The Control of Conjunctival Fibrosis As A Paradigm For The Prevention of Ocular Fibrosis-Related Blindness. "Fibrosis Has Many Friends"
The Control of Conjunctival Fibrosis As A Paradigm For The Prevention of Ocular Fibrosis-Related Blindness. "Fibrosis Has Many Friends"
The Control of Conjunctival Fibrosis As A Paradigm For The Prevention of Ocular Fibrosis-Related Blindness. "Fibrosis Has Many Friends"
Received: 15 February 2020 / Revised: 19 May 2020 / Accepted: 9 June 2020 / Published online: 25 June 2020
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Royal College of Ophthalmologists 2020
The processes involved in ocular fibrosis after disease or ocular tissue injury, including surgery play an important part in the
development or failure of treatment of most blinding diseases. Ocular fibrosis is one of the biggest areas of unmet need in
ophthalmology. Effective anti-scarring therapies could potentially revolutionise the management of many diseases like
glaucoma worldwide. The response of a quiescent or activated conjunctiva to glaucoma surgery and aqueous flow with
different stimulatory components and the response to different interventions and future therapeutics is a paradigm for
scarring prevention in other parts of the eye and orbit. Evolution in our understanding of molecular and cellular mechanisms
in ocular fibrosis is leading to the introduction of new and re-purposed therapeutic agents, targeting a wide range of key
processes. This review provides current and futures perspectives on different approaches to conjunctival fibrosis following
glaucoma surgery and highlights the challenges faced in implementing these therapies with maximal effect and minimal side
of the conjunctiva, which controls the fluid flow through the The increase in the number of fibroblasts during the
tissue. IOPs between 10 and 14 mmHg are associated with proliferative phase, starts as early as two days post-opera-
minimal fibrosis of the conjunctiva, and slower rates of tively, and provides an initial advantage to maintain the
visual field deterioration [2]. integrity of the conjunctiva and protect the eye against
Several different stimulatory components arise from infection. This reflects an evolutionary pressure towards
glaucoma surgery, which activate quiescent conjunctiva. tissue fibrosis in response to injury. The degree of tissue
Conjunctival fibrosis can result in the failure of conventional damage and the host response in terms of severity and
bleb-forming glaucoma filtration surgeries. New drainage duration of inflammation, determines the extent of con-
implants employing different outflow pathways including junctival scarring. Moorfields Safer Surgery System, is a
subconjunctival, trabecular meshwork/Schlemm’s canal and modified surgical technique, which aims to minimise the
suprachoroidal routes of drainage are used clinically. All of insult and modulates the effects of antimetabolites [6]. The
these drainage implants are eventually limited by fibrotic extent of conjunctival fibrosis after glaucoma filtration
reaction around the device regardless of its mode of action. surgery (GFS) will vary between individuals, as it is influ-
Despite advances in glaucoma surgical techniques, devices enced by risk factors such as, pre-existing inflammation,
and post-operative care, fibrosis remains the principal duration and type of eye drop therapy and a previous history
impediment to long-term control of IOP following surgery. of surgery [7]. Other drivers of fibrosis after GFS include
suture material, aqueous humour derived growth factors,
mechanical transduction from aqueous fluid flow, signalling
Conjunctival wound healing responses after molecules released from ECM storage sites, myofibroblast
glaucoma surgery trans-differentiation leading to further matrix deposition [8].
Post trabeculectomy, the Moorfields bleb grading system
Like all wound healing, conjunctival wound healing [9] is a useful tool to predict long-term IOP outcome. The
involves a complex interplay between growth factors, grading system assesses inflammation and effective appli-
cytokines, receptors and enzymes and cross-talk between cation of antimetabolites [10].
different cell types. The early phase of conjunctival wound
healing following glaucoma surgery involves leakage of
plasma proteins (fibrinogen, plasminogen and fibronectin) The fibroblast: origins, activation,
and blood cells (platelets, polymorphonuclear neutrophils differentiation and proliferation
and red blood cells) from disrupted vasculature. Conversion
of fibrinogen to fibrin results in fibrin clot formation and Following GFS, fibrosis is mediated primarily by Tenon
blood coagulation. The combination of fibrin clot formation fibroblasts and their precursors, myofibroblasts. Myofibro-
and released proteins, lead to migration and attraction of blasts are the key effector cells resulting in surgical failure.
