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Cummins v555 Series Parts Catalog

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Cummins V555 Series Parts Catalog

Full download: http://manualplace.com/download/cummins-v555-series-parts-catalog/

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Parts Cam.

Automotive, Construction, Industrial Applications

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Parts Ordering for: V-555 & VT -555 Series

Genuine Cummins Parts and service facilities are worldwide. There Be sure to list the correct part number. If in doubt as to the
are more than 3500 Cummins Sales and Service locations in the correct part number, state the model and serial number of the
principal cities of the United States and Canada, and more than engine on which the part is to be used . Part numbers are usually
500 Sales and Service locations situated elsewhere throughout the located in various places on the part itself.
free world. Each distribution outlet is thoroughly equipped with
technical data, factory-trained mechanics, modern equipment and When possible, arrange your purchase order in part number
a full, adequate stock of Genuine Cummins Parts. numerical sequence.

For quicker and better service, your parts requirements should be Always specify shipping instructions - "Best Way" is satisfactory
ordered from your nearest Cummins Distributor or Dealer. At any if you have no preference.
of the locations prompt, intelligent, courteous service is a basic
trademark . Each is ready and eager to help in every possible way State your company name and shippi ng address clearly.
through personal contact or through the mail - at your
convenience. Genuine Cummin s Parts mean QUALITY! They're designed and
eng ineered to fit best in your Cummin s Diesel. Each part is made
The satisfactory ordering and receivin g of parts by the purchaser is of the highest quality material - on the most accurate of machines
greatly dependent upon the proper use of aval iable information . In - by the top craftsmen of the trade.
order that all avoidable errors may be eliminated, the following
instructions are offered as th e purchaser's guide: You ca n be sure a Genuine Cumm ins Part will fit better - do the
job better - lessen the chances of costly breakdown. When you
Write your order clearly, using a typewriter if possible. buy replacement parts, buy quality. Buy Genuine Cummins Parts!


Cummins V555 Series Parts Catalog
Full download: http://manualplace.com/download/cummins-v555-series-parts-catalog/

This Parts Catalog contains parts information for the V-555 and VT-555 Series.

Part numbers appearing in ( ) are for identification purposes only and should not be uc:;ed when order-
ing service replacement parts.
The form below is provided for your convenience and when properly filled out, will allow proper identifica-
tion of your unit and the normal maintenance items. Parts information errors that could cause extended
down time could be avoided if the information on this is referred to when ordering parts from your
Cummins Distributor or Dealer.



Engine Model _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Engine Serial No., - _ __ _ _ __ _

MFG Make _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ Model _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Chassis No. _ _ .__._ _ __

Fuel Pump Assembly No.______________ _ _ _ Injector No.

Belt, Fan Belt, Water Pump - - -- - - - _ Belt, Gen .__

Element, Fuel Filter_ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ Full Flow Lub. Filter_______________

Air Cleaner _ _ _ _ _ _.___ _ _ _ ___ By-Pass Lub . Filter_ _ _ _ _____ __

Special Equipment

Cum m i ns D i stri buto r---(-~-1i"'

This is the cut pages sample. Download all 46 page(s) at: ManualPlace.com

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