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Schedule - Deeksharambh 2023 (SIP)

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IIS (Deemed to be University), Jaipur

Deeksharambh- Student Induction Programme (SIP)

19 July 2023 to 18 August, 2023

IIS (deemed to be University) Jaipur

Student Induction Programme (SIP)
Undergraduate Courses

DAY 1: 19 July 2023, Wednesday

Venue: IIS Auditorium, Kshipra Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur
Time Session Presenters Duration

9:30 am -10:00am Parents’ Orientation Prof. Deepika Singh 30 Minutes

10:00am Welcome of Students
10:15am–10:30am ● University Prayer
● An Introduction to IIS (deemed to
be University) Jaipur
10:30am–10:40am Welcome Address Dr. Ashok Gupta 10 Minutes
10:40am-10:50am Deeksharambh Prof. T.N. Mathur 10 Minutes
Preparing for Transition : Vice Chancellor
Commencement 2023
10:50am-11:50am Systems, Operations and Academic Prof. Shilpi Rijhwani 60 Minutes
11:50am-12:30pm Motivational Talk 40 Minutes

12:30pm-1:15pm Announcements and Transit to IISU 45 Minutes


Venue: IIS University Campus, Gurukul Marg, SFS, Mansarovar, Jaipur

Time Session Duration
1:15pm–1:45pm Refreshments 30 Minutes

1:45pm-2:15pm Campus Visit 30 Minutes

2:15pm onwards Bus Route Setting

IIS (deemed to be University) Jaipur
Student Induction Programme (SIP)
Orientation Schedule
Undergraduate Courses

DAY 2: 20 July 2023, Thursday

Venue: IIS Auditorium, Kshipra Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur

Time Session Presenters Duration

9:30am-10:00am Assessment and Evaluation Prof. Nisha Yadav 30 Minutes

Controller of Examinations
10:00 am- 10:20 am Ice breaking session Dr. Vaishali Gupta 20 Minutes
10:20am-10:50am Introduction to Microsoft Dr. Anubha Jain 30 Minutes
Teams and Account Activation
10:50am-11:20am Faculty at a Glance Dr. Mani Bhatia 30 Minutes
11:20am-11:30am COSD Courses Prof. Sreemoyee 10 Minutes
11:30am -11:45am Extra and Co-curricular Dr. Radhika Sharma 15 Minutes
11:45am- 12:00 pm Cells and Committees Prof. Rimika Singhvi 15 Minutes
12:00 pm -12:15 pm IISU Preparatory classes for Ms. Ridhsidh Singh 15 Minutes
Civil Services and other
12:15 pm -12:30 am Mentoring : Counseling and Dr. Monica Sharma 15 Minutes
Career Development Centre
12:30 am - 01:10 pm Transit to IISU Campus 40 Minutes

Venue: IIS University Campus, Gurukul Marg, SFS, Mansarovar, Jaipur

Time Session Presenters Duration

01:10 pm -1:35pm Timetable Dr Radhika Sharma 25 Minutes

● Arts & Social Science
● Commerce & Management
● Science
1:35pm -3:15pm Visit to respective Departments &
Classes as per Time Table
3:15pm onwards Bus Boarding
IIS (deemed to be University) Jaipur
Student Induction Programme (SIP)
Orientation Schedule
Undergraduate Courses

Day 3:21 July 2023, Friday

Venue: IIS University Campus, Gurukul Marg, SFS, Mansarovar, Jaipur


Time Session Coordinator Venue

8:00 am – 9:30 am Morning Batch Students – Classes as per Time Table

9:30 am - 10:00 am Physical Activity: Dr. Himangini Rathore IISU Lawns

Flash Mob

10:00 am -10:30am Interaction with Prof. Manisha Patni IISU Lawns

Students’ Council

10:30 am onwards Classes as per Time Table

Day 4 :22 July 2023, Saturday

Time Session Coordinator Venue

8:00 am – 9:30 am Morning Batch Students – Classes as per Time Table

9:30 am - 10:00 am Physical Activity: Dr. Renu Shungloo IISU Lawns


10:00 am-10:15am Mentoring: Mentor - Prof. Ila Joshi IISU Lawns

Mentee Dean, Arts, Humanities
and Social Sciences

10:15 am -10:30 am Interaction of Mentees with their respective IISU Lawns


10:30 am onwards Classes as per Time Table

* Information about the meeting venues will be made available on the University website soon
Day 5 : 24 July 2023, Monday
Time Session Coordinator Venue

8:00 am – 9:30 am Morning Batch Students – Classes as per Time Table

9:30 am -10:00 am Orientation - IIC & Prof. Ritu Jain

Incubation Centre IISU Lawns

10:00 am - 10:30 am Talk: Mentoring - Body Dr. Himangini IISU Lawns

and Mind Rathore

10:30 am- 11:15 am Mentoring Activity *

11:15 am onwards Classes as per Time Table

* The details pertaining to the activities will be made available on the University website soon