neutrophils, macrophages, and lymphocytes to the surgical Myofibroblasts are derived from either one or more origins
site during the inflammatory phase [3]. irrespective of the nature of the initial injury. The exact
Pleiotropic genes, involved in conjunctival fibrosis origin of myofibroblasts during conjunctival fibrosis is
include, but not limited to, transforming growth factor-B debated, and beyond the scope of this paper. Nevertheless
(TGF-ß), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), the diversity of myofibroblast progenitor cells is relevant in
platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), fibroblast growth the development of novel therapies. In brief, myofibroblasts
factor (FGF) and connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), involved in conjunctival fibrosis might originate from
which contribute to wound healing regulation. Aqueous beyond locally residing cells in the sclera, conjunctiva and
contains a number of growth factors, including transforming Tenons, such as circulating bonemarrow derived- fibroblasts
growth factor (TGF-β), which is a main mediator of fibrosis (see Fig. 2). The relative contribution of the different origins
during wound healing [4, 5]. The later phases of con- of progenitor conjunctival myofibroblasts is unknown due to
junctival fibrosis can be subdivided into inflammation, the lack of a specific myofibroblast cell marker. Myofibro-
proliferation, and tissue remodelling (see Fig. 1). During the blasts present microfilament bundles expressing α-smooth
proliferation phase, activated fibroblasts and endothelial muscle actin (α-SMA), responsible for wound construction.
cells migrate to the site of injury, and granulation tissue Myofibroblasts deposit an abundant amount of ECM, pro-
formation and angiogenesis ensues. Activated Tenon duce crosslinking enzymes, and inhibitors of ECM,
fibroblasts proliferate and lay down extracellular matrix degrading metalloproteinases. Persistent activation of myo-
(ECM). During tissue remodelling, blood vessels regress fibroblasts and mechanical stress such as that found in a tight
and fibroblasts adopt a myofibroblast phenotype which encapsulated bleb potentiates profibrotic factors. Myofibro-
induces cross-linking of collagen type 1 and elastin result- blast contractility attracts macrophages, which modulate
ing in scar formation. ECM composition and stiffening [11].
The control of conjunctival fibrosis as a paradigm for the prevention of ocular fibrosis-related. . . 2165
Therapies targeting fibrin clot stimulate the proliferation of fibroblasts. Treatment with sar-
atin, an anti-thrombotic and anti-fibrotic agent, in a rabbit GFS
Fibrin clot formation is an important step of the wound healing model, improved bleb survival when administered as two post-
process. Fibrinolytic agents, such as tissue plasminogen acti- operative subconjunctival injections when compared with
vator, were thought to be useful to dissolve fibrin and blood topical saratin treatment alone [13].
clots after glaucoma surgery. Urokinase is a thrombolytic
agent that could be used as an alternative to tissue plasmino-
gen activator, and intracameral urokinase injection reduced Therapies targeting inflammation
IOP after glaucoma surgery in the short term [12]. Prolonged
bleeding is the main side effect that deters the use of these Reducing inflammation is a standard paradigm for pre-
agents, and in addition fibrin breakdown products can venting scarring after surgery or injury as chronic
2166 P. T. Khaw et al.
Fig. 2 Origins of myofibroblast precursors and stages of myofibroblast differentiation. Myofibroblasts precursors may originate from
locally residing cells in the sclera, conjuntiva and Tenons layer or from circulating bonemarrow derived fibroblasts. SMC smooth muscle cell,
TGF-ß transforming growth factor-beta.
inflammation is associated with much more fibrosis. Broad- nanoparticles can enhance permeation across cell mem-
spectrum anti-inflammatory drugs are standard therapy branes and prevent enzymatic degradation [17]. Also, ocular
post-operatively, and are usually administered as topical implants are being investigated as alternatives to topical or
steroids. The use and tapering of topical steroids such as injectable steroid drug delivery systems. Subconjunctival
prednisolone acetate 1% are an important feature of the sustained-release dexamethasone (Ozurdex) have been
post-operative care to modulate inflammation and maintain piloted as an adjunct to trabeculectomy [18]. Ozurdex is
adequate intraocular pressure control. Steroids can be star- comprised of a biodegradable co-polymer of lactic acid and
ted prior to surgery if the eye is inflamed. The use of topical glycolic acid so does not require surgical removal.
