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Revised Wagon Maintenance Manual

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Ministry of Railways (Railway Board)

(Revision 2.0)
Volume-I (System Documentation)
December, 2022

Maharajpur, Gwalior – 474005 (INDIA)

Ph: 0751 -2470803 & Fax: 0751 -2470841

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Amrit Mahotsav xl<Hft.-JI ~ . ~-110001


It gives me immense pleasure to learn that the Indian Railways is

bringing out the revised Maintenance Manual for Wagons. This
manual is an attempt to update information on the current fleet of
freight stock, maintenance practices and other technological
interventions like Freight Maintenance Management module and
Warranty Management, etc which have been implemented in recent
past for increasing the effectiveness of maintenance of wagons.

I am sure that the revised manual would be of great help to those of

us involved in wagon maintenance and will result in improvement in
overall reliability and availability of wagons, which are the main source
of revenue for Indian Railways.

Considering the objective of India Railways to increase the modal

share of freight traffic of Indian Railways to 45% over a period of time,
further improvement in wagon design and maintenance regime shall
be required, which will call for revision of the wagon maintenance
manual at periodic intervals. This has to be kept in view.

CAMTECH and other stakeholders involved in preparation of this

revised manual deserve all the praise for bringing out such a well
documented and comprehensive guide for the use of our engineers.

With best wishes,

(Naveen Gulati)
Member (Traction & Rolling Stock)

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Railway Board vide Letter No. 2008/M(N)/951/28 Pt.2 dated 14.02.2022 advised
CAMTECH to revise the Wagon Maintenance Manual last published on December

Since last Wagon Maintenance Manual was published in December – 2015, lot of
developments have taken place such as introduction of new design of
product/customer specific Wagons, Stainless Steel Wagons, Wagons for
Dedicated Freight Corridor. New designs of bogie have been developed for 25t
Axle load i.e., LWLH25 & LCCF 20(C), etc. Moving towards automatic fault
detection systems, monitoring systems for Wagon are being introduced i.e., WILD,
RFID, ABD etc.

To enhance the throughput and maximum permitted speed of Wagons, change in

suspension has been incorporated in this manual as per the instructions issued by
RDSO to upgrade speed of wagons.

Since the last revision of Wagon Maintenance Manual, many more new design of
Wagons have come into service. Some of the existing wagon drawings have been
modified or revised. These changes have been incorporated in this Manual. The
maintenance pattern and requirements have also changed considerably. This has
also necessitated revision of existing Wagon Maintenance Manual. The present
manual bridges these gaps.

The Manual has been prepared in two Volumes. Volume-I (System

Documentation) covers all Wagon design, examination, maintenance and
important instructions of Railway Board and RDSO. All OEM Documentation has
also been compiled in Volume-II to provide detailed information on all specialized
equipments provided on different type of Wagons.

The other salient features of the manual are as follows:


in the manual.

Appendix-B has been included for Unified Proforma of BPCs for all types Rolling

I would like to express my gratitude towards, Railway Board, PCMEs all Indian
railways, CRSEs/Freight all Indian railways, RDSO and field units for their valuable
suggestions and comments for revision the Maintenance Manual for Wagon.

CAMTECH, Gwalior (Jitendra Singh)

Date: December’2022 Principal Executive Director

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Quality Policy
“We at IRCAMTECH Gwalior are committed to maintain and update transparent
standards of services to develop safe, modern and cost effective railway
technology complying with statutory and regulatory requirements, through
excellence in research, designs and standards by setting quality objectives,
commitment to satisfy applicable requirements and continual improvements of
the quality management system to cater to growing needs, demand and
expectations of passenger and freight traffic on the railways through periodic
review of quality management systems to achieve continual improvement and
customer appreciation. It is communicated and applied within the organization
and making it available to all the relevant interested parties”.

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To upgrade maintenance technologies and methodologies and achieve
improvement in productivity and performance of all Railway assets and
manpower which inter-alia would cover reliability, availability, utilization and

CAMTECH is continuing its efforts in the documentation and up gradation of

information on maintenance practices of railway assets. Over the years a large
number of publications on railway assets have been prepared in the form of
handbooks, pocket books, pamphlets & video films, etc. These publications have
been uploaded on the internet as well as on the railnet.

For downloading these publications please do the following:

1. On the internet visit: www.rdso.indianrailways.gov.in Go to Directorates 
CAMTECH  Publications for download Mechanical Engineering
2. On Railnet visit the RDSO website at Go to Directorates  CAMTECH
 Publications for download Mechanical Engineering

For any further information regarding publications please contact:

Director /Mechanical
Landline - 0751 - 2470890
CUG - 9752447040
E-mail - dirmech@gmail.com
Fax- 0751- 2470841

Write us at:
Director (Mechanical)
Indian Railways Centre for Advanced Maintenance Technology
In front of Hotel Adityaz, Airport Road
Maharajpur, Gwalior (M.P), Pin code –474 005

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The correction slips to be issued in the future for this report will be numbered as follows:

IRCAMTECH/GWL/MECH/2022-23/REV/WMM/22 # XX date .......

Where “XX” is the serial number of the concerned correction slip (starting from 01 onwards).

Version Date Corrections Remarks


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1. Structure of Documentation
This Manual deals with maintenance of all systems of wagons like superstructure,
running gear, braking system, etc. Thus, it can act as the single bare reference document
for maintenance of wagons in workshops and open line depots. The local prevailing
working conditions may vary on various Zonal Railways. Therefore, if considered
necessary, Zonal Railways may supplement these instructions with subsidiary
procedures based on local practices with the approval of PCME.

This Wagon Maintenance Manual provides maintenance instruction with procedures and
guidelines for maintaining different systems and components of freight stock. It focuses
on various systems, components, procedures, and other related information to carry out
Wagon maintenance activities. This manual should be used as a base document to frame
maintenance guidelines for the maintenance activities for the wagons.

For ease of readability and to explain the complex maintenance-related information to the
end user effectively, the documentation has been divided into two volumes:

1.1. Volume -1: System Documentation

This volume contains the technical details related to various systems, components, and
structures in the freight stock. This part of documentation also includes the details of
other related information such as maintenance schedule, technical description, drawings
of various types of wagon and operations details etc.

This information in this volume has been further divided as follows:

Chapter-1: Introduction

Chapter-2: Maintenance, Warranty and Condemnation

Chapter-3: Yard Maintenance

Chapter-4: Wagon Body

Chapter-5: Under frame

Chapter-6: Bogie

Chapter-7: Air Brake System

Chapter-8: Draw and Buffing Gear

Chapter-9: Tank Wagon

Chapter-10: Special Types of Wagon

Chapter-11: Infrastructure Facilities

Chapter-12: Freight Maintenance Management & Brief about the identified detection

Note: Index is available at the beginning of each Volume-1 & Volume-2.

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1.2. Volume -2: Original Equipment Manufacturer Documentation.
This volume of the maintenance manual contains maintenance/ operational/installation-
related documents from various OEMs associated with different systems and
components of the vehicle.


1.1 Distributor Valve
I. Overhaul instruction of Distributor Valve type: KEOGIKSL Make: KNORR
II. Maintenance Manual of Distributor Valve type ‘KE’ Make: ESCORTS
III. Maintenance Manual for Air Brake System (DV) for CONCOR Wagon Make:
IV. Operation and Maintenance Manual for C3W Distributor Valve for WBS & PBS
2. Bogie Mounted Brake System
I. Bogie Mounted Brake System (BMBS) For Freight Cars Make: KNORR
II. Bogie Mounted Brake System (BMBS) For Freight Cars Make: ESCORTS
3. Load Sensing Device
I. Descriptive Manual for Load Sensing Device Make: ESCORTS
II. Maintenance Manual for Load Sensing Device Make: FAIVELEY
III. Load Sensing Device Type VTA (Top mounted) Make: GREYSHAM
IV. Load Sensing Device Type VTA (Side mounted) Make: GREYSHAM
4.1 Polymer (PU) Side bearer Assembly
I. Instructions for Examination & Maintenance of Constant Contact Polymer (PU)
Side Bearer Assembly Make: Avadh/ Aryan/ Prag Industries Pvt. Ltd.
5.1 Cartridge Tapered Roller Bearing ‘E’/ Upgraded ‘E’ Type & ‘K’ Type
I. Railway technical handbook Volume 1 (Axle boxes, wheel set bearings,
sensors, condition monitoring, sub systems and services) Make: SKF
II. Installing and Maintaining Timken AP™ and AP-2™ Bearings Make: Timken
III. AP Bearings installation and maintenance instruction (Freight Car Application
for Indian Railways) Make: Timken

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101. General 22
102. Important parameters of Wagons 22
103. Important Rule Books and References 30
104. Standard Infrastructure for Wagon Depot 32
105. Important Wagon Modifications 32
106. Numbering Convention in the Manual 32
107. Numbering of Tables and Figures in the Manual 32
108. Standard Features of Wagons 32
201. Warranty Inspection of newly built wagons 35
202. Examination and Maintenance Periodicity 38
203. ROH of Wagons with CASNUB Bogie 39
204. Categorization of Wagon repair 40
205. Condemnation of Wagons 41
206. POH and ROH Interval 56
207. Work Areas where attention to be given 57
Table 2.3 58
301. Notification of Examination Points 71
302. Pattern of Freight Train Examination 71
303. Guidelines for GDR Check 74
304. General conditions for Freight Train Examination 76
305. Steps of Freight Train Examination 77
306. Details of Freight Train Examination 77
306A Rolling in / Terminating Examination 77
306B Freight Train Examination and Repairs 77
306C Air Brake Testing of Rakes having single pipe brake system 78
306D Air Brake Testing of Rakes having Twin pipe brake system 79
306E Common Problems in BMBS and Remedies 86
306F Issue of Brake Power Certificate 90
306G Guidelines for calculation of BPC percentage in rakes having both 90
conventional and BMBS Wagon
307. Procedure for Examination and Safety Certification of Departmental
Rolling Stock 91
308. Important Parameters to be ensured during Train Examination 92
308A Brake Gear Limit and Clearances 92
308B Piston Stroke 92
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308C Buffer Height 92
309. Important Parameters to be ensured during Sick line/Depot attention 92
309A Nominal Clearances of CASNUB Bogies 92
309B Wear Limits 93
309C Load/Snubber Springs of CASNUB, LWLH25& LCCF20(C) Bogie 93
309D Wear Limit for Friction Wedge block 94
309E Centre Pivot wear limit 94
309F Elastomeric Pad and constant contact side bearer 94
309G Wheel and Axle 94
310. Infrastructure & Facilities required in the yard 94
311. Machinery & Plant items 94
312. Tools Required 94
313. Man Hours for various types of Examinations 94
314. Examination of Container Trains (BLC/BLL Rakes) 94
315. Standardization of Brake Power Certificates for various Train 96
Table 3.3- Categorization of Freight Train Examination Points 97
Table 3.4- Distribution of Staff, Gangwise with tools & Materials 104
Table 3.5- Warranty Periods of Various Freight Stock Items 105
401. Introduction 108
402. General Construction of Open Wagon 108
403. General Construction of Covered Wagon 108
404. General Construction of Flat Wagon & Well Wagon 109
405. General Construction of Hopper Wagon 109
406. Nature of Repairs required in Wagon body 109
407. Corrosion in Wagon Body 110
408. Anticorrosive Measures 110
409. Rejectable Defects 111
410. Repairs in Sickline and ROH Depot 111
410A Panel Patching 411
410B Procedure for Welded Patches 112
410C Riveted Patch 114
410D Repairs to Bulged ends 114
410E Repairs to Body Structural members (Stanchions, Carlines & Copings) 114
410F Water Tightening of Wagons 114
410G Repairs to Doors and Door fittings (for Mild Steel wagons) 115
410H Repairs to Doors & Door fittings (for BCNHL Wagons) 115
410I Cleaning, Surface preparation & Painting 124
411. Repair and Maintenance in Workshops during POH and NPOH 124
412. Important Precautions to be taken while carrying out welding 125
413. Important Do’s and Don’ts 125
414. Maintenance of Stainless Steel Wagons 126
415. Upgraded rehabilitation of BOXN to BOXNR 126
416. Lock Bolts 127
417. New Wagon Numbering Scheme 128
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501. General 134
502. General Construction of BG Wagon Underframe 134
503. Need of the repairs to Bogie Wagon Underframe for mild steel wagons 142
504. Repair Procedure 142
505. Cleaning and De-rusting of the Underframe 143
506. Repairs to Head Stock 143
507. Repairs to Diagonals and Cross Bars 143
508. Repairs to Sole Bars 143
509. Repairs to Floor Plate 144
510. Underframe of Brake Van 144
511. BVZI Brake Van 144
512. List of Modifications 145
513. Repair and Maintenance in Sick-line and ROH Depot 147
514. Repair and Maintenance in Workshop during POH/NPOH 147
601. CASNUB Bogie 150
602. Wheel Assembly 165
603. Grease for CTRBs 174
604. Maintenance & Repair of Cartridge Tapered Roller Bearings 174
605. Cartridge tapered Roller Bearing Class-K 184
606. Arrangement of spring in various CASNUB trolleys according to axle
load 196
607. Identification/Numbering of wagons wheels 204
701. Classification of Air Brake System 209
702. Principle of Operation of Single Pipe Graduated Release A B System 209
702A Principle of Operation of Twin Pipe Graduated Release A B System 212
703. Common Pipe Bracket 214
704. Intermediate Piece (Sandwich piece) 214
705. Brake Pipe Hose 215
706. Brake Pipe Coupling 215
707. Cut Off Angle Cock 218
708. Brake Cylinder 221
709. Dirt Collector 226
710. Auxiliary Reservoir 230
711. Train Manager’s Emergency Brake Valve 231
712. Slack Adjuster 233
713. Distributor Valve 245
714. C3W Distributor Valve 245
715. Testing of Distributor Valve 259
715A Purpose of conducting various tests 260
715B Tools and Equipments for Testing 262
716. Testing of C3W Distributor Valve 262
717. KE Distributor Valve 267

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718. Testing of KE Distributor Valve 276
719. Test Report Proforma for C3W/KE Distributor Valve 278
720. Single Wagon Test 279
720A Procedure for Single Wagon Testing (Single Pipe) 280
720B Procedure for Single Wagon Testing (Twin Pipe) 281
720C Proforma for SWT for wagons other than BOBR & BOBRN (Single & 283
720D Proforma for SWT for wagons BOBRN type (Single & twin) 284
720E Proforma for SWT for wagons BMBS type (Single & twin) 285
Table 7.0 APM Setting 287
721. Rake Test 291
722. Repair and Maintenance in Sick-line 297
723. Repair and Maintenance in ROH 299
724. Periodical Overhaul of Air Brake System 301
725. Details of Tools, Fixtures and Equipment 303
726. Brake Power Calculations for BOXN wagon 306
727. Brake Rigging 307
728. Composition Brake Block 312
729. Bogie Mounted Brake System (BMBS) 314
801. General 355
802. Centre Buffer Coupler and Draft Gear 355
803. Parts of Centre Buffer Coupler Assembly 355
804. Inspection of CBC 356
805. Inspection of Draft Gear (MK-50 & RF-361) 358
806. Removal of Coupler and Draft Gear from Wagons 359
807. CBC Measuring Gauges and their Applications 360
808. Development of High Tensile Coupler & High Capacity Draft Gear 370
809. RF-361 Draft Gear 371
810. Maintenance of Mark-50 Draft Gear 378
811. Action Plan to reduce train parting 382
Marking on CBC (Manufacturers Initial) 384
Vendor List 386
901. Constructional Details 389
902. Periodicity of Overhauling of Tank Wagon 391
903. Cleaning of Tanks for Corrosive Liquids 392
904. Inspection of Tank Barrels 392
905. Testing of Barrel 393
906. Barrel Test Pressure 393
907. Testing of Tanks used for Corrosive Liquids 393
908. Testing of Tank Wagons used for Petrol and Middle Distillates of 394
Petroleum and Vegetable Oils
909. Repairs to Tank Barrels by Welding 394
910. Repairs and Testing of Tank Barrel Mounting Fittings 397
911. Fittings of Tanks for Corrosive Liquids 397
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912. Fittings of Tank Wagons of Petrol, other inflammable products, vegetable oils,
913. Test Reports and Records of Inspection 398
914. Important Modifications 398
915. Painting and Lettering 398
916. Examination and Repair of Tank Wagons by C&W Supervisor in sick line 400
917. Precautions with leaky Tank Wagons 401
918. Precautions to be taken at Loading and Unloading Points
(Tanks as Pressure Vessels) 402
919. Loading and Unloading Corrosive Liquids 403
920. Loading and Unloading of Tank Wagons 404
921. Precautions for Tanks for Petroleum and other inflammable products 405
922. Maintenance and Repair in Sick line 406
923. Maintenance and Repair in Workshop during POH 407
924 Instruction for maintenance & Operation of Bogie petrol tank wagon type
BTPN 407
925 Prevention of fire risks due to proximity of sealing wires with contact wire
OHE. 407
Table 9.5: List of RDSO maintenance publications for Tank Wagons 408
1001. BOXNCR Wagons 412
1002. Bogie low platform container flats (BLC) 414
1003. Broad gauge bogie container flat wagon (BLLA & BLLB) 416
1004. Bogie covered double decker wagon type ‘BCACBM’ 418
Table 10.3 New variants of old wagons 419
1101 Introduction 427
1102. Infrastructure and facilities required in the Yards 428
1103 Infrastructural Facilities for Freight Examination Yard with World-Class 430
Facilities for detachment-free Yard
1104 Infrastructural Facilities in Air Brake ROH Depots 431
1105 Facilities required for maintenance of Stainless Steel Wagon 438
1106 Minimum infrastructure required for Premium & CC examination 439
1107 Facilities required in Freight Examination Yards 439
1201 Introduction 444
1202 Modules & its major functionalities 445
1203 Functionalities in FMM 446
1204 Integrated with other applications 450
1205 Brief about the identified detection equipment 453

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APPENDIX-I Tippler 463
APPENDIX-II List of Important Modifications to be carried out on Freight 469
APPENDIX-III Wagon Manufacturers and Workshops 471
APPENDIX-IV Branding details on Wheel and Axle 475
APPENDIX-V List of Must change items in Freight stock during POH and 480
APPENDIX-VI Guidelines for Maintenance and Repair of Stainless Steel 486
APPENDIX-VII Long Haul Train Operation 498
APPENDIX-VIII Check List for Inspection of Wagon stock. 503
APPENDIX-IX Bogie Covered Double Decker Wagon type ‘BCACBM’ 547
APPENDIX-X Proposed Electronic Equipments for Freight Stock 561
APPENDIX-XI Duty Lists of C&W Supervisors 565
APPENDIX-XII Unit Exchange Spares for Freight stock in 590
APPENDIX-A Drawings and parameters of wagons 592
APPENDIX-B BPC annexure 657
APPENDIX-C Report on Handling of Warranty Rejections 667
APPENDIX-D Schedule of Technical requirement of Upgraded High tensile 680
centre buffer coupler No. WD-70-BD-10 (Rev.3)
APPENDIX-E Proforma of CTRB failure (Online or Yard) of freight stock 681

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1.1 Distributor Valve
I. Overhaul instruction of Distributor Valve type: KEOGIKSL Make: KNORR
II. Maintenance Manual of Distributor Valve type ‘KE’ Make: ESCORTS
III. Maintenance Manual for Air Brake System (DV) for CONCOR Wagon Make:
IV. Operation and Maintenance Manual for C3W Distributor Valve for WBS & PBS
2. Bogie Mounted Brake System
I. Bogie Mounted Brake System (BMBS) For Freight Cars Make: KNORR BREMSE
II. Bogie Mounted Brake System (BMBS) For Freight Cars Make: ESCORTS
3. Load Sensing Device
I. Descriptive Manual for Load Sensing Device Make: ESCORTS
II. Maintenance Manual for Load Sensing Device Make: FAIVELEY
III. Load Sensing Device Type VTA (Top mounted) Make: GREYSHAM
IV. Load Sensing Device Type VTA (Side mounted) Make: GREYSHAM
4.1 Polymer (PU) Side bearer Assembly
I. Instructions for Examination & Maintenance of Constant Contact Polymer (PU)
Side Bearer Assembly Make: Avadh/ Aryan/ Prag Industries Pvt. Ltd.
5.1 Cartridge Tapered Roller Bearing ‘E’/ Upgraded ‘E’ Type & ‘K’ Type
I. Railway technical handbook Volume 1 (Axle boxes, wheel set bearings, sensors,
condition monitoring, sub systems and services) Make: SKF
II. Installing and Maintaining Timken AP™ and AP-2™ Bearings Make: Timken
III. AP Bearings installation and maintenance instruction (Freight Car Application for
Indian Railways) Make: Timken

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The Wagon Maintenance Manual was last comprehensively revised and
published in 2015. A lot of developments have taken place such as the
introduction of new freight stock, upgradation of existing stock. Also, Freight
Maintenance Management System has been fully Implemented. Many way
side detection systems have either been introduced or in the process of
introduction. New Warranty Management Policy has been issued. As a result,
the maintenance pattern and requirements have also changed considerably.
This has necessitated a revision of the existing wagon maintenance manual.
a) For ensuring optimum performance of wagon fleet, it is necessary that:
i. Preventive maintenance is given in time to avoid the occurrence of
ii. Defects are attended to effectively and well in time so that the wagons
remain fit for traffic use till the next schedule falls due
iii. Detention during examination and repairs is kept to a minimum
iv. Frequent failures of similar nature are studied and necessary
modifications/ design changes are effected to eliminate the cause of such
In course of time and based on experience, various procedures/ schedules for
maintenance of wagons have been prepared. The schedules and procedures
have been largely standardized and issued by Railway Board, RDSO and
IRCA, etc. However, in many cases, instructions have been issued piecemeal.
This manual consolidates various standing instructions issued on wagon
maintenance and lays down guidelines for ensuring uniformity in the practices
to be followed on various railways. The important aspects of wagon
maintenance have been covered and wherever necessary, the references are
indicated so that the reader can refer to these, if necessary, for detailed
instructions and procedures not contained in this manual.
b) This manual does not deal with the special stock or ODCs for which
separate instructions are issued by RDSO/manufacturers.
c) At the end of this chapter, the list of important instructions and references
has been given. Throughout this manual, wherever IRCA Part III has been
mentioned, it refers to IRCA Part-III (Latest edition).
d) While proper maintenance plays a vital role in ensuring effectiveness of
the rolling stock, an equally crucial role is played by proper handling and
careful operation of the wagon fleet to minimize the incidences of damage
and subsequent need for repairs.
The important dimensions and sketches of the main type of wagon stock used
by Indian Railways are provided in this chapter.
Details of the following new types of wagon stock have been added.
Regarding the latest position of axle load, spring configuration and permissible
speed, RDSO’s instructions may be referred to. The speed certificates of
these wagons are available on RDSO‘s website.

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Axle Permissible
Designation Bogie Springs Speed Remarks
Load Speed (Kmph)
CASNUB 22 O – 14 It has no doors.
BOY 22.9 t NLB I – 10 65/ 75 Designed for heavy
(modified) S – 4 minerals.
BOYEL 25.0 t I – 14 45+5/ 60+5 70/85 BOXNEL&BOYEL
S–4 Date-11.04.16
Operation at CC+6 +2/
O – 12 CC+8 +2
BOXN 20.32 t I–8 75/ 80 allowed as an interim
S–4 measure, with a speed
restriction of 60/80
70/ 80
CASNUB 22 O – 14 On specified routes,
BOXN M1 22.82 t NLB I – 10 the speed is 75/80
60/ 80
(Modified) S – 4 Kmph with CC +8 +2
O – 14
BOXNEL 25.0 t I – 14 50/ 65 70/85
O – 14
BOXNHS 20.32 t I – 12 100/ 100
75/ 90
CASNUB 22 O – 14 On specified routes,
(CC+6 +2)
BOXNHS M1 22.82 t HS I – 14 the speed is 75/80
(Modified) S – 4 Kmph with CC +8 +2
22.1 t O – 14 100/100 BOXNHA/ 22.8 Dt
BOXNHA IRF 108 HS I – 14 (20.32 & 22.1 t) 31.03.2010 &
22.82t S – 4 75/100 (22.82 t) Amendment. Dt
Stainless steel (IRS:
O – 14
CASNUB 22 M44) and Corton Steel
BOXNLW 20.32 t I – 12 100/ 100
HS (IRS: M41) used in
body & underframe
CASNUB 22 O – 14
BOXNLW M1 22.82 t HS I – 14 60/ 65
(Modified) S – 4
O – 14 OXNHL25T DT
22.9 t CASNUB 22 (IR)
BOXNHL I – 14 75/ 100 30.10.15 &
25t HS 100/100
L DT. 03.10.19
Operation at CC+ 6 +
O – 14 2 allowed as an
BOST 20.32 t I – 12 75/ 80 interim measure with
S–4 speed restriction to
50/ 80
23 | Page
CASNUB 22 O – 14
High Axle load version
BOSTM1 22.32 t HS I – 14 60/ 65
(modified) S – 4
O – 12
CASNUB 22 High speed version of
BOSTHS 20.32 t I – 12 100/ 100
HS (mod- I) BOST
Modified O – 14
High Axle load version
BOSTHS M1 22.32 t CASNUB 22 I – 14 60/ 80
HS (Mod- I) S – 4
Modified O – 12 RDSO-
BOSTHS M2 22.32 t CASNUB 22 I – 12 60/ 100 75/100 MW/SPD/BG/BOSTH
HS (Mod- II) S – 4 SM2 Dt. 18.11.20
O – 14 BOXNHAM/ 22.8 Dt.
BOXNHAM 22.82 t IRF 108 HS I – 14 75/ 100 11.02.11 &
S–4 Amendment-3 on
75/100 BOXNR Dt. 12.11.20
O – 12
BOXNR 22.9 t I–8 75/ 80
NLB 100/100 BG/ BOXNRH Dt.
(DFC) 07.10.20 & Amend
O – 12 Bogie opened Military
BOMN 16.4 t I–8 80/75 wagon for defence
S–4 equipment.
60/100 RDSO-
O – 12
BOXNRHS 22.9T I – 12
HS 100/100 H Dt. 07.10.20 &
(DFC) Amend 23.09.21
O-12 90/100
I-12 (IR) &
S-8 100/100
DFC Dt. 26.02.20
O – 12 RDSO-
BOXNM2 22.82T I–8 60/100 75/100 MW/SPD/BG/BOXNM
S–4 2 Dt. 12.11.20
75/100 RDSO-
O – 12
BOXNLWM2 22.82T I – 12 60/100
HS 100/100 WM2 Dt. 18.11.20 &
(DFC) Amend 29.10.20
CASNUB 22 (IR) &
BOXNHSM2 22.82T I – 12 60/100 SM2 Dt. 11.10.19,
HS 100/100
S–4 07.01.20 & Amend
75/100 RDSO-
O – 12
BOSTHSM3 22.32 t I – 12 60/100
HS (Mod- II) 100/100 SM3 Dt. 24.07.20 &
(DFC) 18.11.20


24 | Page
Axle Permissible
Designation Bogie Springs Speed Remarks
Load Speed (Kmph)
O – 12
CASNUB 22 Permitted with
BCN 20.32 t I–8 75/ 80 Kmph
NLB CC+6 +2 also.
75/ 80
(Modified) O – 14 (CC+6+2)
High axle load version
BCN M1 22.82 t CASNUB 22 I – 10 60/ 80
of BCN
NLB S–4 (CC+8+2)
75/ 90
Modified) O – 14 (CC+6+2)
High axle load version
BCNHS M1 22.82t CASNUB 22 I – 14 75/ 90
HS S–4 (CC+8+2)
CASNUB 22 O – 12 Permitted with
BCNA 20.32 t 80/80 Kmph
NLB I–8 CC+6 +2 also.
75/ 80
(Modified) O – 14 (CC +6 +2)
High axle load version
BCNA M1 22.82 t CASNUB 22 I – 10 60/ 80
NLB S–4 (CC+8+2)
O – 14 The variant of BCNA
BCNAHS 20.32 t I – 12 100/100 Kmph with CASNUB bogie
S–4 22 HS bogie
75/ 100 High axle load version
(Modified) O – 14
(CC+6+2) of BCNA
BCNAHS M1 22.82 t 75/ 100
CASNUB 22 I – 14
(CC+8+2) HS
HS S–4
Length reduced, width
and height increased
than BCNA. Under
frame mounted No. of
O – 14 wagons/ rake = 58
BCNHL 22.9 t I – 14 75/70 Kmph Flat center Pivot, K-
S–4 type CBB, improved
coupler & draft gear,
Brake cylinder 300
mm, A.R. 75 liters, PU
painting (Phirozi).
O – 14
BCNHL 22.9 t I – 14 75/70 Kmph With BMBS
O – 14
End wagon A Maruti Car Double
10.425 t IRF 106 HS I – nil 100 Kmph
Middle decker
10.50 t S–4
Wagon B
O – 12 70 Kmph
BCCW 20.32 t I–8 (Specific Cement Wagon
S–4 Route)
25 | Page
CASNUB 22 O – 14
21.82 t 65 Kmph Cement Wagon
BCCW HS I – 14
CASNUB O – 14 75 Kmph
Food Grain hopper
BCBFG 21.82 t 22HS I – 14 (Specific
(Mod.1) S–4 Route)
O – 14
BCFC 22.9 t I – 14 65/65
HS BCFC Dt. 19.03.19
O – 14
BCFCM 22.9 t I – 14 65/65
HS BCFCM Dt. 03.03.20
Axle Permissible
Designation Bogie Springs Speed Remarks
Load Speed (Kmph)
O – 12 Designed for rails
BRN 20.32 t I–8 75/ 80 Kmph and heavy steel
S–4 products.
O – 14
BRN22.9 22.9 t I – 14 65/ 65 Kmph
HS Change Dt. 24.03.17
O – 12
CASNUB 22 (FLAT)/2/2020 -O/o
BRNA 20.32 t I–8 75/ 80 Kmph 100/100
O – 14
CASNUB 22 High speed variant of
BRNAHS 20.32 t I – 12 100/ 100 Kmph
Designed for
O – 14
CASNUB 22 transportation of
BFNS 20.32 t I – 12 100/ 100 Kmph
HS steel coils, plates,
sheets & billets, etc.
Bogie rail wagon
designed for Track
O – 14 Relaying
BRHNEHS 20.32 t I – 12 65/ 65 Kmph trains (TRT),
S–4 especially for
loading RCC
O – 12 Bogierail wagon
BRSTN 20.32 t I–8 80/ 75 Kmph for heavy
S–4 vehicles.
O – 14 Bogie well wagon
BWTB 22.9 t I – 10 65/ 65 Kmph (well height 1055
S–4 mm).
O – 14
CASNUB 22 No 21.08.17, Amend-2
BFNS22.9 22.9T I – 14 65/65
HS Changed Dt.18.02.19 & Amend-
3 Dt. 12.07.19
BFNSM22.9 22.9T 100/100 75/95
HS I – 14 29.10.20
26 | Page

(IR) &
BFNV 22.9T LWLH 02.06.21 Amend-1 on
Dt. 09.07.21 &
Amend-2 on Dt.
O – 14
CASNUB 22 (IR) & RDSO-BRN22.9T Dt.
BRN22.9M1 22.9T I – 14
HS 100/100 15.01.21
O – 12 100/100
CASNUB 22 (FLAT)/2/2020- O/o
BRNAM1 20.32 t I–8 (IR &
S–4 DFC)
O – 12 100/100
BRNM1 20.32 t I–8 (IR &
NLB Dt.28.05.21
S–4 DFC)

BWBL 18.75T 65/65 01.05.17 & Amend-1
Dt. 07.06.19


Axle Permissible
Designation Bogie Springs Speed Remarks
Load Speed (Kmph)
(modified) O – 14
BOBSN 22.9 t CASNUB 22 I – 10 75/75 Kmph
BOBSN M1 25 t CASNUB 22 O – 14 50/60 Kmph High axle load variant
S–4 22 NLC Bogie.
Designed in 1986 for
O – 12
coal. Bottom
BOB R 20.32 t CASNUB 22 I–8 80/80 Kmph
discharge. No. of
wagons/ rake = 53.
(Modified) O – 14
(CC + 6 + 2) the
BOBR M1 22.32 t CASNUB 22 I – 10 70/75 Kmph
version of BOBR.
Designed in 1991 by
O – 12
CASNUB 22 reducing the length of
BOB RN 20.32 t I–8 70/75 Kmph
NLB BOBR. No. of wagons/
rake = 58.
(Modified) O – 14
(CC + 6 + 2) the
BOBRN M1 22.32 t CASNUB 22 I – 10 70/80 Kmph
version of BOBRN.
O – 14
BOBRNHS 20.32 t I – 12 100/100 Kmph High speed BOBRN

27 | Page
(Modified) O – 14
22.32 t CASNUB 22 I – 14 60/65 Kmph --
HS S–4
O – 14 25 t axle load. Wheel
CASNUB 22 45+5/60+5
BOBRNEL 25 t I – 14 dia 1000 mm. POH–6
NLC Kmph
S–4 years, ROH–2 years.
O – 12
20.32 t CASNUB 22 75/75 75/75
22.32 t NLB 60/65
S–4 Dt. 10.08.17
O – 14
CASNUB 22 Air Brake version of
BOBYN22.9 22.9 t I – 14 75/75 Kmph
Bogie Covered Hopper
Wagon for food grains.
BCBFG 21.82 t (Mod-I) I – 12 75/75 Kmph
Designed with
22HS S–4
automatic LSD.
O – 14
BOBYNHS 22.9 t I – 14 65/65
HS Dt. 16.03.18
O – 12
BOBYNM1 22.32 t I–8
22 NLB 100/100 Dt. 18.03.21
(IR) & RDSO-I/19958/2021
BOBYNHSM1 22.9 t 22 HS I – 14
100/100 Dt. 19.01.21
Axle Permissible
Designation Bogie Springs Speed Remarks
Load Speed (Kmph)
Bogie Ammonia Tank
BTALN 20.32 t UIC Bogie -- 65/ 65
O – 12
CASNUB 22 Bogie POL Tank
BTPN 20.32 t I–8 80/ 75
NLB Wagon
O – 12
BTPGLN 19.8 t I–8 75/ 80 90/90
NLB 23.02.16
Bogie Caustic Soda
Tank Wagon.
A provisional speed
O – 12
CASNUB 22 certificate is with
BTCS 20.32 t I–8 65/ 65
W CASNUB 22W bogie.
In 2007, bogie was
altered to NLB in the
O – 12
CASNUB 22 Bogie Alumina Tank
BTAP 20.32 t I–8 65/ 65
NLB Wagon.

28 | Page
O – 14
CASNUB 22 65/ 65 Bogie POL Tank
BTFLN 20.32 t I – 12
HS (Provisional) Wagon
O – 14
20.03 t I – 12 65/65
(Variant-B) HS Dt. 24.02.22
O – 14
CASNUB 22 0SPD(TANK)/3/2020-
BTALNM1 20.03 t I – 12 90/100
Dt. 22.01.2021
O – 14 100/100
CASNUB 22 0SPD(TANK)/2/2020-
BTFLNM1 20.32 t I – 12 (IR &
S–4 DFC)
Dt. 28.01.2021

Axle Permissible
Designation Bogie Springs Speed Remarks
Load Speed (Kmph)
O – 14 65/65
BLLA/ B 20.32 t LCCF 20 (c) I – 12 100/ 100 (DSDC
FLAT(BLL/42) Dt.
S–4 & DFC)
O – 14 75/75 RDSO-MW/
BLCA/ B 20.32 t LCCF 20 (c) I – 12 100/ 100 (DSDC CONTAINER Dt.
S–4 & DFC) 11.11.21
O – 14 100/100 RDSO-MW/
BLCAM/ Modified
22 t I – 14 90/ 100 (DSDC CONTAINER Dt.
S–4 & DFC) 11.11.21
BL25-S Dt. 23.09.20
65/65 Amendment-2 on Dt.
(IR) & 26.02.21
BLCS 22.9 t LWLH I–6 60/65
100/100 Amendment-1 RDSO-
S – 2X2
S/SPD Vol-I Dt.
Axle Permissible
Designation Bogie Springs Speed Remarks
Load Speed (Kmph)
Designed in 2000 with
ICF Bogie to achieve a
BVZI 5.875 t ICF Bogie - 100 Kmph
comfortable ride, 5 m
longer than BVZC.
RDSO Drg. No. WD-
BVZC 06.98 t 4- wheeler - 100 Kmph
BVCM 100/100
22HS I-2 BVCM Dt. 13.06.16
29 | Page
OLD Revised
Designation Bogie Springs Permissible Speed Remarks
Speed Kmph (Kmph)
O – 07 RDSO-MW/ CS/
A-12.31 t PWDA/ TWL/
COR LCCF 20 C I – 02 100/100
B-12.25t AUTOCAR Dt.
S – 02 18.06.18
O – 14
BCACM 20.32 t LCCF 20(c) I – 12 65/ 75 Kmph For auto car industry
O – 14 For transportation of
I – 12 Automobile
BCACBM LCCF 20C 100/95 Kmph
S–4 cars.


List of Technical Monographs/Instructions relevant to the maintenance of
Freight stock are included in the compendium of instructions/ technical
monographs issued vide Railway Board’s letter No. 2004/M(N)/951/16 Dt.
18.5.2004. The following rule books, pamphlets, and monographs contain the
information required to supplement this manual. These may be referred to for
details, if not available in this manual.
IRCA/ RDSO Latest edition/
S.N Description
publication correction
IRCA Rules for Maintenance, Examination &
01 Conference Rules Interchange of Goods Stock of Indian Feb.2020
Part III Government Railways.
Technical Pamphlet for requirements of
02 G-33(Rev. 1) May.2010
Tippler Installation for approval by RDSO
Recommended Practice for Welded
03 G-37(Rev. 1) April.1971
fabrication in Wagons
04 G-70 Maintenance manual for BOXN wagon Aug.1998
Maintenance manual for Phosphoric acid
05 G-71 Feb.1999
Tank Wagon
Oct.2001 &
General Std. Spec. For Fabrication of Wagon
06 G-72 Corrigendum No.1 of
'U' frame & Bogies
Nov. 2002.
Operation and Maintenance Manual for
07 G-73 Rev.I of oct.2005
Inspection and Maintenance of CBC for Line
08 G-76 1987
09 G-79 Inspection and Maintenance of BTAL /BTALN April.1999
Inspection and Maintenance of CBC for
10 G-80 1989
Inspection and Maintenance of Cartridge
11 G-81 Feb.2000
Roller Bearing fitted on CASNUB Bogie
30 | Page
Instructions for operation and maintenance of
12 G-82 BG Bogie tank wagon for Alumina type June.1986
Instructions for Maintenance and Operation of
13 G-83 Aug. 1988
Bogie Caustic Soda tank wagon type “BTCS”
Operation and Maintenance Instructions for
14 G-85 Apr.1989
Sliding roof covering on “BOXN(S)”
Maintenance Manual for Bogie Liquefied
15 G-86 Dec.1999
Petroleum Gas Tank Wagon type BTPGL
Safe handling of Hazardous chemicals
16 G-87 Dec.1997
transported in Rail Tankers.
Maintenance and Operating Instruction for
17 G-90 July.2012
Bogie Petroleum Tank Wagon type 'BTPN'
Maintenance Manual for IRSA-600, IRSA-
600J type slack adjusters used on Freight
18 G-92 Sept.1998
Stock and IRSA-450 slack adjusters used on
Coaching stock
Instructions for Inspection and Maintenance
19 G-95 June.2003
for CASNUB Bogies
Maintenance Manual for Air Brake System for
20 G-97 July 2001
Freight Stock
Technical Pamphlet for Instructions &
21 G-100 Maintenance of Automatic Twist Lock (ATL) July.2010 & May.2012
devices fitted on Container flat wagons.
Technical Pamphlet on the strengthening of
the underframe, repair of critical weld joints, Nov.2010 May 2011
22 G-103
repair of the center sill, Centre girders, and (Rev.2)
sole bar cracks
Bogie Covered Double Decker Wagon type
23 G-106 Feb- 2014
Procedure for re-cambering of bogie Rail
24 G-107 May- 2015
wagon type BRN/BRNA/BRNHS.
Instructions for inspection and maintenance of
25 WT-77-I 20.3 tonne Roller Bearing axle boxes fitted on Dec.1985
the wagon.
Instructions for inspection and maintenance of
26 WT-79-I 16.3 tonne Roller Bearing axle boxes fitted on 1987
the wagon.
Instructions for inspection and Maintenance of
27 G-112 August-2021
LCCF20 (C) and LWLH25 Bogie
Instructions for inspection and maintenance of
28 G-113 Cartridge Tapered Roller Bearing Class-K Sept-2021
(6 ”x9”) for 25t axle load of freight stock


A separate Chapter No 11 for standard infrastructure required in wagon
31 | Page
depots has been added.
The list of important modifications to be carried out on freight stock is given in
For the convenience of indexing of reference, the paragraphs have been
numbered according to a 3 /4 figure “Code”, in which the last two figures give
the number of the paragraphs and the remaining figures the number of the
chapter. Thus paragraph 101 of any code in paragraph 1 of chapter 1 of that
code and paragraph 1103, paragraph 3 of chapter 11.
The page numbers of documents are given continuously in the footer of this
document as well as in the contents of documents for easy identification.
The tables in each chapter consist of two numbers separated by a decimal
point. The number before the decimal point indicates the chapter number
whereas the number after the decimal point indicates the running serial
number of the table which starts from 1 in every chapter. The convention
adopted for numbering the figures is also identical to the numbering scheme
adopted for the tables.
Important features and layout of the wagons are given in the following
Appendix-A. Technical data and other important parameters are also
available in this appendix for ready reference.

32 | Page




33 | Page

34 | Page
This chapter gives: Details about Warranty Inspection of Newly Built Wagons, general
information about the periodicity of various types of inspections and maintenance
schedules for goods stock on the open line and Condemnation of Wagons. At the end
of this chapter, prescribed intervals for POH and ROH of wagons at a glance are
given in tables 2.1, 2.2 & 2.3. However, special practices to be followed for repairs
during POH are indicated in the concerned chapters later in the manual.
a) All newly built wagons have a warranty period of 24 months or as prescribed in the
purchase contract. In accordance with the conditions mentioned in the wagon
manufacturing contracts, the charges for rectification of the following category of
defects can be realized by the wagon builder: -
1) Use of inferior material
2) Poor workmanship on the part of the contractor
3) Imperfect protection
4) Other faults on the part of the contractor are noticed during the warranty period.
b) To enable the Railway Board to realize the warranty charges, a systematic
inspection of new wagons must be undertaken by a representative of C&W to
locate defects during the warranty period. The following procedure is laid down for
this purpose: -
(i) All newly built wagons turned out must bear the warranty legend stenciled on both
sides of the wagons. The warranty legend will consist of the following particulars: -
1) Contract Number
2) Date of Commissioning
3) Commissioned by
4) Inspection due on
5) Inspection is done by-------------Depot--------------Date
(ii) Whenever wagons due for warranty inspection pass nominated yards, preferably
detach them from the train and send them to the sick line for a systematic check.
(iii)Examination of Defects:
(iv) During the course of warranty inspection, it must be borne in mind that only those
defects, which are attributable to the manufacturer due to the use of inferior
material, poor workmanship, improper protection, or any other faults, are to be
reported. The following are some of the defects, which fall under this category:
A) Welding defects
(i) All types of welding failures
(ii) Welding defects such as insufficient or unequal leg length of a fillet weld, porosity,
lack of fusion, etc.
B) Riveting/ Lock Bolting defects
(i) Loose rivets/ Lock bolts
(ii) Badly formed rivet heads/ Lock bolt’s collars

35 | Page
(iii)Rivets with staggered heads
(iv) Improperly filled holes
(v) Pintail of lock bolt not removed.
C) Manufacturing /Fitting Defects
(i) Improper manufacturing/ fitting of parts
D) Material failures such as breakage of:
(i) CBC components
(ii) Center pivots
(iii)DV/ brake cylinder
(iv) EM pads/ PU side bearers
E) Improper Protection
(i) Improper painting of underframe body, roof, and components resulting in corrosion
(ii) Wagons not being watertight
F) Train Pipe leakage and unsatisfactory working of brake cylinders
G) Roller Bearing Defects
Wagons fitted with roller bearings are normally examined only in major sick lines. If
any defect is noticed, the entire wheel assembly must be sent to the workshop. After
an inspection in the workshop, if it is felt that the defect is attributable to the
contractor/ manufacturer, the workshop incharge should report the defect to the
concerned roller bearing manufacturer and others concerned. Since the Railways
normally supply wheels and axles to the builder, defects noticed on the wheel and
axles need not be reported to the wagon builders. However, the extant instructions for
reporting any defect on the wheels and axles must be followed.
The procedure of warranty inspection of BTPN wagons is the same as above with
special attention to an internal and external examination of the barrel. For any failure
of longitudinal/ circumferential joint, lamination defects in barrel and dish end plates,
cracks in barrel, leakage by barrel fittings, and examination of cradles and anchoring
rivets as per technical pamphlet No. G-90.
A. The particulars, which are to be furnished, are as follows: -
i. Contract No.
This indicates the contract number under which the order has been placed by the
Railway Board on the Wagon Builders for the manufacturer of wagons. This will
be stenciled on the wagon in the Warranty legend. The representative of C&W
should ensure that correct particulars as obtained from the wagon are filled.
ii. Wagon number
iii. Wagon Code
iv. Owning Railway
v. Month and Year of manufacture
vi. Name of the Manufacturer
vii. Date of Warranty Inspection

36 | Page
viii. Defects attributable to the Manufacturer - All the defects attributable to the
manufacturer should be clearly indicated. The actual location of the defect should
be clearly recorded.
In the case of material failure, it is essential that such items should be sent to the
Chemist and Metallurgist of the respective Railways so as to enable them to
submit the test reports. While sending the materials to the CMT, the particulars of
the wagon i.e., the wagon No., owning Railway, Wagon code the Builders‟ name,
the Contract Number, and the serial number of the Warranty Inspection Report
must be mentioned in the forwarding memo. These particulars can be included in
the Test Report submitted by the CMT. This will facilitate connecting the test
reports with the respective Warranty reports.
Reporting of warranty should be done as per guidelines issued by Board
(Appendix-C), along with the test reports of CMT and other relevant documents.

B. The estimated cost of rectification

No estimates are to be furnished by a representative of C&W in the warranty
inspection reports. Against this column, simply mention “Cost will be advised by
the Railway Board”.
Along with other remarks, if any, a written certificate must be given to the effect
that the defects mentioned have arisen due to inferior material (i.e., the material of
wrong specification or cheap quality) or bad workmanship (poor workmanship like
bad riveting, welding, fitting, etc.) or imperfect protection of the components (Brake
cylinder rusted, etc.) or any other defaults on the contractor’s part.
C. Disposal of the Proforma
In the case of wagons built by railway workshops, the report should be addressed
to the respective workshops.
D. After submission of the warranty reports, its follow up shall be monitored as per
guidelines issued by Board (Appendix-C).

The Train Examining Depot should maintain the following files and registers:
1) One file for filing all the policy instructions on warranty inspection received from
their divisional office/PCME. The representative of C&W should be conversant with
the instructions issued from time to time. It is desired that an index sheet be
maintained giving the particulars of the letters so as to keep a continuity of all the
2) A second file for filling all the warranty inspection reports, intermediate or finally
submitted by the Depot.
3) A third file should be maintained for filing all correspondence regarding warranty
inspection, periodical statements of inspections carried out, etc.
4) A register should be maintained giving the following details of the wagons
inspected during the warranty period: -
a) Date of Inspection
b) Wagon No.
c) Owning Railway
d) Wagon Code

37 | Page
e) Name of Builder
f) Date of Commissioning
g) Defects noticed
h) Warranty inspection report no. and Date
i) Remarks
The above inspection procedure of warranty inspection does not in any way
preclude any Railway from reporting any defect directly to the wagon builder and to
the parties mentioned above. In the same manner, if defects are noticed at any
time during the warranty period. During the intermediate warranty inspection,
stenciling of the Station Code and date of Inspection should not be done on the
wagon. This should only be done at the time of the final warranty inspection.
e) Handling of warranty Rejections
Detailed Guidelines have been issued by the Railway Board as per letter No.
2022/RS(G)/779/7 (3390005) dated 17.10.2022, attached as Appendix-C.
All terminating trains are to be given “Rolling-in-examination” while entering a
station having a train examining depot. After rolling in the examination when the
train stops in the yard, immediately feeling of the axle boxes is necessary to detect
hot/ warm axle boxes.
Examination of terminating loads is to be carried out as soon as the train comes to
a halt. For the examination of terminating loads, the pattern of train examination
issued by individual Zonal Railway keeping in view the Railway Board’s guidelines
issued vide their letter no. 94/M(N)/951/57 dated 28.2.2000 or the latest
instructions shall be followed.
i. The train examining staff must ensure that the wagons are in fit condition and do
not have any rejectable defects. A certificate has to be given to the Station Master
by Sr. SE/JE(C&W) to this effect before dispatch of the train. Before issuing a fit
Certificate, train examining staff to ensure a requisite percentage of brake power.
For details refer to Chapter 3.
ii. The level of air pressure on the engine & brake van along with the percentage of
effective brake cylinders must be recorded on the brake certificate duly
countersigned by the Loco Pilot and Train Manager.
iii. Wagons, which have been humped, must be specially checked for damages
occurring due to impacts during humping.
Goods wagons may be attached to a passenger train provided the maximum
speed of the train does not exceed 100 Kmph. The wagons must satisfy the
following condition: - (RDSO letter No. MW/BCNA dated 30.05.2003 and
MW/BOXN dated 04.07.2003)
i. They are fully fitted with operative brake cylinders
ii. The wagon should not be overloaded or unevenly loaded

38 | Page
iii. Wagon fitted with wheels having no star marks on journal cap to be ensured by
duly opening the Axle Box cover
iv. Wagons should not be overdue POH/ROH
The purpose of intensive examination of goods stock is to permit extended run of
through trains by raising the general standard of fitness of rolling stock by
concentrated attention at the time of dispatch from originating yards.
Note: The details of the above examinations are given in Chapter 3.
Wagon stock should be given Routine Overhaul (ROH) at the nominated sick
line/wagon depots, where proper facilities are provided (for details, see para 206,
table No. 2.2). The ROH schedule is as follows:
a) Lift the body, keep it on trestles and run out bogies.
b) Strip bogie component for examination and repair as below:
i. Strip spring & spring suspension arrangement including snubbing device. Check
springs for free height and other defects. Replace where required.
ii. Examine Bogie's frame. Check frame alignment as per instructions contained in
RDSO Technical Pamphlet No. G-95.
iii. Examine pivot for welding defects/cracks/abnormal depth due to wear. Replace
where necessary and lubricate with graphite flakes to IS:495 in dry condition.
c) Strip brake gear levers and rods for examination of worn-out/damaged parts.
d) The equipment shall be given attention in accordance with the maintenance
manual issued by the respective air brake equipment manufacturer and RDSO
technical pamphlet no. G-97.
i. Cleaning of strainer discs (Reference 6 & 218 of the pamphlet SBA 795/258 of
P4aG type Distributor Valve)
ii. Lubrication of brake cylinder/cleaning of its strainer
iii. Check for easy operation of isolating cock & anti-pilferage device of distributor
valve cut-off angle cock, manual quick release valve & isolating cock.
iv. Draining of Auxiliary Reservoir
v. Checking of hose coupling for serviceability
vi. Cleaning of strainer
vii. Dirt collector to be cleaned
viii. Leakage in pipes and joints to be checked
ix. After carrying out the above items of work the wagon shall be tested for the
proper function of the air brake system with a single car test device in
accordance with the procedure indicated below:
e) Connect the BP coupling of the single car test rig to the corresponding coupling of
the wagon to be tested. The couplings of the other end of the wagon are to be
closed with dummy coupling heads. Fix the pressure gauge on the brake cylinder.
f) The single car test device should now be coupled to the main line of a compressor
through a pipe.

39 | Page
g) Carry out the preparation and testing in accordance with the procedure given in the
manufacturer's Maintenance Manual and record the reading in the test proforma.
h) For passing the wagon, all the parameters shall be within specified limits.
i) Clean horizontal lever, hand brake & gears and lubricate.
j) Examine headstock for damage, and bent/cracks.
k) Refit brake gear levers and rods, lubricate pins and other equipment, and apply
graphite to horizontal levers of empty load box
l) Replace worn-out brake blocks.
m) Check the wheel profile, and turn the wheels. UST of Axle to be carried out &
turning of the wheel to worn wheel profile during ROH be done.
n) All the wheels are to be checked ultrasonically & ensure stamping as per Annexure
IV and End Axle cap bolts are to be tightened up by torque wrench with proper
torque (40 kg-m) and in no case old locking plates are to be reused.
o) CBC Knuckles and coupler body are to be checked by contour gauge as per
Technical Pamphlet no. G-76. Anti creep/ articulated rotary operation of locking
arrangement to be checked.
p) Manual adjustment of brake gear to be done in accordance with wheel diameter.
The setting of the Empty load device and the A & E dimension of SAB shall also be
done before the SWTR test.
q) Modification work is to be attended to as issued by RDSO from time to time.
r) CTRB of the wheel should not be an overdue POH schedule.
Classification of wagon repairs has been rationalized under the following
nomenclature: -
a) Petty Repairs: - Repairs involving not more than 8 man-hours. Such repairs are to
be normally carried out on nominated lines in traffic yards in less than 8 man
b) Medium Repairs: - Repairs involving more than 8 man-hours and up to 100 man-
hours. These would normally cover repairs to underframe members viz. headstock,
middle bars, solebars, changing of axle guards, wheel changing heavy panel
patching, heavy floor repairs, etc. Such repairs are to be carried out in sick lines.
c) Special Repairs: - Repairs to heavily damaged wagons involving more than 100
man hours. Such repairs may be carried out either in the workshops or in major
sick lines. Recommended work areas where serious repairs should be carried out
are given in Table 2.4 at the end of this chapter. Repair to under-frame members
and other heavy work should be dealt with in properly equipped major and medium
sick lines. Repair to under frame members viz. patching of the headstock, sole bar,
and middle bars, strengthening of bulged ends, replacement of end angle, fitment
of more than 5 new full-width panel patches, replacement of axle guard to be done
in sick line/wagon depot.
“BOXN wagon variants requiring repair are classified as under:
Category A: BOXN wagons requiring petty repairs which can be attended in sick
Category B: unloadable BOXN wagons, which require attention/body repairs in well-
equipped sick lines or ROH depots.

40 | Page
Category C: unloadable BOXN wagons requiring very heavy repair on body/floor.
These may be attended in wagon depots nominated for Category C repairs or in
Note: unloadable BOXN wagons in the age group of 10-23 yrs. maybe taken up for
upgraded rehabilitation (BOXNR) as per RDSO’s document No. WD-16-BOXNR-2010
(Rev.2) of Sep’22.
JE/SSE(C&W) shall do the classification /marking of the wagons under the above 3
categories in the open line. For booking the wagon to the workshop for category C
repairs, prior approval of CRSE (Fr.) should be taken. In case the Category C repairs
are arising on account of damages during loading/unloading, a report should be sent
by the SSE(C&W) of the depot where the damages are detected to the Sr.DME
(C&W) of the division as well as Sr.DME (C&W) where the damages are occurring.
BOXN wagons of 23-27 yrs. of age, which are heavily corroded or have extensive
body repairs, may be selected for rehabilitation. During rehabilitation, the wagon
should also undergo POH, and the return date should be marked accordingly. All such
rehabilitated wagons should be painted golden yellow for easy identification.
BOXN C category wagons that are sent to the workshop as NPOH with prior approval
of CRSE(Fr.), and which are not taken up for rehabilitation, should be given POH in
case its POH is due within the next 12 months. Similarly, such wagons which are
falling due for ROH within the next 6 months (but not due for POH within the next 12
months) should be given ROH attention. Wagons so attended for POH/ROH should
be stenciled with a fresh return date as per laid down periodicity for BOXN wagons.
The repair of BOXN wagons should be carried out as per instructions contained in
RDSO’s G-70”.
Guidelines for repair of Centresill of BOXN wagons issued by RDSO are placed
at Annexure-A
For the condemnation of rolling stock, the powers delegated to various officers on
zonal railways through their Schedule of Powers may be used.
a) Condemnation of over-age wagons
Over-aged wagon stock can be inspected personally by CWM/Dy. CME/WM-
Incharge/Sr.DME and condition report prepared and personally signed.
Condemnation can be approved by any of these officers. Compliance of
instructions for processing of wagons for condemnation as per Board’s guidelines
(No.2018/M(N)/60/8 dated 14.10.2020 & 2011/M(N)/60/8 dated 02.04.2018) before
processing for approval of condemnation in FMM/IRMWS portal should be
b) Codal life of wagon stock:
[Railway Board’s letter No.2022/ACII/2/1 Dated 06.06.2022]

S.No. Class of Assets Average life in years Remarks

40 Open Bogie wagons with air brakes and CASNUB bogies

a) BOXN, BOY, 35 years (subject to the Actual replacement

BOBRN, outcome of structural and shall be based on
BOBSN financial justification to be the condition of the

41 | Page
conducted for extension beyond asset.
30 years)
b) BOBYN Actual replacement
shall be based on
the condition of the
c) Other open Actual replacement
wagons shall be based on
the condition of the
41 Bogie Tank wagons with air brakes and CASNUB bogies
a) BTPN 45 years (subject to the Actual replacement
outcome of structural audit to be shall be based on
conducted for extension beyond the condition of the
40 years) asset.
b) Other tank 40 Actual replacement
wagons shall be based on
the condition of the
42 All other types of Bogie wagons with air brakes and CASNUB bogies
a) BCN 40 years (subject to the Actual replacement
outcome of structural and shall be based on
financial justification to be the condition of the
conducted for extension beyond asset.
35 years)
b) All other 35 Actual replacement
wagons shall be based on
the condition of the
c) Guidelines for considering extension of codal life of wagons, beyond the
prescribed period [issued vide Railway Board’s letter No.
2016/M(N)/951/28/(E-3323079) date 01.08.2022 issued with concurrence of
finance dte of Board]
(i) During yard examination, if BOXN, BOY, BOBRN, BOBSN, BCN & BTPN
wagons are found having completed earlier codal life (before revision done by
Board vide letter on 6th June’22), it will be sent to workshop for undertaking
structural audit and further necessary action.

(ii) If any Wagons is received for POH/NPOH in the workshop which has less
than one POH cycle left before completion of earlier Codal Life (before revision
done by Board vide letter on 6 th June’22), its structural audit shall be

(iii) Workshop to carry out structural audit, as per guidelines issued by RDSO
vide Letter No.MW/SPEC/WMI dated 13.10.2022.

(iv) If a wagon is found structurally fit for continuing in service beyond 30/40/35

42 | Page
years (as per the applicable para 40(a)/41(a)/42(a) of Board’s letter
No.2022/ACII/2/1 Dated 06.06.2022, financial justification shall be worked out
for undertaking POH of the wagon, as per Para No.240 (Annex. G) of Indian
Railway Finance Code (Vol.I) and also got vetted by Associate Finance.

(v) If found structurally unfit or found to be financially unjustified for extension of

codal life, the wagon shall be allowed for operation upto earlier codal life, duly
following the guidelines given in para of IRCA Conference Rules Part-
III. Condemnation of such wagons after completion of earlier codal life, shall
not be treated as underage condemnation, instead will be governed by
guidelines in place for condemnation of overage wagons.

(vi) Approval of CWM shall be required to extend the codal life upto next POH
or otherwise, based on report of structural audit and financial justification.

(vii) If codal life is extended, details of the same shall be filled in FMM

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d) Guidelines for structure audit of wagons:

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Certain issues have been clarified in Railway Board’s letter No. 2007/ M(N)/ 60/7
dated 21.10.2010. The same are summarised below: -
a) Condemnation of under-age Wagons
Under-aged wagon stock should be inspected personally by CWM/Dy.CME/WM-
Incharge/Sr.DME and condition report prepared and personally signed.
Condemnation proposals should be sent to PCME/CRSE for approval duly
concurred by associated finance i.e., WAO of the workshop concerned, further
this proposal to expedite the whole process, following procedure to be adopted: -
BG and MG wagons should be condemned on an as-is-where-is basis and moved
from division to the yards/stations nominated by DRMs. Each DRM should
nominate a sufficient number of yards/stations on their division for the disposal of
condemned wagons. Workshops can continue the present practice of sending the
wagons to scrap yards.
b) Policy for Pre-Mature Condemnation of Wagons:
Board (MM & FC) have approved the following policy for pre-mature condemnation
of the wagons vides Rly. Boards letter No 2007/M(N)/60/7 dated 21.10.2010.

SN Category of wagons Competence for

approving premature

01 All accidents damaged wagons & CMEs

Vacuum brake stock

02 Non Accident Air Brake Stock of CMEs with FA&CAOs concurrence

More than 25 years of age

03 Non-Accident Air Brake Stock of the Railway Board (In this case, the
age of 25 Years or less proposal should be duly vetted by
FA & CAO and approved by GM).

Board’s approval will normally be granted within 90 days from the date of receipt of
the proposal, in case the board’s approval is not received within this time limit, the
proposal will be deemed to have been approved and Railway may go ahead with
the condemnation. The above policy does not restrict premature condemnation of
any specific type of wagons permitted under specific instructions from the Railway
c) Use of Over-aged/ Condemnable Wagons for Departmental Purposes
(Ref: Rly. Board’s letter No. 2007/M(N)/951/5 dated 11.11.2011)
Overaged/ condemnable wagons which no longer remain unusable as traffic
wagons may be used for the departmental purpose, with or without modifications,
subject to the following provisions:
i. Overaged/ condemnable wagons may be used for the departmental purpose with
the approval of authority competent for condemnation of such wagons.
ii. In case departmental use requires modifications to be carried out on the wagons,
such modifications should, invariably, have the approval of RDSO except in cases
where such modified wagons are pre-existing. For pre-existing modifications,
approval of PCME will be necessary.
iii. Wagon modification work shall be carried out only at a POH workshop or at an

54 | Page
open line wagon depot maintained by the PCME.
iv. The wagon selected for departmental use should provide a service of a minimum
of one POH cycle with prescribed preventive maintenance. The POH periodicity of
such stock shall be the same as the original wagon type.
v. Departmental wagons may be used up to an age limit of 40 years on a conditional
basis. The condition of such stock shall be reviewed in every ROH and POH to
assess its suitability for continuity in service based on the extent of safety norms.
vi. In case it becomes necessary for any departmental stock to continue in service
beyond the age of 40 yrs., PCME may extend the life of such stock, a maximum of
one year (financial year) at a time up to an age limit of a maximum of 50 years.
The annual condition reports of such wagons prepared by in-charge by base
wagon depot, duly endorsed by the coordinating branch officer of Mechanical and
the user department shall be put up to PCME for approval before the
commencement of the financial year. Standard maintenance shall be carried out
on such wagons during the period of extended life as per prescribed periodicity
and all safety norms will be observed.
No departmental wagon shall be permitted to be in service beyond the age limit of
50 years.

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TABLE No. 2.1
Sr. Wagon Stock POH (Years)
No. First Subsequent
02 BOXNR 4.5 4.5
05 BRN, BRNA, BRNAHS, BRN22.9, BFNS, 6 4.5
06 BLCAM/BLCBM 6 4.5
07 BFKN (Container) 4 3.5
08 BOY 4.5 4.5
09 BTPH 4.5 4.5
10 BTPN 6 6
13 BTALN, BTALNM 4.5 4.5
14 BOXNLW Stainless steel wagons 6 6
15 BOXNEL, /BOYEL (25 t axle load) 3 3
17 BVZI, BVZC Brake van 2 2
18 BVCM Brake van 4.5 4.5
19 BOMN 6 4.5
20 BRSTN, BWTB 6 6
21 BCACM, BCACBM 4.5 4.5
22 BTFLN, BTOH 6 6
23 BCFC 6 4.5
24 BCCNR 6 6
25 BAFRDR 6 4.5
26 BOXNS 6 6
1. Wagons become due POH on the last date of the month indicated in the return
2. The empty wagon will be marked sick for POH up to 30 days in advance of the due
3. Loaded wagons will be allowed up to 30 days after the due date of POH.

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Sr. Wagon Stock ROH (Months)
No. First ROH Subsequent ROH of
ROH of First Subsequent
POH Cycle POH Cycle
1. BOXN, BOXNHS, BOXNHA, 18 18 18
2. BOXNHL 24 24 18
3. BOST, BOSTHS, BOSTHSM2 18 18 18
4. BLCAM/BLCBM, BLLA, BLLB, 24 18 18
5. BFKN (Container) 18 18 18
6. BCN, BCNAHS, BCNA, BCNHL 24 24 24
7. BCCNR 24 24 24
8. BOXNLW 24 24 24
9. BRN, BRNA, BRNAHS, 18 18 18
10. BOBR, BOBRN, BOBRNEL, 24 24 24
11. BTPN, BTPH, BTALN, BTAL, 18 18 18
12. BTCS, BTPGLN 24 24 24
13. BOY 18 18 18
14. BOBYN 24 24 24
15. BOXNEL, BOYEL 12 12 12
16. BVZI, BVZC, BVCM Brake Van 18 18 18
17. BOMN, BRSTN, BWTB 24 24 24
18. BCACM, BCACBM 18 18 18
19. BCFC 18 18 18
20. BAFRDR 18 18 18
21. BOXNS (2016/M/(N)/951/24 Dt. 24 24 24
Table 2.3 summarises the nature of work to be done during various examinations and
repairs in the sick line. It is clarified that activities shown under the sick line are the
ones that can be taken in the sick line based on the need. These are not to be carried
out on every wagon visiting the sick line.

57 | Page
Sr. Repairs to be under taken at X
No. Nature of Repairs Intensive Sick ROH POH
repairs lines
1. BODY REPAIR WORK (Common for all)
Scrap the portion of sole bar at doorways, clean and apply primer paint followed by - - X X
SIDE WALL- Skirting
1. Check and patch if corroded then apply primer and top coat on the patch - X X X
2. Side Doors- Check damage and repair clean & lubricate hinges X X X X
3. Side Pillars- Check cracks at the base & repair - X X X
4. Patching of body, roof, door, or floor plates straightening bulged ends repairs to - X X X
angle irons, stanchions and crib angles etc.
5. Making wagons water-tight (Covered wagons) - X X X

6. Fitting/replacement of door fastening road, door cotter pin eye, bolt hook, and X X X X
eye-locking pin on empty wagons and closing doors.
7. Fitting/replacement of door fastening rod guide, and door hasp which requires - X X X
riveting on empty wagons. Repairs by welding to door fittings.
8. Handrail/footboard deficient/or damaged, insecurely fastened at the doorway of X X X X
Train Manager’s brake van
2. UNDER GEAR REPAIR WORK (Common for all)
Brake Linkage- Check free movement X X X X
Hand Brake - Check proper working X X X X
1. Pocket slope liner Change liner if the thickness is less than 5 mm - - X X
Provide liners (thickness to suit) if dimensions - - X X
2. Rotation stop lugs
are less than 514 mm
3. Inner Column Gib Provide liners (thickness to suit) if the - - X X

58 | Page
dimension more than 142 mm
Provide liners (thickness to suit) if the - - X X
4. Land surface
dimension is less than 442 mm
Renew by welding if the dimension more than - - X X
5. Outer Column Gib
241 mm
Change liner if the dimension more than 455 - - X X
1. Column Friction Liner
Provide liners (thickness to suit) if the - - X X
2. Column sides
dimension is less than 209 mm
Provide liners (thickness to suit) if the - - X X
3. Anti-rotation lugs
dimension more than 526 mm
Provide liners (thickness to suit) if the - - X X
4. Key seat to pad 22 W
dimension more than 276 mm
Provide liners (thickness to suit) if the - - X X
5. Crown Roof 22WM
dimension more than 321 mm
Provide liners (thickness to suit) if the - - X X
6. Crown Roof 22NL
dimension more than 326 mm
Renew by welding if the dimension is less than - - X X
7. Pedestal Crown Sides
147 mm
Provide liners (thickness to suit) if the - - X X
8. Pedestal Jaw 22 W
dimension more than 275 mm
Provide liners (thickness to suit) if the - - X X
9. Pedestal Jaw 22 WM
dimension more than 283 mm
Provide liners (thickness to suit) if the - - X X
10. Pedestal Jaw 22NL(Short)
dimension more than 195 mm
Provide liners (thickness to suit) if the - - X X
11. Pedestal Jaw 22NL(Long)
dimension more than 241 mm
Provide liners (thickness to suit) if the - - X X
12. Pedestal Sides 22 W
dimension is less than 102 mm
Provide liners (thickness to suit) if the - - X X
13. Pedestal Sides 22 WM
dimension is less than 102 mm
Provide liners (thickness to suit) if the - - X X
14. Pedestal Side 22 NL
dimension is less than 78 mm
59 | Page
Replace the Wedge if slope surface wear is 3 - - X X
1. Slope Surface
Vertical surface from the center line of spigot - X X X
2. Vertical Surface wear limit: 54 mm reclaim the worn surface by
1. Vertical Side 22W Renew by welding if wear more than 4 mm - - X X
2. Vertical Side 22WM Renew by welding if wear more than 3 mm - - X X
3. Vertical Side 22NL Renew by welding if wear more than 3 mm - - X X
4. Seat Side 22W Renew by welding if wear more than 3 mm - - X X
5. Seat Side 22WM Renew by welding if wear more than 3 mm - - X X
6. Seat Side 22NL Renew by welding if wear more than 3 mm - - X X
Group and use in sets. Replace if the free - X X X
1. Outer
height at or less than 245 mm
Group and use in sets. Replace if free height is - X X X
2. Inner
less than 247 mm
Group and use in sets. Replace if free height is - X X X
3. Snubber
less than 279 mm
Crown Surface Replace if worn 3.5 mm or more - - X X
Side lug Replace if wear more than 3 mm on either side - - X X
Thrust shoulder Replace if depth exceeds 0.7 mm - - X X
Machined relief Replace if the depth is less than 0.8 mm - - X X
Pins & Bushes Change if clearance is more than 1.5 mm X X X X
Distributor Valve Overhauling - - - X
Distributor Valve Test on SWTR - X X X
DV Isolating Cock Examine operation X X X X
DV Release valve Examine operation X X X X
DV Filter Clean - - X X
The filter of Escorts & RPIL make Clean - - X X
60 | Page
Brake Cylinder of Greysham & WSF - - X X
Angle cock Examine and lubricate X X X X
Rubber Seals Change - - X X
Dirt Collector Clean - X X X
Sealing Ring Change - - X X
AR & CR Drain - X X X
Sealing Ring Change - - X X
Pipe Joints Examine leakage & repair X X X X
Seals (20 mm & 32 mm) pipe Change X X X X
Train Manager’s Emergency Brake X X X X
Examine operation
Isolating cock of BVZC Brake Van -do- X X X X
Quick Coupling -do- X X X X
Load Sensing Device -do- - X X X
Slack Adjuster Test Functioning, repair if required X X X X
“A” dimension Adjust X X X X
“e” dimension Adjust - X X X
M20 Anchor Pin nut Ensure securing by welding to pin - X X X
Air Brake System Test on SWTR as per procedure - X X X
Ensure Std. Key, Spilt pin & all new brake X X X X
Brake Block
Coupler Body Examine & replace on a condition basis - X X X
CBC Contour Examine, replace if required - X X X
Shank Wear Plate Replace on condition - X X X
Nose Replace if wear more than 9.5 mm with HTE X X X X
61 | Page
Knuckle pin Replace on condition X X X X
Knuckle Stretch Examine, replace if required - - X X
Wear Plate Replace - - X X
Striker casting Replace on condition - - X X
Anti Creep Protection Examine and repair X X X X
Lock lift assembly Examine X X X X
Operation Mechanism Examine X X X X
Lock Examine - X X X
Slack Measure & take correction - - X X
Yoke pin support Replace on condition - X X X
Buffer Height Examine & correct if required X X X X
1. For detailed maintenance Practices in open line refer to RDSO’s Manual G-76
2. For detailed maintenance Practices in the Workshop refer to RDSO’s Manual G-80
3. Knuckle with a nose more than 4.3 mm and less than 9.0 mm can be used in the
(If the wheel is changed) To be carried in every ROH/ - - X X
Ultrasonic Testing
POH & reject if fails
Deep Notches due to gearing of X X X X
Reject if the depth is more than 5 mm
pull rod
Axle end holes Clean and lubricate in case the end cover is opened - X X X
Tread profile Check with tyre defect gauge X X X X
If the height is more than 31 mm do not use it under an - - X X
Height of flange
ROH wagon
Smooth flange If the flange is not completely smooth do not use it under - - X X
62 | Page
the ROH wagon
Turn to WWP if the above clauses are not met for use - X X X
Wheel profile
under the ROH wagon.
Rotate the bearing for an unusual sound check-up for - - X X
Seal Check seal for external damage/dent - X X X

Check the backing ring for looseness. The backing ring - - X X

Backing Ring with vent holes should be discarded if found during
Use a new locking plate whenever the end cover is - - X X
Locking Plate
Axle end Cap screw Clean and lubricate in case the end cover is opened - - X X
Change the load zone area of the cup while lowering the - - X X
Load Zone Change
bogie side frame

63 | Page
S. Particular Bogie Type Measurement of Location Total Clearance Nominal
No. in mm Clearance
New/ ROH Worn/ New ROH Max.
renewed condemned
1. Lateral clearance between Side frame& Bolster
Side frame Column sides All bogies 216 210 206
Bolster column jib W(M) & NLB bogie All other 234 240 244 18 30 38 18±3
bogies 241 247 251 25 37 45 25±3
2. Lateral clearance between Side frame pedestal and Adapter
a) Side frame pedestal sides W(M), LCCF Bogie 105 102 101 25 32 35 25+3/-0
Adapter sides Wide Jaw Adapter 130 134 136
b) Side frame pedestal sides All Narrow Jaw Bogies 81 78 77 16 23 26 16+6/-1.5
Adapter sides Narrow Jaw Adapter 97 101 103
3. Lateral clearance between Side frame crown and Adapter
a) Side frame Crown sides W(M) Bogie 152 147 144 4 15 20 4+/-0
Adapter crown Wide Jaw Adapter 156 162 164
b) Side frame Crown sides All Narrow Jaw Bogies 152 147 144 3.5 14.5 19.5 3.5+/-0
Adapter Crown Narrow Jaw Adapter 155.5 161.5 163.5
4. Longitudinal clearance between Side frame pedestal and Adapter
a) Side frame Pedestal jaw W(M), LCCF Bogie 278 283 286 10 19 24 10+5/-0
Adapter sides Wide Jaw Adapter 268 264 262
b) Side frame Pedestal jaw All Narrow Jaw Bogies 190 195 198 9 18 23 9+2/-3
Adapter sides Narrow Jaw Adapter 181 177 175
5. Longitudinal clearance between Side frame column and Bolster land surface
Side frame column All bogies 450 455 458 6 14 20 6+/-0
Bolster land surface All bogies 444 441 438
6. Clearance between Side frame anti-rotation lug Bolster rotation stop lug
Anti-rotation lugs All bogies 522 526 528 4 12 16 4+3/-0
Bolster rotation stop lugs All bogies 518 514 512
NOTE: Nominal clearances given above are the sum of both sides. For other details please refer to G-95.

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The efficient working of freight stock is closely linked to the standard of yard
maintenance. Several factors are responsible for good and quality examination/repairs
in the yard. The method of examination is described in the succeeding paragraphs.
Railways should notify the nodal examination points authorized to issue brake power
certificates for running of air brake trains on End-to-End, Premium Examination, and
Close Circuits patterns. These nodal points should have adequate facilities like
cemented pathways, welding points, proper lighting, etc. for proper examination of air
brake trains. The BPC shall be issued only from these nodal examination points.
The important instructions for the examination of freight trains and the issue of BPC
are summarised below and the standard format used in FMM for Brake Power
Certificate is enclosed at Appendix-B.
The rake should normally be intensively examined in empty condition except when
back loading of rake has to be done at stations/sidings. After such intensive
examination, the empty rake should be moved to the loading station as per the
requirement of traffic.
i) The BPC of the empty rake may have no destination mentioned. However, after
loading the empty rake, the operating staff (commercial staff, if operating staff is
not posted at that station) will ensure that the destination of the loaded train is
clearly mentioned on the BPC and the same BPC will then become valid up to
such destination.
ii) No Loco pilot should move the loaded train from the loading point unless the
destination is clearly mentioned on the BPC. BPC of the loaded train without a
destination will be considered invalid.
iii) At the destination, after unloading, the rake must be examined once again in the
empty condition and the above cycle repeats. In the absence of freight train
examination facilities at the unloading point, the empty rake/back loaded rake must
be examined at the first freight train examination point in the direction of
movement. The movement of empty rake/back loaded rake from the unloading
point to the first freight train examination point will be permitted on Loco pilot and
Train Manager’s certificate for which the instructions given at 303 shall be followed.
The End-to-End BPC shall remain valid provided:
i. The destination is mentioned on the BPC of the loaded train.
ii. Rake integrity is not disturbed by more than 04 wagons (in the case of
BLCA/BLCB, the maximum limit of wagons which can be detached/replaced during
the run is 05, i.e., 01 unit = 05 wagons) and intensively examined wagons given
fitness by train examining staff may be attached as a replacement.
When back loading is done at a station where freight train examination facilities exist,
the loaded rake should be examined at that station only and BPC issued. In cases
where back loading is done at a non-TXR station, such trains can be:
a) Either checked by flying squad, if operationally feasible.
71 | Page
b) Or, if it is not possible, permitted to run on a Train Manager & Loco pilot’s memo
for which the instructions given at para 303 should be followed.
Running of trains on Loco pilot’s and Train Manager’s memo will be permitted only up
to the first freight train examination point in the direction of train movement.
The BPC of premium rakes shall have a validity of 12 days with 3 days additional
grace period to facilitate examination in unloaded condition. The following stamp shall
be provided on the BPC of Premium rakes:

This BPC is valid upto (mention date)

(3 days grace period after this date is allowed for rakes loaded upto above date)

The following conditions have been prescribed for Premium rakes (vide Bd’s letter No.
2005/ M(N)/951/13 dated 07/10. 04.2006):
I. Premium end to end rakes will be intensively examined in empty condition and
certified by examination points nominated by PCME & PCOM. Such premium
examination points should either be “A” category or upgraded to “A” Category
examination point.
II. If any of the conditions, i.e., examination in empty condition or examination at
nominated points is not satisfied; the rake will not be certified as a premium rake
and will operate as a normal end to end rake.
III. Brake Power Certificate issued for such premium end to end rakes will be valid for
12 days from the date of issue. During these 12 days, the rakes will be allowed for
multiple loading/unloading.
IV. After each loading/unloading, the rake will be examined by the Train Manager and
Loco pilot before the commencement of the journey and observations will be
recorded under the relevant columns of the Brake Power Certificate. In the case of
mechanized loading/ unloading, examination by TXR is desirable.
V. The rakes will be turned out with minimum 95% Brake Power.
VI. After the completion of 12 days, the rakes should be offered for the next intensive
examination at the first examination point in the direction of movement. To avoid
examination in loaded condition, a grace period of 3 days shall be permitted.
However, after the expiry of the grace period, i.e., after completion of 15 days after
the date of issue of BPC, even a loaded premium rake shall be offered for
examination at the first TXR point in the direction of movement. Further, in no
case, Premium rakes shall be offered for loading through bypass routes or through
yards that are not nominated for examination. After examination, the rake will be
certified as a premium rake subject to fulfillment of the above-mentioned
conditions, otherwise as a conventional end to end rake.
VII. The movement of Premium rakes will be monitored through FOIS by the Traffic
and Mechanical departments.
The railway must ensure that the infrastructural facilities at all the CC examination
points are upgraded to the “A” category.
(a) As far as possible, the close circuit air brake rakes should be formed from off-

72 | Page
ROH and off-POH wagons.
(b) The complete history of the wagon and its components, i. e. Bogie, Draft gear,
Coupler, AB System, Wheel & CTRB, etc. should be maintained by the Base
(c) The Originating Brake Power for air braked goods trains running in the close
circuit shall be 100 % with adequate brake block thickness
(d) Further, Zonal Railways shall maintain a detailed record w.r.t. En-route
detachments, brake power, and detachments during the examination of these
The BPC of CC rakes shall be valid for 7500 Kms or 30 days + 5 days, whichever is
earlier. A grace period of 5 days is allowed if the rake is moving towards the base
depot. The following stamp shall be provided on the BPC of CC rakes:

This BPC is valid up to ........................................ (mention date)

(5 days grace period after this date is allowed if the rake is moving towards the base depot)

(e) The BPC of CC Rake issued at the nodal point shall remain valid provided:
i. The kilo metrage has been logged in correctly and continuously (if not, the BPC will
be deemed to be valid for 20 days only from the date of issue). It is the
responsibility of the crew to check that entries regarding distance are clearly and
continuously recorded.
ii. The rake integrity is not changed and only the listed wagons are included.
iii. The rake is running in the predefined circuit only as mentioned on the BPC.
(Breaking the rake into parts and reforming the same parts will not be deemed to
have broken the rake integrity).
No intermediate examination of the Close Circuit rake is required. It would be the
responsibility of the Loco Pilot and Train Manager to check the unloaded CC rake
at the unloading point and ensure brake continuity before starting.
f) Normally, all Close Circuit freight trains should be given intensive examination
during daylight hours. However, if Close Circuit freight trains are examined during
night hours, a minimum illumination level of 100 to 150 Lux is required for under
gear examination as well as repair work of rake.
g) BPC issued after thorough freight examination in empty condition must be
revalidated after loading. Revalidation includes conducting brake continuity tests,
ensuring completeness/securing of brake gears, and endorsing on intensive
BPC. No wagons shall be detached from the rake unless safety is affected.
CC rakes shall be subject to the following conditions:
I. CC Rakes should be maintained in the examination yards which have No line of
OHE Passing over the maintenance lines.
II. CC rakes shall be monitored closely through FOIS by all Sr. DOMs to ensure that
these rakes are worked to their respective base depots before completion of
stipulated KMs/ days. Rakes with invalid BPC shall normally not be permitted to
run in service.

73 | Page
III. All the cases of violation of this limit shall be analyzed by the concerned Division /
Zone where such rake gets detected, either on run or during the subsequent
examination, for adequate corrective and/ or preventive action (if necessary).
IV. In case the Km / Days limit is breached due to lack of monitoring or otherwise, and
the rake is in empty condition, it shall be pushed to the nearest TXR point for
Revalidation and endorsement on BPC by TXR that the train by GDR up to the
base depot.
V. Such potentially unsafe rakes mentioned under (g) above, when detected in loaded
condition, shall be subjected to GDR check and pushed to destination. After
unloading, the empty rake shall be offered to the nearest TXR point for
Revalidation and endorsement on BPC by TXR that the train by GDR in empty
condition up to its nominated base depot.
VI. The potentially unsafe rakes from the point of detection to the nearest TXR point
will move on the GDR check.
[Reference Railway Board’s letter No. 2005/ M (N)/ 951/ 13 dated 08.02.2006 and
letter No. 98/ M (N)/ 951/ 12/ Pt. 1 dated 17.05.07]
a) After tippling, the rake should be subjected to a post-tippling check either by TXR
staff or by Train Manager and Loco pilot in case of non-provision of TXR staff in
the siding.
b) As the local condition may vary from siding to siding, based on recommendations
of PCME & PCOM, GMs may decide whether the post-tippling check on a
particular point will be entrusted to TXR staff or Train Manager & Loco pilot. While
deciding the matter one way or another, the following may be kept in mind: -
Recovery of necessary charges from the owners of such sidings in case any
defects/damages is noticed.
c) Post tippling check by Train Manager & Loco Pilot should be done as per format
given at para 303.
d) Rules regarding starting of trains from non-TXR points after examination by Train
Manager and Loco pilot should be strictly enforced.
I. GDR check should be done for post loading/back loading of a rake.
II. After tippling, the rake will be subjected to post-tippling examination and the check
may be carried out by Train Manager & Loco pilot.
III. If BPC has become invalid then GDR Check should be done before taking the
rake to the nearest train examination point in the direction of movement.
IV. In case of the Attachment/detachment of the wagon, or reversal of power at a non-
TXR point, continuity of the Brake pipe pressure must be ensured by the Loco pilot
& Train Manager.
(Railway Board’s Letter No. 2018/M(N)/951/34 Pt. dated 23.06.2020)
Special instructions regarding Train Manager Loco Pilot (GDR) Check, at locations
where TXR is not available, have been advised of the various conditions in which

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GDR checks have to be conducted by crew along with the prescribed Performa to be
filled by train crew post such check:
1. After loading/back loading a rake.
2. After tippling.
3. After the rake is stabled for more than 24 hours.
4. If BPC is invalid.
5. If it is a premium rake, which is being loaded or unloaded.
The matter has been reviewed, in view of repeated instances of doors opening on
run and leading to infringements & damages to assets. Accordingly, zonal
Railways are advised to take immediate action in the matter to ensure that various
staff involved ensure the activities and responsibilities as given below:
● Henceforth GDR check will be required to be done in all cases of
unloading/unloading of rakes, irrespective of the method of loading/unloading as
well as the type of BPC, so as to ensure all the doors and fitting of wagons have
been properly secured and there is no possibility of them turning loose on run.
● The closure of doors should always be checked by the train crew before drawing
out a rake from a terminal as part of the prescribed GDR check. Updated Performa
to be filled up after GDR check is enclosed herewith.
● Closure of doors should also be checked and ensured during GDR check and the
same is recorded in the GDR memo.
● Release memo of rakes should be accepted by operating/commercial staff only
after proper closure of doors has been ensured by the siding/handling agencies.
This may be explicitly mentioned in the released memos.
● In case it is not feasible to close the doors in the terminal due to door defects, it
should be certified by the railway officials posted in the terminal, and C&W
attention provided for closing such doors at an operationally convenient location.
● Operation staff concerned shall assure themselves that the GDR check has been
done before the drawl of the rake and the GDR memo has been signed as
● TRAIN EXAMINATION YARD STAFF-At the time of rake examination by C&W
staff for the issue of a fresh brake power certificate, the proper closure of doors
should be ensured and this should be explicitly mentioned in the brake power
certificate issued for all wagon types having doors, like BOXN, BCN, BOBRN,
BCACBM, etc. the examination gangs should clearly endorse by hand or by
Rubber Stamp the following-‘all doors checked & found working’.
● POH SHOPS, ROH DEPOTS & SICKLINES: During repair/overhaul it shall be
ensured that all defects and deficiencies as attended to properly and instructions
issued vide Mechanical (Fr) dated letter 2005/M(N/204/6 dated 01.07.2019)are
strictly adhered to.
Items to be checked by Train Manager and Loco Pilot

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1 All CBCs and Air Hoses are properly coupled and locked.
2 All the Angle Cocks are in open condition.
3 The last Angle Cock is in closed condition.
4 Empty / Load device handle is in the proper position.
5 There are no loose fittings/hanging parts like springs push-pull rod, Brake
Beam, Safety brackets, Brake Blocks, etc. which may endanger the safe
running of the train.
6 Hand brakes are released.
7 All Doors/Hoppers/Covers of wagons are closed and locked/secured.
8 Check continuity of air pressure/vacuum before starting.
Proforma for Joint check by the Loco Pilot and Train Manager


2 Train No. & LOCO No.
3 From………………….. To………………
4 BPC No, DATE & Place of issue
5 Loaded at…………… Unloaded at……
6 Time Loco is attached…
7 Total Load
Sign of Loco Pilot

Sign of
Train Manager
Loco Pilot’s Name

Train Manager’s Name

(This memo should be prepared in 3 copies, one copy to be kept with the Loco Pilot,
one with the Train Manager, and one will be given by the Train Manager to the Station
Master/Yard Master)
a) All freight trains should be subjected to thorough examination in empty condition
at originating stations.
b) In exceptional cases, the back-loaded freight trains can be examined as per
instructions mentioned in para 302 item 1.
c) All freight trains shall be re-examined if stabled for more than 24 hours by SSE/JE
(C&W) in the yard and by Train Manager and Loco pilot in non-C&W station up to
the next C&W point in the direction of movement for examination, as per Railway
Board’s Joint Procedure Order placed at para 304.
d) Rake integrity is not disturbed by more than 04 wagons (in the case of
BLCA/BLCB, the maximum limit of wagons which can be detached/replaced during
the run are 05 i.e., 01 unit = 05 wagons) and intensively examined wagons given
fitness by train examining staff may be attached as a replacement.

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The Freight Trains shall be subject to the following examinations:
a) Rolling-in / Terminating examination.
b) Intensive examination of originating trains including repairs, detachment of
damaged/sick wagons, brake testing, etc.
c) Issue of Brake Power Certificate after ensuring brake continuity of the formed load.
All terminating trains should be given rolling-in examination while entering the
station/yard of the train examination depot. To carry out this examination the Train
Examiner and his staff should take up positions on both sides of the lines short of the
normal halting place on which the train is to be received. The following inspection
should be carried out during the rolling-in examination:
i. In-motion inspection and observation of under gear of wagons for any loose or
dangling components and flat places on tyres/wheels.
ii. Immediately after the train has come to a halt, all axle boxes should be felt/
temperature measurements taken with contact-less thermometers and those,
which are found running at high temperature (more than 90 0C), should be marked
iii. Examination of any abnormal behavior of any of the vehicles or any other
observation which may be related to the safety of the train.
iv. The rolling-in examination must be conducted to detect any skidded wheel.
v. Incoming BPC should be collected by the C&W staff.
Once, the train has been offered for examination by Traffic Department, the rake
should be protected at both ends before undertaking the maintenance. IRCA Part-III
shall be referred during the examination.
The following examination and repair activities shall be carried out:
i. Inspection and repairs of running gear fittings.
ii. Inspection and repairs of brake gear and spring gears.
iii. Inspection and repairs of draw and buffing gear.
iv. Checking and making good the deficiency of safety fittings, safety brackets, safety
loops, etc.
v. Replacement of brake blocks:
a) Brake blocks should be replaced on reaching condemning thickness as given in
para 308 A.
b) To ensure correct fitment of brake blocks, only spring steel key as per RDSO Drg.
No. W/BG-6150 should only be used.
c) After the fitment of the brake block and key on the brake head fitment of the split
pin should be ensured.
vi. Correct fitment of washers, bulb cotters, and all brake gear pins to be ensured.
vii. Correct functioning and positioning of the empty load device.

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viii. Checking and proper securing of doors of covered wagons.
ix. Look for abnormal and /or unequal CBC height, Wear plate, Knuckle, etc. to the
extent possible by visual examination. In case of doubt, the CBC height should
be measured.
x. Meticulous checks of brake cylinders, distributor valves, auxiliary reservoir
control chambers, and other pipe points should be carried out to ensure that,
these are in proper working order. Isolating cocks and angle cocks to be
checked for proper position. the brake cylinder should be released and checked
for piston stroke as per para 308 B for the empty and loaded position.
xi. After brakes are released, the wheel profile should be examined visually. If any
defect is noticed, it should be checked with tyre defect gauge and wagon to be
marked sick for wheel changing, if required. If a bent axle is suspected wheel
gauging must be done.
xii. The bogies, complete side frames, and bolsters are to be visually examined for
cracks and missing parts. Bolster springs, snubbers, spigots, center pivots
fastening, side bearer, and elastomeric pads should be checked for defects if
xiii. Examine brake rigging components with special attention to brake beam
deformation and wear on integral brake shoe bracket. Check intactness of the
pull and push rods with pins, washers, split pins, cotters, etc. Hand brakes must
be checked for smooth and effective operation.
xiv. Visual examination of under frame members, body, door mechanism, CBC
wear or deficiency of parts to be marked and their operation to be checked.
xv. Brake power should be tested.
xvi. Where a rejectable defect cannot be attended to on the train in the yard, the
wagon shall be damaged and labeled for attention in the sick line.
xvii. Brake adjustment shall be done as per wheel diameter by adjusting the End
Pull Rod hole position.
xviii. Visual examination of under frame members, body, and door mechanism for
any defects/ damages. Attend, if necessary.
xix. Visual examination to prevent enroute unusual:
a. Yoke pin support plate rivets.
b. Auxiliary reservoir safety strap
c. Safety loop of SAB.
d. Provision of SF key with APD.
e. Centre pivot nut bolt assembly of Brake Van.
A rake consisting of air brake wagons should be tested with a rake test rig. This rig
may be used for testing the train in the yard before attaching the engine. The rake test
rig has a compressed air supply and a mobile test rig. The mobile test rig has a
cubical structure and is mounted on wheels. The following activities shall be carried
i) Attach the locomotive/compressor through the test rig to the train & couple of brake
pipes. Ensure correct coupling with pipes so that there is no leakage of air from
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coupled joints
ii) The coupling should be done with angle cocks in the closed position.
iii) Open the angle cocks of loco after coupling the brake pipe.
iv) Open the angle cock of the brake pipe on all the wagons. Check for continuity of
brake pipe by reducing and rebuilding brake pipe pressure. The verification should
invariably be carried out through the pressure gauge provided in Train Manager’s
Brake Van.
v) After the brake pipe pressure has stabilized in the locomotive and rearmost
vehicle, move the Loco Pilot’s automatic brake valve handle towards the
application position to reduce the brake pipe pressure from 5 kg/cm 2 to 4 kg/ cm2
vi) After the brake pipe pressure has been stabilized, close the brake pipe isolating
cocks provided between the additional C2 relay valve and the brake pipe of the
vii) Wait for 60 seconds for temperature and gauge settlement. Then note the drop in
pressure in the brake pipe gauge in the locomotive for five minutes.
viii) The drop in the brake pipe pressure gauge shall not be more than 0.25 kg/cm 2
per minute.
ix) Examine for leaky components, malfunctioning distributor valves, brake cylinders,
control, auxiliary reservoirs, angle cocks, BP hoses, etc.
x) If the leakage rate is more than the value indicated in para viii, check for excessive
leakage on the individual wagon as indicated below:
a) A hissing sound would be audible at points where the leakage is heavy.
b) Once the hissing sound is heard from a particular area, pinpoint the location of
leakage by applying soap water solution.
c) Use of permitted material viz. Teflon tape for arresting the leakage at threaded
xi) In case leakage is heavy and cannot be arrested, the wagon may have to be
xii) In the case where leakage can be arrested temporarily by tape and the nature of
the leakage is such that it requires attention at the primary depot, a clear marking
on the wagon must be made to draw the attention of the primary depot for
adequate attention.
xiii) In case the leakage is from the distributor valve and cannot be arrested, close
the distributor valve isolating cock. In such a condition, clear marking should be
provided on the wagon to indicate this defect to the primary depot. Do not close
brake pipe angle cocks under any circumstances either for isolation of wagons or
for any other purpose whatsoever except for carrying out shunting operation after
which the angle cocks should again be opened to ensure continuity of brake pipe.
Rake Test:
A schematic layout of the rake test rig (RTR) is shown in Fig (A). A rake of wagon
stock can be tested with this Test Rig. This Rig may also be used for testing the train
in yards before attaching the engine.
The Rake Test Rig unit has an air supply and a mobile test rig. The mobile test rig is
having a cubical structure and is mounted on wheels. It can be taken to the yards and

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sick lines. The procedure is as follows:
A. Carry out Visual Examination of rake.
B. Prepare Test Rig for Rake Test.
C. Conduct Leakage, Service Application, and Release Test.
Visual inspection is a check of air brake sub-assembly for any damage on the brake
pipe, hose coupling, etc., and then rectifying it. The steps are: -
i) Inspect loose suspension brackets and anti-pilferage devices of all air brake sub-
ii) Visually inspect for any defect/damage in the brake pipe, hose pipe, coupling, etc.
iii) Rectify or replace the problematic part/sub-assembly.
Rake Test can be performed by using a portable device called “Test Rig” or by
Locomotive. The Test Rig provides all facilities like a locomotive to conduct the
test. The source of compressed air supply to the Test Rig is through a compressor
installed in the wagon depot for the Brake Pipe and Feed Pipe of the test rig. The
Air Dryer should also be provided just before connecting the brake pipe and feed
pipe for the supply of dry air.
Attach the rake test rig to the rake through the couplings. Carry out the following
tests as per the procedure given in G-97 Annexure-XI {MP guide No.11 (Rev.01)
amendment No.01 of Jan-2010} for checking the capability of locomotives for
Charging/Releasing of train brakes, checking of leakage in the train, checking
leakage in feed pipe, brake cylinder operative percentage, and procedure to be
followed at the wayside.
Note: In case the rake test rig is not available testing shall be done by the
Following examination must be carried out before rake testing
i) Hand Brakes of all wagons are fully released.
ii) The operating handle of the empty load box is in the correct position i.e., the
'Empty' position when the wagon is empty or lightly loaded, and in the 'Loaded'
position when the wagon is loaded beyond the specified value.
iii) Hose couplings of brake pipe & feed pipe on consequent wagons are coupled to
one another to form a continuous air passage from the locomotive to the rear end
of the train.
iv) All the angle cocks except those at the rear end of the train are kept OPEN.
v) The hose coupling at the rear end of the train is placed on hose coupling support.
vi) Isolating cocks of Distributor Valve on all wagons are in the OPEN position.
1. Checking of Continuity and Leakage in Rake:
A. Attach the Diesel/Electric locomotive/Test Rig to the rake fitted with a twin pipe air
brake system and a couple of brake pipes and feed pipes. Ensure correct coupling
with brake and feed pipe in a manner that there is no leakage of air from coupled
B. The coupling should be done with angle cocks in the closed position.
C. Open the angle cocks of loco after coupling the feed pipe and brake pipe.
D. Open the angle cock of the brake pipes and the feed pipes on all the wagons and
check for continuity and leakage of brake pipe and feed pipe by reducing and

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rebuilding brake pipe and feed pipe pressure operating by A9 brake valve & angle
cock fitted in feed pipe on the locomotive (on wagon side) respectively. The
verification should invariably be carried out through the pressure gauges (BP & FP)
provided in Train Manager's Brake Van.
Brake Pipe pressure in train (kg/cm²)

S. N. Length of the train RTR/Locomotive Brake Van

I UP TO 56 BOXN WAGONS 5.0 4.8


Feed Pipe pressure in train (kg/cm²)

S.N. Length of the train RTR/Locomoti Brake Van


I UP TO 56 BOXN WAGONS 6.0 5.8


NOTE: If the pressure is not within the specified limit as given above then check for
leakage in the rake and correct it.
Leakage Rate Test:
E. After the stabilizing pressure as given in the above table, move the Loco Pilot's
automatic brake valve handle (A-9) towards the application position to reduce
brake pipe pressure from 5.0 kg/cm² to 4.0 kg/cm².
F. After the brake pipe pressure has been stabilized –
i) Close the brake pipe isolating cock provided between additional C2W Relay valve
and brake pipe of the locomotive or isolating cock of Test Rig for checking BP
ii) Close the isolating cock provided between the feed valve and feed pipe of the
locomotive or isolating cock of FP for checking FP leakage.
G. Wait for 60 sec for temperature and gauge settlement then note the drop in
pressure in brake pipe & feed pipe pressure gauge in locomotive for 05 minutes.
H. The drop in brake pipe & feed pipe pressure gauge shall not be more than 0.25
I. If the leakage rate is more than the value indicated in (H), check for excessive
leakage on the individual wagon as indicated below –
1. A hissing sound would be audible at points where the leakage is heavy.
2. Once the hissing sound is heard from a particular area, pinpoint the location of
leakage by applying soap water solution.
3. Use of permitted material viz. Teflon tape arresting the leakage.
J. In case leakage is heavy and cannot be arrested, the wagon may have to be
K. In the case where leakage can be arrested temporarily by tap and the nature of the
leakage is such that it requires attention at the primary depot, clear marking on the
wagon should be to draw the attention of the primary depot for adequate attention.

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L. In case the leakage is from the distributor valve and cannot be arrested, isolation
of the wagon can be carried out by closing the distributor valve isolating cock. In
such conditions, clear marking should be provided on the wagon to indicate this
defect to the primary depot. Do not close brake pipe angle cocks under any
circumstances, either for isolation of wagons or for any purpose whatsoever,
except for carrying out shunting operation after which the angle cocks should again
be opened to ensure continuity of brake pipe.
2. Service application and Release Test:
A. Move the Loco Pilot's automatic brake valve handle (A-9) towards the service
brake application position and drop the value of brake pipe pressure (BP) between
1.3 to 1.6 kg/cm².
B. Brake blocks of all wagons should apply after brake application and brake blocks
on wagons are mating with the wheels after brake application.
C. Check the piston stroke of all wagons, all should be within the specified limit for
piston strokes for different types of wagons given in para 308B.
If the piston stroke is incorrect then, record “A” Dimension, it should be 70±2 mm in
an empty and loaded condition.
D. Check all brake cylinders. Wagons with inoperative brake cylinders should be
marked unfit and detached.
E. After the release of the brake, the piston of the brake cylinder should be fully inside
and brake blocks are away from the wheels.
F. Train Manager’s emergency brake valve: Ensure that the Train Manager
Emergency brake valve is working properly by operating it.
G. BPC (Brake Power Certificate): Ensure that Loco Pilot, Train Manager and TXR
have checked the details given in the certificate and signed for its compliance.
3. Brake cylinder operative %:
1. The trains originating from the primary depot should have a brake cylinder
operating percentage of 100% in case of a CC rake. For premium rakes, the
minimum originating brake power percentage is 95% and for end-to-end rakes is
2. Train examination staff should check the operative percentage by observing the
gripping of brake blocks on wheels.
4. Procedure to be followed at Way-Side Station:
1. If the leakage rate is found more than the value indicated in 1(H), locate the source
and arrest the leakage as per the procedure given in 1(I).
2. In case the leakage can be arrested temporarily by tape and the nature of the
leakage is such that it requires attention at the primary depot, clear marking on the
wagon should be done to draw the attention of the primary depot for adequate
3. In case the leakage is from the distributor valve, follow the procedure given in 1(L).
4. In case the leakage is heavy and cannot be arrested and the wagon has to be
detached, contact the control and obtain further advice.
NOTE:1. It is clarified that the maximum originating brake power for air braked goods
trains running on the end-to-end pattern of examination shall be 90% except
wherever local restrictions have specified higher levels of brake power to meet
specific requirements. An exception shall only be made after prior personal
82 | Page
approval of the Chief Rolling Stock Engineer has been obtained for each individual.
NOTE:2. Whenever a rake is stabled, it must be secured properly as per rules given in
G&SR of Zonal Railways.


Type of rake:
Type of Wagons:
Type of DVs :
BP pressure :
FP pressure :
S.N. Check Specified Actual
1. Pressure at last Wagon
Up to 56 wagons 4.8 Kg/cm²
a) Brake pipe
(min.) Beyond 56 wagons 4.7
Kg/cm² (min.)

b) Feed pipe Up to 56 wagons 5.8 Kg/cm²

(min.) Beyond 56 wagons 5.7
Kg/cm² (min.)
Leakage Rate

2. a) Brake pipe 0.25 Kg/cm²/min. (max.)

b) Feed pipe 0.25 Kg/cm²/min. (max.)

3. Service Application and

Release Test
Brakes should apply
a) Brake application when
B.P. pressure reduced
between 1.3 to
1.6 Kg/cm²
The piston in applied position
b) Observe the Piston and brake blocks are matting
stroke of the brake the wheels
Piston stroke should be within
c) Record the piston stroke the specified limit.

The piston should be fully

d) Releasing of the brake inside the brake cylinder.
when B.P. Pressure
4. charge up to 5 Kg/cm² Trains originating from the
primary depot should have a
Brake cylinder operating % brake cylinder operating
percentage of 100%. (In case
of CC Rake)

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1. This consists of a compressor (1), aftercooler (2), check valve (3) main
reservoir (4), safety valve (5), filter (6), Air Dryer (7). All these items are to be
installed in a room in a yard.
2. The compressor generates pneumatic pressure of 10 kg. /cm2 and
compressed air is stored in the main air reservoir MR(4). The safety valve (5)
opens out if the pressure exceeds 10 Kg. /cm2. The oil and dirt will be
separated out in the filter (6). The check valve (3) prevents the back flow of air
while the compressor is off.
3. The compressed air line is connected to the pipeline in the sick line/yard. Angle
cock and hose coupling (BP) are provided at various points depending upon
the train formation and checkpoints in the sick line.
As per RDSO document No WD-26-ABR-2018 issued on Nov '2018.
Functional requirement specification for automatic test rig for single car test & rake
test of freight stock.
Functional requirements:
I. The automatic single wagon test rig (SWTR) shall be capable of Single car
testing of all types of wagons of Indian railways having conventional or bogie
mounted brake system fitted with single or twin pipe air brake system as per the
single wagon testing procedure. it may not be possible to measure some of the
parameters like brake cylinder filling time, piston stroke, ‘A’ dimension, ‘e’
dimension, working of hand brake etc. directly with the automatic SWTR.
However, it should have provision to manually enter observed values of these
II. The automatic rake test rig (RTR) shall be capable of testing/checking of rake
formation of all types of wagons used in indian railways consisting of 42 to 60
wagons/ rake having conventional or bogie mounted brake system fitted with
single or twin pipe air brake system as per the rake testing procedure. It shall
be eliminate the use of locomotives for rake testing of wagons. it may not be
possible to measure some of the parameters like piston, brake pipe & feed pipe
pressure in the last wagon directly with the automatic RTR. However, it should
have provision to manually enter observed values of these parameters.
III. They shall be portable, robust and fit for outdoor use in railways workshop,
wagon depot, goods examination yard or sick line environment.
IV. they shall operate with electric power supply as well as with the help of a
battery system. the battery backup should last for atleast five single wagon
tests & five rake tests.
V. custom based software as per the user requirement for displaying the
permissible limits and recording the actual parameters and generating the
reports in specified format.
VI. they should be Wi-Fi enable to transmit data in a prescribed format to
designated email IDs at a fixed interval.
VII. stainless steel and flexible hydraulic hose pipe lines of reputed makes for
SWTR & RTR air flow circuits. suitable quick couplings shall be provided to
flexible hose pipes (of atleast 10m each for BP & FP) to connect the palm ends
(both BP & FP) to SWTR & RTR which will facilitate the connection to the BP &
FP air hose coupling of the wagons.
VIII. suitable software for individual test and auto test with login security.

85 | Page
IX. Printer port/USB port for external connectivity.
X. Battery status indicator and auto shut down the system to protect the data loss.
XI. Machine should comply with IP 54 standards.
Responsibility of railways:
1. 230V AC power supply.
2. 0-10 kg/sq.cm dry and compressed air supply.
3. Palm ends BP & FP each 02 Nos for connecting it to flexible hose pipes
of SWTR.
4. 4G internet connection.
The supplier will train four persons nominated by the consignee free of cost
with regard to maintenance, operation and troubleshooting of the automatic test
rig for a period of 3 days at the site.

inspection will be done by the consignee as per the specification.
Warranty of twelve months from the date of commissioning against any
manufacturing defects. it shall include replacement of any defective hardware.
[1] Rake Test Rig/Locomotive.
[2] Open End spanner 18x19”
[3] Spanner 10 mm & 12 mm
1. Brake Cylinder – Leakage
It is observed that dust and dirt enter the brake cylinder through the flange area,
hereby causing leakage of the Brake cylinder.Parts of plastic caps etc. used on
Pipes are found inside the cylinder body. Dirt particles mixed with grease are
also found inside the Brake cylinders.
Action by en-route Action by Depot /
Preventive Action
operating Staff Workshop
Isolate the defective Brake cylinder to be replaced ⮚ The protection cap
BC with the help of and defective BC to be over the brake cylinder
isolating cock. repaired. should be removed
prior to its connection
with the hose pipe
⮚ Blow the BC pipeline
before connecting the
Brake cylinder. This
can be done by making
a few Brake
2. Brake Cylinder - Improper fitment of BC Flexible Hoses

86 | Page
Tighten the bolts Tighten the bolts properly, if Care should be taken to
properly to prevent possible, else replace the ensure that the correct
leakage, else isolate bolts with the correct size size of hardware is used
the defective BC bolts. and is properly tightened
with the help of to ensure trouble-free
isolating cock. service.
3. Brake Cylinder - Improper handling & storage resulting in damage to
Brake cylinder
If the outer tube is Replace the Brake cylinder Proper care should be
damaged and the and the defective BC is to be taken in the storage &
brake cylinder is not repaired. handling of brake
working, Isolate the cylinders. Use trolley for
defective BC with movement of wooden
the help of isolating cases of Brake cylinder.
If the hand brake Replace the Brake cylinder Proper care should be
cable is damaged, and the defective BC is to be taken in the storage &
the hand brake may repaired. handling of brake
become inoperative. cylinders. Use trolley for
movement of wooden
cases of Brake cylinder.
4. Brake Cylinder – Not releasing
1. Due to Move the handle of Isolating Repair / replace the DV.
malfunctioning of cocks to a close position to
DV. Staff should put vent the air from the brake
the handle of cylinder. Isolate the DV by
Isolating cocks in a moving the R-charger handle
close position to vent to a close position.
air. Isolate the DV
2. Due to The internal mechanism of the
malfunctioning BC brake cylinder is damaged.
(Action by enroute Isolate the defective BC with
staff) the help of isolating cock. It will Replace the Brake cylinder
(Isolate the Brake release the air pressure from and same to be repaired.
Cylinder by Isolating the Brake cylinder.
If this doesn’t work, remove the Re-connect the system
pin connecting the push rod and provide the necessary
and lever to free the system. APDs.

Suitably tie the push rod and Apply brakes to adjust the
lever to prevent them from system.
touching the wheel. (Is this
action by workshop)
5. APM Device – Improper fitment
The bracket of the APM Device is not properly fitted on the underframe, as a
result, the sensor arm is not properly touching the side frame on the Bogie.

