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13 Hercules Crew Entrance DOOR OPEN
Warning Light Switch Adjustment
Product Support
Director T. J. Cleland
The occasion sometimes arises when it is necessary to Center of gravity limits found in the maintenance manual
move a Hercules while major components are removed. for jacking the Hercules should also be used for towing.
Observe and stay within the maximum towing speeds and
Every situation must be evaluated individually; however, the minimum turning radius given in the maintenance
the following offers some general guidelines for movement manual.
of the Hercules with certain major components removed.
These examples are applicable only to the standard size Balance must be maintained whether the airplane is in
(97 foot) airplane in its cargo configuration. Your aircraft motion or standing with components removed. A simple
may be a “stretched” model or modified in such a manner formula for balance is employed to compute the amount
that the following would not apply; therefore, it is of weight that must be used to compensate for major
recommended that you review the aircraft records. components when they are removed.
Please note that extreme caution should be exercised (W) - (A)=M; Where: W=Weight
when moving an incomplete Hercules. Stop the action A=Arm
immediately if there is any indication that the airplane M=Moment
may be unbalanced. Other than that, our
recommendation is to use your handbooks and good A MOMENT is a numerical value representing the effect
judgment as factors in limiting things like - how fast, how of a force at a given distance (ARM) from a specific
far, and how much incline can be allowed and still remain reference point. An ARM always represents the location
within safe limits. of the center of gravity of the weight in question. Any
(A RM 4 4 4 )
OWS 82
(A RM 3 0 2 )
ARM 85.6 ARM 85.6
The Pound-for-Pound approach is not often the most Weights are suspended from jack fittings on the Hercules nose
practical and so it may be necessary to calculate the section to stabilize balance during assembly at Lockheed-Georgia.
6 For example, let’s say you had an aircraft that weighed During towing operations, preventing dislocation of the
70,000 lb. with a center of gravity at FS 535. You want center of gravity to either side is extremely important
to remove one propeller assembly and then ballast the since the main landing gear is located at the fuselage near
aircraft back to the original center of gravity (i.e., the basic airplane center of gravity.
FS 535). Suppose the only location for ballast is at FS
300. The propeller cg is at FS 380 which is 155 inches FUEL BY THE POUND - One of the easiest ways to
forward of the aircraft cg. The MOMENT effect felt by compensate for removed weight where engines and/or
the aircraft is -166,780 in. lb. The ballast location of FS propellers are removed from only one side is to transfer
300 is 235 inches forward of the aircraft cg. So we want fuel from the opposite wing to the side needing ballast.
to overcome -166,780 in. lb. at a distance of 235 inches. Ah, but you say the handbook has a restriction limiting
Divide 166,780 in. lb. by 235 inches and get 710 lb. of you to 1,000 pounds difference between opposite fuel
ballast. This will return the aircraft to the original cg of tanks and no more than 1,500 pounds difference between
FS 535. See chart below. wings. That restriction is not a structural one, but a flight
restriction to prevent “running out of roll (aileron)
Divide the ARM into MOMENT to get the necessary control” during landing at low speeds and low gross
ballast WEIGHT, If the WEIGHT is in weights. Further, it is to keep the aircraft from tilting too
predetermined increments you should adjust the ARM by far while on the ground - so, why not transfer fuel to
dividing the MOMENT by the WEIGHT maintain side-to-side balance.
Here is another way to achieve the same basic center of Just remember to transfer the fuel back when the engines
gravity with engines removed. The forward fuselage jack and/or propellers are reinstalled.
Inch - Pounds
Another way to achieve balance side-to-side is to remove Therefore, special attention should be given to the center
an object on one side of the airplane, such as an outboard of gravity location when one or more rear main landing
power plant or wing, when it is necessary to remove a like gear parts are removed.
item on the other side.
