Untitled Design
Untitled Design
Untitled Design
Acreo Partners
Growth and
Focus on Scale up for
long term New
partnership Technologies
About Us
Our Advisors Previous Deals of Our Advisors
Structuring M&A
Transfer of a
and valuation transaction on
Geert De Neef - Legal Advisor (Lawyer at Lydian, company
of a company the acquisition
licensed to
Partner MRICS) developing of a Belgian
operate in
software for company bya
online gaming
Alexandre Levinski - Legal Advisor (CEO at Alt real estate foreign (US)
management investor
Invest SRL, Previously lawyer at PwC Legal)
Thomas Reyal - Financial Advisor (Previously
Club deal Closing of
Investment professional at GreenTec Capital Institutional Creation and numerous
investors, closing of a corporate and
Partners ) 180M EUR core
family offices financing
and HNWI fund
Alastair Mackenzie - Head of Marketing (CEO at transactions
Oversubscribed exceeding
Success with Systems, UK) by 1.5x 100M EUR in