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ONT Se re oar 7¢ ANURAG | = computer Sionce Engineering (yoo Secu) ‘Computer cence ngerng( Itch (Conor cance ond tng) Ach (ceattone epteme) era eaalrbarae) rain Pramacetet eat) eran (rrmacetes) arian (remactny ICH Pome thevenier nade owen) ite (acelin) een (sym) COURSE STRUCTURE AND DETAILED SYLLABUS I-B.TECH -I & Il SEMESTERS FOR B.TECH FOUR YEAR DEGREE COURS! OYA 3B ater 7 NAACOURSE STRUCTURE AND DETAILED SYLLABUS I-B.TECH -I & Il SEMESTERS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING R20 Regulations FOR B.TECH FOUR YEAR DEGREE COURSE (Applicable for the batches admitted from 2020-2021 onwards) ANURAG UNIVERSITY Vong, ator Meer ts,J Academie Regulation for B.Tech (Regular Program with fect fem he 1. Tile and Duration ofthe Program LL The proton shal be aed he Under (2 Program in Baloo sited trough eal ey sche 8) to Hye, 1Sem. of MTech, te eh seme aig 16 weeks of io, I ea fades 15 Swit aie che Beeb. ron Sal ave oomph cause a sy in mucin tine mea yur 42) om the ear af ao nd suse ted hough are sebee (LES) all ve o compe te cure of sy win anu Se ae ofS yas (92 yay rom he year of dessin Relation sug on ein pound al be feed he Bo | 2 Aduision Procedure Acie or iso the B.Tech programs Engoenng mut ave pase be Ioemedute amination of tie Row of Internedate Edson, Goneamet of "anine with Maat, Physic and Chemisty opal eu, a any herBranch of Study and Code Jo Branch Code Course Crete5. Distribution and Weighlage of Marks Co FETs pau | am Pon come Frenne! pcenagein | Poems = ‘gue | ems ‘Artur yl lage 8 eC SB, (Sha Aner oS ma nd Pu Bony Aare) fr a Pat al cote §J sf te cranes topo id mien euniaton wb onde. 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Tech Degree (LES) five neat youJ ANNEXURE- b CCaleulation of Grade Point Average 1 Grade Poot Average 14 SGPAand COPA “Ths crt inden cb ve ur fr cling te Sener Gade Pit Averee (SGP and he Canute rad Pos Average (CGP), bot of wk ing porn ‘vid by she tal mer af rts eit byte ei a Semes COPA [Shes th fn fl fered ids of al he poi semester ed Wy the tl The Grad as erage (GPA) wil aloe retin te oa: EGG, (6,= ate points bind hy the sae i the couse. Semest grae pit average (SCPA) i called upto second decinal point snd its eased only when al je otha seme cleared Pst Bourse credits) x (rade pois) spas ‘Elcourse creas] To arive at cumulative grade point average (COPAY, the formula is used ‘cumidrng the studs ptfomance i al te cous taken in all tbe seers ompleted wt the prc pit of ine CGPA is roundel of w TWO decinal Bl(Course ees) x (rade points] creas Toure cra] ‘COPA is thus computed som the I Yea Fis Semester onwards, athe ed ofeach ‘Serer, spre shove fon, However, te SGPA of yee I semester ise may berken as tbe CGPA, a there aren cumulative eft,df [A ilusatve example given below indcts the we f the above two equatns in = om | SGPA= 158/19 = 7.26 email umber of ines «stent be obtained higher SGPA. Bot iis ot esolved even at "esas, he nutber of tesa student baseband higher grades lke O, A.B eeANNEXURE =I: Disciplinary Action against Students ~ Provisions cin ind ma entry seb decry sal es (sprint iy nk wn rie tl al, cing a ey al ak te te ety Te fe ey ad whee ea al ye or nt wk pa yi ‘Stans ein Sy ects tn ey cp et Sn 2) Van ty selene gee aed ee 4) ugg ac of lh gery ing and mip 1 easy ening es, ea en, eye tite wad voteJ ANNEXURE I: aes for Students Conduct & Behavior in Campus and Outside ‘Teale sn epi mde cd sabe vie ts grr, Den = Si An wil el ih hr wlae and die ofa rts be tte al