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) after Anti-inflammatory drug loaded contact lenses have been
glaucoma surgery remains controversial, as these agents developed to increase residence time of steroids in the tear
may be associated with a greater incidence of wound pro- film. Contact lenses fabricated from poly-2-hydroxyethyl
blems such as bleb leakage [14]. Nonetheless, where methacrylate hydrogels with drug molecules entrapped into
inflammation persists despite steroid use, NSAIDs may be a a nanoparticulate system can provide controlled drug
useful adjunct. release over days [19]. Due to increased residence time,
Studies have investigated others methods of administra- drug permeation through the tissue can offer prolonged
tion to enhance steroid bioavailability and effectiveness in exposure. The delivery rate can be further modified by
dampening the inflammatory response. A randomised con- altering the loading dose in the hydrogel. However, this
trolled trial showed intra-operative sub-Tenon triamcino- drug delivery system has yet to be tested in the context of
lone during augmented trabeculectomy surgery in patients GFS post-operative care.
with secondary glaucomas did not improve success rate or One would assume favourable outcomes by targetting
reduce complications [15]. In another study with a small ‘upstream’ immune responses. However, broad-acting
sample size, intracameral triamcinolone showed no benefit immunosuppressive therapies have proved sub-optimal to
after heterogenous glaucoma operations with or without use date, and have not entered routine use for glaucoma surgery.
of mitomycin-C (MMC) [16]. Calcineurin inhibitors such as cyclosporine, tacrolimus and
Synthetically engineered macromolecules such as den- sirolimus, are immunosuppressive agents that reduce the
drimer glucosamine and cyclodextrins have been developed production of interleukin-2 (IL2) and IL2 receptor expres-
to enhance steroid delivery in experimental studies. sion. Following GFS, topical cyclosporine, had no effect on
Encapsulation of drugs in colloidal carriers liposomes and IOP, although ocular surface disease improved [20]. A
The control of conjunctival fibrosis as a paradigm for the prevention of ocular fibrosis-related. . . 2167
combination of therapies targeting several different path- protocols to apply these higher doses of β-radiation had a
ways or the development of novel agents addressing mul- poor safety profile in pterygium management [31]. In GFS
tiple components of fibrosis following glaucoma surgery β-radiation has proven to be an effective anti-fibrotic ther-
appear to be required. apy in high-risk patient groups such as patients from West
African descent. A meta-analysis including four studies
showed intraoperative beta irradiation lowered the risk of
Therapies targeting proliferation surgical failure compared with trabeculectomy alone [32].
However, the β-radiation group had a higher risk of cataract
Antimetabolites, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and MMC are con- [32], but this may have been associated with lower pres-
ventionally used at the surgical site to limit conjunctival sures which is less often seen with newer GFS such as the
scarring following GFS. While these agents have been Moorfields Safer Surgery System [6]. When β-radiation was
shown to improve clinical outcomes, they do so in a non- compared with intraoperative 5-FU, there was no difference
selective manner inhibiting the proliferation of sub- in risk of failure or complication following phaco-
conjunctival Tenons fibroblasts. Consequently, use of trabeculectomy [33]. More recently, randomised trials have
antimetabolites is associated with a significant side-effect shown that β-radiation with MMC are superior to MMC
profile that can lead to hypotony, bleb leakage, blebitis, alone [34]. In a South African study, eyes receiving β-
endophthalmitis and vision loss. radiation were 5.55 times more likely to have an IOP < 16
5-FU is an effective inhibitor of Tenons fibroblast growth mmHg on no medical treatment compared with eyes
by antagonising pyrimidine metabolism inhibiting DNA receiving MMC [35]. New and improved radiation delivery
synthesis and ultimately resulting in cell death [21]. Use of systems and sources should allow treatment times as short
5-FU at high concentrations, however, often leads to corneal as 30 seconds.
