Benefit of Salah in This Word and Hereafter by AYEINA
Benefit of Salah in This Word and Hereafter by AYEINA
Benefit of Salah in This Word and Hereafter by AYEINA
Salah is the 2nd most important pillar of Islam, and is the most regular
compulsory action in a Muslim’s life. We fast just 1 month (in Ramadan)
a year; we give Zakah once a year; and Hajj is an obligation only
once a life time (for those who are able). However, prayer is the one
act that must be fulfilled at least 5 times a day. You may shorten it
(while travelling), you may sit down to pray (if not well) – or even lie
down (if you can’t even sit), but you can’t leave Salah. In fact, Allah
asked the Muslims to pray during the battle as well in [Quran, 2:238-239].
Benefits of Salah (Prayer) in This World
1. It is a direct connection with Allah which brings peace to
our heart and mindfulness in our lives
When I told the following hadith to kids, they all started their karate
gestures on how they will fight Shaitaan through Salah.
Ruk’u strengthens the back, extends the spine and increases the
flexibility of hips and hamstrings. It relieve the stiffness at spine, neck,
and back and help to improves posture as well as balance and co-
ordination. According to industrial engineering Prof. Muhammad
Khasawneh et al: “the complex physical movements of the ritual can
reduce lower-back pain if performed regularly and properly. In some
cases of chronic low back pain, as part of exercise plan, I often
advise my Muslim patient to prolong the Ruku’u position every time
they Pray for a few more seconds in order get the effective sustain
Al- Gazal (2006) and Ayad (2008) stated that prostration (sajdah) is
the only position in which the head is in a position lower than the
heart and therefore, receives increased blood supply to the brain,
stimulates the brain’s frontal cortex. This reduces the chances of brain
hemorrhage and headache, helps to reduces high blood pressure.
This surge in blood supply also has a positive effect on memory,
concentration, and other cognitive abilities.
In Salah, a Muslim is required to focus during prayers and leave out all
life distractions and connect with Allah during that time. The individual
is fully awake and alert, but the mind is not focused on the external
world or on the events taking place around the individual.