Covenant Messenger: Christian Identity Ministries
Covenant Messenger: Christian Identity Ministries
Covenant Messenger: Christian Identity Ministries
Congregations of Israel
PO Box 146, CARDWELL, QLD, 4849, Australia
Ph: 07-4066 0146 (International 61-7 instead of 07) -
“Blessed be the LORD God of Israel; For He hath visited and redeemed His people, And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his ser-
vant David; as he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began; That we should be saved from our enemies and from
the hand of all that hate us; to perform the mercy promised to our fathers and to remember his holy covenant; The oath which he sware to our father
Abraham, That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness
before him, all the days of our lives.” Luke 1:68-75; the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic-Germanic-Scandinavian people are ISRAEL!
2 #384 Christian Identity Ministries - PO Box 146 - CARDWELL QLD 4849
the one and the same Covenant People in both the Old and conflict, because we could care less about the old
New Testaments. Jerusalem. Our focus is entirely on the New Jerusalem and
The only reason we are called an overly simplistic the peace therein (Psalm 122). But the FBI would have
“hate group,” is because our adversaries hate what we people believe that we are consumed with racism and
believe. If Jesus were to enter the world stage today, they violence.
would be the same kind of Pharisees who would hate Him Not only that, but the demonization of our movement
so much, that they would crucify Him all over again. The to suggest that we’re preparing “for these events, they
point I’m making is that the great majority of our engage in survivalist and paramilitary training, storing
adherents are not the silly caricatures invented by our foodstuffs and supplies, and caching weapons and
adversaries. ammunition. They often reside on compounds located in
For example, the outrageous Project Megiddo in their remote areas,” sounds paranoid.
opening self-described statement said, “an FBI strategic On the contrary, we are for the most part middle class,
assessment of the potential for domestic terrorism in the living from pay check to pay check and live everywhere.
United States undertaken in anticipation of or response to Maybe the FBI could learn what we know and practice
the arrival of the new millennium” was issued in 1999. In from Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God,
other words, a PSYOP group of fear mongering and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added
disinformation specialists spreading the propaganda of unto you.” They try their darndest to associate us with
racism and violence. The report was meant for “official right-wing radicals, but we don’t play partisan politics of
law enforcement use only,” but of course leaked to the liberal vs. conservative, because that is not our calling. We
public far and wide. The report was an intentional are called to bring the Good News of the Gospel of the
distraction from the scandals and corruption of the FBI to Kingdom to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, period.
the invented threat of domestic terrorism. It’s a technique The FBI skews what we advocate by saying, “It is a
deployed by political dirty tricksters to this day to avoid belief system that provides its members with a religious
their own misdeeds; they launch calumnious smear basis for racism and an ideology that condones violence
campaigns against their perceived against non-Aryans.” We condone no
enemies. In this report Christian such thing. The FBI reinvents the
Identity was placed at the top of Old LOAN Historic Video: definition of racism however it suits
their list. They proceeded to attribute THE MANUFACTURING their mode of situational ethics. Our
a false history of its founding to OF CONSENT morality, on the other hand, is
Wesley Swift in the 1950s as it Noam Chomsky always the permanent Laws of God
became distinctly American and to know what is right and wrong.
became the sole property of Aryan Excellent documentary with Professor Webster’s (7th Collegiate)
Nations, a clownish organization of Noam Chomsky on Media manipulation Dictionary definition of racism is “a
constumes and misfits. and the world elite and how they get you belief that race is the primary
However, the premise of determinant of human traits and
Christian Identity was well to believe in what they want you to capacities and that racial differences
established decades earlier by believe in. Find out about illusions of produce an inherent superiority of a
Howard B. Rand, who made the Government mind control. They call it particular race.” Belief implies assent
transition from British Israel to ‘democratic manipulation.’ 130 min. to expressing the idea of putting the
Anglo Israel to Christian Identity. belief into action, in government,
One of his contemporaries was CI-273 @ sug LOAN don $7 religion, art, business, community,
Curtis Clair Ewing who was my home, etc. The racism of a racial
mentor for 3 years in the early 1980s. As early as 1927 group will change from a static to a dynamic character
Rand claimed that the Jews were not really descended when it becomes the victim of oppression and the peaceful
from the tribe of Judah. This has since been confirmed by security of the society is at risk. This is a natural
Jewish authors Benjamin Freedman, Arthur Koestler, confrontation in nature, an instinct for survival. Racism
Alfred Lilienthal and Schlomo Sands. This means that if may be the most compelling force or factor in the rise and
they were not descended from any of the tribes of Israel, fall of civilizations.
they couldn’t be Semites racially. When God declared in Deuteronomy 7:6 “For thou art
Unlike Swift and later permutations of theology called an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God
“dual seedline,” Rand did not claim that modern Jews were hath chosen thee to be a special people unto Himself above
descendants of Satan, but that they were simply not the all people that are upon the face of the earth.” Whoever
true descendants of Judah. Rand’s religious beliefs and claims to be this “special people” can only be deemed
teachings have been described as a “peaceful missionary “supremacists” or “above” all others and it is the God of
imperative.” And that is the preponderant majority of what the Bible who declares it, not man. So if anybody wants to
constitutes Christian Identity today. talk about “White Supremacy,” They need to talk to God.
The presumption made by the FBI’s Project Megiddo Lastly, the FBI’s Project Megiddo fails miserably at
was that our rank and file believed that a violent and trying to justify their lies that Christian Identity has
bloody race war would commence in the year 2000, nothing else better to do than to perpetrate violence. It cites
ushering in the “end of the world and Second Coming of a few examples of some people claiming to be Christian
Christ.” Nobody that I knew at the time believed any such Identity, but these people either never read God’s Law or
thing. It was pure hog wash. Every Identity Christian willingly violate God’s Law or are not Christian at all and
should know that “Ye know neither the day nor the hour work for the FBI. This couldn’t have been more exemplary
wherein the Son of man cometh” Matt. 25:13. And yet than Hal Turner several years ago who talked like the
today, evangelical Judeo-Christians are celebrating the stereo-typical madman portrayed in the Project Megiddo
transfer of the Israeli’s capitol from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Report.