Day 6: 25 July 2023, Tuesday

Time Session Coordinator Venue

8:00 am – 9:30 am Morning Batch Students – Classes as per Time Table

9:30 am - 10:00 am Physical Activity – YOGA Dr. Renu Shungloo IISU Lawns

10:00 am -10:30 am Alumna Association – Prof. Shelja K. Juneja IISU Lawns


10:30 am onwards Classes as per Time Table

Day 7 :26 July 2023, Wednesday

Time Session Coordinator Venue

8:00 am – 9:30 am Morning Batch Students – Classes as per Time Table

9:30 am - 10:30 am Orientation - Theatrical Dr Aditi Khandelwal IISU Lawns

Society & Nukkad Natak

10:30 am onwards Classes as per Time Table

Day 8 :27 July 2023, Thursday

Time Session Coordinator Venue

8:00 am – 9:30 am Morning Batch Students – Classes as per Time Table

9:30 am - 10:30 am Talent Hunt Prof. Shilpi

(Prior registration is mandatory Rijhwani IISU Lawns
Registration link -

10:30 am onwards Classes as per Time Table

Day 9 :28 July 2023, Friday
Time Session Programmes Coordinator Venue

8:00am–9:30 am Morning Batch Students – Classes as per Time Table

9:30am-10:30 pm Commerce & Management

B.Com., B.Com. (Hons), B.Com.
(Hons) Prof., B.Voc., BBA

10:45am-11:45 am Arts & Social Sciences

BA, BA (Hons), BA- B.Ed., B.Sc. Vinayak
NCC/ Dr. Renu
(JDT), B.Sc. FD, BFA, BA(JMC) Hall
Sports Shungloo
12:00noon-1:00 Science
pm B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons),. B.Sc. (Hons) -
H.Sc., Data Analytics, Forensic
Science, B.Sc.-B.Ed., BCA, B.Sc.-
M.Sc. (Int.)

Classes as per Time Table

Day 10 :31 July 2023, Monday

Time Session Programmes Coordinator Venue

8:00am–9:30 am Morning Batch Students – Classes as per Time Table

9:30am-10:30 am Commerce & Management

B.Com., B.Com. (Hons), B.Com.
(Hons) Prof., B.Voc., BBA

10:45am-11:45 am Arts & Social Sciences

BA, BA (Hons), BA- B.Ed., B.Sc. (JDT), Prof.
Cultural B.Sc. FD, BFA, BA(JMC) Manisha
12:00 Noon-1:00 Science
pm B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons),. B.Sc. (Hons) -
H.Sc., Data Analytics, Forensic
Science, B.Sc.-B.Ed., BCA, B.Sc.-M.Sc.

Classes as per Time Table

Day 11: 1st August 2023, Tuesday

Time Session Programmes Coordinator Venue

8:00am–9:30am Morning Batch Students – Classes as per Time Table

9:30am-10:30am Commerce & Management

B.Com., B.Com. (Hons), B.Com.
(Hons) Prof., B.Voc., BBA

10:45am-11:45 am NSS Arts & Social Sciences

Dr. Archana Vinayak
BA, BA (Hons), BA- B.Ed., B.Sc.
Kumari Hall

12:00 Noon-1:00 Science

pm B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons),. B.Sc. (Hons)
- H.Sc., Data Analytics, Forensic
Science, B.Sc.-B.Ed., BCA, B.Sc.-
M.Sc. (Int.)

Classes as per Time Table

Day 12: 2nd August 2023, Wednesday

Time Session Programmes Venue

8:00am–9:30am Morning Batch Students – Classes as per Time Table

9:30am-10:30am Commerce & Management

B.Com., B.Com. (Hons), B.Com.
CII-YI- (Hons) Prof., B.Voc., BBA
10:45am-11:45am Arts & Social Sciences Prof. Deepika
BA, BA (Hons), BA- B.Ed., B.Sc. Singh
(JDT), B.Sc. FD, BFA, BA(JMC) & Vinayak Hall
Dr Chhavi Jain
B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons),. B.Sc. (Hons) -
12:00 Noon- H.Sc., Data Analytics, Forensic
1:00pm Science, B.Sc.-B.Ed., BCA, B.Sc.-
M.Sc. (Int.)

Classes as per Time Table

Day 13: 3rd August 2023, Thursday

Time Session Coordinator Venue

8:00am–9:30am Morning Batch Students – Classes as per Time Table

9:30am–11:15am Literary Activity – Debate Dr. Princy

(Prior registration is mandatory Thomas IISU Back
Registration link - Lawns

11:15am onwards Classes as per Time Table

Day 14: 7– 11 August 2023

Session Mode / Venue

Department Orientation (UG & PG) Physical / Respective Departments

(The Department Orientation Schedule is available on
the University website for information of the students)
Day 15 :12th August 2023, Saturday

Time Session Coordinator Mode / Platform

10:30am-10:45am Healthy Practices Dr. Roopam Kothari Online / Microsoft Teams

10:45am-11:05am Talk: Health and Dr. Swati Vyas Online / Microsoft Teams

11:05am- 11:25am International cell Dr. Vyoma Agarwal Online / Microsoft Teams

11:25am-11:45am Mentoring : Human Prof. Ankita Jain Online / Microsoft Teams


11:45am-12:05pm Environment Dr. Charu Jhamaria Online / Microsoft Teams


Day 16: 16th August, Wednesday

9:30 am – 12:00 Noon Community Outreach Dr. Anju Singh Visit to adopted villages
& communities for
students of Commerce
& Management
B.Com., B.Com. (Hons),
B.Com. (Hons) Prof.,
B.Voc., BBA

Day 17: 17th August, Thursday

9:30 am – 12:00 Noon Community Outreach Dr. Archana Kumari Visit to adopted villages
& communities for
students of Arts &
Social Sciences
BA, BA (Hons), BA-
B.Ed., B.Sc. (JDT), B.Sc.

Day 18: 18th August, Friday

9:30 am – 12:00 Noon Community Outreach Dr. Alka Kataria Visit to adopted villages
& communities for
students of Faculty of
B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons),.
B.Sc. (Hons) - H.Sc.,
Data Analytics, Forensic
Science, B.Sc.-B.Ed.,
BCA, B.Sc.-M.Sc. (Int.)

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