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Calypso: Ginger

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Calypso Cr chet
By Geraldyn Chirinos De Sousa

C ollection
First of all, I want to thank you for purchasing this
pattern, it was made with a lot of love for all the
crocheters who loves this beautiful art.
I also want to remind you that this pattern and design
is exclusive made by me, it took effort and hours of
work, so I ask you to not share it on social media, or
publish it on any site, thus, you help me to continue
creating new pretty things.
And I wish you a happy crocheting time, have fun!
Any questions and / or suggestions? You can find me


All material, trademarks or any other type of intellectual property of this

pattern are property of Geraldyn Chirinos, and are subject to copyright.
The reproduction, unauthorized modification, copy, use, loan, transmission
and dissemination of the material, whole or part, of texts, images, design,
art, writing, trademarks or any other type of intellectual property of this
pattern is prohibited. This material may not be sold or distributed in any
way for profit or profit from it. December 2022
Calyps By Geraldyn Chirinos De Sousa

Ways to work with crochet

General notes Work in continuous rounds
Work the last stitch of the round, then work
the first stitch of the following round. To join
the rounds, NO slip stitch is required. Instead,
continue working each round on a spiral way
with the type of stitch indicated.
Work in joined rounds
Level Finished size Join the last stitch of the round to the 1st stitch of
the same round with a slip stitch, and chain one.
Then, continue working in joined rounds.
Intermediate 9 inches
(without the hat)
Work in joined turning rounds
Join the last stitch of the round to the 1st stitch of
the same round with a slip stitch, then chain one
and turn your work.

1. The steps explained in this pattern are for Work in rows

someone who does already knows how You will no work in rounds. This means, you won’t
to crochet, therefore certain steps and join any round with a slip stitch. You’ll have to
procedures are expected to be known. chain 1 (or more chains) and turn your work.

2. About the yarn I use

When working in chains (ch), always
begin on the 2nd ch from the hook, unless
indicated otherwise. You can use the type of yarn you want and the
thickness you prefer, but if you wonder what type
3. All decreases in this pattern, are to be of yarn do I use exactly, it is 100% cotton, in the
crocheted using the invisible decrease thinnest number (8/3) (this is the measurement
technique. system used in my country). This means that
the yarn has three threads per strand and it’s
All single crochets when working in spiral produced locally. You can use the one called
on this pattern were made in X shape. If any “Super Fine weight“ (No. 1) or “Fine weight”
part is worked in V shape single crochet, it (No. 2). Any of those will be fine. Here you can see
will be indicated. the information of the label, for your reference:

5. You can select the hook and thickness of

the yarn of your preference. This way, with
the same pattern, you can make smaller
or bigger dolls.

6. You will find the correlating supporting

images are referenced in the text by an F
followed by a number, (eg. F12).

7. If the way to work with crochet (details

explained in the next section) is not
specified, assume that the default way to
crochet is in continuous rounds.
Calyps By Geraldyn Chirinos De Sousa

Materials Stitches abbreviations

ch Chain
z 1.75mm and 1.5mm crochet hook, clover R Round
Rw Row
z 100% Thin cotton yarn, in colors:
mr Magic ring
Sand Body and head
sk Skip stitches
Red Shoes, accessories
st, sts Stitch, stitches
Green Skirt, accessories
slst Slip stitch
Dark brown Hair
sc Single crochet
Light brown Dress, hat
sc-inc Increase of single crochet
White Accessories (2sts in one st)
z Stitch markers sc-inc3 Double increase of single
crochet (3sts in one st)
z 1mm galvanized wire
sc-inc4 Triple increase of single crochet
z 10mm safety eyes
(4sts in one st)
z Fiberfill
sc2tog Decrease of single crochet
z Scissors (2 sts together)
z Cardboard hdc Half double crochet
z Tapestry needle hdc-inc Increase of half double crochet
z Blush or chalk pastel (2 sts in one st)
z False eyelashes (optional) hdc-inc3 Double increase of hdc
z Black tape (3 sts in one st)

z 1 medium button to close the dress dc Double crochet

z Red and green sewing thread dc-inc Increase of double crochet

z White felt or interlining tr Triple crochet
BLO Back loops only
FLO Front loops only
TLO Crochet through horizontal bar
only (aka 3rd loop only)
BPsc Back post single crochet
FO Fasten off
By Geraldyn Chirinos De Sousa

FOLLT Fasten off, leaving a long tail.

