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Mitigate Liquid Loading Using Bybartifical Networking PDF

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Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique

N° Série : ………/2020
Université Kasdi Merbah Ouargla

Faculté des hydrocarbures energies renouvelables et science de la terre et de l’univers

Département de Production des Hydrocarbures

Pour obtenir le Diplôme de Master
Option : Production Professionnel

Présenté Par:

HABIBI Rachida


Identification, Prediction and Solving Liquid

Loading Problems in Gas Condensate Wells of
Hassi R’mel Field
Soutenue le : / / 2020 devant la commission d'examen

Jury :

Président : M. A.Y. KADRI MAA Univ. Ouargla

Rapporteur : Mme. S. ROBEI MAA Univ. Ouargla
Examinateur: M. M. SIDROUHOU MAA Univ. Ouargla

I would like to thank God first and foremost for his blessing on me to accomplish this

Also I would like to express my sincere appreciation and deepest gratitude to my

supervisor: Ms. Sara ROBEI for her valuable guidance and support throughout my work.

Also I would like to thank all the professors in the production department at the
college of Hydrocarbons at Ouargla University.

Also I would like to thank all the engineers in the service of engineering and
development in the Hassi R’mel Sonatrach Production Division.

This work gives all the important background information of the liquid loading topic itself and
summarizes the most common artificial lift methods. Using Pipesim software, the primary
objective of this study is to identify and to predict when the onset of the liquid loading will
occur by comparing the flow rate obtained from Nodal Analysis and the critical rate obtained
from Turner et al. correlation. Furthermore, this study aims to solve the liquid loading
problem by application of the velocity string and boosting. The results obtained show that two
wells from the four studied wells are loading up. While for the other two wells, the liquid
loading is predicted in 2021 and 2022. The results also show that the liquid loading is
inevitable and not always obvious in gas wells when it occurs; if a well is loaded, it still may
produce for a long time before his shut-in. The results further show that the use of velocity
string works to delay the occurrence of the liquid loading but does not solve it finally; it is a
short-term solution. Also, boosting lowers the wellhead pressure and allowing liquids to be
unloaded from the well. Therefore, it could keep the well free of liquids for a long time.

Keywords: Liquid Loading; Hassi R’mel Gas Field; Gas Wells; Critical Velocity; Nodal
Analysis; Turner et al. model; Prediction; Artificial lift


Ce travail donne toutes les informations importantes sur le sujet du chargement de liquide lui-
même et résume les méthodes artificielles pour résoudre ce problème. En utilisant le logiciel
Pipesim, l'objectif principal de cette étude est d'identifier et de prédire le début de chargement
de liquide dans le puits en comparant le débit obtenu à partir de l'analyse nodale et le débit
critique obtenu à partir de la corrélation de Turner et al. De plus, cette étude vise à résoudre ce
problème par l'application de la velocity string et le boosting. Les résultats obtenus montrent
que deux puits parmi les quatre puits étudiés se chargent. Alors que pour les deux autres puits,
le chargement de liquide est prévu en 2021 et 2022. Les résultats montrent également que le
chargement de liquide est inévitable et pas toujours évident dans les puits de gaz lorsqu'il se
produit; si un puits est chargé, il peut encore se produire longtemps avant sa fermeture. Les
résultats montrent en outre que l'utilisation de velocity string fonctionne pour retarder
l'apparition de chargement de liquide mais ne le résout pas finalement; c'est une solution à
court terme. De plus, le boosting abaisse la pression de tête de puits et permet aux liquides

‫‪d'être déchargés du puits. Par conséquent, il pourrait garder le puits exempt de liquides‬‬
‫‪pendant longtemps.‬‬

‫‪Mots-clés: Chargement de Liquide; Champ de Gaz Hassi R'mel; Puits de Gaz; Vitesse‬‬
‫‪Critique; Analyse Nodale; Turner et al. Modèle; Prédiction; Méthodes Artificielles‬‬


‫ﻳﻘﺪم ﻫﺬا اﻟﻌﻤﻞ اﻟﻤﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎت اﻷﺳﺎﺳﻴﺔ ﻟﻤﻮﺿﻮع ﺗﺤﻤﻴﻞ اﻟﺴﺎﺋﻞ ﻓﻲ آﺑﺎر اﻟﻐﺎز و ﻳﻠﺨﺺ ﻃﺮق اﻟﺮﻓﻊ اﻻﺻﻄﻨﺎﻋﻴﺔ اﻷﻛﺜﺮ ﺷﻴﻮﻋًﺎ‪ .‬ﺑﺎﺳﺘﺨﺪام‬

‫ﺑﺮﻧﺎﻣﺞ ‪ ،Pipesim‬ﻳﺘﻤﺜﻞ اﻟﻬﺪف اﻷﺳﺎﺳﻲ ﻟﻬﺬﻩ اﻟﺪراﺳﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺗﺤﺪﻳﺪ وﺗﻮﻗﻊ ﻣﻮﻋﺪ ﺑﺪء ﺗﺤﻤﻴﻞ اﻟﺴﺎﺋﻞ ﻣﻦ ﺧﻼل ﻣﻘـﺎرﻧﺔ اﻟﺘﺪﻓﻖ اﻟﺬي‬

‫ﺗﻢ اﻟﺤﺼﻮل ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻣﻦ ‪ Analyse Nodale‬و اﻟﺘﺪﻓﻖ اﻟﺬي ﺗﻢ اﻟﺤﺼﻮل ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻣﻦ ‪ .Turner et al‬ﻋﻼوة ﻋﻠﻰ ذﻟﻚ‪ ،‬ﺗﻬﺪف ﻫﺬﻩ‬

‫اﻟﺪراﺳﺔ إﻟﻰ ﺣﻞ ﻣﺸﻜﻠﺔ ﺗﺤﻤﻴﻞ اﻟﺴﺎﺋﻞ ﻋﻦ ﻃﺮﻳﻖ ﺗﻄﺒﻴﻖ ‪ Velocity String‬و ‪ .Boosting‬أﻇﻬﺮت اﻟﻨﺘﺎﺋﺞ اﻟﺘﻲ ﺗﻢ اﻟﺤﺼﻮل ﻋﻠﻴﻬﺎ‬

‫أﻧﻪ ﻳﺘﻢ ﺗﺤﻤﻴﻞ ﺑﺌﺮﻳﻦ ﻣﻦ اﻵﺑﺎر اﻷرﺑﻌﺔ اﻟﻤﺪروﺳﺔ‪ .‬ﺑﻴﻨﻤﺎ ﺑﺎﻟﻨﺴﺒﺔ ﻟﻠﺒﺌﺮﻳﻦ اﻷﺧﺮﻳﻴﻦ ‪ ،‬ﻣﻦ اﻟﻤﺘﻮﻗﻊ ﺗﺤﻤﻴﻞ اﻟﺴﺎﺋﻞ ﻓﻲ ﻋﺎﻣﻲ ‪ 2021‬و‬

‫داﺋﻤﺎ ﻓﻲ آﺑﺎر اﻟﻐﺎز ﻋﻨﺪ ﺣﺪوﺛﻪ؛ إذا ﺗﻢ ﺗﺤﻤﻴﻞ ﺑﺌﺮ‪ ،‬ﻓﻘﺪ‬

‫واﺿﺤﺎ ً‬
‫ً‬ ‫أﻳﻀﺎ أن ﺗﺤﻤﻴﻞ اﻟﺴﺎﺋﻞ أﻣﺮ ﻻ ﻣﻔﺮ ﻣﻨﻪ وﻟﻴﺲ‬
‫‪ .2022‬ﺗﻈﻬﺮ اﻟﻨﺘﺎﺋﺞ ً‬
‫ﻳﺴﺘﻤﺮ إﻧﺘﺎﺟﻪ ﻟﻔﺘﺮة ﻃﻮﻳﻠﺔ ﻗﺒﻞ إﻗﻔـﺎﻟﻪ‪ .‬ﺗﻈﻬﺮ اﻟﻨﺘﺎﺋﺞ ﻛﺬﻟﻚ أن اﺳﺘﺨﺪام ‪ Velocity String‬ﻳﻌﻤﻞ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺗﺄﺧﻴﺮ ﺣﺪوث ﺗﺤﻤﻴﻞ اﻟﺴﺎﺋﻞ‬

‫وﻟﻜﻨﻪ ﻻ ﻳﺤﻠﻬﺎ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻨﻬﺎﻳﺔ؛ إﻧﻪ ﺣﻞ ﻗﺼﻴﺮ اﻷﻣﺪ‪ .‬ﻛﻤﺎ أن ‪ Boosting‬ﻳﺨﻔﺾ ﺿﻐﻂ ﻓﻮﻫﺔ اﻟﺒﺌﺮ وﻳﺴﻤﺢ ﺑﺘﻔﺮﻳﻎ اﻟﺴﻮاﺋﻞ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺒﺌﺮ‪.‬‬

‫ﻟﺬﻟﻚ‪ ،‬ﻳﻤﻜﻦ أن ﺗﺤﺎﻓﻆ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﺒﺌﺮ ﺧﺎﻟﻴًـﺎ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺴﻮاﺋﻞ ﻟﻔﺘﺮة ﻃﻮﻳﻠﺔ‪.‬‬

‫ﻛﻠﻤﺎت ﻣﻔﺘﺎﺣﻴﺔ‪ :‬ﺗﺤﻤﻴﻞ اﻟﺴﺎﺋﻞ‪ ،‬ﺣﻘـﻞ ﻏﺎز ﺣﺎﺳﻲ اﻟﺮﻣﻞ‪ ،‬آﺑﺎر اﻟﻐﺎز‪ ،‬اﻟﺴﺮﻋﺔ اﻟﺤﺮﺟﺔ‪ ،Turner et al ،Analyse Nodale ،‬ﺗﻨﺒﺆ؛‬

‫ﻃﺮق اﺻﻄﻨﺎﻋﻴﺔ‬


GOC: Gas Oil Contact (m)

GWC: Gas Water Contact (m)

Pr: Reservoir Pressure (bar)

Tr: Reservoir Temperature (C°)

Pwh: Wellhead Pressure (bar)

Pwf: Flowing Bottom Hole Pressure (bar)

K: formation permeability (md)

h: formation thickness (ft)

Z: gas compressibility factor

μg: gas viscosity (cp)

re: drainage radius (ft)

rw: wellbore radius (ft)

GOR: Gas Oil Ratio (sm3/sm3)

LGR: Liquid Gas Ratio (sm3/MMsm3)

WGR: Water Gas Ratio (sm3/MMsm3)

Wcut: Water Cut (%)

Qg: Gas Flow Rate (Msm3/d)

Qcg: Critical Gas Rate (Msm3/d)

FMV: Fluid Mean Velocity (m/s)

LLV: Liquid Loading Velocity (m/s)

LLVR: Liquid Loading Velocity Ratio

LLVRm: Liquid Loading Velocity Ratio maximum

Table of Contents
Acknowledgments ....................................................................................................................... i

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... ii

Nomenclature ............................................................................................................................ iv

Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... v

List of Figures ......................................................................................................................... viii

List of Tables ............................................................................................................................. ix

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1

Chapter 1: Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel’s Gas Condensate Wells ................ 3

1.1. Liquid Loading Concepts in Gas Wells .......................................................................... 3

1.1.1. What is Liquid Loading of Gas Condensate Well?.................................................. 3

1.1.2. Multiphase Flow ...................................................................................................... 3

1.1.3. Sources of Liquids in Producing Gas Well .............................................................. 4

1.1.4. Symptoms of Liquid Loading in Gas Wells............................................................. 5

1.2. Overview on Hassi R’mel Field ...................................................................................... 7

1.2.1. Presentation of Hassi R’mel Field ........................................................................... 7

1.2.2. The Geological Structure of Hassi R’mel Gas Field................................................ 8

1.2.3. Reservoir Characteristics and In-Situ Fluids of Hassi R’mel Gas Field .................. 9

1.2.4. Encountered Problems during Hassi R’mel Gas Field Exploitation ...................... 10

1.2.5. Current State of Hassi R’mel’s Gas Wells ............................................................. 10

1.3. Liquid Loading Problem in Hassi R’mel Gas Field ...................................................... 10

1.3.1. Water Production of Hassi R’mel’s Gas Wells ...................................................... 10

1.3.2. The Last Measurements of GWC in Hassi R’mel field ......................................... 11

1.3.3. Identification of Liquid Loading in Hassi R’mel’s Gas Wells .............................. 12

1.3.4. The Candidate Wells in Hassi R’mel Gas Field for the Liquid Loading Study..... 13

1.3.5. The Production History of Candidate Wells .......................................................... 13

Chapter 2: Gas Wells Performance Modeling in Hassi R’mel Field ................................. 18

