incomplete Fox ff-functions

7 Extended Riemann Zeta Functions 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Bernoulli's Numbers and Polynomials 7.3 The Zeta Function 7.4 Zeros of the Zeta Function and the Function n(x) 7.5 The Extended Zeta Function &(")-, 7.6 The Second Extended Zeta Function Q(a) 7.7 The Hurwitz Zeta Function 7.8 Extended Hurwitz Zeta Functions 7.9 Extended Hurwitz Formulae 7.10 Further Remarks and Comments 7.10.1 An Identity of the Hurwitz-Lerch Zeta Function 7.10.2 The Zeta Function at Integer Arguments 7.10.3 Theorem of Christian Goldbach (1690-1764) 7.11 Graphical and Tabular Representations

. . .

287 287 287 290 297 298 304 306 308 311 316 316 318 320 322

8 Phase-Change Heat Transfer 329 8.1 Introduction 329 8.2 Constant Temperature Boundary Conditions 330 8.3 Convective Boundary Conditions 334 8.3.1 Solid at the Solidification Temperature Tf 338 8.3.2 Surface of the Solid Phase Maintained at T^ 338 8.3.3 Solidification from above with Convection at the Interface 338 8.4 Freezing of Tissues around a Capillary Tube 339 8.5 Freezing of Binary Alloys 343 8.6 Freezing around an Impurity 347 8.7 Numerical Methods for Phase-Change Problems 354 9 Transient Heat Conduction Problems 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Time-Dependent Surface Temperatures 9.2.1 Some Closed-Form Solutions 9.3 Time-Dependent Surface Heat Fluxes 9.3.1 Some Closed-Form Solutions 9.4 Illustrative Example 357 357 358 359 370 373 381

10 Heat Conduction Due to Laser Sources 385 10.1 Introduction 385 10.2 Mathematical Formulation 386 10.3 Some Cases of Practical Interest 389 10.3.1 Instantaneous Laser Source 389 10.3.2 Exponential-Type Laser Source 394 10.3.3 Exponential-Type Initial Temperature Distribution . . 402 10.4 Two-Layer System 408


11 A Unified Approach to Heat Source Problems 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Thermal Explosions ." 11.3 Continuously Operating Heat Sources 11.3.1 A Moving Point-Heat Source 11.3.2 A Moving Line-Heat Source 11.3.3 A Moving Plane-Heat Source Appendices A Heat Conduction A.I The Heat Conduction Equation A.2 Initial and Boundary Conditions A.3 Fundamental Solutions B Table of Laplace Transforms B.I Abelian Theorems B.2 Watson's Lemma B.3 Tauberian Theorem B.4 Analytic Theorem B.5 Initial Value Theorem B.6 Final Value Theorem B.7 Efros' Theorem B.8 Functional Operations B.9 Table of Laplace Transforms C Integrals Dependent on Parameters C.I Theorem on Continuity of J(y) := Ja,b(Vi f\ 1) C.I.I Theorem on the Continuity of Ja,oo(y;/;9) C.2 Theorem on Differentiation of J(j/) := Ja,oo(2/;/; 1) C.2.1 Theorem on Differentiation J(y) = Ja,oo(y', f',g) C.3 Theorem on the Integration of J(y) := Ja,b(y, f', 1) C.3.1 Theorem on the Integration of J(y) := Ja,oo(y, f',g) C.4 Theorem on Differentiation of the Integral I(y) C.5 Theorem on the Uniform Convergence of J(y) = Ja,<x(y, / ; 1) C.6 Theorem on the Continuity of J(y) = Ja,oo{y, /", 1) C.7 Theorem on the Differentiation of Ja,oo(y;/; 1) C.8 Theorem on an Integration of J(y) := Ja,oo(y,f\ 1) C.9 Theorem on Reversing the Order of Integration (I) CIO Theorem on Reversing the Order of Integration (II) C.ll Theorem (Abel's Test) C.12 Comparison Test in Terms of Order of Infinities C.13 Theorem (Holder's Inequality) C. 14 Differentiation of T(a,u;Tu) C. 15 Differentiation of CT {a, U;TU)

415 415 416 418 419 427 433 441 441 441 443 444 447 448 448 449 449 449 450 450 450 451 455 455 455 456 456 456 456 456 457 457 457 457 457 458 458 458 459 459 459


C.16 Differentiation of 5r(a, u;ru)References Symbols and Abbreviations Index

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