JSL Join with slst
JCH1 Join with slst and ch 1
Special stitches
JCH2 Join with slst and ch 2
Back post double crochet (BPdc)
JCH3 Join with slst and ch 3
Yarn over, and insert your hook from back to
JCH4 Join with slst and ch 4 front between the posts of the first and second
CHT1 Chain 1 and turn double crochet of the row below and then from
front to back again between the posts of the
CHT2 Chain 2 and turn second and third stitches(1). Yarn over, and draw
JCHT1 Join with slst, chain 1 and turn your the yarn around the post of the stitch. Yarn over,
work and draw the yarn through the 2 loops on the
hook, twice(3).

1 2
Stitches symbols
Throughout the pattern, you will find crochet
pattern graphics. Here’s what each symbol

3 4
Chain (ch)
Click to watch
the video tutorial

Slip stitch (slst)

Single crochet (sc)

Single crochet increase (sc-inc)

Back post single crochet (BPsc)
Double increase of sc (sc-inc3) It is the same steps of the BPdc, but instead of
making a double crochet, you make a single
Decrease of single crochet (sc2tog) crochet, inserting the hook between the posts
the same way.
Half double crochet (hdc) Click to watch the video

Double increase of hdc (hdc-inc3)

Double crochet (dc)

5 dc in one stitch

Triple crochet (tr)

CalypsBy Geraldyn Chirinos De Sousa

General instructions
R 1 (4 sc, sc inc)xN, 7 sc [74]

The total sts of the round

x N times
Repeat the sts inside the round brackets
Current round
Click to watch the
video tutorial


BLO Insert your hook underneath the back loop only and make the st.
FLO Insert your hook underneath the front loop only and make the st.
TLO Insert your hook underneath the third loop of the st.
{ ... } Make all the sts inside curly brackets in the same st.
sk N When it is written sk followed by a number, it means that you will have to skip that
number of stitches of the previous round, you will not crochet that N number of stitches.
FLO* [...] When you see that a round or row begins with FLO (just FLO), it means that you will
crochet the whole round in front loops only, but, when you see FLO * [...], it means that
you will crochet only in front loops the stitches placed inside the square brackets, and
make the rest of the stitches of that round on both loops.
Now get your yarn and hook and let's get started!
Calyps By Geraldyn Chirinos De Sousa Pag. 8 Ginger

Cut a piece of wire about 9.8 inches long (the

Arms (make 2) length will vary depending on the thickness of

yarn the you use). Fold the wire as shown below
in the images. The size of the fold should be
Start with sand color the same size of the sole of the foot. Insert the
wire into the doll’s foot and stuff with fiberfill.
R1 mr, 6 sc [6]
Stuff the legs as you work.
R2 (sc, sc-inc)x3 [9]
R3 9 sc [9]
R4 2 sc, 2 sc-inc3, 5 sc [13]
R5 13 sc [13]
R6 2 sc, 2 sc3tog, 5 sc [9]
R 7-23 9 sc (17 rounds). FO. [9]
Do not stuff the arms.
R6 6 sc, 4 sc2tog, 5 sc [15]
R7 6 sc, sc3tog, 6 sc [13]
R 8-24 13 sc (17 rounds) [13]
R 25 sc, sc2tog, 4 sc, FLO* [3 sc-inc], [15]
3 sc
R 26 15 sc [15]
R 27 sc, sc-inc, 5 sc, 2 sc2tog, 4 sc [14]
R 28-35 14 sc (8 rounds) [14]
R 36 6 sc, sc-inc, 7 sc [15]

