Vocabulary Revision SVU
Vocabulary Revision SVU
Vocabulary Revision SVU
13. He had plenty of time to sit ............... the C) Regional D) Universal
E) International
A) or feel B) and enjoy
20. Listen! Do you hear that funny ...............
C) to prove D) to remind coming from the kitchen?
E) or walk around A) noise B) feeling
14. Philosophers try to find out the ............... of C) taste D) smell
E) silence
A) sadness B) length
21. Oh, he's so big-headed. I can't ...............
C) uselessness D) meaning him.
E) middle A) stand B) shake
15. The winner of the competition is going to C) swear D) spread
receive a............... of 20 000 $.
E) throw
A) fare B) price
22. Someone pushed him from ............... and
C) cost D) prize he fell over.
E) fee A) behind B) against
16. Then it started to rain heavily and everyone C) beyond D) across
ran for............... .
E) around
A) dryness B) shadow
23. A(n) ............... does oral translation from
C) shelter D) sunshine one language to another.
E) guard A) translator B) reporter
17. A man was struck by ............... and killed as C) transporter D) secret agent
he ran for shelter.
E) interpreter
A) forecast B) lightning
24. He's such a kind, ............... man.
C) frost D) thunder
A) gentle B) horrible
E) thunderbolt
C) false D) unpleasant
18. She ............... me up and gave me a
E) annoying
friendly smile.
25. I have broken your ______, but don't worry;
A) frightened B) forgave
I'll fix it with this glue.
C) joked D) thanked
A) balcony B) wallet
E) woke
C) window D) vase
19. The British ............... Fair opens in late
E) TV screen
26. He is so tight-fisted that he won't get himself
A) National B) Global
even a ............... of shoelaces!
A) lot B) single A) lonely B) legless
C) few D) pair E) double C) armed D) athletic E) unlucky
27. What a lovely T-shirt you're ............... ! 6. I sat through all those cold and ...............
nights, just thinking of you.
A) sowing B) greeting
A) certain B) daily
C) wearing D) pleasing
C) selfish D) injured
E) sawing
E) lonely
7. Stay away from that park after dark. It's too
1. Most Common Adjectives in English
A) large B) blind
1. Peter is a(n) ............... student. He always
C) stormy D) dangerous
gets good grades.
E) nervous
A) elementary B) standard
8. Believe me I feel truly ............... for your
C) lazy D) good-looking
great kindness. How can I ever repay you?
E) hard-working
A) cheerful B) grateful
2. He crashed his car into a tree. It was badly
C) thoughtful D) beautiful
E) shameful
A) injured B) wounded
9. You can't expect every ............... man to
C) hurt D) damaged
become a computer specialist.
E) hopeless
A) economic B) rare
3. It was a(n) ............... question. I couldn't
C) effective D) average
understand a word of it.
E) interesting
A) unnecessary B) difficult
10. You don't know this? How ............... you
C) necessary D) easy
E) essential
A) opposite B) ignorant
4. Thank you for the dinner last night. I enjoyed
C) ungrateful D) complicated
it very much. It was ______.
E) foreign
A) expensive B) excited
General Vocabulary
C) excellent D) extreme
1. Come to Ireland, and ............... all these
E) experienced
places where history lives on.
5. He suddenly came face to face with
A) inform B) define
two ...............men and started to run away.
C) memorize D) mention C) puzzling D) comical
E) discover E) humour
2. I'm ............... an answer within a few days. 9. The ............... today is full of the news of the
A) expecting B) hoping incident.
C) excepting D) waiting A) publisher B) journalism
E) accepting C) press D) reporter
3. Keeping a diary is no doubt quite a useful E) literature
personal ______.
10. I'm going to take a(n) ............. abroad next
A) custom B) usage summer.
C) tradition D) habit A) sightseeing B) travel
E) institution C) vocation D) trip
4. Excuse me. I'm a(n) ............... around here. E) excursion
Can you show me the way to the nearest post
11. He was told by the doctors that he would
office, please?
need quite a long period of rest after such a
A) explorer B) foreigner serious ______.
C) stranger D) alien A) epidemic B) disease
E) tourist C) recovery D) complaint
5. How much do I ............... you? E) illness
A) buy from B) owe 12. I wouldn't say I am deeply in love with her,
but I'm very ______ of her.
C) borrow D) own to
A) keen B) friendly
E) lend from
C) fond D) likeable
6. There are many more television ...............
today than there used to be twenty years ago. E) romantic
A) passers-by B) onlookers 13. He just sits there and ............... television
most of the time.
C) spectators D) viewers
A) stares B) observes
E) sight-seers
C) glances D) gazes
7. The body structure of zebras is ............... that
of donkeys. E) watches
A) the same as B) the opposite of 14. He's travelling by himself. In other words,
he's on his______.
C) unlike D) similar to
A) single B) self
E) different from
C) alone D) own
8. Do be serious, please. This isn't a(n) ______.
E) lonely
A) joke B) funny
15. This whole place needs a(n) ...............
cleaning. It's in a terrible state. It's in a terrible
1. It seems to me that they never gave a
A) fully B) thorough
thought to............... future problems when the
C) infinite D) entirely plans were being laid down five years ago.
E) valid A) unbelievable B) untrustworthy
16. ............... of money prevented us from C) probable D) unreasonable
taking a holiday abroad this year.
E) impossible
A) Inflation B) Presence
2. My ............... objection to neurotics is that
C) Lack D) Being absent they are difficult to live with.
E) Limit A) primarily B) principle
17. Sorry, it's much too expensive for me; I can't C) priority D) privileged
............... it. E) principal
A) effort B) comfort 3. Every substance has a melting point and a
boiling point. The former is the temperature at
C) support D) import
which it changes from solid to liquid. The
E) afford ______ is the temperature at which it changes.
from liquid to gas.
18. The ............... of the play included a famous
British film star. A) later B) latest
11. The roof was .............. . I had to call in a 16. That was the first time I had ever had
repairman. to .............. a puncture.
A) leaking B) rubbing A) blame B) provoke
C) dropping D) smashing C) repair D) offend
E) destroying E) overreact to
12. Don't you ever care about the .............. 17. Several countries so far have offered
masses? Don't you know that some 842 million to .............. between the two warring sides.
people – 13 of the world's population -- don't
A) mediate B) manipulate
have enough food to eat each day?
C) emigrate D) meditate
A) feeding B) reporting
E) immigrate
C) donating D) starving
18. In some cultures, when two people cut
E) planting
themselves to ............. their blood together,
13. I couldn't understand what had happened they become "blood brothers"
and when I apologised to him explaining how I
A) mingle B) refund
couldn't hear him, he just .............. me and rode
off. C) abuse D) shiver
A) argued B) swore at E) sweat
C) pledged D) maltreated 19. The nation is .............. the loss of its great
E) witnessed
A) praising B) mourning
14. One of my friends at work actually came up
to me yesterday and asked if I had lost some C) revolting against D) voting for
weight. It's so nice when someone .............. this
– especially when it happens to be a beautiful E) rehearsing
girl! 20. We'll be .............. the ninetieth anniversary
A) notices B) criticizes of the Republic in the coming year.