2.1. System Nodal Analysis ................................................................................................. 18

2.2. Overview of the Software Pipesim ................................................................................ 19

2.3. Candidate Wells Modeling ............................................................................................ 19

2.3.1. Well’s Completion ................................................................................................. 20

2.3.2. PVT Data................................................................................................................ 21

2.3.3. Reservoir’s Model (IPR) ........................................................................................ 22

2.3.4. Choice of the Vertical Flow Correlation (VLP) ..................................................... 23

2.3.5. Plot the Inflow (IPR) and Outflow (VLP) Curves ................................................. 24

Chapter 3: Identification and Prediction of Liquid Loading in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells . 26

3.1. Liquid Loading Onset Prediction Methods ................................................................... 26

3.1.1. The Critical Velocity.............................................................................................. 28

3.1.2. The Critical Rate .................................................................................................... 29

3.2. Liquid Loading Onset using Pipesim Software ............................................................. 29

3.3. Identification of Liquid Loading in Candidate wells using Pipesim ............................. 30

3.4. Prediction of Liquid Loading in Candidate wells using Pipesim .................................. 33

Chapter 4: Solving Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells ........................ 36

4.1. Solutions to prevent Liquid Loading Problems ............................................................. 36

4.1.1. Methods of Sustaining Natural Flow (Well Energy) ............................................. 36

4.1.2. Methods of Artificial Lift (External Energy) ......................................................... 39

4.2. Application of Velocity String to solve Liquid Loading Problem in Hassi R’mel’s Gas

4.2.1. The Decision for a Velocity String ........................................................................ 41

4.2.2. Installation of the Velocity String .......................................................................... 41

4.2.3. Results of Application of the Velocity String ........................................................ 42

4.2.4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the Velocity String ............................... 44

4.3. The Impact of Boosting to solve Liquid Loading Problem in Hassi R’mel’s Gas

4.3.1. The Decision for the Boosting ............................................................................... 45

4.3.2. The Impact of Boosting on the Liquid Loading ..................................................... 45

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 48

Recommendations .................................................................................................................... 49

Bibliographic References ......................................................................................................... 50

List of Figures
Figure (1.1): Gas Well Loading Flow Regimes ......................................................................... 4
Figure (1.2): Decline Curve showing Liquid Loading ............................................................... 6
Figure (1.3): Pressure Survey showing Liquid Level................................................................. 7
Figure (1.4): Hassi R’mel Field Organization ............................................................................ 8
Figure (1.5): Evolution of WGR in Hassi R’mel Field ............................................................ 11
Figure (1.6): Production History of the Well HR055 from July to December 2019 ................ 14
Figure (1.7): Production History of the Well HRD023 from January to December 2019 ....... 15
Figure (1.8): The Annual Gas Production History of the Selected Wells ................................ 16
Figure (1.9): The Reservoir Pressure of the Wells HR104 and HR101 ................................... 17
Figure (2.1): The Operating Point ............................................................................................ 19
Figure (3.1): Liquid Droplets Transport in Vertical Gas Stream ............................................. 27
Figure (3.2): The Profile of Liquid Loading Velocity Ratio as a Function of Depth .............. 31
Figure (3.3): Turner Model Prediction Loading for the Well HR104 ...................................... 34
Figure (3.4): Turner Model Prediction Loading for the Well HR101 ...................................... 35
Figure (4.1): Plunger Lift Cycle ............................................................................................... 37
Figure (4.2): The Application of Velocity String for Handling Liquid Loading ..................... 38
Figure (4.3): The Application of down Hole Pumps for handling liquid loading .................... 39
Figure (4.4): The Completion Types of Gas Lift ..................................................................... 40
Figure (4.5): The Application of Velocity String using Pipesim Software .............................. 42
Figure (4.6): Turner Model Prediction Loading for the Well HR104 Using Velocity String .. 43
Figure (4.7): Turner Model Prediction Loading for the Well HR101 Using Velocity String .. 43
Figure (4.8): Effect of Compression on the System Nodal Analysis for the Well HRD023 ... 46
Figure (4.9): The Effect of Wellhead Pressure Reduction on the Prediction and Turner Critical
Rate for the Well HRD023 ....................................................................................................... 47

List of Tables
Table (1.1): Hassi R’mel Gas Reservoir “Triassic” Levels........................................................ 9
Table (1.2): Reservoir Characteristics and In-Situ Fluids of Hassi R’mel Gas Field ................ 9
Table (1.3): The Measurement of GWC in Hassi R’mel Field ................................................ 11
Table (2.1): Wells’ completion ................................................................................................ 20
Table (2.2): The components of Hassi R’mel’s raw gas .......................................................... 21
Table (2.3): Some PVT Data of the Candidate Wells .............................................................. 21
Table (2.4): The Reservoir Data of Candidate Wells ............................................................... 23
Table (2.5): The Relative Errors of Wellhead Pressure of the Vertical Flow Correlations ..... 24
Table (2.6): The Operating Points of Studied Wells ................................................................ 25
Table (2.7): The Mainly Results of Wells Modeling ............................................................... 25
Table (3.1): Review of Turner Equation .................................................................................. 27
Table (3.2): The Liquid Loading Parameters ........................................................................... 30
Table (3.3): The Loading Status and the LLVR Profile for the Well HR055 .......................... 32
Table (3.4): The Loading Status and the LLVR Profile for the Well HRD023 ....................... 33
Table (4.1): The Impact of the Velocity String on the Liquid Loading ................................... 42


In producing gas condensate wells, the gas phase hydrocarbons produced from
underground reservoirs will have liquids phase associated with them. Liquids come from
multiple sources, including formation water, condensate oil/water, and interstitial water.
Formation water invading the wellbore is the most common source. The accumulation of
liquids that are co-produced with gas at the bottom of the well during gas production when the
transport energy can no longer transport it to the surface is called liquid loading.

Liquid loading is one of the major challenging issues facing gas wells. And the main
cause of this phenomenon is that in the later period during the gas well production, the
reservoir pressure is depleted, and the produced gas flow rate decreases until the gas reaches a
critical condition at which time the liquid loading is initiated. At the inception of liquid
loading, the gas flow rate is not enough to carry the associate liquids completely to the surface
and the liquids start to accumulate at the bottom of the well. Then, the liquid loading will
create increased back-pressure on the formation and reduce production pressure differential,
which decreases the gas rate and even kills the gas well. In order to reduce the effect of liquid
loading on gas production, loading problems should be diagnosed in time and dealt properly
and efficiently. Therefore, accurate identification and prediction of liquid loading in the well
are very important since these will allow taking the necessary measures and design the proper
solution to avoid liquid loading and extend the well production life. For this reason, many
remedial lifting options have been developed to conquer this challenge; some unloading
solutions rely on the existing natural energy of the system, while others provide extra energy
to bring the liquids to surface.

Lately, this current problem is one of the most challenges in Hassi R’mel gas
condensate wells. The probability of liquid loading in this field due to its high water
production, specific reservoir conditions, and large production 7” ID string is very important
and needs to be one of the most essential researches.

This study deals with the identification and prediction of the liquid loading problems
in the gas condensate wells of the Hassi R’mel field and the different methods to prevent or
remove this problem in order to maintain the production rate and extend the life of the well.

The objectives of this study are as follows:

o To identify the liquid loading problems in gas wells;


o To identify the different symptoms of liquid loading problems;

o To simulate the gas well production performance under liquid loading conditions;
o To use the Pipesim software to identify and predict the liquid loading onset with the
method of Turner;
o To solve this problem after predict it by using velocity string and boosting.

This work has been divided into four chapters starts with a brief introduction
represents our study. The first chapter provides details of the liquid loading concepts in the
gas wells. It also describes a presentation of the Hassi R’mel field and the major symptoms to
identify the liquid loading in the gas condensate wells of the Hassi R’mel field. Chapter two
represents the different steps to create the model and the current performance of wells using
Pipesim software. In chapter three, we make a prediction calculation of the onset for liquid
loading in Hassi R’mel gas wells using the Turner method. In chapter four, we represent a
theoretical background of the different methods of handling liquid loading in gas wells, and
then we apply the methods of velocity string and the compression to solve this problem in the
gas wells of the Hassi R’mel gas field. Lastly we finish by a conclusion and we put our future


By using the Pipesim software, the well model will be


By using the Pipesim software, the current production

performance of the well will be simulated.

By using the Pipesim software, the Turner critical flow

rate and critical velocity will be calculated.

By using the Pipesim software, the onset of the liquid

loading will be identified or predicted.

By using the Pipesim software, the velocity string will be

applied to solve the liquid loading problem.

By using the Pipesim software, boosting will be applied

to solve the liquid loading problem.


Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Condensate

1. Liquid Loading Concepts in Gas Wells

2. Overview on Hassi R’mel Field
3. Liquid Loading Problem in Hassi R’mel Gas Field
Chapter1: Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Condensate Wells


Natural gas production is faced with a variety of challenges one of which is the issue
of liquid loading. Liquid loading refers to the accumulation of liquids (e.g. water and/or
condensate) from different sources in the wellbore; it takes place when the gas rate is not high
enough to lift liquids to the surface. To understand this problem, we touch in this chapter
general concepts of liquid loading, and then we take a look at this problem in the Hassi R’mel

1.1. Liquid Loading Concepts in Gas Wells

The concepts of the liquid loading in gas wells based on the understanding of the
sources of liquids, the different multiphase flows, and the indicators of the liquid loading.

1.1.1. What is Liquid Loading of Gas Condensate Well?

When a gas well is producing, the pressure in the gas reservoir is high and the gas
velocity in the tubing is sufficient to lift the liquids that are produced with the gas upwards to
the surface. However, after several years, towards the end of field life, the pressure in the
reservoir will become so low that the gas does not meet the critical velocity necessary to
transport all produced liquids to the surface. [21] Under this condition, the produced liquids
will accumulate in the wellbore, imposing additional backpressure (high hydrostatic pressure
in the well) against the formation that can significantly affect the production capacity of the
well. [5] The accumulation of liquids leads to reduce the production and shortening of the time
until the well no longer will produce (the well kills itself). [13] So, the liquid loading of a gas
well is the inability of the produced gas to remove the co-produced liquids from the wellbore.

1.1.2. Multiphase Flow

To understand the effects of liquids in the gas well, it is important to understand how
liquid and gas behave when flowing together upwards in the production string of the well.
Multiphase flow in a vertical conduit is usually represented by four basic flow regimes as
shown in figure (1.1). At any given time in well’s history, one or more of these regimes will
be present. A flow regime is determined by the velocity of the gas and liquid phases and the
relative amounts of gas and liquid at any given point in the flow stream. [18]

Chapter1: Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Condensate Wells

o Annular/Mist Flow: It occurs at high gas velocity, in which the gas is the continuous
phase and the liquid is present in dispersed droplets (mist) in the gas and a thin film
(annular) at the wall of the pipe. [5]
o Transition Flow: When gas velocity is decreased, the flow starts to change from mist
to slug therefore the continuous phase changes from a gas to a liquid, and liquid may
still be in gas as mist form. [14] So instead of moving upwards the liquid film reaches a
certain point where it starts to move downwards, liquid loading is related to this
o Slug Flow: As the gas rate decreases even further, the gas appears as large slugs in
liquid but the continuous phase is liquid. [3]
o Bubble Flow: At last lower gas flow rates, bubbly flow occurs; where the tubing is
almost filled with liquid (continuous phase). Free gas is present as small bubbles,
rising in the liquid. [5]

Figure (1.1): Gas Well Loading Flow Regimes [24]

A gas well may go through any or all of these flow regimes during the life of the well.
It may initially have a high gas velocity so that the flow regime is in mist flow in the tubing
but maybe in a bubble, transition, or slug flow below the tubing end to the mid-perforations.
As time increases and production declines, the flow regimes from perforations to the surface
will change as the gas velocity decreases. Liquid production may also increase as gas
production declines.

