PKC27 Skybirds Scimitar
PKC27 Skybirds Scimitar
PKC27 Skybirds Scimitar
I found that one of the two lower wing paneib HL ai^ i i a a u siiynt
curve along its length but this was corrected by holding the component
under hot running water for a minute or so whilst applying gentle hand
C a r e and dry fit trial runs are very much the watch-word in
preparing the wings to ensure that they and the fuselage centre section The kit includes a useful selection of brass etched components
halves are compatible. Failure to achieve a good match of these which not only provide instrument panel and side consoles (together
components will result in a serious mismatch at later stages when nose with photo negative instrument faces),throttles, gunsight and coaming
and rear fuselage are added. but also the airbrake panels for the rear fuselage.
Markings for WWI aircraft
Construction was now in its final stages and at the tail the white
metal bumper and arrester hook were located into their recesses.
The white metal imdercarriage legs locate easily into place in wings
New Releases
and nose together with the relevant doors. Main wheels provide a
choice of the earlier hubs or later. S e a Vixen, perforated style. Both #42 Eiserne Kreuze (larger aircraft)(1:48) $5.00
choices have pre- flattened bases which is a good example of #43 Eiserno Kreuze (smaller aircfatt)(1:4B) $5.00
Skybirds general attention to detail evident throughout the kit.
#51 Gotha markings a (1:72) $10.00 (a&b together markings for 48
* — * — * — * — •
#52 Gotha markings b (1:72) $12.50 aircraft for $20.00).
To summarise, this is not the easiest of kits to put together, certainly
not a case of merely shaking the box and adding glue and paint to suit! (prices do not include postage)
However, a satisfactory outcome depends not on highly developed Catalog $0.75 (stamps) or 3 I.R.C.s (surface)
modelling skills but much more on a careful application of basic
AMERICAL/GRYPHON D E C A L S 4373 Varsity Lane. Houston. TX 7004 USA
modelling principles. Provided the modeller approaches the
construction in the expectation of having to apply a little extra time
and attention to the fundementals a pleasing representation of
Supermarines' final fighter design will result. It is also worth bearing in
mind that since the passing of Frog's Scimitar, unavailable since the
early sixties, that this is the only injection moulded kit of the subject
(4 issues) are £1 3.50 U.K. and £1 7.00 overseas, including postage.
Back Issues of PKC are still available: Issues 2 to 11 at £ 2 . 0 5 each
(£2.75 overseas) and 1 3 onwards at £ 3 . 0 0 each (3.75 overseas)
Prices include postage (surface mail). Issues 1 and 1 2 are out of print.
Binders for PKC A 5 size (for issues 2 - 1 1 ) £ 4 . 7 5 (£5.25 overseas); A 4
size (issues 1 3 onwards) £ 5 . 2 5 (£5.75 overseas), including postage.
NEW Planes in Scale No. 2 Lockheed Starfire F 9 4 A / B / C
£ 1 . 7 5 each plus 3 5 p post and packing U.K., 6 5 p overseas surface.
Complete range of RAREplanes vacform and
H A L L A M VAC vacform still available - S A E for lists.
BarclaycardA/ISA, Access/Mastercard accepted
PAMAG (Publications) Ltd.
Unit 308, J . C. Albyn Complex, Burton Road,
Sheffield, 83 8BZ, England Tel. (0742) 752292
Completed SCIMITAR with kit decals 112/R/XD317.