Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
First Read
I Have a Dream
After an initial reading and discussion of the speech, students will be able to identify and restate the key ideas and details of the
CCSS: RI.9-10.6, RI.9-10.1, RI.9-10.2, RI.9-10.4, RI.9-10.10, SL.9-10.1A, SL.9-10.1C, SL.9-10.1D, SL.9-10.2, SL.9-10.6, L.9-10.4A, L.9-
10.4C, L.9-10.4D, L.9-10.5, L.9-10.6
40 minutes
(Optional) Developing x
Background Knowledge and
Cultural Awareness
Text Talk x
Note: First Read lessons should be introduced whole group, but the Read and Annotate as well as Comprehension and Think
Questions can be assigned to students as homework to reinforce instruction and provide additional practice of the skills that
have been taught.
As students prepare to read “I Have a Dream,” share the following information with them to provide context.
The civil rights movement took place mainly in the 1950s and 1960s. The major goal was to achieve equal rights under
the law for African Americans, which despite government efforts, had been denied. Some protests became violent.
However, most protests were nonviolent on the part of those who participated. Such nonviolent protests including bus
boycotts, lunch counter sit-ins, and marches. Even when peaceful protestors were attacked, they did not respond with
The government tried to calm tensions, especially in the South, with the Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1964, and 1965 to
protect voters’ rights and a Fair Housing Act in 1968.
1. Introduction
Instruction Scaffolding & Differentiation
Developing Background Knowledge and Cultural Awareness Independent Reading
Help students learn about equity. Have students read “Emancipation Proclamation” by
1. In small groups, have students search online for President Abraham Lincoln in the StudySync Library. Discuss
illustrations showing the difference between equity why King references this document in his speech and the
and equality. impact of his doing so.
2. As a class, share out the different information and
CCSS: L.9-10.10
images students found and what they say about equity
and equality.
Revisit Academic and Content Vocabulary Prompt students
to use the Academic and Content vocabulary when discussing
equity and equality. Provide students with the following list,
and challenge students to use a minimum of five words
throughout their discussion.
CCSS: L.9-10.6
2. Read
Instruction Scaffolding & Differentiation
CCSS: SL.9-10.1
4. Think
Instruction Scaffolding & Differentiation
Intermediate ELLs
Answer Think Questions
Work directly with students before they submit their
responses. Available scaffold:
sentence frames
Answer Think Questions
Have students discuss the questions in a small group before
submitting their responses. Available scaffold:
text-dependent question guide
Peer Review and Reflect
Instruct students to use the peer review instructions and
rubric to complete two peer reviews.
3. Reading Quiz
Question: 1
CCSS: RI.9-10.1, RI.9-10.4
A. Incorrect. This does not describe what the speaker hopes will happen when he returns to the South after his speech.
B. Correct. The speaker says this right after he says, “This is our hope, and this is the faith that I go back to the South with.”
C. Incorrect. This does not describe what the speaker hopes will happen when he returns to the South after his speech.
D. Incorrect. This does not describe what the speaker hopes will happen when he returns to the South after his speech.
Question: 2
CCSS: RI.9-10.1, RI.9-10.4, RI.9-10.5
A. Correct. Dr. King lists several areas and states throughout the United States where freedom should ring.
B. Incorrect. Freedom is indeed important to Dr. King, but this is not why he repeats the phrase.
C. Incorrect. Dr. King does believe we are one nation, but his repetition of “Let Freedom Ring” describes places across the
country where people are not currently really free.
D. Incorrect. The speaker is not interested in telling his audience all the places he has visited.
Question: 3
CCSS: RI.9-10.1
A. Correct. The speaker calls slavery a “withering injustice” after he praises the Emancipation Proclamation.
B. Incorrect. The speaker never mentions the weather during his speech.
C. Incorrect. The speaker is not happy with the current treatments of African Americans, but he does not use the phrase
“withering injustice” to describe it.
D. Incorrect. The speaker does not start his speech talking about current politicians.
Question: 4
CCSS: RI.9-10.1, RI.9-10.6
A. Incorrect. The speaker does use “we” and “us” throughout the speech, but there is a specific moment where he
mentions the importance of other races besides African Americans.
