Mitsubishi Technical Review 2006
Mitsubishi Technical Review 2006
Mitsubishi Technical Review 2006
• Design Center
Tama Design Center
1–16–1, Karakida, Tama-shi, Tokyo 206–0035, Japan
Phone: +81–423–89–7307
• Engineering Offices
Research & Development Office
1, Nakashinkiri, Hashime-cho, Okazaki-shi, Aichi Pref. 444–8501, Japan
Phone: +81–564–31–3100
[Tokachi Proving Ground]
22–1, Osarushi, Otofuke-cho, Kato-gun, Hokkaido 080–0271, Japan
Phone: +81–155–32–7111
• Plants
Nagoya Plant
1, Nakashinkiri, Hashime-cho, Okazaki-shi, Aichi Pref. 444–8501, Japan
Phone: +81–564–31–3100
Powertrain Plant
[Powertrain Plant – Kyoto]
1, Uzumasa Tatsumi-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto-shi 616–8501, Japan
Phone: +81–75–864–8000
[Powertrain Plant – Shiga]
• Cover Photograph 2–1, Kosuna-cho, Konan-shi, Shiga Pref. 520–3212, Japan
The cover photograph shows a stamping simulation of the Phone: +81–748–75–3131
side outer panel for the Mitsubishi “i”. Stamping simulations Mizushima Plant
enable Mitsubishi Motors Corporation to predict splits, wrin- 1–1, Mizushima Kaigandori, Kurashiki-shi, Okayama Pref. 712–8501, Japan
kles, and other defects that may occur in the parts from sheet Phone: +81–86–444–4114
metal. They also enable us to predict thinning distribution, • Pajero Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
stress distribution, draw-in during stamping, and skid marks. 2079, Sakagura, Sakahogi-cho, Kamo-gun, Gifu Pref. 505–8505, Japan
By simulating stamping processes, we are able to identify Phone: +81–574–28–5100
and eliminate defects early in development programs, there-
by promoting front-loading of work.
Promotion of Technical Development with Emphasis on the Environment .................. 4
Technical Perspective
Technology Status and Future of Clean-Energy Vehicles ............................................... 6
Left-Right Torque Vectoring Technology
as the Core of Super All Wheel Control (S-AWC) ........................................................... 16
Technical Papers
Dynamic Scheduling Control for Engine and Gearshifts:
Consolidation of Fuel-Economy Optimization and Reserve Power .............................. 24
Enhancement of Combustion by Means of Squish Pistons ............................................ 32
Development of Optimizing System for Engine Performance Simulator ...................... 42
Development of Technique for Predicting Parts Temperatures
Using Radiation Analysis ................................................................................................. 49
Basic Study for Reducing Noise in a Vehicle Cavity
(Experimental and Theoretical Analyses of Structural –
Acoustic Coupling Problems in a Rectangular Parallelepiped Space) ......................... 55
New Technologies
Special Feature 1 New Technology for OUTLANDER
Newly Developed Four-Cylinder MIVEC Engine ............................................................... 59
Overview of the Newly Developed Front Engine Front Drive Platform .......................... 62
Development of Application Technology of Aluminum Roof ......................................... 68
Development of a Next Generation Electronics Platform ................................................ 75
ECU Variant Coding System .............................................................................................. 80
ETACS Functionality Development for the OUTLANDER ................................................ 84
Development of High Quality Premium Sound System .................................................. 89
Technical Topics
The Road to “Concept-X”
A Glimpse into Creating a Design Icon – Understanding the Process and Method .... 132
Mitsubishi Concept-X Exterior Design Story .................................................................. 134
Creating an Interior Icon for Concept-X .......................................................................... 136
New Products
OUTLANDER ........................................................................................................................ 138
i ............................................................................................................................................. 140
LANCER EVOLUTION WAGON .......................................................................................... 142
TRITON ................................................................................................................................. 144
ZINGER ................................................................................................................................. 148
Tetsuro AIKAWA
Managing Director
Concern over the environment is growing as abnormal global weather and the depletion
of natural resources threaten the world. The Kyoto Protocol came into effect last year and
discussions on the environment have continued ceaselessly. The United States, which
refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol, has started efforts to reduce domestic emissions of CO2.
