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A Critical Study of The of Unmaada

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*M. G. Ramu, **B. S. Venkataram

Ayurvedic Research Unit, A.I.I.M.H., Bangalore

Attempts to study mind in its scientific perspective have been

existing for ages. Yajurveda, one of the oldest literary records has
tried to give the picture of mind as * Divine Light' and the ' Via
Media' of perception, memory, etc.i Unmada has been, recorded in
Atharva Veda with its stages and treatment for the first time.* The
word has been used as UNMADA. Gradually towards Samhita
period (800 B.C. to 600 B.C.) UNMADA seems to have become
UNMAADA. In Taittariya Samhita it is said that Pishacha
(Manohana) a kind of krimi, impairs mind and Gandharvas and
Apsaxas cause unmaada in man ' , *„ *a.

In premier Ayurvedic classics like Charaka Samhita. Susfrrata

Samhita and Astangahridaya, Unmada has been defined with different
view points, 5 to 9. Out of these, Charaka's definition appears to
be more appealing on account of being easily understandable. He
Mates that Unmaada has to be understood as the unsettled condition
of the Manas (mind), Buddhi (understanding), Samjna (consciousness),
Gnana (perception), Smriti (memory), Bhakti (inclination), Sheela
(character), Chesta (behaviour), and Achara (conduct).

Considering various aspects of the aesease, Unmada has been

classified by ancient Ayurvedic savants. Charaka records Unmaada
as of five kinds at one place and two viz.j Nija and Agantu at the
other in the chapter he has devoted for " Unmada Nidana " (pathology
of unmada).io Shushruta and Vagbhata, the former being known as
a contemporary of Agnivesha, the author of Charaka Samhita (500
to 300 B.C.) and the latter who flourished during 7 A.D., recognize
unmada as of six types.u

Thus we come across varities of opinion about the classification.

These are sometimes feared to be confusing albeit the truth is far
from this. Charaka has stated the purpose of classification of
diseases is. A dispassionate and critical yet technical examination
would reveal the importance of such classifications.

* Senior Research Officer

** Assistant Research Officer
Charaka who is held high, as the most authentic expert on Sannipata Jwara.si Shushruta and Vagbbata though have documented
Chikitsa (treatment) has dealt every disease he has recorded in his Vishaja and Aadhija Unmaada their descriptions have been very
work in great detail. Before prescribing the treatment he warns the brief in nature when compared with the other varieties they explain.
physician by giving some vital hints to be considered lest the They have remained silent in describing the treatment for Vishaja
physician would err. His classification of Unmaada is based on the variety. This may be with an intention to emphasise the importance
prognosis, the knowledge of which is very essential in treating any of aetiology of Unmaada on one hand and the similarity of its symptoms
disease.is Focussing on aetiology, mode of manifestation, prognosis OD the other as said before. The treatment for Vishaja Unmaada can
and principles of treatment he offers two more classifications as Nija be understood by the method of treatment of Visha Vegas which has
and Agantu (endogenous and exogenous)io. Accordingly he has laid been included in Uttara Sthana (concluding section) by Vagbhata and
down separate principles of treatment for these two varieties.1* Kalpasthana (section on pharmaceutics) by Shusshruta.s*