anit er eer ety tes 1) Stk al ate al ees nay bee et gs Tey ol ewe red ye gin pring hem vena eel aig arin amps, eng ay les te nay win ae Uy Ve a dupe lll ee ina aon ont Nemec ts Voie dass by he mee aud wae (Nevada hl rl aes of he anand rel ni ie 1 Stns pyle te do ced dt ey i ney eb 1 Suns tik oe fal Csy my An mao Unive pt al ‘eid sinc Sch des tien a cpa an aba > re aged pp mak ethene oi tn Sd ef a Wh a a ada tae Ma uk wk ange bese of ona ee npr eg ng wheJ eles be pda rte as Raging Ae 1) The tera sh ie tose py nade Rg on lay vn st tas ene per pie of he UCC in wpe coma dc 1) Motel ea eat ea mde ig he as nd on Wl fin or me Ale esa oust eee er ace a pre 1) Sie samme ei, ee sn, hoa i not ete Cong i ey pees. Ay vain wl inte se pny eng 4 Tae Ley sa te cae 6 waig ey epee a en wey sd nsec ta py ova 1 A py sal pce yt aerial ‘pte ose aes wh ov ea fl oasis Te See ema of Wre Werke Pee Prison & Reda” Ast019 Alter cua a alec eager wi add communes al eagles snd anJ ANNEXURE -V: Definitions Inte eis ann ne tec gin ‘ryt ame woes he cone ol ee cg ohn a aig ‘einnghniied am geodon cere pt te fe fe sb cone non oad er wee oe et ean oe eu fading eo nde Poi Bia a wih alte hie deo pt ae Sree Gre in ftge SORA mre 9 eae pane | tnt dna es, ‘ai er it eg (COPA i aman fel emai cme ale Te CORA ees ft tt ps ed eal nee nbn on eo Sve snr Desa ay seme altered a eer ane Tega cre wl py he come te de, mur es, gabe neue) ig ith SORA atANURAG UNIVERSITYANURAG UNIVERSITY [HYDERABAD ‘couse Cade: 451001 MATHEMATICS-1 (tine Alger se Cas) Course Objectives To ese 1 Dernier fh maa eta he lino stem of egaons 2 Cane f ign aes od ign Vor ad ee of une fo by edn ies ves 4. Caner af quence andere nd ideniving ei ace by sping oe tt sve vale 1 Wale he ma epeeniaion of ase far eqns abl Meaty te 2 ade ge rnin eof he ma nd ce i 4. Ds thesplios of mean abe tere toch se probes Pain of poe teas ng Boa sod Gana a, LUNIT-e Mate an Linear Sytem a uations tinge Taseration, Cone att: Hema, Skew ~ Hemi ed Unity Sytem Det Metis Ca Hin[UNIT igen Vas an gen Vestars igen ves, Hien vcs ~ pope, Cayley Hain Ticrem (wot Pet) ‘ud ams Nae, nes. Sgnatie, [UNITE Sequences & Series, Sequelae it, fet pte DAoC rst a Rabe's te Caeys ntee t snd Consionly Converge, serra Dea a elie seer Applioios of efit egal o eve sre aes ae volumes of eveos of cores onl Carin coral) Inprope eral a the popere, Cana and et tor Reon two thm, ti pat ing Gana Bt cons, of Mean ae eee PaalDiterntition sod al teenon Puce pendent, aa Dee Met of Lagrange Mai. 2 nwa Keys. Advanced Eaiaeg Maemats, on J Wiley & Sen,vi ANURAG UNIVERSITY Pear Toh ME-1Sem LotrD our Coe: ASi082 Boas Cours Objectives ‘uy aedemie bec more ecely ane ely wang 2. Deveop ey ll ncaa kil otal 1, Unda ie pliesinn ona sisi prtmeig he espns oats 2, Ure aprpie and Sundard Langage with baie grata cones bt fr ‘Tes! Reort Wisin The Raa Efe fom he prsebed oo agl or Raley plahed 8) Cambridge Unversity Pres ‘Vocabulary Bling The Cnc of Wotd ormon The we of Pres Grammar: tring Comoe Bos a Wesig wt seeeate i Aries tees. ending: Real ans knpranie- Thies fr eve Reng Base Wing Sele: Scene Sts Us of Phas ad Cae Sete Inpocance of Proper Reason Teac fr wang prcely Paragraph ‘ling Orgaing Pier of Periz n Doves.acid by Cambie Uaiery Bre. Vocabulary: Senay sd Antony Reading: ngoving Compras Sls Teenie for Got Compson lve Jems’ ome pes enbok “Eagih for Eagloes pbsed by Cambridge Univers Pres Voeabulary: Acqistnce ih Pets and SulSses fom fgn legge a gh fo Deve Word cs rin angus i Wein lah, Weng: Ne ad Seo Seni oblate by Cambridge Univer