Thapa 12
Thapa 12
Thapa 12
3. Research Methodology
Purpose of the study.
Research objectives.
Research Design.
Sampling & Sample Size.
Data Requirements.
Research Tools.
6. Limitations.
7 Conclusion
9. Bibliography
10. Annexures
Questionnaire Samples
The present study is undertaken to understand the market potential and
customer’s satisfaction for an ecommerce company’s services with special
reference to Flipkart. I also found out the various attributes of an e-commerce
company and especially for Flipkart’s services on the basis of which consumer
chooses an ecommerce company for shopping. I also tested the consumer’s
satisfaction level towards Flipkart and also the availability of the Products at
the Web Portal. Now a day’s people go for a brand, not for a product and
therefore, this is the reason that the companies are looking for brand building.
From the customer point of view, there are some benefits of using a brand.
The study is conducted to find out the customer’s satisfaction level in services
of Flipkart in the market and to know the availability of the products at the
web Portal.
Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Content
Marketing, Email Marketing, Online Advertising, website, Affiliate
Marketing, Viral marketing. $120 billion is the amount the U.S. will spend on
digital marketing in 2020, Boost Ability says. That number equals almost half
of the total amount spent on media. The role of digital marketing is rising
dramatically. Boost Ability states that from 2016 to 2021, the amount spent on
social ads is expected to double ($15,016 to $32,977). The amount spent on
display ads and online videos will increase, too. Before long, digital marketing
is expected to outperform conventional marketing strategies. People simply
prefer online content. Kevin O’Kane, managing director for Google
Marketing Solutions of Google Asia Pacific, described the Internet as rocket
fuel when it comes to business growth.
History of
Flipkart was founded in 2007 by Sachin and Binny Bansal, both alumni of the
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. They worked for before
quitting and founding their own company. They both were solid coders and
wanted to open a portal that compared different e-commerce websites, but
there were hardly any such sites in India and they decided to give birth to their
own e-commerce venture - Thus was born Flipkart in Oct 2007
with an initial investment.
of 4 lac (co-founders savings). It was never going to be easy since India had a
bad past experiences with ecommerce trading. Initially they used word of
mouth marketing to popularise their company. Flipkart began with selling
books, since books are easy to procure, target market which reads books is in
abundance, books provide more margin, are easy to pack and deliver, do not
get damaged in transit and most importantly books are not very expensive, so
the amount of money a customer has to spend to try out one's service for one
time is very minimal. Flipkart sold only books for the first two years. A few
months later, the company sold its first book on—John Woods'
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World. Flipkart started with the consignment
model (procurement based on demand) i.e. they had ties with 2 distributors in
Bangalore, whenever a customer ordered a book, they used to personally
procure the book from the dealer, pack the book in their office and then
courier the same.
Flipkart Today:
Today, as per Alexa traffic rankings, Flipkart is amongst the top 20 Indian
Web sites and has been credited with being India's largest online bookseller
with over 11 million titles on offer. The store started with selling books and in
2010 branched out to selling CDs, DVDs, mobile phones and accessories,
cameras, computers, computer accessories and 10 peripherals, and in 2011,
pens & stationery, other electronic items such as home appliances, kitchen
appliances, personal care gadgets, health care products etc. Further in 2012,
Flipkart added A.C, air coolers, school supplies, office supplies, art supplies &
life style products to its product portfolio. As of today, The Company started
from 2 employees and now employs more than 4500 people.
started off from selling books in 2007, based in Bangalore, and entered then
consumer electronics category with the launch of mobile phones, in
September 2010. Since then it kept on adding more new products categories
including books, mobiles, computers, cameras, home & electronic gadgets&
appliances, In addition to these very Recently, has also widened
its foray by entering into the emerging digital content market with the recent
launch of Flyte, the digital music store & is still continuing to enlarge its
product portfolio. It is now one of the leading e-commerce players in India,
currently ranks at the top 20websites in India, spread in 37 cities, with 11.5
million plus book titles, 14 different categories, 3 million plus registered users
and sale of 30000 items a day. It provides online-shoppers a memorable
online-shopping experience because of its innovative services like:
• Cash on Delivery.