Action by en-route Action by Depot / Workshop Preventive Action

operating Staff

87 | Page
No action is possible. The position of the bracket is Care should be
to be corrected to ensure that taken during the
the working of the APM valve welding of the APM
is proper. Device bracket on
the under-frame. It
should be ensured
that the sensor arm
is correctly touching
the center of the side
6. APM Device – Improper fitment of flexible hoses
If the APM Device flexible hoses are not properly fitted, they can get
Tie the flexible hose Provide a suitable clamp to Care should be
properly through ensure that the flexible hose taken during the
some suitable means is not loosely hanging. fitment by providing
to the under- frame a suitable clamp/
members. bracket.
7. APM Device – Leakage from the mounting bracket connecting the pipes
Action by en-route Action by Depot / Preventive
operating Staff Workshop Action
Tighten the bolts Tighten the bolts properly if Care should be taken to
properly to prevent possible.In case an incorrect ensure that the correct
leakage. bolt size has been used, it size of bolts are used and
could have damaged the properly tightened to
bracket also. The bracket ensure trouble-free
needs to be replaced. service.
8. Missing of split pins – Brake Head Damage / Missing
The absence of a split pin above the Brake head pin con results in the pin
moving out. Further, this could result in the dropping of the brake head and
thereby causing the Brake Beam to touch the wheel and get damaged

Isolate the bogie by Install the new parts which Care should be taken to
operating the have been damaged. Provide ensure that split pins and
isolating cock to a split pins & APDs in a proper APDs are properly
close position. manner. provided.
9. Missing split pins – Bogie Components damaged
Isolate the bogie by Install the new parts which Care should be
operating the have been damaged. Provide taken to ensure that
isolating cock to a split pins & APDs in a proper
split pins and APDs
close position. manner. are properly
10. Missing of APDs – Split pin used on Brake Cylinder Pin

Action by Depot / Workshop Preventive Action

Provide the bush and dowel on the Care should be taken to ensure that the
pin bush and the dowel should be used on
brake cylinder mounting pins.
11. Missing of APDs – On the pin of the Primary Brake Beam

88 | Page
APDs are to be provided over the Care should be taken to ensure that the
mounting pins. mounting pins are provided with APDs.
12. Missing of APDs – On the pin of the Secondary Brake Beam
Action by Depot / Workshop Preventive Action
APDs are to be provided over the Care should be taken to ensure that the
mounting pins. mounting pins are provided with APDs.
13. Missing of APDs – On the pin of the Push Rod
Action by Depot / Workshop Preventive Action
APDs are to be provided over the Care should be taken to ensure that the
mounting pins. mounting pins are provided with APDs.
14. Inappropriate APDs on APM Device
Proper APD to be provided over the Care should be taken to ensure that the
APM Device. APD provided on the APM Device is
appropriate so that it performs its
intended function.
15. Hand brake - Incorrect location of Brackets
Brackets to be moved to their correct Care should be taken to ensure that the
location as per RDSO drawing. bracket's locations are correct as per the
drawing. This can be checked by
applying the brakes for proper
16. Missing of APDs – On the pin of the Primary Brake Beam
APDs to be provided over the Care should be taken to ensure that the
mounting pins. mounting pins are provided with APDs.
17. Missing of APDs – On the pin of the Secondary Brake Beam
Do the necessary correction and Care should be taken during the fitment
check whether the brakes are of the hand brake arrangement. Check
functional. the working of the hand brake
arrangement by applying the brakes.
18. Missing of APDs – On the pin of the Secondary Brake Beam
Action by en-route Action by Depot / Preventive Action
operating Staff Workshop
Tie the hanging part Install new component. APDs should be provided to
to the underframe Provide the APDs to prevent the moving out of
to prevent it from prevent re-occurrence. components during service.
touching the
moving parts of
19. Wrong use of Isolating cock in BC Line
In case, wherein Replace the isolating Care should be taken to use
wrong isolating cock with the with-vent isolating cocks with a vent in
cock has been type and check it's the BC line. During the
used, if required working. testing, check the vent
isolate the wagon position of isolating cock by
through DV instead moving the handle to a
of the bogie. closed position during
application and ensuring that
the BC pressure gets
89 | Page
All freight trains after being subjected to a thorough freight examination will be given a
Brake Power Certificate (BPC).The standard formats for Brake Power Certificate are
enclosed at para 315.
The minimum originating brake power for air brake goods trains, running on the end-
to-end pattern of examination, shall be 90% except wherever local instructions have
specified a higher level of brake power to meet specific requirements. An exception
shall only be made after prior approval of the Chief Rolling Stock Engineer has been
obtained for each individual case. (Reference RB’s letter No.94/M(N)/951/57 dated
The originating brake power for air brake goods trains, running in close circuits shall
be 100 % with adequate brake block thickness. The originating brake power for air
braked Premium rakes shall be 95%.
Brake pipe pressure required in the air-braked train with locomotive should be as

Brake pipe & Feed pipe pressure required in the train

No. of wagons On Locomotive Min. on the last wagon

Up to 56 5.0 & 6.0 Kg/Cm2, 4.8 & 5.8Kg/Cm2

Beyond 56 5.0& 6.0 Kg/Cm2 4.7&5.7 Kg/Cm2

The following procedure should be followed to issue the BPC after attachment
of the locomotive:
a. All BP and FP hoses/ hose pipes on the train should be coupled up. The angle
cocks in case of air brake stock at both ends of the wagon in the brake pipe should
be open. The angle cock at the end of the brake van must be in the closed
b. Attach front wagon BP hose to BP hose & FP hose to FP hose of the locomotive.
c. Ensure firmness and tightness of hoses with palm ends coupling and clips.
d. Ensure that all the cut-off angle cocks on brake pipes are in the open position.
e. Attend to all leaks by replacing MU washer, leaky hoses, and angle cock
assembly, if requisite BP & FP pressure is not coming in the last vehicle.
f. Inoperative or defective brake cylinders should be isolated by putting the isolating
cock handle in the closed position.
(Railway Board’s Letter No. 2013/M(N)/60/10 Part1 (E-3408089) dated
09.11.2022 and RDSO Letter No. ME/APB/BMB dated 08.11.2022)
1.0 For the purpose of calculative Brake Power percentage, each conventional
freight mounted brake system to be taken as it equivalent to two BMBS
1.1 It may be noted that the frictional brake force with one cylinder in
conventional underframe mounted brake system on the wheel is nearly

90 | Page
equivalent to that provided by the two brake cylinders in BMBS
2.0 Of the currently available brake vans, BVZI have four bogie mounted brake
cylinders with 12.3t brake block force, BVCM has one underframe conventional
mounted brake cylinder with 13.5t brake block force and BVZC has one
conventional under frame mounted brake cylinder with brake block force of 11t.
All these brake vans have L type brake blocks. For uniformity, the brake vans
may be treated as having brake cylinders equivalent to one BMBS cylinder. This
is keeping in view that the frictional brake force in brake van approximately
equivalent to that of one BMBS cylinder.
Examination and certification of the safety of wheels, under gear, and structure of the
Brake Down crane is the responsibility of the Mechanical supervisor
(SSE/Loco/Diesel/ C&W), who is the custodian of the crane. The safety certification
shall be carried out at a periodicity of 30 days. Similarly, self-propelled ART/ARMEs
are also to be examined and certified for the safety of the structure and under gear at
a periodicity of 30 days by the nominated Mechanical Supervisor (Loco/Diesel/ C&W
i. All the departmental wagon stock which may run with goods trains, like camping,
mobile training cars, OHE wiring trains, etc. shall be allotted a C&W depot for
Primary maintenance nominated by Chief Mechanical Engineer (or by the
nominated Mechanical Officer). The allotted depot shall be painted on the stock
end wall. Wheels, under gear, and structure of the stock, shall be examined for
safety and certified by the Mechanical Supervisor at the nominated C&W depot.
This certificate shall be valid for a maximum period of 30 days from the date of
ii. Rolling stock, which cannot be dispatched to the nominated depot for primary
maintenance shall be offered to the C&W Supervisor at the nearest Train
Examination point for inspection and certification of wheels, under gear, and
structural safety. This certification shall be valid for 30 days from the date of issue
iii. All departmental wagons in material trains/ballast trains/PQRS trains etc. shall be
examined in terms of IRCA Pt.III 3.2.1. A detailed joint circular shall be issued by a
Committee consisting of PCME, PCE & PCOM of the zonal railway or their
nominated officers, which inter alia should include detailed guidelines for
examination by the C&W Supervisor for running of departmental trains/PQRS rake.
iv. Tower wagons shall be inspected for safety in terms of Para 20317(2) of the AC
Traction manual by the Mechanical Supervisor (C&W Supervisor) of the nominated
C&W depot nearest to the TRD depot where the Tower wagon is based. The base
depot of the Tower wagon shall be painted on its end wall. For this purpose, the
C&W depot shall be nominated by Sr.DME/DME of the division in consultation with
concerned Sr.DEE/TRDs. The certification shall be valid for a maximum period of
7500 Kms or 30+ 5 days, whichever is earlier. Thereafter, the Tower wagon shall
be offered to the nominated C & W Supervisor for examination and safety
certification again. In case, the Tower wagon is operating in a division away from
the nominated depot, the same shall be offered to the nearest Train examining
point for C&W examination as soon as the validity of the certificate expires.
v. Track machines shall also be subjected to the wheel, under gear, and structural
safety examination and certification by the Mechanical Supervisor at periodic
intervals as decided by concerned Zonal Railways.
vi. Notwithstanding the above periodic inspection by the nominated C&W
91 | Page
Supervisor/Mechanical Supervisor, the Supervisor in charge/custodian of the
rolling stock in question shall carry out an inspection of the rolling stock before
starting the operation. In case he notices/suspects any abnormality in the rolling
stock regarding structural and under gear safety, he shall immediately arrange to
offer the rolling stock for C & W examination afresh.
The Station Master shall not give permission to start the departmental train/any
departmental rolling stock unless the supervisor in charge produces the valid safety
certificate issued by the nominated Mechanical Supervisor in terms of GR 4.31 and
GR 4.35.
(Rly. Bd’s letter No.2004/M(Safety)/Dept. Stock dated. 20.05.2004.)
Description Limit (in mm)
Brake block condemning limits 10
Yard leaving a thickness of brake block except for BOY wagon 20
“A” dimension of air brake stock fitted with CASNUB bogie except
BOBRN wagon 70+2-0
“A” dimension of BOBRN wagon 27+2-0
Type of wagon Piston Stroke(in mm)
Empty Loaded
BOXNHL, BCNHL 85±10 120±10
BTPN 85±10 130±10
BOY 90±10 135±10
BVZC 70±10 --
BOBRN 100±10 110±10
BOBYN 100±10 110±10
BLC 95±10 120±10
54±10 --
Description Limit(in mm)
Buffer height from Rail level
Description 22W 22W(M) 22NL 22HS LCCF
22W (in mm) NLB, HS(MOD1), 20(C)
(RETRO) NLM, HS(MOD2), (in mm)

92 | Page
(in mm) NLC IRF108HS
(in mm) LWLH25
(in mm)
Lateral clearance 18 18 18 25 25
between side frame and
Lateral clearance 25 25 16 16 25
between side frame and
axle box/adopter
Longitudinal clearance 2 10 9 9 10
between side frames
and axle box/adopter
Longitudinal clearance 6 6 6 6 6
between side frame and
Clearance between anti 4 4 4 4 4
rotation lug and bolster
Description Limits(in mm)
Adapter Thrust shoulder 0.7
Adapter Crown lugs 4.0
Adapter crown seat 3.5
Adapter side lugs 3.0
Adapter sides 3.0
Side frame column friction plate 4.0
Side frame column sides 5.0
Side frame anti-rotation lug 3.0
Pedestal crown roof 5.0
Pedestal crown sides 4.0
Pedestal sides 2.0
Pedestal jaw 4.0
Bolster liner wear limit 5.0
Bolster land surface 3.0
Bolster column sides – Inner/Outer 5.0
Free Height
Free condemning
Type of Bogie Location Nominal
height (mm)
Outer 260 245
CASNUB 22W, W(Retro),W(M), NL,
Inner 262 247
Snubber 294 279
Outer 260 245
CASNUB 22 HS Inner 243 228
Snubber 293 278
Outer 253 238
CASNUB 22 HS (MOD-I) Inner 225 210
Snubber 304 289
Outer 253 238
CASNUB 22 HS (MOD-II) Inner 222 207
Snubber 304 289

93 | Page
Outer 264±3 249
246±3 231
LWLH25 Inner
281±3 (SO) 266(SO)
Snubber 289±3 (SI) 274(SI)
Outer 260±2 245
LCCF20 (C) Inner 243+0/-3 228
Snubber 288±3 273
Vertical Surface 7 mm
Slope Surface 3 mm
LCCF20 (C)
Vertical sides 5.5 mm 4.0 mm 2.0 mm
Seat 4.0 mm 4.0 mm 2.0 mm
Dimension after permanent
Nominal dimension
Description set (Condemning size) (in
(in mm)
Elastomeric Pad 46 42
Constant contact side bearer pad
a). Metal Bonded rubber pad 114(Pad only) 109

b). PU CCSB for CASNUB 142.5 (With three 137

22HS rings)
c). PU CCSB for CASNUB 134 (With two rings) 128.5
309(G). WHEEL & AXLE
Description Limits
New (in mm) Condemn (in mm).
Wheel dia used on BOXN/CASNUB bogie 1000 906
Wheel dia used on LCCF 20(c) 840 780
Wheel dia used on LWLH25 Bogie 840 780
(Please refer to Chapter 11 on Infrastructure Facilities)
(Please refer to Chapter 11 on Infrastructure Facilities)
(Please refer to Chapter 11 on Infrastructure Facilities)
For latest yardstick and man hours of various types of examination, kindly refer to
latest guidelines issued by Railway Board/ RDSO.
314. Examination of Container Trains (BLC/BLL Rakes)
a. Examination of Container Trains: (As per Railway Board Letter No: 2018/M/N/

94 | Page
951/5 Dated 28.02.2019)
1. All Container Trains shall be run on a CC basis with the validity of 7500 km or 30
days whichever is earlier.
2. All the existing special conditions about such BPCs (as per Railway Board Letter
No: 2018/M/N/ 951/67 Dated 19/20.11.2008) shall continue to remain applicable.
3. The above is subject to the following 03 conditions being met in addition to
the earlier advised conditions:
(i) 100% change of MU washer in ROH and POH in terms of Railway Board list of
Must change Items (as given in CAMTECH WMM Appendix-V) may be ensured.
(ii) Monitoring of Brake pipe leakage rate before the commencement of every rake
movement, after train examination, should be ensured.
(iii) After each loading /unloading, the rake will be examined by Train Manager and
Loco Pilot before the commencement of the journey, and BP/FP pressure and
kilometers earned will be recorded under the relevant column of the BPC.
b. In empty condition (containers off-loaded from wagons):
Rake shall be offered at the nearest TXR point for intensive examination either for
end-to-end operation or for CC operation in examination, where after examination its
BPC will be revalidated for a period of 7 days upto base depot. During this with period
of 7 days, one loading/ unloading shall be permitted in the direction of the CC base
depot. The revalidation of BPC in the above manner is permitted only once and the
rake shall be returned to its CC base depot within this 6 days period. Else, the rake
shall loose its CC character and will become an end-to-end rake. Re- conversion of
such end-to-end rakes to CC shall be permitted only after personal approval of PCME
and PCOM of the concerned ZR.
c. In loaded condition (container loaded on the wagons):
Rake shall be operated on GDR examination and valid up to its destination. After
unloading of consignment at destination, such potentially unsafe rake shall be offered
at the nearest TXR point for intensive examination either for end-to-end operation or
for CC operation in unloaded condition up to its CC base depot. With containers
loaded on a wagon, shall be done only in case of extreme urgency with prior approval
of PCOM & PCME of concerned ZR.
i. Container rakes detained for more than 24 hrs at TXR point, shall be subjected to
GDR examination for the remaining validity period of BPC.
ii. Besides special conditions mentioned herein above, with respect to examination
and operation of container trains, all other instructions regarding maintenance of
air braked freight stock and 7500 km CC rakes, issued from time to time, shall be
iii. All necessary resources including infrastructural facilities, maintenance and unit
exchange spares, staff, etc. should be provided at the above-mentioned points, for
the ROH of container wagons. GM/ DRM should provide these resources under
their extant powers within two months.
Safety of Container wagon
(Ref: Railway Board’s letter No. 2006/M(N)/951/3 dated 02.03.2010)
i. Locks of all the container wagons should be checked during the intensive
examination and 100% availability of operating lock should be ensured before
giving BPC.

95 | Page
ii. A sufficient number of unit exchange spares should be made available to the
maintenance units so that wagons are not detained for want of locks.
d. Commissioning of new BLC / BLL Rakes
All new rakes of BLC/ BLL wagons shall be commissioned by their respective CC
base depot. The depot undertaking commissioning of new BLC / BLL rakes will send
detailed wagon-wise commissioning depot of such rakes to all concerned including
Northern Railway, for centralized planning for ROH/ POH of all BLC/ BLL wagons.
During the movement of new rakes from the manufacturer’s place to CC based depot,
the rake can be loaded one time in the direction of CC base depot.

315. Standardization of Brake Power Certificates for various Train

Now, the Brake Power Certificate are being issued through FMM. Hence, system of
colour scheme for BPC of various types of examination has been done away with.
Standard BPC formats for different types of examination are given in Appendix-B.
Minimum originating brake power for air braked goods trains, running on end-to-end
pattern, Premium rakes & Close Circuits Rakes, shall be as per para 306F.

96 | Page
(As on 01.04.2022)

NAME OF Station Prem. CC Exam Sick ROH

S.N Rly Div
POINTS Code Point Points Yard Line Dept
1 CR
TOTAL 5 3 8 8 3
ASN (Emp- Pr. C

97 | Page
TOTAL 8 5 12 11 2
TOTAL 7 4 9 7 2
TOTAL 5 3 8 6 4

98 | Page
TOTAL 7 4 13 11 4
ALD Panki A
TOTAL 3 2 6 3 3
TOTAL 1 0 1 1 0
TOTAL 4 1 4 4 3

99 | Page
TOTAL 1 5 5 1 1



10 SR


Pr. B A
TOTAL 6 11 8 2



100 | Page
TOTAL 7 5 8 8 3
Dep Yd






TOTAL 10 6 9 9 5


101 | Page
(Rep Yd)
TOTAL 6 4 8 7 2


14 SWR
UBL (Pvt.Siding) A


TOTAL 1 4 7 5 2

102 | Page
TOTAL 6 5 6 6 7
16 WCR LTD Vijaipur
KTT siding of kota SKT D
therma power
TOTAL 5 3 7 5 4

IR - GRAND TOTAL 83 60 122 100 47

103 | Page
S.No. Items to be examined/Repaired
Gang Tools Material to carry
(Air Brake)
1 “A” having 2 Sk Hammer 2, Monkey spanner MU washer /BP hose-2, MS bolts CBC & its components, setting of CBC
+2U/Sk Chisel 1, Spanner 2 (3/8” X 2X1/2, Knuckle pin-4, Dummy lock piece with toggle, knuckle pin, Brake
7/16” & 2” X ½”) plug-2 (spare) pipe & BP air hose, MU washer, angle
cock, Isolating cock.
2 “B” having 3Sk+ Hammer 3, Chisel 2 Round Brake block, Brake gear pins, Brake blocks, brake shoe key, split pin,
3U/Sk Punch 2, Spanner 2 (3/8” X Brake gear cotter No.5,6&7. Split washer, cotter, and brake shoe key safety
7/16” pins 2-1/2” X1/4”, 3-1/2” fittings, APD, Brake beam safety bracket,
X5/16”, 4” X3/8” Brake shoe key, safety loops, bolts, SAB safety bracket,
washers (Plain & spring), other Pull rod safety bracket, tyre defect gauge
types of split pins
3 “C” having 1Sk+ Hand Hammer 1, Chisel 1 Train Manager van valve with the Distributor valve, piston stroke, and Brake
2U/Sk Spanners 1/2” X 3/8”, 5/8” X diaphragm. power by testing the rake with an air
3/4”3/8” X 7/16” 1/4” X 5/16” compressor and testing rig.
4. “D” having 3Sk Hand Hammer 3, Chisel 3 Buffer bolts 3-1/2X3/4”, spring EM pad, bolster spring, snubber spring,
+3U/Sk Punch Round 3 Punch cotter 3 washer,. adopter, side frame key, side bearer,
Ring spanner 2, Plain spanner2 Centre pivot top, and Centre pivot pin.
1/2X5/8” and 3/4X7/8”
5. “E” having 1Sk Hand Hammer 2 Spanner ----- Axle boxes, Rolling in the examination,
+2U/Sk 1/2X3/8 -1 work with“C” gang for Testing brake power

104 | Page
and other Misc. work.

SNo. Description Warranty Period Reference
Rly. Board’s letter No. 2006/RS(!)
1. New Wagons 24 months from the date of commissioning.
/954/31/1566 dated 27.10. 06
48 months from the date of supply or 36 RDSO’s STR No. AB/RB-39 (Rev.-3)
months from the date of commissioning. Amendment No. 2
48 months from the date of supply or 36 RDSO’s STR No. AB/RB-39 (Rev.-3)
3. Adapters
months from the date of commissioning. Amendment No. 2
30 months from the date of supply. RDSO’s STR No. WD-03-Misc-86 (Rev-3) )
4. CC Pads
Amendment No. 3
30 months from the date of supply. RDSO’s Specification No.WD-38-Misc-2004
5. PU Side Bearers
(Rev-1) )
30 months from the date of supply. RDSO’s Specification No.WD-20-Misc-95
6. EM Pads
(Rev-3) )
CBC Coupler, Yoke, 54 months from the date of supply or 42 RDSO’s STR No. 48-BD-08
Knuckle months from the date of commissioning.
54 months from the date of supply or 42 RDSO’s STR No. 48-BD-08
8. Draft Gear
months from the date of commissioning.
18 months from the date of supply. RDSO’s Specification No. WD-13-ABR-
9. Composite Brake Block
Distributor Valve RDSO’s Specification No. 02-ABR-02
Angle Cock 36 months from the date of -do-
10. Air Brake sub-assemblies BP Hoses supply or 24 months from -do-
Brake Cylinder the date of commissioning. -do-
SAB -do-

105 | Page



106 | Page

107 | Page
The superstructure attached to the underframe of a wagon is called the wagon body.
It consists of body side and ends with their supporting structures such as stanchions,
corner angle in case of open wagons, copings, roof structures, carlines; roof sheets
in the case of covered wagons; hoppers and their supporting members in case of
hopper wagons; tank barrels, cladding, if any, and supporting saddles in the case of
tank wagons. Doors, door fittings, operating handles, louvers for ventilation, and
various fittings such as cleats, handles, hooks, footsteps, hand brake wheel, and
ladders also form part of the body.
This chapter is concerned with the body or superstructure of general purpose open
and covered wagons, hopper wagons, bogie flat wagons including container
wagons, and military wagons. The Superstructure and fittings of tank wagons are
dealt with separately in Chapter 9 on Tank wagon.
Sides are made up of side panels and side stanchions, which are attached to the
underframe by crib angles and side stanchions. They include top copings,
intermediate copings if any, doors, door fittings, hand holds, tarpaulin cleats, and
label holders.
Ends are similar in construction to sides in that they consist of end panels, end
stanchions, top copings, and intermediate copings. Attachment to the underframe is
by means of end floor angles, corner angles, and through the stanchions. Corner
angles connect the ends with the sides. Open wagons have reinforcing angles at
each end together with reinforcing gussets and corner pressings at the corner top.
Each side of the wagon is provided with a door for manual unloading. The doors are
hinged at the bottom with a locking arrangement by a chainless cotter at the top. In
BOXN wagons two locking bolts per door have been provided to avoid slipping of
chainless cotter during tippling of the wagon.
Sides are made up of side panels and side stanchions, which are attached to the
underframe by crib angles. They include top copings, doors, door fittings, label
holders, rain protection angles above swing doors, door striking plates, and an anti-
bleeding device below the flap doors.
Ends are similar in construction to sides in that they consist of end panels, end
stanchions, top copings, and in some cases, intermediate copings. Attachment to
the underframe is by means of end floor angles, end angles, and through the
stanchions. Covered wagons are provided with ventilators at the upper end of the
body ends. Corner angles connect the ends with the sides.

108 | Page
Roofs of covered wagons consist of roof sheets and carlines. Roof sheets are much
thinner than the sheets used for the body sides and end panels.
Each side of the wagon is provided with a door for manual unloading. The doors
consist of swing doors at the top with a label holder hinged to the angles on the
sides and flap doors at the bottom, hinged at the bottom with Anti bleeding device.
Flat/well wagons do not have side walls and roofs. The superstructure consists of
either fixed or flexible ends. These are fixed to the underframe through stanchions,
side attachment plates, and crib angle.
Flexible side stanchions are attached to the sole bar through brackets. In addition,
support brackets are also provided in rail wagons and well wagons. In container flat
wagons, retractable anchoring locks are provided.
Sides are made up of side panels and side stanchions, which are attached to the
underframe. They include top copings, side stiffeners, doors in side discharge
wagons, and label holders.
Ends consist of end panels, end stanchions, end top copings, and in some cases,
stiffeners. Attachment to the underframe is through the stanchions. Corner angles
connect the ends with the sides.
Hopper wagons are provided with either side discharge/center discharge doors or
both. The door operating mechanism is generally manually operated by means of a
bevel wheel and worm wheel connected to the door operating hand wheel. In some
special types of hopper wagons like BOBRN, a pneumatically operated door
operating mechanism has been provided.
Apart from wagons involved in accidents or other serious mishaps, attention is
normally necessitated because of the following defects: -
i. Corrosion of panels, floor plates, and roof sheets.
ii. Puncturing of panels due to improper loading, inadequately secured
consignments or deliberate tampering.
iii. Bulging of ends due to shifting of loads.
iv. Tearing of panels, fracture of stanchions and shearing of rivets due to severe
impacts, and shifting of loads.
v. Corrosion of end floor angles and crib angles.
vi. Bulging of the side usually occurs after a prolonged period in service.
vii. Slackening of rivets due to the combined effect of aging, corrosion, wear and

109 | Page
viii. Weakening of welded joints due to loss of weld metal by corrosion, wear and
ix. Wearing out of door hinges.
x. Damage to door fittings because of wear and tear or mishandling.
xi. Distortion of doors mainly because of mishandling.
xii. Failure of welded joints.
xiii. Distortion or cracking of stanchions and other structural members because of
abnormal loads, e.g., those due to defective clamping on tipplers.
xiv. Wear and tear or breakage of miscellaneous fittings, such as ladders, cleats,
label holders, etc.
xv. Damages due to mechanized loading/ unloading (Payloaders/ Tipplers)
The corrosion of wagon floor and roof sheets results from:
i. Water logging in crevices and overlaps. This is greatly accentuated if cleaning is
neglected since the accumulated dust refuses to retain moisture for a prolonged
ii. Contact of panels with residues from corrosive consignments e.g., salt, fertilizers,
iii. Spillage of corrosive fluids due to defective packing or rough handling.
iv. Escape corrosive vapors from the consignment.
v. Inadequate protection from weathering because of poor painting or inadequate
surface preparation.
vi. The current practice is to paint only the exterior of the wagon body and not the
interior, except for inside panels up to a height of 230 mm from the floor, rivet
seams in the case of covered wagons, and the swing, and flap doors and the
roof. The interior is left largely unpainted because paints have hitherto not been
available which could withstand the constant scrubbing action of the consignment
against the wagon walls. It is nevertheless a fact that most of the time corrosion
originates from the interior of a wagon rather than the exterior.
i. The most important anti-corrosive measure to be taken in day-to-day working is
to ensure that the wagon is kept thoroughly clean and receives special attention
in this respect after it has transported a corrosive or hygroscope commodity.
ii. The second important step to prevent corrosion is to ensure that cleaning,
surface preparation, and painting are carried out with due thoroughness. The
correct procedure to be followed in major maintenance schedules is given at the
end of this chapter. The procedure to be adopted at the time of minor repairs
should come as close to this as practicable.
iii. While attending to miscellaneous repairs, panel patching, or welding; it is
important to ensure that surfaces in contact are well fitted to avoid water pockets.
Due care is to be taken to clean and paint the affected surfaces to prevent
corrosion by electrochemical action.
iv. The use of Stainless Steel (IRS: M44) has been started in wagon rehabilitation/
new manufacture. This material has much better corrosion resistance.

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The inspection of the wagon body is to be carried out in sick lines and workshops as
per procedure laid down in IRCA Part-III Rule 4.2 & 4.7.
The bottoms of the body side and end sheets are particularly vulnerable to
destruction by corrosion and also puncturing by miscreants. If the area to be patched
extends beyond 260 mm from the floor height, either two standard patches of 5 mm
thickness should be used one above the other or a single special patch of 5 mm
thickness and a width of 520 mm should be used. In case two or more adjacent
panels require patching at a time, the complete length of corrosion can be covered
by a special patch, which must, however, extend from stanchion to stanchion, as
shown in figure 4.1. The standard panel patches for BOXN wagons are given in
Table- 4.1. For detailed instructions on panel patching for BOXN wagon RDSO Drg.
No. WD-94047-S-1 may be referred. In the case of BCN/BCNA wagons, the
thickness of the plate should be 3.15 mm for the end & sides and 1.6 mm for the roof
and the sizes depend on the affected area to be covered for repair.

111 | Page
TABLE- 4.1
Width (mm) Plate Plate
S.No Step size Step size Step size C length thicknes
A B (mm) s (mm)
300 610 1275 552 5 IS:2062 E250
2. 300 610 - 552 5 "
3. 300 680 - 1470 5 "
4. 300 680 - 1445 5 "
5. 300 525 1170 1445 5 "
6. 315 - - 1470 5 "
7. 300 600 850 445 5 "
8. 820 - - 445 5 "
9. 300 600 850 555 5 "
10. 820 - - 555 5 "
11. 300 600 850 700 5 "
12. 820 - - 700 5 "
i. For locations other than the skirting plates, damaged panels should be replaced
by using standard patches. These patches should invariably be of the same
thickness as the damaged panel.
ii. Sick lines may weld or rivet smaller patches to take care of minor damages, but
in no case, should a patch of less than 100 mm on any one side be used. If the
patch is attached by riveting there should not be less than 8 rivets securing the
patch. The pitch of the rivets must also not exceed 90 mm.
iii. Standard patch plates should preferably be kept ready in stock in shops and sick
lines after proper surface cleaning and painting with two coats of zinc chromate
i. Examine and mark the area of the patch to be cut. Cut the corroded panel along
crib/end floor angle and up to a height suitable for standard patches, as shown in
Fig. 4.2, and 4.3. The 2.5 mm thick old panel sheet at the stanchion should be
retained as a packing piece if not badly corroded. Otherwise use fresh 5 mm
thick packing (RDSO Drawing No. WD-94047-S-1). The packing should extend
13mm wherever lap welding of the new patch with the packing piece is involved
(See Fig. 4.4).
ii. Cut rivets on stanchion as required and end floor angle horizontal leg by 10 mm
when fitting patches at the corners as shown in Fig.4.5. Take a standard patch
plate from stock or prepare the same from the plate of requisite thickness.
iii. Cut floor plates by 8mm for fitting the new patch, as shown in Fig. 4.5. As an
alternative, the patch plate may be made to rest over the floor plate, as shown in
Fig. 4.6 & 4.7. In case, floor plates also require renewal, the width of the floor
plates should be reduced to follow the arrangement shown in Fig. 4.8 & and 4.9.
Secure the standard patch on the wagon by means of tack welding. Weld all

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iv. Rivet 2.5mm packing piece in position as shown in Fig. 4.10.
v. Overlapping portions should be welded on both sides as shown in Fig. 4.11 and
vi. Ensure continuous welding without any craters.
vii. In the case of bulged panels, the patch should be riveted to the panels, as
shown in Fig. 4.13.
viii. Clean and repaint the welded portion at locations where paint has been burnt

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The riveted patch should be avoided in workshops. These can however be applied in
sickliness and ROH depots as per the following procedure.
i. Examine and mark the area of the patch to be cut.
ii. Take a standard patch plate from stock or prepare the same from the plate of
requisite thickness.
iii. Position the patch on the wagon and mark the location of the rivet holes.
iv. Drill/punch the holes on both the patch and the wagon panel and secure the
latter in position with temporary bolts and nuts.
v. Rivet the patch in position.
vi. Ensure that riveting is sound and with concentric snap heads, and also that
mating edges are set properly leaving no gap in between.
If there are no serious damages to wagon ends other than bulging, the bulges can
be effectively removed without dismantling. If two wagons with bulged ends are
coupled together and a hydraulic jack is applied between them at the bulges,
suitable packing is interposed between the jack and the wagon body. This method is
particularly effective in dealing with dread-naught ends.
i. Damages to these members are usually due to rough handling, heavy shunting
impacts, or shifting of loads due to improper packing/stacking of the
consignments. At first, these components bulge out, but later even the rivets
holding them to the underframe/superstructure members break out. It should be
ensured that the bulging of these components does not cause infringements with
the maximum moving dimensions. Bulging of these components by more than
25mm should be rectified. These components should be straightened without
dismantling by pulling into the correct position with the help of a chain and screw
coupling or stripped and straightened either cold or by heating, as required, and
then riveted in position. Spot heating and cooling to straighten the stanchions can
rectify the bulging of all welded ends.
ii. In certain cases, these components may have developed cracks or may have
broken into pieces. Such of these components should be repaired by welding
both the pieces and applying a stiffener angle prepared by bending a 6mm plate
in the shape of an angle with its outer faces sitting flush in the inner profile of the
member to be patched and welding it all around to the member. Elongated holes
in these components should be filled up by welding and refilled.
Covered wagons must be kept watertight at all times. Covered wagons must be
tested for water tightness at the time of leaving the workshop after POH or other
repairs. All empty covered wagons attended to in sick lines should also be tested for
leaks and made watertight by applying sealing compound before the onset of the
monsoon season, a special drive should be instituted, and sealing compound must
be applied at all points of covered wagon bodies, which are likely to leak particularly
peripheries of riveted patches other overlaps and small holes.
Before the application of the sealing compound, mechanical defects such as bulged
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panels severely distorted body structural members, gaping joints, loose rivets, and
other corroded areas must be attended to. It should be ensured that the surfaces are
clean and dry before the sealing compound is applied. An attempt must not be made
to fill up large gaps or other openings with a sealing compound. Holes more than 6
mm in diameter should be filled with rivets. Irregular openings and cuts with more
than 25 mm in length and 3 mm in width should be repaired by patching or welding.
After a wagon has been made watertight, it should be marked “WT” with station code
and date on the left-hand bottom corner of both sides.
The main defects arising in doors are: -
(i) Distortion due to wedging or other mishandling
(ii) Jamming of hinges
(iii) Excessive clearances in hinges
(iv) Inadequate overlap between flaps and door leaves
(v) Gaping of doors at the stanchions
(vi) Distortion or breakage of tower bolts
(vii) Breakage of hinges and
(viii) Damage to gravity cotters, hooks, and hasps.
Damaged doors of covered wagons are responsible for a very large proportion of
claims due to wetting or pilferage of consignments. Warpage of flap doors is often
responsible for jamming of flap door hinges. Special care must, therefore, be taken
in attending to doors.
Distorted or bulged doors must be taken down and straightened to ensure proper fit.
Worn-out hinges are responsible for sagging or gaping doors and inadequate
overlap. Such hinges must be replaced with new or reconditioned ones.
Bent door stanchions and depressed crib angles must be straightened to ensure the
free functioning of doors and prevent gaping. Corroded crib angles must be cut out
and replaced. Graphite grease should be introduced in all hinges, sliding cotters,
and other working parts.
After repairs, doors must sit flush against striking plates with adequate overlap
between leaves and without gaping at the stanchions or crib angles. Anti-bleeding
devices and rain protection angles should also be checked and rectified where
In the case of hopper wagons, it should be ensured that when the doors are closed,
no gap is left between the chute plate and frame and that the operating gear works
freely and is in good condition.
BCNHL wagons have been fitted with doors that are different from conventional BCN
doors. The first original design was initiated in May 2008, but some problems/defects
were observed by the Zonal railways in the field during loading and unloading. The
original(first) design is given in photo-4.1.

115 | Page
BCNHL with BCNA door

BCNHL Door designs:

Original (First) Design (May’2008)

Photo -4.1

116 | Page

Observing problems in the field, design Modification-I was done in June 2009 vide
RDSO drawing No. WD5-SRD-S-01 & S-02 and the existing design were modified to
eliminate the gap between the side wall and the door at a hinge, improving door
securing & hence eliminating the possibility of the door hitting & rainwater seepage.
See photo-4.2


Door catch

Further after gaining experience, design modification-II was incorporated in June-
2010 by providing a tower bolt on the outside in place of inside the door. In this
modification, small chainless cotters, (02 nos.) on the outside were provided in place
of existing long chainless cotters. See photo-4.3

117 | Page
Swing bolt
with double



Hinged Door- Modification-II-

(Current, latest Design of Hinge Door).

Outer view of door locking arrangement

Inner view of additional door locking arrangement

Photo- 4.3
B. Some other Door designs used in limited numbers on the wagons
1. Design alteration (Pressed Door Design-4 hinges)-Variant-II was developed by
RDSO in June 2009. See photo-4.4

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Photo -4.4
2. Sliding door (Fabricated design) Bottom Roller design was developed by RDSO
in August 2009 and was provided on trial on a limited no. of wagons. See photo-

Photo -4.5
3. Sliding door (Pressed design) Top mounted Rollers on the Guide channel were
developed in April 2010 and were provided on the wagons on a trial basis. See
photo- 4.6

Photo -4.6

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(Till the Rly Board Contract of -2012). See table below




Owing to severe Field issues in earlier versions (Original and Mod-I), Zonal Railways
have already been advised to undertake retro fitment of modified locking
arrangement (As per Mod-II) in the earlier versions of door assemblies. For the
above retro fitment, RDSO has issued procedure and drawing No. WD-10036-S-
01/WD-06076-S-13 in June 2010.
From amongst the designs tried in the field, the door design with top-mounted rollers
(300 Wagons) has performed with the least field problems. This door design with
modifications to address all field issues has been standardized for new BCNHL
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wagons. See Photo-07

Photo -07
(a) Roller Support Bracket:
The Roller support bracket and welding have been strengthened.
(b) Roller Design & associated changes in guide channel:
b.1 The roller diameter increased in order to ensure a roller overlap (with the guide
channel) of 12mm in place of the existing 8 mm.
b.2 The roller profile is modified from a flat profile to a convex profile, so that the
existing line contact of the roller-guide channel, be modified to point contact, to
ensure a smoother sliding motion of the door.
b.3 The number & location of rollers are modified from the existing three rollers,
equidistant along the door width to FOUR rollers, with two rollers each in the front &
end of the door width.
(c) Rain Protector Strengthening:
The thickness of the rain protector channel is modified from the existing 2.5mm to
4mm. In order to provide support, additional ribs are provided, in the rain protector
(d) Provision of additional lateral stop member:
In order to prevent a lateral falling/ movement of the door sheet, an additional lateral
stop member, needs to be provided.

121 | Page
(e) Support in the Bottom guide:
To prevent blockage of the bottom guide owing to loose cement, a continuous slot
has been provided. In order to provide strength to the bottom support, strengthening
of the support is done by providing ribs at a pitch of 180mm between the auxiliary

sole bar & the vertical face of the inside sole bar channel.
(f) Back Sheet on the door:
The pressed impression on the door results in a cavity that could lock/entangle
loaded commodity bags, during the sliding motion of the door. To prevent the above,
the depressed cavity is covered using off-cuts of the 1.6mm thick sheet. Sections of
suitable sizes of this sheet (1.6mm thick) are welded on the inside of the pressed
door sheet to cover the portion of the pressing & ensure a smooth door surface on
the inside.
(g) Strengthening the Bottom part of the door sheet:
During service in the field, the bottom part of the door is reported to be working-out
from the provided slot. To strengthen the bottom portion of the door & to prevent its
working out, a 6mm flat be welded at the bottom portion of the door sheet.

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For older BCNHL wagons (manufactured prior to June 2010), & NECESSARILY
warranting door replacements, a retrofittable two-part door design has been
Retrofit-able Sliding Door

Retrofit-able Sliding Door

Highlights of the Retrofittable sliding door design:

(i) 2 Part Sliding Door.
(ii) Sliding using 3 sets of rollers (on each door) mounted on the top portion of the
(iii) Door Supported at Bottom.
(iv) Top pivoted door with the ability to move laterally (on being pushed by loaded
(v) Retrofittable design. Can be fabricated as a unit & be mounted on existing
BCNHL wagons.
(vi) Lower Weight (75 kgs of each door vs 105 kgs of Hinge door).

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(vii) No chances of hitting any fixed structure, since lateral projection is less than
side stanchions.
(viii) Secured locking arrangement, easily operational from the non-platform line.
(ix) Ease of Loading/ Unloading owing to Sliding Door design.
(x) Ease of Maintenance- rollers fitted in guide channel, with end covers which can
be replaced/ opened easily.
(xi) Bearings in Rollers provided with dust cover & concealed to prevent ingress of
(xii) To facilitate lateral movement transfer balls are provided at the door bottom.
The correct sequence and procedure for cleaning, preparation of metal surfaces to
be painted and the painting thereof;
a. Preparation of surface before painting
The purpose of cleaning is to remove dirt, oil, grease, rust, and other
contaminants, which would prevent the paint film from adhering to the metal or
would provide a nucleus for the commencement of corrosion.
Cleaning by hammering, chiseling, or scraping is unsatisfactory and should not
be resorted to. The surface cleaning may be done by vigorously scrubbing with a
stiff brush. All welded parts and adjacent surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned
to remove residual alkaline flux and washed with hot water.
b. A coat of priming paint should be applied immediately after the surface has been
cleaned and dried. A delay of more than 4 hours may result in the development
of fresh rust on the surface. The second coat of primer must be given when the
first coat is dry. Painting must be done under cover in a shed or shop. The
painted surfaces must remain under cover until the paint is dry.
c. Panel patches and riveting strips must be cleaned, as prescribed above and
given two coats of primer before storage or fitment.
d. After completion of all repairs, a final coat of finishing paint should be given to all
painted surfaces.
e. When the paint film is only partially damaged, it should be touched up with one
coat of primer and then given the finishing coat.
f. Surfaces, which will become inaccessible after assembly must be given complete
painting before assembly.
a. For body repairs, the same procedure as described in para 410 A to 410 I above
is to be followed.
Note:- The detailed procedure for painting and specifications for different coats
of paint are given in general standard specification G-72 read with the latest
amendments which may be referred to for more details.
In addition to the above, the following items are to be carried out during
POH in workshops.
b. Lettering
Lettering is to be carried out as per IRCA Part III Rule 2.4 by stenciling the

124 | Page
relevant figures.
c. Punching of wagon particulars.
d. PR plate
e. Tare weight is to be measured after POH and it should be marked up to one
Welding entails the risk of fire if combustible materials are present near the area
being welded. To prevent such accidents, the following precautions must be taken:
A. Loaded wagons
It should be ensured that the content is not inflammable. Should the contents be
inflammable they must be transshipped before welding is attempted.
Tank wagons should never be welded when loaded.
B. Empty wagons
It should first be ensured that no portion of an inflammable consignment packing
material or dunnage is present in the area to be welded.
Empty tank wagons should be given welding repairs only in depots specially
equipped for this purpose and only after thorough steam cleaning and testing to
ensure that there are no inflammable/explosive vapors left.
C. Wagons fitted with CTRBs
No welding should be attempted without effectively earthing the member or
component to be welded. Neglect in taking this precaution will result in the passage
of the return current through the CTRB, which may suffer severe damage leading to
premature failure.
i. Ensure that you have the proper tools required for the job. The use of improper
tools can make matters worse.
ii. Ensure that tools and equipment are in good condition.
iii. See that rivet heads are properly formed with correctly profiled snaps.
iv. While fitting patches to structural members, ensure that the pitch of rivets
conforms to the original pitch in the structural members.
v. See that doors are provided with all required fittings so as to ensure proper
securing and prevent unauthorized opening.
vi. Ensure that door hooks are intact and so placed that they will engage with the
door eye in the open position.
vii. Ensure that all chain links and other attachments are in position and in working
i. Do not use patches of less thickness than the original panel.
ii. Do not patch existing patches.
iii. Do not build up perforations in the panel due to corrosion. Cut out and fit a new

125 | Page
iv. Do not permit empty wagons to run with open doors.
v. Do not permit loaded wagons to run without properly secured doors.
vi. Do not allow wagons with inadequately secured/lashed consignments.
The Maintenance of Stainless-Steel Wagons is covered in APPENDIX-VI
Vide Rly. Board’s letter no. 2005/ M (N)/204/2 (RSP) dated 02.11.07 it has been
decided that rehabilitation of BOXN wagons would be done to BOXNR design
(stainless steel body).
The constructional differences between BOXN & BOXNR are as follows:
A. Technical requirements for upgraded rehabilitation of BOXN wagons to BOXNR
shall be done as per rdso spec. no. wd.16.boxnr-2010 (Rev.2) of Sept’22 or the
After the rehabilitation and up-gradation, the wagon shall be marked as BOXNR
in place of BOXN. The major differences in constructional features of BOXN &
BOXNR are as under:
(i) Material mild steel (i) Material stainless steel(IRS:M44)
(ii) Provided with 6 Nos. of side (ii) Provided with 9 Nos.
stanchions with an 8mm thick of side stanchions with
hat section ( on one side) 6mm thick CRF hat section (on
one side)
(iii) Side sheets of 5mm thickness (iii) Side sheets of 3 mm thickness.
(vi) The inside height of the side (iv) Inside height is 2127mm from
wall is 1950 mm from floor level. floor level.
(v) Two Nos. middle coping (v) Middle copings are not provided in
provided in the sidewall. side walls, except at corner side
(vi) Top coping provided with (vi) Top coping provided with press
ISMC-100 section of BOX 100x100x6mm
(vii) Side stanchion riveted with sole (vii) Side stanchion huck bolted with
bar with two rows rivets. sole bar with a single row.
(i) Door Plate provided with Mild (i) The door plate is provided with
Steel for 5 mm thickness stainless steel of 4 mm thickness.
(i) Made with mild steel. (i) Made with stainless steel (IRS:
(ii) Each End wall is provided with (ii) The end wall provided Two end
4 Nos. of End stanchions of stanchions in three pieces and
ISMC-150 mm. two middle coping of Hat section
6 mm thickness.

126 | Page
(iii) End top coping provided with (iii) End top coping provided with CRF
ISMC-150 channel. section of BOX 100x100x6mm
(iv) End Sheet provided with 5mm (iv) End Sheet provided with 3 mm
thick thick
(i) Floor Plate provided with Mild (i) Floor plate provided with stainless
Steel for 6 mm thickness the steel of 4 mm thickness.
The rehabilitation of BOXN wagon body by using of CRF section (to RDSO’s
specification no. WD– 01 – CRF – 08 or latest) and stainless steel (IRS: M 44: 97
latest revision) will provide additional strength to the body and reduce corrosion. The
volume will also increase to fully utilize the capacity up to 22.9 Tonne axle load for
Note: The procedure, precautions, and facilities required for repairs to Stainless steel
wagons will be similar to the above up-gradation.
Almost all new wagons especially stainless steel wagons are provided with lock
bolting instead of riveting. In repair/maintenance CP top of all wagons, irrespective
of materials are to be lock bolted. entire lock bolting is to be done with zinc
plated/galvanized lock bolts (grade-8) having a minimum yield strength of 250
Lock Bolts have been introduced in the fabrication of Wagons. Lock bolt fasteners
consist of a Lock bolt pin and collar, and are installed with the help of special
installation tools, as follows-
(i) The lock bolt pin is placed in the drilled hole, and the collar is placed onto the
lock bolt pin.
(ii) The installation tool engages and pulls the lock bolts pin.
(iii)Tool swages the collar onto lock bolt grooves.
(iv) Pintail breaks off the lock bolt pin.
The advantages of Lock bolts are –
(i) High strength
(ii) Vibration resistant
(iii)Fast and easy installation
(iv) Maintenance free


127 | Page
a) Proper Installation of lock bolts:-
It should be ensured that:
(i) The collar of the lock bolt is completely swaged. The collar of lock bolt fasteners not
completely swaged may be caused by improper tool operation or a worn anvil in the
(ii) The pintail of the fastener breaks without fail. The pintail of the fastener fails to break
due to improper installation/incorrect fasteners.
(iii)After breaking of pintail, the extruded/projected portion of the lock bolt should be in the
range of 2.00 to 10 mm and the collar should always be on the annular groove of the
lock bolt.
(iv) Mismatch of holes to be reamed properly to align and gas cutting to match holes is
strictly prohibited.
b) Recommendations for Zonal Railways/ ROH depots:
(RDSO vide letter No.MW/Lock Bolt dated 21.03.2014)
(i) The Yard examination/ rake inspection should include checks for any failed/missing/
loose Lock bolts/ Collars, especially in critical locations. Necessary repair/ re-
installation of correct lock bolt/ collars should be subsequently ensured.
(ii) Lock bolts, if found failed/ missing should not be replaced with bolt-nut. Such a fitment
would invariably render the assembly differentially fastened, leading to consequential
failure of the assembly/ component.
(iii)During procurement of lock bolts/ collars, a pre-despatch inspection of lock
bolts/collars should be specified. WTC detailing functional properties, detailed in
RDSO’s guideline or RITES inspection covering properties detailed in RDSO’s
circulated guideline, should be ensured/ specified in PO’s.
(iv) Lock bolt/Collar failure noticed in wagons should necessarily be reported to RDSO.
For the guidance of ZR, the head marking details in lock bolts of all the three known
sources are detailed in Annexure-VI. Records of the make of lock bolt/ collars, noticed
issues in fitment & any probable reasons for noticed failure, should also be
communicated. In the case of under-warranty wagons, necessary warranty claims
should also be lodged, as per the defined procedure/process.
Monitoring and liquidating overage arrears of rolling stock is a focus area in the interest of
the safety of train operations. However, some Railways have reported difficulty in
ascertaining the age of wagons where the manufacturer’s plate is missing. Also,
computerization of wagon data is becoming cumbersome with the development of various
versions in a category e.g. BG bogie open wagons BOXN, BOXNHS, BOXNAHA,
BOXNCR, BOXNHL, BOXNR, and BOXNLW are being clubbed together by the computer
cell and shown as BOXN in the holding. To overcome the above-mentioned problems
and to facilitate the computerization of the wagon database, a new wagon numbering
system was introduced by Railway Board as per letter no. 2000/M(N)/60/2/wagon census.
Dated 4th July 2003
In the new scheme, the wagon number shall consist of 11 digits as follows:

Type of Wagon Owning Yrs of Individual Wagon Number Check

Railway Manufacture digit

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11

128 | Page
The codification for various types of wagons, owning railways, year of manufacture, and
individual wagon no. are as follows:
Type of Wagon Codes (C1, C2)
i) Open Wagon Code allotted 10 to 29
BOY 18
ii) Covered Wagon Code allotted 30 to 39
iii) Tank Wagon Code allotted 40 to 45
iv) Flat Wagon Code allotted 55 TO 69
129 | Page
BRS 65
BFU 66
BCL 68
v) Hopper Wagon Code allotted 70 TO 79
vi) Well Wagon Code allotted 80 to 84
vii) Brake Van Code allotted 85 to 89
SNo. Name of Railways Numerical codes
1 Central Railway 01
2 Eastern Railway 02
3 Northern Railway 03
4 North East Railway 04
5 Northeast Frontier Railway 05
6 Southern Railway 06
7 South Eastern Railway 07
8 Western Railway 08
9 South Central Railway 09
10 East Central Railway 10
11 North Western Railway 11
12 East Coast Railway 12
13 North Central Railway 13
14 South East Central Railway 14
15 South Western Railway 15
16 West Central Railway 16
17 Wagons owned by Defence 24
18 Wagons owned by CONCOR 25
19 Wagons owned by other private parties 26

130 | Page
This will consist of the last two digits of the year of manufacture. For example, wagon
manufacture in 2016 will have code 16.
This will be running serial numbers from 0001 to 9999. Numbers 0001 to 0999 will be
departmental stock and 1000 to 9999 will be other (traffic) stock. This will be a running
number irrespective of year. For departmental, after 0999, the number will begin from
0001. For others, after 9999, the number will begin from 1000.
The series will not change with the type of wagon. For example, on ECR if 1001 is
BOXNHS next wagon which may be BCNHS will be 1002.
CHECK DIGIT – Method of calculation

The CHECK DIGIT for each wagon is calculated using a six-step algorithm based on ten
digit wagon number arrived at as indicated below.

Type of Owning Yrs of Individual Wagon Check

Wagon Railway Manufacture Number digit

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11

Step – 1 Starting from the left, add all the characters in the even position.
S 1 = C2 + C4 + C6 + C8 + C10
Step – 2 Multiply the sum by 3 to get 3. S1
Step – 3 Starting from the left, add all the characters in the odd position.
S 2 = C1 + C3 + C5 + C7 + C9
Step – 4 Add the sum of step 2 to the sum of step 3 to get S4 = 3S 1 + S2
Step – 5 Round this total up to the next multiple of 10
Step – 6 The check digit is the number required to be added to round up to the next
multiple of 10.
* NOTE: If the total in S4 is already 10, then the check digit is 0.

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The type and size of a particular underframe are intimately related to the type and
design of a wagon, as it constitutes the main load-bearing sub-assembly for the
vehicle. The overall dimensions and design of this structure take into account the
quantum and pattern of loading on the vehicle as well as the track considerations.
This in turn determines the permissible wheelbase of a bogie wagon that would be
required for the purpose of carrying the required load. Accordingly, while designing
an underframe, the loading per meter is also taken into account as this is to be
permitted by the type of track available. The buffing and impact loads also govern the
strength of the underframe and the shunting speeds permitted for the marshaling of
the goods stock. In the case of bogie wagons, the load transfer to the bogie frame is
by means of pivot arrangement and thus the bogie frame also assumes an equally
important function.
A. The main members of a typical conventional BG wagon underframe are as under:
i. Sole bars
ii. Headstock
iii. Longitudinal
iv. Crossbars
v. Bolster
vi. Floor
vii. Crib angle
viii. End angle
ix. Gusset plates and knees
x. Centre Sill
B. The main underframe of a vehicle generally consists of two outer longitudinal
members viz. Sole bars and the two headstocks are strengthened by two middle
longitudinals and various cross members. The diagonals and gusset plates
protect the under frame against diagonal deflection and help in absorbing and
distributing the buffing loads over different members. As already mentioned, the
gusset plates and knees are provided at critical locations to impart additional
strength to the joints. The whole structure is so designed that various loads are
uniformly distributed and no single member has to bear an excessive load than
designed for.
Various rolled/CRF sections are used for the underframe members.
Channel/CRF/Press Z-section/Hat section is generally used for the headstock
and solebars for facilitating fitment of Z-Sections etc. are used for center sills.
Welding is generally used for joining the underframe members. But in earlier
wagons, riveting had been used for joining these members. In the case of bogie
wagons, the underframe has comparatively stronger cross members, known as
bolsters, for fitting the upper center pivot casting, which rests on the bogie pivot.
C. All under-frames are given an initial camber at the time of manufacture so that

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under actual loading conditions, these do not sag.
D. The under-frame and all its members are necessary to be true and square and
these should conform to the manufacturing tolerances.
E. The following tolerances are permitted in the new wagon construction:
i. Inside length ±5 mm (riveted)
+7-3 mm (welded)
ii. Inside width ±3 mm
iii. Inside height ±3 mm
iv. Difference between diagonals
a. Underframe 5 mm
b. Body side 5 mm
c. Body end 5 mm
d. Door opening 4 mm
e. Door 3 mm
v. Distance between bogie pivot centers ±3 mm(riveted)
+5/-2 mm (welded)
Distance between bogie pivot center and
vi. ±2 mm
adjacent headstock
vii. Distance between stanchions:
Body side ±3 mm

Body end ±1.5 mm

viii. Door opening (vertical or horizontal) +0/-3 mm
ix. Door length +5/-0 mm
x. Door width +3/-0 mm

xi. Distance between door center line to center ±1.5 mm

line of door hinge
Coupler height from rail level in case the
xii. bogies are fabricated by the wagon builder +0/-5 mm

xiii. Coupler height from bogie top pivot in case +0/-3 mm

bogies is provided as free supply items.

xiv. Tolerances on dimensions of non-pressure tank wagon barrels shall

be as under:

a. Length of barrel measured over the center +10/-3 mm

of the two dished ends
b. Diameter including ovality ±3 mm
c. Inside dia of manhole ±3 mm
d. Height of dome ±3 mm
NOTE: Butting faces of two courses or a barrel course and dished end should
be aligned to + 1 mm accuracy before welding.
F. The other major sub-assemblies fitted to the underframe are as under:

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i. Draw gear/CBC sub-assembly
ii. Container locking/anchoring arrangement (on container flats only).
iii. Side stanchions & lashing chains.
iv. Door operating mechanism on hopper wagons.
v. Top center pivot
G. The underframe is the main load-bearing member in the vehicle which is not only
subjected to static loads but also dynamic impacts owing to the unevenness in
the track. In addition to this, it has to successfully withstand heavy buffing
impacts during the course of marshaling as well as heavy jerks have to be
sustained by the draw gear at the time of starting of goods trains. Hence in order
to ensure the safe and smooth running of vehicles, the maintenance of the
underframe has to be done very carefully.
H. It is therefore the duty of all supervisors both in workshops and divisions, to
ensure that a thorough inspection of the underframe is carried out at the time of
POH. Other major repairs and all defects and deficiencies that come to notice
must be given meticulous and thorough attention. The defects and deficiencies
generally noticed together with recommended repair practices have been
discussed in detail in this chapter.

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ISMC 100X50X5



2 3
7 5 6 1

137 | Page
1. CROSS BAR 5/8 mm plate
4. BOLSTER 10/12 mm plate


8 6

8 6

275 275

1630 2 1630 1




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a. The underframe is built up of suitable rolled and pressed steel sections welded
together. In earlier designs, underframe members have riveted construction by
providing gussets, knees, etc. It is a general practice to provide a positive camber
in the underframe to obviate any chances of sagging after loading in service. This
is necessary since the underframe of a bogie wagon is considerably longer than
that of a four-wheeler.
b. The general damages to the headstock and other underframe members in bogie
wagons are attended as per para 506 to 508. Some of these underframes are
susceptible to the development of cracks at the side bearer location on the
underframe bolster bottom flange. The repair procedure for this defect is given in
RDSO technical pamphlets WM-74002 and 74003.
c. Pressings of the headstock get damaged and at the time of POH, they are
invariably required to be stripped, straightened, and refitted, for proper headstock
alignment. In case headstock pressings are badly damaged, these should be
replaced. It is also a good practice to keep stock of some spare headstock
pressings to reduce the cycle time and the damaged ones can then be brought
into reuse after repairs in the blacksmith shop.
d. Centre sills, of bogie wagons, are generally fabricated with rolled Z-Section. In
service, center sills are not damaged. However, sometimes due to accidents or
overloading, center sills may get damaged. Such center sills should be repaired
as per RDSO Drg.No.WD-99031-S-1.
e. In the case of BRN wagons, the problem of breakage/detachment of fixed ends/
headstock and sagging of sole bar/center girder was noticed within the first POH
period. RDSO vide letter no.MW/BRN Dt. 7.1.99 asked Railways to modify the
wagon to arrest such failures. These modifications are shown in RDSO
Drg.No.WD-95010-S-1,S-2 and S-3. Procedure for re-cambering of bogie Rail
wagon type BRN/BRNA/BRNHS as per RDSO pamphlet No.G-107 to be followed
A. Inspection of underframe
At the time of POH, the underframe is to be inspected in respect of the following
points specifically, as the underframe is the most important sub-assembly of the
wagon which imparts necessary rigidity to the wagon body as a whole.
a) Rivets/Lock bolts
All the rivets/Lock bolts specifically those of axle guard, scroll irons, headstock,
stanchions, and knees joining the main members are checked for looseness. Ensure
that these are not broken. All slack/broken rivets/lock bolts are to be replaced by
sound ones at the time of POH.
b) Cracks
The underframe is also inspected for any cracks. In case of a horizontal crack, it is
drilled at both ends and the cracked portion is gauged out and welded. In the case of
vertical cracks, patching strengthens the cracked portion.
B. Alignment
The underframe is inspected for its proper alignment and any deflection of its
members either in the form of sagging or buckling should be attended to or rectified.

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Since the alignment of the underframe has a very important role to play in guiding the
wheels to run properly, the alignment is to be checked at various planes.
The cleaning of the underframe and its fittings can be carried out after the wagon is
placed on the trestles. Both the de-rusting and cleaning of the underframe and its
fittings can be carried out simultaneously. The members of the underframe are de-
rusted by scraping and hammering so that it can be checked if any members are
heavily corroded or deformed requiring rectification.
a. Slightly bent members or portions of them as the case may be are heated in
position by hack’s burner and straightened by means of straightening devices or
by applying blows with a sled hammer. For carrying out this repair, the buffer
assembly is stripped off and if necessary, the floor plate which is riveted to the
headstock is gas cut and rivets punched out to facilitate the proper straightening
of the bent portion.
b. Stripping the heavily bent/damaged members and getting them straightened and
aligned in the smith shop.
c. All the underframe members are to be inspected as per IRCA Part III (Latest).
The repair procedure for these items is also done as per the procedure given in
para 506.
Sole bars are made from ISMC-250x9.0 web channel of copper-bearing mild steel
for most of the bogie wagons except on BOXNCR wagons where the channel is
of IRSM- 41 carton steel. Most of the new wagon solebars are made from CRF
sections of IRSM-44 or micro-alloyed steel.
Generally, damage to the sole bar occurs at locations adjacent to headstock
stanchions at the door location. The mild steel/IRSM-41 sole bar was repaired in
the following methods:-
i. Cutting of entire sole bar portion and grafting a new portion prepared out of the
channel of the same section. Such type of replacement is always supported
with a double flanged U-shaped sole bar patch, not less than 10 mm thick and
a back plate is to be also provided.
ii. Cracks at flanges and web are given proper repairs by electric welding as per
instructions contained in IRCA Part III(Latest) rulebook and issued by
authorities from time to time. Cracks extending up to webs are duly supported
with the plain or flanged patches as the case may be.
iii. Slightly bent solebars are, however, repaired by local heating and
straightening. If the flanges are only bent, the same is straightened by a jawed
iv. The patching has to confirm IRCA part III rule No. 2.11.3.
v. No patch shall be less than 10mm thick. Every patch shall be riveted to the
sole bar web and flange.
vi. The outer patch shall cover the full depth of the web and the full width of the
crack flange, top or bottom.

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vii. The inner patch shall cover the full depth of the channel and shall be of the
same length as the outer patch to the extent possible.
viii. Where inner and outer patches cannot be fitted due to the presence of other
fittings on the sole bar, only the outer or inner patch may be fitted. The
thickness of the patch plate in such cases shall not be less than the thickness
of the parent material.
ix. The cracks in the mild steel sole bar flange may be repaired by welding.
x. Existing rivet holes shall be utilized for patch rivets.
xi. Additional rivets shall be of diameter not less than 10 mm at a pitch of not
more than 90 mm.
xii. The length of the sole bar patch plate should not be less than 508 mm.
xiii. Experience shows that on BG, the underframe of an open wagon gets
damaged more often than a covered wagon because heavier loads are
generally carried in open wagons. This also leads to a higher incidence of
damage during shunting in case of uneven loading or when the consignment is
not secured properly inside the wagon.
xiv. A sketch of a typical straightening device used for repairs of the headstock is
given in Fig. 5.10.
xv. Generally, pitting/ corrosion on the sole bar occurs at doorways on open
wagons. The provision of protection plates to sole bars is made at these
locations, 3.15 mm thick copper bearing mild steel protection sheet is to be
welded around the web below the door opening area if the thickness of the
web has not been reduced by more than 2 mm wereas by 5 mm copper
bearing mild steel plate if the reduction in the web thickness is more than 2
mm but less than 5mm. As the web thickness of the sole bar of ISMC 250 X 82
is 9 mm, it concludes that any sole bar web found to be less than 4 mm should
be replaced.
The underframe also derives strength from the floor plates, which are generally of
4mm /5mm /6mm thickness. These floor plates are generally riveted/welded to the
underframe members, thus providing additional strength to the underframe. As this
method is very time-consuming, most of the workshops are now resorting to the
welding of floor plates as an alternative. This is now an approved practice and RDSO
has issued standard sketches for various types of wagons showing how it is to be
It has been observed that the underframe of brake vans has a tendency to buckle in
One method of straightening the drooping ends is to hold the main members in a
fixed position by means of screw couplings anchored against a fixed structure and
then raising the ends by means of screw jacks. No heating is required in this case
and as such damages to the underframe steel structure which may occur as a result
of heating are also avoided.
The bogie brake van type BVZI with ICF trolley has been introduced in 2004. The
under the frame of BVZI brake van is 5 meters longer than the 4-wheeled BVZC

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brake van under frame. Owing to frequent failure in service of CP top bracket of BVZI
brake van, the CP top bracket has been modified for new manufacturing vide RDSO
letter No. MW/BVZI dated 25.01.2011.
A separate design (Drawing No.WD-11065-S-01) CP top bracket for replacing the old
design bracket with a new unitized design for compulsory replacement during
POH/ROH has been issued vide RDSO letter No. MW/BVZI dated 29.12.2011.
The design of footstep of the old BVZI wagon was similar to BVZC brake van and
during maintenance, the bottom footstep was cut by the maintenance depots.
Therefore, a separate design for footstep arrangement drawing No. WD-81035-S-
19(sheet-2) has been issued for new manufacturing and repair purposes. For guard
seat of BVZI wagon, drawing No.WD-04059-S-01 has been issued.
i. Provision of side bracket with a link on BRN wagons to facilitate securing of
steel plant consignments to wagon body vide letter No. MW/ACT/BG dated
ii. Provision of stiffener angle on axle guard of BVZC brake van vide letter No.
MW/CWSC/SECRETARIAT dated 23.11.93 & 28.2.94.
iv. Strengthening of BRN wagon underframe vide letter No. MW/BRN dated 7.1.99.
v. Corrosion in BRN Wagons vide letter No. MW/BRN dated 31.03.1999.
vi. Completin of M1 modification of BCN family of wagons for higher speed
operation. Vide RB letter No. 2005/M(N)/204/2 Vol-II dated.30.11.2010
vii. Modification of CP top bracket of BVZI brake van vide letter No. MW/BVZI
dated 25.01.2011.
viii. Procedure for Re-cambering of Bogie Rail Wagon type “BRN/BRNA/BRNAHS”
as given in RDSO’s letter No. MW/BRNA dated 03.07.2015.
ix. Modification of BCNHL Wagons to make them safe and user friendly by
provision of modified doors. Vide RB letter No. 2005/M(N)/204/1 Vol-III
x. Modifications to prevent cracks in centre sill of BTPN wagons, vide RB letter
No. 2015/M(N)/951/17 dated.17.12.2018
NOTE: Repair procedures of stainless steel wagons are discussed in the

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FIG. 5.10

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A thorough inspection of the underframe is to be carried out. Major repairs as well
as all defects and deficiencies that come to the notice must be given meticulous
and thorough attention. The following work is to be carried out:
i. Buffer sub-assemblies and draw gear should be within the prescribed
minimum and maximum dimensions
ii. Ensure that the buffers are not dead i.e., the springs have not become
ineffective otherwise all the buffing load will have to be directly taken by the
underframe members leading to extensive damage.
iii. Headstock, solebars, and diagonal members to be repaired.
iv. For stocks having a chronic failure of the main members, action is to be taken
to strengthen these members. In order to increase the rigidity of the joints,
cast steel/fabricated knees and brackets are to be provided.
v. All the rivets, specifically of axle guard, scroll irons, headstock, and knees
joining the main members, are checked for looseness
vi. In case of a horizontal crack, it is drilled at both ends. The cracked portion is
gouged out and welded. In the case of vertical cracks, patching is done to
strengthen the cracked portion.
vii. Repairs to the headstock are to be done as given in para 506.
viii. Repairs to diagonals and cross bar are to be done as given in para 507.
ix. Repairs to solebars to be done as given in para 508.
A thorough inspection of the underframe is to be carried out. Major repairs as well
as all defects and deficiencies that come to the notice must be given meticulous
and thorough attention.
In addition to the work indicated in Para 512, the following work is to be carried out
in workshops during POH/NPOH: -
i. Inspection of the underframe, as given in para 504, is to be done for
a. Rivets
b. Cracks
c. Alignment
ii. The cleaning and de-rusting of the underframe and its fittings.
iii. Repairs to floor plate as given in para 509.
iv. Underframe of brake van as given in para 510.
v. The underframe of the Bogie wagon is given in para 503.
vi. Paint underframe as per Spec. G-72 (Rev.3) or the latest amendment.

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This bogie was first fitted in BOXN wagons and was designated as CASNUB 22W.
This was later modified as CASNUB 22W(M) to take care of the high wheel wear
reported on the earlier version. Subsequently, CASNUB 22NL (Narrow jaw) and
CASNUB 22 NLB (Narrow jaw with fish belly bolster) versions were introduced. The
CASNUB 22 HS and CASNUB 22HS (Mod-I) bogies have been developed for high-
speed operation with maximum permitted speed up to 100 km/h at 20.32t axle load.
All CASNUB 22W bogies were to be converted to CASNUB 22W (Retrofitted) by the
maintenance depots and workshops. The various bogie versions developed
thereafter, are as under and are now used in the following wagons: -
The bogies of type 22W and 22W retrofitted have been phased out considerably
hence details of these have not been included in this manual. For details of this type
of bogies 2001 version of WMM may be referred.
Bogie Axle Load Type of Wagon


BWTB, BOMN etc. and M1 variant.


etc.and M1 variant of above.


CASNUB -22HS(Mod-II) 22.32 t BOSTHS M2

The wagon list given above is for reference only and is not exhaustive.

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The bogie comprises of two cast steel frames and a floating bolster. The bolster is
supported on the side frame through two nests of springs. This also provides a
friction damping proportional to load. A fabricated mild steel spring plank connects
the side frames.



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The salient features of components fitted in different types of CASNUB bogies
are given below.
Sr. No Features Description
1. Gauge 1676 mm
2. Axle load Modified CASNUB 22HS(Mod-I) -22.32t
CASNUB 22HS(Mod-II) -22.32t
IRF 108HS -23.5 t
All other bogies -20.32 t,
However, these can be upgraded to CC+8t+2t
with certain changes in the suspension.
3. Wheel diameter 1000 mm (New)
906 mm (Condemn) for all except CASNUB
22NLC 950 mm for CASNUB 22NLC
*RDSO Letter No.MW/WAD/SPEC Dt. 15.06.22
4. Wheelbase 2000 mm
5. Type of Axle bearing Cartridge Tapered Roller Bearing Class
“E”/Upgraded Class “E” suitable for narrow jaw/
wide jaw adapter
*RDSO Letter No.MW/WAD/SPEC Dt. 15.06.22
6. Distance between 2260 mm
journal centers
7. Distance between 1474 mm
side bearers
8. Type of side bearers RDSO Approved Constant contact type side
9. Type of pivot CASNUB 22W(M), 22NL 22NLB, 22NLM,
22 HS, 22NLC and IRF-108HS -
Spherical Type RDSO Drg. No. WD-85079-S/2
CASNUB 22HS, HS(Mod-I), HS(Mod-II)
Flat Type RDSO Drg. No. WD-97049-S/3
10. Anti-rotation Anti-rotation lugs have been provided between the
features bogie bolster and side frame
11. Type of brake beam All bogies except CASNUB 22W (M): Unit type
fabricated brake beam supported and guided in
the brake beam pockets.
CASNUB 22W (M): Unit Type Cast Steel brake
Beam suspended by hangers from side frame
12. Suspension details Long travel helical spring
13. Elastomeric pads On all types of bogies.
The CASNUB bogie assembly consists of the following components:
i. Wheel set with Cartridge Bearing
ii. Axle Box/ adapter, retainer bolt & side frame key assembly
iii. Side frames with friction plates and brake wear plates

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iv. Bolster with wear liners
v. Spring plank, fit bolts & rivets
vi. Load bearing springs and snubber springs
vii. Friction shoe wedges
viii. Centre pivot arrangement comprising of Centre pivot top, Centre pivot
Bottom, Centre pivot pin, Centre pivot retainer & locking arrangement
ix. Side Bearers
x. Elastomeric Pad
xi. Bogie Brake Gear
xii. Brake Beam
The details of the above components are as under:-
*RDSO Letter No.MW/WAD/SPEC Dt. 15.06.22
CASNUB/ LCCF 20 (c) bogies are fitted with Class “E”/ Upgraded Class “E”
Cartridge Tapered Roller Bearings (CTRB) (6”X11”). The maintenance
requirement of Class “E”/ Upgraded Class “E” CTRBs have been issued under
“Instruction for inspection and maintenance of Cartridge Taper Roller Bearing fitted
on Cast Steel Bogies”, Technical Pamphlet No. G-81 of RDSO and for Class “K”
CTRBs in G-113. Bearings that have been serviced during POH have to be
permanently and legibly marked overhauling particulars on the Cup/ Outer ring (on
the straight portion in the center between the raceways), and backing ring as per
details/ drawing shown in Appendix-IV “A‟ and IV “B” respectively of G-81. Also,
POH particulars on grease seal by laser engraving to be done by overhauling
workshop as shown in Appendix-IV “C‟. However, for detailed maintenance and
inspection of CTRB in open line, Handbook on Maintenance of CTRB for freight
stock issued under CAMTECH Doc. No.CAMTECH/M/12- 13/Bearing/1.0,
December- 2012 may be referred.
Wheel tread/tyre profile used earlier was standard 1 in 20 taper after the root radius.
Currently, a worn wheel profile or worn adapted profile has been prescribed to
reduce wheel wear and increase wheel life. The tyre/ tread profile for the new wheel
is as per Drg No. WD- 88021. As per requirement, during POH/ROH/ Maintenance
of wheelset/wheel re-profiling, wheels tread should be turned as per intermediate
profile having varying wheel flange thickness selecting the appropriate flange
thickness out of the nine flange thicknesses so that minimum material is removed at
the time of turning. These intermediate profiles have been incorporated to optimize
the wheel life. These are as per Drg. No. WD-89060- S/2.
Axles must be subjected to ultrasonic test (UST) during ROH/ POH or whenever the
wagons are sent to the shops. The axle found defective during UST shall be
withdrawn from service.
Wheel sets run out from a wagon in an open line establishment for maintenance
other than ROH will not require UST, if they are fitted back under the same Wagon.
All other wheel sets must be subjected to UST before re-fitment. Wheel sets whose

153 | Page
axles have undergone ultrasonic testing shall be stamped cold on the wheel hub
fillet as per RDSO drawing No.WD-81089-S/1 (attached to Appendix –IV ‘D’).
Axle end holes should be properly cleaned and lubricated before reuse. Threads
should be checked with a standard thread gauge. Reclamation of axles with
defective cap screw holes shall be carried out as per instructions given in the
RDSO letter MW/WA/Genl dated 8.5.92.
Welding on axles is not permitted. Any axle showing welding or cutting torch
damage is to be scrapped.
Some axles on bogies have been reported to have grazed on account of the Main
pull rod. This can be reclaimed in case notches/scratches/ nicks are less than 5 mm
as per instructions issued vide RDSO’s letter No. MW/WA/GENL dated 20.12.91.
The reclamation of the axle, for reasons not indicated in the above-quoted letter, is
not permitted.
Whenever axles are renewed, the workshop shall punch the following particulars in
5 mm letters on the axle end: -
i. Serial No.
ii. Workshop code where pressing has been done
iii. Date of pressing
iv. Pressing on the pressure in tonnes (Both ends)
After reducing, the stamping shall be as per RDSO Drg No. WD- 87080/S-1.
CASNUB 22W, CASNUB 22W (M) and LCCF 20 (c): -
Wheel sets of these bogies are having Class “E‟/ Upgraded Class “E” Cartridge
Tapered Roller Bearing with Wide Jaw adapter to drg. no. SK 78527. In retrofitted
CASNUB 22W bogies, modified wide jaw adapter to drg no. WD – 85053 – S/1 is
All other CASNUB types of bogie except CASNUB 22W, CASNUB 22W (M): –
Wheel sets are provided with Class “E‟/ Upgraded Class “E” (6” X 11”) Cartridge
Tapered Roller Bearing with narrow jaw adapter to drg no. WD-89067-S/9.
LWLH25 Bogie
Wheel sets are provided with Class “K” Cartridge Tapered Roller Bearing with
narrow jaw adapter to drg no. WD-15020-S/3.
The wear limits are given in Table 6.1.
The side frame column has been provided with 10 mm thickness Silico Manganese
Steel wear liners to IS: 3885 Pt.-I Gr. IV welded on the columns. It must be ensured
that the liners are permitted in service up to a thickness of 6 mm only.
The new friction plate is to be held tight against the column face during welding
which should be done in a down hand position. Start welding at diagonal ends of the
plate and work towards the center. No paint or grease should be applied to the
friction plate.

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The side frame should be checked for its wheelbase (distance between center lines
of the jaw openings) and ensure whether the correct button marking is left on the
side frame. While pairing the side frame for a bogie, it should be ensured that there
should not be any difference between the numbers of buttons on the two-side
The wear limits are given in Table 6.1.
The bolster pocket has been provided with 8 mm thick silico manganese Steel liners
welded with pocket slope. The liners may be permitted in service up to a thickness of
3 mm. The welded liners should be chipped off to prepare the surface for welding
new liners. No paint or grease should be applied to the plate.
Some bogie bolsters such as those of CASNUB 22NLB &22HS bogies have been
provided with 5mm thick wear liners on land surfaces & the same are to be required
to be replaced after 3mm wear.
The wear limits are given in Table 6.1.
Spring plank is a member made of mild steel (flanging quality) to IS: 5986 Fe 360. It
joins two side frames of CASNUB bogie by eight 24 mm dia rivets and four M24 “fit”
bolts to keep the bogie frame square.
Spring plank should be examined for defects like loosening of rivets/cracks/bending,
welding failure of spring spigot, etc. Whenever spring plank is renewed, the leading
dimension of the bogie as per Drg no. WD-85054-S/6(22WM), WD-90042-S/1(NL,
NLB, NLM, NLC), WD-92058-S/7[HS, HS(Mod-I), HS(Mod-II)] must be measured.
Special care is to be taken regarding the use of fit bolts as well as the quality of
riveting. Fitment of spring plank with side frames should be done on the suitable
The bogies are fitted with two groups of long travel helical spring nests. The spring
details are shown in the following table-
Type of bogie Drawing number
NLC WD-83069-S/1
CASNUB 22HS WD-92058-S/5
CASNUB 22HS(Mod-I) WD-04017-S/4
CASNUB 22HS(Mod-II) WD-08026-S/3
IRF 108HS WD-98014-S/3
LCCF 20(C), WD-11013-S-01
LWLH25 WD-13012-S/04
The suspension is provided with a load proportional friction damping arrangement
with the help of a manganese steel cast wedge supported on the snubber springs.
The springs are manufactured out of Silico Manganese steel, chrome vanadium, and
chrome molybdenum.

155 | Page
The matching of load and snubber springs is important. It is recommended that the
springs should be so grouped that the free height variation in the group is not more
than 3 mm. Mixing of new and old springs should be avoided. The nominal free
height and condemning height are given in Table 6.1.
Friction shoe wedges are fitted on snubber springs. Its vertical surface is with the
side frame and the slope surface is in contact with bolster pocket liners.
A table containing wear limits on a vertical surface and slope surface nominal and
recommended is placed in Table 6.1.
The Centre pivot arrangement for various bogies is as follows -
Centre Pivot Arrangement Drawing No
CASNUB 22 HS bogies
CASNUB 22HS,HS(Mod-I),HS(Mod-II) WD-97049-S/3
IRF 108HS WD-98014-S/4
LCCF 20(C) CONTR-9404-S/8
LWLH25 WD-15013-S/01
Note: In CASNUB 22 HS bogies, either a spherical or flat center pivot can be fitted
as applicable.
To determine the seat wear, the gauge should be placed in position. If the pivot
surface starts touching the surface marked as ‘*’ on the gauge at any point, the
repair is to be made by welding. The gauge should be moved on the completely
worn surface to be measured. The surface after reclamation shall be the original
dimension as per the respective drawings for proper matching of surfaces with the
top center pivot.
The repairs should be carried out if a 7 mm thick shim in CASNUB bogie can be
inserted for the full depth between the worn surface and the gauge at any point on
the vertical wall of the bowl with the gauge in position.
During POH/ROH the wear on the vertical side of the bowl, the seat of the bowl
should be built up by welding. Preheat the surface to be reclaimed up to a maximum
temperature of 250° Celsius. After welding, it should be allowed to cool slowly by
covering the welded portion with asbestos/sand.
CASNUB bogies are fitted with RDSO-approved constant contact and PU pad type
side bearers riveted/bolted on the bolster.
Elastomeric pads are provided in all versions of CASNUB bogies. The main purpose
of providing an elastomeric pad is to reduce wheel flange wear.
Elastomeric pads and metal bonded rubber type constant contact side bearer pads
shall be condemned and replaced by new ones on the following grounds:-
i. If the top of the bottom plates or intermediate plate in case of side bearer pads

156 | Page
show any crack in service.
ii. If any crack of more than 50 mm is developed at any surface of the rubber.
iii.If a bond failure giving way more than 40 mm in any direction is developed in
iv. If any sign of crushing of rubber is noticed.
v. When in a free condition, the pad has taken a permanent set of the order given in
Table 6.1/ respective drawing.
The brake gear mainly consists of Brake Beam (with brake head and brake block
assembly), equalizing levers, Push rod, End pull rod, and Brake Beam hangers (in
CASNUB 22W(M) bogies). The pins and bushes provided are as per IS:5517-45C8
hardened/tempered and the hardness of pins and bushes to be 250-280 BHN.
Material for the washer to be IS:2062 Fe410WA. The maximum permissible wear on
the pin diameter and bush inside diameter is limited to 1.5 mm.
In service as the tread diameter of the wheel decreases due to wear, pins located in
the End Pull Rod with under frame to be relocated. In the case of CASNUB 22W(M)
bogies, it is of cast steel and the Brake head and Block assembly are separate
assemblies. This assembly is attached to the circular end of a cast steel Brake beam
by means of a pin.
In all other bogies, the brake beam is fabricated. Brake beam strut and end piece
casting are of cast steel. Brake head is an integral part of “End Piece Casting”.
Bogies are fitted with unit type fabricated brake beams that slide in the guide cavity
provided in the side frame.
Cavities are provided with silico manganese steel liners. The brake heads are
integral part of the brake beam. The brake beam is shown in WD-89033- S/1,
however the brake block to WA/BG-6158 is common for all versions.
CASNUB 22W(M) Bogies
The bogie is fitted with unit type suspended cast steel brake beam. The brake head
is a separate sub-assembly that is fixed with a brake beam circular end by means of
a pin passing through the brake beam end and brake shoe adjuster along with a
spring-loaded brake head. Assembly provides rotational flexibility to the brake head.
Details are shown in Drg No. WD-85084-S/1, WD-88012-S/1 & WD-86034-S/1.
The reclamation procedure for different versions of CASNUB bogie brake beams
shall be as follows.
I) CASNUB 22 W(M) Bogie
Brake heads are fitted on the brake beam with the help of a brake shoe adjuster as
shown in drawing no. WD-88012-S/1. Brake heads are further secured on brake
beam-ends by the washer and split pin.

157 | Page
The procedure for replacing worn-out brake heads is as under;
i. Remove split pin and washer from brake beam end. Remove pin securing brake
shoe adjuster with brake beam by removing the split pin.
ii. Take brake heads out of brake beam along with brake shoe adjuster.
iii. Disengage brake shoe adjuster from brake head by providing bolt after
disengaging split pin, nut cover, spring, and adjusting piece.
iv. Assemble new brake head with brake shoe adjuster by using items mentioned in
para (III) as shown in RDSO Drawing No. WD-88012-S/1.
v. Slide new brake head assembled with brake shoe adjuster on brake beam end.
Engage brake shoe adjuster with brake beam by using the pin and split pin as
shown in RDSO Drawing No. WD- 88012-S/1.
vi. Further secure brake heads on brake beam end by putting the washer and split
pin as shown in RDSO Drawing No WD-85054-S/4.
II) CASNUB 22 NL, 22NLB, 22NLM, 22NLC, 22HS, 22HS (Mod-I) 22HS (Mod-II)
& IRF-108HS Bogies
The brake head is integrally cast with end piece casting, which is welded with
structural steel brake beam channel and Truss flat at ends as shown in RDSO
Drawing No WD-89033-S/1. Depending upon the extent of wear, worn-out brake
heads can either be built up by welding or worn-out brake heads can be replaced by
new brake heads. Replacement of brake head of brake beam should be done on the
appropriate fixture.
In order to obtain optimum life from the bogie, it is desirable to maintain the various
clearances within recommended limits. Prescribed clearances are given in para 601
a. Due to the wear of the mating components, an increase in clearances should be
monitored. Whenever the component reaches the condemning limits, repairs
should be undertaken for either building up the wear on such surfaces or
changing their liner, as the case may be.
b. Due to the wear in bolster/side frame liners and wedge surface, the wedges shall
move upwards. If the holes of the bolster pocket wall and wedges start crossing,
repair shall be undertaken. The gauge shall be used for determining the wear.
c. The class of electrode, the gauge of the electrode, welding current, and welding
precautions to be taken while repairing the surfaces by welding.
In addition to all the work prescribed at para 601 C above, the following work is also
to be done in ROH/POH: -
a. The bogie should be dismantled during ROH. Dismantling and assembly
procedure is given in para e. The bogie clearances and tolerances should be
checked and rectified if found necessary.
b. Position the job for down hand welding and carry out the repairs. Ensure that
suitable manipulators are used.

158 | Page
c. After the repairs, the repaired surface should be checked with the relevant gauge
for correctness. Excess material, if any, should be removed by grinding or
d. During POH of the wagon in shops, bogies are to be dismantled and all the
wearing surfaces of bogies shall be brought to “As New” condition.
e. Assembly and disassembly of the bogie
i. Remove the shackle of the center pivot pin.
ii. Disconnect bogie end pull rod from under frame and brake pull rod from
equalizing lever to raise wagon body. Run out the bogie.
iii. Inset assembly pin (12mm dia x 250 mm long) to retain friction shoes.
iv. Raise bolster to touch the top of the side frame.
v. Remove outer, inner, and snubber springs.
vi. Remove assembly pins and lower wedge blocks to take them out.
vii. Lower bolster to rest on the spring plank.
viii. Slide the bolster to one side to take it out.
ix. Take out the S/Frame key from the side frame to release the wheel sets,
adapter, and elastomeric pad.
x. Remove the adapter retainer bolt in CASNUB 22W (M) to release the wheel
sets adapter and elastomeric pad.
xi. Take out spring plank from side frame assembly if necessary.
After repair/reclamation and gauging of components with respective gauges,
assembly of the bogie shall be done by reversing the procedure of disassembly.
During assembly of the bogie following points should be taken care of -
(a) Matching of both load and snubber spring is important. It is recommended that
springs having up to 3 mm free height variation should be assembled in the same
group. Mixing of new and old springs should be avoided.
(b) Free height of spring/group and wheel dia for bogie assembly should be so
selected such that the combined drop of center pivot should not be more than
25mm from that of the new bogie. This will help in achieving proper buffer height
in the loaded condition. Use of 12mm and 35mm packing is also required to be
provided as per existing instructions.
(c) The center pivot of the bogie shall be lubricated with about 200g – 300g graphite
flakes to IS:495 at the time of assembly. No other mating surface in the bogie
shall be lubricated.
Important: Inspect all the load and snubber springs for proper seating after the
wagon body is on bogies.
For a detailed description of each item and its maintenance procedure, refer to
RDSO publication No. G-95 (Latest Revision).

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The nominal clearances and the tolerances of the bogie assembly are given below.

22NL 22HS
22W 22W NLB, HS (MOD1),
22W (M) HS(MOD2),
Description NLM, 20(C)
(RETRO) (in IRF108HS
NLC (in mm)
(in mm) mm) LWLH25
(in mm) (in mm)
Lateral clearance
between side frame and 18 18 18 25 25
Lateral clearance
between side frame and 25 25 16 16 25
axle box/adopter
Longitudinal clearance
between side frames and 2 10 9 9 10
axle box/adopter
Longitudinal clearance
between side frame and 6 6 6 6 6
Clearance between anti
rotation lug and bolster 4 4 4 4 4

Sr. Wear
Description New or renewed Worn
No. Limit
Axle Box Crown lugs
(Cylindrical Roller Bearings) 159 mm 167 mm 4 mm
Axle Box Crown seat
(Cylindrical Roller Bearings) 36.5 mm 33 mm 3.5 mm
Axle Box side lugs
(Cylindrical Roller Bearings) 130 mm 136 mm 3 mm
Axle Box sides
(Cylindrical Roller Bearings) 268 mm 262 mm 3 mm
Adapter Crown lugs
(Wide Jaw) 156 mm 164 mm 4 mm
(One Side)
Adapter Crown lugs
(Narrow Jaw) 155.5 mm 163.5 mm 4 mm
(One Side)

Wide Jaw for LCCF20(C) 156+2.75/-0.425 164 mm 4mm

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Narrow Jaw for LWLH25 155.5+2/-0 163.5 mm 4mm

Adapter bore seat to crown seat

Wide jaw adapter 48.5 mm 45 mm 3.5mm
Modified wide jaw adapter 25.5 mm 22 mm 3.5mm
Narrow jaw adapter 26.2 mm 22.7 mm 3.5mm

Wide Jaw for LCCF20(C) 48.5+1.05/-0.1 45 mm 3.5


Narrow Jaw for LWLH25 27.4mm 23.9mm 3.5 mm

Adapter Side Lugs
Wide Jaw 130 136 3
Narrow Jaw 97 103 3
Wide Jaw LWLH25/LCCF 20 (C) 130+3.35 136 3
Wide Jaw LWLH25/LCCF 20 (C) 96.82+4 102.82 3
Adapter Sides
Wide Jaw Narrow 268 262 3
Jaw 181 175 3
Wide Jaw for LCCF20(C) 268+0.287/-2.8 262 3
Narrow Jaw for LWLH25 194.46+0.8/-2.38 188.46 3

3. Side Frames
Side frame wear friction plate 10 6 4
Side frame column sides 216 206 10
Side frame anti rotation lug 522 528 6
Side frame column sides LWLH25 216±1.5 206 5
Side frame anti rotation lug 522±1 528 3
4. Pedestal Crown Roof
Key Seat to Pedestal Crown Roof 318 323 5
Key Seat to Pedestal Crown 323 328 5
Key Seat to Pedestal Crown Roof
LCCF20(C) 318±3 323 5

LWLH25 349±2 354 5

5. Pedestal Crown Sides and

Sides of the Pedestal
All Bogies – Crown Sides Pedestal 152 144 4
Sides 22W(M) Pedestal Sides 105 101 2
22NL,NLB, HS, 81 77 2
LCCF20(C) /LWLH25 152±2 144 4

161 | Page
Pedestal Sides 105+3/-1.5 101 2
81+1.5/-2 77 2

6. Distance between Outer &

Inner Pedestal Jaw of
22W(M) 278 286 4
Pedestal Jaw (Short) for 190 198 4
Pedestal Jaw (Long) for 236 244 4
278+2/-0 286 4
LWLH25 203.5+2/-1 211.5 4
Pedestal jaw (Short) 263.5+3 271.5 4
Pedestal jaw (Long)

*Adapter of CTRB shall not be welded/reclaimed/renewed at

any location Description New Worn
BOLSTER Wear Limit
Pocket 35°/270 +1° on slope
(LWLH25/LCCF20C) 35° ±1° on slope
Liner 8 mm 3 mm 5 mm
Bolster land surface 444 mm 438 mm 3 mm
(LWLH25/LCCF20C) 444±1.5 438 mm 3 mm
Rotation stop lug 518 mm 512 mm 3 mm
Outer gib 234/241 mm 244/251 mm 5 mm
(LWLH25/LCCF20C) 241 mm 251 mm
Inner gib 136 mm 146 mm 5 mm
(LWLH25/LCCF20C) 136+3/-0 mm 146 mm
Wear limit vertical side - 4 mm
(LWLH25/LCCF20C) 2 mm
SEAT – - 4 mm
(LWLH25/LCCF20C) 2 mm
Vertical Surface from
Type ofCentre
pad line of spigot 61 mm
Free height 54 mm
Condemning 7 mm
free height
Slope surface by gauge - - 3 mm
Elastomeric pad 46+1 mm 42 mm

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Constant contact side bearer pad

A. Metal bonded Rubber pad 114+3-0 mm 109 mm

B. PU side bearer (Three Rings) 142.5+1.6 mm 137 mm

C. PU side bearer (Two Rings) 134+1.5 mm 128.5 mm

Bogie Type SPRINGS Spring free Recommended free
height height condemning
nominal (mm) (mm)
CASNUB 22 W(M), Outer 260 245
NL, NLB, NLM & NLC Inner 262 247
Snubber 294 279
CASNUB 22HS Outer 260 245
Inner 243 228
Snubber 293 278
CASNUB 22HS(Mod-I) Outer 253 238
Inner 225 210
Snubber 304 289
CASNUB 22HS(Mod-II) Outer 253 238
Inner 222 207
Snubber 304 289
IRF-108HS Outer 264 249
Inner 246 231
Snubber 296 281
LWLH25 Outer 264±3 249
Inner 246±3 231
Snubber 281±3 (SO) 266(SO)
289±3 (SI) 274(SI)
LCCF20 (C) Outer 260±2 245
Inner 243+0/-3 228
Snubber 288±3 273

It is recommended that springs having less than 3 mm free height variation should be
assembled in the same group. Mixing of new and old springs must be avoided. The
bogie is fitted with two groups of long helical spring nests. The spring groups per bogie
for various axle load applications are as under:
Type of Bogie Axle Load Number of Springs
Outer Inner Snubber
CASNUB 22 W(M),NL, 20.32t
12 8 4
CASNUB 22 W(M),NL, CC+8t+2t
14 10 4

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CASNUB 22HS 20.32t 14 12 4
CASNUB 22HS CC+6t+2t and
14 14 4
CASNUB 22HS(Mod-I) 20.32t 12 12 4
CASNUB 22HS(Mod-II) 22.32t 12 12 4
CASNUB 22NLC 25t 14 14 4
IRF-108HS 22.82t/23.5t 14 14 4
LWLH25 25t 12 12 8
LCCF20(C) 20.3t 14 12 4
LCCF20(C) 22t 14 14 4
Components Drawing No./Pamphlet No.
1. General Arrangement of Cartridge RDSO Drg. No. WD-92089-S-01 &
Tapered Roller Bearing (CTRB) WD-13042-S-01/G -81 RDSO Drg.
No. WD-21069-S-01/G-113
2. Worn Wheel Profile on wheel tread WD-88021
3. Wheel tread Intermediate Profile WD-89060/S-2
4. Wide jaw adapter for CASNUB 22 RDSO Drg. No. SK-78527
W, CASNUB 22 W(M) & LCCF20
(C) Bogie
5. Modified Wide jaw adapter for Modified wide jaw adapter to RDSO
Retrofitted CASNUB 22 W Drg. No. WD-85053-S/1
6. Narrow jaw adapter for all other RDSO Drg. No. WD-89067-S/9
CASNUB bogie except CASNUB
22W & CASNUB 22 W(M)
7. CASNUB 22 W(M) wheelset WA/WL-4902/WD-89025-S/1
8. All other CASNUB bogie wheelsets WD-89025-S/1
9. BLC bogie wheelsets LWLH25 LCCF20(c) wheelsets RDSO Drg.
wheelsets No. CONTR-9404-S/12 RDSO Drg.
No. 15020-S/1
1 Leading dimension and tolerances WD-85054-S/6(22WM), WD-
0. 90042- S/1(NL, NLB, NLM, NLC),
WD-92058- S/7(HS), WD-04017-
S/7 (HS Mod-I &Mod-II)
11. Load bearing Springs & WD-83069-S/1(All versions
Snubber Springs except 22HS Bogies) WD-
92058 -S/5 (22HS ), WD-04017-
S/4 (HS Mod-I), WD-08026-S/3
(HS Mod-II) WD-98014-S/4
12. Springs Silico Manganese steel to IS: 3195
Gr 60 Si7 & Gr 52Cr4Mo2V and
RDSO specification WD-01-HLS-
94 (rev.3)
13. Centre pivot other than CASNUB WD-85079-S/2 & WD-97049-S/3

164 | Page
14. Elastomeric Pads WD-95005-S/1 for all
15. Side Bearers R.D.S.O. Approved CCSB.
16. Brake Block WA/BG-6158
17. CASNUB 22W(M) bogie, brake WD-85084-S/1, WD-88012-S/1,
beam, brake head & block assembly WD-86034-S/1
18. Brake beam [Other than CASNUB WD-89033-S/1
A. Axle
An axle is a steel shaft on which the wagon/rolling stock wheels are mounted. The
axle holds the wheels to gauge and transmits the load from the journal bearing to the
wheels. The carriage & Wagon axle is made of steel to specification No. IRS-R-16.
Its journal portion is suitably designed to mount a bearing. The axle can be divided
into the following portions: -
i. The portion between the wheel seats is called the axle body
ii. Wheel seat on either side.
iii. Shoulders just after the wheel seat on either side.
iv. Journal just after the shoulder on either side.
The portion of the axle on which the wheel is pressed is known as the wheel seat.
The seat is fine to finish machined as per drawing requirements. The shoulder
portion is also fine finish machined as per the drawing.
Two small axle centers are drilled on end surfaces on the axle. These holes facilitate
the turning of the axle on center lathes, grinding/furnishing of the journals, and
turning of the tyre on the wheel lathe.
The axle on which bearings are mounted should have a surface finish and ovality as
per the drawing. To facilitate the locking of the bearing in position, three holes are
built and tapped on each face of the axle.
Wheel Seat Condemnin
S. Drawing No. Of Axle
Type Of Wagons Dia. In New g Wheel
No. Finished Axle Load(T)
Finished Seat Dia. **
1. WD-89025-S-02 22.9 (Fitted with CASNUB 213 mm 207 mm
2. WD-89025-S-02 25* (Fitted with CASNUB 213 mm 211 mm
22 NLC Bogies)

165 | Page
3. WD-89025-S-02 22 BLC WAGONS 213 mm 207 mm
4. SK-69601 22.9 BOZ, BOXN (with 210 mm 207 mm
5. WD-92064-S-01 22.9 BWT/A, BWL 210 mm 202 mm
6. WD-15020/S-02 25t BOXNS 214 mm 211 mm
*Axle to Drg No. WD-89025-S-02 used in BOXN EL/BOY EL etc wagons having
CASNUB NLC Bogie up to 25t axle load.
** Refer to RDSO’s Letter No. MW/WA/GENL dated - 05.03.2003 & MW/25t dated-
27.11.2006 on the subject ‘Condemnation of Axles due to wheel seat dia.’.
The specially designed Cast or Forged steel cylindrical element that rolls on
the rail, carries the weight, and provides guidance for rail vehicles.
Only solid wheels are in use on air brake freight stock.
List of drgs. for wheels of different wagons is as under;
S.No Drawing No. Axle Type of wagons
1. W/WL-4764 SK-68512 22.9 BOXN, BCN, BRN, BOBR, BTPN, BOY
WAP/SK/M 153
2. CONTR-9404-S/13 OR 20.3/ BLC, BLCS, BOXNS, BFNV etc
WAP/W-004 22.0/ WAGONS
3. SK-69601 22.9 BOBS MK-II, BOZ
4. W/WL-4771 22.9 BWT/A, BWL
5. WD-89025-S-05 20.3 BOX, BOX MK-1, BOX MK-II, BVZC




The last shop issue size and the condemning dia of different wheels shall be
as per RDSO Drg.No.WD-88089/S-1 given below;

166 | Page
S. Axle (t) Drg. No. Nom. Dimensions
No A B C D E
1. 22.9 W/WL-4764*/SK-68512 1000 897 850 906 919
2. 22.9 WAP/SK/M/153 1000 897 - 906 919
* OR


3. 22.9 SK69601 1000 897 850 906 919

4. 22.9 W/WL-4771 915 804 761 813 826
5. 20.3 W/WL-4750 1000 851 814 860 873
6. 20.3 WD-89025/S-5 1000 851 814 860 873
7. 20.3/22.0 CONTR-9404-S-13 OR 840 771 730 780 793

8. 25.0 CONTR-9404-S-13 OR 840 771 730 780 793

* Minimum service diameter of wheel disc in 25 T axle load having CASNUB 22
NLC bogie like BOXNEL, BOYEL, etc. is 950 mm. The last shop issue size of such
wheels is 963 mm.

167 | Page
168 | Page
Fig. 6.18 Intermediate Profile (WD-89060/S-2),

169 | Page
Fig. 6.18 Intermediate Profile (WD-89060/S-2),

170 | Page
Fig. 6.18 Intermediate Profile (WD-89060/S-2)

171 | Page
Defective axles, which cannot be repaired, otherwise, are required to be replaced.
The axles requiring replacement are pressed out of the wheels discs on a Wheel
Press specially designed for this purpose. After machining new axles to the required
size, wheel discs are pressed on them on the press.
After the wheel discs are pressed out, the bore shall be machined to a specified
finish as per drawings on a vertical boring machine. The depth of cut should be
minimum possible, just enough to remove the irregularity of the surface and to
ensure a fine finish machined surface. The finished size of the bore should be taken
and the wheel seat of the axle should be surface finish/roughness machined
accordingly to a higher diameter giving allowance for the required interference fit.
The selective assembly of Wheels and axles will be done to obtain an interference
between wheel seat and bore of 1 mm per meter (0.001 mm per mm) dia. of wheel
seat and to ensure assembly pressure build-up of 400 to 600 Kg. per mm. dia. of
wheel seat. During assembling process/assembly of wheel and axle shall satisfy
Para -2, 3, 5 & 7 of IRS specification R-19/93 Part I.
While pressing the wheel, care should be exercised to see that the pressing is
stopped at a pre-marked correct location on the inner side of the wheel seat.
At the time of re-axling, the following points are to be ensured:-
i. Before mounting the wheels on axles, carefully clean the wheel seat and bore
of the wheel to remove rust grit, chips, and grease.
ii. Coat wheel seat and bore with a mixture of basic carbonate white lead and
boiled (not raw) linseed oil to avoid scoring of the mounting surface.
iii. Keep special care so that wheel-seat and bore and not damaged during
mounting operation.
iv. The mounting press must have a dial pressure gauge and a pressure recording
v. Mount the wheels centrally on the axle at a proper gauge distance.
vi. The recorder must be maintained and kept properly adjusted all the time.
vii. Check wheel mounting and check gauge frequently so that excessive wear
does not allow improper mounting of wheels.
viii. Stamp at the front Hub edge for the re-discing particulars as per RDSO Drg.
No. WD-87080/S-1 to facilitate tracing of the history of the wheels.
ix. After mounting of wheels on the axle apply a rail gauge at three or more
equidistant points around the circumference to see that the wheels are within
gauge limits.
To remove irregular surfaces on the profile caused due wear in service re- profiling
is to be done. In service, some of the wheels develop defects beyond the
permissible limit for safe turning. Such wheels are to be withdrawn and should be
sent to the workshop for removing the defects. The wheel requiring re-profiling shall
be turned to worn wheel profile or to intermediate profile to RDSO Drg. No. WD-
88021 or WD –89060/S-2 respectively.

172 | Page
On receipt of wheels in wheel shop, the diameter of both the discs at wheel tread
should be measured. Sometimes wheel with unequal dia. on the same axle are
received. Many times skidded wheels are received due to which tyre surface at
some spots gets hard. Such spots can not be machined on wheel lathes available in
many workshops. Such wheels should be sent to the re-profiling section for
softening the hard spots on suitably designed furnaces. After softening, the wheels
should be sent to tyre turning section.
Tyre turning is done on a specially designed wheel lathe. The root radius, vertically
inclined surface and radius on the top of the flange are difficult portions to be
machined. To machine these portions, specially designed gadgets are provided on
the Tool ports.
While tyre-turning, the following should be kept in mind:-
i. The wheel gauge, i.e. the distance between the flanges of the 2 wheels of the
same axle should be within the laid down limit. The aspect has to be particularly
ensured when new tyres have been fitted. On old tyres normally the distance is
correct. But in some cases where the machining has not been done accurately in
the past, the distance may be beyond the permissible limit. If the distance is less
it can be corrected by machining the side surface of the wheel. In case the
distance is more, the wheel shall require re-axling. It is very important that the
turner of the wheel lathe checks this distance at the time of turning in addition to
the check done by incoming Inspection staff. The laid down distance is 1600 +2/-1
mm for BG.
ii. The variation in tread diameter of wheel tread/ tyres on the same axle after fresh
turning on the surface wheel lathe/ underfloor wheel lathe/pit wheel lathe should
not exceed 0.5 mm. The turner normally machines the wheels to equal
diameters. However, small variations may occur if the cut has not been taken
carefully. After finishing the operators should assure dia of both wheels. If the
difference is more than 0.5 mm he should take another cut on the tyre has a
large diameter.
Different wheels fitted on a wagon are to be paired. Normally it is done in the Lifting
section of the wagon shop. Where the large number of wheels of the same type are
turned on each day, no difficulty is experienced for such pairing. However, when the
supply of wheels to the Lifting section is from hand to mouth such pairing for the
days requirement has to be done in the tyre, turning a section of the Wheel shop
itself. Pairing in a Wheel shop also becomes necessary for the special tyre of wheels
received in small numbers. When pairing is done in the Wheel shop, it becomes
necessary to turn such wheels even to lesser diameters than is required from the
point of view of wear. For such cases, specific instructions should be given to the
turner of the wheel lathe. The variation in tread diameter should be as per Clause of IRCA Part III.
The wheels are required to be withdrawn from service for the following major
i) Reached condemning limits
ii) Flat places/skidded

173 | Page
iii) Flanges sharp/deep/thin
iv) Too insufficient radius at the root of flange
v) Gauge slack/tight
vi) Cracked or broken
Defects i) to iv) mentioned above are detected with the help of tyre Defect Gauge.
Defect as in item (v) is checked by Wheel Gauge. Defect as in item (vii) is
determined by visual examination.
Permissible maximum flat surfaces on tread are as under:
Wagon Type -BG Wagons
Permissible Flat Surface -60 mm
(i) For the proper method of using Tyre Defect Gauge, please refer to IRCA Part III.
(ii) The wheel may be passed provided the minimum thickness of the flange is 16
(iii)Wheel must not be allowed to run if flanges are worn to knife edge but may be
passed if the radius is not less than 5 mm.
(iv) Wheels with too small a radius at the root of the flange should not be allowed to
remain in service.
Grease to RDSO’s Specification No. WD-24- MISC-2003 is to be used in CTRB.
Before applying the grease, clean all the equipment to be used for lubrication. Apply
grease to every single assembly and between the roller and cage assemblies in the
quantity as given below:
Amount of grease to be applied
To Single Roller Roller
Types of CTRBs Assembly (Each Assembly Total + 20 gm
Cone Assembly) (Around
Class -E/ Upgraded Class-E 115 gm 160 gm 390 gms
Class-K -- -- 290gms
The following are the recommended practices for long life and trouble-free operation
of Cartridge Tapered Roller bearings:
(a) Recommended Practices for Railway Workshops:
(Refer to Maintenance manual G-81 for class-E/Upgraded Class-E and G-113
for Class-K CTRBs and instructions/ guidelines issued from time to time from
Railway Board and RDSO)

174 | Page
i) Cleaning, inspection, and assembly of cups & cones to be done in a controlled
environment to avoid ingress of dust particles.
ii) 100 % checking of groove depth of seal wear ring and re-use of only correct wear
ring or replace with a new one. The use of seal wear rings with vent holes needs

to be stopped immediately. The use of a proper measuring instrument is

required for seal wear ring groove depth.

iii) The bearing mounting machine needs to be periodically calibrated for its proper
working at a specified force (50±5 Tons) with ensuring holding for a specified time
(5 seconds). Use of the proper fixture (tooling) needs to be ensured. The
pressure–force conversion configuration for the specified machine may be
prominently displayed near the mounting area for the benefit of the mounting

Checking of journal diameter at three locations with snap gauges may be

enforced for ensuring specified fits to obtain the desired mounting force.

iv) Checking of fillet radius after proper cleaning for correct seating/ fitment of the
backing ring may be ensured. Backing rings with vent holes should not be
reused. They should be replaced with plugged backing rings or new backing

175 | Page

v) Proper tightening of end cap screws with periodically (monthly) calibrated torque
wrench at specified torque may be ensured on wheel sets. The specified torque
should be maintained to 40 Kg – m (290 foot-pounds) for Class-E/Upgraded and
58 Kg-m (420 foot-pounds) for Class-K CTRBs. The torque wrench must be
maintained with an accuracy of +/- 4% (Maximum). Minimum 2 passes and
maximum 5 passes to be applied to ensure proper clamping. If any screw
movement persists after 5 passes check for any irregularity.

vi) Axle threads to be checked with Go- No Go gauge and Axle thread holes should
be cleaned by compressed air.
vii) The inside surface of the Adapter is required to be checked for wear on thrust
shoulder and bearing seating area/adapter machined relief with proper gauges
(Sample gauge is depicted below). Gauging as per G 95 may be ensured.

176 | Page
viii) Assembly of bogie using properly checked adopter may be ensured.
Railway workshops must manufacture/procure specified gauges for this
checking. Cups should be checked for wear patterns seen on the cup outside
diameter as it reveals excessive wear of the adapter. The figure below shows
normal wear bands present on cup OD generated from a serviceable adapter.

Wear bands formed due to excessively worn-out adapters are illustrated below.
In the case of a fully worn-out adapter, the cup starts contacting the adapter at
the ends also. Worn-out adapters must be scrapped. Displaced adapters also
form two distinguishing marks on the cup's outside diameters. And such cups
must be examined for spalls being generated on raceways under the adapter
contact areas.

ix) Checking of the mounted end lateral play may be ensured on each mounted
CTRB. This is critical to bearing performance. With correct mounted, lateral more
roller share the load. As a result, the peak load on individual rollers is less.
Excessive mounted lateral causes high peak roller loads. As a result of fewer
rollers sharing the load. This reduces fatigue life.

177 | Page
x) Welding on the wagon after lowering of bogie shall be avoided as far as possible.
If any welding work is done after assembly of the wagon proper earthling shall
be ensured (specifically in odd hours) so that electric current does not pass
through the bearings. The earthing should be done very close to the welding area
and the earthing wire should be tightly secured at both ends. Alternatively, the
earthing can be done with an earthing wire/strip running parallel to the track
instead of earthing with the rails. If the wagon is not properly earthed the current
passing through the bearings will cause arcing in between the rollers and the
raceways leading to failure. All the earthling ports may be properly grounded
through periodically calibrated earth pits. One of the recommended schemes of
earthing is shown below:

xi) A separate investigation of defective CTRBs coming from divisions may be


xii) The fitment of cups and cones of the same make in overhauled CTRBs may
be ensured. To the extent possible they may be maintained with similar age

178 | Page
xiii) The stamping of overhauling date & workshop code may be done on the
backing ring of CTRB also as per RDSO letter no. MW/WA/Genl dated
xiv) Handling of wheelsets with proper lifting tackles shall be ensured. Use of wire
slings for the lifting of wheel sets may be avoided. Similarly, securing wire
ropes near the bearing area while pulling the wagon may also be avoided.
Periodic audits of CTRB fitment/maintenance including wheel handling to be
done using check sheets already circulated vide RDSO letter no. MW.
CTRB.D dated 23/12/2010.
(b) Recommended Practices for ROH Depots:
1. The area, where bearings are opened for UST of the axle, must have a
controlled environment.
2. Proper visual examination of bearings to be done. Some important aspects to be
checked are as under:
2.1 Overheating, such as discoloration or parts fused.

2.2 Check for loose and/or missing cap screws.

2.3 Check that all tabs of the locking plate are properly bent up against the flats of
the cap screw heads in the loosening direction.