Legs (make 2) First 2 rounds of legs

R 37-38
R 39
15 sc (2 rounds)
6 sc, sc-inc, 8 sc
R 40-41 16 sc (2 rounds) [16]
Work all around the foundation chain.
Change to light brown
Left leg
R 42 16 sc [16]
Start with sand color Make 3 sc more (these sts won’t count as part
of any round) and FO.
R1 ch 6, sc-inc, 3 sc, sc-inc4, 3 sc, [14]
Right leg
R2 2 sc-inc, 3 sc, 4 hdc-inc, 3 sc, [22]
2 sc-inc Start with sand color
R3 BLO 22 sc [22]
R 1-35 Same as left leg
R4 22 sc [22]
R 36 13 sc, sc-inc [15]
R5 8 sc, 3 sc2tog, 8 sc [19]
R 37-38 15 sc (2 rounds) [15]
Ginger Pag. 9
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R 39 14 sc, sc-inc [16]

R 40-41 16 sc (2 rounds) [16] Body
Change to light brown
Keep with light brown
R 42 16 sc. Do not cut yarn. [16]
R 44 7 sc, sc-inc, 18 sc, sc-inc, 11 sc [40]
Leg joining R 45-48 40 sc (4 rounds) [40]
R 43 Make 8 sc more on the right leg (or as
R 49 5 sc, (sc2tog, sc)x2, 17 sc, [36]
many stitches as it takes to get in the inner side
(sc2tog, sc)x2, 6 sc
of the thigh) and ch 3 (F1). These sts won’t count
as part of any round. Join on the left leg making R 50 6 sc, sc2tog, 18 sc, sc2tog, 8 sc [34]
one sc in the 2nd st or the st that is on the inner R 51 4 sc, sc2tog, 20 sc, sc2tog, 6 sc [32]
side of the thigh (this sc will be the beginning of
Change to sand color
each round), then make: 15 sc more in this leg,
3 sc on chains, 16 sc on the other leg and 3 sc on R 52 (6 sc, sc2tog)x4 [28]
the base chains. You will have a total of 38 sc.
R 53 28 sc [28]
See graphic 2. Continue with the body.
R 54 (5 sc, sc2tog)x4 [24]
F1 R 55-59 24 sc (5 rounds) [24]

Arm joining

When you first insert your hook into the
arm, make sure the thumb is pointing
forward. This rule is for both arms, so you
can change the joining st if necessary.

R 60 Make 6 sc on the body, 2 sc on the arm and

the body at the same time, starting in the 1st st of
the arm, (insert your hook first in the arm, inside
out and then in the body) (F2-F3). Continue
making 10 sc on the body, 2 sc on the arm and
the body at the same time, starting in the 4th st
of the arm, in the same way as described before
Graphic 2 and finally make 4 sc on the body. You will end
Front up with 24 sc. See graphic 3.
R 61 In this R, skip the 2 joining sts of the arm
Left leg Right leg and the body. Make 6 sc on the body, 7 sc on the
16 sts 16 sts unworked sts of the arm (F4), 10 sc on the body,
7 sc on the unworked sts of the arm, and 4 sc on
body. You will end up with 34 sc. See graphic 4.
By Geraldyn Chirinos De Sousa Pag. 10 Ginger

F2 F3 Graphic 3


Right Left
arm Body arm

F4 Start

Graphic 4

Right Left
arm Body arm


Cut two pieces of wire the size of the arm plus

about 4 inches, fold one end as shown in F5 and
cover it with tape (F6). Insert them into each
arm (F7) and twist them to the main wire of the
body (F8). Stuff the top of the arms, chest and
shoulders very well. Remember to stuff as you
F5 F6 crochet.
R 62 34 sc [34]
R 63 5 sc, 4 sc2tog, 10 sc, 4 sc2tog, [26]
3 sc
R 64 4 sc, 3 sc2tog, 8 sc, 3 sc2tog, [20]
2 sc
R 65 (3 sc, sc2tog)x4 [16]
F7 F8 R 66 (2 sc, sc2tog)x4 [12]
R 67-69 12 sc (3 rounds) [12]
R 70 BLO 12 sc [12]
R 71 (4 sc, sc2tog)x2 [10]
R 72-81 10 sc (10 rounds) [10]
Close the neck hole and FO.
Ginger Pag. 11
Calyps By Geraldyn Chirinos De Sousa

Start stuffing the head and go stuffing it as

Head you work.

