Queuing theory is the mathematical study of the congestion and delays of waiting in
line. Queuing theory (or "queuing theory") examines every component of waiting in
line to be served, including the arrival process, service process, number of servers,
number of system places, and the number of customers—which might be people,
data packets, cars, etc.
As a branch of operations research, queuing theory can help users make informed
business decisions on how to build efficient and cost-effective workflow systems.
Real-life applications of queuing theory cover a wide range of applications, such as
how to provide faster customer service, improve traffic flow, efficiently ship orders
from a warehouse, and design of telecommunications systems, from data networks
to call centres.
Queues happen when resources are limited. In fact, queues make economic sense; no
queues would equate to costly overcapacity. Queuing theory helps in the design of
balanced systems that serve customers quickly and efficiently but do not cost too
much to be sustainable. All queuing systems are broken down into the entities
queuing for an activity.
At its most elementary level, queuing theory involves the analysis of arrivals at a
facility, such as a bank or fast food restaurant, then the service requirements of that
facility, e.g., tellers or attendants.
Queuing theory is the study of queues and the random processes that characterize
them. It deals with making mathematical sense of real-life scenarios. For example, a
mob of people queuing up at a bank or the tasks queuing up on your computer’s
back end.
In queuing theory we often want to find out how long wait times or queue lengths
are, and we can use models to do this. These models are typically important in
business and software applications, and queuing theory is often considered a part of
operations research.
Queuing System
The mechanism of a queuing process is very simple. Customers arrive at services
counter are attended by one or more of the servers. As soon as a customer is served,
he departs from the system. Thus a queuing system can be described as composed
of customers arriving for service, waiting for service if it is not immediate, and if
having wanted for service, leaving the system after being served.
Component/Charateristics of a Queuing System
A queuing system can be described by the following components:
4. Customer’s behaviour
Types of Models
Deterministic Model
A deterministic model assumes certainty in all aspects. The deterministic approach
typically models scenarios, where the input values are known and the outcome is
observed. A Deterministic Model allows us to calculate a future event exactly,
without the involvement of randomness. If something is deterministic, the system
have all of the data necessary to predict (determine) the outcome with certainty.
Examples of deterministic models are timetables, pricing structures, a linear
programming model, the economic order quantity model, maps, accounting.
There are a number of problems with a deterministic approach, including the fact
that it does not consider the full range of possible outcomes, and does not quantify
the likelihood of each of these outcomes. Consequently, deterministic scenario
planning may actually be underestimate the potential risk. In order to address this
short-fall, we have to adopt a probabilistic approach.
Deterministic models have the benefit of simplicity. They rely on single
assumptions about long-term average returns and inflation.
Deterministic is easier to understand and hence may be more appropriate for
some customers.
Cash flow modelling tools that use deterministic or over-simplistic stochastic
projections are fundamentally flawed when making financial planning
decisions because they are unable to consider ongoing variables that will
affect the plan over time.
Deterministic tools tend to overestimate the level of sustainable income (on a
like for like basis) because they are unable to take into account market
volatility, which causes ‘pound cost ravaging' and sequencing risk, both of
which have a significant negative effect on sustainable income.
The choice of future increase assumption is critical and puts the responsibility
of the final outcome on the provider of the tool.
Probabilistic Model
Probabilistic modelling is a statistical technique used to take into account the impact
of random events or actions in predicting the potential occurrence of future
outcomes. Most models really should be stochastic or probabilistic rather than
deterministic, but this is often too complicated to implement. Representing
uncertainty is fraught. Some more common stochastic models are queuing models,
markov chains, and most simulations.
For example when planning a school formal, there are some elements of the model
that are deterministic and some that are probabilistic. The cost to hire the venue is
deterministic, but the number of students who will come is probabilistic. A GPS unit
uses a deterministic model to decide on the most suitable route and gives a
predicted arrival time. However we know that the actual arrival time is contingent
upon all sorts of aspects including road, driver, traffic and weather conditions.
Probabilistic Models, use lots of historical data to illustrate the likelihood of an event
occurring, such as your client running out of money. These types of financial
planning tools are therefore considered more sophisticated compared with their
deterministic counterparts. A Probabilistic model will not produce one determined
outcome, but a range of possible outcomes, this is particularly useful when helping a
customer plan for their future.
Probabilistic models can reflect real-world economic scenarios that provide a
range of possible outcomes your customer may experience and the relative
likelihood of each.
By running thousands of calculations, using many different estimates of future
economic conditions, stochastic models predict a range of possible future
investment results showing the potential upside and downsides of each.
A Probabilistic model also has the ability to avoid the significant shortfalls
inherent in deterministic models, which gives it the edge.
Managing drawdown effectively and choosing suitable investment strategies
requires the ability to model investment risk and return realistically. The
problem is that nearly all strategies and solutions are currently designed using
an assumed fixed rate of investment return throughout retirement. This is
obviously unrealistic and ignores the important effect that the sequence of
returns and volatility has on drawdown outcomes.
The problem of ignoring specific risk factors not only applies with
deterministic modellers, but also with a commonly used type of simple
stochastic model - mean, variance, co-variance (MVC) models. For instance,
MVC models provide time-independent forecasts, which means that they
ignore the fact that specific investment risks change over time depending on
the combination of assets held within the customer’s portfolio.
1. The number of arrivals per unit of time is described by poisson distribution. The mean
arrival rate is denoted by λ, l.
2. The service time has exponential distribution. The average service rate is denoted by
μ, m.
4. The queue discipline is FIFO, that is, the customers are served on a first come first
serve basis.
6. The mean arrival rate is less than the mean service rate i.e. λ < μ.
The most common and basic multiple-channel system contains parallel stations serving a
single queue on a first-come first-served basis. The service stations all provide the same
service. The single queue may separate into shorter queues in front of the respective service
stations. Also, when it is advantageous, calling units can shift from one queue to another.
4. The arrival of customers follows Poisson probability law and service time has an
exponential distribution.
6. The arrival rate is smaller than the combined service rate of all k service facilities. With the
number of calling units represented by n and the number of channels or service stations by