epithelial toxicity and apoptosis, since 5-FU is toxic to all The use of an adenoviral delivery system may also be
actively replicating cells. Intraoperative or post-operative considered feasible. The p21 gene is an important down-
5-FU significantly reduces the risk of trabeculectomy stream effector of the p53 gene, which is a tumour sup-
failure but causes increased rates of wound leakage, pressor gene that arrests cell cycle progression. A
hypotony and epitheliopathy compared with trabeculectomy recombinant adenovirus carrying human p21 gene inhibited
alone [22–24]. the proliferation of Tenon’s capsule fibroblasts, prevented
MMC exhibits antiproliferative effects by acting as a conjunctival scarring, and significantly reduced IOP in
DNA cross‐linking alkylating agent that can interfere with animal models of GFS [36].
cells at any stage of the cell cycle, inhibiting DNA repli-
cation, cell mitosis and protein synthesis. MMC increases
the success rate of GFS, mainly through inhibition of pro- Therapies targeting growth factors
liferation of fibroblasts. MMC is more potent than 5-FU,
inhibiting proliferation for a longer period [25, 26]. Meta- Stimulatory growth factors and cytokines, released at the
analysis of 11 studies provided some evidence that favoured site of surgery can both amplify and reduce inflammation
MMC to 5-FU in lowering IOP at 1-year post trabecu- during the wound healing process (Fig. 3). Identifying
lectomy. Less epitheliopathy and hyphaema was observed therapeutic targets can be challenging due to the plur-
with MMC [27]. The method of applying the MMC is also ipotency and redundancy of these different signalling
critical and has a huge bearing on the long-term bleb molecules [37]. TGF-β is instrumental in numerous pro-
appearance and complications, and these general physical cesses of fibrosis, such as stimulating inflammation,
principles of drug applications are also very important in the migration of cells, loss of cell–cell adhesions, epithelial-
prevention of scarring [28]. mesenchymal transition into myofibroblast phenotype and
Beta-radiation only has superficial tissue penetration and modulates ECM deposition.
can be used over the conjunctival bleb to arrest cell growth
rather than cause widespread cell death. Tenons fibroblasts Transforming growth factor-ß
exposed to beta-radiation express high levels of p53 to
prevent cell replication in the presence of DNA damage, TGF-β2 is the predominant intraocular TGF- β isoform
decreasing ECM production [29]. β-radiation can be applied associated with ocular fibrosis such as proliferative
locally, very rapidly (in <1 min) and accurately, making it a vitreoretinopathy, posterior capsular opacification and
useful anti-fibrotic option in GFS. The current 1000cGy β- fibrosis after GFS [38–41]. Lerdelimumab, a monoclonal
radiation dose is based on cell culture studies [30] and is antibody to TGF-β2 was trialled to prevent the progression
much lower compared with dosages historically used to of fibrosis in primary trabeculectomy. The dose level and
treat pterygium, which varied from 2000 to 6000 cGy. The treatment regimen were derived from rabbit studies [42].
2168 P. T. Khaw et al.
Fig. 3 Phases of conjunctival wound healing. Phases include clot- factors involved in each phase are listed in the balances. PDGF
ting, vascular response, inflammation, fibroplasia and tissue remodel- platelet-derived growth factor, VEGF vascular endothelial growth
ling/scarring [37]. Conjunctival wound healing involves a complex factor, TGF- β transforming growth factor-beta, SAP serum amyloid
interplay between growth factors, cytokines, receptors and enzymes, P and anti-COX2 anti-cyclooxygenase 2.
