Engineering Thermoplastics: Products and Grades
Engineering Thermoplastics: Products and Grades
Engineering Thermoplastics: Products and Grades
An overview of our product range
Makrolon® is the brand name for our polycarbon-
ate. Compared with other thermoplastics, this
amorphous material has a unique set of proper-
ties. Its special features are its high transpar-
ency, heat resistance, toughness and dimensional
stability, a high creep modulus and good electri-
cal insulation properties. Glass fiber reinforced
Makrolon® has particularly high stiffness and is
therefore very dimensionally stable.
Makrolon® 6487
MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 9.0 cm³/10 min; flame retardant;
UL 94V-0/1.5 mm and 5VA/3.0 mm; medium viscosity;
Flame retardant grades UV stabilized; easy release; injection molding – melt
temperature 280–320 °C; available in opaque colors
Low viscosity
Makrolon® 2467
MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 19 cm³/10 min; flame retardant; Makrolon® 6555
UL 94V-2/1.5 mm and 3.0 mm; low viscosity; UV stabi- MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 10 cm³/10 min; flame retardant;
lized; easy release; injection molding – melt tempera- UL 94V-0/3.0 mm; medium viscosity; easy release;
ture 280–320 °C; available in transparent, translucent injection molding – melt temperature 280–320 °C;
and opaque colors available in transparent, translucent and opaque
Makrolon® 6165X
MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 28 cm³/10 min; flame retardant; Makrolon® 6557
UL 94V-0/1.2 mm; low viscosity; easy release; injec- MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 10 cm³/10 min; flame retardant;
tion molding – melt temperature 280–320 °C; available UL 94V-0/3.0 mm; medium viscosity; UV stabilized;
in opaque colors only; LCD TV frame easy release; injection molding – melt temperature
280–320 °C; available in transparent, translucent and
Makrolon® 6265X
opaque colors
MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 19 cm³/10 min; flame retardant;
UL 94V-0/1.5 mm; low viscosity; easy release; injec- High viscosity, branched
tion molding – melt temperature 280–320 °C; available Makrolon® 6717
in opaque colors only MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 3.0 cm³/10 min; flame retardant;
Makrolon® 6267X UL 94V-0/2.0 mm; high viscosity; branched; UV stabi-
MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 19 cm³/10 min; flame retar- lized; easy release; injection molding – melt tempera-
dant; UL 94V-0/1.5 mm; low viscosity; UV stabilized; ture 280–320 °C; extrusion; available in transparent,
easy release; injection molding – melt temperature translucent and opaque colors
280–320 °C; available in opaque colors only
Makrolon® FR6002 PC/PTFE grade
MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 17 cm³/10 min; flame retardant; Makrolon® 1954
low viscosity; easy release; injection molding – melt MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 18 cm³/10 min; low viscosity; UV
temperature 280 °C stabilized; improved friction characteristics; injection
molding – melt temperature 280–320 °C; available in
Medium viscosity opaque colors only; housing- and operating parts;
Makrolon® 2665 sliding elements
MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 12 cm³/10 min; flame retardancy;
UL 94V-2/1.5 mm and 3.0 mm; medium viscosity; Glass fiber (milled fiber)
easy release; injection molding – melt temperature
280–320 °C; available in transparent, translucent
reinforced grades
and opaque colors 20 % glass fiber reinforced
Makrolon® 2865 Makrolon® 8025
MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 10 cm³/10 min; flame retardant; MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 6.0 cm³/10 min; 20 % glass fiber
UL 94V-2/1.5 mm and 3.0 mm; medium viscosity; reinforced; milled fiber; high viscosity; easy release;
easy release; injection molding – melt temperature injection molding – melt temperature 310–330 °C; ex
280–320 °C; available in transparent, translucent trusion; available in opaque colors only; precision parts
and opaque colors 30 % glass fiber reinforced