Nija Unmada is further divided into four kinds. They are also Aadhija Unmaada has also been omitted by Charaka as said
known as Doshaja Unmaadas (those arising from the morbidity of before. But while stating the aetiological factors of Unmaada he has
Doshas. Out of these the fourth kind namely Sannipataja unmaada. stated causes which are enough to directly impair the mind. Besides
(insanity of tridiscordance) is said to be incurable, 15 the others being this, he has laid down general principles of treatment for Unmaadas
curable. 10 Similarly the fifth variety namely Agantu Unmaada arising originating from Kama (lust), Krodha (anger) etc. As these originate
from Himsa (cruelty) is said to be incurable. Agantu Unmaadas mostly on account of exogenous factors they can be considered under
arising the Rati (lust) and Abhyarchana (extortion) are said to be Aagantu Unmaada. Hence the Aadhija variety of Unmaada mentioned
curable.^. Although Vagbhata and Shusshruta have not made classi- by Vagbhata and Sushruta may be studied under Aagantu Unmaada
fications of Unmaada as curable and incurable they have not omitted of Charaka. Aaagantu Unmaada is also termed as Bhootonmaada
this aspect. They have declared Unmaada as curable or incurable (insanity born of spirit possession).24 Unlike others he has dealt with
depending on certain sets of symptoms.is this in the Chapters on Unmaada because Bhootonmadas exhibit
mental disorders principally.
By going through the Nidanasthana of Charaka Samhita, we can
understand that Aagantu Unmaada has been classified further into Sushruta and Vagbhata classify Unmaada into six kinds. Sushruta
ten kinds.19 Again while dealing with the management of Unmaada has excluded Bhootonmada because he has dealt with Devagrahajusta
two more classifications namely, Brahmarakshasa Unmaada and lakshana, Gandharvagrahajusta lakshana, etc.? which are similar to
Rishishapadijonmada have been added to them, with their own Bhootonmaada varieties of Charaka with their treatment in 'Amanu-
symptoms.20 As Charaka has not given the signs and symptoms of shopasarga pratishedhadhyaya' (a chapter on treatment of disorders
Aagantu Unmaada in Nidana Sthana" (section on pathology) he caused by inhuman possession) of Uttara tantra (concluding section)**
might have considered Rakshasa Unmaada as one in that section- Besides this, the usage 4 Amartya' found in Charaka has been
This is clearly supported by Chakrapani's coro.mentary.38 Although commented by Chakrapani as ' Amanushairvargadibhirlakstutam'itQ
these eight or nine varieties of Aagantu Unmaada are counted, other The word * Amanushopasarga' of Sushruta has also been used to
varieties which are caused by " possessions " may also be considered convey the same meaning. Hence by this observation we can justify
as Bhutonmaada (Agantu Unmaada), according to Chakrapani.21 This the exclusion of Aagantu unmaada by Sushruta.
is supported further by Sharngadhara who counts 20 varieties^ o f
Bhootonmada. Charaka has not included Vishaja Unmaada (those Vagbhata has also omitted the term Agantu Unmaada. But
originating on account of poisoning) and Aadhija Unmada (origina- Arunadatta, in Ins commentary says that the treatment of Aagantu
Unmaada with Bhootanubandha will have to be done as per Bhoota-
ting from purely mental tensions) in his work. This is probably
pratisheda, the treatment of disorders caused by spirit-possession.87
because of the similarity in signs and symptoms of Vishaja Unmaada
Therefore we can conclude that the Agantu Unmaada of Chataka has
with those of Visha Vegas (different degrees of stages of poisoning)
been described by Vagbhata in Bhootapratishedha Chapter in Uttara
which have been described by him in twentythird chapter of Chikitsa
Sthana (section on treatment). Secondly, visha will not be the direct
re."?nn for causing mental disease. Doshas are first affected in poison- One question which obviously arises is, " Why Sushruta and
ing. Only at a stage" mental symptoms crop up as in case of Vagbhata have counted Chittaja or Andhija Unmaada separately when
Gurushapajanita Unmaada, Siddhakrodhaja Unmaada which are said
Ohmaada as a whole has been considered as a mental disease ?" For
by Mm have been included by Charaka while describing the aetioJogical
answering this, an exhaustive study of the nidana (aetiology) of
factors of UnmaadaS5, Even in Chikitsasthana these have been
Unmaada becomes indispensable. By listing the aetiologicai factors
recorded by
given in the texts, we can make clearly two categories, one being of
the factors which cause imbalance mainly of Sharirika (somatic) doshas Summary
(humours) viz., Vata, Pitta and Kapha and the other of those which An attempt to study the classifications of Unmaada chronologi-
priflcipally cause the derangement of Manasika doshas viz.. Rajas and cally has been made although they are numerous and varied. Totally
Tamas. Another possible explanation would be that, in Doshaja 28 varieties of Unmaada are recorded in ancient texts. AU are
Unmaadas it is sharira that is affected first and then the mind and in important in view of the study of the disease- A table is given below
Manasa Unmaadas (Aagantu or Bhootonmadas) it is mind that is for understanding the varieties of this disease found in Ayurvedic lore.
first deranged and then the body.29
In the available incomplete Bhela Samhita it has been said in
I. Vatonmada + + + + - 4 - 4 - +
Chikitsa sthana that * Unmaada is of five kinds.' But in. the actual
text we see only 4 types being explained.so Agantu Unmaada which
2. Fittonmadft + + + + — + + 4-
*. Kaphonmada + + + + — + + 4-
is not found there probably because of the loss of relavent literature, «. Sannipatonmada - + + + + — + + -+
has been described in Nidana stana (section on pathology).30a Bhela 8. Aadhijonmada (Chittaja, — + + — — + - V 4 -
has stated that Mada is a milder form or preliminary stage of Shokaja or Mtuutsa).
Unmaada.si Sushruta also holds the same opinion. But Charaka, e. Viehajonmada _ 4 - 4 - ~ ' — -J- + +
Vagbhata and even Madhava have dealt with Mada, Moorcha and 7. Agautoonmad*
Sanyasa under one group in different chapters of their works. There S. Devonmatta - ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ _ + _
again Charaka has dealt this group under ' Vidhishoniteeyaadhyaya' 9. Pitrunmatta (Pitrugrah* -f — — — — _j_ ^j, —,
(chapter dealing with the importance of blood) and Vagbhata under nnmatta).
' Madatyaya Nidana' and l Madatyaya Chikitsa * Adhyayas or 10. Gandharvonmatta -f — — — _ + 4 . ^ .
chapters dealing with the stages and treatment of Alcoholism sia. 11* Yakshonmfttta + — — — — _f_ 4- —
12- ivakahonm&tta + — — — •— — , ^ _ ^_
13- Brahmarabehonmattffi 4 - — - — — — _ + ^
By a keen study of these chapters we can conclude that Sushruta 14- piBhachonmatta + — — •— —• + - 4 - . _
and Bhela have dealt Mada in the chapter devoted to insanity depend- 15. Sarponmada (Sarpagra- — — — — — + -j- —
ing on the symptoms and their nature like moderate, mild, etc. and haianya TJnmaaila)-
Charaka has dealt in Vidhishoniteeya chapter because of the relation- 16. Rakahaeagfahajanya _ _ _ - _ _ . J _ _ _ .
ship between Mada and Raktavaha srotas. Vagbhata has described 17. Danavonmada — — — — — - j -4 - _

