488 Assignment Group1
488 Assignment Group1
488 Assignment Group1
Student declaration
By signing on this front sheet, I certify that my contribution in this assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the
consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
P1 P2 P3 M1 M2 D1
Student 1 Tran Hai Dang
- Introduction
- Conclusion
Hai Dang Date:
Student 2 Pham Nhat Nam
Managerial roles
Nhat Nam Date:
Student 3 Au Quynh Nhu
Quynh Nhu Date:
Student 4 Tran Thi Minh Thu
Minh Thu Date:
Student 5 Phan Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen Date:
* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken
place and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.
Unit Assessor:
Issue Date:
Submission Format:
A group of about 4-5 students will work together and deliver two sets of materials to satisfy LO1 and LO2
❖ A group report which will be submitted to the assessor at least 3 days before the group presentation
• You must use font Calibri size 12, set number of the pages and use multiple line spacing at 1.5.
Margins must be: left: 1.25 cm; right: 1 cm; top: 1 cm and bottom: 1 cm.
• You should use in text references and a list of all cited sources at the end of the essay by applying
Harvard referencing style.
• The recommended word limit is 2500-3000 words (+/-10%), excluding the tables, graphs, diagrams,
appendixes and references. You will not be penalized for exceeding the total word limit.
• The cover page of the report has to be the Assignment front sheet 1 (to be attached with this
assignment brief).
❖ A group Q&A session (about 30 mins), in which all members have to take part in and the assessor will ask
questions to each member to carefully evaluate the depth of their understanding on the required
Although the students work together to write the report and give presentation as a group, each of them will
be assessed individually.
• Students are compulsory to submit both group report (3 days before slot 18) and make group
presentation in due date (slot 18) and in a way requested by the Tutor.
• The form of submission will be a soft copy posted on http://cms.greenwich.edu.vn/.
• Remember to convert the word file into PDF file before the submission on CMS.
• The group Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another student(s).
• If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or other sources, you must
reference your sources, using the Harvard style.
• Make sure that you understand and follow the guidelines to avoid plagiarism. Failure to comply this
requirement will result in a failed assignment.
Assignment scenario.
You have been working in a specific industry (which will be specified by your course tutor)1 for more than 10 years
and have gained substantial industry and market insights. You are planning to establish your own business in this
industry. However, with the occurrence of Covid 19, you have decided to enroll yourself in the short course “CEO
– Operations Management at VUCA2 times” at FPT Business School to support your business running in the near
In your first class of the course, you are required to work with your classmates to form a group of 4-5 people and
carry out a report on basic management and leadership knowledge, which will set a good foundation for future
topics as well as your work as a director. Because all the members in your group are all working in the same
industry, the group has decided to provide all applications to that industry for this assignment3.
N.B. (1): The course tutor will choose different industries for different classes of 488 to create a diversity in the
work of the students and avoid plagiarism.
(3): The students are encouraged to make all applications in the chosen industry or to a specific company (of
their own choice) of the chosen industry but this requirement is NOT compulsory.
Define the basic concepts: management & different of management; leadership, followership and how
leader’s use of power and authority to “influence” people.
Identify and discuss differences of management and leadership in terms of style and characteristics. You
should give specific real-life examples for each management/leadership style.
Identify and explain the main managerial functions and leadership roles in general. Besides, find a real-
life famous business person to discuss how he/she carries the managerial functions and leadership roles
in practice.
To enhance your discussion, you should assess the chosen business person’s performance of managerial
functions and leadership roles in terms of their success and shortcomings.
Sum up all main management approaches and leadership theories you have studied in the course in terms
of their key authors, main contents and appraisal (advantages and disadvantages). Please provide at least
2 real-life examples of management approaches and 2 real-life examples of leadership theories in
Based on your discussion, critically evaluate which management approach and which leadership theory
would be the most appropriate in contemporary business world? Is there a general answer for different
business industries (e.g. retail industry, service industry, physical commodity industry, etc.)?
Finally, make recommendations on which management approach and leadership theory should be
applied at a well-known company (of your own choice in the specified industry) in Vietnam.
A conclusion to summarize all the key findings and analysis must be presented. Plus, you can carry out a self-
criticism on your own work (in terms of strengths and weaknesses).
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:
I.Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
In this article, firstly, we will present the meanings of management and leadership. Secondly, we will
show you the management and leadership differences. Thirdly, we will indicate the link between them.