Makrolon® 6485 Makrolon® 8035
MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 9.0 cm³/10 min; flame retardant; MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 4.0 cm³/10 min; 30 % glass fiber
UL 94V-0/1.5 mm and 5VA/3.0 mm; medium viscosity; reinforced; milled fiber; high viscosity; easy release;
easy release; injection molding – melt temperature injection molding – melt temperature 310–330 °C; ex
6 280–320 °C; available in opaque colors only trusion; available in opaque colors only; precision parts
Grades for special application
Optical storage media
Makrolon® OD2015
Glass fiber (normal fiber) MVR (250 °C/2.16 kg) 17 cm³/10 min; optical storage
reinforced grades media; suitable for all formats; high purity; injection
molding – melt temperature 300–350 °C; available in
10 % Glass fiber reinforced color code 000000 only
Makrolon® 9415
MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 6.0 cm³/10 min; 10 % glass fiber LED optics and light guides
reinforced; flame retardant; UL 94V-0/1.5 mm and Makrolon® LED2045
5VA/3.0 mm; high viscosity; easy release; injection MVR (250 °C/2.16 kg) 17 cm³/10 min; light guides; PC
molding – melt temperature 310–330 °C; available in with highest transmission; low viscosity; easy release;
opaque colors only injection molding – melt temperature 260–300 °C;
available in color code 000000 only
Makrolon® 9417
MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 6.0 cm³/10 min; 10 % glass fiber Makrolon® LED2245
reinforced; flame retardant; UL 94V-0/1.5 mm and 5VA/ MVR (300 °C/1.2 kg) 34 cm³/10 min; light guides;
3.0 mm; high viscosity; UV stabilized; easy release; injec- optics and lenses; PC with highest transmission; low
tion molding – melt temperature 310–330 °C; available in viscosity; easy release; injection molding – melt tem-
opaque colors only perature 280–320 °C
Bayblend® is the trade name used by Covestro AG for
its product line of amorphous, thermoplastic polymer
blends based on polycarbonate (PC) and acrylonitrile
butadiene styrene copolymer (ABS) as well as the rub-
ber-modified polycarbonate (PC) and styrene-acrylo-
nitrile copolymer (SAN) blends. Their property profiles
can be customized by varying the composition of the
blends. The particular strengths of Bayblend® are its bal-
anced combination of heat resistance, toughness and
stiffness and its excellent processing characteristics.
Bayblend® T85 HG
(PC+ABS)-blend; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 130 °C;
general purpose grades easy flowing; high gloss; brilliant colors
Bayblend® T45 PG Bayblend® T85 SG
(ABS+PC)-blend; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 112 °C; (PC+ABS)-blend; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 130 °C;
for electroplating applications very good flow; suitable for DirectCoating/Direct
Bayblend® T50 XF Skinning
(PC+ABS)-blend; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 112 °C; Bayblend® T85 XF
excellent flow; good low temperature impact strength (PC+ABS)-blend; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 130 °C;
Bayblend® T65 AT improved flow compared with T85
(PC+ABS)-blend; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 121 °C; Bayblend® T90 HT
improved antistatic behavior (PC+ABS)-blend; high heat resistance; Vicat/B 120
Bayblend® T65 HG temperature = 135 °C; easy flowing; ball indentation
(PC+ABS)-blend; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 120 °C; easy temperature >= 125 °C; suitable as supporting material
flowing; high gloss; brilliant colors for energized parts
Bayblend® T65 HI Bayblend® T90 XF
(PC+ABS)-blend; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 120 °C; (PC+ABS)-blend; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 132 °C;
grade with improved low-temperature impact strength good balance of melt flow, impact strength and stress
and chemical resistance for automotive parts; also cracking resistance
suitable for extrusion/extrusion blow molding and Bayblend® T90 XG
electroplating applications (PC+ABS)-blend; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 135 °C;
Bayblend® T65 PG easy flowing; optimized surface quality for metallization