Mada in Madatyaya chapters depending on the aetiology and sympto- 18. Kinnaronmada — — — — — . _ . } _ _
19. Guru shapaj a n i ta 4- — — —. — _ _ _ | _ _ _
matology of Mada and Madatyaya (alcoholism).
fO' Pretonmada — — — — — _ 4 .
SI. Guhyakonmada .— .4-
In Kashyapa Samhita which is available only in incomplete form 42. Vriddhapuruslia, + — — — — _ -| __
we fail to find any chapter devoted to Unmaada. Hence no details Krodhajonmada.
are available in this ancient work. Only at one place Kashyapa 1
explains how to diagnose Unmaada in children who are unable to 24. Jaladevonmada • **~ + ***

express their discomforts; a very valuable information indeed.s* 85. Kooahmandonmaada

26. Krityonmuda — — — — — — -f
il. Vetalonmada — — — — — — - t _ _ _
Madhava who is regarded as the best author in Nidana (aeti"> 38. Bishi shapadij onm ada + - - -. _ - - _
patbogenisis) has included the various Grahalakshanas described by
Sushruta and Vagbhata, in the chapter devoted to Unmaada.ssa, 28 CH8—Charaka Samhiba SUS—Sush^uta Samhita AH—Asfcanga Hridaya
KAS—Kashyapa Samhita BHS—Bhela Samhita —Madh .v* NL.ana
SNB—Sharngadhara. AHS—Astanga Sangraha
Sharagadhara has counted 20 types of Bhootonmaada as said"
*Aecording to Charaka, 1 to 3 are curable and 4th is incurable, 7 to 14 and 28 if caused
before*?. Some of the varieties viz., Vriddhakrodhaja Unmaada, p& aceounV of cruelty will be incurable, 7 to 28 we A^utvt i Eh
128 129

(References) 12. T 1
(a) 14*4 IMdl ^ T ^ f i T & ?T? ^?T^T <T$#fa I *rrfe:i ^ ^ ^ * wimnTCTlTRIH: SUTTOWrt" \

IT3T II 3T II 34
*• ft- 6/4.
(6) Uc*5TFm<T^rT> sf5R* ^T^nfTOTOcFSnnH I

2. ^ ^ m ^STcf I . . . W«T>FT%TH ^<SRT ^STTf^fcfrftStffa | qT^I^f t«ft J^SmW ?Hjn^?T • . • f ^ T ^ ^ . H. 10/7-20.

5»T H Bn»t y r ? ^f*«r i wwrf. 5T. 6 / n i / i , 2, 3. 14 Ha g . ^ ^ f r n n ^ m m f f t ^ ^ : H*n*fa«rci«rt " * ^
8. T#*mra*^feW I 8T«T^ I ^. 6/111/3. ftfOTPTWTWTPWm: M ^ * ^ * 9 ^ 24 -
4. « m ^ T O t ^T t^f Nj»HI«IBlfk ^ T^?lf?T I ?T. ?f. 3/4/8/4. '
.. 16.
4 (a). tPTT^TH I 3TW- S 1 2 9 1 10. ^ ^ j , .( %. FT. 7/7.