Hence, the auto industry is actively working to develop environment-friendly technologies
since the industry inevitably has a major impact on the environment. The auto industry
showcased its environmental conservation efforts at the Tokyo Motor Show last autumn
and at various other events around the world.
In January 2005 Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) announced its new revitaliza-
tion plan, and in September announced a new slogan, the “Kuruma zukuri no genten e”
(meaning “Pursuing the Origins of Car Engineering” in English. The English phrase is not
used in the company’s marketing efforts), which will be reflected in our products. MMC has
resolved to make more attractive automobiles that offer both drivability and durability,
and has promised customers to sincerely consider the environment in carrying out the plan.
As part of its environmental conservation work, MMC defined its environmental princi-
ple as a basic policy in 1999, drew up a 5-year medium-term environmental action plan in
2002 to execute that policy, and has taken various steps accordingly. For instance, the
Design for Environment (DfE) promotes designing based on not only the reduction of CO2
emitted while operating the vehicle and realizing cleaner exhaust emissions, but also on the
reduction of CO2 emitted during the production of automobiles, together with the maxi-
mizing of the recycling potential upon scrapping. In 2002, MMC set up a special division for
automobile recycling to prepare for the Recycling Law which came into force in January
2005. MMC has already achieved a shredder dust recycling rate of 59.3 % in 2004, signifi-
cantly exceeding the legal requirement of over 30 % in 2005 and later. Our environment-
related actions and achievements are announced in the Environment Sustainability Plan
in four categories: environment management, recycling, prevention of global warming and
prevention of contamination of the environment.
The OUTLANDER model released last October includes specific environmental features.
For instance, its exhaust emissions are 75 % lower than those mandated by Japan’s 2005
LEV regulations and its fuel efficiency is 5 % higher than Japan’s 2010 fuel efficiency stan-
dard, thanks to improved combustion and exhaust systems and minimized weight increase
by adopting a newly developed platform. As for safety – another key factor of automo-
biles – even though the weight increase has been suppressed, the OUTLANDER series
achieves safety equivalent to the highest 6; rating in the JNCAP safety performance com-
parison test by a public organization (result of in-company test), and the vehicle is designed
to minimize the damage of a smaller car in the event of a crash and to improve protection
for pedestrians. Meanwhile, the minicar model “i” released in January satisfied the vol-
untary regulation of the auto industry on Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that cause
the “sick-house syndrome” in order to improve the ambience inside the car. And for safe-
ty, since the “i” series adopts a rear midship layout, it creates a sufficient crush zone by
using the front area without engine. Although the “i” series is a minicar, it meets the 5;
safety rating of JNCAP (result of in-company test). These new technologies adopted on
OUTLANDER and “i” are featured on this .
The target low pollution model in the future environmental technologies is the next-gen-
eration electric vehicle “MIEV” which emits no gas at all. First of all, it makes exceptional
use of space since the motor is contained inside a wheel and thus no large drive system is
necessary. With this concept, it is easier to develop not only basic electric cars but also
hybrid cars and fuel cell electric cars. The vehicle performance will also be significantly
enhanced as the in-wheel motors can be controlled independently for each wheel without
a transmission, differential gears or other complex drive systems. MMC will use lithium ion
batteries with higher energy density to replace the conventional batteries. MMC will work
hard to study the technologies required to achieve this target to make customers experi-
ence our minicar-based environment-friendly electric cars by 2010.
Today, company managers must be both environmentally and socially aware. As we
promised in the revitalization plan last year, MMC will add “contribution to environmental
preservation” to the “driving pleasure and safety” while putting the customer first. We will
focus on achieving our targets and developing the required new technologies, which we
will continue to announce in . We hope you enjoy read-
ing these articles.
