LP Q3 Sound
LP Q3 Sound
LP Q3 Sound
Learning Area: Science
Quarter: III
Week: 7
Grade Level: Four
Duration: 1 Day
a. Springboard
Show these pictures to the learners. Let
them observe the pictures and ask the
following questions.
1. Elicit
Motive Question
What affected Jerome’s ability to hear and
answer Teacher Sittie’s questions?
Post-Reading Activity
Comprehension Questions (Integration –
English: Analyze a story in terms of its elements
from the Volume of the Sound
Starting loud soft
3 meters Louder than the
away previous
Softer than the
5 meters
Sound the
thatsecret message
becomes by using
undesirable is the number
called noise.clues.
Noise can
(see Appendix )
disturb the activities of humans or animals. Often, it is
neither the pitch nor the volume of the sound that makes
it annoying, but it is the repetitive nature of the sound
that makes it annoying.
As a Grade 4 learner, what will you do to refrain from
creating loud and annoying sound during class
discussions? Show your answer by writing a letter to
5. Letter Writing Intrapersonal Intelligence
B. Number of learners who require additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? Number of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D.Number of learners who needs to continue to remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies works well? Why did these work?
Prepared by
Process Observer
Principal III
Rubric for Poster and Slogan about lessening the noise in the
Criteria 3 2 1 0 Scor
Content The poster The poster The poster The poster
shows five or shows four shows two- shows only
more different tips
three one tip to
different tips to lessen thedifferent lessen the
to lessen the noise in the tips to noise in the
noise in the classroom lessen the classroom
classroom noise in the
Purpose and The poster The poster The poster The poster
Theme has a has a has a does not
purpose. purpose and purpose have a
The poster’s a theme that and a purpose or
theme makes a theme theme
makes an statement related to related to
important about the the topic. the topic.
and topic.
about the
Images The images The images Some of the None of the
used/drawn used/drawn images images
relate to the relate to the used/drawn used/draw
poster’s poster’s relate to the n relate to
content and content. poster’s the poster’s
add to the content. content.
Convention The poster The poster The poster The poster
s has no has one or has some contains
spelling, two minor major many errors
grammatical spelling, spelling and that make
, errors. grammatical grammatica the poster
, errors. l errors that hard to
take away understand
from the .
Role Play
The group made a The group made a The group did not
strong connection to connection to the make a connection
the subject during subject during the to the subject
the presentation or presentation or of during the
of the material and the material and did presentation or the
did so in a so in a believable material was not
believable manner. manner. Dramatic presented in a
Dramatic significance and believable manner.
significance and themes were The dramatic
themes were somewhat significance or and
demonstrated. demonstrated. themes were not
easily identifiable.
Write a Science Rap/Song/Poemhe guidelines for writing your Science Rap/ Song/ Poem.
The chosen The chosen The chosen science The chosen science
Correct science topic is science topic is topic is incorrectly topic is not
description of described correctly described. The addressed by the
chosen science correctly with 0-1 described with description has author. The
topic mistakes. has 2-4 mistakes. more than 4 errors. description in the
work is incorrect.