As10 Ece 9 Lesson 1
As10 Ece 9 Lesson 1
As10 Ece 9 Lesson 1
(AS10 ECE 9)
-Developing a writing system for a hitherto
Mother Tounge-Based Multilingual Education
(MTB-MLE) programs serve learnersof non-
unwritten language often has an
dominant languagecommunities who do educational purpose – whether to record
notunderstand or speak the language of and transmit local history and knowledge to
instruction when they begintheir formal the next generation, to use the language in
formal schooling, or to facilitate adult
BASIC TERMINOLOGIES literacy acquisition.
Mother tongue – means one’s native The educational use of a language depends,
language, the language learned by children except in the most informal settings, on a
and passed from one generation to the next.
written form which can be employed in
Language – is the expression of ideas by learning.
means of speech-sounds combined into
words. UNESCO’s Three (3) Principles Of Education
In Multilingual World Principle
L1 – 1st Language
c.The production of good teaching -What we and our children know is the
materials. conversational language in their everyday
variety used for daily interaction.
d.The empowerment of the community.
Success in school depends on the academic
and intellectualized language needed to
discuss more abstract concepts.
MLE aims to produce learners who are:
According to studies, it takes one to three
a) Multi-literate -They can read and write years to learn the institutional language,
competently in the local language, the but four to seven years to master the
national language, and one or more academic language under well resourced
languages of wider communication such as conditions.
English. Are local languages capable of being used as
languages of instruction?
b) Multilingual -They can use these
languages in various situations and - Definitely yes. As far back as 1925, during
interactions for learning in school. the American colonial period, the Monroe
c) Multi-cultural -They can live and work Commission already recommended the use
harmoniously with people of cultural of the local languages in the education.
backgrounds that are different from their What do Philippine Stakeholders say about
own, they are comfortable living and MLE?
working with people from outside their
community while maintaining their love and -Department of Education (DepEd)
respect for their home culture and
-National Economic and Development
Authority (NEDA)
What specific weaknesses in the Philippine
-Philippine Business for Education (PBED)
educational system does MLE seek to
address? - Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and
UNESCO Philippines
-MLE seeks to specifically address the high
functional illiteracy of Filipinos where - Linguistic Society of Philippines (LSP)
language plays a significant factor.
Why use the other tongue or the L1 in
-The use of MTB-MLE should result to
children who are multilingual, multicultural,
- One’s own language enables a child to and multi literate and children who are
express him/herself easily, as there is no confident and capable in the languages to
fear of making mistakes. maintain their love and respect for their
linguistic and cultural heritage.
- MLE encourages active participation by
children in the learning process because
The importance of mother tongue the mother Grade 1-5: Pilipino
tongue is important to
Grade 1-5: Vernacular
personal identity development
culture identity Grade 5: Plipino
successful multilingualism learning Grade 5-6: Pilipino and English are subjects
educational performance in school
emotional and mental growth
the ability to learn to read 1973
language development MOI for Elementary Level
What is the MLE? Grade 12
-MLE is the use of more than two languages Vernacular Language
for literacy and instruction.
Paping and English as school subjects
-Learning to read and write in the L1 and
teaching content subjects in the L1 Grade 3 English with Piping as school
subject ( no more vernacular)
Revised Bilingual Education Policy
What DepEd order supports MLE
implementation? English and Pilipino as MOI in all levels
-BESRA (Basic Education Sector Reform -they will be prepared to enter and achieve
Agenda) KRT 3 well in the mainstream education system.
-Cognitive Development
-Academic Development
-Socio-Cultural Development
Language Development