This is already fomenting hate and violence and However, as it turned out at trial, he was advocating
tantamount to hitting a hornet’s nest with a stick. Christian the murder of a judge and his defense was that he was
Identity is not agitating this boiling point of senseless working for the FBI making $100,000 a year. There are
Christian Identity Ministries - PO Box 146 - CARDWELL QLD 4849 Ph 07 4066 0146 #384 3
other known government agent provocateurs that haunt Judeo-Christian churches and newspapers, radio and TV
Christian Identity with impunity. And yet more informants who are not mainstream? And now in increasing influence
that are hired by private ant-racist organizations proliferate within state prison systems? It’s because the Truth is not
among us. Real Identity Christians are hard working, tax anti-Semitic.
paying people who just want to be left alone and worship The other organization hellbent on misrepresenting
and fellowship like all other religious groups in the Christian Identity is the SPLC (Souther Poverty Law
country. Center, which is neither Southern or concerned about
Most of us are students of the American Revolution, poverty). The SPLC is a money grubbing scam posing as
but understand that any sort of arm-of-flesh revolution the self-appointed inquisitor of hate. Whoever they smear
today would be a losing proposition. That’s why our with the politically incorrect tag of “hate group” is taken
adversaries yearn for white violence so much. So that they by the mainstream media as gospel. What qualifies them
can take draconian measures against us. We only seek the and their founder, Morris Dees, as judge, jury and social
Kingdom of God or the government of Jesus the Christ and executioner? Perhaps it’s the lust for power and/or their
that revolution starts in our own mind and spirit. Jesus love of mammon. The ridiculous spectrum of SPLC-
called it repentance: to sin no more. And that is why there certified agents of hate range from the KKK and neo-Nazis
is so much temptation today, to entice us with the to respectable Christian groups like the Family Research
trappings of the world (sex, booze, drugs, material Council in Washington DC and D. James Kennedy
possessions) and keep us in bondage. We now know that it Ministries of Coral Ridge, Florida. The SPLC actually
is not violence that will save us, inspired a gunman attempting to
but rather the simple words and CDs of the Month: commit mass murder at FRC
thought that the ‘Truth shall E-293 We Are Getting Closer To The End, 1 headquarters, had he not been
make you free.’ This does not stopped, because he used the
mean that we are pacifists or E-294 We Are Getting Closer To The End, 2 SPLC “hate map” to target them.
discard self defense. E-295 We Are Getting Closer To The End, 3 The Philanthropy Roundtable
The government document is E-297 Take a Stand calls out Dees as “a cash
devoid of any evidence or E-298 Why The Remnant Church Is So Small collecting machine.” The SPLC
documentation. It was a false averages $50 million a year and
prophecy. The real hate groups E-299 Occult Holidays has been criticized for violating
that incited such a ridiculous E-300 Occult Calendar its IRS non-profit status. Again
hatchet job was the Anti- all Pastor Don Elmore the PR says “They’ve never spent
Defamation League (ADL) and more than 31 percent of the
the Southern Poverty Law Center money they were bringing in on
(SPLC) [The Real Hate Group, Pete Peters, #09 @ programs, and sometimes they spent as little as 18
$3.85]. From January 1 to the end of December in the year percent.” Most non-profits average 75%. From a
2000 not one thing happened to give the FBI any November 2000, issue of Harper’s Magazine we read, “In
credibility in their assessment of the new millennium. In 1986, the Center’s entire legal staff quit in protest of Dees’
fact, 17 years later there have been no incidences of refusal to address issues - such as homelessness, voter
criminal activity from millions of adherents in our registration, and affirmative action, that they considered
community, much to the chagrin of the FBI. The few cases far more pertinent to poor minorities, if far less marketable
that can be cited were the nominal lunatic fringe who to affluent benefactors than fighting the KKK. Another
attach themselves to our religious beliefs, but by their lawyer, Gloria Browne, who resigned a few years later,
actions disqualify themselves from being Christian told reporters that the Center’s programs were calculated
Identity. All religions suffer from bad apples who do not to cash in on “black pain and white gain.”
represent the tenets of what they believe. And in 2017, red flags were raised as the SPLC was
The early 1st century church likewise had busted for shunting millions of dollars to offshore
impersonators who mimicked the talk, but could not walk (Cayman Islands) entities. Why anybody would believe:
the talk. Perhaps the most famous was Judas Iscariot. • A greedy con artist,
Let me make one thing perfectly clear: we are not anti- • An embarrassment to the law profession, and
Semitic, because we are Semitic. Those who claim to be • An exposed pedophile in divorce proceedings, is un-
God’s chosen people, generally speaking, will not even be believable.
able to tell you what the derivation of Semite is. It comes And yet this is what Christian Identity, representing
from Shem, the son of Noah, which is also rendered Sem several million White Christian people has to contend
whose descendants were known as Semites. with.