179 | Page
2.4 Inspect for damage or wear to the end cap from a displaced adapter.

2.5 Examine the bearing for welding damage or exposure to extreme heat, such as
from a cutting torch. Remove the bearing from service if you find any damage.

2.6 Check for cracked or broken outer rings (also called bearing cups).

2.7 Inspect for a loose backing ring. If you can move or rotate the backing ring
by hand, remove the bearing from service.

180 | Page
2.8 Check the backing ring for damage or wear from a displaced adapter.

2.9 Check whether the grease seal is displaced or cocked or has external damage.

3. While carrying out wheel turning, the prescribed dummy/protective covers (as
mentioned in clause 6.22 & shown in Drawing No. WDIIA-8514/S-1, included in
Annexure of G-81) on bearing may be used.
4. Proper tightening of end cap screws with periodically (monthly) calibrated torque
wrench at specified torque may be ensured on wheel sets. The specified torque
should be maintained to 40 Kg – m (290 foot-pounds). The torque wrench must
be maintained with an accuracy of +/- 4% (Maximum). Minimum 2 passes and
maximum 5 passes to be applied to ensure proper clamping. If any screw
movement persists after 5 passes check for any irregularity.
5. Handling of wheel sets is to be done by using the prescribed lifting tackle and not
wire ropes which can damage the grease seals.
6. In case bogie(s) are dismantled for any purpose, the adapter must be thoroughly
inspected for soundness and wear. Gauging must be done as specified in G 95.
7. Ensure the Adapter is properly placed on CTRB. Most bearings will “creep” in
service, creating two wear bands as pictured below. This is a normal condition
that also causes wear to the adapter’s seat pads

181 | Page
Wear bands that extend to the end of the outer ring, as shown on the left side of the
image below, indicate an excessively worn adapter seat. A shiny edge at the
extreme end of the outer ring, as shown on the right side of the image below, is an
indication that the thrust shoulder is worn. Replace the adapter if either of these
conditions exists.

8. Whenever wagons or bogies fitted with CTRBs require welding in ROH

Depots/Sicklines, special attention should be paid so that electric current does
not pass through the bearings. The earthing should be done very close to the
welding area and the earthing wire should be tightly secured at both ends.
Alternatively, the earthing can be done with an earthing wire/strip running parallel
to the track instead of earthing with the rails. If the wagon is not properly earthed
the current passing through the bearings will cause arcing in between the rollers
and the raceways leading to failure.
9. The stamping of overhauling date on the backing ring of CTRB has been advised
to be done by workshops on each overhauled bearing to ensure traceability. In
case CTRBs fitted wheels are found to be overdue overhauling in course of
ROH/Sick line examination to the wagon, such wheels must be sent to the
nominated workshop for overhauling.
(Railway Board Letter No. 2015/M(N)/951/32 dated 04.10.2017)
To ensure a proper inspection and timely withdrawal of overdue CTRBs from
service, instructions have been issued from time to time based on feedback from
the POH workshop and ROH depot.
In order to ensure easy identification of the approximate residual service period of

182 | Page
the CTRB before the next overhauling, the following methodology needs to be
a) During POH end caps screws are must-change items. The end cap screws fitted
by POH workshops should be fitted without any painting on their heads. This
should ensure that any end cap with unpainted cap screws in service indicates
that the CTRB is within the first ROH cycle after its overhauling.
b) During the first ROH, one of the CTRB end cap screws head shall be required to
be painted with golden yellow color on its head. This would indicate during the
service that the CTRB has crossed one ROH cycle from its last overhauling.
c) Similarly, during the second ROH, one additional cap screw will be painted
yellow on the head so that it has two cap screws painted yellow. This should
indicate that the CTRB has crossed two ROH cycles from its last overhauling.
d) In certain wagon types, where there are 3 ROH schedules prescribed during the
first POH cycle. In such wagons, during the third ROH, the 3 rd cap screw shall
also paint yellow to indicate that the CTRBs have crossed the 3 rd ROH. This shall
be applicable to new CTRBs fitted in new wheels which are received in new
e) Since during wheel turning & UST, the wheels are moving on the shed floor of
the ROH depot without an end cap, ROH depots would need to make suitable
temporary marking on wheels, to identify the ROH status of the CTRBs fitted on
f) While fitting CTRBs back into a wagon in ROH depots, it must be ensured that
only CTRBs with cap screws have one particular type of painting scheme (One
cap screw painted/two cap screw painted/three cap screw painted) are strictly
placed under a wagon undergoing ROH.
g) Wagons undergoing the last ROH before their next POH should be fitted with
CTRBs with two/three (as the case may be) end cap screws painted yellow.
h) The existing instructions regarding CTRB of BCN and other wagon classes
having 2year ROH and 6-year POH cycle being fitted into the same group during
ROH shall continue to be followed.
i) The NXTR concerned shall be making sample checks to ascertain whether the
marking on caps screw is strictly being done in terms of the above directives and
fitment on wagons with a different type of CTRB as per the above scheme.
(d) Recommended practices during incoming train examinations in yards
1. Detection of warm bearings on the arrival of the train. Check the operating
temperature of the bearing by touching the adapter or underside of the bearing
cup with bare hands immediately after the vehicle is halted. If it is found
impossible to hold the hand for a few seconds on the adapter or the cup it means
that the bearing is running hot. Cross-check the bearing temperature with
temperature sensing handheld pyrometers/sensors giving a direct reading of the
bearing. If the bearing temperature is more than 90 degrees centigrade the
wagon should be detached and bearings should be removed from the service.
2. Check for any abnormal sound and/or grinding noise.
3. Visually inspect the bearing for defects like the broken cup, loose or damaged

183 | Page
grease seals, broken adapters, missing cap screws, broken /distorted end cap,
and broken locking plate. Check for loose backing rings, and missing side frame
key. Any of these conditions are reasons for bearing removal.
4. Checking of displaced adapters [as mentioned in clause 6.1.1(d) of G-81].
5. Availability of adapter retaining nut & bolt in wide jaw bogies.
(e) Axle Box Feeling of Freight Trains
The procedure of axle box feeling is as under:
1. Axle box feeling should be done immediately after the arrival of the train and two
technicians, one from the left and another from the right side should do the job.
2. Axle Box feeling must be done on the adapter or the underside of the CTRB cup.
3. Hand-held pyrometers should be used for detecting the temperatures; in addition,
the practice of feeling the boxes with the back side of palms should be followed.
Such pyrometers should be calibrated regularly. The wagons with axle boxes
having temperatures more than 90 Degree Celsius should be detached.
4. The axle boxes having grease oozing, burning small, missing/lost end cap bolts,
loose backing rings, grease seals, and burnt EM pads are the indicators of
potential hot box cases.
The above instructions should be displayed at the axle box feeling points for the
guidance of the technicians.
(RDSO Letter No. MW.RB.Genl Dated 20/21.11.2012)
(A) General Description
Cartridge Tapered Roller Bearings Class “E” (6”x11”) to RDSO STR No. AB/RB-39-
2002 (Rev. 3 with Amendment No.3) are being used on freight stock of IR. These
wagons are designed for 20.3/22.9t axle load and are in service on IR for about
three decades. Even though “E” Class CTRB is designed for up to 25t axle load, it
may not be suitable for 25t operation in Indian conditions.
Studies reveal that the L10 life of “E” Class bearing operating at 25t axle load will
reduce by 52%. The major difference in maintenance and operation practices of
American Railroad is extensive use of wayside Hot Box Detector and Acoustic
Bearing Detector which provide advance warning on the health condition of Axle
bearing and Bogie suspension. Whereas on IR, the condition of Axle bearings and
Bogie suspension is assessed by manual visual rolling in the examination which is
not so accurate and reliable as Hot Box Detectors and Acoustic Bearing Detectors.
In AAR, whenever wheels are re-profiled/changed the bearing must be removed
from service which is not so in IR where the bearings are inspected and
reconditioned during every POH.
A policy decision has therefore been taken to adopt “K” Class CTRB on the new
design of 25t axle load wagons to achieve high reliability between two successive
(B) Background
When the axle bends whilst rotating in heavy haul operations due to high wagon and

184 | Page
dynamic loads, small movements between the tight fitted cones and axle journal
cause fretting wear on the cone bores and journal outer diameter. This results in
what is known as cone bore growth, which damages the bearing seat and renders
cones unfit for further service. It also causes loss of internal clearance which leads
to further damage of bearing components and eventually causes a hot box set out.
The greater the bending arm moment the higher will be the chance of occurrence of
such kinds of abnormalities due to very high bearing loads. This axle deflection is
shown in Figure 1.0.

Fig: 1.0 Axle Deflection under load

Due to axle flexure as discussed in the above paragraph, fretting wear also occurs
between the back face of the cone and the seal wear ring, as well as the seal wear
ring and journal.
The AAR has specified a limit of 0.127 mm depth in the cone's back face for the
cone to be acceptable for further service. Cones with fretting wear greater than this
can be salvaged by machining the cone back face to a maximum of 0.254 mn depth.
Figure 1.1 illustrates typical cone back face fretting wear. The AAR has specified a
limit of 0.0508 mm depth for seal wear ring grooves in axle journals. If the groove is
deeper than this the axle must be repaired by returning the journal diameter to its
original size using expensive plating methods. Figure 1.2 shows the area damaged
by the seal wear ring grooving.

Fig: 1.1 Cone back face fretting wear Fig: 1.2 Groove caused by seal wear ring

Class E (6” X 11”) was introduced as a replacement for the widely used friction
journal bearings. This self-contained, pre-lubricated bearing package quickly

185 | Page
became the design of choice for the industry. Over time, rail operations evolved. The
industry was challenged to improve efficiency and productivity and lower costs. To
achieve this, freight-car weights increased, and trains were operated at higher
running speeds. Heavier loads caused more wear and tear on equipment, including
fretting wear. These factors raised concerns about bearing reliability. To meet these
growing challenges of increased loads, speeds, and longer wheel life, Class K (61/2”
x 9”) is finally accepted as a remedy for freight cars on Indian Railway.
Class K (61/2” x 9”) design provides for reduced journal axle flexure and less fretting
wear. Its compact design incorporates fewer components and hence fewer
maintenance problems. The Class K (61/2” x 9”) bearing also offers improved safety
and reliability and runs at lower operating temperatures and lower torque.
(C) Technical Features
RDSO’s STR No. AB/RB-41-2016 for Class ‘K’ (61/2” X 9”) Cartridge Tapered Roller
Bearings for freight stocks fitted with Light Weight Low Height (LWLH) bogies
(Narrow Jaw) for 25t axle load application.
(D) Dominating Features that make Class K (61/2” x 9”) CTRB better than
Class E (6” X11”):
1) Fretting Index Value: It is the measurement of failure occurring due to fretting
wear. The lesser the value of the Fretting Index, the lower will be its chances of
failure due to fretting wear.
Fretting Index Class K 0.30

Fretting Index Class E 1.0

The development of the class-K bearing had taught the rail industry the importance
of looking at the “fretting index” of an application. This calculated measurement
provides a strong indication of the potential for a bearing to experience cone back-
face wear. It is based on formulas for bending and shear and uses application inputs
that include bearing load, journal diameter, and the length (width) of the inboard
section of the bearing. The complete formula is shown in Figure 1.3.

Fig: 1.3 Groove caused by seal wear ring

Based on this formula, the fretting index for class K & class E can be determined.

186 | Page
This was achieved in the Brenco class-K bearing by shortening the backing ring, the
wear ring/seal area, and the center spacer area of the bearing.
2) L10 Life: It is defined as the number of hours in service that 90%
of bearings will survive.

L10 Life Class K 16 Lac Km

L10 Life Class E 10 Lac Km

3) Use of special type Low-Torque Seals1: Seals have the following add-on
a. It provides the best protection against water and other contaminants entering
the bearing cavity.
b. It works with significantly lower torque, which results in lower fuel operating
Seals1: Brief description of the seal is available at ANNEXURE I
4) It is coupled with less flexure due to increased axle guard diameter, the
Timken design provides the shortest distance between the cone face and the
dust guard. This design reduces the amount of movement and the resultant
5) A fitted backing ring design reduces the potential for water ingress and
resulting fretting corrosion in the axle fillet area.
6) Use of Polyamide cage2: This refined cage is made of reinforced polymer
and has demonstrated excellent performance. The main user benefits are
reduced friction, roller slip, wear and operating temperature, and improved
safety. Even under emergency running conditions, the unit operates without
7) Compact design: This principle offers decreased journal-length (Figure: 1.9)
opportunities and consequently lower axle bending, which allows higher
loads. The decreased distance between the rows of rollers improves internal
load sharing. The shorter axle journal design provides a longer and stiffer
guard. This reduces the stress on the crucial axle fillet area.

Journal size of class E (6” X11”)

Fig: 1.9 Comparison between Journal-length

187 | Page
8) By removing the seal wear ring (in Timken Design), axle grooving and
resulting scrapping of the seal wear ring or expensive repairs are eliminated.
(See the expanded view of Class K CTRB)
9) Use of Polymer spacer: Fretting corrosion between the backing ring and the
cone side face is caused by journal bending during operation. This corrosion
not only causes foreign particles to enter the bearing but also increases axial
bearing clearance, resulting in reduced performance and reliability. The
development target was to avoid fretting corrosion by changing the steel-to-
steel contact between the backing ring and the cone side face to steel-to-
polymer contact. A spacer of reinforced polymer material is clamped onto the
bearing components.
10) Premium Rail Grease3: premium rail grease is specifically formulated for use
in railroad car wheel journals. It lasts longer and provides better protection
against water etching compared to conventional freight journal greases.
Fortified with a high-performance corrosion inhibitor for increased bearing
protection, it can withstand the toughest conditions including humid
environments. It provides excellent mechanical shear stability, water
resistance, and oxidation stability for reliable performance. This lubricant
meets AAR specification M-942-98.

188 | Page
(E) Pictorial view of AP-2 Class ‘K’ bearing and its advantages

Fig: 1.20 Pictorial View of Class ‘K’ Bearing & its adevantages

189 | Page
(F) Constructional and Dimensional comparison between Class E (6” x 11”) & Class K (61/2” X 9”) CTRB
Exploded View of Class ‘E’ and Class ‘K’ bearing

Fig: 1.22 Class K( 6 /2” X 9” )
Fig: 1.21 Class E ( 6” X 11” )

190 | Page
Class ‘E’ Bearing comes under TIMKEN APTM bearing with
AAR approval nos. 1 & 1A

Class ‘K’ Bearing comes under TIMKEN APTM bearing with

AAR approval nos. 27

Fig: 1.23 Bearing Nomenclatures

191 | Page
(G) Designation Structure of bearing (FAG)

Class ‘E’ Class ‘K’

Features Bearing Class ‘K’ Class ‘E’

Journal- Less Compare to Class ‘E’ More Compare to Class
size ‘K’
Bore-size More Compare to Class ‘E’ Less Compare to Class
Roller High Compare to Class ‘E’ Low Compare to Class
density ‘E’
Seal wear Not available/Integrated Available
ring part of the inner ring(cone)

192 | Page
Diameters are averages
Approv RING
April - mm mm mm mm mm SPECER QUANTITY
mm (inch) mm (inch) ASSEMBLY
2011) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) (inch) ± 30gm
144.488 0.076 220.345 209.677 209.423 0.127 178.511 115 170 400
(5.6885) (0.003) (8.675) (8.255) (8.245) (0.005) (7.028) (4) (6) (14)
BRENCO/ 144.488 0.076 220.345 209.677 209.423 0.127 178.511 115 170 400
NBC (5.6885) (0.003) (8.675) (8.255) (8.245) (0.005) (7.028) (4) (6) (14)
144.488 0.076 220.345 209.677 209.423 0.127 178.511 115 170 400
FAG 32
(5.6885) (0.003) (8.675) (8.255) (8.245) (0.005) (7.028) (4) (6) (14)

144.488 0.076 220.345 209.677 209.423 0.127 178.562 115 170 400
SKF 23
(5.6885) (0.003) (8.675) (8.255) (8.245) (0.005) (7.030) (4) (6) (14)


Class -E (6” X 11”) CTRB

193 | Page
Diameters are averages AMOUNT OF GREASE
Make/ gram
Class ‘K’
(6 ½”X 9”) MAX. OUT OF OUT OF
(inch) mm (inch) (inch) (inch) ASSEMBLY
(inch) (inch) (inch)

BRENCO 157.175 0.076 249.555 238.252 237.998 0.127 191.211 170 15 355
(AAR-28& (6.1880) (0.003) (9.825) (9.380) (9.370) (0.005) (7.528) (6) (1/2) (12½)

TIMKEN 157.175 0.076 249.555 238.252 237.998 0.127 191.211 57 170 284
( AAR-27) (6.1880) (0.003) (9.825) (9.380) (9.370) (0.005) (7.528) (2) (6) (12)

Class K (61/2” X 9”) CTRB

194 | Page
(H) Operational parameters for which bearing class ‘K’ is designed

Operational Parameters Value

Track Gauge (mm) 1676
Maximum /Normal Axle Load 25
Weight of one wheel-set(Kg) (840 mm 1200(Appr.)
Dia. Wheel-Set)
Maximum/ Normal speed of wagon 130/100
Average run of wagon(Km/day) 500(Appr.)
Weight of wagon(tonnes) Empty
Condition 20(Appr.)
Loaded Condition(max.) 100
Type of brake system Air Brake(Graduated release )
Type of wheel braking Trade Braking (One brake block ‘K’
type per wheel)
Maximum braking force per wagon in 18955
loaded condition(Kg)
Wheel Trade Diameter (mm) New 840
Condemning 780
Atmospheric Temparature Range(°C)
Maximum 50
Minimum -10
Loaded to Empty ratio of wagon 80:20

195 | Page
606. Arrangement of springs in various CASNUB trolleys according to axle

196 | Page
(a) Nomenclature of Bogie:


Wide Jaw Modified Narrow Lightweight Belly shaped bolster High

Jaw Speed

Load Bearing springs and snubber springs:

CASNUB bogies are fitted with two groups of long travel helical springs nests. The
spring group for bogie for various axle load applications is shown in fig below.
Spring details are shown in WD 89069-S/1 (Common for all versions except
CASNUB– 22HS Bogie). The spring details for CASNUB – 22 HS bogies are shown
in WD –92058-S/5.
Damping: The suspension is provided with a load proportional friction damping
arrangement with the help of Mn steel Cast Wedge supported on the snubber
springs. The details of the snubbing arrangement are shown in fig below.



197 | Page
Spring nest spring gauging

(b) Grouping of Springs: (By strip method)

A. Group Band (Coloured) for in service springs (Maintenance group)
Matching both, load and snubber springs, is important. It is recommended
that springs having not more than 3 mm free height variation should be
assembled in the same group. The colored band should be provided for easy
identification of group height as indicated in the table.
All versions (except for CASNUB 22 HS)
No. of Outer Inner Snubber
I 260-257 262-259 294-291
II 257-254 259-256 291-288
III 254-251 256-253 288-285
IIII 251-248 253-250 285-282
Red 248-245 250-247 282-279
Group Outer Inner Snubber
I 260-257 243-240 293-290
II 257-254 240-237 290-287
198 | Page
III 254-251 237-234 287-284
IIII 251-248 234-231 284-281
Red 248-245 231-228 281-278
CASNUB 22 HS (Mod-1)
Group Outer Inner Snubber
I 253-250 225-222 304-301
II 250-247 222-219 301-298
III 247-244 219-216 298-295
IIII 244-241 216-213 295-292
Red 241-238 213-210 292-289
B. Group Band (Coloured) of NEW Springs,
Matching of both, load and Snubber springs, is important. It is recommended that
springs having less than 3 mm free height variation should be assembled in the
same group.
All versions (except for CASNUB-22 HS) Ref: DRG No.WD-83069-S/1
No. of Outer Inner Snubbe
Bands r
I 263-261 265-263 297-295
II 261-259 263-261 295-293
III 259-257 261-259 293-291
CASNUB- 22 HS, Ref: DRG. No.WD-92058-S-5
Group Outer Inner Snubber
I 263-261 243-241 293-291
II 261-259 241-239 291-289
III 259-257 239-237 289-287
CASNUB -22HS (Mod-1) BOSTHS, Ref: DRG No. WD-04017-S/4
Group Outer Inner Snubber
I 256-254 228-226 307-305
II 254-252 226-224 305-303
III 252-250 224-222 303-301
** Mixing of new and old springs should be avoided.

Type of spring Coil Dia. In Free height (in Condemning limit

(mm) mm) (In mm)

All visions (except for CASNUB-22HS)

199 | Page
Outer 25 260 245

Inner 16 262 247

Snubber 16 294 279

Outer 22 260 245

Inner 18 243 228

Snubber 18 293 278


Outer spring 21.5 253 238

Inner Spring 16.5 225 210

Snubber 16.5 304 289


200 | Page
(d) Spring Arrangement for Various CASNUB Trolleys

Speed as per
certificate (
Wagon type Bogie Number of springs per bogie Axle Empty Load
20.32 80 75
BOXN Outer -12, Inner-8, Snubber -4 22.32 80 60
22.82 80 60
Modified 22.32 80 70
BOXNM1 CASNUB 22 Outer -14, Inner-10, Snubber -4
22.82 80 60
BOXNEL Outer -14, Inner-14, Snubber -4 25.00 65 50
BOXNHS CASNUB 22HS Outer -14, Inner-12, Snubber -4 20.32 100 100
Modified 22.23 90 75
BOXNHSM1 CASNUB 22 Outer -14, Inner-14, Snubber -4
22.82 80 60
20.32 100 100
BOXNHA IRF 108 HS Outer -14, Inner-14, Snubber -4 22.1 100 100
22.82 100 75
BOXNHL CASNUB 22 Outer -14, Inner-14, Snubber -4 22.9 90 70
Modified 22.32 65 60
BOXNLWM1 CASNUB 22 Outer -14, Inner-14, Snubber -4
22.82 65 60
BOY CASNUB 22 Outer -14, Inner-10, Snubber -4 22.86 75 65
BOYEL Outer -14, Inner-14, Snubber -4 25.00 65 50
CASNUB 22 20.32 75 75
BOBYN Outer -14, Inner-08, Snubber -4
NLB 20.32 65 60
CASNUB 22 20.32 80 75
BCN Outer -14, Inner-08, Snubber -4
NLB 22.32 80 75
Modified 22.32 80 75
BCNM1 CASNUB 22 Outer -14, Inner-10, Snubber -4
22.82 80 60
CASNUB 22 20.32 80 60
BCNA Outer -14, Inner-08, Snubber -4
NLB 22.32 80 75
Modified 22.32 80 75
BCNAM1 CASNUB 22 Outer -14, Inner-10, Snubber -4
22.82 80 60
BCNAHS CASNUB 22HS Outer -14, Inner-12, Snubber -4 20.32 100 100
Modified 22.32 100 75
BCNAHSM1 CASNUB 22 Outer -14, Inner-14, Snubber -4
22.82 100 75
BCNHL Modified Outer -14, Inner-14, Snubber -4 22.9 75 70

201 | Page
20.32 80 75
BOST CASNUB 22HS Outer -14, Inner-12, Snubber -4
22.32 80 50
BOSTM1 CASNUB 22 Outer -14, Inner-14, Snubber -4 22.32 65 60
BOSTHS Outer -14, Inner-12, Snubber -4 20.32 100 100
(Mod – I)
BOSTHSM1 Outer -14, Inner-14, Snubber -4 22.32 80 60
(Mod – I)
BOSTHSM2 Outer -14, Inner-12, Snubber -4 22.32 100 60
(Mod – II)
BOBSN CASNUB 22 Outer -14, Inner-10, Snubber -4 22.9 75 75
BOBSNM1 Outer -14, Inner-14, Snubber -4 25.00 60 50
Speed as per speed
certificate (KMPH)
Wagon type Bogie Number of springs per bogie Axle Empty Load
BOBR CASNUB 22 Outer -14, Inner-08, Snubber -4 29.32 80 80
NLB 22.32 75 60
BOBRM1 Modified Outer -14, Inner-10, Snubber -4 22.32 75 60
BOBRN CASNUB 22 Outer -14, Inner-08, Snubber -4 20.32 70 75
NLB 22.32 65 60
BOBRNM1 Modified Outer -14, Inner-10, Snubber -4 22.32 80 60
BOBRNHSM1 Modified Outer -14, Inner-14, Snubber -4 22.32 65 60
BOBRNALHS Modified Outer -14, Inner-14, Snubber -4 22.32 65 60
BOBRNEL CASNUB 22 Outer -14, Inner-14, Snubber -4 25.00 65 50
BRN CASNUB 22 Outer -14, Inner-08, Snubber -4 20.32 80 75
BRNAHS CASNUB Outer -14, Inner-12, Snubber -4 20.32 100 100
BFNS CASNUB Outer -14, Inner-12, Snubber -4 20.32 100 80
BTPN CASNUB 22 Outer -14, Inner-08, Snubber -4 20.32 80 80
BTPGNL CASNUB 22 Outer -14, Inner-08, Snubber -4 20.32 80 75
BLCA 20.32 100 100
BLBC 20.32 100 100
202 | Page
BLLA 20.32 100 100
BLCA LCCF 20 ( C) Outer -14, Inner-12, Snubber -4 20.32 75 75
BLBC 20.32 75 75
double stock
BLCAM 22.00 100 95
BLCBM Modified LCCF Outer -14, Inner-14, Snubber -4
Double stock 20 ( C)
BCACM auto LCCF 20 ( C) Outer -14, Inner-12, Snubber -4 20.32 65 65
car wagon
BRHNEHS CASNUB 22 Outer -14, Inner-12, Snubber -4 20.32 65 50
BOXNS LWLH25 Outer -12, Inner-12, Snubber -8 25.00 80 100
Maintenance Issues of Springs:
1. Stacking System of Springs-
A 4-Tier system should be adopted for easy placement & removal of springs.
2. Spring loaded dial gauges-
Spring height gauges must be kept in the spring section.
Spring-loaded dial gauges may also be kept in line with NKJ depot.
3. Transportation of set of Springs
For safe transportation from sub-store to shop, rectangular wheeled trolleys
should be developed & kept in sections (Such trolleys are available in ROH
depot TKD & NKJ).
4. Colour Coding/Provision of Band
As of now, only local color coding is in practice in zonal Railways.
Marking of the colored band on springs is the most commonly
adopted system in ROH depots. It is recommended that
marking of bands may be done for easy grouping of springs in
the depots.
5. Cleaning of springs
The wire brush is being used for cleaning springs. The practice is useful & be

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607. Identification/Numbering of wagons wheels

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On the basis of type of release, the air brake system is classified as:
a) Direct release air brake system
b) Graduated release air brake system
Both Direct and Graduated releases are further available in two forms viz.
a) Single pipe and
b) Twin pipe
The diagram is shown in fig. 7.1 illustrates the schematic layout of air brake equipment
on the underframe of freight stock. As shown in the figure, the single pipe graduated
release air brake system consists of the following components: -
i) Distributor valve
ii) Common pipe bracket with control reservoir.
iii) Auxiliary reservoir.100 Litres & 75 Liters
iv) Three way centrifugal dirt collector.
v) Isolating cock.
vi) Brake cylinder 355mm diameter & 300 mm diameter.
vii) Cut off angle cock (32mm size on either end of brake pipe & feed
viii) Air brake hose coupling (32mm for brake pipe / 32 mm from feed
ix) Brake pipe/feed pipe (32mm bore).
x) Branch pipes from BP to brake equipment (20mm bore).
xi) Train Manager emergency brake valve.
xii) Pressure gauges for BP
xiii) Quick Coupling.
Recently, Bogie mounted Brake System (BMBS) has also been introduced for freight
stock. The details of BMBS for freight stocks are given in Para 729 of this chapter
Some of the Air Brake goods stock on IR is fitted with a single pipe graduated release
air brake system. In the single pipe, brake pipes of all wagons are connected. Also, all
the cut off angle cocks is kept open except the front cut off angle cocks of BP of the
leading loco and rear end cut off angle cock of BP of the last vehicle. Isolating cocks
on all wagons are also kept in open condition. The auxiliary reservoir is charged
through the distributor valve at 5.0 kg/cm2.

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Fig. 7.1

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A. Charging stage


During this stage, the brake pipe is charged to 5kg/cm 2 pressure which in turn charges
the control reservoir and auxiliary reservoir to 5 kg/cm 2 pressure via the distributor
valve. At this stage, the brake cylinder gets vented to the atmosphere through a
passage in the Distributor valve.
B. Application Stage


For the application of brakes, the pressure in the brake pipe has to be dropped. This is
done by venting air from the Loco Pilot’s brake valve. Reduction in brake pipe
pressure positions the distributor valve in such a way that the control reservoir gets
disconnected from the brake pipe and the auxiliary reservoir gets connected to the
brake cylinder. This increases air pressure in the brake cylinder resulting in the
application of brakes. The magnitude of braking force is proportional to the reduction
in brake pipe pressure

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Note: 1. Brake Application takes place when Brake pipe pressure is dropped.
2. The drop of pressure may be a) Intentional and b) Accidental.
C) Release stage

Fig. 7.4 RELEASE

For releasing brakes, the brake pipe is again charged to 5 kg/cm 2 pressure by the
compressor through the Loco Pilot’s brake valve. This action positions the distributor
valve in such a way that the auxiliary reservoir gets isolated from the brake cylinder
and the brake cylinder is vented to the atmosphere through the distributor valve thus
brakes are released
Some of the Air Brake goods stock on IR is fitted with a Twin pipe graduated release
air brake system. In the Twin pipe, brake pipes and feed pipes of all wagons are
connected. Also, all the cut off angle cocks is kept open except the front cut off angle
cocks of BP/ FP of the leading loco and rear end cut off angle cock of BP and FP of
the last vehicle. Isolating cocks on all wagons are also kept in open condition. The
auxiliary reservoir is charged to 6.0 Kg/cm2 through the feed pipe.
A. Charging stage
During this stage, the brake pipe is charged to 5 kg/cm 2 pressure and the feed pipe is
charged to 6 kg/cm2 pressure which in turn charges the auxiliary reservoir to 6 kg/cm2
pressure and control reservoir.is charged at 5 kg/cm 2 through brake pipe.At this stage,
the brake cylinder gets vented to the atmosphere through the passage in the
Distributor valve
B. Application Stage
For the application of brakes, the pressure in the brake pipe has to be dropped. This is
done by venting air from the Loco Pilot’s brake valve. Reduction in brake pipe
pressure positions the distributor valve in such a way that the control reservoir gets
disconnected from the brake pipe and the auxiliary reservoir gets connected to the
brake cylinder. This increases air pressure in the brake cylinder resulting in the
application of brakes. The magnitude of braking force is proportional to the reduction
in brake pipe pressure
Note: 1. Brake Application takes place when Brake pipe pressure is dropped.

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2. The drop of pressure may be a) Intentional and b) Accidental.
C. Release stage
For releasing brakes, the brake pipe is again charged to 5 kg/cm 2 pressure by the
compressor through the Loco Pilot’s brake valve. This action positions the distributor
valve in such a way that the auxiliary reservoir gets isolated from the brake cylinder and
the brake cylinder is vented to the atmosphere through the distributor valve and thus
brakes are released.
Do’s and Don’ts for Twin Pipe working of Freight Trains
1. Do ensure that all twin pipe Wagons are operated in CC rakes only.
2. Do ensure that the loco provided for the twin-pipe rake is having its twin pipe in
working condition.
3. Do ensure availability of a spare pool of twin pipe wagon & brake van, for
replacement, if required.
4. Do ensure availability of spare feed pipe in loco.
5. Do ensure that the brake van provided for twin-pipe working is having twin pipe
6. Do ensure BP coupling heads are marked with “BP” and painted in green.
7. Do ensure FP coupling heads are marked with “FP” and painted in white.
8. Do ensure that BP & FP hose couplings at the rear end of the train are placed on
their respective hose coupling supports.
9. Do ensure that pressure gauges for BP and FP are provided in the brake van.
10. Do ensure that brake pipe/feed pipe angle cocks are not closed under any
circumstance, either for isolation of wagons or for any purpose whatsoever, except
for carrying out shunting operation, after which the angel cocks should again be
opened to ensure continuity of brake pipe and feed pipe.
11. Do ensure that the isolating cock of the feed pipe of all the wagons is in the open
position. The handle of cock shall be vertically down when open and horizontal when
12. Do ensure that gauge in the Train Manager's compartment shows pressure not less
than 5.8 kg/cm2 in the feed pipe after the system is fully charged.
13. Do ensure that feed pipe hose coupling is connected to form a continuous passage
from the locomotive to the last vehicle.
14. Do ensure that feed pipe Cut off angle cocks, except at the rear of the train, are kept
15. Do ensure the availability of the quick coupling for attaching and detaching the
pressure gauges for BP/FP in brake van.
16. Do ensure that the leakage in brake system is less than 0.25kg/cm 2 per minute.
17. Do close BP/FP angle cocks of adjacent wagons to uncouple hose couplings.
1. Do not allow single pipe coupling.
2. Do not allow a feed pipe to be connected to the brake pipe anywhere in the train or
vice versa.
3. Do not allow a feed pipe hose coupling at the rear end to dangle.
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4. Do not allow the train to leave with leakage higher than specified.
5. Do not allow the train to leave with feed pipe pressure in loco and brake van less
than specified.
Items Description & dimensions Wagon Ref. Drg.


2. ISOLATING COCK 1 WD-83062-S-04
3. CHECK VALVE 1 WD-83062-S-03
4. PIPE 20 N.B. 1
5. PIPE 20 N.B. 1
Respected different drawings
6. PIPE 20 N.B. 1 of different wagons.
7. PIPE 32 N.B. (F.P.) 1
8. PIPE 32 N.B. (F.P.) 1
For easy identification of these wagons, „Twin Pipe‟ written in black letters on a yellow
background and encircled in a white band shall be marked on the side panel, one side
in English and the other side in Hindi as specified in RDSO drawings.
NOTE: For further details please refer to Annexure XIX of G-97 amendment No. 3 of
Jan. 2010 for “General guidelines for operation and examination of Twin Pipe Air
Brake system of the complete train” and RDSO repot No. MP. Guide No. 11 (Rev. -01)
“Procedure for checking of Diesel/Electric locomotive Hauled Air Braked Trains (Fitted
with twin pipe air brake system)”
A common pipe bracket is permanently mounted on the underframe of a vehicle. The
distributor valve along with the intermediate piece (sandwich) which houses the isolating
cock is mounted on one face of the common pipe bracket. The control reservoir is
mounted on the other face of the Common pipe bracket.
The Common pipe bracket has been evolved with the purpose of making it suitable for
use with any make of distributor valve adopted on Indian Railways.
A common pipe bracket is a sturdy casting with internal air passages, matching the
intermediate piece mounting face with accurately profiled air cavities and flanged ports
leading to the appropriate ports of the distributor valve.
Branch pipes to the brake pipe and brake cylinders are fitted on the appropriate ports on
the common pipe bracket. The advantage of fitting a common pipe bracket is to remove
the distributor valve for repair or replacement without disturbing the pipe connections.
The intermediate piece serves the purpose of blanking all the other ports on the
common pipe bracket front face other than required for a particular make of distributor
valve. Each type of distributor valve is mounted on the common pipe bracket with its
own intermediate piece (sandwich).

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The intermediate piece is mounted on the common pipe bracket face with a common
gasket and the distributor valve is fastened to the intermediate piece. Isolating cock for
the distributor valve, which is housed in the intermediate piece is for isolating the
distributor valve in case of malfunctioning or for disconnecting the brake pipe pressure.
Isolating cock on the intermediate piece has a built-in venting arrangement.

Fig. 8.5
In order to connect two successive wagons, the brake pipes (BP) & Feed Pipe (FP)
installed on the underframe are fitted with flexible hoses. The hoses are named BP/FP
To connect subsequent wagons, the hoses of BP are screwed to coupling and hose
nipple by means of stainless steel `Bend it‟ type clips. The coupling is specially
designed in the form of a palm end and is hence also known as palm end coupling. For
easy identification, the couplings are engraved with the letter BP and coupling heads
are painted green
Note: Design, controlling dimensions, material, and specification of components shall
conform to the latest revision of RDSO Drg. No. SK-73547 for BP, WD-81027-S-01 for
FP, and appendix F of 02 ABR 02 of RDSO specification.
The air brake hose couplings are provided in the brake pipe line throughout the train for
connecting the brake pipe of adjacent wagons to form the complete rake. Each Air
Brake Hose coupling consists of a specially manufactured rubber hose clamped over a
nipple on one end and a coupling head on the other end. Rubber sealing washers are
provided on the outlet port of the coupling head.
Since a joint is formed at the coupling head, leakage may take place, through it.
Therefore, it is necessary to subject the hose coupling of the brake pipe to a leakage
a) Test stand (Fig. 7.6)
Test stand for testing of the hose coupling consists of the following main
1) Supply of compressed air at – 10 Kg/cm2
2) Isolating cock – 1a and 1b
3) Exhaust cock – 1c
4) Main reservoir
5) Pressure gauge
i) 6a for the main reservoir

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ii) 6b for flexible hose
6) Flexible hose - for connecting hose coupling for immersing into the water.
7) Water tub with safety cage – for checking leakage from hose coupling.
8) Dummy coupling head.
For testing the hose coupling the steps given below should be followed:
i. Use a dummy coupling head to block the outlet port of the hose coupling.
ii. Connect to hose coupling under test to the end of flexible hose.
iii. Open isolating cock 1(a)
iv. Adjust pressure regulator (2) so that pressure gauge (6a) shows 10Kg./cm 2 air
v. Immerse the hose coupling assembly completely in the tub of water.
vi. Open isolating cock (1b) and see that (6b) shows 10 Kg/cm2 pressure.
vii. Observe leakage, if any from all parts of the hose coupling.
viii. Close the isolating cock 1(b).
ix. Disconnect the hose coupling from the test bed.
x. If the leakage is observed through the coupling head, replace the gasket and test
xi. If leakage persists even after the change of gasket the coupling head is
unserviceable and complete assembly shall be rejected. However, if leakage
occurs at the hose nipple or coupling end hose joint the clamp should be
attended/replaced to make the assembly leakproof.
i) Specified tools and fixtures should be used for connecting and disconnecting the
hose coupling with the air supply.
ii) While testing the hose coupling before charging it to 10kg/cm2 pressure, the tube
should be covered and locked with a protective cage.
iii) Exhaust the pressure from the hose coupling under test, before lifting the safety
cage and uncoupling it.
iv) After testing, the hose assembly shall be stored in a dry and clean space. The inlet
and outlet port must be plugged with a protective cap to prevent the entry of dust
and foreign particles inside the hose coupling.

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Fig. 7.7
Cut off angle cocks are provided on the air brake system to facilitate coupling and
uncoupling of air hoses (i.e., brake pipe). When the handle of the cut off angle cock is
placed in a closed position it cuts off the passage of compressed air, there by
facilitating coupling and uncoupling action.
If coupling action has to be performed on a given rake, ensure that the cut off angle
cock provided at the end of the brake pipes is closed. By doing this the compressed
air gets cut off and does not enter the brake pipe air hose. The air hoses without
compressed air can thus easily be coupled without any jerk. Similarly, during
uncoupling the cut off angle cocks of subsequent wagons should be closed. By doing
so the air present in the brake pipe air hose gets leaked through the vent provided in
the body of the cut off angle cock. Finally, the air hoses get emptied and thus can be
easily uncoupled without any jerk.
The cut off angle cock consists of two parts viz. cap and body which are secured
together by bolts. The cap and the body together hold firmly the steel ball inside it,
which is seated on a rubber seat. The ball has a special profile with the provision of a
groove at the bottom portion for venting the air into the atmosphere.
On the top surface of the body, a bore is provided for placing the stem, to which a self-
locking type handle is fixed. When the handle is placed parallel to the cut-off angle
cock the inlet port of the cut off angle cock body is connected to the outlet port,
through the hole provided in the steel ball. Thus, air can easily pass through the cock.
This position of the handle is known as the open position. When the handle is placed
perpendicular to the cock body the steel ball gets rotated and the spherical and groove
portion of the ball presses against the sealing ring at the inlet and outlet port, there by
closing the passage of inlet air and venting the outlet air through the vent hole. This
position of the handle is known as the closed position.
With the stem, one leaf spring is provided which presses the operating handle
downwards. By virtue of this, the handle gets seated in deep grooves at the ON/OFF
position resulting in a mechanical lock.
Under normal working conditions, the handle of all cut off angle cock of BP are kept
open except the rear-end angle cock (BP). This facilitates in charging the complete air
brake system with compressed air supplied by the compressor housed in the
locomotive. Cut off angle cock fitted on the brake pipe is painted green.
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Note: The dimension and tolerances of cut off angle cock shall be as indicated in the
latest revision of RDSO drawing nos. WD-88123-S-01 and WD-88123-S-02.
Since a number of manufacturers exist for air brake equipment and component, refer
to the concerned original manufacturer’s maintenance manual for part no. and
description of spares.
These angle cocks are of ball-type ensuring better sealing against leakage and
facilitating ease of operation. During overhauling, it is dismantled for cleaning,
replacement of parts, and checking for effective functioning.
The cut-off angle cock is to be completely dismantled and overhauled during POH or
when there is some specific trouble.
The following tools and fixtures are required for overhauling
(I) Single end spanner.
1) A/F 17 for M10 nut pivot screw.
2) A/F 10 for M6 nut.
(II) Screw driver 12”/300 mm long.
(III) Vice.
(IV) Light hammer.
b) PROCEDURE Dismantling
i) Hold the cut–off angle cock in the vice.
ii) Unscrew the lock nut from the stem.
iii) Take out the handle assembly (The handle assembly need not be dismantled
further unless it is necessary to change the plate spring i.e. if it is found, heavily
rusted, pitting crack or the spring is permanent set).
iv) Unscrew the four hexagonal bolts and spring washers.
v) Detach cap from the body.
vi) Remove ‘O’ ring and ball seat from the cap.
vii) Turn the stem in such a way that the ball can be pulled from the stem.
viii) Slightly hammer the stem at its top and take out the stem through the bore of
the body.
ix) Remove the ball seat from the body.
c) Cleaning of Parts
i) Clean out the side portion of the body and cap with a wire brush.
ii) Direct a jet of air to remove the dust.
iii) Clean all metallic parts with kerosene oil and wipe dry.
d) Replacement of Parts
i) Replace all rubber parts.
ii) Replace spring-washer, nut & bolts in case they are excessively corroded or
219 | Page
iii) Replace the handle spring if it is found heavily rusted, is having pitting crack, or is
permanently set (Dismantle the handle assembly, and fit a new spring along with a
snap head rivet).
iv) Replace stainless steel ball if found with scratch marks on the outer surface or
e) Assembly
i) Insert the two “O” rings in their respective grooves on the stem.
ii) Keeping the threaded end of the stem first, insert the stem into the body through
the bore of the body.
iii) Place one ball seat in its groove inside the body.
iv) Position the ball after correctly aligning its venting slot in the bore of the body.
v) Place the second ball seat and “O” ring in their respective positions on the
vi) cap.
vii) Secure the body and cap by Hex. Hd. Bolt (M6) and spring washer (for M6).
viii) Place the handle assembly on the stem and secure it with Hex. Hd. Nut (M10).
ix) During assembly apply a light coat of shell MP2 or equivalent grease on the
external surface of the threads and the ball.
i. Test Bench
ii. Compressor to build pressure more than 10 kg/cm2.
iii. Single ended spanner as per IS 2027
a) Across face 17 (for M10 lock nut) - 1 No.
b) Across Face 13 (for M8 studs) 2 No.
iv. Screw driver –300mm, 1 No.
v. 1 ¼ “ BSP dummy Plug with seal.
vi. Dummy plug for angle cock.
Following the test procedure should be adopted step by step for performing the
leakage test.
i. Mount the angle cock on the base of the test bench (Part No. 7 of the figure of
the test bench).
ii. Move the handle to the closed position.
iii. See that cock (1e) and (1c) are in closed position.
iv. Now open cock 1(a) and 1(b) till MR indicates a pressure of 10 Kg/Cm2.
v. If necessary, adjust pressure regulator (2) to maintain the pressure at 10 kg/Cm 2.
vi. Open cock (1c) and check the leakage with the soap solution. There should not
be any leakage.
vii. Check pressure drop in gauge (6b) there should not be any leakage from flange
220 | Page
joints, vent, and outlet port of the angle cock.
viii. Close cock (1c) and tighten the dummy plug and seal the outlet of the angle
ix. Move the handle to the open position. Open cock 1c.
x. Check for leakage from body and cap joint, vent, and all over the stem periphery
using soap water. No leakage is permissible.
xi. Move the handle to the closed position and notice a short blast of air through
the vent.
xii. Close cock 1c then Open cock (1d) and exhaust the pressure to zero.
xiii. Remove the angle cock.
xiv. Report results of the test.
i) Specified tools and fixtures should be used for assembly and disassembly
ii) The small metal parts like leaf spring, nut, bolts, washers, screws etc should be
kept in a safe place and replaced in case found defective.
iii) Inlet and outlet port of the tested angle cock should be plugged with protection
cap to prevent entry of dust and moisture inside the cut off angle cock.
iv) Ball should be handled carefully to avoid any damage on its surface.
v) Threaded portion of body and cap should not be damaged at the time of

(Note: Anti-rattler ring shall be provided on brake cylinder for passenger stock)
On every wagon fitted with an air brake system, one brake cylinder is provided for
actuating the brake rigging for the application and release of brakes.
221 | Page
During the application stage, the brake cylinder receives pneumatic pressure from the
auxiliary reservoir after being regulated by the distributor valve. There after the brake
cylinder develops mechanical brake power by outward movement of its piston
assembly. To transmit this power to the brake shoe, the push rod of the piston
assembly is connected to the brake shoe through a system of levers to amplify and
transmit the brake power. During the release action of brakes, the compression spring
provided in the brake cylinder brings back the rigging to its original position.
The cylinder body is made out of sheet metal or cast iron and carries the mounting
bracket, air inlet connection, ribs, and flange. To the cylinder body, a dome cover is
fitted with the help of bolts and nuts. The dome cover encloses the spring and the
passage for the piston trunk, which is connected to the piston by screws. The piston is
of cast iron having a groove in which piston packing is seated. Piston packing of
rubber material which is oil and abrasion resistant and unaffected by climatic changes.
It is snap fit to the piston head and has a self-lubricating characteristic which ensures
adequate lubrication over a long service period and extends seal life considerably
The piston packing also seals the air- flow from the pressure side to the other side and
is guided by the wear ring. The wear ring prevents friction between the cylinder body
and the piston head. The piston sub-assembly incorporates a push rod, which can
articulate and take minor variations in alignment during fitment/operation.
Note: The dimension and tolerances of the brake cylinder shall conform to the latest
revision of RDSO drawing numbers WD-92051–S 06, WD-92051-S-07, WD-92051-S-
08, WD-92057-S-09, WD 92051 –S-09, WD 94048-s-01, WD 92051 –S-11, WD92051
–S-12, WD 92051 –S-13, WD 92051 –S-14, and WD 92051 –S-15.
The brake cylinder has to be thoroughly overhauled for efficient and reliable trouble-
free performance during its prolonged service life. The complete overhauling of the
brake cylinder is to be carried out during POH or when there is some specific trouble.

Sr. No. Description

1. Torque Wrench 0-3 Kg range

2. Double End Spanner 24x27 mm across the face (For M16)
3. Double End Spanner across face 13x14 (For M12)
4. Socket Wrench 19 mm (For M12)
5. Screw driver 12" (300 mm)
6. Special fixture (Screw press/ Pneumatic)
7. Gauge for examining bore of the cylinder
b) Dismantling of Brake Cylinder
Before dismantling the dome cover insert a rounded head pin of 12x25 long and
secure one of the holes in the piston trunk for the purpose of safety to prevent the
dome cover from working out of the piston rod due to the cylinder return spring force
while opening the dome cover with the help of a special fixture clamp the dome cover.
i) Unscrew the Hex. Hd. nut and take out the spring washer on the dome cover.
ii) Turn the handle of the fixture to release the clamp and withdraw the holding clamp
222 | Page
of the fixture till the return spring inside the cylinder is fully expanded and free.
iii) Remove the dome cover and take out the return spring.
iv) Remove the bush on the rod and brake cylinder.
v) Remove the piston rod sub-assembly, piston ring packing, wear ring and slide out
the anti rattler ring from the piston rod.
vi) Unscrew the CSK, and head screw and separate the piston, pin, piston trunk &
piston rod assembly.
vii) Unscrew the brake cylinder plug at the rear end.
c) Cleaning of Parts
i) Blow a jet of air to clean the dust on the external surface.
ii) Clean the metallic parts using a wire brush and kerosene oil.
iii) Clean the internal parts with a nylon bristle brush.
iv) Clean piston packing, wear ring, and rubber parts with a soap water solution.
d) Replacement of Parts
i) Replace return spring in case of crack, kinks, or permanent set.
ii) Replace the brake cylinder body if found with deep marks, heavily corroded, or the
bore is worn unevenly or has ovality.
iii) Replace all rubber parts.
iv) If the piston trunk is worn excessively it should be replaced.
v) Replace piston and piston rod for damages, bent, etc.
vi) Replace dome cover for damage, damaged hole, etc.
e) Inspection and Repairs of the Parts
Examine visually that the internal surface is free from scratches, and rust.
i) Brake cylinder bore to be checked for ovalness with proper gauge.
ii) Check the characteristics of the return spring.
iii) Piston trunk to be checked for wear and tear.
iv) Pin and piston rod should be checked for wear.
v) Dome cover shall be checked for excessive wear and if worn build up with welding
and thereafter re-bore to the required size.
vi) Gauge bush bore of the piston rod, replace it if worn.
f) Testing Of Brake Cylinder Body for Leakage
Before assembly, put a dummy plate on the dome side and subject the brake cylinder
to hydraulic pressure of 10 kg/cm2 for 5 minutes. No leakage is permitted.
g) Assembly of Brake Cylinder
Assemble piston rod, pin, and piston trunk on piston, tighten CSK screws to piston
trunk and piston.
i) Slide the anti-rattler ring from the piston front side.
ii) Assemble the piston return spring on the piston head and insert the dome cover
over the piston trunk.
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iii) Insert Ø12 x 25 mm long head pin into the hole provided in the extended portion of
the trunk.
iv) Smear the piston head & inside the cylinder body with MP 2 grease or equivalent.
v) Ease the packing into the cylinder with a wooden spatula with a round nose and
round edge to avoid damage to the piston packing.
vi) Push the piston assembly approximately to the central position of the cylinder.
vii) With the help of a special fixture, bring down the dome cover onto the cylinder
body and fasten the 8 Hex. HD bolt, nut, and spring washer with required torque.
viii) Take out the Ø12x25 long pin from the piston trunk hole.
ix) Fit back the plug at the rear of the cylinder.
x) Fit the new piston packing and wear the ring.
The test bench consists of the following main parts
i. 3 nos. of isolating cocks
ii. Isolating cock with 1mm choke
iii. Pressure reducing valve


iv. 2 Nos. Pressure gauges
v. Pipe line filter
vi. Brake cylinder pressure mounting base with safety guard.
vii. Air Reservoir
i. Torque wrench range (2-3 kg M capacity) – One number.
ii. Double ended spanner (M16) across face 24x27 – One number.
iii. Socket wrench (M12) across face 19 – One Number.

224 | Page
iv. Double ended spanner (M8) across face 13x14 – One number.
v. Screw driver – 300mm – One number.
After the overhauling of the brake cylinder, it is mounted on the test bench and tested.
It should be operated a few times on the test bench to ease the piston. Each brake
cylinder after its maintenance and overhaul shall be subjected to the following tests on
the test bench.
The arrangement as shown in Fig. 7.9 is used for testing.
Follow the procedure as given below.
i. Place the brake cylinder on base (4) and connect the line to the brake cylinder.
Brake cylinder stroke should be free.
ii. Close the safety guard, and close the cock (Ic).
iii. Open cock (1b) and let reservoir pressure reach 10 Kg/cm2. Check the pressure in
the MR gauge (3a).
iv. Open cock (2) till the pressure reaches 6 Kg/cm2 in pressure gauge (3b).
v. Close the cock (2) and wait for 2 minutes.
vi. Open cock (1c).
The above test should be done with a safety Train Manager.
Follow the following procedure.
Mount the cylinder on the test stand and tighten the mounting bolts & nuts.
i. Set the brake cylinder stroke at 85 + 10 mm.
ii. Open cock (2) and let the pressure gauge (3b) reaches 0.8 Kg/cm 2.
iii. Close the cock (2) and wait for 1 minute till the pressure stabilises in gauge (3b).
iv. Check for the pressure drop which should not be more than 0.1 Kg/cm 2 in 10
v. Open cock (1 c)
vi. Repeat the test at 130 + 10 mm piston stroke and 3.8 Kg/cm2 pressure. Close cock
(2) open cock (1c). Remove the brake cylinder.
If pressure is not correct or the leakage rate is higher, dismantle the brake cylinder
and examine the piston packing wear ring for proper fitment. Examine plug for
leakage. Reassemble the components and retest.
The exterior of the brake cylinder shall be painted with black enamel paint.
Assembled or dismantled brake cylinders should be stored in such a way as to
prevent the following.
i) The flange surface should be prevented from being damaged.
ii) Inlet and outlet port should be plugged with a protective cap to prevent the entry of
dust and moisture inside the brake cylinder.
225 | Page
1. Safety guard should be used during the strength test.
2. Assembled or dismantled brake cylinder should be stored in such a way to prevent
the following:
i. Flange surface should be prevented from damage.
ii. The Inlet port should be plugged with a protective cap to prevent the entry of dust
and moisture inside the brake cylinder.
i) Avoid damage to piston packing by the dull or sharp-edged thin-bladed tool.
ii) Fit 12 dia, 25 mm long round-headed pin on the hole provided in the extended
portion of the trunk surface before loosening the cover bolts.
iii) Excessive lubrication of the cylinder must be avoided.
iv) Specified tools and fixtures should be used for handling, mounting, and removing
the brake cylinder from the test bench.
v) The small metal parts like springs, washers, screws, nuts, bolts, and washers
should be kept in a safe place and replaced in case found defective.
Dirt Collector is placed in the brake pipe line at a point from where a branch is taken off
to the distributor valve. As the name indicates the purpose of the dirt collector is to
protect the distributor valve and the auxiliary reservoir by trapping dust and other
foreign matters from the compressed air before it enters the distributor valve and the
auxiliary reservoir. This action is achieved by centrifugal action. Hence it is also known
as a centrifugal dirt collector. The dirt collector ensures the inter-vehicular full flow of
dirt-free compressed air to the auxiliary reservoir and the distributor valve through the
branch pipes. When the air enters the body of the dirt collector tangentially through port
“A” it passes down through an inverted case in a spiral path. Due to the velocity of air
flow, dirt particles get flung outwards. There after they slide down & collect at the
The air entering the dirt collector from the brake pipe is guided through a suitably
shaped passage in the dirt collector body to produce centrifugal flow. The air is then
filtered through additional filter assembly before it is passed to an outlet on the branch
pipe side to provide dust-proof air to the distributor valve /auxiliary reservoir after
arresting fine dust particles. The dirt contained in the air descends down and gets
deposited in the dirt chamber. However, fine particles are also arrested in the filter
assembly. The dust particles accumulated in the dirt chamber are removed by opening
the drain plug. A rubber gasket is provided between the cover and housing to prevent
leakage. Similarly, a leather washer is provided between the housing and the drain
plug to prevent leakage.
Note: The dimensions and tolerance of the dirt collector shall be as indicated in
the latest revision of RDSO drawing numbers WD-92051-S-03, WD-92051-S-04
and WD- 92051-S-05.
The dirt collector is to be completely dismantled and overhauled once in 5 years or
after 8 lakhs kilometers whichever is earlier or when there is some specific trouble.
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The following tools and fixtures are required for overhauling:
i) Spanner 19 x 22mm
ii) Vice.
iii) Screw driver
I. Disassembly
Hold the dirt collector in the vice.
i) Loosen the drain plug and remove it completely from the housing.
ii) Remove top cover and seal by loosening four hexagonal nuts and removing
hexagonal bolts.
iii) Remove the filter from the body.
II. Cleaning of Parts
i) Clean all metallic parts using a brush and kerosene oil.
ii) Clean filter with soap water.
iii) Check all parts for any damage.
III. Replacement of Parts
i) Replace sealing ring and gasket.
ii) Replace filter.
iii) Check spring washer and replace in case defective or excessively corroded.
IV. Assembly
i) Assemble body after smearing grease.
ii) Locate filter in position and assemble top cover with the new gasket.
iii) Fix hexagonal bolts/nuts along with the spring washer.
iv) Fix a new sealing ring to the bottom and assemble the drain plug.
Centrifugal Dirt Collector is provided at the junction of the main pipe and branch pipe
in brake pipes. There are three purposes for providing the dirt collector.
i. To ensure the inter-vehicular full flow of brake pipe lines.
ii. For branching and feeding to the distributor valve.
iii. To remove dust and scale particles from the air prior to entering the distributor
valve and the air reservoir.
As the Dirt collector is subjected to high air pressure it has to be tested for leakage
and strength. Testing of dirt collector is needed after its overhauling. There may be
various causes due to which overhauling and subsequent testing of the dirt collector is
i) Test Bench (Fig. 7.10)
ii) Compressor, capable of building air pressure up to 10 kg/sq. cm.

227 | Page
iii) Double-ended spanner (Across Face 19x22) – One No.
iv) Dummy flange for dirt collector – 2 nos.
Each dirt collector after overhauling and maintenance should be subjected to a pressure
test as below:
i. Mount the dirt collector on the base of the test bench.
ii. Keep cocks (1f), (1c) and 1(e) closed.
iii. Open cock (1a) and (1b).
iv. Charge the reservoir (5) to 10 kg/cm2.
v. Close two openings on the dirt collector using dummy flanges.
vi. Open cock (1e), and check the pressure at (6c). It should be equal to 10 kg/sq. cm.
vii. If not develop pressure up to 10 kg/cm2 by adjusting the pressure regulator (2).
viii. Close cock (1e)
ix. Check for leaks over the body and joints with the help of soap solution, no leak is
x. Also, check for pressure drop in gauge 6(c)- for 3 minutes
xi. Pressure in the gauge 6c should be maintained.
xii. Reduce the pressure in the main reservoir (5) to 5 kg/cm 2 by opening cock (1f) and
adjusting the pressure regulator (2).
xiii. Close cock (1f) as soon as pressure reaches up to 5 kg/cm2.
xiv. Remove the dummy flange from the outlet port (which feeds to the distributor valve).
xv. Check for free flow of air from the outlet port. (If air is not flowing freely, it means that
the filter is choked).
xvi. The pressure will soon exhaust through the outlet port.
xvii. Remove the dirt collector from the test stand.
xviii. Report Results.
i) The assembled dirt collector should be stored in such a way to prevent the following:
ii) Flange surface should be prevented from damage.
iii) Inlet and outlet port should be plugged with protective caps to prevent the entry of
moisture and dirt inside the dirt collector.
iv) Specified tools and fixtures should be used for handling, mounting, and removing the
dirt collector from the test bench.
v) The small metal parts like screws, nuts, bolts, washers, etc. should be kept in a safe
place and replaced in case found defective

228 | Page


1a 2 1b






1f I.C.

229 | Page
An auxiliary reservoir is actually a pressure vessel and its function is to feed dry
compressed air to the brake cylinder for the application of brakes.
The auxiliary reservoir is a cylindrical vessel made of sheet metal. On both the ends of
the reservoir, flanges are provided for pipe connection. One end of the auxiliary
reservoir is connected to the brake pipe through the distributor valve. The auxiliary
reservoir is charged through the brake pipe. The auxiliary reservoir is charged to
5kg/cm2 pressure, charging from the brake pipe through the Distributor valve.
At the bottom of the auxiliary reservoir, a drain plug (or drain cock) is provided for
draining out the condensate/moisture.
Note: The dimension & tolerances of the auxiliary reservoir shall be as indicated in the
latest revision of RDSO drawing WD-92051-S-01 for 100 lit. Capacity and RDSO
drawing number WD-92051-S-02 for 75 lit. capacity.
The auxiliary reservoir is to be completely dismantled and overhauled during POH or if
there is some specific trouble.
a) Spanner A/F 19x22.
b) Light hammer
i) Unscrew the drain plug or drain cock.
ii) Drain the water accumulated in the tank.
i) Examine the outer surface for any pitting scales or rusting.
ii) Clean the exterior of the auxiliary reservoir with a wire brush.
iii) Pour kerosene oil into the auxiliary reservoir and roll a few times and drain the oil.
iv) Dry the interior of the reservoir with a jet of air.
v) Rinse the reservoir with RUSTO-LINE and then with ESSO-RUST 392 or
vi) Clean the drain plug with a wire brush.
vii) The auxiliary reservoir shall be painted on the exterior with two coats of zinc
chromium primer and two coats of black enamel.
i) Replace the plug washer.
ii) Replace the plug if threads are rusted or damaged.
viii) Replace the reservoir having deep cuts on the surface.
Assemble the drain plug with the washer by screwing it back into its position.
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i) Block one side passage of the auxiliary reservoir with a dummy flange.
ii) Admit air pressure from the other side passage at 10 Kg/cm 2.
iii) Check the leakage at the weld seams, with a soap water solution.
iv) No leakage is permitted.
Hydraulic Test
i) With a hydraulic pump, apply a pressure of 16 Kg./cm2 from one flange end after
blocking the opposite end.
ii) Hold the pressure for 5 minutes.
iii) Check for leakage on the external surface of the reservoir by gently tapping on the
weld seams with a light hammer.
iv) No leakage is permitted.
v) Drain out the water completely and allow the reservoir to dry, by directing a jet of
i) Specified tools and fixtures should be used for assembly and dismantling
ii) Rubber/leather components should be stored in a safe place away from heat,
alcohol & acids. All metal parts like washers should be kept in a safe place.
Train Manager's emergency brake valve is provided in the Train Manager’s
compartment. This valve provides a facility for the Train Manager to initiate brake
application in case of any emergency.
Train Manager’s emergency brake valve is connected to the brake pipe. This valve is
actually placed in the Train Manager’s compartment so that in case of an emergency,
the Train Manager of the train can communicate to the Loco Pilot of the train by
operating the valve provided in the brake van. When the handle of the Train
Manager’s emergency brake valve is placed parallel to the pipe, the air from the brake
pipe is exhausted into the atmosphere. However, to restrict the excessive drop of air
pressure in the brake pipe, a choke of 5mm is provided in this valve. This drop in
pressure in the brake pipe can also be observed in the air flow meter provided in the
locomotive cabin and finally, the Loco Pilot applies the brakes for stopping the train.
The handle of the Train Manager’s emergency brake valve has to be reset manually to
a normal position before the brake pipe pressure is to be recharged.
The Train Manager’s emergency brake valve consists of a housing in which a ball is
housed. The ball has a through hole similar to the isolating cock. To the ball, a handle
is fixed at the top. By operating the handle, the ball can be rotated along the vertical
axis. When the hole in the ball gets aligned with the inlet and the exhaust port the
compressed air can pass through the valve. However, for restricting the flow of air a
choke of 5 mm is fitted in the exhaust port for controlling the rate of BP exhaust. In
order to have a leak-proof assembly, two rubber seats are also provided in the Train
Manager’s emergency brake valve.
Note: The general design and controlling dimension of the Train Manager’s
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emergency valve shall conform to the latest revision of RDSO drawing no SK-73549.
The Train Manager's emergency brake valve should be completely dismantled and
overhauled during POH or when there is some specific trouble.
The following tools and fixtures are required for overhauling
i) Spanner A/F 19/22.
ii) Special spanner for removing thread plug.
iii) Spanner for removing the gland.
iv) Light hammer
v) Vice.
i) Hold the valve in the vice.
ii) Unscrew the nut on the stem and remove the nut and the spring washer.
iii) Remove the handle.
iv) Unscrew the gland and pull out the stem from the body.
v) Remove the two gland packing on the stems.
vi) Unscrew the threaded plug from the body using a special spanner.
vii) Remove the ‘O’ ring and the ball seat from the body.
viii) Remove the ball and the second ball seat from the body.
i) Direct a jet of air on the valve body to remove the dust & dirt.
ii) Clean the external parts of the valve with a wire brush.
iii) All metal parts shall be washed with kerosene oil and wiped dry.
iv) Rubber parts shall be washed with a soap water solution.
v) The steel ball shall be handled carefully to avoid scratch marks or dents.
i) Replace all the rubber parts such as gland packing and ‘O’ ring.
ii) If the spindle thread is corroded or damaged, the spindle shall be replaced with a
new one.
iii) If threads on the threaded plug are damaged or corroded badly, the plug shall be
replaced with a new one.
iv) If the ball of the valve has a dent or scratch marks it should be replaced with a new
i) Place the seat ring in its position in the bore of the body on one side.
ii) Apply grease lightly to the ball.
iii) Fit ‘O’ rings on the spindle.
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iv) Insert the ball in the bore of the body in such a way that the ball sits on the seat
ring and the groove seat for the spindle is in the top position.
v) Insert the spindle with “O” rings such that the spindle enters into the groove.
vi) Screw the gland into the body.
vii) Insert the second seat ring through the bore of the housing.
viii) Fit the “O” ring on the threaded plug. With a special tool screw the threaded
ix) Screw the threaded plug along with the “O” ring into the housing till the ball
x) seat touches the ball.
xi) The handle shall be put on the spindle and tightened with a spring washer and nut.
i) After overhauling, fix the valve to the test bench.
ii) Put the handle of the valve in the off position (close position).
iii) Charge the inlet port with a pressure of 10Kg. /cm2.
iv) Check for leakage on the spindle portion and on the exhaust port with a soap water
v) No leakage is permitted.
vi) Operate the Train Manager’s emergency brake valve, by putting the handle in the
vii) position. Air should escape through the vent of the valve.
For the fitment of the gauge, an arrangement for
quick coupling is provided. The figure shows the
arrangement. The quick coupling when assembled
with and without a plug shall be leak-proof when
tested up to 10 kg/cm2 air pressure.
Details of part nos are as under;

1. Plug 8. Valve
2. Locking nut 9. Valve Seat
3. Locking Ring 10. Valve
4. Spring 11. Lower Body
5. Body Top 12. Spring
6. Locking Bush 13. Spring
7. Seal
A slack adjuster (also known as brake regulator) is a device provided in the brake
rigging for automatic adjustment of clearance/slack between brake blocks and wheel.
It is fitted into the brake rigging as a part of the mechanical pull rod. The slack adjuster
233 | Page
is double acting and rapid working i.e., it quickly adjusts too large or too small
clearance to a predetermined value known as the ‘A’ dimension. The slack adjuster
maintains this
‘A’ dimension throughout its operation. The slack adjuster, type IRSA-600 & IRSA -
750 used on wagons is composed of the following parts
i) Adjuster spindle with the screw thread of quick pitch (nonself locking)
ii) Traction unit containing adjuster nut, adjuster tube, adjuster's ear, etc.
iii) Leader nut unit containing leader nut and barrel etc.
iv) Control rod with head.
The outstanding features of slack adjuster IRSA-600 & IRSA - 750 are:
(I) Fully Automatic
Once initially set, no manual adjustment is further necessary at any time during its
(II) Double-Acting
The brake shoe clearance is adjusted to its correct value both ways, either when it has
become too large (owing to wear of the brake shoes and wheels) or when it has
become too small (e.g., owing to the renewal of worn out brake blocks‟).
(III) Rapid Working
Correct brake shoe clearance is automatically restored after one or two applications of
the brake.
If resistance occurs early in the brake application, caused by heavy brake rigging, e.g.,
an ice coating on the brake shoes, etc., in such cases the IRSA does not pay out slack
immediately, but indexes the amount of slack to be paid out. If the slack is too small,
the IRSA will pay out this indexed slack at the next brake application. Thus, false pay-
out will not occur.
True Slack Adjuster
The slack adjuster adjusts incorrect slack only, thus giving the brake its best possible
pre-adjusted limit of piston strokes, ensuring a smooth and efficient braking force at all
Shock Resistant
Train shocks will not cause false take-up or pay-out of slack. When brakes are
released, the moving parts of the slack adjuster are securely locked.

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In slack adjuster, the ‘A dimension is the controlling feature. ‘A’ dimension is the
distance measured between the control rod head and the barrel when the brakes are
fully released. In other words, the ‘A’ dimension corresponds to the correct slack when
brakes are fully released. For wagons it defers wagon to wagon and the ‘e’ dimension
which is the limit of length that the adjuster will adjust is 555 – 575 mm other than
higher axle load wagons (‘A’ and ‘e’ dimension should be maintained under all working
conditions). For effective operation, the slack adjuster has to operate under three
different conditions, i.e., with: -
i) Correct slack
ii) Too large slack
iii) Too small slack.
If slack is correct then under normal released position, the control rod head is at a
distance ‘A’ from the barrel end which corresponds to the correct slack (Refer to fig.
For light brake application: During the first part of brake application, the adjuster's
235 | Page
ear traverses distance ‘A’. With correct slack, the brake shoes start applying against
the wheel at the same time when the control rod head touches the end of the barrel.
(Refer to fig. 2). Because of the braking action, the left sleeve in the traction sleeve is
drawn against the adjuster nut, against the force of the barrel spring. This action
compresses the clutch spring and clutch C is disengaged.
For full brake application, the brake is more heavily applied. During this action, all
parts of the brake rigging will be submitted to proportionate stress and will develop
elasticity. As a result, the ear end will travel an additional distance ‘e’ corresponding to
elasticity/full brake force (Refer Fig. 3). However, the barrel is held back against the
control rod head. Thus, the traction unit is drawn longitudinally through the barrel
thereby compressing the barrel spring. Also, it tries to take the leader nut unit along in
the movement. This action releases clutch B. The movement of the adjuster spindle
through the leader nut causes the leader nut to rotate on the spindle.
For releasing the brakes (Refer Fig. 4)- When the pressure in the brake cylinder
decreases, the brake cylinder piston and the brake rigging move back. The traction
unit then moves to the left through the barrel. As still the clutch spring is compressed
clutch C will remain in the open position. The leader nut now gets locked by clutch B
and will again begin to rotate on the thread. This time the rotation is in opposite
direction, as the spindle moves to the left. However, clutch B is not able to stop this
rotation because the entire barrel and barrel spring is free to rotate as long as clutch C
is held open. Thus, barrel and barrel springs rotate with the leader nut and during this
rotation, the barrel spring extends and keeps the end of the barrel in contact with the
control rod head.
As long as clutch C is open adjuster nut is kept firmly locked in place on the
adjuster spindle. Any cycles of the brake will cause a correspondingly idle rotation of
the leader nut unit back and forth on the spindle thread. The idling of the leader nut
prevents all movements from influencing the adjustment. Thus, adjustment is
governed only by the amount of slack present in the brake rigging.

For full brake release, the effective pressure in the brake cylinder gets released.
Also, as braking stress disappears, the clutch spring locks clutch C. As a result, further
rotation of barrel and leader nut gets stopped. If the slack is correct, the locking of
clutch C takes place at the same moment as distance `e‟ is consumed. Adjuster nut is
then momentarily arrested and adjuster ear, adjuster tube, and traction sleeve
continue to move to left so that sleeve pushes against adjuster nut and locks it.
Thereupon whole assembly moves to the left until the brake is fully released and
distance A is restored. (Refer to Fig. 1)
Even in emergency application no adjustment takes place. The only difference is that
the idle movement of the leader nut back and forth will be somewhat longer. This is
due to greater deflection of brake rigging under heavier stresses and longer piston
In the released position, there is no difference from the release position with correct
slack (Refer to Fig. 5).
Now during the first stage of brake application as the brake cylinder piston is
pushed out the force is transmitted through the horizontal lever to pull the adjuster ear
236 | Page
to the right until a distance “A” is traversed. At this point, the end of the barrel touches
the control rod head. When this happens, the barrel is arrested, and also momentarily
adjuster spindle with the adjuster nut and leader nut is arrested. The left-hand seat in
the traction sleeve is then immediately drawn against the adjuster nut thereby locking
it in place on the adjuster spindle (Refer fig. 6).
For full brake application as slack is too large, brake shoes have not yet contacted
the wheel. Thus, the adjuster's ear is drawn further to the right to a distance ‘l’ (Refer
Fig. 7) pulling the adjuster tube, traction sleeve, adjuster nut, and adjuster spindle
under compression of the barrel spring against the control rod head. Leader nut is
being retained by spring and ball bearing in leader nut unit now starts rotating as
adjuster spindle is drawn through it. When brake shoes start contacting the wheels
braking stress starts developing as a result clutch spring is compressed and clutch C
is disengaged.
For releasing the brake (Refer Fig. 8) take up action. When brake release starts
there is an idle rotation of the leader nut unit together with barrel and barrel spring in
the opposite direction as brake rigging moves back and braking stress decreases. As
braking stress disappears and clutch C locks stop the further rotation of the barrel and
leader nut. The movement of the adjuster spindle to the left stops. Adjuster ear,
adjuster tube, and traction sleeve continue to the left, adjuster nut is also being
pushed along to the left by take-up spring acting on ball bearing. This movement of
the adjuster nut to the left over the spindle (under rotation on the spindle threads)
continues until the adjuster nut abuts the sleeve of the spring in the leader nut unit,
which is held stationary by the barrel. This permits the right-hand seat of the traction
sleeve to engage the adjuster nut and lock it in place on the adjuster spindle. After this
whole assembly moves as a unit to left. The barrel then moves away from the control
rod head until the brake is fully released and distance A restored.
Thus adjustment ‘l’ that has taken place by the adjuster nut is displaced on the
adjuster spindle corresponds exactly to an excess of slack that was present in brake

237 | Page
Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

Fig. 8


For the released position there is no difference from a released position with correct
During the first stage of brake application (all parts move together to right until)
shoes touch the wheels. When this happens, the end of the barrel has not yet touched
the control rod head. There is a distance “m” between the end of the barrel and the
control rod head corresponding to a deficiency in slack. The left-hand side of the
traction sleeve is drawn against the adjuster nut locking it in place on the adjuster
spindle. (Refer to fig. 9).
During full brake application, braking stress builds up, and the clutch spring is
compressed there by clutch C disengaged. The force of the barrel spring now moves
the barrel, leader nut, and barrel spring to the right to contact the control rod head.
Due to this displacement, the spring in the leader nut unit is compressed and the
distance at the end of the barrel is transferred to the interior of the leader nut unit

238 | Page
(Refer Fig. 10).
For releasing the brake after the usual idle movement of the leader nut back and
forth, braking stress disappears and the clutch spring locks the clutch C. The rotation
of the barrel and leader nut stops and the adjuster spindle is held back momentarily,
and the right-hand seat in the traction sleeve engages the adjuster nut. There the
whole assembly moves to the left to a distance corresponding to still deficient slack,
thus the end of the barrel moves away only the distance A-m. The distance ‘m’ is still
indexed in the leader nut unit (Refer to Fig. 11).
During the next brake application (Refer Fig. 12) at the first stage, all parts move
together to the right, until the further movement of the adjuster spindle is stopped by
brake shoes contacting the wheel. The end of the barrel then very nearly touches the
control rod head. The barrel is held back on the adjuster spindle by the still locked
clutch C.
Now during the second stage of brake application i.e., payout (Refer to fig. 13)
adjuster ear, adjuster tube, and traction sleeve continue their movement to the right.
Now the compressed pay-out spring expands and pushes the adjuster nut on the
adjuster spindle under rotation on the ball bearing so as to follow the receding
movement of the traction sleeve. When distance „m‟ is traversed, the sleeve of spring
in leader nut unit, stop in barrel, and pushing on adjuster nut is ceased. The left-hand
seat in the traction sleeve engages and locks the nut and the brake action is
continued. Thus, the effective length of the slack adjuster is increased exactly by
distance “m” corresponding to the deficiency of slack.
The following tools and fixtures are required for overhauling of slack
(i) Jacking tool – for mass repair/overhauling of Slack Adjuster pneumatically
operated fixture is used.
(ii) Special Spanner
(iii) Straight Nose plier (external) (spring type)18 mm to 25 mm- external
(iv) Bend nose plier (internal) 25-30mm –internal
(v) Screw driver
(vi) Pipe vice & simple 6” vice
(vii) Open end spanner 11-13 mm.
(viii) Hand punches
(ix) Kerosene oil bath
(x) Air jet gun
(xi) Slack Adjuster test bench

239 | Page
Fig. 9

Fig. 10


The slack adjuster shall be overhauled at the time of POH of rolling stock. While
dismantling or assembling it is essential to use special tools. Each component of the
slack adjuster shall be examined. Worn out part shall be checked according to the
limits. For details, refer to RDSO Technical pamphlet no. G-92 (September-98).
I. The minimum desired characteristic of each spring should be taken as under [Ref:
RDSO Technical pamphlet No. G-92 (September - 98)]:

240 | Page
Sr. Desc. Of spring Part Spring length Corrosp. Min.
No. compressed permissible force

1. Barrel spring 21 475 mm 143 Kg.

2. Pay out spring 11 100 mm 58 Kg.
3. Take out spring 37 21.5 mm 22 Kg.
4. Clutch spring 39 38 mm 300 Kg.
Any spring, which does not conform to the above characteristic, should not be used. In
addition, any springs that are badly rusted or have compressed coil turns should not
be used.
II. The following parts must be replaced during the POH of the slack adjuster [Ref:
RDSO Technical pamphlet No. G-92 (September - 98)];
i) Spring dowel sleeve part No. (18)
ii) Lock washer part No. (27)
iii) Seal ring part No. (2)
iv) Seal ring part No. (43)
v) Rubber gasket part No. (4)
vi) Spring dowel sleeve part No. (25)
vii) Dog pin part No. (6)
viii) Tab washer part No. (34)
After cleaning and inspection, all parts of the slack adjuster should be coated with
semi-fluid grease SERVOGEM-RR3 or BALMEROL multi grease LL3 before
undertaking re-assembly.
The following safety precautions should be observed during the overhauling of the
slack adjuster.
i. The place of overhauling must be clean and free from dust.
ii. Ensure that no foreign matter/particle remains inside the sub-assemblies during re-
iii. All rubber gaskets, seal rings, and washers must be replaced during the overhaul.
iv. Specified tools and fixtures to be used for disassembly and assembly operations.
After overhauling, the testing of the slack adjuster is carried out in a test rack (Fig.
7.11) for: - i) Take up test & ii) Pay out test
a) Attach the adjuster ear to the free end of the cylinder lever of the test rack
b) Screw the test rack spindle into the Slack Adjuster until the entire length of thread
is covered by a spindle sleeve and attach the free end of the spindle to the test
I. Take up or Pay-in test
i) Let down the control rod, so that the fork of the rod clasps the adjuster tube of the

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Slack Adjuster
ii) Apply and release the brake a few times letting the slack adjuster take up until the
correct piston stroke is obtained (until the indicator is within + 5 mm tolerance field
of the scale).
Note: The Slack Adjuster takes up 100 mm per braking.

Dimension A1 will be 98 {+1} mm.{- 4}
Fig. 7.12

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II. Pay-out test
i) Turn up the control rod and make two brake applications letting the slack adjuster
pay out.
Note: The slack adjuster pays out max. 30 mm per braking
i) Repeat the above pay-in and pay-out tests a couple of times.
ii) In case the slack adjuster does not accomplish the above-mentioned tests
satisfactorily, dismantle it and check that the parts are placed correctly.
iii) The slack adjuster must then be tested once more in the test rack in accordance
with the above instruction.
iv) After the test is finished, remove the spindle from the slack adjuster.
v) Remove the slack adjuster from the test rack and unscrew the adjuster's ear 28.
Give adjuster spindle 23 a final thorough inspection making sure that the threads are
liberally greased, and screw it into the Slack Adjuster until its end protrudes from
Adjuster tube 41. Put the safety collar 24 and secure it with the spring dowel sleeve.
Make sure that the spring dowel sleeve pin fits tightly and that its ends do not protrude
above the surface of the collar. Should there be any burrs on the collar, smooth off
with a fine file and wipe clean. Then screw the adjuster spindle 23 back into the Slack
Adjuster enough to make room for the adjuster ear 28.
Slide control rod head 26 with control rod 44 onto adjuster tube 41. Place lock washer
27 on the threaded portion of the adjuster's ear 28 and screw the ear into the threaded
end of adjuster tube 41.
Note: Hold the adjuster tube firmly with a pipe wrench. Secure lock washer.27. Install
the Slack Adjuster in the brake rigging.
III. Testing of the slack adjuster in brake rigging with hand brake
In case a test rack is not available in the work shop, a test of the function of the slack
adjuster ought to be carried out after the slack adjuster is installed in the brake rigging
and the correct piston stroke is obtained as follows: -
i) Place an iron object e.g., a hammer between the brake block and the wheel tread.
Make two brake applications after the second application the correct piston stroke
should be obtained.
ii) Remove the iron object. Make two brake applications. After the first application,
the piston stroke is too long, but after the second application, the correct piston
stroke is recorded by the slack adjuster.
The slack adjuster is given a coat of anticorrosive paint, excluding the adjuster tube
Note: The unthreaded portion of the adjuster spindle 23 should not have a thick
The procedure to be adopted for operating brake rigging setting and measuring “A”
and “e” dimensions is listed below: -
For “A” dimension
(i) Ensure the air brake is in fully released condition and all the brake rigging gears
are in proper condition.
243 | Page
(ii) Apply brake three to four times to ease the rigging, by dropping and re-charging
the air pressure in the brake pipe
(iii)Ensure once again that brake rigging is in a fully released condition.
If “A” dimension is not correct
(iv) Remove the pin securing the control rod in the U bracket.
(v) Detach the control rod and rotate it to adjust the gap between the barrel end face
& control rod head as specified in the note above. Secure the control rod in the U
(vi) Apply brakes two to three times.
(vii) Check the “A” dimension using the gauge.
(viii) Recheck dimension “A” with brakes fully released after every brake release.
(ix) Lock the control rod head firmly with a check nut and tooth lock washer.
(x) Secure pin with a split pin.
(I) For “e” dimension
(i) If slack is in excess beyond the capacity of the slack adjuster (‘e’ dimension 555 –
575 mm other than higher axle load wagon) there won't be any slack take-up
provision in the slack adjuster and the slack adjuster will only act as strut/pull rod.
This is because of brake shoes and wheel wear reaching their condemning
limit/near condemning limit. In such cases, the ‘e’ dimension can be restored by
adjusting link provided on the bogie frame head stock.
(ii) Measure ‘e’ dimension i.e., distance between protection tube end and mark on
adjuster spindle using measuring stick after two or three brake applications. It
should be set to nearly to its maximum limit i.e., 555 – 575 mm other than a higher
axle load wagon.
i. Always use wedge between wheel and rail before application and release
operations for setting and measuring A and e dimension to prevent rolling of
ii. Ensure no part of the worker’s body is in touch with the moving brake rigging
gears during application and releasing of brakes.
iii. Do not touch or hold the slack adjuster barrel while it is in motion.
iv. Before setting any dimension to ensure wear of the brake shoe does not exceed its
minimum permissible worn limit (i.e., the thickness of the shoe should not be less
than 20mm).
v. There won't be any slack take-up provision in the slack adjuster and the slack
adjuster will only act as a strut/pull rod. This is because of brake shoes and wheel
wear reaching their condemning limit/near condemning limit. In such cases, the `e'
dimension can be restored by adjusting the link provided on the bogie frame head
vi. Measure ‘e’ dimension i.e., distance between protection tube end and mark on
adjuster spindle using measuring stick after two or three brake applications. It
should be set to nearly to its maximum limit i.e., 555 –575 mm other than a higher
axle load wagon.

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The distributor valve is the most important functional component of the air brake
system and is also sometimes referred to as the heart of the air brake system. The
function of the distributor valve is to distribute compressed air received from the brake
pipe to the auxiliary reservoir and control the reservoir. In addition to this, it also
senses drop and rise in brake pipe pressure for brake application and release
respectively. It is connected to the brake pipe through a branch pipe. Various other
components connected to the distributor valve are the auxiliary reservoir, brake
cylinders, and control reservoir.
Two designs of distributor valves are in use on wagons. These are:
i) C3W Type distributor valve
ii) KE type distributor valve.
Various companies presently manufacturing distributor valves are listed below:

Type Manufacturers

C3W Type Distributor Valve. 1. Greysham and Co. Delhi

2. Faiveley Transport India. Hosur

3. Stone India Ltd. Calcutta.

4. Greysham international Pvt. Ltd. Noida, U.P.

KE Type Distributor Valve Escorts Ltd. Faridabad

Knorr- Bremse Faridabad

A decision has already been taken that the new wagon manufactured henceforth will
only be fitted either with C3W or KE type distributor valve. Hence the chapter covers
the description and maintenance of these two types of distributor valves only.
The C3W Distributor Valve (Fig. 7.14) consists of the following main subassemblies:
i. Main body
ii. Quick Service valve
iii. Main valve
iv. Limiting device
v. Double release valve
vi. Auxiliary reservoir check valve
vii. Cut off valve
viii. Application choke
ix. Release choke.
For the application and release of brakes, the brake pipe pressure has to be reduced
and increased respectively with the help of the Loco Pilot's brake valve. During these
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operations, the distributor valve mainly performs the following function.
(i) Charges the air brake system to regime pressure during the normal running
(ii) Helps in graduated brake application, when the pressure in the brake pipe is
reduced in steps.
(iii) Helps in graduated brake release, when the pressure in the brake pipe is
increased in steps.
(iv) Quickly propagates reduction of pressure in brake pipe throughout the length of
the train by arranging additional air pressure reduction locally inside the
distributor valve.
(v) Limits maximum brake cylinder pressure for full-service application/ emergency
(vi) Controls the time for brake application and brake release depending on service
(vii) Facilitates complete discharge of air from the air brake system manually with the
help of an operating lever.
(viii) Protects overcharging of control reservoir when the brake pipe pressure is
quickly increased for releasing the brakes.
The distributor valve distributes the compressed air received from the brake pipe to
the charge control reservoir through cut off valve and the auxiliary reservoir through
the auxiliary reservoir check valve. After charging the control reservoir and auxiliary
reservoir, when brake pipe pressure is reduced by the Loco Pilot's brake valve,
pressure differential acts across the large diaphragm of hollow stem assembly. As a
result, the hollow stem gets lifted, opening the check valve of the main valve. This
action allows auxiliary reservoir pressure to enter the brake cylinder via a limiting
device for brake application. Main valve together with the limiting device limits brake
cylinder pressure to rise to a maximum pressure of 3.8 + 0.1 Kg/cm2. As the brake
cylinder pressure increases it starts acting on top of the upper diaphragm of the main
valve. This results in downward movement of the main valve along with the check
valve till it reaches the lap position. At this stage the check valve of the main valve
gets closed, stopping the further rise of brake cylinder pressure.

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In this position, no further pressure can enter or exit from the brake cylinder. Every
time brake pipe pressure is reduced gradually in steps, this phenomenon gets
repeated thereby increasing the brake cylinder pressure finally to 3.8 + 0.1 Kg/cm2.
For releasing the brakes, the brake pipe pressure is increased by the Loco Pilot's
brake valve, and the hollow stem assembly of the main valve is brought to normal
position by neutralizing the pressure differential across the main valve's large
diaphragm. At this stage hollow stem gives way at its top to exhaust the brake cylinder
pressure into the atmosphere.
However, if brake pipe pressure cannot be increased then for releasing the brakes the
pressure of the control reservoir acting on the large diaphragm of the main valve has
to be reduced. This can be achieved by tilting the release lever of the double release
valve. Tilting action opens the control reservoir release check valve thereby allowing
control reservoir pressure to vent out & simultaneously hollow stem is pulled down
which gives passage to brake cylinder pressure to exhaust to the atmosphere
resulting in brake release.
The main valve is housed in the main body. The various parts along with part numbers
(As per manufacturer’s catalog) are shown in Fig. 7.14.

Fig. 7.14 MAIN VALVE

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The main valve consists of two diaphragms i.e., large and small. The top face of the
large diaphragm, which is situated at the lower position of the stem assembly, is
subjected to brake pipe pressure whereas the bottom face is subjected to control
reservoir pressure. The small diaphragm is situated at the upper position of the stem.
The top face of the small diaphragm is subjected to brake cylinder pressure and the
bottom face is to the atmosphere. At the top of the hollow stem, the check valve is
situated which controls the connection of the auxiliary reservoir and brake cylinder.
The main valve is also sometimes referred to as three pressure valves. Fig. 7.14
shows various parts of the main valve. The function of the main valve is to supply the
requisite amount of pressure into the brake cylinder when BP pressure is reduced.
Also, it provides passage for brake cylinder pressure to exhaust to atmosphere, when
brake pipe pressure is raised.
The cut off valve is housed in the main body and it consists of the following items:
i) Solex jet
ii) Valve retainer.
iii) Diaphragm.
iv) Diaphragm follower.
v) Internal circlips.
vi) Springs.
vii) Pusher pin.
viii) Jet valve assembly
ix) Valve assembly
x) Diaphragm clamp
xi) 'O' rings.
xii) Body
xiii) Guides etc.

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The cut off valve has two diaphragms, upper and lower. The top face of the lower
diaphragm is subjected to control reservoir pressure and the bottom face to the brake
pipe pressure. The bottom face of the upper diaphragm is subjected to brake cylinder
pressure, and the top face is subjected to the atmosphere and compressed spring
The cut off valve connects the brake pipe to the control reservoir during charging and
cuts off the connection with the control reservoir when brake pipe pressure is dropped
for the application of brakes. This valve also provides a way to BP pressure from its
chamber to the auxiliary reservoir check valve.
The auxiliary reservoir check valve is housed in the main body. It consists of the
following items.
▪ Cap
▪ Valve assembly
▪ Spring
▪ 'O' ring


The Auxiliary Reservoir Check Valve helps in charging the auxiliary reservoir. In
addition to charging it also checks back flow of auxiliary reservoir pressure when
brake pipe pressure is dropped for application of brakes.
The quick service valve is housed in the main body and consists of the following
a. Diaphragm
b. Diaphragm clamp
i. Retainer
ii. Seal Washer
iii. 'O' rings
iv. Springs
251 | Page
v. Seal
vi. Cup
vii. Valve assembly
viii. Internal circlip
ix. Socket etc.


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The quick service valve has two diaphragms i.e., upper and lower. The top face of the
upper diaphragm is subjected to control reservoir pressure and the bottom face to
brake pipe pressure. Whereas at the lower diaphragm, the bottom face is subjected to
brake pipe pressure when brakes are applied.
The function of the quick service valve is to create an initial pressure drop in brake
pipe pressure by allowing a sudden entry of brake pipe pressure into the large volume
bulb at the start of brake application. This ensures rapid propagation of pressure
reduction in the brake pipe throughout the length of the train.
The limiting device is housed in the main body and consists of the following items.
i) Diaphragm.
ii) Diaphragm clamp.
iii) Diaphragm follower.
iv) Cap.
v) Valve retainer.
vi) Inshot valve assembly.
vii) Adjusting nut.
viii) Check Nut.
ix) Bush with cover.
x) “O” rings.

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The limiting device has one diaphragm. The bottom face of the diaphragm is subjected
to brake cylinder pressure during applied brake conditions and the top face is under
the pressure of compressed spring and atmosphere.
The function of the limiting device is to restrict the maximum brake cylinder pressure
to 3.8 + 0.1 Kg/cm2 irrespective of the drop in brake pipe pressure or auxiliary
reservoir pressure.
The double release valve is housed in the bottom cover and it consists of the following
i) Tilt
ii) Pin
iii) Spring
iv) Swivel Rod
v) Spring valve seat
vi) Washer
vii) Circlip
viii) Cap
ix) Split pin
x) Choke
xi) Control reservoir release check valve
xii) Auxiliary reservoir release check valve


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The function of double release valve is to release the brakes manually when a single
brief pull is given to the lever. However, with a continuous pull to the release lever, it
also vents auxiliary reservoir pressure.
For effective functioning of the air brake system, the distributor valve has to operate
effectively during :
a) Charging stage
b) Application stage and
c) Release stage
During the charging stage, the compressed air flows from the brake pipe and enters
the brake pipe chamber of the main valve, cut-off valve, and quick service valve. Due
to this pressure, the various valves get activated and perform as under.
Main Valve: Due to brake pipe pressure acting on the top face of the large
diaphragm, differential pressure acts on the main valve. As a result, the hollow stem
moves downwards there by connecting the brake cylinder to the atmosphere. In
addition, because of BP pressure at the top, a large diaphragm presses the ring and
trigger. This action unlocks the CR release valve by raising the locking rod upwards.
Cut Off Valve: As brake pipe pressure enters the cut off valve, it flows through the
sole jet and valve (which is held open due to the action of BP pressure on the bottom
side of the lower diaphragm) to the control reservoir. As the CR & BP pressure
equalizes, the diaphragm assembly comes down and the valve reaches the lap
position. The control reservoir pressure now also reaches the upper portion of the top
diaphragm of the quick service valve and the bottom portion of the large diaphragm of
the main valve.
Simultaneously, the auxiliary reservoir is charged with BP pressure reaching from the
cut off valve chamber via the auxiliary reservoir check valve.
During emergency application, the brake pipe pressure is reduced rapidly to 0
kg/cm2 by the Loco Pilot's brake valve. Because of this drop, the position of the
various valves will be as described below.
(i) Main valve: With the drop in BP pressure to zero, the differential pressure acts
across the large diaphragm. As a result, the hollow stem is moved in an upward
direction and pushes the check valve thereby opening the passage for the entry
of auxiliary reservoir pressure at the top portion of the main valve. This pressure
then gets a way to the brake cylinder through the limiting device. The brake
cylinder thus gets charged with the compressed air. This pressure is known as
“BC pressure”.
(ii) Limiting Device: The auxiliary reservoir pressure which entered into the top
position of the main valve now enters the limiting device through the valve which
is held open. From the limiting device air pressure now enters the brake cylinder.
When the BC pressure rises to 3.8 kg/cm2, the upward force on the diaphragm
lifts the guide and the valve at the bottom of the limiting device gets closed. Thus
the further entry of air into the brake cylinder stops.

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When the brake cylinder pressure reaches 3.8 kg/cm2, this pressure i.e. BC pressure
acts on:
▪ The top face of the small diaphragm of the main valve
▪ The bottom face of the upper diaphragm of cut off valve
▪ Top (small chamber) of quick service valve
Now because of BC pressure acting at the main valve's small diaphragm, the hollow
stem is pulled down. As a result, the check valve at the top comes down to the “close”
stage and assumes a lap position with the hollow stem closing further entry of AR
(iii)Cut off valve: In cut off valve, the bottom face of the upper diaphragm is
subjected to BC pressure. As a result, the guide is lifted. Also, the upper portion of
the lower diaphragm is subjected to CR pressure, which pushes the total
assembly downwards. This action closes the valve of cut off valve, thereby
isolating it from control reservoir pressure.
(iv) Quick Service Valve: In a quick service valve, BC pressure acts at the top of the
valve, and control reservoir pressure acts at the top face of the upper diaphragm.
As a result, the stem is pushed down and the valve at the bottom gets opened.
Now as the BP pressure inside DV is at zero, the residual BP pressure from the
bulb of the quick service valve will flow back and vent into the atmosphere.
During graduated brake application the brake pipe pressure is dropped in steps by
the Loco Pilot's brake valve. The movement of various valve assemblies is almost
in the same direction as during emergency application, but their movement is
comparatively less. In the main valve however, after each application, the hollow
stem assumes the lap position with the check valve.
In addition to this during the graduated application, the bottom valve of the limiting
device is held open to allow compressed air to enter the brake cylinder.
When BC pressure reaches 3.8 kg/cm2 the bottom valve in the limiting device gets
closed. Similarly, at the time of full service application as the BC pressure reaches
3.8 + 0.1 kg/cm2 within the specified time, the position of various valve assemblies
will be the same as described above.
When the brake pipe pressure is increased in steps for graduated release of brakes,
the position of the different valves is as described below.
(i) Main valve: At the top face of the large diaphragm, as the BP pressure
increases, the hollow stem moves downwards leaving its lap position with the
check valve. The BC pressure thus finds a passage from the top of the hollow stem
to exhaust into the atmosphere. This action reduces pressure on the top of the
upper diaphragm and the hollow stem again lifts up to lap position. It closes the
hollow stem top portion. The same cycle is repeated when BP is increased during
the next stages. In this way graduated release effect is obtained.
(ii) Cut off valve: As the BP pressure increases the position of the cut off valve
remains similar to in graduated application i.e. the cut off valve will remain closed,
isolating CR pressure from brake pipe pressure.
(iii)Quick service valve: When the BP pressure is increased, then as explained
above for the main valve, the BC pressure gets exhausted to the atmosphere. This
action gradually reduces the BC pressure. When BC pressure reduces to 0.8
kg/cm2 during brake release, the force at the top of the quick service valve
becomes comparatively less than the BP pressure present in the Quick Service
257 | Page
Valve. As a result, the valve at the top gets lifted thereby giving passage to blocked
BP pressure to the atmosphere. With the exhaust of BP pressure, the Quick
Service Valve of the Distributor Valve again gets ready for the next brake
(iv)Manual release: Double release valve provides for accelerated manual brake
release, which is particularly useful during shunting operation. A short pull on the
lever of the double release valve is all that is needed. This action opens the control
reservoir release check valve, which is then held open by the locking rod. Venting
of the control reservoir through the open control reservoir release check valve
brings the main valve to release position and exhausts the brake cylinder pressure
through the hollow stem.
The C3W distributor valve is a graduated release type of valve and has been
approved by UIC to comply with the requirement of its specification no. 540 and 547.
The overhauling of the distributor valve is carried out during POH or when there is
some specific problem.
C3W Distributor Valve consists of various sub-assemblies possessing highly finished,
accurate, and sophisticated small parts and therefore need a well-arranged work-shop
equipped with standard tools as well as specially designed tools and fixtures. It is also
important to state that the workplace (DV-overhauling section of the workshop) should
be a clean, well-organized, dust & dirt free, and properly developed space where the
following activities should be adjacently and separately organized:-
i) dismantling and cleaning
ii) assembling and testing
iii) storage of assembled distributor valve &
iv) storage of spare parts including POH kits stocking store etc.
The tools and fixtures required for the disassembly and assembly of the C3W
distributor valve are given in the table below.

Sr.No. Description
1 Open end spanners of 24-27 mm, 20-22 mm, 17-19 mm & 11-13 mm
2 Socket wrenches of size 13mm, 17mm, 19mm, 22mm, 27mm & 32mm
with driving handles –
a. Simple L Shaped
b. Reversible ratchet and
c. Torque calibrated for (1.5 to 6 Kg.m) range
3 Ring spanner (32-36 mm)
4 Allen key (6 mm)
5 Circlip pliers internal & external both (Small & Medium)

6 Plier general design and long nose separately

258 | Page
7 Screw drivers (5 mm and 8 mm blade sizes)

8 Nylon hammer
9 Special tools
1. SCT-6014-pin end tool
2. SCT-6016-pin end tool
3. SCT-6015-“O” ring set tool
4. SCT-6017-hollow stem-lead-tool
5. SCT-6026-spetula (bent tool)
6. SCT-6092-socket spanner
7. RPBF-0003-) fixture for holding guide (76)
8. Air jet gun with flexible hose
10 Bench mounted DV - holding fixture
Before opening the distributor valve, it needs to be dusted and cleaned externally. The
disassembling and assembling of the distributor valve in the workshop is facilitated by
using a bench-mounted DV-holding fixture, with the facility to rotate through 360 0 in
the vertical plane and locking it after every 900 rotations.
The distributor valve is mounted on the fixture and can be locked in any desired
position. The sub-assemblies of the different valves are dismantled in sequence. It is
imperative that components of each sub-assembly have to be carefully handled and
arranged in an identifiable group sequence. For part numbers and names of
components of various sub-assemblies / valves, refer to the concerned manufacturer’s
maintenance manual.
For POH kit, refer to RDSO Technical pamphlet No. G-97 (Latest amendment)
Annexure XIII.
For the proper functioning of the Air Brake System, it is necessary to test the
Distributor Valve. The following tests are carried out to ensure the proper functioning
of the Distributor valve:
The following tests are conducted on the distributor valves:
(i) Pressure tightness test – (during charging, application and release test &
emergency application test).
(ii) Charging time.
(iii) Full service application and release.
(iv) Overcharge protection test.
(v) CR overcharge reduction test
(vi) Emergency application.
(vii) Sensitivity test.
(viii) Quick service test.
(ix) Insensitivity test.
(x) Re-feeding test.
(xi) Graduated application test.
(xii) Graduated release test.

259 | Page
(xiii) Quick release test
(xiv) Control reservoir check valve reset test.
a) Pressure Tightness Test
Before conducting any other performance test (to ensure the efficiency of the DV it is
advisable to check for leakage from any part of the DV). For this purpose, BP is
charged to regime pressure, and then DVB is brought to full application, Emergency,
and release positions respectively, and in each of the above positions, DV is tested by
soap solution to confirm no leakage. This is done so that every valve of DV operates
at least once and leakage from every part of the DV is checked. If DV is leakage free
then it can be said with a high probability that its maintenance or overhaul and
assembly is carried out properly and generally it should perform as per specifications
in other tests also. However, if other tests are conducted before conducting a leakage
test, and leakage is detected during any test then that leakage is to be attended and
tests are to be repeated. Therefore, to avoid reworking it is always advisable to test
the DV first for leakage and once the leakage-free operation is assured only then other
tests are to be conducted.
However, in KE type of valves, it is possible to test subassemblies of the DV also
before finally assembling it. In this type of valve, three main assemblies i.e., R–
charger with isolating valve, Choke cover & Bottom cover with Quick release valve can
be tested for leakage before fully assembling the DV, and the chances of leakage from
the DV are highly reduced.
b) Charging Time:
Charging time for initially charging the control reservoir and auxiliary reservoir up to
desired pressure is specified. Operation of the DV should be such that the time
required to charge the CR and AR should neither be more nor less than the specified
limits. It is necessary because if the DV of different wagons operates with different
timings, then brakes will be applied and released in different wagons with different
timings, and this may create problems.
c) Full-Service Application and Release.
For efficient operation of brakes, it is necessary that after operating the DBV for
applying the brakes, brake cylinder pressure should rise to the desired level, very
quickly (i.e., from 0 to 3.6 kg/cm2 in 18 to 30 seconds). Therefore, all the distributor
Valves are to be tested for the time required to raise the brake cylinder pressure. This
time should neither be more nor less than the specified limits. In this test, it is also
checked that the brake should release quickly and which means that brake cylinder
pressure should be released within the specified time period, and hence the DV is
tested for release timings also. If the brakes of different wagons operate at different
speeds, then it can prove disastrous and hence this test ensures that the speed of
operation of various DVs are more or less the same.
d) Overcharge Protection
Sometimes Loco Pilot overcharges the brake pipe for a short duration so that the
brake pipe is completely charged till the last wagon and the brakes in every wagon are
released quickly.
But this overcharging of the brake pipe should not result in overcharging of the control
reservoir and auxiliary reservoir, because the pressure of the control reservoir works
as reference pressure for the DV and if the control reservoir is overcharged then it
may result in malfunctioning of the DV. And hence the DV should be such that it
should avoid overcharging of CR and AR even if the brake pipe is slightly overcharged
(In this test, the brake pipe is charged up to 6 kg/cm 2 for 25 seconds and it is assured
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that CR and AR should not get overcharged by 0.1 kg/cm 2.)
e) CR Overcharge Reduction Test
Sometimes when the locomotive connected with a rake is changed, in that case, there
may be problems due to different regime pressures of locomotive and rake. In these
types of cases, the control reservoir is overcharged for a short duration for
adjustments, but the control reservoir pressure should come back to brake pipe
pressure when the release valve handle of the distributor valve is pulled for 3 seconds.
f) Emergency Application Test
The purpose of this test is similar to that of the full application and release test i.e., in
this test time taken to raise the brake cylinder pressure during emergency application
is measured. It is also seen that the maximum rise in the brake cylinder pressure is
within limits.
g) Sensitivity Test
The DV should be sensitive enough to sense the drop in brake pipe pressure quickly
and to respond accordingly by raising the brake cylinder pressure so that brakes are
applied. Therefore, a sensitivity test is conducted on DV for checking the fastness of
the response of DV. In this test, it is expected that DV should respond to applying
brakes when BP pressure is reduced by 0.6 kg/cm2 in 6 seconds.
h) Quick Service Test
This test is conducted to ensure the proper functioning of the quick service valve of
C3W type DV. While in the case of KE type DV it ensures proper functioning of the U-
i) Insensitivity Test
As explained in the above test, DV should be sensitive enough but at the same time, it
should not be very sensitive. Since it is very sensitive, then it may operate even when
there is a small leakage from the brake pipe i.e. even when there is a small drop in
pressure of the brake pipe. Therefore it is expected that DV should be insensitive
enough so that it does not operate due to a small drop in pressure in the brake pipe
due to leakage. And hence insensitivity test is conducted On DV and it is assured that
it should not operate if brake pipe pressure is reduced by 0.3 kg/cm 2 in 60 seconds.
j) Re-feeding Test
If brakes are in applied position and brake cylinder starts leaking due to some problem
then brake cylinder pressure may drop and it may result in releasing of brakes, which
may prove disastrous. Therefore the DV is designed in such a way that it continues to
supply air to the brake cylinder so that the brake cylinder pressure is maintained at the
desired level, even when it is leaking. The re-feeding test assures the proper
functioning of the main valve in the case of C3W type DV and three pressure valves in
the case of KE type DV.
k) Graduated Application Test
This test is conducted to prove that brakes can be applied gradually or slowly. This
test ensures the response of the distributor valve when brake pipe pressure is
gradually reduced i.e. brake cylinder pressure should increase accordingly when
brake pipe pressure is reduced gradually.
l) Graduated Release Test
Similarly, air brake system should be such that brakes can be released gradually or
slowly. To ensure this in this test, the brake pipe pressure is increased in steps and it
is seen that brake cylinder pressure should reduce accordingly.
m) Quick Release Test
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This test is also known as automatic exhausting of the brake cylinder. When a wagon
is disconnected from the rake, its brake pipe pressure becomes zero. In this condition,
the brakes of the wagon will be automatically in the applied position. To release the
brakes a manual handle is provided on the DV. When this handle is pulled, it results in
complete draining of AR and CR and brake cylinder, and in other words, the brakes
are released.
But at the same time pulling this lever when brakes are in released position (i.e. when
brake pipe is in charged condition) should not result in releasing of CR & AR. Similarly
when brakes are in applied condition and if someone pulls the release lever even then
ideally brake cylinder pressure should not exhaust. But DV design is such that in this
condition brake cylinder pressure exhausts to some extent but it should not exhaust
beyond 1 kg/cm2 i.e. even after pulling the release lever when brakes are in applied
position, the brake cylinder pressure should not fall below 1 kg/cm2.
This test ensures proper functioning of the DV when the release lever is pulled.
n) CR Check Valve Reset Test
This test is also known as “automatic repositioning of quick release system”. If brake
pipe pressure is again increased in the above test (CR is in discharged condition) by
pulling the release lever in emergency operation or detached wagon condition ( i.e.
when brake pipe pressure is zero), double release valve (which is responsible for
discharging the control reservoir) should close automatically so that CR is again
i) Test bench
ii) Compressed air supply source for supplying air pressure at 7.5 Kg/cm2
iii) Stopwatch – 2 No
iv) Soap water solution
The schematic diagram of the test bench for C3W valve is shown in the Fig. 7.21.
1. P1 – Pressure in feed pipe (not applicable in single pipe)
2. P2 – Input pr. regulated at 5 Kg/cm2 in the brake pipeline.
3. P3 – Brake pipe reservoir pressure.
4. P4 – Pressure in the Control Reservoir (CR)
5. P5 – Pressure in the brake cylinder.
6. P6 – Pressure in the auxiliary reservoir.

Fig. 7.22

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Isolating cocks as given below –
i) V1 – for isolating the supply of air to the auxiliary reservoir at 6 Kg/Cm2 (i.e. to
test the system in single pipe).
ii) V2 – To connect/isolate BP pressure.
iii) V3 – for controlling the supply of air to the brake pipe at 5 kg/cm2.
iv) V4 – for exhausting the brake pipe pressure.
v) V5 – for exhausting the brake cylinder pressure.
vi) V6 – It is an isolating cock with a choke for releasing the brake pipe pressure at a
desired rate for sensitivity test and for graduated application test.
vii) V7 – It is a isolating cock with a choke for releasing the brake pipe pressure at a
desired rate for insensitivity test
viii) V8 – For controlling air pressure in the brake pipe with the help of the Loco Pilots
brake valve.
ix) V9 – Isolating cock with a choke for increasing the brake pipe pressure in the
desired steps for graduated release test and for CR check valve reset test.
The test bench consists of the following components:
(i) Source of compressed air supply at 7.5 kg/cm2
(ii) Pressure regulator R1 - to supply air at 6 kg/cm2.
(iii) Pressure Regulator R2 - to supply air at 5 kg/cm2
(iv) Brake cylinders – 2 No. i.e., BC (1) and BC (2)
(v) Auxiliary reservoir AR (1) and AR (2) each having a capacity to store 100 litre of
air at 6 kg/cm2.
(vi) Brake pipe pressure reservoir having a capacity to store 18 litres of air at 5
(vii) Control reservoir cylinder having a capacity to store 6 litres of air at 5 kg/cm2.
(viii) Automatic brake valve (A9), which is used as the Loco Pilots brake valve in the
locomotive along with the C2 relay valve. This is supplied compressed air at 6
Kg/cm2. With the help of the A9 valve, the pressure in the brake pipe can be
increased or decreased.
(ix) Six Pressure Gauges to indicate pressures at different locations.
Preparation of the test bench requires the following steps –
i) The setting of the pressure regulators and the brake valve
ii) Leakage testing of the automatic pipe network
iii) Calibration of chokes
(i) Block C3W distributor connections by putting a blanking gasket in between the
distributor and its pipe bracket.
(ii) Close all isolating cocks (i.e., V1 to V9).
(iii) Supply compressed air at 7.5 kg/cm2 at the test rack intake.
(iv) Adjust the regulators R1 and R2 so that the pressure gauges P1 and P2 indicate
the pressure as 6 kg/cm2 and 5 kg/cm2 respectively

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(v) Open isolating cock V3 and note that both the gauges P3 (i.e., Brake pipe
reservoir pressure) and P2 (brake pipe pressure) show 5 kg/cm2
(vi) Close isolating cock V3 and open cock V4 to vent out BP. reservoir pressure.
Gauge P3 will indicate zero pressure in this condition
(vii) Adjust Loco Pilots brake valve A9 at 5 Kg/cm2, check this adjustment by opening
isolating cock V8. This will increase BP reservoir pressure to 5 Kg/cm2 and this
can be checked by gauge P3.
(viii) Close the cock V8
i) Open isolating cock V1 to charge the auxiliary reservoir to 6 kg/cm2
ii) Check this pressure from the pressure gauge P6
iii) Open isolating cock V2 to overcharge the brake pipe pressure to 6 kg/cm2. Check
this pressure from the pressure gauge P3
iv) When pressure in the pressure gauges P6 and P3 are stabilised at 6 kg/cm2 then
close isolating cocks V1 and V2. Wait for one minute for stabilising of pressure in
gauges P3 and P6.
v) Leakage must not exceed 0.1 kg/cm2 in one minute as shown by these gauges
vi) If there is any leakage. Identify its location with the help of soap solution and
arrest the leakage before proceeding further.
Tests are conducted in a particular sequence for reducing the time required in opening
and closing of various valves. In the test bench described above, following test
sequence is optimum as far as the time required in testing distributor valves are
concerned. In any other type of test bench arrangement, some other test sequence
may be optimum. The valve V1 is kept closed during testing.
Note : Although pressure tightness test is supposed to be conducted in the beginning
for every position of the distributor valve. But in this arrangement of test bench, it is
convenient to conduct charging time test before pressure tightness test.
I. Charging time of auxiliary reservoir and control reservoir.
i) Close all the isolating cocks.
ii) Set air pressure regulator R1 and R2 at 6 and 5 Kg/cm2 respectively.
iii) Check pressure in the pipe by P1 and P2. It should be 6 and 5 Kg/cm2
respectively. If required, adjust the pressure regulator R1 and R2 to achieve
these pressures.
iv) Open isolating cock V3 and with the help of a stopwatch, note time taken by
gauge P4 (CR) and P6 (AR) to rise from 0 to 4.8 Kg/cm2. Two separate
stopwatches will be required. It is better if two persons monitor these pressures
v) For control reservoir, the charging time should be 260±20 seconds and for
auxiliary reservoir it should be 270±30 seconds.
II. Pressure tightness test
i) Apply soap water all over C3W valve. No leakage is permissible.
ii) Close isolating cock V3 after pressure gauges. P3 (Brake pipe), P4 (Control
reservoir), and P6 (Auxiliary reservoir) indicate 5 Kg/cm2. Wait till reading in
gauges settles.