and cross-talk between different cell types. Some of the mediators and
There was no difference between Lerdelimumab and pla- profibrotic proteins in Tenon fibroblasts showed that over-
cebo in preventing surgical failure in a phase III human trial expression of miRNA-29b, targets profibrotic TGF-β sig-
[43]. The use of a monoclonal antibody directed solely nalling pathway, inhibited production of collagen type I-α1
against TGF-β2 may represent too narrow of an approach and protected the conjunctiva from fibrosis [48]. Data from
since other isoforms of TGF-β are also involved. The very other specialities suggest, inhibition of miRNA-21 and
short subconjunctival drug half-life and the mode of overexpression of miRNA-29 seem to be promising anti-
delivery may not have been optimal to neutralise TGF- β2, fibrotic approaches [49, 50]. Potential drugs in the devel-
and the absence of neutralisation of the other isoforms may opment pipeline, which could be repurposed include an
have also been a disadvantage. A pan-TGF-β antibody, inhibitor of miRNA-21, RG-012 and is under evaluation for
Fresolimumab, which neutralises all three main isoforms of the treatment of Alport syndrome. There is also a miRNA-
TGF-β, may have potential applications in the treatment of a 29 mimic, MRG-201, that is being assessed to treat cuta-
broad range of medical conditions [44]. To our knowledge neous scleroderma [51].
Fresolimumab has not been evaluated in the context of LncRNAs do not code for proteins instead they interact
ocular fibrosis and may not be appropriate in the context of with chromatin to modify gene expression. LncRNAs
corneal-related fibrosis which requires a more targeted induced by TGF-β/Smad3 signalling have been identified in
approach to downstream TGF- β signalling pathway med- human tenon fibroblasts obtained from patients who had
iators, in order to maintain normal corneal wound healing undergone GFS [52]. Although evidence is limited,
and corneal transparency [45]. lncRNAs are likely to have a function in conjunctival
RNA sequencing analyses have identified long non- fibrosis and could present new areas for future investigation
coding RNAs (LncRNAs) and short RNA molecules [53–55].
(miRNAs) involved in conjunctival fibrosis, as new
approaches to targeting the TGF-β signalling pathway. Vascular endothelial growth factor
MicroRNAs are non-coding molecules and function to
silence gene expression or targeted degradation of mes- Angiogenesis is a crucial process in wound closure by
senger RNAs. MicroRNAs regulate many biological pro- enabling inflammatory cells and fibroblasts to migrate to
cesses, including tissue fibrosis and their function is likely wound site, and is mediated by VEGF [56, 57]. VEGF is
to be tissue and species specific [46, 47]. A study performed one of the most potent vasodilators known and may facil-
to identify miRNAs that inhibit the transcription of itate the extravasation of blood proteins and cytokines.
The control of conjunctival fibrosis as a paradigm for the prevention of ocular fibrosis-related. . . 2169
VEGF among other growth factors is found to be upregu- signalling can maintain filtering bleb function by minimis-
lated in the aqueous following GFS [58]. There remains ing scarring [68–70]. Blocking of CTGF using an antibody
uncertainty whether anti-VEGF agents such as bevacizumab against TGF- β2 receptors reduced conjunctival scarring in
and ranibizumab are as effective in preventing fibrosis fol- ocular cicatricial pemphigoid [71].
lowing trabeculectomy as MMC or sham control [59]. The The expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)
optimal dose and frequency of applications of anti-VEGF in varies throughout wound healing as they contribute to ECM
the context of GFS remains unclear. Better bleb morphol- remodelling by degrading ECM proteins. MMPs mediate
ogy and reduction in bleb vascularisation has been observed inflammation by stimulating fibroblasts, altering endothelial
following intravitreal ranibizumab in combination with permeability, and activating VEGF [56, 72, 73], and are
intraoperative topical MMC [60]. Subconjunctival bev- known to be upregulated in the fibroblasts of the bleb walls
acizumab has been used successfully to rescue failing fil- surrounding glaucoma implants [74]. Ilomastat, a broad-
tering blebs that exhibit neovascularization [60, 61]. Anti- spectrum MMP inhibitor, can reduce subconjunctival scar-
VEGF treatments have a role in the treatment of neovas- ring after experimental GFS [75]. A cyclodextrin-Ilomastat-
cular glaucoma, a disease where angiogenesis is the complex suspension eye drop could permeate through
underlying pathology [62, 63]. conjunctival tissue and therapeutic concentrations were
present in the anterior chamber, conjunctiva and sclera in a
Platelet-derived growth factor preclinical in vivo study [76]. Doxycycline was found to
inhibit MMPs but to a lesser extent than MMC in a rabbit
Platelet-derived growth factor-B (PDGF-B) is another model [77]. Sustained drug delivery is crucial to maintain
growth factor that can activate certain ocular fibroblasts. beneficial drug effect throughout the ECM remodelling
Aptamers are nucleic acid-based macromolecules that can phase of wound healing.
