Geothermal Fluid Dynamics
Geothermal Fluid Dynamics
Geothermal Fluid Dynamics
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1 author:
Michael O'Sullivan
University of Auckland
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M.J. O’Sullivan
Here hl and hv are the enthalpies of water and steam respectively. p* p [ p0 0 g ( y a )] k
T * T T0 T1 T0 The smallest (critical) value Racr=42 is given by a square single
cell with m=1, n=1 and l=1.
Here a is the thickness of the porous layer. A similar analysis was carried out for other sets of boundary
The introduction of a stream function also helps: conditions by Nield [56].
* * Post-onset behaviour
u* , v* For a Rayleigh number not much greater than the critical value
y * x * perturbation analysis can be applied [66],[85],[59]. A small
parameter defined by:
Now the governing equations can be reduced to two coupled
equations for the nondimensional temperature and stream
function, Tand(dropping the * for convenience):
2 ( Ra Racr ) Ra
Then expansions for and T are assumed in the form:
2 2 T
2 Ra (20)
x 2
y x (1) 2 ( 2) 3 (3) ...
T T T 2T 2T T 1 y T (1) 2T ( 2 ) 3T ( 3) ...
t y x x y x 2 y 2 O’Sullivan and McKibbin [59] used expansions truncated at
O(6) and obtained results for Nusselt number vs cell-width that
The Rayleigh number Ra is defined by: agreed well with numerical results for Ra up to 200.
(T1 T0 ) 0 gka The closed box convection problem discussed here is one of the
Ra (22) simplest examples of hydrodynamic instability but even so it
l exhibits interesting and complex post-onset behaviour. An early
investigation by Straus [89] used stability analysis based on
The nondimensional boundary conditions for the closed box Fourier series representations of the unknowns, to prove two-
problem are shown in Fig. 1. dimensional convection is unstable for Ra>380. Caltigirone [8]
proved a similar result that fluctuating convection occurs for Ra
>384+/-5, and he also showed that the transition from steady
y convection to fluctuating convection is strongly dependent on
T 0, 0 cell-width (the length l in Fig. 1). Fig. 2 shows some of
1 Caltigirone’s results, for Nusselt number (Nu) vs cell-width for
Ra = 800. The plot shows that stable convection ceases for a
cell-width > 0.5.
T x 0, T x 0, Aidun and Steen [2] determined that for unicellular two-
0 0 dimensional flow a Hopf bifurcation occurs at Ra =390.7 that
destabilizes the flow. This result was confirmed by Riley and
Winter [84] who also investigated the effect of cell-width. They
found that the flow becomes less stable as the cell becomes
0 T 1, 0 l wider, thus confirming the numerical results of Caltigirone [8].
Figure 1. Boundary conditions for the nondimensional closed box
The onset problem is then easily solved by assuming steady flow
Nusselt number
Stable Nu
Equations (20) and (21) are easily solved using (23) giving 2 Max Nu
solutions: Min Nu
(1) A sin sin ny
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
T (1) B cos sin ny Figure 2. Nusselt number vs cell-width for Ra=800 (see Caltigirone [8]).
l Kimura et al. [42] used a pseudo-spectral numerical scheme to
With study two-dimensional, unicellular, time-dependent convection in
a square box. They found that with increasing Ra the flow
2 m 2 l 2 n 2 evolves from steady S to chaotic (non-periodic) NP through a
P(1) to QP2 500 - 520 The most difficult task in geothermal reservoir modelling is
model calibration. In mathematical terms model calibration is an
QP2 to P(2) 560 - 570 inverse problem which requires the choice of model parameters
(2) such as permeability and porosity so that a best fit is obtained
P to NP 850 - 1000 between the model results and measured data. Model calibration
involves three stages: conceptual modelling, natural state
Table 1. Rayleigh number for various transitions (see Kimura et al. [42]) modelling and production history matching [60].
Holzbecher found that for supercritical flows unicellular first Conceptual modelling is the term given to the process of
mode behaviour is only relevant for low values of Ra and then collecting all the data (geological, geophysical, geochemical etc)
second or third mode steady convection is preferred to oscillating and synthesizing it into two or three sketches of the hydro-
first mode convection. geological structure of the system.
