Anatomy of Plant Anmol Sir
Anatomy of Plant Anmol Sir
Anatomy of Plant Anmol Sir
1|P a g e
Botany 3. Anatomy of Flowering Plants
4. Primary meristem.
E v. Sclereids 16. Which of the following is secondary in
Options: 1. Phellogen
1. A-i B-iii C-v D-ii E-iv 2. Interfascicular cambium
3. Wound meristem
2. A-iii B-i C-ii D-v E-iv 4. More than one option is correct
17. Which one of the following is not a lateral
E- meristem?
3. A-ii B-iv C-v D-i
iii 1. Intrafascicular cambium
2. Interfascicular cambium
C- 3. Phellogen
4. Av B-iv D-ii E-i
iii 4. Intercalary meristem
11. Identify the tissue system from among the 18. Both apical meristems and intercalary
following meristems:-
1. Parenchyma I. Are primary meristems
2. Xylem II. Appear early in plant life
3. Epidermis III. Contribute to the formation of the primary
4. Phloem plant body
12. The apical meristem performs all of the 1. Only I and II are correct
given functions, except 2. Only I and III are correct
1. Produces the primary tissues of the plant 3. Only II and III are correct
body 4. I, II and III are correct
2. Responsible for primary growth of the plant 19. Secondary meristems are found in
3. Growth of roots and stem in length 1. All angiosperms
4. Produces cork 2. Gymnosperms and all monocots
13. Regeneration of damaged growing grass 3.Dictos and gymnosperms
following grazing is largely due to : 4. All spermatophytes
1. Lateral meristem 20. Mark the correct statements w.r.t.
2. Apical meristem meristematic tissues
3. Intercalary meristem A. The meristem that occurs at the tip of roots
4. Secondary meristem and shoots contributes to the formation of the
14. In the life cycle of a plant, the secondary primary plant body.
tissues are made by B. The lateral meristems are responsible for
1. Intercalary meristem and vascular cambium producing the secondary tissues.
2. Apical meristem and cork cambium C. Some cells 'left behind' from the lateral
3. Cork-cambium and vascular cambium meristem, constitute the axillary bud.
4. Primary meristems and interfascicular D. The cells which are structurally and
cambium functionally specialised and lose the ability to
15. Cylindrical meristem is term used for? divide are called meristems.
1. Lateral meristem. 1. A & C
2. Promeristem. 2. A & B
3. Intercalary meristem. 3. B & C
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Botany 3. Anatomy of Flowering Plants
4. C & D 27. Axillary bud is the left part of ________
21. Which of the following is correct statement meristem and may form _____or a _______
for intercalary meristems? further
1. They lie at tip of root apex 1.shoot, branch, flower
2. They lie at base of stem always 2.shoot, leaf, flower
3. They are short lived and consumed during 3. root, branch, flower
primary growth 4. root,leaf, flower
4. They are long lived and cause increase in 28. How many shoot apical meristems are likely
length to be present in a twig of a plant possessing,
22. Axillary bud and terminal bud derived from 4 branches and 26 leaves?
the activity of : 1. 26
1. Lateral meristem 2. 1
2. Intercalary meristem 3. 5
3. Apical meristem 4. 4
4. Parenchyma 29. The apical meristem of the root is present
23. Which of the following true for apical 1. Only in radicals
meristem 2. Only in tap roots
1. responsible for primary growth 3. Only in adventitious roots
2. forms primary permanent tissue 4. In all the roots
3. primary meristem 30. Which one is true of parenchyma
4. All of the above in storage, secretion and photosynthesis
24. Which of the following meristem is present 2.intercellular spaces are schizogenous in origin
at the tips of shoot and root 3.universal tissue
1. intercalary meristem 4.All of the above
2. apical meristem 31. All of the given characteristics are related to
3. lateral meristem parenchyma tissue except
4. All of the above 1. Composed of living cells
25. During the formation of leaves and 2. Generally isodiametric cells
elongation of stem, some cells left behind 3. Cell wall is mainly made up of suberin
from shoot apical meristem constitute 4. Either closely packed cells with no
_____________ intercellular spaces or have small intercellular
(1) Axillary bud spaces
(2) Lateral bud 32. The most abundant and common tissue in
(3) Apical bud plants
(4) Protoderm 1. Has non-vacuolated cytoplasm
26. Parts of grasses removed by the grazing 2. Is living and has cellulosic wall
herbivores are regenerated due to the 3. Stores ergastic substances always
activity of: 4. Cannot take part in photosynthesis
1. Apical meristem 33. Parenchymal cells have ________ walls and
2. Intercalary meristem are made up of _____________.
3. Interfascicular cambium (1) Thick, cellulose
4. Fascicular vascular cambium (2) Thin, cellulose
(3) Thick, hemicellulose
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Botany 3. Anatomy of Flowering Plants
(4) Thin, hemicellulose
34. In parenchyma, all cells are isodiametric and
1. Thin-walled Forms the major component within
2. Thick-walled plant organs
3. Lignified-walled
4. Devoid of intercellular spaces
35. Which of the following component of phloem Commonly found in pulp of
is mainly responsible for the storage of food fruits like guava, pear and sapota
material and other substances like resins,
latex and mucilage?
1. Sieve tube
2. Companion cell Provide mechanical support
3. Bast fibres to growing parts of plant
4. Phloem parenchyma 40. Lignified cell wall is characteristic feature of
36. _________ are commonly found in the fruit (1) Parenchyma
walls of nut. (2) Collenchyma
(1) Parenchyma (3) Sclerenchyma
(2) Collenchyma (4) None
(3) Sclerenchyma 41. Mechanical support to the growing parts of
(4) Complex tissue the plant such as young stem and petiole of
37. Living mechanical tissue with a thickening at leaf is provided by a living tissue called
the cells corners possess deposition of 1. Collenchyma
1. Lignin 2. Aerenchyma
2. Cellulose and pectin only 3. Chlorenchyma
3. Cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin 4. Sclerenchyma
4. Cellulose only 42. Which of the following has unevenly thick
38. Cells having cellulose, hemicellulose and cell wall, has a primary wall (cellulose) and a
pectin deposits on the wall and shows its secondary wall (hemicellulose or pectin), and
presence commonly in the petiole of leaf and is a simple, living, primarily mechanical
growing green stems belong to tissue of the plant body?