Pree esd eek ‘Rng for Rae Vocabulary: Snr Abbevaons in gis Reading: nese Resting an ese Retagog for Haine’ pbisdby Cambridge University Pres. aRepe 1 Soles, LP lS, C2018) ag for Hapa, Cantege Uniety REFERENCES: feta 2014 Pt) 2. Riv. M Abia Etsive Tech Comenetie, Tas Me a, 2015 it Met Ss Pact gla Cage OUP. 1995 Waa Zee Om Wang Wel, Maer Resets Bua, 201 es in pen Eaghh Pars HL CHEF Hydra Oxford siversiy PieANURAG UNIVERSITY Course Objects: Te ring aap ta he concep of Chey and t eg the rege le ese pre eget «To acqe she knee of ecrckertey causionané itr etme at sven othe engines ney ‘Toaequcethe sls pring specs ad apt te ewe an ote To impute bnwledge af serechemey and oebe apc wtf for ‘Undetnding escton pcy "sop he ranger of ecwemagnt rans wed fr excing ent ey + Appia now of lead otal forthe pein a eta fo cei 1 Abje ike woater cad apa waler ad mtd of preton of wae ‘plan he ene of cengutona nd celeron pals a moles and + Aply the one fein mater an degrade ply a metic and Molen structure aa Spectroscopy Teoticion Conit of amie ad ates eit, LOAD, mae eile of toate leas, lea ahi ergy ee agra f date moles (NO: snd) Poll oa of baa snd eee. Spectroscopic techniques: Piles of pectosop, selon ts and pleas ef eesti pectonopy WV & ‘ise Vinson and eon pctosopy OR secscpy - AptosWate Tecnology (Cis tne of Mads of wae exrentn of ares (CAO eae ne 2nd ype of hares Eiman of epeay and permanent has of wate by EDTA sted pening. unig, ese embitnest a toler nes) ane eat eel eae (lod, pope clan enening of wat) xe eae (line ode no -achnge rst) orm troche rtd, etd pte avai lel ton andl aan cl EME, pet ‘ decrode‘Nora lyoges Hed, calomel eso) Deter of LN guton Nome pote [BATTERIFS: Insodcin wcll an batery,Princy (an clad ean (lead el, and Li nl) Feel ll —Tlyogen~ Onn eel lavage so4 ening opts vel sl, to ie pai ret tse of camson predate af environmen fet of tempera ft fp ‘to, met of plans af metalic contigs eeplaing cpp eletless ang. Strecker, ection mechanism and synths of rue moles neces ope ati, Conformal mes ofa ble Joolution 9 rescons issn bin 8 Sy, ado dion of HB 6 sng KMGO.A C1, econ of cay! cmgonds by LIA NABH) Syitens & unr AdvaneedEagncerog Materials ioeeradabepolynes Concept, pepectin, poperies and aplcion af Poyyéony Bunrate (HD) Pty LHydoxsburte cop Haonsalete PHBV), Paige acid (POA), Paes (PLA), Poy pela (PCL. Tebricane:Eeducsn, clean wih example, cacy of «god Haat Retractor: Casa wah cane, cates and propre Rebates UL eens pang 1, PC Jan & Mane J, ewig Chemisty ant Rl Pabig Company 6° 2. Shut chia npaeengChemiy Dian Ras Pabishing Company: 2018, 1. PW, Ani, Pye Cheney, Oar Uses rs 9 Bsn, 2010 2A Jee, Tex book of apseing Chey, Wey Pabeatins,Edio, 5. CX Banve Ponce ofa pees, Me Ga Hy, Ela, 200, 4 JDL Text bok begun Chemis, Blcwel See Ld SEA, 208,ANURAG UNIVERSITY (C LagngePreiince: Kewort and eases, Conan, Vaal, Dis Type, SMe: si Opi, Rn tp Op eeind Pcs Sng Intute ee 2c) set ate) and) Sting, Sting UO, Suing Operation wth od witout bl Progaming Appoue Ug C3 Eo, CENGAGE Ling. 2016 2 dip Dey ao Maas Cod, Progaming ia C,Oxord Unveay Pre, 2 TT Byron ated, "opramnisg wih C°, Shaan’ Outi, En, TATA 4 AX Shama ConpaterPedanent od Prpennig iC, 2" Bion, Unive 41 Raji V. The dane of Comptes’ 4 aon Pee Hal of aa,vi ANURAG UNIVERSITY Coase Cade: AS108 ENGINKERING GRAPHICS Course obeive: 1. To pride base concep in engaging. “Toieprt aad about standard rcp of eroarpie retina obs “oandetnd he pricier of deaning ome een sad im scey fa enon pace ‘Coase Osten: ay te signee 0 psig raving a. Slt has sd psn ey