The situation becomes even more complex if three-dimensional In natural state modelling the conceptual model is used to set up
flow is considered [36],[102],[39],[91],[87]. For example Straus the permeability structure of a computer model. Also the
and Schubert [91] investigated convection in a cubic box for Ra < locations and magnitudes of the deep sources of heat and mass at
150 and found that both 2D and 3D steady convection can occur the base of the computer model are determined from the
depending on the initial conditions, even though the Nusselt conceptual model.
number is greater for 2D flows for Ra < 97 but greater for 3D
flows for Ra > 97. Recently Sezai [87] investigated convection The computer model is run until stable steady-state conditions are
in a cube for Ra up to 1000. He identified ten steady flow achieved and then the model results are compared with data. In
patterns of which five show oscillatory behaviour in some particular, measured down-hole temperature profiles are
Rayleigh-number range. Further Sezai found that two of the compared with the model results and the locations of surface
steady solutions are stable for Ra up to 900, whereas an earlier outflows of heat and mass in the model are compared with the
study by Kimura et al. [43] had suggested that oscillations begin actual locations of hot springs and steaming ground. This aspect
at Ra=575. of model calibration is different for geothermal reservoirs than
for oil and gas reservoirs because of the dynamic, convective
Numerical Methods nature of geothermal systems. The convective system in a
Numerical methods are required for the solution of equations (1), geothermal system is affected by the permeability structure and
(2), (9) and (10), together with an equation of state (EOS) that thus influences the sub-surface temperature distribution.
includes accurate thermodynamic properties of water, and allows If the model temperature distribution does not produce a good
for the possibility of boiling i.e., the development of two-phase match to the measured down-hole temperatures, then the
conditions. permeability structure is adjusted and the model is run again.
Work began in the 1970s on numerical techniques for geothermal Many iterations of this process may be required. A plot of the
reservoir simulation [7],[11],[19],[20],[26],[48],[52],[54],[74], model results for one well at Wairakei are shown in Fig. 3.
[92]. A brief discussion of this development is given in the
review by the author [63]. A code comparison project organized
by the US Department of Energy in 1980 [88] showed that
several simulators produced similar results for a suite of
challenging test problems. The key numerical techniques
required to model the phase of transitions and strong advection
that occur in geothermal flows are fully implicit time differencing
and upstream weighting of interface quantities. The well-known
geothermal simulators such as TOUGH2 [78], FEHM [105],
STAR [73] and TETRAD [96] all use these techniques.
Upstream weighting provides a robust numerical technique but
unfortunately also adds numerical dispersion and the smearing of
sharp fronts [58]. Some work has been done on higher order
methods [75],[76] but they are difficult to generalize for Figure 3. Natural state temperatures in one well for the Wairakei model
unstructured three-dimensional finite volume grids. Similarly (data - blue symbols, model - red line)
good results have been achieved with an Euler-Lagrange
Once a reasonable natural-state model has been obtained the
approach for single-phase 2D flow [13] but more work is
results are used as the initial conditions for a simulation of the
required to implement the method for two-phase or 3D flows.
production and injection history, with the measured mass flows
Reservoir simulation has now been applied to setting up models being assigned to the appropriate model blocks. Then the
of many geothermal systems [60],[62]. One of the most fully pressure and enthalpy changes predicted by the model are
studied systems is Wairakei, New Zealand. Because of the ready compared to the data, and adjustments are made to the
availability of data Wairakei was used early on as a test case by permeabilities and porosities to improve the model. Typical
results for the Wairakei-Tauhara model [65] are shown in Figs. 4 The use of deeper models leads to the need for a thermodynamic
and 5. EOS that can handle higher pressures and temperatures.
Croucher and O’Sullivan [14] have implemented the IAPWS-97
Most models are calibrated by heuristic manual methods with the thermodynamic formulation [97], including a supercritical
experience and skill of the modeller determining the quality of capability valid for pressures up to 100 MPa and temperatures up
the model. to 800˚C. This improvement allows for models of high
temperatures and pressures to be set up, provided that the fluid
can be approximated as pure water. It would be very useful for
models of other fields (such as Ohaaki and Ngawha in New
Zealand) to have an EOS for mixtures of water, carbon dioxide,
and sodium chloride that is accurate for temperatures and
pressures ranging from atmospheric up to supercritical (pure
water) conditions. This would require the extension of the range
of validity of the ECO2N fluid property module [78] in
TOUGH2, which has been used for modelling carbon
sequestration [80],[81].