1.1.3. Sources of Liquids in Producing Gas Well

Many gas wells produce not only gas but also liquids. These liquids may be free water,
water condensate, and/or hydrocarbon condensate. If the reservoir pressure has decreased

Chapter1: Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Condensate Wells

below the dew point, condensate is produced with the gas as a liquid; if the reservoir pressure
is above the dew point, the condensate enters the wellbore in the vapor phase with the gas and
drops out as a liquid in the tubing or separator when the pressure drops. Produced liquids
along with gas may have several sources depending on the conditions and types of the
reservoir from which gas is produced: [22]

o Water Coning: If the gas rate of the well is high enough, this may result in high
decline pressure enough to pull water production from an underlying zone, even if the
perforations do not extend to the underlying zone. Horizontal wells generally reduce
water coning effects. [10]
o Aquifer Water: The aquifer giving pressure support to produced gas will eventually
reach the perforations and enters the wellbore, giving rise to liquid loading. [10]
o Free Water Formation: Water can enter the well through the perforations with the
produced gas. This can be a result of thin layers of gas and liquid. [3]
o Water Production from another Zone: It is possible to produce liquids from another
zone, either with an open-hole completion or in a well having several sections
perforated. [10]
o The water of Condensation: Natural gas present in the reservoir may be saturated if
the conditions are suitable for the water to dissolve in it. In this case, water will enter
the well as vapor dissolved in natural gas and there will be no or very little water in the
liquid phase at the bottom, near the perforations. As the solution flows through the
production string the water will start condensing if the temperature and pressure
conditions in the well drop below the dew point. [13] Eventually, the condensed water
will accumulate at the bottom of the well.
o Hydrocarbon Condensates: Like water, hydrocarbons can also enter the well with
the produced gas in the vapor phase. As the gas solution flows to the surface, vapor
state hydrocarbons may start condensing when conditions drop below the dew point
and eventually start loading up the well just like water. [13]

1.1.4. Symptoms of Liquid Loading in Gas Wells

Liquid loading is not always obvious and the recognizing of liquid loading problem is
not an easy task. Hence, the use of diagnostic tools to discover its occurrence could be very
useful in preventing or delaying its occurrence. Examples of diagnostic tools that could be
deployed include: [1]

Chapter1: Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Condensate Wells

o Numerical or analytical models to predict the critical rate;

o Use well performance plots;
o Use the production logging tool (PLT);
o Monitoring the casing and tubing head pressure with time;
o Plots of gas production rate with time;
o Making pressure gradient plots.

Among the previous indicators, the most useful symptoms indicating liquid loading
include the following:

o Erratic production and Increase in Decline rate: An important indication of down-

hole liquid loading problems is the shape of a production decline curve. The decline
curve should be analyzed over time, looking for changes in the general trend. [5] This
is explained by Figure (1.2); the smooth exponential type decline curve represents a
normal gas production considering reservoir depletion, while the sharply fluctuating
curve is indicative of liquid loading.

Figure (1.2): Decline Curve showing Liquid Loading [11]

o Pressure Survey showing Tubing Liquid Level: Flowing or static well pressure
surveys are perhaps the most accurate method available to determine the liquid level in
a gas well. [5] The measured pressure gradient is a direct function of the density of the
medium and the depth; and for a single static fluid, as shown in figure (1.3); the
pressure with depth should be nearly linear. Since the density of the gas is
significantly lower than that of water or condensate, the measured gradient curve will
exhibit a sharp change of slope when the standing liquid in the tubing is encountered.

Chapter1: Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Condensate Wells

Figure (1.3): Pressure Survey showing Liquid Level [13]

o Liquid Production Ceases: Some high rate gas wells readily produce liquids for a
time and then drop off too much lower rates. As gas production declines, liquid
production can cease. In these cases, the well is producing gas at rates below the
critical rate that can transport the liquids to the surface. [13] The result is that the liquids
continue to accumulate in the wellbore and the gas bubbles through the accumulated

1.2. Overview on Hassi R’mel Field

Before studying the problem of liquid loading in Hassi R’mel gas wells, this section
represents an overview of the Hassi R’mel gas field.

1.2.1. Presentation of Hassi R’mel Field

Algeria’s largest natural gas field, Hassi R’mel, is located in the center of the country
to the northwest of Hassi Messaoud, approximately 535 km south of the capital Algiers, at an
altitude of about 760 m. It extends 80 km from north to south, 50 km from east to west; and it
covers an area of 3200 km2.

The giant Hassi R’mel gas field is one of the largest gas fields in the world; it holds
proved reserves of about 85 trillion cubic feet, more than half of Algeria’s total proved natural
gas reserves. It was discovered in 1956 by the drilling of HR001 and came on production in
1961. The field is a gas condensate reservoir with an oil rim on the eastern flank, which was
discovered in 1979.

Chapter1: Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Condensate Wells

The Hassi R’mel gas field is developed by three production zones (north, center, and
south) separated by two gas re-injection zones as shown in figure (1.4): [4]

o North Zone: It consists of the North Gas Treatment Module MPP3 (Module
Processing Plant), the North Boosting Station (SBN), and the North Compression
Station (SCN).
o Central Zone: It consists of the Central Gas Treatment Modules MPP0, MPP1, and
MPP4, the Central Boosting Station (SBC), the Associated Gas Recovery Station
(SRGA), the National Gas Dispatching Center (CNDG), and the Storage and Transfer
Center (CSTF).
o South Zone: It consists of the South Gas Treatment Module MPP2, the South
Boosting Station (SBS), the South Compression Station (SCS), the Djebel Bissa Gas
Treatment Center (CTG-DJB) and the South Gas Treatment Center (CTG-Sud).

The Hassi R’mel Oil rim is developed by four Oil Treatment Centers (CTH1, CTH2,
CTH3, and CTH4) and CTH-Sud for Hassi R’mel Oil South as shown in figure (1.4).

Figure (1.4): Hassi R’mel Field Organization [4]

1.2.2. The Geological Structure of Hassi R’mel Gas Field

The structure of the field is an anticline with a dip of 0.56°, on the order of 10 m/km,
following the north-west direction. The main producing reservoir is the Upper Clay-Sandstone

Chapter1: Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Condensate Wells

Triassic (TAGS) which is at an average depth of 2200 m; it is made up of three reservoir

levels (A, B, and C) as shown in table (1.1).

Table (1.1): Hassi R’mel Gas Reservoir “Triassic” Levels [4]

Reservoir Levels A B C
Fine Medium to Fine Medium to Coarse
Sandstone Sandstone Grain with Quartz
Average Thickness (m) 11 to 34 0 to 25 0 to 60
Average Permeability (md) 250 200 800
Average Porosity (%) 16 15 16
Average Initial Water
18.5 20.5 16.5
Saturation (%)

1.2.3. Reservoir Characteristics and In-Situ Fluids of Hassi R’mel Gas Field
The main characteristics of the reservoir and the in-situ fluids in Hassi R’mel field are
shown in table (1.2).

Table (1.2): Reservoir Characteristics and In-Situ Fluids of Hassi R’mel Gas Field [9]

Gas / Oil Contact -1487 m

Regional Contacts
Gas / Water Contact -1500 m
Reservoir Pressure 311.1 (kgf/cm2)
Reservoir Temperature 90 C°
Initial Conditions
Reference Depth -1450 m
Dew Point Pressure 311.1 (kgf/cm2)
Initial Volume Factor 0.004022( rm3/sm3)
Initial Compressibility Factor 0.9603
Condensate Richness 210 (g/l)
Gas Condensate
GPL Richness 94 (g/l)
Condensate Density 68 API°
Raw Gas Density 0.2457 (g/cm3)
Density 1.155 (g/cm3)
Formation Water
Salinity 330 (g/l)

Chapter1: Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Condensate Wells

1.2.4. Encountered Problems during Hassi R’mel Gas Field Exploitation

Among the major problems related to gas production in the Hassi R’mel field, is the
water influx (producing water along with gas). The inflow saturated salt water is coming from
the formation (natural aquifer). This co-production of water can cause many problems such as
corrosion, gas hydrate formation, and scale/salt deposition. [9]

As the salinity is high, the salt remains emulsified with the condensate before final treatment,
this represents a risk of damage to the gas treatment installations. This problem (high salinity)
is one of the major reasons to close the wells. [9]

Another production constraint is the dry gas breakthrough (recovery of the re-injected
gas at the producer wells); this phenomenon has appeared on certain producer wells which are
close to the injector gas wells.

1.2.5. Current State of Hassi R’mel’s Gas Wells

Currently, the average daily production of gas in the Hassi R’mel field is about 182
(MMsm3/d). This production is ensured by 206 producer wells; 53 wells in the north zone,
100 wells in the center zone, and 53 wells in the south zone. Moreover, there are 5 closed
wells for high salinity and 3 closed wells for technical problems. [17]

The average daily re-injection of dry gas in the Hassi R’mel field is about 42
(MMsm3/d). It is ensured by 57 injector wells; 29 wells in the north zone and 28 wells in the
south zone. [17]

1.3. Liquid Loading Problem in Hassi R’mel Gas Field

This section represents the different symptoms to identify the occurrence of the liquid
loading in some gas wells of Hassi R’mel field.

1.3.1. Water Production of Hassi R’mel’s Gas Wells

As we mentioned before, there are different sources for water co-producer with gas. The
main sources of producer water in the gas wells of the Hassi R’mel field are the condensate
water, water coning, and the saltwater of the formation (brine). The water influx from the
formation is caused by:

o The vicinity of the aquifer (GWC) to the producer reservoir (as shown in table (1.3),
some example wells).

Chapter1: Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Condensate Wells

o The reservoir has good petro-physical characteristics which facilitate the drainage of
water to the reservoir.
o The reservoir has natural fractures which facilitate the drainage of water to the

In traditional gas wells, produced water is brought to the surface along with the gas.
Figure (1.5) shows the evolution of producer free water which is represented by water gas
ratio (WGR) for the different zones of the Hassi R’mel field.

WGR (m3/MMsm3)

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure (1.5): Evolution of WGR in Hassi R’mel Field [9]

1.3.2. The Last Measurements of GWC in Hassi R’mel field

From the table (1.3) and comparing with the initial GWC assumed at -1500 m, we
notice that the GWC rid up in the different reservoir levels and the different zones.

Table (1.3): The Measurement of GWC in Hassi R’mel Field [9]

Well Zone Date GWC (m) Reservoir level Top (m) Bottom (m)
HR007 Central 2019 -1419.5 A -1404 -1427
HR055 Central 2019 -1445 C -1410.85 -1450.85
HR104 North 2016 -1458.7 C -1460.5 -1508.8
HR112 North 2019 -1435 B -1429.82 -1439.82
HR113 North 2019 -1443 B -1437.31 -1450.81
HRD001 South 2018 -1403 C -1398.5 -1408.5
HRD003 South 2018 -1439.3 C -1432.8 -1439.8
HRD023 South 2018 -1475 C -1459.81 -1474.81

Chapter1: Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Condensate Wells

1.3.3. Identification of Liquid Loading in Hassi R’mel’s Gas Wells

The problem of liquid loading in Hassi R’mel’s gas well is due to the accumulation of
hydrocarbon condensates, water condensate, and free salt water in the wellbore. This problem
occurred recently in Hassi R’mel’s gas wells; after the decline of the reservoir pressure, the
velocity of the fluid in the tubing decreases. Eventually, the gas velocity up the production
tubing is no longer sufficient to fully carry the co-produced liquids to the surface. The liquid
loading will not always lead to non-production. If a well is loaded, it still may produce for a
long time. If liquid loading is recognized and reduced, higher producing rates are achieved.

As we discussed before, there are several methods used to identify the onset of liquid
loading in gas wells; based on field experience, the problem of liquid loading in Hassi
R’mel’s gas wells is proved by the following points: [9]

o Following the results of RPM or RST logging, the water gas contact is increasing in
the reservoir C (the GWC is assumed with a Sw cut-off at 60%).
o Following the results of well testing, some wells in the Hassi R’mel field, especially in
the south zone, are producing water with high salinity; this results in the closure of
these wells.
o Based on the results of logging tools that are used to locate the water entry point,
proper unwanted water shut off method is used. Bridge plug is installed to isolate the
water production area.
o The most important sign of liquid loading in Hassi R’mel’s gas well is the lower
production rate, called the meta-stable rate, a term introduced by Van Gool and Currie
(2007) [2], at which the well still produces, even though liquid loading is occurring.
Before liquid loading, the well produces at a stable rate. As liquid loading starts, there
exists a meta-stable rate at which the production rate is less and the tubing head
pressure decreases.
o After the detection of the meta-stable gas flow, the well is shut-in for a short period.
During the shut-in period, gas continues to flow into the wellbore, and the reservoir
pressure around the well can build up to a point at which when the well is re-opened it
can unload itself. Then, the well can produce briefly but quickly load up and dies
o After re-opening the well (kick-off operation) towards torch, there are signs of
producer water in the quagmire (onset of liquid slugs at the surface). This producer

Chapter1: Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Condensate Wells

water is the result of water loaded in the production column which caused the
production decline.

1.3.4. The Candidate Wells in Hassi R’mel Gas Field for the Liquid Loading
Based on the previous points which explain the indicators of liquid loading from the
well’s historical data in gas condensate wells of the Hassi R’mel field, we selected two wells
for this study; they are HR055 and HRD023. And based on the internal information from the
production and reservoir engineers in the Hassi R’mel field, these two wells considered as the
first wells that recently indicate the presence of liquid loading. The two wells represent a
typical example of liquid loading warning signs in Hassi R’mel’s gas wells. Also, and due to
available data, we selected two other wells named HR104 and HR101 to understand and
predict the liquid loading problem.