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iii) Switch on a stopwatch and monitor pressure in these gauges. There should be
no drop in pressure in one minute duration.
III. Full service application and release test.
i) Automatic brake valve should be set at 5 Kg/cm2 (as done during setting of the
test bench). Bring handle in release position.
ii) Open isolating cock (V8) and note gauges P4 (CR) and P6 (AR) shows exactly
iii) Move A9 handle to service application position, so that P3 (Brake pipe pressure)
falls from 5 to 3.4 Kg/cm2.
iv) Switch on the stopwatch as soon as the handle of A9 is moved to service
application position in the above step and note the time taken by brake cylinder
pressure (P5) to rise from 0 to 3.6 Kg/cm2. This time should be 18 to 30
v) Wait for brake cylinder pressure (P5) to settle and note the maximum pressure to
which it reaches. The maximum pressure should be 3.8±0.1 Kg/cm2.
vi) Move A9 handle to release position and switch on the stopwatch immediately to
note the time taken by brake cylinder pressure (P5) to fall from 3.8 to 0.4
Kg/cm2. This time should be within 45 to 60 seconds.
IV. Overcharge protection test
i) When A9 handle is in release position, brake pipe, auxiliary reservoir and control
reservoir pressures i.e. pressures in gauges P3, P4 and P6 should be at 5
ii) Move A9 handle to emergency position. In this case brake pipe pressure (as per
gauge P3) will fall to zero and brake cylinder pressure (as per P5) will reach to its
maximum value.
iii) Close isolating cock V8 and move A9 handle to release position. In this position
brake pipe pressure (P3) will again rise to 5 Kg/cm2 and brake cylinder pressure
(P5) will fall to zero, while auxiliary reservoir pressure (P6) and control reservoir
pressure (P4) will be around 5 Kg/cm2.
iv) Open isolating cock V2 and overcharge brake pipe to 6 Kg/cm2 for 25 seconds
(see it in gauge P3) and then immediately close isolating cock V2 and open cock
V8. But during this, control reservoir should not be overcharged by 0.1 Kg/cm2
over regime pressure of 5 Kg/cm2 (as seen by gauge P4).
V. CR over charge reduction test
i) Allow over charging of CR and AR at 5.7 Kg/cm2 and bring back BP pressure to
5 Kg/cm2 by closing the isolating cock V2 and V1.
ii) Pull the double release lever of DV for 3 seconds and note down the fall in
pressure of control reservoir.
iii) The control reservoir pressure should return back to brake pipe pressure i.e. 5
Kg/cm2 as seen by P3.
VI. Emergency application test
i) With brake pipe, control reservoir and auxiliary reservoir (i.e. P3, P4 and P6)
charged to 5 Kg/cm2. Move A9 handle to emergency application position.
ii) As soon as handle is moved to emergency application position, switch on the
stopwatch and note down the time taken by the brake cylinder pressure (P5) to
rise from 0 to 3.6 Kg/cm2. This time should be between 15 to 20 seconds.

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iii) Also note the maximum pressure to which brake cylinder is charged. This
pressure should be 3.8±0.1 Kg/cm2.Sensitivity test
iv) Move A9 handle to release position to recharge the brake pipe pressure (P3) to 5
i) Close isolating cock V8.
ii) Open isolating cock V6. Switch on the stopwatch as soon as isolating cock V6 is
opened and note the time taken by brake pipe pressure to drop by 0.6 Kg/cm2.
This time should be 6 seconds.
iii) Brake cylinder pressure (P5) should start rising within 1 second and within 6
seconds piston should start moving for application of brakes.
VII. Quick service test
Close isolating cock V6 and immediately observe the applied brakes, they should
remain applied.
VIII. Insensitivity test
i) Open isolating cock V3 to recharge BP, CR and AR to 5 Kg/cm2 (as seen by P3,
P4 and P6).
ii) Close isolating cock V3 and open isolating cock V7.
iii) As soon as isolating cock V7 is opened, start stopwatch and check that BP
pressure (P3) drops by 0.3 Kg/cm2 in 60 seconds.
iv) There should not be any rise in brake cylinder pressure and brake cylinder piston
should not start moving i.e. brakes should not apply.
IX. Re-feeding test
i) Close isolating cock V7 and open V3 to recharge brake pipe, control reservoir
and auxiliary reservoir to 5 Kg/cm2 (As seen by P3, P4 and P6 respectively).
ii) Bring A-9 valve handle to full service application position. BC pressure will
become 3.8±0.1 Kg/cm2 (as seen by P5).
iii) Exhaust the brake cylinder by slightly opening the isolating cock no V5.
iv) Observe brake cylinder pressure in the gauge no. P5. It should not become zero
and should stabilize at some particular value (since re-feeding to brake cylinder
is available via distributor valve).
v) Fall in brake cylinder pressure should not be more than 0.15 Kg/cm2 from
3.8±0.1 Kg/cm2 (i.e. it should not fall below 3.65±0.1 Kg/cm2).
vi) Close exhaust cock no. V5.
X. Graduated application test
i) See that brake pipe, control reservoir and auxiliary reservoir are at 5 Kg/cm2 (as
seen by P3, P4 and P6 respectively).
ii) Close isolating cock V3.
iii) Decrease P3 (BP) pressure in steps of 0.2 Kg/cm2 (min 7 steps) by slowly
opening and closing cock V6 i.e. starting from 4.6 Kg/cm2 and then to 4.4, 4.2,
4.0, 3.8, 3.6 and 3.4 Kg/cm2.
iv) Note down the corresponding increase in brake cylinder pressure (P5).
XI. Also note the brake pipe pressure (P3) at maximum brake cylinder pressure (P5).
This BP pressure (P3) should be 3.4 to 3.7 Kg/cm2.
XII. Graduated release test

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i) Close isolating cock V6.
ii) Increase brake pipe pressure (P3) in steps of 0.2 Kg/cm2 by opening and closing
cock V9. The Brake pipe pressure will rise from 3.6 to 3.8 Kg/cm2.
iii) Note corresponding decrease in the brake cylinder pressure (P5).
iv) Also note the maximum pressure of brake pipe (P3) at which brake cylinder
pressure (P5) is exhausted completely. This pressure should be 4.85 Kg/cm2.
XIII. Quick release test
i) Close isolating cock V9.
ii) Open isolating cock V3 to charge brake pipe, auxiliary reservoir and control
reservoir pressure (P3, P4 and P6) to 5 Kg/cm2. Close isolating cock V3 when
pressure in P3, P4 and P6 stabilizes.
iii) Open isolating cock V4 for emergency application and see that. Brake cylinder
(P5) is charged to 3.8 Kg/cm2.
iv) Make a short pull on the release valve handle. As soon as this handle is pulled,
control reservoir (P4) and brake cylinder (P5) should be completely vented.
v) Close cock V4.
XIV. CR check valve reset test
i) Continue to pull the release valve handle of the distributor valve to completely vent
out auxiliary reservoir (P6).
ii) Recharge by opening cock V9.
iii) Control reservoir (gauge P4) should be isolated from the atmosphere when brake
pipe (gauge P3) pressure exceeds 0.2 Kg/cm2.


These valves are also referred as KEO and KEGiSL in some publications. The KE
distributor valve consists of the following main subassemblies:

(a) Three pressure valve e) Minimum pressure limiter

(b) U controller f) Maximum pressure limiter
(c) R charger g) A controller
(d) Choke cover h) Quick release valve

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The three pressure valve is housed in the vertical central bore between the top and
bottom face. The function of the three pressure valve is to control charging and
discharging of the brake cylinder in accordance with the change in the brake pipe
pressure. The three pressure valve responds to the slightest variation of brake pipe
pressure. The U controller, R charger and choke cover are housed on one face of the

269 | Page


The function of the “U” controller is similar to the function of quick service valve of
C3W Distributor Valve. The U-controller gets activated during start of the brake
application and taps off a small amount of brake pipe pressure from Distributor Valve
during initial brake application. This action increases initial pressure reduction &
causes simultaneous rapid propagation of braking impulse throughout the length of
the train.

Fig. 7.26 R-CHARGER

The function of the 'R' charger is to supply compressed air from the brake pipe to the
auxiliary reservoir 'R' charger also separate the auxiliary reservoir from the brake pipe
through check valve (which is located inside 'R' charger) when BP pressure is less
than AR pressure.

270 | Page
The choke cover has application & release chokes inside it. The application and
release chokes help in regulating the application and release times of brake.


On the face opposite to face 'A' are housed, maximum pressure limiter, minimum
pressure limiter and 'A' controller.


The minimum pressure limiter gets activated during initiation of brake application. The
minimum pressure limiter helps in rapid charging of brake cylinder upto a determined
pressure to overcome rigging resistance.

271 | Page


The function of maximum pressure limiter is similar to the limiting device in the C3W
Distributor valve. The maximum pressure limiter limits the maximum brake cylinder
pressure to 3.8 + 0.1 kg/cm2 irrespective of the auxiliary reservoir pressure.
The function of 'A' controller is similar to that of cut off valve of the C3W Distributor
Besides charging control reservoir during charging operation 'A' controller isolates
control reservoir pressure when brakes are applied. 'A' controller also protects control
reservoir from overcharging.


The quick release valve allows the brakes of the wagons to be fully released by
means of manually pulling of handle.
For effective functioning of the air brake system, the KE Gisl distributor valve has to
272 | Page
operate effectively during:
i) Charging stage
ii) Application stage and
iii) Release stage


273 | Page
During this stage, the compressed air flows from the Loco Pilot's brake valve into the
brake pipe which charges the control reservoir, bottom cover chamber and auxiliary
reservoir. During charging stage, the path followed by compressed air is as follows.
(i) Charging of control reservoir
During charging, the compressed air flows from brake pipe, dirt collector, isolating
valve and through choke to brake pipe chamber above the large piston and to the 'A'
controller. Due to brake pipe pressure acting on top of the large piston, the three
pressure valve is pushed down and the port gets closed by the large diaphragm.
Air also flows to the 'A' controller through choke. It passes through sensitivity port, and
from there to the bottom cover chamber through port. From the bottom cover
chamber, the air enters the control reservoir. When the BP pressure above the large
diaphragm gets equal to control reservoir pressure (at bottom cover chamber), the
large piston diaphragm gets lifted up and opens the port.
(ii) Charging of Auxiliary Reservoir
For charging the auxiliary reservoir, air from BP passes from dirt collector to the 'R'
charger via the isolating valve. Air entering the 'R' charger passes through the
intermediate piece and opens the sealing flap. There from, air enters the auxiliary
reservoir and charges it to 5kg/cm2.
The application of brakes can either be emergency, full service or graduated.
(i) Emergency application:
When the brake pipe pressure is reduced from 5kg/cm2 to zero the passage from
auxiliary reservoir to the brake pipe is closed by the sealing flap in the 'R' charger,
because of differential pressure acting on either side of the sealing flap. At the same
time pressure differential acts across the large diaphragm of the three pressure valves
which pushes the piston unit (large & small) upwards. The upward movement of the
piston unit closes the outlet port by uplifting of the control sleeve.
In addition to this, the outlet port at the top of the three pressure valve closes and the
inlet port opens. The air from auxiliary reservoir through the minimum pressure limiter,
the maximum pressure limiter and the choke, enters the top of the three pressure
valve and through the open inlet port, the air enters into the brake cylinder.
When the pressure in the brake cylinder reaches 0.8 kg/cm2, first minimum pressure
limiter gets closed and there after maximum pressure limiter gets closed when the
pressure in the brake cylinder reaches 3.8 kg/cm2. With the rise in BC pressure the 'A'
controller gets closed, maintaining the pressure in the control reservoir.
During full brake application, the brakes are applied at slower rate than in emergency
application. BP pressure to be reduced by 1.5 kg/cm2 instead of 5 kg/cm2.
Note: At the beginning i.e. when BP pressure is reduced and control sleeve lifts outlet
port of BP, air from top of the control sleeve reaches U-chamber that is already open
to atmosphere and some BP air thus vents off. This causes a sudden extra drop in the
remaining BP pressure inside the DV and accelerates the effect of brake application,
propagating this action throughout the length of the train.
By this action brake cylinder pressure starts rising. The brake cylinder pressure also
acts on diaphragm at U-controller, A controller, Minimum Pressure limiter and

274 | Page
maximum pressure limiter. As BC start to rise the A controller valve is closed isolating
BP and CR. Also the U controller is closed and local reduction of BP is stopped. As
BC reaches 0.8 kg, it closes the minimum pressure limiter and now the rising BC
pressure can pass through maximum limiter through choke which regulates the rate of
BC rising. As BC reaches 3.8+0.1 kg per sq. cm., maximum pressure limiter also
closes and no further rise of BC is possible. This rise of BC to 3.8+ .1 kg per sq. cm.
comes to effect at BP pressure dropping to 1.5 kg/sq. cm.
(ii) Graduated application
When the brake pipe pressure is reduced in steps for graduated application of brakes,
the increase in brake cylinder pressure is at a controlled rate and in proportion to
brake pipe pressure reduction.
As soon as the brake cylinder pressure rises in proportion to brake pipe pressure
reduction, it causes the piston unit (large & small) to move down into lap position
thereby closing the top inlet port without opening the top outlet port. Thus feeding of
air from the auxiliary reservoir to the brake cylinder is cut off. This cycle is repeated
every time BP is reduced in steps effecting graduated application of brakes.
For releasing the brakes, the pressure in the brake pipe is increased and the pressure
above the large piston increases. Thus the differential pressure across the large piston
reduces. As a result, the piston unit (large & small) moves down thereby opening the
top outlet port and closing the top inlet port. The brake cylinder pressure thus passes
through the outlet port and gets exhausted to atmosphere through the release choke.
As the BP pressure reaches 4.85 kg/cm2, the brake cylinder is almost completely
drained and the three pressure assembly attains its charging/running position again.
(i) Graduated release
If the pressure in the brake pipe is increased in steps, the releasing procedure starts
as before. However the top outlet port get closed and come to lap position as soon as
piston unit (large & small) moves up due to fall of brake cylinder pressure.
ii) Manual Release
Sometimes manual release of brakes is very helpful and thus provision is made in the
distributor valve for manually releasing the brakes. When a short pull is given to
pulling lever, it tilts the pressure piece. As a result, the pressure rod and pin are
pushed upwards against force of spring. The air thus flows from control reservoir and
passes through port and then from narrow passage to atmosphere. This will continue
until the brake pipe pressure acting on large piston moves the supporting plate down.
This results in downward movement of the pin thereby closing the passage of air to
If, however, there is no more pressure in brake pipe (i.e., after emergency application),
when short pull is given to release handle then pressure piece is tilted & pin remains in
top position. As a result, control reservoir pressure is completely exhausted. The tilted
pressure piece is then immediately restored to its initial position by spring. The brake
cylinder pressure starts exhausting after control reservoir is exhausted upto 1.2
kg/cm2. and then simultaneously both get exhausted completely.
During refilling, the pressure in brake pipe rises more rapidly via choke and port so
that the large piston immediately moves down causing the pin to move to lap position.
KE distributor valve is a graduated release type of valve and has been approved by
UIC to comply with requirement of its specification no. 540 and 547.

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Schematic diagram of the test bench for KE valve is shown in Fig. 7.32. Test bench
consists of the following components: -
(i). Source of compressed air supply at 7.5 Kg/cm2.
(ii). Pressure regulator (Item no. 4): to supply air at 6.5 Kg/cm2.
(iii). Pressure regulator (Item no. 24): to supply air at 6 Kg/cm2.
(iv). Brake cylinders (Item no. 17): two numbers
(v). Auxiliary reservoir [Item no 21(A) and 21(B)] each having capacity to store 100
liters of air at 6 Kg/cm2.
(vi). Brake pipe reservoir (item no. 9) having capacity to store 60 liters of air at 6
(vii). Equalizer reservoir (Item no. 7) to store air at 6 Kg/cm2 pressure. This reservoir
supplies air to Loco Pilots brake valve whenever it is needed by DBV due to loss
of air.
(viii).Loco Pilots brake valve (item no. 6). It is same as provided in the locomotive. Its
purpose is to control the brake pipe pressure.
(ix). Item no. 2: Filter in supply to filter out any oil, grease etc.
(x). Item no. 22: Auxiliary reservoir check valve. This prevents back flow of air i.e.,
flow of air from auxiliary reservoir to supply.
(xi). Item no. 5: Main reservoir to store 60, liters of air at 6.5 Kg/cm2.
(xii). Item no. 14: Common pipe bracket, KE type distributor valve which is under test
is to be mounted on this.
(xiii).Five pressure gauges to indicate the pressure in different locations as given
below Item no. 25: Main reservoir pressure. Item no. 26: Brake pipe pressure
Item no. 27: Control reservoir pressure Item no. 28: Auxiliary reservoir pressure
Item no. 29: Brake cylinder pressure.
(xiv). Isolating cocks as given below-
a. Item no. 1: Supply of compressed air to main reservoir.
b. Item no. 3: For exhausting main reservoir pressure.
c. Item no. 8: For controlling air pressure in brake pipe with the help of Loco
Pilots brake valve.
d. Item no. 10: For isolating common pipe bracket from the
brake pipe reservoir.
e. Item no. 11: For exhausting brake pipe pressure.
f. Item no. 12: It is with a choke for releasing brake pipe pressure at a desired
rate for insensitivity test.
g. Item no. 13: It is with a choke for releasing brake pipe pressure for sensitivity
h. Item no. 15: Provided between brake pipe line and control reservoir. Normally
it is kept closed and is used only for quick charging (or direct charging) of the
control reservoir.
i. Item no. 16: Isolating cock with a choke for exhausting brake cylinder pressure
at a desired rate.

276 | Page
j. Item no. 19: For isolating auxiliary reservoir from common pipe bracket.
k. Item no. 20: Provided between brake pipe and auxiliary reservoir for
l. direct charging of brake pipe (I.e., by bypassing the Loco Pilot’s brake valve).
m. Item no. 23: It is the cock which connects the auxiliary reservoir with feed pipe
in twin pipe system. This valve is kept closed in single pipe operation.
n. Item no. 30: For exhausting auxiliary reservoir.


277 | Page
Type of Valve ………… Sr. No. …………
Sr.No. Description of Test Observation

1. AR Charging Time from 0 to 4.8 Kg/

cm2 (Main Reservoir pressure > 7.5
Kg/ cm2)
2. CR Charging Time from 0 to 4.8
Kg/cm2 (Main Reservoir pressure
>7.5 Kg/cm2)
3. Leakage Test (Brake lease) Check DV
Leakage by Soap water only at joints.
3.1 Brake Cylinder filling time from 0 to 18 to 30 sec. ±0.1
3.6 Kg/cm2
3.2 Maximum Brake Cylinder Pressure 3.8 Kg/cm2
3.3 Leakage Test (Application) Check
Leakage in DV by Soap water only at
3.4 Brake Cylinder Release Time from 45 to 60 Seconds
Max. B.C. Pressure i.e., from 3.8 +/-
0.1 Kg/cm2 to 0.4 Kg/cm2
(BP pressure 6 Kg/cm2) should not increase
by more than 0.1
Kg/cm2 in 25 sec.
5.1 CR overcharge reduction test Overcharged CR
Overcharge CR to 5.7 Kg/cm2 and should come to
pull double release lever for 3 regime pressure of 5
seconds. Kg/cm2.
6.1 Brake Cylinder filling Time from 0 to 18 to 30 Seconds
3.6 Kg/cm2
6.2 Maximum Brake Cylinder Pressure 3.8 ± 0.1 Kg/cm2
6.3 Leakage Test (Emergency) Check No Leakage
Leakage in DV by Soap water only at
6.4 Brake Cylinder Release Time from 45 to 60 Seconds
Max. B. C. Pressure i.e., from 3.8 ±
0.1 Kg/cm2 to 0.4 Kg/cm2
7.1 BP pressure drop at the rate of 0.6 Brake should start
Kg/cm2 in 6 Seconds applying within 1 sec.
8.1 With a pressure drop stopped Brakes must
immediately after the operation of remain applied.
Quick Service Valve
9.1 BP pressures drop of 0.3 Brakes must not
Kg/cm2 maximum in 60 apply.
278 | Page
10.1 Create leak in BC through a 2 mm BC pressure should
choke decrease initially but
re-feeding should be
available and BC
pressure should get
stabilized at some
Decrease BP pressure in steps as
below - BP Pressure (Kg/cm2)
11.2 Continue Graduated Application until BP pressure drop
max. BC Pressure is obtained must be between
1.4 and 1.6 Kg/cm2
11.3 BP Pressure at maximum BP pressure drop
brake application must be between 3.4
& 3.7 Kg/cm2
Increase BP pressure in steps as Pressure
below –
BP Pressure (Kg/cm2)
12.2 Check BP Pressure when BC 4.85 Kg/cm2 approx.
pressure is 0.4 Kg/cm2 (Recharging
pressure to release BC Fully)
13.1 QUICK RELEASE TEST Brake cylinder & CR
Apply emergency brake & pull are automatically
briefly the double release valve exhausted to zero
14.1 CR check valve reset test. Start Control reservoir
recharging of the system should be isolated
from atmosphere
when brake pipe
pressure exceeds
0.2 Kg/cm2.

720. SINGLE WAGON TEST “Single wagon Test” is performed on a wagon to

ensure proper functioning of the air brake system. It is generally performed on the sick
wagon attended in the sick line or whenever a subassembly of the air brake system is
279 | Page
replaced either in depot or workshop. Single wagon test is also carried out after POH
and after every change of distributor valve in the workshop.
The different tests to be performed on the subassemblies of a wagon are as follows:
Test1: Leakage Test.
Test2: Sensitivity and Insensitivity Test.
Test3: Brake Application and Release Test.
Test4: Graduated Application and Release Test.
Test5: Check and adjust Slack Adjuster.
1. Test Rig
2. Spanners 10mm, 12mm
Single Wagon Test is performed, by using a portable device called “Test Rig”. This
test rig provides all facilities similar to a Loco Pilot’s brake valve. The source of
compressed air for conducting the test is through a compressor installed in depots and
workshops for conducting various tests without the need of a locomotive. The part
description and specification are given in table below.
A systematic lay-out of Single Wagon Test Rig (SWTR) is shown in fig. 7.33. This
SWTR is utilised for testing the air brake system fitted on single wagon. The wagon
should not be connected with the locomotive at the time of testing. The following
procedure shall be followed for testing.
i. The wagon under testing is to be coupled at one end with the SWTR
coupling head BP and the other end should be closed with dummy coupling
head. Pressure gauge should be fitted on brake cylinder.
ii. Couple the SWTR to the main line of compressor.
iii. Place the isolating cock of distributor valve on the wagon in open position
i.e., the handle should be vertically down wards.
iv. Set the pressure reducing valve (1) to 5 + 0.1 Kg/cm2 Open the cocks (2)
and (8) and so the angle cocks on the both ends of the wagons. Move the
Loco Pilot’s brake valve (3) in the charging and release position.
v. Wait for about 5 minutes to charge the complete system.
vi. Check the pressure in BP pressure gauge (7). Pressure should be 5+ 0.1
Kg. /cm2 in BP. If there is pressure drop in the gauge (7) detect the source
of leakage and eliminate it.
vii. Close cocks (2) & (8). Check the leakage on BP for one minute.
viii. Open cock (2). Bring Loco Pilot’s brake valve in full-service application
ix. Record the brake cylinder filling time from 0 to 3.6 Kg. /cm2 in brake
cylinder pressure gauge.
x. Record maximum pressure in brake cylinder.
xi. Record the pressure drop in BP from pressure gauge (4).
xii. Record the piston stroke of brake cylinder.
xiii. Bring Loco Pilot’s brake valve in the charging and release position.
280 | Page
xiv. Record the brake cylinder draining time from 3.8 + 0.1 to 0.4 Kg. /cm2 in
brake cylinder pressure gauge & check complete release of brakes i.e.,
piston should reach its initial position.
xv. Open cock (8) for charging the reservoirs to 5 Kg. /cm2 and close cock (2).
xvi. Open cock (6) for checking sensitivity of brakes. Record time within which
brakes get applied.
xvii. Close cock (6) and open cock (2). Wait till brakes are released.
xviii. Close cock (2) and open cock (7) for checking the insensitivity of brakes.
The brakes should not apply.
xix. Close cock (7) and (8) and open cock (2), BP pressure should rise to 5 Kg.
xx. Close cock (2) and open cock (5) for emergency application.
xxi. Record the brake cylinder charging time from 0 to 3.6 Kg. /cm2 in BC
pressure gauge.
xxii. Record maximum BC pressure.
xxiii. Check the leakage in BC for 5 minutes.
xxiv. Pull the manual release lever of distributor valve for about 10 sec. Brake
cylinder pressure should become zero automatically.
xxv. The above tests should be done in both empty and loaded condition.
xxvi. The results of test shall be recorded in the test proforma attached herewith.
A Schematic lay-out of Single Wagon Test Rig (SWTR) is shown in the attached
Figure 7.33 This SWTR is utilized for testing the air brake system fitted on single
wagon. The wagon should not be connected with the locomotive at the time of testing.
The following procedure shall be followed for testing.
1 The wagon under testing is to be coupled at one end with the SWTR coupling head
BP & FP respectively and the other end should be closed with dummy coupling
heads. Pressure gauge should be fitted on brake cylinder.
2 Couple the SWTR to the main line of compressor. .
3 Check the following on the wagon.
a. Isolating cock of distributor valve should be in open position i.e. the handle should
be vertically down wards.
b. Isolating cock in FP line should be in open position i.e, handle should be vertically
down wards.
4 Set the pressure regulator (1) to 6 +0.1 kg/cm2 open the cocks (2), (5) and (11)
and also the angle cocks of both FP and BP on both the ends of the wagons. Move
the Loco Pilot's brake valve (6) in charging and release position.
5 Wait for about 5 minutes to charge the complete system.
6 Check the pressures in FP pressure gauge (3) and BP pressure gauge (7).
Pressure should be 6+ 0.1 kg/cm2 in FP and 5 +0.1 kg/cm2 in BP. If there is
pressure drop in any of the gauges detect the source of leakage and eliminate it.
7 Close cock (2) and check the leakage in FP for one minute.
8 Close cocks (5) and (11) and check the leakage on BP for one minute.
9 Open cock (2) and (5), bring Loco Pilot's brake valve in full-service application

281 | Page
10 Record the brake cylinder filling time from 0 to 3.6 kg/cm2 in brake cylinder
pressure gauge.
11 Record maximum pressure in brake cylinder.
12 Record the pressure drop in BP from pressure gauge (7).
13 Record the piston stroke of brake cylinder.
14 Bring Loco Pilot's brake valve in charging and release position.
15 Record the brake cylinder draining time from 3.8 to 0.4 kg/cm2 in brake cylinder
pressure gauge & check complete release of brakes i.e., piston should reach its
initial position.
16 Close cock (5) and open cock (11) for charging the reservoir to 5 kg/cm2
17 Open cock (9) for checking sensitivity of brakes. Record the time within which
brakes applied.
18 close cock (9) and open cock (5). Wait till brakes are released.
19 Close cock (5) and open cock (10) for checking the insensitivity of brakes.
20 Close cock (10) and (11) and open cock (5). BP pressure should rise to 5 Kg/cm2.
21 Close cock (5) and open cock (8) for emergency application.
22 Record the brake cylinder charging time from 0 to 3.6 kg/cm2 in BC pressure
23 Record maximum BC pressure.
24 Check the leakage in BC for 5 minutes.
25 The above tests should be done in both empty and loaded condition.
26 The results of test shall be recorded in the test proforma as given below.

FiG. 7.33 SWTR-Twin pipe

Fig. Ref. No. Description Qty.

282 | Page
1. Pressure reducing valve 1
2. Isolating cock 15 mm 1
3. Pressure gauge for FP 1
4. Flexible hose FP 2.5 M long 1
5. Isolating Cock 15 mm 1
6. Loco Pilots brake valve 1
7. Pressure Gauge for BP 1
8. Isolating Cock 15 mm 1
9. Isolating Cock 15 mm with choke 1
10. Isolating cock 15 mm with choke 1
11. Isolating Cock 15 mm 1
12. Air Reservoir 40 L 1
13. Flexible hose BP 2.5 M long 1
14. Check valve 15 mm 1
15. Isolating cock 15mm 1
16. Adapter for AR 1
17. Adapter for CR 1
18. Adapter for BC 1
19. Flexible Hose 15mmx2 m long 3
20. Pressure gauge for BC,CR and AR 3
21. Trolley (Not Shown) 1
BOBR & BOBRN (Single pipe/ Twin pipe)
Sr.No. Check Specified
1. Pressure in BP 5±0.1 Kg/cm2
1a Pressure in F.P (In case of Twin pipe) 6±0.1 Kg/cm2
2. Pressure in AR ( in case of single pipe) 5±0.1 Kg/cm2
2a Pressure in AR ( in case of Twin pipe) 6±0.1 Kg/cm2
3. Leakage from the system after charging 0.1 Kg/cm2 in one minute
4. Full Service Application
4.1 Brake Cylinder filling time -
(Pressure rise from 0 to 3.6 Kg/cm2)
a) Empty 18 to 30 Second
b) Loaded 18 to 30 Second
4.2 Maximun brake cylinder pressure
a) Empty 3.8±0.1 Kg/cm2
b) Loaded 3.8±0.1 Kg/cm2
4.3 Reduction in BP pressure required for full
service application 1.3 to 1.6 Kg/cm2

5. Release after full service application

5.1 Draining time (Brake cylinder pressure to fall
from 3.8 + 0.1 kg/cm2 to 0.4 kg/cm2 45 to 60 sec.
6. Sensitivity of brakes Isolate brake pipe from
mainline. Check the response of brakes Brake should apply within
when the brake pipe pressure is reduced at 6 sec.
the most equal to 0.6 kg/cm2 in 6 sec.

283 | Page
7. Insensitivity of brake. Isolate brake pipe
from mainline. Check the response of Brake should not apply.
brakes when brake pipe pressure is reduced
at least equal to 0.3 kg./cm2 in 60 seconds.
8. Emergency application

8.1 Brake Cylinder filling time

(Pressure to rise from 0 to 3.6 kg/cm2)
a) Empty 18 to 30 sec.
18 to 30 sec.
b) Loaded
8.2 Maximum brake cylinder pressure
a) Empty 3.8±0.1 Kg/cm2
b) Loaded 3.8±0.1 Kg/cm2
9. See note below
Piston stroke
a) Empty
b) Loaded
10. 0.1 Kg/cm2 within 5
Leakage from brake cylinder after
emergency application minutes
11. Automatic exhausting of brake cylinder and
control Chamber.
12. Brake cylinder and control
Apply emergency brakes (i.e., BP= 0
kg/cm2). Check the brake cylinder pressure reservoirs should exhaust
after giving a brief pull to release hook. automatically.
Signature & Name of
testing Authority
(Single pipe/ Twin pipe)
Sr.No. Check Specified
1. Pressure in BP 5±0.1 Kg/cm2
1a Pressure in F.P (In case of Twin pipe) 6±0.1 Kg/cm2
2. Pressure in AR ( in case of single pipe) 5±0.1 Kg/cm2
2a Pressure in AR ( in case of Twin pipe) 6±0.1 Kg/cm2
3. Leakage from the system after charging 0.1 Kg/cm2 in one minute
4. Full Service Application
4.1 18 to 30 Second
Brake Cylinder filling time in Empty
(Pressure rise from 0 to 2.1 Kg/cm2)
Brake Cylinder filling time in Loaded 18 to 30 Second

(Pressure rise from 0 to 3.6 Kg/cm2)

4.2 Maximun brake cylinder pressure
c) Empty 2.2±0.25 Kg/cm2
d) Loaded 3.8±0.1 Kg/cm2

284 | Page
4.3 Reduction in BP pressure required for full
service application 1.3 to 1.6 Kg/cm2

5. Release after full service application

5.1 45 to 60 sec.
Draining time (Brake cylinder pressure to fall
from 2.2+0.25 kg/cm2 to 0.4 kg/cm2 in
Empty condition
Draining time (Brake cylinder pressure to fall 45 to 60 sec.
from 3.8+0.1 kg/cm2 to 0.4 kg/cm2 in
Loaded condition

6. Sensitivity of brakes Isolate brake pipe from

mainline. Check the response of brakes Brake should apply within
when the brake pipe pressure is reduced at 6 sec.
the most equal to 0.6 kg/cm2 in 6 sec.
7. Insensitivity of brake. Isolate brake pipe
from mainline. Check the response of Brake should not apply.
brakes when brake pipe pressure is reduced
at least equal to 0.3 kg. /cm2 in 60 seconds.
8. Emergency application
8.1 18 to 30 sec.
Brake Cylinder filling time in Empty
(Pressure rise from 0 to 2.1 kg/cm2)
Brake Cylinder filling time in Loaded 18 to 30 sec.

(Pressure rise from 0 to 3.8 kg/cm2)

8.2 Maximum brake cylinder pressure
2.2±0.25 Kg/cm2
c) Empty 3.8±0.1 Kg/cm2
d) Loaded
9. Piston stroke
c) Empty 110±10mm
d) Loaded
10. 0.1 Kg/cm2 within 5
Leakage from brake cylinder after
emergency application minutes
11. Automatic exhausting of brake cylinder and
control Chamber.
12. Brake cylinder and control
Apply emergency brakes (i.e., BP= 0
kg/cm2). Check the brake cylinder pressure reservoirs should exhaust
after giving a brief pull to release hook. automatically.
Signature & Name of
testing Authority

(Single pipe/ Twin pipe)
Sr.No. Check Specified
285 | Page
1. Pressure in BP 5±0.1 Kg/cm2
1a Pressure in F.P (In case of Twin pipe) 6±0.1 Kg/cm2
2. Pressure in AR ( in case of single pipe) 5±0.1 Kg/cm2

2a Pressure in AR ( in case of Twin pipe) 6±0.1 Kg/cm2

3. Leakage from the system after charging 0.1 Kg/cm2 in one minute
4. Full Service Application
4.1 Brake Cylinder filling time in Empty 18 to 30 Second
(Pressure rise from 0 to 2.1 Kg/cm2)
Brake Cylinder filling time in Loaded 18 to 30 Second
(Pressure rise from 0 to 3.6 Kg/cm
4.2 Maximum brake cylinder pressure
e) Empty 2.2±0.25 Kg/cm2
f) Loaded 3.8±0.1 Kg/cm2
4.3 Reduction in BP pressure required for full
service application 1.3 to 1.6 Kg/cm2

5. Release after full service application

5.1 45 to 60 sec.
Draining time (Brake cylinder pressure to fall
from 2.2+0.25 kg/cm2 to 0.4 kg/cm2 in
Empty condition
Draining time (Brake cylinder pressure to fall 45 to 60 sec.
from 3.8+0.1 kg/cm2 to 0.4 kg/cm2 in
Loaded condition
6. Sensitivity of brakes Isolate brake pipe from
mainline. Check the response of brakes Brake should apply within
when the brake pipe pressure is reduced at 6 sec.
the most equal to 0.6 kg/cm2 in 6 sec.
7. Insensitivity of brake. Isolate brake pipe
from mainline. Check the response of Brake should not apply.
brakes when brake pipe pressure is reduced
at least equal to 0.3 kg. /cm2 in 60 seconds.
Emergency application

8.1 18 to 30 sec.
Brake Cylinder filling time in Empty
(Pressure rise from 0 to 2.1 kg/cm2)
Brake Cylinder filling time in Loaded 18 to 30 sec.

(Pressure rise from 0 to 2.1 kg/cm2)

8.2 Maximum brake cylinder pressure
e) Empty 2.2±0.25 Kg/cm2
f) Loaded 3.8±0.1 Kg/cm2
9. Piston stroke
e) Empty*
10. 0.1 Kg/cm2 within 5
Leakage from brake cylinder after
emergency application minutes

286 | Page
11. Automatic exhausting of brake cylinder and
control Chamber.
12. Brake cylinder and control
Apply emergency brakes (i.e., BP= 0
kg/cm2). Check the brake cylinder pressure reservoirs should exhaust
after giving a brief pull to release hook. automatically.
13. Empty load change over by APM Device

13.1 Brake cylinder pressure

Unrestricted movement of lever arm of APM
device 2.2±0.25 Kg/cm2
13.2 Restrict the movement of lever arm of APM
device by more than 25mm (by putting a Brake cylinder pressure
block of 25mm thickness) from its initial 3.8±0.1 Kg/cm2
13.3 APM arm movement from fully retracted APM Setting (A) see table
position to bogie side frame top
13.4 Brake cylinder pressure
Brake cylinder pressure with unrestricted
movement of lever arm of APM device 2.2±0.25 Kg/cm2
13.5 Restrict the movement of lever arm of APM Brake cylinder pressure
device with B mm block. Placed on Bogie 3.8±0.1 Kg/cm2
13.6 Restrict the movement of lever arm of APM Brake cylinder pressure
device with C mm block. Place on Bogie 3.8±0.1 Kg/cm2
14. Hand Brake
14.1 There should not be
Apply hand brakes (by one person and
strike all wheels with hammer) ringing sound.
Signature & Name of
testing Authority
Note: For APM setting A mm, B mm block and C mm block see table-I as given
* However, if in few cases, the piston stroke at empty pressure during testing on
SWTR exceeds the specified range, the piston stroke is to be tested by locking the
wheels with wedges.

S.No. Wagon Check A B C

(in mm) (in (in mm)
1 APM arm movement from fully
BOSTHSM2 retracted position to bogie side 99 +1/-0 20 18
frame top.
2 APM arm movement from fully
BOXNHL retracted position to bogie side 96 +1/-0 17 15
frame top.

287 | Page
3 APM arm movement from fully
BCNHL retracted position to bogie side 96 +1/-0 17 15
frame top.
APM arm movement from fully
BOXN NLB 20.32 T retracted position to bogie side 92 +1/-0 13 11
frame top.
APM arm movement from fully
BOXN NLB 22.9 T retracted position to bogie side 90 +1/-0 11 9
frame top.
6 APM arm movement from fully
BOXN HS 20.32 T retracted position to bogie side 94.5 +1/-0 15.5 13.5
frame top.
7 APM arm movement from fully
BOXN HS 22.9 T retracted position to bogie side 94 +1/-0 15 13
frame top.
8 APM arm movement from fully
BTFLN 20.32 T retracted position to bogie side 94 +1/-0 15 13
frame top.
APM arm movement from fully
BOBSN retracted position to bogie side 88 +1/-0 9 7
frame top.
10 APM arm movement from fully
BRN 22.9 retracted position to bogie side 95.5 +1/-0 16.5 14.5
frame top.
11 APM arm movement from fully
BOBRNHSM1 retracted position to bogie side 90.5+1/-0 11.5 9.5
frame top.

288 | Page
NOTE: Piston strokes for different types of wagons shall be as given below-
Type of wagon Piston Stroke(in mm)
Empty Loaded
BOXN, BCN/BCNA, BRN, BTPGLN 85±10 130±10
BOXNHL, BCNHL 85 ± 10 120 ±10
BTPN 85 ±10 130 ±10
BOY 90 ±10 135 ±10
BVZC 70 ±10 --
BOBRN 100 ±10 110 ±10
BOBYN 100 ±10 110 ±10
BLC 95 ±10 120 ±10
BOSTHS, BOBSN 85 ±10 130 ±10

289 | Page
Fig. 7.33 SINGLE WAGON TEST RIG (SWTR) (Single Pipe)

Fig. Ref. Description Qty.

1 Pressure reducing valve 1
2 Isolating cock 15 mm 1
3 Loco Pilots brake valve 1
4 Pressure Gauge for BP 1
5 Isolating Cock 15 mm 1
6 Isolating Cock 15 mm with choke 1
7 Isolating Cock 15 mm with choke 1
8 Isolating cock 15 mm 1
9 Air Reservoir 40 L 1
10 Flexible hose BP 1 M long 1
11 Check valve 15 mm 1
12 Isolating cock 15mm 1
290 | Page
13 Adapter for AR 1
14 Adapter for CR 1
15 Adapter for BC 1
16 Flexible Hose 10mmx2 m long 3
17 Pressure gauge 3
18 Trolley (Not Shown) 1
721. Rake Test : (Conventional Brake System and BMBS System)
A schematic layout of rake test rig (RTR) is shown in fig. 7.33 A rake consisting of 58
wagons can be tested with this rig. This rig may be used for testing the train in yard
before attaching the engine.
The rake test rig has air supply and mobile test rig. The mobile test rig is having a
cubical structure and is mounted on wheels. It can be taken to the yards and sick
Air Supply System:
a. This consists of a compressor (1), after cooler (2), check valve (3) main reservoir
(4), safety valve (5) and filter (6). All these items are to be installed in a room in a
b. The compressor generates pneumatic pressure of 10 kg./cm 2 and compressed air
is stored in main air reservoir MR (4). The safety valve (5).opens out if the
pressure exceeds 10 kg./cm2. The oil and dirt will be separated out in the filter (6).
The check valve (3) prevents back flow of air while compressor is off.
c. The compressed air line is connected to the pipe line in the sickline/yard. Angle
cock and hose couplings (BP) are provided at various points depending upon the
train formation and check points in sickline.
Mobile Test Rig.
a. The rig consists of brake hose coupling BP (8) and isolating cock (12) at : the inlet
of the mobile test rig. The air connection can be tapped from one of the points of
sickline. The mobile test rig is provided with Loco Pilot's brake valve (10).
b. Brake pipe in the rake is charged while Loco Pilot's brake valve (10) is kept in
released and running position. The Loco Pilot's brake valve inlet is connected to
MR. It regulates the pressure to 5 kg./cm2 through the relay valve (11). Isolating
cock (12d) is provided to isolate BP from Loco Pilot's brake valve (10).
c. The relay valve (11) has been provided in the system for augmenting the feeding
capacity of Loco Pilot's brake valve.
d. The hose coupling of BP is connected to the brake pipe coupling of the rake.
Testing Procedure:
Attach the rake test rig to the rake through the couplings. Carry out tests as per the
procedure given in {MP guide No.11 (Rev.01) amendment No.01 of Jan-2010}
Note: In case rake test rig is not available testing shall be done by Locomotive.

291 | Page
Fig. 7.33 (Single Pipe)

721-A. Rake Test :( Conventional Brake System and BMBS System)

Procedure of Rake Testing for Freight Stock Twin pipe:
A schematic layout of rake test rig (RTR) is shown in Fig 7.34. a rake of wagon stock
can be tested with this Test Rig. This Rig may also be used for testing the train in
yards before attaching the engine.
The Rake Test Rig unit has air supply and mobile test rig. The mobile test rig is having
a cubical structure and is mounted on wheels. It can be taken to the yards and sick
lines. The procedure is as follows:
A. Carry out Visual Examination of rake.
B. Prepare Test Rig for Rake Test.
C. Conduct Leakage, Service Application and Release Test.
Visual inspection is a check of air brake sub-assembly for any damage on the brake
pipe, hose coupling etc and then rectifying it. The steps are: -
i) Inspect loose suspension brackets and anti-pilferage devices of all air brake sub-
ii) Visually inspect for any defect/damage in the brake pipe, hose pipe, coupling etc.
iii) Rectify or replace the problematic part/sub-assembly.
Rake Test can be performed by using a portable device called “Test Rig” or by
Locomotive. The Test Rig provides all facilities like locomotive to conduct the test.
The source of compressed air supply to the Test Rig is through a compressor
installed in the wagon depot for Brake Pipe and Feed Pipe of the test rig. The Air
Dryer should also be provided just before connecting brake pipe and feed pipe for
supply of dry air.
i) This consists of a compressor (1), after cooler (2), check valve (3) main reservoir

292 | Page
(4), safety valve (5) and filter (6). All these items are to be installed in a room in a
ii) The compressor generates pneumatic pressure of 10 kg./cm2 and compressed air
is stored in main air reservoir MR(4). The safety valve (5) opens out if the pressure
exceeds 10 Kg./cm2. The oil and dirt will be separated out in the filter (6).The
check valve (3) prevents back flow of air while compressor is off.
iii) The compressed air line is connected to the pipe line in the sick line/yard. Angle
cock and hose coupling (BP) are provided at various points depending upon the
train formation and check points in sick line.
i) The rig consists of brake hose coupling BP (8) and isolating cock (13) at the inlet of
the mobile test rig. The air connection can be tapped from one of the points of
sickline. The mobile test rig is provided with Loco Pilot’s brake valve (10) and an
equalizing reservoir (15).
ii) Brake pipe in the rake is charged while Loco Pilot’s brake valve (10) is kept in
released and running position. The Loco Pilot’s brake valve inlet is connected to
MR. It regulates the pressure to 5 kg./cm2 through the relay valve (11). Isolating
cock (13) is provided to isolate BP from Loco Pilot’s brake valve (10).
iii) The relay valve has been provided in the system for augmenting the feeding
capacity of Loco Pilot’s brake valve. The hose coupling of BP is connected to the
brake pipe coupling of the rake.
iv) The MR line is connected to the feed valve (12) and regulatory pressure of 6
kg/cm2 is obtained from the outlet. Feed pipe in the rake will be charged through
feed valve (12), isolating cock (13) and brake hose coupling FP (14).
Attach the rake test rig to the rake through the couplings. Carry out following tests as
per the procedure given in G-97 Annexure-XI MP guide No.11 (Rev.01) amendment
No.01 of Jan- 2010} for checking capability of locomotives for Charging/Releasing of
train brakes, checking of leakage in the train, checking leakage in feed pipe, brake
cylinder operative percentage, and procedure to be followed at way side.
Note: In case rake test rig is not available testing shall be done by locomotive.
Following examination must be carried out before rake testing
i) Hand Brakes of all wagons are fully released.
ii) Operating handle of empty load box is in correct position i.e., 'Empty' position when
wagon is empty or lightly loaded and in 'Loaded' position when wagon is loaded
beyond the specified value.
iii) Hose couplings of brake pipe & feed pipe on consequent wagons are coupled to
one another to form a continuous air passage from the locomotive to the rear end
of train.
iv) All the angle cocks except those at the rear end of the train are kept OPEN.
v) Hose coupling at the rear end of the train is placed on hose coupling support.
vi) Isolating cocks of Distributor Valve on all wagons are in OPEN position.
1. Checking of Continuity and Leakage in Rake:
A. Attach the Diesel/Electric locomotive/Test Rig to the rake fitted with twin pipe air
brake system and couple brake pipes and feed pipes. Ensure correct coupling with
brake and feed pipe in a manner that there is no leakage of air from coupled joints.
B. The coupling should be done with angle cocks in closed position.

293 | Page
C. Open the angle cocks of loco after coupling feed pipe and brake pipe.
D. Open the angle cock of the brake pipes and the feed pipes on all the wagons and
check for continuity and leakage of brake pipe and feed pipe by reducing and
rebuilding brake pipe and feed pipe pressure operating by A9 brake valve & angle
cock fitted in feed pipe on locomotive (on wagon side) respectively. The verification
should invariably to be carried out through the pressure gauges (BP& FP) provided
in Train Manager's Brake Van.
Brake Pipe pressure in train (kg/cm²)

S. N. Length of the train RTR/Locomotive Brake Van

I UP TO 56 BOXN WAGONS 5.0 4.8
Feed Pipe pressure in train (kg/cm²)
S.N Length of the train RTR/Locomotive Brake Van
I UP TO 56 BOXN WAGONS 6.0 5.8
NOTE: If the pressure is not within specified limit as given above then check for
leakage in rake and correct it.
Leakage Rate Test:
E. After the stabilizing pressure as given in above table, move the Loco Pilot's
automatic brake valve handle (A-9) towards application position to reduce brake
pipe pressure from 5.0 kg/cm² to
4.0 kg/cm².
F. After the brake pipe pressure has been stabilized –
i) Close the brake pipe isolating cock provided between additional C2W Relay valve
and brake pipe of the locomotive or isolating cock of Test Rig for checking BP
ii) Close the isolating cock provided between feed valve and feed pipe of the
locomotive or isolating cock of FP for checking FP leakage.
G. Wait for 60 sec for temperature and gauge settlement then note the drop in
pressure in brake pipe & feed pipe pressure gauge in locomotive for 05 minutes.
H. The drop in brake pipe & feed pipe pressure gauge shall not be more than 0.25
I. If the leakage rate is more than the value indicated in (H), check for excessive
leakage on individual wagon as indicated below –
1. A hissing sound would be audible at points where leakage is heavy.
2. Once the hissing sound is heard from a particular area, pin-point the location of
leakage by applying soap water solution.
3. Use of permitted material viz. Teflon tape arresting the leakage.
J. In case leakage is heavy and cannot be arrested, the wagon may have to be
K. In case where leakage can be arrested temporarily by tap and the nature of
leakage is such that it requires attention at primary depot, clear marking on the
wagon should be to draw attention of primary depot for adequate attention.
L. In case the leakage is from the distributor valve and cannot be arrested, isolation
294 | Page
of the wagon can be carried out by closing the distributor valve isolating cock. In
such condition, clear marking should be provided on the wagon to indicate this
defect to primary depot. Do not close brake pipe angle cocks under any
circumstances, either for isolation of wagons or for any purpose whatsoever,
except for carrying out shunting operation after which the angle cocks should
again be opened to ensure continuity of brake pipe.
2. Service application and Release Test:
A. Move the Loco Pilot's automatic brake valve handle (A-9) towards service brake
application position and drop the value of brake pipe pressure (BP) between 1.3 to
1.6 kg/cm².
B. Brake blocks of all wagons should apply after brake application and brake blocks
on wagons are mating with the wheels after brake application.
C. Check the piston stroke of all wagons, all should be within specified limit for piston
strokes for different types of wagons as per given in Para 720.
D. If the piston stroke is incorrect then, record “A” Dimension, it should be 70 ±2 mm in
empty and loaded condition.
E. Check all brake cylinders. Wagons with inoperative brake cylinders should be
marked unfit and detached.
F. After the release of brake, the piston of brake cylinder should fully inside and brake
blocks are away from the wheels.
G. Train Manager’s emergency brake valve: Ensure that Train Manager Emergency
brake valve is working
properly by operating it.
H. BPC (Brake Power Certificate): Ensure that Loco Pilot, Train Manager and TXR
have checked the details given in the certificate and signed for its compliance.
3. Brake cylinder operative %:
1. The trains originating from primary depot should have a brake cylinder operating
percentage of 100% in case of CC rake. For premium rakes, minimum originating
brake power percentage is 95% and for end to end rake is 90%.
2. Train examination staff should check the operative percentage by observing
gripping of brake blocks on wheels.
4. Procedure to be followed at Way-Side Station:
1. If the leakage rate is found more than the value indicated in 1(H), locate the source
and arrest the leakage as per the procedure given in 1(I).
2. In case the leakage can be arrested temporarily by tape and the nature of leakage
is such that it requires attention at primary depot, clear marking on the wagon
should be done to draw the attention of primary depot for adequate attention.
3. In case the leakage is from distributor valve, follow the procedure given in 1(L).
4. In case the leakage is heavy and can not be arrested and wagon has to be
detached, contact the control and obtain further advice.
NOTE:1. It is clarified that the maximum originating brake power for air braked goods
trains running on end to end pattern of examination shall be 90% except wherever
local restrictions have specified higher levels of brake power to meet specific
requirements. Exception shall only be made after prior personal approval of Chief
Rolling Stock Engineer has been obtained for each individual.
NOTE:2. Whenever a rake is stabled, it must be secured properly as per rules given in

295 | Page
G&SR of Zonal Railways.


Type of rake :
Type of
Wagons : Type
of DVs :
BP pressure :
FP pressure :
S. Check Specified Actual
1. Pressure at last Wagon
Up to 56 wagons 4.8 Kg/cm²
a) Brake pipe
(min.) Beyond 56 wagons 4.7
Kg/cm² (min.)

b) Feed pipe Up to 56 wagons 5.8 Kg/cm²

(min.) Beyond 56 wagons 5.7
Kg/cm² (min.)
2. Leakage Rate
a) Brake pipe 0.25 Kg/cm²/min.
b) Feed pipe 0.25 Kg/cm²/min.

3. Service Application and

Release Test

a) Brake application when Brake should apply in 15 to 20

B.P. pressure reduced seconds.
between 1.3 to 1.6 Kg/cm²

b) Observe Piston stroke of

Piston in applied position and
brake cylinder brake blocks are matting
the wheels
c) Record the piston stroke
Piston stroke should
be within specified
4. d) Releasing of the brake
when B.P. Pressure charge
Piston should be fully inside the
up to 5 Kg/cm²
brake cylinder. Brake should
release 45 to 60 seconds.
Brake cylinder operating %
Trains originating from primary
depot should have a brake
cylinder operating percentage of
100%. (In case of CC

296 | Page
1. Rake Test Rig/Locomotive.
2. Open End spanner 18x19”
3. Spanner 10mm, 12mm
i. Check for any missing component and replace them, wherever
ii. Charge the BP pressure and check for leakage
iii. Check whether the application and release of brakes is taking place

297 | Page
properly. Also check for the free movement of brake rigging.
iv. Drain the brake pipe, control reservoir and auxiliary reservoir fully and
ensure that there is no pressure in the system.
v. Remove the drain plug of auxiliary reservoir, control reservoir and
centrifugal dirt collector and allow the draining of the condensate. Then
charge the brake pipe and allow air to come out to the plug holes for
some time so that all the dirt and other impurities may be driven out.
vi. Remove filter housing of the common pipe bracket, clean the filter and
refit making replacements, if necessary.
vii. Remove the brake cylinder breather hole strainer, clean it and refit
making replacements, wherever necessary.
viii. Check the handles of the cut off angle cock and isolating cock are
moving freely. If there is any resistance, open the assembly, overhaul
it, reassemble and ensure that there is free movement.
ix. Refer to the defects observed during checking of the arrival of the rake
and make necessary rectifications.
x. The following items on individual sub assembly to be checked :-
(A) Distributor Valve
Clean filter of the common pipe bracket
Ensure ease of movement and function of quick release valve. Ensure valve
is switched on i.e. isolating valve handle is vertically down. Ensure free
movement of handle.
(B) Brake Cylinder
Clean the brake cylinder breather filter at regular intervals. Ensure that the
piston rod is fully in.
(C) Air Reservoir.
Remove the condensate by opening the drain plug. Replace drain plug seal if
(Railway Board Letter No. 2017/M/(N)/951/23 dated 09.09.2017)
Vide Board’s letter under reference instructions were issued for immediate
implementation of wagon maintenance instructions (WMI-001-2017 Rev-1).
As per the WMI, Auxiliary reservoir is required to be removed from under
frame, overhauled and refitted during POH of wagons in the wagon
It is hereby advised that dropping of AR during POH is compulsory in all
cases. Wherever the AR has not been dropped and refitted shall be treated
as an NTXR rejectable defect.
(E) Cut off Angle Cock
Replace sealing ring and dowel pin, put any lubricating oil on top of handle at
regular intervals. Ensure cock is open i.e. handle is parallel to the pipe.
(F) Dirt Collector Remove condensate by opening drain plug. Replace drain plug
sealing ring, if necessary. Open the cover and clean the filter.

298 | Page
(G) Pipe Joints and Air brake Hose Coupling
Replace rubber seals, if needed. Replace hose coupling assembly, if
required. If there is any leakage, arrest the leakage by using appropriate
sealing compound or by tightening the joints or by changing the seals as
xi. Check the working of Slack adjuster and adjust “A” dimension, if
required as given in para 820.
xii. After complete maintenance of the wagons testing should be done as
given in para 820.
A. In routine overhaul first test the brake system using single wagon test rig
as per procedure given in RDSO publication G-97 Annexure (XII) (Latest
amendment). Following action should be taken for the
defects/discrepancies identified during testing.
a) Replace DV by a DV tested in test bench if any of the following defects
identified: (Ref: test proforma at Annexure-XII)
i. AR pressure not as specified
ii. CR pressure not as specified
iii. Maximum brake cylinder pressure in full-service
application/Emergency application not as specified.
iv. Brake cylinder filling time/draining time after full service and/or
emergency application not as specified.
v. Insensitivity/sensitivity parameters are not as specified.
vi. Leakage through distributor valve.
vii. Brake cylinder pressures in empty & loaded condition are not within the
specified limit.
b) Replace brake cylinder by tested brake cylinder, if following defects are
i. Leakage from brake cylinder after emergency application is not as
ii. If any visual damage is noticed.
c) Examine and repair or replace Seals/Gaskets of pipe and joint fittings if
leakage rate of system is not within specified limits.
i) Replace the angle cock if it is leaking or damaged
ii) Replace leaking Train Manager’s Emergency Brake Valve, isolating cock,
and quick coupling of brake van.
B. Examine rigging/Slack Adjuster if Piston Stroke is not as specified. (See
Annexure - XV & XVI of G-97)
Carry out following checks and examinations.
a) Cut off Angle Cock
Check for easy operation of cut-off angle cock. If found jammed put a few
drops of light lubricating oil on top of the cock and give light hammer shocks
on the top of the cock simultaneously trying to operate the handle. Operate
299 | Page
handle 10-12 times to ensure smooth movement. If working of angle cock
even after lubrication is not smooth replace by tested angle cock.
b) Dirt Collector
Open the drain plug and drain out the Condensate and replace the drain plug.
If the leather washer is found defective it should be changed.
c) Brake Cylinder
Check the brake cylinder for smooth movement of piston. Lubricate the piston
by injecting 2 cc of lubricating grease through the gauge point. Brake cylinder
movement even after lubrication is not smooth, replace by tested brake
d) Auxiliary Reservoir/Control Reservoir
Open the drain plug and drain out the condensate and replace the drain plug.
If the Leather Washer is found defective it should be changed.
e) Hose Coupling
i. Check serviceability of hose coupling.
ii. Check the Gasket for any visual damage and replace if found necessary.
f) Train Manager’s Emergency Brake Valve
Check easy operation of Valve. Operate 5 to 6 times. Defective valve should
be replaced.
g) Isolating Cock for BVZC Brake Vans
Check easy operation of cock. Operate 5 to 6 times. Replace defective
isolating cock.
h) Quick Coupling for BVZC Brake Vans
Check for proper working and replace if defective.
i) Load Sensing Device (Fig. 4, 5, 7, 23 & 24 of G-97) for BOBR/BOBRN Wagons
Check that wagons fitted with C3W2 OR KEO DV are provided with single
piece as per RDSO drawing No. WD- 01065 – S- 01 LSD type.
i. Check proper working of single piece load sensing device fitted on bogie.
For checking the proper working of LSD in loaded condition press the
piston of operating valve by inserting a bar.
C. Ensure the following :-
i. Hose coupling support at both ends are fitted properly.
ii. All mounting nuts and bolts of various equipment, pipe fitting and pipe
joints are secured and tight in position.
iii. APD of the following are as per RDSO drawings and specifications.
iv. Examine and ensure that the Air Brake equipment are not physically,
damaged from outside.
D. After carrying out all the work, test the brake system in single wagon test
rig for all parameters as per procedure given in Annexure XII of G-97.
Rectify the defects if identified during testing. In no case wagon with brake
system not meeting requirement be allowed to come out from ROH repair.
E. Attend to special modifications, as ordered from time to time in the
nominated Depots.
300 | Page
F. Touch up paint and lettering where necessary.
G. Details of replacement of DV shall be marked on the sole bar as indicated
in RDSO Drg. No. WD - 93003 - S - 01.
H. Defective equipment replaced should be taken to test bench for repair and
after repair use them as spare unit for further ROH of wagons.
a) For the repair of Air Brake Equipment necessary spares shall be spare
parts procured from approved Air Brake Supplier shall be readily available
with the Depot. A maintenance kit for different equipment is given at
Annexure XII of G-97. The Depot shall make assessment of the total
quantity required and procure the same in Kit form. Small quantity of
spares, which are not covered in maintenance kit may also be require.
Such spares can be purchased as non stock item or by cash imprest.
b) Only used for repairs. Under no circumstances Shop made/duplicate
spares shall be used. The marking on items shall be seen to verify the
c) ROH Maintenance Depot should have sufficient Nos. of various spare
assemblies for unit exchange.
d) ROH Maintenance Depot should have following Repair and Maintenance
facilities for various assemblies :-
i) Facilities for opening, repair, assembly and testing of all type of DVS.
ii) Facilities for Opening, Repair, Assembly and Testing of Angle cock, Dirt
collector, Brake Cylinder, Isolating Cock, Train Manager’s emergency
brake valve isolating cock and quick coupling.
iii) The maintenance facilities for repair of various assemblies should be
similar for what has been recommended for POH.
e) Do not allow wagon to come out from ROH repair without APD &
additional APD of DV and APD of angle cock.
f) After complete maintenance of the wagons testing should be done as
given in para 20.
The following procedure shall be followed for the POH of Air Brake
i. Remove APD of DV & Angle Cocks from wagon.
ii. Remove all assembly i.e. DV, Brake cylinder, Angle cock, Auxiliary
Reservoir and Dirt Collector from Wagon.
iii. Remove Train Manager’s emergency brake valve, Isolating cock and quick
also form brake van.
iv. Remove automatic load changeover device also from wagon in case of
v. Remove pipe bracket, pipe clamps, pipe joints and strip all pipes.
vi. The pipes should be slightly hammered to loosen the rust and scale.
vii. After de-scaling, pipe must be blown with dry compressed air to ensure
complete cleaning of rust and scale.

301 | Page
viii. Clean the outside of all pipes thoroughly.
ix. Examine all pipes for damage, cut, corrosion, etc. Damaged and
heavily corroded pipe must be replaced.
x. Examine joints for the following damage:
a) Sockets for cracks
b) Fixed Flanges for straightness
c) Sockets and flanges for Corrosion/damages & replace defective parts.
xi. Replace all rubber items of pipe joints irrespective of conditions of old
xii. Assemble pipe joints. Tight bolts properly and secure them by spring
washer and nut.
xiii. Fit, properly overhauled and tested, following assembly.
a) DV. In case new DV is fitted it should be ensured that casting tag is
available on DV.
b) Pipe bracket
c) Dirt Collector
d) Both Angle Cocks
e) Brake Cylinder
f) Auxiliary Reservoir
g) Train Manager’s emergency brake valve in case of BrakeVan.
h) Isolating cock in case of Brake Van.
i) Quick Coupling in case of Brake Van.
j) Automatic empty load change over device in case of BOBR/BOBRN
Use new rubber items for joints between pipe and equipment irrespective of
condition of old items.
xiv Properly secure nut and bolts of joints between pipe and equipment.
xv Examine all pipe and pipe fittings and brackets and properly secure
Pipes should not be loose inside the pipe clamps. xvi Fit following
a) APD of Angle Cock
xvii Fit overhauled Hose Couplings at both ends of Brake Pipe.PAINTING
All items shall be painted black as per standard practice.
Besides standard marking, details shown in Drg. No. WD-93003-S-01
shall also be stencilled on the sole bar.
xx. For overhauling of various assemblies removed from wagon, follow the
procedure given in various Annexures of RDSO publication No. G-97
(Latest amendment) as mentioned below :-
302 | Page
This test shall be conducted on the wagon with Single Wagon Test Rig. The
procedure and the specified values are given at para 720.
If the values obtained are not within the specified limits, identify the defects
and rectify the defects. Single Wagon Test shall be carried out once again
after rectification.
Wagons with air brake system not meeting the complete requirement of
single wagon test should not be allowed to come out from POH. In case of
new DV, the casting tag shall be removed after the wagon has passed the
a) It must be ensured that rubber items of pipe to pipe joints and pipe to
equipment joint do not get damaged during fitment.
b) It must be ensured that pipes are properly secured so that these do not
vibrate on run and consequently result in leakage from joints.
c) During assembly, it must be ensured that foreign particles or dust etc. are
prevented from entering inside the pipes and equipment.
d) It must be ensured that POH wagons coming out of workshop are fitted
with hose coupling support at both ends.
List of tools, fixtures and equipments with specification required to
the subassemblies of air brake system are as under-
Sr. No Description Size
1. General Tools 11-13 mm
Open End spanner 17-19 mm
20-22 mm
24-27 mm
2. Ring Spanners (Hexagonal or 17 mm,19 mm, 32 mm,36 mm,
bi- Hexagonal) 37 mm, 47 mm, 57 mm, 58 mm
3. Box Spanners A/F 9 mm,13 mm, 14 mm,16
mm, 26mm, 27 mm, 28 mm.
4. Allen keys A/F 5 mm, 6 mm, 8 mm, 17 mm

5. Screw driver 6 mm blade, 3 mm blade and

10 mm blade

6. Circlip pliers set (Internal & External) Small, medium & large

7. A. General Plier 200 mm

B. Long Nose Plier 150 mm
8. Socket wrenches with Driving handle 13 mm, 17 mm,19 mm, 22 mm,
1. 'L' shaped 27mm, 32 mm & 50 mm.
2. Ratchet (R&L)
3. Torque calibrated

303 | Page
9. A. Hammer (Nylon) 200 mm
B. Hammer (Steel) 150 mm
10. Torque wrench 1.7 to 6.5 m-kg. (Range)
Special Tools: KE- Type
11. Diaphragm Tool 4A54802
12. Adjustment Tools 4A59318
13. Tools for Locking screw of bottom cover 3KB3349
14. Clamping fixture or DV holding fix
15. Wrench for Max. Limiter 4A47740
16. Installation Tools (Assembly punch) 4A93186
17. Thrust piece
18. Installation hook
19. Adjusting key
20. Guide Tool for pin (92)
Pressure rod (1A) sub assembly
Special Tools: C3W –Type
21. SCT6014 Two-pin tool for part no. 74
22. SCT6016 Two-pin tool for part no. 72
23. RPBF 0003 Holding fixture for guide 76
24. Socket Spanner (SCT6092) 50 mm
25. Stem leading Tool (SCT6017)
26. Bent Tool (SCT6026) for removing air from diaphragm
27. "O" Ring positioning (SCT 6015) Tool

Sr.No Descripti Size

General tools :
1. Single end spanner A/F 27 mm
2. Socket spanner 19, 22, 24 mm
3. Double Ended spanner (17-19); (22-24)
4. DC- holding fixture or vice with 125 mm
semi- circular jaws
5. Screw driver 8 mm (Blade)
Sr.No. Description Size

304 | Page
1. Brake cylinder Assembly Fixture
General Tools :
2. Torque wrench Torque of 200 cm-kg.

3. Socket wrench 19 mm
4. Ring spanner Bi-hex (19-24)
5. Screw driver 8 mm blade
6. Double Ended spanner A/F 13x14 mm, 32x36 mm

Sr.No. Description Size

1. Open end spanner A/F 28 mm A/F 22X24 (17-19) (22-
2. Socket spanner 19,22 mm, 24
3. Screw driver 8 mm Blade

Sr.No. Description Size

1. Open end spanner A/F 63
2. Double open end spanner (11-13), (17-19)
3. Screw driver 8 mm Blade

Sr.No. Description Size

1. Double Ended Spanner (11-13)
2. Special spanner (E)
3. Circlip plier spring type ( C ) 203.2 mm to 250 mm
4. Circlip plier bend nose type 250 mm to 304.8 mm

5. Special Tools :
Jacking Tool (B)


Sr.No. Description Size

1. Pipe wrench 450 mm

2. Open end tool 55, 65

305 | Page

FIG. 7.35
3600 Kg
OF 135mm
EMPTY = 335 x 12 =6.5
LOADED = 458 x 12 =11.05
200 Kg
P Empty 18900 Kg
P Loaded 33642 Kg

306 | Page
Tare or gross
BRAKE PERCENTAGE EMPTY = 18900 x100 = 86.5 %
BRAKE PERCENTAGE LOADED = 33642 x 100 = 41.4%
x100 = 45.5%
P(TARE)100 42500
P(GROSS)x 100 = 33642 x 100 =79.2%


Bogie Body
Brake Underframe
Rigging Brake Rigging
With With Hanging - Hand Brake Arrangement
Sliding Brake - Empty Load Device
Brake Beams - Under Gearing
beams [22w, [22 W (M)] Arrangementwith slack
22NL] adjuster

The Brake Rigging is provided to control the speed of a wagon by transferring the
braking force from Brake Cylinder to wheel treads.
The Brake Rigging can be divided into two groups, as can be seen in the figure
I. Hand Brake

The Hand Brake provides a means of attaining retarding force with the brake shoe.
The BOXN & BCN wagons are equipped with side operated Hand Brake.
However in newly designed BCNHL wagon, the hand brake wheel is on end wall
Constructional details

Fig. No. 7.36 Hand Brake Arrangement

The Hand Brake arrangement consists of the following components:-

1. Hand Brake equalising levers
2. Support Bracket

307 | Page
3. Hand Brake pull rod
4. Bevel gear box
5. Sleeve for spindle.
6. Hand Brake Wheel
7. Hand Brake Spindle rod
8. Bevel Gear set
9. Hand Brake screw rod with nut
10. Hand Brake connecting links
II. The Empty Load device

The Empty Load device is provided in the Brake Rigging. It is a device by means of
which lower leverage ratio for tare/empty condition and higher leverage ratio for
loaded condition of the wagon can be obtained by a simple manual operation of a
Constructional details
This device comprises of the followings :-
1. Horizontal lever "live' EMPTY LOADED
2. Horizontal lever "dead'
3. Empty Tie rod in two pieces with
sleeve nut
4. Loaded Tie rod
5. Empty load box assembly
6. Empty load shaft
7. Change over handle Fig No.7.37

8. Toothed segment
9. Sign plate
10. Connecting rods-one is plane &
another is single twist
11. Bell crank and pins
EMPTY LOAD DEVICE The Sign Plate is painted with two colours. Half yellow
(empty) and half black (loaded) portions indicate positions respectively, to which
the change over handle in set. 9 8



308 | Page
III. Components
Depending on the brake beam arrangements, brake rigging can be of following two
Sliding Brake Beam





Fig. No. 7.39

For CASNUB 22 W, 22-NL, NLB, NLM, HS, HS (Mod- I), HS (Mod- II) & NLC
bogies, the brake beam is of sliding type, having fabricated box-steel structure with
integral cast steel pieces for strut & brake-heads.
Hanging Type Brake Beam:-





Fig. No. 7.40

Hanging brake beam without additional brake beam support

For CASNUB 22W(M) bogie, hanging type cast steel brake beams are provided.
Brake heads and blocks are secured by key and they are further assembled with
brake beams through spring loaded brake shoe adjuster.


Hanging brake beam

with additional brake beam
Fig. No7.41

309 | Page
Body Under frame Components
Details of components and assemblies used in various types of brake rigging
arrangements are given below and shown in figure;

310 | Page
CASNUB-22NL, 22NLB, 22W, 22NLM, 22HS, 22HS (Mod-I), 22HS (Mod-II) & 22
NLC Brake
A 76


A 4. Brake
head for reclamation This
1. Cross hatched portion to be gas can be
cut made by modifying brake head of
22 W bk beam


5. Sectional view showing welding

A-A details
2. Worn out brake head to be gas

Modified new brake head

3. Brake beam end after gas cutting

Fig. No. 7.43

6. Reclaimed brake beam end

CANSUB-22 NL / NLB / NLM / HS bogies

Fig. No. 7.44

a) Remove worn-out brake head. b) Weld new brake head
Other members, if damaged, at correct position
should be built up by welding,
followed by proper cleaning
and finishing operation, as
shown in figure to the right

311 | Page
CASNUM 22W (M) Brake beam:
a) Remove split pin and washer from brake beam ends. Remove pin securing
brake shoe adjuster with brake beam by removing
b) Take the Brake Heads out of the Brake Beam along with Brake shoe adjuster
c) Disengage brake shoe adjuster from brake head by removing bolt after
disengaging split pin, nut, cover, spring and adjusting piece.
d) Assemble the new brake head with brake shoe adjuster.
e) Secure brake heads on brake beam end by putting washer and split pin.
Holes of end pull rod pins to be used for brake adjustment as per diameter of
Hole Wheel diameter on tread
A Between 1000 & 982
B Between 981 & 963
C Between 962 & 944
D Between 943 & 925
E Between 924 & 906
The figure on next page shows where the holes are.
The push rod is provided with two holes at either end. During service, in case of
wear in brake blocks, manual adjustment to outer hole may be done for maintaining
brake power.


Fig. No. 7.45


Indian Railways using cast iron brake blocks for braking on freight stock. The
frictional properties of cast iron brake blocks decline with the increase in speeds

312 | Page
resulting in increased braking distance. The composition brake block has the
following benefits as compared to cast iron brake blocks: -
i) Reduced braking distance due to uniform coefficient of friction.
ii) Reduced weight.
iii) Longer life due to reduced wear of composition brake blocks.
iv) Reduced noise during braking.
Initially L—type composition brake blocks were developed and tried out. After
successful trials the decision was taken to progressively switch over to L- type
composition brake blocks. A link is given below to find lates approved vendors for
regular supply of L –Type composition brake block .
Cast iron brake blocks can be replaced by L- type composition brake blocks and
condemning limit is the same as that of CI.
K-type composition brake blocks having higher average coefficient of friction are
being developed. Moreover adoption of K-type brake block requires change in
brake rigging. Development of K-type brake blocks at testing stage at present. A
link is given below to find latest approved vendors for regular supply of K –Type
composition brake block
Do’s and Don’ts for fitment of Composition Brake Blocks
The following procedure shall be followed to ensure proper fitment of composition
brake blocks;
To be done
i) Brake block shoe key shall be of spring steel as per RDSO drawing
ii) Brake head shall be of spring steel as per RDSO drawing
iii) Brake block taper should match with the wheel taper i.e., lower thickness of
brake block towards flange of wheel disc and higher thickness towards other
side of wheel flange
iv) Sufficient clearance should be created by rotating the barrel of slack adjuster for
fitment of brake block
v) The brake block should be fitted from the top of wheel and pressed down so
that it sits properly on brake head.
vi) Key shall be inserted from the top and slightly hammered so that it sits properly
with the brake head. Slight hammering requirements indicate that the brake
shoe key is made of proper material and as per drawings.
vii) Split pins shall be inserted through the brake head whole passing the edge of
brake shoe key and ends of split pins should be bent.
Not to be done:
i) No hammering should be done for fitment of brake blocks.
ii) Brake blocks should not be dropped.
iii) Brake blocks should be handled properly and carefully to avoid damages such
as chipping / cracking.
313 | Page
iv) Do not store on radius side. (The best way is to store them on the side ways).
v) Do not strike key if stopped by brake block nib.
vi) Composition and cost iron brake blocks shall not be fitted on same brake beam.
vii) Avoid fitment of composition and cast-iron brake block on the same rake to get
optimum wear life out of the composition brake blocks.
The Bogie Mounted Brake system (BMBS) equipment (Given in figure-7.46)
consists of a transversely mounted pneumatic Brake Cylinder with a self-contained,
double acting slack adjuster, two brake beams, two bell crank levers and
interconnecting push rods. The hand brake arrangement is available as a
mechanical model with two flexible handbrake cables. The pneumatic Brake
Cylinder is 10" in diameter for application with high friction brake shoe (K type) on
CASNUB type bogies. The system consists of a unique design with two pneumatic
Brake Cylinder (one per bogie) to deliver reliable braking performance and is light
in weight. It fits into CASNUB bogie and uses 58 mm thick brake shoes.
Brake cylinder contains an integral double acting slack adjuster, which provides
optimal braking force and minimizes shoe & wheel wear. The design is with high
strength and minimal brake beam deflection.

FIGURE -7.46
During application, the air is introduced into the brake cylinder, which forces out the
piston along the ram assembly. The brake cylinder is floating in nature, as result
the brake cylinder extends equally on both the sides. This extension of brake
cylinder causes the rotation of the bell crank levers on their pivot (which is on
primary brake beam) and forces the push rod to move towards the secondary
beam. This movement causes the secondary brake beam to move towards the
wheels and apply force on the wheels. Simultaneously a reaction force is
developed which causes the primary brake beam (along with levers and brake
cylinder) to move towards the wheels. The primary brake beam continues to move
until it touches the wheels and apply force on the wheels.

314 | Page
FIGURE -7.47

315 | Page
FIGURE -7.48
When the brakes are released, the air from the brake cylinder is exhausted to the
atmosphere through the Distributor valve. The return spring inside the brake
cylinder pushes the piston along with the ram assembly back to its original position.
The bell crank levers rotate back, causing the beams to move back to their earlier
positions. The brake cylinder is equipped with a double acting slack adjuster. If
there is any wear (Brake Shoe/Wheel) or any slackness in the structure, it will be
automatically compensated by the built in slack adjuster which pays out to fill the
More Safety
Two nos. of 10" brake cylinders with inbuilt double acting slack adjuster have been
used per wagon. Along with this an automatic load-sensing device has been used
for two stage braking (empty / loaded). This delivers optimum braking performance
and hence increases safety parameters. .
Instead of one 14‖ cylinder, two 10‖ cylinders have been provided per wagon (one
per bogie)., This increases the system reliability as in case of failure of one cylinder
the wagon can be moved on another cylinder with the isolation of failed cylinder.
Cost Reduction
a) Maintenance cost
Two cylinders are provided with inbuilt slack adjuster, re-screwing of slack adjuster
is automatic and can be done from the side of the wagon by a crow bar. The
system simplified installation and even shoe wear helps extend the turn round time
between wagon maintenance intervals.
b) Fitment cost
The BMBS is drop in fit product as new brake beams are provided to slide in the
existing chutes of bogie. It is very easy to assemble, no special training or tools are
required for assembly.
c) Pay load cost
A unique design that delivers optimum braking performance while minimizing
weight. With the system has reduced the tare weight of wagon..
d) Easy Retro fitment
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This brake system can be easily fitted on any standard bogie without making any
modifications. This is a drop in fit system and does not require any kind of
modifications in the existing bogie.
e) Simplified Hand Braking Installation
In this system, hand brake is easy to install provides improved reliability and safety.
There is minimum number of levers in the hand brake mechanism.
f) Replaceable Brake Heads
Improved features replaceable brake heads which do not require disassembly of
the bogie for installation. This system is a direct acting system and does not require
levers or reverse direction devices.
g) Integral Double Acting Slack Adjuster
Integral double acting slack adjuster maintains a constant 56mm piston stroke,
resulting in uniform and efficient braking performance even as the brake shoes and
wheel wear. The slack adjuster has a total make up of 500 mm, compensating for
192 mm of nominal brake shoe wear and 188 mm of nominal wheel wear.
h) Patented Beam Design
The Beam design dramatically reduces bending loads in the beams, enabling the
use of lighter structure with no sacrifice in the performance. In this system, cylinder
is mounted parallel to the brake beams and transfers forces through the bell
cranks. This parallelogram design improves the efficiency and aligns the braking
forces with the wheels, which reduces the shoe and wheel wear.
i) Under Bolster Design
In this system push rods are positioned under the bolster and can be configured to
work with all bogie designs.
1. BMBS is reduces bending loads in the beams, enabling the use of lighter
structure with no sacrifice in the performance. The brake cylinder is mounted
parallel to the brake beams and transfers forces through the bell cranks.
This parallelogram design improves the efficiency and aligns the braking
forces with the wheels, which reduces the shoe and wheel wear.
2. The system delivers optimum braking performance while minimizing weight.
3. The system can be easily fitted on any IR standard CASNUB bogie without
making any modifications. This is a drop in fit system and does not require
any special tools and training for installation/assembly.
4. To achieve uniform wheel loading, the loads are applied to the ends of the
brake beam instead of center.
5. The system uses IR standard 58 mm thick K type brake blocks.
6. A replaceable brake head design permits the reuse of the beam in the event
that the brake heads gets damaged. Replacement of the brake head is
quickly accomplished by removal of only one pin.
7. The push rods are positioned under the bolster. With this system the track
clearance has been increased, as there is nothing under the spring plank of
the bogie.Instead of one 14" cylinder, the system uses 2 nos. of 10" brake
cylinders per wagon, one per bogie. This increases the system reliability as
in case of failure of one brake cylinder, the wagon can be moved on with

317 | Page
other brake cylinder with the isolation of failed brake cylinder.
8. The integral double acting slack adjuster of the brake cylinder maintains a
constant piston stroke resulting in uniform brake performance even as the
brake shoes and wheels wear. The slack adjuster has a total make-up
capacity of 500 mm, which will compensate for total combination of shoe
wear, wheel wear and clearance.
9. Re-screwing of slack adjuster is automatic and can be done from the side of
the wagon by a pry bar.
10. All cylinders are equipped with an automatic piston stroke indicator.
11. The hand brake systems uses two steel hand brake cables pulled through
standard hand brake rigging as a means to apply the hand brakes. The
cables provide a flexible and lightweight interface to the hand brake
12. Simplified installation and even shoe wear helps extend the turn round time
between wagon maintenance intervals.
13. The system also has an automatic pressure modification (APM) device for
two stage braking (empty / loaded). It is fitted between wagon under frame
and the bogie side frame.

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The brake system provided on the wagons with BMBS is single / twin pipe
graduated release system with automatic two stage braking. Its operating principle
is as follows.
Schematic layout of single / twin pipe graduated release air brake system as
provided on the wagons is shown in figures 7.1 & 7.49. Brake pipe / Feed pipe runs
through the length of wagon. Brake pipes / Feed pipes on consecutive wagons in a
train are coupled to one another by means of hose coupling to form a continuous
air passage from the locomotive to the rear end of the train. Brake pipe is charged
to 5 kg/cm2 through the compressor of the locomotive. Brake pipe is charged to 5
kg/cm2 through the compressor of the locomotive. Feed pipe is charged to 6
The wagons are, provided with Automatic pressure modification (APM) device to
cater for higher brake power in loaded condition instead of the conventional manual
empty load device. With the provision of this, brake cylinder pressure of 2.2 ± 0.25
kg/cm2 is obtained in empty condition and 3.8 ± 0.1 kg/cm 2 is obtained in the
loaded condition.
To obtain this a change over mechanism, APM under-frame and side frame of the
bogie. The mechanism gets actuated at a pre-determined change over weight of
the wagon and changes the pressure going to the brake cylinder from 2.2 ± 0.25
kg/cm2 to 3.8 ± 0.1 kg/cm2 in case of changeover from empty to loaded and vice


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For application of brake, air pressure in the brake pipe is reduced by venting it to
the atmosphere from Loco Pilot's brake valve in the locomotive. The reduction of
the brake pipe pressure, positions the distributor valve in such a way that the
auxiliary reservoir is connected to the brake cylinder through the APM device and
thereby applying the brake. The distributor valve gives an output pressure of 3.8
kg/cm2 for the brake cylinder which is routed through the APM device. Based on
the position of sensor arm of APM device, it gives an output of 2.2 ± 0.25 kg/cm 2
for empty position braking and an output of 3.8 ± 0.1 kg/cm 2 for loaded position
braking in the wagon.
During full service brake application, a reduction of 1.3 to 1.6 kg/cm 2 takes, a
maximum brake cylinder pressure of 3.8 ± 0.1 kg/cm 2 in loaded condition and 2.2 ±
0.25 kg/cm2 in empty condition is achieved. Any further reduction of brake pipe
pressure has no effect on the brake cylinder pressure. During emergency brake
application, the brake pipe is vented to atmosphere very quickly; as a result the
distributor valve acquires the full application position also at a faster rate. This
result in quicker built up of brake cylinder pressure but the maximum brake cylinder
pressure will be the same as that obtained during a full service brake application.
For release of brakes, air pressure in the brake pipe is increased through Loco
Pilot's brake valve. The increase in the brake pipe pressure results in exhausting
the brake cylinder pressure through the Distributor valve. The decrease in the
brake cylinder pressure corresponds to the increase in the brake pipe pressure.
When the brake pipe pressure reaches 5 kg/cm 2, the brake cylinder pressure
exhausts completely and the brakes are completely released.
Distributor Valve with Common Pipe Bracket and Control Reservoir
The distributor valve assembly consists of distributor valve, common pipe bracket,
adapter, control reservoir and gasket. All pipe connection to distributor valve is
through the common pipe bracket. The distributor valve along with the adapter can
be removed from the pipe bracket without disturbing the pipe connection for
maintenance purpose.
The control reservoir of 6 litres volume is directly mounted to the pipe bracket. An
isolating cock (R-charger handle) is provided on the distributor valve to isolate the
distributor valve when found defective. The handle of the R-charger will be placed
in vertical position when the distributor valve is in open position and horizontal
when the distributor valve in closed position. A manual release handle is provided
at the bottom of the distributor valve by which the brake in a particular wagon can
be released manually by pulling the handle.
The distributor valve used with bogie mounted brake system has a different set of
Application & Release chokes to achieve the timings as specified in the RDSO
specification 02-ABR. The choke sizes to be used for Distributor valve fitted on
wagons with BMBS for KE Version of distributor valve are 1.42 mm for Application
& 1.52 mm for release. The other makes of distributor valves should be adopted
with suitable choke sizes to achieve Brake Application & release timings as
specified in 02ABR but with a stroke of 110 mm of 14" Brake Cylinder. For
identification, the Distributor Valve is equipped with a name plate" BMBS " on
choke cover.

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Brake Cylinder with built-in Double acting Slack Adjuster
The brake cylinder receives pneumatic pressure from auxiliary reservoir after being
regulated through the distributor valve and APM device. Brake cylinder develops
mechanical brake power by outward movement of its piston with ram assembly.
The piston rod assembly is connected to the brake shoes through a system of
rigging arrangement to amplify and transmit the brake power. The compression
spring provided in the brake cylinder brings back the ram thus the rigging is also
brought to its original position when brake is released.


The built-in slack adjuster compensates for the wear of brake blocks during the
brake application through equivalent pay-out. For paying-in, a pry bar is applied
between the brake shoe and wheel and the rigging is pushed in.
The brake cylinder has got a double acting slack adjuster as a result the actuator of
brake cylinder will continue to move out till all the slack in the system is take care
off and reaction force of the wheels is encountered. This ensures that every time
every time the brake application takes place, sufficient brake force is delivered on
the wheels.
The brake cylinder compensates for any change in gap between brake block and
wheel through the inbuilt slack adjuster. Therefore it maintains a constant gap
between the shoe and wheel and hence a constant piston strike. The slack adjuster
works in both the condition whether there is an increase or decrease in gap. Since
the brake cylinder maintains a constant piston stroke, there is no need to measure
the piston stroke time and again.
There is an indicator on the brake cylinder to show the "APPLIED" or "RELEASED"
condition of the Brake Cylinder. Don't hit the indicator, it may retract slowly. Hitting
can bend / damage the indicator.
The brake cylinder has slack adjustment of 500 mm which could compensate of
brake block wear of 48 mm (From 58 to 10 mm) and wheel wear of 47 mm (i.e.,
wheel dia reduce from 1000 mm to 906 mm).
The brake cylinders used on the bogie mounted brake system are of two types;
with hand brake cables and without hand brake cables. The brake cylinder with
hand brake cables are used for interface with the hand brake arrangement on the

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(F) APM Device
APM device is interposed between bogie side frame of CASNUB bogie and the
under frame of the wagon. It is fitted for achieving 2-stage load braking with
automatic changeover of brake power. Only one APM is required per wagon. It
restricts the brake cylinder pressure coming from the Distributor valve to 2.2 ± 0.25
kg/cm2 in empty condition of the wagon and allows the brake cylinder pressure of
3.8 ± 0.1 kg/cm2 in loaded condition of the wagon. The sensor arm of the APM
device comes down for sensing only during the brake application.


The complete movement of the sensor point is 104 mm. The first 80 mm of the
sensor point is for the loaded zone and the balance is for the empty zone. The
deflection of the bogie from tare to changeover weight is added to 80 mm to arrive
at the total movement of the sensor point to be adjusted on the wagon. The gap
between the sensor point and the bogie is to be measured at the point it touches
the top surface of the side frame. Also ensure that the sensor point touches in the
middle of the side frame.
It has an indicator to show the empty or loaded position. Whenever the indication is
"ON" i.e., it is showing the orange colour, it is indicating the empty condition with
brake cylinder pressure of 2.2 ± 0.25 kg/cm2. When there is no indication in the
indicator, it is loaded condition with 3.8 ± 0.1kg/cm 2 going to the brake cylinder. It
has a quick connect socket to connect the gauge to the check the pressure through
the pressure gauge.
(G) Auxiliary Reservoir
An auxiliary reservoir of 100 litres is provided on each wagon to store compressed
air. It is charged to 5 Kg/cm2 pressure through the distributor valve in case of single
pipe system. However, in case of twin pipe system, it is charged to 6 Kg/cm 2
through the feed pipe.
The auxiliary reservoir is made out of sheet metal. On both the ends of the
reservoir, flanges are provided for pipe connection. One end of the reservoir is kept
blanked for operation with single pipe brake system. A drain plug is provided at the
bottom of the reservoir for draining the condensate.
(H) Cut-Off Angle Cock
Cut off angle cocks are provided at the ends of brake pipe / feed pipe on each
wagon. These cocks are closed at the time of uncoupling of wagons. The vent
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provided in the cock facilitates easy uncoupling of hose coupling by venting the air
trapped in the hose coupling when the cock is closed. The handle of angle cock is
spring loaded having a self locking type of arrangement to avoid any inadvertent
movement from open to close position or vice versa. The handle has to be lifted to
operate the angle cock. When the handle is parallel to the pipe the cock is in open
position and when at right angles to the pipe it is in closed position.
(I) Hose Coupling for Brake I Feed pipe
The hose couplings are provided to connect brake pipeline & feed pipe line
throughout the train. It consists of rubber hose connected to coupling head and
nipple by "Band it" type of clamps. The nipple goes into the angle cock and the
coupling heads are coupled together. Rubber gasket is used in the coupling head
to make the joint leak proof.
(J) Dirt Collector
Dirt collector is provided at the junction of the main brake pipe and branch pipe.
This is meant for removing dust from the air prior to entering the distributor valve.
This is achieved by centrifugal action.
(K) Isolating Cock
Isolating cock without vent is provided in the FP line of the twin pipe wagons. The
isolating cock is used to isolate the FP pressure to the Auxiliary reservoir. The
isolating cocks are OLP type meaning that when the handle is parallel to the body,
it is an open position for the cock.
(L) Isolating Cock with vent
Isolating cocks with vent are provided in BC lines for isolating the mal-functioning
brake cylinders on the wagon. The vent side of the isolating cock is to be
maintained towards the brake cylinders in order to exhaust the pressure from the
brake cylinder whenever the need arise. The isolating cocks are OLP type meaning
that when the handle is parallel to the body, it is an open position for the cock.
ERW stainless steel pipes as per ROSO specification 04-ABR is used for wagons
with Bogie Mounted Brake System. Pipes of 32 mm & 20 mm nominal bore are
generally employed. The pipes are cold bend with the help of bending equipment.
The radius of the bends is to be kept to the maximum possible so as to reduce
restriction of air flow.
(N) Pipe fittings
Welded and swivel flange fittings are used for pipe joints. Fixed flanges are rigidly
welded to pipes; whereas the Swivel flanges are used to align to the fixed
locations. Rubber gaskets are used to seal the joints.
In order to ensure trouble free fitment of the Bogie mounted brake system, it is
necessary that the following Bogie dimension are checked and maintained before

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Installation Procedure:
Refer for Installation of Equipment and its adjustments;

FIGURE: 7.54
a) Tools Required
i. Pry Bar
ii. Pliers
1. To install the beams, it is necessary to split the bogie. Lift the bolster and move
the axles with wheels outside the side frame. Slide the primary beam assembly
1A inside the side pockets in the side frame. Place the bell crank levers 10 &
18, as per their respective position on the primary beam assembly 1A. Push the
Pin 19 through the beam 1 A and bell crank levers 10 &
18. Bend the Cotter pin 23 after inserting inside the Pin 19. Slide the secondary
beam assembly 1 B inside the side pockets on the other side.
2. Install the push rods 3 between the bell cranks and the secondary beam 1 B.
Secure the push rods to the secondary beam with the pin 4 and cotter pin 6.
3. Secure the push rod 3 with bell crank levers with pin 5 and cotter pin 6 on
primary beam sides.
4. Attach the Brake Cylinder 11 to the bell crank levers with two sets of pins 4,
bush 25 and dowel sleeve 24 after aligning the mounting holes in the brake
cylinder and the bell crank levers.
i) Air connection flange and Ram of brake cylinder 11 to be oriented / fitted as per
the Air Brake Equipment and Under Frame Gear Arrangement drawings.
Cylinder with hand brake is to be installed considering the location of Bracket
ii) Brake cylinder 11 ram should be in fully retracted position prior to installation.
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iii) Place the brake heads 7 on the guide plates of the brake beams 1A & 1 B.
Secure the brake heads to brake beams with pin 8 and lock the same with
cotter pin 9.
5. Assemble the bogie by lowering the bolster with side frame on the axle and
wheel assembly.
6. Install new 58mm K-type brake shoe to beam assemblies (1A & 1B) on brake
heads 7. Insert brake block keys 21 to hold brake blocks to the removable
brake heads.
7. Connect air hose from BC pipe line to the flange on top of cylinder 11.
b) For Brake cylinders with Hand Brake Cables
8. Bracket for cable end support is welded to a convenient place on the under
frame of the wagon such that the bend radius of the cables is not less than 255
mm. (Refer under frame equipment installation drawings of the concerned
9. Attach the cable conduits to the bracket 16 by placing one nut and one washer
on each side of bracket 16.
10. Tighten the lock nut to secure the cables to the bracket properly.
11. Connect both cables 13 to the cable equalizer 17 using pins 14 and cotter pins
12. Connect air hose from BC pipe line to the flange on top of cylinder 11.
c) Hand brake rigging
13. Handbrake system requires a set of rigging between equalizer 17 and the
handbrake wheel as per requirement of particular type of wagon.
14. Apply brakes, 2-3 times to the brake cylinder 11 to ensure correct piston stroke
is achieved. Release air pressure.
To avoid personal injury from movement of the various parts when operating
the system, all personnel must be clear of Bogie and Brake pads before the
cylinder is pressurized.

FIGURE: 7.55

327 | Page
FIGURE: 7.56
d) Adjustments
Adjustment is completely automatic and is accomplished by the inbuilt slack
adjuster. The slack adjuster in the brake cylinder is double acting. It automatically
maintains a constant piston stroke by taking up or letting out slack with each brake
application. The piston stroke indicator is mounted on top of the non-pressure body
of the brake cylinder. The extension of the brake cylinder ram will increase as the
shoes and wheels wear. On a wagon in service, it will be clearly visible as a shiny
ring near the ram scraper on the cylinder.

Components of Bogie with Hand Brake Arrangement (See Figure – 7.41)

1. Set of Brake Beams

1(A) Beam, Primary
1(B) Beam, Secondary
3) Push Rod Assy.
4) Secondary Beam Pin
5) Push Rod Pin
6) Pin, Cotter (6.3mm dia x 50mm)
7) Brake Head
8) Pin, Brake Head
9) Pin, Cotter (6.3mm dia x 75mm)

328 | Page
10) Lever Assy. (RH)
11) Cylinder Assy. 10" with Hand Brake
Cylinder Assy. 10" with Hand Brake
12) Piston Stroke Indicator
13) Cable Assy.
14) Pin, Cable
15) Pin, Cotter
16) Cable Bracket
17) Cable Equalizer
18) Lever Assy. (LH)
19) Primary Beam Pin
20) Brake Block
21) Brake Block Key
22) Washer, Thrust
23) Pin, Cotter (8mm dia x 50mm)
24) Dowel Sleeve
25) Bush
26) Brake Cylinder Pin

329 | Page
FIGURE: 7.57

Components of Bogie without Hand Brake Arrangement (See Figure – 7.41)

1) Set of Brake Beams

1A) Beam, Primary
1B) Beam, Secondary
3) Push Rod Assy.
4) Secondary Beam Pin
5) Push Rod Pin
6) Pin, Cotter (6.3 dia x 50mm)
7) Brake Head
8) Pin, Brake Head
9) Pin, Cotter (6.3 dia x 75)
10) Lever Assy. (RH)
Cylinder Assy. 10" without Hand Brake
11) Cylinder Assy. 10" without Hand Brake
12) Piston Stroke Indicator
330 | Page
18) Lever Assy. (LH)
19) Primary Beam Pin
20) Brake Block
21) Brake Block Key
22) Washer, Thrust
23) Pin, Cotter (8 mm dia x 50)
24) Dowel Sleeve
25) Bush
26) Brake Cylinder Pin
e) Procedure for changing of Brake Blocks (Refer figure 7.41
a. Changing the brake shoe with BMBS is easy and fast. Ensure that the
brakes are released. Slip in a pry bar between the brake block & wheel on anyone
wheel of the bogie. Force back the brake block from the wheel, thus retracting the
double acting slack adjuster and creating space for inserting new brake blocks
between the brake head and wheel. To get more gap push the beam across the
side pockets
b. Remove the brake block keys and replace the brake blocks. Secure the new
brake blocks with the brake block keys. The slack adjuster will automatically adjust
the brake shoe clearance to the proper value when the brakes are' applied and
released. This usually takes from two to three brake applications.

FIGURE: 7.58

331 | Page
Isolation of Brake Cylinder
a. There are two isolating cocks with vent in BC line for isolating each brake
cylinder in the wagon.
b. To isolate any particular Bogie / Brake Cylinder, move the isolating cock (OLP
types) handle to closed position. This will stop the further feeding of
corresponding brake cylinder and the air already present in the brake cylinder
will get exhausted to atmosphere, thus, releasing the brakes in that particular
g) Changing of Brake Head (7) (See figure 7.40 & 7.41)
a. Ensure that the brakes are released. Slip in a pry bar between the brake block
20 & wheel on anyone wheel of the bogie. Force back the brake block from the
wheel, thus retracting the double acting slack adjuster (figure-6) and creating
the space between the brake block and the wheel.
b. Remove the brake block key 21 and then the brake block 20.
c. After obtaining enough clearance between the wheel & the brake heads 7,
remove the cotter pin 9 & the brake head pin 8 consecutively to remove the
desired brake head.
d. Install a new brake head 7 and secure it with brake head pin 8 then a cotter pin
9. Bend cotter pin legs outwards.
e. Place the brake block on the new brake head and secure the brake block with
the brake block key.
f. The slack adjuster will automatically adjust the brake shoe clearance to the
proper value when the brakes are applied and released. This usually takes from
one to three brake applications.
h) Changing of Brake Cylinder (11) (See figure 7.40 & 7.41)
a. Ensure, the brakes are released and the brake cylinder is completely vented.
Retract the brake cylinder 11, use pry bar between wheels & brake blocks on
both, the secondary beam 1 B & the primary beam 1 A. Force the brake
cylinder 11 to retract completely.
b. Disconnect the air hose from the cylinder assembly (11) flange.
c. Remove the dowel pin 24, bush 25 then rod eye pin 4 on both sides of the
cylinder. Install a new brake cylinder assembly 11, being sure the cylinder is of
the same size and aligned in the same way as the previous cylinder, using rod
eye pin 4. Secure the brake cylinder with bush 25 & dowel pin 24.
d. Reconnect the air hose to the cylinder assembly 11 flange.
e. Apply partial brakes 2 - 3 times in order to restore the internal slack adjuster's
For cylinders equipped with the hand brake cables (see fig. 15), it is necessary to:
f. Disconnect the cable clevises from the equalizer 17 by removing the two cotter
pins 15 and cable pins 14.
g. Remove the two cables 13 from the cable bracket 16.
332 | Page
i) Changing of Lever Assembly {RH (10) & LH (18)} (See figure 7.40 & 7.41)
This change will be required if this part has been damaged or worn out.
a. Remove the cotter pin 6 and the rod clevis pin 5 with pull rod. Remove the bush
25, dowel sleeve 24 and the rod eye pin 4 with brake cylinder. Remove the
cotter pin 23 and pin lever 19 with the primary brake beam 1A. Pull the bell
crank lever RH 10 & .LH 18 from the beam assembly 1 A. Install a new lever
RH 10 or LH 18 as applicable using the pin lever 19 and the cotter pin 23.
Install pins 5 and cotter pin 6. Install pin 4 with bush 25 & dowel sleeve 24.
Bend cotter pin legs.
b. The slack adjuster will automatically adjust the brake shoe clearance to the
proper value when the brakes are applied and released. This usually takes from
one to three brake applications.
j) Changing of Push Rod (3) (See figure 7.40 & 7.41)
This change will be required if this part has been damaged or worn out.
a. Remove the cotter pin (6) and the rod clevis pin (5) with bell crank lever.
Remove the cotter pin (6) and the pin rod eye (4) with secondary brake beam 1
B. Remove the pull rod from lever assembly RH 10 or LH 18. Pull the rod from
the secondary beam. To install a new push rod, align the rod end hole with the
mounting holes in the secondary beam 1 B and then insert the pin 4 and the
cotter pin 6. Bend the cotter pin legs. Do the same procedure on the other end
of the rod by aligning the rod with the lever assembly RH 10 or LH 18 with pin 5
and cotter pin 6.
b. The slack adjuster will automatically adjust the brake shoe clearance to the
proper value when the brakes are applied and released. This usually takes from
one to three brake applications.
k) Lifting of under frame from Bogie
1. Disconnect the air hose from the flange of brake cylinder without hand brake
cables by unscrewing the bolts.
2. Disconnect the air hose from the flange of brake cylinder with hand brake
cables by unscrewing the bolts.
3. Disconnect both the cables from the equalizer cable by removing the split pins
and the pins.
4. Detach the cables from the cable bracket by loosening the nuts on either side of
the cable bracket. Remove the cables from the bracket after the nuts have been
loosened and enough space is created for easy removal.
After the removal of brake cylinder hoses and the hand brake cables from the
under frame, the wagon under frame can be lifted from the bogies.
The bogie can be dismantled or assembled with the bogie mounted parts by
following maintenance instruction described earlier.

Brake Head (7) (See figure 7.42 & 7.43 )

333 | Page
FIGURE -7.59 - Brake Head
Brake Head 7 should be replaced if the following exists.
Check brake head tip. Push brake head forward and measure travel by pulling
brake head all the way back. Tip travel should NOT exceed 31.75 mm.
m) Bell Crank Lever Assembly RH (10) & LH (18) (See figure 7.42)
Bell Crank Levers should be replaced if anyone of the following exists:
1. Excessive Wear on any surface
Excessive is anything> 1.6 mm
2. Worn, Damaged or Broken Spherical Bearing
Worn/Enlarged Pin Holes
i) 25.4 mm Hole exceeds 26.7 mm in any direction (i.e.: oval condition)
ii) 32 mm Hole exceeds 33 mm in any direction (i.e.: oval condition)
Push Rod (3) (See figure 7.42)
Push Rods should be replaced if anyone of the following exists:
i) Any part of the push rod is Bent
ii) Cracked or Damaged Welds
iii) Excessive Wear on any surface
Excessive is anything> 1.6 mm
i) Worn, Damaged or Broken Spherical Bearing
ii) Worn/Enlarged Pin Hole
25.4 mm Hole exceeds 26.7 mm in any direction (ie.: oval condition)

334 | Page
i) .Clevis End Gap Exceeds 27.9 mm.

Brake Beams 1 A & 1 B (See figure 7.59 & 7.60)

FIGURE -7.60– Worn Condition

Brake Beam should be replaced if the following exists.
Remove Brake Head and inspect Brake Head pin hole in Beam. If hole exceeds
20.32 mm in length, replace Beam. If not, replace brake head and recheck tip as
described earlier. Tip should not exceed 31.75 mm (from FIRST check above). If
tip does exceed 31.75 mm, replace Beam and Brake Head
Gap between Bell crank lever RH 10 & LH 18 and the upper channel of
Primary brake beam 1A (See figure 7.61 below)

335 | Page
FIGURE -7.61 – Worn Condition
Measure the bell crank lever dimension with reference to the lever being supported
inside the primary brake beam. Measure the maximum pass through gap.
Note the locations of the measurement for the lever and the position of the lever in
regards to the primary brake beam.
Use washers as demonstrated to adjust the gap.

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n) Anti Pilferage Devices (APDs)
(A) APD for Pins on Bogie Brake Cylinder

(B) APD for Primary Brake Beam

337 | Page
C) APD for Secondary Brake Beam

(D) APD for Push Rod

338 | Page
(E) APD for Brake Head

(F) APD for Cable Equalizer

339 | Page
(G) APD on APM

340 | Page
o) Lock nut on APM

341 | Page
a) Check all the pin joints for any missing parts (pins, split pins, spring dowel,
etc), if missing, provide the same.
b) Check the components for missing or any physical damage, if found replace
c) Check that the APD is provided on all the pins and on the APM.
d) Check that the all hoses are properly tightened and are not threatened to be
damaged by axle or wheel. If so properly clamped them.
a) Check for any physical damage of components or leakage.
b) Check that the piston indicator is fully in released condition.
c) In case of brake cylinder with hand brake cables, the cables are not
entangled or resting / touching the axle, check that movement cable is free.
a) Check for any physical damage to the valve.
b) Check that the indicator in during the release.
c) Clean the Indicator.
d) Check the tightness of the lock nuts on sensor arm lever, if found loose,
tighten them and also verify the Gap as specified.
e) Check that the valve's sensing arm is moving freely.
a) Check all the pin joints for any missing parts (pins, split pins, spring dowel,
etc), if missing, provide the same.
b) Check the components for missing or any physical damage, if found replace
Spares to be maintained in open lines /ROH Depots
Following items to be maintained in the open lines /ROH depot for replacement
against missing or damaged parts.
Bogie Equipment
S. No. Component Description Qty/ Wagon
1 Cylinder Assembly without Handbrake 1
2 Cylinder Assembly with Handbrake 1
3 APM valve Assembly 1
4 Reservoir for APM 1
5 Primary Beam 2
6 Secondary Beam 2
7 Lever Assembly ( Right Hand) 2
8 Lever Assembly (Left Hand) 2
9 Push Rod Assembly 4
10 Brake Head 8
Pins, Split Pins (Bogie Equipment)

342 | Page
S. No. Component Description Qty/ Wagon
1 Pin; Clevis 4
2 Pin; Clevis 4
3 Pin; Clevis 4
4 Pin; Clevis 4
5 Pin; Brake Head 8
6 Pin 16
7 Pin 4
8 Pin 8
9 Washer 4
Hoses & Hardware (Bogie Equipment)
S. No. Component Description Qty/ Wagon
1 Hose Assy. 1/2" With Flange 1
2 Hose Assy. 1" With Flange 2
3 O-Ring 2
4 O-Ring 2
5 Spring Washer 4
6 Screw, Hex Head; Zinc Plated 8
7 Washer, Lock; Cad Plated 8
8 Locknut; Zinc Plated 1
9 Screw, Hex Head; Zinc Plated 4
In routine overhaul, first test the brake system of BMBS using single wagon test
rig. The following action should be taken for the defects / discrepancies
identified during testing.
Brake Cylinders
Check & replace brake cylinder by tested brake cylinder if following defects are
(a) Check the brake cylinder for any physical damage or leakage.
(b) In case of brake cylinder with hand brake cables, check that the movement
of cables is free
(c) Ensure that the piston indicator is in fully released condition.
(a) Check for any physical damage, crack, etc, if found replace them. Check for
rusting & corrosion and if found repaint them.
(b) Replace all the PINS, washer, split pins, dowel pins from OEMs.
(c) Check the GAP at pivot pin on the primary brake beam as shown in the
condemning limit of the system components.
(d) Check brake head for loosening or damage as shown in the condemning
limit of the system components.
(a) Replace the Bell crank lever, if any of the parameters specified in the
condemning limits is observed.
(b) Replace the push rod, if any of the parameters specified in the
condemning limits is observed.