Figure 4. Pressure decline in the western borefield for the Wairakei Near surface behaviour
model (data - blue symbols, model - red line) The development of geothermal systems usually affects surface
features such as geysers, hot springs and steaming ground. For
example the exploitation of Wairakei caused the liquid-fed
features like geysers and hot springs to disappear but caused an
increase in the activity of steam heated features.
In order to model the interaction between the deep reservoir and
surface activity in the model of Wairakei, an air-water EOS is
used and the model is extended up to the ground surface [65].
Some other geothermal models take the water table as the top of
the model. The inclusion of the unsaturated zone in the model
works satisfactorily, but the movement of the water table is not
tracked very accurately as the minimum layer thickness is 25 m.
It would be useful to be able to handle the movement of the water
table in a geothermal model similarly to the way unconfined
Figure 5. Enthalpy changes for one well in the Wairakei model (data—
blue symbols, model—red line) aquifers are included in groundwater models. However a more
sophisticated approach is required as the surface, where the
pressure is atmospheric, may be partly boiling. Nevertheless,
Future directions in geothermal modelling
having the top surface of either water or steam able to move up or
This topic was discussed by the author at the TOUGH down through a grid-block would be a very useful advance for
Symposium in 2009 [64] and is briefly summarised again here. accurately representing near-surface behaviour, such as the
development of large areas of steaming ground.
Wellbore – reservoir interaction
Fluid-rock interaction
Many geothermal wells have more than one feed zone and the
proportion from each feed may vary as the reservoir pressures One of the great hopes of the geothermal industry is the
change. To represent these processes a combined well- development of enhanced (or engineered) geothermal systems
bore/reservoir simulator is required. A few researchers have (EGS) – also known as hot dry rock projects (HDR). The idea
experimented with this approach [5],[33], but it has not been very with an EGS is to drill one well, use hydraulic fracturing to create
successful as the maximum time-step achievable is controlled by a permeable zone and then drill a second well to intersect the new
the well-bore flow and is often very small. An alternative man-made permeability [103]. Then heat can be extracted from
approach using a multi-layer deliverability option is available in the fractured rock by circulating water down one well and up the
TOUGH2 but it assumes an approximate hydrostatic pressure other. It is a simple idea, but although there have been several
profile in the well. A method that is more accurate than this but attempts to establish pilot projects none of them have become
which is more computationally efficient than a full well- commercially successful. However there are very large resources
bore/reservoir model is required. of hot, low permeability, rock available worldwide [94] and EGS
are currently under development in many countries (e.g. [30]),
Larger-deeper models including Australia [9],[12],[31],[32],[83].
Very few models of geothermal systems include the whole of the The main difficulty with an EGS is in establishing a large enough
large-scale convective system. Thus, the base boundary fracture network to give a satisfactory heat exchange system
condition must include some input of very hot water, underground. In order to model the development of the fractures
corresponding to the upflow zone of the convective plume. It created by hydraulic fracturing and to model their performance as
would be better to make the model large enough so that the a heat exchanger, during the life of the EGS, it is necessary to be
whole convective system is contained in the model, in which case able to model the combined fluid flow, heat flow and rock
the permeability structure has to be compatible with the flow and mechanics problem [33].
temperature structure. Recently the model of Wairakei-Tauhara
developed by the author and co-workers has been extended by The author and others [77],[86] have considered the much easier
adding extra layers, so that it is now 4 km deep. Probably more but related problem of modelling subsidence in a geothermal
layers, extending the model down to 6–7 km, should be added system. By using temperature and pressure charges calculated
and a larger area included. with TOUGH2 as input for a rock mechanics simulation using
the ABAQUS package [1] we have had some success in
matching the occurrence of the subsidence bowls at Wairakei- is currently impractical. The simpler approach, and that which is
Tauhara [101]. The result for the Wairakei subsidence bowl is usually used with iTOUGH2, is to assign a relatively small
shown in Fig. 6. number of rock types and then use the permeabilities and
porosities of a subset of these rock-types as the parameters to be
The EGS problem is much more challenging than the subsidence optimized [45],[69]. However, even if the optimal values for all
problem and remains to be solved, although some progress was parameters, for all rock-types, are determined by iTOUGH2, the
made in a study of the Hijiori hot dry rock site [93], carried out resulting model is probably not going to be the best possible.
with the FEHM code [105].