• Free shipping.
the future of e-commerce sector is definitely rosy. An approximated 25 lac
people have transacted online this year, the number is all set to increase with
time. Also to mention most of the Flipkart customers use internet from
PC's/Laptops to order goods. The use of mobile internet is very less at the
moment, but with the advent of smart phones the use of mobile internet for e-
commerce transactions will soar with time. India has 8 crore mobile net users
at the moment, the number is expected to swell to 22.5 crore by 2014. Flipkart
had a revenue of 4cr in FY 2008 - 2009, 20 crore in FY 2009 - 2010, 75 crore
in FY 2010 - 2011, and the revenue for FY 2011 - 2012 which ends on 31 Mar
2012 had 500 crore. This is indeed a massive growth. The company targets
revenues of 5000 crore by 2015.
Evolution of Logos:-
The visual identity of Flipkart is modest and can definitely be called “usual”.
blue and yellow color palette, which was chosen by the company in its first
years, and stayed with the brand after the logo redesign of 2015, but in a bit
elevated way.
Funding –
Initially funded by the Bansals themselves with 4 Lakhs (INR).
Flipkart has since then raised two rounds of funding from venture capital
funds Accel India (in 2009) and Tiger Global Management (up to the tune of
Private equity firms Carlyle and General Atlantic are in talks to jointly
invest about $150 million to $200 million in Flipkart, according to sources.
Teams at Flipkart:-
Category Management:
All this requires an extremely efficient supply chain and this is where
Category Management comes in. The folks at Category Management are
responsible for vendor relations and supply management – without which
online shopping wouldn‘t be what it is at Flipkart.
• Market Research
These guys build the look of every catalogue that is launched on the website.
From defining product specifications to ensuring all product related content
appears correctly on the site – the team is constantly working to ensure the
customer can make an informed purchase from us at all times.
Warehouse & Fulfillment Center:
Procurement in Flipkart is all about obtaining products that are the best in
“Quality”, from the right “Source” and in the shortest possible “Time” to
ensure “Customer Delight”. Warehousing in Flipkart, on the other hand, is
where these products are inspected with a fine tooth-comb. After all, we have
a promise to keep - original products with original warranty. And this is all
done with the highest level of automation because for us, technology is
Flipkart ship 30,000 items every day. That‘s 20 items a minute, to nearly
every single pin code in this country. At least 80% of these orders are shipped
by our very own, oneand-a-half year old delivery team, Flipkart Logistics.
Today Flipkart is in 30 cities and soon we intend to expand all over the
country. A huge (and growing) team of delivery executives with a ‗customer
first‘ approach – this is what FKL is all about.
Customer Support: ‗
‘Customer delight’ is one of the USP of Flipkart. Flipkart want their customer
to have the best ever online shopping experience when they are with them –
and will do everything in our power to ensure it. Though every employee at
Flipkart is responsible for giving the customer a great experience at all touch
points, it is our 24X 7 customer support team that has succeeded in setting
unbeatable standards in the service industry.
Flipkart is a company that has gone from being a start-up to the largest online
retailer in the country – clocking revenues of Rs 2.5 cores per day and well on
its way to achieve a target of $1 billion in revenue by 2014. So can there be
any doubt that Finance plays a really important role in their development.
Talent Acquisition: Growing by leaps and bounds is not an exaggeration when
it comes to Flipkart. What was started by two people in 2007 has today
become a 4500 strong company – and counting! In the last year alone we have
added 4000 people to the team. With the demand for high quality talent across
departments showing no signs of slowing down, the Talent Acquisition Group,
or TAG as Flipkart like to call them, have their hands full.
Human Resource:
Flipkart has added a new ‗Wallet‘ feature to enable customers store money in
their Flipkart account and redeem it on future purchases. Flipkart Wallet
works on a prepaid credit system: customer can top up your wallet with any
desirable amount up to Rs 10,000 by using any one of its regular payment
modes like credit card, debit card, and net-banking. As said earlier, there are
other players in the country like Mobikwik and Paytm* which offer online
wallet services called ‗Mobikwik Balance‘ and ‗Paytm Cash‘ respectively,
indicating the impact of unreliable payment gateways on online transactions in
India. While Mobikwik Balance allows customers to add money into their
account to allow multiple purchases like online recharge for prepaid mobile
phones, DTH and data cards, Paytm Cash allows you to store money in a
wallet for future transactions on its portal. The company had recently claimed
to ship around 20 units every minute, with 65% of the purchases being made
through Cash on Delivery (COD). The company had also hoped to grow its
sales by more than tenfold this financial year.
• 11.5 million Titles, Flipkart is India‘s the largest online book retailer.
• Ships out as many as 45,000 items a day, clocking daily sales of approx. Rs
2.5 cr.