Next, we will motivate the management functions and leadership roles. Besides, we also present the
management approaches and leadership theories. Finally, we will summarize our report in the
conclusion section.
The person who is responsible for the activities and work of the team members is called a manager.
The management has the power to decide on important things and resources in the organization.
According to DuBrin (2012), the process of using an organization's resources to achieve goals and work
efficiency through organization and staffing, leadership, control, and planning.
2. Leadership
In an organization, there is always a leader who leads the team to work together and jointly develop
the set goals. The leader plays a very important role in the team and their work is to set direction,
create specific plans and inspire the team. According to DuBrin (2012), leadership is the ability to
inspire confidence and support among the people who are needed to achieve organizational goals.
Besides that, Yukl (1988) supposes that leadership is the ability to positively influence people and
systems to have a meaningful impact and achieve results.
To sum up, leadership is the ability and leadership skills of an individual to operate an organization.
This individual has a strong influence on others through actions and words to help the group
accomplish a common goal. Leadership is not commanding or commanding others but the respect,
trust, and respect of others towards the leader. Leaders' leadership ability is shown when they inspire
work to the team by activating the working energy of employees.
3. Followership
The present context of work, leadership, and followership is situated in increasingly complex,
uncertain, and dynamic business environments with multiple realities based on various values,
priorities, and requirements. Followership is defined as the intention to work working together to
accomplish identified goals while demonstrating a high level of teamwork interaction. Effective
followers actively participate in the development of the leadership process. Followers enable leaders
to establish and maintain control over a productive, efficient situation and towards people. (McCallum,
Power can be defined as an ability’s someone to force others to do what they want, even if the others
don’t want to, because of their (real or perceived) might. Power can get things done, it is necessary for
roles of leadership, but it must be used judiciously and not abused.
Authority refers to accepted power—that is, power that people agree to follow according to specific
procedures. People listen to authority figures because they feel that these individuals are worthy of
respect, or because they are in a position that inherently carries a degree of respect. In generally,
people perceive the objectives and demands of an authority figure as reasonable, legitimate,
beneficial, or true.
Leaders who use power effectively care about people and avoid dominating them. Leaders who use
power effectively accomplish tasks in the organization without relying on their job title. They depend
on deftness, rather than flexing their muscles. They choose respect over friendship and want truth
rather than deception. Jamieson and O’Mara (1991) argued: "As a manager who empowers others, you
will act as a colleague more than a boss, relying on influence, respect, and relationships to work with
employees." Powerful leaders influence followers to do what they want done. Galbraith said a powerful
leader will be judged by how effectively he or she persuaded his or her subordinates to accept solutions
to problems that led to organizational goals (Mintzberg, 1983).
Firstly, the focus is on value, often the manager will focus on counting and managing the value the
company has created in the short term. For managers, they focus on measuring value. They care too
much about tracking results to report specific goals. Of course, this is not entirely wrong as it is their
responsibility and job. In fact, to determine revenue, costs, as well as other factors, managers will have
to rely on price. That short-term value to stabilize the business situation is considered a successful
manager. As a result, managers often overlook the long-term vision and focus on immediate goals and
projects. A leader's goal is a long-term goal or rather, their vision of growing the business in 10 years,
20 years or beyond. Leaders often create values instead of counting values. Whereas leadership is used
to focus on a potential change by directing, organizing, and motivating (Wajdi, 2017). Real leaders will
focus on issues like creating or reducing spending on critical infrastructure. To succeed, they must
constantly innovate and take risks. Their challenge is to build influence, power, confidence, and
incentive to work with employees to reap new and greater values.
Secondly, leaders take risks, managers control risks. A leader must be capable of accepting difficulties
and risks. Leaders are continually on the lookout for new chances in a variety of sectors, and they are
willing to try new things even if they fail terribly because they recognize that opportunities abound.
People can be risk averse, but leaders are not, because taking risks and taking on difficulties is the route
to success. Management is the person who is responsible for as well as minimizing the damage that
risks bring to the business. It can also be said that a manager is someone who seeks to avoid problems
that have an element of damage to the business. They always outline directions for employees to
develop the business. Managers will often have a high discipline factor to set an example for their
employees. Their plans or projects have detailed and clear elements and bring comprehensiveness and
objectivity to clarify views as well as potential risks inside a business project.