R 26 (3 sc, sc2tog)x6 [24]
R 27 sc, (sc2tog, 2 sc)x5, sc2tog, sc [18]
Attach yarn on front loops of round 69 of the
neck (F9) and make: R 28 (sc, sc2tog)x6 [12]

Start with sand color R 29 6 sc2tog [6]

Close the hole and FOLLT. With the long tail,
R1 12 sc-inc [24]
embroider the nose, one round below the eyes
R2 (sc, sc-inc)x12 [36] taking 3 sts (F14). Embroider the eyebrows with
R3 (5 sc, sc-inc)x6 [42] dark brown yarn, two rounds above the eyes
(F15). If you need help, you can watch this video
R4 3 sc, (sc-inc, 6 sc)x5, sc-inc, 3 sc [48]
of how embroider the eyebrows.
R5 (7 sc, sc-inc)x6 [54]
R6 4 sc, (sc-inc, 8 sc)x5, sc-inc, 4 sc [60] F10
R 7-20 60 sc (14 rounds) [60]

F11 F12

Draw the outline of the safety eyes on a fabric F13 F14
that does not fray when cutting (it could be
interlining or thin felt). Then, starting from that
circle, draw the shape you want the eyes to look
like (F10). Cut two pieces of it and make a hole in
the center (F11), then insert them into the fabric
and glue them (F12). Insert the eyes in the head
between rounds 12 and 13 counted from bottom
to top), with 9 sts of space between them (F13). F15
R 21 4 sc, (sc2tog, 8 sc)x5, sc2tog, 4 sc [54]
R 22 (7 sc, sc2tog)x6 [48]
R 23 3 sc, (sc2tog, 6 sc)x5, sc2tog, 3 sc [42]
R 24 (5 sc, sc2tog)x6 [36]
R 25 2 sc, (sc2tog, 4 sc)x5, sc2tog, 2 sc [30]
Calyps By Geraldyn Chirinos De Sousa Pag. 12 Ginger

R 13 (hdc, tr)x48. JCH4 [96]

Dress R 14 (tr, hdc)x48. JCH2 [96]

R 15-19 Repeat round 13 and 14, intercalating
Work in rows. them. See graphic 5.
R 20 (tr, hdc)x48 [96]
Start with light brown
Change to red
Rw 1 ch 23, 22 sc. CHT2 [22]
Join with slst, ch 1 and turn your work. You will
Rw 2 BLO 3hdc, 4 hdc-inc, 8hdc, [30]
work the last round with the right side facing you.
4 hdc-inc, 3 hdc. CHT2
Rw 3 TLO hdc-inc, 2hdc, (hdc-inc3, 6 hdc)x2, R 21 BLO (slst, sk 1, {5dc}, sk 1)x24 [144]. JSL
2 hdc, hdc-inc3, 6 hdc, hdc-inc3, 2 hdc, and FO (F19). See graphic 6.
hdc-inc. CHT1 [40] Attach green yarn to the front loops of round 10
of the dress (F20) and make: (slst, ch 2)x32. JSL
Rw 4 BLO 5 sc, ch 3, sk 9, 12 sc, ch 3, sk 9, [28]
and FO.
5 sc. CHT1
Attach red yarn to the front loops of round 9 of
Rw 5 FLO 28 sc. CHT1 [28]
the dress (F21) and make: (slst, ch 1)x30. FO.
Rw 6 BLO 28 sc. CHT1 [28]
Rw 7 FLO 6 sc, sc-inc, 14 sc, sc-inc, 6 sc. [30] Note
Graphic 5, 6, 8 and 9 represent only a
Rw 8 BLO 30 sc. CHT1 [30] part of the pattern, they are for reference
Rw 9 FLO 5 sc, sc-inc, 18 sc, sc-inc, 5sc. [32] and example, but they do not represent
the total number of sts of the pattern.
Rw 10 BLO 32 sc [32]
Join to the other side of the dress making one
slst in the 1st sc of row 10 (F16) and ch 1. Now
work in joined rounds.
R 11 BLO 32 sc-inc. JCH1 [64]
R 12 (sc, sc-inc)x32. Join with slst, [96]
ch 2 and turn your work. From
now on, you’ll work with the wrong
side facing you.
In image F17 you can see how the dress would
be worked if it were crocheted with the right F17 F18
side facing you. Image F18 shows how to work
with the wrong side facing you. Make sure you
are working as in F18.
For the dress skirt pattern, you will work with
half double crochet sts and triple crochet sts,
intercalating them.
Ginger Pag. 13
Calyps By Geraldyn Chirinos De Sousa