343 | Page
(a) Clean the Indicator.
(b) Check the APM valve;
❖ Any physical damage
❖ Valve's sensing arm is moving freely and is fully in.
❖ Check the leakage.
❖ Tightness of the lock nuts on sensor arm lever, if found loose, tighten them.
(c) Check the Gap between the sensor arm and the side frame, if required re-
(a) Check the pin joints / components for missing or any physical damage, if
found replace them.
(b) Replace all the PINS, washer, split pins, dowel pins, plastic bushes.
(a) Check the hoses for any cracks / damage. If so, replace them.
(b) Check that the hoses are properly tightened and are not threatened to be
damaged by axle or wheel. If so properly clamped them.
(c) Check the pipe joints for leakages, if so, tighten them properly.
w) Critical check points for wagons fitted with BMBS
SWTR Testing
1. SWTR test for wagon to be done as per para 720F
Bogie & Brake cylinder
1. Push rod & spring plank clearance (min 10mm).
2. The split pin over the Brake head pin is tack welded with washer.
3. The brake cylinder pins are locked with bush and dowel sleeve.
4. Split pins are provided on all pins, bent properly & provided with APDs.
APM Device
1. The APM valve is mounted properly and its sensor arm is touching in middle
of side frame.
2. The gap between the sensing point and side frame bottom is adjusted as
specified for the wagon and is provided with additional check nut and APD.
3. Check that the APM hose is properly tightened & secured through clamp on
Under frame & Piping
1. The BC isolating cocks in the BC line have their vent side towards the Brake
cylinder (Both sides) and their handles are parallel to pipe line.
2. The brake hoses for Brake cylinder are properly secured and not resting on
axle or rubbing with any other under frame members.
3. The brackets for hand brake arrangement are properly secured, the
movement of the hand brake system is smooth and unrestricted.
344 | Page
Replace all the must change items as listed in the list below on the Bogie.
a) Check the beams for rusting & corrosion and if found repair & repaint them.
b) Check the GAP at pivot pin on the primary brake beam as shown in the
condemning limit of the system components.
c) Check brake head for loosening or damage as shown in the condemning
limits of the system components.
a) Replace the Bell Crank levers, if the critical parameters found to in condemning
limits as specified.
b) Replace the Push Rod, if the critical parameters found to in condemning limits as
a) Check for any physical damage components, if found replace them.
b) Brake rigging brackets, bolts and nuts should be examined for rusting, looseness,
damaged threads, etc and replaced.
c) Replace all the pins, washer, split pins, dowel pins from OEMs.
d) The plastic bushes should be changed.
a) Overhaul the brake cylinder as per procedure explained in the manual.
b) Replace the must change items.
c) Check the condition base items, if found worn or damaged, replace them.
d) Test the brake cylinder as per the procedure given in the manual.
a) Overhaul the APM Device as per procedure explained in the manual.
b) Replace the must change items as enlisted in the manual.
c) Check the condition base items, if found worn or damaged, replace them.
d) Test the APM Device as per the procedure given in the manual.
e) Check the Gap between the sensor point and the side frame surface and readjust
the same as specified for the wagon type.
a) Check the hoses for any cracks / damage. If so, replace them.
b) Clean the pipes as per the procedure laid down by ROSO specification No. 04-
[Must change items during POH for Bogie Mounted brake system Bogie
SNo. Component Description Qty/Wagon
1 Pin; Clevis 4
2 Pin; Clevis 4
3 Pin; Clevis 4
4 Pin; Clevis 4
5 Pin; Brake Head 8

345 | Page
6 Pin; 16
8 Pin; 4
9 Pin; 8
10 Washer; 4
Hand Brake Equipment
1 Pin, Cable 2
2 Pin, Tie Rod 1
3 Pin Cotter, Cable pin 2
4 Split Pin (BMBS) 1
Items to be replaced on conditional basis
SNo. Component Description Qty/ Wagon
1 Hose Assy. 1/2" With Flange 1
2 Brake Head; 8
3 Hose Assy. L" With Flange 2
4 Spring Washer 4
5 a-Ring 2
6 a-Ring 2
7 Screw, Hex Head; Zinc Plated 8
8 Washer, Lock; Cad Plated 8
9 Screw, Hex Head; Zinc Plated 4
L. Do's & Don'ts for Bogie Mounted brake System Do’s
Bogie Rigging
i) Do ensure that the side frame pockets are of correct dimension and free of
all restriction.
ii) Do ensure that the fitment dimensions in Bogie, critical for fitment of BMBS
are maintained within their specified limits.
iii) Do ensure that all the side frame pocket liners are properly cleaned & are
within the specified limits.
iv) Do ensure there is free sliding of Brake Beams inside the side frame
pocket liners.
v) Do ensure that there is proper push rod & spring' plank clearance. If push
rod clearance is less, then check the necessary bogie dimensions.
vi) Do ensure that there is proper fitment of brake block key with Brake block
and brake head.
vii) Do ensure that there is sufficient gap (after the system is retracted) to
change the brake blocks.
viii) Do ensure to use bush and dowel pin to lock the brake cylinder pins.
ix) Do ensure that all split pin are it place and are bent properly with their arms
90° apart.
x) Do ensure that APDs are provided on all the pins of the bogie rigging.
Brake Cylinder
i) Do ensure to blow the steel pipes connecting the brake cylinder before
fitment to prevent the dirt particles going into the brake cylinder. This can be
done by making 2-3 brake applications before connection of Hose pipe with
Brake Cylinder.
346 | Page
ii) Do ensure that the cables are not pulled out of the brake cylinder on making
hand brake connections.
iii) Do ensure that there is no rubbing of two hand brake cable together or
resting on the axle.
APM Device
i) Do ensure correct gap between the sensing point of APM valve & surface of
side frame. If not, then adjust the same.
ii) Do ensure to put the additional check nut on the adjusting screw to lock the
same in position.
iii) Do ensure that changeover takes place after putting block between the
sensor point and side frame as indicated at clause no. 721F table-1
iv) Do ensure that empty / load indicator of the APM valve (Orange coloured) is
visible during empty condition.
v) Do ensure that the reservoir for APM valve is secured properly with the
Piping layout and fitment
i) Do ensure proper orientation of Check Valve & Bogie Isolating Cocks. The
vent side of the isolating cock with vent should be on the brake cylinder side.
ii) Do ensure to use the correct size of bolts, screws, nuts and washers as
specified. Use of wrong size bolts / screw could damage the threads on the
brake cylinder / APM valve.
iii) Do ensure proper clamping of APM Valve hose with under frame.
iv) Do ensure that there is no rubbing of rubber hoses with axle, wheel or
underframe members.
Hand Brake Arrangement
i) Do ensure to weld the hand brake cable bracket at its correct location. It
should be welded straight and cables should be properly tightened to the
ii) Do ensure to weld the horizontal lever bracket at its correct location.
iii) Do ensure that the horizontal lever is properly supported by support brackets
and have unrestricted movement.
iv) Do ensure that there is proper hand brake arrangement movement. After
applying the hand brake, there should not be any ringing sound after striking
v) Do ensure that there is no obstacle during return of hand brake cable after
releasing hand brake. Investigate the restriction for the cables and do the
necessary rectification.
vi) Do ensure to properly lubricate the hand brake screw, nut and pivots to
reduce the friction and ensure smooth movement.
i) Do not fit BMBS system if the Bogie parameters are not within the specified
ii) Does not tack weld the BMBS pins / split pins on the bogie.
iii) Do not hammer on beams and brake block.
iv) Do not hit the indicator on the brake cylinder.
347 | Page
v) Do not carry bogies by cranes fitted with cylinder and without wheeling, by
fastened by chain wrapped in centre. Use fork lifter or chain should hook in
side frame holes only.
vi) Do not use L-type brake blocks with Bogie Mounted Brake system.
vii) Do not use the non-standard pin, bolts for the fitment of BMBS items.
After the completion of the above, the El-60 Empty/ Load Valve must be tested
in accordance with the test specifications.
Test Preparation:
The following items are needed to assemble the Test Fixture.
1. Load Sensing Device holding fixture
2. Pressure gauge-2 nos
3. Reservoir-10 litre
4. Reservoir-6 litre
5. Cut out cocks with vent-2 nos.-
6. Pressure Regulator
7. High block-25mm
8. Pipes and hoses
High pressure air is present in the test rack and assembly being tested.
Pressure will vent from cocks and/or valve exhaust ports when test rack cocks
are manipulated or when control devices are operated. To minimize the risk of
personal injury from pressure exhausting, ensure that all persons stand clear of
the exhaust path and that hearing protection and eye protection are worn at all
Test Procedure for APM :
1. Place a 25mm high block between the adjusting screw and the stopper plate.
2. Open cock A and apply the main supply pressure. Pressure gauge no.1
should show 3.8 kg/cm2 pressure otherwise adjust the regulator to get 3.8
3. Open cock B and apply 3.8 kg/cm2 pressure to the load-sensing device.
4. As the sensor arm comes in contact with the block, note the reading at
pressure gauge no.2. It should be 3.8 +/- 0.1kg/cm2.
5. Check the empty load indicator. It should remain retracted.
6. Check the leakage at all joints and ports. No leakage is allowed.
7. Close cock A and B and reduce pressure to 0 kg/cm2.
8. Remove the 25mm block from between the sensor arm adjusting screw and
the stopper plate.

348 | Page
Pneumatic Schematic Diagram for Testing of APM


1. Open cock A and apply the main supply pressure. Pressure gauge no.1
should show 3.8kg/cm2 pressure otherwise adjust the regulator to get
2. Open cock B and apply 3.8kg/cm2 pressure to the load-sensing device.
3. As the sensor arm stops moving further down, note the reading at pressure
gauge no.2. It should be 2.2 +/- 0.1kg/cm2.
4. Check the empty load indicator. It should be completely extended.
5. Check the leakage at all joints and ports. No leakage is allowed.
6. Close cock A and B and reduce pressure to 0kg/cm2.
Schematic and arrangement of test bench for brake cylinder is shown in figure
High pressure air is present in the test rack and assembly being tested. Pressure
will vent from cocks and/or valve exhaust ports when test rack cocks are
manipulated or when control devices are operated. To minimize the risk of personal
injury from pressure exhausting, ensure that all persons stand clear of the exhaust
path and that hearing protection and eye protection are worn at all times.
The following items are needed to assemble the Test Fixture;
1. Brake Cylinder holding fixture
2. Pressure gauge
3. 4 nos. non-vented cut out cocks
4. 2.4 mm choke installed in Exhaust Cock ―B‖
5. 2 nos. Pressure Regulators
6. Pipes and hoses
NOTE: Shop supply pressure must be maintained at 8 Kg/cm2 minimum.
Pressure regulators will be set as follows: Regulator no.1 to 0.7 kg/cm2
Regulator no.2 to 3.8 kg/cm2

349 | Page
Commence test with all cocks closed.
1. Open cock 1, then ―A‖ and apply 0.7 kg/cm 2 to the cylinder. Note that the
ram extends completely out and contacts the other end of the test setup at
0.7 kg/cm2.
NOTE: If the ram has not fully extended with 0.7 kg/cm 2, it is allowable to
adjust regulator no.1 to upto 0.9 kg/cm2, and then readjust regulator no.1
back to 0.7 kg/cm2 for the remainder of tests.
2. Close cock ―A‖, then cock 1 and allow one minute temperature effect.
3. Note the reading at pressure gauge. Note the pressure drop for 10 minutes.
No leakage is allowed.
4. Open cock ―A‖ & then open exhaust cock ―B‖ and pressure reduces to 0
kg/cm2. Close cock ―B‖.
5. Open cock 1 and apply nominal 0.7 kg/cm2 to the cylinder. Close cock 1 and
open cock
―B‖ and pressure reduces pressure to 0 kg/cm2.
1. Commence test with cock ―A‖ open
2. Open cock 2 and apply a pressure of 3.8 kg/cm 2 to the brake cylinder.
3. Close cock ―A‖, then cock 2 and allow one minute temperature effect.
4. Note the reading at pressure gauge. Note the pressure drop for 10 minutes.
No leakage is allowed.
5. Open Exhaust cock ―B‖ and pressure reduces to 0 kg/cm2.

350 | Page
(Railway Board ‘s Letter No. 2015/M(N)/951/1 dated 28.02.19 & 10.01.19)
i) All workshops undertaking repair at BMBS fitted wagons must ensure that
BMBC and APM are compulsorily overhauled during POH.
ii) During overhaul, old rubber components must necessarily be replaced. For this
purpose, adequate quantity of overhauling kits should be arranged by the
shops. Till such time the actual supplies materialized, Railway may undertake
overhaul of the cylinders through works contract with the OEMs.
iii) Subsequent to overhaul, the workshops must ensure that an aluminum tag with
properly embossed overhauling date and next overhauling due date is provided
on the BMBC and APM.
iv) ROH depots need to ensure that the POH due date of the wagons and
overhauling due date of the BMBCs fitted after ROH on all wagons are matched
so that the possibility of overhauling due wagons not going to shop is
eliminated. For example, if the R/date of the wagon turned out from ROH in
Jan’19 is July’20, the BMBC fitted to the wagon should also have its
overhauling due date is July’20±3months.
v) All ROH depots must maintain a record of each wagon, that come for ROH duly
351 | Page
indicating the overhauling due date of the BMBC with which the wagons have
been turned out. This record shall be checked by all inspecting officers during
their inspections.
vi) POH shops and ROH depots must ensure that breather valve with wire mesh
filter is fitted with before the wagons are turned out.
D. Difference between KBIL and Escorts make BMBS:
For details of various type of BMBS (i.e., make: Escorts and KBI) attached in
Volume-II (OEM Doumentaion) of this manual.


352 | Page



353 | P a g e

354 | P a g e
There are two main arrangements of draft and buffing gear in use on Broad Gauge.
The older arrangement, which is found on few wagons, consists of a screw coupling
with side buffers. In this design the draft load is transmitted through the screw
coupling, draw hook and draw hook springs while the buffing force is borne by the side
buffers. The conventional screw coupling (WA/BD-125) has a working load of 22.5t.
The restrictions of size and weight limit the extent to which the draft capacity of this
coupling can be improved. Recognizing this fact, the other arrangement on BG
wagons is that of a Centre Buffer Coupler (CBC) which transmits both draft and buffing
loads. The knuckle type centre buffer coupler was adopted for BOX, BOXN and other
new design of wagons. Later on, a smaller knuckle type coupler, known as the
Alliance-II coupler, was introduced for four-wheeler wagons. The working strength of
CBC and Alliance-II coupler is 120 tonnes and 54 tonnes respectively. CBC also has a
transition version called “Transition Coupler” which incorporates a screw coupling and
a pair of side buffers to permit attachment with wagons fitted with screw coupling.
The conventional Draw and Buffing gear have been phased out hence details of these
have not been included in this manual. Since now-a-days, high-capacity Centre Buffer
Coupler (CBC) and Draft Gear are used on BG freight stock, paras 802 to 810 have
been deleted. For maintenance of draw and buffing gear 2002 version of this manual
should be referred.
A) Indian Railway uses AAR type centre buffer couplers having E-type head and F-
type shank for freight stock on Broad Gauge system. These couplers are generally
as per requirements of AAR specifications M-201, M-205 and M-211. The
upgraded indigenous CBCs (UHTE) as per RDSO specs. No. WD- 70-BD-10 are also
being fitted in the wagons.
B) The draft capacity of the AAR coupler depends on the strength of knuckle,
which is weakest link in the assembly. The yield strength of knuckle of material
AAR M-201 Grade ‘C’ & Grade ‘E' is 132 t and 180 t respectively.
i) Coupler and buffing gear are both located together at the centre of the wagon.
ii) Centre buffer coupler is identical at either end of the wagon and hence wagon
direction is immaterial.
iii) Coupling action between wagons is automatic.
iv) With transition arrangement, coupling with screw coupling is possible.
The main parts of Centre Buffer Coupler are as under:-
i) Coupler body
ii) Knuckle
iii) Knuckle pivot pin with washer
iv) Lock
v) Knuckle thrower
355 | P a g e
vi) Toggle
vii) Universal lock lift lever connector
viii) Lock lift lever hook
ix) Lock lift rivet
x) Lock lift lever rivet
xi) Top lifter hole cap
xii) Yoke pin
xiii) Yoke
xiv) Yoke pin support.
xv) Striker casting
xvi) Striker casting wear plate
xvii) Shank wear plate
xviii) Yoke support plate
xix) Draft Gear arrangement with front follower
xx) Safety bracket with anchor plate
xxi) Uncoupling gear arrangement
xxii) Back stop
xxiii) Clevis for Transition type coupler only
xxiv) Screw coupling for Transition type coupler only
xxv) Clevis pin for transition type coupler only
All parts of non-transition coupler are identical and therefore inter- changeable with
those of the transition type coupler except striker casting with wear plate and coupler
body with shank. In transition CBC coupler body with shank is longer and is provided
with an arrangement to fit clevis with the help of clevis pin.
A) Coupler and operating mechanism: When inspection of coupler and coupler
operating mechanism is made, it is important to check when the coupler operating
mechanism is operated to fully open the knuckle, and the knuckle is slowly closed,
the lock drops freely and the mechanism returns to fully locked position. The lock
position is indicated by the toggle, which is clearly visible below the coupler head.
B) Only dry lubricant shall be applied to the coupler head or the coupler head
fittings. This lubricant may be applied using water, alcohol, or other non-
petroleum-based carrier.

356 | P a g e
357 | P a g e
C) Only exposed surfaces of Coupler and Yoke shall be painted with Black quick
drying paint in accordance with IRS R6. Paint must be applied to the inside of the
Coupler or internal fittings. Painting shall be done after the completion of
inspection of Coupler & Yoke of acceptable casting lot.
D) When in the transition Centre Buffer Coupler, the knuckle does not move freely,
grind the top face of "top pulling lug" and "lock face" of knuckle in position.
If still not free, remove knuckle and clean "pin protector guides" on coupler head.
If, after attending to knuckle, the lock still does not fall, remove the lock and grind
“locking face knuckle side” on lock so that the lock falls freely.
E) Inspection of couplers, whilst fitted to wagons, should be made to ensure proper
coupling any position which it can assume during train operation. The procedure
is as follows: -
a. Check correct operation in order to ascertain that full knuckle throw, lock set, lock-
to-lock (anti-creep) and locking is obtained. If any of these functions be
unsatisfactory, they should be corrected by replacing the defective components.
b. Check that the shank is not bent out of alignment with the head. If defective, the
coupler shall be removed for straightening of shank.
c. Examine shank wear plates (when fitted) and if worn through, the couplers shall be
removed for fitting of new plates. Examine wear on shank (when wear plates not
fitted) and if wear is approaching 6.5 mm (1/4"), the coupler shall be removed for
building up of shank by welding.
d. Examine head for cracks in the knuckle side wall. If cracked, the coupler shall
be removed.
e. Check the distance between the nose of the knuckle and the guard arm with gauge
No. 1. If it passes (which is 5.5/16" long), it indicates that the coupler has its
condemning limit. In such a case the knuckle pivot pin, lock etc. should be
replaced so that gauge No.2 does not pass. If this gauge passes, then the
coupler should be removed.
f. Examine the operating mechanism. If defective or deficient, the defective or
deficient components should be replaced to ensure free movement.
g. Check knuckle pin & clevis pin to ensure that pin of correct size has been used.
Check fastening arrangement of knuckle pin and clevis pin. The former has a
welded washer while the later has a riveted head over a washer in position.
h. Coupler height should be checked in accordance with IRCA Part III Rule No.
i. All defective/deficient components shall be replaced in CBC, clevis and screw
coupling (in case of transition couplers).
A. Excessive slack in draft gears is not permitted and this should be either
reduced or eliminated. The maximum permissible free slack in the draft gear is 25
mm (1") after which, it shall be removed and reclaimed or condemned. The free
slack can be determined by first sledging the coupler back solid and then
measuring the clearance between the coupler horn and the striker face. Next by
inserting a long bar between the horn and striker face, pry coupler out as far as
possible and again measure the space between the horn and the striker. The difference

358 | P a g e
between these two measurements is the amount of free slack.
B. Visual examination of the rubber pads & coil springs when the draft gear is in place
in the wagon can be misleading and the draft gears shall therefore be inspected at
every POH of the wagon, irrespective of the amount of free slack existing.
C. BOXN-HL and BCN-HL wagons are equipped with high-capacity draft gears like
to RDSO specification No. WD-71-BD-15.
D. Details of Schedule for upgraded high tinsile centre buffer coupler for feight stock
technical requirement No. WD-70-BD-10 (Rev.3) attached on Appendix-D
A) Remove yoke pin support plate by conventional methods. Then remove the yoke
pin. If necessary by inserting two chisels where the front follower bears hard
against striker casting at the draft lugs.
B) The coupler will now be loose and can be pulled out. Care must be taken to avoid
personal injury as the coupler weighs over 200 Kg. and its head is heavier than
the shank.
C) Remove the yoke support plate by conventional means When the gear is loose in
the wagon pocket, the gear and yoke assembly must be supported by jacks or
other means to avoid personal injury.
D) To remove the gear and yoke assembly when the gear is tight in the wagon
pocket, first apply cross key through front of yoke and position in yoke pinhole.
Then apply screw B in cross key A and turn until contact is made with front
follower of draft gear. With wrench C, turn screw with the aid of a piece of 38 mm
(1 1/2") pipe until gear is loose in the wagon pocket. Remove wrench and lower the
gear and yoke assembly on supports from the wagon pocket.


FIG. 8.3

359 | P a g e
E) To remove the draft gear from the yoke, compress the gear by means of screw and
insert two pre-shortners as done during assembly. Then release the screw and
remove draft gear.


Contour Gauge No. 01 is used for checking of wear in guard arm and knuckle face of
CBC. All wagons coming for ROH or POH are checked by this “not go” gauge
 Apply the gauge no. 1 as shown.
 If gauge no. 1 passes, renew
1) Knuckle 2) Knuckle pin 3) Lock

 After replacing the above, if gauge no. 2 passes, renew the coupler body.
 Reason - Guard arm expanded.

360 | P a g e
Contour Gauge No.02 is used at outgoing wagon after repair in CBC unit. This
gauge should not pass while putting between guard arm & knuckle.

B Guard

Gauge No.3 Arm


Apply the gauge no. 3 as shown above.

When “A” is in contact, if “B” or “C” touches, renew the coupler body.
Reason: Guard arm distorted.
Note: If guard arm distortion is more than 4.8 mm, it should be closed into normal.

Contour gauge-3 “Go and No Go type” for inspection in assembled condition

361 | P a g e


 Apply the gauge no. 4 as shown above.

 When A,B,C are in contact, there must be a clear gap at “D”

 Application of Knuckle stretch and Nose wear




362 | P a g e
 If “D” touches, renew the knuckle.
 Reason – Knuckle is stretched.



 Apply the gauge no. 4 as shown above.

 When E, F, G are in contact, “E” must not pass.



• If “E” passes, renew the knuckle.

• Reason – Excessive knuckle nose wear.

Application of Knuckle pivot gauge _GO Drg No.- 84073-47-RC

363 | P a g e



plate Face

• Apply the gauge no. 5 as shown above.

• The gauge must not pass through vertically.
• If passes, renew the knuckle .
• Reason : Excessive wear at locking face of the Knuckle.\

• Application of Knuckle Profile gauge Gauge No. 05

364 | P a g e

• Apply the gauge no. 6 as shown above.

• There should not be any clearance between gauge and bottom lifter.
• If there is a gap, renew the bottom lifter.
• Reason : Ineffective anti –creep

• Application of Bottom anti-creep horizontal location gauge Drg no.- WD-

84073-S- 3-RC

365 | P a g e



 Apply the gauge no. 7 as shown above.

 If gauge is not mating properly with the anti –creep lug (bridge) of rotary lever ,
renew the rotary lever.
 Reason : Ineffective anti -creep

GAUGE N 8 Gauge No.8

surface with Engagement
SURFACE WITH surface with
KNUCKLE coupler body

• Apply the gauge no. 8 as shown above.

366 | P a g e
• When the surface “A” is in contact, if the gap is more than 3.2 mm at
“B”, renew the lock.
• Reason: There is a combined wear of lock at knuckle contacting surface &
engagement surface with coupler body.

Shank length gauge Drg. No. WD-84073-S-22 –RC: Shank length is checked by this

Shank height with wear plate gauge “Go” Drg No.-84073-S-21-RC:

Shank height with wear plate gauge No Go Drg No.-84073-S-21-RC: Shank

367 | P a g e
height is checked with the help of this gauge

Shank wear gauge: wear in the plate is checked with this gauge

Knuckle pin hole gauge Drg. No.WD-84073-S-47-RC “No Go type”: Pin hole is
checked by this gauge for wear limit

Knuckle pin hole gauge Drg. No. WD-84073-S-47-RC “No Go type”

368 | P a g e

Pivot Lug gauge No Go

Pivot Lug gauge Go

Pivot pin gauge Drg No.- 84073-S-8-RC

Pivot pin gauge Drg No.- 84073-S-8-RC

369 | P a g e

Pin protector gauge- Drg. No. WD-84073 S-21-RC

Knuckle pin hole protection limit is checked with the help of this gauge to avoid
breakage of
On BG system, tominimize the maintenance problem and to run heavy hauled
freight train, the existing grade `C' type coupler have been replaced to grade `E' type
coupler known as high tensile coupler. A comparative chart of grade `C' and grade `E'
coupler is given below:
Material Ultimate
Yield strength
AAR M-201 & Tensile strength
(in tonnes)
AAR M-211 (in tonnes)
Coupler body Gr.B Gr.E 290 408 169 205
Knuckle Gr.C Gr.E 251 295 132 180
Standard CBC and high tensile CBC are identical in dimension hence no problem
to couple each other. Draft capacity of the high tensile coupler also depends on the
weakest link i.e. knuckle. The yield strength of the knuckle is 180t compared to 132t in
standard coupler. The draft capacity of HT coupler is 36% higher.
The standard draft gears are to be replaced by high capacity draft gears vide Rly.
Board’s letter No.84/M(N)/172/3 Vol. I dt. 11.1.90 and 84/M(N)/172/3 dt.5.7.90. And
new freight stocks would be fitted with high capacity draft gears. At present three
types of high capacity draft gears are in service
• MK-50
• RF-361
• MINER SL-76 to RDSO specification No. WD-665-BD-06.
i. All bogie wagons manufactured prior to 1984-85 were fitted with HR-40-I or MF-
400-I - IR draft gears but during shop schedules these are being replaced with high
capacity draft gears progressively.
370 | P a g e
ii. At present new freight stock are fitted with high capacity draft gear i.e.
RF-361, MK-50 & MINER SL-76.

Reaction Energy
Type of Capacity Travel Performance
Wt. (kg.) force absorption
Draft Gear (kg.m.) (mm) efficiency (%)
(tonnes) (%)

MK-50 170.3 5385 81.5 269.0 23.7 86

RF-361 138.0 5725 67.8 232.3 36.6 79.6

809. RF-361 DRAFT GEAR

This type of draft gear is a fully enclosed, self-contained unit assembled with pre-
compression force of rubber pads, so that all parts are tight in relation to one another.
Under normal service condition the draft gear is tightly fitted in yoke with front follower
Note :- All the drawing no., part no. and gauge no. mentioned here under are as per
literature of Burn Standard Co. Ltd., Howrah Works, titled “INSPECTION AND
 Housing (cylinder)
 Wedge
 Shoes 3 nos
 Bore inserts
 Top follower
 Rubber pads (Elastomer unit)
 Rear wall plate

371 | P a g e
FIG. 8.5: RF- 361 DRAFT GEAR
a. Gauges for housing:
• Gauge - 27200 Profile gauge.
• Gauge _ 27706
• Gauge _ 27257 Flatness gauge.
• Gauge _ 27244 Height gauge ( GO & NO-GO)
b. Gauges for Shoes
• Gauge - 27253
• Gauge _ 27254
• Gauge _ 27298
• Gauge _ 27716
c. Gauges for Wedge
• Gauge - 27215
• Gauge _ 27216
• Gauge _ 27266
• Gauge _ 27267
d. Final Inspection gauges

372 | P a g e
• Gauge - 27207 - Pre-shortened assembled gauge
• Gauge - 27739 - Box gauge
a. The RF-361 draft gear will require complete reconditioning, i.e. removal and
replacement of the rear wall plate only if the gear has loosed clutch components
(shoes & wedges), a broken housing, or a cracked weld at the rear wall.
I. A loose clutch will normally mean that there is either a defective rubber springs
package or excessive wear has taken place on the cylinder bore friction
surfaces. With a loose clutch, the steel components will usually be moved by
II. A cracked weld indicates poor welding practice during initial assembly causing a
fatigue crack, or brittle weld which can fail under extremely high shocks loading
III. If a loose clutch, broken housing, or a cracked weld are not present then only
removal and replacement of clutch components is necessary. Normally, clutch
disassembly and replacement is the only reconditioning needed in the RF-361
draft gear.
If either the shoes or wedge are broken and clutch is not loose, the following
disassembly procedure can be used to replace the broken components.
(I) The following equipment & special tools will be required to remove the shoes and
wedge from the draft gear;
i. 200 tonnes vertical open gap press
ii. Assembly block Drg. No.27051
iii. Assembly Ring
iv. A wooden taper wedge plug for the old style hollow wedge or a 76 mm or 3"
diameter industrial strength magnet with special long handle for the new solid
(II) The press should be equipped with an appropriate ram press head to drg. no
27800 to facilitate removal operations.
III. Place the assembly ring over the top outside of the friction bore of the cylinder. Put
the assembly block inside the assembly ring so that its three slegs evenly contact
the three shoes. Place the magnet on top of the solid wedge, its handle protruding
through the hole in the assembly block.
IV. Press down the assembly block compressing the shoes slowly into the gear. While
continuing to press on the shoes grasps the magnet or wooden plug handle and
rotate the wedge clockwise until the wedge lugs are completely clear of the
housing lugs. The top of the shoes need to be almost even with the bottom of
the housing lugs before the rotation can be accomplished. Once the lugs are
clear to each other compression can be released and wedge and shoes can be

373 | P a g e
The shoe, which have to be reused must be free from the following defects.
 No concave wear on any friction surface
 No cracks or spalls
 No wear more than 0.8 mm or 1/32" on any friction surface
The wedges which have to be re-used must be free from the following defects.
i) No crack or spall of the carburized case on the friction faces or the top of the
ii) No wear more than 0.8 mm or 1/32" on the friction surface.
iii) No indication of broken or any cracks on any of the locking lugs.
i) The inside friction bore walls must be worn symmetrical and the wall thickness
must not be less than 20.6 mm or 13/16"
ii) There must not be any bottom ridging in the bore.
iii) Bore taper should be smooth and any concavity must not be exceed 0.8 mm or
1/32". There should not be broken lugs or cracks in the housing.
iv) The housing should not be bulged outside.
v) The housing must pass through profile gauges No. 27706 and 27200.
vi) Housing base flatness must meet gauge No. 27257.
IV. To function properly, every part of the assembly must be free of oil, grease and
moisture. The parts should be kept properly during storage, handling and re-
V. Wedge and shoes are to be shot-peened to remove rust and dirt before assembly.
Shot-peening also allows better visual examination. No sharp edges are to be
permitted on these parts, since they could cause cutting and gouging.
VI. For re-assembly, the assembly ring is first placed over the housing. The three
shoes are put into position in the bore, and the wedge (with magnet placed over
the shoes) with each wedge lug resting on the angled shoulder of a shoe. Next, the
assembly block is put over the wedge carefully, pushing the shoes into the
housing. When the top of the wedge lug has cleared the bottom of the housing lug,
clockwise, the wedge will fall into place and the compression can be released,
completing the assembly.
a. If complete reconditioning of the gear is required either because of a loose clutch
or a broken weld, the shoes and wedge must be removed from the gear in the
manner that has been described above. This reduces the internal spring force of
the gear stated above.
b. The rear wall plate must be removed from the gear housing for complete dis-
assembly. The gear should be mounted in a holding fixture incorporating a
hydraulic press acting axially on the housing ends. Lock the hydraulic ram about
¼” (6 mm) longer than the housing length so that the rear plate will be able to
separate from the housing during cutting. The press ram must be capable of resisting a
force of 10 tons exerted by the rubber pad spring stack.
374 | P a g e
c. Cutting of the rear wall plate can be done by an abrasive cut-off wheel, sawing
or flame cutting. Make the cut just less than the 1 ¼” (32 mm) thickness of the
rear wall plate.
If the flame cutting is used, adequate ventilation and air movement during the cutting
must be provided. If there is a shortage of air during rubber burning, the rubber
pyrolysis could create an explosive mixture.
d. Release the hydraulic ram to free the gear. Remove the rubber pads and internal
follower from the housing.
e. Inspect the housing and also the housing wall thickness at the bottom which must
not be less than 11.9mm (or 15/32") and 19.8mm ( or 25/32") respectively.
f. Inspection of Rubber pads
I. Reject pads which show tears, large material chunks, large bond failures, or
extreme wear into the steel plate edges.
II. Pads are gauged and must not be less than 2 1/8” (54 mm) as measured by a gap
gauge at the middle of each side.
III. Bent (but not broken or cracked) steel plates are acceptable as these will
straighten during assembly.
IV. Creases andfolds are normal and are acceptable for reconditioned gears.
i. Full bonding to each of the metal is required.
ii. Top and bottom surfaces of plates must be free of elastomer films or drops.
iii. Inspection sprues must be 3.18 mm or 1/8" min. below the steel plate surface.
iv. Pad must be free from cracks.
v. Parting line flash should not exceed 0.78mm or 1/16".
vi. Elastomeric material should be free from foreign materiali.e., trapped air etc.
vii. Check for proper markings.
i. Rubber pads must be inspected carefully. Hundred percent pads are inspected
visually. Squeeze each pad to a height of 37 mm and check for bond failure,
chunks cracks and bubbles. These defects are causes for rejection.
ii. Check pads for bulge. Elastomer should not extend beyond the steel plates when
squeezed to solid height.
iii. Pad must be returned to minimum free height of 61 mm within one minute after
load is released.
iv. Pads must not be skewed after the load is released.
I. Outside profile dimension must be at least 111/4” x 7” (286mmx178 mm).
II. Base must be flat within 1/16” (1.6mm) across the diagonals.
III. Base and show support boss must be parallel within 1/16” (1.6mm).

375 | P a g e
IV. Shoe wear indentations on the boss must not exceed 1/16” (1.6 mm).
I. Parts will be visually inspected for seams laps, scale pits, improper grinding and
other defects.
II. All items should be checked for proper and distinct markings which should be
III. Parts are to be gauged for dimensional checking.
IV. Some dimensions are checked with calipers scales or other measuring instruments
as required if gauges do not exist or not available.
I. Housings or cylinders must not have excessive porosity, surface discontinues
shrinkage and inclusions.
II. proper gauges should be used to ensure sufficient yoke clearance and for
checking rear wall flatness.
I. The housing is placed bore end down on a flat metal work table next to a flame
cutting fixture. An accurate flame cut may be achieved by using either a guided
torch nozzle which moves along the stationary housing length at a fixed height, or
by moving the housing past a fixed torch nozzle.
II. The housing is to be cut to a length of 463.6 mm 1.6 mm (18¼” 1/16”). It is
important to regularly clean the torch tip to help ensure a clean and accurate cut.
III. After each side is cut, the housing is hit with a hammer to remove slag. The work
table and guides should be swept clean of slag after each cut to ensure a level
cutting surface and proper height position for the following cuts. The housing can
be rotated by hand before cutting on a new side.
IV. Check the finished housing (cylinder) height using gage no 27244.
V. Grind after cutting with a hand grinder to;
a) Remove flame cutting marks back to clean steel
b) Remove slag deposits on the housing
c) Bring correct size to the finished length.
a. Tools required
i) 50 t vertical press
ii) Draft Gear assembly ring support fixture.
b. For re-assembly, the assembly ring is first placed over the housing. The three
shoes are put in position in the bore and the wedge is placed over the shoes, with
each wedge lugs resting on the angled shoulder of the shoes. Next, the
assembly block to drg. No.27051 is put over the wedge, so the legs of the
assembly block contact the top of the shoes. Press down very slowly and
carefully, pushing the shoes into the housings. When the top of the wedge has
cleared the bottom of the housing lugs either by tapping the handle or slightly
rotating it clock- wise, the wedge will take its position in place and the
376 | P a g e
compression can be released.
Draft gear shall be visually inspected for the following characteristics: -
i) Inserts - one insert per lug properly located and intact in position.
ii) Shoes - must be properly positioned with respect to the wedge.
iii) Housing - must be free from cracks lumps and other defects. Components must be
properly seated. Clutch components must be tight.
a. After the weld zones of the housing and rear wall plate have been suitably
preheated, the heating gas is to be turned off, and the heating ring is to be
removed from the housing.
b. Place the remaining two RF-8 rubber pads on the pad stack These pads will be
projecting above the rear of the housing.
c. Place the preheated rear wall plate on top of the rubber stack and position it as
closely as possible so the edges of the plate align with the edges of the housing.
d. Position on draft gear assembly so that it is centered directly under the ram of the
press (50 tonne vertical press). This is done to ensure even loading and square
e. Compress the rear wall plate down until it is firmly and squarely in contact with the
housing base. Check the alignment of the rear wall plate sides in relation to the
housing base sides. If necessary, release the press pressure, reposition the plate
and compress again until the sides of the two pieces are aligned. It may be
necessary to do this a number of times, depending on the skill and experience of
the operator, till the proper alignment is obtained.
a. With the rear wall plate firmly held in place under the press, a root run,
approximately 6.4 mm-7.9 mm (1/4"-5/16") in depth is made completely around all
four sides. It is very important to obtain complete fusion and penetration into the
full depth of the weld preparation.
b. MIG welding with AWS A5.18-69 class E70S-1B, 1.14 mm (0.45”) diameter,
100,000 psi tensile wire is used. Preferable shielding is a 75% Argon and 25% CO2
gas. Wire feed speed is 45.7-50.8 cm (18-20 inches) per minute and the welding
machine to be set for 250 - 280 amps. 26-32 volts.
c. When the root run has been completed, the gear is removed from the press and
moved aside. Inspect, to be sure that it is free of any visible defects. A total of
three to four gears can be accumulated in this manner before filler pass welding is
a. The accumulated root run welded gears are placed side by side on a holding table,
which is either flat or slightly tilted up to permit down hand welding of the filler
b. Use MIG welding with the same wire as used in the root run. 100% CO2 shielding
gas is used in the fill pass. The wire feed is 2300mm- 3540mm (90-100 inches) per
minute, at 250-280 Amp and 26-32 Volts.
377 | P a g e
c. Weld one side of each of the accumulated gears.
d. Turn each of the gears 90 degree and weld the second side of each gear.
Continue this process till all 4 sides have been welded. The fill pass should
leave a weld bead that protrudes just above thehousing surface.
e. All welds are to be ground flush. The finished gear assemblies are then box
gauged with Gage 27200 for dimensional acceptability.
The assembled RF-361 draft gear must be pre-shortened to facilitate installation
into the yoke and draft pocket.
a. Place the gear under a 200-ton open gap press, position the pre-shortening block
(Drg. no 25658) on the shoes and apply a load. Compress the gear until there is
sufficient vertical clearance between the housing and wedge lugs to insert
standard powdered metal. Attach tap to 3 inserts (cube) using taps lower inserts
through openings.
b. Check the pre shortened length (using gauge 27207)
c. After pre-shortening the external surfaces of the draft gear is to be painted with
black or blue paint.
Note: - All the drawing no., part no. and gauge no. mentioned hereunder are as
per literature of M/s BESCO.
a. The draft gear shall be inspected whenever wagons are coming in ROH depot.
The following instructions shall be followed to determine whether draft gear is in
normal released condition or in stuck condition.
b. A normally released draft gear would appear as shown in Fig 8.6, where the
follower plate is against the front lugs, the housing is against the rear lugs and the
components of the friction clutch are fully returned to their neutral position. The
internal spring forces in a normal fully released Mark 50 draft gear will be from
7,000 kg to 10,000 kg.
c. It is possible for a slight gap to be seen at either the front or rear draft lugs when
the draft gear is in a normal fully released position, e.g. in an enlarged draft gear

378 | P a g e
When a draft gear with follower plate is installed into the pocket of a wagon, it has
ample initial spring load to provide a tight fit into the draft gear pocket. While removing
the draft gear from the wagon pocket, it is necessary to compress the draft gear
approximately 6.35 mm (1/4”). In order to clear the front and rear stops, a suitable
device can be used to compress the draft gear so that the draft gear and Yoke
assembly may be free to be lowered from the wagon.
I. Remove yoke pin support. Drop yoke pin down and draw coupler out of wagon.
II. Place suitable lifting/lowering jack under yoke support plate. Holding yoke support
in position with centre-sill, cut and take out rivets.
III. Insert nut (Ref: RDSO manual G-80) in the yoke pin hole. Apply screw from the
mouth and compress by rotating screw by means of wrench so that the draft gear
with follower is clearof the pocket length by about 6 to 8 mm.
IV. Lower support at yoke support plate and take out yoke with draft gear and
V. Unscrew and remove nut. Now draft gear, follower is loose in yoke and they can
379 | P a g e
be taken out separately.
A broken follower will remain within pocket only if it is cracked at centre and split in
two at centre vertically or horizontally.
When cracked and split jerk by hammer or by pulling yoke forward to loosen the
follower in the pocket.
In a partially stuck draft gear, the draft gear is loose in the pocket and the draft gear
travel will be less than 82.55 mm (3-1/4”).
A fully stuck draft gear is one where the components of the friction clutch are jammed
and flush with the open end of the housing. A large gap would appear at the front or
rear stops or at both stops.
The internal spring forces between 11,000 kg and 23,000 kg would propel the friction
parts outward if the gear was to suddenly release.
I. When follower is not missing
i. First move another wagon against the couple, forcing follower and draft gear
against rear stops. Do not remove the yoke support plate. Securely weld draft
gear housing and follower.
ii. Cut gear housing in spring area to expose coil springs and cut each coil of every
spring to eliminate the compressive force or the springs.
II. Where yoke is broken and follower is missing
i. First move another wagon against coupler forcing draft towards the stops as for
as possible.
ii. Remove a section of the yoke straps with the torch to permit installation of a
follower and bracket
IMPORTANT: The follower with the bracket must be installed with a lift table or
fork truck to eliminate any one putting their hands near the open end of this
stuck draft gear. Once fitted into place,
i. Securely weld the bracket to the draft gear housing.
ii. Remove coupler.
iii. Position lift table or other lowering means under the support plate, yoke and draft
iv. Remove rivets from yoke support plate. Slowly lower down the assembly unit on
the ground.
v. Scrap draft gear, yoke and follower.
380 | P a g e
In case it is desired not to gas cut and scrap stuck draft gear as above, the following
procedure may be adopted: -
a. Place the stuck draft gear in front of a wall or 50 to 75 mm facing another working
draft gear with follower. Force compressed air to clean any dust or mud from draft
b. Give sledge hammer blows with 8-10 kg hammer on the top front, side fronts,
edges and rear wall. The inside components will be forced out. Re- examine this
draft gear for any broken or unserviceable part. Re-use or reclaim the draft gear for
Mark-50 draft gears have a built in wear life gauge. This is known as "plate
clearance" and can be observed by looking up at the gear while it is in the wagon
When the draft gear is out of the wagon a straight edge can be placed on the centre
wedge of draft gear. Both movable plates should be driven or forced down until solid
before measurement is made. The plate clearance is an indicator of the total surface
wear of the friction components. When the plate clearance reduces to zero, the draft
gear loses its effectiveness to cushion. Once the draft gear reaches this stage,
some of the parts will start wearing on the housing and cause considerable damage,
rendering it impossible to recondition. Cardwell recommended that Mark-50 draft gear
should be inspected whenever wagon is in shop or under repair or when the draft
gears are removed from the wagon.
i) A press of 40 tonnes is required.
ii) Press down with fixture D and insert the two pins.
iii) Remove movable plate one side.
iv) Remove wedge shoe same side.
v) Remove movable plate other side.
vi) Remove wedge, shoe other side.
vii) Turn and remove centre wedge.
viii) Remove release spring.
ix) Remove both tapered stationary plates.
x) Remove both outer stationary plates.
xi) Apply fixture C and press to remove pins.
xii) Remove spring seat.
xiii) Remove all coil springs and corner spring seats.
xiv) Reverse procedure for assembly.
E. List of Gauges for Mk-50 Draft Gear
a. Housing Gauges for Initial Inspection
I. Housing reconditioned gauge No. BE-91/62-2 (No-Go Gauge to check minimum
length of housing)

381 | P a g e
II. Housing reconditioned Gauge No. BE-91/62-1 (GO Gauge to check maximum
housing for Yoke and Sill clearance).
III. Housing reconditioned Gauge No. BE-92/62-6 (No GOGauge to check minimum
housing wall thickness)
IV. Housing reconditioned bottom flatness check
b. Housing Weld Repair Gauges
I. Reconditioned gauge No. BE-91/62-5 (No-Go Gauge to check to centre wedge
stop area)
II. Reconditioned gauge No. BE-91/62-3 (Go, No-Go Gauge to check movable
plate area)
III. Reconditioned gauge No. BE-91/62-4 & 5 (Go, No-Go Gauge to check on the
wedge area)
IV. Centre wedge gauging gauge No. BE-91/61-1
V. Spring seat gauging gauge No. BE-91/61-5
VI. Gauging centre wedge and spring seat for sorting gauge No. BE-91/72-1.
VII. Tapered stationary plate gauge No. BE-91/61-4
VIII. Outer stationary plate gauge No. BE-91/61-3
IX. Wedge shoe gauge No.BE-91/61-2.
X. Gauging springs inner coil, corner coil & release gauge No. BE-91/61- 7 & 8
XI. Outer coil gauge No. BE-91/61-6
XII. Corner spring seat reclamation.
XIII. Movable plate gauging gauge No. BE-91/61-10
Note: There are two maintenance publications i.e., G-76 for lines staff and G-80 for
workshop staff issued by RDSO on “Inspection and Maintenance of Centre Buffer
Couplers BG stock”. For Alliance-II CBC, RDSO has issued G-62 for inspection and
maintenance by Train Examining and Workshop staff.
811. Action plan to reduce Train Partings:
A report on analysis of train parting was circulated by Railway Board vide letter No.
2012/m(n)/951/35 dated 14.09.2012 to Zonal Railways. This report highlighted that
approx. 62% cases of train parting were due to uncoupling and approx. 38% due to
breakages of components. The uncoupling cases were mainly due to lock
defective/broken, lock lifting arrangement defective, knuckle worn out/defective and
operating handle/bearing bracket defective. The components breaking were knuckle,
CBC body/Shank and Yoke.
This Report had the following recommendations –
1. Zonal Railways should strictly check and enhance replacement of knuckles, knuckle
pivot pin, lock, lock lifter with toggle, yoke pin, operating handle and bearing piece
during POH, ROH, Sick line and Yard maintenance.
2. DPT Test of knuckles during ROH.
3. Improve maintenance standard of CBC and Draft gear components.
Vide Railway Board’s letter No. 2003/M(N)/951/22 dated 16.01.2013, List of
382 | P a g e
change items have been recommended during POH and ROH.
A. During POH: Knuckle, CBC lock, Rotary lock lift assembly, bearing piece, yoke
pin support plate liner and shank wear plate etc.
B. During POH & ROH: Striker casting wear plate
4. Railway should send Report of every train parting to RDSO as per RDSO
Proforma (Ref: RDSO letters Nos. MW/CPL/VG/D dated 11.05.2010 &
5. RDSO should also put up their analysis for train partings on Rail net every
month (similar to hot axles) for a feed back to work shops, ROH depots and
examination points.

383 | P a g e

384 | P a g e

385 | P a g e
For list of approved vendors kindly refer on the IREPS website link given below.


386 | P a g e



387 | Page

388 | Page
Tank wagons form a special class of non-pooled rolling stock. They are classified
according to the product carried by the tank and its design. Tank wagons fall in the
following categories:
i) Tanks as pressure vessels.
ii) Tanks for corrosive liquids.
iii) Tanks for petrol and other highly inflammable products.
iv) Tanks for middle distillates of petroleum and others products.
For information about these wagons in respect of their mechanical code and the
products carried, refer to Appendix “B” of IRCA Part III (Latest edition).
Since the population of four-wheeler tank wagons and tank wagons on UIC bogies
have been phased out, details of these stocks have not been included in this manual.
If required, 2001 version of WMM may be referred.
A. Underframe
The design of the underframe of four wheeled and eight wheeled wagon is generally
similar to that of other IRS wagons except that a pair of saddles is provided on the
underframe at each end for mounting the barrel. Refer to Chapter 5 for repair and
maintenance of underframe.
B. Barrel and saddles
The barrel is cylindrical vessel generally fabricated out of low carbon structural steel to
IS:2062 Fe 410CuW. Material specifications for various types of tanks are given in
Table-9.1. The barrel is placed longitudinally on the underframe and secured by
means of rivets/welding to the saddle. The saddle is welded on underframe at each
SN. Type of wagon Cylindrical portion Dished ends
Steel.toBS:1501- Steel to BS:1501-224-
Ammonia tank wagon type
01 224Gr.32ALT 50 or Gr.32 A LT 50 or
ASTM-516Gr-70 ASTM-516 Gr.-70
Steel to BS: 1501-224- Steel to BS: 1501-
Liquified petroleum gas tank
02 Gr32 A LT 30 or 224- Gr32 A LT 30 or
wagon type BTPGLN
ASTM-516 Gr. 70 ASTM-516 Gr. 70
Petrol tank wagons type
03 IS:2062 Fe410Cu-WA IS:5986 Fe360 Cu
04 Heavy oil tank wagon BTOH IS:2062 E250CU IS:5986Fe360cu
Petrol tank wagon type
05 IS:8500 Fe 570B IS:8500Fe570B
Caustic soda tank wagon
06 IS:2062 Fe-410CuWA IS:5986 Fe-360 Cu
type BTCS

Tank wagon for phosphoric

07 ASTM A 240 55 316 L ASTM A 240 55 316 L
acid type BTPH

389 | Page
C. Barrel mountings and safety Fittings
Various types of barrel mountings are necessary for filling, measuring and decanting
depending upon the product handled. Safety fittings are generally provided inside the
dome on a diaphragm plate so as to protect them from accidental injury. These fittings
as used on various types of wagons are given in Table 9.2.
S. N Descriptio Particulars and Anhydr-ous Liquified Caustic BTPN/ BTFLN
n of fittings Mech. Code liquid petroleum soda
Ammonia gas BTPGL/ BTCS
1. Safety Nos. One Two One One
A- 3200 A-3225 DA- 1739
Location Inside Inside dome Inside Outside dome
dome dome
Vapour tight at 22.15 15.85 2.46 01.4 Kg/cm2
pressure kg/cm2 kg/cm2 kg/cm2
Start of Above Above 15.85 Above Above 1.4
discharge 22.15 2.46 Kg/cm2
pressure kg/cm2 kg/cm2
Drg. No.
Disc not to
pressure N/A N/A N/A N/A
pressure for
disc kg/sq.cm
D. Safety valve
The safety valve is provided to prevent building up of excess pressure inside the
barrel. Its fitting on the barrel is either on the diaphragm plate inside the dome or on a
separate opening on the barrel. Table 9.2 shows the location, number of safety valves
used and their working pressure, etc. for various types of wagons.
E. Relief valve
It is a spring loaded valve fitted on the barrel of tanks for corrosive liquids. Its main
function is to release built up pressure, if it exceed the working pressure limit. Table
9.2 shows the type of wagons on which these are fitted and their working pressure
F. Safety vent
This consists of a frangible disc (lead or any approved material not affected by lading)
which ruptures at specified pressure. It is an additional safety fitting to safeguard
against the failure of the relief valve. When the built up pressure exceeds the working
pressure of the relief valve and the latter fails to function for any reason the frangible
disc of this safety vent ruptures to release the pressure.
G. Compressed air valve

390 | Page
It is provided on tank wagons from which the contents are unloaded by compressed
air. Its main function is to control the rate of discharge by controlling the rate of air
H. Vapour extractor cock
Its function is to extract vapour from the tank while filling (Drg. No. WA/TF-2116 &
I. Master valve assembly
It is a gravity discharge valve fitted with a hand wheel in the dome for manual
J. In eight-wheeler stock, two bottom discharge valves are fitted, one on either
side and connected with the master valve through a tee pipe. The main function of the
valve is to control the flow of the contents and also to serve as an additional safety
stop in case the master valve fails or breaks. The bottom discharge valve openings
are also provided with blank flanges to be used with 2mm compressed asbestos fiber
jointing material to IS:2712-65 to serve as a further check on accidental leakage of
The periodical overhauling of IRS tank wagons should be carried out in fully equipped
mechanical workshops. The periodicity of POH is given below in Table 9.3.

SN Type of wagon For 1st For subsequent


01 Tanks for petroleum gas BTAL/BTALN/BTPH 4 ½ years 4 ½ years

Tanks for petroleum gas BTPGL,
02 4 years 4 years
03 BTPN 6 years 6 years

04 BTCS 4 Years 4 Years


No person should be allowed to enter the tank barrel for internal examination/repair
unless the barrel is free from Toxic or inflammable fumes. Therefore, before internal
inspection of barrel is allowed, it must be steam cleaned/washed with solution of
sodium phosphate commercial or soda ash, washed with water or other suitable
cleaning agent as prescribed in case of various types of tank barrels.
The tank(s) requiring steam cleaning should be placed as near the steam supply line
as possible and protected against any movement. The berthing siding should be
completely isolated from all other traffic.
Tanks as pressure vessels, tanks for petroleum, other highly inflammable products,
vegetable oils, bitumen, coal tar and molasses are cleaned by steam. In case of
pressure vessels, it should be ensured that all the gas has been discharged to the
atmosphere. After ensuring that the tank barrel is no longer under pressure, the
following sequence should be followed:
1. In case of 4-wheeler tanks, remove the manhole cover together with manhole
housing, valves etc. and leave the tank exposed to atmosphere for few hours. This
391 | Page
clause is not applicable for BTPN.
2. Entry of staff in the tank barrel should be strictly prohibited and signs with suitable
legends displayed at a reasonable distance away from the tank(s) to be steam
3. Insert pipe through man hole and steam interior of barrel for 12 hours. In order that
the tank barrel is thoroughly steamed from inside, the stem pipe should be
provided with a “T” connection at its lower end and so directed as to blow steam
towards both ends.
4. Remove condensed steam collected in the tank barrel and keep the barrel
exposed to atmosphere for few hours.
5. Ascertain if the tank barrel is free from gas fumes. This may be done as follows:
Fill the tank barrel with water and take a specimen of the same in a clean glass bottle
since ammonia is readily soluble in water. The specimen of water should be tested for
any traces of ammonia with red litmus paper. Any trace of ammonia in water would
turn red litmus blue. Another very sensitive method known as Nessler's test may be
applied to find out if the specimen of water contains any traces of ammonia. In this
test, the reagent used is a solution of potassium mercuric iodide with potassium
hydroxide. This reagent gives a brown colour when mixed with the specimen of water
containing even a minute trace of ammonia.
If ammonia is detected, empty out the tank barrel and refill with fresh water. This
process may be repeated till the tank barrel is free from ammonia traces completely.
Fill the tank barrel with water and take a specimen of the same in a clean glass bottle.
Since chlorine is readily soluble in water, specimen of water taken out should be
tested for any traces of chlorine. Any trace of chlorine in water would have a bleaching
effect on coloured litmus paper. If chlorine is present, the tank should be repeatedly
emptied and refilled wit h fresh water till free from chlorine traces completely.
A clean bottle filled with fresh water is lowered through the manhole. A string is
attached to the bottom of the bottle before lowering. Tilt the bottle at the bottom of the
tank to allow its water to flow out and the gas in the tank to take its place. The bottle
should be left in this position for about 5 minutes and then withdrawn away from the
tank. A lighted match stick should then be brought near the mouth of the bottle or
applied to the air or gas inside and bottle. If there is no flame the tank is free from
injurious gas. But, in case it gives out a flame, the tank should again be steam
After ascertaining that there is no trace of gas in the barrel the tank should be dried
out by blowing in hot compressed air before proceeding with inspection and repairs.
Alternatively, Gas should be checked with explosion meter.
Caustic soda tanks: These barrels should be washed free of alkalinity with hot water.
Freedom from alkalinity can be easily ascertained by litmus test (if red litmus changes
to blue, there are still traces of alkalinity). After it is free from alkalinity, water should
be drained and barrel dried out before inspection and repairs.

392 | Page
Generally, tank barrel defects will be indicated by hydraulic test but it is necessary to
inspect the barrel before hydraulic test so as to avoid accidental rupture of corroded
barrel plates at the time of hydraulic test. The barrel should be examined by a
competent inspector nominated by the CME, who must examine the interior of the
barrel and the internal fittings for their general condition and freedom from wasting,
wear, tear and damage. Measure barrel thickness by D-meter to ensure extent of
corrosion. If the examination indicates that the corrosion/erosion has taken place to
such an extent that the barrel is likely to rupture during hydraulic test, first carry out the
repairs and then give a hydraulic test.
A. Ensure that all filling lines with low pressure and other apparatuses, which should
not be subjected to the test pressure, are disconnected.
B. The tank barrel and manhole orifice should then be completely filled with water at a
temperature which must not exceed 38 Deg.C (100 Deg.F) during test. The barrel
should be vented to prevent formation of air pockets while it is being filled. Before
applying pressure, the equipment should be inspected to see that it is tight. The
tank barrel should be tested by using a power driven hydraulic pump which should
enable a steady increase of pressure in the tank barrel. Test pressure should be
maintained for a sufficient length of time to permit a thorough examination of the
barrel for any leaks.
For the purpose of this test, connection is to be made through a dummy flange with
pressure gauge attached, fitted on the safety valve seating. The filling, discharge
and gas valve should be tested in position on the tank in following two ways:
a) With valves closed and outlet cap off, and
b) With valves open and outlet cap in position.
C. In case of any sign of leakage that may be evident from the drop in pressure under
hydraulic test, the pressure should be reduced by 20%. The lagging and insulation
is removed for locating leaks. The welded seams of the tank barrel should be given
a thorough hammer test by striking the plates on both sides adjacent to the weld.
The plate should be struck at intervals of about 6" for the whole length of all main
welded seams.
D. The hammer used for the above test should be of a material softer than the barrel
plate and its edges so rounded as to prevent denting of the barrel plates. The
weight of the hammer should not exceed 5 Kg.
E. The pressure should then be raised to the full test pressure and maintained for a
sufficient length of time, but not less than 30 minutes. Inspect all seams and
F. The tank barrel should remain secured to the underframe during this test.
The testing pressures for different types of wagons are given in the following table:

Description Mech. Code Hydraulic test pressure

Ammonia tank BTAL, BTALN 33.25 Kg/ cm2

LPG tank BTPGL, BTPGLN 22.1 Kg/ cm2


393 | Page
The procedure for testing of caustic soda tanks is the same as that given for tanks as
pressure vessels above except that their testing pressure would be 4.5 Kg/cm 2.
The following procedure should be followed for hydraulic test of petrol tanks:
A) Remove the safety valve from its seating and fill the tank completely with water.
Provide connections with the hydraulic pump through the safety valve opening.
Close the manhole cover and fully tighten it. It should be ensured that the bottom
discharge valve is properly closed before filling the barrel with water. The pressure
should be increased gradually by means of a hydraulic pump provided with a
pressure gauge. Close the control cock as soon as the hydraulic pressure reaches
2.8 Kg/ cm2 for BTPN wagons. Watch the pressure for a minimum period of 30
B) In case of leakage (which will be evident from the drop in pressure under hydraulic
test), the joints should be checked first and made tight. Thereafter, the well seems
of the tank barrel should be examined thoroughly by applying soap solution, which
will show up the crack or other source of leakage.
A. Pressure vessels
Pressure vessels requiring repairs should be inspected by a competent authority
approved by Chief Controller of Explosives. A workshop undertaking such repairs
must be properly equipped for the same and facilities for radiographic examination of
the repaired joints must be available. The detailed procedure for repairs of pressure
vessels is given in Appendix – IV.
B. Tanks for transport of corrosive liquids
i. Tanks used for transport of corrosive liquids suffer most, commonly from pitting
and also have a tendency to develop cracks. Pits when not deep enough to affect
the strength of the parent plate may be chipped to sound metal welded and then
ground flush to the original thickness of the plate. When pits are in a close group or in
one straight line and are deep enough to affect the strength of the plate, the affected area
should be cut out and replaced with a let in patch.
ii. Cracks should be fully explored to ascertain their extent. The crack may be on
surface or in full depth of the thickness. If possible, a portable magnetic crack
detector should be used. Such detector are manufactured in the country and are a
very useful piece of equipment for every railway workshop. In absence of crack
detector, dye penetration test shall be performed to ascertain extent of crack. A
12mm dia hole should be drilled at the ends of the crack and the full length of the
crack should then be carefully chipped and C grooved for welding. Removal of all
paint, grease, oil, dirt etc. by frame heating and brushing is essential both for the
purpose of proper inspection and to prevent contamination of the welded joint.
Perform DP test and then do welding.
iii. After completion of welding from one side, the other side of the crack should be
grooved, cleaned and welded. It is preferable if the welding is done from the inside
of the barrel and is in the down hand/horizontal position. Flush ground the welded
position and perform DP test along the weld.
iv. If a crack occurs in an area where the plate is wasted and of inadequate strength,
the defective portion should be cut out and replaced with a let in patch. It must be
ensured that the let in patch is of the same material and thickness as the parent
metal. Corners of patches should be rounded to a minimum radius of 25mm and
394 | Page
edges must be carefully prepared to obtain a V butt weld. Weld deposits should be
smoothened flush with the parent metal. Perform DP test and radiography of barrel
C. Tanks for petrol, middle distillates of petroleum, vegetable oil etc.
The repair procedure will generally be same as described above.
D. Welding procedure and technique
i. Only approved brands and grades of electrodes should be used. Lists of such
approved brands and grades are published by RDSO every year and these should
be available in all workshops and repair depots for reference and guidance.
ii. Welding should be as possible done in the down hand position. Welding current
(also polarity if direct current is used) should be set as recommended by the
electrode manufacturer.
iii. Transverse speed of the electrodes should be controlled to obtain proper fusion of
the parent metal.
iv. After every interruption of the arc, welding should be restarted ahead of the
previous deposit and then moved back to fill the crater before proceeding forward
v. Care should be taken to remove slag before depositing successive beads.
E. Welding of stiffening plate.
Weld reinforcement should be made flush with the parent metal of the tank barrel for
welding a stiffening plate.
First, tack weld the stiffening plate in the position as below. Stiffening plate to be fitted
from out side only. They should be welded with the angle in the case of old design
wagons having the bearing plate inside. In case of new designs having both angle and
bearing plate outside, weld with the existing bearing plate. The welding should be
completed as shown in Fig. 9.1.

395 | Page
396 | Page
a) Safety valve
The safety valve should be given a pneumatic test. It must be vapour tight against
leakage at pressures indicated in Table 9.2.
The safety valve adjustment should not be interfered with unless repairs to the valve
become necessary or the valve operates incorrectly. In such cases, it must be
repaired, correctly adjusted and re-tested at the pressure specified.
b) Packing and seals must be particularly checked for leaks, and those found
defective or damaged, perished, should be changed. The packing should be of correct
material and size/shape.
Since deteriorated seals and dirt on the seals are the most frequent cause of leakage,
the seals should be given careful attention. Changing of resilient seals of liquified
petroleum gas tank wagons, when the vessel is under pressure within 10 pounds of
the operating pressure of the valves, should not be attempted.
c) Other fittings of pressure vessels:
i. Apart from the safety valve, each type of mounted pressure vessel has its own
special fittings. The fittings are specific for each type of vessel and details
regarding their examination and maintenance are contained in instructions
pamphlets published by the RDSO for the respective wagons.
ii. Items to be particularly checked for defective, damaged or perished packing. “O”
ring, “V” ring and lead seals. Asbestos packing or rubber packing is commonly
used depending upon the type of vessels and commodity carried. V rings are
pressure seals, which expand on application of pressure to remain leak proof.
iii. The various valves and fittings of these vessels are usually designed to give long
periods of trouble free service and should not ordinarily require any maintenance
other than cleaning. However, if a fitting become defective, it would be desirable to
consult the manufacturer. Most of these valves and fittings are specialized pieces
of equipment, made of special materials. Substitution by components made of
incorrect materials or to wrong tolerances could have undesirable repercussions.
iv. The main fittings are two liquid education valves, a vapour education valve, a
safety valve, a slip tube for determining liquid level, a pressure gauge, a
thermometer well and excess flow valves which control the rate of flow through the
three education valves.
In view of the possibility of pilferage/damage, the pressure gauge should be fitted only
when required at the time of filling or discharging, or when the pressure is to be
checked enroute. It should be removed before releasing the tank wagon. The
necessary valve and fittings for attachment of the pressure gauge are provided on the
manhole cover plate.
A) Pressure relief valve/safety valve: These valves should be given a
pneumatic test at the pressures indicated in the table 9.2.
B) Safety vent with frangible disc: The safety vent should be provided with rubber
lining and closed with a frangible disc which should rupture at a pressure not
exceeding the predetermined value. The ruptured frangible disc indicates that
excessive pressures have been built up in the tank wagon and may be the first sign
of malfunctioning of the safety valve. The cause needs to be investigated and
397 | Page
removed. A ruptured frangible disc should be replaced by a new frangible disc,
conforming to the required specification.
C) Globe valves/compressed air valves/washout valves: All these valves should be
tested on a bench by applying hydraulic pressure by means of a pump and it
should be ensured that they are leak proof at the pressures of individual wagons
mentioned under “Testing of the Barrel” in para 1008 above. Leaky valves should
be attended for defects before fitting body on the tank.
A) Safety valve: These valves are provided on petrol tank wagons. The safety valves
should be subjected to pneumatic test after repairs/POH at the pressure given.
B) Master valve: Wherever repairs to the master valve and its seating are
undertaken, after filling the valve should be tested in position under air pressure of
0.35 to 0.56 Kg/ cm2 (5 to 8 psi), the tank barrel being filled with water to a
minimum height of 150 cms. The hydraulic test should be carried out keeping the
bottom discharge valve and blank flange open.
C) Bottom discharge valve: The bottom charge valve should also be tested in
position under air pressure of 0.35 to 0.56 Kg/ cm 2 (5 to 8 psi) after filling the tank
barrel with water to a minimum height of 150 cm. Master valve should remain open
during this test. This test to be done after satisfactory testing of the master valve.
D) Blank flange: The blank flange should be tested in the same manner as the
master valve and bottom discharge valve after ensuring that a gasket of specified
material has been fitted underneath.
Re-tests of all tanks, safety valves and rubber lining must be certified by the official
making the tests and records maintained in the office of the CME. Certification must
show railway initial, number of tank wagon, pressure to which tested, date and place
of test, etc. A copy of the certificate may be submitted to the party owning the tank
wagon in the case of private or dual owned tank wagons.
The testing authority must maintain detailed records of the tests carried out on each
individual tank wagon.
A special report must be submitted to the CME concerned in every case where the
maximum permissible working pressure is reduced or the examination shows that the
tank cannot continue to be used with safety unless certain repairs are carried out
immediately or within a specified time. Such a tank wagon must not be commissioned
in service till it is certified fit for use after repairs and re-testing under specified
pressure by the testing authority.
The testing authority competent to test the barrel, safety valve and rubber lining under
the above clause is to be nominated by the CME.
The important modifications to be carried out in workshops and depots given in Table
(As per RDSO Letter No. MW/BTPGL dated 06.09.2022)
Since volume of barrel remains same, regardless of tare weight of the
wagon, it is advised to mention maximum carrying capacity on the tank

398 | Page

SN Purpose Drg. No. SICK NEW
1. Sealing Gasket ring in To remove the
the main hole & filling problem of sealing MW/BTPN dtd.
S/ 60 & WD- Yes Yes Yes Yes
pipe cover ring comes out from 13/16.06.03
86081 -S/ 61
the groove
2. Pin for Master valve Length of the pin
spindle & valve increased to avoid WD-86081- MW/BTPN dtd.
No Yes Yes Yes
operating screw the breakage of pin S/ 65 10.10.03

3. Valve spindle nut Material valve

bottom spindle nut bottom
changed from IS:
1458 (bronze) to WD-86081- MW/BTPN dtd.
No Yes Yes Yes
stainless steel IS: S/ 66 10/14.10.03
660307r18Ni9 to
avoid the nut get
sheared off
4. Flanges cover design Thickness of cover
of bottom discharge plate reduced to
pipe 3.15 mm from 8.0 WD-86081- MW/BTPN Dt.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
mm & embossed at S/ 65 9/14.12.03
the centre for
5. Filling pipe A magnet at the
bottom of filling pipe
provided to arrest
the foreign item MW/BTPN Dt.
such as nut, bolt & 29/12 /6.01 No Yes Yes Yes
S/ 61
locking wire etc. to 2004.
avoid the damage
of the seat of
master valve
6. Provision of To avoid the
rubber piece on the damage of dome WD-86081- MW/BTPN Dt.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
barrel cover during S/ 58 22.02.05
opening of cover.
7. Stiffener plate Additional stiffener
plates provided on
the top of centre sill
and above the back MW/BTPN Dt.
S/ 53 & WD- Yes Yes Yes Yes
portion of CBC to 14/15.7.05
86081-S/ 54
avoid the lifting of
CBC and hitting of
8. Manhole joining Location of holes on
the right side
portion of manhole WD-86081- MW/BTPN Dt.
No. Yes Yes Yes
joining changed as S/ 61 02.04.04
by S. Rly.

399 | Page
9. Bolster bottom flange Bolster bottom
flange profile
modified and WD-86081-
stiffener added to S/ 53, WD-
remove the 86081-S/ 55 No. Yes Yes Yes
07.07. 09
possibility of centre & WD-
sill crack as 86081-S/ 66
reported by JHS
10 Bogie mounted brake To develop the new New
system braking system with Drawing No.
better performance WD-09050-
and lesser rigging S/00 to 11
parts (Twelve
No. No. No. Yes
prepared for
BMBS, other
drawings will
be as per
WD- 09050-


A) Any repairs to tank barrels should be done only at nominated sick lines where
facilities for steam cleaning are available. After repairs, the barrels and valves must
be tested to ensure that there is no leak. Safety valves must not be permitted with
any nut or bolt deficient from sickline. The tank wagon discharge valves blank
flange and manhole covers should be secured with full complement of bolts and
nuts whenever the tank wagons are empty or taken out of sickline. Whenever tank
wagons containing petrol or other inflammable fluids are examined, only specified
safety torches (battery torches) should be used for this purpose.
B) Before any repairs are commenced on such stock, due precautions must be taken
to remove all such petroleum and other inflammable fluids as required under IRCA
red tariff and special instructions issued by the railway/railway board from time to
time. These precautions must be observed on empty tank wagons also and no staff
should be allowed to enter the tank or to bring naked light or matches near it till the
tank has been steam cleaned and tested free of vapour.
The following checks should be carried out by train examining staff before a tank
wagon is certified fit for loading:
a. Master valve : Leakage of master valve should be checked while keeping the
bottom discharged valve open.
b. Bottom discharge valve : Proper functioning and fluid tightness of the bottom
discharge valve should be ensured.
c. Blank flange : The blank flange of the correct thickness made out of steel plate
and with a gasket of proper material between the blank flange and bottom
discharge valve flange should be tightened by six bolts and nuts.
d. Tank barrel : Tanks with cracks on barrels should be marked sick.
e. Leaky tank barrels : The leakage of tank barrels may be caused due to one or
more of the following reasons:
i. Mechanical injury to the valve face and/or valve seat as a result of foreign material,
particularly nuts and bolts finding their way inside the tank wagon.
ii. Valve seats not properly secured to the stool by proper interference fits.
iii. Mal functioning of master valve.
400 | Page
A. BTAL, BTALN tank wagons
Ammonia gases are poisonous gases and have a characteristic pungent odour, which
gives warning of their presence in the atmosphere before dangerous concentrations
are attained. In the case of ammonia, if sufficient concentration of the gas is present in
the atmosphere, it will irritate the eyes and the respiratory system. As such, in the
event of leakage, all present in the vicinity should be warned to keep on the wind ward
side of the leak.
B. BTPGL & BTPGLN tank wagon
Action in any particular case will depend upon existing conditions, and good
judgement will be necessary to avoid disastrous fires on one hand and useless
sacrifice of valuable property on the other hand:
a. When a tank wagon is leaking, all flames or fires near it should be extinguished or
removed. No smoking should be allowed. Spectators should be kept away. Only
battery-operated torches or incandescent electric lights with gas proof sockets
should be used.
b. Oil lanterns or signal lamps necessarily used for signaling must be kept far away
and at as high an elevation as can be obtained from the tank and on the side from
which wind is blowing. The vapour will go with the wind, not against it. The ash
pans and fire boxes of steam locomotives are sources of danger especially when
wind is blowing across the leaking tank towards them. The locomotives be moved
away from the site and ash pit fires be extinguished with water.
c. The leaky tank wagon should be removed as quickly as possible to an open area
where the escaping gas will be less hazardous.
d. Earth should be spread over any surface on which the LPG has leaked out in liquid
e. A leaky tank, which has been emptied, should under no circumstances be sent to
the loading point and should be suitably stenciled as such. A leaky tank wagon
must only be dealt with in a fully equipped mechanical workshop.
f. Recommended procedures to stop leaks in dome fittings:
i. The liquid outlet valves face each end of the tank wagon, while the vapour outlet
valves face the sides of the wagon. If there is leakage around the valve hold down
bolts, tighten the bolts until the leakage stops. If leakage persists, isolate the tank
wagon and notify the oil company concerned.
ii. If there is any indication of leakage around safety valve, which is in the centre of
the dome, it should first be checked whether the valve is merely performing its
function, i.e., relieving excess pressure. However, if considerable flow of gas is
evident, isolate the tank wagon and notify the oil company concerned.
iii. If there is leakage from the outlet of the valve, turn the valve handle by hand, if it
does not stop leaking, the seat is defective. Do not try to use a wrench but insert
and tighten the plug attached by a chain to the valve.
iv. If there is any leakage out of the thermometer well, the only thing that can be done
is to tighten the plug. If the leak cannot be stopped, by tightening, isolate the
wagon and notify the oil company. DO NOT TAKE THE PLUG OUT FOR
LAPPING OF THE THREAD. The thermometer well is, in fact, a part of the shell of
the tank, and if there is any evidence of leakage from the thermometer well, a bad
situation is indicated. If the plug is removed when leakage is present, liquid will
probably be discharged with a consequent extreme hazard.
v. A high percentage of any leaks that might occur will be in the gauging and
401 | Page
sampling devices. The sampling valve is a part of a fixed line to the bottom of the
tank. The valve on the gauging device (slip tube) must be used in gauging the
volume of the liquid in the tank wagon. It is open while moving the gauge down to
find the liquid level. Once the liquid level is found, the valve should be closed. In
both cases, a turn of the shut off valve handle will probably stop any leakage that
might be occurring through the valve. However, on the slip tube, which is moved up
and down to determine the liquid level, there is a packing gland, which is subject to
wear. If the leak is occurring through this packing gland, tighten the packing nut
until the leak stops.
vi. The Junior Engineer (C&W) staff must be most careful that liquefied petroleum gas
does not get on their skin. The effect is substantially the same as when dry ice
comes in contact with the skin viz. freezing. The white fog of its discharge can
distinguish liquefied petroleum gas while liquid can only be distinguished by careful
viewing. In many cases, soapy water must be used to locate liquid leaks because
they are not readily visible.
C. All other types of tanks
No leaky tank wagon should be allowed in service and such tank wagons should be
attended in properly equipped sick line and/or shops.
D Additional precautions in cases of heavy leakage/spillage
i) In case of heavy leakage which cannot be stopped by closing of valves, evaluate
leaks and determine repair materials and techniques to be used. Contact nearest
Rly. Station and oil installation.
ii) The station master shall send telegraphic/telephonic advice to nearest Train
Examiner & control and other authorities
iii) Ensure that there are no ignition sources including mobile phone nearby and
passers by do not smoke or carry open flame.
iv) Isolate the heavily leaky wagons and keep as far away from the train as possible.
v) During isolation, take care to avoid any hammering, sparking.
vi) Have “Dangerous” “not be loose shunted” Labels affixed on both
vii) sides of such wagons.
viii) Carden off the area.
i. Ensure that the tank is loaded/unloaded under supervision of a responsible and
competent person and all precautions taken by him to see that the persons
engaged in the filling/discharging operations are properly protected against the
poisonous gas contaminated atmosphere. A list of precautionary measures to be
taken by the staff must be exhibited at a conspicuous place near the installation.
The loading/unloading connections must be securely attached to the pipe line
before valves are opened.
ii. Ensure that the tank to be loaded/unloaded is placed in position, preferably under
shade, and secured properly against any movement. The handbrakes must be
put on and hand brake lever secured in that position.
iii. Shunting of any kind of the tank under loading/unloading must be strictly
iv. Ensure that points leading to loading/unloading line on which the tank is to be
loaded/unloaded are set and pad locked so as to isolate the line on which
loading/unloading is to be done. If loading/unloading is to be done at one end of a
402 | Page
long siding, it must be protected properly by a scotch block or other authorized
device so as to prevent any wagon dashing against the tank wagon. It must also
be ensured that shunting is not permitted on the same line when
loading/unloading is being done.
v. Ensure that signs are exhibited at a suitable distance away from the tanks on the
approach end or both ends as applicable.
vi. Ensure that the tank is filled by connections to the liquid valves, which have dip
pipes to the bottom of the tank. The other gas valve is connected to the
absorption system of the chlorine plant or Ammonia plant. In the case of LPG
tanks, two liquid valves are provided for loading/unloading of the tank. The rate of
flow of LPG liquid becomes too great in case only one liquid line is provided and
this may result in the excess flow valve (provided inside the pipes below the
diaphragm plate) closing off. Use of only one valve may result in closing down of
excess flow valve repeatedly.
vii. The tank should not be loaded beyond its marked capacity under any
viii. Tank wagon(s) must not be allowed to stand with loading/unloading connections
attached after loading/unloading is completed.
ix. Throughout the entire period of transfer operations or while the tanks connected
to loading/unloading devices, the tank(s) must be continuously attended to by the
x. If it is necessary to discontinue transfer operations for any reasons, all
loading/loading connections must be tightly closed and closure of all other
concerned components strictly ensured.
xi. On completion of filling operation, the valves should be properly closed and dome
cover sealed. The caution signs should then be removed and padlocks on the
points opened to enable the tank(s) to be taken out for attaching to trains.
xii. The loading of pressure gas tank wagons must be carried out by using a gas
compressor i.e., the compressor will be connected to the gas valve on the tank.
The liquid valve on the tank will be connected to the storage tank. By ensuring
that the pressure in the tank barrel is about 10 lbs/sq.in (gauge) above the
pressure in the storage tank, the liquid gas will discharge itself. To avoid reverse
siphoning of the liquid gas into the tank barrel, the above pressure must be
maintained inside the barrel till such time the whole contents are discharged.
xiii. While discharging, the pressure inside the tank barrel should be maintained
steady so as to avoid any chance of sudden evaporation and consequent chilling
of the barrel plates.
xiv. When all the liquid gas has been transferred, which will be indicated by the level
ceasing to rise in the storage tank, the liquid valve on the tank must be closed.
xv. All tools and implements used in connection with transfer operations must be
kept free from oil, grease, dirt and grit.
xvi. Seals and other substances must not be thrown into the tank. Care must also be
taken to avoid spilling of the contents over the tank.
i. Only Phosphoric acid and caustic soda 8-wheeler wagon exist in Railways. Caustic
soda lye (liquor) having specific gravity of 1.51 at 150C or a concentration of not
less than 48% and containing not more than 3% of any chloride and no free
chlorine, is loaded in the caustic soda tanks.
ii. Before loading, it should be ensured that the tank barrel and washout valve is free
403 | Page
from any leaks and the dome cover fits airtight. A leaky tank wagon should not be
allowed to run on line and it should be suitably marked for repairs after unloading.
Dome fittings should be inspected for leaks and other defects before unloading to
avoid acid spillage or spraying.
iii. An air space of not less than 5% of the capacity of the tank should be left. When
higher concentrations are filled, it should be ensured that tank wagon is not
overloaded beyond its carrying capacity in tonnes.
iv. All empty tank wagons should be securely closed airtight as sulphuric acid is self-
diluting and absorb moisture from atmosphere. Dilute sulphuric acid is highly
corrosive to mild steel.
v. During the loading and unloading operations, caution signs must be exhibited at a
suitable distance away from the tank on the approaches at both ends.
vi. Smoking or bringing a naked flame or lamp near sulphuric acid wagons is strictly
prohibited. An incandescent electric light with gas proof socket should be used.
vii. At the time of loading/unloading, the tank wagons should be protected by means of
scotch blocks or other suitable devices to prevent any risk of damage due to
inadvertent shunting.
viii. Steel spanners/tools should not be used as they may cause sparks on striking,
Brass tools may be used.
ix. All spillage of acid should first be neutralized by means of hydrated lime and
washed down the drain with an adequate supply of water.
x. The tank wagon has a top discharge arrangement. For loading the tank, it should
be connected to an air compressor through the globe valve and it must be ensured
that the pressure in the tank does not rise above 30 psi. The discharge pipe should
be connected to the designated line after removal of the blank by means of a
suitable flange after inserting a rubber gasket/lead lining. The gasket/lead lining
prevents spillage of acid on the tank barrel.
xi. The filling in of the tank wagon is also affected through the discharge pipe by
connecting it to the consignee's acid supply pipeline by means of a suitable flange
after inserting a rubber gasket/lead lining. During the filling in operation, the globe
valve/air compression valve should be in open position to permit exit of air from the
i. Adequate supervision of filling and emptying of wagons is necessary to ensure
that this is done in an authorized manner only.
ii. The filling should be done from the filling and discharge pipe. This pipe is
provided with a rubber lined flange. A corresponding flange should make the
connection to the acid supply line after inserting a rubber gasket between the
filling flange and the supply flange. The gasket prevents spillage of acid on the
tank barrel and would also prevent damage to the rubber lining on the
filling/delivery flange.
iii. In order to give vent to the air inside the tank barrel, the air flange should be
removed for the filling operation.
iv. The decanting should be done after connecting the delivery pipe to the discharge
flange. Connecting with the help of a suitable flange using a rubber gasket should
do this.
v. The air pipe flange should be removed and a pneumatic line should be connected
to the air pipe, by means of a suitable flange after inserting a rubber gasket.

404 | Page
vi. The pneumatic pipeline should be connected to a pneumatic system wherein the
pressure in the line cannot exceed 1.75 Kg/cm 2 (25 psi). This is done to prevent
damage to the tank barrel.
vii. After the tanks have been unloaded, they should be filled with clean water at a
temperature not exceeding 380 C (1000 F). This is done to prevent deterioration
of the rubber lining as the rubber decomposes in presence of air.
viii. All spillage of acid should be washed down the drain with an adequate supply of
water. If the spillage is excessive, the acid should first be neutralized by means of
hydrated lime.
A. At loading points
i) Ensure that all tank fittings are in good working condition.
ii) Ensure that tank fittings are provided with requisite anti- pilferage devices.
iii) Ensure that the safety valve is intact and properly sealed.
iv) Ensure that the master valve is fluid tight.
v) Ensure that the bottom discharge valve is fully closed and fitted with a blank
flange and gasket before commencement.
vi) Ensure that the vapour extractor cock and vent plug are open before
commencement of loading.
vii) Ensure that loading is done through the filling pipe only.
viii) Ensure that recommended air space as specified for the particular petroleum
product is provided and that payload does not exceed the permissible limit.
ix) Remember to close the vapour extractor cock after loading.
x) Remember to fit the cap on the vapour extractor cock after loading.Remember to
fit the cap on the filling pipe after loading.
xi) Ensure closure of the vent plug cock after loading.
xii) Provide proper sealing when dome cover eye bolt nuts are tightened.
xiii) Make sure that the dome cover is closed after loading.
B. At unloading points
i) Close the master valve after unloading.
ii) Close the bottom discharge valve after unloading.
iii) Fit the dummy flange with gasket and all its bolts back in position after unloading.
iv) Close the dome cover after unloading.
v) Tighten eye bolt nuts of dome cover after unloading.
vi) Do not allow rough, hump or loose shunting.
vii) Do not allow unauthorized persons to operate valves.
viii) Do not allow any person to enter the tank barrel for internal examination/repairs
unless the barrel has been steam cleaned.
ix) Do not undertake repair of the tank barrel by welding unless it is properly steam
x) Do not start welding repairs on a tank wagon fitted with roller bearings unless the
barrel is properly earth and roller bearings are short circuited.
405 | Page
xi) Do not allow tank wagon to move from loading/unloading points unless the tank
fittings are properly refitted and dome cover closed.
C. Action to be taken in case of fire:
i) Eliminate source of ignition.
ii) Organize dispersal of vapour.
iii) Cut-off source of leakage to extinguish fire.
iv) Allow the fire to continue under controlled conditions, till all the fuel is burnt.
v) Use water spray to cool equipment on fire and adjacent equipment.
vi) Not to extinguish flame at leak to avoid uncontrolled explosive re ignition.
vii) Inform all concerned depending upon gravity of fire.
viii) Contact LPG bottling plants for assistance in case of emergency
A) No person should be allowed to enter the tank barrel for internal examination/repair
unless the barrel is free from noxious or inflammable fumes. Therefore, before
internal inspection of barrel is allowed, it must be steam cleaned/washed with
solution of sodium phosphate commercial or soda ash and washed with water or
other suitable cleaning agent as prescribed in case of various types of tank barrels.
B) Before any repairs are commenced on such stock, due precautions must be taken
to remove all such petroleum and other inflammable fluids as required under IRCA
red tariff and special instructions issued by the Railway/Railway Board from time to
time. These precautions must be observed on empty tank wagons also and no staff
should be allowed to enter the tank or to bring naked light or matches near it till the
tank has been steam cleaned and tested free of vapour.
C) Any repairs to tank barrels should be done only at nominated sick lines where
facilities for steam cleaning are available. After repairs, the barrels and valves must
be tested for leak. Safety valves must not be permitted with any deficient nut or bolt
from sickline.
D) The tank wagon discharge valves blank flange and manhole covers should be
secured with full complement of bolts and nuts when the tank wagons are released
from sickline.
E) Whenever tank wagons containing petrol or other inflammable fluids are examined,
only specified safety torches (battery torches) must be used for this purpose.
F) In addition to routine attention to underframe, suspension, running gear, draw gear,
buffing gear and braking gear, the following examinations and repairs to be done in
sickline: -
i) Examination of tank barrels.
ii) Testing of discharge valves and barrels to ensure that there is no leak.
iii) Adjustment and examination of security fittings of safety valves
iv) Examination of tank barrel insulation where provided.
v) Examination of dome equipment
vi) Examination of barrel, cradles and fastening arrangements
G) The checks as mentioned in para 917 B must be carried out by train examining
staff before a tank wagon is certified fit for loading.
H) Testing of barrel is to be done as given in para 905.

406 | Page
I) Procedure for repairs of tank barrel to be followed as given in para 909.
J) The important modifications to be carried out in depots are given in Table 9.4.
K) The painting and lettering to be done as given in para 916.
The periodical overhauling of IRS tank wagons should be carried out in fully equipped
mechanical workshops. The periodicity of POH (refer IRCA Part III Rule 2.4.3) is given
in Table 9.3. For various type of tank wagons, detailed maintenance procedure is
given is RDSO publications listed in Table 9.5. The detailed procedure for repair of
tank wagon pressure vessels is also described in Appendix-IV.
924. Instruction for Maintenance and Operation of Bogie Petrol Tank Wagon
Type BTPN.
(Amendment No. 4 of July, 2012 applicable to RDSO technical Pamphlet No. G-90 of
November, 1991)
To prevent possible fire risks due to electrical tracking through OHE-
1. Oil companies/ loading parties shall switch over to non-metallic sealing wires for
dome covers progressively.
2. Till such time the switchover to non-metallic sealing wires does not materialize, the
Oil companies/ loading parties shall ensure that the metallic sealing wires are
wound taut and the loose/ uncut length of the sealing wires does not project more
than 1inch (25 mm) vertically from the centre of the hole provided in eye bolts for
sealing. Loose winding of sealing wires all around the Dome Cover is strictly
3. Used sealing wires shall be removed completely from the Dome Cover and shall
not be left on the wagon Body/ Barrel.

925. Prevention of fire risks due to proximity of sealing wires with

contact wire of OHE
1. Correction slip 7 of IRSOD 2004 espouses a minimum electrical clearance of 270
mm of Rolling Stock from the contact wire.
2. Reports from zonal railways have been received as regards adhoc metallic sealing
arrangement being adopted by loading parties at loading points.
407 | Page
a) It is reported that long metallic wires are wound around various eyebolts (With
holes for sealing wires) of the dome cover, sometimes crossing the dome cover
b) Similarly, it is also reported that at unloading points, the metallic lead seals are left
hanging at the dome cover after the unloading operation.
c) This leads to long uncut and undesirable lengths of metallic sealing wires hanging
from the dome covers, which during run, may breach the minimum electrical
clearance requirements IRSOD.
d) Some representative pictures are enclosed as appendix-I to this annexure.
3. The design of the eye bolts as per ISO drawing No. WD-86081-S-60 and WD-
86081-S-61 is such that sealing in even one bolt is enough to ensure the theft
protection as it shall not be possible to open the dome cover without damaging the
seal. At max, sealing on two adjacent bolts, individually, shall suffice to ensure anti-
theft protection.
4. The practice of winding the sealing wires all around the dome cover eye bolts, in a
loose condition, is not correct. Being a potential cause of fire due to electrical
tracking, the same should be discontinued.
5. While ensuring the sealing on one/ two adjacent bolts, it should be ensured that the
uncut length of the metallic sealing wire in vertically taut condition does not project
more than one inch from the centre of the hole provided in the eyebolt for sealing.
This shall ensure adequate electrical clearance from the OHE.
6. Similarly, at unloading points, the used sealing wires must be removed from the
wagon dome covers.
7. Railways may engage with oil loading parties/ oil companies under their jurisdiction
to progressively switch over to nonmetallic seals, so that chances of electrical
tracking (due to human failures) and consequential fires are reduced.
8. While on the subject, it is imperative to ensure the presence of gasket to RDSO
drawing No. W/TF-2169 on the dome cover, as the same provides a sealing
protection to possibility of product vapours emanating from the sampling pipes,
filling pipes and vapour extractor cocks.

Sr. Description Name of


1. Instructions for operation and maintenance of Bogie G-71/June-92

Phosphoric Acid tank wagon “BTPH”

2. Instruction for operation and maintenance for G-79


3. Instruction for operation and maintenance BG bogie G-82/1988

tank wagon for Alumina type “BTAP”.

4. Maintenance manual for bogie liquified petroleum gas G-86/1994 Rev.-1

tank wagon type BTPGLN.

5. Safe handling of Hazardous chemicals transported in G-87

Rail Tankers

408 | Page
6. Instructions for Maintenance & operation for bogie G-90
petrol tank wagon type “BTPN”

7. Instructions for Operation and Maintenance of Bogie G-83/1988

caustic soda tank wagon type “BTCS”

409 | Page



410 | P a g e

411 | P a g e
Bogie open wagon type BOXNCR is similar to BOXN wagon except the following: -
i. Barring rolled sections, the wagon body is manufactured from steel to IRS M-44
instead of steel to IS: 2062 Fe410CuWA or IRSM-41.
ii. Crib angles side to ISA 50x50x6 is manufactured from IRSM- 44 steel instead of
IS: 2062 Fe 410 CuWA steel.
iii. The sole bar is manufactured from IRSM-41 instead of IS: 2062 Fe Cu WA steel.
Other features like overall dimensions, bogie couplers and draft gear, brake gear, brake
system, etc. are exactly same as BOXN wagon.
i. Since BOXNCR wagon is similar to BOXN wagon, the maintenance schedule and
repair procedure shall be similar to BOXN wagon. However, since the wagon body
is made from IRSM-44 steel, the body panels, when corroded, shall be replaced
with IRSM-44 steel panels only. The IRSM-44 steel panels/plates shall be cut either
by shearing machine or by plasma cutting machine but not by oxy-cutting. For
latest instructions G-72 (latest version) should be referred. The welding electrodes
to be used for repairs are indicated in table 11.2.
S.No Material to be welded Electrodes/filler wire to be used

1. IRS M-44 to IRS M-44 IRS class M1 with IS code E19. 9LR16 (as per
IS;5206-83) or 3081 (MIG) as per AWS.
2. IRSM-44 to IRS class C2 basic coated low hydrogen type
IS:2062/5986/1079 having IS code EB5426H3JX or EB5424H3JX as
per IS:814-91.
3. IRS M-44 to IRS M-41 IRS class D2 with high deposition.
4. IS:2062/5986/1079 to Same as indicated in (2) above or CO2 filler
IS:2062/5986/1079 wire as per IRS class I and IA.
5. IRS M-41 to IRS M-41 Same as indicated in (3) above or CO2 filler
wire as per IRS Class-III.
6. IRSM-41 to Same as indicated in (5) above.
ii. The edge preparation should be done as per IS:9595 for both “V” butt as well as
fillet joints. Electrodes and filler wires should be procured from any RDSO
approved sources and the parameters like current, voltage, etc. should be as per
IS code and manufacturers recommendations. Preheating of electrodes of IRS
class C2 & D2 at 250 deg. C for 2 hours, 350 deg. C for one hour or as
recommended by the manufacturer be done prior to use. After heating,
electrodes are to be kept in an electrode oven at 110o C to avoid any moisture
pick up.
i. Since Stainless steel has high coefficient of thermal expansion and less heat
conductivity, it is advised to use low welding currents with the recommended
412 | P a g e
range and smaller gauge electrode to minimize heat input and reduce distortions.
ii. Surface to be welded must be clean, dry and free from dirt, oxide film, oil, grease
iii. Electrodes should be re-dried before use.
iv. Always maintain short arc to minimize the loss of alloying elements.
v. Avoid weaving and make stringer beads.
vi. After finishing welding, lift electrode slowly and fill the crater before breaking the
arc. This will avoid crater cracks.
vii. Use stainless steel wire brush for cleaning welds.
viii. Use electrode preferably with DC (+).
ix. Every bead should be properly cleaned before further welding on it.
x. Welding should be preferably carried out in flat position.
xi. Correct electrode size, recommended current, arc length, travel speed and
electrode angle must be followed.
xii. Any defect like crack, blowhole etc. must be properly gouged out and re- welded.
xiii. Do not strike arc adjacent to the weld.
xiv. Tack the welded area correctly to ensure proper gap.
xv. Proper welding sequence must be followed to reduce internal stresses and hence
reduce warpage of structure.
xvi. Always weld towards the free ends.
i. The surface preparation and painting schedule for underframe of the wagon shall
be as per standard specification No. G-72 read with latest amendments.
ii. Surface preparation of the wagon body
Degreasing with petroleum hydrocarbon solvent to IS:1745-1978 (low aromatic
grade 145/205) or any other degreaser (applicable for both SS, MS and Corten
iii. PAINTING OF WAGON BODY For stainless steel
 Apply thin coat of etch primer to IS:5666-1970.
 Two coats of IS:2074-1992, ready mixed paint, air drying, red oxide zinc chrome
priming to minimum DFT of 50 microns.
 Two coats of IS:123-1962, ready mixed paint, red oxide, brushing, finishing,
 to ISC:446 to IS:5-1994 to a DFT of 80 microns.
For mild steel and corten steel
 Remove dust, loose rust and mill scale etc. manually by scrapping, chipping and
wire brushing to at least St.2 of IS:9954.
 Two coats of IS:102-1962, ready mixed paint, brushing, red lead, priming to
minimum DFT of 80 microns.
 Two coats of IS:123-1962, ready mixed paint, red oxide, brushing, finishing, semi-
gloss to ISC:446 to IS:5-1994 to a DFT of 80 microns.
413 | P a g e
iv. The painting of bogies, couplers and air brake equipment shall be done as given in
para 11.2.5 of General Standard Specification No. G-72 (Rev.1) read with latest
Bogie container flat wagons have been designed for transportation of 2896 mm high
Series-I, ISO containers for a gross payload of 61t at an operating speed of 100 km/h.
These containers, when loaded on the earlier flat wagon caused infringement to the X-
class MMD, resulting in constraints in their free movement.
In order to ensure that the wagons loaded with 2896 mm containers lie within the X-
class MMD, a low platform height of 1009 mm has been achieved with the use of
hybrid design of bogie frame and bolster and with the use of smaller diameter wheels
The wagons have all welded construction and are mounted on two cast steel bogies.
The flats are formed into units of five wagons, each unit having two “A” car at ends and
three intermediate “B” cars. One end of “A” car is fitted with centre buffer couplers to
ensure proper coupling with the locomotive while the other end has slackless
draw bar to couple with “B” cars. “B” cars are coupled together and to “A” cars by
slackless drawbars.
The length of A car overhead stock is 13625 mm while the length of B car is 12212
mm. The coupler of A car for attaching to loco or other stock is at 1105mm. The
coupler in the B car at both ends is at 845 mm from rail level. The wagons are
equipped with Air Brake. The diameter of new wheel is 840 mm and the condemning
size is 780 mm.

The weight distribution between centre pivot and side bearers is optimized to avoid
hunting. 90% of the body weight under tare condition is borne by the side bearers
which are of spring-loaded design to ensure that no hunting takes place. The spring-
loaded side bearer arrangement has the distinct advantage of retaining the load
distribution between centre pivot and side bearers irrespective of any manufacturing
inaccuracies in the body and bogie bolster as well as the condition of the wheel (New
or Worn). 10% of body weight under tare condition & full pay load will be borne by
Centre Pivot.
414 | P a g e
Short duration check-ups:
i) “B schedule” –every 3 months
a) All items of intensive examination.
b) All dirt collectors, drain cocks should be drained.
c) Test Air Brake System to all the parameters as per test chart.
ii) “C schedule” –every 6 months
a) All items of “B” schedule
b) Load Sensing Device (VTA) tip to stopper distance16 mm be set if required.
c) Six months Schedule as prescribed by the Air Brake Manufacturer for the Air Brake
System including the Pressure Reducing Valve may be maintained.
d) Check for defective or damaged Elastomeric pads
The basic system conforms to the Graduated release, single pipe air brake system as
per RDSO specification 02-ABR-02 (with latest amendment) together with the latest
amendments using "Automatic, two stage empty/load braking control". This
changeover from load to empty braking condition is provided by the distributor valve
type C3W2/KE2CSLA which in turn is governed by two nos. of change over valves,
type VTA/Single Piece Load Sensing device one on each bogie.
Since the wagon is designed to carry one or two containers, the various loading
patterns arising in service may require sensing of load even in one bogie though the
other may be in empty condition. In view of this, two nos. of Changeover valves are
provided, one on each bogie, so that even if any of the bogies is under loaded
condition, the VTA valve / Single piece Load Sensing valve installed in that bogie
would actuate and deliver a signal pressure to the C3W2 Distributor valve or
KE2CSLA Distributor valve.
Since the VTA valve/s/ Single piece LSD is/are not actuated in this condition, the
compressed air at the inlet port of the VTA valve/s is/are not connected to the delivery
ports of these valves. On the contrary, the delivery ports are connected to the
atmosphere at the exhaust ports of the VTA valve/s.
In the absence of the signal pressure from any of these VTA valves, the empty load
port of the C3W2 Distributor valve is connected to atmosphere and hence any brake
application during this stage will be maintained in empty condition by the Distributor
valve. However, irrespective of the empty or loaded Brake cylinder pressure, the
Distributor valve maintains the specified application and release timings as per the
If both the VTA valves/ Single piece LSD are actuated due to bogie deflection on both
sides, the compressed air at the inlet ports of the VTA valves/ Single piece LSD is
connected to the delivery ports which are interconnected at the 24-A Double check
valve. Since the compressed air pressure to one of the VTA valves is maintained by
the Reducing valve type N1 to be specifically lower than that which could come to the
other VTA valve, the higher of the two-delivery pressure from the VTA valves will push
the shuttle inside the Double check valve to the opposite side and charges into the
Distributor valve. Under the influence of the load sensing signal pressure, the
Distributor valve generates a higher Brake cylinder pressure during all brake
415 | P a g e
applications in this stage.
The automatic twist lock (ATL) is the compact container locating and securing device
fitted at the locating points of under frame sole bar. These devices confirm to
specification AAR M-952. The older designs of ATL devices were having Rubber
(Bonded) Torsion Springs in their internal mechanism. However, the rubber bonded
steel mechanism has been replaced with Steel Springs in new version of ATL devices.
A max. force of 800 lbs. is required for twisting the lock during entrance of the
container and while removing the same force of 1600-2200 lbs. is required (Ref. AAR
The container is positioned so that the bottom aperture of the four corner castings is
above the twist locks heads. The container is then lowered down slowly. The weight of
the container causes the twist head to rotate and the corner casting slide past the twist
head. Immediately after this the twist head rotates back in place engaging the corner
casting and thereby securing the container.
If 20ft containers are used the locks on the middle should be kept in position. If the 40
ft. container is loaded to a wagon the middle locks mounted on folding brackets should
be folded down before placement of 40ft. container on them.
Note: Use of crane with steel ropes for lifting containers is fraught with risks due to
human error:
a) Accidental falling of containers on under frame,
b) Derailment of wagon due to failure of locks to get released at all locking
c) High risk of ATL/brackets damage etc.
It is recommended that all loading/ unloading points/ ICD’s (Inland Container Depots)
handling BLC/BLCM/BLL wagons should use only Dedicated Reach Stacker Trucks
for container handling.
Inspection, maintenance and general guidelines related to ATL devices has been
issued under Technical Pamphlet no. G-100 (instruction for inspection & maintenance
of automatic twist locks (ATL) devices fitted on container flat wagons OF
The wagon is an all welded steel construction suitable for transportation of two 20 feet
or one 40 feet ISO series-1 containers of maximum height 2896 mm and width 2438
mm per wagon and domestic containers of one 45” container or 2-22 container/one
20” & 24” container. The material used in the wagon construction is micro alloyed high
strength steel to IS: 2062: E450.
Low floor height of the wagon from the use of low diameter wheel of 840 mm (in
new condition), permits the loaded profile within the maximum moving dimension of
standard X-class engine. The maximum axle load is 20.32 t and pay load 61.0 tonnes.
The maximum operating speed of the wagon is 100 kmph in empty and loaded
condition. The wagon can negotiate a minimum curvature of 175 m radius.
The wagons have been designed to work in units of 5 wagons consisting of two BLLA
wagons (A-car) at extreme ends and three intermediate BLLB wagons (B-car). Outer
ends of the A-cars are equipped with Non transition type center buffer couplers. Inner
416 | P a g e
ends of A-cars and both ends of B-cars are fitted with slackless draw bars. The
wagons are provided with cast steel two axle friction damped bogies and graduated
release air brake system.
Net braking ratio in empty and loaded condition of the wagon is changed with the
help of pneumatically operated load sensing device mounted on bogie bolster.
Automatic twist locks are provided on the wagon for securing the containers during
The wagon shall be fitted with two nos. of two axle cast steel bogies to Drg No.
CONTR-9404-S/2 and Schedule of Technical requirements (STR) No. CONTR.LCCF-
20c (latest Rev.) issued by RDSO, Lucknow. The STR can be had from GM (Rolling
Stock Design Division), 5th floor, RITES Ltd., RITES Bhawan, 1, Sector-29 Gurgaon-
The bogies shall be fitted and supplied complete with top centre pivot, retaining ring,
centre pivot pin with shackle lock and lock pin, spring loaded side bearers, suspension
springs, friction wedge, brake rigging including brake shoes, elastomeric pads, wheel
sets, bearings, wide jaw adapters, side frame keys with key bolt, nut and washer in a
ready- to-use condition. The bogie shall be sourced from vendors approved by RDSO,
Lucknow. The contractor shall ensure that all tests on the bogie have been carried out
as per requirements contained in the above STR.
Elastomeric pad used between the bearing adapter and side frame crown shall be to
RDSO Specification No. WD-30-Misc-99 (latest revision). The wheel and axle
assembly shall conform to Drg. No. CONTR-9404-S/12 and RDSO specification R-
19/93 Pt I. The wheels are solid cast or forged type. The tread diameter in new
condition is 840 mm and condemning size is 780 mm. The forged wheels shall
conform to RDSO specification R-19/93 Pt-II and cast wheels to Specification R- 19/93
Pt III. The wheel tread profile shall conform to RDSO Drg. No. WD-88021. The axle
shall conform to RDSO Specification R-16/95.
Low friction type composition brake shoes (L- type) to Drg, No. CONTR-9404- S/11
and conforming to Specification No. WD-13-ABR-2003 or latest of RDSO, Lucknow.
shall be used for tread braking. They shall be procured from RDSO approved sources.
Cartridge taper roller bearing of AAR “E” type to RDSO schedule of technical
requirement (STR) No. AB-RB-39-2002 Rev.2 or latest suitable for 6” ×11” journal
shall be provided on the axle. The bearings shall require no field lubrication. Bearings
shall be procured from sources approved by RDSO.
Grease to RDSO‟s Specification No. WD-24- MISC-2003 is to be used in CTRB.
Before applying the grease, clean all the equipment to be used for lubrication. Apply
grease to each single assembly and between the roller and cage assemblies in the
quantity as given below:
TABLE 10.2 Amount of grease to be applied
To Single Roller Between Roller
Types of CTRBs Assembly (Each Assembly Total + 20 gm
Cone Assembly) (Around spacer)
Class -E/ Upgraded Class-E 115 gm 160 gm 390 gms
Class-K -- -- 290gms
The wagon shall be equipped with single pipe graduated release compressed air
417 | P a g e
brake system consisting of Distributor valve suitable for two-stage VTA type automatic
load sensing device. The load sensing device shall be installed on the wagon as per
Drg. No. CONTR-9405-S/16.
Particular attention should be paid to the clamping of pipes to wagon body and proper
location of the cut-off angle cocks and hoses.
Complete air brake equipment including piping and joints shall be fitted on pattern
wagon generally conforming to drawing No. 45-A-2001-S/13 for BLLA wagon and 45-
A-2001-S/08 for BLLB wagon and offered to the engineer and the inspecting officer
during prototype testing for approval. The contractor shall be obliged to carry out any
modification on the layout of the air brake equipment, if required by the approving
authority. Series production shall be as per the brake layout drawing approved for the
prototype wagons.
Hand brake is provided on the wagon through two hand wheels on each side of the
wagon as per Drg. No. 45-A-2001-S/11 for BLLA wagon & 45-B-2001- S/07 for BLLB
Brake rigging shall have double acting slack adjuster type IRSA-600 or equivalent.
The brake system shall be thoroughly tested in all wagons using single car test rig.
Ten numbers of twist locks shall be provided on each car as per drawing No. 45-A-
2001-S/17 to facilitate positioning of one 40 feet or two 20 feet ISO containers and
domestic containers of 45” or 2-22” containers or one 20” & one 24” container. The
locks at the head stock ends are fixed type and those at middle of the car are
retractable type to avoid infringement with 40 feet container.
The Double Decker Wagon Type “BCACBM”, the broad-Gauge Bogie Covered Auto-
car carrier wagon to diagram drawing No.-11013-S-01 has been developed by RDSO
for transportation of automobile cars. A rake of these wagons consists of 3 units; each
unit consists of 9 wagons – 2 nos. wagons “A” & 7 nos. wagons “B”. Both
“A” & “B” wagons have twin decks to accommodate cars. The upper decks of both
wagons are movable to accommodate different heights of cars by diamond screw jack
arrangement fitted in the wagon.
Wagon-A is fitted with CBC couplers on both ends with the coupler at one end at a
designed height from rail level as 1105 mm, the other end incorporates CBC at a
lower height of 861 mm. Wagon-B is fitted with CBC couplers on both ends at a
designed height from rail level as 861 mm. Each unit shall be moved as one entity
and the movement of individual wagon (i.e., Wagon A & Wagon B) shall not be done.
The design incorporates LCCF 20(C) bogie with speed potential of 100 Kmph and
single pipe graduated release air brake system. This wagon is fit to run up to a
maximum permissible speed of 100 Kmph in empty and 95 Kmph in loaded condition.
The movement of the wagon on Indian Railway network shall be governed by the
RDSO final speed certificate No. MW/BCACBM dated 27.02.2013 & its amendments
issued from time to time.

418 | P a g e

S.No Stock Description

In 2006 for operation up to CC+6+2 t, suspension of

BOBRN modified by providing four additional springs,
O-2 & I-2. Differentiated from BOBRN by a caption
1. BOBRNM 1 “Fitted with additional springs for A/L 22.232 t” in
centre of wagon in Golden Yellow. Also, on bogie
side frame Golden Yellow band provided. Speed
70/80 Kmph.

Designed in 2006. A/L 22.32 t. Variant of BOBRN

with modified CASNUB 22 HS bogie for increasing
2. BOBRNHSM 1 speed. Spring O- 14, I-14, S-4. BOBRNHS was not
manufactured, instead this was manufactured. Speed
60/65 Kmph.

In 2008 for operation at 25t A/L, suspension of

BOBRN modified by providing eight additional springs,
Outer-2 & Inner-6. Bogie renamed as CASNUB 22
NLC. Also, min. wheel tread diameter 950 mm min.
3. BOBRNEL axle wheel seat dia. 210 mm, reduction in POH to 3
years and ROH to 1 year and strict monitoring during
maintenance prescribed. Differentiated from BOBRN
by an Olive Green band. Speed restricted to 50/65

Bogie Covered Hopper Wagon for Food Grain

This wagon has been designated for transportation of
food grain in Bulk. This wagon is designated with
4. BCBFG CASNUB-22HS MOD-I bogie, non transition CBC,
single pipe graduated release air brake system with
automatic load sensing device. There are two Nos.
gravity discharge gates at bottom for unloading. A/L
21.82t. Speed 75/ 75 Kmph.

Bogie Brake Van

This 8 wheeled brake van was designed in 2004 with
5. BVZI ICF bogie to achieve comfort level (Ride Index)
equivalent to loco criteria for goods guards and
capable of running at 100 Kmph. The brake van is 5
meter longer than BVZC brake van.

419 | P a g e
Bogie Low Platform Longer Container Flat
Wagon. Designed jointlyby RDSO & RITES in 2001
for transportation of 22”, 24”, & 45” container along
with 20”& 40” long ISO containers. Lower height of
6. BLLA/B under frame floor from R.L. has been achieved with
introduction of hybrid design of bogie frame, bolster
and use of smaller diameter wheel in LCCF 20(C)
Bogie, Spring O-14, I-12, S-4, A/L 20.32 t. Speed
100/100 Kmph.

Bogie Low Platform Container Flat Wagon

Designed in 1994 for transportation of 20” & 40” long
ISO containers at an operating speed of 100 Kmph.
7. BLCA/B Lower height of under frame floor from R.L. has been
achieved with introduction of hybrid design of bogie
frame, bolster and use of smaller diameter wheel in
LCCF 20 (C) Bogie, Spring O- 14, I-12, S-4,
A/L20.32t Speed 100/100 Kmph.

In March 2006 double stack container train

Double Stake operation started with restricted speed of 75 Kmph.
8. Container This was for the first time in the world that double
Operation stack container train operation on flat wagon was
done. Speed 75/75 Kmph.

In year 2007 bogie of BLC wagon was modified by

BLCAM providing upgraded side bearer, upgraded friction
9. wedge & two additional inner springs for double
& BLCBM stack container operation at 22t axle load & 100
Kmph speed. Speed 100/90 Kmph.

In year 2007, to meet the immediate requirement of

auto car industry, design of existing container flat
wagons (A type & B type) modified by provision of a
10. BCACM suitable bi-level structure for transportation of auto
cars. One rake can carry up to 270 auto cars. Two
such rakes converted by Jagadhari workshops are in

In 2006 for operation at 25t A/L, suspension of BOY

modified by proving four additional inner springs.
Bogie renamed as CASNUB 22NLC. Also. Min. wheel
tread diameter 950 mm. min. axle wheel seat dia 210
mm reduction in POH to three years and ROH to 1
year and strict monitoring during maintenance
prescribed. Differentiated from BOY by an Olive
Green Band. Speed restricted to 50/65 Kmph.

420 | P a g e
In 2005 for operation up to CC+6+2 t, suspension of
BOXN modified by providing four additional springs.
O-2 & I-2. Differentiated from BOXN by a caption
“Fitted with additional springs for A/L 22.82t” in centre
12. BOXNM1
of the wagon in Golden Yellow. Also, on bogie side
frame Golden Yellow band provided. Speed 70/80 for
CC+6+2t and 60/80 for CC+8+2t. For MGS –GZB
route speed at CC+8+2t 75/80 Kmph.

