A Neural Network Approach For Credit Risk Evaluation: Author's A Liation
A Neural Network Approach For Credit Risk Evaluation: Author's A Liation
A Neural Network Approach For Credit Risk Evaluation: Author's A Liation
Eliana Angelini
Author’s Affiliation
Giacomo di Tollo
Author’s Affiliation
Andrea Roli
Author’s Affiliation
1. Introduction
c 2006 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
specified by the Committee. For the first time, banks will be permitted
to rely on their own assessments of a borrower’s credit risk.
Credit risk has long been an important and widely studied topic in
bank lending decisions and profitability. For all banks, credit remains
the single largest risk, difficult to offset, despite advances in credit
measurement techniques and the diversification of portfolio. Contin-
uing increases in the scale and complexity of financial institutions and
in pace of their transactions demand that they employ sophisticated
risk management techniques and monitor rapidly changing credit risk
exposures. At the same time, fortunately, advances in information tech-
nology have lowered the cost of acquiring, managing and analysing
data, in an effort to build more robust and sound financial systems.
In recent years, a number of the largest banks have developed so-
phisticated systems in an attempt to asses credit risk arising from
important aspects of their business lines. What have been the benefits of
the new model-based approach to risk measurement and management?
The most important is that better risk measurement and management
contribute to a more efficient capital allocation2 . When risk is better
evaluated, it can be more accurately priced and it can be more easily
spread among a larger number of market participants. The improve-
ment in credit risk modelling has led to the development of new markets
for credit risk transfer, such as credit derivatives and collateralised debt
obligations (CDOs). These new markets have expanded the ways that
market participants can share credit risk and have led to more efficient
pricing of that risk (R.W.Ferguson, 2001).
The aim of this paper is to apply the neural network approach in the
small-business lending analysis to asses credit risk of listed companies.
The focus of this article is on the empirical approach, by using two
different architectures of neural networks trained on real-world data.
The paper is organized as follows. The paper begins (section 2) by
stating the overall objectives of the Basel Committee in addressing
the topic of sound practices to the credit risk management process.
Moreover, the paper presents important elements of regulatory func-
tion. Section 3 presents an analysis of the conceptual methodologies to
credit risk modelling and focuses on the various techniques used for pa-
rameter estimation. We have tried to simplify the technical details and
analytics surrounding these models. Finally, we emphasize on neural
“. . .More accurate risk measurement and better management do not mean the
absence of loss. Those outcomes in the tails of distributions that with some small
probability can occur, on occasion do occur; but improved risk management has
meant that lender and investors can more thoroughly understand their risk exposure
and intentionally match it to their risk appetite, and they can more easily hedge
unwanted risk. . .” (R.W.Ferguson, 2001)
monitor and measure risk in manner that the 1988 Accord could not
anticipate. To response to these challenges, the Committee began a
few years ago to develop a more flexible capital adequacy framework.
The New Accord consists of three pillars: minimum capital require-
ments, supervisory review of capital adequacy and public disclosure.
The Committee believes that all banks should be subject to a cap-
ital adequacy framework comprising minimum capital requirements,
supervisory review, and market discipline.
The objective is reached by giving banks a range of increasingly
sophisticated options for calculating capital charges. Banks will be
expected to employ the capital adequacy method most appropriate
to the complexity of their transactions and risk profiles. For credit
risk, the range of options begins with the standardized approach and
extends to the internal rating-based (IRB) approach. The standardized
approach is similar to the current Accord: banks will be expected to
allocate capital to their assets based on the risk weights assigned to
various exposures. It improved on the original Accord by weighting
those exposures based on each borrower’s external credit risk rating.
Clearly, the IRB approach is a major innovation of the New Accord:
bank internal assessments of key risk drivers are primary inputs to
the capital requirements. For the first time, banks will be permitted
to rely on their own assessments of a borrower’s credit risk. The close
relationship between the inputs to the regulatory capital calculations
and banks’ internal risk assessments will facilitate a more risk sensitive
approach to minimum capital. Changes in a client’s credit quality will
be directly reflected in the amount of capital held by banks.
How will the New Basel Accord promote better corporate gover-
nance and improve risk management techniques?
First, the Basel Committee has expressly designed the New Accord
to provide tangible economic incentives for banks to adopt increasingly
sophisticated risk management practices. Banks with better measure
of their economic risks will be able to allocate capital more efficiently
and more closely in line with their actual sensitivity to the underlying
risks. Second, to achieve those capital benefits, the more advanced
approaches to credit and operational risk require banks to meet strong
process control requirements. Again, the increasing focus on a bank’s
control environment gives greater weight to the management disciplines
of measuring, monitoring and controlling risk (W.J.McDonough, 2003).