• The company is even setting up its own delivery network which is now in 37 cities,
by which company can save up cost associated to the outsourced shipping & logistic
function and is set to expand this even further by next year.
• They aim at 10 times growth and eyes at $ 1Billion sales by 2015.
• They will look at bigger investments in their supply chain and technology.
• They intend to enter in to various new categories and expand their current
categories as well.
Threats in future:
There are no major foreseeable threats in the future. The company has built a
great brand name, they just have to maintain and enhance the same. Need to
keep introducing more products, adapting to the changing needs of the
customer with time. The entry of in 2012 in the Indian e-
commerce space has been cited as a big challenge to Flipkart. However
Flipkart is a respected Brand name in India and should be able to compete
with Amazon. Amazon being a very big company can bring in serious
competition to Flipkart, since Amazon can bear more losses in the beginning
to gain customer base. But again Indian market is growing at a rapid pace as
access to internet increases and people become more aware of e-commerce
sites and start trusting the same; hence Indian market is sufficiently big at-
least for these two giants to co-exist beneficially.
The main purpose of the study is to check customer‘s satisfaction in the
services of Flipkart and also the product availability at the Web Portal of
Flipkart and making new customers for the company. Managers are always
curious about the position of their company making position in the market
which largely depends upon the company‘s goodwill. In order to maximize
the sales and profit, company must have outstanding satisfaction to the
retailers, wholesaler, and customers as well. So market survey of customer
satisfaction and availability of products at the Web Portal will provide better
insight to the company‘s market position of company as well as compared to
the competitors. It helps the organization to find out the brand being sold most
by the distributors along with their stocking and also consumer satisfaction.
To determine and measure the satisfaction level in the services provided by
Flipkart among the customers.
To aware the customers about the services and offers provided by Flipkart
with the special reference to Flipkart.
To improve the availability of several stuffs at the web portal and influence
the customers to access Flipkart for shopping.
Research Design:-
The research was conducted to know the various factors of services offers by
Flipkart which affected the satisfaction level of customers and to measure the
availability of Products at the Web Portal of Flipkart.
Descriptive research is also called Statistical Research. The main goal of this
type of research is to describe the data and characteristics about what is being
studied. The idea behind this type of research is to study frequencies,
averages, and other statistical calculations. Although this research is highly
accurate, it does not gather the causes behind a situation. Descriptive research
is mainly done when a researcher wants to gain a better understanding of a
topic for example, a frozen ready meals company learns that there is a
growing demand for fresh ready meals but does not know much about the area
of fresh food and so has to carry out research in order to gain a better
understanding. It is quantitative and uses surveys and panels and also the use
of probability sampling. Descriptive research is the exploration of the existing
certain phenomena. The details of the facts won‘t be known. The existing
phenomena facts are not known to the persons.
Primary Data:-
Method of data collection was done by the way of survey. Primary data was
collected through Google Forms with the help of structured questionnaire. The
questionnaire was filled by the consumers to know the satisfaction level of
Secondary Data:-
Secondary data is the data which has already been collected by someone else
for the same, similar or for different purpose. The secondary data was also
collected through various researches and websites. The secondary data was
used for the purpose of preparing questionnaires, industry & company
Sample size - The number of sample units selected from the total population
is called sample size. Sample size selected for this study is 50. Among them
25 are males and 25 are females.
Secondary Source:
Research Tools:-
The data was processed and analysed by using computer aided tools such as
MS-Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) software.
H1 - Flipkart experienced several consumer Behaviour changes in Pandemic.
H2 - There is no significant difference between in overall satisfaction level of
Flipkart consumers.
Age group
50 person
7% 18-29
36-45 30-35
18-29 45-above
Above the pie-chart shows the Age Group of the Peoples who have filled the
Questionnaire, Out of Which 50% are of the age group of 18-29 years, 25%
50 person
Business 2%
Above the pie-chart shows the Professions of the Peoples who have filled the
Questionnaire, Out of Which 72% are Students, 14% peoples are doing jobs
and 12% peoples have their own business, 2% are Other Peoples.
How often you shop online
50 person
Never More than once in a month
Once in 7-12 10% 6%
Once in 1-2 months
More than once in a month Once in 1-2 months Once in 3-6 months
Once in 7-12 months Never
38% of the respondent shops once in 1-2 Months online.
34% of the respondent shops once in 3-6 Months online.
12% of the respondent shops once in 7-12 Months online.
6% of the respondent shops more than once in a Month online.
10% of the respondent has never shopped online.