1.3.5. The Production History of Candidate Wells

o The well HR055

The well HR055 was drilled in 1973 in the central zone to an ending depth of 2222
m. In doing so the gas-bearing formation of the Triassic (levels A, B, and C) was encountered.
It was linked to the MPP1. The well was put on production in 1978; it had an initial gas rate
of approximately 2100 (e3sm3/d). The production history of the well is given in figure (1.8).

As the completion is equipped with a 7” tubing and a 7” liner, and as the produced
rates are low, it is impossible to discharge liquids through such a big borehole completion.
This condition certainly leads to an increase in the bottom level with liquids. The
accumulation of the liquid on the bottom of the well involved liquid loading problem
decreases the production performances of the well. To avoid a complete breakdown of the
well, it was shut-in several times for building-up a pressure. In figure (1.6) the production
history of the well HR055 from July 2019 to December 2019 is given to indicate the impact of
the accumulation of liquids in the production column; it shows the allocated gas flow-rate and
the wellhead pressure versus time.

Chapter1: Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Condensate Wells

600 100

550 Qg (e3sm3/d) Pwh (bar) 90


Wellhead Pressure (bar)

Gas Flow Rate (e3sm3/d)


300 50

250 40

50 10

0 0
01/07/2019 01/08/2019 01/09/2019 01/10/2019 01/11/2019 01/12/2019

Figure (1.6): Production History of the Well HR055 from July to December 2019 [9]

From the figure above, we notice that the well HR055 was producing with a stable
production decline which is about 500 (e3sm3/d). In this period, the flowing tubing head
pressure remains fairly constant at about 58 bars. Then, the gas rate goes out of trend and the
liquid loading rate is reached. The liquid continues to accumulate on the bottom of the well
till the formation of the water column. To eliminate this water column, the well was switched
to the cyclic shut-in production control. So, the well was shut-in for a short period (three
days). During the shut-in period, gas continues to flow into the wellbore and near well region,
with some pressure increase. When the well was re-opened (kick-off operation), it unloaded
itself and produced with meta-stable flow-rate but it quickly loaded up and dies again. Then it
was shut-in for a long period (13 days). After that, the well was kicked off but it still produced
with meta-stable flow-rate.

To minimize the water influx, an operation of RPM was realized in 10/08/2019 to

determine the GWC; the GWC was estimated at the absolute depth of -1445 m. Consequently,
a plug was put at the depth of -1433.85 m to isolate the flooded reservoir. Then, the well was
re-opened with a stable gas flow-rate of about 450 (e3sm3/d).

The pose of bridge plug is the most used solution to plug the flooded reservoir to
eliminate the water loading at the bottom of the well. To guarantee the production of the well
in the future a velocity string is decided to be installed in the well, but this is describing in
much more detail in chapter four.

Chapter1: Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Condensate Wells

o The Well HRD023

The well HRD023 was drilled in 2007 in the south zone to its end depth of 2250 m.
The perforated level of this well is the level C. The well was put on production some months
later; it had an initial gas rate of approximately 1200 (e3sm3/d). It was linked to the MPP2.
The production history of this well is given in figure (1.8).

Due to the low production gas rate and the completion installation (7” tubing and 7”
liner), the discharge condition for the liquid is too low so that the liquid loading is occurring.
As we explain in well HR055 before, to avoid the charging of liquids at the bottom of the
well, the well HRD023 was shut-in several times for building-up a pressure. In figure (1.7)
the production history of the well HRD023 from January 2019 to December 2019 is given to
indicate the impact of the accumulation of liquid in the production column. The allocated gas
flow-rate and the wellhead pressure are plotted as a function of time.

600 200

550 Qg (e3sm3/d) Pwh (bar)


Wellhead Pressure (bar)

Gas Flow Rate (e3sm3/d)

350 120

300 100

250 80

50 20

0 0
01/07/2019 01/08/2019 01/09/2019 01/10/2019 01/11/2019 01/12/2019 01/01/2020

Figure (1.7): Production History of the Well HRD023 from January to December 2019 [9]

Based on the figure above, we notice that the well HRD023 was producing with a
stable production decline which is about 350 (e3sm3/d). In this period, the flowing tubing
head pressure remains fairly constant at about 73 bars. Then, the well was shut-in for a short
period (two days). After re-opening the well, it was producing with a stable gas rate of about
400 (e3sm3/d). After a few days later, the gas rate goes out of trend (meta-stable flow-rate)
and the liquid loading rate is reached. The liquid continues to accumulate on the bottom of the
well till the formation of the water column and the well died. During the shut-in period, gas
Chapter1: Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Condensate Wells

continues to flow into the wellbore and the pressure increases. When the well was re-opened
(kick-off operation), it produced with stable flow-rate of about 540 (e3sm3/d) and with a
wellhead pressure of about 73 bar.

o The Well HR104

The well HR104 was drilled in 1977 in the north zone to its end depth of 2254 m. The
perforated level of this well is the level C. The well was put on production in 1980; it had an
initial gas rate of approximately 1300 (e3sm3/d). It was linked to the MPP3. The actual
average gas rate is about 650 (e3sm3/d). The production history of this well is represented in
figure (1.8).

o The Well HR101

The well HR101was drilled in 1977 in the north zone to its end depth of 2300 m. The
perforated level of this well is the level A. The well was put on production in 1980; it had an
initial gas rate of approximately 1900 (e3sm3/d). It was linked to the MPP3. The actual
average gas rate is about 950 (e3sm3/d). The production history of this well is represented in
figure (1.8).

The figure (1.8) below shows the annual gas production for the previous wells:

HR055 HRD023 HR104 HR101

550000 Workover
Gas Production (e3sm3)





300000 Choked


100000 Closed
High Salinity

1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019

Figure (1.8): The Annual Gas Production History of the Selected Wells [9]

Chapter1: Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Condensate Wells

The figure (1.9) shows the decline of average reservoir pressure of the well HR104 and

Reservoir Pressure (kg/cm2)

y = -5,1894x + 289,21
y = -5,0684x + 286,25
1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020

HR104 HR101 Linéaire (HR104) Linéaire (HR101)

Figure (1.9): The Reservoir Pressure of the Wells HR104 and HR101 [9]

These curves show that the reservoir pressure decline is linear with a slope of 5 kg/cm2 per


The bottom line from this chapter is that every gas well will, at some point in its life,
reach a condition where the gas rate is insufficient to carry the co-produced liquids to the
surface. After this condition is reached, some fraction of the produced liquids will flow
counter-current to the gas and accumulate at the bottom of the well, this results in a sharp
reduction in the gas production rate, and in the worst case the well might die completely. A
more common result of liquid loading is that the well stabilizes at a lower production rate
(meta-stable rate). In this case, some of the water can be entrained by gas to the surface.


Gas Wells Performance Modeling in Hassi R’mel Field

1. System Nodal Analysis

2. Overview of the Software Pipesim
3. Candidate Wells Modeling
Chapter2: Gas Wells Performance Modeling in Hassi R’mel Field


The objective of this chapter is the modeling of the actual status and well performance
for the candidate wells, using available data of well, to define the well model and adjust the
actual production data with simulated well behavior, the system Nodal Analysis has been
implemented by the software Pipesim.

2.1. System Nodal Analysis

The system Nodal Analysis has been applied for many years to analyze the
performance of systems composed of interacting components. The procedure of Nodal
Analysis consists of dividing the system into two subsystems at a certain location called nodal
point (node). [7] The nodal point can be located anywhere in the system. However, practically,
locating a nodal point at the bottom hole (at the mid-perforation depth) is very common. [14] In
this case, the first subsystem takes into account inflow from the reservoir to the nodal point
(IPR), while the other subsystem considers outflow from the nodal point to the surface (TPR
or VLP). The curves formed by this relation on the pressure-rate graph are called the inflow
curve and the outflow curve, respectively. The point where these two curves intersect denotes
the optimum operating point, as shown in figure (2.1), where the following requirements are
satisfied: [23] [16]

o Flow into the node equals flow out of the node

o Only one pressure can exist at a node

At a particular time in the life of the well, there are always two pressures that remain fixed
and are not functions of flow rate. One of these pressures is the average reservoir pressure Pr,
and the other is the system outlet pressure. The outlet pressure is usually the separator
pressure Psep, but if the well is controlled by a surface choke the fixed outlet pressure may be
the wellhead pressure Pwh. [7]

Once the node is selected, the node pressure is calculated from both directions starting at
the fixed pressure:

o Inflow to the node: Pnode = Pr – ΔP (upstream components)

o Outflow from the node: Pnode = Psep + ΔP (downstream components)

Chapter2: Gas Wells Performance Modeling in Hassi R’mel Field

Figure (2.1): The Operating Point [7]

2.2. Overview of the Software Pipesim

Pipesim software is a Steady State multiphase flow simulator for modeling wells and
networks, developed by Schlumberger. It is used for the design and diagnostic analysis of oil
and gas production systems. Pipesim software tools model multiphase flow from the reservoir
to the wellhead. It also analyzes flow-line and surface facility performance to generate
comprehensive production system analysis. [15]

With advanced Pipesim modules including well modeling, nodal analysis, PVT analysis,
system analysis, artificial lift, and network simulation, Pipesim software helps to optimize and
predict production and injection operations. The essential topics are:

o Analyze well performance;

o Model pipeline and facilities;
o Perform nodal analysis;
o Artificial lift design;
o Develop black oil and compositional fluid models;
o Select multiphase flow correlations;
o Model surface networks using GIS map.

2.3. Candidate Wells Modeling

Using Pipesim software, we will model the previously chosen wells (HR055, HRD023,
HR104, and HR101) for the study of liquid loading. Building a well model includes several

Chapter2: Gas Wells Performance Modeling in Hassi R’mel Field

1. Well’s completion;
2. PVT data;
3. Reservoir’s model (IPR);
4. Choice of the vertical flow correlation (VLP);
5. Plot the inflow (IPR) and outflow (VLP) curves.

2.3.1. Well’s Completion

The well model to be designed with Pipesim includes a part representing the physical
model of the well. The table (2.1) summarizes the completion data necessary to create our
wells’ model.

Table (2.1): Wells’ completion [9]

Depth (m) Outside Inside

Well Equipment
From To Diameter (in) Diameter (in)
Casing 9”5/8 0 2096 9.625 8.681
Liner 7” 2050 2206 7 6.184
Tubing 7” 0 2042 7 6.184
SSSV 2041.5 - 1.97
Casing 9”5/8 0 2190 9.625 8.681
Liner 7” 2082 2223 7 6.184
Tubing 7” 0 2019 7 6.184
SSSV 2014.5 - 2.24
Casing 9”5/8 0 2146 9.625 8.681
Liner 7” 2102 2254 7 6.276
Tubing 7” 0 2081 7 6.184
SSSV 2080.5 - 1.97
Casing 9”5/8 0 2165 9.625 8.681
Liner 7” 2135 2241 7 6.184
Tubing 7” 0 2124 7 6.184
SSSV 2102.5 - 2.24

Chapter2: Gas Wells Performance Modeling in Hassi R’mel Field

2.3.2. PVT Data

To have a reliable model representing the maximum accuracy of flow in our wells, we
must integrate the PVT data of the effluents of these wells. The model to be used is the
compositional fluid model.

The compositional fluid modeling involves defining mole fractions for each molecular
component of the petroleum fraction. The table (2.2) shows the data necessary to create this

Table (2.2): The components of Hassi R’mel’s raw gas [4]

Components Molar percentage (%)

Water (H2O) 0.338
Helium (H2) 0.169
Nitrogen (N2) 5.307
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 0.16
Methane (C1) 80.326
Ethane (C2) 7.358
Propane (C3) 2.872
Isobutane (IC4) 0.601
Butane (C4) 1.077
Isopentane (IC5) 0.36
Pentane (C5) 0.484
Hexane (C6) 0.593
Heptane plus (C7+) 0.355
Other production data are necessary to create the compositional model; they are
represented in the table (2.3).