(PC+ABS)-blend; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 120 °C; (steam treatment)
easy flowing; good heat resistance; for electroplating
applications Mineral filled general purpose
Bayblend® T65 XF grades
(PC+ABS)-blend; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 120 °C;
Bayblend® T95 MF
improved flow compared with T65
(PC+ABS)-blend; 9 % mineral filled; Vicat/B 120 tem-
Bayblend® T80 XG perature = 142 °C; very good heat resistance; reduced
(PC+ABS)-blend; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 130 °C; coefficient of thermal expansion; tensile modulus =
excellent flow; optimized surface quality for metalliza- 3,350 MPa
tion (steam treatment)
Bayblend® T90 MF-20
Rubber modified (PC+SAN)-blend; 20 % mineral filled;
Vicat/B 120 temperature = 130 °C; very good flow;
reduced coefficient of thermal expansion; tensile
For more information: modulus = 4,900 MPa; good heat resistance
Glass fiber reinforced general Non-reinforced flame
purpose grades retardant grades
Bayblend® T88 GF-10 Bayblend® FR3000
Rubber modified (PC+SAN)-blend; 10 % glass fiber (PC+ABS)-blend; flame retardant; easy flowing; Vicat/B
reinforced; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 134 °C; optimized 120 temperature = 97 °C; UL recognition 94 V-0 at
heat ageing- and UV-stability; very good flow; tensile 1.5 mm; glow wire test: 960 °C at 2.0 mm; no juicing;
modulus = 4,800 MPa; good heat resistance good light stability
Bayblend® T88 GF-20 Bayblend® FR3000 HI
Rubber modified (PC+SAN)-blend; 20 % glass fiber (PC+ABS)-blend; flame retardant; Vicat/B 120 tem-
filled; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 130 °C; optimized perature = 97 °C; compared to FR3000 improved
heat ageing- and UV-stability; very good flow; tensile chemical resistance and stress cracking behavior; UL
modulus = 7,200 MPa; good heat resistance recognition 94 V-0 at 1.5 mm
Bayblend® T88 GF-30 Bayblend® FR3005 HF
Rubber modified (PC+SAN)-blend; 31 % glass fiber (PC+ABS)-blend; flame retardant; very easy-flowing;
filled; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 134 °C; optimized heat Vicat/B 120 temperature = 96 °C; UL recognition 94
ageing- and UV-stability; very good flow; tensile modu- V-0 at 1.5 mm
lus = 10,000 MPa; good heat resistance Bayblend® FR3008 HR
(PC+ABS)-blend; flame retardant; Vicat/B 120 tem-
General purpose grades with perature = 103 °C; improved chemical and very good
hydrolysis resistance; HDT/A >= 85 °C; UL recognition
improved weatherability
94 V-0 at 1.5 mm; glow wire test: 960 °C at 2.0 mm;
Bayblend® W85 HI good light stability
(PC+ASA)-blend; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 132 °C;
Bayblend® FR3010
easy flowing; improved weather resistance; excel-
(PC+ABS)-blend; flame retardant; Vicat/B 120 tempe-
lent low temperature ductility; good heat resistance
rature = 110 °C; increased heat resistance; UL recog-
Bayblend® W85 XF nition 94 V-0 at 1.5 mm; glow wire temperature (GWFI):
(PC+ASA)-blend; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 134 °C; 960 °C at 2.0 mm; improved chemical resistance and
improved weather resistance; excellent low tempera- stress cracking behavior; successor to FR2010
ture ductility; good heat resistance
Bayblend® FR3010 HF
(PC+ABS)-blend; flame retardant; easy flowing; Vicat/B
General purpose grades 120 temperature = 108 °C; UL recognition 94 V-0 at
for medical application* 1.5 mm; glow wire temperature (GWFI): 960 °C at
2.0 mm; optimized processability; good light stability
Bayblend® M850 XF
(PC+ABS)-blend; easy flowing; Vicat/B 120 tempe- Bayblend® FR3010 IF
rature = 131 °C; meet certain requirements of ISO (PC+ABS)-blend; flame retardant; Vicat/B 120 tempera-
Standard 10993-1; for further information please ture = 108 °C; increased heat resistance; UL recognition
contact 94 5VB (1.5 mm); glow wire temperature (GWFI): 960 °C
at 2.0 mm
Bayblend® FR3011
(PC+ABS)-blend; flame retardant; easy flowing;
Vicat/B 120 temperature = 118 °C; good heat resist
ance; UL recognition 94 V-0 at 1.5 mm; glow wire
temperature (GWFI): 960 °C at 2.0 mm; good light
* See disclaimer, page 19.