recognise, bind, and block PDGF-B with high affinity and Other enzymes such as lysyl oxidase (LOX) and lysyl
specificity. Two aptamers, ARC126 and ARC127, have oxidase-like (LOXL), crosslink collagen and elastin in the
been tested in a rabbit model of proliferative vitreoretino- ECM, which leads to fibrosis [78]. A monoclonal antibody
pathy [64], and might also be useful in glaucoma surgery. to LOXL-2 reduced both inflammation as well as fibrosis
There are also potential kinase inhibitors that can be used in vivo [79]. Elevated TGF and LOXL-2 levels in Tenon’s
for anti-fibrotic therapy. Nintedanib inhibits PDGF receptor, tissue at the time of GFS strongly correlated with surgical
VEGF receptor and FGF receptor tyrosine kinases. Ninte- failure at 1-year, suggesting LOX-2, could be a promising
danib is FDA approved as an orally administered medicine therapeutic target for reducing scar formation after glau-
to treat idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). An in vitro coma surgery [79, 80].
study using human Tenons fibroblasts showed Nintedanib Rho and Rac1 are small GTPases that play a critical role
inhibits proliferation and motility induced by TGF-β1 [65]. in the regulation of actomyosin cytoskeletal organisation
Pirfenidone is also an orally administered medicine used to and cell motility. A Rac1 inhibitor, efficiently inhibited
treat IPF. While the mode of action of Pirfenidone has not fibroblast-mediated matrix contraction, reduced MMP-1
been firmly established, it appears there is reduced fibroblast expression in conjunctival tissue and did not cause any
proliferation and collagen production [66]. Both Nintedanib significant toxicity [81]. The Rho-associated protein kinase
and Pirfenidone may be two of the few drugs licenced for (ROCK) inhibitor, also reduced fibroblast-mediated matrix
fibrosis because of the multiple possible mechanisms of contraction in vitro, and improved bleb survival in experi-
action given the many cross-overs covering biological sys- mental GFS [82].
tems responsible for wound healing and fibrosis. Activated myofibroblasts are the key effector cell in
conjunctival fibrosis and scar formation as previously
described. Myocardin-related transcription factor/serum
Tissue remodelling – therapies targeting response factor (MRTF/SRF) transcription pathway plays
matrix, collagen and enzymes an important role in myofibroblast activation in fibrosis and
is a key upstream regulator of MMP expression in ocular
Mechanical stress induces the protomyofibroblast pheno- fibrosis. MRTF inhibition can be achieved through siRNA-
type and expression TGF-β, which is critical for the final mediated silencing or pharmacological inhibition. A few
myofibroblast transformation. In addition to mechanical small molecule inhibitors, have been reported to be more
stress and TGF-β, integrin signalling are also necessary for effective in reducing MRTF/SRF-regulated gene transcrip-
the maintenance of the myofibroblastic phenotype [67]. tional signalling than ROCK inhibitors [83]. Sustained
TGF-β upregulates CTGF expression, which is another release liposome MRTF/SRF pathway inhibitors have
important fibrogenic cytokine that facilitates a persistent shown efficacy in preventing conjunctival fibrosis in an
pro-fibrotic state. Drug targeting either CTGF or TGF-β established rabbit model of GFS [84, 85].