Table (2.3): Production Data of the Candidate Wells [9]

HR055 HRD023 HR104 HR101

GOR (sm3/sm3) 54825 47530.84 60324.58 128388.30
LGR (sm3/MMsm3) 24.90 23.49 18.06 9.21
Wcut (%) 26.75 10.45 8.23 15.47
WGR (sm3/MMsm3) 6.66 2.46 1.49 1.42
Salinity (g/l) 40 25 0 0

Chapter2: Gas Wells Performance Modeling in Hassi R’mel Field

2.3.3. Reservoir’s Model (IPR)

Using Pipesim, the vertical completion models simulate flow between the reservoir
and bottom-hole using Inflow Performance Relationships (IPR). The IPR has been developed
to model the flow of fluids from the reservoir, through the formation, and into the well. They
are expressed in terms of the well static (or reservoir) pressure Pr, the well flowing (or bottom-
hole) pressure Pwf and flow rate Q. Typically, for gas IPR the stock tank flow rates are
roughly proportional to the square pressure drawdown: [15]

∝( − )…………………………………….. (1)

Pipesim offers a comprehensive list of IPR options, for gas condensate reservoir, as
follows: Backpressure Equation, Jones, Pseudo Steady State Equation (Darcy), Transient, and
Well IP (Productivity Index). [15]

Based on the data available in the Hassi R’mel field, we used the Pseudo Steady State
equation (Darcy) to specify the IPR for our wells. The PSS equation is derived from the
equation for the single-phase flow of Darcy into a well, it is written in terms of the stock tank
flow rates. [19] For gas flow, the formation volume factor can be expressed in terms of pressure
and temperature.

= = …………………………………….. (2)

The reservoir pressure is taken to be the average pressure in the reservoir.

= ………………………………………….…………. (3)

This gives a stock tank flow rate.

= ……………………………………………………… (4)

( )
= ……………………………..……. (5)
µ [ .

The table (2.4) gives the data necessary to model the IPR of wells in this study.

Chapter2: Gas Wells Performance Modeling in Hassi R’mel Field

Table (2.4): The Reservoir Data of Candidate Wells [9]

Perforated Levels h K Pr Tr rw re
Wells S
(m) (m) (md) (bar) (C°) (in) (m)
A: 2111÷2123.8 10.8 207
HR055 B: 2138÷2144 5 50 89 89 4.25 650 0
C: 2160.4÷2180 13.6 340
HRD023 C: 2199.5÷2214 14.5 506 98 89 4.25 800 1
HR104 C: 2230÷2244 13.5 182 99 89 4.25 600 4
HR101 A: 2196.7÷2220 13.2 216 103 89 4.25 900 2

2.3.4. Choice of the Vertical Flow Correlation (VLP)

The fluid that is produced at the bottom of the well has to flow to the surface
overcoming the sum of the tubing head pressure plus the hydrostatic pressure due to the
flowing fluid plus the friction forces due to flow in the tubing and any other energy losses.
The flow from the bottom hole of the well to the wellhead is described by the Vertical Lift
Performance Relationship (VLP). The VLP depends on many factors including fluid PVT
properties, well depth, tubing size, surface pressure, water cut, and GOR.

To build a reliable well model, we need to choose an adequate vertical flow

correlation. This correlation should be the one that gives the smallest error compared to the
measured data. Pipesim offers multitude correlations to model the VLP, [15] among which we

o The correlation of Beggs and Brill Original (BBO);

o The correlation of Beggs and Brill Revised (BBR);
o The correlation of Duns and Ros (DR);
o The correlation of Hagedorn and Brown (HB);
o The correlation of Mukherjee and Brill (MB);
o The correlation of Orkiszewski (Ork).

Given the lack of data, especially the well-flowing pressure Pwf, we will take advantage of
the availability of data of the wellhead pressure Pwh, and we will proceed as follow to
determine the suitable vertical correlation:

1. Enter the previous well data by placing the node at the bottom of the well.
2. Enter the stock tank gas flow rate.

Chapter2: Gas Wells Performance Modeling in Hassi R’mel Field

3. Choose the outlet pressure (wellhead pressure) as a variable to calculate.

4. Select the above correlations as vertical flow correlations.
5. From the generated curves, we will have a wellhead pressure for each correlation.
6. The most adequate correlation is that which gives a wellhead pressure close to that

The table (2.5) gives the results of different correlations cited above.

Table (2.5): The Relative Errors of Wellhead Pressure of the Vertical Flow Correlations


Pwh measured (bar) 59 59 59 59 59 59
HR055 Pwh calculated (bar) 57.93 58.58 44.51 65.61 69.43 26.59
Er (%) 1.82 0.72 24.56 11.20 17.68 54.93
Pwh measured (bar) 73 73 73 73 73 73
HRD023 Pwh calculated (bar) 65.71 66.19 52.05 72.49 76.75 31.09
Er (%) 9.99 9.33 28.69 0.69 5.13 57.41
Pwh measured (bar) 65 65 65 65 65 65
HR104 Pwh calculated (bar) 57.64 57.71 47.75 63.22 67.84 34.46
Er (%) 11.32 11.22 26.53 2.74 4.37 46.98
Pwh measured (bar) 65 65 65 65 65 65
HR101 Pwh calculated (bar) 67.82 66.22 52.91 65.96 70.88 47.29
Er (%) 4.34 1.88 18.60 1.47 9.04 27.24
From the table above, we find that the correlation of Hagedorn and Brown gives the
closest wellhead pressure to the measured values for the wells HRD023, HR104, and HR101.
Therefore, this correlation will be used for the calculation of the tubing pressure losses of
these three wells. In the same context, the correlation of Beggs and Brill Revised will be used
for the well HR055.

2.3.5. Plot the Inflow (IPR) and Outflow (VLP) Curves

Using the Nodal Analysis, we will study the current performance of our wells and this
to determine the operating point (Qg, Pwf) of each well. For this, we will plot the inflow (IPR)
and outflow (VLP) curves for each well.

Both IPR and VLP relate the wellbore flowing pressure to the surface production rate.
While the IPR represents what the reservoir can deliver to the bottom-hole, the VLP

Chapter2: Gas Wells Performance Modeling in Hassi R’mel Field

represents what the well can deliver to the surface. The intersection between the two curves
gives the operating point.

We fix the outlet pressure as the wellhead pressure Pwh. The figures in Appendix 1
illustrate the curves inflow and outflow for the wells HR055, HRD023, HR104, and HR101.
From these curves, we determine the flowing bottom-hole pressure Pwf and the gas flow-rate
Qg corresponding to the operating point as shown in table (2.6).

Table (2.6): The Operating Points of Studied Wells

Qg at NA point (e3sm3/d) P at NA point (bar)

HR055 446.80 86.88
HRD023 543.49 95.76
HR104 628.11 88.30
HR101 965.07 90.99
Given the lack of data of bottom-hole pressure and comparing between the current reel
gas production rate: (448 (e3sm3/d) for HR055, 544 (e3sm3/d) for HRD023, 626 (e3sm3/d) for
HR104, and 962 (e3sm3/d) for HR101) and that obtained by Pipesim (447 (e3sm3/d) for
HR055, 543 (e3sm3/d) for HRD023, 628 (e3sm3/d) for HR104, and 965 (e3sm3/d) for
HR101); which are very close, we ensure that the models constructed represent the wells with
sufficient precision. Table (2.7) shows the main results of wells modeling.

Table (2.7): The Mainly Results of Wells Modeling

Qg (e3sm3/d) Pr (bar) Pwf (bar) Pwh (bar)

HR055 447 89 87 59
HRD023 543 98 96 73
HR104 628 99 88 65
HR101 965 103 91 65

The Nodal Analysis system has used to define the well model and adjust the actual
production data with simulated well behavior. Once the model has been created and verified
to reproduce the current behavior, a sensitivity analysis will be performed to identify, predict,
and solve the liquid loading problem and to evaluate the future wells’ behavior.


Identification and Prediction of Liquid Loading in Hassi R’mel

Gas Wells

1. Liquid Loading Onset Prediction Methods

2. Liquid Loading Onset using Pipesim Software
3. Identification of Liquid Loading in Candidate wells using Pipesim
4. Prediction of Liquid Loading in Candidate wells using Pipesim
Chapter3: Identification and Prediction of Liquid Loading in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells


Based on the wells models created in the previous chapter, this chapter can
discriminate, if there is accumulated liquid in the bottom-hole by comparing the intersection
production of the inflow and the outflow curves with the critical rate production of gas wells.
The critical rate is the basis to identify and to predict the onset of liquid loading in the bottom-
hole. If the critical gas rate is higher than the intersection one, the liquids will load in the

3.1. Liquid Loading Onset Prediction Methods

To prevent liquid loading in gas wells, it is important to predict the onset of liquid
loading. Since 1969, many authors have suggested several methods to determine if the flow
rate of a well is sufficient to remove the liquids. [12] Discussed below are the basics of Turner
et al. model (1969) which have been applied in this study.

Turner et al. was the first correlation proposed to identify and predict liquid loading.
Turner discovered that liquid loading could best be predicted by a droplet model that showed
when droplets move up (gas flow above critical velocity) or down (gas flow below critical
velocity). [10]

By analyzing a large database of producing gas wells, Turner et al. developed a simple
correlation to predict the so-called critical velocity in near-vertical gas wells assuming the
droplet model. In this model, the droplet weight acts downward (gravitational forces) and the
drag force from the gas acts upward, as shown in figure (3.1). When the drag is equal to the
weight, the gas velocity is at “critical”. Theoretically, at the critical velocity the droplet would
be suspended in the gas stream, moving neither upward nor downward. If the gas velocity is
above a critical velocity, the drag force lifts the droplet, otherwise, below the critical velocity,
the droplet falls and liquids accumulate in the wellbore (liquid loading). [21]

Chapter3: Identification and Prediction of Liquid Loading in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells

Figure (3.1): Liquid Droplets Transport in Vertical Gas Stream [21]

The industry has gained considerable experience in applying the Turner equation in
different scenarios and how to modify it to match field observation. As presented in table
(3.1), several investigations have suggested different modified expressions derived from the
Turner model.

Table (3.1): Review of Turner Equation [21]

Authors Modifications of Turner Correlation

Turner et al., 1969 Created the widely accepted Turner equation
Suggested not to use the 20% correction factor for low-pressure gas
Coleman et al., 1991
Nosseir et al., 2000 Considered influences from different flow regimes
Li et al., 2002 Involved the droplet’s shape
Veeken et al., 2003 Defined the concept of Turner ratio
Guo et al., 2006 Took the minimum required kinetic energy of gas flow into account
Befroid et al., 2008 Concerned with the effects due to wellbore inclination
Sutton et al., 2010 Used more realistic PVT properties
Zhou and Yuan,
Included the liquid droplet concentration in gas wells
Veeken et al., 2010 Designed a specific expression for offshore gas wells
Luan and He, 2012 Comprised droplets rollover in the gas rising process
The likely reason that Turner’s method is so popular is that all the parameters needed
in the predictive equation can be readily obtained at the wellhead, which is a great
convenience for field operators.

Chapter3: Identification and Prediction of Liquid Loading in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells

3.1.1. The Critical Velocity

In practice, the critical velocity is generally defined as the minimum gas velocity in the
production tubing required moving liquid droplets upward.

Turner’s model developed two variations of correlations, one for the transport of water
and the other for condensate. The fundamental equations derived by Turner were found to
underpredict the critical velocity from the database of well data. To better match the collection
of measured field data, Turner adjusted the theoretical equations for the required velocity
upward by 20%. After the 20 percent empirical adjustment, the critical velocity for condensate
and water were presented as follows: [10]

. ( . )
. = ………………………… (6)
( . )

. ( . )
. = ………………………........… (7)
( . )

P: pressure (psi)

Vc.condensate, Vc.water: the critical velocity for condensate and water (ft/sec)

The theoretical equation for critical/terminal velocity Vt to lift a liquid drop is given by:

. ( ) /
= / ………………………………..…….. (8)

Vt: Terminal velocity of the liquid droplet (ft/s)

σ: Interfacial tension is taken as 60 (dynes/cm)

ρl: Liquid-phase density (lbm/ft3)

ρg: Gas-phase density (lbm/ft3)

This equation predicts the minimum critical velocity required to transport liquids in a
vertical wellbore. They are used most frequently at the wellhead with P being the flowing
wellhead pressure. When both water and condensate ere produced by the well, Turner
recommends using the correlation developed for water because water is heavier and requires a
higher critical velocity.

Note that the actual volume of liquids produced does not appear in this correlation and
the predicted terminal velocity is not a function of the rate of liquid production.