Anti-Semitism is a bogus appelation exploited for The big business of slander and calumny must cease
nefarious purposes, which when understood correctly and desist and it must start with the courts to dismiss
points back to the false accusers. The ADL has a high fraudulent experts who twist the truth to self-perpetuate
dependence upon this word for their propaganda and their money-making schemes. The net worth of the SPLC
disinformation. The ADL is an unregistered foreign agent is an estimated $334 million in cash and securities and its
using its money power as the nations largest NGO, luxurious offices in Montgomery, Alabama, at a whopping
indoctrinating police, teachers, clergy etc. in its self- $34 million. As a personal affront, my church in
serving Zionist ideology. Washington state, the Upper Room, was on the “hate map”
Zionism, by its very nature, is racist and violent in its for ten years after it had become defunct. It took them
stated expansionism in the Middle East. Compared to several years to put Kinsman Redeemer Ministries (KY)
Christian Identity, there is no comparison to the grand on the map. There’s never been anything written about me
scale of Zionist who represents the antithesis of peace. or my ministries. We’re just on a “hate map,” which has
Why then would the ADL be one of the foremost enemies been designated racist and violent. I must reiterate that the
of Christian Identity in its vicious spy and intimidation Truth is neither racist or violent or anti-Semitic or any
campaigns to thwart our conferences, churches and right to other number of cheap shot ad hominems.
assemble, engaging in brutal pressures against lawmakers,
4 #384 Int’l Phone + 61 7 4066 0146 Christian Identity Ministries - PO Box 146 - CARDWELL QLD 4849
As a pastor, author and astute observer of human above all people that are upon the face of the earth,” it has
nature, I can unequivocally conclude that for some people, the clear import of race. That does not necessarily make us
all it takes is one or two words and a person or group can White Supremacist if we forsake and ignore such divine
be demonized to the pits of hell. In my 10+ years of prison callings found throughout God’s Word. It does, however,
ministry, I have experienced the rejection letters from make us cursed and whoring after other gods if we accept
prison mail rooms, but must say that is only about 10% of the deceit of universalism.
the prisons I minister to. The letter usually has the Which leads us to the fourth paragraph and Mr.
proverbial one or two words, which suffice for eternal Leach’s terrible and superficial assessment of what
condemnation. Christian Identity is. He says our movement “Is known to
All because their source is none other than the ADL or have extreme racist and anti-Semitic views with a history
SPLC. In my view of all the documents provided to me of violence.” We know that what Mr. Leach is assuming to
from the Michigan Civil Rights Clinic (MSU - College of be true, is in fact, people who are not really Christian at all,
Law), I could easily discern the fly in the ointment of the because if they were they would know that repentance, in
defendants in this case. Let me defer to the August 8, 2017 contradistinction to the arm of the flesh (violence) is how
memorandung between Kenneth McKee and David Leach we change things and are blessed by God. I dare say that
with the subject “Request for Recognition of New all of these other Christian religious groups are probably
Religious Group—Christian Identity.” Quoting from the more violent than what most of our rank and file could
second paragraph, it states, “It was the opinion of the CAC even dream of. We do not believe Mr. Leach and his little
that many core religious beliefs of the Christian Identity shell game. If an academic study were able to provide
religion are similar to those of other Christian religious statistics, I think you would find more wife abusers,
groups recognized by the MDOC and therefore the substance abusers, divorce, juvenile delinquency and
religious beliefs and practices of criminal activity leading to
the Christian Identity religion can New & Recently Listened to CDs & DVDs* violence, in churchianity.
be adequately met by an existing A-9036 The Horsegate In Prophecy Most prisoners I’m in contact
recognized group.” This was their Alexander Schiffner with tell me they believed in God
core reason for denying Perreault and came from a Baptist or
and Fox their ‘Request for *BD-090 The Mystery of the Covenant, pt 7 Methodist or Pentecostal etc.
Recognition.’ Nothing could be Dave Barley background. They say they knew
made more vague than to D-067 Standing for the Gospel, pt 4, something was wrong with the
cavalierly associate “core ... Lawrence Blanchard church, but didn’t know what it
beliefs” with the whole of E-554 Christianity’s Crossroads, Pt 1, was until they found the Christian
Christendom. Identity Truth. Now they can
Don Elmore
It is not core beliefs we want order their lives into the
recognized. It is the premise G-1112 I Had A Dream: Judgment’s Coming, pt disciplines of Jesus Christ and
which separates us from an 1, Ted Weiland turn from their wicked ways.
apostate churchianity, which only G-1126 HOSEA: Prophet To The New Covenant That’s what I teach them.
gives lip service to the Word of House Of Israel, pt 1, Ted Weiland I resent armchair theologians
God. “These people honor Me J-495 Concepts Of A Holy War, Pt 4. who malign me and my ministry
with their lips, but their hearts are with half-baked innuendo and
far from Me.” (Matthew 15:8). John Weaver outright lies. But, Mr. Leach is not
How many “other Christian J-496 Concepts of a Just War, finished. He has to interject the
religious groups” accept the John Weaver idea that we are largely comprised
premise of Christian Identity? N-117 The Sixth Commandment, of Ku Klux Klan and other
Hardly none! The hearts of William O. Einwechter unnamed “white supremacist
Identity Christians honor the groups.” This is a bold-faced lie,
premise of God’s intent for racial N-118 The Seventh Commandment, bearing false witness and
exclusivity. We reject the William O. Einwechter persecuting Christians in the
admixture of universalism to the K-669 The Enormous Challenge for Christian process. Interestingly, Mr. Leach
Bible. It’s a fact that the entire Orthodoxy, pt 14, James Bruggeman confesses that his source for such
Bible is only about one people. an absurd diatribe is ... the SPLC.
That is a premise, not a core belief, which can entail And then makes a false conclusion that Christian Identity
anything from baptism to communion. And even then the poses “a threat to the custody, and security of our
latter gives rise to interpretation and thus thousands of correctional facility.” It’s sad that someone with authority
denominations having their own mode of application. can’t see that it’s not the case with the great majority of
There is no mode to Genesis 5:1 “This is the book of prisons who allow Christian Identity literature and
the generations of Adam.” It is clear and absolute as are religious amenities that those things do not happen.
thousands of other Scriptures that represent the premise. Otherwise, my ministry would be over and I would no
Everything revolves and hinges upon the premise, not core longer be able to teach and help my brethren understand
beliefs which can be manipulated. If the CAC thinks that and obey the Bible.