ele! potas Wi esp opp ciples Draw sens of sad develope ata sts of is rdogrohie We bunetie sl pital vows erage ews, Epona to ‘ompuraided geome eating a ceing Weigle Intron te Bogineing Drawing Paces of Bagnwing Gris sd hie sic, age of roving ise, Coie scons ici he Resa Orthographic Frjeins - Ponce of Ontngapise PrjeinneConenions Pron of Pit and Posto of Ines (Mipin probems and Trans arons of Rea Sa Pso, Ce, Prami Ca Soin Views Development of Surtees of ight Regula Sede Pom, Pyramid, Cinder an Cons, eects Pen Prin sd Cylinder Cpe ‘Lometi Projections - Panes of Lone Ponce ~ one Se. basse Intrdactin te CAD Fa Interna eaation Weihage On) Bak ND Probe VM. tage PR. 2 Neo opal, rai Rae, Haier Drawing, New Age PubesANURAG UNIVERSITYANURAG UNIVERSITY [ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY LAR ‘Course Objectives The set wil a Bmaton ores adie cnet i water tcc aby fer dike + Tr mantel py opts ik aaron nd vices. “Tae thd alee an hock the pty ene mele by hin ge eomatogrpie TLC) tekaige ‘aberntory Outcomes The expen il ma este gun il 0 + Dienst of scl operies Hk npn. eas son nosy. + Caleuaion a sength of empound sing stunon egies Detinaton of cle cone! of male by esti ane Deternaon of ng of HCI oda id by endatocty. 1 Sys of parame od ain 9. tte of coperby aay. 10, Adipose ny con 1, Sepanion ofan aby in ae homageANURAG UNIVERSITYvi ANURAG UNIVERSITY (ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND VECTOR CALCULUS) Course Objective Toes 1 Metts sing dra quien of ager odes 2 rato fle eps snd vole era ‘Coarse Osten: tern te cnet fh pape he sn i be ale soph cones fife egos oe el wal pbs. 2 Severo eat unas an apply he cose alert 1 rite Dou Tile ner 4 eau eter teri pests psy ninening eobiens soe ng etre tems [UNIT Dien uations offs ore ad ther Apptiatins 2 ey, ego aes [UNITE Higher Order Lina Dera Equations iar fret equatns of sco an higher ne ih const concen, RAS es of Oe pe 19 =e sarcosmrand eVisLeVla). Mekod af aon of eames, Bua ricl 9 lnsar ODE wh costa eatin: Cay erJ vocals ~ ange of xd of terion (Only [UNIT Mil Tterals Matte inte ~ eoule and Catesan form bane of vale (Cares 0 Pls fr dole ner, Caren 0 Sphescl for wpe ie Apieon a Doble nel and Tope egal ‘Sela an Vector post fanctons, ran, serge Cala th elated popes — LUNIT-Y; Vesa Integration Stoke's and Gass Divergence Thorens (Only Stems) «Prodan based on thee tec 1. Brin Keng Advanced apne Maemate, #Hikon Feb Wey & Son, 2106 2. BS. Grewal phe Bagieeing Mathes, Khanna Poise, 368 Baton, 2010 REFERENCES: 1 GR. Toma od RI ame, Cle nd Anyone, ain, Pen, 2 NP Baiand Mash Goyal text book of Bagaevng Matbomus, Laws 3, rani GZ an Michael R Cole, Avaned Bogen Mittin 3” 4 SL Rosn Diller Bquaen, 3 Ben, Wie L209 5. Georg Simmons, Diferestal Egpatios with Appatone ad Histor! Nees,ANURAG UNIVERSITY 5. sings pail, weting of vain ler ystems an ight pean song[UNIT Fiber Oper and Laser iver Opis: nvduson, pce of opal tbe, mime pete pes foe ‘Soe, os pclae commen yes, apcane a pc Laser ttodocon, sto at, i's cenit, opal inven, nvoduaton. pe ae, Bev as, cal yn, toda abr Crys plas ota, Mier es for esl plas er pe space of sppleatons RD. Maga Matera: lavoduton apa of magne mnt, cain of manete casi, pt of polinsin in ets, intel Ged, Cli Moto equ Tasha, 1M Avia A Text book of ape Pipi, PC Kakapa § Chand 5. DX Mhaocheys and Poe Tad: Engine Phys, OXFORD UavertyANURAG UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD Year Tech SEH Sem Lorre ¢ Corse Cae: 452005 pone 2 Course Osta: Ich en of ht oes hae wale abio (C01 Devel pega wath ter eed ta