In the IRB Approach to credit risk there are two variants: a foun-
dation version and an advanced version. In the first version, banks
Capital requirement(K)=
−0.5 R
LGD × N (1 − R) × G(PD) + 1−R × G(0.999) − PD × LGD ×
×(1 − 1.5 × b)−1 × (1 + (M − 2.5) × b);
consolidates group of which the firm is part is less than e50 million from
those to large firms. A firm size adjustment [0.04 × 1 − (S − 5)/45]
is made to the corporate risk weight formula for exposures to SME
borrowers (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, 2005).
Correlation(R)= 0.12 × 1−e1−e−50
+ 0.24 × 1 − 1−e−50
− 0.04×
×(1 − (S − 5)/45).
Over the last decade, enormous strides have been made in the art and
science of credit risk measurement. Banks have devoted increased at-
tention to measuring credit risk and have made important gains, both
by employing innovative and sophisticated risk modelling techniques
and also by strengthening their more traditional practices (L.H.Meyer,
2000). Measuring credit risk accurately allows banks to engineer future
lending transactions, so as to achieve targeted return/risk characteris-
tics. However, credit risk models are not a simple extension of their
market risk counterparts for two key reasons (Basel Committee on
Banking Supervision, 1999).
The new models – some publicly available and some partially propri-
etary – try to offer “internal model” approaches to measure the credit
risk of a loan or a portfolio of loans. In this section, we do not propose to
make a taxonomy of these approaches, but aim to discuss key elements
of the different methodologies.
The choice of a modelling horizon of one year reflects the typical interval over
which: (a) new capital could be raised; (b) new customer information could be
revealed; (c) loss mitigation actions could be undertaken; (d) internal budgeting,
capital planning and accounting statements are prepared; (e) credits are normally
reviewed for renewal.
See J.P.Morgan’s Credit MetricsTM framwork (1997) for MTM approach;
Credit Risk PlusTM of Credit Suisse Financial Product (1997) for DM approach.
Examples are CreditMetricsTM and Credit Risk +TM; these modelling frame-
works derive correlation effects on relationship between historical defaults and
borrower-specific information such as internal risk ratings. The data is estimated
over (ideally) many credit cycles.
One example is McKinsey and Company’s Credit Portfolio ViewTM.
Σin i
− Layered
− Completely connected
− Supervised learning
− Unsupervised learning
− Reinforced learning
methodologies are almost all empirical, thus the experience and sensi-
biloty of the designer have a strong contirbution in the final success.
Nevertheless, with this work we show that some useful general design
and parameters optimization guidelines exist.
In the next section we will describe in more detail the neural network
models we adopted. We used a classical feedforward network and a vari-
ation of feedforward network with ad hoc connections. Both networks
are trained with the backpropagation algorithm.
neuron of the following layer. The reasons for choosing this topology
are to be found in the actual date we used and will be described in the
next section. The ad hoc network topology is depicted in Fig.5.
Both the networks have been trained by means of a supervised algo-
rithm, namely the backpropagation algorithm. This algorithm performs
an optimisation of the network weights trying to minimize the error
between desired and actual output. For each output neuron i, the error
is: Erri = Ti − Oi , where Ti is the desired output. The weight update
formula used to change the weights Wj,i is the following:
Wj,i ← Wj,i + ηHj Erri g (ini ),
where η is a coefficient which controls the amount of change (the learn-
is the first derivative of the activation function g and in
ing rate), g i
is equal to j Wj,i Hj .
The formula for updating weights Wk,j is similar:
Wk,j ← Wk,j + ηIk ∆j ,
where Ik is the k-th input10 and ∆j = g (inj ) i Wj,i Erri g (ini ).
The algorithm is iterated until a stopping criterion is satisfied11 .
The definition of both the network structure and the algorithm needs
the careful choice of parameters, such as the number of neurons at
each layer and the value of the learning rate. Moreover, both the data
The activation of input neurons is simply the input value.
E.g., the overall network error is below a predefined threshold or the maximum
amount of allotted time is reached.
used to train the network (the training set) and the data on which
the performance of the network is validated (the test set) need to be
carefully chosen. In Sec.6, we will describe our choices along with the
benchmark used. In the next section we will describe the data set used
in the experiments.