Chapter3: Identification and Prediction of Liquid Loading in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells

3.1.2. The Critical Rate

Although critical velocity is the controlling factor, one usually thinks of gas wells in
terms of production rate rather than the velocity in the wellbore. These equations are easily
converted into a more useful form by computing a critical well flow rate. From the critical
velocity Vc, the critical gas flow rate Qcg may be computed from:

= …………………………............… (9)

Where Bg is the gas formation volume factor defined as follows:

= ………………………….…….. (10)

Substituting for standard conditions, Pressure Psc = 14.65 psi and Temperature Tsc =
520°R, the critical gas flow rate can be written as:

= ( )
…………………….……. (11)

= ∗
………………………………….. (12)

Qcg: Critical gas flow rate (MMscf/d) A: Tubing cross-sectional area (ft2)

T: Surface temperature (°F) P: Surface pressure (psi) dt: tubing inside diameter (in)

3.2. Liquid Loading Onset using Pipesim Software

Using Pipesim, liquid loading calculations are performed in every task and are
available for review in plots and reports. Based on the Turner equation for calculating critical
velocity, Pipesim calculates a liquid loading velocity ratio (LLVR), which is the minimum lift
velocity (terminal/critical velocity), divided by the fluid velocity. An LLVR > 1 indicates a
liquid loading risk because the fluid is flowing at a velocity lower than the minimum velocity
required to lift the liquids and prevent loading.

Pipesim uses the Nodal Analysis to determine the three main parameters of liquid
loading along the well’s profile; these parameters are the liquid loading gas rate (the critical
gas rate), the liquid loading velocity (the critical velocity) and the liquid loading velocity

Chapter3: Identification and Prediction of Liquid Loading in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells

3.3. Identification of Liquid Loading in Candidate wells using Pipesim

As mentioned earlier, using the nodal analysis system, the selected vertical
correlations were used to calculate the pressure, gas flow rate, and gas and liquid velocities at
incremental depths from the surface to the bottom of the well. The critical gas velocity and the
critical rate profiles were then calculated using Turner’s equation. The table (3.2) shows the
results of the operating gas flow rate, the maximum critical rate, and the maximum liquid
loading velocity ratio over the entire depth for each candidate well.

The loading condition of the gas well is obtained by comparing the critical rate with
the operating gas rate. If the operating rate is greater than the critical rate, it means the well is
unloaded otherwise it is loaded up.

Table (3.2): The Liquid Loading Parameters

Qg (e3sm3/d) Qcg (e3sm3/d) LLVRm

HR055 447 559 1.25
HRD023 543 585 1.08
HR104 628 569 0.9
HR101 965 583 0.6
From this table and by comparing the operating gas flow rate with the critical gas rate,
it can be seen that the operating flow rate is below the critical gas rate to avoid liquid loading
for the wells HR055 and HRD023. Also, the liquid loading velocity ratio is upper than 1
which means that the actual gas velocity is lower than the liquid loading critical velocity.
Therefore, the wells are loading up.

In the same context, it can be observed from this table that the operating flow rate is
above the critical gas rate to avoid liquid loading for the wells HR104 and HR101. Also, the
liquid loading velocity ration is lower than 1. So, there is no onset of liquid loading risk at
these conditions.

To determine where the liquid loading will be occurring in the well’s profile, we plot
the liquid loading velocity ratio profile as a function of depth as shown in figure (3.2). These
curves are plotted based on the data obtained from Pipesim, these data are detailed in the table
(3.3) and the table (3.4) respectively for the well HR055 and the well HRD02, while the data
for the other wells (HR104 and HR101), where there is no initial of liquid loading, they are
exhibited in Appendix 2.

Chapter3: Identification and Prediction of Liquid Loading in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells

0 0,2 0,4 0,6

LLVR 0,8 1 1,2 1,4
Liquid Liquid
Unloading Loading
Depth (m)

HR055 HRD023 HR104 HR101

Figure (3.2): The Profile of Liquid Loading Velocity Ratio as a Function of Depth

These curves depict that the LLVR for the wells HR104 and HR101 are lower than 1
over the entire depth, which is explained by no liquid loading. Therefore, these wells will be
used to predict the initial of the liquid loading as clarified in the next section.

By looking into these curves and the tables below; it is seen that the critical velocity is
higher than the gas velocity (LLVR is higher than 1) at some points in the well string, for the
wells HR055 and HRD023; so the liquids accumulate in these depths. This means that the gas
velocity changes from point to point in the tubing even though the gas rate is constant.

In these conditions, only a part of a co-produced liquid can be carried out, whereas the
other part forms loading liquid at the bottom. The accumulation of liquids in the bottom of the
wells appears in the section between end tubing and top liner; where the area is largest and the
fluid velocity is lowest. Also for the well HR055, the liquids load in front of the perforations.
Hence, we deduce that as the tubing diameter is increased the gas flow rate required to lift
liquids will be higher than that required to lift when using a smaller diameter. This because an
increase in the diameter will lead to an increased surface area, which inadvertently will
require more energy for efficiency.

Chapter3: Identification and Prediction of Liquid Loading in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells

Table (3.3): The Loading Status and the LLVR Profile for the Well HR055

Equipment Elevation (m) FMV (m/s) LLV (m/s) LLVR Liquid Status
Perforation C -2170.206 1.922076 2.196054 1.14476166 Loaded
-2152.467 1.92737 2.199443 1.14337355 Loaded
-2152.223 5.070015 2.199552 0.43467578 Unloaded
-2148.2 4.799846 2.200282 0.45929443 Unloaded
Perforation B -2141.007 2.064049 2.201592 1.06854696 Loaded
-2117.415 2.071556 2.206055 1.06682782 Loaded
Perforation A -2117.415 3.46895 2.204366 0.63606007 Unloaded
-2095.988 1.765383 2.207011 1.25134715 Loaded
Top Liner 7" -2049.993 1.776766 2.209712 1.24485533 Loaded
Tubing end -2041.733 1.778815 2.210065 1.24362125 Loaded
-2041.489 7.20719 2.210128 0.30694837 Unloaded
Siege 4"313 -2041.276 5.539446 2.217503 0.40069232 Unloaded
-2039.082 5.540861 2.217531 0.40059514 Unloaded
Siege 4"56 -2038.594 3.550719 2.217569 0.62513555 Unloaded
-2020.794 6.032431 2.217736 0.36798647 Unloaded
Siege 4"75 -2020.245 3.559493 2.217752 0.62364757 Unloaded
-1828.8 3.647606 2.207854 0.60589428 Unloaded
-1524 3.78727 2.154151 0.56944706 Unloaded
-1219.2 3.930687 2.043959 0.52078097 Unloaded
-914.4 4.08211 1.965207 0.48233833 Unloaded
-304.8 4.41072 1.919861 0.43641701 Unloaded
Tubing head 0 4.593893 1.927016 0.42070506 Unloaded

Chapter3: Identification and Prediction of Liquid Loading in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells

Table (3.4): The Loading Status and the LLVR Profile for the Well HRD023

Equipment Elevation (m) FMV (m/s) LLV (m/s) LLVR Liquid Status
Perforation C -2206.752 3.830513 2.093456 0.54686571 Unloaded
-2189.988 1.947089 2.095483 1.07689172 Loaded
Top Liner 7" -2081.997 1.966866 2.107942 1.07240517 Loaded
Tubing end -2019.3 1.978009 2.11508 1.06997783 Loaded
Siege 4"56 -2018.69 6.084609 2.115287 0.34786683 Unloaded
-2014.88 6.610325 2.115763 0.32027317 Unloaded
-2014.515 6.610513 2.115798 0.32026943 Unloaded
Siege 4"75 -2014.393 3.934718 2.125917 0.54063889 Unloaded
-1998.756 3.940439 2.127739 0.54031708 Unloaded
Siege 4"813 -1998.269 3.940979 2.127905 0.54028507 Unloaded
-1828.8 4.001675 2.094352 0.52373072 Unloaded
-1524 4.106146 1.97969 0.48256092 Unloaded
-1219.2 4.20422 1.834016 0.43678754 Unloaded
-914.4 4.29216 1.719261 0.4012721 Unloaded
-609.6 4.370578 1.660087 0.38069654 Unloaded
-304.8 4.442525 1.625443 0.36689483 Unloaded
Tubing head 0 4.507925 1.604246 0.35703066 Unloaded
By checking the gas velocity at all depths in the tubing, the casing set near the bottom of the
well (above perforations) may allow liquid buildup because of the low gas velocity in the
large casing since this would be the most likely location of the initial liquid loading. In
practice, it is recommended that liquid loading calculations be performed at all sections of the
tubing where diameter changes occur. In general for a constant diameter string, if the critical
velocity is acceptable at the bottom of the string, then it will be accepted everywhere in the
tubing string. [10]

3.4. Prediction of Liquid Loading in Candidate wells using Pipesim

When an accurate forecast of the production rate is made, then the liquid loading
moment can be predicted. In this section, we will proceed to predict the onset of liquid
loading (the year when the liquid loading will occur) in the wells HR104 and HR101 (these
wells actually do not have the liquid loading problem). We plot the predicted gas flow rates

Chapter3: Identification and Prediction of Liquid Loading in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells

and the critical gas flow rates versus the reservoir pressure for each well as illustrated in
figure (3.3) and figure (3.4). The critical flow rates are calculated based on the Turner
criterion while the predicted gas flow rates are calculated based on the IPR for each predicted
reservoir pressure (we assumed that the gradient of the reservoir pressure is 5 kg/cm2/year).
We assume a constant WGR and constant GOR for the forecasting purpose and the wellhead
pressure will remain as an unchanged constraint at 65 bars for both wells. When the predicted
flow rate falls below the Turner critical rate, the liquid loading alert is triggered.



Gas Flowrate (e3sm3/d)


Predicted Flowrate

Critical Flowrate


100 98 96 94 92 90 88 86
Reservoir Pressure (bar)

Figure (3.3): Turner Model Prediction Loading for the Well HR104

In accordance with the results obtained for the well HR104, it is observed that the
critical gas flow rate will become greater than the predicted gas flow rate from the reservoir
pressure of 97.5 bar (corresponding to the year 2021), so the liquid will begin to accumulate
in the bottom hole of the well. Over time the gas flow rate decreases until the well will die.

Chapter3: Identification and Prediction of Liquid Loading in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells


Predicted Flowrate

Critical Flowrate

Gas Flowrate (e3sm3/d)




104 102 100 98 96 94 92 90 88 86
Reservoir Pressure (bar)

Figure (3.4): Turner Model Prediction Loading for the Well HR101

In accordance with the results obtained for the well HR101, it is seen that the critical
gas flow rate will become greater than the predicted gas flow rate from the reservoir pressure
of 94.8 bar (corresponding to the year 2022), thus the onset of the liquid loading in the bottom
hole of the well. Over time the gas flow rate decreases until the well will die.


We use the Turner model to predict liquid loading by intersecting the Turner curve
with IPR and VLP as explained above. Predicting the time and condition where liquid loading
starts helps us to take early measures to prevent it leading to proper utilization of resources.


Solving Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells

1. Solutions to prevent Liquid Loading Problems
2. Application of Velocity String to solve Liquid Loading Problem in Hassi R’mel’s
Gas Wells
3. The Impact of Boosting to solve Liquid Loading Problem in Hassi R’mel’s Gas
Chapter4: Solving Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells


Once the liquid loading problem is recognized and/or predicted, and in order to reduce
the effects of liquid loading on gas production, it is important to design a proper solution to
deal with it. Different solutions should be evaluated and compared to find the best course of
action when dealing with wells that have liquid loading problems to achieve the highest
ultimate gas recovery possible for the well. This chapter depicts the theoretical background of
the different methods, curative and preventive, of handling liquid loading in gas wells. Then,
we apply some of these methods for the studied wells by changing the working system and
then calculate the inflow and outflow curves until the intersection production is bigger than
the critical one. Now the working system is the optimum system of removing the accumulated

4.1. Solutions to prevent Liquid Loading Problems

Many types of techniques of remedial lifting have been developed so far. Most of the
techniques focus on increasing gas velocity and artificially water-lifting to postpone and
reduce the onset of liquid loading. These deliquification techniques can be subdivided into
two categories, namely the methods that use the energy of the well fluids to lift liquids to
surface and methods that use an external energy source to lift liquids. These methods may be
used singly or in a combination of two or more.

4.1.1. Methods of Sustaining Natural Flow (Well Energy)

The main operations use the own well energy for controlling and handling liquid loading
are as follows:

o Plunger lift:

Plunger lift is a premier method of operating a gas well with liquids. It uses a free-
traveling plunger/piston to assist the gas in carrying liquid upward without an excessive liquid
fallback. Periods of flow and no-flow for pressure buildup are required. Plunger lift can
operate using the wells’ natural energy. The plunger and liquids are lifted by use of gas
pressure built up in the tubing and the annulus, if available, while the production valve is
closed. [11]

Figure (4.1) illustrates a plunger lift cycle. Pressure builds in the casing with the plunger
at the bottom of the well. Next, the well opens and annulus gas expands to lift the plunger and

Chapter4: Solving Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells

liquid to the surface. Gas flow while the plunger remains at the surface. Liquids accumulate in
the well as gas flow decreases. The valve closes and the plunger falls to the bumper spring.
Repeating cycles may be adjusted continuously by the use of a plunger lift controller.