Finally, leaders always have a vision of the development of the business or a project very far into the
future. They are confident that their actions will bring success factors to the business and that
everything they do has a reason and purpose, including the risks that the firm or project faces.
However, this will be a significant difficulty because those risks can be tough to manage because their
direction or projection will be incorrect, which is why only a small percentage of firms survive when
their vision is not true to their own. The vision of a leader usually lasts 10 to 20 years. We still need a
good manager to deal with these issues. Managers' vision is only a short-term vision because they make
sure that factors such as finances, employee productivity or specific metrics are always clear and must
be strictly controlled.
Although management and leadership have different roles and responsibilities, they both play very
important roles in an enterprise, supporting each other and inseparable. When assigned a task, a
manager needs to make an implementation plan, monitor, and supervise the processes, regulations,
policies, and regulations of the agency. Not only that, but they also need to create influence and trust
with employees. This means they are performing both management and leadership roles. If the
leadership role is well done, the management will be easy and professional, because employees
actively work.
For example, in the field of food production, a good leader is not a person who knows the details of
the production process or sells many products. Instead, a good manager will be one who manages day-
to-day tasks in the company or office but lacks the vision required of a leader to strategically lead an
organization's office.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, there were many organizations in crisis and even bankruptcy. That
context is a huge challenge for businesses and their leaders because they not only have to ensure
revenue and set targets but also must ensure the safety of their employees. Facing those challenges,
businessman Ho Quoc Luc who is the CEO of Sao Ta Joint Stock Company (Fimex VN Group) calmly
looking for solutions for business. He planned to "seek opportunity in danger" to clear the warehouse
of goods. First, Fimex VN Group sells everything in stock and cleans up the warehouse to prepare for
the upcoming plan. As a result, inventories decreased by 40% compared to the same period last year,
not only helping to reduce bank loans, but also reducing the risk of falling prices if the pandemic spread,
causing demand to decrease (Financial statements for the first quarter of 2021). Second, the business
implements the "3 on the spot" rule and vaccinates employees. With his guidance, the business has
stood firm in the face of difficulties and achieved positive results such as overall sales of 22.1 million
USD, higher than the same period last year of 20.3 million USD, and increased employees work in the
company (News summary of activities in July 2021). Not only that, but he also cares about employees
by installing an LED screen in the center of the company so that workers can know more about the
pandemic situation when they go to lunch in the middle of the shift and prepare supplies such as
packaging, flour, frying oil, etc. Finally, Ho Quoc Luc's leadership talent has not only been shown
through this epidemic, but his leadership qualities have been revealed for a long time. Specifically, in
the early years of the company's establishment, he realized the company's opportunity but did not
have enough capital to develop, instead of ignoring the opportunity, he borrowed a bank loan to
pursue. Therefore, the development of the company today is thanks to his determination and courage
in the past.
To accomplish goals, the manager performs four managerial functions. These functions are planning,
organizing, and staffing, leading, and controlling.
➢ Planning
Planning is the basic and first step of the management function. In planning, a manager looks to the
future, saying, “Here is what we want to achieve, and here is how we are going to do it.” It means
deciding how best to achieve goals, profit and applying best strategies.
For instance, Ms. Nooyi joined PepsiCo in 1994 and became CFO in 2001. She has been the director
and CEO since 2006, replacing Steven Reinemund. Since taking the role of CFO in 2001, the company's
annual profits have jumped from $2.7 billion to $6.5 billion. Nooyi's strategic leadership at PepsiCo has
achieved great success. She categorizes PepsiCo's products according to three criteria: “fun for you”
(products like potato chips or regular soft drinks), “better for you” (weight loss or low-fat versions of
chips and soft drinks), and “good for you” (products like oats). Her initiative has been heavily funded.
➢ Organizing and Staffing
Organizing is the second function of management, it follows the planning. Organizing is a management
process that refers to the relationship between people, work and resources that is used to achieve
goals. In organizing a system, top management first fixes the common objective, way, and resources.
In organizing, the manager made different kinds of departments and mixed all the departments for
better work. The staffing function ensures the availability of necessary human resources to achieve
organizational goals. Hiring people for jobs is a typical staffing activity. Staffing is such a major activity
that it is sometimes classified as a function separate from organizing. (Dubrin, 2010)
➢ Leading
If a business wants to achieve success, this function is indispensable. This function determines the
direction of the whole company. Leading is a continuous process that runs its function at top level and
flows to the bottom with organizational hierarchy. It will guide and lead the company to become more
➢ Controlling
Controlling is the last step in the management functions process. Controlling is a continuous and
forward-looking process which is the standard of measurement of a company or organization.