Graphic 6

Graphic 5

F19 Work in joined rounds. Attach yarn to the
armhole, in the back side, as shown in F22 for the
right sleeve and F23 for the left one (in the sides
of the hole) and make:

Start with light brown

R1 (sc, sc-inc)x7. JCH1 [21]. See graphic 7.

Note that the graphic shows the hole as
F20 it was from row 4 of the dress (gray sts),
and the sts of this round of the sleeve
(blue and pink sts). The sts that are in
pink should be made on the sides of the
R2 BLO 21sc. JCH1 [21]
R3 BLO 21sc. JCHT1 [21]
R4 (sc, sc2tog)x7 (F24). JCHT1 [14]

F22 F23

Graphic 7


Calyps By Geraldyn Chirinos De Sousa Pag. 14 Ginger

Change to white Small strip (make 2)

R5 BLO 14sc. JCH1 [14] Use a crochet hook 0.25mm smaller than the
one you used for the doll (in my case, I used
R6 (sc, ch 3)x14. JSL and FO [56]
1.5mm) and with white yarn, ch 14, then make:
Attach red yarn in front loops of round 4 of the
(sc, sc-inc3, sc, sk 2)x2, sc, sc-inc3, sc. FOLLT
sleeves (F25) and make 14 slst. FO. Try to make
(F29). See graphic 8. Sew or glue these strips to
the slst not so tight. Make the same for the 2nd
the front of the dress (F30).
Attach light brown yarn in the opening back of
the dress, on right side (F26) and make 10 sc on
that side, 2 sc on the bottom, 9 sc, ch 12, 1 sc on
the other side, making this way one loop for the Graphic 8
(F27). Sew one button on the other side (F28).
F24 F29 F30

Big strip
Use a crochet hook 0.25mm smaller than the
one you used for the doll (in my case, I used
1.5mm) and with white yarn, ch 188, then make:
(3 sc, sc-inc4, 3 sc, sk 3)x18, 3 sc, sc-inc4, 3 sc.
FOLLT (F31). See graphic 9. Sew or glue this strip
all around the bottom of the dress (F32).

Graphic 9

F31 F32
F27 F28
Ginger Pag. 15
Calyps By Geraldyn Chirinos De Sousa

Collar Bows (make 2)

With white yarn, ch 23, start working in 3rd ch from
With red yarn and 1.5mm crochet hook, make mr,
hook: 3 hdc in the same ch, skip 1 ch, 1 slst in the
and inside the ring make: ch 3, 3 tr, ch 3, join to
next ch, skip 1 ch, 3 hdc in the same ch, skip 1 ch,
the ring with slst, ch 3, 3 tr, ch 3, join to the ring
1 slst in the next ch, skip 1 ch, 5 dc in the same ch,
with slst. Close the ring and FOLLT. (See graphic
skip 1 ch, 1 slst in the next ch, skip 1 ch, 5 dc in the
same ch, skip 1 ch, 1 slst in the next ch, skip 1 ch,
3 hdc in the same ch, skip 1 ch, 1 slst in the next With the long tail, roll it around the center of the
ch, skip 1 ch, 3 hdc in the same ch. FOLLT. See bow several times to make that part smaller.
graphic 10. (F36). Then sew the bows to each sleeve (F37).

Sew the collar to the top of the dress with the

F36 F37
long tail (F33).

Graphic 10


Lollipops (make 2)
Make one lollipop in white with red and the other
one in white with green. Use 1.5mm crochet hook
(or according to your hook). With white yarn
make: ch 13 and 12sc, FOLLT. With red (or green)
make: ch 22 and 21sc, FOLLT.
Buttons Place the ends of both strips as shown in F38
and join them there, then pass the longer strip
Make two buttons: one in red and the other in
over the white strip (F39) and roll up both strips,
green. Make mr and 6 sc in the ring, join to the 1st
until you have the shape of the lollipop (F40),
st with slst and close the ring very well, making
then sew it with sewing thread to secure the fold
this way a tiny circle (F34). FOLLT. Sew the buttons
(F41). Sew the lollipops to one side of the dress,
to the front of the dress, between the white strips
over the white zig-zag strip (F42).