In 2006 for operation at 25tA/L, suspension of BOXN

modified by providing eight additional springs. O-2 &
I-6. Bogie renamed as CASNUB 22 NLC. Also, min.
13. BOXNEL wheel tread diameter 950mm, min. axle wheel seat
dia 210mm, reduction in POH to 3 years and ROH to
1 year and strict monitoring during maintenance
prescribed. Speed 50/65 Kmph.

Designed in 1999. Material of body of BOXN

14. BOXNCR changed to Stainless steel (IRS:M 44). Other
parameters same as BOXN.

Designed in 2007, it is upgraded rehabilitated version

of BOXN. Entire superstructure of MS replaced with
Stainless steel (IRS:M44). Height 177 mm more than
BOXN. Carrying capacity increased by 6t. Nine
Stanchions provided, instead of six in BOXN. Use of
CRF section and lock bolting included. A/L 22.9t.

This wagon was designed in 1998 for transportation

of coal to axle load of 23.5t/22.1t. Bogie: IRF 108 HS,
Spring O-14 & I-14, S-4. Its height is more than
16. BOXNHA BOXN. Serial manufacturing of this wagon was not
undertaken due to constraint of some tipplers for
handling these wagons. Cleared Speed at CC+8+2 t
A/L of 75/100 Kmph.

Designed in 1988 to meet the requirement of higher

pay to take ratio A/L 20.32 t. CASNUB 22 HS bogie,
Spring O-14 & I-12, S-4. Width 50 mm more than
BOXN. Stainless steel (IRS: M 44) & Corton Steel
(IRS: M41) used in body & under frame and Cold
Rolled Formed (CRF) section were used in design to
reduce the tare weight of the wagon. Manufacturing of
this wagon started in 2005. Speed 100/100 Kmph.

421 | P a g e
In the year 2008, Designed and suspension of
BOXNLW modified for operation up to CC+8+2 t in the
design, centre sill was strengthened by providing
three additional plates and in suspension two
additional inner springs provided. As an interim
18. BOXNLWM1 measure, wagons not having strengthening of centre
sill also allowed to operate up to CC+8+2 t with the
instruction to carry out centre sill strengthening during
POH and special checking of centre sill during ROH
and once in a month. Speed 60/65 for both CC+6+2 t
and CC+8+2 t.

Designed in year 2005, 250 mm longer, 76mm higher

& 50 mm wider than BOXN, A/L 22.9 t. CASNUB 22
HS with flat Centre Pivot, “K” type CBB and break
beam. Spring O-14 & I-14, S-4. Stain less steel (IRS:
M44) and CRF sections used in body and under
frame to reduce the tare weight (20.6 t) has improved
quality coupler and draft gears. Lock bolts used for
joining, instead of rivets. Brake Cylinder of 300 mm,
IRSA 750 slack Adjuster, brake rigging different from
BOXN Auxiliary reservoir 75 lit. PU painting provided
Initially Red Oxide colour specified, later on changed
to Phirozi blue. In red Oxide colour wagons “SS”
written on side in a circle in Phirozi blue colour for
identification Speed 75/100 Kmph.

Designed in year 2000 for long steel products. A/L

20.32t. CASNUB 22HS, Spring O-14, I-12, S-4.
20. BOST Speed 75/80, Operation at CC+6+2 also allowed
as an interim measure with speed retraction of 50/80

In 2006 for operation up to CC+6+2t, suspension of

BOST modified by providing two additional inner
21. BOSTM1 springs. Differentiated from BOST by a caption “Fitted
with additional springs for A/L 22.32t in centre of
the wagon in Golden Yellow. Speed 60/65 Kmph.

Designed in 2004. Variant of BOST with CASNUB 22

HS (Mod-1) for increasing speed. Spring O-12, I-12,
S-4. Differentiated from BOST by a Golden Yellow
band. Speed 100/100 Kmph.

In 2007 for operation up to CC+6+2t, suspension of

BOSTHS modified by providing four additional
springs, O-2 & I-2. Differentiated from BOSTHS by
caption “Fitted with additional springs for A/L 22.32tin
centre of the Golden Yellow band. Speed 60/80

422 | P a g e
Designed in 2006 for increasing speed. A/L 22.32t.
24. BOSTHSM2 Variant of BOSTHS with CASNUB 22 HS (Mod-II),
Spring O-12, I-12, S-4. Speed 60/100 Kmph.

In 2006 for operation up to CC+8+2t, suspension of

BCN modified by providing four additional springs. O-
2, I-2. Differentiated from BCN by a caption “Fitted
25. BCNM1
with additional springs for A/L 22.32t” in centre of
the wagon in Golden Yellow band provided. Speed
75/80 for CC+6+2t and 60/80 KmphCC+8+2t.

In 2006 for operation up to CC+8+2t, suspension of

BCNA modified by providing four additional springs.
O-2, I-2. Differentiated from BCNA by a caption
26. BCNAM1 “Fitted with additional springs for A/L 22.82t” in centre
of the wagon in Golden Yellow. Also, on bogie side
frame Golden Yellow band provided Speed 75/80
for CC+6+2t and 60/80 Kmph CC+8+2t.

Designed in 2001. Variant of BCNA with CASNUB

22HS bogie forincreasing speed. Spring O-14, I-12,
S-4. Differentiated from BCNA by a Golden Yellow
band. Speed 100/100 Kmph.

In 2006 for operation up to CC+8+2t, suspension of

BCNAHS modified by providing two additional inner
springs. Differentiated from BCNAHS by a caption
28. BCNAHSM1 “Fitted with additional springs for A/L22.82t. In centre
of the Golden Yellow band. Also, on bogie side frame
Golden Yellow band provided. Speed 75/100 for
CC+6+2t and 75/100 Kmph for CC+8+2t.

Designed in 2006 for bagged commodities. A/L 22.9t.

Length reduced, width and height increased then
BCNA. Number of wagons per rake increased to 58.
CASNUB 22 HS with Centre pivot, “K” type CBB and
brake beam. Spring O-14, I-14, S-4, Stainless steel
BCNHL (IRS: M44) and CRF sections use in body and under
(Covered Wagon) frame to reduce the tare weight. Has improved quality
Coupler and draft gears. Lock bolts used for joining,
instead of rivets. Brake Cylinder of 300mm, IRSA 750
Slack adjuster, brake rigging different from BCNA.
Auxiliary reservoir 75 liters. PU painting provided,
Phiroziblue, Speed 75/70 Kmph.

Designed in 2001. Variant of BRNA with CASNUB

30. BRNAHS HS bogie for increasing speed. Spring O-14, I-12, S-
4. Speed 100/100 Kmph.

423 | P a g e
Designed in 2002 specially for transportation of hot
rolled/ cold rolled coils, plates, steels and billets etc.
31. BFNS This first wagon designed in Indian Railway to carry
point load. CASNUB HS bogie, Spring O-14, I-12,
S-4, A/L 20.32t. Speed 100/100 Kmph.

This bogie rail wagon was designed in 2004 for use

of Engineering department of various Zonal Railways
for Track Relaying Trains (TRT), specially for loading
32. BRHNEHS RCC sleepers, Axle Load 20.32t. CASNUB 22 HS,
Spring O-14, I-12, S-4. The design was provided with
Transition CBC and air brake system. Speed 50/65

In 2006 for operation at 25t A/L, suspension of

BOBSN modified by providing four additional inner
springs, Bogie renamed as CASNUB 22 NLC, Speed
50/60 Kmph.

In 2006 for operation up to CC+6+ 2t, suspension of

BOBR modified by providing four additional springs,
O-2 & I-2. Differentiated from BOBR by a caption
34. BOBRM1 “Fitted with additional springs for A/L 22.32t in centre
of wagon in Golden Yellow. Also, on bogie side
frame Golden Yellow band provided. Speed 70/75

Bogie liquefied petroleum gas tank wagon, tare

41.60t, CC 37.6 t, and Gross 79.20 t. The wagon is
fitted with Air brake system, CASNUB 22 NLB bogie,
O-12, I-8, S-4. A/L20.32t. Speed 75/80 Kmph.

A variant of BOXNHA wagon achieved by conversion

of BOXN type wagons during POH/Rebuilding. Axle
Load: 22.82 t Bogie: IRF 108 HS, Spring O-14 & I-14,
S-4. Conversion being done through operation of
Railway Board RSPs. Cleared Speed at CC+8+2 t
A/L of 75/100 Kmph.

A new design of Bi-level Auto Car Wagon type

“BCACBM” has been developed by RDSO for
transporting Automobiles Cars. It has movable middle
deck permitting freedom to load all types of cars,
lower floor height of 938 mm with existing LCCF
bogie (840mm dia. wheel), single pipe graduated
release air brake system, Max. Permissible speed of
100 Kmph in empty and 95 Kmph in loaded condition.
Axle load is 12.715 T for Wagon-A and 12.680 for

424 | P a g e



425 | Page

426 | Page
(For Freight yard, Sick line and ROH Depots)
1101 Introduction:
To achieve best performance of freight stock it is necessary that these stocks are
maintained properly. The maintenance pattern and practices to be followed have been
described in the previous chapters of this manual. However, despite of best practices
and trained manpower, proper maintenance, availability and reliability of assets cannot
be achieved if adequate infrastructure is not available. Accordingly, the Railway Board
has laid great stress on review and improving availability of required infrastructural
facilities for maintenance and vide their letter no. ERB – I/ 2006/ 26/ 46 dated 14.12.06
nominated an ED’s committee for rationalization of train examination points, sick lines
and ROH depots. The criteria for categorization of examination/repair facilities
recommended by the ED’s committee are as under (Ref: Bd’s letter no. 96/ M(N)/ 204/
Vol -I / II dated 09.03.04, 02.11.04 and 05.08.04)
Railway Board vide its letter No.2006/M(N)/951/28 Pt.2 dated 25.06.21 constituted a
committee of four PCMEs and PED/CAMTECH to prepare a report to plan for next-
generation freight maintenance facilities for examination of freight trains as per
international practice at all major freight examination points.
The committee had finalized a report on Next Generation Freight Maintenance Facility
(Report No. IRCAMTECH/M/GWL/Freight Stock November-2021).
For detail of contents and chapters of report, Link is given below to find the document
from CAMTECH/RDSO website.
A. Categorization of Examination / Repair facilities
I. Intensive Examination Points
Category Criteria for Categorization
A (i) Having pucca pathways on more than 50% of the lines nominated for
(ii) Sufficient illumination facilities 150 lux.
(iii) Sufficient material handling facilities.
(iv)Sufficient welding facilities.
B (i) Having pucca pathways on more than 50% of the lines nominated for
(ii) Sufficient illumination facilities.
(iii) Sufficient material handling facilities.
C (i) Having pucca pathways on more than 50% of the lines nominated for
(ii) Sufficient illumination facilities.
D (i) Having pucca pathways on more than 50% of the lines nominated for
E No pucca pathway but some other facilities are available
F No facilities available.
II. ROH Depots

427 | Page
Category Criteria for Categorization
A Where all the infrastructural facilities are adequate.
B Where all the infrastructural facilities are available but some not
adequate to match target out turn
C Where some vital infrastructural facilities like EOT crane/wheel turning
lathe etc. are not available, other facilities are adequate.
D Where facilities are grossly inadequate or non-existent.

III. Sicklines
Category Criteria for Categorization
A (i)Berthing capacity under covered shed
(ii) Heavy duty concrete flooring in working area.
(iii) Availability of welding facility.
(iv) Availability of Compressor/ Exhauster.
(v) Availability of EOT crane
B (i) Berthing capacity under covered shed.
(ii) Heavy duty concrete flooring in working area.
(iii) Availability of welding facility.
(iv) Availability of Compressor/ Exhauster.
(v) Synchronized whiting jacks.
C (i) Berthing capacity under covered shed.
(ii) Heavy duty concrete flooring in working area.
(iii) Availability of welding facility.
(iv) Hydraulic Jacks for lifting
D (i) Berthing capacity under covered shed.
(ii) Heavy duty concrete flooring in working area.
E Berthing capacity under covered shed.
F Without any Berthing capacity under covered shed.
The details of infrastructural facilities required for examination yards, sicklines and
ROH depots are described in subsequent paragraphs.
i. Centre to centre distance between tracks for nominated lines for conducting
intensive examination should be minimum 7.5 meters.
ii. Concrete pathways, material handling equipment, multi utility vehicle to facilitate
movement of man and material smoothly from one end to other end.
iii. Proper illumination, specially covering bogies and brake gear locations so that the
wagons needing attention can be easily detected.
iv. Welding grid on the entire length of train of nominated line with proper earthing
arrangement so that welding can be carried out without marking the wagon sick.
v. Enough outlets for tapping air pressure for testing of the stock.
vi. Duty room for Section Engineer/Junior Engineer (C&W), staff room, air compressor
room, store room for stocking material, tool room, welding machine room, battery
charging room etc.
vii. VHF sets / CUG phones for close monitoring and communication between
428 | Page
supervisors, staff and Sr. Section Engineer (In-charge).
viii. Portable LED type inspection lamps.
The following machinery and plant are essential for train examination during yard
i) Diesel and Electrically driven Compressor
ii) Welding plants
iii) Wagon /Rake Test rig
iv) Hydraulic jacks of various capacities.
v) Lister truck for carrying material such as brake blocks etc.
vi) DG set (Cap. 200 kva min.)
vii) Multi utility vehicle for transportation of Men, Materials and Tools from one end of
rake to other.
viii) Gas/ Plasma cutting set .
Fitters should have the following tools.
i) Tool Bag
ii) Hammer
iii) Chisel
iv) Punch (Flat & Round End)
v) LED head lamp
vi) Spanners of various sizes
vii) Pipe wrench
viii) Wheel tyre defect gauge
ix) Measuring foot rule
x) Measuring tape
xi) Non contact hot axle detector
xii) Cord for measuring spring camber
xiii) Gauge for measuring “A” dimension
xiv) Test plate
xv) “GO /NO GO” gauges
To be made available in Section Engineer/Junior Engineer (C&W) office
i) All types of jacks
ii) Banner flag/Tail lamp
iii) CBC height gauge
iv) Air pressure gauge
v) Chisel with wire handle
vi) Punch with wire handle

429 | Page
vii) Sledge hammer
viii) Scale – Steel rule 6”
ix) Measuring tape – 3 m
x) Allen key (full set)
xi) Circlip plier (internal & external 19-60 mm)
xii) Hacksaw with blade 12”
xiii) Set of non sparking tools (for yard handling tank wagon)
xiv) LED head lamp
xv) Helmet
xvi) Ladder with platform 10 ft. height
(Ref.: CAMTECH’s Report No. CAMTECH/2007/M/W/Infra/1.0 Jan- 2008)
i) The yard. All the four lines should be under covered shed to facilitate all handling
5 to 10 rakes per day shall have two examination lines of 750 m each to facilitate
creation of gap, one line for keeping sick wagons and one line for keeping fit
wagons released from sickline weather working.
ii) The complete area of the examination yard shall be provided with abrasion
resistance granolithic concrete flooring and ballast free embedded track to ease
movement of vehicles and material handling equipment.
iii) Center distance between the examination, sick and fit line shall be 7.5 m to
ensure free movement of material handling equipment and minor attention.
iv) No OHE wiring over the examination lines/Sick yard line /fit wagon line which
shall be dealt with EOT crane.
v) Top wiring at both the ends of the train examination line for dropping the rake
and waiting for crew/loco after release.
vi) TXR shall be provided with Industrial type Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
having pre-fed check sheets for recalling defects and examination data.
vii) A dedicated engine for placement of rakes in the examination line if the rake is
received with an electric locomotive.
viii) A rail cum road shunting vehicle with capacity to haul 30 empty wagons shall be
used for creating gaps between wagons. The vehicle shall also be provided with
compressor and rake test rig for air brake testing of formations.
ix) For yards handling upto 10 rakes per day, 7 EOT cranes of 30 tonnes lifting
capacity, 30 mtrs. Span and 650 mtrs travelling shall be provided. Each wagon
shall be lifted with the help of EOT cranes by using specially designed slings for
lifting from axle box.
x) Major Sickline with all Infrastructural facilities would remain attached and
adjacent to freight examination yard.
xi) To expedite repairs in-situ, adequate number of material handling vehicles and
multi utility vehicles shall be provided.
xii) The covered shed shall be provided with alternate rows of metal halide lamps
and set of T-5 tube light fittings. The illumination around covered shed should be
provided by high intensity tower lights.
430 | Page
xiii) Electric panel with junction box at a distance of 30 m shall be provided in
between sick yard line and examination line.
xiv) Effective communication system preferably CUG mobile phones or walkie talkie
sets shall be provided across teams.
xv) A comprehensive contract for day-to-day upkeep of the yard is recommended for
major and mega yards. This contract should cover items like scrap lifting and
bush cutting in the periphery of the yard.
xvi) A running contract for petty repairs pertaining to shed and floor of the yard
including civil and electrical engineering works is also recommended. This
contract will be monitored by field officer of Mechanical Department.
xvii) A running contract for maintenance of all major M&P such as EOT cranes,
compressor, vehicles, welding sets, hydraulic jacks is also recommended.
Air brake depots have been classified based on the target capacity for ROH outturn/
month as follows:
Category Targeted capacity for ROH (Average/month)
Super Depots Above 500
Mega Depots 250 to 500
Major Depots 125 to 250
Minor Depots Upto 125
Analysis of sick marking of existing ROH depots on IR reveals that on an average
each air brake wagon visits the depot thrice in 18 months, once for schedule ROH and
twice for out of course repairs requiring lifting.
Therefore, an air brake depot meant for undertaking 250 ROHs/month needs to tackle
another 500 wagons/month out-of-course repairs requiring lifting. Thus the layout
should be spacious enough to release about 25-30 wagons/day.
The ROH schedule should be completed within 24 hours including placement and
withdrawal time. Thus, if the depot has to undertake 250 ROHs/month the berthing
capacity for ROH wagons on trestles should be 12 taking 20% margin for heavy
repairs. Considering a mixed ROH outturn and the working length for BOXN as 15m
& BCN/BTPN as 20 m, the length of the ROH depot works out as 100 m.
CASNUB bogies require extensive repairs of bogie components. These bogies need
to be tackled on bogie manipulators to ensure down hand welding. All wearing
surfaces need to be built up to original (new) sizes. Further, all modifications issued by
RDSO need to be implemented to ensure adequate safety. The bogie section is
required to supply 20 bogies/day for undertaking 250 ROHs/month apart from
repairing bogies required for out-of -course repairs. For this purpose, adequate work
stations need to be set in a cranage area of about 2500 sq.m. (including wheel lathe
Recommended layout of bogie and body repair section for a Major depot undertaking
250 ROHs per month along with sick line work of out-of-course repairs is given on
next page:

431 | Page
Body repair section
EOT 15t /5t EOT 15t/5t 25m

EOT 10t/3t EOT 10t/3t 25m

Wheel lathe Bogie repair section

100 m
Further details of the model layout and its end view are given in the attached Fig. II-A.
The above layout has to be supplemented with facilities for Stores, machine shop,
smithy shop, air brake equipment overhauling sections, model room, compressor
room, canteen, hostel, etc. which will largely depend on the existing layout.
Covered area under cranes i.e., cranage area for a fixed ROH outturn is a function of
placement/withdrawal and number of working shifts. The recommended cranage area
for depots undertaking 250 to 500 ROHs per month is given below:
1. For ROH depots with Sick-line attention

250 5000 sq. m including wheel lathe shed.

300 ROHs/month + sick line 5600 sq. m.
350 repairs with double shift. 6200 sq. m.
400 6800 sq. m.
450 7400 sq. m.
500 8000 sq. m.
2. For ROH depots WITHOUT Sick-line attention
Depots undertaking only ROH workload and no out-of-course repairs can manage
the outturn of 250 ROHs/month in about 3000 sq. m. cranage area working in double

432 | Page

433 | Page
M&P requirement is closely linked with the Depot layout and the system of working.
Certain M&Ps are directly related to outturn of depot (e.g., welding machines) but
certain M&Ps are related to depot layout, especially material handling equipment.
Various repair centres/sections in a depot are as follows:
1. Body shop
2. Bogie shop
3. Air brake equipment
4. Wheel reconditioning
5. Machine shop & material reclamation
6. Stores
7. Black smithy shop
8. Training equipment
9. Canteen & Staff amenities
10. Management information system
11. Office equipment
12. CMT laboratory
13. Miscellaneous.
Recommended list of M&P for a unit depot i.e., handling 250 ROH per month is given
below. For a depot handling more than 250 ROH per month, the requirement has to
be scaled up depending on depot layout and facilities created. Requirement of M&P
for each section is given below:
1. Body section
Sr. No. M&P Quantity
1. EOT cranes 15t/5t 2 Nos.
2. Welding machines 4 Nos.
3. Portable hydraulic rivetter 1 Nos.
4. Trestles 12 sets
5. Winches As per layout
6. Portable Grit Blasting Machine 1 No.
7. Lock bolting machine 02 Nos.
8. MIG welding sets 02 Nos.
9. Plasma /Gas cutting 04 Nos.
2. Bogie section
1. EOT crane 10t / 3t 2 Nos.
2. Welding machines 6 Nos.
3. Portable hydraulic riveter 1 Nos.
4. Stores bin 50 Nos.
5. Portable electric grinders 3 Nos.
6. Jib crane 2.5t 10 Nos.

434 | Page
7. Fixture for rivetting spring plank 2 Nos.
8. Work station for bogie repair 10 Nos.
9. Turn table for wheel sets As per layout.
10. Road crane 10t capacity 1 No.
11. Bogie manipulators 3 Nos.
12. Roller bearing diagnostic equipment 2 Nos.
13. Magnetic flaw detector 2 Nos.
14. CO2 welding machine 2 Nos.
Air brake equipment
1. Elec. Stationery screw air compressor completes 1 No.
with air receiver 15 m 3/min (This is for depot only.
Additional compressors will be required foryard).

2. Portable diesel compressor 1 No.

3. Single Wagon test rig 2 Nos.
4. DV test stand 1 No.
5. Hydraulic pipe bending machine 1 No.
6. Air conditioners with voltage stabilizer 2 Nos.
7. Torque wrench with various sizes of sockets less 4 set.
than 1 inch.
8. Ultrasonic cleaning table for DV components 1 Nos.
3. Wheel Reconditioning Equipment

1 Surface wheel lathe with Servo controlled voltage 1 No.


2 Pneumatic torque wrench with sockets 1” to 2” 4 sets

3 Pressure grease drum with guns 15t capacity. 2 Nos.

4 Ultrasonic flaw detector 2 Nos.

5 Bearing marking gadget 1 set

6 Mono-rail for handling swarf (detail plan will depend 1 set

on layout)

7 Bins for storing bearings As per requirement

8 Fork lifter 2.5t 1 No.

9 P.C. Terminal 1 No.

10 Wheel diameter measuring gauge 2 Nos.

4. Machine shop & material reclamation

1 Heavy duty shaping machine 1 No.

435 | Page
2 Jib crane 2.5t 1 No.

3 Centre lathe 12 ½” cap. 1 No.

4 Redial drilling machine 1 No.

5 Centre lathe 6” cap 1 No.

6 Bench drilling machine 1 No.

7 Heavy duty pedestal grinder double ended 1 No.

8 Shearing machine 6 mm 1 No.

5. Stores

1 Truck 10t capacity 1 No.

2 Tractor with hydraulic lifting machine and 3 trolleys 1 No.


3 Fork lift 2t 2 No.

4 Platform truck 2t 2 Nos.

5 Battery charger 2 No.

6 Weighing machine 500 kg 1 No.

7 Light store vehicle 1 No.

8 Hand trolleys with rubber wheels 10 Nos.

9 Storage racks As per layout

10 Computer terminal with printer 1 No.

11 Furniture As per layout

6. Training equipment

1 Cut models of DV, SAB, Angle cock. 1 set (each)

2 Television /DVD player 1 set

3 Furniture As per reqt.

4 Hostel along with kitchen equipment As per requirement

5 LCD projector 1 No.

6 PC 02 Nos.

7. Canteen & staff amenities

436 | Page
1 Water cooler 3 Nos.

2 Stainless steel tables & chairs As per reqt.

3 Kitchen equipment, cooking gas, utensils As per reqt.

4 Fitter’s lockers As per reqt.

8. Office Equipment

1 PC terminal As per reqt.

2 Printer As per reqt.

3 Furniture As per reqt.

4 Air conditioner & computer room. As per reqt.

5 Intercom 10 lines 1 No.

6 Fax with P&T line 1 No.

7 First aid equipment 4 set

8 Photocopier 1 No.

9 V.H.F. / CUG phones As per reqt.

9. Miscellaneous

1 Gas cutting equipment 4 Nos.

2 Hydraulic jacks As per reqt.

3 SAB test bench 1 No.

4 CBC and draft gear replacement equipment 2 sets

5 DG set 350/500 KVA 1 No.

6 Electric and pneumatic tools As per reqt.

7 Riveting equipment As per reqt.

7 Fitter’s hand tools. As per reqt.

8 Gauges & instruments. As per reqt.

9 Wheel flat detector system (*) As per reqt.

(*) To be installed in depots/yards as per instructions of Railway Board.

Note: Where power failures are rampant, a Diesel Generating Set to run the wheel
lathe and cranes may also be planned.

437 | Page
Facilities (M&Ps and consumables) for maintenance of stainless-steel wagons in
freight yard, sick line and ROH depot:

Freight Yard Sick line ROH Depot

S.No. Item/description (Maintaining 3 (5 wagons (ROH/month
rakes/ day) /day) 200 wagons)

1. MIG/MAG Welding Sets

02 Nos. 02 Nos. 03 Nos.
(400 Amp.)

2. DC Arc Welding Rectifier

02 Nos. 02 Nos. 03 Nos.
(600 Amp.)

3. Portable Air Plasma cutting

machine (max. capacity 16 02 Nos. 02 Nos. 03 Nos.

4. Consumables for Air

Plasma M/c i.e. torch tip, As per requirement
catalyst etc

5. Welding electrodes
(For IS2062 to IRS-M44 and As per requirement
IRS-M44 to IRS- 44)

6. Lock Bolts of various sizes As per requirement

7. Lock bolts equipment 2 Sets 2 Sets 3 Sets

8. Portable grinding machine

(only dedicated grinding
03 03 05
wheels & disc should be

9. Stainless steel wire

As per requirement

10. SS (IRS-M44 ) plates As per requirement

11. CRF section (IRS-M44) As per requirement

Note: The class of welding electrodes for different combinations of materials shall be
as per RDSO document no. G-72.

438 | Page
The following infrastructural facilities are considered essential to carry out premium
examination in less than 03 hrs.
i) Dedicated two or more examination lines with pathways (depending upon nos. of
rakes examined)
ii) Embedded track/ Pucca pathway of 02 m width as per layout
iii) Welding facilities and Portable welding set
iv) Adequate illumination
v) Pallets for material storage/dispensing
vi) Road between office/store and examination yard
vii) Connectivity with FOIS
viii) Walkie Talkie sets
ix) Provision of MUV (e.g., Tata Ace truck) for transportation of staff and
materials/equipments to examination point
x) Rechargeable LED head lamp
1107 Facilities required in Freight Examination Yards


1. Examination Dedicated examination lines should be available in yards for

Line CC examination with full CSR

2. Path Ways Total Pathways: CC Pathways should be provided for

movement of listers and to facilitate examination staff in
train examination

Length – Approx. 700m each to be constructed along with

cross pathways for cross movement at the end of the line.

Width – Min. 3.0 mtrs and max.7.0 meters

439 | Page
3. Illumination a). HighMasts: High tower lights to be provided in
facilities to be yard for getting general illumination in lines and
provided in pathways. Atleast 04 tower in one yard are
yard & desirable.
pathways b). Normal Tower – Boom lights may also be thought
of for providing suitable electrical fittings on both side
of boom at suitable height

c). Lamp Post on pathways: Water proof light fittings with

independent switching arrangement to facilitate train
examination staff. (At an equal distance of 12/20 m).

4. Welding

5. Fitting of Welding connections should be provided on the lighting pole

welding for easy connectivity to the welders. The parallel earthing
terminals connections should also be given at an equal distance of 20
at m interval.

440 | Page
6. Air Suitable capacity 02 nos. compressor units should be
Compressor provided with the provision of Air Dryer for feeding air
pressure to Rake Test Rigs.

7. Location of Rake testing Rigs fitted with air flow indicator and digital BP
Testing & FP Pressure gauges should be provided at one end of the
points yard.

8. Tools Standard Tool boxes with containing of tools & gauges as

recommended by CAMTECH should be available in yard for
each gang.

9. Sub-Store Provision of Field store should also be ensured for unit

exchange in shifts for shift in charges. Proper ledger
should also be maintained for consumption.

10 Staff Strength 1) Examination Gang -Total two nos. of examination gangs

(Per shift) may be provided with welder in each gang.

2) Testing Gang – As per requirement

3) Dispatch Gang: As per requirement for Axle box felling

& pressure continuity etc. in Yard.

441 | Page
4) Rolling in exam. & Axle Box felling
As per requirement for rolling in examination and
operation of non-contact thermal sensors for axle box

Total Staff As per bench marking given in the Wagon Maintenance


11 Examination Examination time should be minimized in the yards by

Time providing light fittings for examination of CC rakes during
(Average) nights also. Required components should be transported in
advance & provided on the pathways for fitment in the
required wagons.

12 Average Rake Record of average train examinations must be maintained

Examination/ in the yard office and layout plan should be displayed with
Mo nth facilities for easy understanding of inspecting officials.

13 Work attention Primarily work should be Sick repair along with Scrap
when Gang is collection form examination lines.

14 FOIS FOIS connectivity should be provided in the yard office as

well as in the Divisional office & trained staff should be placed
for monitoring etc.

15 Material Mobile work station equipped with gas plants and

Handling spares. The material handling listers should be used for
material transportation in all examination lines.

442 | Page
Freight Maintenance
Management System (FMM)
Brief about the Identified
Detection Equipment

443 | P a g e
Freight Maintenance Management System (FMM)

1201 Introduction

Freight is the bread earner for the Indian Railways and about two third of its revenue
comes from the freight trains. To maximize its revenue, Indian Railways runs thousands
of trains every day and transports varieties of the commodities. For transportation of
different types of commodities, Indian Railways has various designs of wagons in its
fleet. However, operation of the freight trains is very much different from the passenger
carrying trains as freight trains do not run to a fixed schedule and thus, making freight
operation a highly information intensive activity. Therefore, information is a vital element
in freight operation.

Based on this information railway managers make allocation decisions to optimize their
various resources like wagons, locomotives, crew, maintenance facilities and paths on
the railway network. This decision making is further improved if information is in real
time. But, the flow of information in real time and that too correct degree was a difficult
task in the time when information was captured mostly in manual and paper form and
thereby, the flow of information between the various stakeholders was slow and
inconsistent due to involvement of human elements in the process.

In the above backdrop and also due to evolving information technology in the mid
eighties, Indian Railways decided to launch its first digital platform named as FOIS,
acronym for Freight Operation Information System through its IT wing CRIS (Center for
Railway Information Systems) for electronic exchange of information related to freight
operation. FOIS began as an operating IT application to track and monitor the
movement of wagons, locomotives and unit trains, but now it is a complete
management module for freight trains handling, the billing and revenue collections,
except for the maintenance of the trains.

Having realized that the complete benefits of information technology can accrue only
when the same is implemented in full-fledged across all activities of freight business on
pan Indian Railways network, starting from the area of wagon procurement,
manufacturing, operation, revenue to maintenance. And, that is how the FMM system
(acronym for Freight Maintenance Management) an IT application for freight depots and
WISE (Workshop Information System) for POH workshop came into existence. Thus,
the scope of FMM was broadly to cover activity related to wagon examination except
wagon overhauling workshop, which uses WISE IT application.

The FMM was started as a pilot project under FOIS in 2008 and proliferated further
under the FMM roll out project sanctioned in 2015 and today, this application is in use in
almost every freight maintenance depot that includes examination yards for freight
rakes, wagon repairing ROH and Sickline depots. The beauty of this application is that

444 | P a g e
it helps the maintainer and the manager know their performance against the predefined
metrics in real time and therefore, help them in deciding the allocation and planning of
available resources in the right places without much loss of time.

FMM envisages to design, develop the application according to the requirements of

Freight Depot users, neutral train examiners (NTXRs), users of divisional & zonal HQs,
RDSO and RB related to maintenance process of freight Rakes and Wagons and
provide necessary hand holding & training in its implementation.

FMM broadly covers following processes:

i. End-to-end maintenance process of Rakes at yard
ii. End-to-end attention of wagons at Sickline and ROH depots
iii. End-to-end wagon’s assembly attention at depot
iv. Manpower booking process.
v. Material booking.
vi. Integration with other applications like FOIS, UDM, RFID, WISE, e-Drishti, OMRS
& other applications
1202 Modules & its major functionalities

FMM is divided into three modules. Module wise functionalities are described as follows:
(A) Yard Module
a) Rake offering at yard
b) Rake composition
c) Work Distribution to Gang for examination
d) Rake Examination
e) Material consumption for Examination.
f) Sick marking, POH, ROH, NPOH, etc. booking.
g) Defect marking
h) Testing Parameter Recording
i) UNFIT/FIT Memo to operating dept.
j) BPC generation/update/print
(B) Sickline/ROH Module
a) Arrival/ received from Yard (nominated wagons)
b) Defect marking, repairs and material/assembly replacement/installation
c) Parameter’s recording
d) Job allocation / confirmation
e) History

445 | P a g e
(C) Assembly
a) Dismantle / Install
b) Defect marking, repairs and material replacement/installation
c) Parameter’s recording
d) Job allocation / confirmation
(D) Call Memo/Local Passing
(E) Fit/Unfit by neutral dept./NCO
(F) Warranty claims module:
While marking defects, FMM users may claim warranty, which will be consolidated at
concerned Divisional HQ and sent to the concerned vendor/ Workshop/ wagon
manufacturers and can also be viewed by all other stakeholders in supply chain
1203 Functionalities in FMM

S.No. Function List Description of the Function

Rake arrival forecast/offered in FMM comes through

Rake List (FOIS - integration with FOIS. Rake ID, rake name, expected
Forecasted/ Offered) arrival date, actual date of arrival, time, line, wagon
composition in rake etc. are provided.

Rake is created from last BPC details or adding rake &

2 Rake Formation its composition details afresh. Build-rake will update
the wagon composition to wagon master.

Offering Memo Memo is updated with timing details, namely, memo

timings update offered, memo receipt, exam start and exam end.

4 Offered rake is updated with the wagon's PRO &

Wagon Parameters
testing parameter.

Wagons are marked as POH, ROH, NPOH, Sick, fit

etc. and for each type of marking a notification number
5 Wagon Nomination
is generated. Defects are mandatorily attached to
each DVS nominated wagon.

Unfit memo is created & received for DVS, ROH, IOH,

6 Unfit Memo POH, NPOH etc. marked wagons. Unfit wagons are
further detached from the rake.

Wagons are swapped among two rakes for finalizing

7 Wagon Exchange
rake formation.

8 On rake exam completion, BPC is created/ edited

(existing BPC) & printed.

446 | P a g e
S.No. Function List Description of the Function

Rake with generated BPC may be dispatched from the

9 Rake Dispatch
yard entering dispatch timing details.

Task/Defect is allocated to present staff(s) of the gang

Job Allocation & its
10 on each rake/wagon. The actual work done by the
staff is confirmed on each rake/wagon.

11 Getting the wagon master details & its repair history till
Wagon Master

Wagons Under List of wagons in different maintenance stages at

Examination ROH/Sickline sections.

Yard Unfit marked wagons detached from the rake are

Wagon Arrival at
13 arrived at depot sections for its ROH/IOH/DVS

14 Wagon Discard Wagon in its any stage, if not required, is discarded.

Wagon if not marked Yard Unfit by any Yard, can be

15 Add New Record added directly with, viz., maintenance type, line, arrival
date & time, etc.

Wagon enroute may be marked with some OMRS or

unusual alerts. These on arrival at depot are
16 Alert on Wagon highlighted (with a specific color) and are intercepted
for its immediate attention. The case is then closed
and the alert is removed.

Wagon is converted to 11- digits based on its type,

owner, manufacturer, year and serial numbers if,
Wagon’s type, number of digits is lesser, duplicate numbering.
17 owner or conversion Wagon may be updated with its wagon type or wagon
to 11-digit owner as per the actual stenciling. Wagon’s multiple
photos showing its stenciled details & PRO are
uploaded in the system for further approval.

Change If required before its fitment, the current maintenance

Maintenance Type type may be converted to another maintenance type.

19 If required before its fitment, the wagon is booked to

Wagon Nomination
another depot/workshop for fitment.

Pre-billing of defects done by both NTXR &

Adding Defects to SSE/Depot. Defects are added to the maintenance no.
Wagon of wagons. Material required for maintenance of a
wagon can be done with this functionality. Material

447 | P a g e
S.No. Function List Description of the Function

availability is linked with UDM application.

The work allocated to each staff of the gang is now

Job Allocation & its
21 allocated on each wagon. The actual work done by the
staff is confirmed on each wagon.

Testing parameters Testing parameters both pre and post are added to
Recording the repairing wagons.

Assemblies, in required type & quantity, according to

the wagon type are generated. These may be
Assembly Dismantle dismantled (if defective) and repaired assemblies are
23 installed on the wagon.
& Installation
Assembly master is also updated as per the provided

Wagon on actual fitment is marked as mechanically

Mark wagon Fit/
24 Fit/ TECO (Technically Complete). TECOed wagons
TECO (TEchnically
are now visible as a list for further generating call
memo/local passing.

Selected TECOed wagons are either offered to NTXR

25 Call memo/Local
through call memo generation or are locally passed
Passing Generation
without call memo generation, if required.

NTXR issued a FIT memo for the wagons that are fit
NTXR – Fit/Unfit by respective sections. Unfit memos are issued to the
Memo Generate wagons with defects that are not according to the
NTXR repair standard.

Locally passed/NTXR Fit wagons are dispatched from

27 Dispatch Wagon
the ROH/Sickline with dispatch timestamp.

For any defective part, if its warranty period is valid,

28 Warranty Claim warranty claim may be initiated adding the failure

Dismantled assemblies namely, Bogie, LSD, DV,

SAB, Brake cylinder & Wheel set, are placed in the
Assembly Repair
29 Defects to Assemblies: Defects are added on the
Parameters on Assemblies: Testing parameters are
added to individual assemblies for both pre and post.

448 | P a g e
S.No. Function List Description of the Function

Material demand on assemblies: Material is

demanded/ issued on the individual assembly.
Job Allocation/Confirmation: Job is allocated &
confirmed on each assembly.
Assembly Fit: Finally, assemblies are marked as FIT.

30 Employee Creation To add an employee in a Freight Depot.

31 Employee List List the employees.

Edit Employee Fields editable: Name, PF No, DOB, DOJ, Sel. Mode,
Master Grade/Deployment

Attendance Group
33 To list employees, muster wise.
Wise Employee List

View Employee
34 To view details of an employee.

35 Attendance Group
Assign/Change Attendance Group.

Attendance Group
36 To create an Attendance Register/Muster.
(Muster) Creation

37 To mark attendance of employees. Required only for

Attendance Marking
work distribution.

To view attendance of employees. Required only for

38 View Attendance
work distribution.

39 Depot Transfer Transfer from one depot unit to another.

40 End of Service End of Service.

Formatted reports as per the user’s demand are

41 Formatted Reports
created based on input parameters. It may be printed.

Pivot based analytical reports to all users across IR,

42 Pivot Reports where end-users may create their own layouts, filters,
sorting and drill-down up to unit level detailing.

Graph based on rake examination at yard depicting

43 Usage Graph
functionality usage may be generated.

449 | P a g e
S.No. Function List Description of the Function

Drill-down analysis of FMM functionality usage in

44 dashboard layout compatible with all Operating
Systems (OS).

1204 Integrated with other applications

Currently, FMM is integrated with various other applications, viz, Freight Operation and
Information System (FOIS), Workshop Information System (WISE), Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID), Integrated Coach Management System (ICMS), User Depot
Module (UDM), Online monitoring of Rolling Stocks (OMRS) and e-Drishti for seamless
data exchange respectively between freight operation, workshop, wagon operation. The
application wise integration details are described as follows
a) FOIS (Freight Operations Information Systems): for online rake offering, rake arrival
forecast, rake’s running position in a division, enroute attachment/ detachment, BPC
return back from FMM.
b) WISE (Workshop Information System): for POH feed and updates.
c) RFID (Radio Frequency Identification): wagon booked for RFID tagging & wagon’s
RFID tag status.
d) UDM (User Depot Module - material module for entire IR): for material booking and
e) Integrated Coach Management System (ICMS): availability of unusual alerts on
wagons captured enroute.
f) Online monitoring of Rolling Stocks (OMRS): availability of OMRS alerts on wagons
captured enroute through OMRS installation.
g) e-Drishti (a single window showing bird-eye view for top officers and the Minister of
Railways, to analyze and monitor the key parameters of Indian Railways with an aim
to meet the objectives of transparency and accountability): Freight depot’s GIS
coordinates, BPCs issued location wise and detachments.
FMM ‘s integration with other application and details thereof are shown pictorially in
following diagram for better appreciation and understanding

450 | P a g e
In the current business scenario, an IT enabled management information system is a
must, and data has become the new oil of the business machinery. For capturing these
data of the freight maintenance in digital format and then to churn them out to in the
form of management information to enable IR’s freight maintenance managers infer the
meaningful decisions in a shorter span of time, FMM application has become of
paramount importance.
This system leverages digital data to understand the business process and work out
data driven decisions and predictive maintenance. It also helps in real time monitoring
of rake maintenance & examination process, maintenance attention in Sickline & ROH
depot, and planning all gamut of freight maintenance activities within the available
scarce resources like workforce and material.
Amongst many benefits of FMM application to users, some notables are as under: -
a) Real-time information about freight trains running on invalid Brake Power Certificates
b) Rake examination details and history

451 | P a g e
c) Rake detentions in the yard during its examination from arrival to departure
d) Real-time exchange of information related to unusual occurrences like detachments,
detentions etc. between different business units like operating, commercial,
maintenance depots and workshops etc.
e) Purification of wagon master across railways
f) OMRS alerts for bearing defects & wheel flats and their attention
g) Unusual occurrences on rake & wagon and their attention on arrival at freight depots
h) SMSs/ emails/Marquee alerts notifications for monitoring critical items at Head
Quarter /Division /Freight Depots levels.
i) Freight trains running in a division with unusual reporting enroute
j) Detachment of wagon on account of ROH/POH/NPOH/DVS/Others
k) Daily/Monthly/Yearly Wagon Outturn position from a Depot/Division/Railway
l) Part-wise, defect-wise, wagon type wise analysis
m) Sick/ROH wagon maintenance summary
n) Standardization of wagon’s parts, defects, actions across Railways
o) Standardization of wagon’s testing parameter wagon wise across Railways
FMM Software’s Salient features & its Infrastructure are enumerated below for your
a) Front-end and back-end are based on open-source technologies
b) Database is open-source Database Management System (DBMS)
c) User Interface (UI) / User experience (UX) is supported by all Operating Systems
d) Integration is based on RESTful APIs based & Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
e) FMM is cross platform application and available on both: Mobile app & web-based
The success of any digital platform depends on full-fledged adoption of business
processes & ease of implementation by the field users. FMM application fulfills both
these requirements as it has been designed and developed after taking inputs and
perspective from all stakeholders. Because of its advantages, many paper based
systems have been replaced by digital records. Usage & popularity of FMM application
among all freight maintainers and managers is growing day by day and the day is not
far off when all left out processes will be onboarded on FMM & complete maintenance
process would be digitized. However, digital platforms always evolve and therefore
need user inputs to improvise them with time and changing requirements. So,
comprehensive usage and instant & continuous feedback to developers is very vital for
designing & developing IT applications. Therefore, if in case you require any changes,
suggestions may please be forwarded to CRIS at email: fmm@cris.org.in

452 | P a g e
1205. Brief about the identified detection equipment
(CAMTECH issued Report on Next Generation Freight Maintenance Facility Nov-21)
1. Wheel Impact Load Detector (WILD)
The equipment will measure wheel impact load which will be interpreted to detect the
condition of wheel with respect to flat tyres and send report to the centralized command
and control system, if the vertical impact loads are more than the prescribed limits.

Typical installation of Wheel Impact Load detector (WILD)

System shall offer a hardened electronic data collection device, which is capable of
measuring vertical wheel forces on the rail via rail-mounted strain gauges fixed on
neutral axis of rail with wheat-stone bridge configuration or through Accelerometers.
The WILD system shall be capable of providing or having -
a) Impact Force Monitoring and isolating wheel flat spots.
b) Train, vehicle, axle, and wheel information in Bi-directional traffic.
c) Self-diagnostics.
d) Capable of carrying the measurements i.e. Nominal load, Peak load, Dynamic load
(peak/nominal), Ratio (peak /nominal), Axle loads and Train speeds.
e) The system shall be rugged and tamper-proof so as to work round the clock
throughout the year in harsh and dusty outdoor environment exposed to sun, cold,
rain, wind etc. without any need of air-conditioning of data acquisition system.
2. Acoustic Bearing Detectors (ABD)
Acoustic bearing detector shall monitor roller bearings of different types, provide
information about the bearing condition and notify about the bearings that have internal
defects related to cup, cone or rollers. They shall provide advance information about
bearing defects before failures occur in service and identify defective axle boxes before
they become hot. The system shall have an automated alarm notification with self-
The system should have following desirable features -
a) Capable of monitoring tapered, spherical & cylindrical roller bearing conditions.

453 | P a g e
b) Capable of providing train, vehicle, axle and wheel information.
c) Capable of handling Bi-directional traffic.
d) Robust hardware and Self-diagnostics features.
e) Integrated with Wheel Data Management System.
f) Capable of operation in mixed traffic and captive fleets over a wide range of train
speeds. Capable of providing automated alarm notification.
g) The system shall be able to cater for all wheel sizes ranging from 700 mm to 1100
mm tread diameter wheels.

ABDs shall be located in trackside cabinets with wake-up sensors triggered by

approaching train. There shall be protective shutters and data acquisition process shall
include measurement of sound signatures emitted by wheels & bearings, train speeds &
wheel diameter. These signatures should be separated from extraneous noise, enabling
fault identification & severity classification, providing an indication of remaining bearing
life of each individual bearing.
3. Hot Box Detectors
Hot Box and Hot Wheel detectors are trackside devices designed to monitor axle,
wheel, brake temperatures and to indicate any overheating which could lead to
derailments and transmits this data to the monitoring section. This is an unmanned
system, which consists of high speed pyrometers installed at axle box level to check the
temperature in near axle and far axle and at the track level to measure the wheel
temperature. These pyrometers are connected with real time embedded data
acquisition system that wakes up on train arrival to capture and analyze the data from
all pyrometers.
The real time software possesses the intelligence to process the recorded data and
produces the report with axle wise temperature information and transmits the data to
Traffic Control or Monitoring Station. The cut-off limits and the alarm limits can be set by
the user for flagging the hot axles, hot wheel & cold wheels.

454 | P a g e
Typical Installation of Hot Box detector

Hot Box Detector System

4. Machine Vision Equipment

The basic principle of the machine vision equipment is that it takes photographs of the
vehicles from sides and bottom, and software compares these photos with the standard
photos of that type of vehicle. This way it is able to detect loose / hanging parts, worn
brake blocks, wheel dia. etc.
A. Wheel Profile Recording System
Wheel profile detector shall measure and monitor the wheel tread geometry. This is
used to determine wheel profile condition related to thin flange, sharp flange, root
radius, high flange and wheel diameter and notify wheel conditions that are unsafe or
undesirable to railway operations. Wheel profile & diameter measurement system is real
time solution that uses a combination of laser and cameras to automatically acquire the
profile of wheel.

455 | P a g e
Wheel profile recording system
System may consist of a wheel detector to trigger the system by retracting optical
window covers for the approaching train. Additionally, an Industrial computer, Electronic
control unit, high-resolution cameras & lasers – optically configured to view the flange &
tread area. On acquiring wheel images, computer shall process them & perform
required measurements. All required information should be transmitted to a remote data
server at the WCC. Raw information may be retained by the processing unit near the
way side equipment.
B. Brake Equipment Monitor
This system shall measure and monitor the brake blocks, especially its wear. Unsafe
brake block conditions shall be notified.

Machine vision Equipment

The system should have an adjusted field of view to detect brake shoes /pads. Cameras
& lasers should be mounted close to the wheel profile detector on a wayside pillar. A
structured laser light source shall illuminate the tread & brake areas for the high-
resolution cameras to capture the images. System may consist of a wheel detector to
trigger the system by retracting optical window covers for the approaching train.
Additionally, an Industrial computer, Electronic control unit, high-resolution cameras &
lasers – optically configured to view the brake & tread area. On acquiring brake
shoes/pads images, computer shall process them & perform required measurements.
All required information should be transmitted to a remote data server.

456 | P a g e
C. Hanging Parts Detectors
This equipment is for identification of hanging parts, which can hit track fittings or cause
derailments, finally affecting performance of bearings & wheels. This shall have a non-
contact measurement system to identify low hanging parts. It shall employ optical
devices such as infrared light curtains to identify each hanging part by measuring the
distance between the part and top of rail. This shall give graphical display of hanging
parts and automated alarm notification.
The system should be capable of providing or having –
a) Real-Time Notification of Low Air-Hoses
b) Non-Contact Visual Inspection
c) Measuring and Reporting Distance of hanging part to Top of Rail
d) Standalone Report Generation System
e) Automated Alarm Thresholds
f) Integration capability with Wheel Data Management System

Hanging Parts Detector

With the advancements in technology, this function is also performed by Machine vision
D. Broken Spring & Bogie performance detector

457 | P a g e
This equipment is designed to operate on passing trains at normal track speeds. It is a
vision based system which uses a high speed imaging to provide high resolution images
of every truck (bogie) for inspection and measurement. Every truck is viewed from up to
two angles for a reliable inspection. The system inspects the spring condition, including
its compression and breakage. This is used to compare the spring compression on two
sides of the truck and evaluate the load balance of the truck and the car.
E. Body Inspection system for body defects/ hanging part

The system is based on the high accuracy laser and cameras detection units placed on
the track side. The system captures images of sides, top & bottom and capable of
determining wear breakages and body damages etc.

5. Vehicle Identification System (Radio-frequency identification -RFID)

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is an automatic identification method, relying on
storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or transponders.
The technology requires some extent of cooperation of an RFID reader and an RFID
This consists of tags and readers. RFID tags will be installed on a portable basis on all
the wagons in IR. Real time hardware & software interface consisting of tag readers &
required software will be incorporated individually on the data detection systems.
Detection mechanism will be such that it will get initiated on reading of RFID tag of
wagons. Subsequently defect locations will be identified with the help of axle counters
(in built into the systems) and wirelessly relayed to the yard centre.
Most RFID tags contain at least two parts, One is an integrated circuit for storing and
processing information, modulating and demodulating a radio-frequency (RF) signal,
and other specialized functions. The second is an antenna for receiving and transmitting
the signal. There are generally two types of RFID tags: active RFID tags, which contain
a battery, and passive RFID tags, which have no battery.

458 | P a g e
A point to be noted is that the detection equipment has in-built axle counter but without
any vehicle identification system it has a limited use since each time alarm is raised by
the system, the maintenance person, on arrival of rake, has to count the wagon from the
locomotive end and the system becomes cumbersome and impractical.


459 | P a g e


460 | Page
Sr.No. Appendix Descriptions

1 Appendix-I Tippler

List of Important Modifications to be carried out on

2 Appendix-II
Freight Stock

3 Appendix-III Wagon Manufacturers and Workshops

4 Appendix-IV Branding Details on Wheel and Axle

List of Must Change Items in Freight Stock during

5 Appendix-V

Guidelines for Maintenance & Repair of Stainless

6 Appendix-VI
Steel Wagons

7 Appendix-VII Long Haul Train Operation

8 Appendix-VIII Check Lists for Inspection of Wagon Stock

Operation and Maintenance of bogie covered Double

9 Appendix-IX
Decker Wagon type “BCACBM”

10 Appendix-X Proposed Electronics Equipments for Freight Stock

11 Appendix-XI Duty list of C&W Supervisors (Freight)

Unit Exchange Spares for Freight stock in

12 Appendix-XII

13 Appendix-A Standard features of Wagons

Standardisation of Brake Power Certificates for

14 Appendix-B
various Train examinations

461 | Page

462 | Page

1.0 Introduction
The tippler machines are used by private siding owner for tippling of BOXN wagons
loaded with coal. The loaded wagons are marshaled in the tippling line and placed on
the tippling unit one by one for unloading.
Types of tipplers: There are two types of tipplers being installed in the pvt.
i) Side discharge tippler
ii) Rotary type wagon tippler
2.0 General requirements (G-33 (Rev.2) STR of RDSO)
i) The design and construction of components of tipplers and auxiliary
handling equipment coming into contact with any part of wagon shall be
such that no damage whatsoever is caused to the wagon equipment or
its paint.
ii) The top clamping pressure shall be such as will hold the wagons firmly in
position on rails and keep the running gear from getting dislodged
without causing any deformation to the wagon structure.
iii) Adequate compensating measures shall be taken in top clamps and side
support beam to compensate for manufacturing imperfections, within the
permissible limits, in the top copings and side stanchions of the wagon,
so that clamping pressure on the contacting area on the side and top of
the wagon is uniformly distributed.
iv) The side supports for tipplers shall meet the following requirements:
v) The side support shall consist of a longitudinal beam, which shall be as
long as the longest wagon to be tippled. This beam shall be continuous.
vi) The side support shall be articulated so that it can take the tapered as
well as parallel stanchions on the body of the wagons. Alternatively, the
cradle shall be articulated on trunion to achieve this.
vii) Full-face contact between the side support beam and the side stanchions
shall be ensured. The side supports shall extend from a height of 1000
mm up to 2950mm, from rail level, i.e. contact the side of the wagon over
a width of not less than 1950mm. [For wagons of height less than
2950mm, typically iron ore wagons, (user shall have to consult the
concerned zonal railway for this confirmation) suitable slots shall be
provided in the side support beam, to permit the top clamping of the
wagons] There shall be metal to metal contact between the side support
beam and the side stanchions of the wagon i.e. no rubber pad or any
other alternative, shall be provided on the contact face of the side
support beam
viii) The side support beam shall be moveable type, the movement being
done by hydraulic arrangement. (No external or moveable counter
weights should be used with the side support beam) Facility of forward/
backward movement should exist, such that it should be able to move &
touch the wagon without applying any pressure on the wagon side-wall.

463 | Page

At this position it should get locked and the tilting operation can begin. At
the end of the tippling cycle, the side support should return to its home
position, so that the next wagon can be positioned on the tippler
Movement of the side support should be controlled & the speed should
be crawling just before making contact with the wagon sidewall.
ix) Pressure gauge/s should be mounted, at easily accessible location, for
reading the hydraulic pressure of the side support hydraulic
3.0 Safety requirements – Safety requirements for tipplers, divided into the
following three stages, construction stage shall be followed as under:
3.1 Construction stage
i) The design of the tippler shall avoid, as far as possible, any spillage of
the material handled by the wagons.
ii) Devices shall be built-in to prevent any over run of the wagons in either
iii) The tippler shall be designed so that the wagon is securely held in all
operating positions.
iv) Automatic devices shall be provided to hold the tipplers securely in any
position in the event of failure of the drive unit.
v) All tipplers shall have means to limit the angle of tippling.
vi) Arrangement shall be made on tipplers to prevent feet being trapped
between the platform and the base of the tippler.
vii) Whenever possible mechanical or electrical devices shall be built-in to
ensure that all the conditions allowing wagon tipping are coordinated.
viii) Additionally, a device shall be provided to prevent an empty wagon from
being released until the tippler is back in original position.
ix) A device shall be provided to prevent the entry of a non-scheduled
wagon into a tippler. Sharp edges and corners in all working spaces shall
be avoided.
x) The parts projecting into working spaces shall be as small as possible.
xi) All the frequently used lubrication points shall be accessible without it
being necessary to remove the Train Managers.
xii) It is recommended that equipment shall be so designed that
maintenance and cleaning is facilitated.
xiii) Fully integrated controls should be provided for wagon positioning
system, wagon holding devices and wagon tippler. The controls should
be interlocked so that there is no chance of accident due to error in
sequence of operation.
4.0 Positioning system for wagon
Wagon tipplers shall be provided with side arm charger for positioning of
wagons on the tipplers, such that
i) Side arm charger should be of sufficient capacity, depending on whether
complete train or some wagons are to be moved / positioned. There
should be some positive system for centering of wagon on the tippler

464 | Page

ii) Drive unit for the side arm charger should be of positive type e.g. rack &
pinion, so that sudden jerks/slippages are avoided. Suitable technology
should be used, so that the wagon can be moved at slow speeds for
placement on tippler table e.g. Low speed hydraulic motors, Variable
frequency AC motors or thyrister controlled DC motors (through
epicyclical reduction gearing), etc.
iii) Charger should be able to slow down to creeping speed just before the
final positioning
5.0 Wagon & Train holding devices
5.1 Wheel grippers
a. These are mandatory & should be located on the tippler table, to prevent
inadvertent motion of the wagons during tippling operation.
b. These should be so designed that balanced pressure is applied on both
sides of the wheel rim. It should have a floating arrangement so as to
ensure that force on each gripper is same and should have some lateral
float so that it can take a new position in case of variation in wheel
gauge. Wheel grippers should be free from serrations or any such
provision on its holding face. Wheel grippers should be made of soft
5.2 Retractable wheel chocks
a. These are mandatory & should be fitted at the in-haul & out –haul
tracks, to prevent accidental rolling of the wagons on the tippler table.
b. They should be so designed that flange of the wheel is not contacted
while blocking tread of the wheel. Shape of the chock should take into
account the wheel incline, so that a line contact is made with the wheel.
6.0 Check sheet for joint inspection
Check sheet for the six monthly joint inspection of the tipplers to be
conducted by DME/ Sr.DME (C&W) of the concerned division or his
authorised representative and representative of the siding owner, as per
Railway Board letter No.98/M(N)/951/12 dated 27.11.02, is as follows:
SN Item Check Remarks

1 End frame platform (i) Steel work to be examined

side beam for damage or defects.
(ii) Check & record the gap between the
side beam and the wagon side
stanchion, during tipping operation.
2 Drive gear (i) Check proper matching of rack and
pinion tooth & tooth wear .
(ii) Check whether coupling gives jerk
during rotation. The tippling
operation should be smooth &
without any jerks
3 Top hydraulic clamp (i) Check the level of clamp pad.

465 | Page

(ii) Whether sitting properly or not.

Check the condition & thickness of
clamp pad (thickness should not be
(iii) less than 50 mm)
Check the smoothness of clamp
(iv) movement
Check for provision of indicators on
the tippler table for all types of
wagon stock, which are likely to be
tippled on the tippler. This is to
ensure that wagons are placed on
the tippler table in such a manner
that the top clamping pads position
is near the side stanchions. Force
exerted by the top clamps should not
exceed 1.5t per clamp pad. Check &
record the value.
(v) Check for provision of a wagon
(vi) bogie spring relief mechanism in the
top clamp locks for permitting
release of bogie springs.
4 Rail table of wagon (i) Check the level and alignment of rail.
tippler The level of track on tippler table and
that of approach rails should be the
same so that the wagons donot
experience any jerk during in-haul
and out-haul
5 Limit switches (i) Check for proper function
6 In haul & out haul (i) Check satisfactory working of stop
stop linkage Movement.
(ii) Check the gradient on the outhaul
7 Side arm charger* (i) Check damage / defects of steel
work. Check proper matching of drive
pinion & rack & tooth wear.
(ii) Check the smooth movement and
final position of arm hoist.
(iii) Check the proper tightening of
fastener & condition of track.
(iv) Check for proper functioning of limit
switches & proximity switches

466 | Page

8 Damages to (i) Damages during tippling & post

wagons. tippling damages:
● Dents/nick on the side
stanchions, top copings, wagon
body, etc
● Displacement of bogie pivot or
suspension springs
● Damages to air brake pipes
● Axle box adopter shifting
● Coupler damages
● Any other
*Note: (1) There should not be any loose shunting of the wagons. In-haul and
out-haul arrangements consisting of side arm charger should be used for
placement and removal of wagon on tippler table. The practice of shunting
empty wagon after tippling by rake of loaded wagons is not acceptable as it
results into large scale damages to CBC and bogies.

Representative of the Sr DME (C&W)

/DME Siding owner or
Authorised representative

467 | Page

468 | Page
(IRCA letter No. M/129/Policy/W dated 12.4.99 & Rly Bd. L. No. 98/M(N)/951/11 dt.

SN Item Description RDSO’s Reference To be done in

Sick ROH POH New
line Built
1. Adoption of worn MW/CWSC/58 YES YES YES YES
wheel profile for all dt.18.3.92
BG wheels
2. Additional RDSO letter no. ----- Yes Yes -----
Intermediate Profile MW/WA/ GENL.Dt 13/
for wagon wheel. 15.01.2010
3. Stamping of RDSO letter no. ----- ---- Yes -----
Overhauling date of MW/WA/ GENL Dated
CTRB on Backing 26.04.2012
4. Non-Use of Seal RDSO letter no. MW. ----- ---- Yes -----
Wears Rings with vent RB. GENL. Dt 15/
holes 18.06.2012 RDSO
letter no. MW/RB/
BOXN Dated

5. Non-Use of Backing RDSO letter no. MW ----- ----- Yes -----

Rings with Vent holes /RB/ BOXN Dated
20.12.1993 RDSO
letter no. MW/RB/
BOXN Dated
6. Phasing out of wheels Railway Board’s letter ----- Yes Yes -----
having Sprag Holes no.2000/M (N)/960/1/
from freight stock. Pt Dt 03.09.08


1. Strengthening of horizontal MW/BOXN/M NO YES YES YES
lever support (large on BOXN/ AINT/dt.24.1.9
BCNA wagons) 4
2. Provision of anti rotation lug MW/BOXN/M YES YES YES YES
on empty tie rod coupling nut AINT/dt.15.1.9
of BOXN/BCN wagons 4
3. Provision of stiffener angle on MW/CWSC/S NO NO YES YES
axle Train Manager of BVZC ecretariat
wagon dt.23.11
.93 &

469 | Page
4. Increase in the diameter of MW/SLA dt NO YES YES YES
control rod from 28 to 32 mm 23/29.12.93
of IRSA-600 Slack Adjuster & 10.5.94
5. Provision of side bracket with MW/ACT/ BG NO YES YES YES
link on BRH/BRN wagons to dt. 27.5.94
facilitate securing of steel
plant consignment to wagon
6. Modification to empty/load MW/BTPN dt. NO NO YES YES
spindle bracket 1.11.94
7. Provision of extra roller type NO YES YES Not
pull rod supports as per drg. under
WD-90016-S/1 Alt 12 manufa
8. Underframe strengthening of MW/BRN dt NO NO YES Not
all welded BRN wagons 12.12.98 under
9. Modification of existing door MW/DOM/BO NO YES YES YES
hold stiffener of BOBRN BR dt. 14.6.90
10. Modification to anchoring tee MW/BTPN NO NO YES NA
joint on BTPN wagons dt.24/26.8.98
1. Fitment of MW/C
modified PL/BG/ NO
striker casting HT
wear plate in dt.6.1.
CBC 88
1. Standardisation of isolating MW/APB/TP/ NO YES YES YES
handle cock on DV M dt.27.9.88
2. Modification to filtering MW/APB/TP/ NO YES YES YES
arrangement of C3W DV of M dt.24.11.88
3. Provision of additional APD to MW/APB/TP/ NO YES YES YES
DV M dt.1/6-5-92
4. Modification to quick release MW/APB/TP/ NO YES YES YES
valve of DV of Escorts make M dt.3/9-7-92
5. Strengthening of APD for DV MW/APB/TP/ NO NO YES YES
M dt.15.7.92
6. Modification to the piping of MW/APB/TP/ NO YES YES YES
BVZC wagon for fitment of M dt.3/6-12-
quick coupling and etachable 93
pressure gauge
7. Modification to hose coupling MW/APB NO YES YES YES
support 8/10-4-94
8. Modification to the locking MW/SLA dt. NO YES YES YES
arrangement of barrel with 20/21-7-88
leader nut casing of DRV2-
470 | Page
1. M/s Burn Standard Co. Ltd., Burnpur, Burdhman (West Bengal)-713325
2. M/s Burn standard Company Limited (Howrah Works), 20-22, Nityadhan
Mukherjee Road, Howrah-711101
3. M/s Burn standard Company Limited (Burnpur Works), Burnpur, Burdhman
(West Bengal)-713325
4. M/s Braithwaite & Company Limited, 5, Hide Road, Kolkata (West Bengal)-
5. M/s Bharat Wagon & Engineering Company Limited, Mokama (Bihar)-
6. M/s Bharat Wagon & Engineering Company Limited, Post Box No. 61, Near
Railway Station, Muzaffarpur (Bihar)-842001
7. M/s Bridge & Roof Company (India) Limited, 427/1, Grand Trunk Road,
Howrah (West Bengal)-711101
8. M/s Texmaco Rail & Engineering Ltd., Agarpara Works, Kolkata-700056
9. M/s Titagarh Wagon Limited, “Premlata” 4th Floor, 39, Shakespeare,
10. M/s HEI Limited, Mody Building, 27, Sir R. N. Mukherjee Road, Kolkata-
11. M/s Besco Limited (Wagon Division), 8, Anil Maitra Road, Ballygunge,
12. M/s Modern Industries, GT Road, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh)-
13. M/s Jupiter Wagons Limited, 11, Satyen Dutta Road, Kolkata-700029
14. M/s Cimmco Limited, “Premlata”, 4th Floor, 39, Shakespeare Sarani,
15. M/s Besco Limited (Foundry Division), “Poonam”, 7th Floor, 5/2, Russel
Street, Kolkata-700071
16. M/s Jindal Rail Infrastructure Ltd, NH-8, Near Karjan Arts & Commerce College,
Post & Taluka-Karjan,District: Vadodara-391440
17. M/s Sail Rites Bengal Wagon Industry Pvt. Ltd.(SGW) Kulti, Dist.-Burdwan-
18. M/s. Gatx India Pvt. Ltd., 301-302 Tower-A, Signature Towers. South City- I,
Gurugram-122001, Haryana.
Every workshop has been allotted with five digit code. The first two digits will
indicate the Railway in which the workshop is situated. The third digit will indicate
the type of workshop and the fourth and fifth digit will indicate the individual number
of the workshop.
The codes allotted to the Railways are as follows;
(Reference doc: IRCA Part-III edition-Feb’2020)
Name of the Railway Code
1. Central Railway 01
2. Eastern Railway 02

471 | Page
3. Northern Railway 03
4. North Eastern Railway 04
5. Northeast Frontier Railway 05
6. Southern Railway 06
7. South Eastern Railway 07
8. Western Railway 08
9. South Central Railway 09
10.East Central Railway 10
11.North Western Railway 11
12.East Coast Railway 12
13.North Central Railway 13
14.South East Central Railway 14
15.South Western Railway 15
16.West Central Railway 16
For the type of workshops, the following codification will be made use of;
Type of workshop Code
1. Loco workshops 1
2. Carriage and Wagon workshops 2
3. Loco Carriage & Wagon workshops 3
4. Wagon ROH depots and Repacking 4
Accordingly, the following is the codification for various workshops;
Railway S. No. Name of Workshop Code
Central 01. 1 Parel 01101
2 Matunga 01201
3 Kurduwadi 01301
Eastern 02. 4 Jamalpur 02101
5 Kancharapara (Loco) 02102
6 Kancharapara (C&W) 02201
7 Liluah 02202
Northern 03 8 Charbagh 03101
9 Amritsar 03102
10 Alambagh 03201
11 Jagadhri 03202
12 Kalka 03203
North Eastern 04. 13 Gorakhpur 04301
14 Izatnagar 04302
Northeast Frontier 05. 15 New Bongaigaon 05201
16 Dibrugarh 05301
17 Tindharia 05302
Southern 06 18 Perambur (Loco) 06101
19 Perambur (C&W) 06201
20 Golden Rock 06301
South Eastern 07. 21 Kharagpur 07301
Western 08. 22 Dahod 08301
23 Parel & MX 08201
24 Junagarh 08202
25 Pratapnagar 08302

472 | Page
26 Bhavnagar 08203
South Central 09. 27 Guntapalli 09201
28 Tirupati 09202
29 Lalaguda 09203
East Central 10 30 Samastipur 10201
31 Harnaut 10202
North Western 11 32 Ajmer (Loco) 11301
33 Ajmer (C&W) 11201
34 Jodhpur 11202
35 Bikaner 11203
East Coast 12 36 Mancheswar 12201
37 Vodlapudi (VDPD) 12202
North Central 13 38 Jhansi 13201
39 Jhansi MLR 13202
South East Central 14 40 Raipur 14201
41 Nagpur 14301
South Western 15 42 Mysore 15201
43 Hubli 15202
West Central 16 44 Bhopal 16201
45 Kota 16202
Railway S.No. Depot Code
Central Railway 1 CLA 01401
2 DD 01402
3 BSL 01403
4 AQ 01404
5 MRJ 15402
Eastern Railway 1 CP 02401
2 UDL 02402
3 BGB 02403
4 NH 02404
Northern Railway 1 UMB 03401
2 KJGY 03402
3 TKD 03403
4 MB 03404
Northeast Frontier 1 NJP 05401
Railway 2 NBQ 05402
3 NGC 05403
Southern Railway 1 JTJ 06401
2 IPN 06402
3 TNPM 06403
4 TVS 06404
5 SSR 06405
South Eastern 1 BKSC 07401
Railway 2 NMP 07402
3 BNDM 07403
4 TATA 07404
5 DPS 07405
6 ADTP 07406

473 | Page
Western Railway 1 VTA 08401
2 BRCY 08402
3 SBI 08403
4 RTM 08404
5 HXP 08405
6 GIM 08406
7 SMP 08407
8 KRCA 08408
South Central 1 GY 09401
Railway 2 RDM 09402
3 BZA 09403
5 BPA 09405
East Central Railway 1 MGS 10401
2 BRWD 10402
3 PEH 10403
4 GHZ 10404
North Western Railway 1 MD 11401
2 FL 11402
East Coast Railway 1 VSKP 12401
2 VSKP/OEC 12402
3 VSPS 12403
4 ANGL 12404
5 PRDP 12405
North Central Railway 1 GMC 13401
2 JHS 13402
3 BAD 13403
South East Central 1 BIA 14401
Railway 2 BIA(PP YARD) 14402
3 BSP 14403
4 DRZ 14404
South Western 1 SGWF 15401
Railway 2 UBL 15403
3 HPT 15404
4 MNGT 15405
West Central Railway 1 NKJ 16401
2 STA 16402
3 KTT 16403
4 ET 16404
Note: All sick lines/ROH depots where Ultrasonic testing is being done or
shall be done shall bear the codes of their station.

474 | Page

475 | Page
Bearing/CTRB marking

Note: bearing that have been serviced during POH or otherwise because of rediscing,
hot box, accident etc have to be permanently and legibly marked on the Cup/Outer
ring inner diameter on the straight portion in the centre between the raceways as
shown in the above Figure.

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477 | Page

478 | Page

479 | Page
(Railway Board’s Letter No. 2003/M(N)/951/22 dated 16-01-2013)

Sr. Description of item Justification for replacement

During dismantling of wheel from bogie, it is
necessary to cut the bolt since it is tack welded
A-1 SF Key nut bolt with washer with nut. Therefore the committee recommends
100% replacement of this item during ROH.
The split pins of Brake Shoe key are being
changed 100% in some depots as they are getting
A-2 Split Pin 12 x 110 mm distorted/damaged while taking out the brake
blocks. Hence 100% replacement is
recommended during ROH.
The Locking plates are being changed on 100%
basis. While carrying out the UST of Wheel sets,
the locking plates are to be removed and while
A-3 CTRB Locking plate doing so, tabs are getting damaged or broken.
Hence 100 % replacement is recommended
during ROH.
This item is subjected to wear in service as it
comes in contact with CBC Shank. Wear Plate.
Some ROH depots are replacing the item to the
extent of 100 %. The worn out component will
Striker casting Wear Plate have serious impact on uncoupling of CBCs and it
will also damage CBC shank; it will cause ovality
on the top portion of Yoke Pin hole. Therefore the
committee recommends 100% replacement of this
item during ROH.

C Air Brake System

480 | Page
This is basically a non-metallic strainer and of a
small value. At present depots are changing on
condition basis and there is an apprehension that
dirt collectors are not at all opened in depots
during ROH. There are many cases of DV
C-l Dirt Collector Filter malfunctioning and subsequent brake bindings in
service and the filter is playing a major role.
Therefore, the committee recommends 100%
replacement of this item during ROH so that it will
be compulsory on the part of the depot to open the
Dirt Collector.
Dirt Collector Washer ('O' These are the small value rubber items perishable
C-2 Ring) in nature and getting damaged while opening the
C-3 Rubber gaskets assemblies. Therefore, the committee
C-4 MU washers recommends 100% replacement of this item
during ROH.
C-5 AR Drain Plug leather These items are perishable in nature getting
washer damaged while opening the assemblies.
C-6 BC Drain Plug leather Therefore, the committee recommends 100%
washer replacement of this item during ROH
D Tank wagons
D-1 Filling Pipe Joint Ring These are the rubber items perishable in nature
(BTPN) and getting damaged while opening the
D-2 Man Hole Cover Sealing assemblies. Therefore, the committee
Ring. recommends 100% replacement of this item
during ROH.
Sr. Description of item Justification for replacement
A-I Side Frame
l. Pedestal Jaw Liners These items are subjected to wear in service as
they are continuously in contact with adaptor and
not expected to last beyond one POH. The liners
of suitable thickness are Required to be welded.
Therefore, the committee recommends 100%
replacement of these items during POH.
Committee also recommends that no weld metal
deposit should be done on the pedestal jaw
surfaces to maintain the clearances as no
machining is done after welding. RDSO may
explore the possibility of liners in original design.
The smoothness of the surface is primarily
2. SF Key nut bolt During dismantling of wheel from bogie, it is
with washer necessary to cut the bolt since it is tack welded
with nut. Therefore, the committee recommends
100% replacement of this item during POH.

481 | Page
A-2 Bolster

1 Land surface liner These items are subjected to wear in service as

they are continuously in contact with adaptor and
2 Pocket slope liner
expected to last from POH to POH. The liners of
suitable thickness are required to be welded.
3. Rotation stop lug liner
Therefore, the committee recommends 100%
replacement of this item during POH.

A-3 Bogie Brake Gear

The split pins of Brake Shoe key are being
1 Split Pin 12 x 110 mm changed 100% in some depots as they are getting
distorted/ damaged while taking out the brake
blocks. Hence 100% replacement is
recommended during POH.
A-4 CTRB Locking plate The Locking plates are being changed on 100%
basis. While carrying out UST of the Wheel sets,
the locking plates are to be removed and while
doing so, tabs are getting damaged or broken.
Hence 100 % replacement is recommended
during POH.
A-5 CTRB Grease Seal Used grease seal must be replaced with new
grease seal whenever CTRBs are overhauled.
A-6 CTRB End Cap Screws Used end cap screws must be replaced with new
A-7 CTRB Grease CTRBs must be lubricated/ charged with fresh
A-8 Elastomeric pads It has been observed that many workshops are
replacing this item to the extent of 100%. Being a
rubber component, committee recommends 100%
replacement of this item during POH. However,
the serviceable EM Pads shall be given to
divisions for replacement during the course of train
B Draw and Buffing Gear Assembly
B-1 Knuckle Knuckle is subjected to wear on Nose, Pulling lug
area. Some workshops are changing on 100%
basis and released serviceable material is given to
divisions. Knuckles are playing very important role
in coupling gear. In the present spurt of train
parting I uncoupling cases Knuckles might be
playing a vital role. Upgraded couplers are being
developed by RDSO as per WD70- BD-10. The
committee therefore recommends one time
replacement of indigenous knuckles with the
upgraded knuckles as per WD- 70-BD-10.
However, serviceable knuckles shall be given to
divisions for replacement during train examination.

482 | Page
B-2 CBC Lock Lock is subjected to wear on contact area
corresponding to Knuckle pulling lug and curved
surface. Committee has observed that majority of
the uncoupling cases are on account of worn-out
Locks. Upgraded couplers are being developed by
RDSO as per WD-70-BD-10. The committee
therefore recommends one time replacement of
indigenous CBC locks with the upgraded CBC
locks as per WD- 70-BD-10. However, serviceable
locks shall be given to divisions for replacement
during train examination.
B-3 Rotary Lock Lift Assembly Mostly, the Anti-Creep Lug of Lock Lifter Assembly
is found in worn condition. Moreover, the alignment
is disturbed due to riveting became loose in service
Upgraded couplers are being developed by RDSO
as per WD-70-BD-10. The committee therefore
recommends one time replacement of indigenous
lock lift assembly with the upgraded lock lift
assembly as per WD-70:BD- l0. However,
serviceable assemblies shall be given to divisions
for replacement during train examination.
B-4 Bearing Piece The committee observed that consumption of this
item between workshops to workshop varies from
3% to 33%. The item is subjected to wear in
service; the slot (17.5 mm x 17.5 mm) of bearing
piece becomes worn out in service and not holding
the Operating Handle in position. As a result the
operating handle along with Rotary Lock Lift
Assembly gets displaced from its position thereby
causing uncoupling of CBC. The item is not
expected to last beyond one POH. The committee
therefore recommends 100% replacement of this
item. However, serviceable bearing pieces shall be
given to divisions for replacement during train
This item is subjected to wear particularly due to
interaction of Yoke Pin's vertical movement. The
pin makes a dent mark on the liner which is
Yoke Pin support plate dangerous which restricts the movement of the
liner yoke pin resulting in the breakage of Support plate
rivets. The item is not expected to last beyond one
POH cycle. The committee therefore recommends
100% replacement of this item.

483 | Page
B-6 Shank Wear Plate This item is subjected to wear in service as it
comes in contact with CBC Shank Wear Plate.
Some workshops are replacing the item to the
extent of 70%. The worn-out component will have
serious impact on uncoupling of CBCs and it will
also damage CBC shank. The life of the
component is not expected beyond one POH cycle.
Therefore, the committee recommends 100%
replacement of this item during POH.
Striker Casting Wear Plate
B-7 This item is subjected to wear in service as it
comes in contact with CBC Shank. Some
workshops are already replacing the item to the
extent of 100%. The worn-out component will have
serious impact on uncoupling of CBCs. The life of
the component is not expected beyond one POH
cycle. Therefore, the committee recommends 100%
replacement of this item during POH.
C Air Brake System
C-1 Dirt Collector Filter This is basically a non-metallic strainer and of a
small value item. At present workshops are
changing on condition basis. There are many cases
of DV malfunctioning in service and the filter is
playing a major role. The life of the component is
not expected beyond one POH cycle. Therefore,
the committee recommends 100% replacement of
this item during POH.
Dirt Collector Rubber These are the rubber items perishable in nature
Washer ('O' Ring) and getting damaged while opening the
C-3 Rubber gaskets assemblies. The life of the items is not expected
Rubber Seals of Cut beyond one POH cycle. Therefore, the committee
C-4 recommends 100% replacement of this item during
offAngle Cocks.
C-5 MU washers
C-6 Grip seals / Rubber
AR Drain Plug leather These are items perishable in nature and getting
washer damaged while opening the assemblies. Therefore,
BC Drain Plug leather the committee recommends 100% replacement of
washer this item during POH.
This item is generally tested during POH for
C-9 BP Air Hose leakage and bulging at 10 Kg/cm2 pressure and
about 50% rejection is there. Moreover, there are
large numbers of service failures. Some workshops
are changing 100%. Being a Rubber item; it is not
expected to last beyond one POH cycle. Therefore,
the committee recommends 100% replacement of
this item during POH. However, serviceable hoses
shall be given to divisions for replacement during
train examination.

484 | Page
D Tank wagons
Filling Pipe Joint Ring These are the rubber items perishable in nature
(BTPN) and getting damaged while opening the
Man Hole Cover Sealing assemblies. Therefore the committee recommends
D-2 100% replacement of this item during POH.
Note: Zonal railways may review the consumption of items and further rationalize the
AAC of the items at their ends.

485 | Page

486 | Page
1. Introduction- 3
2. Stainless Steel: The peculiarities: 3
3. Maintenance of SS Wagons: An Overview 4
4. Facilities required for maintenance of Stainless-steel Wagons: 4
5.1 Inspection
5.2 Cutting
5.3 Straightening
5.4 Replacement
5.5 Welding

487 | Page
Corrosion is perhaps, the single biggest challenge that needs to be surmounted, to
attain increased service life of Wagons. Continuous exposure to moisture, air &
high temperature, repair practices resulting in localized heating, loading/ unloading
practices resulting in damages to the employed surface protection& incorrect/
inadequate surface protection are the main causes of propagation of corrosion.
An effective means of tackling corrosion is by selecting corrosion-resistant raw
material for fabrication of wagons. Such a selection, however, has, to consider,
weldability, ease of fabrication, formability & availability of the chosen raw material
besides the cost. Based on the above considerations, IR has introduced the use of
Ferritic grade Stainless Steel (SS), to IRSM:44 specification, in BOXNHL & BCNHL
wagons. Based on the experiences gained, IRSM:44, has also been introduced in
rehab of BOXN wagons- BOXNR wagons.
The introduction of SS, has brought forth maintenance issues, related to cutting,
welding or straightening of SS, patch repairs, attention to various types of similar
and dissimilar joints between stainless steel, carbon steel and corten steel.
To understand, these maintenance issues, it is important to understand the inherent
properties of SS & how it is different than the conventional MS, used hither-to in
wagon fabrication.
The chemistry of Stainless steel differs from carbon steel by the amount of
chromium present. The presence of Cr, promotes the development of an invisible,
adherent and self-healing chromium-rich oxide surface film. Carbon steel rusts
when exposed to air and moisture. This rust, essentially an iron oxide film is active
and accelerates corrosion by forming more iron oxide. Stainless steels have
sufficient amount of chromium present so that a passive film of chromium oxide
forms on initial oxidation, which prevents further corrosion.
The tough chromium-oxide layer, also comes into play, during the repair/ cutting of
SS. In conventional carbon steels, during, oxy-cutting the metal is first heated by
the flame, and then an excess of oxygen is supplied. This causes an exothermic
(heat generation) reaction which generates the heat necessary to melt the oxides
formed, which are then removed from the cut by the velocity of the gas jet. In this
process a rough surface is produced. Whereas, stainless steels having a high level
of Chromium (Cr) cannot be cut by simple oxy-cutting methods due to the refractory
nature (very high melting point) of the Chrome Oxide which is formed as the top
layer. Ferritic stainless steels are generally limited to service temperatures below
750°F (400°C) due to the formation of embrittling phases, which may also
precipitate during welding. Primary concerns with welding ferritic grades are
maintaining adequate toughness and ductility in the as-welded condition.
RDSO has introduced SS in the newly designed BOXNHL, BOXNLW, BOXNR &
BCNHL wagons.In constructional design, BOXNHL, BOXNR and BOXNLW wagon
are similar to BOXN wagon and BCNHL wagon is similar to BCNA wagon. Hence,
the maintenance and Repair procedure of these wagons shall be similar to
BOXN/BCNA wagons. The procedure for attending to repairs in BOXN & BCNA are
given in the Maintenance manual for Wagons Issued by CAMTECH.
However, since the wagon body and under frame of BOXNHL, BOXNLW, BOXNR

488 | Page
& BCNHL wagons are made of higher-grade steel i.e., IRSM-44 /IRS M-41
steel/CRF sections, the cutting, straightening, welding / repairing procedures are
slightly different than plain carbon steel wagons.
Before elaborating on repair details, it is important to understand that the SS wagon
structural members, body panels& other components that form part of the wagon
structure, when corroded/damaged, should necessarily be repaired or replaced with
similar grade of steel only.
Reiterated below, for guidance, are recommended facilities (by CAMTECH) for
effective maintenance of SS wagons:
S.No. Item/Description Freight Yard Sick line ROH
(Maintaining (5 wagon/day) Depot.
3 rakes/day) /Workshops

1. MIG/MAG Welding sets 02 Nos. 02 Nos. 03 Nos.

(400 Amp.)

2. DC Arc Welding Rectifier 02 Nos. 02 Nos. 03 Nos.

(600 Amp.)

3. Portable Air plasma 02 Nos. 02 Nos. 03 Nos.

cutting machine
(Max. capacity 16 mm)

4. Consumables for Air As per

Plasma M/C i.e., Torch Require
tip, catalyst etc. ment
As per
5. Welding electrodes for IRS Require
M-44 to IRS M- 41 etc. ment

6. Lock bolts of various As per

sizes (3/8” to 7/8”) Require

7. Lock bolting Equipment 02 sets 02 sets 03 sets.

8. Portable grinding
Machine (only dedicated
03 03 05
grinding wheels & disc
should be used.)

9. Stainless steel wire As per Requirement


489 | Page
As per Requirement
10 IRS M44 & IRS M41
plates/sheets & CRF
sections as per wagon
design drawing.
Note: The class of welding electrodes for different combinations of materials shall be
as per RDSO specification No. G-72 latest revision.
The maintenance of wagons mainly consist of the activities of Inspection, cutting,
straightening, replacement, welding and finally painting. Brief details of these activities,
with particular attention to be given for SS wagons, are enumerated below:
5.1 Inspection of Under frame and Body
The under frame members & body should be thoroughly inspected for locating cracks,
bent/damaged, corroded members. A component that warrants repair should be
repaired as per the defined procedure, in the wagon maintenance manual. In case a
component/ sub- assembly/ structure is found to be corroded & is judged to be beyond
repair, the same should be replaced. Essentially, the repair/ replacement should be
done on condition basis.
During Inspection of wagons, special/ particular attention should be paid to the
below detailed vulnerable members and locations:
● Sole bar, side wall stanchions, and floor plates.
● Head stock, corner angle and end stanchions.
● Top copings, and corner joints.
● Door locking brackets and hinges.
● Puncturing/damages of side/end sheets.
● Centre pivots, and center sill.
● Cracks in center sill, sole bar and cross members etc.
● Breakage/Failure of lock bolts.
5.2 Cutting of IRSM-44:
The IRSM-44 steel panels/plates/CRF sections shall be cut either by shearing
machine or by plasma cutting machine but not by oxy-cutting.
The guidelines for cutting of IRS M-44 are subdivided into the following sections: -

a. Guillotining
i) The guillotine is normally used for cutting steel up to 16 mm thick. The maximum
capacity of the guillotine (used for mild steel shearing) should be downgraded by
30-40% for cutting IRS:M44 because of IRS:M44’s greater shear strength, e.g. if
maximum shear capacity is 16mm(mild steel) then the maximum shearing capacity
will be 11mm for IRS:M44.
ii) “Shear breaks” on the cut edge can be prevented by using well sharpened,

490 | Page
aligned and set blades especially for plates heavier than 8mm.
iii) Burnish and burr heights increase with increasing blade dullness and blade gap
and rollover tends to be excessive. This needs to be taken note of & suitable
corrective/ preventive action taken.
iv) Shear break or splitting should not be confused with laminations as the former is a
result of the shearing process parameters, while the latter is a material defect.
Shear break is caused by excessive cutting speeds, blade clearance etc.
The following guillotine clearance settings are given for guidance: -

Plate Thickness (mm) 3 6 10

Clearance Settings (mm) 0.1 0.15 0.25

v) The most suitable shear blades for cutting IRS:M44 and stainless steel are
made of high carbon-high chromium tool steel. The blades must be kept sharp-
a good test is to cut a piece of paper.
vi) Good practice is to wipe the blade and hold down pads free of adherent mild
steel particles prior to cutting IRS:M44. This will avoid mild steel contamination.
vii) Where possible, shearing speeds should be reduced by up to 20%. This
will prevent shear break of thick plates.
b. Plasma cutting
Due to high chromium content of IRS:M44 it cannot be cut with the conventional
oxy- acetylene torch. Portable plasma cutting equipment with inbuilt liquid tank are
also available which can be used for repair work.
i) Plasma cutting and profiling of IRS:M44 is the fastest and most economic
thermal cutting method available. Fast cutting speeds together with a clean
smooth surface finish can be achieved. Due to the fast cutting speeds, the
heat affected zone is very narrow, minimizing the effect on the properties of
the material. Thin plates can be stack-cut. Any discoloration of the cut edge
can easily be removed by grinding or by using a stainless steel wire brush. If
no subsequent welding is undertaken, edge discoloration must be removed,
followed by passivation.
ii) Cutting Gases
At present, there are many makes of portable plasma cutting machines which
are able to cut up to 16mm thick plate. These portable units make use of
compressed air (300 – 500 KPa) rather than mixed plasma gases. These
machines are light, (weighing not more than an oxy-acetylene set) economical
and efficient. Consumable items are the torch tip and the catalyst.
For gauges in excess of 16mm, heavier mixed gas plasma cutting machines will
have to be used. Oxygen – free nitrogen is the most economical cutting gas.
Other gases which can be used include mixtures of argon and hydrogen or
nitrogen and hydrogen. The secondary shielding gas can be one of numerous
gases such as welding grade carbon dioxide which is inexpensive. Argon or
argon-hydrogen mixtures are often used where a better, cleaner cut is required.
c. Abrasive Cut – off Wheels
Abrasive disc cutting can be used for limited lengths of cut. Only dedicated

491 | Page
discs should be used and suitable control of the storage of these must be
exercised. Use can be made of water soluble oil for cooling/lubrication.
Aluminum oxide discs of the vitrified or resinoid bonded types are suitable.
Zirconia silicon carbide discs are not recommended.
d. Arc-Air Gouging
Arc-Air gouging is a suitable method of cutting provided the recommended
settings are adhered to in order to produce acceptable cuts. All cut edges must
be ground back (using dedicated grinding discs) to a depth of approximately
2mm to remove the heat affected zone before further fabrication. Areas not
subsequently welded must be de- scaled and passivated.
e. Powder Cutting
Ferrite powder injected into an oxy-acetylene flame can be used to cut
IRS:M44, but the unsightly edges produced must be ground back approximately
2-4 mm using dedicated discs before further fabrication, to ensure that the plane
edge is of an acceptable quality. Areas not subsequently welded must be de-
scaled and passivated.
f. Slitting
After cutting on conventional slitting equipment, edge must be deburred. Slitting
knives should be cleaned of all mild steel or other metal contamination before
IRS:M44 is processed. Close control of blade clearance will ensure good edges.
Blade clearances are as for guillotine settings.
g. Cold Sawing
Cold sawing is suitable provided a high feed rate is maintained to produce an
acceptable cut. Cutting and cooling fluids (water soluble oil type) should be
used for cutting thicker gauges.
High speed wavy tooth blades are recommended with up to 13 teeth/cm for light
gauge material. The number of teeth per centimeter should be reduced as the
gauge increases.
h. Blanking and Punching
These operations can be successfully carried out provided that tools and
equipment used have sufficient strength and rigidity to account for the higher
proof strength of IRS:M44. Clearance between the punch and the die is
normally held to 5% of the metal thickness on a side i.e. 10% overall. Punches
must be kept sharp, and where possible, the speed of operation should be
i. Drilling
High speed drills should be used on IRS:M44. It is advisable to have the web of
the drill thinned as much as possible (up to 1/8 the drilling diameter) to eliminate
excessive drilling temperatures caused by the friction generated at the bottom
of the hole.
The included angle of the cutting edge should be ± 120°. The drills should be as
short as possible to improve rigidity. A suitable cutting compound (sulphurized
or chlorinated oil) should be used for drilling deep holes. Cooling of the drill
cutting edge can be effected using a light water-soluble oil which will extend drill
life. Drills should be backed out at regular intervals to relieve chip congestion.

492 | Page
5.3 Straightening of IRSM-44:
The wagon members which are bent/deformed can be straightened up to a
certain extent. It is notable that IRS:M44requires, greater bending capacity to
straighten the steel members owing to its higher yield strength. As an
approximation, the maximum capacity of the bending is reduced by 40% for
bending IRS:M44 compared to mild steel. Also, IRS:M44 generally exhibits
greater spring back than mild steel during bending. This should, hence, be
compensated for, by slight over-bending, e.g. 5% on a 900 bend.
Use of hydraulically/ manually operated Tie screw pulling and hammering is
recommended for bending /straightening wagon members. The members which
are more than 5mm thick and are distorted/bend can be heated locally upto
1500C and straightened by hammering/pulling. However, heating of stainless-
steel members beyond 1500C should be avoided in view of change in chemistry
of steel. If members are badly distorted/bent and straightening is not possible,
the members should be replaced with similar grade of materials, instead of
attempting major repairs by heating/ straightening.
It is also recommended that in case severe bending of thicker plate sections,
needs to be done, such bending operations should be carried out before
welding operations, so as to avoid the possibility of heat affected zone cracking.
Edge cracks can be avoided by placing the cut face on the outside radius of the
bend and the sheared face on the inside. This type of cracking can also be
prevented by grinding the outside radius point of bending into a rounded profile.
Thus, eliminating the natural stress concentration point.
5.4 Replacement
Heavily damaged members should be replaced with similar grade of steel with
new members.
5.5 Welding Procedure: -
The main differences between welding stainless steel and mild steel are owing
to differences in properties of SS in terms of coefficient of linear expansion,
thermal conductivity, ductility etc. This affects the work hardening and shock
absorption properties.
For stainless steel welding various welding processes can be used such as
MIG, TIG, MMAW, Resistance welding and laser welding. However, the
following issues, need to be considered in case of SS repairs:
5.5.1 General Precautions in Welding of Stainless Steel
i. Since Stainless steel has high coefficient of thermal expansion and less heat
conductivity, it is advised to use low welding currents in the recommended
range and smaller gauge electrode to minimize heat input and reduce
ii. Surface to be welded must be clean, dry and free from dirt, oxide film, oil,
grease, paints etc.
iii. Electrodes should be re-dried before use.
iv. Always maintain short arc to minimize the loss of alloying elements.
v. Avoid weaving and make stringer beads.

493 | Page
vi. After finishing welding, lift electrode slowly and fill the crater before breaking
the arc. This will avoid crater cracks.
vii. Use stainless steel wire brush for cleaning welds.
viii. Use electrode preferably with DC (+).
ix. Every bead should be properly cleaned before further welding on it.
x. Welding should be preferably carried out in flat position.
xi. Correct electrode size, recommended current, arc length, travel speed and
electrode angle must be followed.
xii. Any defect like crack, blowhole etc. must be properly gouged out and re-
xiii. Do not strike arc adjacent to the weld.
xiv. Tack the welded area correctly to ensure proper gap.
xv. Proper welding sequence must be followed to reduce internal stresses and
hence reduce warpage of structure.
xvi. Always weld towards the free ends.
5.5.2 Weldability issues:
i. Grain growth in the HAZ and loss of toughness.
ii. Reducing the heat input is critical and no preheats should be given.
iii. Oxides formed during welding in the weld zone do not protect it from
subsequent corrosion.
iv. Proper protection of the weld zone from atmosphere and subsequent
cleaning after welding are important.
v. Stringer beads to reduce the heat input.
vi. Maintaining interpass temperature below certain temperature (in multipass
weld). Also, allow weld to cool between the passes and using copper
5.5.3 Preparation prior to Welding:
The following points should be considered before welding of IRSM:44components.
i. The area about 15 mm from each side of the weld zone should be properly
be cleaned.
ii. The weld area should be free from dust, dirt, grease, oil, paints etc. Any non-
corrosive and suitable organic solvent (Kerosene oil, Benzene etc.) can be
used for removing grease, oil & paints.
iii. Only Stainless steel wire brushes should be used to remove tenacious layer
of chromium oxide for better strength of joint.No edge preparation is
required, unless specifically mentioned in the drg, when welding up to
thickness 3/16"(5 mm approx.). For higher thickness between 3/16" & ½" (5-
12mm approx.) bevel preparation is necessary.
5.5.4 Precautions During Welding:
i. The welding parameter in the machine should be set as per
recommendations of manufacturer.

494 | Page
ii. If welding is carried out by MMAW process, connect the electrode with
positive terminal of welding equipment (DC+) when welding with DC.
iii. Use 70 OCV (min) transformers while welding with AC.
iv. Keep the welding current on lower side (as possible) of the range as
recommended by the manufacturer of the consumables.
v. Maintain as short an arc length as possible to minimise the loss of alloying
elements during welding.
vi. Put stringer beads. Weaving should not be more than two times of the
diameter of electrode used.,
vii. Use small diameter electrode according to thickness of base metal to
minimise heat input& ensure minimal distortion.
viii. Each run should be property de-slaged by using stainless steel brushes
and chisels.
ix. Preheating of job is not required.
x. For cutting of stainless steels plasma cutting or machine cutting shall be
used. Manual metal arc cutting may also be used in case when plasma arc
cutting or machine facility is not available.
5.5.5 Precautions After Welding:
i) The weld reinforcement of stainless steel welds must be grounded.
ii) The stainless steels are susceptible to corrosion if the surface is rough. To
avoid the corrosion, surface should be made smooth & polished. It is
therefore, necessary to finish the stainless steel joint by grinding &
subsequent polishing using fine grinder.
iii) Post- weld cleaning should be undertaken on all weld areas (weld material
and HAZ), arc strikes and points where cleats, lugs etc.. Have been welded.
35.5.6 Electrodes For Welding:
The welding electrodes to be used for repairs of IRSM:44 material are indicated

S.No Material to be welded Electrodes/filler wire to be used

1. IRS M-44 to IRS M-44 MMAW electrodes approved under classM1 as per
IRS M-28-02 Shall be used.

MMAW electrodes of diameter 2.5 mm/4.0 mm shall

be used depending upon the thickness of the plate.
Re-dry the electrodes before use to about 150°C for
atleast one hour or as recommended by
MIG/MAG welding filler wires approved under class
VI as per IRS M46-03 shall be used. The diameter of
the wire shall preferably be 1.2 mm/0.8 mm.

495 | Page
2. IRS M-44 to IRS M-41
As per G-72 Rev-3 or latest.
3. IRS M-41 to IRS M-41

a) The edge preparation should be done as per IS: 9595 for both “V” butt as well as
fillet joints
b) Electrodes and filler wires should be procured from any RDSO approved
sources and the parameters like current, voltage, etc. should be as per IS code
and manufacturers recommendations
c) For other combination of materials welding Refer RDSO specification No.G-72
Rev-3 or latest appendix-III
d) Welder’s Qualification: Welders deputed to carry out welding work on wagons
and wagon components should be only those tested and certified as adequately
skilled for welding work on stainless steel wagons and its components
5.5.7 During welding of dissimilar metals, the following general
guidelines shall be helpful:
i. Minimum heat input should be provided to joint, so that diffusion can be restricted
and dilution is minimised. To achieve this low welding current, small diameter
electrodes shall be preferred.
ii. Proper filler materials compatible with both the steels, being joined are to be
iii. Dilution must be reduced to aslow as possible. Dilution depends on the welding
process, process variables and penetration. Hence, proper welding process shall
be used with proper setting of process variables (Current, Voltage, Travel speed,
Polarity etc.).
iv. When using gas metal arc welding (MIG/MAG) reduced current density is to be
employed, so that only dip transfer of metal occurs.
v. The problem of dilution and formation of inter-metallic phases can be minimised
by buttering one or both joint faces with a layer of compatible material.
i. The surface preparation and painting for underframe of the wagon shall be as
per standard specification No.G-72 read with latest amendments.
ii. Surface preparation of the wagon body
Degreasing with petroleum hydrocarbon solvent to IS:1745-1978 (low aromatic
grade 145/205) or any other degreaser (applicable for both SS,MS and corten
Wherever the wagon is repaired it must be dressed to smooth surface and
proper protective coating i.e. paints to be applied as recommended.
For stainless steel

496 | Page
As specified in the relevant drgs/ specifications or General Standard Specification
No. G-72 (Rev.3) read with latest amendments.
iv. The painting of bogies, couplers and air brake equipment shall be done as given
in Para 11.2.5 of General Standard Specification No. G-72 (Rev.3) read with
latest amendments.
a) General guidelines for fabrication of stainless steel (IRS M:44) wagons and
requirements for ensuring quality during manufacturing issued by Wagon
Directorate, RDSO in Oct. 2007.
b) Guidelines and facilities required for fabrication/maintenance of stainless steel
wagons Issued by CAMTECH vide No. Camtech .M/W/SS Wagon-1.0 in
December- 09.
c) Maintenance Manual of LHB Coaches /Wagons a draft copy by
CAMTECH/Gwalior. Welding procedure for joining various types of stainless
steel parts with mild steel/corten steel parts used in carriage & Wagons based
on procedure No. MC-97 Issued by M&C Directorate, RDSO, Lucknow
d) Minutes of the seminar on welding technology-“Focus on Railway workshops”,
held in Railway Board on 18.01.2011.
e) General standard specification No. G-72, Issued by wagon Directorate, RDSO,

497 | Page
Long Haul Train Operation
Introduction of Long Haul Train
A composition of more than one standard train formation is defined as Long Haul
train. The constituent trains may be empty or loaded. The running of long haul
trains will help in reducing the congestion in busy sections thereby increasing the
throughput. It has added advantage of increasing the speed of rolling stocks as a
result of reduction in number of trains. These trains run with planned nomenclature
on zonal Railways. Long haul trains run in nominated sections only. The name like
Maruti, Python will be prefixed with train name and clearly marked in FOIS &
control charts. Separate Colour code will be provided in FOIS and control charting
to distinguish these trains from other trains. It shall be relayed to station masters of
adjoining stations while asking line clear. These rakes only be formed at notified
stations with TXR presence. In case, there is no TXR point, TXR should be
arranged at that point. In case of precedence, crossing of passenger carrying
trains and during exceptional circumstances, the train may be split at any station
with adequate precautions.
Composition of long haul train:

Front Load Rear load

Empty Train Empty Train

Loaded Train Loaded Train

Loaded Train Empty Train

General requirements for long haul train:

a) The long haul trains can be BOXN/BCN/container or steel rakes with single/twin
pipe air brake system.
b) The maximum speed of long haul train shall be restricted to lower of the
maximum speed of constituent train.
c) Identified sections for long haul trains will be provided additional / special T/G
boards for long haul trains.
d) Due to curve, length or visibility obstructions when it is not possible to
exchange signals physically, the exchanging of signals shall be done by using
Walkie-Talkie sets. If Walkie- Talkie communication fails, the long haul train
shall be brought to stop at the next station & should not be continued.
e) Loco pilot selected from “A/B” category, well conversant with the section and
with adequate experience only should be nominated to work Long Haul train.
Names of such LPs screened and nominated for Long Haul trains should be
displayed in the crew booking lobbies.
f) On middle loco, crew will be provided. Loco pilot of middle loco will notch up
throttle as per advice of loco pilot of leading loco. Prescribed whistle code shall
be used for communication between LP & Train Manager.
g) In case of train parting, G&SR Rule (Train Parting) should be strictly followed.
Technical requirement for Long Haul Train
A. Locomotive
498 | Page
a. Single/ MU loco as per haulage capacity of the loco to the haul the train shall
be provided for long haul train in leading for smooth operation.
b. In case of loaded-loaded or loaded–empty combinations hauled by electric
locomotives, atleast five compressors of the leading MU unit will be in “ON”
condition. Locomotive in the middle of the LH Rake are not permitted to charge
the brake pipe. Leading locomotive will work the train and trailing locomotives
will be just a piped vehicle that can provide additional power when required.
c. It should be ensured that RB/DB of leading locomotives are in working
b) Long haul loco operation without use of distributed power system in tabulated
as under

Locomotive BP Creation Powering Braking

Leading Loco(S) Yes Yes Yes Yes

Middle Loco (S) No Yes/ No # No Yes

# = May be selected on the basis of Load hauled

B. Loco Crew:
a. The long haul trains shall be started from originating station by exchange of
physical signals (flag or light and whistle by Train Manager between Train
Manager and loco pilot.
b. Nominated Loco Pilot should only be selected from “A/B” category well
conversant with the section and with3. Before restarting the train after brake
application, the loco pilot shall ensure that BP pressure in engine and in the
brake van has been restored. The Train Manager in the rearmost brake van
shall confirm this to the loco pilot in the leading loco. A minimum 5 minutes
release time shall be ensured by Loco Pilot in section before restarting the
c. While observing the caution order, loco pilot should notch up and notch down
judiciously and control the train by RB as far as possible minimizing the use of
train brakes. Entry and Exit into RB and out of it should be gradual for first two
notches allowing 10-20 seconds for first two notches each.
d. At the time of starting of two loaded or one loaded & one empty rakes
combination, Middle Loco Pilot (MLP), shall first take two notches and confirm
the same to the Leading Loco Pilot (LLP) through Walkie-Talkie. Then LLP
shall start notching up. The MLP shall then co-ordinate with LLP for further
e. In case of loco of long haul train is changed on any account, the air brake
system of the full load should be released to avoid brake binding.
C. C&W (Carriage & Wagon)
a) The two rakes clubbed in Long Haul trains shall have valid BPC s for individual
rakes separately.
b) Two separates rakes with separate valid BPCs shall be clubbed and worked as
one train. To ensure safe operations of such trains, carriage & wagon staff will
issue a separate Air Pressure Continuity Certificate. Air pressure continuity test
shall also be conducted before start
499 | Page
c) While starting the Long Haul train, minimum BP pressure in engine shall be 5
Kg/cm2 and in the rear brake van 4.7 Kg/cm2.
d) 8-wheeler brake van, if available, shall be marshaled in between the two empty
rakes. If both brake vans are 4-wheeler, both shall be attached in rear of the
e) Divisions shall follow instructions given in G&SR for detaching wagons on
account of hot axle, flat tyre etc. in long haul trains.
D. Communication:
a) Pre tested VHF sets of adequate power with spare battery should be provided
to Loco Pilots and Train Managers for reliable communication during run.
b) The entire crew shall ensure before start that their walkie-talkie sets are in
working order and communication is smooth from front to the rear of Long Haul
c) Crew shall use walkie-talkie set to facilitate exchange of all right signals in case
of inadequate visibility due to long length of Long Haul train.
d) The divisions shall ensure suitable walkie-talkie sets are provided to the entire
crew of Long Haul train for better communication along the route.
e) The Long Haul train shall not be operated during all Communication failure or in
Temporary Single Line working
E. Operating (Traffic)
a) The Long Haul trains shall be run on single line clear. The tail board / tail lamp
as the case may be, shall be provided only in rear of the rear-most vehicle. No
tail board/ tail lamp as the case be, shall be provided in rear of the middle brake
b) Air pressure shall be created by leading locos only. The middle / banker locos
will not be charging the BP. Brake shall be applied only by the LP of leading
loco and LP of middle/ banker loco shall bring his loco on idle on application of
brakes by the leading LP.
c) The maximum speed of LH train shall be 60 Kmph for loaded rake or booked
speed of stock/ loco for empty long haul; subject to other speed restrictions in
force from time to time.
d) The loco pilot of middle/ banker loco shall push the train as per requirement in
co-ordination with LP of leading loco.
e) The Train Manager of the rear most brake van shall be in-charge of long haul
train, however middle brake van shall also be manned.
f) The Train Manager of the long haul train shall ensure safety of rear portion of
train to avoid rolling down (application of hand brakes) when stabled after
g) Train Manager of the train will communicate over walkie-talkie about clearance
of speed restriction zones and cross-over to the Loco Pilot of the train.
h) As far as possible, section controllers will ensure that through line clear is given
to long haul trains to avoid detention to the following trains.
i) All rules of G&SR for working of trains shall be applicable for running of long
haul trains also.
j) Marshalling of rakes shall be such that, Loaded rake is always the leading rake
followed by empty rake.

500 | Page
F. Other Important Instructions:
a) Repercussions caused due to any failure related with long haul trains being
run on trail may be booked on “OTHERS” account.
b) First ten trial trips of long haul trains on a particular section should be monitored
by deputing LI and TI on the locomotive and rear brake van. Running of long
haul trains will be reviewed on the basis of joint reports, highlighting
shortcomings observed during the run submitted by divisions.
c) For monsoon working, sanders of all locos should be in working order and
monsoon time table for deployment of locos should be followed.
d) Running of long haul trains should be covered in ZRTI syllabus as soon as
e) All crew working long haul trains and PCOR/ TLC/ CCOR should be given a
pamphlet containing instructions on long haul trains.
f) If required, divisions may issue local instructions based Rlt. Bd. JPO to take
care of specific topography, operating issues etc.
g) Sr. DSOs of the divisions and Safety Counselors should carry out checks on
such trains to ensure that violation of safety rules is not taking place.
h) In case of train parting, longer front portion may be cleared to next suitable
capacity loop line station and rear portion may be taken at rear or front stations
according to situation and availability of locomotive.
Long Term Strategy for long term movement :
Following methodology is suggested by Railway Board for long term movement
plan of long haul train on IR network :
Operation of loaded long haul trains heavier than 9000T :
For operation of loaded long haul trains heavier than 9000T and at a speed
above 60 Kmph. RDSO shall conduct field trials with different class of locos to
determine EBD before permitting such operation.
Introduction of twin pipe on goods train:
This can be started from BCNHL, BOXNHL & BLC type wagons to begin with
and later adopted on all BOXN type and BCN type wagons. Single pipe system
has problem of brake pressure fading and propagation delays in application and
release of brakes. In case of emergency braking, release is seen to take longer
than 950 sec. in initial trail. This would become a limitation in unrestricted
adoption on long-haul. Hence BCN, BOXN & Flat wagons and loco should be
converted to twin pipe within next 5 years.
Manual system of ensuring co-ordination between front and middle locomotives
in a long haul train has limitations and possibilities of errors. Also, the two
Traction units are not able to work fully in a synchronized mode, i.e, powering,
releasing and applying brakes together without use of a second crew in a middle
loco set. Use of distributed power system involving use of LOCOTROL type
systems should be adopted universally on all locomotives. However since
existing LOCOTROL is not a portable device, railways may have to draw a
strategy to confine long haul locomotive in a closed circuit or alternatively
portability of LOCOTROL may have to be examined. In case portable
501 | Page
LOCOTROL is not practicable, LOCOTROL may be made a part of locomotives.
Infrastructure :
As long term strategy, Railways should expeditiously construct longer loop at a
distance about 50 Kms to avoid any detention of coaching trains enroute and to
maintain order of precedence. Longer loops may be constructed on priority on a
section where doubling/tripling/quadrupling of section on way. These longer
loops can be constructed at convenient stations where such constructions do
not require construction of bridges/culvert etc. These longer loops subsequently
can be converted as a part of running line etc.
Training of Staff :
To develop a confidence among the staff, it is necessary that they should be
properly trained. On the basis of experienced gained, a separate module on
running of long haul trains should be developed by ZTS and to be taught to Loco
pilots, Train Managers and station Staff as a part of their refresher and initial

Railway Board guidelines issued vide letter no. 2009/M(N)/951/8 dated

03.03.2011 shall be followed for long haul operation.

502 | Page
Check Lists for Inspection of Wagon Stock
SN Particulars Page No.