Bayblend® FR3015 BBS910 Bayblend® FR411 MT
(PC+ABS)-blend; flame retardant; UV stabilized for Rubber modified PC blend; flame retardant; mineral
improved light stability; Vicat/B 120 = 118 °C; UL filled; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 99 °C; extrusion
recognition 94 V-0 at 1.5 mm grade; for European railway interiors requiring
Bayblend® FR3030 EN45545; the classifications according to the
(PC+ABS)-blend; flame retardant; Vicat/B 120 tempe- respective rail standards are communicated with
rature = 115 °C; extrusion grade; good extrusion and email inquiry under
vacuum-forming behavior; UL recognition 94 V-0 at Bayblend® FR421 MT
1.5 mm; halogen-free according to DIN VDE 0472,815; Rubber modified PC blend; mineral filled; flame
glow wire temperature (GWFI): 960 °C at 1.0 mm retardant; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 134 °C;
Bayblend® FR3040 extrusion grade for aircraft interiors; the classi
(PC+ABS)-blend; flame retardant; Vicat/B 120 tempera- fications according to the respective aircraft
ture = 108 °C; HDT/A >= 85 °C; for thin-wall applications; standards are communicated with email inquiry
very good burning behavior in small wallthicknesses under
(UL recognition 94 V-0 at 0.75 mm and above and V-1
at 0.6 mm) Flame retardant grades for
Bayblend® FR1514 TV application
(PC+ABS)-blend; flame retardant; high heat resistance;
Bayblend® FR3110 TV
Vicat/B 120 temperature = 136 °C; ball indentation tem-
(PC+ABS)-blend; flame retardant; easy flowing;
perature >= 125 °C; UL recognition 94 V-0 at 1.5 mm;
Vicat/B 120 temperature = 110 °C; increased heat
suitable as supporting material for energized parts
resistance; UL recognition 94 V-0 at 1.5 mm
Bayblend® FR1514 BBS073
Bayblend® FR3200 TV
(PC+ABS)-blend; flame retardant; Vicat/B 120 tem-
(PC+ABS)-blend; flame retardant; easy flowing; for
perature = 136 °C; improved chemical resistance and
high gloss applications; RHCM process etc.; Vicat/B
stress cracking behavior compared to KU2-1514; ball
120 temperature = 96 °C; UL recognition 94 V-0 at
indentation temperature >= 125 °C; UL recognition
1.2 mm
94 V-0 at 1.5 mm; suitable as supporting material for
energized parts Bayblend® FR3210 TV
(PC+ABS)-blend; flame retardant; easy flowing;
Vicat/B 120 temperature = 93 °C; improved surface
Mineral-filled flame quality; UL recognition 94 V-0 at 1.2 mm
retardant grades Bayblend® FR3306 TV
Bayblend® FR3020 (PC+ABS)-blend, 10 % glass fiber reinforced; flame
(PC+ABS)-blend; 5 % mineral filled; flame retardant; retardant; easy flowing; Vicat/B 120 temperature =
Vicat/B 120 temperature = 103 °C; HDT/A >= 85 °C; 97 °C
for thin-wall applications; very good UL recognition Bayblend® FR3311 TV
in small wall thicknesses (V-0 at 0.75 mm); low smoke (PC+ABS)-blend; 15 % glass fiber reinforced; flame retar-
density dant; easy flowing; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 96 °C;
Bayblend® FR3021 UL recognition 94V-1 at 1.2 mm and V- at 1.5 mm
(PC+ABS)-blend; 15 % mineral filled; flame retardant;
Vicat/B 120 temperature = 98 °C; high stiffness; tensile
modulus = 4,800 MPa; UL recognition 94 V-0 at 1.5 mm;
glow wire temperature (GWFI): 960 °C at 2.0 mm
Bayblend® ET3032 FR
Rubber modified PC blend; 10 % mineral filled; flame
retardant; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 108 °C; extrusion
grade; good extrusion and vacuum-forming behavior;
UL 94 V-0 (0.75 mm) (Covestro internal test); glow wire
temperature (GWFI): 960 °C at 2.0 mm
Bayblend® FR410 MT
Rubber modified PC blend; 10 % mineral filled; flame
retardant; Vicat/B 120 temperature = 108 °C; very
good UL recognition in small wall thicknesses (V-0
at 0.75 mm); for railway interiors; due to the special
formulation of this grade, the final parts may require
coating; the classifications according to the respec
tive rail standards are communicated with email
inquiry under For more information:
Makroblend® is the brand name of our polycarbo
nate blends based on polyethylene terephthalate or
polybutylene terephthalate (PET or PBT). The bene-
fits of Makroblend® include its high strength, even
at low temperatures, its good resistance to chemi-
cals and its reduced tendency to stress cracking. In
addition, it is easily painted and absorbs only a min-
imal amount of moisture.