F34 F35
Finally the dress is done! 😊
F38 F39
CalypsBy Geraldyn Chirinos De Sousa Pag. 16 Ginger

F40 F41 F43


Shoes (make 2)
Work all around the foundation chain.

Start with red

R1 ch 6, sc-inc, 3 sc, sc-inc4, 3 sc, sc-inc [14]

R2 2 sc-inc, 3sc, 4 sc-inc, 3 sc, 2 sc-inc [22]

Skirt R3 sc, 2 sc-inc, 5 sc, (2 sc-inc, 2sc)x2,

3 sc, 2 sc-inc, sc

R4 BLO 29 sc, sc-inc [31]

Work in joined rounds. The first 3 ch are not
counted as a stitch. R5 31 sc [31]
R6 10 sc, 6 sc2tog, 9 sc [25]
Start with green
R7 9 sc, 4 sc2tog, 8 sc. FO (F44) [21]
R1 ch 32, join to the 1st ch with slst, [32]
To make the sole, repeat rounds from 1 to 3 of
making a circle (F43), ch 2 and
the shoe and do not cut yarn. Then cut a piece
then 32 hdc on ch. JCH3
of cardboard the size of the sole (F45). Join the
R2 32 dc. JCH3 [32] sole to the bottom of the shoe by making a slst
R3 (7dc, dc-inc)x4. JCH3 [36] through all the front loops of R 3 of the shoe
R4 (8dc, dc-inc)x4. JCH3 [40] (F46) [30]. Before finishing joining the sole, insert
the piece of cardboard (F47) and finish closing.
R5 40 dc-inc. JCH3 [80]
At the end FO.
R6 (dc, dc-inc)x40. JCH3 [120]
Attach yarn in stitch 9 or to the stitch that is
R7 120 dc. JCH3 [120] right in the middle of the front of the shoe (F48)
R8 (11 dc, dc-inc)x10. JCH3 [130] and ch 14, then 10 slst, ch 11, 10 slst, 3 slst in the
remaining chains and join to the next st of the
R9 130 dc. JCH3 [130]
shoe with slst (F49). FO.
R 10 130 dc. JCH2 [130]
Put the shoes on the doll and sew the two straps
R 11 130 hdc. JCH1 [130] at the back (F50).
R 12 TLO (sc, ch 2)x130. JSL and FO [390]
Ginger Pag. 17
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F44 F45
Start with dark brown

R1 mr, 8 sc [8]
R2 FLO 8 sc-inc [16]
F46 F47
R3 (sc, sc-inc)x8 [24]
R4 FLO (2 sc, sc-inc)x8 [32]
R5 FLO (3 sc, sc-inc)x8 [40]

Always start making the strands in the 3rd chain
from hook.
F48 First layer
Do not cut yarn, you will now make the first layer
of strands, which will be joined to the last round
of the base with slst. For every 2 stitches of that
round, one strand will be made (20 strands in
Strands 1-20: ch 54, (hdc, hdc-inc)x8, 36hdc
[60]. Skip the next st of the base and join to the
F49 next one with slst (F51).
Second layer
Turn your work, and with the wrong side facing
you, make 2 slst to get to the back loops of
round 4 of the base. In this layer, you will make 16
strands (1 for every 2 stitches of round 4). Repeat
the same sts as before for the strands.
Third layer
F50 Make 3 slst to get to the front loops of round 1 of
the base. In this layer, you will make 4 strands (1
for every 2 stitches of round 1). Repeat the same
sts as before for the strands (F52).
When you finish the last strand, FO.
In total you will make 40 strands of 60 sts each
Calyps By Geraldyn Chirinos De Sousa Pag. 18 Ginger

Sew or glue the hair to the head, placing the 1st

layer first (tie the top layers together while doing
this) (F53), distributing the strands well all over
the head.
After the glue dries or you finish sewing, place
the strands of the 2nd layer on top of the 1st one
but do not glue them. Finally, place the 3rd layer
of strands without gluing it. Arrange the hair on
the doll as you like.

