Arm 41 34
Arm 41 34
Arm 41 34
Objective To evaluate the clinical features that could serve as predictive factors for improvement in gait speed
after robotic treatment.
Methods A total of 29 patients with motor incomplete spinal cord injury received 4-week robot-assisted gait
training (RAGT) on the Lokomat (Hocoma AG, Volketswil, Switzerland) for 30 minutes, once a day, 5 times a week,
for a total of 20 sessions. All subjects were evaluated for general characteristics, the 10-Meter Walk Test (10MWT),
the Lower Extremity Motor Score (LEMS), the Functional Ambulatory Category (FAC), the Walking Index for Spinal
Cord Injury version II (WISCI-II), the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), and the Spinal Cord Independence Measure
version III (SCIM-III) every 0, and 4 weeks. After all the interventions, subjects were stratified using the 10MWT
score at 4 weeks into improved group and non-improved group for statistical analysis.
Results The improved group had younger age and shorter disease duration than the non-improved group. All
subjects with the American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale level C (AIS-C) tetraplegia belonged to
the non-improved group, while most subjects with AIS-C paraplegia, AIS-D tetraplegia, and AIS-D paraplegia
belonged to the improved group. The improved group showed greater baseline lower extremity strength, balance,
and daily living function than the non-improved group.
Conclusion Assessment of SCIM-III, BBS, and trunk control, in addition to LEMS, have potential for predicting the
effects of robotic treatment in patients with motor incomplete spinal cord injury. 35
Seungwon Hwang, et al.
ed written consent. The study was approved by the Na- performed at all (0) to perfectly performed (4), for a total
tional Rehabilitation Center Institutional Review Board score of up to 56 [19]. A higher score means better bal-
(IRB No. NRC-2013-02-015). ance.
Activities of daily living were measured using the Spinal
Measurements Cord Independence Measurement version III (SCIM-
All subjects were assessed before (0 week) and after III). SCIM-III is a disability scale for evaluating functional
training (4 weeks). change in patients with SCI [20]. The total SCIM-III score
The 10MWT was measured immediately after comple- ranges from 0 to 100, and includes the following sub-
tion of RAGT (4 weeks). Improvement following RAGT scales: self-care (SCIM-III-S, range 0–20), respiration and
was defined as an increase in gait speed ≥0.13 m/s on sphincter management (SCIM-III-R, 0–40), and mobility
the 10MWT [16]; a patient who was not able to perform (SCIM-III-M, 0–40).
the assessment at 0 weeks, but improved enough to per-
form the assessment at 4 weeks, was also considered Robot-assisted gait training protocol
improved. Otherwise, subjects were classified as non- The Lokomat system includes a treadmill, a support
improved. Lam et al. [16] reported that the standard error system with a harness, two light-weight robotic arms at-
for the measure of the 10MWT was 0.05 m/s; based on tached to the legs, and a monitor showing step length,
this, the calculated smallest real difference of the 10MWT gait velocity, and other parameters.
within the 95% confidence interval was 0.13 m/s. Thus, All subjects received both RAGT on the Lokomat and
0.13 m/s difference in the 10MWT is required for clini- conventional PT for 30 minutes, once a day, 5 times a
cally significant difference between data. In this study, week, for each training method, for a total of 20 sessions
we used this value to determine actual improvement in of RAGT.
the patient’s 10MWT result. At the beginning of treatment, the speed of the tread-
Lower extremity motor function, gait ability, balance, mill was 1.0 km/hr to 1.5 km/hr without incline, and was
and daily living functions were analyzed in order to iden- gradually increased as tolerated based on the rating of
tify the factors associated with the 10MWT. perceived exertion (RPE). The target RPE was 13–15 [21].
LEMS was used to evaluate motor function. LEMS is the Support by the harness began at 50% of the subject’s
sum of bilateral lower extremity key muscle power, rang- weight and was gradually decreased after they could walk
ing from total paralysis (0) to normal active movement safely for 30 minutes.
with full range of motion against gravity and full resis-
tance (5), with a total possible score of 50 [15]. Statistical analysis
To evaluate gait ability, we used the measurement tools Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the demo-
of the Functional Ambulatory Category (FAC) and the graphic and injury data of all subjects. Independent t-test
Walking Index for Spinal Cord Injury version II (WISCI-II). was used to evaluate the age and time after injury, and
The FAC score ranged from 0 to 5—unable to walk (0), de- crosstab analysis was used to evaluate the injury data in
pendency in gait (1 or 2), gait on even and level surfaces each group. We used Fisher exact test since the catego-
without manual contact with another person except for ries with expected frequency below 5 were over 20%. The
safety, requires stand-by guarding, or the need for verbal independent t-test was used for analysis of baseline func-
cuing to complete the task (3), and independent gait over tion in each group. A receiver operating characteristic
15 meters irrespective of aids used (4 or 5) [17]. WISCI-II (ROC) curve was used to deduct the cut-off value of base-
measures gait status based on the requirements for as- line measurements for prediction of improvement after
sistance and/or bracing and/or walking aids [18]. WISCI- RAGT.
II ranges from 0 to 20—grade 0, neither able to stand nor All statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS ver.
walk; and grade 20, able to walk over 10 m without walk- 20 for Windows (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). Data were
ing aids, brace, or assistance. presented as mean±standard deviation unless otherwise
The Berg Balance Scale (BBS) was used to evaluate bal- stated. A p-value<0.05 was considered statistically signifi-
ance. The BBS consists of 14 items, each ranging from not cant.
Robot-Assisted Gait Training for Patients With Subacute Motor Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury
(n=82) Fig. 1. Between March 2013 and
Excluded out for February 2015, a total of 82 pa-
inclusion/exclusion criteria
(n=50) tients with subacute iSCI (incom-
Entered into study plete spinal cord injury) were
Discontinued intervention
screened, of which 32 were eli-
(n=3) gible for the study. Three dropped
Reasons: out after initiation of the study:
Refused to participating, medical problem
or loss of contact one subject voluntarily quit the
Stratified into a 4-week
10MWT score for analysis study, another due to poor health
(n=29) not associated with robot-assisted
gait training, and the other due to
loss of contact. A total 29 subjects
Assigned to improved group Assigned to non-improved group
were finally included and divided
(10MWT improved >0.13 m/s or first (10MWT improved <0.13 m/s or not into improved (n=18) and non-
achieved during 4 weeks) performed during 4 weeks) improved groups (n=11). 10MWT,
(n=18) (n=11)
10-Meter Walk Test. 37
Seungwon Hwang, et al.
Robot-Assisted Gait Training for Patients With Subacute Motor Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury 39
Seungwon Hwang, et al.
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