2170 P. T. Khaw et al.
Application of anti-fibrotic agents at the bleb site is ham- Simple changes in surgical techniques and the application
pered by rapid clearance from the subconjunctival space of antimetabolite treatment have significantly improved the
due to aqueous outflow resulting in conjunctival absorption success rate and reduced the complication rate of glaucoma
and systemic clearance. Mediating the localised healing surgery [6] such as minimising tissue damage and appli-
response after surgery for extended periods of time may cation of tailored dose of anti-fibrotic agent. The principle
best be achieved by prolonging the presence of a wide- of using physical spacers to attenuate mechanical stress
spectrum anti-fibrotic agent in the subconjunctival space. might also help to maintain the subconjunctival pocket after
Developing long acting dosage forms for subconjunctival GFS. Spacers using human amniotic membrane, per-
administration require that material-tissue interactions are fluoropropane gas, or sodium hyaluronate, have been
optimised to avoid additional localised inflammation due to reported to increase bleb survival and to lower IOP [87].
foreign body responses. Sustained release implants and More research is needed to develop better biocompatible
in situ forming gels have been described for intraocular and materials that would lead to less scarring and better post-
subconjunctival use, which may potentially be developed operative results after glaucoma surgery.
for administration after GFS or drainage device implanta- Use of ocular anti-hypertensives after surgery may play a
tion. Strategies for the administration of anti-fibrotic role in conjunctival fibrosis and tissue remodelling. After
therapies including sponges, hydrogels, injections, glaucoma drainage device surgery, the use of aqueous
implants, gene therapies and cell-based therapies are shown suppressants is preferable to prostaglandin analogues to
in Fig. 4 and Table 1. treat raised IOP [88, 89]. In experimental models pros-
Local accumulation in the sub-tenon space can be taglandin analogues induced collagen contraction [90],
achieved with the use of particulate associated formulations upregulated interleukin-2 and MMP-9, while aqueous sup-
(i.e. nano or micro sized colloids). Particulate carriers have pressants decreased expression of α-SMA, reducing the
been described that bind to cell-surface receptors on myo- transformation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts [91]. Aqu-
fibroblasts and facilitate drug internalisation, which is trig- eous suppressants may attenuate growth factors derived
gered by binding to the receptor. Theoretically such from the aqueous and reduce the mechanical stress from
strategies may increase focal conjunctival anti-fibrotic aqueous pressure in the bleb.
activity with lowered unwanted side effects and toxicity Needling with 5-FU or MMC augmentation, can be
to other ocular tissues. Following glaucoma surgery, there is performed to rescue failing blebs particularly in high risk
overexpression of LDL receptor in activated Tenons fibro- cases. Bleb failure can occur early or late following GFS.
blasts [86]. Engineered LDL-MMC-nanoparticles may Fibrosis can occur at the level of the conjunctival, episcleral
provide a novel target for drug delivery systems that spe- or internal ostium. Needling was most successful soon after
cifically bind to LDL receptors mainly in activated fibro- trabeculectomy, but rescue of late failed trabeculectomy
blasts. This may achieve highly selective targeting, smaller bleb has a lower likelihood of success [92]. Therapies tar-
drug dose requirement, better bioavailability and reduced geting early tissue remodelling phases may influence long-
cellular toxicity to quiescent cells [86]. term post-operative outcomes, as it is the overall accumu-
lation of fibrotic tissue that leads to pressure rise and ulti-
mate surgical failure.
Concomitant surgery may worsen fibrosis such as the
combination of phacoemulsification with glaucoma drainage
surgery. A greater amount of post-operative inflammation and
flare have been observed after cataract surgery compared with
trabeculectomy for up to 6 months surgery. Inflammation
associated with cataract surgery is likely to be a result of
crystallin lens protein, ultrasound energy and the speed and
volume of intraocular fluid irrigation during surgery. The
consequence is an upregulation of pro-fibrotic cytokines and
growth factors in the aqueous humour and increased risk of
bleb failure. The extent of time these profibrotic proteins are
upregulated should be borne in mind when prescribing post-
Fig. 4 Delivery of anti-fibrotic therapies. Localised treatment operative anti-inflammatory agents in cases of phaco-
options are presented, some are based on the development of sub- trabeculectomy and sequential surgeries, (cataract surgery after
conjunctival specific dosage forms that can prolong the local exposure trabeculectomy), if excessive scarring is to be reduced [93].
of an anti-fibrotic agent at the bleb site.