The torque strut is vital to prevent the lower portion of
For example - removal of the left or right outer wing will the main landing gear shock strut (axle and wheel) from
produce an unbalanced condition which will be unsafe for 7
twisting - or turning out of alignment. Therefore, the
towing. Prevent this unsafe condition by also removing loose end of the torque strut (that is the end where the
the opposite outer wing. strut is removed) must be secured in some manner within
the wheel well to prevent the installed wheel from
Other examples - Removal of the left or right outboard twisting.
power plant will produce an unbalanced condition which
will be unsafe for towing. Prevent this unsafe condition Here are two methods that have been employed in the
by removing the opposite outboard power plant. past:
Both outboard power plants should be removed before Where the main landing gear strut has been removed for
removing either inboard power plant when all four of maintenance and no structural damage exists within the
them are to be removed. Why? To maintain side-to-side wheel well, the torque strut may be secured to the main
cg, close to the center line, within limits specified in your landing gear “shelf bracket” or other structure with a
maintenance manual. cargo tie-down chain or heavy rope.
As pointed out previously, not all factors in unusual Where structural damage exists in the wheel well, it may
circumstances are predictable so we include alternate be necessary to fabricate some bracketry to secure the
approaches to accomplish the same results, leaving the loose end of the torque strut.
choice to be made on site. Whether you choose to achieve
balance by transferring fuel, using sandbag type ballast, or Keeping in mind that it makes a difference as to whether
by removing an equal and opposite major assembly, can the forward or aft strut is removed, be sure to adjust the
depend on the fuel situation, availability of ballast, the center of gravity as necessary. The same thing applies if
surface of the flight line or parking area, etc. you have removed two main landing gear struts (one on
each side of the airplane).
What about moving a three-legged bird (one MLG strut
Normally, the completely assembled airplane’s center of Questions also arise from time to time concerning towing
gravity is just aft of the forward main landing gear. the airplane with fuselage and wing components removed
18 17
We have some additional information to be used in When servicing the oxygen system, all the service cart
conjunction with “Oxygen safety” which appeared in the equipment must be kept a safe distance (8 to 10 ft.) from
Vol. 1, No. 1, January - March 1974 issue of the Service the aircraft - except the service hose. In some cases the
News magazine. This information concerns oxygen hose is pulled inside the airplane to reach the connectors.
servicing hoses and there is an important detail that we In other cases, the bottles are removed for servicing or an
feel should be emphasized because it has been overlooked external oxygen service connector is utilized. There is
at times. Apparently, because so many high quality hoses some degree of hazard associated with each of these
look alike, some industrial type hoses have been methods. Therefore, the service hose should not be a
erroneously used for servicing airplanes with oxygen. weak link in the safety precautions.
Some of these create a hazard because of their
composition. We welcome subjects on safety and will include short
items as well as full length articles when the need comes 9
It has been pointed out that the kindling temperature of to our attention. If you have any suggestions, please let
many materials, considered safe and noninflammable, us know.
becomes much lower as the percent of oxygen increases.
In other words, a small amount of heat can start a fire or
explosion in 100% oxygen. Fire can start inside an
ordinary hose from elevated temperatures produced by
resistance to high pressure flow, or from sudden
AS MOST PEOPLE in the industry know, airplanes tend The extra disks, with their greater torque, give faster
to grow in size and weight through the years. It’s as deceleration stops with less brake fade; and the chance of
inevitable as progress itself and the bigger airplanes get, checking in at the parking ramp with hot brakes is
the harder they are to brake to a stop when landing. lessened. With this added stopping power, the Hercules
can land in even shorter distances an easy achievement for
The Lockheed Hercules is no exception. From 124,000 a bird already known and respected for its short field
pounds on the original C-130A model, the Hercules’ gross performance.
takeoff weight has increased to 155,000 pounds on the E
and H models now flying, with an over gross takeoff Check these other tri-metallic (as it is also called) brake
weight of 175,000 lbs. Naturally, this added weight put system advantages:
extra stress on the commonly-used single disk brake
system which was never designed to stop up to 77 1/2 tons LOWER OPERATING COSTS - the direct result of
of airplane. longer brake life due to a much lower wear rate of the
sintered metallic lining, and to the fact that many of the
So it was time for a change. Accordingly, Lockheed heat sink components have wear pads that can be
current production Hercules are equipped with a new replaced. With the new brakes, Operators are reporting
Goodyear high-energy, multi-disk brake system. Earlier ten times as many landings between wear parts
C-130E and HC-130H airplanes have been retrofitted by replacements.