Christian Identity is going to integrate our beliefs with As I reread this memo several times, it occurred to me
people whose hearts are far from God, they are mistaken.” that Mr. Leach is a hypocrite. On the one hand he is saying
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers” 2 we’re no different than all those denominational churches
Corinthians 6:14. They do not believe what we believe. and so we should join them for worship and fellowship. On
The reason for denial is obviously a lack of knowledge as the other hand, the seed that Morris Dees planted in his
to what Christian Identity embraces as the Truth. Our mind is hatching and we’re automatically labelled with the
Truth(s) are plain and simple and cannot be obfuscated buzzwords “racist” and have “a history of violence.” We
through sophistry. When Deuteronomy 7:6 says “For thou don’t have a history of violence. But, here’s the hypocrisy:
art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy If we’re so racist and violent then it stands to reason by
God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto Himself, implication, that the Judeo-Christian churches must also be
8 #384 Phone + 61 (0) 7 4066 0146 Christian Identity Ministries - PO Box 146 - CARDWELL QLD 4849
tact was not for their good. As a result, the Bible is not any between the sinners and the wicked. The Bible alludes to a
help in determining when the other races were created. day that is coming when He will send His angels (messen-
In Genesis 4, we find a very interesting story about gers) to separate the Christian wheat from the Tares - the
Cain. Because of the killing of his brother he was driven tares will be destroyed by His angels and will leave them
out of the land and went east. He feared for his life in neither root nor branch. This is verified by many of our
another land that someone would kill him. Cain was proba- prophets. Unfortunately most of today’s pastors still cannot
bly less than thirty years old when that happened. Where distinguish between the Wheat and the Tares any more than
did all these people come from that he thought would kill they could at the time of Jesus.
him? There were enough people there to build a city and In going back to the verse in Acts 17:26,* we know that
they had to have been there for many generations, from a in some of the earlier Bible texts the word “blood” is “ital-
former creation. icized,” - added to create a very different meaning to the
Since the churches have not come up with an intelli- verse. But the word “blood” was never found in the earliest
gent solution as to the times the other races were created, texts! The verse should have been translated, “And hath
we can look to what anthropologists have to say about it. made by One all nations.” This deliberate deception was
They maintain that the Negro and Chinese were created a also used when referring to the wicked, collectively, they
long time before the White race came on the scene. Yet, added the word one to Jesus’ words in Matthew 13:38. By
both the Evolutionists and the Creationists believe that all that change, from the original collective, “wicked” and
races evolved from one race. The adding the word “one” gives this
Creationists prefer to use the words To Politicians Everywhere verse a whole new meaning. Today
developed instead of evolved, but CIVIL RULERS ARE GOD’S they have taken those added words
they mean virtually the same thing. once shown in italics and converted
We have been told that we are MINISTERS the newer Bible texts to standard
to take the things by faith that we a reprinting of a sermon of 1773 words making it appear as if they
do not understand, but many feel by Charles Turner, A.M. had always been so depicted.
we should not take something by A few months ago I received
faith when it has no evidence or Reprinted election sermon preached in Mas- an email about a microbiologist
Biblical base to build on. These sachusetts-Bay Colony in 1773 to the Gov- who was doing a deep study into
races from millenniums past were ernor and the Colonial House of the DNA ladder and was com-
created by God and all have their Representatives. Set in modern typeset for pletely amazed and overwhelmed
own DNA that has not changed at what he had found. He discov-
from the time of their creation. The easy reading, absolutely no changes have ered that there was a means of
only way to change the DNA in a been made to the 200-year-old text - even communication that ran from one
race is by miscegenation. Here is original spellings are maintained—as the end of the ladder to the other that
an interesting side note to think thoughts and principles expounded by Pas- went both ways. He was so awe-
about. The American Indian is dif- struck by it that he no longer
ferent than all the other races from tor Turner are true and valid for all ages. believed in evolution, as only the
one standpoint. He has no facial We pray God’s blessings upon you as you Creator could be responsible for it.
hair. Have you ever seen a western read this sermon from Colonial America just The DNA plays a large part in
movie with Indians that have a animal life as it is what makes the
beard or moustache? It’s all in the a few generations ago. baby ducks follow their mother in
DNA. #506 @ sug don $5.25 single file. It makes blind new-born
Today’s churches are not puppies know where to go for their
amazed nor do they have any con- nourishment. It programs the minds
cern regarding the discovery of DNA as it runs contrary to of the migratory birds so they know when to go south for
their doctrines. But then, a person can be dead for thou- the winter and how to navigate to their destination. It pro-
sands of years and they can still manage to recover DNA grams the fear in animals to warn them to keep away from
evidence from them. This has made it possible to trace the predators. The list could go on and on as all the animals
DNA from the White European to that of Abraham and the have been programmed differently. It even puts the stripes
Hebrew people. It can also trace the DNA from today’s on the zebras (as distinctly different as fingerprints) so they
people called Jews and find where these people originated look distinctively different than a donkey.
from. The one thing we know for sure today, is that there are
Over 90% of today’s Jews are Ashkenazis, the descen- no physical, mental, nationality or racial characteristics
dants of Japheth and not Shem (see Genesis 10:2&3), while passed on through the blood, as all these things are passed
the Sephardic Jews of today are mixed with other races and on through the miracle of our DNA. We’ve all heard it said
are not Israelites. An Israelite, by Biblical law has to have about someone or people, It’s in their blood.” NO, it’s not
two Israelite parents. By Jewish law, one only has to have a in their blood and I think it’s time to realize that there is
Jewish mother, regardless of the race of the father. As a nothing passed down through the blood and the word
result there are very few Jews today that are from the seed bloodline has nothing to do with any of our physical, men-
of Abraham. Today’s Arabs, the descendants of Ishmael tal or racial characteristics passed down through it.