1. Sclerenchyma 1. Parenchyma
2. Collenchyma 2. Collenchyma
3. Aerenchyma 3. Sclerenchyma
4. Parencyma 4. Aerenchyma
39. Identify the mismatched pair: 43. Collenchyma is characterised by
Tissue Feature 1. Absence of protoplast at maturity
2. Supporting young stem and leaf petiole
3. Lignocellulosic thickening on secondary
4. The common presence of intracellular spaces
Thick walled, elongated and
44. Lignin is a component of the secondary walls
pointed cells present in hypodermis of dicot
1. Epidermis
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Botany 3. Anatomy of Flowering Plants
2. Collenchyma 49. Which of the following function can be
3. Sclerenchyma performed by both parenchyma and
4. Parenchyma collenchyma?
45. Identify the correct statement regarding 1. Storage.
collenchymas in plants:- 2. Photosynthesis.
1. They occur in layers below the epidermis of 3. Secretion.
monocotyledonous plants. 4. All.
2. Cells are much thickened at the corners due 50. Cells of this tissue are living and show
to the deposition of lignin. angular wall thickening. They also provide
3. Collenchymatous cells do not contain mechanical support. The tissue is
chloroplasts. 1. Xylem
4. They provide mechanical strength to the 2. Sclerenchyma
growing parts of the plant. 3. Collenchyma
46. The main function of the plant tissue shown 4. Epidermis
below is: 51. A plant tissue, when stained, showed the
presence of hemicellulose and pectin in the
cell walls of its cells. The tissue represents
1. collenchyma
2. sclerenchyma
3. xylem
4. meristem
52. Tracheids, vessels, xylem fibres and xylem
parenchyma are components of
(1) Simple tissue
(2) Xylem
(1) Storage of nutrients
(3) Sclereids
(2) Providing buoyancy to submerged plants
(4) Pith
(3) Mechanical support to growing parts of a
53. Primary xylem is of two types, they are-
(1) Protoxylem and metaxylem
(4) Increase in the length of the plant
(2) Xylem parenchyma and xylem fibres
47. Choose odd w.r.t. collenchyma
(3) Tracheids and vessels
1. Living mechanical tissue
(4) Simple xylem and complex xylem
2. Intercellular space is absent in angular type
54. The presence of _________ is characteristic
3. Thickening of the wall is due to deposition of
feature of angiosperms.
(1) Vessels
4. Found in hypodermis of dicot stem
(2) Tracheids
48. Sclerenchymatous fibres are
(3) Tracheid pore
(1) thick walled, elongated and pointed cells
(4) Vessel pore
(2)contains simple and bordered pits
55. Which one is true regarding xylem?
(3)smallest cells in plant body
(1)vessels are absent in gymnosperms
(4)All of these
(2)cells of vessel are called vessel members
(3)tracheid and vessel lack protoplasm
(4)All of these
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Botany 3. Anatomy of Flowering Plants
56. The type of primary xylem when protoxylem 62. How many elements of the xylem are dead
lies towards the pith is known as (A)4
(1)endarch (B)3
(2)exarch (C)2
(3)endoexarch (D)1
(4)Both (1) and (3) 63. Dead cell without protoplasm is
57. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t vessel ___________.
1. Devoid of protoplasm. (1) Sclerenchyma
2. Lignified wall. (2) Tracheids
3. Long cylindrical tube like cells. (3) Parenchyma
4. Presence of vessel is characteristic of (4) Both A and B
gymnosperm. 64. Choose the correct option w.r.t. sclereids
58. Which of the following is related to 1. Physiologically active
tracheids? 2. Pits are present
(1) Deposition of suberin on cell wall 3. Derived from meristems directly
(2) Found in gymnosperms only 4. Little amount of protoplasm is present
(3) Dead cell without protoplsm 65. Central cavity is found in
(4) Helps in radial conduction of water (1) Vessels
59. Xylem parenchyma store food in the form of (2) Tracheids
A. Starch (3) Both (1) and (2)
B. Fat (4) None
C. Tannins 66. Tracheids are
D. All of the above 1. Elongated cells with tapering ends and
60. Which among the following cannot be a unperforated end walls
feature of given diagram? 2. Elongated cells with tapering ends and
perforated end wall
3. Rounded cells with lignified walls
4. Both 1 and 2
67. A piece of wood having no vessels (trachea)
must belong to
1. Teak
2. Mango
3. Pine
4. Palm
1. It is a long cylindrical tube like structure
68. Function of sieve tubes are controlled by
2. Having lignified walls
(1) Nucleus of sieve tube
3. having large central cavity
(2) Nucleus of companion cell
4. Having protoplasm
(3) Nucleus of parenchyma
61. In flowering plants which of the following
(4) No function as they are dead cells
are main water transporting element
69. Phloem parenchyma is absent in most of the
(1) Tracheids
(1) Dicotyledons
(2) Vessels
(2) Monocotyledons
(3) Both A and B
(3) Desert plants
(4) None of the above
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Botany 3. Anatomy of Flowering Plants
(4) None of the above 3. Gymnosperms lack albuminous cells and
70. Companion cells are closely associated with sieve cells
(1) sieve elements 4. Bast fibers are generally absent in primary
(2) vessel elements phloem
(3) trichomes 77. Resin, latex and mucilage are found in
(4) guard cells (1) Phloem parenchyma
71. Phloem of gymnosperm consist of (2) Xylem parenchyma
(1) Albuminous cells and Sieve cells (3) Phloem pits
(2) Sieve tubes and companion cells (4) None of the above
(3) Phloem parenchyma and phloem fibres 78. Match the column I with column II
(4) None of the above
Column I Column II
72. Phloem in angiosperm is composed of
1. Sieve tube element Xylem Absent in most of the
2. Companion cell a. (i)
parenchyma monocots
3. Phloem parenchyma
4. Phloem fibres Lond cylindrical tube-
b. Sclereids (ii)
5. Tracheids like structure
6. Vessels
A. 1,2,3,4 Phloem
c. (iii) Food and tannins
B. 2,3,4,5 parenchyma
C. 3,4,5,6
D. None d. Vessel (iv) Fruit walls of nuts
73. Phloem fibres are made up of 1. a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv)
(1) Parenchymatous cells 2. a(ii), b(iv), c(iii), d(i)
(2) Sclerenchymatous cells 3. a(iii), b(iv), c(i), d(ii)
(3) Collenchymatous cells 4. a(iii), b(ii), c(i), d(iv)
