The document discusses the ancient Yoruba kingdom of Ketu in Nigeria. Ketu is considered one of the original kingdoms established by the children of Oduduwa in Yoruba history, though its exact status within the Oyo Empire is contested. Some Oyo sources claim Ketu was a dependency that paid tribute annually to Oyo and its ruler attended festivals in Oyo, while others see Ketu as having more autonomy. The document examines Ketu's relationship with the Oyo Empire and its place in Yoruba historical traditions.
The document discusses the ancient Yoruba kingdom of Ketu in Nigeria. Ketu is considered one of the original kingdoms established by the children of Oduduwa in Yoruba history, though its exact status within the Oyo Empire is contested. Some Oyo sources claim Ketu was a dependency that paid tribute annually to Oyo and its ruler attended festivals in Oyo, while others see Ketu as having more autonomy. The document examines Ketu's relationship with the Oyo Empire and its place in Yoruba historical traditions.
The document discusses the ancient Yoruba kingdom of Ketu in Nigeria. Ketu is considered one of the original kingdoms established by the children of Oduduwa in Yoruba history, though its exact status within the Oyo Empire is contested. Some Oyo sources claim Ketu was a dependency that paid tribute annually to Oyo and its ruler attended festivals in Oyo, while others see Ketu as having more autonomy. The document examines Ketu's relationship with the Oyo Empire and its place in Yoruba historical traditions.
The document discusses the ancient Yoruba kingdom of Ketu in Nigeria. Ketu is considered one of the original kingdoms established by the children of Oduduwa in Yoruba history, though its exact status within the Oyo Empire is contested. Some Oyo sources claim Ketu was a dependency that paid tribute annually to Oyo and its ruler attended festivals in Oyo, while others see Ketu as having more autonomy. The document examines Ketu's relationship with the Oyo Empire and its place in Yoruba historical traditions.
The Story of Ketu: An Ancient Yoruba Kingdom; Edward Geoffrey
Parrinder; 1967; Ibadan University Press, 1967
The Story of Ketu: An Ancient Yoruba Kingdom Something after death? Introduction to Asian Religions Africa's Three Religions West African Religion African Traditional Religión Upanishads, GÄ«tÄ , and Bible Ketu is consider ed one of the sixteen or iginal kingdoms established by the childr en of Oduduwa in Oyo mythic histor y, though this ancient pedigr ee has been somewhat neglected in contempor ar y Yor uba histor ical r esear ch, which tends to focus on communities within Niger ia. The exact status of Ketu within the Oyo empir e however is contested. Oyo sour ces claim Ketu as a dependency with claims that the Ketu paid an annual tr ibute and that its r uler attended the B er e festival in Oyo. Par r inder , E.G. The Stor y of Ketu: A n ancient Yor uba kingdom. Ibadan, Niger ia, Ibadan Univer sity Pr ess, 1956. ^ Law, R 1977, The Oyo Empir e, Clar endon Pr ess, Oxfor d, p.141. Ketu is consider ed one of the seven or iginal kingdoms established by the childr en of Oduduwa in Oyo mythic histor y, though this ancient pedigr ee has been somewhat neglected in contempor ar y Yor uba histor ical r esear ch, which tends to focuse on communities within Niger ia. The exact status of Ketu within the Oyo empir e however is contested. Oyo sour ces claim Ketu as a dependency with claims that the Ketu paid an annual tr ibute and that its r uler attended the B er e festival in Oyo. In any case, ther e is no doubt that Ketu and Oyo maintained fr iendly r elations lar gely due to their histor ical, linguis... *Par r inder , E.G. The Stor y of Ketu: A n ancient Yor uba kingdom. Ibadan, Niger ia , Ibadan Univer sity Pr ess, 1956. Wikimedia Foundation. Online ver sion: Par r inder , Edwar d Geoffr ey. Stor y of Ketu, an ancient Yor uba Kingdom. [Ibadan] Ibadan Univer sity Pr ess, 1967 (OCoLC)654667582. Document Type B e the fir st. Tags. A dd tags for "The stor y of Ketu, an ancient Yor uba Kingdom". B e the fir st. Similar Items.
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