5. 17. cT5l
II ^. FT. 7 / 5 . mvft q»IBfft^ I ^"ffT' 7 A 5 -

n H. ^. 62/3. 3 fiw? qfenf*c n ^ ^ 6 /7.

/ f
-^ *-*•• - • - « ^ v ^iRT^t ftViPW H IT. T. 6 / 1 4 .

8. ^?m?t TTH H?mr sm*TFT«ms: n ^TT. ^. 5/1.

9. ?TCr ^Tl^f ?TFT * ^m'T't: ?TRlT^Ff^FITf5ra> T^: i ^sfaftHT ^T . • . . I ^ " ' 7/14*
3T. ST. ^. 9/2. 20 sgiOT^WOT! f ^W*Wt^PraiP(f: «^trflKft«W
xf. fg. 9/20.
10. H ( B
7/16. 21.
i ^?imft J^T ; w. fa. 9/17.
10 (a). ann^Ttamfm^'mrnTsnTnsT: u
m.^.2/37j. 22. m.^.35;
11. q^V^T: ^ T ? ^ ^ 4iN<c*4^HJ^sft: I
, 9/85-86.
130 131



D. D. Chaturvedi, Research Officer, A. R. Unit,

A. I. I. M. H., Bangalore.
25- S. I1. 60.
26. In Ayurveda disease has been mentioned to be uriderstood by
five processes viz., Nidana (aietiology), Poorve Roopa (Prodromal
9/17. symptoms), Roopa (Signs, symptoms), Upsaya (The-repeutics test) and
27- T I samprapathi (Pathogensis)i. As we are concerned with the aetiology
of mental disease it would be proper to describe Nidana (aetiology) as
propounded in Ayurveda. The word Nidaaa derives from the root
0/55. " DISATISARJANE" (Gadadhar). The word Nidana means Hetu
28. . 5. (aetiology) or cause. In Sushruta Samhita it is mentioned that it is
called Nidana because it indicates Hetu (aetioiogy) as weJJ as signs and
29. symptoms of a diseases. Further explanation of this is, that the
30. process by which one gets the complete knowledge of disease is known
as NidanasS. The synonyms of Nidana described by Vagbhata are
w1 6/17-17*. Nimitta, Hetu, Aytana, Pratyay Uttan and Karana4.

LAKSHANA (SIGNS) OF NIDANA: All those factors which

so (a) arnM TOT vitiate the doshas and produce the disease are known as NidanaS. For
31. example, the use of incompatible, dirty and impure diets have been
mentioned to vitiate the doshas and produce the disease. The
8/lfiJ_lfl, causative factors have been classified under the following group: '
. to *.q>24;
A. ( j ; SANNIKRISTA (Immediate)
(2) BIPRIKRISTA (Remote)
(3) BYABHICHARI (Insufficient etiology to cause a disease)
24/25-264. (4) PRATHAMIKA (Strong etiology which provokes doshas and
33- *r.
cause a disease)
34- ST^

35- ^. T 7/14. (l)

36- *V icHT 9/20.
37- m~- 5^T^ 7/39
^' 9/16.
(4) : \

182 1S3

B. (1) ASATMENDRIYARTH (Aetiology pertaining to non- homo- , - In physical doshas, Vata has been said, to be the main because
i£Vata is in a normal condition the other doshas like pitta, Jcaphi,'
Iogatery contact of the senses with their sense object.
are also fouund in a normal condition. Though they have. got thetf
(2) PRAJNAPARADH (Volitional transgression) own normal conditions, their movement is due to Vata. Whereas
Rajo Guna is main in mental doshas because even if tamo guna
(3) PARINAMA (Aetiology pertaining to time effect)
exceeds it does not act without Rajo Guna. Here it is necessary to
C. (1) DOSAHETU (Etiology causing the stage wise derangement of describe what is disease ?
dosas to produce disease)
Sushrata has given a nice descriptioni, whenever a .feeling of
(2) VYADHI HETU (Aetiology causing a specific disease) disturbance is there, it is known as a disease which is divided into four
(3) UBHAI HETU (Aetiology responsible for derangement of categories. (1) Abhighatha (Traumatic) (2) Sharirik (Physical)-
Doshas and a disease corresponding to such derangement) (3) Mansik (Mental) and (4) Swabhavika (Natural) Table I.

D. (1) UTPADAKA (Predisposing) The above Table I shows a long list of factors in Agantuja group
namely, mental affections. Their number may increase or decrease
(2) VYANJAKA (Catalising) depending upon the severity of the mental illness. Swabhavika group
may also produce the mental symptoms for example, a lady in meno-
E. (1) VAHYA (Extrinsic aetiology) pause may think that She will not get full affection from her husband
(2) ABHYANTARA (Intrensic aetiology) and such prolonged thinking may lead to mental symptoms in her.