(4) None of the above 79. Which of the following is not the component
74. What is incorrect for companion cell? of secondary phloem?
1. It is specialized parenchymatous cell. 1. Protophloem
2. It helps in maintaining the pressure gradient 2. Bast fibers
in the sieve tubes. 3. Companion cells
3. It does not retain nucleus throughout the life. 4. Phloem parenchyma
4. It is absent in gymnosperms 80. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. bast
75. Phloem in gymnosperms lacks: fibres
1. Both sieve tubes and companion cells a. Generally absent in primary phloem
2. Albuminous cells and sieve cells b. Elongated, branched with blunt ends
3. Sieve tubes only c. Parenchymatous in nature
4. Companion cells only d. Becomes dead at maturity
76. Identify the incorrect statement: 1. a & d
1. The presence of vessels is a characteristic of 2. b & d
angiosperms 3. b & c
2. In roots the primary xylem is exarch
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81. What is the number of correct statements (3) Triple layered
amongst the following regarding phloem (4) Present in patches
tissue of plants? 87. Match the following
I. Gymnosperms lack albimunous cells and
sieve cells. A. Meristem i.
II. The companion cells are specialized
parenchymatous cells. B. Parenchyma ii. mechanical support
III. Phloem parenchyma is absent in most of the
monocotyledons. C. Collenchyma iii. Actively dividing cells
IV. Phloem fibers are generally absent in the
primary phloem. D. Sclerenchyma iv. stomata
1. 0
2. 2 Epidermal
E. v. Sclereids
3. 3 tissue
4. 4 A. A-i, B-iii, C-v, D-ii, E-iv
82. Sieve tube elements are long, tube-like B. A-iii, B-i, C-ii, D-v, E-iv
structures, arranged longitudinally and C. A-ii, B-iv, C-v, D-i, E-iii
associated with the companion cells. A D. A-v, B-iv, C-iii, D-ii, E-i
mature sieve element 88. The most impotant function of the trichomes
1. Has a small vacuole is:
2. Lacks nucleus and cytoplasm (1) They prevent water loss due to transpiration
3. Possesses a large vacuole and small nucleus (2) They prevent herbivory
4. Possesses a peripheral cytoplasm (3) They are sensory structures that decipher the
83. A vessel less piece of stem possessing wind velocity and direction
prominent sieve tubes would belong to (4) They play an important part in pollination of
1. Pines plants
2. Eucalyptus 89. Stomata in grass leaf are
3. Grass 1. Dumb-bell shaped
4. Trachodendron 2. Kidney shaped
84. Fibres are likely to be absent in 3. Rectangular
1. Secondary phloem 4. Barrel shaped
2. Secondary Xylem 90. Cuticle is not found in
3. Primary phloem (1) Stem
4. Leaves (2) Branches
85. A waxy thick layer which prevent water loss (3) Leaves
is (4) Roots
(1) Cuticle 91. Specialised epidermal cells surrounding the
(2) Guard cell guard cells are called
(3) Epidermis 1. subsidiary cells
(4) Stomata 2. bulliform cells
86. Epidermis in plant is generally 3. lenticels
(1) Single layered 4. complementary cells
(2) Double layered
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92. Mark the incorrect statement w.r.t. guard (2) Large, small
cells in stomata (3) Small, no
1. In grasses these are dumb-bell shaped (4) Large, no
2. They possess chloroplasts 96. Epidermal hairs on stems known as
3. Regulate opening and closing of stomata trichomes
4. Outer walls are thick and inner walls are thin 1. May sometimes be secretory in function
in dicots 2. Have vascular supply
93. Root hairs are ____________ and formed 3. May be soft or stiff but unbranched always
from __________zone of root. 4. Are endogenous in origin like lateral roots
1. unicellular, maturation 97. Which of the following statements is not true
2. multicellular, elongation for stomatal apparatus?
3. multicellular, maturation 1. Inner walls of guard cells are thick
4. unicellular, elongation 2. Guard cells invariably possess chloroplasts
94. Given below is the diagram of a stomatal and mitochondria
apparatus. In which of the following, all the 3. Guard cells are always surrounded by
four parts labelled as A, B, C and D are subsidiary cells
correctly identified – 4. Stomata are involved in gaseous exhange
98. Read the following statements w.r.t.
pericycle and
choose the suitable option
(a) It is the outermost portion of stele, that may
be paranchymatous or sclerenchymatous.
(b) It is absent in monocot stems.
(c) It is always single layered.
A B 1. Only (a) is correct
2. Only (b) is incorrect
Epider 3. Only (c) is incorrect
Guard al Subsidi
1 mal 4. Both (a) & (b) are incorrect
cell apertur ary Cell
e 99. Match the following and choose the correct
option from below
Epider Stomata
Guard Subsidi
2 mal l A Cuticle i. Guard cells
Cell ary cell
Cell aperture
B Bulliform cells ii. Single layer
Epider Subsid Stomata
3 mal iary l
Cell C Stomata iii. Waxy layer
Cell Cell aperture
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Botany 3. Anatomy of Flowering Plants
4. Scattered, each surrounded by a
3. A-iii B-ii C-iv D-i
clerenchymatous bundle sheath.