10 T.O. 1 C-130-778 to incorporate the new brakes and LESS MAINTENANCE - required simply because the
associated wheels. brake doesn’t call for overhaul as often. And the
multi-disk tri-metallic brake has housing cylinder sleeves
What’s better about the multi-disk brake system? Plenty. which do away with the need to discard the housing
First of all, you get substantially more, 60 percent, kinetic because of damaged cylinder walls.
energy capacity - stopping power - at a weight increase
of only 30 percent over the single disk brake. GREATER RELIABILITY - thanks to the tri-metallic
si ngle Disk
Brake Provided
o n E a r l y
Brake with
Greater Stop-
ping Power
Coat all bearing surfaces of bolts, washers and nuts Coat all bearing surfaces of bolts, washers and nuts
Assembly of brake. with anti-seize compound. Torque cylinder sleeves to with anti-seize compound. Torque brake bolts to:
55 foot-pounds. Torque brake bolts to 50 150 foot-pounds small bolts. 300 foot-pounds - large
foot-pounds. bolts.
A striking difference in the performance of the two brake tri-metallic brakes. As with any brake system, use the
systems is the way the tri-metallic brake keeps working brakes sparingly - and be sure your Hercules will stop
and working in spite of abuse and over-use. But, when and where you want it to.
remember that the new system gives no warning signal
when it’s being abused, while the single disk brake will
show brake fade. So, to ensure maximum performance
and life, guard against unknowingly overworking the
The new cylinder assemblies a n d related parts have been Lockheed-Georgia Company
available from Lockheed as preferred spares for about a JetStar Support
year. Many operators have replaced original struts with Dept. 64-22, Zone 287
these of the new alloy when stress corrosion cracking was Marietta, Georgia 30063
discovered or when replacements were necessary for other
reasons, Inspections required by JetStar Service Bulletin or calI (404) 424-3281
329-267 are cancelled on the replacement gear cylinder
assemblies because of the resistance of the new alloy to
(1) With the door closed securely, place the first THE OTHER SWITCH - You know that the
step of the tool against the aft, inboard side crew entrance DOOR OPEN light can receive
of the switch mounting bracket. current through another microswitch which is
turned off by the latch mechanism when it is in
(2) With the door in the closed position, adjust the latched (over center) position. Presently,
the tool rod so it will touch the striker plate, Service News doesn’t have a special tool for this
on the door, adjacent to the contact point of switch, but we did not want to ignore the
the switch actuating arm roller. possibility of its being out of adjustment, also.
Your Hercules maintenance manual is our
(3) Tighten the thumb screw so the rod will stay recommended reference if the simple approaches
at this specific length. are not effective. 13
Filter element at right is typical of the ones previously used in the The new elements are for existing hydraulic filters located near the
subject hydraulic systems. The element at left is a new one. The reservoirs for the systems they serve. The filters in the Booster
outer protective wire screen is a distinguishing feature. Part Hydraulic System are typical, as shown in the photograph above.
numbers are stamped into the bottom of each element. Consult your Maintenance Manuals for servicing instructions.
Lockheed-Georgia Company
Department 65-11, Zone 287
86 South Cobb Drive 15
Marietta, Georgia 30063
Thirty-six countries, not counting the United nations outside the U.S. currently have plant
States, have bought nearly 400 Lockheed representatives stationed in Marietta to monitor
Hercules propjet airplanes. Total Hercules sales manufacture of their Lockheed-Georgia aircraft.
have exceeded 1,400 airplanes.
The success of the Hercules is due, in part, to our
Lockheed-Georgia has hosted more than 2,000 emphasis on continuing Product Support,
visitors from 77 different countries in the past including deployment of Lockheed Field Service
year. Students from 11 nations have trained in Representatives under contract to Hercules’
1974 at the company’s Marietta plant; and 10 operators anywhere in the world.