Work in joined rounds.

Start with light brown

R1 mr, 7sc. JCH1 [7]

R2 7sc-inc. JCH1 [14]
F51 F52
R3 (sc, sc-inc)x7. JCH1 [21]
R4 (2 sc, sc-inc)x7. JCH2 [28]
R5 (3 hdc, hdc-inc)x7. JCH1 [35]
R6 35 BPsc. JCH1 [35]
R 7-11 35 sc (5 rounds). JCH1 [35]
R 12 (5sc, sc2tog)x5. JCH1 [30]

F52 R 13-14 30 sc (2 rounds). JCH1 [30]

R 15 30 sc. JCH2 [30]
R 16 FLO 30 hdc-inc. JCH1 [60]
R 17 60 sc. JSL [60]
Change to white

R 18 BLO (ch 4, sk 1, slst)x30 (F54) FO. [120]

F53 F54
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Work in joined rounds.

Start with white

R1 mr, 7 sc. JCH1 [7]

R2 7 sc-inc. JCH1 [14]
R3 (sc, sc-inc)x7. JCH1 [21]
R4 (2 sc, sc-inc)x7. JCH2 [28] F55 F56
R5 (3 hdc, hdc-inc)x7. JSL [35]
Now you will make the tips of the topping. A total
of 12 tips will be made. Start by making BLO 1 sc in
the next st, then for each tip, make:
1) ch 4, 1 sc, 2 hdc on chains [3]. BLO 3 sc on the
next sts.
2) ch 5, 1 sc, 3 hdc on chains [4]. BLO 3 sc on the
next sts. F57 F58
3) ch 7, 1 sc, 5 hdc on chains [6]. BLO 3 sc on the
next sts.
4) ch 4, 1 sc, 2 hdc on chains [3]. BLO 3 sc on the
next sts.
5) ch 5, 1 sc, 3 hdc on chains [4]. BLO 3 sc on the
next sts.
6) ch 7, 1 sc, 5 hdc on chains [6]. BLO 3 sc on the
next sts. Strip
7) ch 3, 1 sc, 1 hdc on chains [2]. BLO 3 sc on the Make 2 strips, one in red and the other one in
next sts. green. Ch 41, 40 slst and FO. Then join the two
8) ch 5, 1 sc, 3 hdc on chains [4]. BLO 3 sc on the strips together at one end with thread (F58).
next sts. Once the end is joined, hold the other end with
9) ch 4, 1sc, 2 hdc on chains [3]. BLO 3 sc on the your hand and twist the two strips together until
next sts. they’re like in F59. Glue the strip to the hat and
10) ch 7, 1 sc, 5 hdc on chains [6]. BLO 3 sc on sew together at the back (F60).
the next sts.
11) ch 5, 1 sc, 3 hdc on chains [4]. BLO 3 sc on the F59 F60
next sts.
12) ch 3, 1 sc, 1 hdc on chains [2]. BLO 1 sc on the
next sts. Join to the 1st st with slst. FOLLT. (F55).
Embroider with red and green yarn, stripes all
over the topping to make sprinkles (F56).
Sew the topping to the hat with the long tail
Calyps By Geraldyn Chirinos De Sousa Pag. 20 Ginger

Big lollipop Candy cane

The lollipops are worked with the Jacquard
Change the color in each round.
technique, which means that in the same round
you will change the colors. The color you will Start with white
have to change to is defined by the color of the
R1 mr, 6 sc [6]
letters in the pattern:
sc = in white color Change to red
sc = in red color
R2 6 sc [6]
Start with white Change to white
R1 mr, 6 sc [6] R3 6 sc [6]
R2 6 sc-inc: ({1 sc, 1 sc})x6. This [12] R 4-14 Repeat rounds 2 and 3, [6]
means that you will make in the intercalating them.
same stitch one sc in white and
Cut a piece of wire the size of the cane plus
one sc in red.
about 5 cm long and fold each end as shown
R3 (1sc, sc-inc)x6 [18] in F62, cover it with tape and insert it inside the
R4 (1sc, 2 sc)x6 [18] cane and close the hole. Fold the top to give it
the shape of a cane (F63).
R5 (1sc, sc2tog)x6 [12]
R6 6 sc2tog. (See graphic 11) [6]
F61 F62
Stuff just a little and FOLLT. Close the hole. (F61)