Technology Status and Future of Clean-Energy Vehicles
Eizo TABO* Takashi YOSHINA*
Yasufumi SEKINE* Reiko SAITO*
Since the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(commonly known as the Kyoto Protocol) came into force in February 2005, the Japanese govern-
ment has been working to satisfy the targets for reduction of carbon-dioxide (CO2) emissions.
Meanwhile, however, rapid motorization in China, India, and Southeast Asia can be expected to
drive continued demand for automobiles and concomitant growth in energy consumption.
Against this backdrop, automakers have a responsibility to develop and promote Low Emission
Vehicles (LEVs) as a means of helping to preserve the natural environment. Like other automakers,
Mitsubishi Motors Corporation (MMC) needs to take a clearly defined approach to LEV develop-
ment and promotion from a long-term standpoint.
This paper gives an overview of MMC’s LEV-related efforts together with information on the
Japanese government’s LEV strategies, the current situation regarding Clean Energy Vehicles
(CEVs), and the outlook for future LEV developments.
In recent years, the effects of global warming have There is no universal, clear-cut definition of a LEV.
become increasingly evident in the form of rising air Generally speaking, though, LEVs are taken to include
temperatures, rising sea levels, and melting permafrost. vehicles that emit only small quantities of atmospheric
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has pollutants such as Hydro-carbon (HC), nitrogen oxides
attributed most of the global warming in the last 50 (NOx), and particulate matter (PM) and vehicles that
years to human activity(1), and it has been reported that additionally emit only small quantities of CO2. LEVs are
the greenhouse gas that most seriously exacerbates categorized either as LEVs (gasoline and diesel vehicles
global warming is CO2(2). that are designed for reduced exhaust emissions) or as
When the Kyoto Protocol came into force in CEVs [EVs, Compressed Natural-Gas (CNG) vehicles,
February 2005, the Japanese government established a Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs), and other vehicles that
Kyoto Target Achievement Plan. This plan calls for use clean alternatives to conventional fuels].
adoption of LEVs to be promoted as a way to achieve a The Japanese central government and a number of
reduction of about three million tons in CO2 emissions Japanese local authorities have introduced certification
by FY 2010(3). Consequently, there is a need for a rapid and purchase-subsidy programs to promote the spread
increase in LEV adoption. of LEV adoption.
Further, in November 2005 Japan’s Ministry of
Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) compiled a super- 2.1 Major Japanese government incentive programs
long-term energy strategy that calls for CO2 emissions for promotion of LEVs
in the household and transportation sectors to be In a March 2002 outline of strategies for combating
reduced to zero by 2100. This document reflects an global warming(1), the Japanese government targeted
assumption that worldwide oil production will peak in adoption of 3.48 million LEV units by 2010. In the Kyoto
2050 and a belief that societies must end their depen- Target Achievement Plan(3), which it established in April
dence on oil by the same year. With regard to automo- 2005, the government set a revised target of 2.33 mil-
biles, the strategy calls for Fuel Cell Vehicles (FCVs) and lion units. To achieve this target, the government is
Electric Vehicles (EVs) as a proportion of total automo- implementing incentives that encourage the purchase
biles to be increased to 40 % by 2050 to enable CO2 of LEVs. Some of the schemes are described hereafter.
emissions to be reduced to zero by 2100. 2.1.1 Green automobile taxation system(4)
Given the aforementioned circumstances, the posi- This incentive is administered by the Ministry of
tioning of LEVs in the socioeconomic structure is going Land, Infrastructure, and Transport (MLIT) and came
to become increasingly important. into effect in 2001, when Japan introduced a certifica-
tion system for LEVs. Under the present taxation sys-
tem, anyone purchasing a low-emission and low-fuel-
Technology Status and Future of Clean-Energy Vehicles
Table 1 Overview of Japan’s green automobile taxation system (FY 2006 – 2007)
consumption vehicle benefits from a reduction of annu- CEVs. The system has subsidized the purchase of
al tax and acquisition tax. When a certain number of numerous HEVs and CNG vehicles. An overview of the
years has passed following the vehicle’s registration, CEV subsidy system is given by Table 2.
the annual tax is levied at an increased rate. Thus, the
system not only encourages initial LEV purchases but 2.2 The current state of CEV development and adop-
also promotes the replacement of old vehicles with new tion
ones. Fig. 1 shows the numbers of CEVs (EVs, HEVs, and
In December 2005, the government unveiled a FY CNG vehicles) in use in Japan from FY 2000 to 2004.
