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LP Q3 Sound

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Detailed Lesson Plan No.

Learning Area: Science
Quarter: III
Week: 7
Grade Level: Four
Duration: 1 Day

The learners demonstrate understanding of how

light, heat, and sound travel using various
Content Standard

The learners should be able to demonstrate

Performance Standard understanding of properties/characteristics of
light, heat, and sound
Investigate properties and characteristics of
Learning Competency
light and sound
and its Code
Key Concept  Sound is an energy produced when the
molecules of an object vibrate, creating a
pressure wave.

 Volume – the loudness or softness of the


 Loudness of sound refers to how strong

the sound seems when it reaches our ears.
Loud sound also means intense sounds.

 When you strike an object gently, you use

less force. Less force sets less molecules in
motion, thus the sound created is soft.

 When you hit an object harder, the more

molecules were set in motion thus the
sound that is produced is loud.

 Examples of loud sounds are fire truck

siren, engine of an airplane, performing
marching band, and horn of a vehicle.

 On the other hand, the chirping of the

bird, lullaby, and dripping tap water are
examples of soft sounds.
 Sound loses intensity as it spreads
outward in all directions from the source.

 Loudness of sound decreases as the

observer moves further away from the
source of the sound.
Know – determine the sound produced by an
object as soft or loud
Understand – infer that volume of sound
decreases as the observer moves farther from
the source of sound
Do – Practice safety measures to protect oneself
from loud sounds
Sound – soft and loud sound in relation to
Science Teacher’s Guide pp 263-264
Science Learner’s Material pp 222-223
The New Science Links 4 p 285-286
References Cyber Science 4 280-281
Science Works Grade 4 pp 211-212
DepEd Digos City Learning Activity Sheets
Quarter 3 Week 7
Laptop and LED television which will be used
for the powerpoint presentation, pictures,
graphic organizers, task/activity cards, strings,
A. Preliminaries 1. Drill – I have, who has
a. The learners will be given a coupon
with the guide phrase I have _____,
who has.
b. The teacher will call a learner to start
the game. He/she will read her
coupon. Example: I have light. Who
has the main source of light, heat,
and energy on Earth?
c. The learner who is holding the coupon
with the sentence, I have sun will
stand and read the I have who has
sentences in his/her coupon. The
game continues until the game is
back to the first student.

2. Review of the previous lesson

Ask the following questions:
a. How sound is produced?
b. In what medium does sound travel
the fastest? The slowest?

3. Motivation: Show pictures of different

objects/animals. Ask the learners to
produce the sound of the object in each
B. Lesson Proper

a. Springboard
Show these pictures to the learners. Let
them observe the pictures and ask the
following questions.

1. Elicit

1. Can you hear well when you are far

from the teacher?
2. How can your distance from the teacher
affect your ability to hear and
understand the lesson?
1. Pre-reading Activity (Literacy)
a. Unlocking of Difficulty
Guess the meaning of the underlined word
in the sentence by selecting the picture
that matches the word.
1. Kizzeah requested her classmate to
2. Engage
repeat what the teacher said.
2. King and Queen of RMCES was held in
the school covered court.
3. Sharllyn needs to discover the pattern
first so she can solve the Math problem.



Motive Question
What affected Jerome’s ability to hear and
answer Teacher Sittie’s questions?

2. During Reading Activity

Ask a learner to read the story aloud.

It is a bright Tuesday morning. Jerome

and his classmates were getting ready for their
Mathematics activity that will take place in the
school covered court. The students lined up and
Jerome was the last in line.
During the activity, the learners need to
answer questions that Teacher Sittie read. Alas!
The power suddenly went off so Teacher Sittie
can’t use the microphone. When it was Jerome’s
turn, Teacher Sittie asked him to determine the
pattern and find N in N, 35, 43, 51,59. He was
not able to hear clearly, thus, he was not able to
answer the question.
Jerome was given another chance. But
this time, he requested to move closer to
Teacher Sittie. Bravo! He was already able to
answer it.

Post-Reading Activity
Comprehension Questions (Integration –
English: Analyze a story in terms of its elements

1. Who are the characters in the story?

2. What day was it?
3. Where did the story take place?
4. What happened to Jerome when he was
seated at the end of the line?
5. If you were his classmate and the teacher
asked you to help him in completing the
pattern, what is N in N, 35, 43, 51, 59?
Integration – Numeracy : Determine the
missing term/s in a sequence of numbers
6. What solution did Jerome do to be able to
hear Teacher Sittie’s question clearly?
Integration – ESP : Nakapagsasagawa
nang may mapanuring pag-iisip ng
tamang pamamaraan/pamantayan sa
pagtuklas ng katotohanan EsP4PKP-Ih-i-
7. How does Jerome’s distance from Teacher
Sittie affected his ability to hear the
3. Explore Outdoor Activity
Can You Hear It?