2. Managerial roles
Nowadays the management role is extremely important for every business, so it is essential for them
to have a good manager. The role of management including of four main functions that such as
planning, organizing staffing, leading, controlling, management. Based on four key functions, the
manager has 17 roles.
➢ Planning
This section consists of two roles related to the planning function including strategic planner and
operational planner.
1. Strategic Planner The strategic setting of a business is involved by top management and
through ideas contributed by members of the organization. This role includes some activities
such as setting direction for the organization, helping the company deal with the external
environment and developing company policies. (Dubrin,2010)
2. Operational Planner The daily activities of a business or an entity are closely related to the
operational plan. Includes two activities formulating operating budgets and developing work
schedules for the unit supervised. Operational planning is heavily involved by middle managers,
while first-level managers are less involved. (Dubrin,2010)
The next five roles related to the HR and organizational functions are Organizer, Liaison, Staffing
coordinator, Resource allocator, Task delegator.
3. Organizer: As a manager, the organization engages in activities such as: Explaining the
organization's policies, rules, and procedures; design and arrange the work of members; establish
rules, policies, and procedures for dividing the work and information of the entity. (Dubrin,2010)
4. Liaison: The main role of the liaison is to maintain and develop the network of connections
related to the work of the members of the company. To touch to this item, managers need to
Cultivate customer relationships; maintaining relationships with suppliers, customers and group
or organizational units; join councils, organizations or club service companies that may provide
useful, work-related contacts; Additionally, maintain and build a personal intranet through visits,
phone calls, e-mails, text messages, and participation in company-sponsored events.
6. Resource allocator: This is an important part of a manager's job, it is about allocating resources
appropriately to best benefit the company. Specific activities include using physical resources,
spending financial resources, discontinuing unnecessary, inappropriate, and ineffective
equipment or services. (Dubrin,2010)
7. Task delegator: In any job, a representative is needed. This is an indispensable part, and this is
necessary for a manager to help people assign tasks to team members; In this role includes
assigning projects, tasks, and tasks to members; clarify priorities and performance standards to
successfully complete tasks; adequate assurance and commitment to effectively carry out the
task. (Dubrin,2010)
➢ Leading
There are eight main roles belonging to the leadership function namely figurehead, spokesperson,
negotiator, entrepreneur, team builder, team player, technical problem solves, motivator & coach.
8. Spokesperson: Good speech and reasoning are essential in a good boss, besides, the leader
needs to know how to communicate information to the team, work with customers, supervisors
and accountants, ... In addition, skills good presentation skills and working with the media are
essential in this job. (Dubrin, 2010)
9. Figurehead: The representative participates in activities and events organized outside the
company as a head. This role includes representing the organization participating in events or
external organizations, being the representative of the organization participating in meetings
outside the organization, customer reception. (Dubrin, 2010)
10. Negotiator: Managers have a great responsibility in the team because they are the team
representatives who negotiate to get the task done. Activities in this role include negotiating with
supervisors, negotiate the use of staff, facilities, and other things, negotiate with suppliers on the
delivery schedule. (Dubrin, 2010)
11. Entrepreneur: Managers are tasked with proposing and initiating innovative projects and
initiatives that further enhance the business side of the company. The three main activities in this
role are gathering specialized information and finding updates about the organization,
communicating with customers, participating in activities outside the unit to drive performance
and improvement (visiting the organization, visit external facilities, participate in industry events,
trade fairs, or training programs). (Dubrin, 2010)
12. Team builder: This is a very important aspect of the manager that is team building, this role
includes activities such as recognition of team members' achievements (reward offers), creating
activities that encourage the spirit of the team. spirit of the group such as organizing parties,
holding periodic meetings to resolve problems that have occurred. (Dubrin, 2010)
13. Team player: Must show appropriate behavior when participating in work, cooperating with
units in the company, showing loyalty and always supporting the organization. (Dubrin, 2010)
14. Technical problems solve: Line managers and some middle managers often have to deal with
technical issues. They act as technical experts or advisors, making sales calls or fixing frequent
problems. (Dubrin, 2010)
15. Motivation & coach: To become a good manager needs to be able to train employees to serve
the job well. Specific behaviors in this role include rewarding employee performance, motivating
and reassuring team members, accurately assessing member performance, and giving advice to
team members. members with poor performance will improve their capacity in the coming time.