The pressure that builds in the annulus during the shut-in portion of the cycle is the major
source of energy to bring the plunger and liquid to the surface along with some well inflow.
Installations operate best with no packer in the well. Some plunger wells operate with a
packer, but greater well pressure and GLR are needed. [11]

Figure (4.1): Plunger Lift Cycle [8]

o Velocity String:

A velocity string is simply “the next size down” for the completion. When a well is new,
the production tubing is sized to handle initial gas flow rates and pressures. As wells deplete,
pressure and flow rate decline. Therefore, a reasonable solution is to reduce the size of the
completion to try to maintain the gas velocities required for liquid transport. Installing a
smaller internal diameter tubing string (velocity string) inside the original tubing will create
higher gas velocities and may prevent liquid loading. [6] The installation can be up to the
surface or just up to any point in the tubing as shown in figure (4.2). Unfortunately, these
results in a more restrictive completion, which effectively chokes the well, are reducing the
overall flow rate. Besides reduced flow capability, velocity strings are only able to extend the
life of a well for a limited period.

Chapter4: Solving Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells

Figure (4.2): The Application of Velocity String for Handling Liquid Loading [6]

o Cycling (Alternate Flow/Shut-in Periods):

Cycling a well requires the exact monitoring of well’s fundamental data (production rate,
wellhead temperature, wellhead pressure). This method involves the shutting in of a gas well
that suffers from liquid loading on an appropriate time, to let it build up pressure and then
producing the well to a low-pressure system. During the shut-in time the well builds up
pressure (gas accumulation) in the near-wellbore region being charged from the reservoir.
When opening up the well, this increased pressure might lift some of the liquids that obstruct
gas production for a short time and hence gain the well some time until a liquid column of
sufficient height has built up again to impact gas production, at which time the well should be
shut-in already. [20]

o Smaller Diameter Production Tubing (Tubing Sizing):

It is one of the numerous temporary solutions to liquid loading in gas wells. It requires the
change of tubing diameter to a smaller tubing to decrease the effective flow area thereby
increasing the gas velocity. Tubing performance curves may be used to choose the optimum
tubing size. It is ascribed a temporal solution technique because as the reservoir pressure
declines it will reach a point where liquids may not be able to be transported up the tubing.
The cost of re-completion can be very high to the extent that it is rare among the best options
to consider unloading gas wells. [20] Before the installation, the implementation and operating

Chapter4: Solving Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells

cost must be considered that they are far less compared to the expected revenue using this

o Compression:

It is a form of maintaining natural flow with lower wellhead pressure. Lowering of the
wellhead pressure leads to a lower bottom hole flowing pressure and increased drawdown,
which in turn increases the gas flow rate. [18] The use of compressors may not substantially
improve the gas rate but will help increase the tubing velocity thus extending the life of the
well. [1]

Compression and reduced surface pressure is usually the first tool used in the life of a gas
well to keep it deliquified and sometimes the only artificial lift method used, but compression
can also be used to increase the effectiveness of other artificial lift deliquification methods
including foaming, gas lift, pumping, and velocity string.

4.1.2. Methods of Artificial Lift (External Energy)

Different artificial lift methods have been applied to conquer this challenge. The main
operations for controlling and handling liquid loading are as follows:

o Pumps:

There are different types of pumps for example ESP (Electrical Submersible Pumps), Rod
Pumps, and Hydraulic Pumps. The mechanism is pumping liquid out of the well and through
coiled or slim tubing to the surface unit as shown in figure (4.3). The problem of high GOR in
cases of pump application and particularly in ESP such as gas locking or fluid pound is
usually best addressed by sumping the pump below the perforation or by using a separator. [6]

Figure (4.3): The Application of down Hole Pumps for handling liquid loading [6]

Chapter4: Solving Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells

o Gas lift:

Gas lift is a means of injecting high-pressure external gas into the tubing production as
deep as a possible injection point. Typically, in gas wells, the additional gas augments the
formation gas to lighten the flowing gradient in the tubing and reduces the flowing bottom
hole pressure, thereby increasing the inflow of produced fluids. For dewatering gas wells, the
volume of injected gas is designed so that the combined formation and injected gas will be
higher than the critical liquid lift rate. [10] Unlike the pumps, the gas lift system does not face
any issues with the presence of high GLR production and as has been noted by many it is the
closest system to the natural flow. The main challenge in the application of gas lift for gas
wells is related to the allocation of gas to groups of wells. [6]

Fundamentally, for lifting accumulated liquids from gas wells, there are two types of gas
lift techniques used excessively in the industry which are the continuous gas lift and
intermittent gas lift (automated logic system). These applications can be utilized with either
conventional tubing with multiple valves mechanism or a coiled tubing application; these
completions are shown in figure (4.4).

Figure (4.4): The Completion Types of Gas Lift [10] [6]

o Foam Assisted lift:

Foaming agents are a very simple and inexpensive means of unloading low productivity
gas wells. There are no down hole modifications required and the surface equipment is
minimal depending upon the type of treatment and the surfacing foam stability. Foaming

Chapter4: Solving Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells

agents create a foam which is an emulsion of gas and liquid where the gas bubbles are
separated from each other by a liquid film. The objective of using foaming agents is to create
a molecular bond between the gas and the liquid phases and to maintain its foam stability for a
useful period of time so that the accumulated liquid is transported to the surface in a foamed
slurry state. [20]

Foaming agents are more applicable in low rate gas wells producing water. Water
molecules are polar and can build relatively high film strengths whereas, light condensate
hydrocarbons are non-polar and therefore have less molecular attraction forces between
molecules. [20]

4.2. Application of Velocity String to solve Liquid Loading Problem in

Hassi R’mel’s Gas Wells
In this section, we study the application of the Velocity String as a remedy to solve the
liquid loading problem in the gas wells of Hassi R’mel.

4.2.1. The Decision for a Velocity String

The intention behind the installation of a velocity string with a smaller diameter than
the production string minimizes the cross-sectional flow area. When the cross-sectional flow
area gets smaller, the gas velocity in the tubing will increase. This means; the higher the gas
velocity on the bottom of the well, the more energy for transporting the liquid up to the
surface is given. Therefore the liquid is not able to accumulate on the bottom of the well
anymore. For this reason, recently in the Hassi R’mel field, a velocity string technique has
been applied as a remedial technique (curative option) in the well HR055 to reduce the loss of
gas production after the liquid loading begins to occur. The application and evaluation of this
method in the technical aspect, using Pipesim software, for the well HR055 are gathered in
this section. Similarly, this technique will apply to the other studied wells.

4.2.2. Installation of the Velocity String

The installation of the velocity string is from the end of the tubing to the top of
perforations (tubing extension) as shown in the figure (4.5). Comparing with a velocity string
up to the surface (coiled tubing); the velocity string hanged off into the existing production
tubing meets the requirements of future standards. One major criterion was to guarantee the
safety of the well by maintaining the functionality of the SSSV.

Chapter4: Solving Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells

Figure (4.5): The Application of Velocity String using Pipesim Software

4.2.3. Results of Application of the Velocity String

We perform nodal analysis to select an optimum velocity string size that reduces the
impact of the liquid loading. The available tubing size has OD of 2”7/8 in and 3”1/2 in. By
applying nodal analysis in these wells, the results obtained are given in the table (4.1).

Table (4.1): The Impact of the Velocity String on the Liquid Loading

Velocity String 2”7/8 Velocity String 3”1/2

Qg (e3sm3/d) Qcg (e3sm3/d) LLVRm Qg (e3sm3/d) Qcg (e3sm3/d) LLVRm
HR055 251 285 2.39 362 285 1.48
HRD023 302 299 0.99 400 298 0.74
HR104 527 302 0.57 585 300 0.51
HR101 796 300 0.38 894 298 0.33
As can be seen from the previous table, the velocity string of diameter 3”1/2 gives the
highest daily gas production. Therefore, this is a very suitable size. This size is also the best
option as the wells with this velocity string give the lowest critical rate than without and with
the other velocity string size and therefore the wells can produce for a longer period in time.

By comparing the results obtained after installation of velocity string of size 3”1/2 with
those obtained before installation of velocity string shown in table (3.2) in the previous
chapter; the LLVRs for the four wells decreased. Therefore the liquid loading was reduced.
For the well HR055, the liquids are still loaded in some depths, but for the well HRD023, the
liquids were unloaded over the entire depth; these results are illustrated in Appendix 3.

Chapter4: Solving Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells

Using the velocity string of size 3”1/2 and assuming a constant WGR and constant
GOR for the forecasting purpose and the wellhead pressure will remain as an unchanged
constraint at 65 bars for both the well HR104 and HR101, the results of liquid loading
prediction are shown in figure (4.6) and figure (4.7) respectively for the well HR104 and the
well HR101.



Gas Flowrate (e3sm3/d)



Predicted Flowrate
Critical Flowrate

100 98 96 94 92 90 88 86
Reservoir Pressure (bar)

Figure (4.6): Turner Model Prediction Loading for the Well HR104 Using Velocity String


900 Predicted Flowrate

800 Critical Flowrate


Gas Flowrate (e3sm3/d)






104 102 100 98 96 94 92 90 88 86 84
Reservoir Pressure (bar)

Figure (4.7): Turner Model Prediction Loading for the Well HR101 Using Velocity String

After applied the velocity string of size 3”1/2 in the wells HR104 and HR101, it is
noted that the liquid loading will occur at the reservoir pressure of 91.2 bar, which is

Chapter4: Solving Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells

corresponding to the year 2022 for the well HR104, and at the reservoir pressure of 89.8 bar
which is corresponding to the year 2023 for the well HR101. Thus, decreasing the diameter of
tubing causes increasing in gas velocity and gas flow rate, so here the problem will occur late
compared with the case of wells without using velocity string as described in the previous
chapter. Therefore, the use of velocity string works to delay the occurrence of the loading but
does not solve it as a final solution.

4.2.4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the Velocity String

There are some pros and cons of the velocity string that should be evaluated before
proceeding in this direction. Some of the advantages are:

o The installation of a velocity string is a very simple and cheap type of construction
compared with the other solutions to the liquid loading problem.
o The installation of a velocity string as an extension of tubing is very simple and cheap
(no need of Workover) compared with the decreasing of tubing size (need of
o Compared with the decreasing of tubing size or the installation of the velocity string
up to the surface, the installation of a velocity string as an extension of tubing meets
the maintain of the functionality of the SSSV and there is no technical hardware across
the wellbore, therefore problems with later services or the like can be avoided.

Some of the disadvantages of the velocity string are:

o Although the use of velocity string will delay the liquid loading, after some time of
production it can happen that liquid loading appears and production diminishes or
even stops again. So, the installation of the velocity string will be a short-term solution
and not a final solution. Also, if the completion is changed to a smaller tubing today,
then later it may have to downsize to even smaller tubing.
o Test tools and coiled tubing cannot be run in the smaller tubing and the smaller size
velocity string up to the surface.
o If the smaller tubing becomes loaded, then it cannot swab the tubing and may not even
be able to nitrogen lift it.
o When the reservoir pressure is quite low and the reservoir is depleting; lift methods
should be selected instead of installing a smaller diameter tubing string since a smaller
diameter tubing string will become insufficient after a short time.

Chapter4: Solving Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells

4.3. The Impact of Boosting to solve Liquid Loading Problem in Hassi

R’mel’s Gas Wells
In this section, we study the application of Boosting as a remedy to solve the liquid
loading problem in the gas wells of Hassi R’mel.

4.3.1. The Decision for the Boosting

The production history of the Hassi R’mel gas field, from his initial exploitation to this
day, shows a gradual drop in reservoir pressure. On the other hand, the gas treatment units
(MPP) are designed to operate at an inlet pressure above 100 bars. Taking into account these
two parameters, boosting is a necessity. For this reason, three stations of boosting
(compression) have been implemented (SBN, SBC, and SBS) from 2004; these compressors
have been installed between the producing wells and the inlet manifold of the MPP in order to
increase the pressure of raw gas to be above 100 bars.

Currently, the inlet pressure of boosting (phase two) is about 56 (kgf/cm2). Following
the depletion of the field and the current inlet pressure of boosting that arrived at its operating
limit, a project of boosting phase three is planned in two phases; the first is planned between
the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 with an inlet pressure of 24 (kgf/cm2), the second
is planned in 2023 with an inlet pressure of 10 (kgf/cm2). [9]

From the previous, the compression is crucial to all gas well production as it is the
primary means to transport and treat the gas. Compression is also vital to deliquification, by
lowering wellhead pressure and increasing gas velocity.

