Active and Passive Voice All Tenses
Active and Passive Voice All Tenses
Active and Passive Voice All Tenses
Formula: Must+3rd verb
You must learn this book. This book must be learnt by you.
Students should learn all lessons. All lessons should be learnt by students.
Active and passive voice with Imperative Sentences
These are the sentences in which we express our feeling and emotions like command, order,
advice, and request.
For sentences containing, Request, advice and order, we will use you are Requested to, advised
to and ordered to.
Note: Always remove please and kind if they are given in the sentence.
Active Voice Passive Voice
Shut the door. Let the door be shut.
Post the letter at once. Let the letter be posted at once.
Always speak the truth. Let the truth always be spoken.
Do not starve the cow. Let the cow not be starved.
Let him help his brother. Let his brother be helped by him.
Clean your room. Let your room be cleaned.
Learn your lesson. Let your lesson be learnt.
Please do me a favor tonight. You are requested to do me a favor tonight.
Kindly do not smoke in public place. You are requested not to smoke in public place
To make passive voice, first of all you have to use following rules.
1.Change the object into subject. If in object, we have a pronoun (What is a Pronoun?) of object
case convert that by following rules.
me I
You You
her She
them They
us We
him He
it It
whom Who
2. Change the subject into object. And use by before the object. If in subject, we have a pronoun
of nominative case convert that by the following rules.
I by me
You by you
She by her
They by them
We by us
He by him
It by it
Who by whom
Some basic rules of active voice and voice are given below
First of all, find subject, object and the main verb it means find SVO .
Convert the object into subject.
Use the suitable helping verb or auxiliary verb according to the tense. If helping verb is
given, use verb as it is. But note that the helping verb used should be according to the
Convert the verb into past participle or 3rd form of the verb.
Use the preposition (what is preposition?) “by”.
Convert the subject into object.