2006 tax-system outline involving continuation of the The number of CEVs increased from about 60,000 in FY
automobile green taxation system in FY 2006. The tax- 2000 to 230,000 in FY 2004. Also as shown, HEVs
ation system will have revised terms: A 25 % reduction account for the majority of the CEVs on Japan’s roads.
in annual automobile tax applies to any vehicle that has FCVs and methanol vehicles numbered only a few
exhaust emissions 75 % lower than Japan’s 2005 regu- dozen in FY 2004.
lations (4; LEV rating) and has fuel efficiency at least An overview of development, sales, and launches of
10 % better than Japan’s 2010 fuel-efficiency standard. CEVs by Japan’s major automakers from 1990 to 2005
And a 50 % reduction in annual automobile tax applies is given in Table 3. The table was compiled using infor-
to any vehicle that has exhaust emissions 75 % lower mation released by the Japan Automobile Research
than Japan’s 2005 regulations (4; LEV rating) and has Institute (JARI) and information released by the
fuel efficiency at least 20 % better than Japan’s 2010 automakers. Although it is not shown in the table, the
fuel-efficiency standard. An overview of the green tax- following schedules are announced: Toyota and Honda
ation system to be implemented from FY 2006 to 2007 will actively launch HEVs in 2006 or later; Mazda will
is given by Table 1. launch hydrogen-engine vehicles in 2006 or later; MMC
2.1.2 Subsidy system for adoption of CEVs(5) and Subaru will launch EVs in the minicar category in
This system was released in FY 1998 by METI and is 2010.
substantially revised every three years (The next review 2.2.1 HEVs
is scheduled for FY 2007.). It receives annual govern- A HEV has multiple power sources, whose respec-
ment funding of ¥8 – 10 billion. (The budget for FY 2006 tive advantages are combined in a way that is intended
is ¥9 billion.) to limit both exhaust emissions and fuel consumption.
Under the system, anyone purchasing a CEV The most common HEV power-source combination is
receives a subsidy roughly equal to half of the price dif- an internal-combustion engine and an electric motor.
ference between the CEV and the conventional model The configuration of the power sources can be series,
on which it is based. Also, subsidies are provided for parallel, or series-parallel (Fig. 2).
construction of natural-gas supply stations, battery- Since a HEV has multiple power sources or energy
charging facilities, and other types of infrastructure for sources, the chassis structure is complex and therefore
Mitsubishi Technical Review 2006
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Technology Status and Future of Clean-Energy Vehicles
Administering body Amounts of subsidies and tax reductions Conditions
purchased items
• New vehicle • Only private use
Japan Automobile Research Up to half of price difference between vehicle • Leased vehicles are eligible.
EVs, HEVs and base conventional-fuel model
Institute • Regional public bodies may not apply.
• In-use vehicle converted for CNG use
• Minimum requirement for distance driven: 6,000 km/year (This
Up to one third of cost of conversion from
requirement applies only to HEVs. It was abolished for EVs in FY 2005.)
CNG vehicles Japan Gas Association gasoline/diesel use to CNG use
Commercial use: up to ¥3.5 million
Electricity stand Non-commercial use: up to half of cost of purchase As of November 2005, rapid chargers are ineligible for subsidies.
Japan Eco-Service Stations and installation
Association Commercial use: up to ¥90 million
CNG stand Non-commercial use: up to half of cost of purchase Running costs are subsidized.
and installation
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