It might be possible to produce a better model by subdividing the
zone assigned, say, to rock-type IGNIM into two new zones,
labelled IGNIA and IGNIB, for example. Then iTOUGH2 could
be re-run optimizing the parameters for IGNIA and IGNIB
independently. We have had some success with this technique,
but what is required is a more systematic approach with, say, an
outer XiTOUGH2 code that controls the re-assignment of rock-
types and calls iTOUGH2 to optimize parameter values for each
new rock-type structure.
There are some fundamental problems with inverse modeling
based on a least-squares-error approach (see Fox [27]). One
difficulty is that a global optimum or even a local optimum found
by a nonlinear optimization technique may not be a “good
solution,” in the sense that the optimal parameter values may not
be what a reservoir engineer expects or finds acceptable. What is
really required is to identify a region of the multidimensional
parameter space where good solutions are likely to be found.
Figure 6. Model results for the surface deformation at the Wairakei Recently Cui [15] has used statistical sampling based on the
subsidence bowl. MCMC method to calibrate a geothermal model. Statistical
sampling methods have the potential to produce better models as
Some interesting fluid-rock interaction studies of mass transfer they provide statistics of the parameters rather than just permit
through the ductile zone, below geothermal systems, have been estimates. As well as calibrating a 3D model Cui compared his
carried out by Fussels et al. [28] and Regenauer-Lieb et al. [82]. MCMC results with the results obtained using iTOUGH2 for a
Model calibration simple model consisting of a uniform layer feeding a geothermal
well. Measurements of pressure and production enthalpy for an
The major challenge facing the geothermal modelling community extended well test lasting 130 days were used to calibrate the
is automatic model calibration. The three approaches currently model. The parameters determined by calibration were
being investigated at the University of Auckland (and elsewhere) permeability, porosity, initial reservoir pressure, initial vapour
are: heuristic manual methods, inverse modelling and statistical saturation, relative permeability parameters.
sampling based on the multi-chain Monte Carlo method
(MCMC). A comparison of the MCMC and iTOUGH2 results is shown in
Fig. 7. It shows the probability distributions for porosity and
To speed up manual calibration and to make it less dependent on permeability (log scale) obtained using MCMC sampling and
the modeler, an “expert system” approach may be useful—and point estimates obtained with iTOUGH2.
this is one of our current research themes. The idea is to codify
the various strategies followed by a modeller and to apply them
in a systematic fashion. For example, in a natural state model, if
block I is too hot, then the following steps should be followed:
Check flow directions for all connections between block I
and other blocks.
For flows into block I, if the neighboring block J is hotter,
then decrease the permeability of block J. If block J is colder
than block I, then increase the permeability of block J.
Repeat for all blocks sending fluid into block I. 0 0.2 0.4 -15 -14.9
Several rules of this kind are currently used by modellers, but Φ[-] log10(k) [m ]
need to be formalized. There are many challenges to overcome
Figure 7. Statistical distributions of porosity and permeability obtained
in order to make such an expert system work, and there are using MCMC sampling [15] compared with point estimates (red)
several unanswered questions. For example: will it converge to a obtained using iTOUGH2 [22].
good solution in a reasonable time?
The results show that the point estimates for porosity and
The inverse modelling approach using nonlinear optimization permeability obtained by Finsterle et al. [22] using iTOUGH2
methods has been applied using software such as iTOUGH2 probably correspond to a local minimum and they are statistically
[21],[23],[24],[25],[25] and PEST [18]. poor results.
The difficulty with using iTOUGH2 (or any inverse modeling Further advances with the MCMC technique are required to make
code) in calibrating a geothermal model is the choice of the it practically useful for calibrating geothermal models.
variable parameters. At one extreme, each block in the model Currently, we are investigating the use of a hierarchy of models
could be assigned different x, y, z permeabilities and porosities. ranging from a coarse grid to a fine grid, and we are investigating
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