Before the conduct of the activity, remind the

learners about the existing class activity rules.

A. Each group will be given an activity card

that contains instructions for the activity.
1. Mark a starting point. Place the speaker
in the starting line.
2. Turn on the music. Observe the volume
of the sound. Write your observations in
the data table provided to your group.
3. Place one end of the string beside the
speaker. Then, move one marker away.
Observe the volume of the sound.
4. Move one marker backward. Observe
the volume of the sound as you move
farther from the source. Then, record
your observations. Do this until you
reach the last marker.

from the Volume of the Sound
Starting loud soft
3 meters Louder than the
away previous
Softer than the
5 meters


4. Explain a. Presentation of Outputs by group (Selected

groups only)

b. After each presentation, the teacher will

process the results with the following guide:
1. Describe the volume of sound when you
were standing near the source of the
2. What happened to the volume of the
sound as you move farther from the
3. What conclusion can you draw about
the volume of the sound and the
distance between the source and the

c. Teacher explains the lesson, adds

information, and clarifies misconceptions
if there is any.
5. Elaborate Each group will be given a task card and will
perform the task indicated in each card.

1. Role Play Kinesthetic Intelligence

Sir Andales, the school principal made an announcement
through a centralized speaker. Which classes will hear it
clearer – those from the Grade 4 building who are 200
meters away from the speaker or those from the Grade 5
building who are 50 meters away? Show your answers
through a role play.

2. Song/Chant/Rap Musical Intelligence

Sir Andales, the school principal made an announcement

through a centralized speaker. Which classes will hear it
clearer – those from the Grade 4 building who are 200
meters away from the speaker or those from the Grade 5
building who are 50 meters away? Show your answers
through a song/chant/rap.

3. Graphic Organizer (T-Chart) Spatial


Tell whether an object produces soft or loud sound in

relation to the distance between the speaker and receiver.
Cut and paste the pictures in the correct column.

4. Unlocking a Secret Message Math/Logical


Sound the
thatsecret message
becomes by using
undesirable is the number
called noise.clues.
Noise can
(see Appendix )
disturb the activities of humans or animals. Often, it is
neither the pitch nor the volume of the sound that makes
it annoying, but it is the repetitive nature of the sound
that makes it annoying.
As a Grade 4 learner, what will you do to refrain from
creating loud and annoying sound during class
discussions? Show your answer by writing a letter to
5. Letter Writing Intrapersonal Intelligence

6. Evaluate Read each question carefully. Then, box the

letter of the correct answer.

1. Which statement about the volume of

sound is correct?
A. Sound could either be soft or loud.
B. Sound is produced when one wants to
listen to it.
C. The loudness of the sound decreases as
it moves nearer the observer.
D. Sound is not heard when it is exactly in
the same spot as the listener.

2. Which among these situations requires the

use of soft sound?
A. a teacher discusses the lesson
B. a dad putting his daughter to sleep
C. an ambulance trying to make its way to
the fire incident
D. a mom calling her kids’ names who are
playing in the neighbor’s house

3. Terrence was in his bedroom when he

heard his mom sing in the living room. He
wanted to hear the song clearly. What
must he do?
A. Create loud noises in the room.
B. Move farther away from the living room.
C. Stay in the same room and continue to
D. Go to the living room where his mom

Use the illustration below to answer questions

4. Who among the learners can hear the
loudest voice of the teacher?
A. Alexis
B. Andrea
C. Jhayvie
D. Kaleb

5. Who among the children will probably hear

the faintest/softest volume of the teacher’s
A. teacher
B. Kyle
C. Andrea
D. Alexis
In your classroom, noise is created because
your classmates want to speak all at the same
time. As a pupil, how are you going to
7. Extend
contribute to the lessening of this often-
occurring noise? Make a poster and a slogan to
show your response to the situation.
A. Number of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

B. Number of learners who require additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.

C. Did the remedial lessons work? Number of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.

D.Number of learners who needs to continue to remediation.

E. Which of my teaching strategies works well? Why did these work?


Prepared by


Master Teacher I

Process Observer

Principal III

Rubric for Poster and Slogan about lessening the noise in the

Criteria 3 2 1 0 Scor
Content The poster The poster The poster The poster
shows five or shows four shows two- shows only
more different tips
three one tip to
different tips to lessen thedifferent lessen the
to lessen the noise in the tips to noise in the
noise in the classroom lessen the classroom
classroom noise in the
Purpose and The poster The poster The poster The poster
Theme has a has a has a does not
purpose. purpose and purpose have a
The poster’s a theme that and a purpose or
theme makes a theme theme
makes an statement related to related to
important about the the topic. the topic.
and topic.
about the
Images The images The images Some of the None of the
used/drawn used/drawn images images
relate to the relate to the used/drawn used/draw
poster’s poster’s relate to the n relate to
content and content. poster’s the poster’s
add to the content. content.
Convention The poster The poster The poster The poster
s has no has one or has some contains
spelling, two minor major many errors
grammatical spelling, spelling and that make
, errors. grammatical grammatica the poster
, errors. l errors that hard to
take away understand
from the .