nreinforced grades Reinforced grades
(PC+PBT)-blends (PC+PET)-blends
Makroblend® KU2-7912 Makroblend® UT235M
(PC+PBT)-blend, impact modified, injection molding (PC+PET)-blend, mineral filled, easy flow, low coeffici-
grade, medium flow, high toughness at low tempera- ent of linear thermal expansion, easy release, injection
tures, ideal for painted application molding. Molded parts from UT235M having exceptio-
Makroblend® KU2-7912/4 nal dimensional stability
(PC+PBT)-blend, impact modified, injection molding
grade, high toughness at low temperatures, ideal for Reinforced grades
painted applications
Makroblend® KU2-7915
Makroblend® KU2-7609
(PC+PBT)-blend, impact modified, injection molding
(PC+PBT)-blend, impact modified, injection molding
grade, excellent toughness at low temperatures, ideal
grade, 20 % mineral filled
for painted applications
Makroblend® UT4045G
Makroblend® UT3907
(PC+PBT)-blend, 20 % glass fiber reinforced, easy
(PC+PBT)-blend, high flow, impact modified, easy
release, injection molding. Makroblend® UT4045G
release, UV-stabilized, injection molding grade. Makro-
offers a high stiffness, excellent chemical resistance,
blend® DP UT3907 offers superior flowability, good
good flowability and exceptional dimensional stability
impact strength and excellent chemical resistance
Makroblend® UT6007
Medical grade*
(PC+PBT)-blend, impact modified, easy release,
UV-stabilized, injection molding grade. Makroblend® Makroblend® M525
UT6007 offers an exceptional low-temperature (PC+PBT)-blend, impact modified, easy release,
impact strength, good flowability and excellent injection molding grade. Makroblend® M525 offers an
chemical resistance exceptional low-temperature impact strength, good
flowability and excellent chemical resistance. Manu-
Makroblend® S7916
factured according to GMP, tested only according
(PBT+PC)-blend, impact modified, injection molding
to ISO 10993-5 and ISO 10993-10 for contact with
grade, excellent chemical resistance, high toughness
uncompromised skin only; for questions regarding
at low temperatures, ideal for painted applications
biocompatibility we ask for an email inquiry under
The manner in which you use and the purpose to which you put and utilize our products, technical assistance and information (whether
verbal, written or by way of production evaluations), including any suggested formulations and recommendations, are beyond our control.
Therefore, it is imperative that you test our products, technical assistance, information and recommendations to determine to your own
satisfaction whether our products, technical assistance and information are suitable for your intended uses and applications. This appli-
cation-specific analysis must at least include testing to determine suitability from a technical as well as health, safety, and environmental
standpoint. Such testing has not necessarily been done by Covestro. All information and technical assistance is given without warranty or
guarantee and is subject to change without notice. Any statement or recommendation not contained herein is unauthorized and shall not
bind us. Nothing herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product in conflict with any claim of any patent relative to any
material or its use. No license is implied or in fact granted under the claims of any patent. For more information on Covestro products in
medical applications, please request from your sales support contact our Guidance document: Guidance on Use of Covestro Products in
a Medical Application.
The manner in which you use and the purpose to which you put and utilize our products, technical assistance and information (whether
verbal, written or by way of production evaluations), including any suggested formulations and recommendations, are beyond our control.
Therefore, it is imperative that you test our products, technical assistance, information and recommendations to determine to your own
satisfaction whether our products, technical assistance and information are suitable for your intended uses and applications. This appli-
cation-specific analysis must at least include testing to determine suitability from a technical as well as health, safety, and environmental
standpoint. Such testing has not necessarily been done by Covestro. Unless we otherwise agree in writing, all products are sold strictly
pursuant to the terms of our standard conditions of sale which are available upon request. All information and technical assistance is given
without warranty or guarantee and is subject to change without notice. It is expressly understood and agreed that you assume and hereby
expressly release us from all liability, in tort, contract or otherwise, incurred in connection with the use of our products, technical assistance,
and information. Any statement or recommendation not contained herein is unauthorized and shall not bind us. Nothing herein shall be
construed as a recommendation to use any product in conflict with any claim of any patent relative to any material or its use. No license is
implied or in fact granted under the claims of any patent.
Typical value
These values are typical values only. Unless explicitly agreed in written form, they do not constitute a binding material specification or war-
ranted values. Values may be affected by the design of the mold/die, the processing conditions and coloring/pigmentation of the product.
Unless specified to the contrary, the property values given have been established on standardized test specimens at room temperature.
Covestro Deutschland AG
Business Unit Polycarbonates
D-51365 Leverkusen COV00072303 Edition 2016-06