Graphic 11

Small lollipop
This lollipop is worked the same way as the big
one. Repeat rounds 1 and 2 of the big lollipop but
with green instead of red. FOLLT. (F61).
Ginger Pag. 21
CalypsBy Geraldyn Chirinos De Sousa

Candy F66
Use a 1.5mm hook (or a 0.25mm smaller hook).
Work in rows.

Start with green

Rw 1 ch 9, sc-inc, 5 sc, sc2tog. CHT1 [8]

Rw 2 BLO sc2tog, 5 sc, sc-inc. CHT1 [8]
Change to white

Rw 3 BLO sc-inc, 5 sc, sc2tog. CHT1 [8]

Rw 4 BLO sc2tog, 5 sc, sc-inc. CHT1 [8]
Change to green

Rw 5 BLO sc-inc, 5 sc, sc2tog. CHT1 [8]

Rw 6 BLO sc2tog, 5 sc, sc-inc. CHT1 [8]
Change to white

Rw 7-12 Repeat rows 3, 4, 5 and 6, in the

same order and with same colors
until you have 12 rows (F64).
Place both ends of the rectangle together and
join them with slst until you reach the end [8]
(F65). FOLLT. Close one side of the candy with
the yarn and a needle (F66). Before closing the F69 F70
other side, stuff with fiberfill. Then close the other
side (F67).
To make the wrapping sides, take green yarn
and make: mr and (sc, 3 dc)x3 inside the ring, JSL
and FOLLT (F68). Make two of this and sew them
to each side of the candy (F69).

F64 F65 Sphere

Start with red

R1 mr, 5 sc [5]
R2 5 sc-inc [10]
R 3-4 10 sc (2 rounds). Stuff a little. [10]
R5 5 sc2tog [5]
FOLLT (F70).
Calyps By Geraldyn Chirinos De Sousa Pag. 22 Ginger

Assembly it to one end of the wire, (passing it through the

loop) (F80). Then make as many single crochet
Sew or glue the big lollipop to the top of the hat stitches as you require until you get to the other
(F71). end of the wire (passing the yarn under the two
wires) (F81-F82). Once you get to the other end,
Sew or glue the small lollipop to the top of the
cut a long strand. Using a needle to help you,
hat, in front of the big one (F72).
roll the strand several times inside the loop at
Sew or glue the candy cane to the hat, behind the end of the wire (F83) to secure it. Then cut
the lollipops (F73). the yarn and hide it. Finally, sew the headband
Sew or glue the candy to the hat, in front of the to the hat with sewing thread (F84).
F75 F76
Sew or glue the sphere on top of the candy (F74).

F71 F72

F77 F78

F73 F74

F79 F80

Measure the top of the doll’s head, from one
side to the other. Cut a piece of wire, the length
of your previous measurement multiplied by
two, and add about 2cm. Once the wire is cut,
fold it as shown in F75, placing both ends of the F81 F82
wire in the center. Then twist the wire and cover
most of it with tape, leaving the ends uncovered
(F76-F77). Fold the wire as shown in F78, the
folded wire has to match the shape of the doll’s
head (F79).
Then with brown yarn, make a slipped ring and tie
Ginger Pag. 23
CalypsBy Geraldyn Chirinos De Sousa


And that's all!
I hope you enjoy!
Happy crocheting!
Finishing touches Do not forget to mention me in
your networks if you make my
Glue the false eyelashes on each eye (this is Ginger doll, I would be very
optional, you can also embroider them if you
happy to see your work.
want so).
Add some blush or pastel chalk on each cheek
and knees.
For making the lollipop that the doll carries in her
And remember that you can not
hand, you can watch this video: share the pattern, doing that, you
help me to make nice things for
you in the future!

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