have far more of Abraham’s DNA that the antichrist fol- *regarding Acts 17:26, the Anointed Standard Transla-
lowers of Judaism have today. It is Abraham’s seed tion states: The KJV has promoted the following often-
through Ishmael that was to be, and is the rightful possessor quoted phrasing: “And [He] hath made of one blood all
of what is erroneously called by our deceitful or deceived nations of men to dwell on the face of the earth.” When this
pastors as “Greater Israel.” phrase is quoted from the KJV, it is done to imply that God
Another reason for this deception is to promote the idea made all the nations of men into one blood. However, this
of Universalism, as we are told that we are all the same was not the original intent of the KJV translators. In the
except for the color of our skin. It’s hard for them to 1611 vernacular, what was meant was And he made from
believe that God created the wicked for His day of wrath. one blood all nations... The word blood, in fact, is an inter-
He also uses them to bring us (Israel) low when we are in polation, added by the Western scribes in order to attempt
disobedience to His Laws. There is a big difference to explain what the word one was in reference to. In the
Christian Identity Ministries - PO Box 146 - CARDWELL QLD 4849 #384 9
Anointed Standard Translation, this verse reads, “And He Arabians, etc. Yet, all of these nations, in the first century,
made from one every nation of men, to live on all the were composed of white people. However, there is no con-
face of the earth...” The word one in this verse, as nearly tradiction between passages that state that the Good Mes-
all modern translations agree, is in reference to Adam, so sage was to be delivered to every nation and the historical
that the statement means that God made from one man, reality that it was not delivered to Orientals, Nubians, etc.,
Adam, every nation of men, or in broader terms, He made when it is understood that by Biblical definition, the term
from one racial stock, the Adamic race, every nation of nations, or as some translations render it, gentiles, was only
men. in reference to White Adamites.
This verse then, serves as the New Testament defini- --------------------------------------------------------------
tion of the word εθνος or nation; this word is commonly THE "RED DRAGON SATAN" OF
translated as gentile. The definition, therefore, is that all
nations of men are descendants of Adamic stock. They are REVELATION 12
all of the same race, the race of Adam. The Hebrew word by Pastor Ken Lent
Adam carries the meaning ruddy, to show blood in the face, If any book of the Scriptures is riddled and loaded with
flush, turn rosy (Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary, et al). This allegories, it's the book of Revelation. God Almighty never
word indicates that the original Adamic creation was ruddy intended us to apply literal meanings to something that is
or able to blush or turn rosy, in other words, a very fair- figurative in its context.
complected person, or what would today be referred to as a People use all manner of metaphors in their daily walk,
white person. Race-mixing was strictly prohibited in the (paint the town red, cat got your tongue, I’m just dying to
Old Testament (as well as in the do that, etc) and realize those
New Testament). Hundreds of The Best of Sheldon Emry terms for what they are. But
examples might be cited, but when they read from the Book
GOD SOLD ISRAEL INTO CAPTIVITY of Revelation about "Satan", for
Deuteronomy 23:2 shall suffice
(from the Hebrew): At a time when many thousands of God’s people some reason they have a diffi-
“A mongrel shall not enter are beginning to realize we are in danger of going cult time realizing the obvious
into the Body Politic of the into captivity under aliens, it is well that someone truth that this is symbolism in a
Master, even to the tenth gener- injects into their thinking a reason why we might poetic license of expression.
ation shall none of his enter into But why should there be such
the Body Politic of the Master. be in such danger. Many are saying that our ene- an almost universal mystic eso-
An Ammonite or a Moabite mies are too wicked and cunning, they overcome teric perception concerning the
shall not enter into the Body us through sheer weight of their lies and decep- word "satan" in the Scriptures?
Politic of the Master; even to Surely this has taken place
the tenth generation shall not of tion. Here you will find what part God played in because of the constant bom-
them enter into the Body Politic the captivities of our forefathers. Perhaps you’ll bardment, generation after gen-
of the Master, forever.” have a little more respect for God’s participation eration, on the part of
Since such race-mixing was in the present dilemma facing we Israelites today. denominational theology's re-
strictly prohibited, we know, for lentless insistence that "the
example, that David was a pure #221 @ sug don $5.95 Devil is going to get them".
descendant of the original People want a "Devil," and, by
Adamic man. A racial description is given for David in 1 God, they will have him because in Revelation 12:9 we
Samuel 16:12, where David is described with the adjective know that the "Fallen Angel" was cast out of heaven. This
ruddy: “...and he was ruddy...” Ruddy is translated for the may be the most often misquoted verse in the Scriptures
Greek word πυρρακης which means to have a ruddy com- used by "Devil/demon" believers to support their position
plexion. Josephus, in Jewish Antiquities VI:164, further that a literal Devil named Satan is a "second-in-command
defines what the first century reader understood by this spirit being," the arch angel in heaven, who rebelled against
description, he says of David, “.a boy with golden blonde God Almighty.
skin, with fiery eyes...” Josephus used the Greek word "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent,
χανθος, a Greek term used of a fair-skinned person with called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole
light, blonde hair. Thus, if David was a fair-skinned white world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were
man, so too was Adam and all of the racially pure Adamic cast out with him" (Rev.12:9).
progeny, including Jesus, who in Revelation 22:16, said, “I But what if this "Devil," like Mystery Babylon in Rev-
am the Root and Race of David, the bright and morning elation chapter 17 who is the "whore with whom the kings
star.” of the Earth have committed fornication" (17:2), is not a
Therefore, when the term nation is used in the New real person after all, but is something else that persecutes
Testament, it is used only of those people who were the those faithful ones in Christ who keep God's command-
racial progeny of Adam. When Romans 16:26 states that ments (see v. 12:17)?
the mystery of the Anointed had been made known “to all Certainly, we realize and agree that the great world
the nations,” that statement is qualified by Acts 17:26. power Mystery Babylon is not some individual evil female
Many criticize Romans 16:26 and other verses which state running around hopping in bed with all the world leaders.
that the Good Message had already been or was shortly to Could it be likewise that "Satan, The Devil" is something
be delivered to all the nations, such as Mark 13:10, other than an individual being running around causing bad
because, they rightly point out, no student or ambassador or things to happen in the world? The only way we can know
other early Christian is recorded, either in the Bible or in for sure is to see what God's Holy Word itself says about
other historical sources, going to any Asiatic or black Afri- this "Devil" of Revelation chapter 12.