pe (60-2 Use yma ey abe fens wih pits (60-3 Apply vous fe ang echqes or beter dat mange ‘Src, ray of Sct, Scand Pantin, los, pdt, Enumerated Dah vxrrat Patter: toducon te Pontes, Pir Att, Pointer an Aras, Pits Yo Stace, Posts so Stags, Feo Cal Relea, Pears Paes, Dyoase sept an Ontpt- Cone of « stray, ees ed iy fe Denes ‘eee et and haus af «Opening a Clinger Se ps out ‘conundied Uhny iat! caput Scio er Hey), fle sae fachane ‘ethan Posing fencions oeand tne mguoen pogramesaps Stacks Erodtion Saks, Opratonsnplnentatio of Stk ing As ‘Qoeue ncedutonoGurce Opie npenentaon of Que wg Aree4 Develop be students Koowledge ta determine the area and mass moment af inert of Rulibciom of Sytem of Frcs Fes body gras, Eqeions of Eglin of ection: Base ene, Tipe of con, Las of Feton Sta and Dyoamie tnANURAG UNIVERSITY 1. Lea te pie of niece, con a ipa fg 5. Ko te bs pcp i pel eae icon Ging ~Detrnaton of Waelngh of Monstomati Sous 9 Stews: & Gre Mead Mage eld lng th of Coapes (CO Ue dierent sates fr cep ai tales Pros oo Sacks and QoCourse Cade AS2282 vi ANURAG UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD ENGINEERING WORKSHOP Cours Onetive: 1 Togains god base wring aot reqaed fete podcnn f vaius cegnnena protic 2. Tedtelep it aie em orig, ison so ly wet 4 Mega he corti fancsn cand appeaton of ieretnaing 5. Tos commaly wed apes os ook pres loess. 1 Prcticeonmanfacring of conpeorats ig workshop ties incing Carey tine TS Pood Welng Pain, Hose wing ane Black Sats 2 Apply selec nginting howled frou wing rain. 5 ay andl se ns rfl ete of Bape oes Paste Ming sd te operons 1 Cage = Lap ee, Dovel ot, Mate Teo Js) 1 Fig, Dovel Fe Semel 1 Th Smhy (Sq T, Resa Tay & Conical Pa 1v Foun = reparain of Gre Std Mon wing Sige Poe an pit Pate) Ae Welding & Gas Weng)ANURAG UNIVERSITY spire ve, WiitnInguge ermal mnt lena! Eagar src ooduing
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
Phil Knight
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
Ben Horowitz
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Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
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Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
Carmen Maria Machado
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
Ashlee Vance
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Bad Feminist: Essays
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Bad Feminist: Essays
Roxane Gay
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
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Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
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Brooklyn: A Novel
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Brooklyn: A Novel
Colm Tóibín
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel
Fredrik Backman
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
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The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
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The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
Meik Wiking
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
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The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
Viet Thanh Nguyen
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Wolf Hall: A Novel
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Wolf Hall: A Novel
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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