4. A-iii B-ii C-i D-iv 107. In radial vascular bundle xylem and phloem
are present on _____________radii and in an
100. In which of the following pairs of parts of a ___________manner.
flowering plant is epidermis absent? 1. different and consecutive
1. Root tip and shoot tip 2. same and alternate
2. Shoot bud and floral bud 3. different and alternate
3. Ovule and seed 4. same and consecutive
4. Petiole and pedicel 108. The vascular bundle shown in the diagram
101. Closed vascular bundles lack is most likely to be seen in:
1. Ground tissue
2. Conjuctive tissue
3. Cambium
4. Pith
102. In Dicots, secondary xylem and phloem
tissues are formed because of
1. open vascular bundle
2. closed vascular bundle (1) Monocot stem
3. Both 1. and 2. (2) Dicot stem
4. semi closed vascular bundle (3) Monocot root
103. In Dicots, Secondary growth is possible (4) Dicot root
because of 109. Conjoint open vascular bundles are present
1. cambium in
2. xylem and Phloem 1. stem of dicots only
3. Vascular bundle 2. stem of dicots and gymnosperms
4. Both 2. and 3. 3. stem of monocots and gymnosperms
104. Radial vascular bundle arrangement is most 4. stem of monocots only
common in 110. Some vascular bundles are described as
1. roots open
2. stem, and roots because these :
3. leaves 1. are not surrounded by pericycle
4. All of the above 2. are surrounded by pericycle but no
105. Vascular bundles in monocotyledons are endodermis
considered closed because 3. are capable of producing secondary xylem
1. a bundle sheath surrounds each bundle and phloem
2. cambium is absent 4. possess conjunctive tissue between xylem
3. there are no vessels with perforations and phloem
4. xylem is surrounded all around by phloem
106. In dicot stem the vascular bundle is:- 111. Ground tissue system is present in
1. Conjoint, open and with exarch protoxylem. 1. root
2. Conjoint, open and with endarch protoxylem. 2. stem
3. Conjoint and closed. 3. leaf
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4. All of these 2. 7
112. In leaves the ground tissue consist of thin 3. 6
walled chloroplast containing cells and is 4. 5
called____. 119. Which of the following is the largest tissue
(1) Mesophyll system
(2) Chlorophyll 1.Epidermal tissue system
(3) P250 2.vascular tissue system
(4) Chromophore 3.Ground tissue system
113. All tissue except ____________ constitute 4.Both 1 and 2
the ground tissue. 120. The outermost layer of the root is
(1) Epidermis 1. epidermis
(2) Vascular bundles 2. endodermis
(3) Both (1) and (2) 3. hypodermis
(4) Cuticle 4. dermis
114. In Ground tissue system, parenchymatous 121. Casparian strips are barrel shaped cells in
cells are usually present in which tangential and radial walls are
1.cortex impermeableto water because of
2.pericycle 1. suberin deposition
3. pith and medullary rays 2. cellulose deposition
4. All of the above 3. cutin deposition
115. In Ground tissue system, parenchymatous 4. casparin deposition
cells are usually present in 122. In roots, the Protoxylem lies toward
1. cortex __________ and Metaxylem lies toward the
2. pericycle _______ respectively.
3. pith and medullary rays (1) Periphery, centre
4. All of the above (2) Centre, periphery
116. Hypodermis is the part of (3) Above, below
1. Ground tissue system (4) Below, above
2. Epidermal tissue system 123. The number of xylem bundles in dicot root
3. Vascular tissue system is
4. Both 1 and 2 1. 2 to 4
117. The ground tissue system is constituted by 2. less than 2
all off these, except 3. more than 6
1. Medullary rays 4. infinite
2. Pericycle 124. In monocot root the pith present is
3. Mesophyll 1. small or inconspicuous
4. Xylem 2. large and well developed
118. How many of the followings are the parts of 3. small and well developed
Ground Tissue System Epidermis, 4. large and inconspicuous
Hypodermis, general cortex, endodermis, 125. Casparian strips are present in
pericycle, medullary rays, vascular bundle, 1. endodermis
pith, leaf mesophyll 2. epidermis
1. 9 3. pericycle
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4. cortex 4. Epidermis and hypodermis
126. In dicot root the pith present is 134. Which of the given figure represents the
1. small or inconspicuous internal structural details of a monocot root?
2. large and well developed
3. small and well developed
4. large and inconspicuous
127. All the tissues that lie inner to the
endodermis are called as 1.
1. vascular bundle
2. stele
3. pith
4. cork cambium
128. The parenchymatous cells which lie between
the xylem and phloem are called
1. Complementry cells
2. Conjuctive cells
3. pith
4. cortex
129. The number of xylem bundles in monocot 3.
root is
1. 2 to 6
2. less than 2
3. more than 6 4.
4. infinite
130. The innermost layer of the cortex is called 135. The cells which give rise to a part of
1. pericycle vascular cambium in main root and laterals
2. endodermis roots are
3. vascular bundle 1. Parenchymatous cells of pericycle.
4. epidermis 2. Collenchymatus cells of endodermis.
131. Lateral roots originate from 3. Parenchymatous cells of endodermis.
1. Pericycle 4. Meristematic cells of cortex.
2. Epidermis 136. In dicot roots, the initiation of the lateral
3. cortex roots and the vascular cambium during the
4. hypodermi secondary growth takes place in:
132. Monocot root differs from dicot root in (1) Pericycle
1. Having differentiated ground tissue (2) Endodermis
2. Presence of centripetal xylem (3) Conjuctive tissue
3. Pericyclic origin of lateral roots (4) Epidermis
4. Presence of large and well-developed pith 137. As compared to a dicot root, a monocot root
133. The conjuctive tissues lie between the has :
1. Xylem and phloem 1. Many xylem bundles
2. Pericycle and Endodermis 2. Inconspicuous annual rings
3. Epidermis and endodermis 3. Relatively thicker periderm
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4. More abundant secondary xylem 4. Intrafascicular and interfascicular tissue in a
138. As compared to the monocot root, the dicot ring
root has/shows 144. Casparian strips are present in the
1. Large and well-developed pith endodermis of
2. Primary growth only 1. Monocot stem
3. Sclerenchymatous pericycle 2. Dicot root
4. Fewer xylem bundles 3. Dicot stem
139. How many of the following constitute the 4. More than one option is correct
stele? 145. Consider the following statements:
Vascular bundles, pericycle, endodermis, With respect to secondary growth in dicot root-
pith, cortex, epidermis I. The vascular cambium is completely
1. 4 secondary in origin.
2. 3 II. The primary phloem bundles are gradually
3. 2 crushed and not seen in older roots.
4. 5 III. Phellogen gives rise to secondary tissue on
140. Which of the following is not possible in the outside and forms the phellem
monocot root? Which of the above statements are true?
1. primary growth 1. I and II only
2. secondary growth 2. I and III only
3. lateral meristem 3. II and III only
4. Both 2. and 3. 4. I, II and III
141. Which of the following plays an important 146. Protoxylem lies towards periphery and
role in lateral root growth in dicot root? metaxylem lies towards the centre. Such
1. Endodermis arrangement of ______ xylem is present in
2. Pericycle ________.
3. Hypodermis 1. Secondary, root
4. Intrafascicular cambium 2. Primary, stem
142. Select incorrect statement w.r.t. anatomical 3. Secondary, stem
features of monocot root. 4. Primary, root
1. Pericycle produces lateral roots and part of 147. How many of the following are similar
vascular cambium between monocot and dicot root?