01 Check list for Inspection of Freight Depots 04

02 Check list for Intensive Examination of Air brake trains 06

03 Check list for Super Checking of Examined loads in Yards 08

04 Check list for Freight Sick Line 10

05 Check list for Safety Audit of Wagon ROH Depots (Part–I)- Vital 12
06 Check list for Safety Audit of wagon ROH depots 14

07 Check list for Work Areas where attention to be given (Wagon) 15

08 Check list for Freight Sick Line Maintenance 20

09 Check list for Safety Audit of Wagon ROH Depots – Vital 22

10 Check list for Safety Audit of Wagon Depots 23
11 Check list for Safety Audit of Wagon ROH Depots Air brake 24
system Reference G-97
12 Check list for Safety Audit of Wagon ROH Depots CASNUB 25
Bogie- Reference G-95
13 Check list for Inspection of Wagon Tippler 26
14 Check list for Train Parting in Freight stock. 28
15 Check List for Investigation of CBC Uncoupling 31
16 Check List for Reporting Hot Axle on Wagon Stock 34
17 Check List for Inspection of In-Motion Weigh-bridges 35
18 Check list for analysis of BP Air hose uncoupling. 37
19 Check list for reporting Flat tyre 38
20 Check List for Wheel Impact Load Detector ( WILD) 40
21 Checklist for investigation of Brake binding 42

503 | Page
in view of referred letters issued by Safety directorates Railway Board
Ref: 1. RBs L.No. 2009/m (Safety) 7/2/Checklist. inspection dt 09.09.2009
2. RBs L.No. 99/RE/220/3/Part-III (inspection schedule) dt 28.04.2000
Activity per month JA SS JS
Super check of Diesel
4 4 6 8
SN Type of inspection JA SS JS
1 Foot plate 3 5 8 - 12
2 Crew booking
1/1 2/1 2/1 4/4 2/2
3 Running room 1 1 1 1 1
4 Ambush check 1 1 1 - 2
5 Safety seminar Qtly Qtly Qtly 1 -
6 DSL installation [RCD] 1 1 1 2 1
7 ART Qtly Qtly Qtly 1 -
8 Monitoring of Loco Each Loco Pilot & Asstt. is assigned to a SLI/LI.
Pilots and Asstts. They must be covered once in three months
9 140 Te. Crane Qtly Mly Mly Bi Mly -
10 ARME/SPART Qtly Mly Mly Bi Mly -
SN Type of inspection JA SS JS Supervisors
Rake inspection /Month
(under gear &
Passenger amenities)
1 Washing Line 2 3 4 10

2 Platform 2 3 4 10

3 Running 1 1 2 02

4 Sick line inspection 1 2 2 02


SN Type of Inspection JA SS JS Supervisors

1 Major 1 1 1 Once every

month in the
2 Medium 1 B.Mly 1 B.Mly 1 - do -

504 | Page
3 Minor 1 B.Mly 1 1 - do -

4 Bk.Power checks 1 2 4 04

5 Qly. Joint inspection of 1 1 1 1 (Mly)

infrastructural facility of
Coaching maintenance
Depot, Examination
Yard and Sick lines with
Engg. & Elect. Officer.
6 Night inspection 1 2 2 2

SN Type of inspection JA SS JS Supervisors

1 Sick line 1 2 2 2

2 Yard 2 2 3 3

3 ROH Depot 1 1 1 1

4 Night inspection 1 1 1 2

5 Super check of goods 1 2 4 4

6 SIG / Joint Inspection 1 1 1 -

7 Office inspection 1 1 1 1

8 Brake Power checks 2 2 4 4

(Goods trains)
9 Qualities of GDR Check 1 1 2 4


[Railway Board's letter No.2009/M(Safety)/7/2/Check.List.Inspections dated
Following areas to be inspected by the Supervisors/Officers to ensure
general upkeep and smooth functioning of Freight Depots.

505 | Page
SN Description Status
1. System for identification of repairs and ensuring the
completeness thereof.
2. Availability of unit exchange spares mainly trolleys, springs
and wheels.
3. Availability of must-change items, system, monitoring and
audit checks.
4. Attention to welding practices, particularly of earthing.
5. Availability & use of gauges.
6. Quality of repairs and attention to schedule items.
7. Adequacy of lifting facilities.
8. Attention to welding practices particularly earthing.
9. Cylinder overhauling.
10. Air pressure testing of stock after repairs in sick line.
11. NTXR rejection and analysis thereof.
12. Road access and availability of material handling equipment.
13. Analysis of failures.
14. Analysis of average examination time.
15. Compliance of imprest items and availability of critical
materials like brake blocks, brake bloc keys, brake gear
pins, etc.
16. Trend of expenditure - unit cost and inventory.
17. Identification of training needs and training.
18. 100% implementation of safety related modifications.
19. Use of bulb cotters in place of split cotters.
20. Ultrasonic testing of axles. Please make surprise check of
an axle already cleared.
21. Provision of spare templates for worn out wheel profile for
tyre-turning of wheels.
22. Analysis of freight trains.
i. Examined in loaded/empty condition.
ii. Running with invalid BPCs.
iii. Coming for intensive exam. with open doors.
23. Complete inspection of running gear fittings.

506 | Page
24. Correct fitment of brake gear pins, split pins & bulb cotters.
25. Tapping and gauging of wheels.
26. Check wheels free from defects as per IRCA rule book.
27. Hand brakes to check for working.
28. Check empty load box in correct position.
29. Checking of Safety brackets, safety loops & safety fittings
30. Checking correct and sound fitment of AR holding straps


31. Check for cracks on horn gaps.
32. Replace cracked/Broken springs
33. Repair cracks/welding failures of SSB/DSB
34. Bridle bar fitment
35. Check for adequate pressure level
36. Ensure proper adjustment for piston stroke
37. Leakage rate should be within prescribed limit.
38. Check for proper mating of brake block on wheel treads.
39. Check, corrections of “A” Dimension clearance of SAB
regulator and ensure proper working.
40. Ensure brake block thickness above 20 mm
41. Ensure minimum of brake power and six out of 8 wagons in
front and rear to be operative
42. Fitment of quick coupling/Adopter‟B‟ in brake van to be
43. Check buffer heights
44. Check proper security of doors (covered wagons)
45. Check proper packing/lashing & securing of
46. Inspection of draw and buffing gears
47. Ensure proper locking of CBC

Date: Name of the Officer

Station: Designation:

507 | Page
Intensive Examination of Air Brake Trains.
[Railway Board's letter No.2009/M(Safety)/7/2/Check.List.Inspections dated
Ensure 100% rolling-in-examination for loose brake gears / skidded wheels / hot box
before intensive examination.
SN Description Status
1. Complete inspection of running gear fittings.
2. Brake rigging pins & safety brackets in proper
working condition.
3. Tapping and gauging of wheels to be ensured.
4. Wheels to be checked and should be free from
defects as per IRCA rule book.
5. Hand brakes of wagons to be fully released.
6. Operating handle of empty load box in correct

7. Check brake pipe pressure and ensure :-

8. Ensure leakage rate within prescribed limit.
9. Proper adjustment of piston stroke. Ensure within
specified limit after brake application.
10. Proper mating of brake block on wheel treads.
11. Proper working and correct 'A' dimension clearance
of SAB Regulators.
12. Ensure minimum percentage of operative cylinders
as per specified limits.
13. Ensure continuity of brake pipe connection and
conduct continuity test.
14. Ensure working of Train Manager's emergency
brake valve and proper fitment and working of quick
15. Ensure brake cylinder piston fully inside and brake
blocks having clearance from wheels, after release
of brakes.

508 | Page
16. Ensure all angle cocks (except at rear end of train)
are kept open.
17. Ensure isolating cock of DVs to be in open position.
18. Ensure BP & FP coupling at rear end of train is
placed on support.
19. Ensure CBCs are properly locked and operating
handles properly secured.
20. Ensure proper closing of doors.
21. Load sensing Device (LSD) to be checked for
proper working.
22. Ensure clearance between operating valve and
spring buffer (LSD) within specified limits.
23. Bolts and nuts of LSD to be properly tack welded.

Date: Name of the Officer :

Station : Designation :

509 | Page
[Railway Board's letter No.2009/M(Safety)/7/2/Check.List.Inspections dated
Following items to be inspected by the Supervisors/Officers to ensure super
checking of examined load in yards.
SN Description Status
1. Correct size of fitment of Bk. gear pins, split pins & bulb
2. Correct sitting of brake blocks, brake shoe key & split
3. Hand brake working.
4. Empty load box correct handle position & connection.
5. Availability of sound safety brackets / loops.
6. Correct and sound fitment of AR / VR holding strap.
7. Cracks on horn gaps.
8. Bridle bar fitment.
9. Spring breakages / cracks.
10. Welding failures in SSB / DSB.
11. Overloading of wagon.
12. Check of pressure level.
13. Proper adjustment of piston stroke.
14. Leakage rate within prescribed limit.
15. Proper mating of brake block on wheel treads.
16. Proper working and correct 'A' dimension clearance of
SAB regulators.
17. Brake blocks thickness to be above 20 mm.
18. Six out of eight wagons to be operative in front and rear
of load.
19. Fitment of quick coupling / Adopter 'B' in the brake van.
20. Ensure a minimum of 90% brake power for end-to- end
running and 100% brake power for close- circuit running
of Air Brake rakes.

510 | Page
21. Knowledge of Train Manager and Loco Pilots for items
to be checked.
22. Quality of check being done by Train Manager/Loco
23. Check for correct method of continuity test being done
by Train Manager and Loco Pilot.
24. Endorsement of GDR check on BPC by Train
Manager/Loco Pilot.

Date: Name of the Officer

Station: Designation :

511 | Page
Railway :
Type of attention :
Division :
Avg. no. of wagons attended :
Type of stock :
Item Availability
SN Remarks
Yes No
1 7.5 m centre to center distance
between two lines
2 Concrete path way
3 Paved road for truck movement
4 Supervisors Room
5 Staff room
6 Rolling in/out huts
7 Field Store + Tool room
8 Compressor Room
9 Exhauster room
10 Battery Charging room
11 Tower light
Street light along examination lines at
two levels
13 Portable rechargeable light
14 Hand Lamps
15 Welding line
16 Arc Welding set (Mounted on trolley)
17 Portable DG Set
18 DG set 250 KVA (for compressor, light
& welding)
19 Electric Compressor (500 CFM)
20 Diesel Compressor (500 CFM)
21 Exhauster
22 Gas cutting set
23 Hyd. Cold cutting set/ Hand shears
24 Protective clothing with Helmet &
25 Welding Apron & Welding glass.
26 Pneumatic pipe line (32 mm dia.)
27 Rake test rig
28 Hydraulic Jacks
29 Wheel Barrow
30 Pick up van
31 Truck
32 Lister truck
33 Road Mobile Crane

512 | Page
34 Hand Trolley
35 Portable drill machine 12mm
36 Drill Machine
37 Bending Machine
38 Fitter tool box
39 Pressure gauge test stand
40 Folding type portable wheel diameter
41 Rail profile gauge cum recorder in box
42 Wheel distance measuring gauge
43 Buffer height guage
44 Tyre defect gauge
45 Electronic device/ infrared termometer
for detecting worm box
46 Electric operated hand tools i.e.
47 Pocket Jack (Hydraulic) 6 Ton
48 Hand Tools
49 Storage rack with pigeon holes
50 Rack with Locker
51 Plain paper fax with P&T line
52 Walkie Talkie set/mobile phone
53 Railway Telephone
54 BSNL Telephone
55 Computer with printer, Scanner,UPS
with preloaded softer & modem
56 C&W Office furniture
57 Railnet/Internet connection
58 Plain paper copier
59 First Aid Equipment

Other observations:
Signature of

Inspecting Officer



513 | Page
Check Sheet for Safety Audit of Wagon ROH Depots
(Part-1) – Vital information
Sr. No Requirement Observations
1. No of Artisans on Roll
2. No of Artisans overdue Refresher
3. No of Supervisors on Roll
4. No of Supervisors overdue Refresher
5. No of Welders on Roll
6. No of Welders overdue training at
7. No of Wheels involved in ROH of
BOXN/BCN in a month
8. No. of wheels re-profiled during ROH
9. % of BOXN/BCN Wheels re-profiled
during ROH
10. No. of Wheels UST done during ROH
11. % of Wheels subjected to UST during
12. Periodicity of calibration of tools
13. Records of Calibration of tools
14. Periodicity of calibration of gauges
15. Records of Calibration of gauges
16. No of Safety items pertaining to the
17. No of Safety items out of stock (%)
18. No of Safety items demanded
19. No of Safety items supplied NIL
20. No of Safety items supplied more than
21. No of Vital items pertaining to the
22. No of Vital items out of stock (%)
23. No of Vital items demanded
24. No of Vital items supplied NIL
25. No of Vital items supplied more than
26. Quality of riveting
27. Quality of Welding
28. Check that correctly procedure being
followed for Ultrasonic Testing of

514 | Page
29. Availability of Safety Brackets for
a. Truss bar
b. Push Rod
c. Pull Rod
30. Documentation of ROH Repairs:
a. Schedule Forms
b. Check Sheets
c.Selected items recorded in Work Diary/
d. Computerized Data




Inspecting Official

515 | Page
Check Sheet for Safety Audit of Wagon ROH Depots
Sr. Requirement Ref. No. Observation
1. Provision of Boiler for Steam Cleaning
2. Steam Cleaning of Tank Barrels
3. Steam Cleaning of Bitumen and
Molasses Tank Wagons
4. Cleaning of Tank for corrosive repairs

5 Hydraulic Testing of Barrel

6 Testing procedure for Barrel is ensured

7 Testing of Sulfuric Acid Tanks and

Caustic Soda Tanks at testing pressure
of 4.22 Kg/cm2
8 Pneumatic test at a pressure of 2.1
Kg/cm2 for Hydrochloric Acid Tank
Wagons provided with Rubber lining
(no Hydraulic Test should be done)
9 Testing of Tank Wagons used for
Petrol and middle distillates of
Petroleum and Vegetable oil.
10 Overhauling and testing facilities for
Master Valve.
11 Overhauling and testing facilities for
Bottom Discharge Valve.
12 Testing of Safety Valve

13 Testing of Blank Flange

Signature of Name Designation Inspecting Official

516 | Page

SN Nature of Repairs Observation

1. BODY REPAIR WORK (Common for all)
Scrap the portion of the sole bar at door ways, clean and apply
primer paint followed by Top coat
SIDE WALL – Skirting
1. Check and patch if corroded then apply primer and top coat
on the patch
2. Side Doors – Check damage and repair clean & lubricate
3. Side Pillars – Check cracks at the base & repair
4. Patching of body, roof, door or floor plates straightening
buldged ends repairs to angle irons. Stanchions and crib
angles etc.
5. Making wagons water-tight (Covered wagons)
6. Fitting/replacement of door fastening road, door cotter pin
eye, both hook and eye locking pin on empty wagons and
closing of doors.
7. Fitting/replacement of door fastening rod guide, door hasp
which requires riveting on empty wagons. Repairs by welding
to door fittings.
8. Hand rail/foot board deficient/ or damaged, insecurely fastened
at door way of Train Manager’s brake van.
2. UNDER GEAR REPAIR WORK (Common for all)
1. Brake Linkage – Check free movement
2. Hand Brake – Check proper working
1. Pocket slope liner Change liner if thickness less than 5 mm

2. Rotation stop lugs Provide liners (thickness to suit) if

dimensions less than 514 mm
3. Inner Column Gib Provide liners (thickness to suit) if
dimension less than 142 mm
4. Land surface Provide liners (thickness to suit) if
dimension less than 442 mm
5. Outer Column Gib Renew by welding if dimension more
than 241 mm
1. Column Friction Change liner if dimension more than 455
Liner mm
2. Column sides Provide liners (thickness to suit) if
dimension less than 209 mm

517 | Page
3. Anti rotation lugs Provide liners (thickness to suit) if
dimension more than 526 mm
4. Key seat to pad 22 Provide liners (thickness to suit) if
W dimension more than 276 mm
5. Crown Roof 22 WM Provide liners (thickness to suit) if
dimension more than 321 mm
6. Crown Roof 22 NL Provide liners (thickness to suit) if
dimension more than 326 mm
7. Pedestal Crown Renew by welding if dimension less than
Sides 147 mm
8. Pedestal Jaw 22 W Provide liners (thickness to suit) if
dimension more than 275 mm
9. Pedestal Jaw 22 Provide liners (thickness to suit) if
WM dimension more than 283 mm
10. Pedestal Jaw Provide liners (thickness to suit) if
22 NL (Short) dimension more than 195 mm
11. Pedestal Jaw Provide liners (thickness to suit) if
22 NL (Long) dimension more than 241 mm
12. Pedestal Sides 22 Provide liners (thickness to suit) if
W dimension less than 102 mm
13. Pedestal Sides 22 Provide liners (thickness to suit) if
WM dimension less than 102 mm
14. Pedestal Sides 22 Provide liners (thickness to suit) if
NL dimension less than 78 mm
1. Slope Surface Renew by welding if dimension less than
7 mm
2. Vertical Surface If vertical surface from centre line of
spigot less than 56 mm provide liner of
6 mm thickness
1. Vertical Side 22 W Renew by welding if wear more than 4
2. Vertical Side 22 Renew by welding if wear more than
WM 3 mm
3. Vertical Side 22 NL Renew by welding if wear more than 3
4. Seat Side 22 W Renew by welding if wear more than
3 mm
5. Seat Side 22 WM Renew by welding if wear more than 3
6. Seat Side 22 NL Renew by welding if wear more than 3
1. Outer Group and use in sets. Replace if free
height at or less than 245 mm

518 | Page
2. Inner Group and use in sets. Replace if free
height at or less than 247 mm
3. Snubber Group and use in sets. Replace if free
height at or less than 279 mm
1. Crown Surface Replace if worn 3.5 mm or more
2. Side lug Replace if wear more than 3 mm on
either side
3. Thrust shoulder Replace if depth exceeds 0.7 mm
4. Machined relief Replace if depth less than 0.8 mm
Pins & Bushes Change if clearance more than 1.5 mm


Distributor Valve Overhauling
Distributor Valve Test on SWTR
DV Isolating Cock Examine operation
DV Release Valve Examine operation
DV Filter Clean
Filter of Escorts & Clean
RPIL make
Brake Cylinder of Lubricate
Greysham & WSF
Angle cock Examine and lubricate
Rubber Seals Change
Dirt Collector Clean
Sealing Ring Change
AR & CR Drain

Sealing Ring Change


Pipe Joints Examine leakage & repair
Seal (20 mm & 32 Change
mm) pipe
Train Manager’s Examine operation
Emergency Brake
Isolation cock of Examine operation
BVZC Brake Van
Quick Coupling Examine operation
Load Sensing Device Examine operation

519 | Page
Slack Adjuster Testing Functioning, repair if
“A” dimension Adjust
“e” dimension Adjust
M20 Anchor Pin nut Ensure securing by welding to pin

Air Brake System Test on SWTR as per procedure

Brake Block Ensure Std. Key, Split pin & all new
brake blocks
NB: For detailed main procedure refer
RDSO manual G-97
Coupler Body Examine & replace on condition basis

CBC Counter Examine,replace if required

Shank Wear Plate Replace on condition
Nose Replace if wear more than 9.5 mm
with HTE Knuckle
Knuckle Pin Replace on condition
Knuckle Stretch Examine,replace if required
Wear Plate Replace
Striker Casting Replace on condition
Anti Creep Protection Examine and repair
Lock lift assembly Examine
Operation Examine
Lock Examine
Slack Measure & take correction
Yoke pin support Replace on condition
Buffer Height Examine & Correct if required

1. For detailed maintenance Practice in Open line refer RDSO’s

Manual G-76
2. For detailed maintenance Practice in open Workshop RDSO’s
Manual G-80
3. Knuckle with nose more than 4.3 mm and less than 9.0 mm
can be used in Yard.
1. Ultrasonic Testing To be carried in every ROH & reject if

520 | Page

2. Deep Notches due Reject if deep is more than 5 mm

to gearing
3. Axle end holes Clean and lubricate in case end cover
is opened
1. Tread profile Check with tyre defect gauge
2. Height of flange If height is more than 31 mm do not
use under ROH wagon
3. Smooth flange If flange not completely smooth do not
use under ROH wagon
4. Wheel profile Turn to WWP if above clause are not
met for use under ROH wagon.
1. Cup Rotate the bearing for unusual sound
check up for Crack/chipping
2. Seal Check seal for external
3. Backing Ring Check backing ring for looseness &
vent fitting on backing ring with vent
hole (the vent fitting should be intact or
the vent hole should be plugged)
4. Locking Plate Use new locking plate when ever and
cover is opened
5. Axle end Cap Clean and lubricate in case end cover
screw is opened
6. Load Zone Change Change load zone area of the cup while
lowering bogie side frame.
Signature of Inspecting Authority :
Name :
Designation :

521 | Page
SN Facilities Recommended Facilities Available
1 Covered Shed 100 M x 50 Mx 25 M
2 SAB Repair Room 4x20 M
3 DV Test room 4x14 M
4 Service Building 4 x 25 M
5 Computer room 4x14M or 5x7 M
6 Store Room + Sub Store 4x30M or 5x15 M
7 Machine shop 4x30M
8 Compressor room 4x12 M or 5x9M
9 SE/JE Room 4x7 M or 5x5 M
10 Required 4 lines under covered shed.
11 Distance between two lines.
12 Other observations of Sick Line
13 EOT Crane 15 T/5T -2 Nos.
14 EOT Crane 10 T/5T -2 Nos.
15 Road Crane 10 T. Cap. - 1 No.
16 Jib Crane 2.5 T. - 6 Nos.
17 Electrical stationary Screw Air Comp. (500CFM)
18 Portable Diesel Compressor - 1 No.
19 Trestles - 12 sets.
20 DG set 500 KVA - 1 No.
21 Work Station for Bogie Repair - 10 Nos.
22 Fixture for Riveting spring plank - 2 Nos.
23 Welding machines - 10 Nos.
24 Bogie Mainpulators - 3 Nos.
25 Fork lifter 3 Ton. - 2 Nos.
26 Truck 10 Ton capacity - 1 No.
27 Tractor with Hydraulic lifting
Machine & 3 Trolleys (Trailers)
28 Fork lifter 2 Ton - 2 Nos.
29 Platform truck 2 Ton - 2 Nos.
30 Light Store Vehicle - 1 No.
31 Hand Trolleys with Rubber Wheels -- 10 Nos.
32 First Aid Equipment - 4 sets.
33 VHF sets / Mobile phones. - 10 Nos.

522 | Page
34 Storage racks - As per layout.
35 Portable Hydraulic Riveter - 1 No.
36 Stores Bin - 20 Nos.
37 CBC & Draft Gear Replacement equipment - 01 No.
38 SAB Test bench - 1 No.
39 DV Test stand - 1 No.
40 Single Car Test Rig - 2 Nos.
41 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector - 2 Nos.
42 Pneumatic/Electrical hand tools - As per reqmnt.
43 Pneumatic Torque Wrench With stockets 1" to 2" -
44 Repair facilities of DV
45 Repair facilities of SAB
46 Test & Repair facilities of Vac. Cylinders.
47 Test & Repair facilities of Air brake cylinders
48 Test & Repair facilities of Release valves
49 Repair facilities of Brake beams
50 Boiler for steam cleaning of tank wagons.
51 Any other new items introduced

523 | Page
Check Sheet No.1 for Safety Audit of Wagon ROH Depots –
Vital information
SN Requirement Observation
1 No.of Technician on Roll
2 No.of Technician overdue Refresher
3 No.of Supervisors on Roll
4 No.of Supervisors overdue Refresher
5 No.of Welders on Roll
6 No.of Welders overdue training
7 TSO's circulars and instructions whether acknowledged
by Supervisors
8 Competency certificate issued to safety category artisans
as per TSO's
9 Training programme of skilled artisans for promotional
and refresher course.
10 No.of Wheels dealt in ROH of BOXN/BCN in a month
11 No.of wheels reprofiled during ROH
12 % of BOXN/BCN wheels reprofiled during ROH.
13 No.of wheels UST done during ROH.
14 % of Wheels subjected to UST during ROH.
15 Techniques being followed for Ultrasonic Testing of
16 Periodicity of calibration of tools.
17 Records of calibration of tools.
18 Periodicity of calibration of gauges
19 Records of calibration of gauges.
20 No.of Safety items pertaining to the depot.
21 No.of safety items available and out of stock (%)
22 No.of Vital items available and out of stock (%)
23 No.of Vital items pertaining to depot.
24 Availability of Safety Brackets for Truss bar, Push Rod,
Pull Rod.
25 Type of Documentation of ROH Repairs maintained:
i. Schedule Forms
ii. Check Sheet.
iii. Selected items recorded in Work Diary/Register
iv. Computerized Data

524 | Page
1 Adequacy of Tools and equipments.
2 Whether air compressor, exhauster, welding plants. EOT
are in working order. Whether any Machine due for
schedule repair.
3 v) General cleanliness of shed.
vi) Housekeeping of depot.
4 Whether placement and removal of sick wagons is timely
5 Knowledge of Artisans.
6 Condition of Service Building.
7 Condition of floor, roof, valley gutters and drainage
8 Condition of staff Toilets.
9 Condition of insulation of power cables.
10 Adequacy of power supply and illumination.
11 Adequacy of water supply
12 Adequacy of drinking water.
13 Standby DG set arrangement.
14 Stores section
v) Stacking of spares, oil and grease
vi) Stacking of scrap materials.
vii) Disposal of scrap materials.
viii) Record of receipts and issues
15 Monitoring of safety and vital items.
16 Accountal of despatch & receipt of wheels.
17 Accountal of despatch & receipt of springs.
18 Any other remarks

Signature of Inspecting Official


Wagon No.

525 | Page
Check sheet for safety Audit of Wagon ROH depots
SN Requirement Observation
1 Testing of individual wagon using single wagon testing Rig
as per prescribed procedure & proforma
2 All pipe joints and connections are tested with soap soluation
for defecting leakages.
3 Cut off angle cock is replaced, if it is leaking or damaged,
by required and tested Angle cock Smooth operation of
angle cock.
4 Drain plug of dirt collector & Aux. Reservoir are Opened,
condensate is drained out and leather washer is replaced, if
found defective, Condition of Drain plugs.
5 Filter is removed cleaned in soap solution Tank, Blown dry
with compressed air and refitted back
6 Brake cylinder is tested for smooth movement of piston and
piston is lubricated.
7 Defective Brake cylinder is replaced by duly tested Brake
8 Visual examination for Gaskets of Hose Couplings and
replaced, if found damaged.
9 Provision of Hose coupling support and APD on Angle cocks
at both end.
10 Dismantling/assembling of DV assembly and pipe bracket is
done as prescribed.
11 Specified Tools and ROH Kits are available for DV repair.
12 Overhauling is being done by Trained persons.
13 DVs tested for all the parameters on a Test Bench as given
in the format. Check the record.
14 All the components of ROH Kit replaced irrespective of
15 Repaired and tested DVs being stored in a clean and dry
16 All Inlet ports of DV and pipe bracket are covered with
protective cap.
17 Wagon is again tested on SWTR.
18 Fitment of single piece load sensing Device on BOBRN/BCC
Wagons circulated vide RDSO's Letter No.MW/APB/LSD/
dated 06.02.02 & their working.
19 Single wagon testing proforma used.
20 Piston stroke.
21 SAB Regulator
22 Empty / Load Box
23 Brake Ratio
24 BP pipe line all joints with soap solution.
25 Air reservoir condition, Security of straps.
Signature of Inspecting Official
Name/ Design.
526 | Page
Check sheet for Safety Audit of Wagon ROH depots
SN Requirement Status
1 Free height determined and Grouping of Coil springs is done
and mixing of new and oil springs avoided.
2 Retro fitment of EM Pads with wide Jaw Adapter.
3 Dis-assembly of CASNUB Bogie as per procedure.
4 Reassembling of CASNUB Bogie as per procedure.
5 Nominal clearance and tolerance are maintained as prescribed.
6 Wear of Bolster, Side Frame and Wedge surfaces.
7 Repairs being undertaken on Bolster and Side frame on
manipulators for down hand welding.
8 Check the use of class of electrode, Gauge of electrode,
Welding current and Welding precautions during repair as
prescribed and procedure for welding of liner.
9 Usage of Gauge to measure wear on Bolster Column gibs and
Seat and sides of Centre Pivot Bowl.
10 Determination of wear on outside and inside of side frame
columns, Friction Plate, Pedestal Jaw crown roof and sides
with proper gauge.
11 Use of proper size and material of liner on side frame columns,
Friction Plate, Bolster pocket slope & CBC.
12 Check determination of wear (by using proper gauges) on,
Thrust Shoulder, Adapter Bore, Adapter Crown Lug and
Adapter sides.
13 Visually inspected for crack or breakage.
14 Whether nominal dimensions of EM pad and CC pad are
recorded and condition for cracks, breakages, band failure and
crushing of rubber checked.
15 Wear of Friction shoe wedge block on both surfaces is
determined by using proper gauge and reclaimed by welding
Manganese Steel Liner of 120x10x2 mm using H2 Electrodes.
16 Condition of Brake Gear Pins is visually inspected.
17 Brake Power is adjusted by relocation of Pins in End Pull Rod
18 Brake shoe is replaced when worn-out to 48 mm.
19 Reclamation of Brake Beam on account of worn-out Brake
Heads is done through welding on a fixture following proper
20 Axle End screws are tightened by Torque Wrench at the
specified Torque of 34-37 Mkgs.
21 Fitment of modified side bearer housing of 95 mm height as per
Drg.No.SK-69594 Alt.30
22 Spring Plank deformation and condition of rivets inspected.
23 Availability of set of 24 gauges for checking wear limit of: Side
Frames, Bolster, Wedge & Adapter.
Signature of Inspecting Official

527 | Page
SN Component/ Sr. Items to be checked Tippler Tippler
Unit No.1 No.2
A. End frame 01 Side beam to be examined for damages or
platform side defects
beam 02 Check the condition & thickness for side
beam rubber pad. The thickness of the pad
should not be less than 50 mm.
03 Check & record the gap between the side
B. Drive Gear 01 Check proper matching of rack and
pinion teeth & teeth wear.
02 Check whether coupling gives jerk during
rotation .The tippling operation should be
smooth & without any jerks.
C. Top hydraulic 01 Check the level of clamp pad whether sitting
clamp properly or not .
02 Check the condition & thickness of clamp
pad (thickness should not be less than 50
03 Check the smoothness of clamp movement.

04 Check for provision of indicator on the

tippler table for all types of wagon stock
which are likely to be tippled on the tippler.
This is to ensure that wagons are placed
on the tippler table in such a manner that
the top clamping pads position is near the
side stanchions.
Force exerted by the top clamps should
not exceed 1.5 Tonnes per clamp pad.
05 Check & record the value. Check for
provision of a wagon bogie spring relief
mechanism in the top clamp locks for
permitting release of bogie springs.
D. Rail Table of 01 Check the level and alignment of the rail.
Wagon Tippler The level of track on tippler table and that of
approach rails should be the same so that
the wagons do not experience any jerk
during in-haul and out-haul.
E. Limit Switches 01 Check proper function

F. In-haul & Out- 01 Check satisfactory working of stop

haul Stop movement.
Linkage 02 Check the Gradient on the out-haul side.

03 Check for provision of “Retarders” on the out-

haul side
G. Side Arm 01 Check damage /Defects of steel work. Check
Charger proper matching of drive.
02 Check Pinion and rack & tooth wear

528 | Page
03 Check smooth movement and final position
of arm hoist.
04 Check the proper tightening of fastener &
condition of track.
05 Check for functioning of Limit switches and
proximity switches.
H. Wagon 01 Check for proper function, speed of the
Retarder rolling wagons, it should not exceed 5
I. Damages to 01 Damage during tippling & Post
Wagons Tippling Damages.
a. Dents/Nick on the side stanchion, the
copping wagon body etc.
b. Displacement of bogie pivot or
suspension springs
c. Damages to air brake pipes.
d. Axle box adapter shifting.
e. Coupler damages
f. Any other defect.

1. After Tippling, empty wagons should not be coupled by loose shunting with the
rake of loaded wagons. This is not acceptable.
2. Side Arm Chargers to be provided on the tipplers.
3. stamping of Weight & Measurer Department should be available on tippler

Signature :
Name :
Designation :

529 | Page
Check List for Joint Investigation Report of Train Parting
General particulars:
Date Km No.

Division Section blocked

Time Signal aspect
Section Curvature
Gradient Weather condition
C/Order Kms of caution
Train Particulars:
Train No. Loco (s) No
Load / Tonnes- Homing Shed of loco
Commodity Loading station
Last Exam. Station BPC Date / %
Rly / Divn. - BPC No
CC /Pm /End to end Air/Vacuum brake

Loco Pilot’s particulars / (Train Engine & Banker)

Loco Pilot’s Name HQ
Qualification Safety Category
Date of Appointment
Train Manager’s Name HQ

Affected & Adjacent Wagon’s Particulars

Sr.No. Wagon Class Rly R / Date POH ROH Position from Loco

Screw coupling / CBC (Alliance II / AAR-HT): Bearing: 16T RB / 20T RB / 20.3 T

Whether empty / loaded —

530 | Page
Checklist for Affected Wagons
CBC & Knuckles – HT/NHT Stamping Particulars –
(i) Knuckle broken –
(ii) CBC -crack any location –
(iii) Zone of breakage (A / B / C / D) –
(iv) Structure of broken surface (uniform / coarse) –
(v) Any mark of Blow Hole -
(vi) Origin of breakage (External / Internal / dent or hit mark) -
(vii) Nature of breakage (Fresh or partially fresh) –
(viii) Approximate % age of crack (Fresh/old/any hair crack existing previously)

(ix) Any foreign material inside casting (stone / hard material, etc.) --
(x) Any other casting defect (Core sand deposit / uneven hard surface) –
(xi) Knuckle is reclaimed by welding (Yes / No)
(xii) CBC lock broken, fresh / Old with % -
(xiii) Any manufacturing defects on CBC lock (crack / unusual metal
projections, etc.)
Draft & Assembly
(i) Type of draft gear – (RF 361 / SL – 76 / MK-50 / HR-40)
(ii) Draft gear condition (dislocated / tilted / stiff)
(iii) Front end follower (intact with rivet / worn out)-
(iv) Yoke pin (badly embedded in the yoke pin support plate) -
(v) Yoke pin support plate (intact with sound rivet) -
(vi) Any other defect noticed –
Operational Aspects
(i) Statement of train Loco Pilots obtained or not -
(ii) Statement of Banker’s Loco Pilots obtained –
(iii) Conclusions from statement of the Loco Pilots -
(iv) Statement of Train Manager obtained or not - Obtained.
(v) Is there any empty wagon between two loaded wagons?
(vi) Fluctuation of OHE voltage (as per SCADA report) –
(vii) Tripping of DJ- as per Loco Pilot statement & speedometer floppy–
(viii) Operation of dynamic braking as per Loco Pilot statement –
(ix) Effectiveness of brake system from locomotive to the load – as per Dr’s
statement -
(x) Any evidences of wheel slipping – as per Dr’s statement -
(xi) Any evidences of brake binding of the rake as per Dr & Gd statement –
(xii) Signal aspect. (Raised up on approach/ given on approach) –
531 | Page
(xiii) AFI condition while notching up.
Loco particulars:
(i) Dynamic Brakes : Working/Not working :
(ii) Air Flow Indicator: Working/Not working :
(iii) Notches –
(iv) BP Pressure ( Engine & Brake van ) –
(v) MR / PT set No. –
(vi) Flasher light ( Wkg / Not working) –
(vii) Speedometer ( Wkg / Not working) –
(viii) Release time after dropping 1 kg/cm2 of BP pressure –
(ix) Jerk while starting–
(x) Conjunction braking ( Working / Not working) –
Track Particulars: -
(a) Level (b) Rising (c) Falling (d) Curve right / left (e) Straight (f) Banner flag on track (g)
Uneven rail joints (h) Cross over turn out (i) Camel hump (j) Vertical curve
Time particulars:-
Time left from station at hrs.
Time arrival next station -----------------------at hrs.
Running time of section –
Total section blocked –
Nature of Occurrence –
(a) While notching up (b) While notching down (c) During normal run(d) Coasting
(e) While starting after stopping (f) While controlling (g) While observing caution
order at km no.------------- (h) Signal on approach (i) Running at the time of
starting (j) Brake binding -on wagon no ,position from engine (k) Gap between
two portions mtrs (i) While entering loop line.

Speed of train at the time of incidence -------kmph

Date of investigation:
Investigation Findings/Conclusion:
Signature - Signature - Signature –
Name - Name - Name –
Designation - Designation - Designation –

532 | Page
check List for Investigation of CBC Uncoupling
General particulars:
Date Block Section &KM

Division Section blocked

Time Signal aspect
Section Curvature
Gradient Weather condition
C/Order Kms of caution Order:

Train Particulars
Train No. Loco(s) No.
Load / Tonnes- CC+8+2/CC+6+2
Commodity Loading station
Last Exam. Station BPC Date / %
Rly / Divn. - BPC No
CC /Pm /End to end Air/Vacuum brake

Loco Pilot’s particulars / (Train Engine & Banker)

Loco Pilot’s Name HQ
Qualification Safety Category
Date of Appointment Nominated LI
Train Manager’s Name HQ

Affected & Adjacent Wagon’s Particulars

Sr.N. Wagon Class Rly R / Date POH ROH Position from Loco

Screw coupling / CBC (Alliance II / AAR-HT):

Bearing: 16T RB / 20T RB / 20.3 T CTRB:

Whether empty / loaded —

533 | Page
Observations Recorded by CWI/SSE/SE(C&W) for CBC Uncoupling
SN Components Affected Wagon Adjacent Wagon
A CBC Uncoupling lever handle ---- ----
01 Over all length in straight line (Centre of
hook to centre of rod) Std. 1414 mm, for
BLC- 1063 mm
02 Total length of bent end (Std. 400 mm)
03 Geometry of CBC uncoupling lever
handle (Straight/Bent)
04 Anti rotational lug size (210 mm long,
cross section 16X16 mm)
05 Condition of uncoupling lever handle
bracket & additional bracket
B Bearing piece ---- ----
01 Slot gap in the bearing piece (Std. 17.5
02 Bearing piece pin (Bent/Straight)
03 Bearing piece pin secured with proper
washer/Nut or not
04 Bearing piece pin dia (Std. 24 mm)
C CBC Knuckle, Coupler & Fittings ---- ----
01 Dropping of locking piece to proper depth
& Toggle is seen.
02 Gap between knuckle nose & Train
Manager arm to be checked by gauge
No.2 first and then with gauge No.1 (
Max. gap 133 mm)
03 Wear of the knuckle to be checked with
gauge No. 3 (Within limit/Beyond
permissible limit)
D CBC Drooping ---- ----
01 CBC height from centre of track (Std.
Min.1030 mm & Max. 1105 mm)
02 CBC Shank wear plate
( Worn out/Missing or OK)
03 CBC Striker casting wear plate
(Worn out/Missing or OK)
E Condition of Knuckle thrower
(Worn out/Missing or OK)
F Lock lift assembly ---- ----
01 Condition of lock & its slot for free
movement of toggle pin.
(worn out or OK)
02 Condition of toggle
(Worn out/Missing or OK)
03 Condition of both rivets
(Worn out/Missing or OK)

534 | Page
04 Condition of Auxiliary Anti-creep lug
(Worn out or OK). The condition to be
checked by pressing rotary lever with
the help of thumb towards striker casting
to enter in the bottom cavity of CBC
body (Through which toggle enters)
without operating/Touching CBC
operating handle. If it goes in that,
indicates anti-creep protection failure, in
that case, necessary repairs to
articulated assembly be ensured on the
05 Whether toggle is seen properly when
CBC lock piece is in fully dropped
condition and CBC in locked condition.
G Any other observations:
H Conclusion:

I Responsibility
J Repercussion
Name of CWI/SSE/SE(C&W)
: Depot:

535 | Page
Check List for Reporting of Bearing failures/ Hot Axle (Online or Yard) of
Freight Stock

RDSO Letter no. MW/RB/Genl dated 25/28.11.2016 circulated a Unified Proforma

‘RDSO/CTRB/D (Rev.1)’ for reporting bearing failures and Excel Sheet no.
‘RDSO/Monthy/CTRB (Rev.1)’ for reporting monthly summary has been prepared
and are enclosed at Appendix-E

536 | Page
Check List for Inspection of In-Motion Weigh-bridges
(Once in 03 Months)
by team of JA Grade, Senior Scale and Jr. Scale Officers from Operating,
Commercial Mechanical, Civil, and Finance Department for proper functioning
and follow up of proper procedure.
[ Ref: Railway Board’s letter No. TC-1/2004/109/4 dated. 04.11.2004]
SN Additional
Description of Items to be checked Remarks Remarks if
1. Availability of Certificate of Stamping & verification Available
issued by Weight and Measures Department of / Not
State Government. available
2. Availability of breakdown register showing date Available
and time the weigh bridge went out of order, put / Not
back into commission, problem reported, remark available
of service Engineer with signature of Weigh
Bridge in charge and nominated mechanical
3. Digitizer and control panel should be locked and Yes/No.
4. Locking of weigh bridge room when not in use.

5. Locking of junction boxes.

6. Locking of all doors provided on cubical/cabinet of
control equipments and putting paper seal with
date of seal, duly signed by weigh bridge in
charge and suppliers service engineer.

7. Weighment readings recorded at speed less than Yes/No.

15 kmph.
8. Rakes to be moved through weigh bridge with
uniform speed below 15 kmph without any
acceleration / declaration.
9. No electric connections taken from junction box
provided between UPS and weigh bridge
computer, digitizer etc.
10 Working of Diesel generator set. Working
/ Not
11. Weigh bridge is under Annual Maintenance Yes/No.
Contract or otherwise.
12. Testing of Weigh Bridge is done as per procedure Yes/No.
and within duration laid down.

13. Rakes for movement should be moved through

Weigh Bridge without stopping short of Weigh
14. Weighment to be made in pulling mode only.

537 | Page
15. Availability of ‘Weigh Bridge Ahead’ board Yes/No
on both sides about 300m in advance of
Weigh Bridge.
16. Track upto 100 m on either side of Weigh
Bridge should be level tangent.
17. Approach rail of 52 kg/m with PSC sleepers
should be available.
18. The track should have adequate ballast
cushioning and proper drainage.
19. Creep Anchors should be provided to take
care of possible creep.
20. Proper maintenance of weigh cabin/control
room such as cleanliness, whitewashing,
good condition of window and doors shall
be ensured.
21. Availability of water connection is to
ensured for wetting of earth pit.
22. Two separate 230 V.AC supply points of Available / Not
adequate capacity, one for weigh bridge Available
equipment and other for AC & lighting load
in Weigh Bridge shall be provided.
23. Standby power supply arrangement Available /Not
through Diesel generating set is to be made Available
24. Provision of earthing and its maintenance
as per 153043-1966 shall be ensured and
earth resistance & its continuity shall be
subjected to annual checks.
25. UP Keep of electrical equipments such as
lights, fans and AC unit provided inside the
weigh room and also in the general area
around the weigh rails and track side
switches for security reasons.
26. The AMC of the associated electrical
equipment viz. UPS, air-conditioner,
voltage-stabilizer etc. necessary for proper
operation of the weigh bridge.
27. S&T department shall maintain the jumpers
for the track circuit wherever provided by
passing the weigh rails.
28. RDSO type block joints shall be provided
and maintained on both sides of the weigh
rails to provide electrical isolation of weigh
29. Inspector / RPF In charge of the area shall
exercise the necessary superintendence
for the security of the weigh bridge
ensuring general security of the weigh
bridge installation.

538 | Page
SN Description Std. Remarks
01 Whether the length of Rubber hose is 660 mm 660 mm

02 Whether the length of complete BP air hose 835 mm

(including palm & nipple) is 835 mm
03 Condition of crimped clamps & their availability at --
both the ends of rubber hose
04 Condition of check nut on nipple and its availability --

05 Condition washer and availability of MU --

06 Condition of palm locking pin and its diameter in --

07 Condition of palm lugs. Check for worn out lugs --

08 Check for any dashing/scratch marks on the --

bottom of palm ends
09 Check make of air hose and stamping particulars --

10 Whether BP hose found torn, twisted or normal --

12 Check geometry of BP Metallic pipe for proper --

14 Check worn out palm end lug edges and leakage --
of air
15 Check position of ball lever of coupling in case of --
coaching stock
16 Screw coupling ball lever modified or not in case of --
coaching stock
17 Ensure correct fitting of BP air hose with angle cock. --

18 Ensure correct fitment of spare screw coupling in --

suspension hook in case of coaching stock.
19 Any ballast unloading is observed in the section --
where air hoses uncoupled.
20 Ensure condition of Nipple of BP air --
hose for worn out threads.
21 Ensure condition of angle cock for worn out threads. --


539 | Page
(Wagon/Coach No. …………………….Train No………..….Date )
SN Description Remarks
01 Date
02 Division
03 Station / section of unusual
04 Train No.
05 Load
06 Loco No.
07 Loco Pilot
08 Train coming from
09 Stock: ( CC/PM/End to end )
10 Last examination station/Rly/Date
11 Wagon No.
12 PRO Particulars POH/ROH/R/date
13 Validity of BPC & BPC No.
14 Brake Binding reporting station: (Reported by
ASM, Gateman, Loco Pilot,Train Manager, PWI &
15 Flat tyre reporting station: (Reported ASM,
Gateman, Loco Pilot, Train Manager, PWI &
16 Detaching station / section
17 Size of Flat in mm (Max. 50 mm for coaching
stock & Loco) (Max. 60 mm for Wagon stock)
18 Cause of flat tyre (DV/SAB/Bad Engineman ship
/BC, etc.)
19 Check for shelled tread wheels
20 Check metal deposition on wheels
21 Cattle run over if any
22 Loco change if any
23 Attaching / Detaching at station
24 Signal on approach
25 Caution order in previous section
26 Hand brake ‘On’/’Off’
27 Position of Empty/loaded box handle
28 Functioning of LSD in case of BLC
29 Condition of Brake system. (DV isolated /
working/any other detail)
30 Check proper functioning of brake gear pin
suitable to wheel diameter.
31 Check end pull rod hole position is correct or not (
according to dia of wheel)
32 Detailed cause of flat tyre (i.e. exact cause of
DV/SAB/Brake Cylinder etc.)
a. Check A‖ dimension
70+2-0 for air brake stock other than BOBRN

540 | Page
27+2-0 for BOBRN wagons

b. Check ―E‖ dimension 575+25 mm for wagons

c. Check ―A‖ dimension 22+2-0 mm for Coaching
d. Check ―”E”dimension 375+25 mm for Coaching
e. Check Piston Stroke 60- 70 mm for (Modified)
& 32-40 mm for BMBC Coaching stock
f. Check releasing time of wagon/Coach
g. Check Sensitivity/Insensitivity of DV
h. Check whether brake cylinder releasing or not

i. Check hand brake for brake application

j. Check functioning of SAB ( Pay-in/Pay-out is
smooth or not
k. Check SAB pull rod for correct length
l. Type of brake block (composite /cast iron)
Additional information:
33 Make of DV & Stamping particulars
34 Date of manufacturing of DV
35 Last POH date of DV
36 Make of SAB & Stamping particulars
37 Date of manufacturing of SAB
38 Last POH date of SAB
39 Check Brake cylinder make & Stamping
40 Make of Brake block
41 DV/SAB test report from BSL/ET
42 Any other detail
43 Conclusion:

Date : Name of the Officers :

Depot: Designation :

541 | Page
Check List for Wheel Impact Load Detector ( WILD)
SN Description Status
01 Purpose and capability:
The wheel impact load detector system is
capable of automatic detection of defective wheel
of rolling stock by measuring vertical impact load
on the rails. The system is also capable of
detection of over loaded wagons, speed of train &
generation of automatic exception report. Check
all aspects
02 Scope of supply:
The specification covers manufacture, supply,
installation and commissioning of 36 channel
wheel impact load detection system with signal
processor, 02 nos. instrumented rails of 52/60Kg.
with length of 13 M each and other accessories.
Check installation as per scope.
03 The wheel impact load detection system is
supplied on Tunkey basis which consists of
construction of one room of size
4.0MX3.0MX3.0M for housing computer, control
electronics, data acquisition system and air
conditioner. This should be ensured as per
standard specifications.
04 Specific characteristics:
a. The system is comprising of 36 Channels
system. 34 will be used for detection of impact
load & 2 are utilized for activation of system.
To be checked.
b. For detection of impact load, each channel
comprises of 4- resete type Strain gauge fixed
on rail. Condition to be checked.
c. The system detects defective wheels of 770
mm to 1100 mm diameter by measuring
impact load on rails.
d. The system will work effectively in the speed
range of 30 KMPH to 160 KMPH. Check
effectiveness at suitable speed.
e. The system will measure impact load up to
60 Tonnage or more for the complete speed
range of measurement.
f. The system is capable of detecting 95% or
more defective wheels on first pass, to be
g. The system is capable of functioning with
trains consisting up to 100 vehicles(400
axles), to be checked.

542 | Page
h. The system shall have 3 levels of alarm
ranging from 3 to 30 T & emergency alarm for
loads higher than 30 t, this aspect should be
i. The interconnection of both computers i.e. at
site and remote control is through DOT
telephone line of optical fiber cable. The
provision between site and control is provided
by Railways, its connectivity to be checked.
j. 10. Software is able to generate the reports
with following items
(i) Date of run
(ii) Time of train passing
(iii) Run No.
(iv) Trains name & No.
(v) Axle no. from front
(vi) Average normal dynamic wheel load
(vii) Maximum dynamic wheel load
(viii) Impact load factor
(ix) Speed of each axle
(x) Overloaded wheel details
(xi) k. Speed of Trains
(xii) 03 level alarm generation.
Printed reports to be checked for ensuring
above parameters.
11. The system is rugged and temper proof so as
to work round the clock through out the year in
harsh and dusty out door environment exposed
to sun. Any abnormality to be checked.
05 Site Condition:
Whether the system is installed on straight and
level track of minimum 250 m length including
approaches to the site.
06 There shall be no fish plated joint within 13 on
either side of the instrumented portion of the track.
07 The rail section shall be 52 Kg/m or 60 Kg/m with
flat foot laid on Pre-stressed Concrete (PSC)
sleepers at 60 cm to 65 cm spacing with elastic
fastenings viz. pandrol clips on rubber grooved
sole and clean ballast cushion 300 mm
08 The site shall not be very close to any station or
at the approach of a signal to avoid acceleration
or braking over the instrumented rails.
09 Training:
Whether technical experts of the manufacturer
has given full and adequate 03 days training to the
operators and maintenance staff nominated by the

543 | Page
consignee during commissioning of machine.

Other facilities:
10 Availability of Drinking water facility
11 Security arrangement by RPF.
12 Condition of Telephone line or optic fibre for
better connectivity of system at site to the remote
control room.
13 Availability of Power Supply 230 V. ± 10%, 50 Hz
up to room & Earthing arrangement.
14 Quality of construction of one room of size
4.0MX3.0MX3.0M for housing computer, control
electronics and data acquisition system, air
15 Whether approach road is available or not to the
16 There will be no any welded joint in the
instrumented portion of the rails.
17 Track condition should be as close to new-
condition of track as possible.
18 Rail head profile should be relatively new and
sleeper/ballast interface should be stable.
19 Rail head use for instrumentation should be
ultrasonically tested and to be defect free.
20 Whether AMC visits are being done timely by the
Firm’s representative, check maintenance
schedule forms.
21 Check record of Incidences/defects and action
taken by nearest TXR point to avoid running of
defective Wagon/Coach/Loco.
22 Any other problem

Date : Name of the Officers :

Depot: Designation :

544 | Page
1 General Particulars:
Date Time
Division Section
Caution order Block section
Weather condition Km No.
2. Train particulars:
Train no. Loco no.
Load Banker no.
BPC no. Last examination station
PM/ CC/End to End CC+6 / CC+8
3. Particulars of Loco Pilot:
Name HQ
Date of Date of promotion
Safety category Last PME
Involved in Train parting / Accident in last two years
Details of Ghat Loco -
Train Manager’s HQ
4. Particulars of affected wagons:
Wagon no. Type
Built date POH
Position from loco Type and condition of
brake blocks
Whether empty / Consignment loaded
5. Type of DV and make :
Make Last overhauling
Sr. no. -
Charging time Releasing time
Any leakage from -
6. Brake binding reporting:
Reported by (Dy. SS/Gateman/Train
Manager/ Loco Pilot/ Points man/C&W staff
of any other)
Reporting time
7. Other information
Whether cattle run over

545 | Page
Any Loco changed enroute
Any shunting carried out enroute
Signals on approach
Any Caution order observed before brake binding
Any air leakage on train
Condition of Hand brake
Position of empty load box change over lever
Functioning of load sensing device in case of
BLC/BLL/BCC/BOBRN (Any leakage from VTA valve)
Condition of Air brake equipments
a) Working of DV (Working / Isolated)
b) Brake cylinder (Working / any leakage/ Piston sticky)
c) Piston stroke:
60-70 mm for modified & 32-40 mm for BMBC Coaching stock
130+10 mm for loaded BOX-N/BCN wagons & 85+10 mm for
d) Condition of SAB (Working / Not working)
e) ‗A‘ dimension:
70+2-0 mm for air brake stock other than
BOBRN 27+2-0 mm BOBRN wagons
22+2-0 mm for Coaching stock
f) ‗E‘ dimension:
575+25 mm for
wagons 375+25
mm for coaching
Brake gear system (standard / non standard pins fitted or related
parts missing)
End pull rod hole position with respect to wheel diameter (Correct
Any application of emergency braking during run
Whether Loco Pilot did brake feeling test at first
opportunity and given Releasing time to release the train
Whether complete train was released or not after Traction change,
if any.
Brief History:
Statement of Loco pilot:
Statement of Train Manager:-
Analysis: 1. 2.
Conclusion: Responsibility: Repercussion:

546 | Page




547 | Page
This Annexure contains instructions for the maintenance and operation of Bogie
Covered Double Decker Wagon Type “BCACBM”. The Broad Gauge Bogie Covered
Autocar carrier wagon to diagram drawing No.-WD-11013-S-01 has been developed
by RDSO for transportation of automobile cars. A rake of these wagons consists of 3
units; each unit consists of 9 wagons - 2 nos. wagon “A” & 7 nos. wagon “B”. Both “A”
and “B” wagons have twin decks to accommodate cars. The upper decks of both
wagons are movable to accommodate different heights of cars by diamond screw jack
arrangement fitted in the wagon. Wagon-“A” is fitted with CBC couplers on both ends
with the coupler at one end at a designed height from rail level as 1105mm, the other
end incorporates CBC at a lower height of 861mm. Wagon-“B” is fitted with CBC
couplers on both ends at a designed height from rail level as 861mm. Each unit shall
be moved as one entity and the movement of individual wagon (i.e. Wagon-“A” and
Wagon-“B”) shall not be done. The design incorporates LCCF-20 (C) bogie with speed
potential of 100 kmph and single pipe graduated release air brake system. This wagon
is fit to run up to a maximum permissible speed of 100 kmph in empty and 95 kmph in
loaded condition.
The movement of the wagon on the Indian Railway network shall be governed by the
RDSO Final Speed Certificate No. MW/BCACBM dated 27.02.2013 and its
amendments issued from time to time.

548 | Page
Para Descriptions Page No.
1. Scope 4
2. Leading Particulars 4
3. Overhaul, Inspection and testing (Maintenance schedule) 5
3.1 Trip examination 5-6
3.2 Routine Overhaul 6-8
3.3 Periodic Overhaul 8-10
4. Facilities required for POH and ROH 10
5. Operation 11-12
5.1 Opening and closing of end doors and end flap doors 11
5.1.1 At the time of loading originating stations 11
5.1.2 At the time of unloading terminating stations 11
5.2 Movement of middle decks 11-12
5.2.1 Upper Deck height adjustment 11
5.2.2 Upper Deck locking and unlocking 11
5.2.3 Safety precautions 11-12
5.3 Check list before ready for loading of automobile cars 12
5.4 Loading and Unloading 12
5.4.1 Placement of ramp 12
5.4.2 Sequence of loading and Unloading automobiles 12
5.4.3 Movement of Vehicles 12
5.5 Lashing/securing 12
6. Marshalling 13
7. List of construction drawings 13-14
8. List of components used in BCACBM wagon, not 14
generally used in other wagons
9. Proforma for SWTR 15

549 | Page
These maintenance instructions are for Broad Gauge Bogie Covered Autocar carrier
wagon type “BCACBM” to diagram drawing No.-WD-11013-S-01designed by RDSO for
transportation of automobile cars and does not apply to any Automobile Car Carrier
Wagon owned by Railways or private parties.
2.1. Length over headstocks 22626 mm 22626 mm
2.2. Length over coupler faces 23555 mm 23555 mm
2.3. Bogie Centre 14345 mm 14345 mm
2.4. Width over sole bars 2896 mm 2896 mm
2.5. Inside width between side 2746 mm 2746 mm
stanchion faces
2.6. Overall width of roof 2900 mm 2900 mm
2.7. Overall height from R.L. 4305 mm 4305 mm
2.8. Height of CBC from R.L. X-End 1105 mm Both Ends 861 mm
Y-End 861 mm
2.9. Height of Lower deck floor from X-End 1182 mm Both Ends 938 mm
R.L. Y-End 938 mm
2.10. Height of movable upper deck X-End 1306-2006 mm Both Ends 1550-
floor from R.L. (in Step of 50mm) Y-End 1550-2100 mm 2100 mm
2.11. Estimated Tare 35.860 T 35.720 T
2.12. Pay Load 15 T 15 T
2.13. Gross Load 50.860 T 50.720 T
2.14. Number of wagons per rake 06 21
2.15. Maximum number of cars per 318
2.16. Axle Load 12.715 T 12.680 T
2.17. Operating Speed Empty 100 kmph 100 kmph
(Maximum) Loaded 95 kmph 95 kmph
2.18. Material of construction for IS:2062 E250A with Cu, IS:1079 Gr-‟O”,
wagon body IS:4923-97, IS:513 Gr-‟O”
2.19. Couplers High tensile non- Transition CBC to
RDSO STR No. 48-BD-08
2.20. Draft Gears High Capacity Draft Gear to RDSO
STR No. 49- BD-08
2.21. Bogie LCCF Bogie to specification no. CONTR-
LCCF20 (C)-96
□ Wheel Base 2000 mm
□ Wheel Dia on Tread (new) 840 mm
□ Wheel Dia on Tread (worn) 780 mm
□ Axle load capacity 22T
2.22. Brake system Single pipe graduated release air brake
□ Air Brake Equipment to RDSO STR
No. 02- ABR-2002
□ Air Brake Pipe and Pipe Joints to
RDSO STR No. 04-ABR-2002.
550 | Page
3. Overhaul, Inspection and testing (Maintenance Schedule):
In order to keep the wagon in good fettle, following schedule of maintenance
are recommended:-
a) Trip examination
b) Routine overhauling (ROH)
c) Periodic overhauling (POH
The periodicity and the kilometerage of the various schedules shall be in accordance
with the instructions issued by the Railway Board from time to time.
3.1. Trip examination:
3.1.1. The trip examination for the BCACBM wagon at the originating and terminating
stations shall be done at nominated “Base Depot”. Since these wagons are
generally to be run in unit train service, being a special commodity rolling stock,
involving wagon to wagon transfer of commodity during loading/unloading shall
make efforts to maintain the integrity of the rake.
3.1.2. The Incoming rake, after unloading of automobile cars at loading and unloading
terminals, is required to be placed on maintenance lines for inspection and
attention. The details of tentative examination and attention required thereon in
general are listed below:
i) All underframe fittings including brake gear, draw & buffing gear and running gear
should be examined and made in sound condition with all fittings intact.
ii) Wheels must be tapped to detect loose/cracked wheel.
iii) The wheel profile should be checked to ensure that rejectable defects have not
been allowed. Tyre Defect Gauge may also be used for this purpose.
iv) The Air Brake system of the rake should be checked as follows:
a) Connect compressor line on stationary air compressor to one end of rake through
a Rake Test Rig as per RDSO instruction G-97.
b) Charge the Brake Pressure of rake to 5 kg/cm .
c) Check and attend to the parts of Air Brake System components like Distributor
Valve, Slack Adjuster (SAB), Brake Cylinder, Centrifugal Dirt Collector, Cut-off
Angle Cocks, Auxiliary Reservoir, Hose Coupling etc as per manufacturer's
manual/As per RDSO instruction G-97. Release condenses wherever collected in
the Air Brake System.
d) Check the "A" Dimension of Slack Adjuster and set to dim. 70 +2, -0 mm. Adjust
the pins in the pull rod holes if required. Due corrections and repairs to be made
for ensuring 100% Brake Power.
e) Record reading as per proforma specified at page 15 of this manual.
f) The piston stroke should be 100±10 mm in empty and loaded condition.
v) The general conditions of underframe, bogies, side bearer assembly etc. should
be examined and repairs attended to.
vi) Check all safety fittings, safety brackets etc and defects if any attended to.
vii) Inspect hand brake system for proper functioning.
viii) One bogie complete in all respect may be kept as spare to save time and power.
551 | Page
ix) Inspection of all springs (side bearer and suspension).
x) Visual inspection of Elastomeric pads for any defect.
xi) Examine the wagon underframe and superstructure visually to identify distress, if
any wagons found with distress makes that are unattendable in the yard should be
marked sick and attended to in sick-line.
xii) All end doors and flap doors to be properly and effectively secured in closed
xiii) All screw jacks for operating the middle deck adjustment should be in disengaged
position. Greasing of the jack spindle shall be carried out if required for ease of
movement of middle deck.
xiv) All middle decks of the wagon to be properly and effectively secured in locked
xv) All the originating trains should be examined by train examining staff before
despatch to ensure that the wagons are in a fit condition and do not have any
rejectable defects. The rejectable defects are those defects covered by IRCA
Manual such as defective/broken parts of running gear, draw and buffing gear,
Elastomeric pads, springs, side bearer arrangement, air brake system, wheel and
axle assembly, automatic locks etc. It is to be noted that a certificate has to be
given to the yardmaster by the TXR to this effect without which the trains cannot
be despatched
xvi) The level of Air pressure on the Engine and the brake van along with the
percentage of effective brake power must be recorded on the brake power
certificate and countersigned by the Loco Pilot and the Train Manager. Preferably
100% brake power should be ensured at the primary maintenance station. One
Car may be allowed to have a dummy (ineffective) brake cylinder on en-
route/return trip.
xvii) Before loading and unloading, the wagons shall be visually examined by the
representative of automobile car company to be ensured that the requirements of
deck heights for safe loading and unloading of automobile cars.
3.2. Routine overhauling (ROH):
3.2.1. A first routine overhaul should be given to all wagons as a unit of 9 wagons
(Wagon A-2, Wagon B-7) at the nominated depot.
3.2.2. Disconnect 9 wagon units into separate individual wagon. Each wagon
requires to undergo ROH individually. The important points generally to look
into is given below for ready reference. Other details of RDSO standard ROH
procedure should also be followed.
(1) Remove bogie brake rigging attachments to underframe, brake gears &flexible
pipes connections.
(2) Remove center pivot split pin, lock pin & shackle lock etc.
(3) Lift the body through lifting pads.
(4) Run out the bogie.
(5) Place the structure complete on trestles.
(6) Visually inspect the structure of the wagon if found any defects like welding
cracks, sidewall stanchion deformations, corroded side panel, roof profile
deformation, locking of upper decks, locking of end doors, locking of flap doors,
552 | Page
door hinge , missing of door hinge pins etc which shall be rectified and
dimensions will be maintained as per RDSO drawings listed with this manual.
(7) Visually inspect the structure of the upper deck, maintain the camber along width,
if lost, check clearances of all deck guide rollers with roller guide pressing and
maintain per drawing no WD-11013-S-05. Checks the workings of all screw jack
arrangement provided in the wagon and make sure the proper functioning of
lifting arrangements for middle deck. Also check locking arrangement of deck
with side stanchions and make sure for proper functioning of locking
(8) After removing the side frame key and lifting the bogie remove wheel sets from
the bogie. Machine the wheel tread of all the wheels to new wheel tread profile.
(9) Strip the bogie. After proper cleaning, examine the bogie side frames, bolster and
other castings for cracks, wear surface etc.
(10) All the side bearer liners of the slide block and side bearer seat should be
(11) Checks bolster springs & side bearer springs for defective/broken springs.
Replace the defective one such that variation in the height of springs in the same
group not to exceed 2mm
(12) Examine centre pivot, centre pivot pin, centre pivot liner, side bearer liner & side
bearer springs.
(13) Strip brake gear fittings and examine for wear & damage and serviceability bogie
brake gear levers. Replace worn-out bushes & pins, brake blocks and repair
worn out brake heads.
(14) The attention and repair of bogie and its components should be done as per
chapter "CAST STEEL BOGIE TYPE LCCF 20 (C)-96" of „Maintenance Manual
of Bogie Container Flat wagon type BLCA/BLCB‟ (latest revision) issued by
(15) Thoroughly inspect axle boxes externally for any sign of defects such as grease
leaking out, visible sign of damage or seized bearing. Rotate axle box by hand to
see that it revolves freely and smoothly Defective wheel sets on this account
should be sent to POH shop for repair. Check adapter & replace if found any
(16) Examine underframe brake gear levers; replace worn-out bushes & pins.
(17) Examine slack adjuster (SAB) and replace or attend to the defects as per RDSO
instruction G-92. After fitment set the SAB "A" dimension 70 +2, -0mm.
(18) Examine all draft & Buffing gear, CBC, uncoupling gear etc. Attend to defective or
worn-out parts as per RDSO instructions G-76. Examine Draft Gear and replace
the defective one. Dimension 25mm clearance of the wedge block on the Yoke
should be maintained.
(19) Check-up Hand Brake arrangement for repair. Replace the missing or damaged
parts. Lubricate the gears.
(20) Lower the under frame on bogies and provide pivot pin shackle, pin with split pin.
Check the C.P assembled height which should be in the range of 71mm to
(21) Dimension 66±3mm between underframe bolster bottom plate to bogie side
frame top should be maintained.
553 | Page
(22) Test air brake as per RDSO instruction G-97.
(23) Check the distance from Side Frame top liner to Side Bearer Seat 131 +0, - 0.5
mm at all four Side Bearer points under tare condition of the Flat Wagon. Keep
the distance within tolerance by altering Shims provided at the top side bearer
(24) Paint the bogie, stencil station code & date of ROH.
(25) Touch up paint & lettering if required as per RDSO drawing no. WD-11013-S-26.
(26) Special instruction: The CBC height should not be more than 861mm on both end
of Wagon-B, 1105mmon X-end of wagon-A and 861mm on other end of Wagon-
A. No packing be given over axle box adapter for CBC height adjustment.
(27) All items of Air brake equipment to be ROH as per instructions laid by RDSO
instruction G-97.
3.3. Periodic overhauling (POH):
3.3.1. All items of ROH attention shall be attended to in POH.
3.3.2. The general procedure laid down for POH of BOXN and other wagons are
applicable to these wagons. As these wagons are as module/unit of 9 wagons
containing 2 Wagon „A‟ and 7 Wagon „B‟, the BCACBM wagons may be sent to
nominated wagon repair shops for POH in a complete module/units so that the
shops can turn out the wagons as modules/units for service.
3.3.3. The unit will be disconnected and maintenance and repairs as individual wagon
carried out as per routine POH method.
3.3.4. The important aspects, which require particular attention, are given below: Bogie Shop:
(1) The procedure for attending the repairs of bogie frames, bolster and liners are
maintained as per chapter "BOGIE Type LCCF 20 (C)" of Maintenance Manual of
Bogie Container Flat wagon latest revision.
(2) Dismantle the bogies, replace the pins and bushes in brake gear, check the side
frames and bolster etc. for any defect. Attend or replace as necessary.
(3) AIl the side bearer liners of the slide block and side bearer seat should be
(4) Check the springs and replace the defective ones. All the springs are required to
be tested as per load test chart.
(5) Check the side bearer parts, centre pivot and its liners. All liners including centre
pivot liner need replacement.
(6) All brake gear components should be dismantled, cleaned and necessary repairs
are to be carried out. All pins and bushes require renewal.
(7) Attend to wheel sets for new tread profile. All Roller Bearings need thorough
(8) Assemble the bogies and check for leading dimension and tolerances.Side
Bearer Springs may be replaced if the heights under load testing of individual
springs are not within specified limits. Complete structure and Assembly Shop:
(1) Place the Complete structure on trestles.

554 | Page
(2) Under frames should be wire brushed, or shot blasted &cleaned and checked for
any member being defective due to welding defects, etc. and defects are
attended to before primer coat paint.
(3) All stiffeners, strengthening pieces, side stanchions, end doors and flap doors
etc. checked for defect and repair to be carried out.
(4) Visually inspect the structure of the wagon if found any defects like cracks in
underframe, welding cracks in any structural members, sidewall stanchion
deformations, corroded side panel, roof profile deformation, locking of upper
decks, locking of end doors, locking of flap doors, door hinge, missing of door
hinge pins etc. shall be rectified and dimensions will be maintained as per
RDSO drawings listed with this manual.
(5) Visually inspect the structure of the upper deck, maintained the camber if lost,
clearances of deck guide rollers with roller guide pressing as per drawing no
WD-11013-S-05. Checks the working of all screw jack arrangement provided in
the wagon and make sure the proper functioning of lifting arrangements for
middle deck. Also check locking arrangement of deck with side stanchions and
make sure for proper functioning of locking arrangement.
(6) Check all deck guide rollers if found worn out replace them as per Item no.-7 and
8 of RDSO drawing no WD-11013-S-05.
(7) Visually inspect the stanchions and measure the distance between sides
stanchion at two locations i.e. bottom and top of all stanchions of the wagon and
maintain straightness of side stanchions for proper movement of upper deck. Air Brake equipment:
(1) Air Brake equipment are attended to by replacing all rubber items & defective
parts, as per instructions laid by RDSO instruction G-97.
(2) Clean the strainers & drain the water and dirt etc. in dirt collectors, Auxiliary
Reservoir, etc. Attend to air brake as per instructions laid by RDSO instruction G-
(3) Remove SAB, dismantle and change the worn-out parts, grease the items inside
and attend to as per RDSO instructions G-92 to the extent applicable. CBC and Draft Gears:
(1) Dismantle & attend to worn-out parts by replacing/attending to the defects in
components draft gear, coupler body, yoke, yoke pin, wear liner on coupler body
and striker casting, uncoupling gear etc. as per RDSO instructions G-80.
(2) Examine all draft &Buffing gear, CBC, uncoupling gear etc. Attend to defective or
worn- out parts as per RDSO instructions G-76.The CBC height should not be
more than 861mm on both end of Wagon-B, 1105mmon X-end of wagon-A and
861mm on other end of Wagon-A. No packing be given over axle box adapter. Paint Shop:
Painting & marking of station code, POH date, Base Depot, return date etc. shall be
followed as per RDSO marking diagram drawing No.WD-11013-S-26 with latest
alteration for both wagons. After painting and marking sufficient drying time should be
allowed between each coat.
4. Material Handling Equipment/Facilities Required For ROH Depot:
1. Material Handling Equipment Facilities Required are given as below:
i) Overhead cranes 15 t capacity : 2Nos.

555 | Page
ii) Power Operated lifting Jacks 25 t capacity : 5Nos.
iii) Fork Lifts 5 t capacities : 3Nos.
iv) Hydraulic Jacks 25 t capacity : 4Nos
2. Other facilities like SAB repair shop, Air Brake repair and Overhaul shop,
CBC, Machine shop, Stores etc need be provided. The repair in
shop/ROH depot of these items will be as is the practice for other air
brake bogie stocks.
5. Operation:
5.1. Opening and closing of end swing doors and end flap doors:
5.1.1. At the time of loading/originating stations- At the time of loading at
originating stations, first of all end swing doors shall be opened and hooked on side
wall as per provision given in sidewalls, thereafter all lower deck end flap doors shall
be opened. After adjustment of required deck height for loading as per requirement, all
upper deck end flap doors shall be opened. After successful loading of automobile
cars, first all End Flap doors shall be closed, thereafter End Doors shall be closed and
locked properly.
5.1.2. At the time of unloading terminating stations- At the time of unloading at
terminating stations, first of all end swing doors shall be open and hooked on side wall
as per provision given in sidewall then all upper deck’s and lower deck’s end flap
doors shall be open. After unloading of automobile cars from all upper deck close the
End Flap doors of upper decks, adjust the required deck height for unloading from
lower deck at all X-end of Wagon-A as per requirement. After successfully unloading
of automobile cars, first of all End Flap doors of lower and upper deck shall be closed
and after all End Doors shall be closed and secured properly.
5.2. Movement of middle decks:
5.2.1. Upper deck height adjustment: At the time of loading/unloading at
originating/terminating stations, after opening of swing and lower flap doors, before
adjustment of required deck height, unlock the upper deck after engaging the screw
jack with upper deck. Now required upper deck height can be obtained by means of
screw jack arrangement provided within the wagon with the help of ratchet wrench or
any battery operated torque wrench.
5.2.2. Deck locking and unlocking: At the time of loading/unloading at
originating/terminating stations, after adjustment of required deck height all upper
decks should be locked properly by locking arrangement provided in upper decks.
5.2.3. Safety precautions: Following safety precautions shall be taken during the
movement of upper deck height adjustment:
i) Before adjustment of required deck height and unlocking of upper deck, it must be
ensured that screw jacks are engaged with upper deck to prevent accident.
ii) After engagement of screw jacks, unlocking of upper deck with side stanchions
should be ensured before starting movement of upper deck through the screw
iii) After adjustment of desired deck height all decks must be locked and ensured
before loading of automobile cars.
iv) Disengage screw jacks with upper deck.
v) Care may be taken during the opening and closing of end flap doors. It must be
ensured that the end flap doors are properly in locked position at the time of
556 | Page
movement of upper deck operation to prevent accident.
5.3. Check list before ready for loading of automobile cars: Following check list
shall be followed by user before loading/unloading of cars:
i) End swing and flap doors of all wagons in the rake must be opened.
ii) All upper decks must be in locked position after adjustment of desirable height of
deck through the rake.
iii) Readiness of ramp at required height to be ensured for lower as well as upper
iv) For Loading and unloading availability of straight track may be ensured for better
5.4. Loading and Unloading
5.4.1. Placement of ramp: Place the ramp as per desirable height provided by
wagon owners/automobile car transporter Company.
5.4.2. Sequence of loading and Unloading automobiles: Following sequence of
loading and unloading shall be followed by wagon owners/automobile car
transporter Company:
i) At the time of loading first of all, after placement of ramp to lower deck, loading of
cars in all lower decks will be carried out after placement of ramp with upper deck,
loading of cars in all upper decks will be carried out.
ii) At the time of unloading first of all, after placement of ramp to upper deck,
unloading of cars in all upper decks will be carried out. Then after placement of
ramp with lower deck, unloading of cars in all lower decks will be carried out.
5.4.3. Movement of Vehicles: For movement of vehicles para no.5.4.2 shall be
followed and also ensured that movement of vehicles takes place from end to end
of the complete rake.
6. Lashing/securing: All automobile car wheels must be secure with lashing
arrangement provided by wagon owner/automobile Transporters Company with floor
of the wagon. Marshalling:
These wagons are specialised for transportation of automobiles cars only. This special
wagon, both in empty and loaded condition should always be run as a special train.
The wagon shall be moved only in a special train formation both in empty and loaded
condition hauled by a single loco only, under approved special instructions to framed
by the Chief operations Manager of the concerned Railways, RDSO speed certificate,
CRS sanctions and various instructions/orders/circulars issued by the Railway Board
from time to time.
7. List of construction drawings: 7.1. Structures:
WD-11013-S-00 INDEX.
WD-11013-S-01 DIAGRAM.
557 | Page
7.2. Bogie:

8. List of components used in BCACBM wagon, not generally used in other

558 | Page
8.1. Belt Lashing/Car securement system- These shall be provided by wagon
8.2. Ratchet wrench/Battery operated slow speed wrenches– This shall be
provided by wagon manufacturer/owners/AFTO.
8.3. Rollers for middle deck movement- As per item no.-7 and 8 of RDSO drawing
no WD- 11013-S-05.
8.4. Screw jack Assembly- As per item no.-7 of RDSO drawing no WD-11013-S-14.

559 | Page
9. Proforma for SWTR:
Wagon No. ……………..……………….. Bogie Make………….………………………. DV.NO &
S.No. Check Specified Value Observed
1. Pressure in BP 5 + 0.1 kg/cm2
2. Pressure in AR 5 + 0.1 kg/cm2
3. Leakage from the system in one minute. 0.1 kg/cm2 (max.)
4. Full service application:
4.1 Brake cylinder filling time 18 to 30 sec
(Pressure rise from 0 to 3.6 kg/cm2)
4.2 Maximum brake cylinder pressure) 3.8 + 0.1 kg/cm2
4.3 Reduction in BP pressure required for full service 1.3 to 1.6 kg/cm2
5. Release after full service application:
5.1 Draining time (Brake cylinder pressure to fall from 45 to 60 sec
3.8+ 0.1 kg/cm2 to 0.4kg/cm2)
6. Sensitivity of brakes. Isolate brake pipe from main Brake should apply
line. Check the response of brakes when brake pipe within 6 sec
pressure is reduced at the most equal to 0.6 kg/cm2
in 6 seconds.
7. Insensitivity of brakes. Isolate brake pipe from main Brake should not apply.
line. Check the response of brakes when brake pipe
pressure is reduced at least equal to 0.3 kg/cm2 in
60 seconds
8. Emergency application:
8.1 Brake cylinder filling time 18 to 30 sec
(Pressure rise from 0 to 3.6 kg/cm2)
8.2 Maximum brake cylinder pressure) 3.8 + 0.1 kg/cm2
9. Piston stroke 100 + 10 mm
10. Leakage from brake cylinder after emergency 0.1 Kg/cm2(max.)
application within 5 minute
11. Automatic exhausting of brake cylinder and control
11.1 Apply emergency brake (i.e. BP=0kg/cm2) check Brake Cylinder and
the brake cylinder pressure after giving a brief pull Control Reservoir should
to release book. exhaust automatically.
12. AR Charging Time (pressure rise from 0 to 5 175 + 30 Sec.for C3W
kg/cm2) D.V
60 to 120 Sec.for KEO
13. CR Charging Time (pressure rise from 0 to 4.8 165 +20 Sec.for C3W
kg/cm2) D.V
160 to 210 Sec.for KEO

S.No. 12 to 13 to be checked at the time of prototype wagon only.

Date: Signature and name of
Testing Authority

560 | Page
Proposed Electronics Equipments for Freight Stock APPENDIX- X

Following electronics equipments has been proposed by RDSO for better utilization
and safety of freight stock.


CDU( Communication display Unit) SBU( Sense and Braking Unit)

The EOTT system is alternative of Train Manager and Brake van .EOTT is a system
by which it is possible to monitor brake pipe pressure in the last vehicle of train in the
locomotive cab. It also helps the Loco Pilot to apply brake simultaneously from rear
of the train. EOTT system consist of two units , CDU( communication display Unit)
and SBU( Sense and Braking Unit) .CDU is fitted in Loco Pilot cabin and SBU is
fitted on rear coupler of last vehicle. SBU is connected to the last vehicle BP hose
Pipe. CDU connects to SBU through Radio Frequency communication. SBU sends
Radio signals at regular intervals and CDU displays BP pressure of last vehicle &
other related data. Operation frequency range is 406.5 MHZ.
Various functions of EOTT:
a. Distance measurements in reference to locomotive.
b. Last vehicle BP pressure monitoring.
c. Last vehicle low pressure alarm.
d. Motion status (Moving or stopped)
e. Marker light status at last vehicle (ON/OFF).
f. Battery status.
g. Loss of communication alarm.
h. Automatic and manual communication test.
i. Train Emergency application/ Service application braking from rear.
j. Data logging facilities.

2. EIMWB( Electronic In Motion Weighbridge)

EIMWB installed on Indian Railways, measures gross weight of freight stock during
in motion with maximum speed up to 15 kmph. The primary purpose of weighbridge

561 | Page
is to check overloading in wagons which damages the track and rolling stock.
Electronic in motion Weigh Bridge consist of
(i) Weigh rails of length 5.5 m.
(ii) Track switches/sensors for speed and wagon type detection.
(iii) Control console with electronic cards for implementing track switch logic
and receiving signals from weigh sensors for further processing.
(iv) A personal computer, a key board & a printer computer directly linked to
control console, for operation, viewing and printing output.
EIMWB can measure wagon of maximum weight up to 120 T with minimum scale
interval of 100 kg. Weighment on EIMWB is governed by Metrological Laws -
OIML R -106 and Standards of Weights and measures Rules, 1987.RDSO
specification WD-29-Misc-05 lays down the broad technical requirements of
Electronic In Motion Weigh Bridges used on IR.

No. of wagons Engine Brake Van

a Upto 56 wagons 5.0 Kg / cm 4.8 Kg / Cm2
b Above 56 wagons 5.0 Kg / cm2 4.7 Kg / Cm2

3. Train Manager Comfort kit (Solar PV module with fittings)

Train Manager Van are used mostly as last vehicles in freight trains & are
manned by train Train Manager. Owing to Train Manager vans being part of
freight trains, they generally lie unattended in freight maintenance lines/yard/sick
lines/workshops. Currently the Train Manager vans do not carry any power
generating source and hence no power consuming fittings (light/fan) are fitted
inside the Train Manager vans.
RDSO has developed functional requirements for Train Manager Comfort kit
(Solar PV module with fittings) to be installed in Brake Vans. The end purpose is
to provide Light, Fan, Mobile Charging Facility inside Train Manager Van using
roof mounted, pilferage proof Solar PV Module along with its associated
equipment (Batteries, Light, Fan, Switch, Socket, any other) and necessary
connection. The following functional requirements have been prescribed:

562 | Page
SN Equipment Technical Requirement
1 Light fitting Table ● LED Light (for low power consumption)
Mounted (Two ● 10W (Min) for Table Mounted & 15 W(Min) for Roof
fittings) AND Roof Mounted
Mounted (One
2 Fan Fitting: ● 8” (Min) Fans, Wall Mounted with manual/auto
Wall Mounted swivel arrangement
(Two Numbers)
● Power consumption 30 W (max)
● Self-contained Unit with anti-pilferage arrangement,
connectors & other required essentials.
3 Switch board with ● USB port for mobile charging
Mobile charging ● Switch board to incorporate switches needed for
point (Two numbers, Light & Fans
Wall Mounted)
4 Solar PV Module ● Solar PV module of sufficient capacity to operate
with all Associated the above tabulated electrical loads for continuous
accessories/ operations for min 12 hours, needs to be provided
equipment/ ● The Solar PV module along with accessories such
connections/ wiring as battery, inverter (if needed), connectors, junction
boxes, switch gears etc should be a self-contained
modular unit that can be fitted in either of the
locations detailed in 3.2 below.
● The Solar PV module and associated accessories
should be provided with suitable anti-pilferage
devices to prevent chances of theft/damage/loss.

4. RFID Tags on Wagons ( Radio Frequency Identification Tags)

The purpose of providing RFID tags on freight stock is to result in Automatic

Wagon Identification using Radio Frequency Identification.

563 | Page
RFID tag position on

RFID tag Reader

Indian Railways has mandated provision of RFID tags on to the wagons being
produced w.e.f 2016.It will enable automatic determination of wagon consist and
therefore no manual number taking. It will enable automatic identification of
wagons for in motion weighbridge and wayside diagnostic systems. Its
implementation will lead to a progressive shift from periodic maintenance to
predictive maintenance of rolling stock by leveraging Information Technology.

564 | Page

Duty Lists of
C&W Supervisors (Freight)

565 | Page
Duty list of C&W Supervisors

S.N. Description Page
A Divisional HQ --

1 SSE C&W(Divisional HQ) 3

2 SSE (Training & Computer) 4

3 Statistical Inspector 4

4 SSE/ (Material Control) 6

5 SSE C&W (Planning) 7

6 SLI/Div.HQ 8

7 Important Guidelines for Loco Inspectors/Fuel Inspectors working under 10

(C&W) Depots for management of Fuelling Installations.

B Yard Examination

8 SSE/G(C&W)/Yard 12

9 SSE (C&W) Yard/ Incharge 14

10 SSE (C&W) Yard/ Shift Incharge 16

11 JE/SSE(C&W)/ Train Examination Yard 17

12 Duties of C&W Inspectors (CWI) 19

13 SSE/C&W (Sick Line) 23

C ROH Depot

14 SSE/C&W)/ROH/Incharge 24

15 (SSE/C&W)/ROH/Field 25

16 SSE(C&W)/Store/ROH 26

17 SSE (M&P)/ROH 27

18 SSE (C&W)/Air Brake 28

19 SSE (C&W)/Bogie 29

20 SSE (ART/ARME) 30

21 SSE/ SPART 31

566 | Page
Duty Lists of C&W Supervisors in Div. HQ.
1. SSE C&W(Divisional HQ)
He is responsible for the following duties assigned to him :-
1) Punctuality -
Direct punctuality loss cases, Indirect punctuality loss cases, train partings and
unusuals, identification of the bad runners on the basis of above failures.
2) Statistics -
Major statistics on C&W, action plan targets.
3) Technical Meetings -
Organization of monthly technical meetings of C&W supervisors with Sr.DME.
4) Technical standing orders -
HQ’s technical standing orders implementation and help in issuing local
technical standing orders on C&W and trouble shooting.
5) Derailments/Accidents -
Providing assistance in accident/derailment inquiries and technical notes.
6) PCDO’s /MCDO’s-
Timely submission of monthly C&W PCDO and MCDO to HQ and to DRM and the
action plan targets.
7) HOD meetings -
Providing the statistics for the HOD meetings and Conferences.
8) ISO Certification -
preparation of ISO documents and related manuals, correspondence of
letters/Instructions to depot incharges, preparation of handouts during quality
audits and inspections by HQ officers, record keeping and watch over the
implementation of ISO instructions to the grass root level and timely analysis of the
maintenance activities on ISO certified depots.
9) Management and up keeping of the computer hard and soft wares, new
development of the programmes, generation of data base reports, Brochure
making etc.
10) Training Activities-
Management of BTC, Training modules and training material to staff and
supervisors, syllabus for the different courses undergone in the BTC, Technical
hand outs for the staff.
11) Field inspections as per the allotted quota.
Any other work given time to time by the Mechanical Officers.
2. SSE (Training & Computer)
He is responsible for the following duties assigned to him –
1) Condemnation of rolling stock and its proper accountal-
The timely submission of the condition report, chasing of the BUO’s of the condition
reports submitted, submission of the DS-8 and up to the final disposal of the
Rolling stock.

567 | Page
2) Management and up keeping of the computer hard and soft wares, new
development of the programmes, generation of data base reports, Brochure
making etc.
3) Training Activities-
Management of BTC, Training modules and training material to staff and
supervisors, syllabus for the different courses undergone in the BTC, Technical
hand outs for the staff.
4) HOD’s inspections- Compliance over the HOD’s inspection items, it’s
replies to HQ and the concerns.
5) Field inspections as per the allotted quota.
6) Any other work given time to time by Mechanical Officers.
3. Statistical Inspector
He is responsible for the following duties assigned to him –
Divisional statistical section:
He will monitor Locomotive performance data given as under:
i) Railway wise, Shed wise engine usasge: Goods service, territorial basis,
based on daily enginewise/sectionwise working of trains.
ii) Monthly engine disposition statement based on enginewise daily: hourly
outage, railwaywise/shedwise/service wise
iii) Sectionwise no. of goods train run, loaded wagons kms, empty wagon kms,
FTKM, Wagon tare tonne kms, brake van kms, brake van TT kms.
iv) Railway wise/shedwise engine kms, Train hours and Engine hours on mail
express and passenger services.
v) No. of mail /express/Passenger train running- sectionwise/railway
vi) Summary of military special, train run on division Base/shed wise -
Railwaywise/section wise No. of military special train, Vehicle kms, NTKM,
Vehicles TT kms etc.
vii) Summary of other coaching trains: Engine wise/sectionwise/base wise
/shedwise/Railwaywise, with loaded/Empty wagons/ Vehicles and
viii) Smmary of engineering department trains - Ballast Train/ Material Trains
Nos. of trains, wagon kms, FT kms, Wagon TT kms -
ix) Monthly evaluation report - Advance information of train KMs and NTKMs,
engine hours etc.
x) Calculation of usage of AC & DSL traction
xi) Record of GTKM of AC & DSL locomotives.
xii) Other statistical parameters and statements, required by HQ office time to
xiii) Any other work given time to time by Mechanical Officers.

568 | Page
4. SSE (Material Control)
He is responsible for the following duties assigned to him –
i) Management of C&W material cell -
Timely submission of the demand notes, procurement of the non-stock and the
stock items, arrangement of the transportation for bringing the material to the
stores, monthly visit to the C&W depots for identification of the surplus items and
the critical items, their transaction to the depots where these items are required,
material review, HQ’s store meeting and timely submission of the material PCDO to
ii) Management in failure investigation of the C&W failed components -
Ensuring quick submission of the failed components of coaching stock to
concerned workshop and goods stock to C&M’s testing at wagon workshop,
chasing for their reports and it’s documentation.
iii) Establishment -
C&W staff matters, establishment and the staff reviews.
iv) Budget -
Inventory control, keeping watch on proper booking of the expenditure to the
proper heads.
v) Field inspections as per allotted quota.
vi) Any other work given time to time by Mechanical Officers.
5. SSE /C&W (Planning)
He is responsible for the following duties assigned to him –
i) Initiation of Tenders and contracts and monitoring of execution of the same.
ii) Preparation of Terms and Conditions of tenders/contracts as well as
estimates and close watch over performance of tenderers/ contractors.
iii) M&P Programme -
Preparation of M&P programme and chasing of sanctioned items, preparation of
specifications and estimates for sanctioned items, commissioning of items and
completion reports.
iv) Works Programme -
Preparation of preliminary works programme and petty works programme and
chasing of sanctioned works, preparation of necessary drawing/Layouts for works,
specifications and estimates for sanctioned works/items and completion reports of
v) Rolling Stock Programme -
Preparation of Rolling Stock programme and chasing of sanctioned RSP,
preparation of necessary drawings/Layouts/specifications and estimates for
sanctioned RSP, commissioning of RSP and completion reports.
vi) Field inspections as per the allotted quota.
vii) Management of ARTs and ARMEs -
Deployment of staff in the ARTs and ARMEs, timely inspections by the officers and
supervisors, problems of ART/ARME related items, preparation during inspection
of HQ/Div. Officers.
viii) Availability of items as per Standard Lists -
569 | Page
Ensuring availability of tools and equipments in all ARTs and ARMEs as per
standard lists, planning and replacement of over due POH rolling stock.
ix) Compliance of HLC recommendations -
procurement and availability status of HLC recommended items. Attending disaster
related meetings at Division as well as HQ level.
x) Complete procurement of ART/ARME items & chasing -
Procurement of ART/ARME/SPART items at DMM level as well as COS level,
chasing of COS case files and Purchase orders once in a fortnight.
xi) Correspondence and timely submission of statements -
replies to HQ letters, correspondence for budgetary offers with private firms,
preparation of statements by OS-I and its checking, timely submission of
statements and reply to HQ office.
xii) Raising of warranty claims of all failed matarials within warranty period.
xiii) Any other work given time to time by the Mechanical Officers.
6. SLI/Div.HQ
He is responsible for the following duties assigned to him –
i) Crew Management -
Monitoring of refresher and PME due running staff, smooth and efficient functioning
of Loco Pilots lobby, Monitoring of predeparture detention of trains at Depots,
control over out station rest of running staff, record of timely monitoring and
counseling of Loco Pilots, Shunters and Asstt. Loco Pilots by Loco inspectors,
Availability of items of personnel store for Loco Pilots and uniforms and control
over overtime and correspondence of running staff related items to HQ office.
ii) Running Room Management -
Following areas to be managed to ensure general upkeep and smooth functioning
of Running Rooms –
MAINTENANCE: Repairs to roofs, doors, windows, toilets and bathrooms
wherever necessary, Provision of adequate water supply and provision of showers
in bathroom, Regular white washing of buildings, Provision and repairs of drains
and regular cleaning of drains, Provision of adequate lights and fans and repairs
thereof, Provision of adequate beds and furniture and repairs thereof,
Modernization of kitchen and lavatory, Regular cleaning by sweepers.
BEDS AND LINENS: Provision of rubberised coir mattress and pillows, Provision
of nylon mosquito nets, Provision of adequate Linens and washing thereof and its
proper accountal.
FACILITIES AND AMENITIES: Provision of cooler for drinking water, Provision of
desert cooler, Provision of exhaust fans in kitchen, Provision of cooking gas,
Provision of newspaper and magazines, Provision of good quality utensils.
MISCELLANEOUS: Provision of dustbin near kitchen and provision of litter bins in
rooms, Provision of curtains and doormats, maintenance of gardens, Tree
plantation during rainy season, Beautification with plants in pots (leaf variety).
CLEANLINESS AND GENERAL UPKEEP: Cleanliness in the running room
premises as well as in the kitchen and rooms, Twice cleaning of rooms in one shift
by wet cloth of phynael, Application of pest control in the rooms & kitchens,
Uniform and behavior of cooks, bearers & caretaker, Record keeping and
accountal in the running room stores in presence of loco foreman, Functioning of
570 | Page
Water cooler and aqua-guard, Provision and maintenance of Meditation room,
Cleanliness of toilets and bathrooms.
iii) RCD Management
Performance of Flow meter, Electric fuel pump and Diesel Pumps, Availability of
fire extinguishers, sand and water buckets, Changing of filter of filter housing,
Condition of decanting pipe and fuelling pipes, Disposal of spilled HSD oil etc.
Accountal of HSD oil -
HSD oil ledger at HSD oil depot, HSD oil issues for non-traction purposes, Taking
over/Handing over of HSD oil after each shift, HSD oil issues to locomotive,
Discrepancy of fuel/Lube oil while taking over/handing over by Loco Pilots, HSD oil
issue - Posting in Trip Cards, Monitoring of Trip ration, Effectiveness of Water
finding and oil finding pastes, Shortage in fuel and write off action, Reporting of
Daily position of HSD oil by HSD oil depot to HQ, Receipts of the HSD oil, Filling
and sending of G-210 F statement to HQ, Placement of tank wagons, detentions
and decanting, Testing of samples, Sludge disposal and accountal thereof.
Supervision and General upkeep -
Provision of sketch of HSD oil installation, Inspection of Storage tanks and
equipments by SLI of depot once a week, Calibration Charts, Calibration of Storage
tanks, Provision of Boards/Bar charts indicating parameters/equipments available.
Verification of Stock -
Verification by Accounts stock verifier - once a year, Verification by SSE - once a
month, Verification by SFI/SLI - Feb, June, Oct. every year, Verification by Sr
DME/DME/ADME - April, August, December every year.
Precautions at HSD oil Installation -
Premises in and around all the installations should be free from inflammable
materials, Fire extinguishers and buckets should be maintained in effective
condition, Only fire proof lighting equipments should be used, HSD oil in barrels,
Plants should not be allowed to be grown within the boundary walls, Timely
preparation and dispatch of periodic statements, Performance of Oil Company and
maintenance by them, Staff deployment and their grievances, Pending Claim cases
and review thereof - action taken by SFI, Steps being taken for control over SFC,
Availability of Standard equipments at HSD oil installation, Computerization of Fuel
management and Accounting system, Condition of Fuelling and Decanting pipe
lines and Valves, Cleanliness of Installation and Modifications and Innovations at
iv) Technical standing orders -
HQ’s technical standing orders pertaining to running staff and RCDs,
implementation and help in issuing local technical standing orders on loco and
trouble shooting.
v) Loco Pilots Lobby -
Following areas will be managed to ensure general upkeep and smooth functioning
of Loco Pilots Lobby -
Ensure functioning of CMS, Breath Analyzer Machines etc. Enusre availability of
Crew On & Off duty Register, Signal and Track defective Register, Loco Pilot's
Instruction book, Caution Order files, Illuminated Speed Restriction Board, Staff
authorized to wear spectacles, Learning Road Register, Due medical test list of
staff, Booking Books, Safety Posters and Slogans, First Aid Box, Stretchers, Other
records at Crew booking lobby, Checking of important registers, files and Circulars
571 | Page
once a month, provision of furniture for lobby and drinking water.
vi) PCDO activities related to running staff -
Timely submission of monthly running staff PCDO and MCDO to HQ and to DRM
and the action plan targets.
vii) HOD meetings -
Providing the statistics for the HOD meetings and Conferences pertaining to
Running staff and RCDs.
viii) Field inspections as per the allotted quota.
ix) Any other work given time to time by the Mechanical Officers.
7. Important Guidelines for Loco Inspectors/Fuel Inspectors working under
(C&W) Depots for management of Fuelling Installations.
i) The Fuel inspector should go through the Oil consumption prior to issue of
HSD Oil at the fuelling point and cross check with the latest trip ration taking
into account in case of any excess consumption, the fuel inspector will
carryout the necessary investigations.
ii) Fuel inspector and inspector of Stores account will make a percentage
check of T-41B with entries in the trip card to ensure that issue on T-41B
have been actually entered on the trip card.
iii) TVA factor of 0.0009 litre per degree centigrade variation on the total HSD
Oil quantity received should be worked out as and when required.
iv) Dip reading into the oil tanks should be taken only when oil level in the tanks
have stabilized, it should be ensured that the dead weight of the tape has
touched & is resting at the bottom & that the tape does not appear to be
bent/curved to ensure correct oil level readings.
v) Water finding paste and oil finding paste to be used before taking Dip
reading into the Road tanks and storage tanks.
vi) Before commencing the decanting process, it must be ensured that there is
adequate room in the storage tank into which decanting is to be done to
avoid overflow of oil.
vii) Tank wagons/Lorries will be decanted between sunrise and sunset as laid
down in the Petroleum Act.
viii) Tank Lorries should be completely decanted before giving clearance for the
tank lorries to move out of the HSD Oil installation, all delivery valves of tank
lorries may be kept open when the lorries leave shed.
ix) Delivery of Tank lorries should not be accepted if the challan quantity and
the actual quantity in the lorry differs. CHALLANS SHOULD NOT BE
x) The dip measurement of tank lorries in each compartment should be taken
personally before and after complete decanting.
xi) Tank lorries are to be placed on level ground platform and some time to be
allowed for the product level to settle down.
xii) All tank wagons/lorries received in the HSD Oil Installation should appear in
the register whether shortages were noticed or not in the HSD prescribed
xiii) To ensure proper upkeep of the installation and to ensure that no unwanted
things are kept in the vicinity, each installation is allotted to an Inspector/Loco
572 | Page
foremen who will be over all incharge of the staff and installation.
xiv) A certificate of correctness of flow meters should be obtained from the
inspector of weight and measures every year without fail.
xv) The incharge of the HSD Oil installation should maintain a record of issues
to locomotives in the format (HSD 22).
xvi) HSD Oil should not be issued for any purpose other than the use (Running
and maintenance) except for the following as permitted by Railway Board &
specific sanction obtained from GM(O)/DRM.
a. Self propelled Ultrasonic Rail testing cars.
b. Diesel break down Cranes.
c. Oscillograph/Dynamo meter cars.
xvii) While fuelling locos, great care should be exercised so that the locomotive
tank does not overflow. Issues of HSD Oil for use of locomotives should be
against T-41B which must be signed by the incoming Loco Pilot.
xviii) The installation should not be used as a store for stationery, filters, Lube oil
or HSD oil in barrels.
xix) Surprise checks on fuel installation periodically and checks to be carried out
on wastage, spillage, misuse or pilferage of HSD oil.
xx) Keep an eye on the work of the fuel statistical and accounting staff to ensure
that accounts are correctly maintained and returns are submitted on due
xxi) Carryout surprise check on the incoming and outgoing balance in loco tanks
with the respective fuel vouchers.
xxii) Ensure that proper samples are drawn for laboratory tests as per the
procedure laid down.
xxiii) Watch the performance of locomotives and crew in comparison with the trip
ration fixed & take corrective action by duly analyzing the cause for excess
xxiv) Control over lubricating oil consumption and the consumption is closely
watched and the locos heavy on lube oil consumption are monitored and
defects rectified.
xxv) Periodically check the accuracy of flow meters, calibration of storage tanks
and fuel oil tanks/Glow rods of locomotives.
Duties of C&W Supervisors working in Freight Depots.
8. SSE/G(C&W)/Yard:
He is responsible for the following duties assigned to him –
i) Overall in-charge of the unit and responsible for all matters and co-
ordination of all activities viz., technical, establishment, operational and
stores, etc.
ii) Staff deployment at primary locations like Yard, M&P section, ROH & Sick
Line section, Bogie section, Rolling Stock section, Store and Establishment
section, IOC/BPCL Gantries etc.
iii) Co-ordinate meeting of section incharges with Mechanical officer of Depot
for Monthly Target & other issues.
573 | Page
iv) Maintenance of all CC rakes & their monitoring.
v) Maintenance of depot premises including contracts & tenders.
vi) Keep close watch on consumption pattern of all store items and their timely
procurement process. Management and record keeping of different type of
vii) Keep close co-ordination between all section incharges/ Shift incharges for
better maintenance.
viii) Ensure proper implementation of QMS & record keeping as per ISO
requirement including depot PCDO.
ix) Attention to all unfit wagons at Road side stations including examination of
departmental train whenever required.
x) Control over data feeding of wagons with the liaison of C&W controller and
communication with SSE (Div./HQ).
xi) Circulation and implementation of HQ's/Board's/Divisional instructions to the
related sections.
xii) Administrative control of staff working in different sections including DAR,
Leave, CRs, staff training, refresher etc. Payment and wages of staff,
Passes/PTO's & quarter allotment issues for staff working under him shall
be looked after.
xiii) He shall be responsible for maintaining dead stock register in his territory
and verification thereof time to time.
xiv) He shall be responsible for timely initiation of M&P and Works proposals and
chasing of sanctioned items in liaison with SSE (Planning).
xv) He shall be responsible for budgeting and expenditure control on staff as
well as stores.
xvi) Ensure timely refresher training of staff & field training to newly inducted
staff in yards.
xvii) Ensure lighting arrangement in yards & ROH depot i.e. tower lighting and
pathway lighting as per recommendations.
xviii) Ensure safety of staff working in Depot.
xix) Ensure proper documentation of record of all activities i.e. time of placement
of rake & release time of rake at Yard & placement/drawn out of wagons at
ROH depot.
xx) Maintaning a close co-ordination with Neutral Organization (NTXR) for
outturn of Depot. Also co-ordination with sister departments e.g. Electrial
maintenance, Operating, Store etc.
xxi) Maintaning a cordial & harmonious relation with Union office bearers and
solving their grievances.
xxii) Responsible for staff welfare and amenities.
xxiii) Responsible for monitoring and control of PDD of freight trains
xxiv) Any other work given time to time by the Mechanical Officers.
B. ISO Wing:
i) Ensure proper record keeping at every working point as per ISO

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ii) Analysis of Broken components from various agencies & implementation of
iii) Other ISO related documentation and visit of representatives.
iv) Inspections as per Railway Board's letter No. 99/AM(M)/Inspections dated
v) Computerization and ISO system related work in his field of activity if
C. Freight Depot Emergency Store:
i) Ensure availability of material in Freight depot in liaison with SSE (Store).
ii) Ensure timely Upkeep of Ledgers and house keeping of sub stores.
iii) Ensure proper & timely collection of material from stores.
iv) Ensure Preparation of specifications for procurement of non stock items.
v) Control over MUF and AAC of all stock items pertaining to Freight depot.
vi) Ensure material assistance to all supervisors of freight depot.
9. SSE(Incharge)/ (C&W)/Yard:
He is responsible for the following duties assigned to him –
i) Overall incharge of Freight Yard & ROH Depot for maintenance of freight.
ii) Responsible for organizing Depot Technical meetings of C&W yard
supervisors periodically and assessment of their quality of work done.
iii) Keep co-ordination between shift incharges of train examination and Stores
for better maintenance.
iv) Control over data feeding of wagons with the liaison of C&W controller and
communication with SSE (Div./HQ).
v) Responsible for keeping sufficient welding sets & related items like
electrodes, cutting torches, welding holder, earthing cables & protective
vi) Responsible for efficient maintenance of rolling stock based at his depot /
vii) Responsible for timely maintenance of Rake test rigs with their peripherals
and calibration of Gauges and valves.
viii) Ensure proper documentation of record of all activities i.e. time of placement
of rake, release time of rake etc.
ix) Hold daily conference with C&W controller at 6 o’clock and arrange to
communicate the daily statistics of the Depot as well as any unusual
occurrence during 24 hrs.
x) Responsible for ensuring that incoming and outgoing trains are examined by
the Train Examining staff in an efficient and systematic manner and repair
executed expeditiously within the time allowed unless otherwise special
reasons to do so.
xi) Responsible for educating staff under his control about the rules/regulations
and better maintenance practices pertaining to their duties.
xii) Responsible for ensuring that the staff is safety- conscious and each
member his jurisdiction executes his duties keeping safety rules in mind.
xiii) Responsible to ensure that each staff is well disciplined and exhausting his
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duties effectively and appearing in uniform at work places.
xiv) Responsible to see that duty rosters are exhibited for each and every
category of staff at his Depot.
xv) Responsible for ensuring availability of store items, tools and M&P’s, proper
accountal of consumption of items and also responsible for maintaining
dead stock register and verification thereof time to time.
xvi) Responsible for checking of tools of artisan staff are correct, adequate in
quantity and in good working order.
xvii) Carry out surprise inspections/ super checks of examined trains after
certified fit by the concerned TXR and carry out night inspections
periodically without fail.
xviii) Maintenance of Depot premises and implementation and execution of
contracts pertaining to freight stock yard.
xix) Carry out joint investigation on the spot into the cases of loss of punctuality,
detention to the trains, etc. with TI/SM/LI/LF, PWI etc.
xx) Ensure quick releasing of the rakes held up on the line within his jurisdiction.
xxi) Responsible for proper reclamation of components/items in the depots if
xxii) Responsible for timely disposal of defective and scrap materials from the
xxiii) Responsible for proper submission of periodical statements, examination
figure MCDO of Yard statatics etc., and to reply to letters received from
Divisional office and other correspondences and for maintaining the
prescribed registers
xxiv) Responsible for all rules as contained in the IRCA Rule Book and circulation
and implementation of Board’s / HQ/ Divisional general instructions for train
examiners and staff.
xxv) Responsible for follow up the instructions of Sr DME/DME/ Sr SE(Gen)
strictly and acting promptly.
xxvi) Responsible for compliance of all inspection notes and timely
implementation of better maintenance practices.
xxvii) Responsible for maintaining Depot Performance Parameter Hand Out for
keeping record of activities at a glance.
xxviii) Any other work given time to time by Mechanical officers.
10. SSE(Incharge)/ (C&W)/Yard/ Shift Incharge:
He is responsible for the following duties assigned to him: -
i) General Up keep and maintenance of Yard.
ii) Liaison with other departments i.e. Operating/Area Control/ Section Control
/Engg. staff etc.
iii) Rolling in and Rolling out examination of freight trains coming for
iv) Examination of attaching wagons,continuity of freight train & Issue of BPC.
v) Responsible for minimizing detention Hrs. of stocks in yard.
vi) Responsible to ensue the quality of examination and repair of the examined

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train by supervisors as per laid down procedures / instructions.
vii) Surprise inspection and checks on ready wagons and testing etc.
viii) Implementation of all modifications issued by RDSO/Railway Board time to
ix) Responsible for maintaining discipline in the functioning of Yard.
x) Responsible for maintaining records as per requirement of ISO.
xi) Responsible for keeping vicinity clean, stacking of material, disposing of
scrap and keeping record thereof properly.
xii) Distribution of staff in case of unequal strength in examination gangs.
xiii) Work distribution of both gangs and decide priority of rakes.
xiv) Attendance of special gang, load yard staff and other staff working in their
normal shift.
xv) Super check at least one rake per day, CC rake to be given on priority.
Report of the same to be submitted timely to the concerned officer.
xvi) Co-ordination between all gangs including load yard gang.
xvii) In case of no shift in charge is available, Senior most supervisors will take
the above decision and pressure will be attended alternatively by
examination supervisors.
xviii) Close monitoring of rake (type wise) examination time/detachment. If any
rake has taken excessive examination time/ detachment, report to be
submitted with proper justification to the concerned officer.
xix) Ensure safety drive if any running is properly follow up the by the supervisor.
Records to be checked & signed.
xx) Ensure work attended on train by examination supervisor is correct. Check
the concerned diary & signed.
xxi) Any other work given time to time by Mechanical Officers, SSE (Gen) &
11. JE/SSE (C&W)/Train Examination Yard:
He is responsible for the following duties assigned to him –
i) Ensure proper entry of attendance & signature of staff concerned at
appropriate place. It should be witnessed by supervisor at the bottom.
ii) Supervisor should taken over the charges from the reliever & signed at
iii) appropriate place after entry as “CTO at 06:00 hrs/14:00 hrs/ 22:00hrs”.
iv) Ensure availability of the minor lamps received in charge & maintain proper
distribution of minor lamp in the respective diary in a proper way.
v) Ensure proper working of mobile work station & availability of materials on it.
vi) Ensure proper & legible entry of wagon particulars & repair summary of the
examined rake the by recorder. Also ensure signature of the recorder &
finally supervisor should witness the record by signing on it.
vii) Ensure signature of Tech./Supervisors on the registers/books maintaining at
Coal Empty Yard like air brake testing, office order, SPA log book, hand
brake split collar welding register, contractor’s safaiwala attendance etc.
viii) Ensure all jacks (Screw + Hydraulic with accessories) in the office at time of
charge made over to reliever.
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ix) Supervisors should ensure proper entry of the charges made over to the
reliever & signed at appropriate place after entry as “CMO to reliever at
06:00 hrs/14:00 hrs/ 22:00hrs”.
x) Ensure proper keeping of train examination record in the concerned register
of all type of rake i.e. CC rake , Premium Rake & End to end rake
examination and issue of BPC.
xi) Maintenance of wagons in the rake as per instructions given in maintenance
xii) Maintenance of rake test rigs, air pressure pipe lines & reservoirs.
xiii) Maintenance of all innovation items being provided in CC rakes.
xiv) Ensure scrap collection and keeping up of premises clean.
xv) Monitoring and implementation of C&W drives launched by mechanical
officers time to time.
xvi) Under gear/upper gear examination and complete testing of Rake in yard.
xvii) Attention to over due ROH/POH wagons & sick marking of defective
xviii) Computerization and ISO system related work in his field of activity if
xix) Ensure sick wagon % is maintained well within prescribed limit.
xx) Ensure proper availability of lighting for train examination/rolling in and
rolling out. Also timely removal of released brake blocks and other material
form yard and keep pathways free of obstruction.
xxi) Ensure proper & standard tool kit for train examination staff.
xxii) Ensure Rolling in & Rolling out Examination of all Incoming & Out going
Trains respectively
xxiii) Any other work given time to time by Mechanical Officers, SSE (Gen) &
12. Duties of C&W Inspectors (CWI).
The duties of C&W inspectors are summarized as under:
(a) Inspections
(b) Field work
(c) General work
i) Inspection of primary based rakes for monitoring of performance of
rake/rakes with respect to equipment failure and quality of maintenance,
including follow up of observations.
ii) Surprise checks of staff working in passenger yard, with respect to rolling- in
and rolling-out examinations, carriage watering and attention to public
complaints by on duty supervisors and staff etc.
iii) Surprise checks of rake maintenance activities, for staff attendance, quality
of rake maintenance, brake power testing, working of ACP apparatus.,
testing of rakes on the RTR etc. and working knowledge of staff and
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iv) Surprise night inspections as ordered by Mechanical Officers.
v) Inspections of documentation of rake maintenance activity and schedule of
vi) Inspections of IOH sheds with respect to repairs carried out during IOH as
per demand of maintenance supervisor, short coming to be highlighted to
mechanical officers and follow up.
vii) oot plate inspections of mail express, passenger trains and goods trains for
monitoring & counseling of Loco Pilots, Asst. Loco Pilots and Train
Managers with respect to trouble shooting on coaching and goods stock of
Air brake rolling stock.
i) Carry out drives on his Depot based coaching stocks as ordered time to
ii) Carry out failure investigations with LI and TI whenever required.
iii) Ensure non running of coaches over due for schedule maintenance &
iv) Reporting of failures, repairs carried out on the coaches within 100 days of
v) Ensure the modifications, which are advised to be carried out during primary
maintenance, are being done correctly and timely.
vi) Regular inspection at road side stations, counseling of operating staff with
respect to C&W trouble shooting and shortage of C&W fittings provided at
stations for emergency.
i) Counseling of C&W staff and supervisors with respect to working knowledge
and trouble shooting of vacuum and air brake stock both, as well as
importance of Rolling-in and Rolling-out examinations of trains at STR
ii) Counseling of operating (both loco and traffic) staff on the subject of trouble
shooting of air brake rolling stock.
iii) Attending technical meetings, seminars & workshops as arranged time to
time actively for improvement of knowledge of other staff and conduct DAR
iv) Checking of calibration of USFD, Torque wrenches and gauges being used
in the depots.
v) Check whether proper procedure is being followed for repairs of various
assemblies of coaching & goods stock.
vi) Checking of coaches, received in yard after POH and giving feed back to
POH shop, if required.
vii) Passing on the information to train examination staff regarding various DAI's
and modifications, to check and report their limit of implementation.
i) Inspection of goods trains examined in the yard for monitoring of
performance of train with respect to equipment failure and quality of