can nations; though the New Testament does record that the The Scriptures, upon closer look, reveal that "heaven"
Good Message had been delivered to nations and people here in chapter 12 is jurisdictional and it has to do with
such as the Scythians, Greeks, Romans, Parthians, Medes, nations and governments in the Earth which becomes evi-
Elamites, Mesopotamians, Judeans, Cappadocians, Phry- dent if we go back and read from verse one.
gians, Pamphylians, Cretes, Egyptians, Libyans, Cyrenians, “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a
woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet,
10 #384 Phone +61 (0) 7 4066 0146
Christian Identity Ministries - PO Box 146 - CARDWELL QLD 4849
and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being heads, 10 horns, and is "Red"; while the same beast in 13:1-
with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be deliv- 2 has the same power overlapping as the dragon, the horns
ered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and now have crowns too, and it's now seen like a leopard, bear,
behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten and lion. What kind of unified entity is this? And where
horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew else can we find this peculiar "entity" in the Scriptures?
the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to Thank God, for He does not leave us in the dark with-
the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which out insight as to the "Devil/Red Dragon/Animal Beast",
was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon because the Holy Spirit gave wisdom to a prophet centuries
as it was born. And she brought forth a man child, who was before, who saw this same vision and had explained it to us
to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was in plain writing. This is a depiction of jurisdictional gov-
caught up unto God, and to his throne.” ernment since it is about the nation Israel who brings forth
So we see it says, "And there appeared a great wonder Messiah, yet persecuted (Rev.12:15 -17). Let's turn to the
in heaven… she brought forth a man child, who was to rule book of Daniel in the Old Testament as we discover what
all nations." This is speaking about national Israel from God's Word says this "Satan" of Revelation actually is. Is it
whom Jesus was born. This event takes place on the Earth, a singular person who is Beelzebub the Devil, or just like
as is self evident. Yet it is spoken of as a "wonder in the woman “Mystery Babylon the Whore” (Rev.17:1, 5), is
heaven" in that it's by "a woman clothed with the sun, and it some world international system?
the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of Daniel 7:2-7, "Daniel spake and said, I saw in my
twelve stars:" vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven
This "woman" is none other than national Israel and the strove upon the great sea. And four great beasts came up
rulership of Jacob's 12 sons who from the sea, diverse one from
became the 12 tribes ruling by The Best of Sheldon Emry another. The first was like a lion,
authority of God Almighty. and had eagle's wings: I beheld
Joseph's dream in Genesis 37 tells WHAT IS MYSTERY BABYLON? till the wings thereof were
us what these "stars" are. Revelation 17 tells of a fearful vision, a plucked, and it was lifted up from
Gen.37:9-10, "And he woman that reigns over the kings of the earth. the earth, and made stand upon
[Joseph] dreamed yet another We hear a lot of preaching of a future anti- the feet as a man, and a man's
dream, and told it his brethren, heart was given to it. And behold
and said, Behold, I have dreamed Christ, some great world ruler who is sup- another beast, a second, like to a
a dream more; and, behold, the posed to appear on the world scene in the bear, and it raised up itself on one
sun and the moon and the eleven future. However, that world ruler must of side, and it had three ribs in the
stars made obeisance to me. And mouth of it between the teeth of it:
he told it to his father, and to his necessity be something co-existing on the and they said thus unto it, Arise,
brethren: and his father rebuked earth with the Christians. How else could she devour much flesh. After this I
him, and said unto him, What is be accused of slaying so many that she was beheld, and lo another, like a
this dream that thou hast drunken with their blood? leopard, which had upon the back
dreamed? Shall I and thy mother of it four wings of a fowl; the
and thy brethren indeed come to This is a transcription of 29 radio broadcasts beast had also four heads; and
bow down ourselves to thee to the that Sheldon did on the subject. Very good! dominion was given to it. After
earth?" #118 @ sug don $10.15 this I saw in the night visions, and
The eleven "stars" (that is, behold a fourth beast, dreadful
sons) plus Joseph make up the 12 and terrible, and strong exceed-
"stars" of Revelation 12:1 and it is the governing nation of ingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in
Israel, the woman of verse 1. This is Israel in God's ruling pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it
national domain, that is, "heaven". The "stars" are govern- was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it
ing symbols, but they are regular men in actuality. (movie had ten horns." Same as in Revelation 12.
actors are called:stars”) This last beast with the now notable 10 horns was a
In Rev.12:3 we see the "Devil" as being a great red "devourer". What are these beasts?) "These great beasts,
dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the
crowns upon his heads. This is "Satan" of verse 9, "And the earth" Daniel 7:17. The beasts are governments. The
great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the "devourer beast" is the last beast, and like "Satan, the
Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was Devil" in Revelation 12; it has 10 horns. What both Daniel
cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with and John in Revelation had seen was the long train of his-
him." Yet this same entity shows up just a few verses later tory of the nations in jurisdictional battle against the "stars"
as we go to chapter 13. (Jacob/Israel) in the Earth.
Rev. 13:1-2, "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and The last of the Earthly Kingdoms is particularly evil
saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and since, as history progressed, this Kingdom had gained
ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his (devoured) all the evil traits of the previous wicked nations,
heads the name of blasphemy. [three more descriptions are absorbing more and more wickedness into its system from
added to the 7 crowns now, making 10, and are below] And the former "beasts". This last evil Kingdom has authority
the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet from the "Red Dragon" or red jurisdiction, which we know
were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a today, is Edomite (meaning Red) communism. [When men-
lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and tioning Jacob/Israel, it should be made clear that this is not
great authority." referring to the "jewish Israeli U.N. State" in the Middle
We're also now seeing a blending of qualities that over- East, which people are not Biblical Israel. The descendants
lap within this entity, as do the likeness of the words as the of Biblical Israel are of Isaac's covenant line (Gen.21:12)
text progresses. As the red dragon becomes the Devil and namely "son's of Isaac" "Isaac's Sons" "Saac Sons" today
Satan (verses 12:3 then v.9), so does the dragon become called "Saxons". The Saxon people eventually migrated to
entwined with the beast (12:3 & 13:1) In 12:3 it has 7 America as Christians and built our Republic.]