2. Exodermis is present in older roots (Vascular bundles, pericycle, endodermis, pith,
3. Conjunctive parenchyma does not produce cortex, epidermis)
cambium 1. 4
4. Well developed pith is present 2. 3
143. In the dicot root, the vascular cambium 3. 6
originates from : 4. 5
1. Tissue located below the phloem bundles and 148. Epiblema of roots is equivalent to
a portion of pericycle tissue above protoxylem 1. Pericycle
2. Cortical region 2. Endodermis
3. Parenchyma between endodermis and 3. Epidermis
pericycle 4. Stele
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149. Which of the following function is 156. Interfascicular cambium in a dicot stem is
performed by pericycle of dicot root? formed from
1. Lateral root formation. 1. Pericycle cells
2. Lateral meristem formation. 2. Cortex cells
3. Part of vascular cambium. 3. Medullary ray cells
4. All the above. 4. Conjuctive parenchyma
150. In between the vascular bundles, radially 157. Pith is made up of ___________cells and
placed parenchymatous cells constitute _____________spaces are present between
(1)medullary rays them.
(2)cortex (1)Parenchymatous, intracellular
(3) medulla (2)Parenchymatous, intercellular
(4) cortical rays (3) collenchymatous, intracellular
151. The hypodermis of dicot stem and monocot (4) Parenchymatous, no intercellular
stem is made up of 158. The cortex of dicot stem has been divided
(1) collenchyma and sclerenchyma respectively into
(2)collenchyma in both 1. hypodermis, General cortex, Endodermis
(3) sclerenchyma in both 2. hypodermis, General cortex, pericycle
(4) sclerenchyma and collenchyma respectively 3. hypodermis, General cortex, Endodermis,
152. The type of vascular bundle in dicot stem is pericycle
(1)open, conjoint with endarchprotoxylem 4. hypodermis, General cortex, Endodermis,
(2)open,conjoint with exarch protoxylem pericycle and pith
(3) close,conjoint with endarchprotoxylem 159. Cortex is the region found between
(4) open, conjoint with endarchmetaxylem 1. epidermis and stele
153. In dicot stem hypodermis is made up 2. pericycle and endodermis
of___________cells while general cortex is 3. endodermis and pith
made up of_______________. 4. endodermis and vascular bundle
(1)collencyma,sclerenchyma 160. Well developed pith is present in
(2)collencyma,parenchyma 1. Dicot stem, monocot root
(3)parenchyma,sclerenchyma 2. Monocot stem, dicot root
(4) parenchyma,collenchyma 3. Dicot root, dicot stem
154. Hypodermis in dicot stem is composed of 4. Monocot root, monocot stem
1. Parenchyma 161. Read the different components from I to IV
2. Collenchyma in the list given below and tell the correct
3. Sclerenchyma order of the components with reference to
4. Both 1. and 3. their arrangement from outer side to inner
155. Tissue which provides mechanical strength side in a woody dicot stem.
and flexibility to young dicot stem is present I. Secondary Cortex
in II. Wood
1. Pith III. Secondary phloem
2. Endodermis IV. Phellem
3. Hypodermis The correct order is
4. Cortex 1. III,IV,II,I
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162. The endodermis is absent or indistinct in
1. Roots of all plants
2. Leaves of pteridophytes
3. Leaves of gymnosperms
4. Stems of woody plants
163. Read the following statements about dicot
stem and 1. Monocot stem
choose the correct option. 2. Dicot stem
(a) Vascular bundles are arranged in a ring. 3. Monocot root
(b) Vascular bundles are conjoint, collateral and 4. Dicot root
open type. 168. The hypodermis of the monocot stem is
(c) Endarch type of arrangement of secondary made up of
xylem. (1) collenchyma
1. Only (b) is correct (2)sclerenchyma
2. Only (c) is incorrect (3) parenchyma
3. Both (a) and (b) are incorrect (4) All of the above
4. All three statements are correct 169. The diagram given below belongs to -
164. A conjoint and open vascular bundle will be
observed in the transverse section of
1. Monocot root
2. Monocot stem
3. Dicot root
4. Dicot stem
165. Water containing cavities in the vascular
bundle 1. Dicot stem having conjoint and collateral
is a characteristics feature of vascular bundles
(1) Dicot roots 2. Monocot stem having conjoint and collateral
(2) Monocot stems vascular bundles
(3) Monocot leaves 3. Dicot root with polyarch condition
(4) Dicot stems 4. Monocot root with radial vascular bundles
166. Monocot stems do not have 170. Which type of cells are not present in
1. Protophloem Phloem of monocot stem
2. Phloem parenchyma (1)Companion cell
3. Companion cell in phloem (2)sieve tubes
4. Sieve tube and metaphloem (3) Phloem parenchyma
167. The given transverse section is of: (4) Phloem fibres
171. Vascular bundle are ___________and
surrounded by ___________ bundle sheath
monocot stem.
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1. scattered, sclerenchymatous 177. In monocot stem, ground tissue is made up
2. arranged, sclerenchymatous of
3. scattered, parenchymatous (1)collenchyma
4. scattered, collenchymatous (2)sclerenchyma
172. Conjoint, collateral, closed vascular bundles (3) parenchyma
without phloem parenchyma are found in (4) All of the above
plants which have 178. Select incorrect statement w.r.t. the
1. Differentiated ground tissue in the stem anatomy of monocot stem
2. Dedifferentiated pericyclic structure in the 1. Parenchymatous ground tissue is extended
mature root from hypodermis to center
3. Sclerenchymatous hypodermis in stem 2. Hypodermis is made of thick-walled living
4. Developed pith in stem mechanical tissue
173. Consider the following statements: 3. Vascular bundles are conjoint, collateral and
In a monocot stem- closed with endarch xylem
I. Hypodermis is collenchymatous. 4. Pith is absent
II. Vascular bundle are collateral and closed 179. Select incorrect statements from the given
III. Trichomes are usually absent. below
Which of the above statements are true? (i) Endodermis with Casparian strips are found
1. I and II only in dicot stem
2. I and III only (ii) The endodermis is a part of the stele
3. II and III only (iii) Open vascular bundles are found in some
4. I, II and III monocots
174. In monocotyledonous stem (iv) Bulliform cells are found in the upper
1. Hypodermis is parenchymatous epidermis in isobilateral leaf
2. Each vascular bundle is surrounded by 1 (i) and (ii)
collenchymatous bundle sheath 2. (ii) and (iii)
3. Peripheral vascular bundles are generally 3. (i), (ii) and (iii)
larger than centrally located ones 4. Only (iv)
