Hypertension HTN
Hypertension HTN
Hypertension HTN
Elwin Shawa
• Define HTN
• Describe the blood pressure regulation
• Describe the classification of HTN
• Identify the types of HTN and its causes
• Describe the pathophysiology of HTN
• List the clinical manifestations of HTN
• List the complications of HTN
• Describe the diagnostic studies
Outcomes ..
• Explain the lifestyle modifications as one way
of HTN management.
• Describe the drug therapy used in HTN
• Explain the nursing management
• Define accelerated HTN
• Describe the clinical manifestations of AHTN
• Describe the management of AHTN
• Explain the nursing interventions.
• A systolic blood pressure ( SBP) >139 mmHg
and/or a diastolic (DBP) >89 mmHg.
• Based on the average of two or more properly
measured, seated BP readings.
• On each of two or more clinic visits.
• It is important medical and public health issue
Normal regulation of BP
• Short-term regulation:
– Baroreceptor reflexes.
– Chemoreceptor reflexes.
– Atrial reflexes.
– CNS-ischemic response.
• Long-term regulation:
– Role of the kidney.
• Intermediate regulation:
– Capillary fluid shift
Classification of HTN
• SBP >120 mmHg and <139mmHg and/or