(Dubrin, 2010)
➢ Controlling
There are 2 main roles in this function that monitor and disturbance handler.
16. Monitor: Search and collect information in the field, within the organization and changes,
maintain reports, and personal contacts. Activities include developing a system to measure and
monitor the overall performance of the unit, measure productivity and costs through information
systems, and communicate progress on assigned tasks with team members groups, monitoring the
use of facilities to ensure they are used for the intended purpose. (Dubrin,2010)
17. Disturbance Handler: Take corrective actions during troubles or crises, handle conflicts between
employees; Respond to environmental crises or work flows with other entities. A problem handler's
job also includes handling complaints from customers, other units, or superiors. (Dubrin,2010)
Source: http://s.cafef.vn/ceo/ceo_00323/mai-kieu-lien.chn
One of the characters that made Vinamilk's success throughout their journey was fortunate to have a
leader with a vision and excellent leadership skills. One of them is Ms. Mai Kieu Lien - CEO of the company
since 1992. She believed that: With a strategic vision, fair and standard behavior will help create trust for
all employees, shareholders, and partners to serve as a foundation to fulfill the brand promise to
customers. If faith is lost in the team, then it is not possible to build credibility from external customers.
Her mission is to build trust in each employee's heart in the company's strategy and goals so that
employees are motivated to create perfect products and services to enhance the reputation of the
business. In business as well as in life the idiom "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on
me” is her guideline, which is a part of Vinamilk's reputation. Mai Kieu Lien also always reminds employees
to always control the area they manage. There is not a single employee outside the control area of the
company system.
The classical management method includes scientific management along with administrative
The application of scientific methods to boost individual worker productivity was the emphasis of
scientific management. The application of scientific methods to boost individual worker productivity was
the emphasis of scientific management. As an example, consider creating a washing machine with the
fewest number of wasted actions and processes possible.
Administrative management was primarily concerned with the management and structure of
organizations. The following is the administrative management theory: The management of human
knowledge is referred to as administrative management. Knowledge is at the heart of all management
systems, and people are the tools that enable the most effective use of data to add value. Most working
professionals and all CEOs have some administrative management responsibilities in their jobs.
The behavioural approach to human interactions is founded on the idea of personal interpretation
boosting the development and efficacy of governance (Schiffer, 2011). The behavioural approach's central
idea is the need to comprehend people. Because of the focus on making the best use of personnel in a
positive way, such as making jobs motivating, the behavioural approach is frequently referred to as the
human resources approach (DuBRIN, 2012).
1.3 Quantitative approach
The quantitative approach is predicated on the notion that businesses are decision-making entities. These
decision-making units can be rendered more effectively using statistical models that translate significant
variables into numerical terms (Mitra, 2016).
The quantitative approach to management is a management perspective that stresses the application of
a set of approaches in managerial decision-making, all of which are based on the scientific method. Today,
the quantitative approach is often referred to as management science or operations research.
The systems perspective is more of a manner of looking at challenges than a specific management
technique. It is founded on the idea that an organization is a system or a collection of interconnected
pieces. If you change one aspect of the system, it will automatically influence the others (DuBRIN, 2012).
The system approach is based on the assumption that all entities are interconnected and interdependent.
A structure is made up of interconnected and dependent pieces that, when in contact, form a unified
whole. A structure is essentially a collection of elements or pieces that make up a complex whole, or a
combination of them (Pearce, 2020).
The contingency approach is the most recent of the current strategies. According to this concept, there is
no one or best solution to a particular problem scenario. This method measures a single factor that is
consistent with all formula techniques. Managers don't operate under the assumption that management
principles and techniques are universally applicable. A management perspective emphasizes that there is
no single optimum technique to manage people or work in every situation. Before deciding on a course of
action, it urges managers to examine individual and situational variances (DuBRIN, 2012).
1.6 Example
Many companies, including Betrimex, Highland, Jollibee, and others, adopt scientific management
practices. They use automated production line concepts to reduce costs and boost revenue efficiency.