4. Water containing cavities are present within 180. Which one is true for spongy parenchyma
the vascular bundles 1.abaxially placed to palisade parenchyma
175. Which type of cavity is present within the 2.oval or round & loosely arranged cells
vascular bundles of monocot stem 3. extends to the abaxial epidermis
(1)air cavity 4.All of the above
(2)water cavity 181. The tissue between the upper and lower
(3) Both A and B epidermis is called
(4) Food cavity (1) Chlorophyll
176. Dicot stem share a common feature with (2) Mesophyll
monocot stem that is both have (3) Cambium
1. Well developed large pith (4) Endodermis
2. Conjoint vascular bundles 182. Which of the following is true for palisade
3. Open vascular bundles parenchyma?
4. Pericycle and endodermis (1)adaxially placed
(2)elongated cells
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(3)vertically and parallely placed (4)All of the above
(4)All of the above 189. Spongy tissue is generally situated towards
183. Which one is true for dicot leaf which side in dorsiventral leaf ?
(1)veins thickness vary 1. Abaxial
(2)reticulate venation is present 2. Adaxial
(3)all vascular bundles are similar in size 3. Upper
(4)Both A and B 4. Ventral
184. Vascular bundles are surrounded by a layer 190. In a leaf, oval cells with large intercellular
of thick walled ________. spaces and radially arranged columnar cells
(1) Bundle sheath cells without intercellular spaces are placed
(2) Cuticle respectively towards
(3) Casparian strip 1. Adaxial and abaxial epidermis
(4) Waxy cell 2. Abaxial and adaxial epidermis
185. Midrib and veins of the represent 3. Abaxial and abaxial epidermis
(1)vascular bundle 4. Lower and abaxial epidermis
(2) cortex 191. Mark the correct one w.r.t. bundle sheath in
(3)palisade parenchyma a dicot leaf
(4)spongy parenchyma 1. Sclerenchymatous
186. Consider the following statements about 2. Collenchymatous
dicot leaf: 3. Parenchymatous
I. The epidermis which covers both the upper 4. Lignified
surface (adaxial epidermis) and lower surface 192. Dicotyledonous leaf is also known as
(abaxial epidermis) of the leaf has a (1)Dorsiventral leaf
conspicuous cuticle (2)Bi-facial leaf
II. More stomata present on upper surface. (3)Both A and B
III. Mesophyll is differentiated into palisade (4)Isobilateral leaf
and spongy parenchyma. 193. The tissues present between the adaxial and
Which of the above statements are true? abaxial epidermis are
1. I and II only (1)mesophyll
2. I and III only (2)chlorophyll
3. II and III only (3)vascular bundle
4. I, II and III (4)Both A and C
187. The size of the vascular bundles are 194. The similar size of vascular bundle in
dependent on the size of the monocot leaf is due to
(1)veins (1) Reticulate venation
(2)air cavities (2) Parallel venation
(3)chloroplast (3) Branched venation
(4)All of the above (4) Radial venation
188. The main parts of the lamina of the 195. In monocot leaf
dorsiventaral leaf are (1) Stomata is present on both surface of
(1)epidermis epidermis
(2)mesophyll tissues (2) Mesophyll is not differentiated into palisade
(3)vascular system and spongy parenchyma
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(3) There is no parenchyma 4. Dicot stem – Arranged vascular bundle.
(4) Both A and B Monocot stem – Endodermis is called a
196. Match the following starch sheath.
Dicot leaf – Amphistomatatic.
A.Cuticle i. guard cells Monocot leaf – Palisade and spongy
B. Bulliform cells ii. single layer
200. In grasses leaves are exposed when
C. Stomata iii. waxy layer bulliform cells becomes_________ and leaves
curl inwards when they are _________
iv. empty colourless (1)flaccid ,turgid
D. Epidermis
cell (2)plasmolysed, turgid
A. A-iii, B-iv, C-i, D-ii (3)turgid, flaccid
B. A-i, B-ii, C-iii, D-iv (4)Both B and A
C. A-iii, B-ii, C-iv, D-i 201. The no of stomata are _______on upper and
D. A-iii, B-ii, C-i, D-iv ______lower surface in monocot leaf
197. The desert grasses, often curls their leaf to 1.more, less
minimise water loss due to presence of 2.less, more
(1) Spines 3.equal, equal
(2) Palisade parenchyma 4.None of the above
(3) Bundle sheath cells 202. Bulliform cells:
(4) Bulliform cells 1. Are found in dorsiventral leaves and help in
198. The stomata are equally distributed on both photosynthesis.
the surfaces of the epidermis in 2. Are found in dorsiventral leaves and help in
1. Dorsiventral leaf minimizing water loss.
2. Dicot stem 3. Are found in isobilatetral leaves and help in
3. Isobilateral leaf minimizing water loss.
4. Dicot root 4. Are found in isobilatetral leaves and help in
199. Which is the correct set of options w.r.t. the photosynthesis.
following? 203. Grass leaves curl inwards during very dry
1. Dicot stem – Differentiated ground tissue. weather. Select the most appropriate reason
Monocot stem – Endarch xylem. from the following :
Dicot leaf – Isobilateral leaf. 1. Tyloses in vessels
Monocot leaf – Dorsiventral leaf. 2. Closure of stomata
2. Dicot stem – Scattered vascular bundle.
3. Flaccidity of bulliform cells
Monocot stem – Arranged vascular bundle.
4. Shrinkage of air spaces in spongy mesophyll
Dicot leaf – Amphistomatic.
Monocot leaf – Hypostomatic.
204. In which character an isobilateral leaf
3. Dicot stem – Endodermis is called a starch differs from the dorsiventral leaf?
sheath. 1. Scattered vascular bundles
Monocot stem – Vascular bundle surrounded 2. Undifferentiated mesophylls
by a sclerenchymatous sheath. 3. Absence of stomata with guard cells
Dicot leaf – Palisade and spongy 4. Conjoint, collateral, and closed vascular
parenchyma. bundle
Monocot leaf – Stomata present on 205. Bulliform cells are associated with
both surfaces. 1. The epidermis of dorsiventral leaves
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2. The adaxial epidermis of isobilateral leaves (1)cambium is more active towards the inner
3. The abaxial epidermis of monocot leaves side
4. Mesophylls of dicot leaves (2)cambium is more active towards the outer
206. Identify the incorrectly matched pair: side
(3)xylem is more important than phloem
Parenchymatous conjunctive
(4)All of the above
1. Dicot root tissue between xylem and
211. In dicot stem, at some places the cambium
forms a narrow band of parenchyma which
Polyarch xylem bundles and passes through the secondary xylem and
2. Monocot root secondary phloem in radial direction these
well-developed pith
are called _________.