The control of conjunctival fibrosis as a paradigm for the prevention of ocular fibrosis-related. . . 2171
The earlier cataract surgery is performed within 6 months, the particularly in individuals with a high risk of scarring. There
greater the risk of bleb failure [94]. are many areas for future investigation yet to be explored, in
terms of novel or repurposed anti-fibrotic agents and
sophisticated drug delivery systems. Genetic manipulation
Can fibrosis be reversed? of cells involved in wound healing or in vivo reprogram-
ming of myofibroblast may be future methods used to treat
Direct in vivo reprogramming of myofibroblasts into fibro- ocular fibrosis. Ultimately, the prize is great. Glaucoma is
blasts has potential as a strategy for regeneration in fibrosis- increasing exponentially with the rapidly ageing populations
related conditions. Hepatic fibrosis has been reversed by around the world, and a management plan that can cope with
using transcription factor induction, directly inducing myo- the scale of demand should involve surgical therapy as
fibroblasts to transform into hepatocytes using a lentiviral accessible and successful as cataract surgery.
vector in mouse models of chronic liver disease [95]. For We know from clinical evidence that pressures around
this regenerative activity to be achieved in glaucoma sur- the 10 mmHg mark are associated with minimal optic nerve
gery, transcriptional mechanisms underlying myofibroblast disease and minimal visual field progression over a decade.
phenotype would need to be fully elucidated, as well as the Micro-devices now allow a degree of surgical control and
development of lineage tracers that are tissue/cell specific. pressure control to achieve low pressures around 10 mmHg
Presently, there is no evidence demonstrating reversal of safely and rapidly. This means the 10 10 10 target we have
conjunctival fibrosis but the absence of evidence does not proposed for glaucoma treatment (10 min to conduct the
make it impossible. Prevention of ECM deposition is more treatment to achieve 10 mmHg that lasts 10 years) would
likely to result in the restitution of conjunctival architecture. revolutionise the treatment of glaucoma and could become a
Therefore, it is important to identify patients who may be possibility as long as we can control wound healing and
more susceptible to aberrant fibrosis at an early stage. fibrosis over the period. With the considerable advances that
have been made in understanding and modulating fibrosis,
this exciting prospect is in sight.
Summary and perspective
Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge the
National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre at
Conjunctival wound healing modulation continues to receive Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and UCL Institute of
interest as it holds the key to GFS attaining and sustaining Ophthalmology, Moorfields Eye Charity, the Michael and Ilse Katz
optimal IOP (10–14 mmHg) and preventing glaucoma pro- Foundation, the Helen Hamlyn Trust, John Nolan and Fight for Sight
(UK). PTK received the medal honouring Peter Watson at the
gression associated with higher pressures. New treatments XLIX Cambridge Ophthalmological Symposium in 2019.
will arise from a better understanding of tissue specific
associated molecular, cellular and biomechanical processes. Compliance with ethical standards
Innovative solutions that can directly and indirectly mod-
ulate inflammatory and fibrotic processes at the optimal Conflict of interest PTK is a consultant to Aerie Pharmaceuticals,
Glaukos, Novartis, Santen, Thea. PTK and SB are founders and
time, dosage and locality will result in more favourable shareholders of Optceutics Ltd. PTK is a founder, director and
outcomes. A combination of treatments or sequential treat- shareholder of Radiance Therapeutics.YB is a consultant to
ments may be more efficacious than a single agent, Optceutics Ltd.
2172 P. T. Khaw et al.
Publisher’s note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to adjunct to trabeculectomy for primary open angle glaucoma.
jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2016;64:251.
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