5. Data set
2. Stock value
Short-term liability
3. Sales
4. Total assets ,
Financial costs
5. Total debts ,
Circulating capital
6. Total assets ,
Consumer credits
7. Sales ,
Value added
8. Total assets ,
and with the overall Italian Banking System (“Centrale dei Rischi”12
Transpassing short-term
12. Accorded credit line short-term ;
Transpassing medium-long term
13. Accorded credit line M-L term ;
Utilized credit line short-term
14. Accorded credit line short-term ;
Utilized credit line M-L term
15. Accorded credit line M-L term . Missing and wrong values Some values were missing from the
data about firms. This occurrence can be due to two different reasons:
The usual way of overcoming this problem is to discard from the data
set the all the entries of the corresponding firm (this is the approach
pursued on several works about neural nets and credit risk), but oper-
ating in that way we would loss a significant amount of information. In
order to preserve this information we will perform the replacement of
missing values with other values. We decide to handle differently these
two situations.
This data are drawn from the “Centrale Dei Rischi”, a “Banca D’Italia” kept
Such a kind of errors may occur because of typos and transcription errors
accidentally introduced by bank employees. This situation is quite common and
constitutes one of the sources of noise in real-world data.
user, provided that the argument of the formula being < 1. For our
ratios we used the following formula:
x = logm (x + 1)
Where m is near to the actual maximum of the field we are analysing.
We add 1 to the argument to avoid the value being > 1.
6. Experimental Results
been assigned) and the network is trained on each instance for every
possible value of parameter ph , while the other parameters are kept
constant. Then, the optimal value vh∗ is chosen. At the end, we obtain
the assignment {(p1 , v1∗ ), . . . , (ph , vh∗ ), . . . , (pNparam , vN ∗
)} that is, at
least, not worse than any other partial assignment {(p1 , v1∗ ), . . .
∗ ), . . . , (p , v 0 ), . . . , (p
. . . , (ph−1 , vh−1 Nparam , vNparam )}.
h h
We performed a long series of experiments, of which we report only
the ones corresponding to the networks achieving the best results in
terms of classification. We obtained a very effective tuning for the clas-
sical feedforward network by applying a slight variation of the standard
backpropagation algorithm that does not propagate errors if they are
below a given threshold. With this technique we were able to produce
a network with null error on the training set and an error of 8.6%,
corresponding to only wrong bonis classifications (i.e., an input that
should be classified as bonis is classified as default). We remark the fact
that this network was able to correctly classifying all the default cases,
that are considerably riskier than bonis ones. As in machine learning
and data mining techniques is often discussed (Han and Kamber, 2000),
false negatives are usually much more dramatically important in real
world cases (e.g., in diagnosis). As reported in table I, the network per-
formance is very robust with respect to the number of hidden neurons.
In the table, we report the number of neurons in the hidden layer, the
wrong bonis (misbo) and default (misdef ) classifications and the global
error (i.e., the overall error on the training/test set), in the training set
and the test set respectively. All errors are reported in percentage. For
completeness, we report also the values of the algorithm parameters:
η = 0.2, β = 0, δ = 0.1; initial weights are randomly chosen in the
range [−1, 1].
With the ad hoc network we could also achieve very good results,
even with a lower error on the test set that was equal to 4.3% in our best
configuration. Nevertheless, the errors are all related to false negative
# of hidden tr. set tr. set tr. set test set test set test set
neurons misbo misdef error misbo misdef error
25 0% 0% 0% 13.3% 0% 8.6%
26 0% 0% 0% 13.3% 0% 8.6%
27 0% 0% 0% 13.3% 0% 8.6%
28 0% 0% 0% 13.3% 0% 8.6%
29 0% 0% 0% 13.3% 0% 8.6%
33 0% 0% 0% 13.3% 0% 8.6%
cases, i.e., the network classifies as bonis inputs that should be classified
as default. Table II summarizes the performance of the best found
configuration. For this reason, we may consider the two networks as
complementary: The one returns safe answers, while having a – rather
very small – error; the second has a very high performance in terms
of overall error on the test set, but it wrongly classifies positive cases.
The parameters used for training the ad hoc network are the following:
η = 0.8, β = 0.2, δ = 0; initial weights are randomly chosen in the
range [−1, 1].
Table II. Best results achieved with the ad hoc feedforward network. We report the wrong bonis (misbo) and default (mis
# of hidden tr. set tr. set tr. set test set test set test set
neurons misbo misdef error misbo misdef error
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