12 #384 Phone + 61 (0) 7 4066 0146 Christian Identity Ministries - PO Box 146 - CARDWELL QLD 4849
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT GOD ing, he reaffirmed the promise of “the land” that Israel
by Lawrence Blanchard, ND, MDiv would possess based on God’s promise to their “fathers, to
Posted on February 21, 2018 Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob, to them and their descen-
Biblical theology is the science and study of the God of dants after them” (Deuteronomy 1:8; see also Deuteron-
the Bible. Theologians have created various categories omy 6:10f; 9:5).
describing this God based on the cumulative evidence from The promise of life and prosperity in “the land” which
the biblical text. God is omniscient (all-knowing), omni- “the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and
present (everywhere), and omnipotent (all-powerful), for Jacob to give them.” – Deuteronomy 30:19-20
example. He is Spirit and the Creator. He is holy and He is Jesus confirmed that in the Kingdom many would
love and He is good. All of this is important information in come and join Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Matthew 8:11).
order to understand who God is. But there is also very Peter, in the second sermon after Pentecost, preached
important information that is specific to the entire context the gospel to Judean Israelites. He spoke to them about
of Scripture and is highly relevant. “the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our
God in Context fathers” (Acts 3:13). That was their racial roots and spiri-
A correct and accurate understanding of the context of tual heritage.
both the Old and New Testaments is this: the Bible is the The context of the whole Bible reveals God as the God
unfolding story of a specific racial covenant family and of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their physical descen-
God’s purpose for them. It is the unfolding historical drama dants. Old Testament through New Testament – same God,
of God’s redeeming, sacrificial love through Jesus Christ to same people. God does not change!
reconcile and restore His covenant people to Himself. More The God of All?
could be said, but this is the capsulated context. (If you God identifies Himself as their God and not ever the
want to discover that for yourself, read the Covenant Heri- God of anybody else. He is not the God of the African races
tage Series.) It is within this biblical or the Asian races or any other race or racial subtype.
context that God reveals Himself. Many may protest, “Oh, but
The God of Who? S.A. LOERIES children that’s not fair. God is the God of all
Repeatedly, God revealed Him- From the previous transfer to the South African Loe- ‘humans.’ He is the God of every-
self in a very specific way. He said to rie children, “Herewith proof of your donation. Thank body.” Is that in the Bible? Or, is that
Moses at the burning bush: based on the persuasion of the equal-
you so much for this huge donation and that you ity, tolerance, diversity and inclusion
“… I am the God of your father, always have the Loerie Children from SA in your
the God of Abraham, the God of culture?
Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” – Exo- mind. Your support means a lot to help us to provide Biblically speaking, God is the
dus 3:6 a ‘normal’ household for the children. Please give God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
When Moses asked God what he our regards to all involved. Greetings.” This fact is meaningful (or
should say if the enslaved Israelites The latest transfer was made on 29th March ‘18. should be) to those who are of their
would ask who sent him, God however, it seems the number of donors is declining. descendants. Not the Jews, but the
responded: Covenant Race of biblical Israelites
“God, furthermore, said to Please remember to help the Loeries when you can. who are known today as those of
Moses, ‘Thus you shall say to the The next transfer will be made, God willing, later this northwest European descent. Their
sons of Israel, “The LORD, the God year in September God is the God of their fathers. All
of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the promises to the fathers are to be
the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to inherited by them.
you.” This is My name forever, and this is My memorial- Today, that people have been effectually disconnected
name to all generations.’ ” – Exodus 3:15 from their heritage. But God is still waiting. When they
When Moses protested that the Israelites would not seek after their God, the God of their fathers, they will find
believe him or that God had sent him, God demonstrated Him. And when they do, watch out!
His power through Moses’ staff so The Bible may be, or may not be, about you. If it is,
“that they may believe that the LORD, the God of their don’t waste another moment. Pursue it! Why wait?
fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the --------------------------------------
God of Jacob, has appeared to you.” – Exodus 4:5 WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT LOVE
Later, God again affirmed to Moses: by Lawrence Blanchard, ND, MDiv
“…I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as God Posted on January 18, 2018
Almighty, but by My name, LORD, I did not make Myself The Bonner County Human Rights network helped
known to them. I also established My covenant with them, spearhead the “Love Lives Here” campaign last fall. A
to give them the land of Canaan, the land in which they rally in one of the downtown parks in Sandpoint sprouted a
sojourned.” – Exodus 6:3-4 small crowd of people as they listened to a few pep talks
In regard to the unconditional covenant promise about and at least one story of a homosexual. Signs began to man-
the land of Canaan, God said to Israel through Moses: ifest in a few front lawns and downtown businesses –
“I will bring you to the land which I swore to give to “Love Lives Here.” Many businesses around town posted
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and I will give it to you for a the “7B Supports Human Rights” sign in their windows or
possession; I am the LORD.” – Exodus 6:8 (see also Exo- check-out counters. (7B is the designation for Bonner
dus 33:1) County, Idaho). What is love?