Customers can easily locate stalls where they can taste products at large supermarkets. This strategy is
frequently used by large corporations such as Nestle, Acecook, and TH True Milk to establish markets for
their new products. Businesses can determine whether or not to boost production of new products based
on customer feedback after use.
2. Leadership theories
Because of this premise, the trait theory of leadership is an early presumption that leaders are born and
that individuals with the best features and attributes are better suited to leadership. Personality qualities
that are prominent in representatives are also described by this hypothesis. One of the first academic
leadership theories, Trait Leadership Theory aims to explain why some people are great leaders while
others are not (Gehring, D.R., 2007). This hypothesis follows in the footsteps of the Great Man theory,
believing that leaders are born with characteristics that make them better suited to leadership roles than
others who lack those characteristics. As a result, the theory identifies key characteristics, such as
intelligence, accountability, feeling of duty, and creativity, among others, that enable a person to flourish
in leadership (Simplilearn, 2020).
Behavioural theory is a leadership theory that considers leaders' and followers' observed behaviours and
responses in each scenario. Behavioural philosophies base their conclusions on how leaders respond,
concluding that leaders should be developed rather than born, and that excellent leadership is based on
teachable behaviours. Because they are based on the study of a leader's personal habits, leadership
behavioural theories are labelled as such. For behavioural theorists, a leader's behaviour is the best
predictor of his or her leadership factors and, as a result, the most powerful determinant of his or her
leadership success. The focus of the Behavioural Theory transfers from a leader's features or qualities to
their behaviours and activities. Effective leadership, according to this notion, is the consequence of a
variety of learned or acquired talents. It asserts that everyone can learn how to be a good leader
(Simplilearn, 2020).
According to this theory, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to leadership that can be applied to all
situations. In other words, it acknowledges that there may be variables impacting any given scenario, and
that a leader must pick the best course of action while taking those variables into account (Simplilearn,
2020). Democratic management, typically known as democratic leadership, is one of the four types of
participatory decision-making in which managers encourage employees to participate in corporate
decision-making. Although this style of leadership is less common in the business world, it is necessary for
certain occupations such as social workers, arbitrators, community managers, and facilitators.
The Situational Theory, like the Contingency Theory, emphasizes the relevance of situational
circumstances and does not regard anyone's leadership style to be superior to another (Simplilearn, 2020).
According to the contingency theory of leadership, a leader's success is determined by whether or not
their leadership style is appropriate for the situation. A person can be a successful leader in one context
and an ineffective leader in another, according to this notion. This principle states that you should be able
to examine each situation in order to improve your chances of being a competent leader and determine
whether or not your leadership style is effective. In certain situations, this permits you to be self-aware,
objective, and adaptable.
The situational leadership idea pertains to leaders who use a variety of leadership styles depending on the
situation and the level of development of their team members. It's an effective leadership strategy
because it adjusts to the needs of the employees and creates a win-win situation for the firm as a whole.
According to cooperative management theories, the ideal initiative style is one that takes into account the
contributions of others. These pioneers energise group members' interest and commitments, as well as
making them feel more relevant and engaged on the dynamic method. In participatory theories, the
pioneer always has the option of allowing others to contribute.
2.6 Example
CP Livestock Joint Stock Company is one of the most prestigious sausage production companies in Vietnam.
At the time of the decline of the pasteurized sausage product, the business had a crisis that created
strictness in the leadership. The boss of the business asked the departments to improve the working
regime and reform the departments that did not achieve the company's goals.
LearnWest's CEO, Jack Ma, employs a relationship-oriented leadership approach. One of his points of view
is that a leader need not only IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient), but also LQ
(Leadership Quotient) (Love Quotient). This implies he puts a lot of emphasis on the relationships he has
with his co-workers and other partners.
Mr. Thai Van Chuyen, CEO of Ben Tre Import-Export Joint Stock Company, he is the source of inspiration
for the business's employees to make the business grow as it is today. With his management style, he has
built a strong business and human resources that are both creative and professional. The departments in
the enterprise work independently of each other without support from other departments, the leader only
holds the responsibility of intermediaries and approves business ideas from the departments.
Schiffer, M.B., 2011. Studying technological change: A behavioral approach. University of Utah Press.
Mitra, A., 2016. Fundamentals of quality control and improvement. John Wiley & Sons.
Gehring, D.R., 2007. Applying traits theory of leadership to project management. Project Management
Journal, 38(1), pp.44-54.