Role Play

Excellent Good Poor

5 pts 3 pts 1 pts
Preparation Excellent Good Poor

All members of the most members of a few members of

group was on task the group was on the group was off
for all of the task for most of the task for the time of
planning time and planning time and planning and didn't
developed a well developed a well develop a well
thought out skit. thought out skit. thought out skit.

Presentation Excellent Good Poor

The group made a The group made a The group did not
strong connection to connection to the make a connection
the subject during subject during the to the subject
the presentation or presentation or of during the
of the material and the material and did presentation or the
did so in a so in a believable material was not
believable manner. manner. Dramatic presented in a
Dramatic significance and believable manner.
significance and themes were The dramatic
themes were somewhat significance or and
demonstrated. demonstrated. themes were not
easily identifiable.

Science Excellent Good Poor

Skit demonstrates Skit demonstrates Skit demonstrates
the relationship competence, the little competence
between the functions of the and details were
functions of the major organs were neglected
different organs of presented but their
the body. relationships were
not clearly

Creativity Excellent Good Poor

Creativity made this creativity was lacks creativity fore

show unique and present but more thought and
clear, it enhanced planning was planning were
the science and the needed to pull off lacking
process the full effect

Write a Science Rap/Song/Poemhe guidelines for writing your Science Rap/ Song/ Poem.

Excellent Good Fair Poor

5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts

NEATNESS Excellent Good Fair Poor

Copy of lyrics is Copy of lyrics is Many spelling and No paper or
Song Lyrics turned in, 0-2 turned in with 3-4 grammatical errors incomprehensible
spelling and spelling and present. Marks on paper turned in.
grammatical grammatical the paper.
errors. errors.

CREATIVE Excellent Good Fair Poor

Words correctly Words correctly Words are No creative thinking

Completeness describes the describe the incomprehensible by the author.
of the written science topic science and do not make Copied paper or
work: Does it completely and topiccompletely sense. The words do copied from another
Make Sense? thoroughly in a and thoroughly not describe the person, book or
unique manner. with a couple of assignment. other written,
mistakes. spoken or recorded

PROCESS Excellent Good Fair Poor

The chosen The chosen The chosen science The chosen science
Correct science topic is science topic is topic is incorrectly topic is not
description of described correctly described. The addressed by the
chosen science correctly with 0-1 described with description has author. The
topic mistakes. has 2-4 mistakes. more than 4 errors. description in the
work is incorrect.

Presentation Excellent Good Fair Poor

Presenters were Presenters were Presenters were Presenters could not

How the flawless in heard and heard, but be heard or could
Science rap/ presentation of maintained a occasionally were not get thorugh the
song/ poem song. serious not loud enough or song in a serious
was presented. composure, but were silly, made manner, completely
made a couple of several mistakes unprepared.
mistakes while while presenting
presenting. song.

Duration Excellent Good Fair Poor

The The The rap/song/poem The rap/song/poem

How long was rap/song/poem rap/song/poem was between 45 was under 45
the song? was between 1:30 was between 1:00 seconds and 1:00. seconds.
and 2:00 to 1:30.

Friendly Letter Rubric

Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts

Mechanics Excellent Satisfactory Needs Unsatisfactory

The correct date is The correct date is The correct date is
included. There is included. There is The correct date is included. There is
greeting/salutation, greeting/salutation, included. There is greeting/salutation,
closing, and body. It closing, and body. It greeting/salutation, closing, and body. It
is written in the is written in the closing, and body. It is not written in the
proper location and proper location but is not written in the proper location and
in the proper format. not in the proper proper location and not in the proper
format. not in the proper format.

Content Excellent Satisfactory Needs Unsatisfactory

The body of the letter The body of the letter The body of the letter
contains more than contains more than The body of the letter contains only one tip
three tips on how to three tips on how to contains more than on how to keep the
keep the major keep the major two tips on how to major organs
organs healthy. organs healthy. keep the major healthy.
organs healthy.

Neatness Excellent Satisfactory Needs Unsatisfactory

The letter was Proper closing is Proper closing is not
written neatly included. Closing is Proper closing is included. Closing is
without used in the proper included. Closing is not used in the
place. Correct use of not used in the proper place. Correct
comma is not proper place. Correct use of comma is not
included. use of comma is not included.

Signature Excellent Satisfactory Needs Unsatisfactory

Proper signature is Proper signature is Proper signature is
included. Signature included. Signature Proper signature is not included.
is used in the proper is used in the proper included. Signature Signature is not used
place. Name is place. Name is not is not used in the in the proper place.
properly capitalized. properly capitalized. proper place. Name Name is not properly
is not properly capitalized.

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