God promised that if the people of Israel would repent Love in Modern Culture
of their sins and rebellion, should they fall away, that: What do those who promote and agree with the “Love
“…then I will remember My covenant with Jacob, and Lives Here” campaign believe about “love”? How would it
I will remember also My covenant with Isaac, and My cov- be defined? If we are going to have an intelligent conversa-
enant with Abraham as well, and I will remember the tion about “love,” we better come to an understanding
land.” – Leviticus 26:42 about what it means. Basically the human rights people
In Deuteronomy, when Moses recounted all that the promote “love” as equality, diversity, tolerance and accep-
Lord had said and done during their forty years of wander- tance of everything leading to mutual understanding and
Christian Identity Ministries - PO Box 146 - CARDWELL QLD 4849 #384 13
integration of races, religions, cultures, not to mention the doctrine that all people who do not meet the require-
“sexual orientation.” This is “love.” The only thing that is ments according to their particular denomination, will be
not tolerated is anyone who disagrees with any of their tortured for all eternity in a burning hell, I would like to ask
points listed above. a very simple question. I have talked to many pastors and
They don’t tolerate any intolerance. Diversity and laymen and have yet to hear an answer that made any sense
acceptance only goes so far. They define the parameter. at all. The Apostle Paul said that the wages of sin is death
Love is this and not this. Thus said the “7B Supports (not burning in hell), but the gift of God is eternal life.
Human Rights” folks. My question, if the wages or penalty for sin is burning
Love in the Bible in hell forever, and Jesus paid this penalty, why is He not
Okay, so is this love? Let’s compare it to what the Bible still burning in this hell, instead of being on the right hand
says about love. of God? Common sense would tell me that the penalty
Jesus Christ reconfirmed what was said in the Old Tes- could not be greater than the price paid for it.
tament about love. All the commandments that God gave Deut. 30:19 tells us, “I have set before you life and
Israel were summed up in two commandments: death, ... therefore choose life... that you and your children
may live.”
“And He said to him, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE There is no third option mentioned, just life or death!
LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND ---------------------------------------------------------------
WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR Knowledge serves the facts;
MIND.’ This is the great and foremost commandment. Wisdom serves the truth.
ments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.” – Mat- We have all read or heard identical “facts” used to
thew 22:37-40 prove the opposite propositions; that is the misfortune of
“God is love,” (I John 4:16) and those who please Him knowledge. Knowledge is the presentation of facts;
love Him. That love was verified by Jesus when He stated: whereas, Wisdom is putting those facts into a proper per-
“If you love Me, you will keep my commandments.” – spective. Knowledge can be implied, but wisdom must be
John 14:15 inferred. Wisdom is attaining the truth of knowledge, free
Keeping His moral and ethical laws is the evidence of of all the social innuendo created by the misguided emo-
loving God. Keeping God’s commandments defines what it tions of contemporary political agendas.
means to love our neighbor. Love is obeying God’s laws. Knowledge enables the flesh;
That is the biblical definition of love. If we don’t obey God, Wisdom is evidence of the spirit.
we don’t love God. If we don’t treat our neighbor (a fellow The social importance of obtaining a conscious separa-
Israelite) in accordance with God’s laws, we don’t love our tion of knowledge and wisdom is to inhibit the misuse of
neighbor. knowledge as grounds for reducing liberty and morality.
So, what if homosexuality is promoted and sanctioned Even a casual examination of the most tyrannical govern-
by society as good or at least acceptable? How about trans- ments of the past will reveal that although most of those
genderism? When God clearly prohibits homosexuality as empires possessed voluminous knowledge, at the same
an abomination, how can engaging in such behavior and time, wisdom was suppressed.
promoting it in the name of “love” and “equality” be love? Truth is essential to the freedom of our nation and the
If God’s law in this regard is violated, how can practic- world. Wisdom is politically important because it separates
ing this behavior or accepting this behavior be love? Keep- truth from knowledge.
ing God’s commandments is love. Violation of His Truth is energy from God; Ignorance is a man-made
commandments is not love. energy crisis. The bitter fruit of ignorance is suffering.
That’s the biblical definition of love. Apparently, it’s Why can’t true knowledge work for us today? Why
not the meaning of love by those who in defiance of God’s hasn’t wisdom been empowered? If the “wise” were run-
laws, support and promote homosexual lifestyles and other ning the world today, wouldn’t they reduce the ignorance
sexually perverted activities. And that’s only one aspect of and suffering? Of course.
God’s law. But wisdom and greed do not coexist in harmony - the
Love Contrasted use of one reduces the power of the other
So, when you see “Love Lives Here,” it’s “love” as Those who seek wisdom cannot simultaneously be
defined by arbitrary humanistic values. It’s defined by peo- seeking wealth, and the wise do not control Wall Street or
ple who hate the God of the Bible and His laws. Whatever the international banks — Wall Street and the international
“feels good” and seems to be “fair” is “love.” And if you banks covet their wealth, not wisdom; and so the wealthy,
don’t agree with that, you’re a person who “hates.” not the wise, are determining public policy.
Well – maybe “hate” is not all bad. We are supposed to Yet I still must ask: Where are the wise in our time of
hate evil. We are supposed to hate what God hates. trouble?
I must ask, “Where does ‘Love Lives Here’ draw the Observations from Elliott Germain -
line?” Homosexuality, transgenderism – what’s next? Is sex Courtesy Hear Ye! Hear Ye!, GPO Lead Hill, AR 72644
with children okay? How about prostitution and sex traf- ------------------------------------------------------------
ficking? As time goes by, more and more perversion is Greetings in Jesus’ name. Here we are again with
accepted and promoted. It’s bad news! almost half the year gone already. We thank the Lord for
But all this aside, unless we can arrive on a clear, continued good health. We hope you find these writings
mutual definition of “love,” there will be no understanding beneficial, and share them with friends and relatives. Share
or agreement. articles with your children when appropriate. We look for-
Courtesy ward to your communications, and your orders for material
---------------------------------------------------------- and your support. May the God of our forefathers, Abra-
A HARD QUESTION TO ANSWER ham, Isaac, and Jacob bless you, make His face shine on
If you, as well as most denominational churches teach you and be gracious to you, and give you His peace,
Christian Identity Ministries - PO Box 146 - CARDWELL QLD 4849 Hendrik (Hank) Roelofs 14
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