Isobilateral Palisade and spongy (1) Secondary medullary rays
leaf parenchyma in mesophyll (2) Rays
(3) Primary medullary rays
Dorsiventral (4) Tertiary medullary rays
4. Bulliform cells are absent
leaf 212. During secondary growth in the stem:-
207. The isobilateral leaf is characterized by all 1. The amount of secondary xylem produced is
the given characteristics, except more than the secondary phloem as the
1. Vascular bundles are always closed cambium is generally more active on the inner
2. Xylem is towards the adaxial surface of leaf side than the outer.
3. Mesophyll cells are not differentiated 2. the amount of secondary phloem produced is
4. Parenchymatous extensions of the bundle more than the secondary xylem as the cambium
sheath is generally more active on the inner side than
208. Which of the following characters is/are the outer.
related to 3. the amount of secondary xylem produced is
isobilateral leaf? more than the secondary phloem as the
(a) Stomata are present on both surfaces. cambium is generally more active on the outer
(b) Mesophyll is differentiated into palisade and side than the inner.
spongy parenchyma. 4. the amount of secondary phloem produced is
(c) Sub-stomatal cavity is present below the more than the secondary xylem as the cambium
stoma of the abaxial epidermis. is generally more active on the outer side than
1. Only (a) the inner.
2. Only (c) 213. Secondary xylem and phloem in dicot stem
3. Only (a) and (c) are produced by
4. (a), (b) and (c) 1. Apical meristems
209. The cambium is generally more active on 2. Vascular cambium
the _________ side than the _________ side. 3. Phellogen
(1) Inner, outer 4. Axillary meristems
(2) Outer, inner 214. State True (T) or False (F) to the given
(3) Radial, inner statements and select the correct option
(4) Radial, outer (A) All tissue layers exterior to the vascular
210. The secondary xylem is produced more cambium constitute bark.
because (B) Root hypodermis is sclerenchymatous.
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(C) Ground tissue of leaves is called mesophyll. 4. In dicot leaves, vascular bundles are
(D) Due to presence of casparian strips, surrounded by large thick-walled cells -
endodermis Conjunctive tissue
is impervious to water. 220. In dicot stems the vascular cambium ring is
(A) (B) (C) (D) derived from
1. T F F T 1. Intrafascicular cambium
2. T F T T 2. Interfascicular cambium
3. F T T F 3. Intrafascicular cambium & Interfascicular
4. T F T F cambium
215. In dicot stem the cells of cambium present 4. Pericycle
between primary xylem and primary phloem 221. During the secondary growth in the dicot
is the ___________. stem, the cambial ring becomes active and
(1) Intrafascicular cambium begins to cut off new cells both towards the
(2) Interfascicular cambium inner and the outer sides. The cells cut off
(3) Metafascicular cambium 1. Towards pith, mature into secondary phloem
(4) Radial cambium 2. Towards the periphery, mature into
216. The vascular cambium normally gives rise secondary xylem
to: 3. Towards pericycle, mature into secondary
1. Primary Phloem xylem as well as secondary phloem
2. Secondary xylem 4. Mature into secondary vascular tissues
3. Periderm 222. Primary xylem remains less or more intact
4. Phelloderm towards the __________
217. Secondary growth is unlikely to be seen in: (1) around the centre
1. Cycas (2) around the periphery
2. Sunflower plant (3)outer to the pith
3. Wheat plant (4)Both A and C
4. Mango tree 223. The cells which are formed from vascular
218. In a dicot stem, the interfascicular cambium cambium towards the centre
strip arises are____________and towards the periphery
1. Between xylem and phloem are _________________
2. From medullary rays (1)secondary xylem, secondary phloem
3. From pith (2)bast, wood
4. From pericycle (3)wood, bast
219. Select the correct pair. (4)Both A and C
1. Cells of medullary rays that form part of a 224. The intrafascicular cambium
cambial ring - Interfascicular cambium 1. is a simple permanent tissue
2. Loose parenchyma cells rupturing the 2. is a meristematic tissue
epidermis and forming a lens-shaped opening in 3. is a complex permanent tissue
the bark - Spongy parenchyma 4. is secondary meristem
3. Large colorless empty cells in the epidermis 225. Secondary medullary rays are
of grass leaves - Subsidiary cells 1. Narrow band of parenchyma
2. Arranged transversely
3. Dead and dignified
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4. Formed by primary cambium 2. B, C, E & F
226. Heart wood is differentiated from sap wood 3. D, E & F
in being 4. B, D & E
1. Peripheral in position 230. Arrange the following diagrams in correct
2. Resistant to the attack of microorganisms and order according to the events occurring
insects during secondary growth in dicot stem.
3. Lighter in colour and dignified
4. hard, durable and help in conduction of
227. What is the fate of the primary xylem in a
dicot root showing extensive secondary
1. It is retained in the center of the axis
2. It gets crushed
3. May or may not get crushed
4. It gets surrounded by primary phloem 1. b, d, c, a
228. Which of the following structures labelled 2. b, a, d, c
as A, B, C and D represents complete and 3. d, a, b, c
continuous wavy ring of vascular cambium? 4. d, b, a, c
231. The cork cambium, cork and secondary
cortex are collectively called
1. phellogen
2. periderm
3. phellem
4. phelloderm
232. What is true about cork cambium?
1. A 1. It is extrastelar cambium in dicot stem.
2. B 2. In dicot stem it arises from the cells of cortex
3. C region.
4. D 3. It is also known as phellogen.
229. All are the features of heart wood, except 4. All the above
A. Forms greater part of secondary xylem in old 233. Match the Column I and II.
Column I Column II
B. Light in colour.
C. Constitutes peripheral region of secondary A. Bulliform cells 1. Stomata
D. It is hard and durable due to deposition of B. Guard cells 2. Aerating pore
organic compounds, essential oils etc.
E. It is physiologically active and is comprised C. Lenticels 3. Accessory cells
of living elements.