While describing Unmada, Charaka says (Ch. N, 7/4). that there

The above classification of Hetu (Cause) shows that the ancient is unsettlement of all Manas (mind) Buddhi (understanding) Sanjjya
authors were more on the lookout for the root cause of disease (consciousness) Smriti (memory), .Bhakti (Inclination) Sheela
than the mere signs and symptoms. (character) Achara ((conduct)^ While describing the Aetieology of
Unmad Charaka explains s the role of incompatible, dirty, impure
Charaka has described Doshas into 2 categaries i^. } physical and food, discrespect of Dev (God) ,Guru (Teachers), Brahmins (learned),
mental. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are said to be Shariraka Doshas excessive bhaya (fear), Harsha (joy) to produce namobhighata disturb-
whereas Rajas and Taraas are the mental doshasi (Ch. Su. 1. 57). ing all the normal mental functions. Even these mental factors will
not be capable of producing unmada unless the person possesses heena
Satwa (weak constitution). Charaka says* (Ch. 6/9) that these factors
A disease produced by Rajas and Tamas Guna or by Agantuja produce imbalance in doshas, and hridya which has been said to be1
factors affects the mind, which is known as a mental disease. For
example, Unmada. The imbalance produced Rajas and Tamas
doshas can be divided into two groups, i.e., Iccha and Dvesha.
Excessive desire for a particular thing is Iccha whereas the opposite (1) «nw:
interest for a particular thing is Dvesha, The imbalance between
physical doshas i.e., Vata, Pitta, and Kapha take place in the next
stage. Charaka has described that Vata gets vitiated by Kama, Shoka, (2)
and Bhaya. Pitta gets vitiated by Krodha. All the three physical
doshas get vitiated by the interference of all the Grahas, (Grahas t . ft. a
are paranormal influences). (3)

. ft. 7
(I) (4)
r. 1/59 : I * ft. 6
the seat of knowledge is affected. The dosas reaching to Manovaha
Srothas-(pathways of mind) produces Manovibbrama (Disorgarusa-
~tioa of mind).
In Apasmara (epilepsy) the main symptoms of which is loss of
memory * both physical and mental symptoms are found. The mental
functions as has been described by Charaka, are not fully disturbed.
This attack may be for a few seconds or minutes. The frequent
attack of Apasmara may lead to same major mental disease. A
controversy exists to accept Apasmara as a mental disease.
The abobve descriptions shows that aetiological factors described
in Ayurvedic text have definitely scientific base.


1 i
I am thankful lo Dr. H. N. Murthy, Head of Department of
Psychology for his valuable suggestions in preparation of this paper.



*N. Krishna Murthy

Yoga is one of the systems of Indian Philosophies and mainly deals

with mental discipline. The word yoga is used to denote various
meanings ; like means as in *Tfa?T8ftT, 5tT*rotT etc-» compound as
in chyavana prasa yoga, etc. ; union as in H*fol anc * ftpfrT and
concentration as SWTftpJti. I& this paper yoga is discussed in
connection with mental discipline.

More than two thousand years ago our ancient seers were capable
of telling the world that transactions of the human mind could be con-
trolled by practice. Beside controlling they have shown the way of
improving the various psychic capacities. This they called as
yogasiddhi or success of yoga.

The conscious clement in the body is called fafa^rfiRT or the
knowing capacity. This owns an instrament called mind stuff or fa^r
through which it acquires the knowledge of the surrounding world
i.e., knowable or 9c5T- The mind stuff is said to have three aspects,
illumination, action, and stasis, (rest). On account of this it is caHed
physical and thus a n onsen tient thing. It becomes sentient as it
reflects the purusha or fcRwfacT By this reflection it gain*
consciousness from purusha like water gaining brightness on account of
t i e reflection of the bright sun. In the same way it is capable of
grasping things by means of sensory organs and changes itself into
the shape of those things. Thus mind stuff is the meeting place of
purusha and outside stimuli, i.e., knower and knowable. In every
transaction mind is both sentient and nonsentient.
Y. S. 4.23).

Healthy Mind
Mind is the must active element in the body. In the subtlest unit
of time it could change from one transaction to another. These various
changes are called vrittis in the mind. If the sensory organ is not
misleading, it could perceive things as they are ; if the right reasoning
were practised, it could infer the things unperceived but connected with

T) ,,, „( t. A.U.M.H., B*ngaloie-27.

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