579 | Page
repairs/examination, including follow up of observations, checking of cutting
tools and equipments of staff.
ii) Surprise checks in goods yards with respect to prompt axle box feeling,
Rolling-in & Rolling-out examinations, CC, Premium & End to End
examinations and repairs by staff.
iii) Surprise checks of flying gang staff, working at road side stations.
iv) Surprise night inspections as ordered by Mechanical Officers.
v) Inspections of documentation of train examination activities in yards and
repairs carried out.
vi) Inspections of ROH sheds with respect to repairs carried out during ROH as
per extent instructions laid down in the G-70 & G-95 technical pamphlets &
G-106.Foot plate inspections of mail/goods trains for monitoring of working
knowledge of Loco Pilots, Asst. Loco Pilots and Train Managers with respect
to trouble shooting on coaching and goods stock of Air and Vacuum brake
rolling stock.
i) Carry out drives on goods stocks as ordered time to time.
ii) Carry out failure investigations with LI and TI correctly.
iii) Reporting of failures, repairs carried out on the wagons within 100 days of
iv) Ensure the modifications which are advised to be carried out during sick line
attention or during ROH, are being done correctly and timely.
v) Regular inspection at road side stations, counseling of operating staff with
respect to C&W trouble shooting and shortage of C&W fittings provided at
stations for emergency.
vi) Analysis of unusual occurrences (Hot axle, Train Parting, Brake binding etc.)
and will take suitable corrective actions.
vii) Follow up of warranty claims of failed components within warranty period.
i) Counseling of C&W staff and supervisors with respect to working knowledge
and trouble shooting of air brake stock as well as importance of rolling-in
examination and box feeling.
ii) Counseling of operating (both loco and traffic) staff on the subject of trouble
shooting of air brake stock.
iii) Attending technical meetings, seminars as arranged time to time for
improvement of knowledge of other staff and conduct DAR enquiries.
iv) Checking of calibration of USFD, torque wrenches and gauges being used
in the wagon depots.
v) Check whether proper procedure is being followed for repairs of various
assemblies & parts.
vi) Checking of wagons, received in yard after POH and giving feed back to
POH shop, if required.
vii) Passing on the information to train examination staff regarding various WAI's
and modifications, to check and report their limit of implementation.
(d) (Goods) Other duties:
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1. Responsible for roadside stations, maintenance of fire extinguishers,
weighing machines, 8 Wheeler clamps in his jurisdiction.
2. Attending sick vehicles at Road side stations.
3. Attending goods unusuals i.e. train parting, H/P Disconnection at out station
and depot whenever required.
4. Responsible for goods detention at depot.
5. Examination of tower wagons at nominated depots if assigned.
6. Inspection of ready rakes in freight yard.
7. Attending freight unusual in liaison with SSE (G) & C&W Controller.
8. Attending VIP movements & maintenance and placement of VIP Salloons /
Special Trains in depot if assigned.
9. Computerization and ISO system related work in his field of activity if
10. Inspections as per Railway Board's letter No. 99/AM(M)/Inspections dated
11. Any other work given time to time by the Mechanical Officers.
13. SSE/C&W (Sick Line):
He is responsible for the following duties assigned to him –
i) Proper record keeping & maintenance in wagon sick line.
ii) Responsible for making Sick/unfit wagons fit at Depot as well as Road side
iii) Arranging clamps for Road side station if required.
iv) Assistance in maintenance of ART & ARME if work assigned
v) Responsible for M&P maintenance and record keeping in sick line.
vi) Responsible for upkeep in sick line and cleanliness in the premises.
vii) Revalidation / Examination of material train and issuing of BPC.
viii) Computerization and ISO system related work in his field of activity if
ix) Keep sick wagon percentage well within prescribed target.
x) Analyse cases of repeated sick marking of wagons and take corrective
xi) Responsible for implementation of proper welding procedures in sick line.
xii) Executing the contracts and preparation of bills related to assigned
xiii) Any other work given time to time by the Mechanical Officers.
Duties of C&W Supervisors working in ROH Depots.
1. SSE/C&W)/ROH/Incharge:
He is responsible for the following duties assigned to him –
i) Overall incharge of ROH of wagons in ROH Depot. Ensure proper
maintenance and documentation of all relevant records of ROH.
ii) Responsible for attending Break down duties and complete maintenance of

581 | Page
break down rolling stock in depot.
iii) Responsible to attend maintenance of Coaches/Wagons of ART/ ARME and
timely testing thereof if assigned.
iv) Responsible to attend restoration and investigation in case of accident in the
Depot/Out station.
v) Responsible to implement laid down procedures as per latest wagon
maintenance manual/ RDSO circulars/HQ directives in ROH work.
vi) Responsible for proper reclamation of spares, matching and grouping of
spares required in wagon maintenance.
vii) Responsible for proper implementation of welding procedures.
viii) Responsible for making analysis of failed components of wagons.
ix) Responsible to calibrate the measuring gauges and timely correspondence
thereof to divisional HQs.
x) Responsible for ensuring the availability of material for ROH activities to
avoid detentions.
xi) Responsible for proper stacking of good/bad material and keeping accountal
xii) Responsible for prompt disposal of scrap/unserviceable material.
xiii) Responsible for timely placement of wagons according to next days
xiv) Responsible for conducting technical meetings of supervisors in the Depot.
xv) Responsible for maintaining records as per ISO/HQ requirements and
making analysis to high light the facts.
xvi) Responsible for audit of maintained wagons in ROH depot.
xvii) Turning out defect-less wagons from ROH.
xviii) Inspections as per Railway Bd's letter no.99/AM(M)Inspections dt.16.8.99.
xix) Computerization of ISO related work in the field of activity if assigned.
xx) Responsible for prompt disposal of condemned wagon in ROH depot duly
following laid down procedure.
xxi) Any other work given time to time by Mechanical Officers.
2. (SSE/C&W)/ROH/Field:
He is responsible for the following duties assigned to him –
i) Overall incharge of the field activities of ROH Depot.
ii) Responsible for proper deployment of staff, activity wise and maintaining
discipline in ROH depot. Also responsible for arranging staff for line duties,
stores, road-side stations and important other movements/works.
iii) Responsible for managing material requirement in the depot/out side and
ensure the availability of material on time.
iv) Responsible for maintaining M&Ps in the ROH depot.
v) Responsible to meet the targeted out turn of ROH and ensure quality repairs
of the wagon stock.
vi) Responsible for releasing Wagons/BVZI earliest from ROH depot and in the
jurisdiction for keeping minimum detention.
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vii) Liaison with all departments in respect of timely wagon movement to
improve working conditions.
viii) Responsible for ensuring proper stacking of good and bad materials/spares
and proper accountal thereof.
ix) Responsible to investigate and highlight the bad cases of material supply
and to maintain record thereof.
x) Responsible for maintenance of fire extinguishers, material wagons and
tower wagons also.
xi) Responsible for proper record keeping of analysis of work and costing
xii) Responsible to implement all procedure orders of work as per Maintenance
manuals/ rule books / RDSO/HQ circulars/WAI etc.
xiii) Responsible for cleanliness and general up-keep of ROH depot shop in all
xiv) Inspections as per Railway Bd's letter no.99/AM(M)Inspections dt.16.8.99.
xv) or as per wagon maintenance manual.
xvi) Computerization of ISO related work in the field of activity if assigned.
xvii) Responsible for warranty claims of items failed within warranty period.
xviii) Ensure proper stamping available on all the new/serviceable material.
Materials not having stamping to be segregated and disposed of.Any other
work given time to time by Mechanical Officers.
3. SSE(C&W)/Store/ROH
i) Ensure availability of material in Stores for use of ROH/Yard maintenance,
Receiving/DN/UP Yard & other Working Points as per requirement.
ii) Non availability of material if any to be chased and record thereof to be
iii) Ensure up keep of ledgers and house keeping of main Store & sub-store.
iv) Preparation of specifications for procurement of non stock items as and
when required.
v) Scruitiny and certification of drawings and obtaining specifications of
material, processing of stocking applications, follow up of indigenous
developments and trials.
vi) Field Exercise, control over MUF & AAC of Stock items for wagons.
vii) Attending monthly technical meeting of Supervisors with DME/Sr DME.
viii) Responsible for sending staff to other depot for chasing, procurement of
ix) Responsible for maintaining record and Data entries pertaining to store
items with the assistance of Store clerk.
x) Responsible for ISO related complete documentation, record keeping &
general upkeep if assigned.
xi) Over all incharge of computer cell and maintenance and repairing of items of
computer cell.
xii) Responsible for management and record keeping of condemn/Scrap items
and process for survey/disposal etc.
583 | Page
xiii) Accountal and disposal of ferrous and non ferrous scrap material as per
extent procedure.
xiv) Responsible for keeping watch over AAC & consumption pattern of vital
items and process for revising (upward as well as downward) AAC.
xv) Any other work given by mechanical officers time to time

4. SSE (M&P)/ROH
He is responsible for the following duties assigned to him –
i) Over all incharge of M&P Section of Depot. He will be responsible for
maintenance and operation of M&P in Div./Depot
ii) Maintenance of Wheel lathe machine of depot if provided.
iii) Maintenance of all machines available in Machine shop & Compressors.
iv) Maintenance of air pressure pipe line in ROH depot & Yard.
v) Car washer maintenance and availability of spares for passenger yard, if
vi) Maintenance and repairing of vehicles of ROH Shed, preparation of
history sheets and other repair/Fuel consumption record also.
vii) Minor reclamation work in M&P section as and when required.
viii) Maintenance and upkeep of Dead stock registers of M&P Section.
ix) Record of receipts and issues of M&P items and raising of debits/credits.
x) Preparation of Schedule forms and Defect Cards for machines and plants.
xi) Maintenance and overhauling of compressors & Rake test rigs/SWTR.
xii) Condemnation of old Machines, plants, Welding sets kept in the M&P
sections in Div./Depots.
xiii) Attending monthly technical meeting of Supervisors & giving feed back
of previous discussions.
xiv) Record keeping and general upkeep in his section as per ISO requirement.
xv) Initiation of Proposals of M&P and Works programme required in the
xvi) Assisting to DBI in testing of pressure vessels and tanks.
xvii) Responsible for all type of trimmer work i.e. Battery bags, Tool Bag,
Covers, Record registers & other protection covers for registers.
xviii) Ensure AMC of critical Machines like wheel lathe, EOT etc where
adequate technical knowledge is not available.
xix) Ensure availability of vital spares for M&P
xx) Any other works given time to time by the Mechanical Officer
18. SSE/C&W/Air Brake:
He is responsible for the following duties assigned to him –
i) Overall incharge of the field activities of air brake system.
ii) Responsible for proper deployment of staff in activity wise. Also
iii) responsible for arranging staff for stores and important other
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iv) Responsible for air brake testing of all wagons placed in ROH depot &
faults should be attended & rectified as per instructions laid down in
Wagon Maintenance manual.
v) Responsible to attend all must change items of air brake system in ROH
vi) Responsible for air brake testing of all ROH wagons in SWTR &
maintaining of its record.
vii) Liaison with other sections in the Depot in respect of timely
fitment/release of wagon.
viii) Responsible for overhauling of Cut off angle cock, DV, Brake Cylinder
ix) Responsible for proper maintenance & smooth working of SWTR &
x) Responsible for supply of sufficient quantity of overhauled DV to Yard
for use on daily basis.
xi) Responsible for ensuring proper stacking of good and
bad materials/spares and proper accountal thereof.
xii) Responsible to investigate and highlight the bad cases of material
supply/unsatisfactory and to maintain record thereof.
xiii) Responsible for proper record keeping.
xiv) Responsible to implement all procedure orders of work as per
Maintenance manuals/ rule books / RDSO circulars etc.
xv) Responsible for cleanliness and general up-keep of the section.
xvi) Computerization of ISO related work in the field of activity if assigned.
xvii) Responsible for warranty claims of items failed within warranty period.
xviii) Ensure proper stamping available on all the new/serviceable material.
Materials not having stamping to be segregated and disposed of.
xix) Any other work given time to time by Mechanical Officers.
19. SSE/C&W/Bogie:
He is responsible for the following duties assigned to him –
i) Overall incharge of the field activities of Bogie section.
ii) Responsible for proper deployment of staff in activity wise. Also
Responsible for arranging staff for stores and important other
iii) Responsible to attend all wear & tear items of Bogie as per Technical
Pamphlet G-95.
iv) Responsible for timely hand over of repaired bogie to ROH section.
v) Responsible for procurement of new bogies, as per demand &
inspection thereof.
vi) Liaison with other sectionsin the Depot in respect of timely
fitment/release of wagon.
vii) Resposible for proper maintenance of tools & plant of the section.
viii) Responsible for ensuring proper stacking of good and bad

585 | Page
materials/spares and proper accountal thereof.
ix) Responsible to investigate and highlight the bad cases of material
supply/unsatisfactory and to maintain record thereof.
x) Responsible for proper record keeping.
xi) Responsible to implement all procedure orders of work as per
Maintenance manuals/ rule books / RDSO circulars etc.
xii) Responsible for cleanliness and general up-keep of the section.
xiii) Computerization of ISO related work in the field of activity if assigned.
xiv) Responsible for warranty claims of items failed within warranty period.
xv) Ensure proper stamping available on all the new/serviceable material.
Materials not having stamping to be segregated and disposed of.
xvi) any other work given time to time by Mechanical Officers.
He is responsible for the following duties assigned to him –
i) Over all incharge of ART or ARME. He will be responsible for
maintenance and operation of ART & ARME tools and equipments &
accompany ART/ARME whenever ordered.
ii) Responsible for efficient and safe working of MFD/LKAS equipments as
well as other ART tools and staff at accident site.
iii) Ensure liaison with other departments during restoration at accident site.
iv) Responsible for proper nomination of staff for making team for each
activity before reaching at accident site.
v) Responsible for collecting information regarding nature of accident and
involvement of number of coaches/wagons in the accident.
vi) Responsible for filling up schedule form of hydraulic machines other
tools and equipments as per maintenance manual.
vii) Responsible for communicating progress of relief & restoration time to
time to control office on phone with consultation of site incharge.
viii) Responsible for safe running of ART during shunting at block stations
and pushing back operations.
ix) Responsible for timely maintenance schedules of ART/ARME coaches &
wagons and timely testing and mock drill thereof.
x) Responsible for maintaining complete record of availability status of
items as per standard list, HLC recommendations & Board/ HQrs.
xi) Responsible for complete maintenance of ARME equipments and their
xii) Proper record keeping as per ISO Norms & HQ requirement.
xiii) Examination of tower wagon of nominated depots if assigned.
xiv) Maintenance and overhaul of Hydraulic Jacks and compressors of ART.
xv) Maintenance and up keep of Dead Stock register of ART/ARME.
xvi) Attending monthly Technical meeting of supervisors.
xvii) Computerization and ISO system related work in his field of activity if
586 | Page
xviii) Ensure inspection of ART & ARME vide Rly.Bd's L.No.99/AM(M)/ Insp.
xix) Any other work given time to time by the Mechanical Officers.
Note: Detailed duties are given in Maintenance & Operation Manual for
ARTs/ARMEs/140T Cranes-Dec-2015.
He is responsible for the following duties assigned to him –
Daily check:
1 Engine:
i) Check & record the fuel oil, lube oil and water level. Top up if required.
ii) Check for, leakages, loose worn out or damaged parts. take appropriate
action to rectify or replace.
2. Transmission :
Check Oil level and top up if required.
3 Axle Drive :
Check axle Loco Pilot oil level and top up, if required.
4 Air compressor :
Check air compressor oil level and top up, if required.
5 Hydraulic system :
Check hydraulic system tank oil level & top up if necessary.
In addition to above, following checks to be done :
i) Start both the engines one by one for checking of smooth functioning.
ii) Maintain B.P., FP and MR air pressure and record in the register
iii) Check functioning of brakes system equipments
iv) Check the leakages in all the system and attend them. Check for any
unusual noises, loose or damage parts.
v) Check engine lube oil pressure at idle as well as at Max speed & record
(After reaching to running temp. of engine up to specified limit.)
vi) Check head lights, flasher lights and tail lamps of both end operating
vii) Check the working of horns, wipers, Train Manager bell & emergency
viii) Visually inspect fan for its proper working.
ix) Drain Water / Sediments from the system.
x) Check for any loose or frayed belts.
xi) Check the condition of engine batteries.
xii) Move the vehicle for a kilometer daily and return back, this will prove the
operation and reversing.

587 | Page
Once in a week:Take the vehicle on main line for a stretch wherein vehicle can
achieve max permissible sectional speed and return back. This proves the
health of power packs and capability.
Monthly check List for SPART
1. Start the engines and check:
a) Engine:-
i) Leakages in lube oil system and arrest them
ii) Leakages in cooling water system and arrest them.
iii) Leakages in hydraulic oil system and arrest them.
iv) Record the lube oil pressure at idle and 8th notch.
v) Check the functioning of lube oil and water temp. gauges.
vi) Check function of water level sensor.
b) Transmission :
i) Leakages in transmission oil system and arrest them.
ii) Leakages in pneumatic system and arrest them.
iii) Check working of transmission oil temp. gauge.
c) Compressor
i) leakages in air system and arrest them
ii) Check function of unloader valve.
iii) Check and record the MR Pressure, BP & FP pressures.
iv) Check function of horns.
v) Drain condensate from MR Tanks/Reservoirs
vi) Check functioning of wipers and its arms.
vii) Check the brake cylinder pressure.
i) Check the leakages of hydraulic oil in the system & working of pump.
ii) Clean radiator cores and hydraulic oil cooler.
2. Shut down the engine and check.
a) Engine
i) Check lube oil level and fill up if necessary.
ii) Check all foundation bolts for tightness.
iii) Check water level and fill up if necessary.
iv) Check hydraulic oil level and adjust if necessary.
b) Transmission:
i) Check transmission oil level and fill up if necessary
ii) Check all foundation bolts for proper tightness.
iii) Check all oil pipe lines and pneumatic pipe connections for tightness.
c) Compressor
588 | Page
i) Check oil level and adjust if necessary
ii) Check all foundation bolts for tightness.
iii) Check air filter and clean it if necessary
iv) Check belt tension and adjust it if necessary.
d) Axle Drive:
i) Check oil level and adjust if necessary
ii) Check all foundation mounting bolts for proper tightness.
i) Check cardon shafts assembly flange bolts for tightness and ensure
greasing of all cardon shfts.
f) Alternator
Check alternator belt tension and adjust if necessary.
g) Brake system
i) Check the condition of brake blocks, change them if necessary.
ii) Check the mounting of brake gearing .
i) Check all electrical connections for tightness.
ii) Secure electrical connections and all the mounted devices.
iii) Check functioning of all cutout toggle switches.
iv) Check master controller function.
i) Alternators maintenance by train lighting staff should be performed as
per the schedule maintenance of other coaches.
ii) Remaining coach maintenance of DPC & DTC should be arranged as
per the other coaches maintenance schedule programmes.
Check other following parameters also:
i) Compressor Oil
ii) Axle Drive Oil & Hydraulic tank oil
iii) Transmission Oil
iv) Engine Oil
v) Cooling system: Min. recommended operating temp and
Max.recommended operating temp.

589 | Page
Unit Exchange Spares for Freight stock in ROH/POH/SICKLINE Depots.
(Ref: 1. Railway Board Letter No. 2019/M(N)/951/24 dated 25.02.20
On the basis of above referred report for providing unit exchange spares for freight
stock in Sickline /ROH/POH has been revised as under.
Unit Exchange Spares for Freight stock in Sick Lines.
Sick Line out turn (Wagon/Day)
SN Name of component Up to 10 to Above
y 20 to 30 30 to 40
10 20 40
Wagon Set of Push rod,
Brake gear pins, truss
bars, floating lever, brake
block, coil springs (inner,
1 Bogies 1 2 3 4 5
outer, snubbers) and
wedge block, SF Keys and
all kinds of cotter and split

2 Wheel with CTRBs 4 Nos 8 Nos 12 Nos 16 Nos 20 Nos

DV branch pipe, BC, Dirt

collector, Dead lever, live
lever, Empty tie rod, loaded
Air Brake
3 tie rod, AR, CR, Common 1 2 3 4 5
pipe bracket, MU washer,
BP/FP air hose pipe,
flexible pipe

Door wresters, Hand

wheels, Hand-wheel rod,
E/L device, Door, Door
4 body 1 2 3 4 5
frame, cotter for doors &
locking arrangement, Door
angle, ladders, Handle etc

CBC assy(knuckle, knuckle

Draft pin, operating handle,
gear/ bearing peace, from
5 1 2 3 4 5
CBC follower, yoke, yoke pin,
items support plate, sticker
casting), D/Gear Assy

590 | Page
Unit Exchange Spares for Freight stock in ROH Depots.
SN Name of component Qty. ROH Out-turn (No of wagons/Month)
per Up 50 100 to 200 300 400 to
Wago to 50 to 200 to to 500
n 100 300 400
1 Bogie complete with
wheel sets, bolster, 2 4 8 16 24 32 40
brake rigging etc
2 Wagon Wheel set with
4 4 8 16 24 32 40
3 CBC assembly 2 4 8 16 24 32 40
4 Distributor Valve 1 2 4 8 12 16 20
5 Brake Cylinder 1 2 4 8 12 16 20
6 LSD/APM 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 Doors 4 4 8 16 24 32 40
Unit Exchange Spares for Freight stock in POH Workshops
SN Name of component Qty. ROH Out-turn (No of wagons/Month)
per Up 50 100 to 200 300 400 to
Wago to 50 to 200 to to 500
n 100 300 400
1 Bogie complete with
wheel sets, bolster, 2 4 8 16 24 32 40
brake rigging etc
2 Wagon Wheel set with
4 8 16 32 48 64 80
3 CBC assembly 2 4 8 16 24 32 40
4 Distributor Valve 1 2 4 8 12 16 20
5 Brake Cylinder 1 2 4 8 12 16 20
6 LSD/APM 1 2 4 8 12 16 20
7 Doors 4 8 16 32 48 64 80

591 | Page

FIG. 1.1 BOXN WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD- 80007/ S-2)
INTRODUCTION: - BOXN wagon has been designed for transportation of iron ores, coal etc. either fitted with CASNUB-
22W/CASNUB-22W(M)/CASNUB 22 NLB bogies, non-transition center buffer couplers and single-pipe graduated release air brake system.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 9784 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 56.29
2 Length over couplers (mm) 10713 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
3 Length inside (mm) 9784 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 23.2
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 2950/3200 17 Pay load (tonne) 58.08
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 1950/3233 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 81.28
6 Bogie centers (mm) 6524 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 3.5
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) 144x278 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 2.5
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 7.59
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 No. of wagons per train 58
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 1.016 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 1.974 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) 28.87 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 75 kmph /80 kmph

592 | P a g e
FIG. 1.2 BOXNCR WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD- 80007/ S-2)
NTRODUCTION: - The wagon is a variant of BOXN wagon with its body in IRS M-44 steel. It‟s under frame is however made of mild steel. This has
been done to provide better corrosion resistance to wagon body. All parameters of this wagon are same as that of BOXN wagon.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 9784 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 56.29
2 Length over couplers (mm) 10713 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
3 Length inside (mm) 9784 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 23.2
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 2950/3200 17 Pay load (tonne) 58.08
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 1950/3233 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 81.28
6 Bogie centers (mm) 6524 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 3.5
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) 144x278 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 2.5
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 7.59
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 No. of wagons per train 58
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 1.016 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 1.974 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) 28.87 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 75 kmph / 80 kmph

593 | P a g e
FIG.1.3 BOXNNHA WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD- 98015 - S- 02)
INTRODUCTION: - This wagon has been designed for transportation of coal to axle load of 22.1t. It has higher sidewalls compared to BOXN wagon.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 9784 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 62.8
2 Length over couplers (mm) 10713 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 22.1
3 Length inside (mm) 9784 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 23.17
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 2950/3200 17 Pay load (tonne) 65.23
5 Height inside/Height(max.) from RL. 2175/3450 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 88.4
6 Bogie centers (mm) 6524 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 3.82
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) 144x278 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 2.82
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 8.25
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 No. of wagons per train 58
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) - 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) - 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) 28.87 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 75 kmph / 80 kmph

594 | P a g e
FIG. 1.4 BOXNHS WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD – 80007/S- 2)
INTRODUCTION: - The wagon is variant of BOXN wagon with operating speed of 100 kmph in empty and 100 kmph in loaded condition. In this
wagon high speed bogies have been provided. The other parameters of this wagon are same as of BOXN wagon.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 9784 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 56.29
2 Length over couplers (mm) 10713 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
3 Length inside (mm) 9784 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 23.2
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 2950/3200 17 Pay load (tonne) 58.08
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 1950/3233 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 81.28
6 Bogie centers (mm) 6524 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 3.5
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) 144x278 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 2.5
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 7.59
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 No. of wagons per train 58
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 1.016 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 1.974 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) 28.87 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 100 kmph / 100 kmph

595 | P a g e
FIG. 1.5 BOXN (LW) WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD –88088- S - 02)
INTRODUCTION: - To meet the requirement of higher pay to tare ratio, this bogie open wagon was designed in 1988. Cold Rolled Formed (CRF)
sections and stainless steel/carton steel are used in design to reduce the tare weight of the wagon.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 9784 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 61.09
2 Length over couplers (mm) 10713 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
3 Length inside (mm) 9784 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 18.26
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 3022/3250 17 Pay load (tonne) 63.02
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 2066/3341 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 81.28
6 Bogie centers (mm) 6524 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 4.45
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) 144x278 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 3.45
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 7.59
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 No. of wagons per train 58
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) - 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) - 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) 29.57 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 100 kmph / 100 kmph

596 | P a g e
FIG.1.6 BOXNHL WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD –05086- S - 02)
INTRODUCTION: - This bogie open wagon was designed at 22.9t axle load and 250mm longer than BOXNHS wagon. The wagon is manufactured by
using stainless steel and cold rolled sections.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 10034 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 61.05
2 Length over couplers (mm) 10963 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 22.9
3 Length inside (mm) 10034 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 20.6
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 3022/3250 17 Pay load (tonne) 71.0
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 2028/3301 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 91.6
6 Bogie centers (mm) 6690 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 4.45
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) 144x278 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 3.45
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 8.35
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 No. of wagons per train 58
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) - 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) - 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) 30.32 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 75 kmph / 100 kmph

597 | P a g e
FIG. 1.7 BOXNEL WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD –06083/ S - 01)
INTRODUCTION: - This wagon has been designed for transportation of iron ores, coal etc. BOXNEL wagons fitted with CASNUB-22NLC bogies
with a maximum axle load 25 t., non-transition center buffer couplers and single-pipe graduated release air brake system.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 9784 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 56.29
2 Length over couplers (mm) 10713 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 25
3 Length inside (mm) 9784 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 23.1
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 2950/3200 17 Pay load (tonne) 76.9
5 Height inside/Height(max.) from RL. 1950/3233 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 100
6 Bogie centers (mm) 6524 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 4.33
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) 144x278 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 3.33
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 9.33
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/950 22 No. of wagons per train 58
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 1.016 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 1.737 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) 28.87 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 45+5 kmph / 60+5 kmph

598 | P a g e
FIG. 1.8 BOXNR WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD –07001- S - 02)
INTRODUCTION: - This wagon has been designed for transportation of iron ores, coal etc. BOXNR wagons either fitted with CASNUB-22W (without
Elastomeric pads) or CASNUB-22W (with Elastomeric pads) bogies with a maximum axle load 22.9 t., non-transition center buffer couplers and single-
pipe graduated release air brake system.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 9784 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 61.47
2 Length over couplers (mm) 10713 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 22.9
3 Length inside (mm) 9784 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 21.2
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 2954/3176 17 Pay load (tonne) 70.04
5 Height inside/Height(max.) from RL. 2127/3408 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 91.6
6 Bogie centers (mm) 6524 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 4.32
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) 144x278 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 3.32
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 8.55
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 No. of wagons per train 58
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 1.027 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 2.033 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) 28.90 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 60 kmph / 80 kmph

599 | P a g e
FIG. 1.9
S. No. PARTICULARS Parameter S. No. PARTICULARS Parameter
1 Length over Hd. Stock 9784 mm 11 Pay load 68.18 t
2 Length over buffer/couplers 10713 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.95
3 Length inside 9784 mm 13 Gross load 91.28 t
4 Width inside/overall 2950/3200 mm 14 No. of wagons per rake 58
5 Height inside/from rail 1950/3233 mm 15 Throughput per rake 3954 t
6 Bogie centres 6524 mm 16 Loading density 8.52 t/m
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity 56.29 m3
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000/906 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) 100/75
9 Nominal max. axle load 22.82 t 19 Type of coupler CBC
10 Tare 23.1 t 20 Type of bearing CTRB

600 | P a g e
FIG. 1.10
S. No. PARTICULARS Parameter S. No. PARTICULARS Parameter
1 Length over Hd. Stock 9784 mm 11 Pay load 58.18 t
2 Length over buffer/couplers 10713 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.52
3 Length inside 9784 mm 13 Gross load 81.28 t
4 Width inside/overall 2950/3200 mm 14 No. of wagons per rake 58
5 Height inside/from rail 1950/3233 mm 15 Throughput per rake 3374 t
6 Bogie centres 6524 mm 16 Loading density 7.59 t/m
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity 56.29 m3
1000 mm 80/75 BOXN
8 Wheel dia. On tread 18 Speed (empty/ loaded)
100/100 BOXNHS
9 Nominal max. axle load 20.32 t 19 Type of coupler CBC
10 Tare 23.1 t 20 Type of bearing CTRB

601 | P a g e
1 Length over Hd. Stock 10034 mm 11 Pay load 71.08 t
2 Length over buffer/couplers 10963 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 3.46
3 Length inside 10034 mm 13 Gross load 91.6 t
4 Width inside/overall 3022/3250 mm 14 No. of wagons per rake 58
5 Height inside/from rail 2028/3301 mm 15 Throughput per rake 4123 t
6 Bogie centres 6690 mm 16 Loading density 8.35 t/m
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity 61.50 m3
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) 100/75 Kmph
9 Nominal max. axle load 22.9 t 19 Type of coupler CBC
10 Tare 20.52 t 20 Type of bearing CTRB

602 | P a g e
FIG. 1.11 BOST WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD - 00012 - S- 01)
INTRODUCTION:-This bogie open wagon was designed for transportation of coal as well as steel products. The under frame has been strengthened
during the design to sustain point loading of steel consignment. The payload remains the same as BOX N wagon.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 12800 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 65.79
2 Length over couplers (mm) 13729 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
3 Length inside (mm) 12800 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 25.5
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 2850/3100 17 Pay load (tonne) 55.78
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 1805/3080 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 81..28
6 Bogie centers (mm) 8800 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 3.19
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) 144x278 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 2.19
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 5.92
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 No. of wagons per train 45
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 1.036 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 1.792 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) 36.45 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 75 kmph/ 80 kmph

603 | P a g e
FIG. 1.12 BOSTHS WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD - 00012 - S- 01)
INTRODUCTION: - This wagon is variant of BOST wagon with high-speed CASNUB bogie.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 12800 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 65.79
2 Length over couplers (mm) 13729 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
3 Length inside (mm) 12800 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 25.5
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 2850/3100 17 Pay load (tonne) 55.78
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 1950/3080 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 81.28
6 Bogie centers (mm) 8800 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 3.19
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) 144x278 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 2.19
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 5.92
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 No. of wagons per train 45
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 1.036 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 1.792 25 Bearing CTRB.
13 Floor area (Sq.M) 36.45 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 100 kmph / 100 kmph

604 | P a g e
1 Length over Hd. Stock 12800 mm 11 Pay load 63.78 t.
2 Length over buffer/couplers 13729mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.5
3 Length inside 12800 mm 13 Gross load 89.28 t.
4 Width inside/overall 2850/3100 mm 14 No. of wagons per rake 45
5 Height inside/from rail 1805/3080 mm 15 Throughput per rake 2870.1 t.
6 Bogie centres 8800 mm 16 Loading density 6..50 t/m
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity 65.79 m3
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) 80/60
9 Nominal max. axle load 22.32 t. 19 Type of coupler CBC
10 Tare 25.5 t. 20 Type of bearing CTRB
1 Length over Hd. Stock 12800 mm 11 Pay load 63.78 t.
2 Length over buffer/couplers 13729mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.5
3 Length inside 12800 mm 13 Gross load 89.28 t.
4 Width inside/overall 2850/3100 mm 14 No. of wagons per rake 45
5 Height inside/from rail 1805/3078 mm 15 Throughput per rake 2870.1 t.
6 Bogie centres 8800 mm 16 Loading density 6.50 t/m
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity 65.79 m3
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) 100/60
9 Nominal max. axle load 22.32 t. 19 Type of coupler CBC
10 Tare 25.5 t. 20 Type of bearing CTRB

605 | P a g e
FIG. 1.13 BOYEL WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD –06084- S / 01)
INTRODUCTION: - This wagon has been designed for transportation of iron ores, coal etc. BOYEL wagons fitted with CASNUB-22NLC bogies
with amaximum axle load 25 t., nontransition center buffer couplers and single-pipe graduated release air brake system.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 11000 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 37.8
2 Length over couplers (mm) 11929 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 25
3 Length inside (mm) 10990 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 20.7
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 2924/3134 17 Pay load (tonne) 79.3
5 Height inside/Height(max.) from RL. 1175/2450 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 100
6 Bogie centers (mm) 7330 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 4.83
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) 144x278 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 3.83
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 8.38
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/950 22 No. of wagons per train 52
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 0.972 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 1.613 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) 32.13 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 45+5 kmph / 60+5 kmph

606 | P a g e
FIG. 1.14 BCN COVERED WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD- 84014 – S- 1)
INTRODUCTION: - This bogie covered wagon designed at 20.32t axle load in 1984.The construction of wagon was purely riveted. The wagon was
designed for transportation of bag commodities.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 14500 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 104.00
2 Length over couplers (mm) 15429 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
3 Length inside (mm) 14494 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 27.20
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 2944/3100 17 Pay load (tonne) 54.08
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 2446/3788 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 81.28
6 Bogie centers (mm) 10000 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 2.99
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) RB144.5 Ø 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 1.99
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 5.268
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 No. of wagons per train 40
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1102 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 1.016 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 1.974 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) 42.67 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 75 kmph / 80 kmph

607 | P a g e
FIG. 1.15 BCNA COVERED WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD- 90030 – S- 51)
INTRODUCTION: - This wagon is an improved BCN wagon having reduced length and increase height by keeping volumetric capacity same and the
wagon was fully welded construction.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 13521 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 103.40
2 Length over couplers (mm) 14450 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
3 Length inside (mm) 13515 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 24.55
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 2944/3200 17 Pay load (tonne) 56.73
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 2677/4017 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 81.28
6 Bogie centers (mm) 9500 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 3.31
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) RB144.5 Ø 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 2.31
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 5.625
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 No. of wagons per train 43
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1104 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 1.2395 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 1.9915 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) - 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 75 kmph / 80 kmph

608 | P a g e
FIG. 1.16 BCNAHS COVERED WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD- 90030 – S- 51)
INTRODUCTION: - This wagon is variant of BCNA wagon with high speed bogie CASNUB-22HS-BOGIE. The other parameters of this wagon are
same as of BCNA wagon.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 13521 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 103.40
2 Length over couplers (mm) 14450 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
3 Length inside (mm) 13515 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 24.6
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 2944/3200 17 Pay load (tonne) 56.68
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 2677/4017 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 81.28
6 Bogie centers (mm) 9500 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 3.3
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) RB144.5 Ø 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 2.3
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 5.625
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 No. of wagons per train 43
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1104 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 1.2395 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 1.9915 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) - 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 100 kmph / 100 kmph

609 | P a g e
FIG. 1.17 BCNHL COVERED WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD- 06076 – S- 02)

INTRODUCTION: - This wagon fitted with twin pipe graduated release air brake system, high tensile non transition type CBC and cast steel bogie to
STR No. WD-17 CASNUB 22 HS Bogie 92 with latest amendment.


1 Length over Hd. Stock 10034 mm 11 Pay load 70.8t.
2 Length over buffer/couplers 10963 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 3.4
3 Length inside 10034 mm 13 Gross load 91.6 t.
4 Width inside/overall 3345/3450 mm 14 No. of wagons per rake 58
5 Height inside/from rail 3024/4305mm 15 Throughput per rake 4106 t.
6 Bogie centres 7153 mm 16 Loading density 8.35 t./m
7 Journal centres 2260mm 17 Cubic capacity 92.54 m³
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) 100 Kmph
9 Nominal max. axle load 22.9 t. 19 Type of coupler CBC
10 Tare 20.8t. 20 Type of bearing CTRB

610 | P a g e


1 Length over Hd. Stock 11861mm 11 Pay load 60.84 t.
2 Length over buffer/couplers 12790 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.38
3 Length inside 11770 mm 13 Gross load 87.28 t.
4 Width inside/overall 3140/3250 mm 14 No. of wagons per rake 49
5 Max. Height from rail 4260 mm 15 Throughput per rake 2981 t.
6 Bogie centres 8661 mm 16 Loading density 6.82 t./m
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity 81.76 m3
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) E‐75 & L‐75
9 Nominal max. axle load 21.82 t. 19 Type of coupler CBC
10 Tare 26.44 t. 20 Type of bearing CTRB

611 | P a g e
S. No. PARTICULARS Fly Ash Cement S. No. PARTICULARS Fly Ash Cement
1 Length over Hd. Stock 9784mm 9784mm 11 Pay load 49 t. 67.3 t.
2 Length over buffer/couplers 10713 mm 10713 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.22 3.06
3 Length inside 10084.7 mm 10084.7 mm 13 Gross load 71 t. 89.3 t.
4 Width inside/overall 3128.7/3245mm 3128.7/3245mm 14 No. of wagons per rake 58 58
5 Height inside/from rail 4165 mm 4165 mm 15 Throughput per rake 2842 t. 3904 t.
6 Bogie centres 6684 mm 6684 mm 16 Loading density 6.62 t./m 8.335 t./m
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity 72.8 m³ 72.8 m³
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000 mm 1000 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) 65 Kmph 65 Kmph
9 Nominal max. axle load 17.75 t. 22.32 t. 19 Type of coupler CBC CBC
10 Tare 22 t. 22 t. 20 Type of bearing CTRB CTRB

612 | P a g e
FIG. 1.19 BRN FLAT WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD- 84013 – S- 1)
INTRODUCTION: - This bogie rail wagon was designed in 1994. The design was improvement of earlier design of BRH wagon. The wagon Design is
with air brake and welded construction.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 13716 14 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
2 Length over couplers (mm) 14645 15 Tare Weight (tonne) 24.393
3 Length inside (mm) 13716 16 Pay load (tonne) 56.887
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 2845 17 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 81.28
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. ---/ 2544 18 Ratio gross load/Tare 3.33
6 Bogie centers (mm) 9144 19 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 2.33
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) RB144.5 Ø 20 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 5.55
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 No. of wagons per train 42
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 Brake System Air Brake
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Coupler C.B.C.
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) - 24 Bearing CTRB
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) - 25 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 75 kmph / 80 kmph
13 Floor area (Sq.M) -

613 | P a g e
FIG. 1.20 BRNA FLAT WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD- 92004 – S- 02)
INTRODUCTION: - This bogie rail wagon was designed by improvement of BRN wagon in 1992. The design was riveted cum welded construction. It is
higher pay to tare ratio as compared to BRN wagon.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 13716 14 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
2 Length over couplers (mm) 14645 15 Tare Weight (tonne) 23.543
3 Length inside (mm) 13716 16 Pay load (tonne) 57.737
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 2845 17 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 81.28
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. (mm) 2544 18 Ratio gross load/Tare 3.452
6 Bogie centers (mm) 9144 19 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 2.452
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) RB144.5 Ø 20 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 5.55
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 No. of wagons per train 42
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 Brake System Air Brake
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Coupler C.B.C.
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) - 24 Bearing CTRB
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) - 25 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 75 kmph / 80 kmph
13 Floor area (Sq.M) -

614 | P a g e
FIG. 1.21
S. No. PARTICULARS Parameter S. No. PARTICULARS Parameter
1 Length over Hd. Stock 13716mm 11 Pay load 56.27 t.
2 Length over buffer/couplers 14998 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.25
3 Length inside 13716 mm 13 Gross load 81.28 t.
4 Width inside/overall 3200mm 14 No. of wagons per rake 41
5 Height inside/from rail 1264 mm 15 Throughput per rake --
6 Bogie centres 9144 mm 16 Loading density 5.419 t/m.
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity FLAT WAGON
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) 80/75 Kmph
9 Nominal max. axle load 20.32 t. 19 Type of coupler CBC
10 Tare 25.01 t. 20 Type of bearing CTRB

615 | P a g e
FIG. 1.22


S. No. PARTICULARS Parameter S. No. PARTICULARS Parameter
1 Length over Hd. Stock 13716mm 11 Pay load 58.68 t.
2 Length over buffer/couplers 14986/14998 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.596
3 Length inside 12716mm 13 Gross load 81.28 t.
4 Width inside/overall 2845/3049 mm 14 No. of wagons per rake 41
5 Height inside/from rail 1264 mm/2008mm 15 Throughput per rake 2406 t.
6 Bogie centres 9144 mm 16 Loading density 5.419 t/m
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity Flat Wagon
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) 65/65 kmph
9 Nominal max. axle load 20.32 t. 19 Type of coupler Transition type CBC
10 Tare 22.6 t. 20 Type of bearing CTRB (6X11) E‐Class

616 | P a g e
1 Length over Hd. Stock 13716mm 11 Pay load 68.292 t.
2 Length over buffer/couplers 14645 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.93
3 Length inside 13716 mm 13 Gross load 91.6 t.
4 Width inside/overall 2930 mm inside 14 No. of wagons per rake 42
5 Height inside/from rail 2555mm from R.L. 15 Throughput per rake 2868 t
6 Bogie centres 9144 mm 16 Loading density 6.25 t/m.
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity FLAT WAGON
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) 65/65 Kmph
9 Nominal max. axle load 22.9 t. 19 Type of coupler CBC
10 Tare 23.3 t. 20 Type of bearing CTRB

617 | P a g e
FIG. 1.23

S. No. PARTICULARS Parameter S. No. PARTICULARS Parameter

1 Length over Hd. Stock 18460mm 11 Pay load 35.850 t.
2 Length over buffer/couplers 19742 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 1.2
3 Length inside 18460 mm 13 Gross load 65.626 t.
4 Width inside/overall 3100/3200 mm 14 No. of wagons per rake 31
5 Height inside/from rail 1275 mm 15 Throughput per rake -
6 Bogie centres 13890 mm 16 Loading density 3.324 t/m.
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity FLAT WAGON
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) 80/75 Kmph
9 Nominal max. axle load 16.4 t. 19 Type of coupler CBC
10 Tare 29.776 t. 20 Type of bearing CTRB

618 | P a g e
FIG. 1.24 BFNS FLAT WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD- 98057 – S- 02)
INTRODUCTION: - This bogie flat steel wagon is the one of the first wagon designed in Indian Railways to carry point load in 1998. The wagon was designed specially
for transportation of hot rolled/cold rolled coils, plates, sheets and billets etc.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 13716 14 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
2 Length over couplers (mm) 14645 15 Tare Weight (tonne) 26.71
3 Length inside (mm) 13716 16 Pay load (tonne) 54.57
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 2845 17 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 81.28
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. --- 18 Ratio gross load/Tare 3.043
6 Bogie centers (mm) 9144 19 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 2.043
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) RB144.5 Ø 20 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 5.55
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 No. of wagons per train 42
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 Brake System Air Brake
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Coupler C.B.C.
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) - 24 Bearing CTRB
12 25 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 100/100 kmph (75/80Kmph, in case of
C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) -
speed certificate conditions not meeting)
13 Floor area (Sq.M) -

619 | P a g e
FIG. 1.25 HOPPER TYPE “BOBR”WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD – 86013 – S - 51)

INTRODUCTION: - This wagon is designed for transportation of coal with bottom discharge facility for faster evacuation.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 10671 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 57.2
2 Length over couplers (mm) 11600 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
3 Length inside (mm) 8732 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 26.40
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 3340/3500 17 Pay load (tonne) 54.88
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 2461/3735 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 81.28
6 Bogie centers (mm) 7571 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 3.08
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) RB144.5Ø 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 2.08
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 7.00
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 No. of wagons per train 53
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 1.13 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 2.06 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) --- 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 80 kmph / 80 kmph

620 | P a g e
FIG. 1.26 HOPPER TYPE BOBRN WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD – 91071 – S - 51)

INTRODUCTION: - This wagon is a variant BOBR with air brake and has two doors.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 9671 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 56.78
2 Length over couplers (mm) 10600 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
3 Length inside (mm) 9327 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 25.61
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 3340/3500 17 Pay load (tonne) 55.67
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 2466/3735 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 81.28
6 Bogie centers (mm) 6790 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 3.174
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) RB144.5Ø 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 2.174
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 7.67
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 No. of wagons per train 58
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 1.12 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 2.241 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) --- 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 70 kmph / 75 kmph

621 | P a g e
FIG. 1.27
STANDARD FEATURES OF BOBRNHS WAGON (20.32 t) WD‐ 91071‐ S‐ 51(Alt-10)
S.No. Particulars Parameter S. No. Particulars Parameter
1 Length over Hd. Stock 9671mm 11 Pay load 55.67 t.
2 Length over buffer/couplers 10600 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.17
3 Length inside 9327 mm 13 Gross load 81.28 t.
4 Width inside/overall 3340/3500 mm 14 No. of wagons per rake 58
5 Height inside/from rail 2466/3735 mm 15 Throughput per rake 3228.86 t.
6 Bogie centres 6790 mm 16 Loading density 7.67 t/m.
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity 56.78 m3
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) 100/100 Kmph
9 Nominal max. axle load 20.32 t. 19 Type of coupler CBC
10 Tare 25.61 t. 20 Type of bearing CTRB

622 | P a g e


1 Length over Hd. Stock 9671mm 11 Pay load 63.67 t.
2 Length over buffer/couplers 10600 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.48
3 Length inside 9327 mm 13 Gross load 89.28 t.
4 Width inside/overall 3340/3500 mm 14 No. of wagons per rake 58
5 Height inside/from rail 2466/3735 mm 15 Throughput per rake 3692.86 t
6 Bogie centres 6790 mm 16 Loading density 8.42 t/m
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity 56.78 m3
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) 65/60 Kmph
9 Nominal max. axle load 22.32 t. 19 Type of coupler CBC
10 Tare 25.61 t. 20 Type of bearing CTRB
1 Length over Hd. Stock 9671mm 11 Pay load 74.39 t.
2 Length over buffer/couplers 10600 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.9
3 Length inside 9327 mm 13 Gross load 100.00 t.
4 Width inside/overall 3340/3500 mm 14 No. of wagons per rake 58
5 Height inside/from rail 2466/3735 mm 15 Throughput per rake 4314.62 t.
6 Bogie centres 6790 mm 16 Loading density 9.43 t/m.
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity (Marking has been done for loading of
Iron Ore upto 1725 mm. Height from top
of centre sill)
1000 mm 60+5/45+5 (Provisional) Kmph
8 Wheel dia. On tread 18 Speed (empty/ loaded)
9 Nominal max. axle load 25.00 t. 19 Type of coupler --
10 Tare 25.61 t. 20 Type of bearing --

623 | P a g e
1 Length over Hd. Stock 9671mm 11 Pay load 63.67 t.
2 Length over buffer/couplers 10600 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.48
3 Length inside 9327 mm 13 Gross load 89.28 t.
3340/3500 mm 58
4 Width inside/overall 14 No. of wagons per rake
5 Height inside/from rail 2466/3735 mm 15 Throughput per rake 3692.86 t
6 Bogie centres 6790 mm 16 Loading density 8.42 t/m
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity 56.78 m3
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) 80/70 Kmph
9 Nominal max. axle load 22.32 t. 19 Type of coupler CBC
10 Tare 25.61 t. 20 Type of bearing CTRB
1 Length over Hd. Stock 9671mm 11 Pay load 63.67 t.
2 Length over buffer/couplers 10600 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.48
3 Length inside 9327 mm 13 Gross load 89.28 t
4 Width inside/overall 3340/3500 mm 14 No. of wagons per rake 58
5 Height inside/from rail 2466/3735 mm 15 Throughput per rake 3692.86 t.
6 Bogie centres 6790 mm 16 Loading density 8.42 t/m
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity 56.78 m3
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) 65/60 Kmph
9 Nominal max. axle load 22.32 t. 19 Type of coupler CBC
10 Tare 25.61 t. 20 Type of bearing CTRB

624 | P a g e

FIG. 1.28


1 Length over Hd. Stock 10718mm 11 Pay load 66.4 t.
2 Length over buffer/couplers 11647 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.6
3 Length inside 9000 mm 13 Gross load 91.6 t.
4 Width inside/overall 2863/3189 mm 14 No. of wagons per rake 50 (in 585 M)
5 Height inside/from rail 2018/3287 mm 15 Throughput per rake 3320 t.
6 Bogie centres 7470 mm 16 Loading density 7.86 t/m
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity 46.1 m3
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) --
9 Nominal max. axle load 22.9 t. 19 Type of coupler NT. CBC
10 Tare 25.2 t. 20 Type of bearing CTRB (6X11) EClass

625 | P a g e
FIG. 1.29
STANDARD FEATURES OF ‘BOBYN 22.9’ WAGON –(22.9 WD-09090-S-02) (Design B)
1 Length over Hd. Stock 10718mm 11 Pay load 66.3 t.
2 Length over buffer/couplers 11647 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.6
3 Length inside 9000 mm 13 Gross load 91.6 t.
4 Width inside/overall 2863/3189 mm 14 No. of wagons per rake 50 (in 585 M)
5 Height inside/from rail 2024/3293 mm 15 Throughput per rake 3315 t.
6 Bogie centres 7470 mm 16 Loading density 7.86 t/m
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity 46.16 m3
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) 65/65 kmph.
9 Nominal max. axle load 22.9 t. 19 Type of coupler NT. CBC
10 Tare 25.3 t. 20 Type of bearing CTRB (6X11) EClass

626 | P a g e
1 Length over Hd. Stock 10668mm 11 Pay load 61.6 t.
2 Length over buffer/couplers 11597mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.05
9296mm 91.6 t.
3 Length inside 13 Gross load
4 Width inside/overall 2743/3020mm 14 No. of wagons per rake -
5 Height inside/from rail 2042/3301mm 15 Throughput per rake --
6 Bogie centres 7112 mm 16 Loading density 7.9 t/m.
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity 34.0m3
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) --
9 Nominal max. axle load 22.9 T. 19 Type of coupler CBC
10 Tare 30.0 t. 20 Type of bearing CTRB
1 Length over Hd. Stock 10668mm 11 Pay load 70.0 t.
2 Length over buffer/couplers 11597 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.33
3 Length inside 9296mm 13 Gross load 100.00 t.
4 Width inside/overall 2743/3020 mm 14 No. of wagons per rake -
5 Height inside/from rail 2042/3301mm 15 Throughput per rake --
6 Bogie centres 7112 mm 16 Loading density 8.62 t/m.
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity 34.0m3
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) 55+5/45+5 Kmph
9 Nominal max. axle load 25.00t. 19 Type of coupler CBC
10 Tare 30.0 t. 20 Type of bearing CTRB

627 | P a g e
FIG. 1.30 BTPN TANK WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD – 86081 – S - 51)
INTRODUCTION: - This wagon has been designed for transportation of petroleum products i.e. kerosene, petrol, diesel and naphtha.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 11491 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 70.40
2 Length over couplers (mm) 12420 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
3 Length of barrel inside (mm) 11434 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 27.00
4 Dia. inside (barrel) (mm) 2850 17 Pay load (tonne) 54.28
5 Overall Height from R.L. (mm). 4265 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 81.28
6 Bogie centers (mm) 8391 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 3.01
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) 277.8x144.5 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 2.01
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 6.54
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 No. of wagons per train 47
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 1.43 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 2.23 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Max. Volumetric carrying capacity (L) --- 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 75 kmph / 80 kmph

628 | P a g e
FIG. 1.31 BTPGLN TANK WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD – 93047 – S - 51)
INTRODUCTION: - This wagon is a variant of BTPGL with air brake and CASNUB trolley.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 18000 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 79.48
2 Length over couplers (mm) 18929 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 19.8
3 Length of barrel inside (mm) 17960 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 41.6
4 Dia. inside (barrel) (mm) 2400 17 Pay load (tonne) 37.6
5 Overall Height from R.L. (mm). 4285 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 79.2
6 Bogie centers (mm) 12970 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 1.903
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) RB 144.5 Ø 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 0.903
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 4.184
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 No. of wagons per train 31
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 1.6 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 2.03 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Max. Volumetric carrying capacity (L) --- 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 75 kmph / 80 kmph

629 | P a g e
FIG. 1.32
STANDARD FEATURES OF BTFLN WAGON (Pole Tank Wagon) (* in 636 meters Loop length without safety wagon)
S. No. PARTICULARS Parameter S. No. PARTICULARS Parameter
1 Length over Hd. Stock 11491mm 11 Pay load 57.95
2 Length over buffer/couplers 12420 mm 12 Ratio pay load /tare 2.48
3 Length inside 11522 (inside Barrel length.) 13 Gross load 81.28 t.
4 Width inside/overall 2950(inside Dia. of Barrel) 14 No. of wagons per rake 51 *
5 Height inside/from rail 4358 (over all Ht.) 15 Throughput per rake 2955.45 t.
6 Bogie centres 8391mm 16 Loading density 6.54 t./m
7 Journal centres 2260 mm 17 Cubic capacity 76 m³
8 Wheel dia. On tread 1000 mm 18 Speed (empty/ loaded) --
9 Nominal max. axle load 20.32 t. 19 Type of coupler CBC
10 Tare 23.33 t. 20 Type of bearing CTRB

630 | P a g e
FIG. 1.33 BVZI BRAKE VAN (RDSO Drg. No. WD- 00039/ S- 02)
INTRODUCTION: - This 8-wheeled brake van was designed with ICF bogie to achieve comfort level (Ride Index) equivalent to loco criteria for goods
guard and capable of running 100 kmph. The brake van was 5 meter longer than BVZC brake van.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 13540 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) ----
2 Length over couplers (mm) 14469 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 5.87520.32
3 Length inside (mm) --- 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 23.524.6
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) ------/3200 17 Pay load (tonne) -----56.68
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 2448/3894 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 23.5+….81.28
6 Bogie centers (mm) 9026 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 1.003.3
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) ---- 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) ----
8 Journal centers (mm) ---- 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 1.6245.625
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 915/813 22 No. of wagons per train -----
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 0.981 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 0.981 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) ---- 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 100 kmph / 100 kmph

631 | P a g e
FIG. 1.34 BLLA CONTAINER WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. 45 – A – 2001 – S/02)
INTRODUCTION: - Bogie Low Platform Longer Container flat (BLL) wagons has been designed jointly by RDSO & RITES for transportation of 22”
24” & 45‟ containers along with 20” & 40” long ISO containers at an operating speed of 100 kmph. Lower height of under frame floor from R.L. has been
achieved with introduction of hybrid design of bogie frame, bolster and use of smaller diameter wheel in LCCF 20(C) Bogie. BLLA (A-Car) wagons are
placed at extreme end in formation of one unit of 5- cars (with 3 BLLB wagons in middle). Outer end of BLLA wagons are fitted with standard AAR-E/F
TYPE Center Buffer Coupler (C.B.C.) and inner ends are fitted with Slackless Draw Bar (S.D.B.). Wagons are fitted with automatic twist locks to secure
1 Length over head stock (mm) 15220 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) ----
2 Length over couplers (mm) 16161 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
3 Length inside (mm) --- 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 19.8
4 Width over Headstock/Width over Bolster (mm) 2100/2200 17 Pay load (tonne) 61
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 1008 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 80.8
6 Bogie centers (mm) 10700 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 4.08
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) 144x278 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 3.08
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 5
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 840/780 22 No. of wagons per train of 45 wagons 16
10 Height of C.B.C/SDB from R.L. (mm) 1105/845 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 0.604 24 Coupler C.B.C./S.D.B
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 1.998 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) ---- 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 100 kmph / 100 kmph

632 | P a g e
FIG. 1.35 BLLB CONTAINER WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. 45 – B – 2001 – S/02)
INTRODUCTION: - Bogie Low Platform Longer Container flat (BLL) wagons has been designed jointly by RDSO & RITES for transportation of 22‟
24‟ & 45‟ containers along with 20‟ & 40‟ long ISO containers at an operating speed of 100kmph. Lower height of under frame floor from R.L. has been
achieved with introduction of hybrid design of bogie frame, bolster and use of smaller diameter wheel in LCCF 20( C) Bogie.
BLLB (B-Car) wagons are placed in middle, in one unit of 5- cars (with outer A-Cars). Both ends of BLLB wagons are fitted with Slack less Draw Bar
(S.D.B.). Wagons are fitted with automatic twist locks to secure containers.


1 Length over head stock (mm) 13810 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) ----
2 Length over couplers (mm) 14763 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
3 Length inside (mm) --- 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 19
4 Width over Headstock/Width over Bolster (mm) 2100/2200 17 Pay load (tonne) 61
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 1008 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 80
6 Bogie centers (mm) 9810 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 4.21
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) 144x278 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 3.21
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 5.42
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 840/780 22 No. of wagons per train of 45 wagons 24
10 Height of S.D.B. from R.L. (mm) 845 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 0.603 24 Coupler S.D.B
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 2.011 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) ---- 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 100 kmph / 100 kmph

633 | P a g e
INTRODUCTION: - Bogie Low Platform Container flat (BLC) wagons has been designed for transportation of 20‟ & 40‟ long ISO containers at an
operating speed of 100kmph.Lower height of under frame( floor) from R.L. has been achieved with introduction of hybrid design of bogie frame, bolster
and use of smaller diameter wheel in LCCF 20( C) Bogie.
BLCA (A-Car) wagons are placed at extreme ends in formation of one unit of 5- cars (with 3 BLCB wagons in middle). Outer end of BLCA wagons are
fitted with standard AAR-E/F TYPE Center Buffer Coupler (C.B.C.) and inner ends are fitted with Slack less Draw Bar (S.D.B.). Wagons are fitted with
automatic twist locks to secure containers.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 13625 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) ----
2 Length over couplers (mm) 14566 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
3 Length inside (mm) --- 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 19.1
4 Width over Headstock/Width over Bolster (mm) 2100/2200 17 Pay load (tonne) 61
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 1269/1009 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 80.1
6 Bogie centers (mm) 9675 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 4.21
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) 144x278 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 3.194
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 5.5
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 840/780 22 No. of wagons per train of 45 wagons 18
10 Height of C.B.C./S.D.B. from R.L. (mm) 1105/845 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 0.551 24 Coupler C.B.C/S.D.B
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 1.993 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) ---- 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 100 kmph / 100 kmph

634 | P a g e
INTRODUCTION: - Bogie Low Platform Container flat (BLC) wagons has been designed for transportation of 20” & 40” long ISO containers at an
operating speed of 100kmph.Lower height of under frame floor from R.L. has been achieved with introduction of hybrid design of bogie frame,
bolster and use of smaller diameter wheel in LCCF 20 (C) Bogie.
BLCB (B-Car) wagons are placed in middle, in one unit of 5- cars (with outer A-Cars). Both ends of BLCB wagons are fitted with Slack less Draw
Bar (S.D.B.). Wagons are fitted with automatic twist locks to secure containers.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 12212 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) ----
2 Length over couplers (mm) 13165 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
3 Length inside (mm) --- 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 18
4 Width over Headstock/Width over Bolster (mm) 2100/2200 17 Pay load (tonne) 61
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 1009 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 79
6 Bogie centers (mm) 8812 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 4.38
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) 144x278 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 3.39
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 6
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 840/780 22 No. of wagons per train of 45 wagons 27
10 Height of S.D.B. from R.L. (mm) 845 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 0.548 24 Coupler S.D. B
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 2.013 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) ---- 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 100 kmph / 100 kmph
 

635 | P a g e
FIG. 1.38 BLCS ‘A’ CAR CONTAINER WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD-15011-S-02 Alt 2)

636 | P a g e
INTRODUCTION: - BG Gauge low platform Bogie Container Flat wagon type BLCS (A-Car & B-Car) designed for maximum
axle load of 25.0t for transportation of ISO containers. The underframe is an all-welded construction with cast steel bogies
with suspension arrangement suitable for 25.0t designed axle load. These wagons operate in consist of 5-cars in a unit
where A-cars are placed in both end and three B-cars in intermediate position. Bogie Container Flat wagons type BLCS are
fitted with non-transition coupler (CBC) at both ends of BLCS A-car & BLCS B-car. Both wagons are fitted with Twin pipe air
brake system and provided with Low weight low height bogie type ‘LWLH’. The bogie structure is optimized to reduce the
weight of bogie for 25t Axle load using 840 mm wheel dia on tread (New). The Bogie is having a flat pivot and bottom pivot
is integrally cast with bolster. Spring loaded side bearers and metallic wedges are used. The nested snubber springs are
used to increase the damping force.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 13625 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) ----
2 Length over couplers (mm) 14554 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 25t
3 Length inside (mm) 13625 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 19.2t
4 Width inside/Width over all 2438 17 Pay load (tonne) 80.8t
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 5792-5182/6809 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 100t
6 Bogie centers (mm) 9675 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 5.21
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) - 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 4.21
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 6.87t/m
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 840/780 22 No. of wagons per train of 45 wagons 18
10 Height of S.D.B. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 0.551 24 Coupler S.D. B
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 2.80 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) ---- 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 100 kmph / 100 kmph

637 | P a g e
FIG. 1.39 BLCS ‘B’ CAR CONTAINER WAGON (RDSO Drg. No. WD-15012-S-02 Alt 2)

638 | P a g e
INTRODUCTION: - BG Gauge low platform Bogie Container Flat wagon type BLCS (A-Car & B-Car) designed for maximum
axle load of 25.0t for transportation of ISO containers. The underframe is an all-welded construction with cast steel bogies
with suspension arrangement suitable for 25.0t designed axle load. These wagons operate in consist of 5-cars in a unit
where A-cars are placed in both end and three B-cars in intermediate position. Bogie Container Flat wagons type BLCS are
fitted with non-transition coupler (CBC) at both ends of BLCS A-car & BLCS B-car. Both wagons are fitted with Twin pipe air
brake system and provided with Low weight low height bogie type ‘LWLH’. The bogie structure is optimized to reduce the
weight of bogie for 25t Axle load using 840 mm wheel dia on tread (New). The Bogie is having a flat pivot and bottom pivot
is integrally cast with bolster. Spring loaded side bearers and metallic wedges are used. The nested snubber springs are
used to increase the damping force.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 12212 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) ----
2 Length over couplers (mm) 13141 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 25t
3 Length inside (mm) 12212 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 18.1t
4 Width inside/Width over all 2438 17 Pay load (tonne) 81.9t
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 5792-5182/6809 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 100t
6 Bogie centers (mm) 8812 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 5.52
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) - 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 4.52
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 7.6t/m
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 840/780 22 No. of wagons per train of 45 wagons 27
10 Height of S.D.B. from R.L. (mm) 845 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 0.548 24 Coupler S.D. B
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 2.82 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) ---- 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 100 kmph / 100 kmph

639 | P a g e
FIG. 1.40 BVCM BRAKE VAN (RDSO Drg. No. WD- 15009/ S- 02)

640 | P a g e
INTRODUCTION: - Broad Gauge Bogie Brake Van type BVCM is a high-speed Brake Van. The leading particulars of the Brake Van type
BVCM are indicated in RDSO Drg. No. WD-15009-5-02 and Annexure-I. BVCM is fitted with suspension consisting 4 outer and 2
snubber springs, spherical pivot and spring loaded
side bearer. (b) This speed certificate of BVCM type brake van supersedes earlier final speed certificate issued on date 26-09-2013.
1 Length over head stock (mm) 9784 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) ----
2 Length over couplers (mm) 10713 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32t
3 Length inside (mm) 9784 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 21.1t
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 2670/2950 17 Pay load (tonne) ----
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. 3800/3894 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) ----
6 Bogie centers (mm) 6524 19 Ratio gross load/Tare ----
7 Journal length × dia. (mm) ---- 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) ----
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) ----
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 1000/906 22 No. of wagons per train ----
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 986 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) ---- 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) ---- 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 100 kmph / 100 kmph

641 | P a g e
FIG. 1.41 BOXNS (RDSO Drg. No.14014-S-01)


1 Length over head stock (mm) 9784 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 69.36
2 Length over couplers (mm) 10713 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 25t
3 Length over head stock/inside (mm) 9784 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 19.85
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 3111/3135 17 Pay load (tonne) 80.15
5 Height inside/Height (max.) from RL. (mm) 2300/3573 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 100
6 Bogie centers (mm) 6524 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 5.04
7 Axle length (mm) 2467±1.5 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 4.04
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 9.334 t/m
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 840/780 22 No. of wagons per train 58
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 1.03 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 2.20 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) 30.28 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty 100 kmph / 110 kmph

642 | P a g e
FIG. 1.42 BCACBM (RDSO Drg. No. WD-11013-S-01 ALT.2)

643 | P a g e
S.No PARTICULARS Wagon ‘A’ Wagon ‘B’ S.No PARTICULARS Wagon ‘A’ Wagon ‘B’
1 Length over head stock (mm) 22626 22626 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) -
2 Length over couplers (mm) 23555 23555 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32t 20.32t
3 Length over head stock/inside (mm) 22626 22626 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 35.86 35.72
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 2900 2900 17 Pay load (tonne) 15.0 15.0
5 Height inside /Height (max.) from RL. (mm) 4265/4305 4265/4305 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 50.86 50.72
6 Bogie centers (mm) 14345 14345 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 1.418 1.419
7 Axle length (mm) - - 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 0.418 0.419
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 2260 21 Track Loading density 2.16 t/m 2.15 t/m
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 840/780 840/780 22 No. of wagons per train 06 21
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 861 23 Brake System Air Brake Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) - 24 Coupler C.B.C. C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) - 25 Bearing CTRB CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) - 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty - -

644 | P a g e
FIG. 1.43 BCACM (RDSO Drg. No. WD-07056-S-01)

645 | P a g e
S.No PARTICULARS Wagon ‘A’ Wagon ‘B’ S.No PARTICULARS Wagon ‘A’ Wagon ‘B’
1 Length over head stock (mm) 13625 12212 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) - -
2 Length over couplers (mm) 14569 13171 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) - -
3 Length over head stock/inside (mm) 13625 12212 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 26.3 24.8
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 2100/2600 2100/2600 17 Pay load (tonne) 6.825 6.825
5 Height inside /Height (max.) from RL. (mm) 4265/4305 4265/4305 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 33.125 31.625
6 Bogie centers (mm) 9675 8812 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 1.2595 1.2752
7 Axle length (mm) - - 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 0.2595 0.2752
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 2260 21 Track Loading density 2.27 t/m 2.40 t/m
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 810/780 810/780 22 No. of wagons per train 06 21
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1090/1081 830/821 23 Brake System Air Brake Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 1.080 1.087 24 Coupler C.B.C. C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 1.306 1.400 25 Bearing CTRB CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) - 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty - -

646 | P a g e
FIG. 1.44 RORO (RDSO Drg. No. WD-19066-S-02 Alt 6 & WD-19067-S-02 Alt 7)

647 | P a g e
S.No PARTICULARS Wagon ‘A’ Wagon ‘B’ S.No PARTICULARS Wagon ‘A’ Wagon ‘B’
1 Length over head stock (mm) 14371 12871 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) - -
2 Length over couplers (mm) 15300 13800 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 22.0 22.0
3 Length over head stock/inside (mm) 14371 12871 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 26.3 24.0
4 Width Overall (mm) 3050 3100 17 Pay load (tonne) 60.0/62.0 60.0/64.0
Loaded trucks/ other commodities
5 Height (max.) from RL. (mm) 7100 7100 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 88.0 88.0
6 Bogie centers (mm) 9681 8681 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 3.346 3.666
7 Axle length (mm) - - 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 2.281/2.357 2.5/2.666
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 2260 21 Track Loading density 5.75 6.38
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 840/780 840/780 22 No. of wagons per train 45 45
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 888 23 Brake System Air Brake Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) - - 24 Coupler C.B.C. C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) - - 25 Bearing CTRB CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) - - 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty - -

648 | P a g e
FIG. 1.45 BFWP (RDSO Drg. No. WD-19078-S-02)

649 | P a g e
1 Length over head stock (mm) 13861 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) -
2 Length over couplers (mm) 14790 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 22.9
3 Length over head stock/inside (mm) 13861 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 25.0
4 Width inside/Width Overall (mm) 3135/3505 17 Pay load per train(tonne) 2864
5 Height (max.) from RL. (mm) 7100 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) -
6 Bogie centers (mm) 10000 19 Ratio gross load/Tare -
7 Axle length (mm) - 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) -
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 5.95 t/m
9 Wheel dia. on tread (New/Worn) (mm) 840/780 22 No. of wagons per train 43
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Conventional Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) - 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) - 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) - 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty -

650 | P a g e
FIG. 1.45 BTFC (RDSO Drg. No. WD-19050-S-02 ALT 04)

651 | P a g e
1 Length over head stock (mm) 11791 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 68.65
2 Length over couplers (mm) 12720 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 22.9
3 Length over head stock/inside (mm) 11791 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 27.5
4 Outside dia of Barrel (mm) 3200 17 Pay load (tonne) 64.10
5 Height (max.) from RL. up to Eyebolt (mm) 4264 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 91.6
6 Bogie centers (mm) 8910 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 3.33
7 Axle length (mm) - 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 2.33
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 7.20 t/m
9 Wheel dia. on tread (mm) 1000 22 No. of wagons per train (636mtr) 50
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Conventional Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 1.21 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 2.07 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) - 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty -

652 | P a g e
FIG. 1.45 BVZC (RDSO Drg. No. WD-81035-S-02 alt 05)

653 | P a g e
1 Length over head stock (mm) 8540 14 Distance b/w end of spring and scroll iron (mm) 35
2 Length over couplers (mm) 9469 15 Distance b/w flange of wheel and floor (mm) 140.5
3 Length over head stock/inside (mm) 8540 16 Tare Weight (tonne) 13.967
4 Width overall (mm) 3200 17 Distance b/w axle box and axle guard bridle (mm) 56
5 Height (max.) from RL. (mm) 3894 18 Clearance from top of spring buckle to solbar 201
6 Bogie centers (mm) 5400 19 Size of journals (mm) 217x130Ø
7 Axle length (mm) - 20 Dia of wheel seat (mm) 185
8 Journal centers (mm) 2240 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) -
9 Wheel dia. on tread (mm) 1000 22 No. of wagons per train (636mtr) -
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System
11 C.G. from R.L. (m) 1208 24 Coupler -
12 Gross weight per metre run over couplers 1.499 25 Bearing -
13 Distance b/w spring shackle and shole bar 60 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty -

654 | P a g e
FIG. 1.45 BTCS (RDSO Drg. No. WD-80114-S-51alt 04)

655 | P a g e
1 Length over head stock (mm) 9784 14 Cubic Capacity (Cu.M) 38.75
2 Length over couplers (mm) 10713 15 Maximum axle load (tonne) 20.32
3 Length over head stock/inside (mm) 9784 16 Tare Weight Estimated (tonne) 24.77
4 Inside dia of Barrel (mm) 2300 17 Pay load (tonne) 55.28
5 Height (max.) from RL. up to Eyebolt (mm) 4110 18 Gross load (Pay+Tare) (tonne) 81.28
6 Bogie centers (mm) 6524 19 Ratio gross load/Tare 3.281
7 Axle length (mm) - 20 Ratio (Pay load to tare) 2.231
8 Journal centers (mm) 2260 21 Track Loading density (tonnes/meter) 5.16 t/m
9 Wheel dia. on tread (mm) 1000 22 No. of wagons per train - -
10 Height of C.B.C. from R.L. (mm) 1105 23 Brake System Air Brake
11 C.G. from R.L. (empty) (m) 1.32 24 Coupler C.B.C.
12 C.G. from R.L. (loaded) (m) 2.06 25 Bearing CTRB
13 Floor area (Sq.M) - 26 Maximum Speed (Loaded)/ Empty -

656 | P a g e
2022-11-21 APPENDIX-B

Type Of Brake System in Wagons Conventional BMBS BMBS % %
/ ISSUED BY (ExamPoint/Division/Rly)
/ BPC No. (Single/Twin Pipe Rake)
12 /This BPC is valid for 12 days,i.e. upto
After this date NO FRESH LOADING IS PERMITTED. (3 days grace period after this date is allowed for rakes loaded upto above date)

रे क आईडी / Rake Id ि◌दनांक / Date

रे क नेम / Rake Name एफओआईएस से जुड़े/Linked To FOIS

1. /Train No. 2. / Loco No.

3. / Load & Stock 4. / Total No. of Bk. Cyls.
5. / No. of Operating Cyls. 6. / Brake Power %
7. / Engine on Train (Time) 8. / Air Pressure ready at

Air Pressure on Departure BP Pressure in KG/CM² FP Pressure in KG/CM² (in case of Twin pipe rakes)
/ In Locomotive
/ In Brake Van


S.No. Wagon(Owner/Number/Type) S.No. Wagon(Owner/Number/Type) S.No. Wagon(Owner/Number/Type)


Type Of Brake System in Wagons Conventional BMBS BMBS % %
/ ISSUED BY (ExamPoint/Division/Rly)
/ BPC No. ि◌दनांक / Date ( Single/Twin Pipe Rake )
30 या/OR एफओआईएस से जुड़े
This BPC is valid for 30 days, i.e. upto KMs, whichever is earlier Linked To FOIS


रे क आईडी / Rake Id ि◌ न ि◌डपो से कुल बीपीसी/BPC count by Twin Depot
रे क नेम / Rake Name बेस ि◌डपो / Base Depot

A further grace period of 5 days is allowed if the rake is moving towards the base depot. No fresh loading is permitted after BPC become

1. / Train No. 2. / Loco No.

3. / Load & Stock 4. / Total No. of Bk. Cyls.
5. / No. of Operating Cyls. 6. / Brake Power %
7. / Engine on Train (Time) 8. / Air Pressure ready at

Air Pressure on Departure BP Pressure in KG/CM² FP Pressure in KG/CM² (in case of Twin pipe rakes)
/ In Locomotive
/ In Brake Van


S.No Wagon(Owner/Number/Type) S.No Wagon(Owner/Number/Type) S.No Wagon(Owner/Number/Type)


Type Of Brake System in Wagons Conventional BMBS BMBS % %
/ ISSUED BY (ExamPoint/Division/Rly)
/ BPC No. (Single /Twin Pipe Rake)

/ Dest. Sign. Date Designation Station

रे क आईडी / Rake Id ि◌दनांक / Date

रे क नेम / Rake Name
एफओआईएस से जु ड़े/Linked To FOIS

1. / Train No. 2. / Loco No.

3. / Load & Stock 4. / Total No. of Bk. Cyls.
5. / No. of Operating Cyls. 6. / Brake Power %
7. / Engine on Train (Time) 8. / Air Pressure ready at

Air Pressure on Departure BP Pressure in KG/CM² FP Pressure in KG/CM² (in case of Twin pipe rakes)

/ In Locomotive

/ In Brake Van


S.No. Wagon(Owner/Number/Type) S.No. Wagon(Owner/Number/Type) S.No. Wagon(Owner/Number/Type)


No. 2022/RS(G)/779/7(3390005) Dated: 17.10.2022

The General Managers, All Indian Railways/PUs, NF(C), CORE

DG, RDSO/Lucknow, NAIR/Vadodara
CAO, WPO/Patna, RWP/ Bela

Sub: Handling of Warranty Rejections

Ref: Railway Board’s letter No.2000/RS(G)/379/2 dated 07.08.2015 and 18.01.2018.

Consolidated instructions on handling of warranty rejections were issued vide Railway Board’s
letter no.2000/RS(G)/379/2 dated 07.08.2015 and 18-01-2018. These instructions primarily
stipulate linking of warranty rejections to the concerned supplying stores depot and relevant
purchase orders by the user and arrange for warranty replacements duly conducting joint
inspections with pre-inspection agency and the firm.
Review of Warranty Management system indicated practical difficulties in efficient handling of
several of warranty issues, centralized database, monitoring of warranty settlement, resultant
deterrent actions and system improvements. The system of handling warranty rejections is largely
manual and whatever computerization is there, it is on separate systems which are not fully
equipped to handle warranty rejections end-to-end, and are not integrated. Also, the policy did not
cater for many scenarios which are encountered while dealing with the warranty rejections e.g.
warranty rejections of components of Rolling Stocks supplied by Private/Govt/Railway units, cases
where PO/stores depot/User depot is not linked, epidemic failures, inefficient marking on the items
for linking of items to vendor/purchase orders, warranty claims by users, communication of
warranty period to end user ertc
Under this background, the consolidated policy instructions on warranty rejection handling
including an Online Integrated Warranty Management System over IR, covering entire warranty
management landscape to include all types of warranty failures, including epidemic failures,
keeping in view practical field conditions for implementation are being issued in this circular. This
circular supersedes earlier circulars on the subject.

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1. Digitisation of Warranty Management System
i. The entire Warranty Management System shall be digitized and made paperless.
ii. The existing maintenance Applications viz CMM, FMM, WISE, SLAM, PUs local system, etc.
shall be integrated with UDM/ IMMS/IREPS for seamless transfer of required data. A
provision shall be made on these platforms to facilitate end uses to register warranty
complaints. Duplicate feeding on UDM is to be avoided. All systems dealing with warranty
rejection of vendor and their response should have provision of uploading/attaching
iii. Provision shall be made on IREPS for the vendors to input dispatch details such as batch
number, serial number, major sub component of the item, date of manufacturing (in
MM/YYYY), expiry date (wherever applicable), manufacturer’s marking, make/Brand, etc.
against the Purchase Orders for each consignee. These details would be passed to
iMMS/UDM and reflected in DRR/R-Note/CRN generated on iMMS/UDM and for indicating
the same while issuing the materials through Issue Notes. Inspecting Agencies shall also
indicate these details explicitly in the Inspection Certificate. End Consignee receiving the
material from the vendor will verify these details at the time of receipt of material and
explicitly indicate the same in iMMS/UDM.
iv. Warranty period shall be captured in digital form as stated in Para 4 of this letter.
v. Centralized Recovery Register shall be digitized & maintained in IPAS and linked with
iMMS/UDM for seamless both-ways data flow between these applications for recovery.
vi. The Warranty Rejections of vendors and their responses shall be linked with Unified Vendor
Approval Module (UVAM). Cognizance of these warranty rejections of vendors shall be
taken for reviewing the Approval of vendors by vendor approving authorities.
vii. Cognizance of these warranty rejections of vendors shall be taken by the procuring
authorities in deciding the tender cases.

2. Materials are rejected under warranty in the following situations:

(A) Material rejected was issued to the user (shop/shed etc) from its attached Stores Depot or
attached User Depot (both Stock & Non-stock).
(B) Material rejected was received from a PU or a Stores Depot or a User Depot which is not
the attached depot of the end user including that received directly through centralized
procurement (both Stock & Non-stock).
(C) Material was rejected in the field and was fitted at some other Workshop/Shed/Depot.
Material either received or fitted through Supply Contract, Works Contract or Service
Contract or any other type of contracts (both Stock & Non-stock).
(D) Failure of components of Rolling Stocks received from Railway PUs/ PSUs/ Workshops/
Private Manufacturers

The Methodology of handling these rejections are dealt with below:

(A) For Warranty rejection in Shop/Shed etc where rejected material was issued from its attached
Stores Depot or attached User Depot (both Stock and Non-stock items)-
i. In case the material was accounted for in Stores Depot in iMMS after receipt from vendor, end-
user shall register the warranty complaints with reasons and other details, as required, on the

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systems like CMM/FMM/WISE/SLAM/MU etc. available with them & electronically transfer such
data to UDM through integrated system or shall register the warranty complaints directly in UDM
(as convenient and practical for the end- user) and issue “Advice Note” of returned stores on UDM
with the approval of competent authority (Gazetted Officer) to return the rejected material to
attached Stores Depot for issuing “Warranty Rejection Advice” (i.e. warranty claims lodging) by
attached Stores Depot.
However, in case the material was accounted for in User Depot in UDM after receipt from the
vendor, there is no need for issuing “Advice Note” & to return the rejected material to attached
Stores Depot.
“Warranty Rejection Advice” (i.e. warranty claims lodging) shall be issued to the firm with the
approval of gazetted officer of the end consignee of attached Stores Depot/ User Depot
(depending upon where rejected material was accounted for after receipt from vendor) on
iMMS/UDM after getting the warranty rejected material from end-user.
Before, issuing the “Warranty Rejection Advice”, the concerned user of iMMS/UDM & gazetted
officer shall satisfy himself about the availability of the rejected material, correctness
of PO (Purchase Order) and applicability of warranty period and ensure that other
details including reason(s) for warranty rejection are genuine as per specification,
drawing and terms and conditions of the Contract. This should be decided within 15
ii. Rejected material shall be taken out from the ledger of Stock-Holder in iMMS/UDM (as the case
may be). The “Warranty Rejection Advice” shall be issued on iMMS/UDM by attached Stores
Depot/ User Depot to all concerned i.e. firm, purchaser, pre-inspecting agency, vendor approving
agency, paying authority etc. as per the contract- without fail.
iii. In the Warranty Rejection Advice, the vendor shall be called upon for replacement of rejected
stores or for deposition of equivalent amount of rejected material, within a period of 60 days from
the date of Warranty Rejection Advice. Date of issue of Warranty Rejection Advice by gazetted
officer to be taken as date of Warranty Rejection Advice.
iv. It shall be ensured that initiation of warranty complaint by user and issue of Warranty Rejection
Advice in UDM/iMMS is not delayed by concerned officials/officers and warranty rejection advice
should be issued within 15 days of detection of warranty complaint. However, if the warranty
complaint is detected within warranty period, the “Warranty Rejection Advice” must be issued
within warranty period.
On issue of “Warranty Rejection Advice”, the “Warranty Rejection Register” should automatically
get updated.
v. On getting the “Warranty Rejection Advice”, the inspecting agency shall take suitable action
against the inspecting officials and ensure necessary corrective actions; duly informing the Officer
who has approved the “Warranty Rejection Advice”. Recovery of inspection charges from the
concerned inspecting agency for the rejected item(s) shall be made by any Bill Paying Authority
across IR on pro-rata basis for the quantity and as per the rate of inspection charges for the
inspection agency. Claim for recovery of inspection charges against the concerned 3rd party
inspecting agency (like RITES etc.) shall automatically get noted into “Centralized Recovery
Register” maintained in IPAS on the basis of “Warranty Rejection Advice”; which shall specifically
mention the name of inspecting agency. After recovery of inspection charges by any Bill Paying

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Authority, “Centralized Recovery Register” w.r.t. recovery of inspection charges to be
automatically updated in IPAS to that extent so as to avoid multiple recoveries of inspection
charges by different Railways and communicate the recovered amount to iMMS/ UDM.
vi. Any Bill Paying Authority across IR shall withhold the payment of equivalent amount of rejected
material through “Centralized Recovery Register” from firm’s Bill(s) at the earliest, till the full
amount is withheld and the same shall be released only after disposal/closure/settlement of the
warranty claim or deposition of equivalent amount of rejected material or after recovery, whichever
is earlier. After withholding of amount by any Bill Paying Authority, “Centralized Recovery
Register” to be automatically updated in IPAS to that extent so as to avoid multiple withholdings
by different Railways and communicate the withheld amount to iMMS/ UDM.
vii. Firm shall be allowed to collect the rejected materials only after deposition
of payments already made by Railway (if any) to them or after recovery of equivalent amount by
Accounts or against replacement quantity. Rejected material should be suitably defaced before
handing-over to the firm to avoid re-use and necessary provision about digital capturing in
respective modules may be done.
viii. Warranty Quantity Replacement-
a. Replacement of rejected quantity shall be made to the end consignee at the Stores Depot/User
Depot which received the original supply from the firm.
b. The warranty quantity replacement will be supplied and accounted for in iMMS through
R/Note & RO if “Warranty Rejection Advice” has been issued through iMMS. However, where
“Warranty Rejection Advice” has been issued through UDM, the warranty quantity
replacement will be supplied and accounted for in UDM through CRN. R-Note/CRN
should be clearly marked as “Warranty Replacement CRN/R-Note, Not for Payment”.
ix. Replaced/rectified material shall have warranty for the replaced/rectified goods till the original
warranty period plus the time from the warranty rejection advice to material
x. Vendor would be permitted to lift the rejected material (subject to clause 2(A)(vii) above) “free of
cost” within the period mentioned in Para 2(A)(iii) above. After this time, ground rent shall be
In cases where firm fails to lift the rejected material within the time period mentioned in para 3203
of IRS Condition of Contract, at the expiry of the period, no claim whatsoever shall lie against the
Purchaser in respect of the said goods, which may be disposed of by the Purchaser in such
manner as he thinks fit. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, all the provisions in the
Indian Railways Standard Conditions of Contract relating to the 'rejection of goods' and 'failure' and
'termination' add and Clause 3100-02 shall apply.
xi. In case disposal/closure/settlement of the Warranty Rejection Advice is not done by firm within
the period of 60 days, Recovery Advice of equivalent amount of rejected material for which
Warranty Claim has not been disposed/closed/settled shall be automatically sent from iMMS/UDM
(depending upon from where Warranty Rejection Advice has been issued) to IPAS and the
“Centralized Recovery Register” of IPAS shall be automatically updated for recovery. If any
amount is already withheld against the “Warranty Rejection Advice”, the same shall be treated as
recovered amount and adjusted accordingly. For balance amount, any Bill Paying Authority
across IR shall recover the amount mentioned in “Centralized Recovery Register” from firm’s

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Bill(s), if any. Paying Authorities should not delay the recovery and ensure recovery expeditiously.
Even if the payable amount against a Bill and withheld amount are not enough for the full
recovery against a Warranty Claim, the Paying Authority should proceed with partial recovery to
the extent of payable amount against that Bill and balance recovery amount will remain in the
“Centralized Recovery Register” for further recoveries from other Bill(s).
After recovery, the “Centralized Recovery Register” should be automatically updated immediately
to avoid multiple recoveries by different Railways and communicate the recovered amount to
xii. Generally, no rejected quantity replacement/rectification should be allowed once recovery has
been made by Accounts or the recovery amount has been deposited by vendor. While receiving
fresh replacement supplies/allowing Re-inspection/Rectification/Amount deposition by vendor
against Warranty Rejection Advice after the period of 60 days, user in IMMS/UDM must ensure
that these activities are allowed only to the extant the Claim amount has not been recovered by
Railways. Once recovery of the warranty claim amount is made in IPAS/deposition by the firm,
user will not be allowed to initiate process of receipt of fresh replacement supplies / Re-
inspection / Rectification to the extent recovery of the Warranty Claim amount has been completed
in IPAS/deposited by firm against Warranty Rejection Advice.
However, there may be some cases against a Warranty Rejection Advice like:
a. Fresh replacement supplies have been received before recovery but material taken into
Ledger by user after recovery
b. Re-inspection or Rectification allowed before recovery but material taken into Ledger by
user after recovery
c. Amount deposited by vendor before recovery but details of such deposition entered by
user after recovery
d. Warranty Rejection Advice withdrawn altogether after recovery
e. Any other incidence like Court /Arbitration Judgement/Order etc. after recovery
In such cases, in all fairness; equivalent amount recovered has to be refunded to the vendor In
case of (a) to (e) above, recovered inspection charges shall also be refunded to the inspection
For such cases, the officer approving the Warranty Rejection Advice, with the approval of his officer
next in hierarchy (minimum JA grade officer), can issue “Recovery Refund Letter” on iMMS/UDM
on advice of the Stock Holder which shall be visible to all stake-holders including IPAS as well as
vendor. Vendor may submit his Supplementary Bill on the basis of “Recovery Refund Letter” to the
concerned Paying Authority which has deducted the refundable amount on-line or off-line;
depending upon the case whether the Bill against which recovery has been made was submitted
on-line or off-line. IPAS will pass-on information of all such refunds against a “Warranty Rejection
Advice” to iMMS/UDM so that this information can be made available to all stake-holders.
Necessary checks & balances should be provided in IPAS to ensure that vendor is not refunded the
recovered amount more than the actual recovered amount or the amount mentioned in “Recovery
Refund Letter”.

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xiii. Inspection of Replacement Supply- In line with IRS Conditions of Contract clause 0703,
Vendor shall bear all cost of such replacement including freight, cost of inspection and inspection
charges to inspecting agency, if any, on such replacing and replaced stores but without being
entitled to any extra payment on that or any other account.
The replacement supply shall normally be inspected by the same inspection agency
which inspected and passed the original supply. However, inspection clause for replacement of
quantity rejected under warranty can be changed from 3 rd Party Inspection (RITES/RDSO etc.) to
Consignee Inspection with the approval of minimum JA grade level officer of the office issuing
Warranty Rejection Advice, duly considering practicability of the case due to low quantity/value,
criticality of the item, quality issues involved etc.

(B) For Warranty rejection in Shop/Shed etc of the material received from a PU or a Stores Depot
or User Depot which is not the attached Depot of the end user including that received
directly through centralized procurement (both Stock and Non-stock items)-
i. In such cases it may not be convenient for the end user to either return the material or
communicate to the Stores Depot/User Depot (where the accountal of supply received from
vendor was originally made). Thus, in all such cases, the warranty rejected material shall be
kept in safe custody of the end user. End User shall register the warranty complaints with
reasons and other details, as required, on the system like CMM/FMM/WISE/SLAM/MU etc.
available with them and electronically transfer such data to UDM through integrated system or
shall register the warranty rejections directly in UDM (as convenient and practical for the end-
user). “Warranty Rejection Advice” (i.e. warranty claims lodging) shall be issued to the firm with
the approval of gazetted officer of the end user on UDM after linking with PO,
R/Note/CRN/Accountal Details.
Before, issuing the “Warranty Rejection Advice”, the concerned user of UDM & gazetted
officer shall satisfy himself about the availability of the rejected material, correctness
of PO and applicability of warranty period and ensure that other details including
reason(s) of warranty rejection are genuine as per specification, drawing and terms and
conditions of the Contract
ii. The “Warranty Rejection Advice” shall be issued on UDM by End User to all concerned i.e. firm,
purchaser, pre-inspecting agency (if known), vendor approving agency, paying authority etc
without fail.
iii. Warranty Quantity Replacement-
a. Replacement of rejected quantity shall be made at the end of end user.
b. The warranty quantity replacement will be supplied and accounted for in UDM
through CRN. The CRN should be clearly marked as “Warranty Replacement CRN, Not
for Payment”.
iv. Other provision shall be as per sub-Para (iii) to (xiv) of Para 2(A) above, except Para (viii) of 2(A)

(C) For Warranty rejections in the field where material rejected was fitted at some other
Workshop/Shed/Depot- Material either received or fitted through Supply Contract or
Works Contract or Service Contract (both Stock and Non-stock items)-

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i. In such cases it may not be convenient for the end user to either return the material or
communicate to the Stores Depot/User Depot (where the accountal of supply received from
vendor was originally made) or to the concerned Workshop where items were fitted.
ii. Such case shall also be dealt as per Para 2(B) above.

(D) Warranty rejections of Rolling Stocks received from Railway PUs/PSUs/Workshops/Private

Manufacturers and their components -
i. Rolling Stocks are manufactured by following agencies:
SN Type of Rolling Stocks Manufactured by
1 Wagons Private Manufacturers, Railway PSU, Railway
2 Coaches
3 Locomotives Railway PUs/PSUs/Private Manufacturers

4 Train-Sets
5 MEMU, DEMU, EMU etc.

ii. Manufacturing Units of Rolling Stocks should provide the following details of all components/sub-
assemblies used/fitted in that rolling stock to inspecting agency as well as consignee railway/end
user. Inspecting agency, during inspection of Rolling Stock shall ensure digital capture/entry of
this data into the respective digital platform.
a. Rolling Stock Number
b. Name of the Rolling Stock supplier
c. Contract number & Date against which Rolling stock supplied to Railway
d. Contact details of Rolling Stock Supplier
e. Name and address of component manufacturer and/or supplier.
f. Date of manufacture of component (MM/YYYY).
g. Inspecting agency for the component.
h. Inspection details of component
i. Warranty of component in months.
j. Vendor Approving agency of the component.
k. Batch/Product Marking, serial number etc of component.
l. Any further details to facilitate complete identification of the supplier of component by end user
iii. For individual components, all Rolling Stock Manufacturers/Suppliers shall be responsible to honour
the warranty claims on the basis of warranty period of individual components instead of the entire
rolling stock.
iv. The warranty settlement will be processed as per procedure as under

a. Rolling stock is supplied by a private manufacturer or Railway/other PSUs-

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Warranty claim shall be lodged against Rolling Stock supplier.
This shall be same case as 2(B) above except that in case of items appearing in the
approved vendor list of vendor approving agencies, information about such cases shall also
be shared with vendor approving agencies.
Rolling Stock Supplier shall be the interface between Railway and component supplier. He has
to organize the complete warranty settlement. Any action by the component supplier shall be at
the specific direction and authority of Rolling Stock supplier.

b. Rolling stock supplied by Railway PUs, Workshop-

In all such cases, the warranty rejected material shall be kept in safe custody of the end user.
End User shall register the warranty rejections with reasons of rejection and other details, as
required, on the system like CMM/FMM/WISE/SLAM/MU etc. available with them & transfer
such data to UDM or shall register the warranty rejections directly in UDM (as convenient and
practical for the end- user).
The concerned Railway PU or Workshop shall replace the rejected component within 60 days
from warranty rejection registration date at the end of concerned end User registering the
warranty rejection either as a fresh supply by Railway PU/workshop or get it replaced/rectified
through the component manufacturer/supplier whose supplies have been rejected.
Simultaneously, the Railway PU/Workshop shall raise the warranty claim by issuing “Warranty
Rejection Advice” on UDM on concerned component manufacturer/supplier separately from
their end as per the process detailed in Para 2(B) above.

3. Rectification of the rejected stores-

i. In case the vendor requests for rectification/repair of rejected stores in terms of Para 2,
rectification/repair to be permitted in exceptional circumstances and only if the item can be
effectively rectified/repaired at the user end and with specific prior approval of the officer next
in hierarchy (minimum JA grade officer) to the gazetted officer issuing Warranty Rejection
Advice. At the option of the Depot Officer/ officer of end-user (depending upon who has issued
the “Warranty Rejection Advice”), rectification/repair of rejected stores by the firm shall be
permitted within railway premises only.
ii. If firm requests to rectify/repair the rejected stores at its own premises, same shall be allowed
only if the item has unique traceability to ensure that the rejected item cannot be supplied to
any other consignee/user and if supplied, it can be traced. For taking out the rejected quantity
for rectification/repair, equivalent value of rejected item shall be deposited by the firm.
iii. However, the rectification activity shall have to be completed within timelines given in sub-
Para iii of case 2(A) from the date of issue of “Warranty Rejection Advice.” After this, process
for recovery shall be initiated.

4. Linking the rejected stores with PO, R/note, warranty period etc –

i. Marking of stores has been mandated as per Clauses 1103, 1302, and 2704 of IRS
Condition of Contract, which must be ensured.

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ii. Specification/drawing of the item should include conditions for marking of the item for
establishing unique traceability of the item, accountability and performance monitoring of
the item/supplier. Marking should be with manufacturer’s name, lot/batch number, serial
number, month and year of manufacture (in MM/YY format). If possible, Railways’
purchase order number and date, consignee code, suppliers’ IREPS vendor code and
warranty period in number of months may also be included to have complete traceability.
Drawing/specification must specifically indicate the types of acceptable marking
mechanism/method. Marking method selection should be based on factors like item
function, item geometry, type of surface, item size, operating environment, age/ life,
criticality, cost, etc. Marking method prescribed in the drawing/specification should be good
enough to ensure that unique traceability is possible for the lifecycle of the product and if
not possible, at least up to the warranty period of the item.
iii. Direct Part Marking (DPM) for items shall be done based upon the criticality/cost/feasibility
to have DPM of the item. The criticality/cost/feasibility shall be decided by the concerned
Railway Board Directorates depending upon the nature of the item or/and its end use. This
scheme will help in pin-pointing the responsibility, shall improve traceability, accountability
and performance monitoring of the item and that of the supplier. Part Marking should be
part of specification and should at least indicate manufacturer’s name, lot/batch/item No.,
month, and year of manufacture in MM/YY format. If possible, Purchase Order number and
date, consignee code, IREPS vendor code and warranty period in number of months may
also be included. It shall be responsibility of the firm to develop a unique coding
scheme/mechanism for ensuring traceability of its product. The firm shall intimate the same
to the purchaser at the time of supply. In case it is not possible to have these details as
part marking on the item, alternate marking scheme and its implementation may be
decided by the concerned Directorates.
iv. Onus of marking and traceability as per purchase order shall be on vendor
v. The record of fitment of item shall be captured digitally on UDM and/or other applications /
Maintenance Modules like CMM/FMM/SLAM/WISE/MU etc.
vi. Capturing Warranty Period digitally in unambiguous terms:
a. In terms of RB letter No. 78/RS(G)/777/1 dated 07/05/2004:
(i) Warranty Clause specified in the tenders should normally be same as that in
IRS conditions of contract.
(ii) Wherever it is considered necessary to have Warranty Clause in technical
specifications at variance with Warranty Clause in IRS conditions of contract,
then technical department, while submitting the indents, and while providing
the specifications, will advise clearly about applicable Warranty Clause for
procurement to avoid problems at post contract stage.
(iii) While procuring the material, it should be ensured that the applicable
Warranty Clause is specified in tender documents clearly and in
unambiguous terms.
b. Warranty clause if at variance with IRS conditions of contract shall be a specific clause
in the tender/PO and shall supersede warranty clause of IRS conditions of contract.

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Else it should be mentioned in tender conditions that warranty as per IRS conditions of
contract is applicable. Both should never be included in the tender.
c. A field of Warranty period for the item under procurement may also be indicated on
IREPS while floating tender for the same
d. Data of warranty period should be captured in digital form in terms of number of
months and should get reflected in tender, contract, Inspection Certificate and R/Note
in digital form and should be known to the end-user.
e. During inspection/receipt of the item, inspecting Agency and material accepting
authority shall ensure marking as per purchase order.

vii. While issuing the stores, “Issue Note” should be linked with warranty period in months, RO
number, PO number/date and Depot Code as well, so that supply details and exact
warranty period is known to consignee/end user.
viii. IMMS and UDM systems should be able to provide the complete supply details i.e. PO No./
Date, Vendor Name, Challan No./Date, warranty period etc. for the consignment to be
ix. Online provision shall be made for entering the complete details of item as per Para 1 (iii)
above by the vendor at the time of dispatch and that should be captured on iMMS/UDM
while accepting the material.

5. All efforts should be made to link the warranty rejected item with P.O. However, if it is not
possible to link the PO, warranty period mentioned in drawing/specification shall be taken into
consideration or if not mentioned therein, it shall be as per IRS conditions of Contract. In such
cases the warranty period shall be applicable from the end of month next to manufacturing
month mentioned on material (assuming that stores are supplied after inspection after 30/45
days from the actual date of manufacture).

5.1 The Warranty settlement in such cases shall be as per para 2(B) above, except following-

a. As PO details shall not be available, details of PO, R Note, CRN etc may not be included
in Warranty Rejection Advice and other communications.
b. The value of rejected materials shall be decided on the basis of rate of component as per
latest PO available.
c. If Inspecting Agency of the rejected store is not known, warranty rejection advice shall
not be sent to inspecting agency and para 2(A)(v) shall not be applicable.
d. If Inspecting Agency of the rejected store is not known, the inspecting agency for the
replacement supplies shall generally be as per the inspection policy followed for normal
procurement or as per Para 2 (A-xiii) above.
6. Authority to adjudicate the disputed warranty cases and authority to decide appeal-
i. For all warranty rejection cases, the controlling officer of minimum JAG level of the office
issuing ‘Warranty Rejection Advice” shall be adjudicating the disputed cases. His decision
shall be binding on all the parties.

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ii. All the disputes, legal matters, etc. arising out of warranty claim shall be handled directly by
the office issuing the “Warranty Rejection Advice”.

7. Handling Epidemic Failures-

Any recurring/large scale rejections from a particular lot will lead to epidemic failure.

i. Whenever the quantity rejected anytime during the warranty period exceeds 5% of the total
supplied lot against a particular contract, it will be considered as Epidemic Failure.
However, in case of failures related to items which are extremely critical from safety
consideration (like critical components or sub-parts of air brake system, wheel discs, axles,
propulsion system etc.), RDSO/PU may pre-define a lower percentage for considering the
occurrence of epidemic failure. This condition should be declared in the tender document
for procurement of such items.
ii. Same steps as mentioned at para 2, as applicable, to be followed. However, instead of
rejecting only defected quantity, entire lot should be rejected. Even if some quantity of such
lot has been used/fitted, the same may also be identified and called back from service, to
the extent possible, by the concerned technical department for issuing warranty rejection.
iii. Joint Inspection shall be conducted as per extant provisions.
iv. In case warranty rejection is established in joint inspection, the vendor shall replace entire
lot (as available, refer point ii above) duly inspected by inspecting agency as per contract
on his own expenses.
v. Replacement supply should be inspected by the same agency which has previously
inspected the supplies.
vi. Epidemic failure is essentially considered as very poor quality performance and should be
reflected on the performance of vendor/Inspecting agency accordingly.
vii. Concerned Inspection /Quality monitoring/Vendor approving agencies should conduct root
cause/failure analysis of the failure and QAP of vendor shall have to be re-validated. They
should also suggest improvement in inspection methodology/Quality Assurance Plan to
avoid failures.
8. In case the vendor disputes the Warranty Rejection as per Warranty Rejection Advice,
representation from vendor should be sent through IREPS system to the officer issuing
Warranty Rejection Advice within 7 days from the issue of Warranty Rejection Advice. In such
case a joint inspection shall be organised by the officer issuing Warranty Rejection Advice for
the grounds of warranty rejections mentioned in the Warranty Rejection Advice.
9. In all cases of warranty rejections where items are appearing in the approved vendor list of
vendor approving agencies, information about such cases shall also be shared with vendor
approving agency as per Para 1 (vi) above for performance monitoring and
capability/capacity assessment/delisting/down gradation of the vendor and review of the
design/specifications/STR if required. If required, based on merit of the case, Vendor
approving agencies may take appropriate decision on suspension of inspection

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10. Data of the warranty rejections shall be analysed item-wise and vendor-wise by the Quality
monitoring/vendor approving agency to identify the areas for improvements in systems,
processes and design/specification.
11. The recovered amount from the vendor should be credited in the same allocation of the end
use in which the item was originally procured.
12. Since complete process is being considered for digitisation, procurements (including Railway
Board procurements) which are not being done through iMMS, should also be done through
iMMS and Contracts issued through iMMS.

For ease of understanding, a sample flow chart for case 2(A) is enclosed. Other cases (Case 2(B)
to 2(D)) involve only minor modifications of the same. In case of any difference between this
circular paras and flow chart, the circular para shall prevail.
2022.10.17 17:17:51 +05'30'
(Chandan Kumar)
Director Railway Stores/IC
Railway Board
Directors of all CTIs,
CMDs /MDs of all Railway PSUs/ autonomous bodies/ societies
PFAs, PCMMs, PCEs, PCMEs, PCEEs, PCSTEs, All Indian Railways & PUs, COFMOW, CORE,
WPO/Patna and RWP/Bela
Sr. Prof. (Material Management), NAIR, Vadodara, ED (Stores), RDSO, Lucknow
Chief Commissioner, Railway Safety, Lucknow
Zonal Railway Training Institute, Sukadia Circle, Udaipur
Copy to:
The Genl. Secy., AIRF, Room No. 248, & NFIR Room No. 256-C, Rail Bhavan
The Secy. Genl., IRPOF, Room No. 268, FROA, Room No. 256-D & AIRPOA, Room No. 256-D, Rail
Copy to:
PSOs/Sr. PPSs / PPSs / PSs to:
CRB&CEO, M(TRS), M(Infra), M(O&BD), M(F), Secretary/RB, DG (RHS), DG (RPF), DG(HR),

Advisor/MR, EDPG/MR, OSD/MR and OSD/Coord/MR

All AMs, PEDs & Executive Directors of Railway Board.

Room No. 363, Rail Bhawan, Raisina Road, New Delhi-110001


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Indian Railways schedule of technical requirements/ specifications/drawings of

the components of wagons are available on the following link.


As per RDSO Letter no. MW/RB/Gen Dated 25/28.11.2016

Proforma to be filled in case of CTRB failure (Online or Yard) of freight stock

Proforma-RDSO/CTRB/D (Rev.1)

1 Occurrence Particulars
a) Date of failure
b) Station
c) Section
d) Division
e) Railway
2 Train Particulars
a) Train No.
b) Load
c) CC/Premium/End to End
d) Last Examination station
e) Last Examination Date
f) BPC No.
3 Failure Particulars
a) Description of failure
b) Online/Yard failure
c) Whether failure resulted in derailment?
d) How failure detected?
4 Wagon Particulars
a) Wagon No.
b) Wagon Type
c) Name of Wagon Builder
d) Built Year
e) POH Date
f) POH Shop
g) R/date
h) Last ROH Date
i) Last ROH Depot
j) Whether overdue POH/ROH
k) Position of affected Wagon (from Loco)
l) Tare/CC of Wagon
m) Commodity Loaded
5 Bearing Particulars
A Affected End
a) Bearing Cup Make
b) Sr. No. of Cup
c) Mfg. Date of Cup
d) Grease Seal Make
e) Grease Seal Mfg. Date
i. POH particulars of CTRB marked on backing ring or
ii. Grease Seal manufacturing date {if (i) is illegible}
Marking of mounting particulars on outer cup of CTRB if
mounted by ROH depot.
B Other End
a) Bearing Cup Make
b) Sr. No. of Cup
c) Mfg. Date of Cup
d) Grease Seal Make
e) Grease Seal Mfg. Date
iii. POH particulars of CTRB marked on backing ring or
iv. Grease Seal manufacturing date {if (i) is illegible}
Marking of mounting particulars on outer cup of CTRB if
mounted by ROH depot.
6 Bearing Condition
a) Rollers / cone Assembly
b) Cup
c) Grease
d) Grease Seals
e) End Cap Screws
f) Locking plate & Tabs
7 Condition of Adapter
a) Whether Canted/displaced
b) Availability of adapter retaining bolt in wide jaw
c) Whether in service limit
d) Name of manufacturer
e) Mfg. Date
8 Bogie Particulars
a) Wide jaw or Narrow jaw
b) Name of manufacturer
c) Mfg. Date
d) Sr. No.
9 Wheel Set Particulars
a) Any flat place in wheel
b) Wheel tread diameter
Whether affected wheel changed in sick line after
d) Position of affected wheel in wagon
e) Journal Stamping particulars
f) UST particulars
g) Name of axle manufacturer
h) Axle No.
10 Failure Analysis
Whether warranty claim lodged? (if applicable) if yes,
details to be given
Whether Joint Investigation done? If yes, details to be
c) Concluded cause of failure
11 Responsibility
a) Rly / Depot/ Shop/ Manufacturer
12 Action Taken
Name of Reporting Officer Designation Signature
Proforma-RDSO/MONTHLY/CTRB (Rev.1)
Proforma for reporting monthly summary of online bearing failures of freight stock to RDSO
(to be filled in an excel sheet and send by e-mail to RDSO on ID: ctrb.rdso@gmail.com)
Note: All dates to be written in ddmmyy format

CC/ Last Last

Date of Description of
Sr.No. Station Section Division Rly. Train no. Load Premium/ Examination Examination
failure failure
End to End Station date

(a) POH
particulars of
CTRB marked on
Last POH Last Bearing Bearing
Wagon Last POH Loaded/ Bearing Cup backing ring or
Wagon no. Built Date shop Last ROH date ROH manufacturing overhauled
Type date Empty Make (b) Grease seal
Workshop depot date at
date {if (a) is

Marking of
Adapter Name of
particulars on Grease Grease Seal Name of Axle Adapter Wheel Position of Concluded
(Wide jaw/ adapter Wheel
outer cup of Seal Manufacturing manufacturer OK or Tread affected wheel Cause of Action
narrow manufacturer Condition
CTRB if Make date & Axle no. not diameter in wagon failure
jaw & mfg date
mounted by
ROH depot

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