F. Involved in the conduction of water and D. Subsidiary cell 4. Isobilateral cells
minerals from root to leaf
1. A, D & F
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237. The term 'bark' includes :
A B C D I. Phellogen
(a) 1 2 3 4 II. Phellem
(b) 3 1 2 4 III. Phelloderm
(c) 4 1 2 3 IV. Secondary phloem
(d) 4 3 2 1 1. I, II and III only
234. Identify the wrong statement in the context 2. I, II and IV only
of cork cambium 3. II, III and IV only
1. Cork cambium is also called phellogen 4. I, II, III and IV only
2. Cork cambium is usually developed from the 238. A tree can be killed by removing its bark, as
secondary xylem this also removes the ________.
3. Outer cells of phellogen differentiate into 1. Phelloderm only
cork 2. Phellem only
4. Inner part of phellogen leads to the formation 3. Primary xylem
of phelloderm 4. Secondary phloem
235. Lenticels are present in 239. Bark refers to all the tissues
1. Outer primary protective tissue 1. External to vascular cambium
2. The outer layer of secondary protective tissue 2. External to cork cambium
3. The middle layer of secondary protective 3. Formed earlier in the season
tissue 4. Impregnated with suberin
4. Inner layer of secondary protective tissue 240. The tissue belonging to bark but not to
236. Which of the following matching is correct? periderm is
1. Vascular cambium
Column I Column II
2. Secondary phloem
I. Lighter in colour 3. Phellem
A. Spring wood II. Density high 4. Secondary cortex
or early wood III. Density low 241. Which of the following is correct w.r.t.
IV. Darker in lenticels?
colour a. Phellogen forms parenchymatous cells on the
V. Larger number of outer side
xylary elements b. It is a lens-shaped opening
VI. Vessels with c. Helps in exchange of gases
wider cavity d. Present mostly in woody trees
VII. Lesser number of 1. a & b correct
B. Autumn wood xylary elements 2. c & d correct
or late wood VIII. Vessels with 3. b, c, & d correct
small cavity 4. All are correct
242. In the given diagram, which is not related
with (A) as indicated in the diagram?
1. A – II, IV, VII, VIII; B – I, III, V, VI
2. A – I, II, VIII, VIII; B – III, IV, V, VI
3. A – I, III, V, VI; B – II, IV, VII, VIII
4. A – I, III, VII, VIII; B – II, IV, V, VI
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Botany 3. Anatomy of Flowering Plants
2.centre, periphery
3.innerside, outerside
4.Both 2 and 3
249. Secondary growth occurs in
(1)dicot root and stem of angiosperms
(2)dicot root and stem of gymnosperms
(3)monocot roots
1. Complimentary cells. (4)Both 1 and 2
2. Involved in the exchange of gases. 250. Dicot roots do not have cambium in
3. Lens-shaped opening called lenticels. vascular bundles, but secondary growth
4. Found in herbaceous trees. cambium is served from
243. The periderm includes : 1. Pericycle cells only
1. Secondary phloem 2. Pericycle and conjunctive tissue
2. Cork 3. Conjunctive tissue only
3. Cambium 4. Pericycle and cortex
4. All of these 251. During secondary growth in dicot root
244. When we peel the skin of a potato tuber, we 1. Vascular cambium arises completely from
remove conjunctive parenchyma
1. Periderm 2. Growth rings are distinct with spring wood
2. Epidermis alternating with autumn wood
3. Cuticle 3. Phellogen arises from the epidermis
4. Sapwood 4. Vascular cambium is complete and
245. Phellogen and Phellem respectively denote continuous wavy ring
1. Cork and cork cambium 252. What is the destiny of primary xylem in a
2. Cork cambium and cork dicot root showing extensive secondary
3. Secondary cortex and cork growth?
4. Cork and secondary cortex A. It is retained in the centre of the axis
246. Secondary growth is because of B. It gets crushed
(1)vascular cambium C. May or may not get crushed
(2)cork cambium D. It gets surrounded by primary phloem
(3)lateral meristem Age of a tree can be estimated by :
(4)All of the above 1. biomass
247. Anatomically fairly old root is distinguished 2. number of annual rings
from dicotyledonous stem by 3. diameter of its heartwood
A. Position of Protoxylem 4. its height and girth
B. Absence of secondary xylem 253. Age of a tree can be estimated by :
C. Absence of secondary phloem 1. biomass
D. Presence of cortex 2. number of annual rings
248. In dicot roots, secondary phloem is formed 3. diameter of its heartwood
towards the _________ and secondary xylem 4. its height and girth
is formed towards the __________ by the 254. Heartwood differs from sapwood in
activity of vascular cambium. 1. presence of rays and fibres
1.periphery, centre 2. absence of vessels and parenchyma
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3. having dead and non-conducting elements (D) The cells of endodermis opposite to
4. being susceptible to pests and pathogens protoxylem divide to give rise vascular
255. The feature which is common to both cambium in dicot roots.
heartwood and sapwood is (A) (B) (C) (D)
1. Both are the regions of secondary xylem 1. T T F F
2. Both are involved in the conduction of water. 2. T T T F
3. Both comprise dead elements with the 3. T F T F
accumulation of aromatic compounds. 4. F F T T
4. Both are located in the central layers of the 260. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. late
stem. wood
256. The springwood present in an annual ring 1. It forms a narrow strip in annual rings
1. Is dark colored 2. Has smaller and narrower vessels
2. Has high density than autumn wood 3. Darker in colour
3. Has abundant fibers 4. Fibres are less
4. Has low density than autumn wood 261. Identify the incorrect match w.r.t. wood
257. Which of the statements given below is not characters given in A, B, C column
true about the formation of Annual Rings in
1. Annual rings are not prominent in trees of
temperate regions.
2. Annual rings are a combination of spring
wood and autumn wood produced in a year.
3. Differential activity of cambium causes light
and dark bands of tissue - early and late wood
4. Activity of cambium depends upon variation
in climate.
258. In temperate region plants, the wood with
fewer xylary elements and narrow vessels, is
termed as:-
1. Spring wood
2. Autumn wood
3. Sap wood
4. Heart wood
259. State True (T) or False (F) to the given
statements and select the correct option
(A) Annual rings are distinct in plants growing
in temperate regions.
(B) Lenticels occur in most woody trees and
permit the exchange of gases.
(C) Due to stellar secondary growth, central
cylinder of wood surrounded by secondary
phloem is formed.
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