B. Incorrect. This is not the main way the speaker appeals to different kinds of people in his speech.
C. Correct. The speaker says that African Americans should not distrust all white people.
D. Incorrect. The speaker is not only speaking to African Americans in his speech.
Question: 5
CCSS: RI.9-10.1
A. Incorrect. Although true, this speech was delivered in the 1960s and therefore can’t be used to make this inference.
B. Incorrect. The speaker directly states that the United States is a vast ocean of prosperity, but this is not an inference.
C. Incorrect. The speaker says that the purpose of his speech is to “dramatize a shameful condition,” but this is not the best
inference supported by the passage.
D. Correct. The speaker begins talking about the current state of freedom for African Americans after mentioning the
Emancipation Proclamation in the previous paragraph.
Question 6
CCSS: RI.9-10.1
A. Incorrect. This line celebrates the Emancipation Proclamation, but does not state what was to follow.
B. Correct. Dr. King directly states that the Emancipation Proclamation did not free all African Americans.
C. Incorrect. This sentence supports the answer, but it addresses economic freedom specifically, not freedom in general.
D. Incorrect. This sentence does not provide enough details to support the answer.
Question: 7
CCSS: RI.9-10.1, RI.9-10.2
A. Incorrect. This is vague, and not the passage’s central idea.
B. Incorrect. This is not the central idea of the passage.
C. Correct. Dr. King believes that this “legitimate discontent” is not temporary and that revolt will continue.
D. Incorrect. One can hope, but this is not the central idea of the passage.
Question: 8
CCSS: RI.9-10.1
A. Correct. This supports the answer to question 7, explaining that African Americans will continue to fight for their rights
until they are granted.
B. Incorrect. This sentence does not support the answer to question 7.
C. Incorrect. This sentence does not support the answer to question 7.
D. Incorrect. This sentence does not occur in the passage.
Question: 9
CCSS: L.9-10.4A
Definition Word
Question: 10
CCSS: L.9-10.4A, RI.9-10.1
A. Correct. Persecution refers to hostile or ill treatment at the hands of an oppressor.
B. Incorrect. Persecution is a much stronger word than a mere annoyance.
C. Incorrect. This is not the correct part of speech or definition.
D. Incorrect. This is not the correct part of speech or definition.
4. Think
Question Number: 1
CCSS: RI.9-10.1
Skill: Textual Evidence
Question: What does King encourage those who come from persecution to do next? Explain.
Sample Answer: King encourages the people to go back to their homes. He encourages them to continue the struggle with the
faith that the suffering they have endured is not their fault and can save them, and that the situation can and will be changed.
Question Number: 2
CCSS: RI.9-10.1, RI.9-10.2
Skill: Textual Evidence
Question: How does King address nonviolence in “I Have a Dream”? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.
Sample Answer: King believes that nonviolence is the only way. King says, “We must not allow our creative protest to
degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul
Question Number: 3
CCSS: RI.9-10.1, RI.9-10.2
Skill: Textual Evidence
Question: What does King say will happen “when we allow freedom to ring”? Give examples.
Sample Answer: King says that when freedom is allowed to ring, the day will come faster when everyone “will be able to join
hands and sing ‘free at last.’” Examples of everyone are “black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and
Question Number: 4
CCSS: L.9-10.4C
Skill: Word Meaning
Question: Read the following dictionary entry:
le•git•i•mate /ləˈjidəmət/
1. (of a child) born of parents who are lawfully married
2. ruling by hereditary right
3. reasonable; able to be defended by logic
4. lawful; according to the law
Which definition most closely matches the meaning of legitimate as it is used in paragraph 7? Write the correct definition of
legitimate here and explain how you figured out its meaning.
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Sample Answer: The closest match is 3. King uses this word to describe the “discontent” felt by African Americans that will not
reasonably go away until there is freedom and equality. Therefore, legitimate means “reasonable and can be defended by logic.”
Question Number: 5
CCSS: L.9-10.5
Skill: Context Clues
Question: Which context clues helped you determine the meaning of the word inextricably as it is used in paragraph 9 of “I
Have a Dream”? Write your definition of inextricably and indicate the clues that helped you figure out the meaning of the word.
Sample Answer: I think inextricably means “cannot be separated.” The word bound is a context clue because it means “joined,
or tied together.” The speaker talks about how the destiny and freedom of the Negro community and their white brothers is
“tied up.”