4.3.2. The Impact of Boosting on the Liquid Loading

We apply a nodal analysis system for the four wells to evaluate the effect of reducing
the surface tubing pressure on the current potential uplift and the future results expected from
compression. We assume a constant WGR and constant GOR for the prediction purpose and
the reservoir pressure will remain as an unchanged constraint. As the results are similar, the
following figure (4.8) is an example, for the well HRD023, shows a schematic of the
beneficial effect of wellhead pressure reduction by boosting application.

Chapter4: Solving Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells


180 Iflow
Pwh = 75 bars
160 Pwh = 65 bars
Pwh = 55 bars
140 Pwh = 45 bars
Pwh = 35 bars
P at NA point (bar)

120 Pwh = 25 bars

Pwh = 15 bars
100 Pwh = 5 bars





0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
Qg at NA point (e3sm3/d)

Figure (4.8): Effect of Compression on the System Nodal Analysis for the Well HRD023

It can be seen that the IPR stays fixed, the VLP move down with decreasing wellhead
pressure and the intersection shows higher production rates. The boosting lowers the wellhead
pressure, increasing velocity and allowing liquids to be unloaded from the well. As the liquids
are unloaded the hydrostatic head in the tubing is reduced, substantially decreasing the
producing bottom hole pressure resulting in increased production. Therefore it could keep the
well free of liquids for a long time without the need for high capital investment.

Besides, figure (4.8) shows that the well can become stable with reduced surface
pressure. One way to more easily see this is to plot the solution points from the systems nodal
analysis well prediction and the critical rate calculated per Turner as shown in figure (4.9).

Chapter4: Solving Liquid Loading Problems in Hassi R’mel Gas Wells



2000 Predicted Flowrate

Gas Flowrate (e3sm3/d)

Critical Flowrate



80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Wellhead Pressure (bar)

Figure (4.9): The Effect of Wellhead Pressure Reduction on the Prediction and Turner
Critical Rate for the Well HRD023

It can be seen in this figure that the wellhead pressure must be reduced to about 72
bars to unload the well; under this pressure, the predicted flow rate is greater than the critical
flow rate. However, additional flow can be obtained by reducing the pressure further.
Therefore, the wellhead compression extends the life of gas wells, dramatically boosting their
production output.


In this chapter, different analytical methods as completion change and artificial lift
have been discussed. Among these methods, two techniques have been planned to apply in the
Hassi R’mel field; installation of velocity string and boosting application. Keeping in mind
that depletion of the reservoir is the main reason behind liquid loading; changing the cross-
sectional flow area by installing a velocity string under the end tubing proves to be beneficial
for a short time. While, many times compression can be the most economical way to keep
wells deliquified, providing higher production rates at lower surface pressures.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Conclusion and Recommendations

The purpose of this study was to identify and predict the onset of liquid loading in gas
wells, and to solve this problem by one or more artificial lift methods desired to handle with it
(the method of velocity string and boosting). In order to satisfy it, the case study was applied
in gas condensate wells of the Hassi R’mel field using the Pipesim software. The following
conclusions were made on the basis of this work:

o The liquid loading is inevitable and not always obvious in gas wells when it occurs; if
a well is loaded, it still may produce for a long time before his shut-in.
o Most gas wells will have liquid loading occur at some point during the productive life
of the well.
o The recognize of the liquid loading is from well symptoms, critical velocity, and/or
nodal analysis.
o The main source of the liquid loading in the gas wells of the Hassi R’mel is the
saltwater of the formation.
o The main indicator of the liquid loading in the Hassi R’mel field is the lower
production rate and the decreasing of the tubing head pressure. If these signs appear,
the well will shut-in for a period of time, and when it is re-opened it will produce
briefly then dies again. But, if the well is re-opened towards torch (reduction of
wellhead pressure), the well will produce for a long time.
o The pose of bridge plug is the most used solution to plug the flooded reservoir to
eliminate the water loading at the bottom of the well.
o Based on the Nodal Analysis, the well HR055 and the well HRD023 are loading up.
Whereas, the liquid loading is predicted in 2021 for the well HR104 and in 2022 for
the well HR101, for the current conditions.
o Predicting the onset of the liquid loading has been the most effective way of managing
or controlling its occurrence.
o The most likely location of the initial of the liquid loading is between the end tubing
and the perforation (large casing) because of the low gas velocity.
o The tubing inside diameter is the most important variable in determining the critical
liquid loading rate and the onset of liquid loading.

Conclusion and Recommendations

o The velocity string (tubing extension) of diameter 3”1/2 gives the highest daily gas
production; it is a suitable size.
o Using the velocity string, the well HRD023 is unloaded. Whereas, the liquid loading is
predicted in 2022 for the well HR104 and in 2023 for the well HR101.
o The use of velocity string works to delay the occurrence of the liquid loading but does
not solve it finally; the installation of the velocity string will be a short-term solution.
o Boosting lowers the wellhead pressure, increasing velocity and allowing liquids to be
unloaded from the well. Therefore it could keep the well free of liquids for a long
o The wellhead compression extends the life of gas wells, dramatically boosting their
production output.
o The use of compression to lower the wellhead pressure can be used as a primary
artificial lift method or to aid the other types of artificial lift to different degrees.

The following main recommendations are made with respect to future work for the
selection of remedial options against liquid loading problem in gas wells of the Hassi R’mel

o More data are needed especially the dynamic bottom hole pressure to improve the
modeling of the well performance.
o Select a pilot well for the study of the liquid loading.
o For the future completion, selecting the optimum tubing size can be a long term
solution for the liquid loading.
o Target the wells that produce water and perform the RST tests in order to plug the
flooded reservoir, and perforate the gas zones to increase the gas flow rate.
o If artificial lift is not yet available, extended shut in periods may be needed to
deliquefy the wellbore.
o The appropriate artificial lift method can be selected and implemented before the well
under goes severe production losses. Therefore, the gas deliverability can be preserved
and production loss can be minimized.
o There are other permanent solutions for the liquid loading can be used like: Plunger
Lift and Gas Lift.

Bibliographic References

Bibliographic References
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Bibliographic References

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22. Y. D. Nallaparaju, P. Deendayal, Prediction of Liquid Loading in Gas Wells, SPE
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Appendix 1

Iflow Outflow
P at NA point (bar)

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Qg at NA point (e3sm3/d)

Figure 1: IPR and VLP Curves for the Well HR055



Iflow Outflow


P at NA point (bar)








0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000

Qg at NA point (e3sm3/d)

Figure 2: IPR and VLP Curves for the Well HRD023



Iflow Outflow
P at NA point (bar)





0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Qg at NA point (e3sm3/d)

Figure 3: IPR and VLP Curves for the Well HR104


Iflow Outflow

P at NA point (bar)





0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Qg at NA point (e3sm3/d)

Figure 4: IPR and VLP Curves for the Well HR101

Appendix 2

Table 1: The Loading Status and the LLVR Profile for the Well HR104

Equipement Elevation (m) FMV (m/s) LLV (m/s) LLVR Liquid State
Perforation C -2236.988 4.632301 2.20139 0.47553 Unloaded
-2145.609 4.676743 2.211237 0.47312 Unloaded
Top Liner 7" -2101.992 2.455102 2.215558 0.90301 Unloaded
Tubing end -2080.839 2.460237 2.217571 0.90194 Unloaded
-2080.504 9.968876 2.217778 0.22261 Unloaded
Siege 4"313 -2080.382 7.750567 2.241797 0.28943 Unloaded
-2078.065 7.752397 2.242009 0.28938 Unloaded
Siege 4"75 -2077.608 4.967871 2.242143 0.45161 Unloaded
-1828.8 5.096479 2.247705 0.44132 Unloaded
-1524 5.25005 2.199387 0.41925 Unloaded
-1219.2 5.396535 2.016066 0.374 Unloaded
-914.4 5.53782 1.908828 0.3452 Unloaded
-609.6 5.664745 1.852872 0.32769 Unloaded
-304.8 5.787004 1.820466 0.31526 Unloaded
Tubing head 0 5.905045 1.801784 0.30589 Unloaded
Table 2: The Loading Status and the LLVR Profile for the Well HR101

Equipement Elevation (m) FMV (m/s) LLV (m/s) LLVR Liquid State
Perforation A -2208.337 7.099412 2.179156 0.30715 Unloaded
-2164.994 7.132494 2.184876 0.30653 Unloaded
Top Liner 7" -2135.002 3.630423 2.188622 0.60326 Unloaded
Tubing end -2123.603 3.634527 2.190023 0.60296 Unloaded
Siege 4"313 -2123.145 12.00317 2.190574 0.18262 Unloaded
-2120.859 12.00644 2.190908 0.1826 Unloaded
Siege 4"56 -2120.372 7.169441 2.191234 0.30584 Unloaded
-2102.663 12.17613 2.193717 0.18029 Unloaded
-2102.51 12.17632 2.193736 0.18028 Unloaded
-2102.114 12.55267 2.22997 0.17776 Unloaded
Siege 4"75 -2102.114 7.406926 2.230119 0.30128 Unloaded
-1828.8 7.63366 2.268251 0.29733 Unloaded
-1524 7.888485 2.310874 0.29314 Unloaded
-1219.2 8.141462 2.354037 0.28933 Unloaded
-914.4 8.403737 2.398152 0.28556 Unloaded
-609.6 8.668204 2.267996 0.26187 Unloaded
-304.8 8.934362 2.148563 0.24076 Unloaded
Tubing head 0 9.195616 2.069395 0.22536 Unloaded

Table 1: The Loading Status and the LLVR Profile for the Well HR055 Using Velocity

Equipement Elevation (m) FMV (m/s) LLV (m/s) LLVR Liquid State
Perforation C -2170.206 1.487266 2.191382 1.47630171 Loaded
-2152.467 1.491421 2.194811 1.47448587 Loaded
-2152.223 3.923182 2.194903 0.56055819 Unloaded
-2148.2 1.492487 2.195691 1.47402253 Loaded
Perforation B -2141.007 1.603911 2.196911 1.37217159 Loaded
-2117.415 1.609827 2.201423 1.36992888 Loaded
Perforation A -2117.415 2.801026 2.199579 0.78598461 Unloaded
-2095.988 12.00242 2.202769 0.18369236 Unloaded
Top Liner 7" -2049.993 12.15552 2.209084 0.18189929 Unloaded
Tubing end -2041.733 12.18377 2.209985 0.18155167 Unloaded
Siege 4"313 -2041.276 4.452641 2.210105 0.49680717 Unloaded
-2039.082 4.453726 2.210138 0.4966936 Unloaded
-2038.99 5.243725 2.210146 0.42186537 Unloaded
Siege 4"56 -2038.594 2.877381 2.214516 0.77032507 Unloaded
-2020.794 2.883949 2.214538 0.76858013 Unloaded
Siege 4"75 -2020.245 2.884372 2.214551 0.76847213 Unloaded
-1828.8 2.954536 2.201821 0.74594634 Unloaded
-1524 3.063734 2.139373 0.69907748 Unloaded
-1219.2 3.174115 2.011759 0.63476427 Unloaded
-914.4 3.289406 1.929769 0.58781576 Unloaded
-609.6 3.410392 1.894766 0.5569089 Unloaded
-304.8 3.540851 1.88442 0.53366498 Unloaded
Tubing head 0 3.679911 1.889475 0.51505255 Unloaded
Table 2: The Loading Status and the LLVR Profile for the Well HRD023 Using Velocity

Equipement Elevation (m) FMV (m/s) LLV (m/s) LLVR Liquid State
Perforation C -2206.752 2.802987 2.086421 0.74482798 Unloaded
-2189.988 2.807483 2.088356 0.74432507 Unloaded
Top Liner 7" -2081.997 12.21695 2.110277 0.17284264 Unloaded
Tubing end -2019.3 12.34777 2.123046 0.17204625 Unloaded
Siege 4"56 -2018.69 4.5126 2.123387 0.47084351 Unloaded
-2014.88 4.514129 2.123812 0.47077827 Unloaded
-2014.515 4.902509 2.123873 0.43349544 Unloaded
Siege 4"75 -2014.393 2.906502 2.129445 0.73310963 Unloaded
-1998.756 2.910581 2.131227 0.7326958 Unloaded
Siege 4"813 -1998.269 2.910889 2.131358 0.73266308 Unloaded
-1828.8 2.953457 2.090727 0.70838506 Unloaded
-1524 3.024254 1.962479 0.64951944 Unloaded
-1219.2 3.087084 1.796698 0.58281793 Unloaded
-914.4 3.14102 1.687244 0.53822326 Unloaded
-609.6 3.184217 1.629376 0.51300006 Unloaded
-304.8 3.220436 1.593558 0.49636101 Unloaded
Tubing head 0 3.250142 1.568698 0.48443052 Unloaded

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